I am a sigma male and proud to be and ask anything tell you the truth and honest but will say I say what's on my own I don't hold back so if you or anyone wants to ask me anything then expect what I say and how I put things because I just give the hard truth
Loneliness and being alone are really 2 different things. Solitude is a wonderful experience loneliness suggests some kind of sadness and longing for company
But a sigma is not an introvert. Often it's introverts who prefer solitude. The sigma is still partaking in activities but on their own, not needing others by their side or in planning.
True loners are perfectly capable and comfortable in social situations. They simply prefer to be alone and are happier when alone. People with social anxieties who are alone, but craving social companionship are NOT loners or Sigmas. I’m a loner and can honestly say that I have no idea what it feels like to be lonely.
I intuitively knew everything in this video is correct from a long time ago. I did not know how to so eloquently articulate it though. It's so comforting and exciting, like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulder to hear this. The realities of these don't bother me in the least as I embrace them while others fear them. If I had all the money in the world, I wouldn't be any happier.
Same here. I have always been on my own. I say that to myself most every day. You were always on your own. In everything. Always will be. I think that's the difference between the alpha and the sigma. The alpha needs to lead others. The sigma doesn't lead but also doesn't follow.
You missed the biggest brutal truth : That death is inevitable, from the very first breathe we take, we are starting die, nobody gets out of life alive.
if you put in randomness, then the equation is destroyed; for even that which seems random, is the invisible attraction you cause; as a man thinketh so is he
#4 is my favorite. So true, I always tell people this. Get over yourselves, no one cares about your life in the end.(meaning the whole of society). Everything eventually becomes a distant memory. The world is play. Play your part, learn, grown and then move on. Nothing here in the world is truly real, its a matrix of human enslavement, dont store your treasures here.
sad but true. you come in alone. you go out alone. and no matter how spectacular you try to make your presence or your exit, in the end no one cares. you could leave your kids a fortune and they just squander it in 2 days....
Hey you needy fucks. Is turn tail and bail a saying or did I just make that up. Your all super special. And cool and best of best between confirmation of this video and my uplifting words movie stars
I've found that many people want to be your friend just to get some of your knowledge with out doing the work to get that knowledge. I have had many people saying that they wish they could do what I do. I ask them what are they willing to give up to do what I do.
I only have small friends in my life because I want have fake people in my life I would like to get to meet or talk to someone who can understand what I am about and to connect with another sigma male or female to have a really heart to heart talk
Friendship doesn't mean life-long support, or forever companionship. The word is so vague that it covers mere acquaintances in some cases to life-long relationships in others. But just because a friendship is temporary doesn't make it fake, and all friendships are primarily based on companionship and having things in common, shared experiences, and so forth. Some are merely for the time being, and are based upon nothing more than a transactional kind of convenience. There is nothing wrong here, you just have to know what kind of friendship you have, know it's limits, and have strict boundaries that ensure your self-respect.
ThankU👍I doubt i am actual sigma. Maybe sigmoid. I am deeply broken, miracle i did not succomb. Found great help in recovery & therapy. Now old, 70. Though i failed in the romantic arena, i am blessed w/friends, i don't share that cynicism. I don't mind solitude, don't mind i'll be forgotten.
Great video. Especially when you say talent or skill, a harsh truth this is usually not sufficient. Only, the inputs for the successful creation of economic value in a knowledge economy, the essential requirements are some capital, creativity, and a sigma trait in abundance, innovation for economic value and development.
Facts..I am a great artist and great producer but my career is water management for the city....and I love it... mathematics..electronics..tools...and sometimes getting dirty...what a world we live in
Growing up to see that parents have no fucking idea of anything. Dad worked and was heavy drinker. Strong man cos of hard work and was violent also if something came up that he was disqusted of. Very scary man, feared no-one. But sometimes posed threat to even me when he was pissed. I always looked that part of his character as bad thing. You have right to be angry but not towards those who did nothing wrong. Well, we conversated later about everything and shake hands. Mother was more fucked up, but that is another story. Main thing was that could see through them and understood that they were no adults spiritually by any means.
