I have to say, I feel like you’re living out that verse that says : Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? “ that’s pretty admirable and I am learning it more and more each day. I am encouraged - thank you!
We had 5, and I am extremely organized and I have a spot for everything. I decided early on what my priorities were and stuck with them. I have worked outside the home as a nurse and been a student, and a stay at home mom. There is no perfect formula, it’s whatever works for you. Take what works and leave the rest. All our children are grown up now and what I see is there is so much pressure on you young parents then we had. We didn’t have computers, cell phones and people telling us if our kids didn’t do a million activities we were bad parents. Too much pressure. Focus on what’s important to you, kids grow up so fast you can’t believe it. Enjoy the moments, enjoy your husband and family life. You are doing a great job Mommies! I always try to support my children and their families when they need me. I will clean and cook, wash or fold their laundry to give them that break. I remind them how proud I am of them what great parents they are and how much I love them. I respect their relationship, their family and how they do things. I don’t give advice unless asked.
As a mother of 4 grown boys, I can safely say “ the eat or they don’t eat “ philosophy definitely works. As soon as they could make a sandwich themselves they were told, kindly, they were welcome to make a sandwich if they didn’t like their meal. You know, not one of them ever made a sandwich n
@@peachy_reina I don't understand what you're saying here. are you just saying your son doesn't like potatoes? I don't like potatoes, having tried them many times. what's the wish?
I could not love this video more Lisa. As one of eight kids I know so many of these truths firsthand, and my parents are literally the most laid back and joyful people I know! Thank you for sharing this great video 💛
and I can speak for the other end - I'm an only child and my parents are uptight and worried about everything. I've always been envious of people who have lots of brothers and sisters - they'll say that they wish they didn't have to fight for attention, but honestly growing up being the sole focus of the attention of two people is suffocating. When/if I ever get around to having kids I want a bucket of them
That is an interesting perspective on being an only child also. I never really thought about that, because I always split attention with my sisters. I never noticed though and have a great relationship with my parents today. They are super laid back!
gingerandpippin I wasn’t the only kid, but I was the “baby” of the family. My siblings are considerably older than me, and I was a girl after a couple boys. I relate SO much to your statement “growing up being the sole focus of the attention of two people is suffocating”. It honestly causes its own set of issues that I’m still learning how to get past. So anyway, I realize we’re not exactly the same, but I was happy to see what we had in common and that I’m not alone in that struggle!
I only had 2, but I was a single parent from the time my second child was born..total 11 years. It was very difficult to find time for myself. Having everything laying in your lap takes a toll. You have to choose what is most important. Cleaning..really cleaning was very low on my list. Laundry, meals and a chance to rest after 8-10 hrs at work. I applaud any woman (or man) who can do any job and raise children. You are still amazing.
I'm not a mom, but the babysitter for large families. I know I am a tool with my company because with Elite Caring by Ashley I often do laundry, clean and organize for them when I babysit for no extra charge. I just like to help and this has given me tips for if we ever start our own family.
PREACH GIRL! people always look at me like I’m crazy when I say I don’t know when my kids eat or nap or how many teeth they have. Thanks for making this and for all of the tips! Your videos are my favorite!
I love your honesty and have been wanting to ask this exact question! I have two and feel so overwhelmed. I love hearing your transition to be more laid back with schedules over time. I’d love to hear your process for laundry and what chores you ask your kids to do.
Mom of 5 kids here as well (from 3 months - 9 years). Your tip on (not) bargain hunting spoke to me most. I'm sure it would save me many hours if I just bought what I wanted and needed where I could find it most conveniently. Thank you for sharing!
Yes, a the mom of 8 kids, I agree the more kids you have the more you let go. Life really isn't about getting stuff done. No one will look back on their child-rearing years and regret not getting more done. I learned to let things go and I look back and remember sitting in a messy house reading books to my kids and realizing I can clean another time.....or not. Life with kids isn't about getting stuff done. And, you can have a bunch of kids, then they'll do the chores! My kids were all doing their own laundry by age 10 (which was actually kinda sad for me since laundry time was prayer time). Let it go, young moms.....my youngest is now 20 and I'm reminded that they do grow up...then the opportunities to choose them over doing other stuff is gone (to a point, 3 of mine still live at home going to college, etc.) Sorry this is long! I'm passionate about this.
I totally agree! you definitely don't have to get stuff done, but some people have a personality where they thrive on accomplishing things even when home with babies. I feel in my element when I am attacking a new goal. 😊
Tricia Johnson I love this tip. Thank you! It's nice to see a confirmation about how I choose to parent. All the women in my family (in laws) nit pick over everything. I can't stand it. My top 3 are covered: 1) stay at home while they are little (I only have one, but want more) 2) breastfeed 3) cloth diaper and a few more I would like to do, but don't all the time. I'm tired of arguing over baby shoes. "She won't wear shoes if you don't push it" Yeah that's because she doesn't need shoes and that's why I'm not pushing it! Little things. All the time. I didn't put her in a dress at Easter. Because I don't want a dress in the closet she will only wear for 2 hours and never again. No respect nor consideration that I am planning a life I love. I'm starting a business I can work on the weekends. This means the kids will get designated daddy time and I can make money and have a creative outlet. Wins all around, but everyone wants to get mad that I prioritize family time over having a job just for all the money I make to go to daycare. We all have one life to live and I'm not spending it stressing over a checklist that I don't even care about the things that are on it. We all can't live for other people who will judge you no matter what you do. There's no impressing people like that ever.
I'm sorry for what you're going through Megan. I remind moms who are receiving that kind of pressure that God chose you to be your child's mom for a reason. You are the best choice for your kids and no one else. Everyone else has to pass through you first. That being said, one way in which I deal with unsolicited, bad advice is to smile kindly and ignore that advice.
I needed to read this long or not! Im a mother of 4 and im pregnant with my 5th. I get so stressed sometimes about not getting things done that i feel like i forget to do a lot of stuff...i need help organizing and etc... Not many of my friends have more then 3 kids. I'm a stay at home mom and a student.
