Testosterone actually does not make you infertile at all and every pcp and endocrinologist I’ve seen has made it VERY clear that if I start sleeping with cis men I NEED to be on birth control
Its funny to me how a badly reviewed episode is probably THE sign for one of the most Trans/LGBT+ positive episode in most shows that dont focus on it lmao
Also, currently wondering how the show was dubbed in german (where i am from) cuz sometimes when characters get dubbed they choose voices that are iffy on purpose (a.k.a more traditional masculine voices for trans femme coded charas and vice versa)
It is kinda funny. It is ridiculous how the person who left that review said the show is going too much into gender and race theory . It was only two episodes that included trans people out of 7 seasons of stuff. Idk if the show was at 7 seasons at that point but my guess is it likely was still a decent amount of seasons and episodes
@@L0rdF4ng0 They probably chose a cis male, or a transman if they are good. That's how it usually goes when iy comes to dubbing. If they took a cis male, maybe they asked him to not lower his voice too much. But yeah they surprisingly know better than use a female VA
OH god I hate how the "good doctor" character is written. Every time he says something transphobic I just hear that one spongebob fish yell "Oh brother this guy stinks!"
It feels so evident that he isn't written or portrayed by an autistic person or with consideration towards trans people. Like, it almost feels more like they use it as a free pass to write scenes that would be inconsiderate and outdated without the pass, rather than as a genuine representation of us. It's true that not every autistic person is considerate and informed on queerness, even homophobes/transphobes are sometimes autistic. But with how little rep we get, this character carries an impression for a lot of people of what we may be like as a majority, and if we are just unfamiliar with queerness, we often still draw from learned context of it not typically being ok to ask about sexuality and intimate parts of the body, even in cishet ways. And that he would know as a doctor that asking the patient personal questions unrelated to the treatment for his own curiosity is often going to add an obstacle to treatment in distressing the patient. Though I am pretty unfamiliar with the overall show, maybe he does also often ask inappropriate non-queer personal questions. I just wish he was written less as an exposition tool, and an autistic character we could be proud of
@lilpetz500 to paraphrase someone else's comment on the last video "he doesn't act like an autistic adult. he acts like an autistic child. as if an allistic person had read a list of autism symptoms and given them to a character without considering how a real person with these experiences would interact with the world. he seems to have absolutely no coping mechanisms for his autism, like he became autistic the moment he stepped on screen." also yeah the take of trying to make it seem like being autistic makes you transphobic is ridiculous when I think every single trans person I've ever met in my life is also autistic.
Sometimes I think they use his autism as a excuse so he can be transphobic without serious consequences, like "Ohh no but he is autistic! You can't be mad at him for doing something wrong because he is just a baby baby autistic boy" and, as a autistic ftm trans man, this is something that i hate, been autistic might be a explanation but NEVER a excuse. This whole thing reminds of the story of a girl that was sexual harrased by a boy but no one would do a thing because "he is autistic, he doesnt understand"...
As an autistic trans person, I feel like being autistic made it easier to understand trans people. Gender is so much a part of the social stuff I never understood the point of, why would I see this social construct as more real than any other? Nobody's genitals come with pronouns already written on them, so why should they tell any of us who we are? Honestly if they did come with pronouns written on them, I'd just wonder who made that happen and why we should follow their rules.
yeah i agree completely - ive never understood gender and why some restrict others so much by it so my autism has always made me more understanding of others personal genders
My autistic journey certainly has elements of that. I'd say I was always a "gender shouldn't matter" person, then I was introduced to existence of trans people and my immediate reaction was "if gender doesn't matter, how can you have one", it took a bit of time for me to realize things like "just because gender *shouldn't* matter, doesn't mean that it doesn't" and "just because *you* don't feel like a man, doesn't mean other people don't", but once it was explained to me, I've become very sympathetic to the struggles of trans people. I don't know how much of that was directly affected by my autism, but I do think my lack of attachment to social status quo has made me more open-minded. But there are also a lot of autistic people who had my start, but never finished their journey.
SAME!! i know i am trans /and/ autistic but when i was younger i generally challenged a lot of adults on gender because the FUCK you mean piink is for girls pink is awesome LOVE PINK b
I absolutely agree with autism giving us a easier way to understand gender. None of the "rules" of gender/sex made sense. And I think a lot of us either looked this stuff up after asking about it, or researched it on our own, because we can't have that. There has to be reason behind it somewhere down the line; especially if people's feelings are involved. It's kinda how we learn to cope with this nebulous thing we don't understand. We need hard and fast rules to go by, even if they evolve later. And sex/gender were never adequately explained by "it just is the way it is", and "because this person has THIS body part, we treat them THIS way; to which no reasonable correlation could be drawn between the two"
It would've been interesting to have an episode that also goes into the overlap between autistic people and trans people. Like imagine the episode starts with Murphy being told "hey we have another trans patient for you" and he goes "oh no they're so confusing" and then he meets them and they're just like... A carbon copy of Murphy in mannerisms, except trans, and also the patient mentions the statistical overlap between autistic and trans people, and it makes Murphy go through a whole character arc thing, that would be cool.
i feel very mixed about a mainstream example of the trans/autism overlap.. dont know if i want cis people at large to be aware of that information seems like theyll use it against us for sure
@@thirdwaveemoWhile that is definitely true, I feel like it’d do that regardless of how that info is delivered. Better for the not insane folks to realize that that specific intersectional identity exists, imo.
Had to pause and cry when he is describing how he used to pretend to be a father to his toys while hiding under his blanket like omg that is so sweet and real😭
Same. That writer as well as the actors, directors, + other craftspeople on that scene should be proud. I don't feel a biological parental kinda link myself, so normally that kind of sentimentality bombs with me, but they just made it sound so true + real for that character that it legit moved me.
Tbh I use it that way to phrase to normies bc using "autism" with them gives them incorrect preconceptioms about how I must be like in every other facet of my life I do try to say and phrase it tho so that other neurodivergents pick up on it
Still describes Ruby from RWBY... If they hadn't done away with her awkwardness that is, she is still a weapon nut. I know it's a stereotypical view, but not as stereotypical as the Robot girl Penny Polendina where she is so socially awkward and uses relatively alien language that all it's missing is a piece of paper saying "hello, I am autistic".
Socially awkward yes, Socially inappropriate i don't think that as much, because much of my conduct is seen as "normal" as long as I'm drinking alcohol, so many things that would be seen as inappropriate or weird would be seen as normal, following societal, and my very therapist pressure to act neurotipical
the fact that on a mainstream tv show there is a gay couple, neither of which are particularly feminine, and one of them is trans? that in itself is incredible
From an autistic perspective, it feels so infantilizing to see a autistic character, who had it together long enough to get though medical school, lose ALL of his ability to look things up in the information age, and have to ask thee most rudimentary and otherwise insensitive questions of identity, directly of the demographic in question. I'm well aware we're not ALL the same, we all have certain differences that might not conform to one another. But there'd be specific hurdles he would have of overcome, or found tools for by now, having gone through the rigors of medical school. And to see this pop up in media time and time again, it creates a horrible expectation, to the point where when we come out to friends or coworkers they think we're lying, because we're not what they've grown to expect from media.
I get that they use him as the vehicle to voice common questions and therefore educate the viewers, but it would definitely make me a lot happier if they had a different character do that, and have Shaun actually be the one who has the knowledge to educate people instead. I blame Autism Speaks for having had so much influence on the show in the start. They've gotten way better in handling everything, but they can only change so much without completely breaking the established continuity. :(
@@angiep2229 exactly, like it's not hard to have the characters spell out what being transgender means to the audience without it being alienating. like maybe another patitent that is there for an unrelated reason starts asking these untruvise questions and start questioning themselves, having the good doctor be the one thats managing the talking and setting boundaries for patience privacy. i dont know! i literaly just thought of this as im writing it! cmon it's not hard to make the autistic character sound like a person. i hate the damage autism speaks has done
One of the things I hated most about the show was the fact that at the start he was apparently just now learning about bedside manner despite definitely having to go through residency to become a doctor where he should have already learned that. Just go watch Incredible Attorney Woo the autism rep and display of challenges faced by autistic people is way better from the start.
I've had a person tell me I'm not autistic then show me a clip of this show specifically to compare me, I hated the show since for the specific way they decided to do representation without much nuance at all
I've been diagnosed as autistic, but my family does not know. The thing I hate about these "autistic main character" shows, is that my parents watch it and think this is accurate presentation. It is infinitely frustrating having to deal with their ignorance and bigorty.
Yeah it's like you have to deprogram all the incorrect info before you can even get to a point were you can start getting the support you actually need
@@brook_angel ugggh I thought there was no way I could be autistic for so long because I thought development delay and being nonverbal were mandatory factors. I thought I was *just* adhd for almost a decade before I finally reconsidered that I might be autistic too, and it wasn't until then that I read the symptoms and realized it affected me too, and pretty heavily at that. I never realized til recently
The fact that he struggles with understanding trans issues isn't something that he needs to work on by directly asking patients _or_ doing a long weekend of research on. That should be a mandatory course that the hospital sets up for him, as it is directly impacting the patients. Like, these sorts of educational courses are an entire _industry_ that businesses pay out the ass for. Whether you think they're cringy or not, they do have a purpose and this is it.
im a gay trans man and just seeing the clips made me EXTREMELY emotional. im not sure if ive ever had BIG tears IMMEDIATELY start to fall after seeing such short clips. just seeing the couple's love and support for each other meant so much. i do have another comment to make, though, and its about the autism intersection with being trans. part of me would love to see the representation... but an admittedly bigger part of me massively fears that intersection getting attention. i dont tell people im autistic because im terrified of having my hormones taken away from me. im so scared of transphobes weaponising autism as a means to not take a transition seriously or to completely cut us off from treatment like they try to do to teens and young adults. so as far as im concerned they can continue to think theyre not related...
hi! I'm also a gay, trans, autistic man (I'm also asexual, with several other disabilities). wishing you safety, happiness, and a better future out there. and remember that even though I don't know you, I'm proud of you brother!