Belonging to a group and a label is restrictive.When a person is in touch and serving the common good and the clean conscience is on the right path to be a full and mature human being
In addition to looks: tall people tend to get more promotions to leadership positions and tend to earn more money than the equally or greater talented short people. We must all deal with whatever life hands us.
Sadly the fact that people actually need to "look up to someone" can play into this. Wearing a uniform can also gain a person recognition. It helps people maintain an image that suits their ego.....
I have always found that there is an open season on tall people, its like we are a different species. Its something we can do without . It doesnt matter who you are or what you do, not everyone is going to like your style , they will try to interfere even if it none of their business. Thats alpha males for you. Sigmas handle their own shit, alphas wanna be top dog but require others to clear up the mess they make
Not all sigmas accept this. Some refuse to play the game period. Is “success” even a valid goal at some point. You keep painting sigmas as materialistic but we aren’t. So stop showing corporate snoozers as the example. Money is not the measure of success. Finding Truth and sticking to it is.
That's true. Success doesn't mean the same for Sigmas like it does for the society. It is about personal success and has nothing to do with money or career. It's about the goals they set for themselves. This can be just a hobby or a different task they successfully finish. 😊Me and my husband are both Sigmas and our way of living and thinking is very often totally not understandable by everyone around us😅but we don't care 😂we love each other and our life even though or especially because it doesn't fit in the social standards 😁👍
@talisikid1618 the only way to know if you have succeeded in life is after you die. How many will be in attendance at your funeral? Will it be like ebenezer scrooge's, with only the undertaker and the sacristan, looking at their watches and keen to be off to the pub for a pint and a smoke? If so then you have been an utter failure. Or will there be a huge crowd at your wake, all laughing and drinking and telling stories about the great times they had with you? There you have it...
Honestly. Myself always and even others have remembered the great ones after they are gone. Like for example myself always remembers Bruce Lee and even my grandmother on my mother side may they both rest in peace.
I know what you are saying. That's an inspiration and a trailblazer. You might think it's funny but I use Macho Man Randy Savage as mine, there's not a day that goes by that I don't think of him, especially when I am off to the gym. But in the history of the world, this is a miniscule speck of the human kind that are remembered this way. It won't happen for you or me.
Exceptional breakdown. I like listening to these videos to help me fill in the gaps in the way I tend to think. We're all just winging it to one degree or another.... I like that. Was wondering how you go about doing your research? A friend of mine, probably largely a Sigma, was frank with me about his weaknesses; and how he shored them up by learning and utilizing the newest AI application. Claude ai. I thought that was really big of him to admit; and resourceful of him to advance his learning, turning to a field that has just begun. I notice you don't just rehash what everyone else says. I mean... you have some similar stuff; but you also add a lot of unique value in my opinion. Thanks for all your hard work and dedication to a little understood concept.
There is a good book about Sigma mindset in comparison to alpha, beta, gamma, and omega personalities. It is titled "The Science and Mythology of Alpha and Beta Males". It actually discusses how the left and right hemispheres of the brain influence behavior and how the pop vulture corrupted the original scientific definition of "alpha" according to neurology, psychology, and brainwaves.
All except the last point in my case, i see it the exact opposite, skill or talent is the truth, not people's approval or perception of it, yes it needs work for it to flourish but in the end, potential is everything, not the end result, and since a true sigma disagrees with most rules of modern day society, he might not even want to contribute at all, meaning he has the skill but decides not to apply it... So what is left is potential, not an end goal or perfecting a talent for benefits, sometimes perfecting it for yourself and keeping it hidden, until or if things change enough so that the sigma deems it worth it to put it out there.
"No one cares" is overly pessimistic. People have no reason to care about strangers because strangers don't care about them. This is learned behavior. People will often behave in ways that you do not expect because they have other motivations than you have. Accept that some people genuinely do care.
"Looks matter". Yes they do and you need to be aware of it. But tap into the resources that other people ignore. Give less attractive people a chance, listen to what they have to offer. Your power is only through your influence over other people. Few are lucky enough to have both intelligence and looks. Intelligence is more beneficial to have on your team.
