📲 Install Raid for Free Mobile and PC: pl.go-ga.me/ympzakty and get a special starter pack with two epic heroes - a very strong champion Lightsworn and once you hit level 15, a boss killer Juliana! ❄ Get into the Christmas mood and grab your in-game and real life gifts at www.raidxmas.com/ ☃
Trying to pitch this idea to you. Rank inflation in League of Legends, D5 used to be exclusive not any more than 0.5% of players are d4. Not sure if you can squeeze 15 minutes out of it.
No way !!! The new champion that is unlike any other champions started out with a bad winrate ??? And Riot buffed him for 12 patches in a row ?! Only for people to learn how to play him and have him be overpowered ???!!!! No way they now nerf him for 12 patches again , right ?! That's a first man , never seen this exact same thing happen with new champs !
That actually only happened with yuumi, all the other unique champs got nerfed right away like aphelios or were very weak due to bugs like azir, the pther case we had is briar but she only got 1 buff and had an op build that no one was using at the start
5:32 Its actually smarter to go for the R first instead of the Q-Q because the R animation is longer and its a harder spell to hit in general compared to Q-Q. If you Q-Q first the enemy might have the chance to dodge cause of tenacity, animation time and flight time of R
Qq is based off max percent health so it's better to do it last but it's the highest dmg number I'm pretty sure the combo is we wq qw r then another qq or qw
When rooted qw does insane dmg and when I do this combo under a sec they die immediately all u need to land is the first e and then the combo is ez to hit u can do ee instead dfor team fights to get aoe passive on them with ur ult but make sure during the combo to not auto bc then ur abilites don't get the we
@@ventiisashrimp you do Q-W (Thunder bolt) last as it executes when it hits isolated or cc`d targets which is why the optimal rotation would be: W-E: empower, self explanatory AA: Empowered AA counts as spell, therefore passive procc, allowing you 2 pasive proccs which can make the difference especially with the Q-W execute on tankier targets. E-Q: fear is better than slow and pull because the enemy cant act unlike when the are slowed, they could still dash away for instance. R: longer cast time than any Q spell, slower projectile speed, if the enemy has high tenacity or if you are too slow you could miss the R if you do it after Q, will also elaborate further. depending on what situation you are in you now go for Q-Q or Q-w. Q-W: You wait until the ult is almost done and then Q-W. No one can block this and almost impossible to dodge it with the slow umless... Q-Q: The enemy has a dash or a lot of slow resistance. This should be done instantly after the R if you decide for this option because waiting doesnt make any sense for this. Trivia: - never forget that W-E aa is a passive procc. - you can W-E while your spell is flying, so if you are fast you can launch your spell and W-E afterwards for more dmg, but why? using W-E instantly indicates that you want to hit your spells on the enemy and puts them on alert, launching spells and W-E will get you the bonus dmg and make it somewhat easier to hit your enemies with it. - if you have enough Ability Haste, the ideal combo would Actually be Q-E -> W-E -> AA -> E-Q(if your enemy is already in it/E-E(into the Q-E if hes not) -> R -> Q-W. Reason as to why Q-E instead of Q-Q is because in general your Q-E will do the most dmg from your Q spells with the hard part being to get your enemy to stay in it, but if you pull your enemy into it or fear him inside its almost guaranteed that he will take the full Q-E duration dmg, but its relatively hard to pull off and needs a lot of AH.
I just don't know what he does, and i think most players fighting against him feel that way, stuff just happen on screen and your health starts depleting even with Hwei off screen, sometimes you see a rumble ult on screen, sometimes you get randomly feared, sometimes you get slowed, he just seems to do everything in urf time
With Hwei, I can see why Dota players call abilities by their name and not their key (apart from the fact that dota 1 keybinds were weird af). It's easier to know that on Invoker 3x Exort is called Sunstrike than it being called EEER XD.
I think that people who have played Invoker from DOTA have a very good advantage in learning how to play Hwei, they have very similar playstile based on the kit, and a very ample skill cap.
"Playing hwei has made me realize how much i spam my buttons while playing this game" NOWAY WHEN YOUR NERVOURS IN THE MIDDLE OF A TEAMFIGHT YOURE NERVOUS NO WAYS
An Addition to the Runes: I played a decent amount of hwei top lane and found that going phase rush against hard engage champions can be helpful especially if your fear into w-q combo isnt up, because you mostly spam w-e or if it isnt enough entirely.
Well I guess this is where the streams went lmao. The only game I playe against hwei, it felt like he had infinite mana with the perma qe shove, super frustrating. I didnt even really lose lane very hard, but the rest of the map lost super hard and I was unable to get out of lane to help them :/.
Sivir but without the mana problems, better long range poke with Xerath ult on cooldown, and cc. Not a 1v9 assassin or bruiser but still annoying in a resource and macro sense.
Like Xerath, he is EXTREMELLY unfun to play against, and even if he was not really that strong in the game, it still feels miserable if you have to face him with mage or on botlane. Yes, both of these champions are not having too high WR, but there is only few things more annoying than facing a champ that can 100-0 you from 3 screens away...
I see this point every time, and as a Xerath main that resorted to play Cho gath, Morde and Ornn top because arty mages mid are a death sentence, I would argue that getting 100-0 by an assassin without any counter play is as frustrating
@@arahelis2038 I mainly play mages like Syndra or Ahri and i dont know if it is just me, but it feels like i have more couterplay to assasins than things like Xerath or Hwei. Yes i know it is personal, and i ALWAYS ban zed, against whom the matchup is LITERALLY unplayable as Syndra, but Xeratg and now Hwei, are THE MOST PAINFUL lanes i am playing, and even if i win in the end, i do not enjoy that game.