Spot on, Lisa. I am the mom to seven girls. There are some things that get harder with more (and with different ages) but there are many things that get easier. When I stopped comparing myself to my own interpretation of how other families were succeeding and really focusing on the needs of my own family, and my expectations for them, things change for me. We live in a world where we take our worst and go online and compare it to someone's best. I have always tried to treat my days at home like a job. I get dressed everyday and I try to get at least 3 things done. No matter how small. On hard days I make a list of everything I did accomplish and a way to tell myself that I am getting things done. As far as getting things done with kids around, I involve them, and we try to clean as we go. At the end of each day, before kids head off to bed, our family does a 20 minute tidy. I set a timer and we do a quick pick up of the house. That way I always start each day with a clean slate. ( except when late night teens invade the kitchen. Then I tell myself I'm happy they are eating at home!)
SO true about comparing our worst t someones best. People always tell me I'm so calm and I have to remind them that I don't have a camera following me around 24/7!
I have raised 6 of my own kids, have 2 step children (all of them grown now), and just adopting 2 young foster children. That lot covers 34 years of child rearing and everything you have suggested is excellent advice! Keep a sense of humor as much as possible, never turn your back on the wahing, any opportunity for a good day out leave everything and go, the mess will wait for your return! And pray every minute for patience!
Mom of 5, I agree 100% with everything you say!!!!! I tell my friends all the time that every person has their own limits, when you have multiple kids (for awhile) are thinking for them and taking care of them. When your brain is divided between 5 kids, taking care of the house, job, etc you prioritize things.
Not sure if anyone will ever have time to read this but the whole laid back thing is so true. I worked with kids many years before I had my own and I think you just learn to not care about things such as folding clothes. I don't even worry about stains. As long as they are clean.
Kids can do more for themselves too. My kids are very independent because I was quick to pass tasks to them such as doing their own laundry and packing their lunches.
As a mom of eight, I can identify with nearly everything you said. I have people ask me all the time how I get things done. Some of the things that have helped me get things done are minimizing our possessions, delegating tasks, being more relaxed, training my children to help (as well as being consistent with training them to behave well), and motivating myself to stay on task. I worked very hard last summer to minimize our possessions in the house and in our storage area. That has made my housekeeping chores so much easier and quicker! Delegating age appropriate tasks to my children has blessed more than just me, it blesses them by giving them a sense of accomplishment, developing a work ethic, and giving them the skills they will need as adults. Motivating myself to stay on task has been a huge help. I remind myself that my future self will be much happier if I don't waste time.
I have five children and I really appreciated the kind and thoroughly thoughtful reflections you are sharing here. I have done many of the things that you have done over the years and they all elp to keep our family and myself happy and productive together!
This was a beautiful, guilt reducing video for all of the stressed out moms out there! I also run a business from my home and everything you said is so true! You make time for what you want and if your business is a priority then you’ll make time for it! Love, love, love this video and your attitude towards family :) I’m so glad your hubby is a help to you!
I can relate to a lot of this. My daughter is still nursing and co-sleeping and she is almost three. I did the same with my son and I tell people that I let my kids learn and adapt to life naturally rather than "training". I work from home and some days it is bliss and some days it is total chaos. The only thing you didn't mention is this: I do recommend thrift shopping. It is not bargain hunting in the sense that you have to watch for sales. But is saves a ton of money and it is good for the environment. Not to sound like a Goody Two Shoes too much! Love your approach!
My name is Kathy for some reason my phone shows my husband's name but only on TH-cam. You're a awesome mom I love watching your vlog. Beautiful family and I love your honestly. The good Lord has truly blessed you with the gifts of being a amazing mom. I am a grandmother now and I wish I would have had someone like you to watch when I was raising my five children. God bless you and your amazing beautiful family.
Your kids are lucky to have such an easy-going mom. Me and my sibling were beaten until we had bruises just for getting dirty in the mud. The mud was washed down the drain, but it took years to heal from the beatings. I have two kids only, and I have been easy going like this from the start and actually have followed lots of your tips right from the birth of my first. Never a strict schedule, simple meals, never worried over when/what they eat, and we are happy.
I am so sorry to hear your growing up story, but I am glad to hear that your kids are having a different life. Having a simple lifestyle is a blessing and I am so glad you are enjoying my tips!
I’m a Gramma and I appreciated every comment you made. Loved how you have learned not to stress over the small things like meal planning, abundance of toys & clothes, etc. We have become a nation of too many things, too big homes, too many toys but when things become simplified, one can really enjoy the most important things in life - God, husbands, kids, home. Love how you’re learning this and sharing it with other moms!
It's my first time watching your channel, what a breath of fresh air! As a mom of 3 kiddos 4 and under I constantly need a reminder to just focus on what you need to get done and let the details fall where they will!
Lisa, I love your philosophy about life. I have PTSD with severe anxiety and have had to take on your philosophy of life to survive each day. It's not easy, I'm sure, to have 5 kiddos, but you make sure you make it work along with all the other hats you wear. RESPECT for you girl !!! ♥️
Honestly I am SO happy I found your channel!!! Mental energy is everything. I've been over stressing myself for years and I'm so glad I can find some inspiration from you as a mom.
Been there done that x4 boys. I agree the more you have the less you stress. As long as you have organized chaos it works much better. Like you said you have to efficiently use the time you have. Along with having the expectation that nothing goes perfect but there can be 1 day in 30 that it does and you sit back and admire it with such gratefulness. My last baby just turned 18, I was looking forward to this day for a long time but now I find its just very lonely. Enjoy very moment, Lisa!!!! You have the whole world right now.
I don't have 5 kids but thought this video had helpful, practical advice for busy moms. I like your meals you cook for the family and do not worry how much each kid eats etc...Your channel is really good, Lisa, not sure how you can answer all the posts! God bless.
Wow, as a mum of three in today's social media society, thank you for your honesty and open look on motherhood. This has made my day and encourages me to stop sweating the small stuff!!
I have 5 and agree with all of this. One of mine has special needs and I am glad you mentioned it, when my son was seizing all day it was absolutely all consuming and priorities shift to survival.
I am an accountant and just had Baby #4 and started working from home full time in February. It has been a difficult transition, but I’m finding that if I implement the things that you talked about, I am more successful and less stressed. I hadn’t thought of a lot of what you talked about, so this video is very helpful to me. Thank you! ❤️
I am a gramma of 6, 1 more on the way. :-) I truly enjoy your channel and feel as though I have died & gone to heaven stumbling upon your channel! You are a breathe of fresh air & so down to earth with your outlook on life. I have been telling my own kids who are all grown & have kids of their own, to slow down & breathe & it will all get done in the day! AND if it doesn't, stop worrying about it. YOU, my dear, ARE AWESOME & are doing just that!!! I Love this video & am now a true follower! Thank you for this post & all that you do to share your thoughts & views.
