howdy! you and your daughter seem super happy. your daughter seems nice and innocent, so i’d reccomend not putting her content online. i’m also just against children in general content creation roles (especially when it directly interacts with the internet audience). i found your video super interesting. i’m not sure how i was recommended this because it’s out of my expertise and enjoyment but great video. i actually learned some really interesting things! cheers mate and keep up the work on youtube!
howdy! you and your daughter seem super happy. your daughter seems nice and innocent, so i’d reccomend not putting her content online. i’m also just against children in general content creation roles (especially when it directly interacts with the internet audience).
i found your video super interesting. i’m not sure how i was recommended this because it’s out of my expertise and enjoyment but great video. i actually learned some really interesting things! cheers mate and keep up the work on youtube!