Hi! I'm genderfluid, autistic, asexual, and disabled and I feel the same way. I'm trying to start medically transitioning, but I'm really scared that I'm not going to be able to because my gender is so elastic (and the autism, but I'm not officially diagnosed, so hopefully it doesn't come up). I fear that healthcare providers will look at me and say, "Well, *sometimes* you're not dysphoric, so what if you get through this and you're just dysphoric in a new way? Sometimes you're fine, so why should we approve of these permanent changes?" It's not quite the same, but the fear of being to complicated for others to understand, so they start discriminating is such a huge fear. You're definitely not alone
quite recently after hip surgery, a doctor refused to implement a catheter in me, because they were literally scared of my vagina. He claimed it was because it might be different with me and that that might mean he lacked the expertise to do it, but his colleague pointed out that I still pee, just like anyone and that you can check. I pointed out that everything was indistinguishable from the norm and that my 'situation' was only special in how utterly average it is. Like, it's so within the norms that it almost stands out for that reason. The nurse confirmed that everything looked normal and it shouldn't be an issue, but the doctor still refused. He also called me "sir, I mean madam" every single one of the more than 30 times he addressed me. This was especially weird when he was staring right up my very girl-part-looking nethers. He corrected himself every time, something that by the fifth time just drew more attention to his unending string of mistakes. He really kept up with it right up until the point that he literally fled from the room. I'd never experienced trans-phobia in such a literal expression before, where my vagina terrified a grown man to the point of abandoning his work station and refusing someone neccesary medical care. I filed a complaint. Not getting the catheter meant overexerting in very bad ways while recovering from the hip surgery. When I was sent home, I told the nurses charged with washing me and taking care of my surgical wounds and they managed to insert the catheter without any issue, something they can't always manage with women because it's more difficult than with men. Here my very average vagina was very helpful in making that an easier procedure. 🙄 The hospital will be giving training to hospital staff on how to deal with trans patients. Apparently they had never once had such a course before. The head of the department sent me flowers and called me to personally apologize for my horrible experience and for his oversight in preventing it by providing his people with the proper training. So, all's well that ends well, I guess. But.... Than there was this cardiologist who couldn't explain a shadow on my heart scan, and so she told me it was probably there because I take hormones. 😐 Because that makes sense. I told her, hey! I get my hormones from a sticker. They release constantly like clockwork. I also don't have anything that still produces testosterone, so my hormones are insanely stable, unlike any cis-person's. She shrugged and said it was probably nothing. 🙄 I have had doctors doing this my whole life. sweep things they don't understand under the rug and then blaming me for them. "it's probably psychosomatic." "It's probably because of your hormones." While the only possibly accurate one "It's probably because of your EDS" is right there for them to hide behind. But it's more fun to victim blame I guess.
All of this sucks for you. I'm very lucky as a trans guy to have my GP through a sexual health clinic. She works with trans people day in and day out but is also aware that this is an emerging field of medicine and asks me a _lot_ of questions. Good ones. Like I went off testosterone for about 18 months and then started back up. She's wanted to know what things changed when I stopped T, if my "second" transition is different than the first, stuff like that. But dealing with walk in clinics, ER, and labs always feels like a crap shoot. I've never had a bad experience medically, but have dealt with things like people telling me pronouns don't matter and "but you're a good one" stories. Even the most privileged of trans people (I'm one) are dealing with this crap and it just bites. Thanks for sharing.
it's always funny when shows about autistic people are like, one autistic person surrounded by masses of neurotypicals as if autism is as uncommon as the medical complications the show pulls, in my experience, most of the people I became friends with along my life have ended up being autistic too or other types of neurodivergencies, and some form of LGBT+. Shaun should try looking for some neurodivergent friends and he'd get insight in trans people real quick lol
There is a scene in the first episode that made me laugh out loud. When they are discussing how they can't have an autistic person working as a surgeon... I mean hell I wouldn't be surprised if surgery had way above the population norm for Autism. Hyperfocus, special interests etc all feel like traits that fit the profession.
@@Helperbot-2000 Yeah maybe tbh but I do know there's a few studies that connect autism with differing gender identities, because to some autistic people gender is an established social norm that they just have to follow too; however you're also right about a bias I might have
@@Helperbot-2000well yes, but that doesnt negate their point. if autism was as rare as people act like it is, there would not be groups of other autistic ppl to seek out and be friends with
And pro for autism, it amuses me, because as an ASD person I noticed that I know more about trans people and fight for them than neurotypical people, who often show transphobia at every step So yes, in practice it would be the other way around, it would be the autistic doctor who would defend the trans person, not the neurotypical doctor, because it is the neurotypicals who reject everything that does not fit into what they consider "Normal"
very true, every autistic person i've met has either been very openly for trans rights, on the fence, or simply doesn't know, meanwhile every cis nuerotyp person i've met needs to be educated in atleast some regard or is openly hostile towards trans people, of course exceptions exist but in my experience autistic people are generally far more accepting than cis nuerotypical people
There is also a correlation between being neuro divergent and being trans, and tbh that makes sense to me, I've never really felt that attached to my gender and most of the social rules around it feel arbitrary and unnecessary. It feels very natural to feel that these set of traits fit me better than this other set of traits.
I agree almost completely. But there are also a lot of autistic men who get red pilled partly because of their social rejection. A thing that often comes with trans phobia and always comes with false gender politics So assuming autistic people will be more accepting by default is not true. Although I think autistic people are generally more likely to be accepting than neurotypical people
@@Picardspassword I think the difference might be that if something confounds us, we try to figure out why. I've found that I and many other people with autism enjoy educating ourselves. Reading even just a little bit about the science behind transgender people and their medical situations and the prejudice they face means most people with Autism understand the emotional core and can relate.
well, to be fair, The good Doctor is 2 for 2. Sophia Giannamore also is trans. It... is a little depressing we're celebrating that both trans people were played by trans people though, yeah.
Yeah but sadly even when we get trans actors playing trans characters it still falls into issue Hollywood has had for a while of only having trans characters/actors be victims/criminals or sex workers. I mean it's 100x better representation then a lot of the older medical/crime shows with trans people which is great. I just hope we have more cases like Elliot page were the character isn't just a one off character, their transness isn't this big dramafest theres large amounts of characterization outside of the Hollywood stereotypes.
@@auburnt_amaranthOh god the older rep for greys anatomy as pretty rough imo. Feel bad for Alexandra Billings(she was typecast as a 1 episode victim/medical oddity for a large portion of her career). Greys anatomy apparently did a better job in future seasons but I got the mental strength to watch all 14ish seasons.
It is hard though when they’re hiring someone, to find someone who is trans or gay. Not because there aren’t enough of us queer folks. It’s because in order to do that they would then have to ask them their sexuality, or what their gender is. Which is not appropriate for any job to ask someone. Obviously there are actors who are out, but not everybody wants to be out. You only need to look at Kit Connor being forced out to see how that can become a problem rrrreeeaaal quick.
Ohhhh man, the "baby trans boy imagining he was the dad of his teddy bears" ACTUALLY made me tear up (as a transmasc person myself). It's so poignant and even though I never want kids it still REALLY resonates - that's such a well-written character moment :')
I commented this under another comment, but I realize it's relevant to the video overall, specifically your point about an autistic person being transphobic. For my autistic journey of trans acceptance, I'd say I was always a "gender shouldn't matter" person, then I was introduced to existence of trans people and my immediate reaction was "if gender doesn't matter, how can you have one", it took a bit of time for me to realize things like "just because gender shouldn't matter, doesn't mean that it doesn't" and "just because you don't feel like a man, doesn't mean other people don't", but once it was explained to me, I've become very sympathetic to the struggles of trans people. I don't know how much of that was directly affected by my autism, but I do think my lack of attachment to social status quo has made me more open-minded. But there are also a lot of autistic people who had my start, but never got corrected in a way they could listen to, and therefor never finished their journey.
From my own experience as an autistic trans man, I've observed neurotypicals have the most issues understanding how someone can be gay/straight while attracted to a trans person, or vice versa, how can a trans person be gay/straight.
I'm ftm, started T before I met my wife (who is mtf). By the time I met my wife's family, I was passing well enough that the first time it came up in conversation that I was trans, her family was very taken aback. Flash forward several years, we get married, and I go off T and stop birth control to start trying for a kid. On mentioning to my wife's aunt that we were trying for a baby, her aunt had the audacity to ask if that meant I was going to go back to using female pronouns and my dead name (which she didnt even know...) 🤦♂️
Testosterone is not a form of birth control, and you can very much still get pregnant even if you are consistently taking it and don’t have periods!!!! Also you can still get regular periods on testosterone
Also even if you aren’t ovulating, pregnancies, including stuff like ectopic pregnancies, are always a chance so long as you have eggs. You could be menopausal, on an intense HRT regiment, or even had certain things removed in there, and still get pregnant - so long as sperm and egg can meet, nothing is a sure shot for birth control.
Honestly, I'm generally way more inclined to answer questions from someone who acknowledges that some might be really personal (bonus if they are hesitant to ask for that reason) and asks whether I would be willing to answer before going on. It's a pretty good indicator of whether the person asking actually wants to learn and listen and will respect boundaries later on, and that I'm not going to have to establish that I am an actual person with a real experience who feels things before I can get anything through.
This whole episode is a major yikes for me. It's one thing for the first episode for him to feel conflicted the first time he encountered it, but there is no way my boy didn't go home and google every single thing about trans healthcare after realizing he didn't understand something about healthcare.
most of the time testosterone doesn't make you infertile, even the ones that go on T for years still are on their cycles, it would make it hard to *carry* a pregnancy, but you can still get pregnant (most of the time) mostly, if you already had infertility issues or transitioned super young, then that's usually the case of trans men being infertile, usually T on it's own doesn't lot of people exaggerate the commonness of 'infertility' part of HRT in general
The most infuriating part of this show is that basically every episode has Dr. Murphy overstep patient boundaries in some unreasonable way, be shown to have learned his lesson by the end of the episode, but then do the same exact thing the next episode.
And here I was hoping the trope «Status quo is god» was a relic of the past. Nothing is more frustrating than seeing characters growth in one episode completely forgotten in the next.
there was actually a doctor who episode during the capaldi era on male pregnancy iirc. Dont remember which episode it was but would be an interesting one for lily to cover im sure
@@chrishawkins963 I thought it was in the one with Jody as the Doctor, with the Fam? I've only seen clips but I believe the man interacts with Graham in the bits I saw.
@@picahudsoniaunflocked5426it was the tsuranga conundrum, in whittaker's first season (episode 5, I think). imo it was a mid episode, but the male pregnancy was handled pretty well (read: not openly transphobic)
One thing that happens when we un-gender pregnancy is that pregnancy complications and mortality suddenly seem a little less acceptable. The first time I really started to un-gender pregnancy in my mind, so many things about how we treat pregnant people (and how we fail to care for them) suddenly became much more REAL to me. Even though I've known plenty of people who nearly died of pregnancy complications, it was the un-gendering that finally made me feel the anger.
been mad about the treatment of pregnant people even when I thought of it as an exclusivly woman experience.. why would that be any different now that I know its not tied to gender?