"You will soon be forgotten when you are gone". Unless you do something amazing with your life. Every man in the history books has written himself into those pages with his achievements. If this is your goal, then no one can actually stop you. Some people live forever in the consciousness of man. How often do you think of the Roman Empire? How often do you think of the Austrian painter? You have a slight nihilistic view of life. That we are fundamentally unimportant and mortal beings should be a source of power. You have nothing to lose by aiming for the skies in this life. We are only here for a short time and that ride can be amazing if you make it amazing.
Yes, everything Normies believe to be true, is in fact false. This has to do with their sources of information. Most often, the truth is the opposite of what they are being told. They live in a carefully constructed illusion. Since this programming is life-long and so pervasive, it takes a huge effort to break free of it, and most importantly it requires the ability to admit that you have been fooled and misled. Refusing to consider or to investigate opposing or alternative views is a sign that you are afraid of facing such a possibility.
No one knows what they are doing and this is the fun part. Your path is decided before you are born but no one has told you the plan. Consider all the challenges you have faced in life, your interests, what you are passionate about, your principles and where you are in life. These things may hint at where you are headed.
Yes looks matter it is attraction , friends at least true friends are rare most otehr friends are opertunistich friends meaning they want something from you , yes we are all alone its about yourself people think that its lonilyness I dont think of it that way I t hink of it as being me and If I others around I would prefer the others be like myself around me but those people are rare. in the end of life you are alone that's when most people realize and truly understand this . the only people that are not forgotten are the ones that make history or change it somehow but even them over time are forgotten or maybe the story about them is changed ,I agree about most beliefs being false, know one knows wha ttheya re doing becasue it is awalsy changing so we addapt to it as best we can, and yes talent is pretty meaningless
its funny I looked recently at my law school. I did not end up as a lawyer but one in a hundred of my classmates became a judge. Quite frankly of the people that made it you could have spotted in the first week of law school I don't think that they were very happy people. Some of them I have known for 40 years and i have never seen them smile. Equally i recently viewed the law gazette obits. There were a number of magic circle lawyers (magic circle are the top earning law firms in the UK) there were quite a few died in there 60's and early 70's. They had essentially worked themselves to death. Those firms pride themselves on a 60-70 hour week add the commute and the poor lawyers would have not had a moments peace from 22 until their early death.
Was told i was one of the most attractive people they ever knew. Was told this several times. And was graped by a woman fired by a women had women try to have me arrested several times as well as given a hard time by women, most i've never even spoken to. So looks can and do work against you.
What does it mean to take life too seriously ? That you aren't enjoying it ? Well, yeah, if you aren't enjoying your life that is a problem. But it might just be because you are failing to take things seriously enough -- such as making plans for the future that will ensure to some extent your happiness and well-being. Now, I'm not suggesting all work and no play, you need to have fun -- but the hippies and drop-outs in the 60s didn't take life too seriously. How did that turn-out ?
Each person must find their Value in life, not in Comparison of the person What maybe value to you may not be a value to the other person, but that’s ok Thank God were not the Same . If people can understand stand . We would live in better place, Without the prejudice or bias views for being different, or have different Standards ways of living , Each individual has their Accountability with God. Not people’s expectations In how an individual should Live by. My advice focus On yourself, work on your Own shortcomings and mistakes, self improvements, Quit trying To babysit others people’s mindsets due to your insecurity mindset of control. If God gave each Individuals the gift of freewill . And as long as he Doesn’t breaks God’s law of standards , Why do you as Conformity society’s Individuals impose your Values onto sigma males Remember our accountability is with God . Not conformity individual’s Expectations
Science is not a religion. It's based exclusively upon measurable and verifable facts - which is why in science theories can be thrown overboard when they're proven wrong and you will neither be stoned to Death or burned at the stake for it, which is a big difference to religion...
LoL. Science is always questioning and evolving with new discovery, religion is fixed belief and not evolving. People are not necessarily lying to you in a conspiracy, they're just going by the current information which may change.
Correction, people from India or China knew that earth the round from more than 5000 years, only westerners figured it out only 500 years ago. The Muslim world still believes in flat earth.
