For those of us that grew up in rural America, we want to go home, the world isn't home anymore. We want to go back to a time and place where hard work meant something, where a mans word held worth, where you didn't struggle to just be told to struggle some more, where the world let you live in liberty and peace. Somewhere that world died. It is gone. This world is now foreign, an alien place we no longer recognize. And for those of us that had a taste of it is sorrow, anguish, for we know what the world has lost.
Do you think maybe we’re just a bit more honest. It’s a diverse world, always has been. There is absolute truth, but ignorance and nostalgia are poor substitutes for enlightenment- real, discerned acceptance and courage.
@@Criticalthink21st "it's a diverse world" what does that have ANYTHING to do with what they said? You come off as just repeating talking points. OP was talking about how effort, and hard work is useless yet you imply he's being racist by implying he doesn't accept diversity. Yeah there's all sorts of people of different backgrounds. Regardless of where you come from or what you look like what he said doesn't change. Your effort should matter and you should not get kicked down for even bothering to try. You have a brain rot injecting race into a message about working hard
I think what he means about going home is that whenever the Lord brings him home, he’s ready for it to happen, as this world has little to nothing for him anymore.
Growing up in southern churches, going home usually referenced going home to the heaven with the lord. But, I think here he may be using it as double entendres.
The Holy Bible has informed us... #mankind, for thousands of years that #JesusChrist is the only way. This world is controlled more than ever by Satan, because we're livin in the end times, the end of the earth age! Accept the #PlanOfSalvation that #Jesus #Christ offers to all of #mankind because #TheresMore! Refer to the #HolyBible for more #information. It's in the #Bible that you'll find #truth; the #WholeTruth!
It's not's sorrow!!! There's a cry in his voice that just needs you to hear it!!! Love this guy and feel his pain. We all do!!! Live free, laugh hard, be kind, feel blessed my friend!!!
It's called the Appalchian Wail. Some historians think it came from the Scottish who emigrated and morphed into what you hear here. I've had the privilege to spent many years travelling the deep south with my job. I came back to the UK with a whole new respect that I attribute to culture shock. I've been in the mountains in a guys shed he was brewing moonshine in (he asked home owners kindly for their apples that had fallen to use). AK47 in the corner, moonshine being brewed and just good music. Absolutely blessed I was.
Live Free you say , i think you must live in a Cave in Mongolia , there is no freedom anymore , trust me when you come off the drugs and sober up then you will understand , but it maybe too late by then , the clock is ticking closer to MIDNIGHT
As a Christian, he is stating that he is ready to go home to glory. To go home to heaven. In my faith, I completely understand what he meant and it resonates with me. I lost my family, and I so desperately wanted to be with the Lord. There will be no more pain or tears. That is what that means.
I know exactly how he feels as a Christian. The longing to be with the Lord. To live is Christ and to die is gain. What we loose in life we gain in heaven.
Sometimes helping the everyday person consists of just saying how he feels in this world. His music helps some of us feel as if we are not alone, like the media would have you believe if you are not on a side. He's already helping a lot of people who don't fit in either box. Thank you Oliver Anthony. We love his message.
When he says "I want to go home" it's definitely about death. Reminds me of Elijah's suicide prayer, 1 Kings, when he lays down under the broom tree and wants to die. It's more than just sad. It's deeply honest and who can't relate to that? The deal with Oliver is that despite the deep sadness, there is hope. He's singing, sharing and giving comfort to people.
One morsel that adds to this song that many miss is “grandson sells the family farm to a man from out of town.” It’s happened a lot where I live. No regard for the community or future, only for the $$$ and self to the detriment of others. Adds to the sorrow.
The biggest ranch along the Canadian Rockies was sold off in sections by a surviving nephew. It was the end of an era as the land mass that the original owners had amassed was incomparable in the area. People were shocked at how much land the two brothers left.
It’s happening here in VA EVERYWHERE. It’s making me SCREAM inside. The grandchildren are selling off the dang INHERITANCE!! What the flip is wrong w them?!
@@peachykeen7634 they can't make a living off the land anymore (can't compete against large commercial farming) and there aren't enough jobs in rural areas anymore (automation in factories, main streets without small businesses) so they're gone to the cities and the family land becomes a burden more than anything else. I'm going to be facing this dilemma myself soon enough. A large family farm in GA that doesn't turn a profit, but is 6 hrs away from where I live.
@@somerandomguy706 I get it… and the problem is that the system makes the most sense for commercial industries and it’s an uneven playing field for family farms.
Great reaction video. I believe the line goes, " Lord, I wanna go home" and I take it to mean he's ready to go to heaven. Not by suicide, but just out of frustration from struggling to survive in the world he finds himself in and he cannot see a path forward out of his malaise. Good lyrics can mean different things to different people.
No, He wants to go home! as in away from "all the people who just do what ever the TV tells them too". He does not want to leave this world in any shape or form. He is sick of the stupid people. He wants them to wake up. He says it over and over.
@@toast47624he wants to go home to be with the Lord. Our Blessed hope. It's what every Christian contemplates whenever we think of the temporary nature of our existence here in this world. It's comforting to think of a place outside of the control of man on earth. I look forward and up. 🙏
@@toast47624Ummm, if what you said is what he meant, he wouldn't have said "Down on my knees, begging Lord to take me home". He most certainly is talking about Heaven. He's not suicidal, but he's done being here to have to witness the downward spiral of the world today. And I don't blame him one bit, I feel the same way. I wanna go home.
Bravo! I re-watched your Richmond reaction and better understand your point of view. As far as Chris, Oliver Anthony's given name, goes, please check out his story of tramatic brain injury and the depths he went through. Self medicating with alcohol and marijuana drove him deep into depression (psychotic episodes?). Falling down on his knees and parying for the Lord to take him Home, is your second hypothesis. The depth of his pain mentally, coupled with the pain from the world around him lead him to these lyrics. Since he hit bottom, he's refound his faith, stopped drinking, and moving people around the world. Cheers from Cheyenne!
I forgot what name of the channel but this opera singer/ singing teacher did a reaction and broke down the anatomy of singing is influenced by emotion nerves an such . Good video that expands on some of what you said.
I have lived in the same state as him my entire life. I have spent time in his hometown of Farmville, va. I have spent time the mountains where his family is from. I don't know him, never met him at all, but I think I know lots of people like him. There was a time in rural Virginia when a man could work an honest day and have a nice little life with a house, happy kids and a happy wife. It seems that is much more difficult to achieve here these days. And to add to that we have a changing world (which is nothing new) but part of those changes are often interpreted by people that are struggling as an attack on them or people like them (which lead to some of the odd political outcomes in the US over the past few years, IMO). It is a clash of culture to an extent, here we are as men being taught by our fathers and grandfathers that we should be able to support our families, should live a "right" life, should work and not complain...and we often find ourselves sort of lost in this "new" world which just does not respect nor does it really fit into those values. This perceived failure and the "attack" from some of society that goes along with it leaves lots of men just lost. This song, at least to me, expresses some of that lost feeling. In addition, I think the "I want to go home" is referring to the world that he was raised in or the world that his fathers and grandfathers told him about. He is cursing himself because he cannot live up to what has been taught is his role as a man, IMO. Anyway, enjoyed your comments on the song.
There is a duality in his lyrics, for sure. He leaves it up to you to figure out. It could be the secular longing for the world when things were not as crazy, but also it could be more theological. (i.e. Rapture) Powerful feeling of a man groping for sanity in the world.
Tbh as a guy who grew up a southern Protestant there isn’t really any other way to interpret “Home” than as his Eternal Reward. He says it in the first bar, without God he sees no reason to feign sanity.
To me these lyrics right here they're like the soundtrack to our modern existential crisis, ya know? I mean, 'Millennial Christian Existentialism' and 'Country Kierkegaard'? That's some highbrow stuff right there. But seriously, it's wild how we're all searching for something more in this crazy world. This song, it's like a mirror reflecting the chaos and longing we all feel. So yeah, I wanna go home too, man. Home to a simpler time, or maybe just a time when we all had a little more clarity about what the he11 is going on. Cheers to the journey, my friend@@ryanw3658
@@ryanw3658As the child of Southern Baptist missionaries, there's plenty of reason to interpret "home" as something more abstract than heaven. The Psalms, Ecclesiastes, Lamentations, and so many other books (especially in the books of prophesy) in the bible describe crying out to God in the midst of despair, in times of feeling lost and unsure when the world is crashing down around the authors' ears. The longing for a place of safety and security is universal. If, for example, you take Psalm 3, the Hebrew word translated as "cried out" means to accost. To grab God by his buttonhole and demand an answer. I'm not saying you're wrong, mind you. I haven't heard him explain the intended meaning, so you could be on the nose. I'm just saying that there's definitely room for other interpretations based on biblical texts.
I don’t believe you need a biblical text argument to understand he’s clearly talking about heaven as home, just read the lyrics. “Cause every day livin’ in this new world is one too many days to me” “I’m just down on my knees beggin’, Lord take me home” The whole song really centers around this world that’s full of wars, greed and people losing their way, going to his physical home is not a solution he’s singing about. Our true home as Christians is Heaven and this world is merely a journey to our final destination. I think Oliver paints a picture that many of us can relate because the struggle is real for many of us.
When he cries that he wants to go Home, it is a cry to Go (back) to When he felt safe, secure and had insignificant worries. Whether Heavenly or Earthly..