@lukasdoubeta I understand ahri but I feel like you are probably not as aggressive as you should be with syndra. If you manage your wave properly there are many positions where hwei can't hit you and you can summon a ball on him. Late game hwei out ranges you but before level 3 ( because he needs E to do his ee qw combo on you). Stand to the left or right of your minons so he can't qw you then he has to make a choice of pushing the wave or hitting yoh with qq and you can just poke him down.
I've been messing around with him and he feels easy to me. I guess I better play some more of him. He's not Invoker, despite the superficial similarities. Invoker is actually hard to play, Hwei is just a stance character. Hwei is a 3 weapon stance character. I wrote most of that before watching the video, but now I'm remember how many hours I put into Master At Arms back in HoN and Invoker back in DOTA 1.
What I want to know is why did Riot hot fix buff this champion TWICE even though he's meant to be this super complicated champion that people will have to learn? Do they think that the newly released champion with a massive skill floor should instantly have 50% win-rate again? It's the Briar situation all over again.
Because you want people to stick with him. Releasing a weak champ means people will play him less and you won't get good testing from skilled players over many games. Releasing a strong champs means people will spam him and all situations and then you can fix him. 😊
When is basically the AP version of Riven. If you dedicate your time learning the combos and when to use them. He can completely shutdown fights. His potential is limitless: picking off enemies, crowd control, utility, zone control and burst. Hwei is a high skill cap champ with a high ceiling, he can build burst or focus team fighting utility.
You made me want to play him even more, I'm a Xerath main and I love artillery mages, but sadly season 12-13 items were really disappointing for arty mages, but I'm so hyped to try him and my other champs next season!
One thing that absolutely breaks Hwei in my eyes is a Hwei duoqueue with a jungler. When the jgl pays (a bit) more attention to mid, sets up one or two kills and protects him it feels like you have no shot as control/atillery mage against him. He simply scales up and within 20 mins he can always oneshot you, no matter where you are.
Extremely skill intensive new champ is released, win rate is abysmal because people haven't figured out the playstyle, Riot buffs the champ patch after patch, then it suddenly becomes extremely OP once people finally start understanding the playstyle and builds and comps. Gnar, Azir, Kalista, Bard, Kindred, original Aurelion Sol, Ivern, Aphelios, Hwei: all these champs were/are high skill floor but high skill ceiling. Anyone could play them on an okay level knowing the basics of the game overall, but playing these specific champs _well_ took a _lot_ of learning that specific champ and their uniqueness. I can confidently say that Hwei will be my new go to for Mid. I main support, but I flex mid often enough, and I main Lux, Morg, Lissandra, Leona, and am planning to start learning Renata. I can confidently say that Hwei plays very similarly to Lux and Liss in different ways - he is far more control mage and not really total burst, like Liss; but he also is an artillery mage with a "get caught by one CC and you're likely dead" like Lux. Hwei also extremely punishes button mashing. If you mash on Hwei, you will mess up your entire combo and all your spells. I am very quickly having to force myself to unlearn my decade of button mashing when I panic because I unexpectedly got jumped on, because with Hwei if you panic you won't EQ to fear the diver, you'll EE somewhere random with no enemies. Or you'll WQ instead of WW to save yourself. Another note on the EW > QW combo: you can even fit a WE in. What I tend to do is throw out a EW when the opportunity arises, then if the enemy evades it I just let it go, but if they trigger the EW lock-on I will WE real fast, after the lock-on but before the projectile reaches the enemy, then QW. This way, if EW doesn't lock on, I'm not wasting mana and cooldown on WE, but I can still get the WE bonus damage on both EW and QW. It can do a disgusting amount of damage for a single poke combo, especially when the enemy has limited space to move, such as when they are under tower or walking out of lane to ward. EQ > QE behind and WQ ahead makes for insane escape potential. Hwei may not have 50 dashes or blinks, but he really is _not_ "immobile". And his WQ and QW are amazing for chasing down fleeing low hp enemies. You can easily stick close enough to continuously QW them and get that kill. Of course, being a technically immobile squishy control mage makes him prime food for a decent number of assassins. Zed and Naafiri and LeBlanc aren't that hard to manage, since they have very predictable movement; but Fizz and Yasuo are anathema for Hwei. Yasuo can be somewhat played around, even though his windwall blocks all your spells, because at least you can play safe and farm and not let him kill you; but Fizz will just jump on you and kill you and there's no counterplay for Hwei. I'm most partial to First Strike into melee or low range enemy laners like melee assassins or Liss or the like, and Comet against higher range enemy laners like Syndra or Orianna or Xerath. Electrocute and Aery are okay, but not great (though I do tend to go Aery when Hwei Support) ; Dark Harvest is a meme rune on him on Summoner's Rift; and Glacial Augment is just bad. Tbh Liandry's is probably his best mythic. The HP helps survival, and the CDR from the mythic bonus helps him cast more. Luden's is okay if you're heavy ahead, but won't do all that much when even or behind.
I played Hwei once in aram, and spent the majority of the game referencing back to the ability augments since i knew nothing about the character, much less that they would have 10 abilities instead of 4. That being said, its pretty likely the numbers are close to where they should be, but the average scrub is gonna make so many mistakes that the win rate will be low for a while
Same shit happens every year, new champ is released, people play them, people don’t understand the kit yet fully, people complain about bad win rate, champ gets buffed hella, champ becomes op, end of cycle. Same shit happened with ornn on release. Ornn OG release we got him in a more OP state than how we have ornn now. But because he had a bad wr on release he got overbuffed then nerfed into oblivion once people understood his kit.
Thank you, I haven't heard the expression APC in ages, I thought this was only existing in my head. And also thank you for encouraging us that it is worth practicing Hwei. I really like this champ, and this video is awesome!
