  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 28 เม.ย. 2024
  • MAHIROO IS SO BROKEN IN GUNDAM EVOLUTION! But not OP broken... trash broken. Watch this video to see what is wrong with it, and why it needs changes!
    I'm a rank 17 network test Gundam Evolution player, and top 100 Overwatch player with 4 years of hero shooter experience, so you can rest assured that I've got a bunch for you to know in this gameplay analysis!
    Let me know what you guys thought, and I would LOVE to answer any questions you all have for me
    0:00 - Fire shots even faster!
    2:00 - Main problems
    5:30 - Damage issues
    10:50 - Not being rewarded as a projectile
    SUBSCRIBE, LIKE, and HIT the bell icon for more Gundam Evolution content, or if you just want to be a homie and support the dream! ;D
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ความคิดเห็น • 76

  • @Dunmuir
    @Dunmuir  ปีที่แล้ว +2

    and join my personal Discord too if you want some new friends!

    • @viktorbryce951
      @viktorbryce951 ปีที่แล้ว

      I've found if you are quick, you can chain the first active skill right into the second followed by a regular attack. The knock-back time from the initial hit almost functions as a stun because you are unable to take actions until you reach the knock-back distance. At least from what I've tested. If you pair this with the G-Maneuver the regular attack after the slash & particle cannon can bring down almost any unit much like how you chain attack combos with Exia. To be fair I've found this easier even and since the slash places you in the air you've got a little hang time to get a better advantage on landing direct regular shots. Plus, your enemy is then stunned, so you can place another regular attack & almost have your slash back off its cooldown.
      Still, this isn't an easy feat to pull off. Mahiroo still suffers from a Low-hp factor, limited shots, relatively slow reload, and rather long cool downs on the active skills. Beyond this, the ranged falloff damage I don't feel should be a factor. These are grenade projectiles. Not rockets or bullets or even beams. The damage is directly from the detonation of the projectile, not the impact of it. With it's already relatively low damage from each projectile, it shouldn't be sliced further in terms of the range. The range shots are even more difficult to thread & aim, in terms of landing impacts.

    • @keithemerson7662
      @keithemerson7662 ปีที่แล้ว

      You played this in a casual match, right? 😆

    • @viktorbryce951
      @viktorbryce951 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@keithemerson7662 I should hope 😅. But yes, I practiced this in the practice grounds then took it into Casual Matches to see how effective it is in actual practice. It's difficult, certainly a skill curve, to perform this. Though, the same token applies to Exia. The only difference is with Exia the stun hits immediately on the first step of the combo execution, whereas with Mahiroo it comes in on the second step of the combo execution. And if you miss that window or misplace the Particle Cannon... let's just say things don't go well. You've got to place it quick & accurately, otherwise you'll miss the damage & stun entirely. But with that bit of hover, it's easier to make the Particle Cannon placement. Of course, Mahiroo is still a very poor unit. This is just something you can do that gives it the smallest amount of viability in a world where it isn't a viable unit to be playing most of the time, if at all.

    • @viktorbryce951
      @viktorbryce951 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@keithemerson7662 Since I didn't quote damage capability, I thought that it should be mentioned. 270 is from a Regular Attack, 250 from it's E/Slash, and with it's F/Cannon it's laser deals 188 if impacts legs or 250 on body atop of the 400 from the cannon. So when paired together, damage ranges from 920 if laser misses entirely all the way to 1170. That's a fairly high amount of damage & puts distance between you and the enemy, which is a good thing as Mahiroo doesn't have much in terms of escape mechanics. Beyond that, the slash puts you in an almost auto-position to easily place the F-skill and another easy Regular Attack.

  • @coderaccoon6061
    @coderaccoon6061 ปีที่แล้ว +21

    saw the title at first and thought someone found some crazy way to make this boi relevant. sad to see he's just normal broken.

    • @Dunmuir
      @Dunmuir  ปีที่แล้ว +8

      Yeh... like throw into the trash broken...

    • @coderaccoon6061
      @coderaccoon6061 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      That makes me sad :(

  • @MegaFootDude
    @MegaFootDude ปีที่แล้ว +24

    My biggest issue with Mahiroo is that he has this giant ass magazine sticking out the top of his gun, but he reloads by frontloading the nades directly.

