is it worth much if you have two $2 with serial numbers that are one after the other and both have open stars or even if they just have serial number that is the next after that one?
Any $2 bill 1976 and newer (green seal) is worth $2 and is legal tender. $2 bills 1966 and older (red seal) is still considered legal tender at $2, but its worth a little more than its face value
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All my two dollar bills are worth a lot less than they were three years ago
Thank you
Thanks so much 🙏 have a great day man 👨
I have so many $2 bills and thanks for this 👍
i have 2 1976 $2.00 dollar bills with a postage stamp, which i perchased on the day
it came out. Is there any value to it
is it worth much if you have two $2 with serial numbers that are one after the other and both have open stars or even if they just have serial number that is the next after that one?
Any $2 bill 1976 and newer (green seal) is worth $2 and is legal tender. $2 bills 1966 and older (red seal) is still considered legal tender at $2, but its worth a little more than its face value
What are the 2 dollar bills with blue writing instead of the green or red
I got a 1964.
I have a 1928 Series D $2 Red Seal. Paid $20 years ago for it. Is it worth $100 yet ?
Fun Fact: the longer you hang onto them they are worth less and less.
I clicked 2.00 Canadians and USA