What I think is important about the lyrics "If it weren't for my old dogs and the good Lord" is that studies show that one of the most important factors for mental health and resilience is to have a social support network - family, friends, community, church. The increase in mental health issues could be less political issues and more that we are increasing atomized socially. Families are smaller. In my parents day they grew up with grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins all living close by (or with them, at times). Now people move around, fewer people are having children. There is less extended family to provide emotional support. People don't stay at the same job for 45 years like my dad (78 and still working), so there is less stability, fewer chances to make friends that live in the same neighborhood or even the same city for more than a few years. Fewer people are going to church regularly and however you feel about religion, a strong connection to a faith group provides more of that social support and stability. Decades ago, many people were involved in civic and fraternal organizations - the Jaycees, the Optimist Club, the Shriner's, The Elks, The Eagles, The Lions, The Junior League... We don't do that any more either. Social media is a poor substitute. I believe for the improvement of mental health in society we need to resurrect the structures in society that supported it - community and civic organizations, extended families, faith groups/churches, cohesive neighborhoods where people actually interact. When you hear people in my parents generation talking about growing up - they knew their neighbors. They played with the kids in the neighborhood. Their parents socialized with people in the neighborhood. I think part of what happened there is that so many women entered the workforce. I was a stay-at-home mom for a few years. During the day, my neighborhood was EMPTY. I would have loved to have other women over for coffee or to chat with over the back fence - but nobody was there and I felt isolated and alone. There is not much chance to make friends with your neighbors if you are only home to eat and sleep. Parents work, after work middle class parents are ferrying kids from one organized activity (sports, dance, clubs, extra classes) to another. Families barely have any time to socialize with each other, much less anyone else. Is it any wonder we feel alienated and alone, even in a crowd?
Have to disagree about your conclusion about church. He's not part of a church, but he found Jesus. He begged him to help him to get sober, and he would do his will. I believe God sent him to help us. Other than that, I think your analysis is spot on.
This isolation problem is very serious but impossible to fix. Humans tend to be selfish creatures who are poor at tolerating our differences. We self isolate as a result. But we face a common enemy, a common threat, it unites us. It forces us to to overlook our petty differences to face the greater fears of our common enemy. The problem with society today is that we have had too much peace and prosperity for too long. Ever since the end of WWII we have had no real threat to our existence and lives. This easy life, with no big external threat to unite us, has caused society to drift towards selfish indulgence and petty self centered bickering. External threats are the glue that holds society together. Without them, society falls apart. Do you remember how the US came together on 9-11. Flags everywhere. A sense of shared purpose and unity flooded the country because we had a shared threat to unite us. We all wanted to contribute and help the cause because it was a threat to all of us. But it wasn’t long before we realized the threat had passed and that unity and shared purpose dried up and we went back to Pickering about bathrooms and taxes. We can’t fix human nature. Only the next great common threat can unite us. I don’t know what that will be, but in the past, if external forces don’t cause the threat, we tend to create it internally between ourselves. Like a civil war. Or the Great Depression which was created by selfishness (everyone trying to grab there share). Or wwii. Society will continue to fracture and break apart until such time that the next big scary external threat again unites us.
I’m glad you gave this song a listen. I think you have done a really good job breaking it down to the meaning behind the lyrics and not just reacting. You put thought into it and I think that’s what his music deserves. Its honest expression through his art. That’s a rare thing to find.
This is my first time seeing your channel I heard your video, you’re talking about Richmond north of Richmond. You said you didn’t quite get with the fuss was about. Yeah the first day that song came out. I listen to it 10 times and cried the whole time. I listen to it a couple times every day for a week and it took me a few days before I could listen to it and not cry. Here in America, our lives have been destroyed over the last few years. All of us that we’re doing OK before or not suffering. Our food has gotten so expensive are rent has been raised our money is worth less. Our gas prices have been raised to ridiculous prices. So this song hit really hard for us. The emotion she sang the song with, is what we are all feeling. I understand if you didn’t think this song was all that great. All of us going through this over here we’re listening to the song on a different level, the best of the best guitar player but because he was singing we are all feeling
He wasn't really suicidal, but at the same time he was begging the Lord to take him home. Basically begging to be taken out of this world and be taken home (Heaven). Truly I feel it, I truly get it. For me its my pets (dog (one crossed the rainbow bridge this past Saturday) and cats), my kids, and the good Lord, I would go crazy and end up in a psych ward without them. Also get the struggles the everyday person is in and having the feeling of just wanting to be taken out of this world, and yet not being suicidal.
Amen. Here's a clip from his Joe Rogan interview which speaks of his recent transformation and freedom from drug and alcohol addiction (as a way of attempting--and failing quite miserably--to cope with the pain of this world) when he hit rock bottom (it usually takes rock bottom) before surrendering to the Lord Jesus (creator of the universe) who is now Oliver's master and savior (and the savior of all who repent of their sinful rebellion and choose to obey Him in all ways from here forward; please note that we all get only one lifetime to choose our allegiance).
I agree with you 💯% that that's what he's saying. And I feel him too. I say this to myself all the time. I'm not suicidal, just exhausted from the downward spiral of this world. Just wanting no more physical and emotional pain. I am so sorry for the loss of your pup, btw. It's never easy losing one of our fur babies. They give us so much unconditional love, laughs, support and so much more. They're our biggest fans so it's so heartbreaking when there is nothing we can do to save them. My deepest condolences to you and yours. ❤
Just watched a 90 minute discussion between Oliver and Jordan Peterson. What you learn about him will show how childish those on the left and the right really. We are blessed to have these two.
I think Mark Twain said it best, and Oliver Anthony is telling us again in a manner that slaps us right in the feels... we FEEL his way of saying it. People are not socializing the way people used to, and there is less common courtesy, common respect, and common decency... most people are only out there for themselves, and have a blatant disregard for others UNLESS someone else is there watching... then they need to put on a show, a facade, a fake front to make them look better than what they actually are... simply put, "The more people I meet, the more I like my dog." - Mark Twain
I don't hear anger or sadness, I hear despair. For me those are not in the same functional class, though I think they're often read as being. I agree with others who don't think "I want to go home" is about suicide. I think it's about a return to an innocence, the peace of mind you have before you realise that the world isn't fair, before experience has taught you that no matter how hard you try or how well you try to live or how much you act in line with your values, the cards can be so stacked against you that you'll never achieve anything you yearn for - when that's not a "fused thought" but a lived reality chosen by people with power who don't have any interest in your wellbeing. When I was most despairing, "I want to go home" as a phrase used to play in my head over and over. It meant something like "I want to be free", "I want dignity", "I want to be treated like a human being ", "I want an opportunity for my voice to be heard and my choices to matter". Despair is the soul cry in the voice, the sorrow in the belly when you have no hope any longer that any of your dreams can be realised. I don't think the words or message have made this popular. I think people feel and resonate (like a tuning fork) with what it's like to experience profound hopelessness in a context that you can see no way of escaping.
Home refers to Heaven. But he's not suicidal (at least not now), only tired and yearning for the relief (whenever it comes) that only Heaven can bring to those who love and serve/obey the Lord. Here's a clip from his Joe Rogan interview which speaks of his recent transformation and freedom from drug and alcohol addiction (as a way of attempting--and failing quite miserably--to cope with the pain of this world) when he hit rock bottom (it usually takes rock bottom) before surrendering to the Lord Jesus (creator of the universe) who is now Oliver's master and savior (and the savior of all who repent of their sinful rebellion and choose to obey Him--with God's help--in all ways from here forward; please note that we all get only one lifetime to choose our allegiance).
This is Elizabeth City, NC right now. Farms being sold daily and turned to concrete. Highways going up. Strip malls wirh vape shops and chain restaurants. Government supporting corporate policies due to their kickbacks and stock options.
Have you ever felt that homesick feeling, while sitting in your own living room? Because home means something different than just a location? That's how I think he feels. He sees a world that has changed around him. He can't recognize it anymore. He doesn't feel as if he belongs anymore, and that's sad. He can remember a time when things were different, he feels that nostalgia for when things seemed to be better. And he knows that he can't just go back to that like it's a place you can walk to. He can't remember which road to take, because it no longer exists. And that's such a profound tragedy, when you realize that the thing that could make you happy just doesn't exist anymore. His story about the farm being worked for four generations, then sold by the grandson, then the farm disappears, it's an allegory for the erasure of the past. We are cut off from what made us who we are, from our traditions and values, our memories. The good things always seem to go away. Many of us can remember a time when we didn't have to deal with our current problems or stresses, and as adults, we know that we can never go back to that childlike innocense and joy. We can never go home. Like Mr. Anthony, we're stranded in an unfamiliar place; home is gone.
i grew up in southern georgia in the usa when someone says they want to go home in this context, there ready to check out of this world, and i relate honeslty
In his culture, religion, and music " I want to go home" is first and foremost a desire to die and go Home to heaven to be with the Lord" I am sure the song has deeper meanings also but in the context of "Bluegrass" southern culture, that line just has a clear call to God.
I really think he means both of the things you said, and he leaves it up to the listener to determine what they think it means. Cuz it really feels like he wants God to take him to his forever home in heaven, and that he wants to go back to a simpler time, at the same time.
I choose to believe that he means that he yearns to return to a time when he understood the world that he was a part of. Simply because i feel that way myself. Twenty years ago I felt like the master of my life and my craft. Times change and with it does the world. Now i just want to go back to a world i understand. Wonderful, thought provoking reactions
As a Christian myself, I feel that he is looking forward to his home in heaven as I do. I don’t think he means he is thinking of taking his life but just the promise God has made of our heavenly home as described in Revolutions 21. No more sadness no more tears. With peace and love. As the Apostle Paul said without hope I of all men would be most miserable.
When he says "I want to go home", I get this feeling of lost nostalgia. Like a sense of perpetual homesickness. Like he remembers things being different, and how things are now is just so terrifying and frustrating, and he's only just barely holding on. Things always change with time, and it definitely feels like we're moving towards a new, far darker era, and a lot of people are scared.
@@toast47624 He's said in his interviews that as a result of his spine injury and his drinking, he got so low that he kind of wanted to just waste away. So there might have very well been a time when he did just want to die, but it doesn't quite feel that way in this song.