I seriously don't understand how people keep complaining about how champs are too weak when they get released. You simply just don't know how to play them yet, it's like calling akali underpowered because you first timed her and sucked. Hwei has literally everything in his kit, he's like akshan with better items and without a revive. The only thing that could possibly make him weak compared to other champions ( being everything released after 2018) would be the fact that he's a mage without any dashes and hence very vulnerable to assassins. You can literally stand at the T2 turret and still farm the wave with your QW which does extra damage on isolated targets and can oneshots adcs. Anyways rant over, nice video :)
I think Hwei as a design philosophy is like the old days of league, where champions were put into their roles based on where the player base thought they were best. We can see with older champions like brand and morgana being able to jungle, as well as poppy. Older champions have this freedom, but newer champions have been based around roles due to wanting to appeal to giving each role a champion which is fair.
As a Master Xerath Midlane main (and sometimes Ziggs) I can't wait to play this guy. I'm just on the other side of the earth right now and I don't have my setup for anither month so I have tobwait until I get back, but the timing of his release couldn't have been more frustrating. I longed for a moderb take on the Artillery mage archetype and I had high hopes for Vex only for them to scrap the concept so I'm happy to hear Hwei is an Artillery mage
i knew it after his first hot fix too that the first was enough, but they buffed him more and now he has become too much. You also brought up some points i havent thought about like the visual clutter, great vid
Even with the winrate as it is I think Hwei has been one of the best releases of the year. Riot had a very clear vision for this champ with very clear strengths and weaknesses. All in all I think Riot did a great job with Hwei
Unsealed spellbook Hwei main here. c: Had pretty good success, and its my go to rune other than phase rush when I feel like building differently. I also play bard, so I just love spellbook c:
I disagree with hwei being hard, the biggest problem he has is that only his q abilities have range and I feel him more comparable to lux than xerath since he is more dependant on his cc to land and has a big don't touch lasting area Edit: I don't think hwei is hard to play but op both the people playing it and people against him have a hard time understanding what he does at first but the people who keep playing him have the advantage against people who more than probably haven't had that much experience against him
@@nonmagicalwitch Asuka is highly unique and the first of his kind so you can’t say “like a fighting game character” when it’s not even a archetype or something common. The closest to hwei is nine the phantom who functions somewhat similar to him
@@rickyshea it's true that it's not common, especially when Daisuke wants to make a character with 100 different bars and meters. But I really don't think the comparison is that far off. Maybe not between Hwei and more common fighting game characters, that much is true.
I find hwei so interesting, as someone who is new to league I play only support, and I really wanna play midlane hwei but the fun thing is I can play hwei support as well, I'm still learning him and the spamming abilities is getting better w me because of him , and tbh he is such a big change for me since I'm literally otp Seraphine, and I hated Seraphine for the bad lore and annoying personality so to play a champ who has a very cool lore and who is more fun to play then Seraphine is actually something I needed alot , I love hwei so much and he will be my main for a very long time
Talking about Hwei's weakness of being dove and easy to gank, as if not almost every champion in the game has this weakness... His abilities have just too much damage and scaling. He can't just have all AoE abilities that scale better than almost all midlaners and on top of that having a have fear, shield, execute, range, wave clear, infinite mana, movement speed steroid, etc...
Xerath is my usual main, and my couple of games on hwei have felt really smooth because I just play the same way as usual just with more interesting abilities lol
Early bot lane of you try to be even a little aggressive to get a stack you will die, later in the game you can stack it very fast but at that point, it's too late. Aery seems kinda nice bc you can use her both on the speed up and shield but lategame it's very bad, you wanna spam the auto moat of the time, comet is nice but sometimes it misses and late game is mhe, first strike has the same problem of dark harvester, you can't spam early to combo every time, i just take the main tree that has the most good secondary runes, comet is usually the way to go to at least get that early damage+scorch but secondary free boots or the red one (heal+money) is what i usually run, hwei is already immobile, first buy boots it's very good both for damage and mov speed
I prefear to call it yuumi effect. Yuumi on release was strong for me, but then many players who didn't want to understand the New champ, deciced to call out the champ for buffs, and then they cry to delete the champ because After 10-15 buffs it became absurdly OP
Hwei is very much like Arthur from Smite in terms of gameplays, buttons that leads to other buttons that ead to more buttons, the main issue thoug, is that Arthur can pretty much always combo his skills, since its CDs are low, unlike Hwei that has really high Cds early on
I exclusively play Hwei support, with decent success, though I struggle if my ADC sucks (of course I also have games where I play bad) and my main use for the W is actualy WQ or WW, simply because they are my main ways of helping my ADC. WQ especially is often a very unexpected opener at level 2, if you damage the opponent's a little at level 1 and then start engaging on level 2, the speedup is often very much unexpected and unlike your E abilities, they can't exactly flash away from it, you fairly often get to kill on level 2 this way, especially with the added slow from QE. To be fair though, I also play him in a more enchanter sort of style and making use of engage opportunities, I still want to try playing a more mage-like playstyle with him on support though, I only did that like once or twice. Very fun champion.
I was driving 2 hours yesterday and found your channel. I also followed on twitch. I have been trying to find a discord or a way of contacting you. I noticed the Runescape Tunes and i have been a full time content creator on twitch for OSRS for 3 years. I would love to pick your brain about something when you have the time.
I didn't read up on Hwei at all when he came out, just straight into quick play and I figured out what was going on by the second game, by the third I was getting the hang of him, ten game I am comfortable, twenty I am smoking people, not once did I think he was weak, he just didn't feel weak, just a matter of getting used to his combos, otherwise it's not anything new mechanics wise, he's been OP without stat buff, he's exactly like Aph upon release, I managed to get both of their mastery 7 in one week because people think they're hard or something.
