I would love to, but I'm actually quite happy with my Sennheiser MK4 at a fraction of the price. Honestly, I doubt anyone would even be able to tell the difference in a blind test (for TH-cam videos that is)
I'm certainly not going to build one, for cost reasons. I was thinking of W2AEW's #157 at one point but somewhat dissuaded by its alleged non-HiFiness. But thinking about it now, what if it's really "analogue character" and some vocal distortion is deemed desirable? Good thing is that that one is worth pennies in components, and indeed i could just build it from things i have at hand...
Back to the roots, al kako? Svoje čase, ko sem delal še na radiu kot študent, smo imeli eno veleopevano napravo, ki se je imenovala Orban. Tisto je bil kompresor na steroidih:) In eden od tehnikov je imel poseben gušt šraufat tisto napravico, da je bil zvok tak, kot mora bit:) Ko vsi drugi že dolgo nismo več slišali razlike :)
Včasih se je treba po vseh layerjih abstrakcij mal vrnit na dno, da začneš mal cenit preprostost :) Jaz tud tale kompresor non stop neki šraufam, pa ravno tko ne slišim razlike. Tko, za gušt.
@@tomazzaman Ja, gušt more bit:) Pa tole znanje zelo koristi potem kasneje. Sicer pa, ko sem imel jaz dovolj nekih abstrakcij, sem šel v mizarsko delavnico, si kupil laser in pričel z delom. Za gušt. Pa da sem imel nekaj fizičnega za prijet v roke, kot posledico mojega dela:)
Good job, and a nice build. However why are you shouting throughout the video? :) Very strange. Just try a calmer softer more natural speaking voice next time :)
Packed! I love it!
Above my geek grade, but very informative.
Redko vidim tko popedenano kvaliteto videja + lightning.
top notch 👌
Hvala! Nekako moram upravičit mojo zasvojenost z gearom :))
Nice build! Did teletronix come on the chassis? Pics in the site are blank
How much you spent in parts excluding the chasis
$1000 or thereabouts
Today, I learned something new :)
nice mic and setup. i have to say that the volume is not levelled with the uncompressed part of the audio.
well i don;t know anything about analogue audio never cared to learn ,.
but i learned a few things,
Pair it up with a vintage Neuman U87, some room treatment and you're good to go... lol
I would love to, but I'm actually quite happy with my Sennheiser MK4 at a fraction of the price. Honestly, I doubt anyone would even be able to tell the difference in a blind test (for TH-cam videos that is)
I'm certainly not going to build one, for cost reasons.
I was thinking of W2AEW's #157 at one point but somewhat dissuaded by its alleged non-HiFiness. But thinking about it now, what if it's really "analogue character" and some vocal distortion is deemed desirable? Good thing is that that one is worth pennies in components, and indeed i could just build it from things i have at hand...
Volume / Normalized 35% / DRC (content loudness -2.4dB)
Back to the roots, al kako? Svoje čase, ko sem delal še na radiu kot študent, smo imeli eno veleopevano napravo, ki se je imenovala Orban. Tisto je bil kompresor na steroidih:) In eden od tehnikov je imel poseben gušt šraufat tisto napravico, da je bil zvok tak, kot mora bit:) Ko vsi drugi že dolgo nismo več slišali razlike :)
Včasih se je treba po vseh layerjih abstrakcij mal vrnit na dno, da začneš mal cenit preprostost :)
Jaz tud tale kompresor non stop neki šraufam, pa ravno tko ne slišim razlike. Tko, za gušt.
@@tomazzaman Ja, gušt more bit:) Pa tole znanje zelo koristi potem kasneje. Sicer pa, ko sem imel jaz dovolj nekih abstrakcij, sem šel v mizarsko delavnico, si kupil laser in pričel z delom. Za gušt. Pa da sem imel nekaj fizičnega za prijet v roke, kot posledico mojega dela:)
Jup, razumem in podpiram - virutalen svet ima svoje prednosti, ampak ni ga pa občutka, ko v roke primeš nekaj, kar si sam ustvaril!
Pohvale za tole, meni kot totalnemu noobu je bilo zelo zanimivo.
Good job, and a nice build. However why are you shouting throughout the video? :)
Very strange. Just try a calmer softer more natural speaking voice next time :)
Just can't help myself. :) Thanks!
@@tomazzaman Haha :)