@@Cyan_Orangei think it has to do with like… how misogyny devalues women. How pregnancy isn’t typically presented as dangerous or risky, but a magical blessing to a mother. But when people start discussing it in the context of specifically trans pregnancy, concerns about the health of the fetus and parent are readily brought up. They probably were reminded of the dangers when they noticed the dichotomy of people being concerned about trans pregnancy issues, but not the cis pregnancy issues.
@@Cyan_Orange "why would it change" idk, but why does it matter to you? that's their personal experience and their cultural most likely views things differently than you, why would you be mad at the fact they admitted that they progressed as a person and became more empathetic? what matters is that they care
@@Picardspassword they literally presented it in a way that implies this was a common thing that happens when you de-gender the topic... it is not. its fine if they presented it as a personal experience only but they did not. they admitted that pregnancy complications werent an issue they cared about till they learned it can happen to non women... ps. you literally got mad at a question I asked of someone else that you admit you dont know the answer to and then attributed it to their culture...? I dont expect anyone to view things the same as me but that doesnt mean I cant question when someone says something akin to "society doesnt care about pregnancy problems unless they know it can happen to men too" I just dont see how that could be accurate at all and asked for clearification. if you dont have that clearification beyond your assumtion that its their culture....??? you are unable to answer my question, you can stay mad about it if youd like, I dont care.
Alluka was my introduction to the concept of being trans, so she holds a very special place in my heart. I'm deeply thankful Togashi depicted her as kindly as he did, since most trans characters in anime tend to get the extremely short end of the stick. That man is a blessing.
I feel like Kurapika is also coded as trans, or at least ambiguous. He never takes his shirt off, there's a manga panel that looks like a binder, and tbh just gives very trans vibes to me :3
the idea that autistic people's default mentality is one of cis heteronormativity is one heavily dependent on the assumption that those ideals are somehow inherent to the human experience, and deviations from that "normal" are the exception rather than the rule in most cases autistic people are much more accepting of trans folks because due to our experience of neirodivergence we can more easily recognize that the social definitions/functions of gender and sexuality are entirely arbitrary and has little to no bearing on reality
as a trans guy, the mention of pretending to be my toy’s dad brought back incredibly suppressed memories. i always wanted to be a dad, and parental elements to transness are definitely a thing, as i still do consider fatherhood to be a big part of my life goals and wanting to be a father as a big part of my relationship with my gender identity (even if i’m only 17 lol). damn. i also remember when i was a younger teenager and i went to my first con in cosplay as donnie from TMNT. i got called he/him for the first time in person by a ton of people as my parents are also conservative and unsupportive. they also called me by those pronouns from stage during the cosplay competition. it was literal EUPHORIA. i was just glowing all day. the pictures my dad took of me there are so adorable, i love looking back at them. i almost consider it as the day i came out, even though i had to my parents a long time ago, to which i was forcibly shoved back into the closet ofc.
omg one of the first times I got he/him'ed irl (also always been stuck in a conservative unsupportive place) was when I was wearing a t-rex costume for halloween.... that one's even more funny because it wasn't a male character it's just silly cis people think dinosaur = boy
Beautiful analysis and I totally agree with you: having more visibility for trans men and their own specific plights-and especially when done so respectfully-can only be a good thing in the long run. Thank you! 😁 🖤
I really appreciate you not showing the surgery stuff. Like seriously you don’t know how much I appreciate it. I have some bad medical trauma and I hate it when people just show that stuff with out any warning or anything. You rock!
it's nice medical charts are catching up with the idea of individualized health care, totally agree! I was so hype that going through my chart during my annual physical that I could update them on what organs had been removed so they will never ask me about them again. Thanks for another banger, Lily, I am so pleased this show revisited trans healthcare and did a much better job this time around. Looking forward to the next one!
It's so nice to see transmasc rep like this in media. I rarely see our particular struggles portrayed - at all - and to see such a respectful representation of such a difficult situation is very nice and refreshing.
That bit near the end mentioning the articles of pregnant men always being sensationalised historically.. just unlocked a hidden memory. well not the memory, so much as understanding of memories I didn't think much about. I always used to get so fascinated and intrigued by these "pregnant man!" stories. And then disappointed and dejected, when I realised that once again it was "man with a uterus". (I am not going to use the language of my understanding at the time nor the language of the papers.) And now, over a year into my own HRT, and multiple years into transition/realising I'm a woman.. I understand why these were my reactions to those articles. That these awful articles about trans men, gave me an idea of how *I* could get pregnant. It was my as yet unaware transfem ass, knowing the body it wanted vs the one it had, and getting excited at the idea of getting round the obvious obstacles! Now if just I had clicked on the implication of what these (never explained as trans) men meant, that transition was a thing and a thing I could do... maybe I would have transitioned earlier. At the very best.. avoided puberty.
I've had a dysphoric and otherwise not great past couple days. I literally cheered when you said it was a trans man this episode and this video made me so happy.
Indeed there is a higher percentage of people who are autistic who are trans than trans neurotypical I think it’s because we question our self and our identity more than neurotypical along with being less likely to hide our differences If you are openly one being openly the other becomes less scary
Omg yes. I'm trans and autistic, and a lot of my friends are as well. It's gotten to the point where I'm surprised and a little confused when I meet a trans person who is neurotypical 🤦I keep having to remind myself that not every trans has a touch of the 'tism
What I hate about those "oh I'm actually not gonna have an abortion I wanna risk mine and the childs life" is that if the pregnant parents life is in danger, they should still go through with the abortion to make their chances of survival higher especially if the pregnancy is still pretty early in development. You can make another child but you can't make another person you love that's the same.
Fact of note about The Good Doctor. The only people who die are either doctors or unnamed individuals. If they are a single episode characters who is named there is a %99 chance they survive
As an autist, I hate the "autists can't take social cues" stereotype and hate The Good Doctor for helping solidify it But still, it's crazy to know The Good Doctor of all things improved on an aspect (but of course it wasn't on autism representation, because why the fuck would a show about an autist person do a good job on autism representation?)
Also as an autist, I don’t act like a robot. And I’m actually outspoken in my family about social justice. So yes, I understand what a trans person is. For god sake, this show failed at not dehumanizing autism.
Speaking of losing trust in doctors especially in terms of trans masc reproductive Healthcare I haven't had a regular checkup in way to long of because it is borderline impossible to find a doctor who's website even acknowledges people like myself exist and I'd rather not go to a place and then deal with people being rude or weird the entire time I'm there. I've also filled in an intake form before putting my gender as nonbinary and then being "mam"ed anyway. I was there to have my wisdom teeth removed, why even ask if you don't give a fuck? I didn't go back there yet -.-
32:57 Thank you Lily, I really REALLY appreciate you taking people like me into consideration while making this video. Gore and medical shows really upset my mind, but I still wanted to watch this video, so I was pleasantly surprised that there wasn't any at least up until this point (haven't finished the video yet). I remember that you also minimized the gore in the Bones episode, so again I just wanted to say thank you.
....and that's why we're allowed to headcanon countless mythological figures connected to the fountain of youth and the entire cast of Tuck Everlasting as trans.
Loved it like always. Came back to comment cause I saw that post about the last three vids as not going as well. Doesn't make sense to me these episodes are as good as any else. Guess the shows were not as well known, but damn Lily does as good a job as any other video in the series.
Bumping that engagement 😤!! I had just watched your other the good doctor video yesterday, great coincidence timing 😎 Love your videos, and they're really helpful in focusing while doing other stuff like drawing too :-) !!
I really wish that this episode saw Dr. Murphy being an intellectual expert on the experiences of trans women, but not men. I think it would’ve been interesting, and a fun follow-up, where he’s like “after I treated that transgender girl I studied up on etiquette for interacting with transgender women and girls” and another doctor said “well the patient is a trans man, not woman.” and he just bluescreens and then tries his best to change the social rules he learned in order to apply them to a trans man. Then, Rio could’ve had a positive relationship with him, and volunteered information about his experiences instead of being asked point-blank.
I spent this entire video waiting for the shoe to drop, waiting for a joke and the episode to become awful But it wasn't. It was a solid trans storyline. And that's so great
TBH as an autistic person myself, I stopped asking questions a loooong time ago, because most things people do around me are fing weird, and anytime i ask I get a "its just how it is, or because i said so' So now If i see something I dont understand, I just accept it as just another weird quirk and move on. To some extent, I can admire Mr good dr to still ask questions, and its kinda wholesome that he gets answers, because that like... never happens.
God same! It now makes it awkward when I'm talking to someone and they ask if I have any questions cause like I now don't want to make a fool of myself because of the conditioning to not ask questions
an important point of misinformation correction needs to be made here. Trans men being able to get pregnant while on testosterone is not rare. plenty of trans men still ovulate while on testosterone even if they don’t have periods and if you are a trans man and you are having vaginal sex regularly with someone who has a penis, you should be taking precaution and steps towards birth control if that is something that you want to prevent from happening.
another great show, thanks for being one of those people who confused old cis people can listen to to understand - still hoping for that "lone gunmen" review ;)
3rd trans episode: Shawn Murphy discovers google Nah but it would actually be interesting to see a secondary autistic character who just immediately gets gender ideology and Shawn feels bad for not getting it as fast as they do.
skibidi toilet caught me off-guard. and i still can't believe cheugy is an actual piece of slang, i legitimately thought it was just fake slang that pokemon made up until i looked it up. and without that google search i don't think i even saw it outside of a pokemon context until this moment which makes it even wilder. 34:08 that line is so sweet
It's also quite interesting here that the main conflict (where the couple disagrees re: the pregnancy and its risks) is just… not specifically a trans think. Sure the complications here are tied to the patient's transness… But this “pregnancy vs abortion because risks” story line is _very_ common int medical shows, usually involving straight couples.
I’ve been watching your videos way back when you covered the Golden Girls video and I’ve loved all of these deep dives. I’ve been rewatching some of my old comforts shows and was curious if you’d cover the Trans Ugly Betty episode(s) at some point ❤️ I loved Alexis and exploring her character
I remember her and there were many episodes with her character! While they cast a cis woman, Lily has covered that still is preferred to them casting cis men as trans women. It's just casting a trans actress would have been better still.
