Fun Fact: Nothing in the universe can break the laws of physics. If something appears to, it just tells us we don't know physics as well as we thought.
When someone (like these guys) says something breaks the laws of physics, what they should have said is that "the physics of this object is beyond our current understanding".
If something occurs that goes “beyond the understanding of physics” then by definition it has broken the pre established laws of physics. The laws of physics outline our understanding, therefore anything that happens outside of that the laws are broken.
@@rayriley4020 The aliens are among crowd is fanatical over what little evidence they have which supports some sort of paranormal, inter-dimensional or extra terrestrial sightings being anything other than a scam or an imagination gone wild over something, some others humans are doing.
It depends whether you're referring to "our" established laws of physics that encompass our current understanding, or the laws of physics in general which we have yet grasp.
As Joe mentions earlier in the podcast, a show with Bob Lazar and Eric W would see phenomenal response and record breaking numbers of people tuning in. Let's hope that happens too.
@@michaelqiu9722 Agreed. If Lazar does for some reason agree to it I’ll be beyond surprised as Eric would out him rather quickly. For anyone in doubt do about an hours worth of research into Lazar’s past, particularly around the time he first surfaced on the scene.
There’s actually a physicist online who debunked every aspect of his story down to a T a few years ago. I always thought if Joe had read it he’d do a complete 180. If I can find the original article I’ll post a link.
Yeah exactly I always say the same because the truth is also very experiential some times you really need to see it yourself but ones you see that unexplained outwardly thing then you can’t deny it anymore or make fun of it that’s why there always gonna be deniers even with ton of evidences and maybe it’s for the best but it is what it is if you’re not ready or maybe lucky have experience it you’ll never believe it
@@LOOKINVERTED By ways of accolades I’ve obtained a handful of degrees of science. I’ve been a skeptic. All things real can been seen with empirical evidence. I’m 52, 2 years ago my buddy and I were getting stoned in his car here in the Southern California high deserts. Yes, YES, I’ve “seen something’s.” What we saw defied all the laws of physics, and was not made by the hands of men. Everything I once thought I knew about our world flew right out the window that night!
@@over-educated-sp Fair enough, of course I don't know you from Adam but your story is echoed in countless others and even a couple of people I know personaaly. I've yet to have an experience like that for myself (for better or worse) so meantime all I can do is say I believe you. Perhaps an unfair followup but do you sometimes wish you hadn't seen what you saw given what it implies/suggests? Would it be better not knowing - ignorance is bliss as they say (though I'm not convinced choosing ignorance is ever beneficial in the long run). P.S: it may have seemed to defy the laws of physics - the laws of physics we know about - but perhaps the illusion of that law braking is simply our misunderstanding of what's really going on.
Seen this in the private sector all the time, so many corporate and small businesses are full of these imbeciles usually second generation children of founders.
I thought the exact same thing I was thinking Joe you got to take notes. I downloaded that memo read it. I think the discussion was in a car if I'm not mistaken by eg&g
The appearance of “breaking the laws of physics” is usually a good indicator that another physical law is at work. For example: Tens of thousands of pounds of metal defy gravity everyday by flying through the air. We call them airplanes and they use the law of aerodynamics to overpower gravity. It’s not a question of what law is being broken, it’s what law is being utilized.
@@ALucas73 people seem to hit the earth pretty hard if their parachute doesn't open .so gravity is stronger than you give it credit .plus other objects that enter the earth's atmosphere
@@kevinlimpert8523It really isn't, though. It's the weakest force we know of by a large margin. Besides, gravity is just a byproduct of the displacement of space/spacetime.
thanks, all knowing biped. i guess we can close the book on this shit. physics isnt your bitch and it's just a cooter hair on a yeti that drinks the ocean when it gets bored. turns that shit into the desert. back down, gandalf.
It’s so comforting to hear two human beings having a constructive argumentative conversation mutually uninterrupted , I’m sitting and listening in silence and enjoying every minute with no compulsion to post whatever runs into my head, it’s a real conversation between two people who have no desire to do one over on the other with there version of what they believe to be true, it’s respect 🇮🇪👍
@@jakelovci9183 so liberals make you cry? Maybe they don’t listen to you because your crowd shouts “fuck your feelings,” and your crowd places last in education, meaning the things they’re shouting are not even intelligent or worth hearing. And when your team is the one trying to teach creationism instead of science, and tells everyone “f**k your feelings,” why should anyone listen to you? It would be a waste of time. And before you throw a tantrum and try to attack me- two things. One, I’m not a liberal. Two, for me to care what you say about me, I would first have to value you. I don’t. 😎
This is one of the first times I've ever heard Eric Weinstein actually make a point. He usually just eloquently talks in circles without ever actually saying anything. It's nice to see him actually do something with his intelligence.
He actually does that here as well. He talks about travelling huge distances, by simply "lengthening the ruler, and then shrinking it again". Yeah, ok... And how do you do that? He says he has the answer, but never gives one.
Curiosity is the main basis of science. You find a way to find answers. Being smart with a phd is one thing. Having a passion to find answers is another.
Passion for answers typically leads to such degrees and qualifications, which then enables them to guide others. Unfortunately we have people like you who distrust anyone with the slightest credential to their name. I'll keep my smart people with phd's, you can keep your Terrence Howard's.
Yes, The university system today cranks out thousands and thousands of PhD scientists and mathematicians, many who are genuinely brilliant, but the problem is where to put all these brilliant people after they graduate. Many go into academia. There, it is a long an uncertain path to eventually earn a tenured position at a University. Then, they have to struggle for research funding, often writing research papers on subjects that they really have little interest in. IMO, the top, proven theoretical brains of the next generations should be granted a government stipend, to give them some relief from mundane worries,. to give them greater freedom to pursue their particular genius.
Shout out to Mr. Rogan!! During the pandemic I was under the impression that he was some kind of quack, but lately I've been getting suggestion after suggestion of various Joe Rogan clips, and I have to say everyone I have seen has been absolutely captivating. His guests are so interesting. He seems willing to talk about anything and he does it intelligently. Who would have guessed a standup comic/Martial artist would be the best thing on the internet. He is like the David Attenborough of the podcast world. Willing to go anywhere to learn and teach and just converse. I love this guy and I love this show.
I can't believe" they" tried to make him out to look like a quack!! He is changing the media landscape for the best!! Everyone needs to get rid of their cable TV cuz it's all garbage. Mad props to Joe Rogan and everyone like him , creating open uncensored dialogue. I'm so glad more people are tuning in
His content has always been like this, at least since I started listening a few years ago. Interestingly, now you have a firsthand experience where you may notice that your impression of Joe being a quack was probably influenced heavily by the media.
@@robertt9342 Pretty sure that it is. Indeed it is a paradox to claim that an expert is a "nut job" without having heard them .. especially from that expert at length in his or her own words. The more complex and nuanced a topic, the more misleading is an attempt to present that topic in curated sound bites. If it could be presented in a sound bite, then it is not a complex topic.
I loved when he compared what he could understand of this by inserting CPAs into the string section of an orchestra with a reference to them understanding string theory.
You hear about the galaxies Webb captured that shouldn’t exist? Could be a glimpse into another universe and older universe that is left over from the Big Crunch .
My mom worked at Wright Patterson Air Force Base from 1933 to 1963. Before she died, she indicated to me that she worked with Einstein and the paperclip Nazis program where they communicated with inter-dimensional beings and came up with gravity well propulsion. She did say that in her experience, there were no extraterrestrial beings. They were all inter-dimensional..
Absolutely!! Everybody talks about Eric can't seem to answer question or goes around in to avoid it, I don't think that there's answers to give. Listening to him is intriguing . If you decipher what he saying in strange way it makes sense
Is this not sad? How a government you put in power can hold information from you? Are humans that weak or are we just 🐒? Why can't us all around the world let our government know we want only the truth & if we're lied to, we will kill and torture them and their families cause that's what they're doing to us. The truth about Religion, Aliens, Wars And our own HISTORY BUT IM IN A WORLD FULL OF COWARDS & CELEBRITIES/entertainers/social media are distracting us in plain sight... But what does any of those things got to do with God or Death but clearly we got all the answers swayy
IdK, why isn't weinstein working in R&D department for some Space or Defense company. He keeps speaking about academia and not the mad scientist types. The naturals. The geniuses
Not reasonable cause he doesn’t know that there isn’t any. Just because none want to talk to him or anyone else about top secret stuff doesn’t mean there isn’t any. Everyone are kept apart so just cause the 2 guys he knows says this doesn’t mean anything. There job is to do this and NOT talk about it. And like bob said it’s not a normal job where everyone works together so how would his guy know who does what outside his tiny group?
We stopped teaching people how to think and started teaching them what to think back in the 70's when public education was nationalized under Carter. Almost as damaging legislation to the future of our Republic as the Patriot Act. Both need to be abolished by the next administration if we are to escape this bureaucratic hell hole we have allowed to manifest.
What's crazy is that people are under the illusion that astronomy is a natural science. It's not. There isn't one verified scientific hypothesis constructed in the entire history of astronomy.
There was a physicist called Stanton Freedman. He was a nuclear physicist and he talked about it and studied it and was very openly active researching it and he said they do defy the laws of physics as we currently understand them and he said and I quote: “I say defy the laws of physics as we currently understand them because clearly there is something wrong if these defy laws of physics and we still have more to learn”. I don’t think Eric has even googled it, if he had then he would have known there were physicists studying them 20+ years ago and there are plenty studying it now. Sadly Stan has passed away now.
I'm actually from Fredericton and had 2 random encounters with him. The latter was a couple years before his death, and he seemed reluctant to discuss the topics that garnered his notoriety. I'm sure he got a lot of flack, but not from me.
@@charleshammel8541 He was a great researcher and like anyone that seriously digs down into this subject made him think we are being visited from where, when and how is up for debate but for now, there are a lot of scientists who say it’s a real phenomenon and I’m glad it’s finally getting the scientific study it so desperately needed. Certainly, there is now overwhelming evidence to say they exist than evidence to the contrary especially since many governments have come clean and said they don’t know the how, what, why, when and where.
