The loan companies need to be investigated. They should photograph everyone who goes in asking for a loan, and also get their fingerprints. They are currently not doing their due diligence, or they are themselves involved in the fraudulent scams.
It's crazy how this even occurs, because dealerships advertise the VIN directly on the lot. Just doesn't really even make sense how this could even happen.
This kind of is fraud is very easy to stop all that needs to done is pass a law that any lien placed on property by a financial institution automatically become void if challenged if the institution can not prove they took proper steps verify all documents and the vehicle or other property are real.
Sounds like a very simple challenge to solve: take a photo of the person taking out the title loan. Distinction, not a copy of their license but an actual, real-time photo of their face, which law enforcement can run facial recognition software on.
Hold Up i tried 2 do this Title Loan thing 10yrs ago. They met to Inspect the Car. Wanted like 2-3 References & i Declined. So now they're just taking Documents? They wanted Employers ##, My ##.
I worked for a Repo Company based out of the Phoenix area and did many recoveries for title loan companies where the vehicle owner claimed to have no knowledge of the loan and lien on the vehicle
Loan company is at fault for not doing due dilligence in checking th authenticity of the document, they cannot put a lien on the car. They should go after the crooks that swindled them. Real car owner has no part in the fraudulent transaction. DMV should remove the lien.
The incompetent DMV needs to do a better job. Also, the loan shop is out of luck they need to eat that money and immediately release the title of the car and they should be charged because they participated in the fraud
Don't you have to show your ID, Drivers License, bank account info, etc when taking a loan? In addition you have a forged signature. This isn't that hard.
Any loan company who approves a loan on a vehicle without having the vehicle present, and confirming the person receiving the money is the actual owner should be investigated by the federal trade commission, and the fraudulent lien removed.
Government and businesses make it easy for criminals. They don't ask for or verify id's or do any basic investigation or use any security procedures. A store employee told me that they were prohibited from asking for an id for credit card purchases because it would be offensive.
The companies loaning the money are required to do a title search. They contact the DMV and determine if the car is in the person's name applying for the loan. Then they can only make the check out to the person (s) who's name (s) are on the title. And banks will not cash the check unless the person has an account in good standing with them. If the person on the check is not the person cashing it, it's fraud, they won't cash it. So how are the crooks cashing the checks from the loan company? The loan company could just as well be doing the scam, keeping the money for themselves, placing a lean on someone's car and then writing it off as a loss when taxes roll around.
This doesn't make sense. How can the law enforcement agency and authority not be able to trace and figure out who the culprits are? It's just excuses of total incompetence and/or lack of interest in solving crimes against law abiding citizens.
The loan companies need to be investigated. They should photograph everyone who goes in asking for a loan, and also get their fingerprints. They are currently not doing their due diligence, or they are themselves involved in the fraudulent scams.
Of course, they have to be in on it.
It's crazy how this even occurs, because dealerships advertise the VIN directly on the lot. Just doesn't really even make sense how this could even happen.
Or anyone can just snap a photo of your VIN on your dashboard in a public parking lot.
Sounds like the title loan companies problem not ours
This kind of is fraud is very easy to stop all that needs to done is pass a law that any lien placed on property by a financial institution automatically become void if challenged if the institution can not prove they took proper steps verify all documents and the vehicle or other property are real.
Thank you
They tittle loan place should be held accountable be cause they require the vehicle to be there
Actually they can just get the VIN number on any parked car as it is located on the windshield and can be seen from the outside.
Cover your vin. If you get stopped by an actual law enforcement officer then, uncover and explain.
Sounds like a very simple challenge to solve: take a photo of the person taking out the title loan.
Distinction, not a copy of their license but an actual, real-time photo of their face, which law enforcement can run facial recognition software on.
Hold Up i tried 2 do this Title Loan thing 10yrs ago. They met to Inspect the Car. Wanted like 2-3 References & i Declined. So now they're just taking Documents? They wanted Employers ##, My ##.
VIN#'s are on multiple places of vehicles. If the loan place is accepting a sticker, then they're in on it.
I worked for a Repo Company based out of the Phoenix area and did many recoveries for title loan companies where the vehicle owner claimed to have no knowledge of the loan and lien on the vehicle
But I have the original certificate of title in my safety deposit box. It’s really how amazingly lax some states are with Title docs.
Loan company is at fault for not doing due dilligence in checking th authenticity of the document, they cannot put a lien on the car. They should go after the crooks that swindled them. Real car owner has no part in the fraudulent transaction. DMV should remove the lien.
The incompetent DMV needs to do a better job. Also, the loan shop is out of luck they need to eat that money and immediately release the title of the car and they should be charged because they participated in the fraud
Don't you have to show your ID, Drivers License, bank account info, etc when taking a loan? In addition you have a forged signature. This isn't that hard.
Sounds like we need to start using the gallows more often.
We need better laws across the board to protect consumers, Especially when it comes to fraud
This video literally teaches criminals how to do the crime smh
Any loan company who approves a loan on a vehicle without having the vehicle present, and confirming the person receiving the money is the actual owner should be investigated by the federal trade commission, and the fraudulent lien removed.
Government and businesses make it easy for criminals. They don't ask for or verify id's or do any basic investigation or use any security procedures. A store employee told me that they were prohibited from asking for an id for credit card purchases because it would be offensive.
The companies loaning the money are required to do a title search. They contact the DMV and determine if the car is in the person's name applying for the loan. Then they can only make the check out to the person (s) who's name (s) are on the title. And banks will not cash the check unless the person has an account in good standing with them. If the person on the check is not the person cashing it, it's fraud, they won't cash it.
So how are the crooks cashing the checks from the loan company? The loan company could just as well be doing the scam, keeping the money for themselves, placing a lean on someone's car and then writing it off as a loss when taxes roll around.
This is the lenders fault. Take the lender to small claims court.
The loan company is screwed. They need the car on site run history check dmv of owners. Take your mugshot, get your thumbprint... here's your check.
Better not take my car no stooopid😅
Arizona 😅
This doesn't make sense. How can the law enforcement agency and authority not be able to trace and figure out who the culprits are? It's just excuses of total incompetence and/or lack of interest in solving crimes against law abiding citizens.
Thief's are really getting creative and finally using that small brain