This is a bit contrarian of me but, as an autistic trans person myself who's had a lot of thoughts about the whole sexuality thing (being nonbinary makes it extra strange for me) I personally find Dr Murphy's confustion at the couple's sexualities kinda relatable and the way he asks about it in a very inapropriate situation is one of those things that a lot of more socially adept autistic folks don't understand is something less socially aware autistic folks do stumble into. I personally really like how Murphy's autistic traits are represented in his character, it's refreshing to see an autistic character who isn't overly sanitised. Problematic autistic characters are unironically a breath of fresh air to me and it seriously bugs me when people call that ableist. This is gonna be a hot take but please don't get mad at me: I find that a lot of "high functioning" (functioning language is outdated but it's useful here) autistic folk don't like seeing "lower functioning" representation because it tends to make them feel uncomfortable. And I get it, because decent autistic rep is so hard to come by and it feels like we're all being lumped in together as the same, but rejecting "low functioning" traits because they make you uncomfortable or you specifically don't relate to them *is* ableist. There are those of us who don't know when is an apropiate time to ask questions, don't know how to ask how to ask questions, bunble into accidentally offending people and, much like Murphy very clearly does, seek to always do better and learn more. Arguing against that rep is absolutely ableist. It sucks that I have to say that but it's true. The meltdown scene that went viral a while back was a shining example of what I'm saying here. My meltdowns feel very similar to how Murphy's meltdown was depicted in that episode and I felt so seen by it even though it also made me uncomfortable. People calling that scene ableist made me so sad and like I was wrong or broken for how my meltdowns feel and manifest. It makes me happy tho that the writers behind The Good Doctor are getting better with the representation! It's extremely cool to see.
I'm glad for this input. Lily's videos are nuanced enough for me thankfully. I run into so many people who believe "good representation" is more like the "model minority" myth. Verily bitchy is another nuanced youtuber talking about media & mentioned something about bisexual representation that resonated with me and was along the lines of what you're saying. Representation shouldn't just be "good" if the marginalized groups look like perfect flawless humans. Autism is on a spectrum. So it feels pretty dismissive to autism folks who do experience meltdowns when people don't want that portrayed in media.
I’m a not-so-hetero cis man, but I really like your videos because they provide a viewpoint I was unfamiliar with. A lot of people immediately want to dismiss trans and nonbinary people and make no effort to try to learn and understand.
I'm sorry I absolutely can't not say it because this was posted on her birthday and you look and sound so much like my mom it's a little scary not gonna lie lol. Great video and I love your commentary on it :)
the good doctor looks like a chess prodigy that dies of DUI tragically ending his career, and afterwards we hear of all the fucked up shit he did in top GM chess circles
Ngl the reason i abandoned the show is because they had Murphey marry Lea, the woman he verbally abused and physically intimidated into getting back together with him when he threatened to baseball smash her fucking car
@@Picardspassword yeah which… I have watched to completion Season 8 was the hardest with how they treated the one doctor’s sa, but there was so much hype for the show I just kinda had to
@chandllerburse737 you can have a character be an ass without painting someone’s sa as her own overreaction. But you are correct I knew many times over by this point that the point was House was an awful person but a great physician lol
This was great! I always love your videos Lily, not just for talking about the episodes and how good they are in a vacuum, but also for getting into some of the real-life impacts of these kinds of things -- be it good or bad. And your initial Good Doctor episode was what showed me that the twitter memes had totally misunderstood it. I already knew that you can't trust everything on the internet, but what a wake-up call to investigate things for yourself... I'm glad they did another one, and that The Good Doctor himself has improved
Oh thing that i found out more recently is that on reddit there is a community for trans men who do carry their pregnancy and its called seahorse dads which is also a neat little reminder that in seahorses it is the male who carries the pregnancy. It may be small and a bit niche but its also so nice to see a community of men who have/want to have their own kids.
Honestly as an autistic person who has had experiences with autistic individuals from all ends of the spectrum. I find that the way autistic communities criticize characters like Sheldon cooper and "the good doctor" to be somewhat ableist in of themselves. Don't get me wrong, I don't think these characters are "good" representation of autism. But when autistic people criticize these chracters they often say stuff like "autistic people don't act like that" and that is just straight up BS and invalidating to autistic individuals who do have those more stereotypical traits. Just because you are autistic and you don't act like sheldon cooper does not mean the traits he has would not be signs of autism in a different autistic person. I went to school with an autistic person who behaved very similarly to sheldon cooper. It is definitely problematic that there is a single stereotypical archetype most studios use for an autistic person, but just because you are frustrated about the fact that only one presentation of autism is being shown does not make that presentation of autism less valid. There is a reason why that stereotype exists and its because there are autistic people who do act like that. Please just call out the fact that the characters are stereotypes and stop denouncing stereotypical presentations as "not being autistic"
Everytime I see a new post I get so excited!! Thank you for posting so frequently I love to listen while I'm at work makes my day so much more pleasant ❤
Not related to the video, but I just wanted you to know when I subbed to your channel I thought I was cis and just an ally to trans people. I’ve since learned that I am the trans people. The trans agenda is progressing nicely, keep up the good work with the videos, they’re always great
Love your analysis throughout and especially at the end. I've been watching this show since the beginning, and it was really unfortunate to see a few out of context clips blow up online and taint its public perception. It's not a perfect show, but stories like this that it does well were great to watch and important to have.
Apropos of nothing, that little graphic that popped up on the screen during the "What's cool with THE KIDS today anyway?" rant helped me to finally understand "cheuginess." Thank you. I've been trying to make sense of that one. Obviously, autistic people are diverse, but I feel that most of the autistic people who've reached the same level of professional development and general life experience as someone like Sean have been socialized/trained/bullied mercilessly out of making comments like the ones he's known for, and may even err on the side of being strenuously polite and restrained as a result. There is a genuine and meaty dilemma here of how to best balance the needs, humanity, and rights of a neurodivergent person when they're serving in a role or operating in a setting that requires a certain level of social-emotional skill and finesse. Obviously, the answer is to not just allow someone to run free like a toddler in a china shop, but nor is it to constantly penalize, police, or patronize them for being a little awkward or quirky, especially if those quirks aren't causing serious offense, trouble, or harm. I admittedly have only watched a few episodes of The Good Doctor, but I feel like the show often (but not always!) embodied the worst of both worlds in this respect, resulting in some serious cringe. I really don't like how Sean gets to use the assorted patients and suffering loved ones he encounters as his learning lab for life as they're having to grapple with their own serious stuff. Side thought, I wonder if the thought of queer people having families is ever going to meaningfully influence or warp conservatives' attitudes towards topics like abortion. Most likely, I realize, they'll just hammer their traditional points even harder, but it would be interesting to see a conservative defend a trans man's right to deliver his baby with a straight face. :D
"it would be interesting to see a conservative defend a trans man's right to deliver his baby with a straight face" they'll defend it but unfortunately they aren't going to be using he/him pronouns when they do :/
@@TheGuindo , sadly, yes, that'll be what they'll do--then, of course, they'll advocate for taking the child away from their parents, I imagine. I do wonder if there'll ever be a tipping point where conservatives will change their tune on abortion because "the wrong people" are having children and threatening to outnumber them.
I have conservative relatives who watch this show with my autistic brother. This made me hopeful. Lily, thanks for not being afraid to be positive + give praise where it's merited. I know it doesn't do as well as the meme stuff but I really enjoyed your insights the whole way thru this & you did a banger job.
I would never have watched this show (and now I've seen every ep since Season 3 onward) if not for my trans wife being a fan and bringing the show into our relationship with her. I never saw the first trans episode, but I certainly saw this one reviewed today, and was pleased with the outcome. Good to see your thoughts on it as well. And seriously, LMAO at your predictions of a medical drama. They are always predictable based on how much time is left on the clock!
Thank you for covering this episode! I’m not someone who watches The Good Doctor, so I’m glad to know that they did such a great job representing the experience of a trans man in this episode! I also love the character growth they are portraying for Sean here.
I’m autistic and have no problem gendering trans people correctly. The secret is that you ask people what they want to be called, and then call them that
very good video and i appreciated the analysis and conclusion about how ragging on stuff for doing poorly means ending up ignoring the parts where they actually succeeded
27:05 funny as one episode he has to go onto woman's health forums to figure out a case of a disorder so rare no one really looked into it...because woman.
Testosterone actually does not make you infertile at all and every pcp and endocrinologist I’ve seen has made it VERY clear that if I start sleeping with cis men I NEED to be on birth control
That's pretty gay ngl.
Thank you! It won't even necessarily stop periods, it's different for everyone.
Had an iud while taking t, still got cycles
this is true! for some people who are on it longterm it will stop ovulation and peroids but not nearly everyone so birth control is still necessary
Its funny to me how a badly reviewed episode is probably THE sign for one of the most Trans/LGBT+ positive episode in most shows that dont focus on it lmao
Also, currently wondering how the show was dubbed in german (where i am from) cuz sometimes when characters get dubbed they choose voices that are iffy on purpose (a.k.a more traditional masculine voices for trans femme coded charas and vice versa)
It is kinda funny. It is ridiculous how the person who left that review said the show is going too much into gender and race theory . It was only two episodes that included trans people out of 7 seasons of stuff. Idk if the show was at 7 seasons at that point but my guess is it likely was still a decent amount of seasons and episodes
@@L0rdF4ng0 Oof that's pretty yikesy (the dubbing stuff)
@@L0rdF4ng0 They probably chose a cis male, or a transman if they are good. That's how it usually goes when iy comes to dubbing. If they took a cis male, maybe they asked him to not lower his voice too much. But yeah they surprisingly know better than use a female VA
OH god I hate how the "good doctor" character is written. Every time he says something transphobic I just hear that one spongebob fish yell "Oh brother this guy stinks!"
It feels so evident that he isn't written or portrayed by an autistic person or with consideration towards trans people. Like, it almost feels more like they use it as a free pass to write scenes that would be inconsiderate and outdated without the pass, rather than as a genuine representation of us. It's true that not every autistic person is considerate and informed on queerness, even homophobes/transphobes are sometimes autistic.
But with how little rep we get, this character carries an impression for a lot of people of what we may be like as a majority, and if we are just unfamiliar with queerness, we often still draw from learned context of it not typically being ok to ask about sexuality and intimate parts of the body, even in cishet ways. And that he would know as a doctor that asking the patient personal questions unrelated to the treatment for his own curiosity is often going to add an obstacle to treatment in distressing the patient. Though I am pretty unfamiliar with the overall show, maybe he does also often ask inappropriate non-queer personal questions.
I just wish he was written less as an exposition tool, and an autistic character we could be proud of
@lilpetz500 to paraphrase someone else's comment on the last video
"he doesn't act like an autistic adult. he acts like an autistic child. as if an allistic person had read a list of autism symptoms and given them to a character without considering how a real person with these experiences would interact with the world. he seems to have absolutely no coping mechanisms for his autism, like he became autistic the moment he stepped on screen."
also yeah the take of trying to make it seem like being autistic makes you transphobic is ridiculous when I think every single trans person I've ever met in my life is also autistic.