    • @GrandChaseowns
      @GrandChaseowns ปีที่แล้ว +1

      those r fins pretty sure since mahiroo is a submersible

    • @LulutheJester
      @LulutheJester ปีที่แล้ว

      @@GrandChaseowns should make it both

  • @Acrobuster
    @Acrobuster ปีที่แล้ว +8

    I feel like Mahiroo should be a glass cannon but they didn't go hard enough. I'd like to almost double it's damage on everything, and make its beam just click and fire with much more range without the animation lock.

  • @wanster2010
    @wanster2010 ปีที่แล้ว +11

    My desired changes are:
    -Give him 4 shots per clip.
    - allow him to move freely while casting the beam cannon.
    -Largely increase direct hit damage of the bombs, while considerably decreasing the damage of exploding non-direct hit bombs.
    - give mahiroo the ability to ping enemy through the walls after using his scan ability, while still being the only person to be able to actually see them.
    -if mahiroo manages to kick someone with the kick ability, reduce the cooldown by a small percent.
    - remove the right click ability of focusing entirely, replace it with the option to remote detonate any lingering bombs on the field, at the cost of decreasing their overall damage (think of it like the grenade launcher in Halo:Reach.)
    - Add the ability to remote detonate as well for his ultimate, except remove the aforementioned damage decrease. (His ultimate is extremely lacking.).
    If Even ONE of these improvements are added to him, I would be a very happy mahiroo main. Though I still enjoy playing him regardless of his state anyway.

    • @traphimawari7760
      @traphimawari7760 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Easy fix would be to allow mahiroo to use both grenade launchers that it already has, its baffling to me how it only uses its other launcher when its using its G maneuver and for some reason it fires 4 projectiles per shot

    • @matchstick21
      @matchstick21 ปีที่แล้ว

      I think rather than more direct damage or remote detonate, something like "proxy fuse" ala Destiny would work well. For reference, proxy fuse causes grenades to detonate if they get within a certain distance and LoS of enemies, rather than only exploding on direct contact. That would help it in hitting highly mobile enemies and allow it to hit enemies around corners or overtop walls easier.

  • @ExcaliburVids
    @ExcaliburVids ปีที่แล้ว +6

    The fact that the animation cancel makes his reload so much faster and this barely does anything is rough.

  • @hungerxhunger
    @hungerxhunger ปีที่แล้ว +1

    when u on promos and the dude locks in mahiroo all game then swaps off the last minute

  • @sangheilicommander1056
    @sangheilicommander1056 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    if they wanted a grenade lobbing unit. there are better options in gundam universe. a good example would be the jesta cannon. but until mahiroo gets a buff just play Dom
    Edit: the projectiles should have proxy detonation & increased damage. the beam ability should be able to be dragged across the ground making the large area bigger

  • @Yosogoto
    @Yosogoto ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I have not watched the video yet, but I want to say, I do not play that many shooters, I'm a fighting game guy, but even I could see that Mahiroo is not that great.
    Like I don't really understand shooters that much, I used to play Halo in the glory days but its a very different game from team/role based games like this. I came in to this game thinking the ultimates for most characters were "mostly good" and after watching your vids Dunmuir, I feel like I understand so much more.
    I'm honestly only here because of Gundam, but I do hope the game improves because now I genuinely want it to succeed, its fun and certainly has potential to be better than Overwatch, which I have decided that I won't be playing.
    Edit: I believe in Guntank supremacy

  • @FriedBacon88
    @FriedBacon88 ปีที่แล้ว

    all he needs to be competitive is his flip kick instantly refreshes if he hits an enemy with it, then his kit would make sense.
    his sitting duck kit would now have an escape and an entry combo that doesn't have to rely on good teammates to be alive when all your skills are on cooldown. the grenades are already plenty good.
    if I was nitpicking I would add that the stun should lock your inputs like it does, but keep any momentum you have upon firing ie you ready and activate beam cannon at the maximum speed when dash-jumping, and you will prop yourself up higher still to fire the shot, but you continue your momentum so it's a fade away wall hopping option (at the time of writing the beam cannon will auto aim the target even if you are moving midair so I don't see a huge issue with this change since it still wrenches all control away for the duration)

    • @Dunmuir
      @Dunmuir  ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I think it wouldn’t mind too much for this change if they buffed the range on it too

  • @seb5689
    @seb5689 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    also as a video idea coz I think you have a good grasp on this stuff, can you do a video where you explain 6v6 hero shooters? a lot of us just love gundam and are new to this kind of game, I couldn't give a fuck on overwatch....