As a christian, I feel all of what he feels in regards to how far this world has gone from what the Lord wanted it to be like. As Christians, we long for the day the Lord returns and brings believers home with Him. It is NOT a suicidal wish. It is a desire to be with our Father in Heaven where there is no pain, physically or mentally.
An important note is that Oliver Anthony is only recently sober. He had a "come to Jesus" moment in his life and these songs seem to be a kind of therapy for him. Because the songs are so short, he has to put a lot of complex ideas into just a few verses. Consequently it feels like people tend to put their own troubles into his message. If you want to see what he is like, check out his talk with Jordan Peterson. It is incredible.
Home is where your heart is the mans pouring his heart out to heal his soul this kind of humility and self-introspection screamed out for anyone and everyone to hear shows an absence of a mental disorder and the presence of wellbeing the passion love and faith he displays is genuine a mental health professor could learn alot from this man and his faith it's touching and beautiful
He is not angry. He is prepared to go to heaven when God calls him. He is confirming his faith in God in an emotional song. It is a lovely testament of his renewed faith. This song is so inspiring to Christians.
Just like the other commenter stated "I'm not gonna punch my own ticket, but if the train conductor shows up I'll gladly follow". I do think this 'go home' has a double meaning.
I agree what you said. I believe its heaven that is home. When he wrote most of these songs was mentally broken. He was on joe rogan podcast on Spotify for over 2hrs if you want to learn more about him. He did have a traumatic brain injury when he was 20 and came to realize on the podcast that the depression came after the head injury.
Great info. I haven't yet watched the whole interview. Here's a clip from his Joe Rogan interview which speaks of his recent transformation and freedom from drug and alcohol addiction (as a way of attempting--and failing quite miserably--to cope with the pain of this world) when he hit rock bottom (it usually takes rock bottom) before surrendering to the Lord Jesus (creator of the universe) who is now Oliver's master and savior (and the savior of all who repent of their sinful rebellion and choose to obey Him--with God's help--in all ways from here forward; please everybody note that we all get only one lifetime to choose our allegiance).
I heard "Chris/Oliver" before he was famous singing two a crowd of less then 20 and he read from the Bible and spoke a little about himself. He suffered an injury at work that left him on the verge of suicide and turned to God for help.
He's cursing himself because no matter how hard he works, there's "always another damn bill to pay." And in our society, men are made to feel it's their fault if they are unable to provide, whether it is or not.
The whole time I assumed he meant he wanted to go back to simpler times where the world wasn't so screwed up, but the different view of going home to heaven is kind of grim/hopeful in a different way
He wants to go back to a society full of warmth and optimism. A lot of us remember a time when the world still had some magic in it, when it wasn't so cynical and when we weren't inundated with constant negativity and hopelessness.
As said below, home has different meanings. Certainly in a Christian worldview home often refers to Heaven. However in more broad definition home is a place of familiarity, love and safety.
Crying in the rain with a smile on your face is the hardest thing to read, But letting people know your true feeling is the best path to be. - Mental healthful
Backstory as I understand it: He grew up in a simple rural setting, then moved to the big city to make a living and his experience in the city or new world (concrete everywhere, bills to pay everyday) caused him to become an alcoholic, which is why he was cussing himself everyday. And he wanted to go home to the more rural simple times, which he did by moving out of the city and he got sober and has since devoted himself to the Lord and helping others through song.
This is the only video of yours I have watched, but I think we could be friends. I like the honesty and humility coming from you. This song hit me so hard when I first heard it. I am a Christian, and more and more have come to the same conclusion as Mr. Anthony: the world sucks! It's not what it could be, we aren't maximizing who we are and who were created to be by a loving God who I believe is very real. This world has a lot of pain and suffering, and most of it, we (as the human race as a whole) bring upon ourselves. More and more progress, be it in farms being turned into concrete or in political ideologies and ideas about equality -- they all leave us still feeling kind of empty, longing for what was or what we perceive once was. We don't really know what is best for us a lot of the time, do we? Christian or not, we can all look around us and know that how things are isn't quite right. In fact, it's drastically not right. There is injustice and misery all around even the happiest of us. But in Christianity there is a lot of hope. This song isn't sad, not for a true believer, but kind of exciting and hopeful! There is something better after all this. Right now, we are here, we have work to do, serving others, speaking truth, trying to make our own little corner of this earth just a bit better -we don't get to rest yet. And looking forward to that rest, to a world where God stands as the true king, and rules completely justly and lovingly, because he knows SO MUCH MORE than we do - it's really exciting! It helps put this all into perspective. I actually am excited about death, and that frees me to enjoy life, the burdens don't seem as bad, this life is short. It isn't the same as being suicidal, and I doubt Mr. Anthony is either. We are just tired, and excited about what we truly believe is next. Thank you for posting this reaction, and for being humble and inquisitive yourself, and I am thankful this song has affected you -you seem like maybe you need to think about it more. If you ever think you might want to come over to our side there is great joy and peace in it. And that's offered to you as much as it is to me or Mr. Anthony. But even if you don't, much love to you, and I mean that honestly, thank you for listening to us. It was good to hear your thoughts, you're a good listener and have a sharp mind.
I agree as a Christian watching this world turning from God more and more every day. Humanity is getting darker and darker. We know where it eventually leads to one day. We aren’t suicidal when we long to go home to the Lord. It’s the opposite. It allows us to be happier by not worrying about sickness and death. To die is gain.
I think if we’re honest, we’ve all wished, at one time or another, that the Lord would just take us home. We wouldn’t take our own lives, but we wouldn’t mind at all if we woke up in our heavenly home. 🙏🏻
There is a rich heritage in this type of music of burying idea of death under every day things. He says he would be strung up in a psych ward…means hung there. “Going Home” is very common term used in hymns about going to God. He is not saying he is on verge of suicide but feels so bad that these ideas are not so far away. He is depressed, frustrated, and it is breaking him.
As a health professional, I'm sure you're aware of PSI. I think this is precisely what this song is about. And the reason he's cursing himself every morning is because he's fallen into a pattern of addictive behavior every evening to escape the quagmyer of this nasty rotten world. Thanks for the reaction, it's a haunting song.
Here's a clip from his Joe Rogan interview which speaks of his recent transformation and freedom from drug and alcohol addiction (as a way of attempting--and failing quite miserably--to cope with the pain of this world) when he hit rock bottom (it usually takes rock bottom) before surrendering to the Lord Jesus (creator of the universe) who is now Oliver's master and savior (and the savior of all who repent of their sinful rebellion and choose to obey Him in all ways from here forward; please note that we all get only one lifetime to choose our allegiance).
@@jennifereverett6298 The Jesus you think you know never existed my Friend , you have a lot to Learn. That's not saying our Creator is not real because he Does exist , but not the God of the Bible , he was a Demon , an Impostor Put your hand on your Heart and tell me Yahweh of the Old Testament was a Loving God. Me thinks not , the Bible was Edited by William Shakespeare , it's a Stage play. Don't believe me ? Shakespeare was 46 years old when he edited the bible for King James 1st , he let the Initiated know who he was in Psalms 46 , count down 46 words and count up 46 words from the Bottom , Bingo Shakespeare was really Sir Francis Bacon
In his interview with Rogan (which I bet Rogan, new age pusher, detested) Anthony shares his past struggle with alcohol and despair, how he broke down and reached for God with humility, read Psalms and Mathew, and dedicated himself to following whatever God wants for him not his own wants for himself. A month later...the song.
As a Texan. He means I can't do whatever this is anymore. When i was kid I was oblivious to it. Now I see it for what it is. I can't go back in time. So just take me home. Heaven. It's too much. Everyone seems not quite right. Values lost. Simplicity is now complicated. He's just... done.
When I was a little girl and I would be upset, I would cry and cry and say I wanna go home, I just wanna go home even if I was already "home. " Brought back that feeling of not being in my home of comfort
You hit the nail on the head with your statement of " going back home" to the simple life, in the rural life in America, we like simple, down to earth, honest living, we don't want the fast paced, cut throat, take advantage of whoever you can to get ahead, NYC style living. We prefer yes sir, and yes mam, helping your neighbors, living honest and loving life. That being said, these songs express the fact that, our modern Government has taken that type of living from us with their regulations, taxes and control, our only defense is through voting, unfortunately, the most cities out vote us 3 to 1,and sometimes more, so we don't really have a way of telling the "people north of Richmond " how we feel, except through song, We have a history of that in this country, after the Civil War, blacks had no rights either, they voiced their grievances through song!!!
Mental health is helped so much by writing your thoughts down. He uses it for distractions from his overwhelming depression and anxiety. I believe when he bought the 93 acres of woods and water. That's his meaning of home. He wants to go back to the simple life
my guess is that he is cursing himself because alcohol (or whatever else) has become a crutch for him through difficult times. the pain in is voice and just the overall feel of the song makes me think of my personal struggles with addiction. This song is very intense. Makes me want to "hang in there" with him.
Here's a clip from his Joe Rogan interview which speaks of his recent transformation and freedom from drug and alcohol addiction (as a way of attempting--and failing quite miserably--to cope with the pain of this world) when he hit rock bottom (it usually takes rock bottom) before surrendering to the Lord Jesus (creator of the universe) who is now Oliver's master and savior (and the savior of all who repent of their sinful rebellion and choose to obey Him in all ways from here forward; please note that we all get only one lifetime to choose our allegiance).
He wants things to slow down. I’m 65 in Canada 🇨🇦 and things here are going so fast in changes it’s an overwhelming feeling of not living the life I’m use to and being shoved aside because that’s all we have anymore are the rich catering to the younger generation only for profits. Ya, I want to go home too. Wait until you retire, you’ll get it. He’s got a long way to go yet he can see what’s coming if we don’t fix it.
