The excuse to not tell anyone because they'd freak out is such a copout. The only reason no one tells anyone is because those that know want to keep the power they have. That's IT.
@Drspockula- the answer is a mountain, but I'll give you the basic reason......WHEN INFORMATION IS CONTROLLED, ALTERED, OR HIDDEN - A FREE SOCIETY IS IMPOSSIBLE, AND POWER IS ASSURED TO THE CONTROLLERS!
@@DrSpoculusadvanced alien tech offers a plethora of scientific advancement: keeping it studied in secret is a much slower process than sharing information and getting new generations interested in the field. When it is secret, it can only be for the purpose of weaponization: which's a danger in it of itself. On the other hand: if it weren't secret, the public and UN would have more control over preventing advanced weaponization.
hahahha lol that's what I wanted to say too. well, my 5-year-old little girl knows about the little green ones hahaha. The problem is that they want to keep power and money so that they can control us, but they don't understand that that's not the goal because with that we won't develop and we won't progress because there's always some rich person be inatile because they have oil and gas and hold a monopoly over us, the same is true for electricity. Nikola Tesla could have given us free electricity 100 years ago and we would have developed completely differently, but money and power are important.
There is that- but there are a LOT of simpletons inhabiting the world that are just on a lower vibration that live in a mode of ignorance- and I don’t think they care or have the ability to comprehend the depth of what it would mean to have confirmation of life outside our planet. Just one example- the millions of people that watch mindless shit like “Housewives of Potomac” do not care about extra terrestrial life. Or spiritual life. Unless they can make a social media post about it.
Correct. Definately not me. In fact, I find it fascinating. The possibility to encounter a 'species' that are WAY more smarter than us lot. A species that does not fall, time after time, for the BS that is dished out to us.....DAILY.
Yea but they never said that people are really being abducted and used for some kind of reproduction experiment. They are endless details that would make society collapse.
What if the announcement includes some nasty sh*t about the aliens intentions? We expect them to be benign creatures. But what if they've been growing us in this petry dish of a planet, to eat our souls or use our souls as containers for their energy sources.?
You mean the lack of an answer that agrees with your opinion? Everyone trusted the government to look into the recent drones. When the answer wasn't "ufo's", now they pull a 180 and accuse the government of a cover-up. The government that just a day before they trusted to investigate and tell us what happened. Ufo people will only accept "aliens are real" answer an answer. Any other answer gets categorized as "the man" and "psy-op". The real psy-op is self inflicted. Tricking themselves into believing these things are real.
I think people actually don't really want to know the truth because they are going to be very disappointed when they find out that aliens have never visited or ever will visit earth. The unknown is more exciting than the truth. That's one of the reasons conspiracy theories are so exciting, the truth is usually dull and mundane.
Not telling the truth, withholding information,ommission of information that can affect humanity is decietful & decietful people/ organizations can't be trusted
Society and the public will adjust. Most people will get up in the morning, eat breakfast, brush their teeth, get dressed and go to work or school. If there is a technology revolution we will adapt, just as we did before.
Trying to deny and discredit witnesses is going to make things worse. The public will be more freaked out by lying and deceiving. And if there is a danger, the public needs to know.
We're going to find out what this is, one way or another. Secrets almost always make things worse, particularly if they have a long life. The longer a secret lives, the more lies you need to construct around the secret to keep it secret, until the lies become more dangerous and damaging than the secret itself. That's where we are today.
@@glen.simpson nnnnnnnoo pretty sure lying about something as big as this, continuing to lie about it and kill for it....for tech and power for years and years. Being pretty much taught to think what your seeing and feeling isn't real.... when we could be sooo much further along... than this.... Hey we are all happy about how things happened right??!!!! Nnnnnnnnooooo 😂😂
@@soullillyquitreedog1001 but you are not going to find out what this is, one way or the other...... you are going to be fed a story that is surrounded by entities designed to make you think the story you are hearing is valid.... ok.
@DrSpoculus Ok! What about everything that is happening and some of his claims coming to reality? Who is DrSpoculus to say he is not correct? PHD or also full of shit? The reason Bob Lazar deserves an apology is because this guy and others are more crazy than him! Read my other post!
@@DrSpoculus Wait until they show you S3 and the craft they have there. What will you say then? Still deny it because of your cognitive dissonance. He's not a proven liar, it's just that you believe the misleading debunkers that tell you he's a liar.
My thing is why do certain people get to know and certain don’t, we’re all living this life together that is temporary. I’m part of the group paying a shit ton of taxes, roofer/welder here. No information should be withheld, the truth will always be revealed. God is truth
@rheppel yes. Why do you think you deserve to know the information? Are you someone who makes decisions or is involved in these matters, or are you just so curious to find out that you act entitled free information that wasn't free to figure out? They aren't lying to you. You're just nobody they have to explain things to. They have lives to live and jobs to do. They can't stop everything to teach you just because you're curious to know. The reason why information isn't free is because you could go out and learn the information right now for free. But you want someone else to spend their time learning it, and then tell you the bullet points. So, an information slave who has to repot to you.
They're here, they've been here, we've seen them, they have never harmed me or anyone I know, and we've been out in the ocean deep sea fishing and seen them out there, and they didn't bother us, they're fantastic and the craft are beautiful. Get over it, there's nothing anyone can do about it and it doesn't really change anything at this point. They don't seem to want to interact with us, so tell the people the TRUTH and they'll get used to it, but WE will never forgive the LIES and deception the government has been doing to us.. honestly, They are here and they don't want to have anything to do with us..get over it.
Misleading. They are abducting people, murdering people, interbreeding and doing other horrible things. You don't speak for those that have been harmed.
They have been here for eons. Survivors of several cataclysmic occurrences. Some learned and set up civilizations under water and beneath the earth. The only safe way to live on planet Earth through the cycles. As the dinosaurs and others will testify.
