[4K][sub] Rauschenberg, Warhol and Banksy|Thaddaeus Ropac Seoul|SuperJunior Yesung|Yessay|EP.05

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 20 ธ.ค. 2022
  • 세계적인 아트 행사인 ‘프리즈 서울 2022’ 개최를 비롯해
    해외 유수 갤러리들의 한국 진출까지
    세계 미술계의 이목이 한국으로 집중되고 있습니다.
    그 흐름에 발맞춰
    ‘나도 한번 갤러리에 가볼까?’ 하는 분들을 위해 다녀왔습니다.
    오스트리아, 영국, 프랑스에 이어
    한국에 상륙한 해외 갤러리죠. 타데우스 로팍 서울.
    어렵지 않을까, 하는 걱정과는 달리
    로버트 라우센버그라는 거장의 세계에 푹 빠져들었던 시간.
    여러분도 함께 누려보세요.
    전시명: 로버트 라우센버그 개인전 ‘코퍼헤즈 1985/1989’
    장소: 타데우스 로팍 서울 갤러리
    기간: 2022.11.03. ~ 2022.12.23.
    Korea’s art scene become a new focus of attention
    from the international art community,
    including holding a global art fair, ‘Frieze Seoul 2022’
    and renowned overseas galleries’ entry into Korea.
    This episode is for whom have thought of visiting galleries
    to keep up with the trends.
    Started from Austria, UK, and France,
    an overseas gallery, Thaddaeus Ropac was branched out into Korea.
    Unlike what you have worried that it may be difficult
    to understand artworks at the gallery,
    you will be able to enjoy the world of a maestro, Robert Rauschenberg
    when watching this episode film.
    - Title: The solo exhibition of Robert Rauschenberg ‘Copperheads 1985/1989’
    - Place: Thaddaeus Ropac Seoul
    - Period: 2022.11.03. ~ 2022.12.23.
    예세이 [Yessay]
    1. 예성이 말하다 [Yes]ung [say]s
    2. 예술가의 성대가 들려주는 [예]술 에[세이]
    1. [Yes]ung [say]s
    2. An art essay, [Yes]ul es[say], narrated by Yesung’s artistic voice.
    📌 매주 수요일 저녁 10시 업로드
    New Episode Coming Every Wednesday at 22:00 KST
    📌 비즈니스 문의
    Copyright © 2022 filmcollectivewe - All Rights Reserved
    #예세이 #Yessay #슈퍼주니어 #예성 #SUPERJUNIOR #YESUNG #미술 #전시
    #한남동 #갤러리 #타데우스로팍 #Thaddaeus_ropac_seoul #로버트라우센버그
  • แนวปฏิบัติและการใช้ชีวิต

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  • @sunnyk1025
    @sunnyk1025 ปีที่แล้ว +48

    예세이 진짜 좋은 채널… 예술 전시 쪽에 관심 있는 사람들에게 더 많이 알려지고 사랑받길 바랍니다.

  • @missjj3138
    @missjj3138 ปีที่แล้ว +65

    How do I express in words my pride and love for Yesung? Every episode has been so informative, but delivered so warmly, thoughtfully, and even at times, candidly in his beautiful soothing voice. He makes me think and feel and care about these pieces and the artists, and not many people can do that. If ever he stops singing, he could have a career as an arts professor. So what if he doesn't have the academic qualifications? The questions he posed, the way he makes us reflect, make us engage with art and isn't that what art is meant to do besides being just visual enjoyment. Thank you Yesung for giving us quality content over and over again.

  • @dorothy58
    @dorothy58 ปีที่แล้ว +16

    구리 위에 놓여진 칠레의 일상들을 보면서
    저희 역사가 생각났어요..
    4.19혁명, 5.18 광주 민주화운동, 6월 민주항쟁...
    미술에서 이렇게 역사를 느낄 수 있다는 것이
    참 많은 생각을 들게 하네요.
    역사를 좋아해서 는 개봉하자 마자
    보러 간 영화인데요. 그때 용기내주신 해외 기자님 덕분에
    우리나라의 이야기가 세상에 나올 수 있었고,
    그 기록물이 유네스코 기록유산으로 등재될 수 있었죠!
    예술과 역사의 연관성은 솔직히 생각 잘 못했는데,
    예세이를 접하면서 이렇게 얽힐 수도 있구나 생각이 들었어요ㅎㅎ
    좋아하는 역사를 예술에서 느낄 수 있으니 재밌네요ㅎ
    오늘도 많은 걸 느끼고, 깨닫고 가요 :)
    마지막 쿠키 영상 진짜 귀여우면서도ㅋㅋ
    역시 본인 피셜 5차원 예송송답네요
    작품을 옆에서 보는 생각을 !
    솔직히 귀여워요.. 너무 너무 귀여워요ㅠㅠ
    동시에 든 생각은 역시 다양한 관점으로 볼 줄 아는 예느👍

  • @sakurai.tsuki7
    @sakurai.tsuki7 ปีที่แล้ว +16


  • @user-xp7eb6eu4m
    @user-xp7eb6eu4m ปีที่แล้ว +9

    중간중간 웃으면서 얘기하는거 너무 좋다 ㅠㅠ 무거운 분위기 중간에 장난도 치고 본인 경험도 얘기해주니 더 집중 잘되는거 같아요 💙💙 나레이션 천재 김강훈 ㅜㅅㅜ