I think every new parent needs to see this. I have 3 but I totally get everything that you said. I agreed with everything you said, and it’s very true about time. We make time for what we really want. Thanks for this video.
HI Lisa, I've followed you for about six months now and although I'm old enough to be your mother, I too have wondered how you stay so calm, relaxed and manage your video production (high quality, enjoyable videos) and now hour book creation with all your little ones under foot. I would never have posted what I "wondered" just knowing that it might have been interpreted the wrong way. But you are an amazing women and I'm grateful to be one of your subscribers! Keep up the fantastic job and please ignore any of the critics. I've followed another TH-camr whom has 10 children and homes schools and working towards being a homesteader. Darci Isabella is her channel. Since I'm retired now, I have a few minutes each day to follow many TH-camrs whom I enjoy following. It's like choosing a great book at the library or bookstore. I'm not one for the crazy reality tv shows but I enjoy the genuine creativity and inspiration from my chosen channels. Looking forward to your new book and many more videos. Thank you for sharing yourself and your family!
As a mom of four this video is so refreshing! I think this is the case for most moms, the more kids you have the more you’ll find out what is really important to you and what you will prioritize for. Being a TH-camr/blogger as well, it was so cool hearing how you set up your schedule. We basically do the same thing without realizing it. 😄 i’d say the only real difference is that I do try and look past the week, just so that I have things on the ready in case I get sick or an unexpected opportunity arises. But that being said, sometimes I probably do spin my wheels a bit more than I would have if I just looked at the current moment. xoxo 😊💕
I just had my 8th less than two weeks ago and I agree, you have the time if you really want to do something! I also like to sew, knit, bake! I find the time!
I have only just discovered you and I am hooked. You are an inspiration, thank you. I now have a sour dough starter, I have invested in 3 skillets and I am slowly loosing my dinner anxiety and stress. I am now working on decluttering my home. Thank you♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
Massively helpful! I have just finished watching this video for the second time and it's so true! I only have one baby so far and at first I felt like I would never have time for anything ever again! But when I learned to let go of what I could do before kids and focused on using the time I did have then I was more productive than ever. Still not fully there yet but I'm getting there! I love your honesty 💕 💕
"They all seem to be growing" ......best line ever! 🤣 Edit: After posting my comment, I now see it's right above the same comment someone else made 5 years ago 🤣🤣
Hello! First time watching you. I am a mother of 6 (12, 10, 7, 5, 3 and 7 months) and I watch other ppls kids. I always say once you hit 4 kids it doesn't make a difference. I love that you co-sleep too! Best way to make sure you can sleep with so many kids. I do try to make a meal plan though. It helps save $ with the grocery bills. Don't stress the small stuff I think is the biggest factor. ♡
Agree!! When all five were little, they just played and entertained themselves inside, outside, or on my lap. I was just thankful their clothes were clean, sort of matching, and well-fed!! Children are resourceful! !
I agree! Sometimes I feel bad that I don’t spend more mental energy on all the various things but I know it makes me a more relaxed mom - which is healthier for everyone!
Lisa, I want to be you when I grow up! I'm 60 and my kids are off on their own but I love how relaxed and organized you are. You can still teach this old dog new tricks.
This is pure gold, Lisa! Thanks so much for your honesty. My MIL had 13 kids, and they've all turned out great, so I know that I have a lot to learn from women like her and you. We're only on our first, so this video has been super helpful! :)
I am so grateful for this video. I am a new mom of two under two. I have extreme anxiety raising them but this video really puts things into perspective for me. Stressing out only makes my husband and I on edge and I definitely don't want my kids seeing a stressed out mama. Instagram/Pinterest are definitely my worst enemies strictly for comparison reasons. Thank you for being honest and real about parenting.
Also this video is so encouraging! My husband and I have always wanted a large family, but recently with the addition of our twins to bring our total to 3 children, I wasn't so sure I could handle more. You have reminded me that we stress too much over things and details that really don't matter in the long run. Children are supposed to be a blessing not a burden, and I believe the unrealistic expectations of our society have created the thinking that children are a burden.
I’m a mom of 3. They’re 8, 7, and 6. I love your tip of saving mental energy by not worrying about every little thing, especially meal planning and what the kids are eating.
My favorite part is "they all seem to be growing". I hear ya sister! A big thing for me was getting rid of all the stuff in my house. If it's out then it goes in the Goodwill basket, if it's on the floor it must not have a place so into the basket it goes. I don't try to organize the clutter, I eliminate the items that cause clutter.
i agree completely! i am expecting my fifth and my elder 2 are a huge help... also, they all keep each other busy and help with daily chores like making their own beds or doing the dishes, and make it easier for me. I make my budget and my lists and get everything once i am out. Don't have hours to waste.... i would rather spend my time with my kids than freaking out over sales... so nice to know there are others who do the same!
I am a mom of only two. They are 16 and 17. I am thankful I didn't stress. I implemented those points you spoke about. Moms at church would always ask my secrets for having calm children. When I gave them simple answers, they were puzzled. I guess they thought it was a particularly complex parenting method. 😂
I'm not a mom yet, but I'm mentally preparing to be one and continue running my online business. I would love to hear more about how you parent. I absolutely can understand how having one baby puts you in panic mode: what do they wear, what do they eat, when do they eat, what about nap time, what about bedtime... And hearing your relaxed State of Mind brings me so much joy haha. It's like giving me permission not to freak out about things in advance. I'd love to hear more.
Love this! Yup, mom of 4 boys here and I am 1000x more productive now than I was when I had one. I def think we grow in our mothering/homemaking skills just as we would with any other skill we were devoting tons of time to. So many people think that mothering and homemaking should just come naturally, and in some ways it does, but it's also something we really do have to learn to do! And yup, I absolutely agree that I've become more laid back with each child!
Thank you for this video. I’m a new mum with a 7 month old. I try not to stress too much but I do find it hard sometimes. Your video really puts things in perspective and I’ll remember it when I worry about feed times and first foods and all that stuff.
We forget all the time I usually toss the money behind the bed or under it so they think it just fell off the bed 😂 I tell them to go back and check again maybe they knocked it off the bed in their sleep. Works every time
I only have 2 but watching this video me feel so much better because I do a lot of the same things like you!!! And sometimes I feel guilty that I don’t care if they are dirty or what. Thank you!