They're here,they've always been here. "They" are not aliens. "They" are taught about in the bible. They're fallen angels, predicted by the bible,that will empower the coming Antichrist. Here's the prophecy in the BIBLE that needs to be taught. ,Daniel 11:36 “Then the king shall do according to his own will: he shall exalt and magnify himself above every god, shall speak blasphemies against the God of gods, and shall prosper till the wrath has been accomplished; for what has been determined shall be done. 37 He shall regard neither the God of his fathers nor the desire of women, nor regard any god; for he shall exalt himself above them all. 38 But in their place he shall honor a god of fortresses; and a god which his fathers did not know he shall honor with gold and silver, with precious stones and pleasant things. 39 Thus he shall act against the strongest fortresses with a foreign god, which he shall acknowledge, and advance its glory; and he shall cause them to rule over many, and divide the land for gain. Look at this carefully. The "king"is the Antichrist.This prophecy is about the last kingdom on Earth,before Jesus comes. Who is the second figure here? An "unkown"god,a god of fortresses (forces),a "FOREIGN"god! That word in the Hebrew is alien! This is a fallen angel. Who empowers the Antichrist and is able to subdue the mightiest weapons of war on the Earth. Bible prophecy must harmonize. These two figures must be the two "beast"of the book of Revelation chapter's13,and 17. The great alien deception is already being promoted. Even on the mainstream news now,check the news out right now! These aren't aliens.Their fallen angels and demons who can shapeshift. And the "nephilim",angel/human hybrids,are already here on the Earth. So all this alien/ufo coverup ,that's been covered up for eighty years now,is just being allowed to come out! Cmon,this is planned. They've killed many people to keep the secrets of the existence of these so called aliens. But now it's being allowed to go public,why! Have you heard of the book of Enoch? Though it's not scripture, it's been referred to by Jesus,peter,and Jude. And what is being taught in Enoch? That certain fallen angels gave secret knowledge,in short,technology!,to their hybrid offspring. Which empowered them and made the Nephilim regarded as gods,and people began worshiping these beings. And that's why God destroyed the world in the flood. Study carefully, Noah wasn't found to be morally upright and perfect. The Hebrew specifically says Noah was perfect "in his generations". Which means his blood lines hadn't been contaminated. These so called aliens have been experimenting,abducting humans,and creating a hybrid race. Everybody in the UFO community knows this.That's what Daniel 2 is predicting. And the second beast of Revelation 13,and 17, according to Daniel 11,is a "foreign god". Which is a fallen angel. It will claim to be an alien. And this IS the "powerful delusion"that Paul is warning about in 2 Thess.2. Paul taught that in Thessalonians. Because they rejected the truth,God gives to a powerful delusion. 2 Thess.2:9 The coming of the lawless one will be in accordance with how Satan works. He will use all sorts of displays of power through signs and wonders that serve the lie, 10 and all the ways that wickedness deceives those who are perishing. They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. 11 For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie 12 Now notice this. It's "the lie",singular,not lies plural. Paul states this twice,ok? It's one main idea that is at the deception the world is given over to. And what is it? It's been promoted on the Ancient Aliens show for many years now. it's what these "aliens"are telling people. There is no God.That aliens came here in ancient times and modified the DNA of humans to create modern man. How do you think the Antichrist and this 'Alien" are going to explain the rapture? When millions of people,and children (which premillenial dispensationalist never mention) ,just disappear from the Earth? The Antichrist will not be revealed until after the rapture happens. But they're going to have to explain what happened somehow! it's what these "aliens"are telling people. There is no God.That aliens came here in ancient times and modified the DNA of humans to create modern man.
Its a cosmic watergate going on. A race to get that anti matter energy, or whatever the power source is to bend space/time and go thru wormholes. Lets ask ourselves: Why does disclosure always end up hitting a brick wall? What happened to the Grusch SKIFFS? Elizondo SKIFFS with congressmen? Notice that's dead already? We always get hosed because hey have and will never ever ever tell us, Maybe in 100 yrs or the aliens will be the ones disclosing the secret.
Or, maybe they don't have the technology. 99% of people claiming sightings and things doing weird maneuvers have zero knowledge of aviation or what is possible, yet immediately make claims about what is possible and what is not possible.
@@DrSpoculus Yeah, even fighter pilots saying it made maneuvers that defy physics" Did pilots take physics classes? How do they know it defies physics.
@@DrSpoculusanyone can see something and immediately tell that it should not be possible, but they saw it happen. It is not possible for us with our technology to do those things, what do we know of what's possible?
No most people dont know anything about this topic and they dont care because for them its still a lie and nothing got disclosed. They need good quality footage of a uap or "non human biologics" 😅 or it will stay the same
The people of earth do not need full disclosure from governments. We are "all" going to have personal encounters every one of us, and very soon, very very soon. Peace and love, do not fear what's coming❤❤❤
Don't you think all this valuable technology garnered from crash sites, etc. belongs to the public? Why private rogue or proprietary info only for Lockheed or others. If this technology could enhance our existence, like abundant free energy, why can't it be shared.
Government would defer this to private corporations for plausible deniability, better kept secrets, and less red tape to take actions. There's a reason Blackwater mercs were used for some of the war when our military is perfectly capable in the raw sense.
let's do little thought experiment. let's say there is a time machine, and a iphone 15 was sent 100 years ago, and given to the top scientists of that day in 1925. how long would it take for them to figure out what it is and replicated it completely? 10 years? 20 years? 50 years? or 100 years? ie, didn't make any difference.
The real immediate reaction of the public would be "Meh." Later when they actually think about it...thats when the problems will start, but it will pass fairly quickly.
Dr. Masters is right. People aren’t paying attention. Which tells me that people in general will be fine with disclosure. People will still go to work, pay their bills, watch Football, and live their lives.
There was an antigravity type stealth plane / vehicle over New Zealand in 1989 moving at 4 hm/hr and I was within 30 meters of it. They have had plenty of time to develop the technology further. They could have used movies more to introduce the knowledge a long time ago. The standard of living could have been improved on this planet a lot by now. It’s all about power / control / money. All anyone cares about is their quality of living. The people with the technology are corrupt and need to brought under control now !! Most of the technology was paid for by the people of the USA and developed in the USA. The CIA are the likely gate keepers of the information. Energy free technology helps with a lot of problems and could have been introduced on the quiet bringing everyone’s power bill down slowly if they had wanted to. You are being treaded like sheep while they are fleecing you.
LA Marzulli Chuck Missler As a Christian, and an information sifter, I'm comfortable saying that the higher governmental authorities of this world have been in contact with interdimensional beings for years, and the authorities are well aware of their malevolence, but intrigued with their knowledge. CERN
Ok so a couple things - the reason people don’t want to be more open to the concept of these things despite all of the recent occurrences, is sheer laziness. It takes energy to have an open mind and modify your world view. It’s a much lazier option to simply write it off, and continuing on your same line or thinking. Also - I think people could handle this change, because think of all of the mega changes we’ve handled already. If nothing else, we’re a resilient and adaptable species.
It is my personal belief thru a lifetime of discernment & studying, the main reason why disclosure is so hard for them too give?? Is because if we knew the truth we would understand we dont need this form of government no longer! We are devine!! I know too the govt's will be more likely to destroy the world plus humanity than give that power over.
pitch black, rubbed in carbon, soaked in creosote....yuup, black gu rules the day, but it does look like peak was indeed 2018.... some of that stuff needs to be saved..... all in the name of jesus, as some love to think.
Because they were brought up believing and knowing and were probably more intelligent than many people today. All you have to do is listen some college students today.
Because they were brought up believing and knowing and were probably more intelligent than many people today. All you have to do is listen some college students today.
The chances of us being alone in this universe is very remote, I am not sure the concealing of the truth can go on much longer. I also am not convinced that the mass panic will happen, if we find out they are NOT a threat and come in peace?
@@TooDarnSoulful Yeah,and what if project blue beam is the lie.We have been given to a certain date to reveal things or they do.Think more likely we are quarantined until we aren't aren't so dangerous.What was the first thing we did with nukes?I mean after we used them on the planet,you guessed it ,we started nuking the atmosphere,water ,space, underground.What if they weren't just testing.We are a pretty cruel species,at least a lot are.
Not from the universe, they were here, have been here are here….humans did not build any monolithic site….fact, we can’t build 1 of the today name one? Any pyramid ? Stonehenge, sphinx , gobekli tepi? Macu pechu….any so American temple…. None of them can be built today, but they were built and here?
The chances of being alone in this universe is actually incredibly high . The chances of being the only dimension is incredibly low. And that is because of what the bible teaches. This universe and dimension is created for humans. But demonic realms exist and they want to punch through into our dimension. They are doing that. The bible said they would at the end of this age. We are there. The most monumental aspect if that is that time is running out to choose Jesus so that you go to dimension created for those who choose him. There is a reason the demonic realm is trying to punch through to earth. Don't go to that place!
@@TooDarnSoulful splitting hairs for the intelligent person who thinks deeply for sure. Not splitting hairs for those that believe aliens live on other planets and are coming to this planet to save us.