They absolutely use autism as a shield to just make him act stupid and uncaring 🙄
Sometimes I think they use his autism as a excuse so he can be transphobic without serious consequences, like "Ohh no but he is autistic! You can't be mad at him for doing something wrong because he is just a baby baby autistic boy" and, as a autistic ftm trans man, this is something that i hate, been autistic might be a explanation but NEVER a excuse. This whole thing reminds of the story of a girl that was sexual harrased by a boy but no one would do a thing because "he is autistic, he doesnt understand"...
As an autistic trans person, I feel like being autistic made it easier to understand trans people. Gender is so much a part of the social stuff I never understood the point of, why would I see this social construct as more real than any other? Nobody's genitals come with pronouns already written on them, so why should they tell any of us who we are? Honestly if they did come with pronouns written on them, I'd just wonder who made that happen and why we should follow their rules.
yeah i agree completely - ive never understood gender and why some restrict others so much by it so my autism has always made me more understanding of others personal genders
My autistic journey certainly has elements of that. I'd say I was always a "gender shouldn't matter" person, then I was introduced to existence of trans people and my immediate reaction was "if gender doesn't matter, how can you have one", it took a bit of time for me to realize things like "just because gender *shouldn't* matter, doesn't mean that it doesn't" and "just because *you* don't feel like a man, doesn't mean other people don't", but once it was explained to me, I've become very sympathetic to the struggles of trans people. I don't know how much of that was directly affected by my autism, but I do think my lack of attachment to social status quo has made me more open-minded. But there are also a lot of autistic people who had my start, but never finished their journey.
SAME!! i know i am trans /and/ autistic but when i was younger i generally challenged a lot of adults on gender because the FUCK you mean piink is for girls pink is awesome LOVE PINK b
I absolutely agree with autism giving us a easier way to understand gender. None of the "rules" of gender/sex made sense. And I think a lot of us either looked this stuff up after asking about it, or researched it on our own, because we can't have that. There has to be reason behind it somewhere down the line; especially if people's feelings are involved. It's kinda how we learn to cope with this nebulous thing we don't understand. We need hard and fast rules to go by, even if they evolve later. And sex/gender were never adequately explained by "it just is the way it is", and "because this person has THIS body part, we treat them THIS way; to which no reasonable correlation could be drawn between the two"
It would've been interesting to have an episode that also goes into the overlap between autistic people and trans people. Like imagine the episode starts with Murphy being told "hey we have another trans patient for you" and he goes "oh no they're so confusing" and then he meets them and they're just like... A carbon copy of Murphy in mannerisms, except trans, and also the patient mentions the statistical overlap between autistic and trans people, and it makes Murphy go through a whole character arc thing, that would be cool.
they should 100% do that
This sounds awesome!
i feel very mixed about a mainstream example of the trans/autism overlap.. dont know if i want cis people at large to be aware of that information seems like theyll use it against us for sure
@@thirdwaveemoWhile that is definitely true, I feel like it’d do that regardless of how that info is delivered. Better for the not insane folks to realize that that specific intersectional identity exists, imo.
I'm not sure if I want the good doctor to do it given their poor portrayal of autism in the show
Had to pause and cry when he is describing how he used to pretend to be a father to his toys while hiding under his blanket like omg that is so sweet and real😭
Same. That writer as well as the actors, directors, + other craftspeople on that scene should be proud. I don't feel a biological parental kinda link myself, so normally that kind of sentimentality bombs with me, but they just made it sound so true + real for that character that it legit moved me.
I don't even wanna be a dad but that got me lol
I actually sobbed a little - what a brilliantly-written character moment 🥹
As a lesbian with autism, I hate people using autism as short hand for "socially awkward" or "socially inappropriate".
Tbh I use it that way to phrase to normies bc using "autism" with them gives them incorrect preconceptioms about how I must be like in every other facet of my life
I do try to say and phrase it tho so that other neurodivergents pick up on it
Still describes Ruby from RWBY... If they hadn't done away with her awkwardness that is, she is still a weapon nut.
I know it's a stereotypical view, but not as stereotypical as the Robot girl Penny Polendina where she is so socially awkward and uses relatively alien language that all it's missing is a piece of paper saying "hello, I am autistic".
Socially awkward yes, Socially inappropriate i don't think that as much, because much of my conduct is seen as "normal" as long as I'm drinking alcohol, so many things that would be seen as inappropriate or weird would be seen as normal, following societal, and my very therapist pressure to act neurotipical
the fact that on a mainstream tv show there is a gay couple, neither of which are particularly feminine, and one of them is trans? that in itself is incredible
From an autistic perspective, it feels so infantilizing to see a autistic character, who had it together long enough to get though medical school, lose ALL of his ability to look things up in the information age, and have to ask thee most rudimentary and otherwise insensitive questions of identity, directly of the demographic in question.
I'm well aware we're not ALL the same, we all have certain differences that might not conform to one another. But there'd be specific hurdles he would have of overcome, or found tools for by now, having gone through the rigors of medical school. And to see this pop up in media time and time again, it creates a horrible expectation, to the point where when we come out to friends or coworkers they think we're lying, because we're not what they've grown to expect from media.
I get that they use him as the vehicle to voice common questions and therefore educate the viewers, but it would definitely make me a lot happier if they had a different character do that, and have Shaun actually be the one who has the knowledge to educate people instead. I blame Autism Speaks for having had so much influence on the show in the start. They've gotten way better in handling everything, but they can only change so much without completely breaking the established continuity. :(
@@angiep2229 exactly, like it's not hard to have the characters spell out what being transgender means to the audience without it being alienating. like maybe another patitent that is there for an unrelated reason starts asking these untruvise questions and start questioning themselves, having the good doctor be the one thats managing the talking and setting boundaries for patience privacy. i dont know! i literaly just thought of this as im writing it! cmon it's not hard to make the autistic character sound like a person. i hate the damage autism speaks has done
One of the things I hated most about the show was the fact that at the start he was apparently just now learning about bedside manner despite definitely having to go through residency to become a doctor where he should have already learned that.
Just go watch Incredible Attorney Woo the autism rep and display of challenges faced by autistic people is way better from the start.
I've had a person tell me I'm not autistic then show me a clip of this show specifically to compare me, I hated the show since for the specific way they decided to do representation without much nuance at all
@@angiep2229 It feels like it would be way more realistic to have Shaun info-dump on someone else tbh
I've been diagnosed as autistic, but my family does not know. The thing I hate about these "autistic main character" shows, is that my parents watch it and think this is accurate presentation.
It is infinitely frustrating having to deal with their ignorance and bigorty.
Yeah it's like you have to deprogram all the incorrect info before you can even get to a point were you can start getting the support you actually need
My mom legitimately thought all autistic people were nonverbal and "live in their own world"
To me
Her autistic child (she didn't know at the time)
that suuuuucks so bad! I'm so sorry you have to deal with that!
@@brook_angel ugggh I thought there was no way I could be autistic for so long because I thought development delay and being nonverbal were mandatory factors. I thought I was *just* adhd for almost a decade before I finally reconsidered that I might be autistic too, and it wasn't until then that I read the symptoms and realized it affected me too, and pretty heavily at that. I never realized til recently
The fact that he struggles with understanding trans issues isn't something that he needs to work on by directly asking patients _or_ doing a long weekend of research on. That should be a mandatory course that the hospital sets up for him, as it is directly impacting the patients.
Like, these sorts of educational courses are an entire _industry_ that businesses pay out the ass for. Whether you think they're cringy or not, they do have a purpose and this is it.
im a gay trans man and just seeing the clips made me EXTREMELY emotional. im not sure if ive ever had BIG tears IMMEDIATELY start to fall after seeing such short clips. just seeing the couple's love and support for each other meant so much.
i do have another comment to make, though, and its about the autism intersection with being trans. part of me would love to see the representation... but an admittedly bigger part of me massively fears that intersection getting attention. i dont tell people im autistic because im terrified of having my hormones taken away from me. im so scared of transphobes weaponising autism as a means to not take a transition seriously or to completely cut us off from treatment like they try to do to teens and young adults. so as far as im concerned they can continue to think theyre not related...
We don't know each other, & it may not matter, but I believe you know exactly who you are. I wish you safety & wellbeing & peace.
@picahudsoniaunflocked5426 thank you so much, that's so sweet of you. I wish you the same as well!
hi! I'm also a gay, trans, autistic man (I'm also asexual, with several other disabilities). wishing you safety, happiness, and a better future out there. and remember that even though I don't know you, I'm proud of you brother!
@mxveewz thank you sir! 😊 your words are greatly appreciated, and of course, same to you!!
Hi! I'm genderfluid, autistic, asexual, and disabled and I feel the same way. I'm trying to start medically transitioning, but I'm really scared that I'm not going to be able to because my gender is so elastic (and the autism, but I'm not officially diagnosed, so hopefully it doesn't come up). I fear that healthcare providers will look at me and say, "Well, *sometimes* you're not dysphoric, so what if you get through this and you're just dysphoric in a new way? Sometimes you're fine, so why should we approve of these permanent changes?" It's not quite the same, but the fear of being to complicated for others to understand, so they start discriminating is such a huge fear. You're definitely not alone
quite recently after hip surgery, a doctor refused to implement a catheter in me, because they were literally scared of my vagina. He claimed it was because it might be different with me and that that might mean he lacked the expertise to do it, but his colleague pointed out that I still pee, just like anyone and that you can check. I pointed out that everything was indistinguishable from the norm and that my 'situation' was only special in how utterly average it is. Like, it's so within the norms that it almost stands out for that reason. The nurse confirmed that everything looked normal and it shouldn't be an issue, but the doctor still refused.
He also called me "sir, I mean madam" every single one of the more than 30 times he addressed me. This was especially weird when he was staring right up my very girl-part-looking nethers. He corrected himself every time, something that by the fifth time just drew more attention to his unending string of mistakes. He really kept up with it right up until the point that he literally fled from the room.
I'd never experienced trans-phobia in such a literal expression before, where my vagina terrified a grown man to the point of abandoning his work station and refusing someone neccesary medical care.
I filed a complaint.
Not getting the catheter meant overexerting in very bad ways while recovering from the hip surgery. When I was sent home, I told the nurses charged with washing me and taking care of my surgical wounds and they managed to insert the catheter without any issue, something they can't always manage with women because it's more difficult than with men. Here my very average vagina was very helpful in making that an easier procedure. 🙄
The hospital will be giving training to hospital staff on how to deal with trans patients. Apparently they had never once had such a course before. The head of the department sent me flowers and called me to personally apologize for my horrible experience and for his oversight in preventing it by providing his people with the proper training.
So, all's well that ends well, I guess.
Than there was this cardiologist who couldn't explain a shadow on my heart scan, and so she told me it was probably there because I take hormones. 😐
Because that makes sense.