    • @seb5689
      @seb5689 ปีที่แล้ว

      I mean like strategies and stuff

    • @Dunmuir
      @Dunmuir  ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Yep, I’ll make sure to put out videos like this!

  • @Lancer_
    @Lancer_ ปีที่แล้ว +2

    1000 hp , 5 shots, lil extra damage/explosion radius for crowd control. It will still be stomped on but it will hold choke points fierce

  • @TangentLine
    @TangentLine ปีที่แล้ว

    I find mahiroo pretty fun though
    One time in a destruction map there were 4 enemies gathered around to defuse the bomb and i managed to stun them with the exploding floor skill then went in to finish them with the kick

  • @NateD4WGG
    @NateD4WGG ปีที่แล้ว

    hell yeah im getting this guy

    • @Dunmuir
      @Dunmuir  ปีที่แล้ว

      Looool good luck my friend xD

  • @Mace208
    @Mace208 ปีที่แล้ว +10

    Feel like he needs 1000hp, as well as 5 shots before reloading or a damage buff. Also, I'd say he's better for defense and for use on certain maps.

    • @TheeOK1
      @TheeOK1 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I'd say both. We have plenty of examples where these types of characters can work without destroying game balance. Even tf2 Demoman considering how much mobility is in that game, even though sticky bombs are busted they can do damn well without it.

    • @slaphappy6705
      @slaphappy6705 ปีที่แล้ว

      You literally cannot increase the mag size, you'd need to change the unit's design

  • @jericodawsonmarcos7529
    @jericodawsonmarcos7529 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Since I've been playing quake alot and currently on the dissolution of eternity I really think mahiroo should have some cluster rounds and better damage on the lad. His kit is all over the place with the amount of damage the nades do. 3 could have been an ok ammo count if it rewards me with shit blowing up but nah

    • @jericodawsonmarcos7529
      @jericodawsonmarcos7529 ปีที่แล้ว

      Also the toroidal cannon really needs that animation lock off

    • @Dunmuir
      @Dunmuir  ปีที่แล้ว

      Yeeep, no animation lock more damage

  • @gunosaguki1
    @gunosaguki1 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    his ultimate basically makes him have a shotgun. the problem is he still takes self damage. I like him but man he needs help. As is he basically is supportive damage, he helps soften the enemy for a push or hold them off for a little bit. but so can GM or Asshimar with their flames. he can actually one clip people, but it requires finishing them off with a kick, and usually means being so close you risk self damage. WHY IS HE EFFECTED BY HIS OWN GRENADES AAAAAAAA. BUt yeah i noticed any time you ulti'd you were trying to hit with the flak-portion of his shots. You have to go close range because if you hit with them before they split they do 700 damage, so thats 700 x 6 that splashes. it can be DEVASTATING but like you said its "balanced" compared to some other ones like melee zaku

    • @tiedyedbeard3439
      @tiedyedbeard3439 ปีที่แล้ว

      I hate hate hate that almost his entire kit self damages. Like as a new player who was already struggling against melee characters, if you chose mahiroo as your first free unlock you're gonna quit the game. Melee units can just run at you for free and even if you hit them you're hitting yourself as well.