Because the majority of the low IQ religious people upon this planet believe we are the sole life within this vast universe, and would turn their world upside down to learn otherwise.
Dr Greer's podcast on the exposure of govt black ops program shut down in middle of broadcast. Confirmation that this is all Deceive, Distract, Deny from our govt.
Disclosure of other entities is an existential threat to organized religions (which is keeping a whole lotta people in check) as all religions have us/humans as the center of the universe and God's attention.
In end times theology the aliens are clearly demonic beings. The bible even says there will be a time when a one world government is created as a result of a great deception on the earth. The demonic invasion we are seeing fits perfectly with it. Its only the uneducated, pew warmer fake christians that are shaken up by this. The ones that study prophecy are EXCITED right now.
No, we will not. Just think. Someone that have technology to travel through galaxies, or from another dimension, the way their crafts move, they even shot down nuclear weapons without even leaving their craft. For sure they could easily destroy us, but they didn’t and a lot of people says that they work with the government and that a lot of our new technology comes from them, sounds like they want to work with us, cooperate with us and not destroy us
We are all born to die anyway. But fear is a great way to control people. I have no fear of death. I actually find all this amusing. Until someone presents facts i will remain this way.
We are being confronted with high weirdness however you look at it. And the government's response is just as weird. It seems like they know something, but would rather we just shut our eyes.
People accepted the Greek gods, the Roman gods, Jesus, angels in the sky, and all sorts of other religions and truths. We have adapted to relativity, the strangeness of quantum mechanics, the enevitability of complete entropy to end the universe. Most people believe in life elsewhere in the universe. People won't panic. They may actually be relieved that humans will be prevented from disasters such as nuclear annihilation.
This is silly, we already know generally, we are asking for specifics now. Its that simple. Nobody is hysterical. Stop treating us like children, that will just piss us off.
@davidrobertson6014 Being to busy with Korean conflict.Didn't they blow up half of L.A.trying to shot one down . Think we ceded Antarctica to them for co-existance.
NHI seems to be making disclosure a moot point. This display we're experiencing as big as it is could so easily be ramped up to a point it won't even seem like it's in our own hands.
I think everything going on is pretty interesting, exciting. Maybe a little nervous. But my gf told me about her dream she had the last two nights that uaps or plasma look angels filled the skies and were everywhere. She was pretty upset because it felt so real and when we die we will never ever see your loved ones again. I know it was just a dream but I imagined for a second that what if that is what ends up happening millions of beings in the sky just looking down on us. We wouldn't be on top of the food chain. We would be at their mercy. That thought was kinda terrifying tbh. My hopes is if this does all being uaps they have been here along time and haven't wiped us out yet.
Initially some people may lose their minds...but in time people will come around. I think we're underestimating how resilient humans and their minds can be.
They always say Christians would freak and many would but many of us understand there is a spiritual component to it so well as a Christian I believe it's a number of things and dimensional creatures are part of it
As a fellow Christian, I know God is more powerful than anything they could be so I don’t freak out about anything. These are celestial beings from another dimension, not another planet. Even secular scientists acknowledge there are at least 3 other dimensions besides ours.
Many Christians are researchers, science minded, aware that this might be aliens (yes, there is the Christian theory that they may be demons, but not all Christians believe that). The joy of being Christian is the belief that God is ultimately in charge. We believe in both preparedness and, at the same trust in our Lord God, that his will will be done. If it's your time to die, we have heaven waiting ❤us. If we live, we will adjust to this other species walking our earth. We feel more at peace as we know we are good either way. Now, for ALL humans, this will freak us ALL out; even us that research this topic and we're expecting this to happen sometime soon. This is just plain FREAKY!
@@mattbrewster5766Chuck Missler says there are 10 total dimensions. He's done many fascinating, intellectually stimulating videos on Bible study, and works physics into them. Check him out! LA Marzulli does stuff on "aliens"/nephilim...
It's an open secret. The surprise will be if there is more than one species that is either visiting Earth or living here (in the oceans). The other surprise will be if they are interdimensional which means they are time travellers too.
@@psaunder1975 I was reading someone said there was a UFO mothership in the Atlantic Ocean producing UFOs as per their needs, different shapes etc. I would have dismissed this story but then I read a separate story that an US pilot said he saw an undersea UFO the size of a small island. So interesting.
It depends on what's revealed. If it completely changes peoples' religious/philosophical beliefs it changes everything. Also , the technological advances being made public would be life altering.
In the late 60's I was working in my unheated shop in early December, decided to go into the house to 'grab' a cup of hot coffee. As I was walking towards the house, something caused me to glance up just in time to see a classic "Flying Saucer" fly low and slow less than 100' directly over my house.....and me. Had I had a slingshot, could have easily 'pinged' it. Now here it is nearly 60 years later.....I've expected full UFO disclosure for a long time but am beginning to wonder if I'll ever live to see it....just one of four sightings I've experienced, but is the one which will NOT go away....close my eyes all of these decades later and still 'see' it. It is said our government is fully aware of what is going on, but has been withhholding full UFO disclosure out of fear of upsetting the delicate religious.....that we are NOT the only intelligence within this vast universe. I say, "Disclose and let the chips fall wherever they may." If the religious cannot handle it, well tough! Let em learn some REAL truth for a change. My ex SIL once experienced an 'interactive' UFO sighting. She always drove old rattletraps w/o a working AC, so preferred to drive at night. Once, while driving on an isloated highway in southern Oregon at about 2am, she became aware of a object pacing her....she pulled over for a better look, the object suddenly shot ahead, stopped about a mile away, then shown a bright light down, creating a bright circle of light which covered the entire highway. She realized if she were to continue, she would have to drive through that light, it spooked her, so she was in the process of turning around when the object shot straight up, momentarily lighting up a cloudbank as it passed through. She proceeded onto the next town, got a motel and hasn't driven at night ever since. BHE
May 10 2010 Korea town in Los Angeles I saw two dark objects de ending towards me. Not classic flying saucers and more like non-euclidian geometry. Imagine ink dropped in water. Morphing tendrils around a central mass. I called my roommate to run to the roof and get a closer photo or video but he was asleep but while on the phone with him before he hung up that stopped their decent and returned up where they came from.
The dilemma of disclosure/non-disclosure reminds me of when parents fret over when to tell their child that there is no Santa Claus. If the child is kept in the dark too long, he will discover the truth from others (catastrophic disclosure). When the parents disclose that Santa was a hoax, no matter how well intended, he may wonder what other hoaxes have been perpertrated upon him.
And every time the petri dish that is Earth starts to piss them off, they steer an asteroid out of the kuiper belt and slam it home at 50km/s to do a reset. The angry monkey tribe has had the best part of a million years and the whole time all they've really done is throw shit at each other...
Rampant complacency, in my view, is related to a couple of things. One, is the fact, that at the end of the day, people don't see how the existence of aliens connects to their lives. "So they exist. Okay, wiil they help pay my rent"? seems to be the common attitude. The other contributing factor towards complacency is just how massively distracted the average person is these days. The information space is completely saturated. It's just like the movie "Don't Look Up." We are living it.
People who don't care are more worried about everyday things. Putting food on the table and so on. For some of us it's not an issue, but for most people it really is...
Well, They certainly have "disclosed" themselves quite well for a few thousand years to us common folk. High Governance, Monarchies, & Dictators will never admit higher authority or itelligence.