@@Biketunerfy the only issue I see is half of the science community is very reluctant about the possibility of things we don’t understand because they think it will affect there reputation and job. The other half is open to the discussion but people aren’t paying as much attention as they should.
@@CG-xx2er the coalition for UAP studies has profs at the top of their game studying this from renown universities also theres the sol foundation studying this with top scientists.
If something defies the laws of physics it’s because the laws of physics have fallen short and that we need to expand our understanding of the universe
If these rules are true then this will happen when we do that. Repeatable. Predictable. You can trust it until something occurs that was not predictable then you must work out what you did wrong or what new rule you have found.
these are "Laws" that are prescribed by us humans. Aliens or other beings might not even be governed by these laws they might have another set of laws or no laws period.
Eric - "Do you know about the wilson memo?" Joe - "No" Hahahaha I remember more than once this Wilson Memo has been mention on Joe's Podcast, the last time was with Jeremy Corbell
This has been one of the most informative videos I have watched about this very topic. What really grabbed my attention to this was the logic, and simply asking the questions. Doctor Keating, for the sake of the rest of us... keep digging!.
indeed. but i dont think the gov would need a top physicist working on the project if they are trying to reverse engineer the technology. you dont need to understand the intricate fundamental workings of electricity to be able to wire a house, you just need to have seen someone else wire a house and be able to copy them.
@@mikeceebo8611 He's been around for 30+ years- waaaaay before Gaia Tv. He has no affiliation with them other than sharing his independant research with them in a few videos. Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater - Greer is incredible.
Now this is Eric at his best. Saying complex things but properly breaking them down in a digestible way for us non geniuses/physicists. Normally he rattles off a complex problem and provides impossible to understand analogies to describe said problem
Very well said, this is a little bit better than his normal incoherent dross, but still pretty bad. He needs to take notes from Musk who can actually literally explain rocket science to a child in a few short sentences.
Actually Bob Lazar explained this. He said they deliberately employed physicists from community colleges and lesser-universities just so there wouldn't be obvious holes in talent in non-secret sectors. It also goes to explain the stupidity of the people Bob replaced when they tried to open a working reactor with an angle-grinder, killing themselves. They weren't hiring the best.
they didn't put community college types on the manhattan project. this idea makes no sense, you want the best minds, at least good minds on this. not the lowest part of the bell curve.
Joe Rogan has got this figured out. When you've got a well-connected genius on the program, Therorizing at Full Tilt, you must mumble affirmatively, just enough to keep the genius talking, for the sake of the shiow I would pay good money to hear this entire conversation in full.
Stonybrook hospital saved my life! I survived stage 4 Lung cancer due to their skill & research. One shot of radiation & 54 immunotherapy treatments. Fabulous doc/nurses there
@@kellieborut8037 awesome! I actually worked in the radiation oncology department as a college student making the lead plates Dr Meek was the chief of rad onc. I wish you great health moving forward and Gid bless you!
Why do you need disclosure? We should stop looking to our government as the authority on this subject since they obviously aren't designed for it or don't care to help us. We can make more progress by circumventing governments. The US is just hamstringing this whole endeavor.
@@msimon6808 I think Eric was TRYING to say that in order to explain the phenomenon as either alien or some new unknown Earthly physics denying phenomenon, you would want a physicist there to examine the evidence to either explain it in terms of the physics we know, or verify that the physics as presented were not possible under our understanding of physics (or maybe physically possible under our knowledge of physics, but only under engineering that would not be possible without harnessing a level of power that would be impossible using the current levels of physics and engineering understanding.) I am personally not a big fan of his 'physics', and especially the way he presents his theories (ie. in either complete gibberish, or I guess he could be the smartest physicist and mathematician to ever have lived and no one currently living is capable of understanding his theories ... I lean toward the former) but in this case I agree. The UFO issue is either natural phenomenon, secret advanced military equipment, or people being fooled by good fakes and optical illusions.
We need our highest minds to work on the UFO/UAP phenomenon. Like Avi Loeb says "the public pays for science" science should work on the public's interests.
@@robertsmith4681 you should listen to this entire podcast. There's a good chance that we barely have any serious high level fundamental physicists working on the UFO problem because we gutted our physics departments within academia over the last 50 years. Eric explains this all in the lead up to this clip.
The problem with humanity is, if we can’t comprehend something it’s not us. We have no idea what’s out there, what they’re capable of, and how far more advanced they are than us. We as humans need to keep a sense of optimism, and just be as prepared as we think we can be, for if/when we make contact.
One of the hardest things for people to grasp is that we aren’t top of the food chain here. It’s even harder for those who have not yet seen with their own two eyes, something they can’t explain.
None of it matters because a higher food chain won't let us surpass them. Even if it's not here one will be out there and it's the same if they are more advanced than us they will more likely be monitoring us and won't let us surpass them. We could just be livestock in this ever expanding universe
@Jean Hugues knew you would say that… I didnt vote at all… you assume too much like a twitter user. 😂. Only one type of person assumes a persons character… wheres your hood?
I have no idea what he's talking about 1) b/c I'm not smart enough to understand it, and 2) b/c he's mostly talking about what isn't rather than whatever his idea is.
Are they flawed on purpose? 𝗔𝗯𝘀𝗼𝗹-𝗳𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗸𝗶𝗻𝗴-𝗹𝘂𝘁𝗹𝘆 . The elites have controlled the general population for decades and want us to have breadcrumbs in comparison to what THEY have in secret. These are your big banks/etc.
"If you could not travel faster than the speed of light, you could not travel in space at all, and that perhaps is the assumption of many who still think that this is a barrier that cannot be surpassed. Even before there were any human civilizations in the world, space travel was underway to a very large and sophisticated extent. You can travel faster than the speed of light and counteract its effect on time and aging, and this has been practiced far longer than any human civilization." ~ The Allies of Humanity ~ 7th Briefing Questions & Answers
ZERO proof of that. You are just parroting what you have read on the topic. There is something coming here with high technology but its not leaving a road map on where or how.
@@joseph7105 Just because you parrot does not mean you understand it. Try to parrot mathematics to me. Then see if you can pass a test. Maybe you would prefer I said Mindlessly parroting. Parroting without understanding. I can teach a monkey to cut and paste with a mouse it does not mean he understands what he just pasted. That is all I am saying. A none parrot would understand that.
Eric Weinstein gets it. He was describing the literal "G-Project" which was headed by the likes of George S. Thimble of The Martin Company (later merged into Lockheed-Martin in the 70s), in cooperation with Clarke Electrical Laboratories headed by Dudley Clarke, General Dynamics and Bell-Textron Aircraft circa 1956-1958. Search Battelle Memorial Institute.
@@betterd9160 I wish, because that would mean its declassified and at least somewhat understood. The main winner of the defense contracts after the g project was Bell-Textron... blue book case number 10270...
Ok I read on Battelle. I’ve never heard of them before. I also had no idea there were so many national laboratories. I only knew Argon. Ok I searched it now I’d appreciate it if you Wikipedia Thought Reform and the Psychology of Totalism. I think it explains a lot
@@Meineself Someone talking sense here! "aliens" or not, the links and weirdness surrounding Martin-Marietta, Battelle, DOE, etc in the early 50s really raises some alarm bells.
I saw the United States Government's Antigravity craft on August 30th 2023. I was on Indiana highway 446 close to the Hoosier national Forest sign heading back from fishing at Lake Monroe. The craft when I saw it was traveling from west to east. At first I thought it was a helicopter searching for someone in the forest and it came into view and I tried to realize what I was looking at in amazement. It was huge and the light it was putting off was light lights of the city as I drove under it. The lights on it were in the corners and center were crisp white with a blue hue. It had red and green navigation lights and strobe lights and a spot light close to the center. It was painted gray with the access panels highlighted lighter gray. The panels were like the ones on the new stealth bomber design. It also had nose cones in the corners. The sides were rolled and not sharp like an air cutting edge. The way it moved in the sky was like it slid over the treetops and it didn't shake a leaf on the trees. It moved steadily with a slight rotation northward without changing direction. I believe it was built by Northrop Grumman facilities... Most of the sights I have heard of are in direct pathways of their facilities and it resembled it's design aspects as other crafts that they built.
@@mariobtron5907 it was a triangle shaped craft. It was steady and slipped on by like it was surfing. The bottom was lightly concaved. It was painted gray and the access panels were highlighted in a lighter color gray paint.
@@depiction3435 I am actually known for the fish I catch around the local area... The craft I saw was not a fish story... It happened. People who ridicule others for fun should be ashamed of themselves. I guess you are doing it to lessen my experience or testimony to a sighting... It doesn't work like that. Antigravity craft are real and the United States Government has them. It's probably where trillions of unaccounted for money goes.
Manhattan project was mentioned. It occurred to me that one of the eventual developments of that project was the info was leaked to the USSR. Given the state of the world at that time, it's not difficult to imagine that drastic measures were put in place to eliminate future leaks of that sort among scientists working on black projects. It's conceivable that those measures were never relaxed and now work against progress, but no one has the comprehensive overview or authority to remedy it.
If these programs actually exist they're probably so compartmentalized and hyper need-to-know that they're essentially worthless and just sit there burning whatever money gets directed to them.
Nah man, you haven’t heard him talk enough if you have this opinion, one of the main critiques of Weinstein is he talks in circles whilst eating nothing. Although In this clip he did a good job
I listened to the entire podcast and it is so far above my understanding and I’m sure the guest was dumbing it way down.. this is who we need researching ufos.
This guy is a shoemaker compared to Aliens. Once he sees the crafts that Lazar discribed he will know he is out of business. A wise man says he knows nothing. This guy thinks he knows everything. Theories mean shit til proven.