The rapture of the church is not a sad thing!! It will be a blessing to all of those that are prepared for our Lord Jesus to call us HOME!! It will be the greatest wedding feast in the History of creation!!
Rich men, he showed you, this one he tells you. Showing is the most powerful form of art. For those that work 60-70 hours a week? Rich men tears your soul out. As a mental health professional, I wish you knew that. Its not in books. Its real.
He had a severe head injury and his life hasn’t been the same and neither is the world . I can relate as I had multiple brain bleeds in 2018 it took nearly a year to get mobility back and 2 years to be able to communicate with the outside world that I barely recognize.
There is no doubt in my mind that he means he's had enough of this world. I have felt the same way for a few years now. I'm ready to go anytime. Looking forward to it. Even so, come Lord Jesus.
I don't believe he means suicide or anything like that -- Christian people look to the day that they will go to their maker, among other religions that make it through this life and know they will go on to something better -- that's how we get through. That's what I think anyway. Love and Peace!
He’s begging God to come get him teh heck out of this hekkin cold, cruel place & take him back home with Him across the River Jordan and through the Pearly Gates. For in our Father’s house are many rooms. 🤟 He’s a wordsmith. A philosopher poet. There is conviction in his pickin’. And in the lyrics. And in his vibe. He’s the realest really real entertainer I’ve ever seen or heard of. ✌️ edit: dat voice tho amirite
I strongly recommend you listen to "I got to get sober". It's all about alcoholism and his struggles with it. Home = Heaven. It's a common usage of the word in the Appalachians.
Home- That places from early life that was stable and safe. A comfortable place where you know what to expect. We have evolved into very stressful lives. My wife is from the Philippines, where she grew up dirt poor. Often having only rice and salt for meals. But she says she never understood what stress was until she immigrated to the U.S.
In that area, Appalachia, and many other parts of rural America, people usually like to live a quiet comfortable life working hard, living on a large plot of land, simple uncomplicated and slow. The way this world has become you feel like it’s moving faster, you have to work yourself into an early grave to survive, you lose your identity because you don’t have time to think about who you are anymore. Many feel lost and don’t know how to get back to that, and want to give up on life itself. American corporations have changed American culture, it feels like being a slave and having nothing left that belongs to you.
About 2 months ago he had a break and met God and totally dedicated his life to doing His will. Some of that pain could be coming from remembering where he was.
I think its clear what "Home" is he basically singing why he want to go to heaven .... because world is already lost in his view or view he had when he wrote those lyrics ...
he showed up a month ago out of nowhere had drug drinking problems and gave himself to God was heard at some small fair and boom here he is people just picked up on it and people all around the worlds are relating to it
I think he does mean that he wishes he were dead. "Lord take me home" is often said by people on their death bed down in the south of USA. (im southern) Hopefully his music will help him heal. Sometimes writing or singing out your despair is healing. I feel like he is cussing himself because in america you are taught that poverty is your fault. "pull yourself up by your bootstraps" it is pervasive in our society that if you just worked harder or did more you can gain wealth. It just isn't true for most people. The American dream is just a lie. I feel like people are just starting to realize that. I really appreciate your reaction and analysis.
I agree with you that context is the key. I personally feel entrapped in my context and have no reasonable way to change it without long lasting and harsh penalties. And as you state, most advice revolves around changing everything but the context. "Don't think of it that way." "You just have to suck it up." "Happy wife happy life." "It is what it is." Every time I hear that type of talk it feels like I'm being told to be ok with being miserable. So what options am I left with? if the context can't change, I have to change. But so far all I've done is gone numb.
7:22 When he says he wants to go home, it refers to a type of Christian language/ phrase similar to "Lord take me home". Meaning he wants to go to heaven which is refereed to as home in christian language but with more emphasis that hes done with this coo-coo world. Hope that explains the phrase. edit: don't get it twisted its not a suic*de type thing its kind of hard to explain.
Gotta spell it out for you. perhaps so many in Europe and the UK being post Christian can't understand it. When he says Lord I want to go home he, and most real Christians understand that to mean the eternal home. He sees more of where this world is going for the net few decades and we are all going to need a lot of strength to endure what is won't be the same old stuff this time.
He means he's ready for God to come back and take his people home. The world has just gotten too bad to go on. This is what I take from it, having read up on his songs and faith. I agree with him.
He was 30 days sober at the time he posted this video. Recently saved by the blood of the Lamb, our Lord and God Jesus Christ, hence his sobriety. The fog of his mind has cleared up and he's engaging life with a sober mind for the first time since he was caught up with drugs and alcohol. These are hard times to wake up in. That's why he went viral overnight. The rest of the country is feeling the same way after this psyop and learning the depth of the corruption worldwide. This is the everyday Americans view.
He's not special, his soul is no different. He's singing from his gut, I too have said I don't belong here anymore. I'm 63 and have seen the last 5 generations change so fast and not in a positive way. None of this makes any sense, this is not the direction we need to be heading. I want the next generation to be better than mine, at what point do we say - this isn't working, have we reached our peak? The world has changed so much, and not for the better. I weep for the future.
In my opinion, he means three things at once when he says, "I want to go home". Yes, he wants to go to heaven to his divine Creator, because the pain he feels in this day and age is almost unbearable. And he also wants to go back to the old days, when life was simpler and more manageable - in that sense, more worth living than it is today. It also can be a physical place he wants to go back to, for example, when he sings about the farm in fourth generation. It somehow means all three thoughts at once, but depending on the context, one more and the other less. The sadness for the state of the world resonates in all three possibilities and is ultimately real. Thank you again for your insightful reaction and many greetings from Germany
He says "strung up" in the psych ward. Meaning hanged. It paints the picture of a man so desperate that even after being committed, would find a way to end himself.
With Rich Men North of Richmond, of course there was anger at what is going on. In this song, there is anger too except, much of it is directed at the self.
I don't know if it is my own depression, but I believe he, like myself is just tired. Tired of feeling like he's not enough. Tired of hating himself every damn day. Tired of seeing in the media how right is wrong and wrong is right. I'm tired of trying and caring only for nothing to matter anymore. I'm ready to go home, to join my good Lord. I'm tired of hurting
“I wanna go home” … Oliver (or Chris, his real name) has said while he was raised with faith as a child, he had come to ridicule the idea of God and faith, even using the term “Sky Daddy” to disparage the concept of Lord and Savior. One month before “Rich Men” he turned his life over to God to save him from his personal despair. The rest is history in real time. He wanted to go home to God, back where he started as a child and away from alcohol, drugs and despair. It’s been so long, he doesn’t know the way back. All he knows is he wants to go home to God. “People ain’t prayin’ no more, not saying I know it for sure, I’m just down on my knees, praying, Lord take me home.” That all belongs together. People have lost their way, lost their faith & prayer, following false idols (what the rich man say, what the TV say). He’ s not saying he knows for sure but he thinks this has something to do with things going wrong. He wants to go home, back to his faith he left behind, back to God.
I knew I would find a reaction that I would agree with you. I think that because he delt with depression and even said in his last song how young men are putting themselves 6 feet under the ground, that unliving could be an option if things don't change. Sadly, many feel this way these days. I hear it daily and all it does is make me cry. Don't know how much more people around the world can handle. So glad I found this review. Hope you do review on Chris's (Oliver) personal articles. Would love to get your input. Much respect from Great Grandma in WA. State.
You got it. I think it’s both literal and figurative. I want to be home with my dogs and my land where things make sense, but I think more than that he’s saying I’d rather be with the Lord than put up with what he’s seeing around him.
Just listened to him on Rogan’s podcast. He talked about suffering a traumatic head injury at a job a couple of years back and that it put him into a tailspin of depression and wanting to take his life.
For those of us that grew up in rural America, we want to go home, the world isn't home anymore. We want to go back to a time and place where hard work meant something, where a mans word held worth, where you didn't struggle to just be told to struggle some more, where the world let you live in liberty and peace. Somewhere that world died. It is gone. This world is now foreign, an alien place we no longer recognize. And for those of us that had a taste of it is sorrow, anguish, for we know what the world has lost.
Do you think maybe we’re just a bit more honest. It’s a diverse world, always has been. There is absolute truth, but ignorance and nostalgia are poor substitutes for enlightenment- real, discerned acceptance and courage.
Yup! An to be frank I didn't grow up in rural anything.
@@Criticalthink21st nope think ypur just doing well an most people arent. The west left its middle class in a shallow grave a long time ago.
😢 yes! 💔
@@Criticalthink21st "it's a diverse world" what does that have ANYTHING to do with what they said? You come off as just repeating talking points. OP was talking about how effort, and hard work is useless yet you imply he's being racist by implying he doesn't accept diversity. Yeah there's all sorts of people of different backgrounds. Regardless of where you come from or what you look like what he said doesn't change. Your effort should matter and you should not get kicked down for even bothering to try. You have a brain rot injecting race into a message about working hard
I think what he means about going home is that whenever the Lord brings him home, he’s ready for it to happen, as this world has little to nothing for him anymore.
I've said those words so many times to myself...just over the sad state of affairs of this world we live in
Growing up in southern churches, going home usually referenced going home to the heaven with the lord. But, I think here he may be using it as double entendres.
Exactly. Feel his pain because that's what blue collar workers feels in the USA. I'm a farmer and I'm damn pissed off at the people in DC
The Holy Bible has informed us... #mankind, for thousands of years that #JesusChrist is the only way. This world is controlled more than ever by Satan, because we're livin in the end times, the end of the earth age! Accept the #PlanOfSalvation that #Jesus #Christ offers to all of #mankind because #TheresMore! Refer to the #HolyBible for more #information. It's in the #Bible that you'll find #truth; the #WholeTruth!