Ponder this, in 1947 in Roswell only a few dozen soldiers & intelligence people saw the material. The Lt. Colonel committed suicide and %50 of the soldiers were discharged for mental breakdowns. These were solid strong minded men. Imagine how the general population would react 😳
Imagine thinking easily brainwashed groups of men are “solid strong minded men”. The military is psychologically designed to give a person a “purpose”. All that to say that the “general public” isn’t this soft minded class of people you insinuate it to be.
Can you backup your claim with evidence? If what you say is true they were people from the 40s, our population grew up with technology, so I believe we would handle it better. I do believe that alien visitation is the reason for all Earth religion. For the devout this would be considered heresy, but for those who embrace the mysteries of the universe it would be a revelation.
I'm convinced it's A..I some a.i whistle blower just got caped a few weeks ago and now this is happening.... could be wrong.. but the puzzle piece fits...skynet?
A man named Harvey Kennedy gave me a book when I was 12 or 13 titled STRANGER THAN SCIENCE by Frank Edwards. I've kept up with UFO and other unexplainable for over 35 years. Yes, its real.
Look at those buttons that dogs and cats are now pushing so we can have a conversation with them. Where they can tell us exactly what they're thinking. If that isn't amazing I don't know what is
@@raydavison4288 Depends on what it is ,what if they have a quota to harvest every month,over 300000 disappear every year in the United States alone.I don't mean go somewhere else, found dead,etc..I mean not a trace of them ever.
I have 5 Theories about the New Jersey Drones: 1. It's a Drill 2. We will never know 3. Searching for someone/something 4. It's a False Flag 5. It's a PSYOPS
@robertyo6181 yes it is the mark of the beast is coming also the Great reset why you think germany and britain are going bankrupt it's part of there plan go do research
This is all pure cope. The vast majority of people would either not give a shit or already suspect as much. The reason they're keeping it a secret is purely out of greed and a desire to preserve their position.
Do you know the higher intelligence? Have you made contact? I am not talking about intellectually, I mean for real in this life on earth...I have. Be careful.
Speak for yourself. People like me been on the topic for 30 years putting the puzzle together. So to me what I have come up with my opinion is that bad life would be the same
You should be questioning life right now then. It is quite arrogant and weak to think everything has to be the way it is. Being comfortable is amongst the worst ways to live life. It leads to complacency, laziness, and rejective to change.
No one would panic. We all suspect there is other life and that they're lying as it is. Obviously that changes if we are told they exist and they are an imminent threat.
The excuse to not tell anyone because they'd freak out is such a copout. The only reason no one tells anyone is because those that know want to keep the power they have. That's IT.
Yeah what's best for Americans is not the first consideration. Otherwise they wouldn't instigate endless wars.
Who'd put their trust in any disclosures from proven liars ?? Brain dead idiots, THAT'S WHO! SO WHO'S GONNA DISCLOSE ANYTHING WE CAN TRUST???
What power comes form keeping ufo's secret?
@Drspockula- the answer is a mountain, but I'll give you the basic reason......WHEN INFORMATION IS CONTROLLED, ALTERED, OR HIDDEN - A FREE SOCIETY IS IMPOSSIBLE, AND POWER IS ASSURED TO THE CONTROLLERS!
@@DrSpoculusadvanced alien tech offers a plethora of scientific advancement: keeping it studied in secret is a much slower process than sharing information and getting new generations interested in the field.
When it is secret, it can only be for the purpose of weaponization: which's a danger in it of itself. On the other hand: if it weren't secret, the public and UN would have more control over preventing advanced weaponization.
It's not that people don't give a shit. It's that people are tired of all the bullshit....
hahahha lol that's what I wanted to say too. well, my 5-year-old little girl knows about the little green ones hahaha. The problem is that they want to keep power and money so that they can control us, but they don't understand that that's not the goal because with that we won't develop and we won't progress because there's always some rich person be inatile because they have oil and gas and hold a monopoly over us, the same is true for electricity. Nikola Tesla could have given us free electricity 100 years ago and we would have developed completely differently, but money and power are important.
There is that- but there are a LOT of simpletons inhabiting the world that are just on a lower vibration that live in a mode of ignorance- and I don’t think they care or have the ability to comprehend the depth of what it would mean to have confirmation of life outside our planet. Just one example- the millions of people that watch mindless shit like “Housewives of Potomac” do not care about extra terrestrial life. Or spiritual life. Unless they can make a social media post about it.
Great comment.
Like wishful thinkers fringe geeks...
Tend to ruin it for everyone
Mass hysteria? Lmao the govt literally came out and told everyone ufos are real and everyone was like yeah no shit. Nobody gonna trip on anything 😂😂
Correct. Definately not me. In fact, I find it fascinating. The possibility to encounter a 'species' that are WAY more smarter than us lot. A species that does not fall, time after time, for the BS that is dished out to us.....DAILY.
Yea but they never said that people are really being abducted and used for some kind of reproduction experiment. They are endless details that would make society collapse.
What if the announcement includes some nasty sh*t about the aliens intentions? We expect them to be benign creatures. But what if they've been growing us in this petry dish of a planet, to eat our souls or use our souls as containers for their energy sources.?
When did this happen?
A lot of religious folks will lose their fucking minds. They already believe that if there are aliens, then they're just demons playing us all.
The lack of truth is what causes mass hysteria.... Especially when it has to be deciphered through a game of telephone....
You mean the lack of an answer that agrees with your opinion?
Everyone trusted the government to look into the recent drones. When the answer wasn't "ufo's", now they pull a 180 and accuse the government of a cover-up.
The government that just a day before they trusted to investigate and tell us what happened.
Ufo people will only accept "aliens are real" answer an answer. Any other answer gets categorized as "the man" and "psy-op".
The real psy-op is self inflicted. Tricking themselves into believing these things are real.
I think people actually don't really want to know the truth because they are going to be very disappointed when they find out that aliens have never visited or ever will visit earth. The unknown is more exciting than the truth. That's one of the reasons conspiracy theories are so exciting, the truth is usually dull and mundane.
Amen brother we have lost the Truth
100%.... This should be top comment
One of the problems for the people withholding the knowledge is other people finding out what they have been doing with the knowledge.
oh, they will come right out and tell you the truth.... don't you worry about it
it's like they're ashamed showing their full diapers
Yeah, nothing for the people…
Not telling the truth, withholding information,ommission of information that can affect humanity is decietful & decietful people/ organizations can't be trusted
Saw a craft in 1979 and it was being pursued by 2 military helicopters. Its time for everyone to grow up and learn the truth.
what is "The Truth"?
@@NickLeeds read Tony Rodrigues book Ceres Colony Cavalier.
the truth is, humans are just cheap slave labor force of the aliens ( plural ).
@cultleader3572 It'll probably destroy western civlization as we know it.
Yeah right.
Was it a Starcraft?
Society and the public will adjust. Most people will get up in the morning, eat breakfast, brush their teeth, get dressed and go to work or school. If there is a technology revolution we will adapt, just as we did before.
Trying to deny and discredit witnesses is going to make things worse. The public will be more freaked out by lying and deceiving. And if there is a danger, the public needs to know.
The military probably does not want to disclose that whoever flies the UAPs has bases here.
We're going to find out what this is, one way or another. Secrets almost always make things worse, particularly if they have a long life. The longer a secret lives, the more lies you need to construct around the secret to keep it secret, until the lies become more dangerous and damaging than the secret itself. That's where we are today.
First of all we are the aliens in this world second there are nose aliens like UFO or anything they are saying but demons
nnnnno, the secret itself is still more dangerous.