1st thing i found out from government lockdowns. Is just cause you have a high iq or a degree. Doesnt mean you have common sense or a open mind. Prob took 4 jabs
What I understand about what is happening, is that the scientific community is laughing the data out of the lab and is never seriously being seen. No one wants to touch the subject because of the ridicule from thier peers.
Ya i was gonna say. Isnt it much more likely that maybe actual scientists/physicists just arent interested and not taking the time to debunk or prove the "evidence". They have more important shit to do and dknt have time to waste
I don't get why he's even questioning the laws of physics being broken at all it's a flat out stupid question has he even heard of ANY details about a UFO at all? Does he need to have a physicist explain to him what wings are for and how they work and how none of the craft ever have any?
@@michaell.445Eric goes on these extremely wordy rants to make it seem like he knows some mystery that no one else does. Then at the end of the conversation, I always just pause and go, wtf did he just say? I never get anywhere with his conversations
@@michaell.445 he’s questioning why there’s no physicist confirming these details. It’s a logical question. It also shows there may be more to this story that isn’t being talked about. I’m obviously not a physicist, so me saying something breaks the laws of physics when I can’t prove it means very little, which is what he’s highlighting here.
Hey Joe, do you think we can get some microphones that don’t pick up everybody’s swallowing and lip smacking it makes it hard to listen to some of these podcast
This guy is talking sense. The smarter you are in this world you're always trapped within the confines of people who know far less than you. Most of the time it's your boss and it's rare when you have that one person who Excels further in a position of power. The thing is, people are so stupid they wouldn't even know if that person was very intelligent. They're trapped within the confines of "power trips" and "I'm your boss" mentality.
it's funny that people think they are more intelligent than they actually are. I bet most people who work for a boss has this type of mentality, well if I was in change we would make more money, lol sure you would.
Didnt know that Stony Brook is considered in such a way in the US. I studied their work on morphometrics and it's been absolutely top notch stuff. A true treasure trove of scientific tools and great science groups.
2010 I witnessed a green ufo that appeared suddenly and moved slowly for 1.5 to 2 seconds, then performed an extremely high-speed maneuver over the horizon. I was at sea onboard a US warship. 2230 hr , 100 miles off the coast of Los Angelis, CA.
last year me and my brother were driving back home and we were on the Main Street a couple blocks before turning into our street & before we turned left we seen a blue glow on top of the area where our house was located we thought it was the transformer blew out because we had a light post right next to our driveway but we couldn’t get close enough to tell because our street is downhill and trees were blocking the view , anyway as soon as I tried to pull out my phone to record it shot off like how you see a shooting star pass by me and my brother were so mind fucked & focused on that thing that he didn’t have time to slow down for the dip that the street had. We could never explain what that shit could be till this day & the weird thing is that it was around the time those ufo files came out. ( sorry for shit grammar y’all )
UFO as in advanced foreign tech or as in a hallucination? Because you'd have to be the kind of person who believes in Gods, ghosts and ghoulies to believe in alien intelligence (when zero proof exists supporting its existence) and them actually wanting to 'visit' us. I can almost imagine the klingon, now: "I think I'll head to earth for my hols this years, _see how capitalism's ecocide is doing"_ Most people who witness 'miracles' are merely attention seekers talking out their arses, I find.
To say that UAPs defy the laws of physics means to me that we haven’t acquired an all encompassing understanding of physics and the subject’s (physics) capacity.
@@Excremental_Discharge Sorry, but that is incorrect. Laws and theories are two different things. In science, we have observations. We use laws to describe those observations and theories to explain the phenomenon. For example, we have laws of gravity. Newtonian laws for instance. However, those laws tell us nothing about the actual force or how it operates. That is where theories come in. Newton had a theory around gravity which was eventually replaced by Einsteinian theories. But at a core level, we still don't fully understand how gravity functions. We only understand how it affects matter.
@Diomedes01 No, you're incorrect. Look it up, soy boy. The Laws of Physics are just mathematical theories. They aren't set in stone. Go ahead, look it up, or be gutless and ignorant and don't. Your choice
The fact the we exist means it's possible. The fact that our species stretches back much farther than history can account for and extinctions have happened so many times means life finds a way.
I witnessed 7 saucers flying in a military-style trail formation off the California coast close to Catalina Island (there's supposed to be an underwater base there). They appeared from around the Palos Verdes cliffs at low level and were encased in translucent flaming "bubbles", like Christmas ornaments. As I watched them through binoculars, one by one the flames went out (at the same point-in-space) to reveal the saucer. It's my belief the translucent "bubbles" are buoyancy devices used for transitioning from underwater. When they take to the air the bubbles are burned off.
An antigravity device would theoretically be able to traverse through different mediums😑 and electromagnetic fields can induce a “shell” of light. What you think is probably wrong.
I saw a UFO 20 feet from where I was sitting flying from the direction of a Sikh temple in Montreal, Quebec, Canada and it came and parked itself near a tree and something like molten lava started to drip to the ground but as I looked at the ground, the substance was invisible on the ground while visible in the air. The flying object was also emitting different bright colors. It was in a schoolyard and children were playing soccer and at the presence of the object, they all froze in their places ignorant of its presence. And then as I was over the phone, I told to the person on the other side what I was seeing and they were baffled. It was 5 pm in Fall 2015. I was looking into the subject of the Ufo in relation to biblical truths. I don't care what whoever says, the UFO phenomenon is real and it is spiritual in nature. I also saw a bigfoot on a huge pillar in a Catholic church and two other silver UFOs parked in the air above swimmers's heads in Quebec in 2017. I took pictures. We don't need the government to tell us what these things are. We need the Bible. When I was attacked by the occupants of these flying objects, I called on the name of Jesus and they ran away and disappear. My conclusion is that they are demonic entities coming to mankind through deception and the ability to change appearances to make us believe that they are aliens. They are here among us and we cannot always see them. Revelation chapter 12. It's a waste of time and money to investigate these things. The absolute truth is in the Bible.🙏🙏🙏
Not saying I'm smarter than Eric but 3 years ago he said Trump lacked the mental capability to be in charge of nuclear weapons and that we need the democrats to take back the office and set it straight.. Hasn't worked out well Eric
Salvatore Pais, one of the most amazing unknown physicists in the world who works for the US Navy. They're out there just not all of them have a desire to speak to anyone.
I know he published the "UFO" patents, but is he really a top physicist or some kind of pseudo scientist who pulled the wool over the eyes of his bosses and got some erroneous patents published?
I love how Joe says he hasn't heard of "The Wilson memo" You know Jeremy Corbell is out there crying saying "i ToLd HiM aBoUt ThAt WhEn I wAs ThErE!!!" 😂😂😂😂
The funny thing is the Joe actually has heard of the Wilson memo, it's been mentioned multiple times on his own podcast by his UFO guests like Jeremy Corbell
He often says he doesn't know or hasn't heard of some things because he wants the audience to better understand. It's just a quicker way of saying "yes I do, but please explain for the people who don't".
@@zair_salahuddin nuh he remembers, it's for the audience and he doesn't want to sound too smart. It's kind of part of his popularity, he's an everyman
He is the first to admit that his memory sucks…dont put the Fear Factor guy on a pedestal, he thinks Pocahontas is just a cartoon, struggles to finish a book and doesnt understand what Teutonic means. He is a great interviewer and not a member of Mensa.
I grew up on a Upstate NY farm that David Rockefeller bought in 1986. Late September of that year we had a large ( the size of a football stadium ) silent UFO ( I’m still not sure what we saw) fly over the farm , then head south over Hudson River. It was a very abnormal event, and made the connection in my teenage mind, of Mogul funded black projects entirely plausible.
Your description of the huge, silent UFO in 1986 here in upstate NY sounds incredibly similar to what a friend of mine described to me that he saw when he was 11 years old in 1986. A mutual friend of ours corroborated his story and his mother absolutely refuses to speak of it.
I also grew up in upstate New York. In the 1980s I was a teenager and possibly saw the same thing that you saw. The UFO I saw was huge in size, totally silent, blacker then the night sky and seemed to be just above the tree and house tops. As it slowly moved the ufo was so big and was so close to the ground it made the stars disappear as it passed overhead. I am in my 50s now and the the memory of that night has never left me.
he is wrong though. Both UAPTF and its successor AARO are headed by physicists. And in their both reports, they have confirmed the existence of physical objects with anomalous characteristics, after analyzing data. It doesn't mean the UAPs are aliens, but it surely aren't the product of some bureaucrat's imagination, as Eric speculates.
If it's real and those physicists were able to crack formulas that could advance humanity by 100 or a thousand years. Those scientists are trillion-dollar investments, that would be guarded and protected at all costs.
when I listen to Weinstein, every 4 minutes I feel like I've walked into a conversation I have absolutely no context for and can't quire put into place- even through I 've been listening from the start.
I was wondering about that, I was watching it on my TV and have paused it when I seen that part and opened it up on my phone so I could see the comments on this clip hoping someone had seen that too, and hoped they knew what had been cut out, it's so subtle how they made it seem like a notification on something running the feed leaked into the audio accidentally and it wasn't anything to be concerned with lol good stuff. Edit: also at the end of the clip when Eric sums up what the four top groups were at 10:03 and Joe's just like "Woahhh . . " like Eric had just blown his mind
Lol dude no, keep being a carpenter thats where the jobs are now a days and in the future, programmers are gonna be replaced by AI soon very soon, its already here, you see how many are getting laid off! Have you heard of a carpenter getting laid off?
@@patricechery8637 chatGPT is closing in. The problem is it makes pseudo code most of the time that doesn't plug and play. Once or twice now I've used it to generate a structure of a file, nothing was usable in it and I had to redo it with working code but it at least understood that specific things. Overall I think we're about a year out from having AI do reasonable coding, I'm basing this on the chatGPT occasionally getting a function working right off the rip.