  • @ArianeFerreira
    @ArianeFerreira ปีที่แล้ว +32

    After many years from my Arts' History course at the University, I'm hearing Yesung talking about Robert Rauschenberg. WOW!
    I still don't know why, but I turned pretty emotional on this episode.
    Thanks for showing how galleries are warm to art lovers, not just a place for those who have a lot of money to buy art.
    Happy Holidays for all workers of YesSay

  • @akomero
    @akomero ปีที่แล้ว +14

    나라를 바꾸려고 할 때는 항상 막대한 에너지를 필요로 합니다. 예술이라는 방법으로 그 역사를 전함으로써 작품에도 많은 에너지가 투영되어 더욱 빛나는 것이라고 생각합니다.
    예성씨가 작품에서 당시의 감정을 솔직하게 받아 고찰하면서 아트를 즐기는 모습을 보는 게 너무 좋아요.
    다음에도 멋진 아트 여행을 데려가 주세요💙

  • @suhaili
    @suhaili ปีที่แล้ว +20

    You can never talk about art without talking about history, politics and memories. It is just part and parcel of observing art because it reflects a viewpoint. "What sort of eyes do we need?" I feel that in order to answer that question, we need to be present. In a world where it is so easy to be swept away by worldly vices, we need to remember to breathe. I am glad you have purposely used this channel to find moments of breath Yesung. It is important to remind each other to breathe and see the world beyond just the superficial. I am glad you find inspiration in Rauschenberg. I feel like I'm back in my classroom, studying about him again. Till next week teacher Yesung! 💙

  • @yr9329
    @yr9329 ปีที่แล้ว +52

    Recuerdo que uno de mis bailarines de ballet favoritos decía que mucha gente se alejaba del arte porque pensaba que solo era para cierto sector de la sociedad, pero el arte es para todos.
    Me encanta que te hayas dado la oportunidad de visitar la galería y encontrar algo tan interesante, a primera vista jamás hubiera imaginado que esas obras de arte hablaran de un momento especifico de la historia de un gran país. Definitivamente amo venir cada miércoles y aprender algo nuevo, hacerme preguntas y escuchar tu punto de vista sobre el arte. Es maravilloso, como siempre muchas gracias por el gran contenido que nos regalas.

  • @sooalee6038
    @sooalee6038 ปีที่แล้ว +15

    이번주도 예요일 즐거움 그 잡채 :o) 이번 영상 시선도 예성님과 비슷한 높이로, 속도도 천천히 정말 같이 전시를 보는 것처럼 연출되어서 좋았어요! 작품 관람 호흡에 맞춰서 촬영이랑 연출에 신경 많이 쓰신 것 같아요👍 라우센버그의 황동 구리판.. 참 영리한 분이셨다 싶네요. 자기 모습이 비치면 한번 더 보게되니까요. 구리판 색이 마치 시간이 지나서 변색된 종이처럼도 보이고, 그래서 구리판 안의 장면들은 이미 지나간 시간의 이야기들인데, 그 이야기 안에 반사되는 나의 전신을 보는 경험, 참 멋지네요!! 역사는 현재를 비추는 거울이라는 말이 생각나는 관람이었습니다 :) 감성으로 마음이 따땃해지는 겨울이에요 오늘도 고맙습니당!

  • @cloudysundaysx
    @cloudysundaysx ปีที่แล้ว +31

    after watching yessay every wednesday i realized that art has so many values and implicit messages contained in it, all this time ive only seen the aesthetic side of an artwork without knowing the meaning behind it. Much appreciation to Yesung for his insightful content about art😊💙

  • @슈프
    @슈프 ปีที่แล้ว +13

    작품 속에서 나만의 의미를 찾는 행동 자체가 정말 재밌는 것 같아요 오빠의 시선을 따라 오빠의 생각도 들어볼 수 있고 같이 즐길 수 있다는 게 흥미로운 요소 중 하나인 것 같아요 예세이 덕분에 하루를 감성적으로 마무리하게 되고 내가 몰랐던 여러 예술가들을 만날 수 있어서 좋아요💙

  • @nameddalnim
    @nameddalnim ปีที่แล้ว +14

    예술작품에서 그 뜻을 찾는 건 참 재밌는 것 같아요! 작품을 여러 시선으로 볼 수도 있지만 그 중 나는 어떤 시선으로 봤는 가 하고 보면 미술, 예술이 그렇게 좋은 취미가 되기에 충분하더라구요 ㅋㅋㅋ 오늘도 덕분에 감상했네요:) 고마워요💙

  • @pluie-pf4lo
    @pluie-pf4lo ปีที่แล้ว +6

    저는 이번 영상을 보며 라는 영화가 떠올랐어요. 우리를 잊지 말아달라던 마지막 장면이 아직도 생생하게 기억나요. 비슷한 아픈 역사를 가져서인지 작가가 칠레에서 느낀 감정이 무엇이었을지 조금은 알 것 같아요. 구리의 반사, 그 그림자 속에 존재하는 따뜻한 위로...
    이번 영상은 내용 못지않게 연출도 굉장히 근사하네요. 오늘도 값진 예술 이야기 고마워요. 덕분에 어렵게 느껴졌던 갤러리 구경도 하고 참 좋았어요 🙂

  • @catbrowne118
    @catbrowne118 ปีที่แล้ว +13

    I think this series is really hitting it's stride now. I really enjoyed learning about the artist and the possible interpretation.
    I really enjoyed watching this🙂👍 Is it a compliment to say that I'd watch this even if I was unaware of Super Junior? I think it is, and I would.