@@glen.simpson nnnnnnnoo pretty sure lying about something as big as this, continuing to lie about it and kill for it....for tech and power for years and years. Being pretty much taught to think what your seeing and feeling isn't real.... when we could be sooo much further along... than this.... Hey we are all happy about how things happened right??!!!! Nnnnnnnnooooo 😂😂
Well put. So tired of the crap lies told by crimminals running the show. We need a new show. These crimminals can take their show and shove it.
@@soullillyquitreedog1001 but you are not going to find out what this is, one way or the other...... you are going to be fed a story that is surrounded by entities designed to make you think the story you are hearing is valid.... ok.
Bob Lazar deserves an apology!!!!
Why? He's proven liar and scam artist?
What about everything that is happening and some of his claims coming to reality?
Who is DrSpoculus to say he is not correct? PHD or also full of shit? The reason Bob Lazar deserves an apology is because this guy and others are more crazy than him! Read my other post!
They apologized,,,, by raiding his home and office
His life has been a nightmare.
@@DrSpoculus Wait until they show you S3 and the craft they have there. What will you say then? Still deny it because of your cognitive dissonance. He's not a proven liar, it's just that you believe the misleading debunkers that tell you he's a liar.
My thing is why do certain people get to know and certain don’t, we’re all living this life together that is temporary. I’m part of the group paying a shit ton of taxes, roofer/welder here. No information should be withheld, the truth will always be revealed. God is truth
You didn't work for the information, though. Why do you deserve for free what others had to pay to figure out and learn?
@@DrSpoculusare you serious?
@rheppel yes. Why do you think you deserve to know the information? Are you someone who makes decisions or is involved in these matters, or are you just so curious to find out that you act entitled free information that wasn't free to figure out?
They aren't lying to you. You're just nobody they have to explain things to. They have lives to live and jobs to do. They can't stop everything to teach you just because you're curious to know.
The reason why information isn't free is because you could go out and learn the information right now for free. But you want someone else to spend their time learning it, and then tell you the bullet points.
So, an information slave who has to repot to you.
@@DrSpoculusBecause we are AMERICANS!
@@DrSpoculuslooking up is all the work a human needs to do!! We are all in this world together. Til Death do us part
They're here, they've been here, we've seen them, they have never harmed me or anyone I know, and we've been out in the ocean deep sea fishing and seen them out there, and they didn't bother us, they're fantastic and the craft are beautiful. Get over it, there's nothing anyone can do about it and it doesn't really change anything at this point. They don't seem to want to interact with us, so tell the people the TRUTH and they'll get used to it, but WE will never forgive the LIES and deception the government has been doing to us.. honestly, They are here and they don't want to have anything to do with us..get over it.
Misleading. They are abducting people, murdering people, interbreeding and doing other horrible things. You don't speak for those that have been harmed.
They have been here for eons. Survivors of several cataclysmic occurrences. Some learned and set up civilizations under water and beneath the earth. The only safe way to live on planet Earth through the cycles. As the dinosaurs and others will testify.
They share the planet and we're f-en it up
They're here,they've always been here. "They" are not aliens. "They" are taught about in the bible. They're fallen angels, predicted by the bible,that will empower the coming Antichrist.
Here's the prophecy in the BIBLE that needs to be taught. ,Daniel 11:36 “Then the king shall do according to his own will: he shall exalt and magnify himself above every god, shall speak blasphemies against the God of gods, and shall prosper till the wrath has been accomplished; for what has been determined shall be done. 37 He shall regard neither the God of his fathers nor the desire of women, nor regard any god; for he shall exalt himself above them all. 38 But in their place he shall honor a god of fortresses; and a god which his fathers did not know he shall honor with gold and silver, with precious stones and pleasant things. 39 Thus he shall act against the strongest fortresses with a foreign god, which he shall acknowledge, and advance its glory; and he shall cause them to rule over many, and divide the land for gain.
Look at this carefully. The "king"is the Antichrist.This prophecy is about the last kingdom on Earth,before Jesus comes. Who is the second figure here? An "unkown"god,a god of fortresses (forces),a "FOREIGN"god! That word in the Hebrew is alien! This is a fallen angel. Who empowers the Antichrist and is able to subdue the mightiest weapons of war on the Earth. Bible prophecy must harmonize. These two figures must be the two "beast"of the book of Revelation chapter's13,and 17.
The great alien deception is already being promoted. Even on the mainstream news now,check the news out right now! These aren't aliens.Their fallen angels and demons who can shapeshift. And the "nephilim",angel/human hybrids,are already here on the Earth.
So all this alien/ufo coverup ,that's been covered up for eighty years now,is just being allowed to come out! Cmon,this is planned. They've killed many people to keep the secrets of the existence of these so called aliens. But now it's being allowed to go public,why! Have you heard of the book of Enoch? Though it's not scripture, it's been referred to by Jesus,peter,and Jude. And what is being taught in Enoch? That certain fallen angels gave secret knowledge,in short,technology!,to their hybrid offspring. Which empowered them and made the Nephilim regarded as gods,and people began worshiping these beings. And that's why God destroyed the world in the flood. Study carefully, Noah wasn't found to be morally upright and perfect. The Hebrew specifically says Noah was perfect "in his generations". Which means his blood lines hadn't been contaminated. These so called aliens have been experimenting,abducting humans,and creating a hybrid race. Everybody in the UFO community knows this.That's what Daniel 2 is predicting. And the second beast of Revelation 13,and 17, according to Daniel 11,is a "foreign god". Which is a fallen angel. It will claim to be an alien. And this IS the "powerful delusion"that Paul is warning about in 2 Thess.2. Paul taught that in Thessalonians. Because they rejected the truth,God gives to a powerful delusion. 2 Thess.2:9 The coming of the lawless one will be in accordance with how Satan works. He will use all sorts of displays of power through signs and wonders that serve the lie, 10 and all the ways that wickedness deceives those who are perishing. They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. 11 For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie 12
Now notice this. It's "the lie",singular,not lies plural. Paul states this twice,ok?
It's one main idea that is at the deception the world is given over to.
And what is it?
It's been promoted on the Ancient Aliens show for many years now.
it's what these "aliens"are telling people. There is no God.That aliens came here in ancient times and modified the DNA of humans to create modern man.
How do you think the Antichrist and this 'Alien" are going to explain the rapture? When millions of people,and children (which premillenial dispensationalist never mention) ,just disappear from the Earth? The Antichrist will not be revealed until after the rapture happens. But they're going to have to explain what happened somehow!
it's what these "aliens"are telling people. There is no God.That aliens came here in ancient times and modified the DNA of humans to create modern man.
Trying to protect us from ourselves
It won't come from the gov. They will never give up the technology, NEVER.
Its a cosmic watergate going on. A race to get that anti matter energy, or whatever the power source is to bend space/time and go thru wormholes. Lets ask ourselves: Why does disclosure always end up hitting a brick wall? What happened to the Grusch SKIFFS? Elizondo SKIFFS with congressmen? Notice that's dead already? We always get hosed because hey have and will never ever ever tell us, Maybe in 100 yrs or the aliens will be the ones disclosing the secret.
If you'd trust ANYTHING given to you by the Government, information or other, you're a brainless Zombie
Or, maybe they don't have the technology. 99% of people claiming sightings and things doing weird maneuvers have zero knowledge of aviation or what is possible, yet immediately make claims about what is possible and what is not possible.
@@DrSpoculus Yeah, even fighter pilots saying it made maneuvers that defy physics" Did pilots take physics classes? How do they know it defies physics.