  • @noble64890
    @noble64890 ปีที่แล้ว

    minor fix: make the grenades explode within proximity

  • @PsiChaos2701
    @PsiChaos2701 ปีที่แล้ว

    Mahiroo really needs proximity trigger to its grenades, and up the splash damage radius to damage groups of enemies better. I can understand if they didn't really want to give it any advantage in a 1v1 situation and don't want it killing enemies in one mag. You're playing this thing from behind your allies and really are just expected to be able to provide supplemental damage from unusual angles, but since you need to be so precise with the grenades to do damage, it's just bad at even the thing is designed for. As for it's secondary weapon, that should also have bigger damage radius and do a lot more damage, since it's asking you to stand still in a game where movement is necessary

    • @Dunmuir
      @Dunmuir  ปีที่แล้ว

      Yep, seems a bit silly to not have a developed strength

  • @93SupaFly
    @93SupaFly ปีที่แล้ว

    I know the devs wont read this but i think the right way to fix his kit is
    1. Increase the ammo up to 5 grenade pellets
    2. when you hold your right click and shoot, the grenade will explode immediately after in contact with object like walls / floor or in contact with eneny mobile suits, then it make mahiroo much more useful to play.
    3. The F skill should have been able to cast while moving. I died the most while trying to cast the damn Skill

  • @GrandChaseowns
    @GrandChaseowns ปีที่แล้ว +1

    doesnt exia's GN daggers do more in 1 click compared to mahiroo?

    • @Dunmuir
      @Dunmuir  ปีที่แล้ว

      Yes it does lol

  • @takkun34
    @takkun34 ปีที่แล้ว

    Buff idea is that it has the big as shield so maby right click could give it a big shield like gm or sazabi and give it more ammo? Just an idea still not great bit at least playable then

    • @brendanb9653
      @brendanb9653 ปีที่แล้ว

      This is a game based of off a manga and anime series, mahiroo never had a shield. So it really wouldn't make much sense to give em a shield

    • @takkun34
      @takkun34 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@brendanb9653 i know its based off of a manga/anime i love gundam but im am not familiar with his particular mobile suit so i wasn't aware that the bigass shield looking thing on its arm was in fact not a shield so my bad and thx for the clarification and also thx for the reply :)

  • @androyus
    @androyus ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I don't know about it being literally broken. I've seen some Mahiroo gods out there.

  • @excalba
    @excalba ปีที่แล้ว

    is my mahiroo supposed to have a shooting delay?

  • @ocean_bat
    @ocean_bat ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Take DOM Trooper, cut the ammo by 60%, reduce the health by 400, make one of its abilities lock you in place, and remove its team support.
    Congrats, you have Mahiroo.

  • @dynomight3855
    @dynomight3855 ปีที่แล้ว

    It's disappointing that a mobile suit from the obscure Turn A series (at least to me) feels so weak/lackluster compared to the others

  • @chaos332
    @chaos332 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Soon enough, Mahiroo will still be a "broken suit". U can't even tell if will be bad or good

  • @gunosaguki1
    @gunosaguki1 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    at least a balance patch was announced for 2 weeks from now

    • @Dunmuir
      @Dunmuir  ปีที่แล้ว

      Yep! Time for Mahiroo to he buffed into hard meta lolol

  • @user-nn6go1jx1h
    @user-nn6go1jx1h ปีที่แล้ว

    They should give them a hat,that will fix all its problems

  • @DeadEye364
    @DeadEye364 ปีที่แล้ว

    Giving him 1000 HP just makes him a gray walmart bag

  • @zeeying
    @zeeying ปีที่แล้ว

    I usually just report people for trolling when they play Mahiroo

    @MADSLAYER47 ปีที่แล้ว

    playing mahiroo is misery

  • @SilverBioWolf
    @SilverBioWolf ปีที่แล้ว

    Saw sm1 go mahiroo in my ranked games. Insta lose ofc.

  • @tejoadi4349
    @tejoadi4349 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I thought mahiroo has 1000 hp, 2 dashes with 800 hp? bruh.
    AOE needs to be increased and mag size increased to 5

  • @Edanite
    @Edanite ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I think his mag needs to be bigger or his damage needs to be greater.
    Personally I'd prefer to see the ammo count rise to around 5. A minor improvement to blast radios for the grenades would also be a game changer imo.
    If I was able to add anything to the weapon I'd ask for a proximity sensor to auto detonate the grenade when it passes an enemy within a certain distance of said grenade.
    As for the near useless ability, I feel it needs to be able to hit enemies in range of the blast zone as it's shooting to justify locking your movement in a mobility heavy game. If this also adds a tiny stun then good timing will protect the user from an enemy but the stun needs to be short enough that the enemy can still escape the blast to add fairness, it would be a decent change. Right now it's too difficult and dangerous to use.
    I feel it's biggest issue is the weapon, it's the only weapon in the game that needs to be heavily reworked to justify using the mobile suit since it effectively reduce the number of players in a match just to add a recon that feeds the enemy energy for their supers.
    At the very least I want to see an ammo count increase.