Some of you may know about Honkai Star Rails and then Honkai Impact. There are rotations in the second game so learning hwei for honkai players is not a big deal. There is a similar character to hwei too. Griseo
I genuinely have no idea how riot didnt see this coming They made mage aphelios and were shocked when shot loads of utility was super good... AGAIN. I LIKE what they did with Hwei but im too smoothbrained to play him
Cough cough, bad positioning and no mobility + higher cooldowns on W and E. This was the stated reason to why his cooldowns are so high. They needed there to be a massive tradeoff for him to have access to such a huge versatility of spells.
i would had gave him shorter casttime in close range and longer casttime in range, this would give everyone more playzone and interactvity, helps to feel less useless when getting dived and less 0counterplay when hitting lategame
as a akali and talon main i would be really happy if hwei get more popular:) as a low elo player the problem with hwei that players try ro do to much(spam anilityes on cd, trying to do same really hard combos,) so they messed up position mana cs ect. and in lane as soon as you dodge his q spellbook, hwei have literally no damage so it is window for a good small trade and as soon as hwei miss his e it is window for all in) and because hwei players usually combo this abilities one position mistake in this window-free kill or forced recoll
I found him pretty easy, like I too on a few games to get comfortable, but after that it was just positioning for me, I enjoyed his combos for a while and then they got stale. I play a lot of fighting games so his inputs really weren’t that hard to pick up for me. That being said, I will correct you on one combo, unless you are fighting a very strong b target, if someone is cc’d (your eq does have enough time to do this, and it usually isolates them anyways) your wwwill do its bonus damage, but the thing that makes it always the better choice it feels, is it does upwards of 330% plus like 80% ap scaling and good base numbers, so landing it on a target at around 25% health does more damage than your ult which just isn’t fun. So basically, unless your fighting a tank, or someone above like 80% health, always we, his qe is just a burst damage option or a crutch most the time with some good early game poking as it takes a while for qe to get the ranks it needs.
I have over 50 games with him in emerald elo, and I mostly do well with him, but my team always either ints, give up, or gets caught in the late game for no reason and instantly lose the game, I stopped playing him cuz it really took a toll on my LP for spamming him, I drop from D3 to E4, But I honestly don’t know what I was doing wrong, like I genuinely did well in alot of games, even got a quadra in 1 game
Hwei has 1 great design decision his skillshots are reactable just that 1 fact alone keeps him away from pro play (thats good) with skill shot champs like zeri where reacting is nt rly an option you run the issue of you gotta increase the reward cuz bad players miss
I fuckin love hero, champion is made for ADHD people btw, became my new main almost instantly. My friends don’t get how I understand all his abilities decently well for under 20 games played! Love him!
Just to clairify, how far into the download and play process do we have to go for you to get a kickback. I am more than willing to download it and play a little to get you a benifit. But I have played the game before and wont be playing regularly
I have had clutch WW sheilds, but the ability feels undertuned. WQ has always felt fine to me though, it has gotten me out of close encounters many times I also think EE is overall fine. Its range is short enough that you can punish one for using it
📲 Install Raid for Free Mobile and PC: pl.go-ga.me/ympzakty and get a special starter pack with two epic heroes - a very strong champion Lightsworn and once you hit level 15, a boss killer Juliana! ❄ Get into the Christmas mood and grab your in-game and real life gifts at www.raidxmas.com/ ☃
Trying to pitch this idea to you. Rank inflation in League of Legends, D5 used to be exclusive not any more than 0.5% of players are d4. Not sure if you can squeeze 15 minutes out of it.
@@eduards2790this isn't ideal this is well known
No way !!! The new champion that is unlike any other champions started out with a bad winrate ??? And Riot buffed him for 12 patches in a row ?! Only for people to learn how to play him and have him be overpowered ???!!!! No way they now nerf him for 12 patches again , right ?! That's a first man , never seen this exact same thing happen with new champs !
Oh yeah, definitly not the treatment of most unique New champ like yuumi 🤐
Surprised pikachu face
That actually only happened with yuumi, all the other unique champs got nerfed right away like aphelios or were very weak due to bugs like azir, the pther case we had is briar but she only got 1 buff and had an op build that no one was using at the start
Unlike others? Bro all his 9 abilities are cheaper copies of others champs abilities 💀
buuuuuuuuuuut its worth a vid
Honestly I find him incredibly fun. When it clicks he feels fantastic
He is so fun!
this sounds kind of weird
Till he gets nerfed to be normal again.
He's fun, but fun doesn't win games.
Right? Who wants to have fun playing videogames? Pff like, that's not what they were made for
As a player of both Dota and League its funny seeing the league community try to navigate an Invoker level champ and the fires that comes with it.
5:32 Its actually smarter to go for the R first instead of the Q-Q because the R animation is longer and its a harder spell to hit in general compared to Q-Q. If you Q-Q first the enemy might have the chance to dodge cause of tenacity, animation time and flight time of R
Qq is based off max percent health so it's better to do it last but it's the highest dmg number I'm pretty sure the combo is we wq qw r then another qq or qw
When rooted qw does insane dmg and when I do this combo under a sec they die immediately all u need to land is the first e and then the combo is ez to hit u can do ee instead dfor team fights to get aoe passive on them with ur ult but make sure during the combo to not auto bc then ur abilites don't get the we
@@ventiisashrimp you do Q-W (Thunder bolt) last as it executes when it hits isolated or cc`d targets which is why the optimal rotation would be:
W-E: empower, self explanatory
AA: Empowered AA counts as spell, therefore passive procc, allowing you 2 pasive proccs which can make the difference especially with the Q-W execute on tankier targets.
E-Q: fear is better than slow and pull because the enemy cant act unlike when the are slowed, they could still dash away for instance.
R: longer cast time than any Q spell, slower projectile speed, if the enemy has high tenacity or if you are too slow you could miss the R if you do it after Q, will also elaborate further.
depending on what situation you are in you now go for Q-Q or Q-w.
Q-W: You wait until the ult is almost done and then Q-W. No one can block this and almost impossible to dodge it with the slow umless...
Q-Q: The enemy has a dash or a lot of slow resistance. This should be done instantly after the R if you decide for this option because waiting doesnt make any sense for this.