Mom of 3 but youngest had severe multiple food allergies til now so lots of time spent there. I tend to teach/spend time with family over food so I found outlet there. Used to blog but we moved and had to stop. I agree; we need to find time that works in getting things done. I used to plan like crazy but now, I enjoy being able to just jump in to projects when daily things get overwhelming. Great insight about time in terms of monetary value to help gain perspective.
Love this! Mom of 4 here 😁 i started decluttering 2 years ago because I was about to lose my sanity. It came down to me or "the stuff". I started my 1st TH-cam channel on Mother's Day as a gift to myself and to share my journey to becoming a more peaceful and minimalist mom. I'm also considering creating a blog. These are awesome tips, especially for this homeschooling mama with anxiety and an autistic child. I also joined the Parenting Junkys online course Present Play to help me achieve my parenting goals and I'll be sharing that journey on my TH-cam channel. Thank you ♡ Emily
Amen for no bargain hunting! 😉 I’m not a mom of five (only 2 and they are almost adults), but I think time also gets you a huge perspective on what to stress about.
This is so encouraging and helpful! I thought you must have superpowers or something, but now it's sounding like you used to be where I'm at now. For me one kid was hard, but two seemed like triple the workload and stress for at least a year. But they were only 12 months apart, and both with food intolerance issues. Now that my youngest is 1.5 I feel like I'm starting to get my sanity back and starting to be able to accomplish things.
I do clean the house after all the kids are in bed and also ready there school lunch.. they're asleep at 8.30pm only during school days... but I love the fact that you said you don't care if they are messing up during eating time at home because that's one of the fact I'm quickly stressed out... that's one thing I've learned from this video... keep it coming
I Love your Honesty! As a Mom of 5 (ages 9-18months) I can totally relate to what you said. Life is way less stressful that way! And I make my older kids help around the house!
Excellent video! Just what I needed to hear! I'm a mom of three & there are a few things in here that have definitely rang true, & some that have even inspired me & helped me realize that I need to relax a bit & try to separate my time more. Thank you!
Momma of 6 here from Texas👋 so glad you did this video....you definitely hit the nail on the head with simplifying things....like everything! We decluttered a ton of stuff to help with the mess, lots of time outdoors, try to shop 1x/every 2 weeks...no coupons anymore either....I tend to make dinners during the afternoon nap time when I can to help with the afternoon crazy hour and then dinner gets on the table in a decent amount of time with less stress...and I only pick up my phone/turn on the tv during certain times, making sure I try to stay more present with my kids (the phone and tv really seem to be time draining), which gives me more time for snuggles, walks,& activities with my kiddos ❤️
I'm a work from home mom of one and I really struggle a lot to manage my time. I would sit to watch productivity hacks but none worked for me until I bumped in to your video. Most of them would recommend calendar blocking which totally doesn't work for me. You're right, not stressing small things really helps. Just focus on your goal. ♥️ Subscribed! 🤗
It's so lovely to hear another mum just being honest about everyday modern life. When it feels as if we all have to be super women, with amazingly healthy, smart, well behaved children. Who only eat green veg & aren't allowed screen time. It's just not realistic & I only have one child. 🙂
That is so wonderful that your husband helps out and is so supportive! Great tip to make a goal and break it down into manageable parts. The only way I can get stuff done is if I include my daughter in my videos since my husband is usually unavailable and/or by bedtime the lighting is nonexistent because it's evening. You really are able to get SO much done in those small windows of time you have. You are extremely productive and ambitious! Keep it up and schedule in more Netflix nights so you don't burn out. :)
I think also including the children in to help do chores helps out! It is all of our home and we all need to help keep it up! It is true the more kids you have the less you worry about the small things!! Holly
We have so much in common!!! I have 3 kids and can agree with every single tip you gave. I’m relatively new to your channel but have LOVED every video I have seen so far. Can’t wait to see more. 💕
My favorite tips I'm going to try my hardest to implement are designating kid time, and time to get to work, and also really deciding what it is that I really want to get done. You're completely right about downsizing the clutter. In areas of my home & life where I have done that, it's a snap to get picked up, or washed up, and move on. In other areas, I either haven't got to yet, or I don't have other family members on board with the "living large with less" mentality (I'm pretty much 1 against 5 over here) Those areas we really struggle with.
I'm the youngest of 12 Lisa. You remind me so much of my mother with your natural way of living and raising your kids. I think the one thing parents should stay on top of is being consistent with photos 🙂
"I don't even know who eats what. They all seem to be growing."
I'm officially subscribed.
Me too. I’m sold.
Right lol
I have to say, I feel like you’re living out that verse that says : Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? “ that’s pretty admirable and I am learning it more and more each day. I am encouraged - thank you!
Thank you Nikki!
That verse came to my mind as I watched this video, too.
Nikki York one of my favorite verses!
the main reason I like watching your youtube posts is the honesty of your message it is clear and simply honest
I was going to add, I think avoiding social media and distractions, and setting goals and working toward them in manageable chunks, really helps.
Becca M I agree!
We had 5, and I am extremely organized and I have a spot for everything. I decided early on what my priorities were and stuck with them. I have worked outside the home as a nurse and been a student, and a stay at home mom. There is no perfect formula, it’s whatever works for you. Take what works and leave the rest. All our children are grown up now and what I see is there is so much pressure on you young parents then we had. We didn’t have computers, cell phones and people telling us if our kids didn’t do a million activities we were bad parents. Too much pressure. Focus on what’s important to you, kids grow up so fast you can’t believe it. Enjoy the moments, enjoy your husband and family life. You are doing a great job Mommies! I always try to support my children and their families when they need me. I will clean and cook, wash or fold their laundry to give them that break. I remind them how proud I am of them what great parents they are and how much I love them. I respect their relationship, their family and how they do things. I don’t give advice unless asked.
As a mother of 4 grown boys, I can safely say “ the eat or they don’t eat “ philosophy definitely works. As soon as they could make a sandwich themselves they were told, kindly, they were welcome to make a sandwich if they didn’t like their meal. You know, not one of them ever made a sandwich n
I wish! My son would love to make a sandwich instead of some mashed potatoes. He won't even eat fries 🍟 🙃
I have 5 and the all like and hate different stuff. There's never a day where all the kids are happy at dinner time.
@@peachy_reina I don't understand what you're saying here. are you just saying your son doesn't like potatoes? I don't like potatoes, having tried them many times. what's the wish?
I also love when you said- “moms of 5 can’t obsess over that.” SO TRUE!