@@DrSpoculusanyone can see something and immediately tell that it should not be possible, but they saw it happen. It is not possible for us with our technology to do those things, what do we know of what's possible?
Information control equates to population control. Deciding what is best for you is a parental trait, it shouldn't be a governmental one.
A came to the comments because this is where the most interesting people in the world are and they have all the answers. Bravo 👏🏼
Most people been studying the topic for long time so disclosure wouldn't be bad and disturbing.
People unwilling or unable to wrap their head around it will simply laugh and go on believing it's a lie. No danger from that group.
No most people dont know anything about this topic and they dont care because for them its still a lie and nothing got disclosed. They need good quality footage of a uap or "non human biologics" 😅 or it will stay the same
Seriously 😂 my whole church thinks it's demons and my church has 5000 members
People would come to realise the Movie *They Live "was the greatest documentary ever made.Consciousness is freedom, and humanity is asleep.
@@ShaneB-ev1ko Really,what if the truth was we are living in a giant feed lot and the people running things are in on it.
They would have to pardon Ratheon,Lockheed,etc. for taking the material without bidding for it. Disclosure is now a legal quagmire.
Giggity giggity!
They don't bid for material.
@DrSpoculus They bid for contracts to reverse-engineer crashed craft.
The people of earth do not need full disclosure from governments. We are "all" going to have personal encounters every one of us, and very soon, very very soon. Peace and love, do not fear what's coming❤❤❤
Don't you think all this valuable technology garnered from crash sites, etc. belongs to the public? Why private rogue or proprietary info only for Lockheed or others. If this technology could enhance our existence, like abundant free energy, why can't it be shared.
Government would defer this to private corporations for plausible deniability, better kept secrets, and less red tape to take actions. There's a reason Blackwater mercs were used for some of the war when our military is perfectly capable in the raw sense.
Better to rule over the ashes than to never rule at all.
Free energy would be a thorn in the side of big oil.
@@haadidave yeah, and imagine the medical industry?
let's do little thought experiment.
let's say there is a time machine, and a iphone 15 was sent 100 years ago, and given to the top scientists of that day in 1925.
how long would it take for them to figure out what it is and replicated it completely?
10 years? 20 years? 50 years? or 100 years? ie, didn't make any difference.
The real immediate reaction of the public would be "Meh." Later when they actually think about it...thats when the problems will start, but it will pass fairly quickly.
People would wake up and be like "ok that's cool, what's traffic gonna be like on my way to work today"
If our government is too stupid to talk to us, how in the hell can they speak to aliens.
Dr. Masters is right. People aren’t paying attention. Which tells me that people in general will be fine with disclosure. People will still go to work, pay their bills, watch Football, and live their lives.
There was an antigravity type stealth plane / vehicle over New Zealand in 1989 moving at 4 hm/hr and I was within 30 meters of it. They have had plenty of time to develop the technology further. They could have used movies more to introduce the knowledge a long time ago. The standard of living could have been improved on this planet a lot by now. It’s all about power / control / money. All anyone cares about is their quality of living. The people with the technology are corrupt and need to brought under control now !! Most of the technology was paid for by the people of the USA and developed in the USA. The CIA are the likely gate keepers of the information. Energy free technology helps with a lot of problems and could have been introduced on the quiet bringing everyone’s power bill down slowly if they had wanted to. You are being treaded like sheep while they are fleecing you.
They say that the drones were spraying liquid sewage but since its over Jersey there's no way to tell for sure.
@@dead_inside674 no shit
the armpit of armerica wants to become the crotch?
New Jersey is an island of garbage
jersey, once an armpit, now a.....
We have been drip fed enough info now and watched enough films and played enough games to be all good with Aliens announcing themselves.
We been dumbed down by religion that most religious fanatics will not accept it .
LA Marzulli
Chuck Missler
As a Christian, and an information sifter, I'm comfortable saying that the higher governmental authorities of this world have been in contact with interdimensional beings for years, and the authorities are well aware of their malevolence, but intrigued with their knowledge.
Ok so a couple things - the reason people don’t want to be more open to the concept of these things despite all of the recent occurrences, is sheer laziness. It takes energy to have an open mind and modify your world view. It’s a much lazier option to simply write it off, and continuing on your same line or thinking. Also - I think people could handle this change, because think of all of the mega changes we’ve handled already. If nothing else, we’re a resilient and adaptable species.
What recent occurrences?
@ the orbs in New Jersey, for example.
So just admit it....U.S. made a contract with the lizards and sold us out.... right?
I think you are pretty close to the truth.
The only chaos would be the one caused by the media running wild or with a cause to spread panic.
If they would do their job there would be no fear
Deep ocean bases,Inside the earth
It is my personal belief thru a lifetime of discernment & studying, the main reason why disclosure is so hard for them too give?? Is because if we knew the truth we would understand we dont need this form of government no longer! We are devine!! I know too the govt's will be more likely to destroy the world plus humanity than give that power over.
I hate the people who refuse to let society advance unless they control it. We all know who they are. And why.
The game they are playing now is much more dangerous than admitting the truth. Wake up people and open your mind!
The truth is darker than you think
Or lighter
Not really. We already have the whole gamut of human behaviour and culture as a baseline for "dark"
U think u kno about this planet but u dont
It always is.
pitch black, rubbed in carbon, soaked in creosote....yuup, black gu rules the day, but it does look like peak was indeed 2018.... some of that stuff needs to be saved..... all in the name of jesus, as some love to think.
Funny how people from the past accepted the idea of aliens without panic, but we can't?
It's a symptom of our pathological narcissism.
@@amirlach Some friendly,some not.
Because they were brought up believing and knowing and were probably more intelligent than many people today. All you have to do is listen some college students today.
Because they were brought up believing and knowing and were probably more intelligent than many people today. All you have to do is listen some college students today.
Without panic really?
It already happened the Pentagon pretty much told everyone "Aliens are in the ocean" and nobody reacted 😆
Not to worry! Aliens 👽 always show up naked with out any weapons!
The chances of us being alone in this universe is very remote, I am not sure the concealing of the truth can go on much longer.
I also am not convinced that the mass panic will happen, if we find out they are NOT a threat and come in peace?
@@TooDarnSoulful Yeah,and what if project blue beam is the lie.We have been given to a certain date to reveal things or they do.Think more likely we are quarantined until we aren't aren't so dangerous.What was the first thing we did with nukes?I mean after we used them on the planet,you guessed it ,we started nuking the atmosphere,water ,space, underground.What if they weren't just testing.We are a pretty cruel species,at least a lot are.
Not from the universe, they were here, have been here are here….humans did not build any monolithic site….fact, we can’t build 1 of the today name one? Any pyramid ? Stonehenge, sphinx , gobekli tepi? Macu pechu….any so American temple…. None of them can be built today, but they were built and here?
The chances of being alone in this universe is actually incredibly high . The chances of being the only dimension is incredibly low. And that is because of what the bible teaches. This universe and dimension is created for humans. But demonic realms exist and they want to punch through into our dimension. They are doing that. The bible said they would at the end of this age. We are there. The most monumental aspect if that is that time is running out to choose Jesus so that you go to dimension created for those who choose him. There is a reason the demonic realm is trying to punch through to earth. Don't go to that place!
@@MandelaAustralia Frankly you are splitting hairs now, if you are going to bring in mulitple other dimensions, we really are not alone.