- never forget that W-E aa is a passive procc.
- you can W-E while your spell is flying, so if you are fast you can launch your spell and W-E afterwards for more dmg, but why? using W-E instantly indicates that you want to hit your spells on the enemy and puts them on alert, launching spells and W-E will get you the bonus dmg and make it somewhat easier to hit your enemies with it.
- if you have enough Ability Haste, the ideal combo would Actually be Q-E -> W-E -> AA -> E-Q(if your enemy is already in it/E-E(into the Q-E if hes not) -> R -> Q-W. Reason as to why Q-E instead of Q-Q is because in general your Q-E will do the most dmg from your Q spells with the hard part being to get your enemy to stay in it, but if you pull your enemy into it or fear him inside its almost guaranteed that he will take the full Q-E duration dmg, but its relatively hard to pull off and needs a lot of AH.
The trick with hwei is stacking ability haste to the maximum amount.
He's an arsenal mage who requires maximum uptime for infinite spam
Everyone's so used to the privilege of having 50 dashes and mobility spells that no one knows how to pilot champs that don't have one anymore.
Yeah. This is basically a new champ for current Xerath players. All the kinds of Xerath players
I just don't know what he does, and i think most players fighting against him feel that way, stuff just happen on screen and your health starts depleting even with Hwei off screen, sometimes you see a rumble ult on screen, sometimes you get randomly feared, sometimes you get slowed, he just seems to do everything in urf time
With Hwei, I can see why Dota players call abilities by their name and not their key (apart from the fact that dota 1 keybinds were weird af).
It's easier to know that on Invoker 3x Exort is called Sunstrike than it being called EEER XD.
Ngl, I’ve been a-Hwei from League for a hot minute, and I thought this guy was just some goofy Aphelios skin at first.
I think that people who have played Invoker from DOTA have a very good advantage in learning how to play Hwei, they have very similar playstile based on the kit, and a very ample skill cap.
What I love about hwei is that playing him is like having a little fighting game character in a game like league 😂
Do you play fighting games? Haha
"Playing hwei has made me realize how much i spam my buttons while playing this game" NOWAY WHEN YOUR NERVOURS IN THE MIDDLE OF A TEAMFIGHT YOURE NERVOUS NO WAYS
I have a 56% WR on him and a decent KDA. I love playing Hwei! Most fun i've had with a champ in years.
He is very fun!
An Addition to the Runes: I played a decent amount of hwei top lane and found that going phase rush against hard engage champions can be helpful especially if your fear into w-q combo isnt up, because you mostly spam w-e or if it isnt enough entirely.
Well I guess this is where the streams went lmao.
The only game I playe against hwei, it felt like he had infinite mana with the perma qe shove, super frustrating. I didnt even really lose lane very hard, but the rest of the map lost super hard and I was unable to get out of lane to help them :/.
Sivir but without the mana problems, better long range poke with Xerath ult on cooldown, and cc. Not a 1v9 assassin or bruiser but still annoying in a resource and macro sense.
Like Xerath, he is EXTREMELLY unfun to play against, and even if he was not really that strong in the game, it still feels miserable if you have to face him with mage or on botlane. Yes, both of these champions are not having too high WR, but there is only few things more annoying than facing a champ that can 100-0 you from 3 screens away...
I see this point every time, and as a Xerath main that resorted to play Cho gath, Morde and Ornn top because arty mages mid are a death sentence, I would argue that getting 100-0 by an assassin without any counter play is as frustrating
@@arahelis2038 I mainly play mages like Syndra or Ahri and i dont know if it is just me, but it feels like i have more couterplay to assasins than things like Xerath or Hwei. Yes i know it is personal, and i ALWAYS ban zed, against whom the matchup is LITERALLY unplayable as Syndra, but Xeratg and now Hwei, are THE MOST PAINFUL lanes i am playing, and even if i win in the end, i do not enjoy that game.
@lukasdoubeta I understand ahri but I feel like you are probably not as aggressive as you should be with syndra. If you manage your wave properly there are many positions where hwei can't hit you and you can summon a ball on him. Late game hwei out ranges you but before level 3 ( because he needs E to do his ee qw combo on you). Stand to the left or right of your minons so he can't qw you then he has to make a choice of pushing the wave or hitting yoh with qq and you can just poke him down.
How? He can't even hit through minions... Xerath makes the game literally unplayable and can kill any squishy from 5 screens away with his ult alone.
Give Hwei something like Invoker's Ghost walk and the win rate will sky rocket to the moon.
Exil put as many sponsorships at the start as you want. Get that bag brother👍
I've been messing around with him and he feels easy to me. I guess I better play some more of him. He's not Invoker, despite the superficial similarities. Invoker is actually hard to play, Hwei is just a stance character. Hwei is a 3 weapon stance character.
I wrote most of that before watching the video, but now I'm remember how many hours I put into Master At Arms back in HoN and Invoker back in DOTA 1.
I play Hwei as a support. The WQ and WW are really good for lane and fights
What I want to know is why did Riot hot fix buff this champion TWICE even though he's meant to be this super complicated champion that people will have to learn? Do they think that the newly released champion with a massive skill floor should instantly have 50% win-rate again? It's the Briar situation all over again.
Because you want people to stick with him. Releasing a weak champ means people will play him less and you won't get good testing from skilled players over many games. Releasing a strong champs means people will spam him and all situations and then you can fix him. 😊
Because he's REALLY weak.
Briar is VERY strong, that's the difference.
When is basically the AP version of Riven. If you dedicate your time learning the combos and when to use them. He can completely shutdown fights. His potential is limitless: picking off enemies, crowd control, utility, zone control and burst. Hwei is a high skill cap champ with a high ceiling, he can build burst or focus team fighting utility.
You made me want to play him even more, I'm a Xerath main and I love artillery mages, but sadly season 12-13 items were really disappointing for arty mages, but I'm so hyped to try him and my other champs next season!