I cant get a concept of money vuts beyond ignorance. And cant gear myself to invest effort. Even though effortless wrotev4 rivk and morty episodes and eminem used part of my dong. Mind you took me an hour to write all forvand 15: minutes to rap.
einstine was not a great inventor, he was a joke, he only had one patent on refrigent, and he stole that. i sure you ment tesla, now there is real genious.
If it is mainstream, stay away from it. Know the enemy. It is a small group you can't criticize and a large number of sellouts. This group even owns the mainstream religions. And while you are figuring all of this out, I highly recommend the vegan diet.
I know no one cares for me and I'm fine with that I don't lose any sleep like my dad said I came in the world alone and I will go out alone but my life Is great I have no stress or drama my life is my own I have self discipline and self control self mastery a true sigma male can stand alone we cherish being alone I am man of iron who embrace my darkness and it's paying off I have ever thing I need 💯
I am sigma...i am...do not tell me yr perspective of what u believe i should be...i know...u dream that u may think that u know..u do not....without me u do not exist...Back off....and good luck..
Thanks for watching! If you enjoyed the video, drop a like on it and subscribe for more! I really appreciate it! 🙏🏻
Thank You
HHwh9li I'm in@@KarlvincentHernandez
When one can finally relax, one realizes the absurdity of it all. This is one of the things that Sigma personalities naturally recognize.
Or, you find God and realize that it’s the hereafter that makes sense of it all.
Facts...seeing life outside of the fishbowl...u try to tell the fish and all they know how to do is splash the water
@@26MECH Great analogy my friend.
I am a sigma male and proud to be and ask anything tell you the truth and honest but will say I say what's on my own I don't hold back so if you or anyone wants to ask me anything then expect what I say and how I put things because I just give the hard truth
@@seanhamilton2434 Real Sigma males do not call themselves a "Sigma" because real ones don't give a sh*t about labels (like me).
Loneliness and being alone are really 2 different things. Solitude is a wonderful experience
loneliness suggests some kind of sadness and longing for company
I say this all the time, if anyone asks, I'm alone, but not lonely
But a sigma is not an introvert. Often it's introverts who prefer solitude. The sigma is still partaking in activities but on their own, not needing others by their side or in planning.
True loners are perfectly capable and comfortable in social situations. They simply prefer to be alone and are happier when alone. People with social anxieties who are alone, but craving social companionship are NOT loners or Sigmas.
I’m a loner and can honestly say that I have no idea what it feels like to be lonely.
I intuitively knew everything in this video is correct from a long time ago. I did not know how to so eloquently articulate it though. It's so comforting and exciting, like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulder to hear this. The realities of these don't bother me in the least as I embrace them while others fear them. If I had all the money in the world, I wouldn't be any happier.
Me to mate I wander in my whole life y I have never met another sigma male love to have a good chat with another male if you want to chat
Same here. I have always been on my own. I say that to myself most every day. You were always on your own. In everything. Always will be. I think that's the difference between the alpha and the sigma. The alpha needs to lead others. The sigma doesn't lead but also doesn't follow.
You missed the biggest brutal truth : That death is inevitable, from the very first breathe we take, we are starting die, nobody gets out of life alive.
A better way of stating that is for everyone to make the best use of their dash! On tombstone: birth date _dash_ death date.
The sun is the same in a relative way but you're older, Shorter of breath, and one day closer to death - Pink Floyd
“The Stoic Sigma”… my guess is someone has already made 50 versions of that video also. 😖
Lone Wolf is the correct description
And the rest are the pack dogs.
Success = Talent*Effort^Focus + Random Events.
if you put in randomness, then the equation is destroyed; for even that which seems random, is the invisible attraction you cause; as a man thinketh so is he
No such thing as invisible attraction. Total bs. Much of life is indeed random and beyond an individual’s control.
This is certainly an empirical result based on my own experiences rather than one derived from fundamental axioms.
say it with me kids, luck. its called luck lol
This was an extraordinary list. Thank you for this.
The earlier one acknowledges and deals with these seven truths, the better off they will be for life.