I told her, hey! I get my hormones from a sticker. They release constantly like clockwork. I also don't have anything that still produces testosterone, so my hormones are insanely stable, unlike any cis-person's.
She shrugged and said it was probably nothing. 🙄
I have had doctors doing this my whole life. sweep things they don't understand under the rug and then blaming me for them. "it's probably psychosomatic." "It's probably because of your hormones." While the only possibly accurate one "It's probably because of your EDS" is right there for them to hide behind. But it's more fun to victim blame I guess.
I'm sorry you went through that
All of this sucks for you. I'm very lucky as a trans guy to have my GP through a sexual health clinic. She works with trans people day in and day out but is also aware that this is an emerging field of medicine and asks me a _lot_ of questions. Good ones. Like I went off testosterone for about 18 months and then started back up. She's wanted to know what things changed when I stopped T, if my "second" transition is different than the first, stuff like that.
But dealing with walk in clinics, ER, and labs always feels like a crap shoot. I've never had a bad experience medically, but have dealt with things like people telling me pronouns don't matter and "but you're a good one" stories. Even the most privileged of trans people (I'm one) are dealing with this crap and it just bites.
Thanks for sharing.
it's always funny when shows about autistic people are like, one autistic person surrounded by masses of neurotypicals as if autism is as uncommon as the medical complications the show pulls, in my experience, most of the people I became friends with along my life have ended up being autistic too or other types of neurodivergencies, and some form of LGBT+. Shaun should try looking for some neurodivergent friends and he'd get insight in trans people real quick lol
Right?!? At the very least a colleague must have ADHD. Half the people I meet in medicine have ADHD.
There is a scene in the first episode that made me laugh out loud. When they are discussing how they can't have an autistic person working as a surgeon... I mean hell I wouldn't be surprised if surgery had way above the population norm for Autism. Hyperfocus, special interests etc all feel like traits that fit the profession.
You do realize that could be because you just tend to hang out more with people who think and act more like yourself?
@@Helperbot-2000 Yeah maybe tbh but I do know there's a few studies that connect autism with differing gender identities, because to some autistic people gender is an established social norm that they just have to follow too; however you're also right about a bias I might have
@@Helperbot-2000well yes, but that doesnt negate their point. if autism was as rare as people act like it is, there would not be groups of other autistic ppl to seek out and be friends with
And pro for autism, it amuses me, because as an ASD person I noticed that I know more about trans people and fight for them than neurotypical people, who often show transphobia at every step
So yes, in practice it would be the other way around, it would be the autistic doctor who would defend the trans person, not the neurotypical doctor, because it is the neurotypicals who reject everything that does not fit into what they consider "Normal"
very true, every autistic person i've met has either been very openly for trans rights, on the fence, or simply doesn't know, meanwhile every cis nuerotyp person i've met needs to be educated in atleast some regard or is openly hostile towards trans people, of course exceptions exist but in my experience autistic people are generally far more accepting than cis nuerotypical people
There is also a correlation between being neuro divergent and being trans, and tbh that makes sense to me, I've never really felt that attached to my gender and most of the social rules around it feel arbitrary and unnecessary. It feels very natural to feel that these set of traits fit me better than this other set of traits.
I agree almost completely. But there are also a lot of autistic men who get red pilled partly because of their social rejection. A thing that often comes with trans phobia and always comes with false gender politics
So assuming autistic people will be more accepting by default is not true. Although I think autistic people are generally more likely to be accepting than neurotypical people
@@Picardspassword I think the difference might be that if something confounds us, we try to figure out why.
I've found that I and many other people with autism enjoy educating ourselves.
Reading even just a little bit about the science behind transgender people and their medical situations and the prejudice they face means most people with Autism understand the emotional core and can relate.
Im a simple man, when I see a lily simpson video I click it
i click, i like, i comment
Truer words have rarely been spoken ~
I am not a simple man
Nice. Not a man but me too.
Honestly, it is sad how surprised I was to see a trans actor cast in a trans role on a medical tv show 😑 but yay
well, to be fair, The good Doctor is 2 for 2. Sophia Giannamore also is trans. It... is a little depressing we're celebrating that both trans people were played by trans people though, yeah.
Grey's Anatomy did it too
Yeah but sadly even when we get trans actors playing trans characters it still falls into issue Hollywood has had for a while of only having trans characters/actors be victims/criminals or sex workers. I mean it's 100x better representation then a lot of the older medical/crime shows with trans people which is great.
I just hope we have more cases like Elliot page were the character isn't just a one off character, their transness isn't this big dramafest theres large amounts of characterization outside of the Hollywood stereotypes.
@@auburnt_amaranthOh god the older rep for greys anatomy as pretty rough imo. Feel bad for
Alexandra Billings(she was typecast as a 1 episode victim/medical oddity for a large portion of her career). Greys anatomy apparently did a better job in future seasons but I got the mental strength to watch all 14ish seasons.
It is hard though when they’re hiring someone, to find someone who is trans or gay. Not because there aren’t enough of us queer folks. It’s because in order to do that they would then have to ask them their sexuality, or what their gender is. Which is not appropriate for any job to ask someone. Obviously there are actors who are out, but not everybody wants to be out. You only need to look at Kit Connor being forced out to see how that can become a problem rrrreeeaaal quick.
This episode means so much to me. My mum and I stumbled upon it while watching the show and I just decided to roll with it and come out to her.
Omg I’m so proud of youuuuu
Ohhhh man, the "baby trans boy imagining he was the dad of his teddy bears" ACTUALLY made me tear up (as a transmasc person myself). It's so poignant and even though I never want kids it still REALLY resonates - that's such a well-written character moment :')
I commented this under another comment, but I realize it's relevant to the video overall, specifically your point about an autistic person being transphobic. For my autistic journey of trans acceptance, I'd say I was always a "gender shouldn't matter" person, then I was introduced to existence of trans people and my immediate reaction was "if gender doesn't matter, how can you have one", it took a bit of time for me to realize things like "just because gender shouldn't matter, doesn't mean that it doesn't" and "just because you don't feel like a man, doesn't mean other people don't", but once it was explained to me, I've become very sympathetic to the struggles of trans people. I don't know how much of that was directly affected by my autism, but I do think my lack of attachment to social status quo has made me more open-minded. But there are also a lot of autistic people who had my start, but never got corrected in a way they could listen to, and therefor never finished their journey.
That is true. The problem is not that AN autistic person on this show feels that way, but that THE autistic person on the show feels that way.
Being autistic my trans acceptance stems from my fascination of ancient history & da fact that I never connected my body with my consciousness
From my own experience as an autistic trans man, I've observed neurotypicals have the most issues understanding how someone can be gay/straight while attracted to a trans person, or vice versa, how can a trans person be gay/straight.
Lily, thanks for omitting the icky surgical stuff, I for one greatly appreciate it!
same! I have to be primed to handle that stuff, and I was not this morning.
I'm ftm, started T before I met my wife (who is mtf). By the time I met my wife's family, I was passing well enough that the first time it came up in conversation that I was trans, her family was very taken aback.
Flash forward several years, we get married, and I go off T and stop birth control to start trying for a kid.
On mentioning to my wife's aunt that we were trying for a baby, her aunt had the audacity to ask if that meant I was going to go back to using female pronouns and my dead name (which she didnt even know...) 🤦♂️
Testosterone is not a form of birth control, and you can very much still get pregnant even if you are consistently taking it and don’t have periods!!!! Also you can still get regular periods on testosterone
Also even if you aren’t ovulating, pregnancies, including stuff like ectopic pregnancies, are always a chance so long as you have eggs.
You could be menopausal, on an intense HRT regiment, or even had certain things removed in there, and still get pregnant - so long as sperm and egg can meet, nothing is a sure shot for birth control.
"youre a terrorist arent you."
i feel so bad for this actor for having to say that, this is so bad its funny.
It was so out of pocket... Jesus Christ...
Genuinely refreshing to see growth and representation like this in such a mainstream show
Honestly, I'm generally way more inclined to answer questions from someone who acknowledges that some might be really personal (bonus if they are hesitant to ask for that reason) and asks whether I would be willing to answer before going on. It's a pretty good indicator of whether the person asking actually wants to learn and listen and will respect boundaries later on, and that I'm not going to have to establish that I am an actual person with a real experience who feels things before I can get anything through.
This whole episode is a major yikes for me. It's one thing for the first episode for him to feel conflicted the first time he encountered it, but there is no way my boy didn't go home and google every single thing about trans healthcare after realizing he didn't understand something about healthcare.
most of the time testosterone doesn't make you infertile, even the ones that go on T for years still are on their cycles, it would make it hard to *carry* a pregnancy, but you can still get pregnant (most of the time)
mostly, if you already had infertility issues or transitioned super young, then that's usually the case of trans men being infertile, usually T on it's own doesn't
lot of people exaggerate the commonness of 'infertility' part of HRT in general
The most infuriating part of this show is that basically every episode has Dr. Murphy overstep patient boundaries in some unreasonable way, be shown to have learned his lesson by the end of the episode, but then do the same exact thing the next episode.
And here I was hoping the trope «Status quo is god» was a relic of the past. Nothing is more frustrating than seeing characters growth in one episode completely forgotten in the next.
The only good doctor owns a Tardis
Fax don't care about your Shaun Murphy!
there was actually a doctor who episode during the capaldi era on male pregnancy iirc. Dont remember which episode it was but would be an interesting one for lily to cover im sure
@@chrishawkins963 I thought it was in the one with Jody as the Doctor, with the Fam? I've only seen clips but I believe the man interacts with Graham in the bits I saw.
@@picahudsoniaunflocked5426it was the tsuranga conundrum, in whittaker's first season (episode 5, I think). imo it was a mid episode, but the male pregnancy was handled pretty well (read: not openly transphobic)
I'm just commentating to bump the engagement numbers
Me too thanks
me 2
Me 3
"the hormones could make the tumor grow" is what I heard as well before they operated on my 30 kg fibroid, absolutely hate when ppl say that
One thing that happens when we un-gender pregnancy is that pregnancy complications and mortality suddenly seem a little less acceptable. The first time I really started to un-gender pregnancy in my mind, so many things about how we treat pregnant people (and how we fail to care for them) suddenly became much more REAL to me. Even though I've known plenty of people who nearly died of pregnancy complications, it was the un-gendering that finally made me feel the anger.
.....what? why would ungendering pregnancy change the way you think about this?
been mad about the treatment of pregnant people even when I thought of it as an exclusivly woman experience.. why would that be any different now that I know its not tied to gender?