  • @user-tx4lk9ms5y
    @user-tx4lk9ms5y ปีที่แล้ว +11

    바빠서 직접 가기 어려운 상황인데 매번 잘 보고 있어요~~ 예느 꿀보이스로 보니 더 좋네요 감사합니다💙💙💙

  • @mintcloudcat
    @mintcloudcat ปีที่แล้ว +10

    세상에 참 많은 시선이 있다는걸 오늘 오빠의 갤러리 관람을 통해 한번더 느꼈네요. 미술 작품이든 우리의 삶이든 아주 평범한 것들도 다른 시선으로 보면 다르게 느낄 수 있고~ 우리 사는 세상은 과거 없는거 처럼 빠르게 변화하는데 하지만 사진은 늘 이야기 하는 같에요. 누군가에게 그때 그 시절의 이야기를 외치고 있는거 같에요~오늘도 고맙고 잘 봤어요~^^

  • @user-sr8ie4es6h
    @user-sr8ie4es6h ปีที่แล้ว +5

    11월에 갔었던 전시가 나오니 반갑네요 작품에 대한 배경설명을 영상과 같이 해주니 전시봤던 기억이 새록새록해서 좋습니다~ 쿠키에 나오는 작품도 궁금해집니다^^

  • @dracomalfoy5884
    @dracomalfoy5884 ปีที่แล้ว +15

    coming back from college and watching yessay art film every Wednesday is a blessing I'm thankful for yesung and the hard working team ♡
    btw this is my fav part 18:07 ㅋㅋ adorable

  • @maryamkhmila9287
    @maryamkhmila9287 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    It's amazing 🥺💙 keep going our yesung 💙💙 so proud of you 💙💙💙💙

  • @michelleho4287
    @michelleho4287 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Thank you for inviting us to join your gallery tour which is interesting and informative. Your voice is very attractive as always.

  • @PenguinS19
    @PenguinS19 ปีที่แล้ว +11

    I always feel calm and peaceful while watching Yessay! I'm touched when Yesung asks how you are looking at the world. We all know that every one looks at the world from a different perspective, but Yessay gives us a chance to look at the world through Yesung's eyes in a video-long time. It is such a special way that makes me feel warm and contented. Thank you🥰
    예세이를 보면서 항상 마음이 평온하네요. 세상을 어떻게 보고 있냐고 물었을 때 좀 감동해요. 우리 모두가 세상을 다른 시각에서 바라본다는 걸 알지만 예세이는 우리에게 비디오 시간 안에 예성의 눈을 따라 세상을 바라볼 수 있는 기회를 줘요. 너무 행복하고 만족스러워요. 오늘도 고마워요~

  • @s.r8081
    @s.r8081 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    I had never thought that yesung would turn this channel into art topic as informative as it is.
    This is my personal opinion, but among all kpop artists having yt channel, I love yesung's the most. It offers different and refreshing contents. It's not that typical vlog, which is super mainstream. I love how he makes the video aesthetically and warmly informative. I just feel like I learn a lot from his 20 mins videos. It's such a great job and I really enjoyed it.
    수고했어요 예성이오빠! 다음 비디오 뭐예요? 너무 궁굼하고 너무기대!!!

  • @user-uy9md4dg1t
    @user-uy9md4dg1t ปีที่แล้ว +6

    미술관, 갤러리..항상 맘속에만 있던 장소였는데..
    이렇게 접하게되어 너무 기쁘고 생각보다 흥미롭고 이렇게 접하다보면 예술이란것에 정말 얽히고 설킬수 있겠구나란 생각이들어요. ^^ㅎ 이런 기분을 느낄수 있게 예세이 채널을 하는 예성님에게 정말 고맙고요~~
    노래에도 메말라 있던 감성이 예성님 목소리 하나에 깨어난 것처럼 예세이로인해 내 생각, 시선이 멈추지 않고 확장되는...일상이 좋아지고 더 행복해 질수 있단걸 느끼게 되네요~ 앞으로도 계속 쭉 좋은영상 올려주세요. 예성님 사랑합니다~^^

  • @fyonadream8301
    @fyonadream8301 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    I'm so proud of the artist you are oppa 🥺
    Everything you do is very beautiful and aesthetic.. you put your heart and soul in all what you do and we can deeply feel it 💙 thank you for making our days prettier
    I love you 🤗💙

  • @agnes91panda58
    @agnes91panda58 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    예술적인 방식으로 역사를 반영하고, 전통적인 의미의 그림을 떠나 구리로 그리는 방식은 정말 특별해요.
    진정한 예술은 틀에 얽매이지 않기 때문에 역사를 기록하는 이런 특별한 방식을 좋아합니다.
    이번 yessay 정말 뜻깊었어요 오빠 정말 잘했어요👍🏻👍🏻

  • @crazycatlaidie
    @crazycatlaidie ปีที่แล้ว +25

    The artwork with copper requires a special sensitivity and I am very impressed by Robert Rauschenberg's work. Through the reflection in the picture, one sees oneself in the context of the artwork. Unlike Rauschenberg, Rembrandt worked also with copper but he used a different technique. He worked with etching plates that he scratched himself.
    Thank you for taking us on this wonderful journey of copper art, Yesung.