I could not love this video more Lisa. As one of eight kids I know so many of these truths firsthand, and my parents are literally the most laid back and joyful people I know! Thank you for sharing this great video 💛
and I can speak for the other end - I'm an only child and my parents are uptight and worried about everything. I've always been envious of people who have lots of brothers and sisters - they'll say that they wish they didn't have to fight for attention, but honestly growing up being the sole focus of the attention of two people is suffocating. When/if I ever get around to having kids I want a bucket of them
That is awesome Hilary!!
That is an interesting perspective on being an only child also. I never really thought about that, because I always split attention with my sisters. I never noticed though and have a great relationship with my parents today. They are super laid back!
Old World Home iiiii
gingerandpippin I wasn’t the only kid, but I was the “baby” of the family. My siblings are considerably older than me, and I was a girl after a couple boys. I relate SO much to your statement “growing up being the sole focus of the attention of two people is suffocating”. It honestly causes its own set of issues that I’m still learning how to get past. So anyway, I realize we’re not exactly the same, but I was happy to see what we had in common and that I’m not alone in that struggle!
I only had 2, but I was a single parent from the time my second child was born..total 11 years. It was very difficult to find time for myself. Having everything laying in your lap takes a toll. You have to choose what is most important. Cleaning..really cleaning was very low on my list. Laundry, meals and a chance to rest after 8-10 hrs at work. I applaud any woman (or man) who can do any job and raise children. You are still amazing.
I'm not a mom, but the babysitter for large families. I know I am a tool with my company because with Elite Caring by Ashley I often do laundry, clean and organize for them when I babysit for no extra charge. I just like to help and this has given me tips for if we ever start our own family.
PREACH GIRL! people always look at me like I’m crazy when I say I don’t know when my kids eat or nap or how many teeth they have. Thanks for making this and for all of the tips! Your videos are my favorite!
Thanks so much Jessica!
We have to count teeth now?! My goodness my eldest is fifteen and I am not even sure she has teeth!
Lisa, you are amazing! I am 72 years old and I am still learning from you!!!
Aw thanks Linda! I bet I could learn a ton from you!
I love your honesty and have been wanting to ask this exact question! I have two and feel so overwhelmed. I love hearing your transition to be more laid back with schedules over time. I’d love to hear your process for laundry and what chores you ask your kids to do.
Mom of 5 kids here as well (from 3 months - 9 years). Your tip on (not) bargain hunting spoke to me most. I'm sure it would save me many hours if I just bought what I wanted and needed where I could find it most conveniently. Thank you for sharing!
Yes, a the mom of 8 kids, I agree the more kids you have the more you let go. Life really isn't about getting stuff done. No one will look back on their child-rearing years and regret not getting more done. I learned to let things go and I look back and remember sitting in a messy house reading books to my kids and realizing I can clean another time.....or not. Life with kids isn't about getting stuff done. And, you can have a bunch of kids, then they'll do the chores! My kids were all doing their own laundry by age 10 (which was actually kinda sad for me since laundry time was prayer time). Let it go, young moms.....my youngest is now 20 and I'm reminded that they do grow up...then the opportunities to choose them over doing other stuff is gone (to a point, 3 of mine still live at home going to college, etc.) Sorry this is long! I'm passionate about this.
I totally agree! you definitely don't have to get stuff done, but some people have a personality where they thrive on accomplishing things even when home with babies. I feel in my element when I am attacking a new goal. 😊
Tricia Johnson I love this tip. Thank you! It's nice to see a confirmation about how I choose to parent. All the women in my family (in laws) nit pick over everything. I can't stand it. My top 3 are covered: 1) stay at home while they are little (I only have one, but want more) 2) breastfeed 3) cloth diaper and a few more I would like to do, but don't all the time. I'm tired of arguing over baby shoes. "She won't wear shoes if you don't push it" Yeah that's because she doesn't need shoes and that's why I'm not pushing it! Little things. All the time. I didn't put her in a dress at Easter. Because I don't want a dress in the closet she will only wear for 2 hours and never again. No respect nor consideration that I am planning a life I love. I'm starting a business I can work on the weekends. This means the kids will get designated daddy time and I can make money and have a creative outlet. Wins all around, but everyone wants to get mad that I prioritize family time over having a job just for all the money I make to go to daycare. We all have one life to live and I'm not spending it stressing over a checklist that I don't even care about the things that are on it. We all can't live for other people who will judge you no matter what you do. There's no impressing people like that ever.
I'm sorry for what you're going through Megan. I remind moms who are receiving that kind of pressure that God chose you to be your child's mom for a reason. You are the best choice for your kids and no one else. Everyone else has to pass through you first. That being said, one way in which I deal with unsolicited, bad advice is to smile kindly and ignore that advice.
I hear ya! Just making it all they way through the day with the same number of kids I started with is a victory sometimes!
I needed to read this long or not! Im a mother of 4 and im pregnant with my 5th. I get so stressed sometimes about not getting things done that i feel like i forget to do a lot of stuff...i need help organizing and etc... Not many of my friends have more then 3 kids. I'm a stay at home mom and a student.
Spot on, Lisa. I am the mom to seven girls. There are some things that get harder with more (and with different ages) but there are many things that get easier. When I stopped comparing myself to my own interpretation of how other families were succeeding and really focusing on the needs of my own family, and my expectations for them, things change for me. We live in a world where we take our worst and go online and compare it to someone's best.
I have always tried to treat my days at home like a job. I get dressed everyday and I try to get at least 3 things done. No matter how small. On hard days I make a list of everything I did accomplish and a way to tell myself that I am getting things done.
As far as getting things done with kids around, I involve them, and we try to clean as we go. At the end of each day, before kids head off to bed, our family does a 20 minute tidy. I set a timer and we do a quick pick up of the house. That way I always start each day with a clean slate. ( except when late night teens invade the kitchen. Then I tell myself I'm happy they are eating at home!)
SO true about comparing our worst t someones best. People always tell me I'm so calm and I have to remind them that I don't have a camera following me around 24/7!
Menu: Take it or leave it.
haha yes!
Lol 👍🏻
I have raised 6 of my own kids, have 2 step children (all of them grown now), and just adopting 2 young foster children. That lot covers 34 years of child rearing and everything you have suggested is excellent advice! Keep a sense of humor as much as possible, never turn your back on the wahing, any opportunity for a good day out leave everything and go, the mess will wait for your return! And pray every minute for patience!