#4 is my favorite. So true, I always tell people this. Get over yourselves, no one cares about your life in the end.(meaning the whole of society). Everything eventually becomes a distant memory. The world is play. Play your part, learn, grown and then move on. Nothing here in the world is truly real, its a matrix of human enslavement, dont store your treasures here.
sad but true. you come in alone. you go out alone. and no matter how spectacular you try to make your presence or your exit, in the end no one cares. you could leave your kids a fortune and they just squander it in 2 days....
Many an alpha male, or alpha-wannabe, needs to read your post.
Hey you needy fucks. Is turn tail and bail a saying or did I just make that up. Your all super special. And cool and best of best between confirmation of this video and my uplifting words movie stars
U need all my followers to stop by for electric cool aid before we board the mothership im switching to alfa and omega c i may G
So well said!
I've found that many people want to be your friend just to get some of your knowledge with out doing the work to get that knowledge. I have had many people saying that they wish they could do what I do. I ask them what are they willing to give up to do what I do.
I only have small friends in my life because I want have fake people in my life I would like to get to meet or talk to someone who can understand what I am about and to connect with another sigma male or female to have a really heart to heart talk
Friends come and go. But enemies are for keeps.
100% Spot on.
Trust No one but yourself! Let your guard down and you will get screwed..
Friendship doesn't mean life-long support, or forever companionship. The word is so vague that it covers mere acquaintances in some cases to life-long relationships in others. But just because a friendship is temporary doesn't make it fake, and all friendships are primarily based on companionship and having things in common, shared experiences, and so forth. Some are merely for the time being, and are based upon nothing more than a transactional kind of convenience. There is nothing wrong here, you just have to know what kind of friendship you have, know it's limits, and have strict boundaries that ensure your self-respect.
This video hit home, the most accurate one I’ve watched so far
All these points are 100% spot-on! Well said!
ThankU👍I doubt i am actual sigma. Maybe sigmoid. I am deeply broken, miracle i did not succomb. Found great help in recovery & therapy. Now old, 70. Though i failed in the romantic arena, i am blessed w/friends, i don't share that cynicism. I don't mind solitude, don't mind i'll be forgotten.
There are lots of indispensable people in cemeteries.
Yes. They're lying next to the healthy people who have spent most of their time in gyms or doing sports.
I like that one 👍
On point.
Great video. Especially when you say talent or skill, a harsh truth this is usually not sufficient. Only, the inputs for the successful creation of economic value in a knowledge economy, the essential requirements are some capital, creativity, and a sigma trait in abundance, innovation for economic value and development.
Facts..I am a great artist and great producer but my career is water management for the city....and I love it... mathematics..electronics..tools...and sometimes getting dirty...what a world we live in
We see life outside of the fishbowl....we try to tell the fish but all they care about is racing each other 😂
Sigmas don’t do “We”.
@@adrianrose7703 u just did buddy. Calm down.
Growing up to see that parents have no fucking idea of anything. Dad worked and was heavy drinker. Strong man cos of hard work and was violent also if something came up that he was disqusted of. Very scary man, feared no-one. But sometimes posed threat to even me when he was pissed. I always looked that part of his character as bad thing. You have right to be angry but not towards those who did nothing wrong. Well, we conversated later about everything and shake hands. Mother was more fucked up, but that is another story. Main thing was that could see through them and understood that they were no adults spiritually by any means.
Belonging to a group and a label is restrictive.When a person is in touch and serving the common good and the clean conscience is on the right path to be a full and mature human being
I live no.2 daily.. thanks for the video. I recommend any true sigma to research stoicism philosophy. It greatly helped reinforce my perspective
Stoicism doesn't make the world a better place. A lack of empathy and walling off emotions is emotional weakness.
In addition to looks: tall people tend to get more promotions to leadership positions and tend to earn more money than the equally or greater talented short people. We must all deal with whatever life hands us.
YES, it's a fact that if you are 6 ft. or taller, you have an advantage "over" shorter people.
Sadly the fact that people actually need to "look up to someone" can play into this. Wearing a uniform can also gain a person recognition. It helps people maintain an image that suits their ego.....