Exactly correct.
It's not's sorrow!!! There's a cry in his voice that just needs you to hear it!!! Love this guy and feel his pain. We all do!!! Live free, laugh hard, be kind, feel blessed my friend!!!
Sorrow and heartbreak over betrayal. . .
I think it's both. Frustrated lamentation sounds like a good description. He's full of sorrow and anger, and both are boiling up in him.
It's called the Appalchian Wail. Some historians think it came from the Scottish who emigrated and morphed into what you hear here.
I've had the privilege to spent many years travelling the deep south with my job.
I came back to the UK with a whole new respect that I attribute to culture shock.
I've been in the mountains in a guys shed he was brewing moonshine in (he asked home owners kindly for their apples that had fallen to use). AK47 in the corner, moonshine being brewed and just good music.
Absolutely blessed I was.
Live Free you say , i think you must live in a Cave in Mongolia , there is no freedom anymore , trust me when you come off the drugs and sober up then you will understand , but it maybe too late by then , the clock is ticking closer to MIDNIGHT
I speak from experience, sorrow can become anger when it becomes overwhelming. Anger is natural after betrayal
As a Christian, he is stating that he is ready to go home to glory. To go home to heaven. In my faith, I completely understand what he meant and it resonates with me. I lost my family, and I so desperately wanted to be with the Lord. There will be no more pain or tears. That is what that means.
I know exactly how he feels as a Christian. The longing to be with the Lord. To live is Christ and to die is gain. What we loose in life we gain in heaven.
Sorry for your loss.
i also have no family and really feel this song. may the Lord bless you and keep you
Exactly correct.
"l want to go home," my father said this to me 10 days before he died. He was tired of this world. The lord called him home March 12, 1999.
Sometimes helping the everyday person consists of just saying how he feels in this world. His music helps some of us feel as if we are not alone, like the media would have you believe if you are not on a side. He's already helping a lot of people who don't fit in either box. Thank you Oliver Anthony. We love his message.
We sure do.🙏❤️🩹
When he says "I want to go home" it's definitely about death. Reminds me of Elijah's suicide prayer, 1 Kings, when he lays down under the broom tree and wants to die. It's more than just sad. It's deeply honest and who can't relate to that? The deal with Oliver is that despite the deep sadness, there is hope. He's singing, sharing and giving comfort to people.
One morsel that adds to this song that many miss is “grandson sells the family farm to a man from out of town.” It’s happened a lot where I live. No regard for the community or future, only for the $$$ and self to the detriment of others. Adds to the sorrow.
The residents of Maui are going through this sorrow right now. Stay strong Maui!
The biggest ranch along the Canadian Rockies was sold off in sections by a surviving nephew. It was the end of an era as the land mass that the original owners had amassed was incomparable in the area. People were shocked at how much land the two brothers left.
It’s happening here in VA EVERYWHERE. It’s making me SCREAM inside. The grandchildren are selling off the dang INHERITANCE!! What the flip is wrong w them?!
@@peachykeen7634 they can't make a living off the land anymore (can't compete against large commercial farming) and there aren't enough jobs in rural areas anymore (automation in factories, main streets without small businesses) so they're gone to the cities and the family land becomes a burden more than anything else. I'm going to be facing this dilemma myself soon enough. A large family farm in GA that doesn't turn a profit, but is 6 hrs away from where I live.
@@somerandomguy706 I get it… and the problem is that the system makes the most sense for commercial industries and it’s an uneven playing field for family farms.
Great reaction video. I believe the line goes, " Lord, I wanna go home" and I take it to mean he's ready to go to heaven. Not by suicide, but just out of frustration from struggling to survive in the world he finds himself in and he cannot see a path forward out of his malaise. Good lyrics can mean different things to different people.
No, He wants to go home! as in away from "all the people who just do what ever the TV tells them too". He does not want to leave this world in any shape or form. He is sick of the stupid people. He wants them to wake up. He says it over and over.
@@toast47624he wants to go home to be with the Lord. Our Blessed hope. It's what every Christian contemplates whenever we think of the temporary nature of our existence here in this world. It's comforting to think of a place outside of the control of man on earth. I look forward and up. 🙏
@@toast47624Ummm, if what you said is what he meant, he wouldn't have said "Down on my knees, begging Lord to take me home". He most certainly is talking about Heaven. He's not suicidal, but he's done being here to have to witness the downward spiral of the world today. And I don't blame him one bit, I feel the same way. I wanna go home.
Bravo! I re-watched your Richmond reaction and better understand your point of view.
As far as Chris, Oliver Anthony's given name, goes, please check out his story of tramatic brain injury and the depths he went through. Self medicating with alcohol and marijuana drove him deep into depression (psychotic episodes?). Falling down on his knees and parying for the Lord to take him Home, is your second hypothesis. The depth of his pain mentally, coupled with the pain from the world around him lead him to these lyrics. Since he hit bottom, he's refound his faith, stopped drinking, and moving people around the world. Cheers from Cheyenne!
I forgot what name of the channel but this opera singer/ singing teacher did a reaction and broke down the anatomy of singing is influenced by emotion nerves an such . Good video that expands on some of what you said.
I have lived in the same state as him my entire life. I have spent time in his hometown of Farmville, va. I have spent time the mountains where his family is from. I don't know him, never met him at all, but I think I know lots of people like him. There was a time in rural Virginia when a man could work an honest day and have a nice little life with a house, happy kids and a happy wife. It seems that is much more difficult to achieve here these days. And to add to that we have a changing world (which is nothing new) but part of those changes are often interpreted by people that are struggling as an attack on them or people like them (which lead to some of the odd political outcomes in the US over the past few years, IMO). It is a clash of culture to an extent, here we are as men being taught by our fathers and grandfathers that we should be able to support our families, should live a "right" life, should work and not complain...and we often find ourselves sort of lost in this "new" world which just does not respect nor does it really fit into those values. This perceived failure and the "attack" from some of society that goes along with it leaves lots of men just lost. This song, at least to me, expresses some of that lost feeling.
In addition, I think the "I want to go home" is referring to the world that he was raised in or the world that his fathers and grandfathers told him about. He is cursing himself because he cannot live up to what has been taught is his role as a man, IMO. Anyway, enjoyed your comments on the song.
This song is about him. Rich Men is about everyone working for a paycheck. His anger was for them.
There is a duality in his lyrics, for sure. He leaves it up to you to figure out. It could be the secular longing for the world when things were not as crazy, but also it could be more theological. (i.e. Rapture) Powerful feeling of a man groping for sanity in the world.
Tbh as a guy who grew up a southern Protestant there isn’t really any other way to interpret “Home” than as his Eternal Reward. He says it in the first bar, without God he sees no reason to feign sanity.
I call his views Millennial Christian Existentialism. He’s like the Country Kierkegaard.
To me these lyrics right here they're like the soundtrack to our modern existential crisis, ya know? I mean, 'Millennial Christian Existentialism' and 'Country Kierkegaard'? That's some highbrow stuff right there. But seriously, it's wild how we're all searching for something more in this crazy world. This song, it's like a mirror reflecting the chaos and longing we all feel. So yeah, I wanna go home too, man. Home to a simpler time, or maybe just a time when we all had a little more clarity about what the he11 is going on. Cheers to the journey, my friend@@ryanw3658
@@ryanw3658As the child of Southern Baptist missionaries, there's plenty of reason to interpret "home" as something more abstract than heaven.
The Psalms, Ecclesiastes, Lamentations, and so many other books (especially in the books of prophesy) in the bible describe crying out to God in the midst of despair, in times of feeling lost and unsure when the world is crashing down around the authors' ears. The longing for a place of safety and security is universal. If, for example, you take Psalm 3, the Hebrew word translated as "cried out" means to accost. To grab God by his buttonhole and demand an answer.
I'm not saying you're wrong, mind you. I haven't heard him explain the intended meaning, so you could be on the nose. I'm just saying that there's definitely room for other interpretations based on biblical texts.
I don’t believe you need a biblical text argument to understand he’s clearly talking about heaven as home, just read the lyrics.
“Cause every day livin’ in this new world is one too many days to me”
“I’m just down on my knees beggin’, Lord take me home”
The whole song really centers around this world that’s full of wars, greed and people losing their way, going to his physical home is not a solution he’s singing about. Our true home as Christians is Heaven and this world is merely a journey to our final destination. I think Oliver paints a picture that many of us can relate because the struggle is real for many of us.
When he cries that he wants to go Home, it is a cry to Go (back) to When he felt safe, secure and had insignificant worries. Whether Heavenly or Earthly..
There is more to this guy than the song he's known for. He's willing to bear his soul in his songs.
What I think is important about the lyrics "If it weren't for my old dogs and the good Lord" is that studies show that one of the most important factors for mental health and resilience is to have a social support network - family, friends, community, church. The increase in mental health issues could be less political issues and more that we are increasing atomized socially. Families are smaller. In my parents day they grew up with grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins all living close by (or with them, at times). Now people move around, fewer people are having children. There is less extended family to provide emotional support. People don't stay at the same job for 45 years like my dad (78 and still working), so there is less stability, fewer chances to make friends that live in the same neighborhood or even the same city for more than a few years. Fewer people are going to church regularly and however you feel about religion, a strong connection to a faith group provides more of that social support and stability. Decades ago, many people were involved in civic and fraternal organizations - the Jaycees, the Optimist Club, the Shriner's, The Elks, The Eagles, The Lions, The Junior League... We don't do that any more either. Social media is a poor substitute. I believe for the improvement of mental health in society we need to resurrect the structures in society that supported it - community and civic organizations, extended families, faith groups/churches, cohesive neighborhoods where people actually interact. When you hear people in my parents generation talking about growing up - they knew their neighbors. They played with the kids in the neighborhood. Their parents socialized with people in the neighborhood. I think part of what happened there is that so many women entered the workforce. I was a stay-at-home mom for a few years. During the day, my neighborhood was EMPTY. I would have loved to have other women over for coffee or to chat with over the back fence - but nobody was there and I felt isolated and alone. There is not much chance to make friends with your neighbors if you are only home to eat and sleep. Parents work, after work middle class parents are ferrying kids from one organized activity (sports, dance, clubs, extra classes) to another. Families barely have any time to socialize with each other, much less anyone else. Is it any wonder we feel alienated and alone, even in a crowd?