Stay with carpentry brother. AI will take your programing job within the next five to six years. I'm 63 I've kept myself hidden from the government. At sixteen I walked away from a full boat scholarship. I saw what they have done with work men have done for good only to turn it into something obscene. Most people who know me think I should be achieving more but I'm very happy staying in the construction industry. It's an art that we are losing because people think they should be achieving more. Learn more trades. I am at least journey level in seven trades and master in two. I teach the young men who work for me first and foremost problem-solving. They are taught how to think for themselves in school anymore. Men like us need to teach. In short be aware that the world has a million programmers and getting more everyday, but very few men who can look at a piece of paper (blueprints) and take it from two dimensions to three. Thus having actually created something. Don't you find that satisfying.
Setauket is pronounced sea-tau-ket. I attended SUNY Stony Brook and while I was there they were the third largest public research institution in the country so you’re talking about a lot of very very smart people in many many disciplines. They also wound up managing the Brookhaven national labs which is another center for physics research
@@glen.simpson Bless your lil 'ol heart!! Ya know sometimes what people are writing isn't understood clearly by those reading it. You obviously speak with emotion & not training or education.
@@liberty8424 what? I just need info on what a guy did.... like what was his role? Not sure what training is necessary to inquire about what kind of job someone did? Have at it if you got the info? I can dig from there, even without these technical expertise you imply are necessary.... title and background/education is a start.
In the mid-1970's, My Father and I were talking on the upstairs deck at his beach house in Oceanside, CA. A glint of light in the daytime sky caught my eye. When I looked up, I saw two round orbs, each about 60 feet across at an altitude of approximately 2,500ft Above Sea level. They were moving fast. Subsonic. No windows, no wings, no lights, no sound, metallic in color, flying southbound, parallel to the beach line. This was in proximity of Camp Pendleton, CA. I tried to direct my Father's attention to what I was seeing but the orbs were gone by the time he oriented himself. There is something going on. I don't know what, but I saw what I saw and cannot explain what was seen.
Dr. Keating, let me tell you my experience... Around 2 decades ago I started to search and read about ufology. I started as a believer, because I've found dark blobs in pictures I took... (It's a long story, I did painting classes at the time, so I used to take lots of pictures on my parents farm.) Those ended being probably generated by birds or insects, passing fast, but close to the camera. You know? But, still... At the time Orkut was the social media to be and their communities were fantastic places to debate... So I learned a lot and ended up helping an ufology group to analyze pictures and videos, to moderate their community and so on... In the end I've learned ZERO about aliens, but a lot about human behavior. From all the cases I've read about, studied and so on, just a handful of them are interesting. But they're REALLY interesting. That, of course, doesn't mean aliens. I demand proper evidence as well. But, at the same time, those cases are useless! You can't milk evidence where there's nothing. We can't get more data from them, unfortunately. If the military hides things? Of course they do, what they have more are secret projects, probably. But if they have anything about UFOs... They're probably more lost then we are. That's why I find the Galileo Project so interesting. Because, with some luck, it could give us data to analyze. Finally. And to wait on the military... I honestly think it's a waste of time.
Have you learned about 1930's and 40's Germany and their research on UFO's? They were really deep into it. There is a theory about some of them escaping to Antarctica. Shortly after the war, the U.S. sent aircraft carriers and a bunch of personnel to the Antarctic, and they came back with less people and equipment. I think that is enough info for you to do your own research on it. And if this is true, it makes sense why the government would not want us to know
@dhaltonmiller1215 Yes, I've read about it. A lot. But there's nothing there, it's just fantasy. But it reminds me of something bizarre that happened during the time I helped the ufology group... I believe it was 2008 or 2009, in a certain day my phone ringed. It was the president of the group and asked me to go to a meeting with him, because I knew English. I said sure and went with him the next night. Do you know who is Bigelow, right? We met 2 of his representatives in a hotel, with 2 guys from another Brazilian UFO group. We talked for a couple of hours about UFO cases... Then the guys from the other group went home. In the end I asked them what exactly did they want from us... And the answer kinda shocked me: alien technology. I don't know if Bigelow still has the aerospace company, but there you go. Either way, what I told them is that the only way to get it would be to shoot one down. There's no other way.
For me, the most adequate point of view based on the current information is from Jacques Vallée. In his book, Passport to Magonia, we can see how these things evolve over the centuries from faeries and ghosts to demons, angels, and ... "aliens". The phenomenon is tightly connected with your conciseness and is a great chance the force behind it is not Just some civilization from another planet, but something more, more complicated from other dimensions or a different fabric of reality.
@@MCsCreations is it a real possibility that the root of the phenomenon is so, so beyond your scale that the "evidence" is literally Impossible to be seen, no matter how advanced we go. A colony of ants, even after a billion years, will still not have any perception of what is an Electric Tesla Battery...
I knew a guy who escaped from Hungary in the '70's. All Hungarians are required to serve some time in the military. My friend was a chemist but the army had strict policies forbidding soldiers from getting army postings in a subject that they were experts. So he ended up doing something else, not chemistry! Why? So there was no one around that could discover classied info on chemistr (warfare, nuclear, etc.).
The more I hear Eric talk about this the more I empathise with his frustration. Either there is the best covert science project going on right under everyone’s noses. Or there is a pure Homeric level of disastrous compartmentalisation. Or there’s simply a big load of stinking BS being fed to the world. I really hope it’s the first one. 💚♾️
"Defy the laws of physics" -- nah, it's that they defy what we yet have figured out of physical law. Soon as you have a basic awareness of physics and enough of engineering, and like me you see one of these typical "flying triangle" sightings, a gigantic, silently hovering craft, that apparently accelerates infinitely fast or teleports or vanishes, and silently -- hell, unless it's just turning purely invisible / totally transparent but is still there -- you can't do that without making an incredible amount of sound, you're gonna cause a BOOM just from the air displacement. There *_are_* things going on in our skies that, at a minimum, didn't come initially from the human mind. That I'm certain of, cuz I've seen at least a piece of it. What is it? based on enough of the stories, half a century old ones of crafts plummeting vertically from the sky straight into the ocean and not even making a splash or a sound, I get the impression that there are... well, frankly, alien crafts that are and have been around, that apparently are capable of simply not interacting with all the matter around us, the atmosphere we use to fly... they're perhaps somehow disconnected, completely uninfluenced by our gravity and matter. Ofc as I was aware and John Michael Godier pointed out to me, if I see them, then they're interacting with electromagnetic radiation, so it's quite peculiar that they'd interact with that but not with matter -- but hey, I only know what I saw and what others have described. I don't think that these things "defy" physics, they just show our physics are incomplete. And maybe they always will be. (Like, perhaps, in the case that this actually is a simulation, but the engineers and coders a level above us abide by their own laws, ones we'll never have access to, and are unrestrained by our laws. Who knows! There's no red pill to leave The Matrix.)
@@TransRoofKorean If that's what actually happening, I suspect that quantum effects are being exploited in some way, through engineered materials or something else. What that could be though I have no idea.
Word count has limited to no correlation to validity and reliability… so I’m sure Eric wouldn’t waste his time with that lol If your point is he would quantify validity and reliability… yea he would as any good scientist should
Joe there's a Dr Dan Winter who's a physicist he'll answer all you question about ET space craft . The guys s genius . I've seen him a couple times it's always way over my head but he fascinates me. He explains the physics of out of body experience as well as many other esoteric topics .Sacha Stone had him on there day , fascinating topics .
What we have in mainstream science is an almost total resistance to look at phenomena that are essentially "non-physical." We have always known these phenomena exist yet our scientists have been unwilling to study them. Thus I think what we need is a new branch or form of science that specializes in these sorts of phenomena. This work needs to be brought forward. If traditional scientists are not willing to do it, then maybe we can create a group of "non-traditional" scientists who are willing to do this work.
Excellent discussion. A little side note is that the laws of physics can be defied according to the laws we are currently aware of, currently understand, and currently have finalized the definition of, if any such definitions exist. A proper, honest, realistic and qualified physicist would describe things as appearing to push the limits of physics as we currently understand them today, not redefine them. The study of most fields of the various sciences include the understanding that answering a scientific question is expected to reveal additional questions, not end the discussion. Most theoretical scientists think and operate with the mistaken belief that a single question being answered would solve the Riddle of the Universe, not just the question at hand.
Aren’t we correct to know that as time passes we discover things that were previously considered impossible? We have been doing that for centuries, look at some of the technology we have now, compared to that of 500 years ago.
I think when people are saying "these UFO's are breaking the laws of physics, they're specifically referring to thermodynamics. The fact that the UFOs don't lose speed when they hit the water, and that they move at the same speed under water as in the air above.
Hey, Eric, you might be wrong - though I welcome your speculation on this issue. (I'm a Harvard Grad, who started as a MATH major btw.) I knew a brilliant guy, just great with maths. He could not talk about his job. Years and years later after he passed, I asked his brother, whom I also knew: "I always wanted to ask you, did XXX work for the NSA?" He quietly admiitted he did. I suppose only his family knew, since he was very quiet about it
Ok, that's it. I'm signing on with Spotify! I need to hear this entire conversation!!!! Eric Weinstein is one of the more fascinating minds of our time, and one of the most important.
Love Eric Weinstein. My father, grhs, told me decades ago that they are building some kind of "star wars" thing out there in Long Island. A "super conducting semi collider" that was gonna rip through space time. Nice to see his theories validated 20+ years later.
So he couldn’t have said that ? Someday,if we survive long enough,(doubtful) space and time may be as well understood as water, which, I understand, we actually don’t know a-lot about , but it’s all relative. If you boil all the fat out of it Nothing is physical. We have evolved to detect perturbations in the electromagnetic fields?Aether? Dark energy?Dark matter?but more and more ‘science’ cannot differentiate between waves and particles and energy and matter and existence and non existence, yet we cannot deny our awareness that we are and so is a photon be it a wave,a particle, or a thought or a perturbation in a medium we cannot get a grip on.