  • @MegaMace07
    @MegaMace07 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    " Today is my Yessay catching up day to your videos💕 Thank you for this videos you were able to explore my favorite subject art n' history 👏🥰💙🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶

  • @user-sx1mh9ke5m
    @user-sx1mh9ke5m ปีที่แล้ว +7


  • @enniebudhiasty4000
    @enniebudhiasty4000 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    He mentioned Banksy and Warhol, I remember he once shared about Monet too. I can't get enough of these museum dates with him 👏

  • @withloveApr
    @withloveApr ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Thanks for sharing oppa
    I'm so excited to find a lot of art in other ways with you

  • @skymarksung
    @skymarksung ปีที่แล้ว +44

    Gracias Yesung por mostrar la otra cara de las galerías de arte, es cierto que la gente tiende a creer que solo se subastan obras y nada más pero es increíble y asombro la cantidad de historia que puedes encontrar tanto de la obra como del artista y su país originario ^^, cada día se aprende algo nuevo

  • @astrid9607
    @astrid9607 ปีที่แล้ว +3


  • @anetgom6
    @anetgom6 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    Thank you for talking about art with reflection. Thank you for talking about Chile. Thank you for talking about one of my favorite movies. And of course. Thank you for teaching us so much throughout the whole video and the end.
    Yessay. You are the best

  • @ds3134
    @ds3134 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    ART, CULTURE and Yesungshi soothing voice...Superb!

  • @afterglow4
    @afterglow4 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    진짜 캔버스가 구리리서 예스러운 분위기가 사는 듯
    오빠 말대로 시대의 색이 잘 드러나는 것 같아요

  • @mururu_meg14
    @mururu_meg14 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    This is the first time I've seen Robert Rauschenberg's artworks. His artworks of combine painting or artworks using silk screen and copper are really impressive, interesting. I was also moved by his social activities through art in Chile. and then this video gave me an opportunity to learn about history of Chile and Korea. Yesung, your enthusiasm and understanding of art deserve respect. Thank you for introducing me to a new world.

  • @mahluhfet
    @mahluhfet ปีที่แล้ว +57

    Art evokes emotion and I can understand why Yeye is oozing with emotion whenever he sings. An artist who genuinely appreciates art is rare.💙✨💫🍒

  • @celvillagonzalo
    @celvillagonzalo ปีที่แล้ว +7

    Again, you never failed, another awesome content! Thank you for mentioning Bansky, I loved when he said "“the urge to destroy is also a creative urge". Thank you for introducing Robert Rauschenberg, will look into him :) I am really learning from your YT videos, it's a one-of-a-kind learning session - enjoying you as the narrator and of course your awesome contents. Thank you for being this unique and not doing the usual ordinary content done by other YT vloggers.
    I also loved it that you mentioned the K-Movie "Taxi Driver" starring one of my fave Song Kang Ho (also I love Yoo Hae-Jin and Ryu Jun Yeol there). That movie is one my all time favorite, great story, great acting and sooo real! Also, I loved how you ended it with these words "When I think of things that way, the images in front of me right now takes on a new meaning and seem even more significant. I want to keep encountering that. Through those sorts of moments in galleries that once seemed so intimidating, through the bold experiments that artists attempt, and through the unexpected realizations we achieve as a result, the world inside of us becomes that much more expansive".
    When the word "expansive" was mentioned, my thought bubble was that this video content was a work of hardwork, passion, authenticity and all-embracing artistic knowledge, as always kudos!
    By the way, I totally agree with you "you need eyes that can see", thank you for allowing us to open our eyes more and see the beauty of art!
    P. S. #1 ei Yesung, you had me smiling and laughing at the last scene, you're sooo cute looking at the artwork in a different position !!!!
    P.S. #2 Wednesday evening is my new fave time as I get to watch your YT content :)
    #superjunior #yesung #yessay #awesome #uniquecontent #예세이 #Yessay #슈퍼주니어 #예성 #SUPERJUNIOR #YESUNG #미술 #전시 #한남동 #갤러리 #타데우스로팍 #Thaddaeus_ropac_seoul #로버트라우센버그 #artlover #aesthete

  • @rockincherubtv
    @rockincherubtv ปีที่แล้ว +16

    It's just another sensual wednesday with Yessay. Sensualy stimulating our love for ART, CULTURE, MUSIC and HOBBIES. Thank you always Yesung
    #Yessay #YESUNG #Superjunior
    #ContemporaryArt #art

  • @user-ix9ln2zb7l
    @user-ix9ln2zb7l ปีที่แล้ว +6

    대담하고 과감한 표현력이 살아있네요
    실크 스크린을 보니 판화을 했던 기억이 나요 ㅎㅎ
    어릴 때라 그저 롤러를 미는 게 재밌었던 ㅋㅋ
    소재도 배경도 모두 의미를 담고 있네요
    여전히 예술은 어렵지만 어떤 영감을 준다는 건 신기해요 이해할 수 없더라도 다른이의 생각을 쫓는 것이 이야기의 시작이 되는 것 같아요

  • @raudhah2207
    @raudhah2207 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    'Copperhead' it's like saying, 'Human, it's your brain'. Memories linger & scatter in our brain, once in a while we think about it but not all or the details, just a glimpse. This art makes me think that images on copper look like memories in the brain. Art is diverse, my view may differ from others, but that's what art is all about, thinking deeply & having your own views like Yesung Oppa. Yessay said, the copper represents an Instagram story. It's an amazing thought. Yessay my therapy, thank you so much. 🥰

  • @Maximusprime24
    @Maximusprime24 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I love how different Yesung's channel is from the rest of SuJu. As much as I love the vlogs from the other members but I love this artistic/personal style of videos as well!