@@Cyan_Orangei think it has to do with like… how misogyny devalues women. How pregnancy isn’t typically presented as dangerous or risky, but a magical blessing to a mother. But when people start discussing it in the context of specifically trans pregnancy, concerns about the health of the fetus and parent are readily brought up.
They probably were reminded of the dangers when they noticed the dichotomy of people being concerned about trans pregnancy issues, but not the cis pregnancy issues.
@@Cyan_Orange "why would it change" idk, but why does it matter to you? that's their personal experience and their cultural most likely views things differently than you, why would you be mad at the fact they admitted that they progressed as a person and became more empathetic? what matters is that they care
@@Picardspassword they literally presented it in a way that implies this was a common thing that happens when you de-gender the topic... it is not. its fine if they presented it as a personal experience only but they did not. they admitted that pregnancy complications werent an issue they cared about till they learned it can happen to non women... ps. you literally got mad at a question I asked of someone else that you admit you dont know the answer to and then attributed it to their culture...? I dont expect anyone to view things the same as me but that doesnt mean I cant question when someone says something akin to "society doesnt care about pregnancy problems unless they know it can happen to men too" I just dont see how that could be accurate at all and asked for clearification. if you dont have that clearification beyond your assumtion that its their culture....??? you are unable to answer my question, you can stay mad about it if youd like, I dont care.
If he’s such a good doctor why didn’t he cure ligma?
whats cure?
a pretty good band@@sapphoanna
Who's Steve Jobs?
@@sapphoanna cure? more like obscure disease, lmao gottem
This video has kept me engaged. It was very engaging. Hey youtube send this to more people because its very engaging.
I doubt he will do it because the algorithm works against the queer creator :/
@gryficowa true but comments help some what.
You know the drill. Alluka from Hunter x Hunter season 6 please. She’s confirmed trans. Had to double check after a short misgendered her
im pretty sure neferpitou is also nonbinary because they never use gendered pronouns in the show (sub at least i think)
@@somiSomii649 true, nyan binary at that
Alluka was my introduction to the concept of being trans, so she holds a very special place in my heart. I'm deeply thankful Togashi depicted her as kindly as he did, since most trans characters in anime tend to get the extremely short end of the stick. That man is a blessing.
I feel like Kurapika is also coded as trans, or at least ambiguous. He never takes his shirt off, there's a manga panel that looks like a binder, and tbh just gives very trans vibes to me :3
the idea that autistic people's default mentality is one of cis heteronormativity is one heavily dependent on the assumption that those ideals are somehow inherent to the human experience, and deviations from that "normal" are the exception rather than the rule
in most cases autistic people are much more accepting of trans folks because due to our experience of neirodivergence we can more easily recognize that the social definitions/functions of gender and sexuality are entirely arbitrary and has little to no bearing on reality
as a trans guy, the mention of pretending to be my toy’s dad brought back incredibly suppressed memories. i always wanted to be a dad, and parental elements to transness are definitely a thing, as i still do consider fatherhood to be a big part of my life goals and wanting to be a father as a big part of my relationship with my gender identity (even if i’m only 17 lol). damn. i also remember when i was a younger teenager and i went to my first con in cosplay as donnie from TMNT. i got called he/him for the first time in person by a ton of people as my parents are also conservative and unsupportive. they also called me by those pronouns from stage during the cosplay competition. it was literal EUPHORIA. i was just glowing all day. the pictures my dad took of me there are so adorable, i love looking back at them. i almost consider it as the day i came out, even though i had to my parents a long time ago, to which i was forcibly shoved back into the closet ofc.
omg one of the first times I got he/him'ed irl (also always been stuck in a conservative unsupportive place) was when I was wearing a t-rex costume for halloween.... that one's even more funny because it wasn't a male character it's just silly cis people think dinosaur = boy
Your role as bacjground noise was indeed satisfactory! Wonderful work!
Beautiful analysis and I totally agree with you: having more visibility for trans men and their own specific plights-and especially when done so respectfully-can only be a good thing in the long run. Thank you! 😁 🖤
I really appreciate you not showing the surgery stuff. Like seriously you don’t know how much I appreciate it. I have some bad medical trauma and I hate it when people just show that stuff with out any warning or anything. You rock!
I am a lily simp! I am a LILY SIMP! I *AM* a Lily Simp, Dr. Han!!!
it's nice medical charts are catching up with the idea of individualized health care, totally agree! I was so hype that going through my chart during my annual physical that I could update them on what organs had been removed so they will never ask me about them again. Thanks for another banger, Lily, I am so pleased this show revisited trans healthcare and did a much better job this time around. Looking forward to the next one!
It's so nice to see transmasc rep like this in media. I rarely see our particular struggles portrayed - at all - and to see such a respectful representation of such a difficult situation is very nice and refreshing.
That bit near the end mentioning the articles of pregnant men always being sensationalised historically.. just unlocked a hidden memory. well not the memory, so much as understanding of memories I didn't think much about.
I always used to get so fascinated and intrigued by these "pregnant man!" stories. And then disappointed and dejected, when I realised that once again it was "man with a uterus". (I am not going to use the language of my understanding at the time nor the language of the papers.) And now, over a year into my own HRT, and multiple years into transition/realising I'm a woman.. I understand why these were my reactions to those articles. That these awful articles about trans men, gave me an idea of how *I* could get pregnant. It was my as yet unaware transfem ass, knowing the body it wanted vs the one it had, and getting excited at the idea of getting round the obvious obstacles! Now if just I had clicked on the implication of what these (never explained as trans) men meant, that transition was a thing and a thing I could do... maybe I would have transitioned earlier. At the very best.. avoided puberty.
Thankyou for being background noise while I made myself some birthday shortbread
hope the shortbread was good
@@sunrise.system I rolled it too thin so I have biscuits but they are nice
I've had a dysphoric and otherwise not great past couple days. I literally cheered when you said it was a trans man this episode and this video made me so happy.
Also worth noting that there’s a lot of crossover between the Autism community and the trans community (am a trans gal with a autism ™️)
makes ya think that maybe some of the hate for trans people comes from ableism 🤔
Indeed there is a higher percentage of people who are autistic who are trans than trans neurotypical
I think it’s because we question our self and our identity more than neurotypical along with being less likely to hide our differences
If you are openly one being openly the other becomes less scary
Omg yes. I'm trans and autistic, and a lot of my friends are as well. It's gotten to the point where I'm surprised and a little confused when I meet a trans person who is neurotypical 🤦I keep having to remind myself that not every trans has a touch of the 'tism
Fellow AUDHD Trans girl!
What I hate about those "oh I'm actually not gonna have an abortion I wanna risk mine and the childs life" is that if the pregnant parents life is in danger, they should still go through with the abortion to make their chances of survival higher especially if the pregnancy is still pretty early in development. You can make another child but you can't make another person you love that's the same.
I'm a trans, autistic guy, I've seen this episode and let me tell you...I have some thoughts about it
Personally I wanna know more lol
As a fellow autistic trans person (they/it/he masc) and I too have many thoughts. Shall we exchange them?
Commenting bc I wanna see the thoughts
Good doctor? More like good video amirite? (Seriously your work is always great, please keep it up)
Fact of note about The Good Doctor. The only people who die are either doctors or unnamed individuals. If they are a single episode characters who is named there is a %99 chance they survive
Is that not common for medical dramas as a whole?
15:22 "My script wasn't written by a white person! Nope! No siree! This is totally natural stuff a black woman would say IRL!"
As an autist, I hate the "autists can't take social cues" stereotype and hate The Good Doctor for helping solidify it
But still, it's crazy to know The Good Doctor of all things improved on an aspect (but of course it wasn't on autism representation, because why the fuck would a show about an autist person do a good job on autism representation?)
Also as an autist, I don’t act like a robot. And I’m actually outspoken in my family about social justice. So yes, I understand what a trans person is. For god sake, this show failed at not dehumanizing autism.
Speaking of losing trust in doctors especially in terms of trans masc reproductive Healthcare I haven't had a regular checkup in way to long of because it is borderline impossible to find a doctor who's website even acknowledges people like myself exist and I'd rather not go to a place and then deal with people being rude or weird the entire time I'm there. I've also filled in an intake form before putting my gender as nonbinary and then being "mam"ed anyway. I was there to have my wisdom teeth removed, why even ask if you don't give a fuck? I didn't go back there yet -.-
32:57 Thank you Lily, I really REALLY appreciate you taking people like me into consideration while making this video. Gore and medical shows really upset my mind, but I still wanted to watch this video, so I was pleasantly surprised that there wasn't any at least up until this point (haven't finished the video yet).
I remember that you also minimized the gore in the Bones episode, so again I just wanted to say thank you.
Commenting asking for a "The Zombie Land Saga Trans Episode" mainly for the engagement
Lily is adorable
Absolutely thought you were like early 20s. Trans fountain of youth strikes again
....and that's why we're allowed to headcanon countless mythological figures connected to the fountain of youth and the entire cast of Tuck Everlasting as trans.
Loved it like always.
Came back to comment cause I saw that post about the last three vids as not going as well. Doesn't make sense to me these episodes are as good as any else. Guess the shows were not as well known, but damn Lily does as good a job as any other video in the series.
Bumping that engagement 😤!! I had just watched your other the good doctor video yesterday, great coincidence timing 😎
Love your videos, and they're really helpful in focusing while doing other stuff like drawing too :-) !!
I really wish that this episode saw Dr. Murphy being an intellectual expert on the experiences of trans women, but not men. I think it would’ve been interesting, and a fun follow-up, where he’s like “after I treated that transgender girl I studied up on etiquette for interacting with transgender women and girls” and another doctor said “well the patient is a trans man, not woman.” and he just bluescreens and then tries his best to change the social rules he learned in order to apply them to a trans man. Then, Rio could’ve had a positive relationship with him, and volunteered information about his experiences instead of being asked point-blank.
I spent this entire video waiting for the shoe to drop, waiting for a joke and the episode to become awful
But it wasn't. It was a solid trans storyline. And that's so great
Now, I've never watched this show, but just between your last video on it and this one, it seems like a huge improvement. Good on them.
TBH as an autistic person myself, I stopped asking questions a loooong time ago, because most things people do around me are fing weird, and anytime i ask I get a "its just how it is, or because i said so' So now If i see something I dont understand, I just accept it as just another weird quirk and move on. To some extent, I can admire Mr good dr to still ask questions, and its kinda wholesome that he gets answers, because that like... never happens.