Mom of 5, I agree 100% with everything you say!!!!! I tell my friends all the time that every person has their own limits, when you have multiple kids (for awhile) are thinking for them and taking care of them. When your brain is divided between 5 kids, taking care of the house, job, etc you prioritize things.
we all eat our words after we have more than 1 kid. really appreciate you bringing light to this stuff. I like target clothes...
So true! People need at least two to get one that blows their whole parenting philosophy. 😂
Not sure if anyone will ever have time to read this but the whole laid back thing is so true. I worked with kids many years before I had my own and I think you just learn to not care about things such as folding clothes. I don't even worry about stains. As long as they are clean.
Kids can do more for themselves too. My kids are very independent because I was quick to pass tasks to them such as doing their own laundry and packing their lunches.
This video is great for moms of only children too. All moms can benefit from giving themselves a break and breathing!
As a mom of eight, I can identify with nearly everything you said. I have people ask me all the time how I get things done. Some of the things that have helped me get things done are minimizing our possessions, delegating tasks, being more relaxed, training my children to help (as well as being consistent with training them to behave well), and motivating myself to stay on task. I worked very hard last summer to minimize our possessions in the house and in our storage area. That has made my housekeeping chores so much easier and quicker! Delegating age appropriate tasks to my children has blessed more than just me, it blesses them by giving them a sense of accomplishment, developing a work ethic, and giving them the skills they will need as adults. Motivating myself to stay on task has been a huge help. I remind myself that my future self will be much happier if I don't waste time.
I have five children and I really appreciated the kind and thoroughly thoughtful reflections you are sharing here. I have done many of the things that you have done over the years and they all elp to keep our family and myself happy and productive together!
This was a beautiful, guilt reducing video for all of the stressed out moms out there! I also run a business from my home and everything you said is so true! You make time for what you want and if your business is a priority then you’ll make time for it! Love, love, love this video and your attitude towards family :) I’m so glad your hubby is a help to you!
With my second child, I was so much more relaxed. Didn’t stress near as much, as with my first baby; which like you, I worried about everything!!
I am 63. You are such a wise young woman. Excellent video.
I can relate to a lot of this. My daughter is still nursing and co-sleeping and she is almost three. I did the same with my son and I tell people that I let my kids learn and adapt to life naturally rather than "training". I work from home and some days it is bliss and some days it is total chaos. The only thing you didn't mention is this: I do recommend thrift shopping. It is not bargain hunting in the sense that you have to watch for sales. But is saves a ton of money and it is good for the environment. Not to sound like a Goody Two Shoes too much! Love your approach!
My name is Kathy for some reason my phone shows my husband's name but only on TH-cam. You're a awesome mom I love watching your vlog. Beautiful family and I love your honestly. The good Lord has truly blessed you with the gifts of being a amazing mom. I am a grandmother now and I wish I would have had someone like you to watch when I was raising my five children. God bless you and your amazing beautiful family.
Your kids are lucky to have such an easy-going mom. Me and my sibling were beaten until we had bruises just for getting dirty in the mud. The mud was washed down the drain, but it took years to heal from the beatings.
I have two kids only, and I have been easy going like this from the start and actually have followed lots of your tips right from the birth of my first. Never a strict schedule, simple meals, never worried over when/what they eat, and we are happy.
I am so sorry to hear your growing up story, but I am glad to hear that your kids are having a different life.
Having a simple lifestyle is a blessing and I am so glad you are enjoying my tips!
To me all respect y'all are true Homesteaders you are a great example to me of living a Homsteaders life I love it
thank you!
I’m a Gramma and I appreciated every comment you made. Loved how you have learned not to stress over the small things like meal planning, abundance of toys & clothes, etc. We have become a nation of too many things, too big homes, too many toys but when things become simplified, one can really enjoy the most important things in life - God, husbands, kids, home. Love how you’re learning this and sharing it with other moms!
It's my first time watching your channel, what a breath of fresh air! As a mom of 3 kiddos 4 and under I constantly need a reminder to just focus on what you need to get done and let the details fall where they will!
Great advice, don't sweat the small stuff and live in the moment!
Lisa, I love your philosophy about life. I have PTSD with severe anxiety and have had to take on your philosophy of life to survive each day. It's not easy, I'm sure, to have 5 kiddos, but you make sure you make it work along with all the other hats you wear. RESPECT for you girl !!! ♥️
Thank you so much Sheila! I'm so sorry to hear about your PTSD. I wish you all the best in letting more things go, so you don't have anxiety. :)
Honestly I am SO happy I found your channel!!! Mental energy is everything. I've been over stressing myself for years and I'm so glad I can find some inspiration from you as a mom.
awe I'm so glad to hear that!
I find myself rewatching this periodically. So many good reminders!
The most refreshing thing I’ve seen in maybe forever..!
Been there done that x4 boys. I agree the more you have the less you stress. As long as you have organized chaos it works much better. Like you said you have to efficiently use the time you have. Along with having the expectation that nothing goes perfect but there can be 1 day in 30 that it does and you sit back and admire it with such gratefulness. My last baby just turned 18, I was looking forward to this day for a long time but now I find its just very lonely. Enjoy very moment, Lisa!!!! You have the whole world right now.
I don't have 5 kids but thought this video had helpful, practical advice for busy moms. I like your meals you cook for the family and do not worry how much each kid eats etc...Your channel is really good, Lisa, not sure how you can answer all the posts! God bless.
Thank you so much!
You’re amazing, and I appreciate your talents and hard work. God bless you and your family.
Wow, as a mum of three in today's social media society, thank you for your honesty and open look on motherhood. This has made my day and encourages me to stop sweating the small stuff!!
I have 5 and agree with all of this. One of mine has special needs and I am glad you mentioned it, when my son was seizing all day it was absolutely all consuming and priorities shift to survival.
This helped me in a major way. Thank you!
I am an accountant and just had Baby #4 and started working from home full time in February. It has been a difficult transition, but I’m finding that if I implement the things that you talked about, I am more successful and less stressed. I hadn’t thought of a lot of what you talked about, so this video is very helpful to me.
Thank you! ❤️
Yay! So glad it was helpful. :)
I am a gramma of 6, 1 more on the way. :-) I truly enjoy your channel and feel as though I have died & gone to heaven stumbling upon your channel! You are a breathe of fresh air & so down to earth with your outlook on life. I have been telling my own kids who are all grown & have kids of their own, to slow down & breathe & it will all get done in the day! AND if it doesn't, stop worrying about it. YOU, my dear, ARE AWESOME & are doing just that!!! I Love this video & am now a true follower! Thank you for this post & all that you do to share your thoughts & views.