  • @user-tn2hg4eo8c
    @user-tn2hg4eo8c ปีที่แล้ว +4

    쿠키영상에서 오빠가 그림속으로 빨려 들어가는줄요 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ오빠덕에 이름만 알았고 자세히는 잘 몰랐던 로버트 라우센버그의 오브제 작품들을 새로이 더 알아가게되었어요~

  • @mlarafreire
    @mlarafreire ปีที่แล้ว +10

    I really like Rauschenberg and the aesthetic movement to which he belongs. I know his vision of the world in his work but what surprised me was the parallel you made with the history of Chile with Korea, the sensitivity to understand these historical landmarks of these societies even though you are so young. Thank you, I look forward to every Wednesday for a new video.

  • @melcaseres3270
    @melcaseres3270 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I like watching Yesung Oppa's videos. Not only am I learning about art, but I can also have a glimpse of Yesung Oppa's artistic thinking and interests.

  • @TheAceofAngel
    @TheAceofAngel ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Yesung, thanks to you I can know more about art. You motivate me to investigate and learn.
    It is impressive how everything around us has a different interpretation for each person. This exhibition is incredible.
    Thanks for sharing.

    @CLOUD_JJUNG ปีที่แล้ว +4

    소위 예술계에 몸담고 있으면서 늘 새로운 예술과 미술관에 대한 갈증이 있는데 현실을 산답시고 언젠가부터는 거의 찾아가보지를 못했어요, 그런데 이렇게 매주 예세이를 통해 새로운 예술가,작가들을 만나니까 참 좋고 수요일 마다 새로운 예술을 통한 관념을 알아가고 통찰하게 되면서 살아있음을 느껴요ㅠㅠ
    내겐 한 주의 오아시스라서 예세이가 올라오는 수요일을 기다리며 살아요:) 7일 중 하이라이트 예요일🥰
    이번주도 너무 고마워요💕💕
    아직도 매주 이렇게 오빠를 목소리로 영상으로 만나는것도 꿈만같다아
    예세이 채널이 가진 가치가 일반대중뿐만 아니라 미술,예술계에 몸담고있는 많은 분들께도 더 많이
    알려졌으면 좋겠네요💞💞

  • @ineed_suju
    @ineed_suju ปีที่แล้ว +4

    작품을 일반적인 캔버스가 아닌 구리 위에 표현했다고 해서 관람자의 모습이 거울처럼 비춰져서 그것 또한 작품의 일부가 된 것처럼 느껴질 것 같다고 생각했는데 저만 그렇게 느낀게 아니었네요ㅎㅎ 작품에 여러가지 의미가 들어있겠지만 구리에 표현된 작품이라는 것만으로도 흥미로워서 실제로 보고싶다는 생각이 들어요. 그리고 예성님 말대로 라우센버그가 한국의 혼란스러웠던 역사를 예술로 표현했다면 한국인으로서 그 작품을 볼 때 의미가 남달랐을 것 같다는 생각도 드네요.
    저도 전시 보는 걸 정말 좋아하는데 예세이는 정말 가뭄의 단비같은 컨텐츠에요ㅠ 현재 진행 중인 모든 전시를 보는 건 현실적으로 불가능한데, 예성님 덕분에 직접 가보지 못한 전시도 영상으로 관람할 수 있고 예성님의 생각도 들을 수 있어서 너무 좋아요 (하트)

  • @pamelingacit6568
    @pamelingacit6568 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Yesung we waiting for you in Chile next Febraury 2023!!!!

  • @yukibluesky91
    @yukibluesky91 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Thank you Yesung💙 I enjoy watching Yesung's art films. I am becoming more and more interested in art 😊

  • @angelalam2572
    @angelalam2572 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    This is not just a vlog. This is also an art and a documentary video. Good job, oppa! I also enjoy listening to your voice during the clip.

  • @adaponceSJ
    @adaponceSJ ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Gracias, Yesung, por tu video. La verdad es que yo antes no me interesaba mucho en el arte, pero ahora a mí me gusta mucho ver pinturas y me gustaría ir a un museo o galería de arte, algún día.

  • @sandibelcruznavarrete8521
    @sandibelcruznavarrete8521 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Siempre trabajando y dando lo mejor, pero mostrando tu sensibilidad y calidez humana #Yesung amor eterno #Yessay #Superjunior

  • @GDxYS
    @GDxYS ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Another opportunity to learn 😌 Thank you Yessay 💙

  • @SmallThings_YESUNG
    @SmallThings_YESUNG ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Yeyé... Contigo cada día es mejor :)
    Gracias por compartir tus experiencias aquí.
    Te estás esforzando mucho en la investigación y producción de este espacio, realmente se ve muy profesional, cuidando cada imagen para hacerlo más interesante.
    Espero que estés muy feliz con este proyecto. Tienes tantas cosas por contar, tu voz se siente emocionada.
    Sigue adelante, Yeyé!
    Aquí te acompañamos :)