For most mages tbh. S14 feels very nice, at least on Ryze.
7:40 you can run and get a Hwei?
15:31 and his skin making all of his abilities look really similar also makes it really unfun.
One thing that absolutely breaks Hwei in my eyes is a Hwei duoqueue with a jungler. When the jgl pays (a bit) more attention to mid, sets up one or two kills and protects him it feels like you have no shot as control/atillery mage against him. He simply scales up and within 20 mins he can always oneshot you, no matter where you are.
Extremely skill intensive new champ is released, win rate is abysmal because people haven't figured out the playstyle, Riot buffs the champ patch after patch, then it suddenly becomes extremely OP once people finally start understanding the playstyle and builds and comps.
Gnar, Azir, Kalista, Bard, Kindred, original Aurelion Sol, Ivern, Aphelios, Hwei: all these champs were/are high skill floor but high skill ceiling. Anyone could play them on an okay level knowing the basics of the game overall, but playing these specific champs _well_ took a _lot_ of learning that specific champ and their uniqueness.
I can confidently say that Hwei will be my new go to for Mid. I main support, but I flex mid often enough, and I main Lux, Morg, Lissandra, Leona, and am planning to start learning Renata. I can confidently say that Hwei plays very similarly to Lux and Liss in different ways - he is far more control mage and not really total burst, like Liss; but he also is an artillery mage with a "get caught by one CC and you're likely dead" like Lux.
Hwei also extremely punishes button mashing. If you mash on Hwei, you will mess up your entire combo and all your spells. I am very quickly having to force myself to unlearn my decade of button mashing when I panic because I unexpectedly got jumped on, because with Hwei if you panic you won't EQ to fear the diver, you'll EE somewhere random with no enemies. Or you'll WQ instead of WW to save yourself.
Another note on the EW > QW combo: you can even fit a WE in. What I tend to do is throw out a EW when the opportunity arises, then if the enemy evades it I just let it go, but if they trigger the EW lock-on I will WE real fast, after the lock-on but before the projectile reaches the enemy, then QW. This way, if EW doesn't lock on, I'm not wasting mana and cooldown on WE, but I can still get the WE bonus damage on both EW and QW. It can do a disgusting amount of damage for a single poke combo, especially when the enemy has limited space to move, such as when they are under tower or walking out of lane to ward.
EQ > QE behind and WQ ahead makes for insane escape potential. Hwei may not have 50 dashes or blinks, but he really is _not_ "immobile".
And his WQ and QW are amazing for chasing down fleeing low hp enemies. You can easily stick close enough to continuously QW them and get that kill.
Of course, being a technically immobile squishy control mage makes him prime food for a decent number of assassins. Zed and Naafiri and LeBlanc aren't that hard to manage, since they have very predictable movement; but Fizz and Yasuo are anathema for Hwei. Yasuo can be somewhat played around, even though his windwall blocks all your spells, because at least you can play safe and farm and not let him kill you; but Fizz will just jump on you and kill you and there's no counterplay for Hwei.
I'm most partial to First Strike into melee or low range enemy laners like melee assassins or Liss or the like, and Comet against higher range enemy laners like Syndra or Orianna or Xerath.
Electrocute and Aery are okay, but not great (though I do tend to go Aery when Hwei Support) ; Dark Harvest is a meme rune on him on Summoner's Rift; and Glacial Augment is just bad.
Tbh Liandry's is probably his best mythic. The HP helps survival, and the CDR from the mythic bonus helps him cast more. Luden's is okay if you're heavy ahead, but won't do all that much when even or behind.
Exil with the quality uploads never misses nice and great video!
Thanks :)
I played Hwei once in aram, and spent the majority of the game referencing back to the ability augments since i knew nothing about the character, much less that they would have 10 abilities instead of 4. That being said, its pretty likely the numbers are close to where they should be, but the average scrub is gonna make so many mistakes that the win rate will be low for a while
Same shit happens every year, new champ is released, people play them, people don’t understand the kit yet fully, people complain about bad win rate, champ gets buffed hella, champ becomes op, end of cycle. Same shit happened with ornn on release. Ornn OG release we got him in a more OP state than how we have ornn now. But because he had a bad wr on release he got overbuffed then nerfed into oblivion once people understood his kit.
Thank you, I haven't heard the expression APC in ages, I thought this was only existing in my head. And also thank you for encouraging us that it is worth practicing Hwei. I really like this champ, and this video is awesome!
2:00 yes we do, and thank you raid shadoow legend for sponsoring so we can have quality games and videos.
I seriously don't understand how people keep complaining about how champs are too weak when they get released. You simply just don't know how to play them yet, it's like calling akali underpowered because you first timed her and sucked. Hwei has literally everything in his kit, he's like akshan with better items and without a revive. The only thing that could possibly make him weak compared to other champions ( being everything released after 2018) would be the fact that he's a mage without any dashes and hence very vulnerable to assassins. You can literally stand at the T2 turret and still farm the wave with your QW which does extra damage on isolated targets and can oneshots adcs.
Anyways rant over, nice video :)
I think Hwei as a design philosophy is like the old days of league, where champions were put into their roles based on where the player base thought they were best. We can see with older champions like brand and morgana being able to jungle, as well as poppy. Older champions have this freedom, but newer champions have been based around roles due to wanting to appeal to giving each role a champion which is fair.
As a Master Xerath Midlane main (and sometimes Ziggs) I can't wait to play this guy. I'm just on the other side of the earth right now and I don't have my setup for anither month so I have tobwait until I get back, but the timing of his release couldn't have been more frustrating. I longed for a moderb take on the Artillery mage archetype and I had high hopes for Vex only for them to scrap the concept so I'm happy to hear Hwei is an Artillery mage
Now that LoL has its own Invoker, how long before Riot adds a micro heavy champ like Meepo?