I worked at Intel in the 90s and all the VPs and upper mgmt guy were 6'+.
I have always found that there is an open season on tall people, its like we are a different species. Its something we can do without . It doesnt matter who you are or what you do, not everyone is going to like your style , they will try to interfere even if it none of their business. Thats alpha males for you. Sigmas handle their own shit, alphas wanna be top dog but require others to clear up the mess they make
Not all sigmas accept this. Some refuse to play the game period. Is “success” even a valid goal at some point. You keep painting sigmas as materialistic but we aren’t. So stop showing corporate snoozers as the example. Money is not the measure of success. Finding Truth and sticking to it is.
That's true. Success doesn't mean the same for Sigmas like it does for the society. It is about personal success and has nothing to do with money or career. It's about the goals they set for themselves. This can be just a hobby or a different task they successfully finish. 😊Me and my husband are both Sigmas and our way of living and thinking is very often totally not understandable by everyone around us😅but we don't care 😂we love each other and our life even though or especially because it doesn't fit in the social standards 😁👍
Life is the game
@@Mondhase2000 Your marriage will remain intact while you watch many others around you fail.
@talisikid1618 the only way to know if you have succeeded in life is after you die. How many will be in attendance at your funeral? Will it be like ebenezer scrooge's, with only the undertaker and the sacristan, looking at their watches and keen to be off to the pub for a pint and a smoke? If so then you have been an utter failure. Or will there be a huge crowd at your wake, all laughing and drinking and telling stories about the great times they had with you? There you have it...
@@dingusdingus2152 That is not necessarily true.
Some people die with few or no surviving family or friends.
You are basically spot on
Sigma and loving it!
Take all pain in life and turn it into fuel for your inner fire.
This whole thing describes me quite well. Hmm. Never knew there was a name for this set of traits.
Honestly. Myself always and even
others have remembered the great
ones after they are gone. Like for
example myself always remembers
Bruce Lee and even my grandmother
on my mother side may they both rest
in peace.
I know what you are saying. That's an inspiration and a trailblazer. You might think it's funny but I use Macho Man Randy Savage as mine, there's not a day that goes by that I don't think of him, especially when I am off to the gym. But in the history of the world, this is a miniscule speck of the human kind that are remembered this way. It won't happen for you or me.
@@BigBadJerryRogers Honestly. It
happens for me all the time amongst
Exceptional breakdown. I like listening to these videos to help me fill in the gaps in the way I tend to think. We're all just winging it to one degree or another.... I like that.
Was wondering how you go about doing your research? A friend of mine, probably largely a Sigma, was frank with me about his weaknesses; and how he shored them up by learning and utilizing the newest AI application. Claude ai. I thought that was really big of him to admit; and resourceful of him to advance his learning, turning to a field that has just begun.
I notice you don't just rehash what everyone else says. I mean... you have some similar stuff; but you also add a lot of unique value in my opinion.
Thanks for all your hard work and dedication to a little understood concept.
I love all this
All is trure
Very true coming from a sigma Virgo , if we don't see the seed we won't
My new saying is your doing great!right after i invent a confirmation hat that pats you on back as you bob through streets😊
I appreciate your videos I will ask the Lord to bless you
There is a good book about Sigma mindset in comparison to alpha, beta, gamma, and omega personalities. It is titled "The Science and Mythology of Alpha and Beta Males". It actually discusses how the left and right hemispheres of the brain influence behavior and how the pop vulture corrupted the original scientific definition of "alpha" according to neurology, psychology, and brainwaves.
I agree 100%
WOW....... I relate to like 90 percent of this content
Please and thank you kindly...
🎉 yeah ... hope other people,
will listen, i have known this since
i am about 7 years old ...
The look on all faces when I'm right is going to be priceless . And my new woman is going with me. She knows who she is. Watch .