  • @LeahMabel
    @LeahMabel ปีที่แล้ว +1

    The copper color really gives a great feeling, thanks again for this amazing video and your love for art.
    Renaissance Team

  • @sosolove7045
    @sosolove7045 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I'm so excited for your next video Oppa I can't wait أنا متشوقة للغاية للفيديو التالي الخاص بك أوبا لا أستطيع الإنتظار 😍😍❤️❤️

  • @Kkkk-px4ui
    @Kkkk-px4ui ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Gracias por hablar de Chile! No te imaginas las ganas que tenemos de tenerte de vuelta💙🇨🇱 ojalá pueda suceder pronto! Te amamos💙

  • @sosolove7045
    @sosolove7045 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I will always be with you and Love you forever Oppa سأبقى معك دائماً وأحبك إلى الأبد أوبا 🙆🏽‍♀️☁️❤️💙

  • @pikyitam9706
    @pikyitam9706 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Through the reflection, the viewer becomes part of the artwork,. In the meantime, it looks like viewing through a window……Very interesting and I like it. Thanks for showing us all these!

  • @hninnweaye2363
    @hninnweaye2363 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    This is one of the exhibitions I would like to visit. That reflective copper printing is very unique. I haven't seen one like that. Thanks again Yessay.

  • @jinlee5328
    @jinlee5328 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    채널 오래오래 해주세요ㅠㅠ 이렇게 보기도 편하고, 듣기도 편하고, 마음까지 편한 채널은 정말 소중하니까요

  • @javipaz7855
    @javipaz7855 ปีที่แล้ว +21

    Que emoción que hables de este país que te ama mucho!!! Sobretodo de una época que es bastante lamentable en nuestra historia, gracias por cada frase que nos dedicas ❤ Espero vengan pronto y poder demostrárselos 💙💙💙

    • @ArianeFerreira
      @ArianeFerreira ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Escuchando Yesung es muy claro que él no solo ama Chile como siempre se sintió amado por las E.F.Ls chilenas 💙
      Yo, desde Brasil, pienso siempre que és muy importante que tanto nosotros de acá, el pueblo de Chile, Argentina y otros hermanos sudamericanos nunca nos olvidemos de lo que pasó en nuestros países.
      Cuando la arte, principalmente de gente de lejos, cuenta esas histórias y/o recuerdan con amor de cualquiera de nosotros, estamos um poco más libres y llemos de amor.
      Saludos de una brasileña que ama Chile 💙

  • @onlyelf1106
    @onlyelf1106 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    회차가 거듭될 수록 점점 더 자연스럽고 오빠가 우리에게 공유하고 싶은 것이 어떤 것인지 알 수 있게 되네요! 앞으로 갤러리 뿐만 아니라 다른 곳들도 가보면서 우리의 시각을 같이 넓혀 갔으면 좋겠어요! 오늘 새롭고 넘 재미있었어요 고마워요❤

  • @Anita-ed8xn
    @Anita-ed8xn ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Woww..Galleries n Museums are the treasure f our society..❤Thank you for introducing me the wonderful artist..So informative that too in so simply m understandable way.. ❤Thanks a ton.. Loved it from the start to end.. Lv n loadsss f love n care🤗.. Lets go for nest week too.. ❤🌸😘

  • @arianahernandez2214
    @arianahernandez2214 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Oppa, gracias por abrir este canal tan bonito y compartir con nosotrxs tus pensamientos y sensaciones que te crea el arte. Gracias por transportarnos contigo a esa galería y conocer a ese gran artista que plasmó parte de la historia chilena en arte, gracias por hacernos conocer más sobre Nuestra América 💙 Te quiero muchísimo y estoy muy orgullosa de ti!!!!!

  • @user-ef5nh1fh6y
    @user-ef5nh1fh6y ปีที่แล้ว +4

    확실히 아무런 설명 없이 작품만 봤을 때는 그냥 구리로 된 신기한 작품이네? 정도에서 생각이 그쳤을 것 같아요 예술은 그 속에 담겨있는 의미를 찾아낼 때 더 아름답다는게 와닿는 순간이네요 예술 작품 속에 담긴 의미를 찾고 자신의 삶과 연결지어가는 오빠의 모습에서도 많은걸 배워요 중간 중간 던지는 질문들에 대해서도 깊은 생각을 해보게 되네요 오늘의 예세이도 고마워요

  • @olivos6661
    @olivos6661 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    I really loved it this time.
    It's something We can relate here in Latinamerica. There's a lot of social problems exposed in art around this part of the world.
    I had never seen cooper technics it looks great 😅 And I'm sure you could do it! 😂
    Thank you for another special week learning about new artists with you ❤

  • @Anita-ed8xn
    @Anita-ed8xn ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Yipiiiiii... 50K..dancing 💃💃💃dancing.. Yes most deserving❤ You..❤ Thank you for enriching my knowledge.. Lv you loadsss n care lottsss n lottsss.. Lets gogogo.. Wednesday Rocks🤘

  • @alrasac
    @alrasac ปีที่แล้ว +26

    ADORO aprender sobre Arte con Yesung.
    La historia, su voz y la música completan un exquisito ambiente de contemplación.
    💙 💙