Have to disagree about your conclusion about church. He's not part of a church, but he found Jesus. He begged him to help him to get sober, and he would do his will. I believe God sent him to help us.
Other than that, I think your analysis is spot on.
Wonderful thoughts. That’s exactly what we need. 🥰❤️🙏
Nailed it
@@kp8381Church to a non-believer includes all that you're talking about
This isolation problem is very serious but impossible to fix. Humans tend to be selfish creatures who are poor at tolerating our differences. We self isolate as a result. But we face a common enemy, a common threat, it unites us. It forces us to to overlook our petty differences to face the greater fears of our common enemy. The problem with society today is that we have had too much peace and prosperity for too long. Ever since the end of WWII we have had no real threat to our existence and lives. This easy life, with no big external threat to unite us, has caused society to drift towards selfish indulgence and petty self centered bickering. External threats are the glue that holds society together. Without them, society falls apart.
Do you remember how the US came together on 9-11. Flags everywhere. A sense of shared purpose and unity flooded the country because we had a shared threat to unite us. We all wanted to contribute and help the cause because it was a threat to all of us. But it wasn’t long before we realized the threat had passed and that unity and shared purpose dried up and we went back to Pickering about bathrooms and taxes.
We can’t fix human nature. Only the next great common threat can unite us. I don’t know what that will be, but in the past, if external forces don’t cause the threat, we tend to create it internally between ourselves. Like a civil war. Or the Great Depression which was created by selfishness (everyone trying to grab there share). Or wwii. Society will continue to fracture and break apart until such time that the next big scary external threat again unites us.
I’m glad you gave this song a listen. I think you have done a really good job breaking it down to the meaning behind the lyrics and not just reacting. You put thought into it and I think that’s what his music deserves. Its honest expression through his art. That’s a rare thing to find.
This is my first time seeing your channel I heard your video, you’re talking about Richmond north of Richmond. You said you didn’t quite get with the fuss was about. Yeah the first day that song came out. I listen to it 10 times and cried the whole time. I listen to it a couple times every day for a week and it took me a few days before I could listen to it and not cry. Here in America, our lives have been destroyed over the last few years. All of us that we’re doing OK before or not suffering. Our food has gotten so expensive are rent has been raised our money is worth less. Our gas prices have been raised to ridiculous prices. So this song hit really hard for us. The emotion she sang the song with, is what we are all feeling. I understand if you didn’t think this song was all that great. All of us going through this over here we’re listening to the song on a different level, the best of the best guitar player but because he was singing we are all feeling
He wasn't really suicidal, but at the same time he was begging the Lord to take him home. Basically begging to be taken out of this world and be taken home (Heaven). Truly I feel it, I truly get it. For me its my pets (dog (one crossed the rainbow bridge this past Saturday) and cats), my kids, and the good Lord, I would go crazy and end up in a psych ward without them. Also get the struggles the everyday person is in and having the feeling of just wanting to be taken out of this world, and yet not being suicidal.
Amen. Here's a clip from his Joe Rogan interview which speaks of his recent transformation and freedom from drug and alcohol addiction (as a way of attempting--and failing quite miserably--to cope with the pain of this world) when he hit rock bottom (it usually takes rock bottom) before surrendering to the Lord Jesus (creator of the universe) who is now Oliver's master and savior (and the savior of all who repent of their sinful rebellion and choose to obey Him in all ways from here forward; please note that we all get only one lifetime to choose our allegiance).
I agree with you 💯% that that's what he's saying. And I feel him too. I say this to myself all the time. I'm not suicidal, just exhausted from the downward spiral of this world. Just wanting no more physical and emotional pain.
I am so sorry for the loss of your pup, btw. It's never easy losing one of our fur babies. They give us so much unconditional love, laughs, support and so much more. They're our biggest fans so it's so heartbreaking when there is nothing we can do to save them. My deepest condolences to you and yours. ❤
The guy admits he isn't a good singer or guitar player.
He just has a passion and enough talent to get his message out.
Just watched a 90 minute discussion between Oliver and Jordan Peterson. What you learn about him will show how childish those on the left and the right really. We are blessed to have these two.
I think Mark Twain said it best, and Oliver Anthony is telling us again in a manner that slaps us right in the feels... we FEEL his way of saying it. People are not socializing the way people used to, and there is less common courtesy, common respect, and common decency... most people are only out there for themselves, and have a blatant disregard for others UNLESS someone else is there watching... then they need to put on a show, a facade, a fake front to make them look better than what they actually are... simply put, "The more people I meet, the more I like my dog." - Mark Twain
I don't hear anger or sadness, I hear despair. For me those are not in the same functional class, though I think they're often read as being. I agree with others who don't think "I want to go home" is about suicide. I think it's about a return to an innocence, the peace of mind you have before you realise that the world isn't fair, before experience has taught you that no matter how hard you try or how well you try to live or how much you act in line with your values, the cards can be so stacked against you that you'll never achieve anything you yearn for - when that's not a "fused thought" but a lived reality chosen by people with power who don't have any interest in your wellbeing. When I was most despairing, "I want to go home" as a phrase used to play in my head over and over. It meant something like "I want to be free", "I want dignity", "I want to be treated like a human being ", "I want an opportunity for my voice to be heard and my choices to matter". Despair is the soul cry in the voice, the sorrow in the belly when you have no hope any longer that any of your dreams can be realised. I don't think the words or message have made this popular. I think people feel and resonate (like a tuning fork) with what it's like to experience profound hopelessness in a context that you can see no way of escaping.
Home refers to Heaven. But he's not suicidal (at least not now), only tired and yearning for the relief (whenever it comes) that only Heaven can bring to those who love and serve/obey the Lord.
Here's a clip from his Joe Rogan interview which speaks of his recent transformation and freedom from drug and alcohol addiction (as a way of attempting--and failing quite miserably--to cope with the pain of this world) when he hit rock bottom (it usually takes rock bottom) before surrendering to the Lord Jesus (creator of the universe) who is now Oliver's master and savior (and the savior of all who repent of their sinful rebellion and choose to obey Him--with God's help--in all ways from here forward; please note that we all get only one lifetime to choose our allegiance).
This is Elizabeth City, NC right now. Farms being sold daily and turned to concrete. Highways going up. Strip malls wirh vape shops and chain restaurants. Government supporting corporate policies due to their kickbacks and stock options.
Have you ever felt that homesick feeling, while sitting in your own living room? Because home means something different than just a location? That's how I think he feels. He sees a world that has changed around him. He can't recognize it anymore. He doesn't feel as if he belongs anymore, and that's sad. He can remember a time when things were different, he feels that nostalgia for when things seemed to be better. And he knows that he can't just go back to that like it's a place you can walk to. He can't remember which road to take, because it no longer exists. And that's such a profound tragedy, when you realize that the thing that could make you happy just doesn't exist anymore. His story about the farm being worked for four generations, then sold by the grandson, then the farm disappears, it's an allegory for the erasure of the past. We are cut off from what made us who we are, from our traditions and values, our memories. The good things always seem to go away. Many of us can remember a time when we didn't have to deal with our current problems or stresses, and as adults, we know that we can never go back to that childlike innocense and joy. We can never go home. Like Mr. Anthony, we're stranded in an unfamiliar place; home is gone.
Beautifully written. 😢
So beautiful put and in my humble opinion, true. ❤️
i grew up in southern georgia in the usa when someone says they want to go home in this context, there ready to check out of this world, and i relate honeslty
In his culture, religion, and music " I want to go home" is first and foremost a desire to die and go Home to heaven to be with the Lord" I am sure the song has deeper meanings also but in the context of "Bluegrass" southern culture, that line just has a clear call to God.
I really think he means both of the things you said, and he leaves it up to the listener to determine what they think it means. Cuz it really feels like he wants God to take him to his forever home in heaven, and that he wants to go back to a simpler time, at the same time.
I choose to believe that he means that he yearns to return to a time when he understood the world that he was a part of. Simply because i feel that way myself.
Twenty years ago I felt like the master of my life and my craft. Times change and with it does the world.
Now i just want to go back to a world i understand.
Wonderful, thought provoking reactions
Amen. It is a crazy time in history
As a Christian myself, I feel that he is looking forward to his home in heaven as I do. I don’t think he means he is thinking of taking his life but just the promise God has made of our heavenly home as described in Revolutions 21. No more sadness no more tears. With peace and love. As the Apostle Paul said without hope I of all men would be most miserable.
When he says "I want to go home", I get this feeling of lost nostalgia. Like a sense of perpetual homesickness. Like he remembers things being different, and how things are now is just so terrifying and frustrating, and he's only just barely holding on. Things always change with time, and it definitely feels like we're moving towards a new, far darker era, and a lot of people are scared.
Be fearless, live free, laugh hard, be kind, feel blessed my friend!!! Life is truly beautiful!!!
Yes you get it. All these people saying he wants to die are part of his problem.
@@toast47624 He's said in his interviews that as a result of his spine injury and his drinking, he got so low that he kind of wanted to just waste away. So there might have very well been a time when he did just want to die, but it doesn't quite feel that way in this song.