@@slow-mo_moonbuggy i believe aliens/extraterrestrial life exists. But I would never claim to be educated on the topic of which you bring up, or the man in the video brings up. like I said, it’s just a manner of speaking, especially when involving someone who isn’t super educated on the topic. you don’t have to be a terminology Nazi…
Fun Fact: Nothing in the universe can break the laws of physics. If something appears to, it just tells us we don't know physics as well as we thought.
Or it tells us that appearances can be deceiving.
Or it is manipulating the laws of physics. It seems to me that it would be easier to use the laws than to break them.
Or we can not be arrogant and submit to a higher power and technology than we have
@@samhouston8773 we would be in the dark ages if we followed your logic
When someone (like these guys) says something breaks the laws of physics, what they should have said is that "the physics of this object is beyond our current understanding".
Yea what he really saying is more important such as its all a scam.
Yes, we only know what we know. May not even know the questions as ask.
If something occurs that goes “beyond the understanding of physics” then by definition it has broken the pre established laws of physics. The laws of physics outline our understanding, therefore anything that happens outside of that the laws are broken.
@@rayriley4020 The aliens are among crowd is fanatical over what little evidence they have which supports some sort of paranormal, inter-dimensional or extra terrestrial sightings being anything other than a scam or an imagination gone wild over something, some others humans are doing.
It depends whether you're referring to "our" established laws of physics that encompass our current understanding, or the laws of physics in general which we have yet grasp.
As Joe mentions earlier in the podcast, a show with Bob Lazar and Eric W would see phenomenal response and record breaking numbers of people tuning in. Let's hope that happens too.
Lazar is obviously a conman and it's actually embarrassing that Joe can't tell.
@@michaelqiu9722 Agreed. If Lazar does for some reason agree to it I’ll be beyond surprised as Eric would out him rather quickly. For anyone in doubt do about an hours worth of research into Lazar’s past, particularly around the time he first surfaced on the scene.
@@michaelqiu9722 the whole “I got a headache”- Lazar was a red flag.
@@jurtea1 The multiple faked college degree claims from prestigious universities is a much bigger one.
There’s actually a physicist online who debunked every aspect of his story down to a T a few years ago. I always thought if Joe had read it he’d do a complete 180. If I can find the original article I’ll post a link.
It’s all shits and giggles until you see one with your own freaking eyes.
Arhaha, that gave me a chuckle, joking aside I'm presuming you've seen something you can't quite explain.
Yeah exactly I always say the same because the truth is also very experiential some times you really need to see it yourself but ones you see that unexplained outwardly thing then you can’t deny it anymore or make fun of it that’s why there always gonna be deniers even with ton of evidences and maybe it’s for the best but it is what it is if you’re not ready or maybe lucky have experience it you’ll never believe it
@@LOOKINVERTED By ways of accolades I’ve obtained a handful of degrees of science. I’ve been a skeptic. All things real can been seen with empirical evidence. I’m 52, 2 years ago my buddy and I were getting stoned in his car here in the Southern California high deserts. Yes, YES, I’ve “seen something’s.” What we saw defied all the laws of physics, and was not made by the hands of men. Everything I once thought I knew about our world flew right out the window that night!
@@MrPigryx Yea, but there are things out there, once seen, you can never “unsee.” I totally agree!
@@over-educated-sp Fair enough, of course I don't know you from Adam but your story is echoed in countless others and even a couple of people I know personaaly. I've yet to have an experience like that for myself (for better or worse) so meantime all I can do is say I believe you. Perhaps an unfair followup but do you sometimes wish you hadn't seen what you saw given what it implies/suggests? Would it be better not knowing - ignorance is bliss as they say (though I'm not convinced choosing ignorance is ever beneficial in the long run). P.S: it may have seemed to defy the laws of physics - the laws of physics we know about - but perhaps the illusion of that law braking is simply our misunderstanding of what's really going on.
That comment about B and C level people seeking out D level help so they dont feel threatened feels so on point for explaining a lot of things.
It's why large hierarchies tend to be populated by incompetent sociopaths. Insecure Shitbags promoting insecure shitbags.
Sadly, this happens a lot in government. I witnessed it firsthand.
@JohnnytNaturalclassic "smart enough to not want the job"
Seen this in the private sector all the time, so many corporate and small businesses are full of these imbeciles usually second generation children of founders.
Yeah, except theyve placed D level people IN CHARGE of A level things at this point.... purposely, so that nothing ever seems credible.
Joe must’ve forgotten that he WAS informed about the Wilson Memo. They talked about it when he had Jeremy Corbell on his podcast a good while ago.
Yep you nailed it.
I thought the exact same thing I was thinking Joe you got to take notes. I downloaded that memo read it. I think the discussion was in a car if I'm not mistaken by eg&g
There are a lot of memos.
Memos and acronyms
He's was probably really High when it was first mentioned!
The appearance of “breaking the laws of physics” is usually a good indicator that another physical law is at work. For example: Tens of thousands of pounds of metal defy gravity everyday by flying through the air. We call them airplanes and they use the law of aerodynamics to overpower gravity.
It’s not a question of what law is being broken, it’s what law is being utilized.
Overpower gravity. :). Gravity is very very very weak. The gravity produced by the whole Earth can be defeated by a tiny magnet on your fridge.
@@ALucas73 people seem to hit the earth pretty hard if their parachute doesn't open .so gravity is stronger than you give it credit .plus other objects that enter the earth's atmosphere
@@kevinlimpert8523It really isn't, though. It's the weakest force we know of by a large margin. Besides, gravity is just a byproduct of the displacement of space/spacetime.
@@natec4133 well said
The "laws of physics" exactly explain why the airflow across an airplane''s wing keeps it aloft...if and only if it's moving fast enough.
As others have mentioned on here, nothing can defy physics. What these UAPs are doing is defying our limited understanding of physics
thanks, all knowing biped. i guess we can close the book on this shit. physics isnt your bitch and it's just a cooter hair on a yeti that drinks the ocean when it gets bored. turns that shit into the desert. back down, gandalf.
It’s so comforting to hear two human beings having a constructive argumentative conversation mutually uninterrupted , I’m sitting and listening in silence and enjoying every minute with no compulsion to post whatever runs into my head, it’s a real conversation between two people who have no desire to do one over on the other with there version of what they believe to be true, it’s respect 🇮🇪👍
Intelligent conversation no less! Shockingly no one is lying either, the horror!
Amen to this buddy^^
Right, I wish to see/hear the rest of it
Could you please explain your theory about suggestive listening to Liberals, thanks
@@jakelovci9183 so liberals make you cry? Maybe they don’t listen to you because your crowd shouts “fuck your feelings,” and your crowd places last in education, meaning the things they’re shouting are not even intelligent or worth hearing. And when your team is the one trying to teach creationism instead of science, and tells everyone “f**k your feelings,” why should anyone listen to you? It would be a waste of time. And before you throw a tantrum and try to attack me- two things. One, I’m not a liberal. Two, for me to care what you say about me, I would first have to value you. I don’t. 😎
Fun fact: When we say the laws of physics we are talking about the laws that we as a human race have already studied and confirmed.
The Laws of Physics is just mathematical theories, look it up
Pretty much everything in our world is controlled by mathematics.
@@Excremental_DischargeRight. They're real laws.
@@DavidSmith-ux9hl no, they're theories. Do you know what "theory" means?
@@Excremental_Discharge Yes. Do you know what a law in science is? Because laws and theories are two different things.
This is one of the first times I've ever heard Eric Weinstein actually make a point. He usually just eloquently talks in circles without ever actually saying anything.
It's nice to see him actually do something with his intelligence.
"He usually just eloquently talks in circles", 😅. Should have been in politics. ALL politicians talk eloquently, not saying F-all.
He actually made a point?? I was thinking the same thing: this guy just prattles on.
Joe likes people like this because they make him fell smart
He actually does that here as well. He talks about travelling huge distances, by simply "lengthening the ruler, and then shrinking it again". Yeah, ok... And how do you do that? He says he has the answer, but never gives one.
I listened to the full podcast on Spotify….no clue what he said.
Curiosity is the main basis of science. You find a way to find answers.
Being smart with a phd is one thing. Having a passion to find answers is another.
PhDs don't know didly. Read books on UFOS and Metaphysics. Forget paying $ for a useless degree.
I hv a BSEE 1985 and it taught nothing on this.
No top shelf Physicists on UAP's. Maybe, but for the longest time, doing so was a career ender. That may change. Truth, either way, is always needed
Passion for answers typically leads to such degrees and qualifications, which then enables them to guide others. Unfortunately we have people like you who distrust anyone with the slightest credential to their name. I'll keep my smart people with phd's, you can keep your Terrence Howard's.
Yes, The university system today cranks out thousands and thousands of PhD scientists and mathematicians, many who are genuinely brilliant, but the problem is where to put all these brilliant people after they graduate. Many go into academia. There, it is a long an uncertain path to eventually earn a tenured position at a University. Then, they have to struggle for research funding, often writing research papers on subjects that they really have little interest in. IMO, the top, proven theoretical brains of the next generations should be granted a government stipend, to give them some relief from mundane worries,. to give them greater freedom to pursue their particular genius.
I just love Joe Rogan he has the most interesting guests. Whether you believe what they're saying or not still makes for a interesting show...
Shout out to Mr. Rogan!! During the pandemic I was under the impression that he was some kind of quack, but lately I've been getting suggestion after suggestion of various Joe Rogan clips, and I have to say everyone I have seen has been absolutely captivating. His guests are so interesting. He seems willing to talk about anything and he does it intelligently. Who would have guessed a standup comic/Martial artist would be the best thing on the internet. He is like the David Attenborough of the podcast world. Willing to go anywhere to learn and teach and just converse. I love this guy and I love this show.
I can't believe" they" tried to make him out to look like a quack!! He is changing the media landscape for the best!! Everyone needs to get rid of their cable TV cuz it's all garbage. Mad props to Joe Rogan and everyone like him , creating open uncensored dialogue. I'm so glad more people are tuning in
So you bought into the propaganda, welcome to the real world.