The videos I watch about Sigma feel like my soul is being defined. 🤖
All except the last point in my case, i see it the exact opposite, skill or talent is the truth, not people's approval or perception of it, yes it needs work for it to flourish but in the end, potential is everything, not the end result, and since a true sigma disagrees with most rules of modern day society, he might not even want to contribute at all, meaning he has the skill but decides not to apply it... So what is left is potential, not an end goal or perfecting a talent for benefits, sometimes perfecting it for yourself and keeping it hidden, until or if things change enough so that the sigma deems it worth it to put it out there.
I agree cause I got these all Qulitis
I agree
We sigmas know the earth is flat.
That it is. We don’t believe idiot normie crap. We look for truth
Research House Joint Resolution 192 and public laws 73-1 and 73-10...
1:10 - Yeah! Life is just a f*cking Beauty Contest ..
"No one cares" is overly pessimistic. People have no reason to care about strangers because strangers don't care about them. This is learned behavior. People will often behave in ways that you do not expect because they have other motivations than you have. Accept that some people genuinely do care.
"Looks matter". Yes they do and you need to be aware of it. But tap into the resources that other people ignore. Give less attractive people a chance, listen to what they have to offer. Your power is only through your influence over other people. Few are lucky enough to have both intelligence and looks. Intelligence is more beneficial to have on your team.
"You will soon be forgotten when you are gone". Unless you do something amazing with your life. Every man in the history books has written himself into those pages with his achievements. If this is your goal, then no one can actually stop you.
Some people live forever in the consciousness of man. How often do you think of the Roman Empire? How often do you think of the Austrian painter?
You have a slight nihilistic view of life. That we are fundamentally unimportant and mortal beings should be a source of power. You have nothing to lose by aiming for the skies in this life. We are only here for a short time and that ride can be amazing if you make it amazing.
Yes, everything Normies believe to be true, is in fact false. This has to do with their sources of information. Most often, the truth is the opposite of what they are being told. They live in a carefully constructed illusion. Since this programming is life-long and so pervasive, it takes a huge effort to break free of it, and most importantly it requires the ability to admit that you have been fooled and misled. Refusing to consider or to investigate opposing or alternative views is a sign that you are afraid of facing such a possibility.
No one knows what they are doing and this is the fun part. Your path is decided before you are born but no one has told you the plan. Consider all the challenges you have faced in life, your interests, what you are passionate about, your principles and where you are in life. These things may hint at where you are headed.
Funny how yt randomly deletes stuff.
Yes looks matter it is attraction , friends at least true friends are rare most otehr friends are opertunistich friends meaning they want something from you , yes we are all alone its about yourself people think that its lonilyness I dont think of it that way I t hink of it as being me and If I others around I would prefer the others be like myself around me but those people are rare. in the end of life you are alone that's when most people realize and truly understand this . the only people that are not forgotten are the ones that make history or change it somehow but even them over time are forgotten or maybe the story about them is changed ,I agree about most beliefs being false, know one knows wha ttheya re doing becasue it is awalsy changing so we addapt to it as best we can, and yes talent is pretty meaningless
its funny I looked recently at my law school. I did not end up as a lawyer but one in a hundred of my classmates became a judge. Quite frankly of the people that made it you could have spotted in the first week of law school I don't think that they were very happy people. Some of them I have known for 40 years and i have never seen them smile. Equally i recently viewed the law gazette obits. There were a number of magic circle lawyers (magic circle are the top earning law firms in the UK) there were quite a few died in there 60's and early 70's. They had essentially worked themselves to death. Those firms pride themselves on a 60-70 hour week add the commute and the poor lawyers would have not had a moments peace from 22 until their early death.
Was told i was one of the most attractive people they ever knew. Was told this several times. And was graped by a woman fired by a women had women try to have me arrested several times as well as given a hard time by women, most i've never even spoken to. So looks can and do work against you.
"...these days, utter lack of talent is no longer enough..."
--- gore vidal
Talent isnt meaningless...
Subtract at least 80 per cent in your estimated time people think of you , no matter how close.
#5 = 100%
What does it mean to take life too seriously ? That you aren't enjoying it ? Well, yeah, if you aren't enjoying your life that is a problem. But it might just be because you are failing to take things seriously enough -- such as making plans for the future that will ensure to some extent your happiness and well-being. Now, I'm not suggesting all work and no play, you need to have fun -- but the hippies and drop-outs in the 60s didn't take life too seriously. How did that turn-out ?