As a christian, I feel all of what he feels in regards to how far this world has gone from what the Lord wanted it to be like. As Christians, we long for the day the Lord returns and brings believers home with Him. It is NOT a suicidal wish. It is a desire to be with our Father in Heaven where there is no pain, physically or mentally.
An important note is that Oliver Anthony is only recently sober. He had a "come to Jesus" moment in his life and these songs seem to be a kind of therapy for him. Because the songs are so short, he has to put a lot of complex ideas into just a few verses. Consequently it feels like people tend to put their own troubles into his message. If you want to see what he is like, check out his talk with Jordan Peterson. It is incredible.
Sharing how we are all fed up … listen, also, to his video dialogues that clearly state how many of us feel! Lays it out clearly!
Home is where your heart is the mans pouring his heart out to heal his soul this kind of humility and self-introspection screamed out for anyone and everyone to hear shows an absence of a mental disorder and the presence of wellbeing the passion love and faith he displays is genuine a mental health professor could learn alot from this man and his faith it's touching and beautiful
He is not angry. He is prepared to go to heaven when God calls him. He is confirming his faith in God in an emotional song. It is a lovely testament of his renewed faith.
This song is so inspiring to Christians.
Just like the other commenter stated "I'm not gonna punch my own ticket, but if the train conductor shows up I'll gladly follow". I do think this 'go home' has a double meaning.
Many people have this kind of cry in their souls, Olivier have the talent and voice ,to cry it at loud in a beautiful manner.
I agree what you said. I believe its heaven that is home. When he wrote most of these songs was mentally broken. He was on joe rogan podcast on Spotify for over 2hrs if you want to learn more about him. He did have a traumatic brain injury when he was 20 and came to realize on the podcast that the depression came after the head injury.
Great info. I haven't yet watched the whole interview.
Here's a clip from his Joe Rogan interview which speaks of his recent transformation and freedom from drug and alcohol addiction (as a way of attempting--and failing quite miserably--to cope with the pain of this world) when he hit rock bottom (it usually takes rock bottom) before surrendering to the Lord Jesus (creator of the universe) who is now Oliver's master and savior (and the savior of all who repent of their sinful rebellion and choose to obey Him--with God's help--in all ways from here forward; please everybody note that we all get only one lifetime to choose our allegiance).
Wrong person doing this annousallis
I heard "Chris/Oliver" before he was famous singing two a crowd of less then 20 and he read from the Bible and spoke a little about himself. He suffered an injury at work that left him on the verge of suicide and turned to God for help.
He's cursing himself because no matter how hard he works, there's "always another damn bill to pay." And in our society, men are made to feel it's their fault if they are unable to provide, whether it is or not.
The whole time I assumed he meant he wanted to go back to simpler times where the world wasn't so screwed up, but the different view of going home to heaven is kind of grim/hopeful in a different way
He is able to put so much emotion into his singing that you can't help but feel and identify.
He wants to go back to a society full of warmth and optimism. A lot of us remember a time when the world still had some magic in it, when it wasn't so cynical and when we weren't inundated with constant negativity and hopelessness.
As said below, home has different meanings. Certainly in a Christian worldview home often refers to Heaven. However in more broad definition home is a place of familiarity, love and safety.
Home is allegorical, it’s a place of comfort and safety, of warmth and tenderness…he wants to go back to a place of nostalgia and belonging.
Crying in the rain with a smile on your face is the hardest thing to read, But letting people know your true feeling is the best path to be.
- Mental healthful
Backstory as I understand it: He grew up in a simple rural setting, then moved to the big city to make a living and his experience in the city or new world (concrete everywhere, bills to pay everyday) caused him to become an alcoholic, which is why he was cussing himself everyday. And he wanted to go home to the more rural simple times, which he did by moving out of the city and he got sober and has since devoted himself to the Lord and helping others through song.
This is the only video of yours I have watched, but I think we could be friends. I like the honesty and humility coming from you.
This song hit me so hard when I first heard it. I am a Christian, and more and more have come to the same conclusion as Mr. Anthony: the world sucks! It's not what it could be, we aren't maximizing who we are and who were created to be by a loving God who I believe is very real. This world has a lot of pain and suffering, and most of it, we (as the human race as a whole) bring upon ourselves. More and more progress, be it in farms being turned into concrete or in political ideologies and ideas about equality -- they all leave us still feeling kind of empty, longing for what was or what we perceive once was. We don't really know what is best for us a lot of the time, do we? Christian or not, we can all look around us and know that how things are isn't quite right. In fact, it's drastically not right. There is injustice and misery all around even the happiest of us.
But in Christianity there is a lot of hope. This song isn't sad, not for a true believer, but kind of exciting and hopeful! There is something better after all this. Right now, we are here, we have work to do, serving others, speaking truth, trying to make our own little corner of this earth just a bit better -we don't get to rest yet. And looking forward to that rest, to a world where God stands as the true king, and rules completely justly and lovingly, because he knows SO MUCH MORE than we do - it's really exciting! It helps put this all into perspective. I actually am excited about death, and that frees me to enjoy life, the burdens don't seem as bad, this life is short.
It isn't the same as being suicidal, and I doubt Mr. Anthony is either. We are just tired, and excited about what we truly believe is next.
Thank you for posting this reaction, and for being humble and inquisitive yourself, and I am thankful this song has affected you -you seem like maybe you need to think about it more. If you ever think you might want to come over to our side there is great joy and peace in it. And that's offered to you as much as it is to me or Mr. Anthony. But even if you don't, much love to you, and I mean that honestly, thank you for listening to us. It was good to hear your thoughts, you're a good listener and have a sharp mind.
What an outstanding reply! You nailed it.
Well said.
I agree as a Christian watching this world turning from God more and more every day. Humanity is getting darker and darker. We know where it eventually leads to one day. We aren’t suicidal when we long to go home to the Lord. It’s the opposite. It allows us to be happier by not worrying about sickness and death. To die is gain.
the beauty of the " i want to go home" line is that its metephorical in many ways but yet each feels just as appropriate and sadening
I think if we’re honest, we’ve all wished, at one time or another, that the Lord would just take us home. We wouldn’t take our own lives, but we wouldn’t mind at all if we woke up in our heavenly home. 🙏🏻
There is a rich heritage in this type of music of burying idea of death under every day things. He says he would be strung up in a psych ward…means hung there. “Going Home” is very common term used in hymns about going to God. He is not saying he is on verge of suicide but feels so bad that these ideas are not so far away. He is depressed, frustrated, and it is breaking him.
As a health professional, I'm sure you're aware of PSI. I think this is precisely what this song is about. And the reason he's cursing himself every morning is because he's fallen into a pattern of addictive behavior every evening to escape the quagmyer of this nasty rotten world. Thanks for the reaction, it's a haunting song.
I agree that the cursing of himself referred to the drug and alcohol addictions that he very recently gave up to serve the Lord Jesus.
Here's a clip from his Joe Rogan interview which speaks of his recent transformation and freedom from drug and alcohol addiction (as a way of attempting--and failing quite miserably--to cope with the pain of this world) when he hit rock bottom (it usually takes rock bottom) before surrendering to the Lord Jesus (creator of the universe) who is now Oliver's master and savior (and the savior of all who repent of their sinful rebellion and choose to obey Him in all ways from here forward; please note that we all get only one lifetime to choose our allegiance).
He did hit rock bottom only a few months ago, and is recovering from drink.
@@jennifereverett6298 The Jesus you think you know never existed my Friend , you have a lot to Learn.
That's not saying our Creator is not real because he Does exist , but not the God of the Bible , he was a Demon , an Impostor
Put your hand on your Heart and tell me Yahweh of the Old Testament was a Loving God.
Me thinks not , the Bible was Edited by William Shakespeare , it's a Stage play.
Don't believe me ? Shakespeare was 46 years old when he edited the bible for King James 1st , he let the Initiated know who he was in Psalms 46 , count down 46 words and count up 46 words from the Bottom , Bingo
Shakespeare was really Sir Francis Bacon
In his interview with Rogan (which I bet Rogan, new age pusher, detested) Anthony shares his past struggle with alcohol and despair, how he broke down and reached for God with humility, read Psalms and Mathew, and dedicated himself to following whatever God wants for him not his own wants for himself. A month later...the song.
As a Texan. He means I can't do whatever this is anymore. When i was kid I was oblivious to it. Now I see it for what it is. I can't go back in time. So just take me home. Heaven. It's too much. Everyone seems not quite right. Values lost. Simplicity is now complicated.
He's just... done.
When I was a little girl and I would be upset, I would cry and cry and say I wanna go home, I just wanna go home even if I was already "home. " Brought back that feeling of not being in my home of comfort
I used to do the same thing.
You hit the nail on the head with your statement of " going back home" to the simple life, in the rural life in America, we like simple, down to earth, honest living,
we don't want the fast paced, cut throat, take advantage of whoever you can to get ahead, NYC style living.
We prefer yes sir, and yes mam, helping your neighbors, living honest and loving life.
That being said, these songs express the fact that, our modern Government has taken that type of living from us with their regulations, taxes and control, our only defense is through voting, unfortunately, the most cities out vote us 3 to 1,and sometimes more, so we don't really have a way of telling the "people north of Richmond " how we feel, except through song,
We have a history of that in this country, after the Civil War, blacks had no rights either, they voiced their grievances through song!!!
Mental health is helped so much by writing your thoughts down. He uses it for distractions from his overwhelming depression and anxiety.
I believe when he bought the 93 acres of woods and water. That's his meaning of home. He wants to go back to the simple life
I’d say, I wanna go home. Is I want to go back to a sense of comfort. I sense of what things used to be.
my guess is that he is cursing himself because alcohol (or whatever else) has become a crutch for him through difficult times. the pain in is voice and just the overall feel of the song makes me think of my personal struggles with addiction. This song is very intense. Makes me want to "hang in there" with him.