His content has always been like this, at least since I started listening a few years ago. Interestingly, now you have a firsthand experience where you may notice that your impression of Joe being a quack was probably influenced heavily by the media.
Pretty sure giving nut jobs and experts equal weight on a given subject is not a commendable thing to do.
@@robertt9342 Pretty sure that it is. Indeed it is a paradox to claim that an expert is a "nut job" without having heard them .. especially from that expert at length in his or her own words. The more complex and nuanced a topic, the more misleading is an attempt to present that topic in curated sound bites. If it could be presented in a sound bite, then it is not a complex topic.
I loved when he compared what he could understand of this by inserting CPAs into the string section of an orchestra with a reference to them understanding string theory.
That was a very high watermark joke. Multilayered.
You hear about the galaxies Webb captured that shouldn’t exist? Could be a glimpse into another universe and older universe that is left over from the Big Crunch .
Totally! 100%
@@timpage5021 They've literally proven this false.
@@timpage5021 What galaxies that "shouldn't exist" exactly?
My mom worked at Wright Patterson Air Force Base from 1933 to 1963. Before she died, she indicated to me that she worked with Einstein and the paperclip Nazis program where they communicated with inter-dimensional beings and came up with gravity well propulsion. She did say that in her experience, there were no extraterrestrial beings. They were all inter-dimensional..
Sounds reasonable and yet jaw-dropping. Let's bring more like this to the table of conversation.
Absolutely!! Everybody talks about Eric can't seem to answer question or goes around in to avoid it, I don't think that there's answers to give. Listening to him is intriguing . If you decipher what he saying in strange way it makes sense
Is this not sad? How a government you put in power can hold information from you? Are humans that weak or are we just 🐒? Why can't us all around the world let our government know we want only the truth & if we're lied to, we will kill and torture them and their families cause that's what they're doing to us. The truth about Religion, Aliens, Wars And our own HISTORY BUT IM IN A WORLD FULL OF COWARDS & CELEBRITIES/entertainers/social media are distracting us in plain sight... But what does any of those things got to do with God or Death but clearly we got all the answers swayy
IdK, why isn't weinstein working in R&D department for some Space or Defense company. He keeps speaking about academia and not the mad scientist types. The naturals. The geniuses
Offshore hedge funds for $200.
Not reasonable cause he doesn’t know that there isn’t any. Just because none want to talk to him or anyone else about top secret stuff doesn’t mean there isn’t any. Everyone are kept apart so just cause the 2 guys he knows says this doesn’t mean anything. There job is to do this and NOT talk about it. And like bob said it’s not a normal job where everyone works together so how would his guy know who does what outside his tiny group?
My favorite part of this podcast "Michio Kaku is out of control" 🤣
Read one of his books!
He is though 🤣🤣
I’m really glad someone else is talking about the competency crisis in this country!
Military Industrial Complex has taken over.
They get all the good advancements and we get treated like peons that are just here to pay taxes and obey.
We stopped teaching people how to think and started teaching them what to think back in the 70's when public education was nationalized under Carter. Almost as damaging legislation to the future of our Republic as the Patriot Act. Both need to be abolished by the next administration if we are to escape this bureaucratic hell hole we have allowed to manifest.
What's crazy is that people are under the illusion that astronomy is a natural science. It's not. There isn't one verified scientific hypothesis constructed in the entire history of astronomy.
There was a physicist called Stanton Freedman. He was a nuclear physicist and he talked about it and studied it and was very openly active researching it and he said they do defy the laws of physics as we currently understand them and he said and I quote: “I say defy the laws of physics as we currently understand them because clearly there is something wrong if these defy laws of physics and we still have more to learn”. I don’t think Eric has even googled it, if he had then he would have known there were physicists studying them 20+ years ago and there are plenty studying it now. Sadly Stan has passed away now.
I'm actually from Fredericton and had 2 random encounters with him. The latter was a couple years before his death, and he seemed reluctant to discuss the topics that garnered his notoriety. I'm sure he got a lot of flack, but not from me.
@@charleshammel8541 He was a great researcher and like anyone that seriously digs down into this subject made him think we are being visited from where, when and how is up for debate but for now, there are a lot of scientists who say it’s a real phenomenon and I’m glad it’s finally getting the scientific study it so desperately needed. Certainly, there is now overwhelming evidence to say they exist than evidence to the contrary especially since many governments have come clean and said they don’t know the how, what, why, when and where.
@@Biketunerfy the only issue I see is half of the science community is very reluctant about the possibility of things we don’t understand because they think it will affect there reputation and job. The other half is open to the discussion but people aren’t paying as much attention as they should.
@@CG-xx2er the coalition for UAP studies has profs at the top of their game studying this from renown universities also theres the sol foundation studying this with top scientists.
If something defies the laws of physics it’s because the laws of physics have fallen short and that we need to expand our understanding of the universe
Einstein said, "Science is Conditional Truth."
If these rules are true then this will happen when we do that. Repeatable. Predictable. You can trust it until something occurs that was not predictable then you must work out what you did wrong or what new rule you have found.
these are "Laws" that are prescribed by us humans. Aliens or other beings might not even be governed by these laws they might have another set of laws or no laws period.
This guy makes my head hurt, the full pod cast is excellent, I had to replay a few bits just so I actually got it.
Eric - "Do you know about the wilson memo?"
Joe - "No"
Hahahaha I remember more than once this Wilson Memo has been mention on Joe's Podcast, the last time was with Jeremy Corbell
Don't blame Joe, he is often high
I can think of a few times it's been mentioned and he always responds with no.
The discussion is for the viewers, not Joe!
@@thatswhatithought6519 I think Joe might possibly relate more “high” to people than we can relate straight !!😂
No one listens to Jeremy Corbell. That's why.
Huge thanks to the people who helped bring us this information
There are few people I have tracked across platforms. Thank you Dr. Brian.
Glad it was helpful!
This has been one of the most informative videos I have watched about this very topic. What really grabbed my attention to this was the logic, and simply asking the questions.
Doctor Keating, for the sake of the rest of us... keep digging!.
All you need to know. Dr Greer is the guy.
Shawn Ryan show episode #48. If you want answers.
@@jordanmartinez2432 is that the dude from the Gaia thing? No thanks
indeed. but i dont think the gov would need a top physicist working on the project if they are trying to reverse engineer the technology. you dont need to understand the intricate fundamental workings of electricity to be able to wire a house, you just need to have seen someone else wire a house and be able to copy them.
@@mikeceebo8611 He's been around for 30+ years- waaaaay before Gaia Tv. He has no affiliation with them other than sharing his independant research with them in a few videos. Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater - Greer is incredible.
Now this is Eric at his best. Saying complex things but properly breaking them down in a digestible way for us non geniuses/physicists. Normally he rattles off a complex problem and provides impossible to understand analogies to describe said problem
Well said. Because he doesn't know if he is honest. His ego seems to contain all the answers but sorry , he doesn't know.
Very well said, this is a little bit better than his normal incoherent dross, but still pretty bad. He needs to take notes from Musk who can actually literally explain rocket science to a child in a few short sentences.
@Drew Goodman maybe it's time for you braindead children to grow up and learn something. Sorry, i mean "non geniuses".
@@murrijuana2842 if I grow up and learn can I be as smart as you?
Can science explain why my wife has three orders of magnitude more dark energy than the rest of the universe?
This is exactly what you get when you apply critical thinking to a problem. The ability to pursue a solution through common sense and unbiased logic
Actually Bob Lazar explained this. He said they deliberately employed physicists from community colleges and lesser-universities just so there wouldn't be obvious holes in talent in non-secret sectors. It also goes to explain the stupidity of the people Bob replaced when they tried to open a working reactor with an angle-grinder, killing themselves. They weren't hiring the best.
or it could be the level of international spies in the American scientific community, especially Chinese
they didn't put community college types on the manhattan project. this idea makes no sense, you want the best minds, at least good minds on this. not the lowest part of the bell curve.
Yeah, that is what Eric was saying about the missing PhDs in the NSA.
First off the smartest people are not in the best colleges
@@iamme25yagoexactly, like the so called smart guy on who wants to be a millionaire that got the first question about ikea wrong 😂
Joe Rogan has got this figured out.
When you've got a well-connected genius on the program, Therorizing at Full Tilt, you must mumble affirmatively, just enough to keep the genius talking, for the sake of the shiow
I would pay good money to hear this entire conversation in full.
This guy is definitely not a genius
@@robbiecale3327 why?
Is full conversation not available anywhere?😮
I graduated Stony Brook,1987, Biochemistry major. I met CN Yang in the math tower. Was a complete humble gentleman, and obviously a giant in physics
Wow. I’m jealous
Stonybrook hospital saved my life! I survived stage 4 Lung cancer due to their skill & research. One shot of radiation & 54 immunotherapy treatments. Fabulous doc/nurses there
@@kellieborut8037 awesome! I actually worked in the radiation oncology department as a college student making the lead plates Dr Meek was the chief of rad onc. I wish you great health moving forward and Gid bless you!
@@DrBrianKeating the dirac equation isnt mentioned in the vid...?
Why do you need disclosure? We should stop looking to our government as the authority on this subject since they obviously aren't designed for it or don't care to help us. We can make more progress by circumventing governments. The US is just hamstringing this whole endeavor.
We the people are hamstringed by our government in general.
@@cosmicpsyops4529 I'd love to hear your ideas on how exactly to go about doing that. Lol.
I go right around them and do my own research. I completely agree.
Yeah that’s not happening in our lifetime
Disclosure happened in Russia and Africa. Those people had nothing to loose. Real ufos were in 50s60s. We couldn’t have made those ships
The depth of this conversation is astounding!! No BS just straight facts!
Except - what is it about?
I speak Physics. Some - I'm an EE. What are they talking about?