They eventually realized that their 'peace & love' ideology had no basis of reality. That is why those 1960s hippies became the 1980s yuppies.
@@FischerFanbut there is a middle ground between not taking life seriously and becoming a total sellout hypocrite.
You can prove someone wrong million times . Math doesn't lie like a weird jealousy thing idk or pathetic denial
It is what it is 🤷♂️
Sigma male = an introverted, introspective and enlightened alpha male who sometimes appears to be a beta male
Momento Mori
I agree except the earth is flat and stationary. No way we’re hanging upside down on a 67,000 mph spinning ball full of water.
Each person must find their Value in life, not in
Comparison of the person
What maybe value to you
may not be a value to the
other person, but that’s ok
Thank God were not the
Same . If people can understand stand . We would live in better place,
Without the prejudice or bias views for being different, or have different
Standards ways of living ,
Each individual has their
Accountability with God.
Not people’s expectations
In how an individual should
Live by. My advice focus
On yourself, work on your
Own shortcomings and
mistakes, self improvements, Quit trying
To babysit others people’s
mindsets due to your insecurity mindset of control. If God gave each
Individuals the gift of freewill . And as long as he
Doesn’t breaks God’s law of standards , Why do you
as Conformity society’s
Individuals impose your
Values onto sigma males
Remember our accountability is with God . Not conformity individual’s
Maybe so.
Jesus was a sigma. The prophets and apostles were, spending as much time alone as possible.
Cat productions is fired. Fuck San Fran disco. Broke into all there files lol
The Earth is flat and we are under a dome aka firmament.
Wish I had time to vacation in Chernobyl radiation doesn't effect me like that. Basically drinking a red bull and a spa
Good looking people trigger the brain about " healthy"
It's the Betas who believe we live on a ball
Science is also a religion and proven liars So then my dear friend you got that one wrong Keep seeking maybe one day you will understand this comment
Yes, I see it also.
Science is not a religion. It's based exclusively upon measurable and verifable facts - which is why in science theories can be thrown overboard when they're proven wrong and you will neither be stoned to Death or burned at the stake for it, which is a big difference to religion...
LoL. Science is always questioning and evolving with new discovery, religion is fixed belief and not evolving. People are not necessarily lying to you in a conspiracy, they're just going by the current information which may change.
party sinking coast keep
None of the models selected for this video are Sigma.
I'm a short 5.7 male with autism.
So... not for me!
Correction, people from India or China knew that earth the round from more than 5000 years, only westerners figured it out only 500 years ago. The Muslim world still believes in flat earth.
If a family member rings you they care
I cant get a concept of money vuts beyond ignorance. And cant gear myself to invest effort. Even though effortless wrotev4 rivk and morty episodes and eminem used part of my dong. Mind you took me an hour to write all forvand 15: minutes to rap.
Lost me on 1st point
I think you are wrong about what motivates sigmas. You don't understand their definition of success. You think they are willing to compete.
einstine was not a great inventor, he was a joke, he only had one patent on refrigent, and he stole that. i sure you ment tesla, now there is real genious.
Ummm sir the world is flat 🤔🤨.. was that a joke or something..????
shhhhhh ah
Love your Anarchist Punk dressing code … don’t be a sell out
Y'all too corny asf😭🙏💀
If it is mainstream, stay away from it. Know the enemy. It is a small group you can't criticize and a large number of sellouts. This group even owns the mainstream religions. And while you are figuring all of this out, I highly recommend the vegan diet.
I know no one cares for me and I'm fine with that I don't lose any sleep like my dad said I came in the world alone and I will go out alone but my life Is great I have no stress or drama my life is my own I have self discipline and self control self mastery a true sigma male can stand alone we cherish being alone I am man of iron who embrace my darkness and it's paying off I have ever thing I need 💯
I am sigma...i am...do not tell me yr perspective of what u believe i should be...i know...u dream that u may think that u know..u do not....without me u do not exist...Back off....and good luck..
I completely agree
I agree