@@TooDarnSoulful splitting hairs for the intelligent person who thinks deeply for sure. Not splitting hairs for those that believe aliens live on other planets and are coming to this planet to save us.
Most people believe in them so I don’t see how it would cause panic
Unfortunately, it’s several different alien species good and bad!
Because the majority of the low IQ religious people upon this planet believe we are the sole life within this vast universe, and would turn their world upside down to learn otherwise.
Well ofc the good ones can help us find and fight the bad ones!
@@starsixtyseven195 ah ya true
I am not so sure about that, a lot of narrow minds on this planet.
Dr Greer's podcast on the exposure of govt black ops program shut down in middle of broadcast.
Confirmation that this is all Deceive, Distract, Deny from our govt.
Disclosure of other entities is an existential threat to organized religions (which is keeping a whole lotta people in check) as all religions have us/humans as the center of the universe and God's attention.
I suspect the Vatican is well read into things and has the inside tract.
In end times theology the aliens are clearly demonic beings. The bible even says there will be a time when a one world government is created as a result of a great deception on the earth. The demonic invasion we are seeing fits perfectly with it.
Its only the uneducated, pew warmer fake christians that are shaken up by this. The ones that study prophecy are EXCITED right now.
Not all religions, just a few of the most popular.
On the contrary, these beings play right in with Biblical narratives.
LA Marzulli. Nephilim.
Organised religion is also keeping a lot of people in fear and war. Probably responsible for more deaths than anything else.
As billy once said...."we're all gonna die"
There's something out there, and it ain't no man.
No, we will not. Just think. Someone that have technology to travel through galaxies, or from another dimension, the way their crafts move, they even shot down nuclear weapons without even leaving their craft. For sure they could easily destroy us, but they didn’t and a lot of people says that they work with the government and that a lot of our new technology comes from them, sounds like they want to work with us, cooperate with us and not destroy us
We are all born to die anyway. But fear is a great way to control people. I have no fear of death. I actually find all this amusing. Until someone presents facts i will remain this way.
We never die
We are being confronted with high weirdness however you look at it. And the government's response is just as weird. It seems like they know something, but would rather we just shut our eyes.
People accepted the Greek gods, the Roman gods, Jesus, angels in the sky, and all sorts of other religions and truths. We have adapted to relativity, the strangeness of quantum mechanics, the enevitability of complete entropy to end the universe. Most people believe in life elsewhere in the universe. People won't panic. They may actually be relieved that humans will be prevented from disasters such as nuclear annihilation.
This is silly, we already know generally, we are asking for specifics now. Its that simple. Nobody is hysterical. Stop treating us like children, that will just piss us off.
Is It Healthy to Let Your Daughter or Son Believe in Santa till 30? “1,2,3,4, Fifff!😂
we are in the 5th, bro
Alot of us know ETs are real so it would be more of a relief
"Tell me when they land on the White House lawn" was is an old metaphor back in the day. Lives on 🖖
They did everything but land on the lawn after operation highjump and we agreed to stay outta Antarctica.Though everyone knew.hahaha
They did a flyover back in the 50s and nobody cared lol
@davidrobertson6014 Being to busy with Korean conflict.Didn't they blow up half of L.A.trying to shot one down . Think we ceded Antarctica to them for co-existance.
They pretty much did in 1952.
That’s not a metaphor.
NHI seems to be making disclosure a moot point. This display we're experiencing as big as it is could so easily be ramped up to a point it won't even seem like it's in our own hands.
I think everything going on is pretty interesting, exciting. Maybe a little nervous. But my gf told me about her dream she had the last two nights that uaps or plasma look angels filled the skies and were everywhere. She was pretty upset because it felt so real and when we die we will never ever see your loved ones again. I know it was just a dream but I imagined for a second that what if that is what ends up happening millions of beings in the sky just looking down on us. We wouldn't be on top of the food chain. We would be at their mercy. That thought was kinda terrifying tbh. My hopes is if this does all being uaps they have been here along time and haven't wiped us out yet.
Initially some people may lose their minds...but in time people will come around. I think we're underestimating how resilient humans and their minds can be.
They always say Christians would freak and many would but many of us understand there is a spiritual component to it so well as a Christian I believe it's a number of things and dimensional creatures are part of it
As a fellow Christian, I know God is more powerful than anything they could be so I don’t freak out about anything. These are celestial beings from another dimension, not another planet. Even secular scientists acknowledge there are at least 3 other dimensions besides ours.
Demons will call the angels demons.
Many Christians are researchers, science minded, aware that this might be aliens (yes, there is the Christian theory that they may be demons, but not all Christians believe that). The joy of being Christian is the belief that God is ultimately in charge. We believe in both preparedness and, at the same trust in our Lord God, that his will will be done. If it's your time to die, we have heaven waiting ❤us. If we live, we will adjust to this other species walking our earth. We feel more at peace as we know we are good either way. Now, for ALL humans, this will freak us ALL out; even us that research this topic and we're expecting this to happen sometime soon. This is just plain FREAKY!
Some could be angels too. Cause scripture talks about that as well
@@mattbrewster5766Chuck Missler says there are 10 total dimensions. He's done many fascinating, intellectually stimulating videos on Bible study, and works physics into them. Check him out!
LA Marzulli does stuff on "aliens"/nephilim...
I think only some people find it stressful if they are attached to a preconceived notion then find themselves to be incorrect.
It's an open secret.
The surprise will be if there is more than one species that is either visiting Earth or living here (in the oceans). The other surprise will be if they are interdimensional which means they are time travellers too.
There are a few competing races visiting earth now hence different craft. No they do not time travel.
@@psaunder1975 I was reading someone said there was a UFO mothership in the Atlantic Ocean producing UFOs as per their needs, different shapes etc.
I would have dismissed this story but then I read a separate story that an US pilot said he saw an undersea UFO the size of a small island. So interesting.
The Aliens are disclosing themselves all by themselves. They certainly dont need Uncle Sam to do it.👽 2:31
People always say they believe. But is that really enough?
If we would all stand together and storm everything we will know the truth and everything will change
I don’t think 🤔 it would cause mass hysteria.
People are far beyond the shock or panic phase.
People would lose their minds if this was true but if you think about it nothing really changes at all
I would say that people "lost their minds" a long time ago considering what happened in November. 😢
I wouldn't, I know what they are.
It depends on what's revealed. If it completely changes peoples' religious/philosophical beliefs it changes everything. Also , the technological advances being made public would be life altering.
I don’t recall a panic documented in Roswell when the people were initially told the truth
I saw strange lights May3 2019. That date will stay with me unti I die. I have not been the same person since.
In the late 60's I was working in my unheated shop in early December, decided to go into the house to 'grab' a cup of hot coffee. As I was walking towards the house, something caused me to glance up just in time to see a classic "Flying Saucer" fly low and slow less than 100' directly over my house.....and me. Had I had a slingshot, could have easily 'pinged' it. Now here it is nearly 60 years later.....I've expected full UFO disclosure for a long time but am beginning to wonder if I'll ever live to see it....just one of four sightings I've experienced, but is the one which will NOT go away....close my eyes all of these decades later and still 'see' it.
It is said our government is fully aware of what is going on, but has been withhholding full UFO disclosure out of fear of upsetting the delicate religious.....that we are NOT the only intelligence within this vast universe. I say, "Disclose and let the chips fall wherever they may." If the religious cannot handle it, well tough! Let em learn some REAL truth for a change.