@@msimon6808 I think Eric was TRYING to say that in order to explain the phenomenon as either alien or some new unknown Earthly physics denying phenomenon, you would want a physicist there to examine the evidence to either explain it in terms of the physics we know, or verify that the physics as presented were not possible under our understanding of physics (or maybe physically possible under our knowledge of physics, but only under engineering that would not be possible without harnessing a level of power that would be impossible using the current levels of physics and engineering understanding.)
I am personally not a big fan of his 'physics', and especially the way he presents his theories (ie. in either complete gibberish, or I guess he could be the smartest physicist and mathematician to ever have lived and no one currently living is capable of understanding his theories ... I lean toward the former) but in this case I agree. The UFO issue is either natural phenomenon, secret advanced military equipment, or people being fooled by good fakes and optical illusions.
Zero actual facts though.
Straight almost got it right.
We need our highest minds to work on the UFO/UAP phenomenon. Like Avi Loeb says "the public pays for science" science should work on the public's interests.
the 'highest minds" that you speak of are in the private sector, not working for government or in academia where they wqill be under utilized ...
@@robertsmith4681 you should listen to this entire podcast. There's a good chance that we barely have any serious high level fundamental physicists working on the UFO problem because we gutted our physics departments within academia over the last 50 years. Eric explains this all in the lead up to this clip.
UFOs are modern versions of dragon sightings. The highest minds have better things to do.
The 'highest minds' would probably say 'You're joking! No thanks!'.
@@bidhrohi12 keep your head burried in the sand
The problem with humanity is, if we can’t comprehend something it’s not us. We have no idea what’s out there, what they’re capable of, and how far more advanced they are than us. We as humans need to keep a sense of optimism, and just be as prepared as we think we can be, for if/when we make contact.
You’re smart, I like you
Urantia…read the whole thing with an open mind and don’t judge until you finished spread the 🕊️
Just imagine humans with 100,000 years of evolution and technology.
What have we achieved in 100 years?
Worse yet, the REALLY ignorant among us claim that which they don’t understand must be fake or CGI. It’s hilariously sad.
No the problem with humanity is our obsession with gaining an advantage over others militarily so we can dominate.
One of the hardest things for people to grasp is that we aren’t top of the food chain here. It’s even harder for those who have not yet seen with their own two eyes, something they can’t explain.
None of it matters because a higher food chain won't let us surpass them. Even if it's not here one will be out there and it's the same if they are more advanced than us they will more likely be monitoring us and won't let us surpass them. We could just be livestock in this ever expanding universe
Well what are they doing other than pointlessly zipping around in craft?
That's an issue atheist have.
Perhaps they do have that issue. You’re obviously. Referring to spiritual matters. I’m Speaking on earthly ones based on my own observation’s.
@@RelloMelloGarden they manipulate nuclear missiles, turn them off. Turn them on. Change trajectory.
Fun fact: Joe was told previously about the willson memo by Jeremy Corbell on the Bob Lazar ep
Fun fact: Jeremy Corbell sucks.
The Wilson Memo to me was mind blowing. That made me think this might very well all be true.
The biggest podcaster on the planet I think he’s asking on behalf of his giant audience lol
Yeah I think sometimes Joe suffers from information overload.
@@AbundantYouthIndeed he was.
Exceptional information, great podcast would love to see the whole interview. Thanks to both
What information? it's just two dudes talking about nonsense.
@Jean Hugues I voted for the true aliens who gave us the cell phone😂😂😂
@Jean Hugues knew you would say that… I didnt vote at all… you assume too much like a twitter user. 😂. Only one type of person assumes a persons character… wheres your hood?
I have no idea what he's talking about 1) b/c I'm not smart enough to understand it, and 2) b/c he's mostly talking about what isn't rather than whatever his idea is.
This blew my mind away. When you are geek and you understand the concept, you don't feel alone in this world.
If you want to believe you are special inside of your tiny, miniscule microcosm, then go right ahead dude. :D
Rentech talk was just💥💥💥
@@MrMjrob I believe he is special too.
Obviously aliens are a govt psyop. next.
There can only be one answer: *Our sciences are flawed.* The question: Are they flawed on purpose?
Are they flawed on purpose? 𝗔𝗯𝘀𝗼𝗹-𝗳𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗸𝗶𝗻𝗴-𝗹𝘂𝘁𝗹𝘆 .
The elites have controlled the general population for decades and want us to have breadcrumbs in comparison to what THEY have in secret. These are your big banks/etc.
Of course they are. Anyone can see that.
Noooo, it’s complete & utter nonsense
More likely that the measurements of the objects are flawed
@@charleswest6372 scientists themselcee swy that we cant know everything
"If you could not travel faster than the speed of light, you could not travel in space at all, and that perhaps is the assumption of many who still think that this is a barrier that cannot be surpassed. Even before there were any human civilizations in the world, space travel was underway to a very large and sophisticated extent. You can travel faster than the speed of light and counteract its effect on time and aging, and this has been practiced far longer than any human civilization." ~ The Allies of Humanity ~ 7th Briefing Questions & Answers
Thank you.
Wow! I'm definitely checking this out. Very interesting.
I don't think they're extraterrestrial but rather interdimensional.
ZERO proof of that. You are just parroting what you have read on the topic. There is something coming here with high technology but its not leaving a road map on where or how.
I think is both
@@joseph7105 Just because you parrot does not mean you understand it. Try to parrot mathematics to me. Then see if you can pass a test. Maybe you would prefer I said Mindlessly parroting. Parroting without understanding. I can teach a monkey to cut and paste with a mouse it does not mean he understands what he just pasted. That is all I am saying. A none parrot would understand that.
I think their neither. Probably a more rational, aswell as boring answer 😴
@@hugh8090 Well at least you know you are boring, shows great self awareness.
Eric Weinstein gets it. He was describing the literal "G-Project" which was headed by the likes of George S. Thimble of The Martin Company (later merged into Lockheed-Martin in the 70s), in cooperation with Clarke Electrical Laboratories headed by Dudley Clarke, General Dynamics and Bell-Textron Aircraft circa 1956-1958.
Search Battelle Memorial Institute.
Is that skunk works?
@@betterd9160 I wish, because that would mean its declassified and at least somewhat understood. The main winner of the defense contracts after the g project was Bell-Textron... blue book case number 10270...
Ok I read on Battelle. I’ve never heard of them before. I also had no idea there were so many national laboratories. I only knew Argon. Ok I searched it now I’d appreciate it if you Wikipedia Thought Reform and the Psychology of Totalism. I think it explains a lot
@@Meineself Someone talking sense here! "aliens" or not, the links and weirdness surrounding Martin-Marietta, Battelle, DOE, etc in the early 50s really raises some alarm bells.
I saw the United States Government's Antigravity craft on August 30th 2023. I was on Indiana highway 446 close to the Hoosier national Forest sign heading back from fishing at Lake Monroe. The craft when I saw it was traveling from west to east. At first I thought it was a helicopter searching for someone in the forest and it came into view and I tried to realize what I was looking at in amazement. It was huge and the light it was putting off was light lights of the city as I drove under it. The lights on it were in the corners and center were crisp white with a blue hue. It had red and green navigation lights and strobe lights and a spot light close to the center. It was painted gray with the access panels highlighted lighter gray. The panels were like the ones on the new stealth bomber design. It also had nose cones in the corners. The sides were rolled and not sharp like an air cutting edge. The way it moved in the sky was like it slid over the treetops and it didn't shake a leaf on the trees. It moved steadily with a slight rotation northward without changing direction. I believe it was built by Northrop Grumman facilities... Most of the sights I have heard of are in direct pathways of their facilities and it resembled it's design aspects as other crafts that they built.
we used to go out and watch them in the desert. my family worked underground, deep down there, on stuff.
Was it an orb ? Did it move sloppy ? Like not in a straight line. But moving up and down rapidly ??
@@mariobtron5907 it was a triangle shaped craft. It was steady and slipped on by like it was surfing. The bottom was lightly concaved. It was painted gray and the access panels were highlighted in a lighter color gray paint.
So how big was this fish again?
@@depiction3435 I am actually known for the fish I catch around the local area... The craft I saw was not a fish story... It happened. People who ridicule others for fun should be ashamed of themselves. I guess you are doing it to lessen my experience or testimony to a sighting... It doesn't work like that. Antigravity craft are real and the United States Government has them. It's probably where trillions of unaccounted for money goes.
Manhattan project was mentioned. It occurred to me that one of the eventual developments of that project was the info was leaked to the USSR. Given the state of the world at that time, it's not difficult to imagine that drastic measures were put in place to eliminate future leaks of that sort among scientists working on black projects. It's conceivable that those measures were never relaxed and now work against progress, but no one has the comprehensive overview or authority to remedy it.
If these programs actually exist they're probably so compartmentalized and hyper need-to-know that they're essentially worthless and just sit there burning whatever money gets directed to them.
Love the phrase "faking a UFO-gasm"
weinstein is an electric storyteller
he really has me on the edge of my seat discussing this stuff
electricity and geometry will explain the story weinstien
He is CIA operative, do your research...
Nah man, you haven’t heard him talk enough if you have this opinion, one of the main critiques of Weinstein is he talks in circles whilst eating nothing.
Although In this clip he did a good job
Are you being sarcastic?
Hadn’t seen this video before. Agree with how much smarter he seems by trying to solve a problem instead of finding ways to try to disprove it. 👍
I listened to the entire podcast and it is so far above my understanding and I’m sure the guest was dumbing it way down.. this is who we need researching ufos.
This guy is a shoemaker compared to Aliens. Once he sees the crafts that Lazar discribed he will know he is out of business. A wise man says he knows nothing. This guy thinks he knows everything. Theories mean shit til proven.
1st thing i found out from government lockdowns. Is just cause you have a high iq or a degree. Doesnt mean you have common sense or a open mind. Prob took 4 jabs
Imagine how much more intelligent ai will become
you're not dumb, they are just rambling on and talking sh**, this is just stoner conversation between two people that are good at talking.