  • @user-pw2jj2vg9z
    @user-pw2jj2vg9z ปีที่แล้ว +3

    저는 그시대를 경험하지 못했지만 조선독립에 힘써주신분들과 함께 광주분들에게도 감사하고 마음에 빚이 있어요 덕분에 지금 제가 편안히 하고 싶은것들을 마음껏 하고 지내고 있어요
    광주는 5월이면 한집걸러 제삿날이란것도 축제도 봄이 아니라 가을에 한다는것 알게된후로 마음이 아리지만
    전국 어느곳보다 깨어있는 시민이 많아서 약속을 지킨 유일한곳 광주가 존경스럽습니다
    빨리 케이티엑스도 대형 쇼핑몰도 들어와서 편히 놀러가고 싶어요

  • @mkntmknt
    @mkntmknt ปีที่แล้ว +4

    실크스크린 프린트는 그 무렵부터 존재해 온 것이군요. 공부가 됩니다.😊

  • @sosolove7045
    @sosolove7045 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I hope you always be happy and healthy Oppa and make wonderful memories Take care of yourself أتمنى أن تكون بخير وصحة جيدة دائماً أوبا وأن تصنع ذكريات رائعة إعتني بنفسك 🙆🏽‍♀️☁️❤️💙

  • @MARICHUY0507
    @MARICHUY0507 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    Increíble experiencia y más tú tranquilidad para narrar todo lo que percibes, pero más siempre dejando abierta la puerta para que miremos al arte con otros ojos.
    Congratulations Yesung, I love your content.

  • @user-ko3sf7xl8p
    @user-ko3sf7xl8p ปีที่แล้ว +4

    사람들이 알아야 하는 그 시절 그 사건들에 대한 기록의 또 하나의 형태네요 많이 배워갑니다~~

  • @onecloudism
    @onecloudism ปีที่แล้ว +8

    매주 수요일마다 이렇게 예성이형의 영상을 보며 항상 하루를 더 빛나게 해주셔서 다시 한번 진심으로 감사드립니다 💙
    Once again, I thank you with all my heart for always makes my day brighter after watching your video every Wednesday 💙

  • @_itscrystalclear
    @_itscrystalclear ปีที่แล้ว +4

    이 내용은 단순한 예술의 관찰이 아니다. 예술가의 입장에서 혹은 예성이의 반응에서뿐만 아니라 사건의 현실에서도 너무나 많은 생각을 불러일으킵니다. 저는 솔직히 이 브이로그를 통해 예술 자체뿐만 아니라 제 자신과 세상에 대해 어떻게 생각하는지에 대해 많은 것을 배웁니다. 고품질의 콘텐츠를 제공해 주셔서 정말 감사합니다. 저는 항상 예스세이의 모든 업데이트를 기대합니다.

  • @icecream_573
    @icecream_573 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    와앙 하고 물었다
    정말 비춰져서 작품의
    일부 처럼 보이네요 ㅎㅎ
    오빠는 왜 칠레때 영상과
    똑같나요 아니 왜
    더 어려지신거 같은거죠?
    요번영상은 오빠 옆모습을
    많이 볼수 있어 좋았어요 ㅎㅎ
    중간중간 오빠 귀여움도요ㅎㅎ
    좋은 목소리로 작품설명
    해주셔서 매번 잘 보고 있어요
    요번에도 재밌게 잘 보고가요🙂💙

  • @Madazi07
    @Madazi07 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Me encantan los vídeos de Yesung! Insisto en que hacía falta un canal como este :D
    Ojalá que más adelante tengamos videos de arte/museos pero en otros países que visite

  • @miriamperez9641
    @miriamperez9641 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Me encantan esté tipos de videos, como siempre un gran trabajo Yesung 💙👍🏻

  • @user-tn2hg4eo8c
    @user-tn2hg4eo8c ปีที่แล้ว +3

    오빠덕에 오늘도 좋은 전시 보고가요 히히

  • @gunsematsybikova5624
    @gunsematsybikova5624 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Мне нравится твой концепт введение влога, он не такой как у остальных . Очень давно ждала создание твоего ютуб-канала , и теперь он появился… И он просто лучший с твоим голосом . Super Junior 💙

  • @lovestorykyuhyun2943
    @lovestorykyuhyun2943 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Yeyé... Buenas vibras con tu nuevo álbum!
    Espero puedas mostrarnos el proceso en YESSAY :)

  • @SmallThings_YESUNG
    @SmallThings_YESUNG ปีที่แล้ว +19

    Yeyé... Me gusta como incluyes y relacionas tantos elementos alrededor de un tema... La obra de arte, el autor, su lugar de origen, recuerdos con ELF Chile, tu visita a Latam, aquella y la próxima, su similitud en historia, la mención a alguna película... Hay tantos detalles aquí... :)
    Es como tener una conversación tan profunda y aleatoriamente entretenida... Me encanta cuando mezclas los temas, si hablaras solo de la obra de arte, tal vez me perdería a los pocos minutos, pero cuando incluyes experiencias alternas, me quedo enganchada hasta el final :)
    Felicitaciones por tu vlog, espero que muchas personas puedan apreciar tu esfuerzo y sigas disfrutando lo que más te gusta.
    Gracias por este episodio y por hacer feliz a Lina, seguramente le ha encantado :)
    Nos vemos el siguiente miércoles!