I think every new parent needs to see this. I have 3 but I totally get everything that you said. I agreed with everything you said, and it’s very true about time. We make time for what we really want. Thanks for this video.
Awesome video, love how you address having many kids and as long as they are happy and healthy, you don’t sweat the small stuff.
HI Lisa, I've followed you for about six months now and although I'm old enough to be your mother, I too have wondered how you stay so calm, relaxed and manage your video production (high quality, enjoyable videos) and now hour book creation with all your little ones under foot. I would never have posted what I "wondered" just knowing that it might have been interpreted the wrong way. But you are an amazing women and I'm grateful to be one of your subscribers! Keep up the fantastic job and please ignore any of the critics.
I've followed another TH-camr whom has 10 children and homes schools and working towards being a homesteader. Darci Isabella is her channel.
Since I'm retired now, I have a few minutes each day to follow many TH-camrs whom I enjoy following. It's like choosing a great book at the library or bookstore. I'm not one for the crazy reality tv shows but I enjoy the genuine creativity and inspiration from my chosen channels. Looking forward to your new book and many more videos. Thank you for sharing yourself and your family!
Thanks so much! I will definitely check out the other mama as well. Thanks for the tip!
As a mom of four this video is so refreshing! I think this is the case for most moms, the more kids you have the more you’ll find out what is really important to you and what you will prioritize for. Being a TH-camr/blogger as well, it was so cool hearing how you set up your schedule. We basically do the same thing without realizing it. 😄 i’d say the only real difference is that I do try and look past the week, just so that I have things on the ready in case I get sick or an unexpected opportunity arises. But that being said, sometimes I probably do spin my wheels a bit more than I would have if I just looked at the current moment. xoxo 😊💕
I just had my 8th less than two weeks ago and I agree, you have the time if you really want to do something! I also like to sew, knit, bake! I find the time!
That's so awesome! And congrats to you on Baby #8!!
I have only just discovered you and I am hooked. You are an inspiration, thank you. I now have a sour dough starter, I have invested in 3 skillets and I am slowly loosing my dinner anxiety and stress. I am now working on decluttering my home. Thank you♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
Massively helpful! I have just finished watching this video for the second time and it's so true! I only have one baby so far and at first I felt like I would never have time for anything ever again! But when I learned to let go of what I could do before kids and focused on using the time I did have then I was more productive than ever. Still not fully there yet but I'm getting there! I love your honesty 💕 💕
"They all seem to be growing" ......best line ever! 🤣 Edit: After posting my comment, I now see it's right above the same comment someone else made 5 years ago 🤣🤣
Hello! First time watching you. I am a mother of 6 (12, 10, 7, 5, 3 and 7 months) and I watch other ppls kids. I always say once you hit 4 kids it doesn't make a difference. I love that you co-sleep too! Best way to make sure you can sleep with so many kids. I do try to make a meal plan though. It helps save $ with the grocery bills. Don't stress the small stuff I think is the biggest factor. ♡
Thanks for your honesty.
Agree!! When all five were little, they just played and entertained themselves inside, outside, or on my lap.
I was just thankful their clothes were clean, sort of matching, and well-fed!!
Children are resourceful! !
I agree! Sometimes I feel bad that I don’t spend more mental energy on all the various things but I know it makes me a more relaxed mom - which is healthier for everyone!
Lisa, I want to be you when I grow up! I'm 60 and my kids are off on their own but I love how relaxed and organized you are. You can still teach this old dog new tricks.
Aww you're too funny, Janet!
This is pure gold, Lisa! Thanks so much for your honesty. My MIL had 13 kids, and they've all turned out great, so I know that I have a lot to learn from women like her and you. We're only on our first, so this video has been super helpful! :)
I hoped it would be encouraging for first time mamas! 😊
I am so grateful for this video. I am a new mom of two under two. I have extreme anxiety raising them but this video really puts things into perspective for me. Stressing out only makes my husband and I on edge and I definitely don't want my kids seeing a stressed out mama. Instagram/Pinterest are definitely my worst enemies strictly for comparison reasons. Thank you for being honest and real about parenting.
I have been binging on your videos since I found you a few days ago. I love the simplicity and authenticity of your channel.
Also this video is so encouraging! My husband and I have always wanted a large family, but recently with the addition of our twins to bring our total to 3 children, I wasn't so sure I could handle more. You have reminded me that we stress too much over things and details that really don't matter in the long run. Children are supposed to be a blessing not a burden, and I believe the unrealistic expectations of our society have created the thinking that children are a burden.
I’m a mom of 3. They’re 8, 7, and 6. I love your tip of saving mental energy by not worrying about every little thing, especially meal planning and what the kids are eating.
My favorite part is "they all seem to be growing". I hear ya sister! A big thing for me was getting rid of all the stuff in my house. If it's out then it goes in the Goodwill basket, if it's on the floor it must not have a place so into the basket it goes. I don't try to organize the clutter, I eliminate the items that cause clutter.
i agree completely! i am expecting my fifth and my elder 2 are a huge help... also, they all keep each other busy and help with daily chores like making their own beds or doing the dishes, and make it easier for me. I make my budget and my lists and get everything once i am out. Don't have hours to waste.... i would rather spend my time with my kids than freaking out over sales... so nice to know there are others who do the same!
I am a mom of only two. They are 16 and 17. I am thankful I didn't stress. I implemented those points you spoke about. Moms at church would always ask my secrets for having calm children. When I gave them simple answers, they were puzzled. I guess they thought it was a particularly complex parenting method. 😂
I'm not a mom yet, but I'm mentally preparing to be one and continue running my online business. I would love to hear more about how you parent. I absolutely can understand how having one baby puts you in panic mode: what do they wear, what do they eat, when do they eat, what about nap time, what about bedtime... And hearing your relaxed State of Mind brings me so much joy haha. It's like giving me permission not to freak out about things in advance. I'd love to hear more.
Love this! Yup, mom of 4 boys here and I am 1000x more productive now than I was when I had one. I def think we grow in our mothering/homemaking skills just as we would with any other skill we were devoting tons of time to. So many people think that mothering and homemaking should just come naturally, and in some ways it does, but it's also something we really do have to learn to do! And yup, I absolutely agree that I've become more laid back with each child!