God same! It now makes it awkward when I'm talking to someone and they ask if I have any questions cause like I now don't want to make a fool of myself because of the conditioning to not ask questions
an important point of misinformation correction needs to be made here. Trans men being able to get pregnant while on testosterone is not rare. plenty of trans men still ovulate while on testosterone even if they don’t have periods and if you are a trans man and you are having vaginal sex regularly with someone who has a penis, you should be taking precaution and steps towards birth control if that is something that you want to prevent from happening.
another great show, thanks for being one of those people who confused old cis people can listen to to understand
- still hoping for that "lone gunmen" review ;)
3rd trans episode: Shawn Murphy discovers google
Nah but it would actually be interesting to see a secondary autistic character who just immediately gets gender ideology and Shawn feels bad for not getting it as fast as they do.
skibidi toilet caught me off-guard. and i still can't believe cheugy is an actual piece of slang, i legitimately thought it was just fake slang that pokemon made up until i looked it up. and without that google search i don't think i even saw it outside of a pokemon context until this moment which makes it even wilder.
34:08 that line is so sweet
It's also quite interesting here that the main conflict (where the couple disagrees re: the pregnancy and its risks) is just… not specifically a trans think. Sure the complications here are tied to the patient's transness… But this “pregnancy vs abortion because risks” story line is _very_ common int medical shows, usually involving straight couples.
I’ve been watching your videos way back when you covered the Golden Girls video and I’ve loved all of these deep dives. I’ve been rewatching some of my old comforts shows and was curious if you’d cover the Trans Ugly Betty episode(s) at some point ❤️ I loved Alexis and exploring her character
I remember her and there were many episodes with her character! While they cast a cis woman, Lily has covered that still is preferred to them casting cis men as trans women. It's just casting a trans actress would have been better still.
This is a bit contrarian of me but, as an autistic trans person myself who's had a lot of thoughts about the whole sexuality thing (being nonbinary makes it extra strange for me) I personally find Dr Murphy's confustion at the couple's sexualities kinda relatable and the way he asks about it in a very inapropriate situation is one of those things that a lot of more socially adept autistic folks don't understand is something less socially aware autistic folks do stumble into.
I personally really like how Murphy's autistic traits are represented in his character, it's refreshing to see an autistic character who isn't overly sanitised. Problematic autistic characters are unironically a breath of fresh air to me and it seriously bugs me when people call that ableist.
This is gonna be a hot take but please don't get mad at me: I find that a lot of "high functioning" (functioning language is outdated but it's useful here) autistic folk don't like seeing "lower functioning" representation because it tends to make them feel uncomfortable. And I get it, because decent autistic rep is so hard to come by and it feels like we're all being lumped in together as the same, but rejecting "low functioning" traits because they make you uncomfortable or you specifically don't relate to them *is* ableist. There are those of us who don't know when is an apropiate time to ask questions, don't know how to ask how to ask questions, bunble into accidentally offending people and, much like Murphy very clearly does, seek to always do better and learn more. Arguing against that rep is absolutely ableist. It sucks that I have to say that but it's true.
The meltdown scene that went viral a while back was a shining example of what I'm saying here. My meltdowns feel very similar to how Murphy's meltdown was depicted in that episode and I felt so seen by it even though it also made me uncomfortable. People calling that scene ableist made me so sad and like I was wrong or broken for how my meltdowns feel and manifest.
It makes me happy tho that the writers behind The Good Doctor are getting better with the representation! It's extremely cool to see.
I'm glad for this input. Lily's videos are nuanced enough for me thankfully. I run into so many people who believe "good representation" is more like the "model minority" myth. Verily bitchy is another nuanced youtuber talking about media & mentioned something about bisexual representation that resonated with me and was along the lines of what you're saying. Representation shouldn't just be "good" if the marginalized groups look like perfect flawless humans. Autism is on a spectrum. So it feels pretty dismissive to autism folks who do experience meltdowns when people don't want that portrayed in media.
I love the seahorse daddys. It's nice to see it actually properly represented for once
I’m a not-so-hetero cis man, but I really like your videos because they provide a viewpoint I was unfamiliar with. A lot of people immediately want to dismiss trans and nonbinary people and make no effort to try to learn and understand.
I'm sorry I absolutely can't not say it because this was posted on her birthday and you look and sound so much like my mom it's a little scary not gonna lie lol. Great video and I love your commentary on it :)
Shaun: But how will I find out about the trans people?
Everyone else: You have a Doctorate. You did a doctoral thesis. RESEARCH IT!
the good doctor looks like a chess prodigy that dies of DUI tragically ending his career, and afterwards we hear of all the fucked up shit he did in top GM chess circles
Ngl the reason i abandoned the show is because they had Murphey marry Lea, the woman he verbally abused and physically intimidated into getting back together with him when he threatened to baseball smash her fucking car
jesus christ, with that level of horribleness, might as well just watch house md....
@@Picardspassword yeah which… I have watched to completion
Season 8 was the hardest with how they treated the one doctor’s sa, but there was so much hype for the show I just kinda had to
@chandllerburse737 you can have a character be an ass without painting someone’s sa as her own overreaction. But you are correct I knew many times over by this point that the point was House was an awful person but a great physician lol
This was great! I always love your videos Lily, not just for talking about the episodes and how good they are in a vacuum, but also for getting into some of the real-life impacts of these kinds of things -- be it good or bad. And your initial Good Doctor episode was what showed me that the twitter memes had totally misunderstood it. I already knew that you can't trust everything on the internet, but what a wake-up call to investigate things for yourself... I'm glad they did another one, and that The Good Doctor himself has improved
Oh thing that i found out more recently is that on reddit there is a community for trans men who do carry their pregnancy and its called seahorse dads which is also a neat little reminder that in seahorses it is the male who carries the pregnancy. It may be small and a bit niche but its also so nice to see a community of men who have/want to have their own kids.
Honestly as an autistic person who has had experiences with autistic individuals from all ends of the spectrum. I find that the way autistic communities criticize characters like Sheldon cooper and "the good doctor" to be somewhat ableist in of themselves. Don't get me wrong, I don't think these characters are "good" representation of autism. But when autistic people criticize these chracters they often say stuff like "autistic people don't act like that" and that is just straight up BS and invalidating to autistic individuals who do have those more stereotypical traits. Just because you are autistic and you don't act like sheldon cooper does not mean the traits he has would not be signs of autism in a different autistic person. I went to school with an autistic person who behaved very similarly to sheldon cooper. It is definitely problematic that there is a single stereotypical archetype most studios use for an autistic person, but just because you are frustrated about the fact that only one presentation of autism is being shown does not make that presentation of autism less valid. There is a reason why that stereotype exists and its because there are autistic people who do act like that. Please just call out the fact that the characters are stereotypes and stop denouncing stereotypical presentations as "not being autistic"
12:34 my aunt got pregnant while on birth control after being told by doctors that she couldn’t have kids because of endometriosis. 😂
I love listening to your videos while drawing 💕
I just really love this channel.
This is getting out of hand, now there are TWO of them! - Nute Gunray.
Everytime I see a new post I get so excited!! Thank you for posting so frequently I love to listen while I'm at work makes my day so much more pleasant ❤
You 100% are one of my favorite TH-camrs Your video essays keep me going while getting through art school.😩💕
Not related to the video, but I just wanted you to know when I subbed to your channel I thought I was cis and just an ally to trans people. I’ve since learned that I am the trans people. The trans agenda is progressing nicely, keep up the good work with the videos, they’re always great
Love your analysis throughout and especially at the end. I've been watching this show since the beginning, and it was really unfortunate to see a few out of context clips blow up online and taint its public perception. It's not a perfect show, but stories like this that it does well were great to watch and important to have.
Apropos of nothing, that little graphic that popped up on the screen during the "What's cool with THE KIDS today anyway?" rant helped me to finally understand "cheuginess." Thank you. I've been trying to make sense of that one.
Obviously, autistic people are diverse, but I feel that most of the autistic people who've reached the same level of professional development and general life experience as someone like Sean have been socialized/trained/bullied mercilessly out of making comments like the ones he's known for, and may even err on the side of being strenuously polite and restrained as a result.
There is a genuine and meaty dilemma here of how to best balance the needs, humanity, and rights of a neurodivergent person when they're serving in a role or operating in a setting that requires a certain level of social-emotional skill and finesse. Obviously, the answer is to not just allow someone to run free like a toddler in a china shop, but nor is it to constantly penalize, police, or patronize them for being a little awkward or quirky, especially if those quirks aren't causing serious offense, trouble, or harm. I admittedly have only watched a few episodes of The Good Doctor, but I feel like the show often (but not always!) embodied the worst of both worlds in this respect, resulting in some serious cringe. I really don't like how Sean gets to use the assorted patients and suffering loved ones he encounters as his learning lab for life as they're having to grapple with their own serious stuff.
Side thought, I wonder if the thought of queer people having families is ever going to meaningfully influence or warp conservatives' attitudes towards topics like abortion. Most likely, I realize, they'll just hammer their traditional points even harder, but it would be interesting to see a conservative defend a trans man's right to deliver his baby with a straight face. :D
"it would be interesting to see a conservative defend a trans man's right to deliver his baby with a straight face"
they'll defend it but unfortunately they aren't going to be using he/him pronouns when they do :/
@@TheGuindo , sadly, yes, that'll be what they'll do--then, of course, they'll advocate for taking the child away from their parents, I imagine.
I do wonder if there'll ever be a tipping point where conservatives will change their tune on abortion because "the wrong people" are having children and threatening to outnumber them.
Never thought I’d hear Lily say Skibidi toilet but here we are
I always get happy when I see that you posted a video
I have conservative relatives who watch this show with my autistic brother. This made me hopeful. Lily, thanks for not being afraid to be positive + give praise where it's merited. I know it doesn't do as well as the meme stuff but I really enjoyed your insights the whole way thru this & you did a banger job.
I would never have watched this show (and now I've seen every ep since Season 3 onward) if not for my trans wife being a fan and bringing the show into our relationship with her. I never saw the first trans episode, but I certainly saw this one reviewed today, and was pleased with the outcome. Good to see your thoughts on it as well. And seriously, LMAO at your predictions of a medical drama. They are always predictable based on how much time is left on the clock!
Thank you for covering this episode! I’m not someone who watches The Good Doctor, so I’m glad to know that they did such a great job representing the experience of a trans man in this episode! I also love the character growth they are portraying for Sean here.
I’m autistic and have no problem gendering trans people correctly. The secret is that you ask people what they want to be called, and then call them that
Thank you for the great episode!
I love your videos Lily! Love to everyone in the comments sharing their thoughts and stories ❤
very good video and i appreciated the analysis and conclusion about how ragging on stuff for doing poorly means ending up ignoring the parts where they actually succeeded
27:05 funny as one episode he has to go onto woman's health forums to figure out a case of a disorder so rare no one really looked into it...because woman.