My ex SIL once experienced an 'interactive' UFO sighting. She always drove old rattletraps w/o a working AC, so preferred to drive at night. Once, while driving on an isloated highway in southern Oregon at about 2am, she became aware of a object pacing her....she pulled over for a better look, the object suddenly shot ahead, stopped about a mile away, then shown a bright light down, creating a bright circle of light which covered the entire highway. She realized if she were to continue, she would have to drive through that light, it spooked her, so she was in the process of turning around when the object shot straight up, momentarily lighting up a cloudbank as it passed through. She proceeded onto the next town, got a motel and hasn't driven at night ever since. BHE
I saw it in 1985. I've been studying ufos ever since.
May 10 2010 Korea town in Los Angeles I saw two dark objects de ending towards me. Not classic flying saucers and more like non-euclidian geometry.
Imagine ink dropped in water. Morphing tendrils around a central mass. I called my roommate to run to the roof and get a closer photo or video but he was asleep but while on the phone with him before he hung up that stopped their decent and returned up where they came from.
@@blackholeentry3489please read Allies Of Humanity.
The dilemma of disclosure/non-disclosure reminds me of when parents fret over when to tell their child that there is no Santa Claus. If the child is kept in the dark too long, he will discover the truth from others (catastrophic disclosure). When the parents disclose that Santa was a hoax, no matter how well intended, he may wonder what other hoaxes have been perpertrated upon him.
Some dinosaurs survived the extinction. They have had 64 million years to evolve. They consider this planet to belong to them.👽
And every time the petri dish that is Earth starts to piss them off, they steer an asteroid out of the kuiper belt and slam it home at 50km/s to do a reset. The angry monkey tribe has had the best part of a million years and the whole time all they've really done is throw shit at each other...
Most people do because they have other priorities, thats bluntly said but fact
Rampant complacency, in my view, is related to a couple of things. One, is the fact, that at the end of the day, people don't see how the existence of aliens connects to their lives. "So they exist. Okay, wiil they help pay my rent"? seems to be the common attitude. The other contributing factor towards complacency is just how massively distracted the average person is these days. The information space is completely saturated. It's just like the movie "Don't Look Up." We are living it.
People who don't care are more worried about everyday things. Putting food on the table and so on.
For some of us it's not an issue, but for most people it really is...
Plus the power and control that goes with it
Mostly ours.
Well, They certainly have "disclosed" themselves quite well for a few thousand years to us common folk.
High Governance, Monarchies, & Dictators will never admit higher authority or itelligence.
We cant even handle each other 😂
If a person is not strong enough to accept reality, that is their fault and their burden to carry.
Ponder this, in 1947 in Roswell only a few dozen soldiers & intelligence people saw the material. The Lt. Colonel committed suicide and %50 of the soldiers were discharged for mental breakdowns. These were solid strong minded men. Imagine how the general population would react 😳
@@Snookwisperer First nuclear bombing wing was located there ,so yes,they were squared away.
deception point
What Lt. Col was that?
Imagine thinking easily brainwashed groups of men are “solid strong minded men”. The military is psychologically designed to give a person a “purpose”. All that to say that the “general public” isn’t this soft minded class of people you insinuate it to be.
Can you backup your claim with evidence? If what you say is true they were people from the 40s, our population grew up with technology, so I believe we would handle it better. I do believe that alien visitation is the reason for all Earth religion. For the devout this would be considered heresy, but for those who embrace the mysteries of the universe it would be a revelation.
If it somehow undeniably disproves religions it would cause a massive world change. That would be interesting to see.
I wouldn’t worry about that. Truth cannot be disproven.
People to busy to worry about disclosure they have bills to pay..
It would definitely wreck havoc on the religious community.
No hysteria . Mass anger more like at being conned . They wont harm us they been in the universe longer than us . Its no big deal
Lie. Why they abducting and interbreeding then?
We as people have to make the sacrifice to educate
After all the shenanigans democrats pulled and now this... Americans have bullshit fatigue.
They are not aggressive and seem to be monitoring. Sounds like they are scouting us out before the big arrival 😂
I'm convinced it's A..I some a.i whistle blower just got caped a few weeks ago and now this is happening.... could be wrong.. but the puzzle piece fits...skynet?
A man named Harvey Kennedy gave me a book when I was 12 or 13 titled STRANGER THAN SCIENCE by Frank Edwards. I've kept up with UFO and other unexplainable for over 35 years. Yes, its real.
Look at those buttons that dogs and cats are now pushing so we can have a conversation with them. Where they can tell us exactly what they're thinking. If that isn't amazing I don't know what is
Huh? What buttons? Never heard of it.
At what time point do they say the "Dark Truth"?
While the reaction to honest disclosure would be huge, I very much doubt that it would be anywhere near as dire as people think.
@@raydavison4288 Depends on what it is ,what if they have a quota to harvest every month,over 300000 disappear every year in the United States alone.I don't mean go somewhere else, found dead,etc..I mean not a trace of them ever.
I can see a bunch of catholics in alabama crying and jews in NY trying to make money off the situation
@@RobertAllen-e4i If that sinister scenario is the case, why does it seem recently that an entity is signalling it's presence to us?
I have 5 Theories about the New Jersey Drones:
1. It's a Drill
2. We will never know
3. Searching for someone/something
4. It's a False Flag
5. It's a PSYOPS
The Bible evens say "things in the dark will surface in the light" so we will see, one way or another
you bought that whole book of stories. what is the next story line you will swallow hook, line, and sinker?
@@glen.simpson That Trump actually has an IQ higher than 70?
Everything in the bible is coming true
@@G-1872no it’s not
@robertyo6181 yes it is the mark of the beast is coming also the Great reset why you think germany and britain are going bankrupt it's part of there plan go do research
Money and Power.
That's all.
tiktok brains won't care
We live in very interesting tume ❤
Philosophical discussion. I'm a little evolved past this. I know where I stand with my intuition on this topic.
but what if you are wrong?
This is all pure cope. The vast majority of people would either not give a shit or already suspect as much. The reason they're keeping it a secret is purely out of greed and a desire to preserve their position.
Do you know the higher intelligence? Have you made contact? I am not talking about intellectually, I mean for real in this life on earth...I have. Be careful.
@@Legaleyespeace Questions and advice were not addressed to you.
@@Legaleyespeace they know more then we’ll ever
@@CraigAnderson-h2h okay king craig
Let's do it! Don't let the dumb ones control our reality . Reveal it ALL!
Why so many clips of this guy? 😴
Why not?
We Pay Them it is the publics information . The Goverment Work For US
I feel the most religious of people would have the hardest time coming to terms with the reality of intelligent alien life.
Especially if "intelligent alien life" is demonic...
I wouldn't, and I am a Christian. I don't believe they are alliance but they are fallen angles and they are not good.
Naw not at all, but I'm not religious just saved!
let's hope... if done right
Wouldn’t change a thing for me brother. Go read Revelations.
"Greetings from Planet Earth."
I kinda understand why the government doesn’t tell us if true because it would cause panic. People would be questioning life itself I know I would
Speak for yourself. People like me been on the topic for 30 years putting the puzzle together. So to me what I have come up with my opinion is that bad life would be the same
You should be questioning life right now then. It is quite arrogant and weak to think everything has to be the way it is. Being comfortable is amongst the worst ways to live life. It leads to complacency, laziness, and rejective to change.
Soylent green is people . If you know , you know .
Their are no Alinas bro
No one would panic. We all suspect there is other life and that they're lying as it is. Obviously that changes if we are told they exist and they are an imminent threat.
NHI disclosure is happening as we speak