Thank you for this video. I’m a new mum with a 7 month old. I try not to stress too much but I do find it hard sometimes. Your video really puts things in perspective and I’ll remember it when I worry about feed times and first foods and all that stuff.
By my third I would forget about the tooth fairy sometimes. I felt very bad but I just covered it up and made it work.
Natalia Lopes haha yep!!
I set an alarm reminder for 10pm as soon as they lose the tooth because I would definitely forget! ;)
I have 3 and yes this has happened several times felt so bad! Never forgot for #1
We forget all the time I usually toss the money behind the bed or under it so they think it just fell off the bed 😂 I tell them to go back and check again maybe they knocked it off the bed in their sleep. Works every time
I only have 2 but watching this video me feel so much better because I do a lot of the same things like you!!! And sometimes I feel guilty that I don’t care if they are dirty or what. Thank you!
I have been there with that guilt!
Mom of 3 but youngest had severe multiple food allergies til now so lots of time spent there. I tend to teach/spend time with family over food so I found outlet there. Used to blog but we moved and had to stop. I agree; we need to find time that works in getting things done. I used to plan like crazy but now, I enjoy being able to just jump in to projects when daily things get overwhelming. Great insight about time in terms of monetary value to help gain perspective.
Love this! Mom of 4 here 😁 i started decluttering 2 years ago because I was about to lose my sanity. It came down to me or "the stuff". I started my 1st TH-cam channel on Mother's Day as a gift to myself and to share my journey to becoming a more peaceful and minimalist mom. I'm also considering creating a blog. These are awesome tips, especially for this homeschooling mama with anxiety and an autistic child. I also joined the Parenting Junkys online course Present Play to help me achieve my parenting goals and I'll be sharing that journey on my TH-cam channel. Thank you ♡ Emily
Amen for no bargain hunting! 😉 I’m not a mom of five (only 2 and they are almost adults), but I think time also gets you a huge perspective on what to stress about.
Such a good video!! I love how real you are about having a bigger family.
Thanks so much Jaimie!
This is so encouraging and helpful! I thought you must have superpowers or something, but now it's sounding like you used to be where I'm at now.
For me one kid was hard, but two seemed like triple the workload and stress for at least a year. But they were only 12 months apart, and both with food intolerance issues. Now that my youngest is 1.5 I feel like I'm starting to get my sanity back and starting to be able to accomplish things.
What a great ministry to motherhood. Thank you for doing what you do.
I love your honesty Lisa.... I have 4 children this video inspires me.....
I do clean the house after all the kids are in bed and also ready there school lunch.. they're asleep at 8.30pm only during school days... but I love the fact that you said you don't care if they are messing up during eating time at home because that's one of the fact I'm quickly stressed out... that's one thing I've learned from this video... keep it coming
Thanks Lisa
you are really honest and lovely...
You're my hero! I love your honesty and wisdom!
awe thank you!
I Love your Honesty! As a Mom of 5 (ages 9-18months) I can totally relate to what you said. Life is way less stressful that way! And I make my older kids help around the house!
This is great! You’re so honest and it’s refreshing
too hilarious!! "they look like they are growing..." Lisa....you have it!! :) I always say that!!! They will not starve.
I love your wonderful common sense : )
Excellent video! Just what I needed to hear! I'm a mom of three & there are a few things in here that have definitely rang true, & some that have even inspired me & helped me realize that I need to relax a bit & try to separate my time more. Thank you!
So glad! 😊
Finally, i always wonder how you manage time. I'm pretty overwhelmed with my first daughter. thank you for posting this. Great video, i loved it!
Momma of 6 here from Texas👋 so glad you did this video....you definitely hit the nail on the head with simplifying things....like everything! We decluttered a ton of stuff to help with the mess, lots of time outdoors, try to shop 1x/every 2 weeks...no coupons anymore either....I tend to make dinners during the afternoon nap time when I can to help with the afternoon crazy hour and then dinner gets on the table in a decent amount of time with less stress...and I only pick up my phone/turn on the tv during certain times, making sure I try to stay more present with my kids (the phone and tv really seem to be time draining), which gives me more time for snuggles, walks,& activities with my kiddos ❤️
I'm a work from home mom of one and I really struggle a lot to manage my time. I would sit to watch productivity hacks but none worked for me until I bumped in to your video. Most of them would recommend calendar blocking which totally doesn't work for me. You're right, not stressing small things really helps. Just focus on your goal. ♥️
Subscribed! 🤗
You and I are so much a like. It definitely helps to only have a certain # of outfits for each kid!
It's so lovely to hear another mum just being honest about everyday modern life. When it feels as if we all have to be super women, with amazingly healthy, smart, well behaved children. Who only eat green veg & aren't allowed screen time. It's just not realistic & I only have one child. 🙂
Your videos are inspirational. I m glad I found your channel.
That is so wonderful that your husband helps out and is so supportive! Great tip to make a goal and break it down into manageable parts. The only way I can get stuff done is if I include my daughter in my videos since my husband is usually unavailable and/or by bedtime the lighting is nonexistent because it's evening. You really are able to get SO much done in those small windows of time you have. You are extremely productive and ambitious! Keep it up and schedule in more Netflix nights so you don't burn out. :)
I probably should do a little more relax time!
I think also including the children in to help do chores helps out! It is all of our home and we all need to help keep it up! It is true the more kids you have the less you worry about the small things!! Holly
So true!
Mama of 10! Yes, simple is best.Great video!
We have so much in common!!! I have 3 kids and can agree with every single tip you gave. I’m relatively new to your channel but have LOVED every video I have seen so far. Can’t wait to see more. 💕
I am loving this!! WAHM of 3 here and it's affirming so much of what I've started practicing. Thank you for the tips and freedom!
My favorite tips I'm going to try my hardest to implement are designating kid time, and time to get to work, and also really deciding what it is that I really want to get done.
You're completely right about downsizing the clutter. In areas of my home & life where I have done that, it's a snap to get picked up, or washed up, and move on. In other areas, I either haven't got to yet, or I don't have other family members on board with the "living large with less" mentality (I'm pretty much 1 against 5 over here) Those areas we really struggle with.
I'm the youngest of 12 Lisa. You remind me so much of my mother with your natural way of living and raising your kids. I think the one thing parents should stay on top of is being consistent with photos 🙂
I definitely have that covered! Comes with being a blogger. ;)
Mom of four, and I do a lot of these things. Awesome video ❤