Now THAT would be interesting
i knew it after his first hot fix too that the first was enough, but they buffed him more and now he has become too much. You also brought up some points i havent thought about like the visual clutter, great vid
the second buff wasnt that much be serious dude
it just makes his early game losing matchups more bearable and not a guaranteed loss
And let me guess, the 2ad zeri buff made her op too right?
You're a clown
Even with the winrate as it is I think Hwei has been one of the best releases of the year. Riot had a very clear vision for this champ with very clear strengths and weaknesses. All in all I think Riot did a great job with Hwei
i think the mix of unique champ+imobile laner and the fact that ON PBE WE HAD DIFFERENT ITEMS was all factors for his low winrate
you have made me want to play him, he reminds me of that dota character, which i liked how they can change their moves, he's very fun to play
Unsealed spellbook Hwei main here. c: Had pretty good success, and its my go to rune other than phase rush when I feel like building differently. I also play bard, so I just love spellbook c:
I disagree with hwei being hard, the biggest problem he has is that only his q abilities have range and I feel him more comparable to lux than xerath since he is more dependant on his cc to land and has a big don't touch lasting area
Edit: I don't think hwei is hard to play but op both the people playing it and people against him have a hard time understanding what he does at first but the people who keep playing him have the advantage against people who more than probably haven't had that much experience against him
Hwei honestly just feels like a fighting game character and that's why I like him.
Feels nothing like a fighting game character. Insane takes from people who don’t play fighting games…
@@rickyshea Have you, like, ever seen a spellcaster character in fighting games? Asuka R# comes to mind, and he's got, like, 100 spells
@@nonmagicalwitch Asuka is highly unique and the first of his kind so you can’t say “like a fighting game character” when it’s not even a archetype or something common. The closest to hwei is nine the phantom who functions somewhat similar to him
@@rickyshea it's true that it's not common, especially when Daisuke wants to make a character with 100 different bars and meters. But I really don't think the comparison is that far off. Maybe not between Hwei and more common fighting game characters, that much is true.
I treat his like I treated learning Azir. I will feed until I become unstoppable. The potential is there, I'm not .... yet.
I find hwei so interesting, as someone who is new to league I play only support, and I really wanna play midlane hwei but the fun thing is I can play hwei support as well, I'm still learning him and the spamming abilities is getting better w me because of him , and tbh he is such a big change for me since I'm literally otp Seraphine, and I hated Seraphine for the bad lore and annoying personality so to play a champ who has a very cool lore and who is more fun to play then Seraphine is actually something I needed alot , I love hwei so much and he will be my main for a very long time
Talking about Hwei's weakness of being dove and easy to gank, as if not almost every champion in the game has this weakness...
His abilities have just too much damage and scaling. He can't just have all AoE abilities that scale better than almost all midlaners and on top of that having a have fear, shield, execute, range, wave clear, infinite mana, movement speed steroid, etc...
Xerath is my usual main, and my couple of games on hwei have felt really smooth because I just play the same way as usual just with more interesting abilities lol
Idk, this vid just makes me miss old documentary Exil
2:40 "her cake it's insanely good"
"1v9 if you're backline" implies it's at least a 2v8.
8:40 ye as an aphel otp i can feel with you guys ^^
When Nemesis is playing Hwei, I feel like it's the most disgusting champ I've ever seen.
Early bot lane of you try to be even a little aggressive to get a stack you will die, later in the game you can stack it very fast but at that point, it's too late. Aery seems kinda nice bc you can use her both on the speed up and shield but lategame it's very bad, you wanna spam the auto moat of the time, comet is nice but sometimes it misses and late game is mhe, first strike has the same problem of dark harvester, you can't spam early to combo every time, i just take the main tree that has the most good secondary runes, comet is usually the way to go to at least get that early damage+scorch but secondary free boots or the red one (heal+money) is what i usually run, hwei is already immobile, first buy boots it's very good both for damage and mov speed
Paraphrasing PekinWoof: "why would i play a dogshit champion that may require a lot of time to be useful if i can one shot right now as Orianna?"
The Briar effect
Azir 2.0
I prefear to call it yuumi effect.
Yuumi on release was strong for me, but then many players who didn't want to understand the New champ, deciced to call out the champ for buffs, and then they cry to delete the champ because After 10-15 buffs it became absurdly OP
Bad new pfp, your old one was so iconic i think it's gonna hurt your brand
12:12 Literally laughing out loud right now.
Hwei is very much like Arthur from Smite in terms of gameplays, buttons that leads to other buttons that ead to more buttons, the main issue thoug, is that Arthur can pretty much always combo his skills, since its CDs are low, unlike Hwei that has really high Cds early on
ok, but how good does it feel to land a w-e e-q r q-w combo on an enemy and completely anihilating them?
I exclusively play Hwei support, with decent success, though I struggle if my ADC sucks (of course I also have games where I play bad) and my main use for the W is actualy WQ or WW, simply because they are my main ways of helping my ADC. WQ especially is often a very unexpected opener at level 2, if you damage the opponent's a little at level 1 and then start engaging on level 2, the speedup is often very much unexpected and unlike your E abilities, they can't exactly flash away from it, you fairly often get to kill on level 2 this way, especially with the added slow from QE.
To be fair though, I also play him in a more enchanter sort of style and making use of engage opportunities, I still want to try playing a more mage-like playstyle with him on support though, I only did that like once or twice. Very fun champion.
Played against him a few times in aram. Dude is strong. His range, utilities and dmg are quite insane. He's like xerath but way better.