    • @linateamintensas7687
      @linateamintensas7687 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      soy realmente feliz!!
      El duro día laboral termino en una sonrisa radiante

    • @SmallThings_YESUNG
      @SmallThings_YESUNG ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Abraza este lindo regalo, como abrazarás el otro :)

  • @kayosjkry
    @kayosjkry ปีที่แล้ว +4

    예세이 안에서의 구리 위에 실크스크린으로 인쇄한 작품.그 작품은 종이 흰색 바탕과 달리 구리빛이 짙게 남아 전체적으로 차분하게 느껴집니다.사람들에 따르면 어둡게 느껴질 수도 있겠네요.예성 씨 말처럼 빈티지 느낌이 나네요.격동의 힘든 시절 속에도 행복한 일이나 즐거운 추억이 있겠지.그걸 동판의 반짝반짝한 것으로 표현이 되어 있나 싶기도 했어.
    예성씨의 작품을 여러 각도에서 보는 것을 보고 정말 미술작품을 좋아하는구나라는 생각이 들었다.오늘도 새로운 발견이었어요😊
    예세이 업 고마워💕

  • @Anita-ed8xn
    @Anita-ed8xn ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Yippiiii..💃 So happyyy.💃. to see the increasing number of this channel..🎉Celebration Time🎉.. Letsgogogo.. Lv n care with loadssssf wishes❤🌸😘

  • @sosolove7045
    @sosolove7045 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    أنا أحب صوتك كثيراً أوبا إنه رائع جداً وهادئ يجعلني سعيدة وأشعر بالسلام 🙆🏽‍♀️☁️❤️💙

  • @SmallThings_YESUNG
    @SmallThings_YESUNG ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Felicitaciones por los primeros 50k!
    Sigue adelante! Aquí te acompañamos :)

  • @user-mk6mo6xm5d
    @user-mk6mo6xm5d ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Oppa’s voice is really really soft and sweet. ❤❤

  • @artfulseoul
    @artfulseoul ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Thank you for another visit of art in Seoul.
    I admire your ability of viewing from different angles, literally and empathetic.
    What kind of eyes does this world need?
    Perhaps it needs wondering eyes, connected to an open mind and an empathetic heart?
    In the word emotion there is motion and in the word heart there is art.
    In the word world there is the tiny question of difference, or.
    There is much injustice and depression in this world that mankind exploits and explores.
    When I saw today's exhibits I also had some interpretations as well as thoughts, and if you don't mind I will share them now.
    As an artist myself I also am familiar with mixed materials as well as always thought of ancient ways of photography as true art as it has an aesthetics filter can only copy.
    I thought of old photo plates, of cyanotypy as well as sepia.
    When I hear copper I have also the changing process in mind. It turns green over the time.
    If that pieces aren't coated perhaps it will look as if grass grown or moss has shown.
    If we consider the modern era exchanges cash with invisible or plastic money, those of us who were used to copper coins will perhaps get what I mean to say.
    Like you said the artist intended the warmth of the color , the printed layer of images as well as to include the reflection of the human being that views it .. isnt if we think of how all is connected as well as of what was or is in human hands?
    It is heartwarming to think so, especially if feel a connection to an piece of art or a daily used item like a pot or other, as a part of own history , especially if such were created in a place one used to be at or the same year oneself became a gift to the world.
    There is a lot of art that has decorative purpose as well as to spark the mind to think individually.
    Sometimes an artist just creates. Expresses.
    It is but then the viewer that states it as a piece of art , value or meaning.
    Isn't it so?
    Keep going and wondering. It is a true virtue in this world.

  • @monswolff
    @monswolff ปีที่แล้ว +7

    Art is for everyone. As long as it makes us feel something, even if it's not what the artist wanted us to feel, it is enough. It doesn't always have to be a pleasant experience, but we should always left feeling a bit different, thinking a bit too much about whatever we felt while seeing an exhibition.
    Thank you Yesung for inviting us to see your love for art, your interpretations and experiences. and allowing people to encounter the art scene in a way they might never thought they would.

  • @42ariadna
    @42ariadna ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Fue una gran sorpresa que este video ensayo acabara hablando sobre Chile. Cuando vi que las obras fueron hechas en cobre me imaginé que posiblemente el material usado fuera de Chile, pero no esperé que Yesung entrara en tanto detalle de nuestra historia y su conexión con Chile

  • @rikagiggs
    @rikagiggs ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Your knowledge about history is brilliant. I think You're the only one artistic idol in Kpop. Respectful 👍👍👍👍👍

  • @cherrieng3793
    @cherrieng3793 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    The copperhead artworks are very interesting. It’s new to me. Thanks for introducing it 💙💙

  •  ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I said it already but I want to say it again. Thank you for making these wonderful essay videos about Art through your eyes. They aren't only very informative and aesthetic, but they are also helping to spread how amazing Art is when you know what it means.

  • @huiii9712
    @huiii9712 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    기다리던 수요일 업데이트 왔어요!매번 오빠의 감칠맛 나는 이야기를 들으면 정말 끌려요. 특히 오빠의 내레이션이 너무 좋아요.😊

  • @priskilaleny4471
    @priskilaleny4471 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    It's always fun to know the story behind a work of art 👍🏻

  • @karymosslove
    @karymosslove ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Gracias como siempre mi hermoso Yesung!! Tan informativo como cada video que haces!! Te amo!! 💙

  • @chaesan274
    @chaesan274 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    저는 뱅크시의 전시회에 가본적이 있는데
    로버트 라우센버드의 전시회도 가보고 싶어졌어요
    그리고 오빠 너무 귀여워요!
    다음주도 너무 기대하고있어요 ^^