  • @xephyrexe5246
    @xephyrexe5246 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    You think the devs watch your videos? I hope they do because the problems you showcase are not subjective as far as I have seen and pertain to the playerbase as a whole.

    • @Dunmuir
      @Dunmuir  ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I hope so 🤔 I keep things as unbiased and objective as I can. I get a lot of people enjoy games differently than I do, but hero shooters are about harmonizing tanks, DPS, and supports and making it as fun as possible! So that’s my goal

  • @eringlasrud6484
    @eringlasrud6484 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Don't know a lot about this game but this character reminds me of early Junkrat in Overwatch 1. He had smaller grenades, only one mine, trap deployed slower, and I think he had less damage or a smaller clip size, can't remember exactly. His playstyle didn't really fit into the game which was very mobility-heavy at that time. And then later on he was still very counterable with the sheer amount of shields and survivability tools in 6v6 Overwatch. He's only decent now after many many buffs.

  • @bkyrlach
    @bkyrlach ปีที่แล้ว +1

    This is the only mobile suit I’ve gotten MVP with. I think it’s very underrated. Lately your content on this game seems really negative. I know you’re really good, but it still makes me sad. :(

    • @TheRoboKitty
      @TheRoboKitty ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Mahiroo is map-dependent. On some maps you can spam down choke points and just ruin any group's day, and get free kill assists that rack up to your MVP slot. On other maps, especially ones with more verticality, you're just going to annoy the enemy team until you get ganked by a flanker

  • @jaythatrillogygaming
    @jaythatrillogygaming ปีที่แล้ว

    He is pretty sad. I didn’t kno he was that bad

  • @chrollo0427
    @chrollo0427 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    mahiroo was made by someone who hates junkrat, only explanation

  • @Ming1975
    @Ming1975 ปีที่แล้ว

    I think Dom's splash dmg is nerf now too, you have to land hits now to do good dmg, Mahiro looks like the AOE has been reduced too.

    • @TheRoboKitty
      @TheRoboKitty ปีที่แล้ว

      The balance patch hasn't come out yet

  • @christmashammy
    @christmashammy ปีที่แล้ว

    Mahiroo is so trash. He self damages with grenades (including his ult) AND he self damages/stuns with his laser. You cant even throw it at ur feet to try to stun melees without killing urself too LOL. He feels so good to play if somehow everything lands and is my favorite, but he is just so trash in literally every way except his spotting ability and maybe the flip kick (which should definitely have 2 charges)

  • @Hurbieo
    @Hurbieo ปีที่แล้ว

    He is complete trash but still fun.

  • @DemMommaJeans
    @DemMommaJeans ปีที่แล้ว

    To.say unicorn is a tank healer he needs 950 to 1000hp not 800hp

  • @unknown-zj8hk
    @unknown-zj8hk ปีที่แล้ว

    Mahiroo not that broken just he need a good position when it come to team fight since he very squishy and included 800hp.

    • @SuggestionPvP
      @SuggestionPvP ปีที่แล้ว

      If the proximity detection was bigger and didnt just wiz past people so easily, could shoot one more rocket disc. And the range was longer and w/strafe on the shield cannon, hed be a TINY bit better. Heck even 1000hp and didn't get hurt by their own explosives(but that's a smidge op)

  • @gadereel2
    @gadereel2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Yeah just copy Overwatch damage values and these people will be happy finally.

  • @seb5689
    @seb5689 ปีที่แล้ว

    sazabi is trash, shouldn't be able to one shot a pale rider at 800 health, awfully bugged iyam

  • @gxshows7454
    @gxshows7454 ปีที่แล้ว

    complain too much . no skill .woke player