Here's a clip from his Joe Rogan interview which speaks of his recent transformation and freedom from drug and alcohol addiction (as a way of attempting--and failing quite miserably--to cope with the pain of this world) when he hit rock bottom (it usually takes rock bottom) before surrendering to the Lord Jesus (creator of the universe) who is now Oliver's master and savior (and the savior of all who repent of their sinful rebellion and choose to obey Him in all ways from here forward; please note that we all get only one lifetime to choose our allegiance).
oh yes that's exactly what he means by I want to go home. that's all of us. the general consensus is this song and that take on this song.
He wants things to slow down. I’m 65 in Canada 🇨🇦 and things here are going so fast in changes it’s an overwhelming feeling of not living the life I’m use to and being shoved aside because that’s all we have anymore are the rich catering to the younger generation only for profits. Ya, I want to go home too. Wait until you retire, you’ll get it. He’s got a long way to go yet he can see what’s coming if we don’t fix it.
I'm South of you. Southern American. Things are so bad. Morals are gone these days. No clue what to do.
The rapture of the church is not a sad thing!!
It will be a blessing to all of those that are prepared for our Lord Jesus to call us HOME!!
It will be the greatest wedding feast in the History of creation!!
Home is heaven.
Rich men, he showed you, this one he tells you. Showing is the most powerful form of art.
For those that work 60-70 hours a week? Rich men tears your soul out. As a mental health professional, I wish you knew that. Its not in books. Its real.
He had a severe head injury and his life hasn’t been the same and neither is the world . I can relate as I had multiple brain bleeds in 2018 it took nearly a year to get mobility back and 2 years to be able to communicate with the outside world that I barely recognize.
There is no doubt in my mind that he means he's had enough of this world. I have felt the same way for a few years now. I'm ready to go anytime. Looking forward to it. Even so, come Lord Jesus.
I don't believe he means suicide or anything like that -- Christian people look to the day that they will go to their maker, among other religions that make it through this life and know they will go on to something better -- that's how we get through. That's what I think anyway. Love and Peace!
I’m from a small rural town of 200 living in the city for work. And I wanna go home. Oh how I wanna go home. Yeah, those lyrics have dual meanings.
He’s begging God to come get him teh heck out of this hekkin cold, cruel place & take him back home with Him across the River Jordan and through the Pearly Gates. For in our Father’s house are many rooms. 🤟
He’s a wordsmith. A philosopher poet. There is conviction in his pickin’. And in the lyrics. And in his vibe. He’s the realest really real entertainer I’ve ever seen or heard of. ✌️
edit: dat voice tho amirite
I think he means both suicide and nostalgia. That's what makes the lyrics so powerful.
I strongly recommend you listen to "I got to get sober". It's all about alcoholism and his struggles with it.
Home = Heaven. It's a common usage of the word in the Appalachians.
He does mean go to be with his maker, but he doesn't mean suicide, He's ready to be called home to heaven by the Lord.
Home- That places from early life that was stable and safe. A comfortable place where you know what to expect. We have evolved into very stressful lives. My wife is from the Philippines, where she grew up dirt poor. Often having only rice and salt for meals. But she says she never understood what stress was until she immigrated to the U.S.
In that area, Appalachia, and many other parts of rural America, people usually like to live a quiet comfortable life working hard, living on a large plot of land, simple uncomplicated and slow. The way this world has become you feel like it’s moving faster, you have to work yourself into an early grave to survive, you lose your identity because you don’t have time to think about who you are anymore. Many feel lost and don’t know how to get back to that, and want to give up on life itself. American corporations have changed American culture, it feels like being a slave and having nothing left that belongs to you.
About 2 months ago he had a break and met God and totally dedicated his life to doing His will. Some of that pain could be coming from remembering where he was.
He has an iphone video of a song he recorded called "I've got to get sober". That song may help you to understand where he is coming from.
I believe he is happily married with kids. From hearing him talk he isn't that depressed just observing the world and how it is.
I think its clear what "Home" is he basically singing why he want to go to heaven .... because world is already lost in his view or view he had when he wrote those lyrics ...
he showed up a month ago out of nowhere had drug drinking problems and gave himself to God was heard at some small fair and boom here he is people just picked up on it and people all around the worlds are relating to it
I think he does mean that he wishes he were dead. "Lord take me home" is often said by people on their death bed down in the south of USA. (im southern)
Hopefully his music will help him heal. Sometimes writing or singing out your despair is healing.
I feel like he is cussing himself because in america you are taught that poverty is your fault. "pull yourself up by your bootstraps" it is pervasive in our society that if you just worked harder or did more you can gain wealth. It just isn't true for most people. The American dream is just a lie. I feel like people are just starting to realize that.
I really appreciate your reaction and analysis.
You have to understand that this is really a very new world for America!
I think cursing himself as in the mental aspect, getting onto yourself too harshly for small things, i can relate.
I agree with you that context is the key. I personally feel entrapped in my context and have no reasonable way to change it without long lasting and harsh penalties. And as you state, most advice revolves around changing everything but the context. "Don't think of it that way." "You just have to suck it up." "Happy wife happy life." "It is what it is." Every time I hear that type of talk it feels like I'm being told to be ok with being miserable. So what options am I left with? if the context can't change, I have to change. But so far all I've done is gone numb.
7:22 When he says he wants to go home, it refers to a type of Christian language/ phrase similar to "Lord take me home". Meaning he wants to go to heaven which is refereed to as home in christian language but with more emphasis that hes done with this coo-coo world. Hope that explains the phrase. edit: don't get it twisted its not a suic*de type thing its kind of hard to explain.
I believe by “I want to go home” he means wanting to go “back to reality”.
Gotta spell it out for you. perhaps so many in Europe and the UK being post Christian can't understand it. When he says Lord I want to go home he, and most real Christians understand that to mean the eternal home. He sees more of where this world is going for the net few decades and we are all going to need a lot of strength to endure what is won't be the same old stuff this time.
He means he's ready for God to come back and take his people home. The world has just gotten too bad to go on. This is what I take from it, having read up on his songs and faith. I agree with him.
He was 30 days sober at the time he posted this video. Recently saved by the blood of the Lamb, our Lord and God Jesus Christ, hence his sobriety. The fog of his mind has cleared up and he's engaging life with a sober mind for the first time since he was caught up with drugs and alcohol. These are hard times to wake up in. That's why he went viral overnight. The rest of the country is feeling the same way after this psyop and learning the depth of the corruption worldwide. This is the everyday Americans view.
He's not special, his soul is no different. He's singing from his gut, I too have said I don't belong here anymore. I'm 63 and have seen the last 5 generations change so fast and not in a positive way. None of this makes any sense, this is not the direction we need to be heading. I want the next generation to be better than mine, at what point do we say - this isn't working, have we reached our peak? The world has changed so much, and not for the better. I weep for the future.
In my opinion, he means three things at once when he says, "I want to go home". Yes, he wants to go to heaven to his divine Creator, because the pain he feels in this day and age is almost unbearable.
And he also wants to go back to the old days, when life was simpler and more manageable - in that sense, more worth living than it is today. It also can be a physical place he wants to go back to, for example, when he sings about the farm in fourth generation.
It somehow means all three thoughts at once, but depending on the context, one more and the other less.
The sadness for the state of the world resonates in all three possibilities and is ultimately real.
Thank you again for your insightful reaction and many greetings from Germany
He says "strung up" in the psych ward. Meaning hanged. It paints the picture of a man so desperate that even after being committed, would find a way to end himself.
as many times as I have heard this song, I never really caught the meaning of "strung up in the psych ward". wow!
He didn't say "church", he said "the good Lord". It's not just social support he's talking about.
With Rich Men North of Richmond, of course there was anger at what is going on. In this song, there is anger too except, much of it is directed at the self.
I wanna go home, you know…. It means to source. Where you feel whole. No human feelings. Just home. Source ❤️
Home is a happy place for people like him and myself
I don't know if it is my own depression, but I believe he, like myself is just tired. Tired of feeling like he's not enough. Tired of hating himself every damn day. Tired of seeing in the media how right is wrong and wrong is right. I'm tired of trying and caring only for nothing to matter anymore. I'm ready to go home, to join my good Lord. I'm tired of hurting
“I wanna go home” … Oliver (or Chris, his real name) has said while he was raised with faith as a child, he had come to ridicule the idea of God and faith, even using the term “Sky Daddy” to disparage the concept of Lord and Savior. One month before “Rich Men” he turned his life over to God to save him from his personal despair. The rest is history in real time. He wanted to go home to God, back where he started as a child and away from alcohol, drugs and despair. It’s been so long, he doesn’t know the way back. All he knows is he wants to go home to God. “People ain’t prayin’ no more, not saying I know it for sure, I’m just down on my knees, praying, Lord take me home.” That all belongs together. People have lost their way, lost their faith & prayer, following false idols (what the rich man say, what the TV say). He’ s not saying he knows for sure but he thinks this has something to do with things going wrong. He wants to go home, back to his faith he left behind, back to God.
I knew I would find a reaction that I would agree with you. I think that because he delt with depression and even said in his last song how young men are putting themselves 6 feet under the ground, that unliving could be an option if things don't change. Sadly, many feel this way these days. I hear it daily and all it does is make me cry. Don't know how much more people around the world can handle. So glad I found this review. Hope you do review on Chris's (Oliver) personal articles. Would love to get your input. Much respect from Great Grandma in WA. State.
You got it. I think it’s both literal and figurative. I want to be home with my dogs and my land where things make sense, but I think more than that he’s saying I’d rather be with the Lord than put up with what he’s seeing around him.
Just listened to him on Rogan’s podcast. He talked about suffering a traumatic head injury at a job a couple of years back and that it put him into a tailspin of depression and wanting to take his life.