I was driving 2 hours yesterday and found your channel. I also followed on twitch. I have been trying to find a discord or a way of contacting you. I noticed the Runescape Tunes and i have been a full time content creator on twitch for OSRS for 3 years. I would love to pick your brain about something when you have the time.
weird how a high skill champ starts low winrate and then skyrockets since people get good + buffs
I didn't read up on Hwei at all when he came out, just straight into quick play and I figured out what was going on by the second game, by the third I was getting the hang of him, ten game I am comfortable, twenty I am smoking people, not once did I think he was weak, he just didn't feel weak, just a matter of getting used to his combos, otherwise it's not anything new mechanics wise, he's been OP without stat buff, he's exactly like Aph upon release, I managed to get both of their mastery 7 in one week because people think they're hard or something.
Some of you may know about Honkai Star Rails and then Honkai Impact. There are rotations in the second game so learning hwei for honkai players is not a big deal. There is a similar character to hwei too. Griseo
1:37 made me actually chuckle
I think Hwei is super fun and I spammed him a lot but I've kinda slowed down for the reasons you've said
I genuinely have no idea how riot didnt see this coming
They made mage aphelios and were shocked when shot loads of utility was super good... AGAIN.
I LIKE what they did with Hwei but im too smoothbrained to play him
Video begins at 3:41
lol this made me check if I accidentally turned on my music settings in runescape
Get all the sponsors you could want. How can anyone be upset that you're getting compensated for all your hard work.
This channel is so underrated
So your telling me that.... YOU KNOW DA HWEI??? MY BROTHA
Honestly, the only thing that I want riot to buff is his early Q cool down and E damage.
I love Hwei because he is OP and literally can do everything. Having 10 abilities is way too many for 1 champ. He has no downside.
Cough cough, bad positioning and no mobility + higher cooldowns on W and E.
This was the stated reason to why his cooldowns are so high. They needed there to be a massive tradeoff for him to have access to such a huge versatility of spells.
It's actually kinda funny how Riot imeplementing Invoker mechanics literally melted the brains of League's playerbase.
This champion is the AP Aphelios. People will probably take some months to fully use his kit. It's not necessarily hard, it's just A LOT.
How do I get that foggy Summoner's rift map? I love it
i would had gave him shorter casttime in close range and longer casttime in range, this would give everyone more playzone and interactvity, helps to feel less useless when getting dived and less 0counterplay when hitting lategame
Honey! Come quick! New Exil video dropped! And it's about that champ I've been cursing for weeks! :D
When i tried, Hwei didnt feel terrible to play because he was super weak, he felt terrible because i felt like i was a moron
How do you do that lighting effect on your gameplay footage?
Another escape combo I'm trying to learn and see if it works is one of the e CC's then wq and throw qe behind me
i played against him as xerath, he just spammed thunderbolts every time i Q or R like bruh wat am i supposed to do
as a akali and talon main i would be really happy if hwei get more popular:)
as a low elo player the problem with hwei that players try ro do to much(spam anilityes on cd, trying to do same really hard combos,) so they messed up position mana cs ect.
and in lane as soon as you dodge his q spellbook, hwei have literally no damage so it is window for a good small trade and as soon as hwei miss his e it is window for all in) and because hwei players usually combo this abilities one position mistake in this window-free kill or forced recoll
I still want to see bee man Xerath. He's made of bees!
When i play him i feel like i am out range by most mages
i think the biggest problem is that the qw range is too much its like a swain w that deals significantly more damage and comes out quicker
You can avoid it completely 90% of the time. It doesn't come out quicker at all.
I found him pretty easy, like I too on a few games to get comfortable, but after that it was just positioning for me, I enjoyed his combos for a while and then they got stale. I play a lot of fighting games so his inputs really weren’t that hard to pick up for me. That being said, I will correct you on one combo, unless you are fighting a very strong b target, if someone is cc’d (your eq does have enough time to do this, and it usually isolates them anyways) your wwwill do its bonus damage, but the thing that makes it always the better choice it feels, is it does upwards of 330% plus like 80% ap scaling and good base numbers, so landing it on a target at around 25% health does more damage than your ult which just isn’t fun. So basically, unless your fighting a tank, or someone above like 80% health, always we, his qe is just a burst damage option or a crutch most the time with some good early game poking as it takes a while for qe to get the ranks it needs.
guess nobody knows the hwei
5:41 definition of stay calm and play
I have the early game down, but I need more practise with him late and he keeps getting banned so I can’t practise him properly :(
my prediction is his winrate is going to go up from here to like 47-49 and then he is gonna get nerfed more
I have over 50 games with him in emerald elo, and I mostly do well with him, but my team always either ints, give up, or gets caught in the late game for no reason and instantly lose the game, I stopped playing him cuz it really took a toll on my LP for spamming him, I drop from D3 to E4, But I honestly don’t know what I was doing wrong, like I genuinely did well in alot of games, even got a quadra in 1 game
Welcome to emerald elo. Full of boosted silvers and washed masters. Worst elo hell get out of
Hwei doesn't have carry potential which makes him a bad choice for solo queue
@@Digger-Nick Yea ig I realized that the hard way, hes Lux but with alot more steps
Hwei has 1 great design decision
his skillshots are reactable
just that 1 fact alone keeps him away from pro play (thats good)
with skill shot champs like zeri where reacting is nt rly an option you run the issue of
you gotta increase the reward cuz bad players miss
I fuckin love hero, champion is made for ADHD people btw, became my new main almost instantly. My friends don’t get how I understand all his abilities decently well for under 20 games played! Love him!
Hwei is a vivid example of the fact that League players are simply not able to handle complex mechanics. League is a game for players without skills.
Just to clairify, how far into the download and play process do we have to go for you to get a kickback. I am more than willing to download it and play a little to get you a benifit. But I have played the game before and wont be playing regularly
I have had clutch WW sheilds, but the ability feels undertuned. WQ has always felt fine to me though, it has gotten me out of close encounters many times
I also think EE is overall fine. Its range is short enough that you can punish one for using it
Finally. People feeling the Xerath pain 😈
But where are the explantion of abilites ? I though u will share the abilities of this champion. Can you please do ?