What I understand about what is happening, is that the scientific community is laughing the data out of the lab and is never seriously being seen. No one wants to touch the subject because of the ridicule from thier peers.
Which all started because of the psyop conducted on the UFO community.
Ya i was gonna say. Isnt it much more likely that maybe actual scientists/physicists just arent interested and not taking the time to debunk or prove the "evidence". They have more important shit to do and dknt have time to waste
@@NaruBrilu Not being curious is a sign that they aren't real scientists. Especially now with all the evidence coming out from military pilots.
@@FUNKOfilms are u a scientist? They r curious, just on stuff that actually matters. Not trying to debunk or prove blurry 420p footage
@@NaruBrilu Sticking to current accepted science is the most anti science practice that someone can do.
The Dirac equation was poorly thought of at UCLA in the math & physics department in the 1970s. Eric is astute with his questions and analogies.
I don't get why he's even questioning the laws of physics being broken at all it's a flat out stupid question has he even heard of ANY details about a UFO at all? Does he need to have a physicist explain to him what wings are for and how they work and how none of the craft ever have any?
@@michaell.445Eric goes on these extremely wordy rants to make it seem like he knows some mystery that no one else does. Then at the end of the conversation, I always just pause and go, wtf did he just say? I never get anywhere with his conversations
@@michaell.445 he’s questioning why there’s no physicist confirming these details. It’s a logical question. It also shows there may be more to this story that isn’t being talked about. I’m obviously not a physicist, so me saying something breaks the laws of physics when I can’t prove it means very little, which is what he’s highlighting here.
@@mathewsawyer4811 Like I said; it doesn't take one to explain the obvious though it's been done anyway.
a propos Eric Weinstein...
"Oh, he'll put you in a coma."
Joe Rogan
Hey Joe, do you think we can get some microphones that don’t pick up everybody’s swallowing and lip smacking it makes it hard to listen to some of these podcast
Wow! I’ve listened to a lot of JRE and this is my favourite episode to date. Just brilliant!
Mine too!
Screw you joel
I just love these podcasts the questions and challenges are fantastic and leaves me wanting more
Keating wants more too.. for the clicks 😆
Agreed - Jo Rogan has to be the only compelling reason I can think of to subscribe to Spotify.
This guy is talking sense.
The smarter you are in this world you're always trapped within the confines of people who know far less than you.
Most of the time it's your boss and it's rare when you have that one person who Excels further in a position of power.
The thing is, people are so stupid they wouldn't even know if that person was very intelligent. They're trapped within the confines of "power trips" and "I'm your boss" mentality.
Probably the best comment I have read in decades .... Also my sincerest sympathies for being surrounded with dumb ppl😅
It’s both a blessing and a curse to know things that none except yourself can ever know without proof.
@Xxaphius Or you felt called out by Franks comment. :)
it's funny that people think they are more intelligent than they actually are. I bet most people who work for a boss has this type of mentality, well if I was in change we would make more money, lol sure you would.
Looks like someone doesn't like their boss.
If you find yourself the smartest man in the room, re-evaluate objectively.
If you still find yourself the smartest man in the room, change room.
Joe is awesome. He has conversations with people like some of would have with our friends.
@bloobabboon you're on a video that features his content so yeah🤣
Didnt know that Stony Brook is considered in such a way in the US. I studied their work on morphometrics and it's been absolutely top notch stuff. A true treasure trove of scientific tools and great science groups.
Do you have an extra $10 million?
They’re the only place I send materials for special characterization, such as Synchotron X-Ray Topography.
Grew up so close to Stony Brook
Just saw the Ghostwriter with Ewan Mc Gregor
His point was that Stony Brook is NOT considered top notch even though they have one of the greatest collections of minds in the world.
2010 I witnessed a green ufo that appeared suddenly and moved slowly for 1.5 to 2 seconds, then performed an extremely high-speed maneuver over the horizon. I was at sea onboard a US warship. 2230 hr , 100 miles off the coast of Los Angelis, CA.
May I ask how can you say it was green? And why it's green? I am not doubting you. I want to know more.
I had a coworker who witnessed such a thing over a field in Santa Clara California long ago.
Yea my bro seen 1 it was like 2012 in south Phoenix we was smoking a blunt and it flew over had green glow 😮 couldn't sleep that night
last year me and my brother were driving back home and we were on the Main Street a couple blocks before turning into our street & before we turned left we seen a blue glow on top of the area where our house was located we thought it was the transformer blew out because we had a light post right next to our driveway but we couldn’t get close enough to tell because our street is downhill and trees were blocking the view , anyway as soon as I tried to pull out my phone to record it shot off like how you see a shooting star pass by me and my brother were so mind fucked & focused on that thing that he didn’t have time to slow down for the dip that the street had. We could never explain what that shit could be till this day & the weird thing is that it was around the time those ufo files came out. ( sorry for shit grammar y’all )
UFO as in advanced foreign tech or as in a hallucination? Because you'd have to be the kind of person who believes in Gods, ghosts and ghoulies to believe in alien intelligence (when zero proof exists supporting its existence) and them actually wanting to 'visit' us. I can almost imagine the klingon, now: "I think I'll head to earth for my hols this years, _see how capitalism's ecocide is doing"_
Most people who witness 'miracles' are merely attention seekers talking out their arses, I find.
Is there a full version of this podcast? it was cut off ….
To say that UAPs defy the laws of physics means to me that we haven’t acquired an all encompassing understanding of physics and the subject’s (physics) capacity.
🤦♂️The Law of Physics is just mathematical theories. THEORIES. You do know what "theory" means, right?
@@Excremental_Discharge Sorry, but that is incorrect. Laws and theories are two different things. In science, we have observations. We use laws to describe those observations and theories to explain the phenomenon. For example, we have laws of gravity. Newtonian laws for instance. However, those laws tell us nothing about the actual force or how it operates. That is where theories come in. Newton had a theory around gravity which was eventually replaced by Einsteinian theories. But at a core level, we still don't fully understand how gravity functions. We only understand how it affects matter.
@Diomedes01 No, you're incorrect. Look it up, soy boy. The Laws of Physics are just mathematical theories. They aren't set in stone. Go ahead, look it up, or be gutless and ignorant and don't. Your choice
@Diomedes01 wrong. Look it up, the Laws of Physics is nothing but mathematical theories. Go ahead, you have Google. Check for yourself
@@Diomedes01 did you do your homework yet?
The fact the we exist means it's possible. The fact that our species stretches back much farther than history can account for and extinctions have happened so many times means life finds a way.
Yes 👏
Also many times when its said “Defying the Laws” it’s actually not, instead its unknown physics
I witnessed 7 saucers flying in a military-style trail formation off the California coast close to Catalina Island (there's supposed to be an underwater base there). They appeared from around the Palos Verdes cliffs at low level and were encased in translucent flaming "bubbles", like Christmas ornaments. As I watched them through binoculars, one by one the flames went out (at the same point-in-space) to reveal the saucer. It's my belief the translucent "bubbles" are buoyancy devices used for transitioning from underwater. When they take to the air the bubbles are burned off.
first time?
I totally believe that as well , a lot of people say it , they definitely live or stay in water 👍👍👍
An antigravity device would theoretically be able to traverse through different mediums😑 and electromagnetic fields can induce a “shell” of light. What you think is probably wrong.
@@christianxxx9393 You're probably right, but the flames extinguished when the bubble went away. Also, there was no smoke, indicating a perfect burn.
I saw a UFO 20 feet from where I was sitting flying from the direction of a Sikh temple in Montreal, Quebec, Canada and it came and parked itself near a tree and something like molten lava started to drip to the ground but as I looked at the ground, the substance was invisible on the ground while visible in the air. The flying object was also emitting different bright colors. It was in a schoolyard and children were playing soccer and at the presence of the object, they all froze in their places ignorant of its presence. And then as I was over the phone, I told to the person on the other side what I was seeing and they were baffled. It was 5 pm in Fall 2015. I was looking into the subject of the Ufo in relation to biblical truths.
I don't care what whoever says, the UFO phenomenon is real and it is spiritual in nature. I also saw a bigfoot on a huge pillar in a Catholic church and two other silver UFOs parked in the air above swimmers's heads in Quebec in 2017. I took pictures. We don't need the government to tell us what these things are. We need the Bible. When I was attacked by the occupants of these flying objects, I called on the name of Jesus and they ran away and disappear. My conclusion is that they are demonic entities coming to mankind through deception and the ability to change appearances to make us believe that they are aliens. They are here among us and we cannot always see them. Revelation chapter 12. It's a waste of time and money to investigate these things. The absolute truth is in the Bible.🙏🙏🙏
Not saying I'm smarter than Eric but 3 years ago he said Trump lacked the mental capability to be in charge of nuclear weapons and that we need the democrats to take back the office and set it straight..
Hasn't worked out well Eric
Salvatore Pais, one of the most amazing unknown physicists in the world who works for the US Navy. They're out there just not all of them have a desire to speak to anyone.
I know he published the "UFO" patents, but is he really a top physicist or some kind of pseudo scientist who pulled the wool over the eyes of his bosses and got some erroneous patents published?
I miss seeing these full podcasts on youtube
I love how Joe says he hasn't heard of "The Wilson memo"
You know Jeremy Corbell is out there crying saying "i ToLd HiM aBoUt ThAt WhEn I wAs ThErE!!!"
To be fair, he's getting a lot of information told to him on a daily basis. It's impossible to retain all of it
@@IStanAmerica that's true..
I love the way this guy explains things that I don't understand
Typical woman
@@Gh0zT-777 haha wait so I'm the woman? Or you are. I guess we need Eric Weinstein to explain this.
this guy just threw shade all over : MIT, Rensallier , JPL, Oak Ridge, Los Alamos, get the idea.
I think Joe Rogan's UFO talk videos are possibly his greatest contribution to the public to date.
Continue requesting Physicists assistance in this matter
The funny thing is the Joe actually has heard of the Wilson memo, it's been mentioned multiple times on his own podcast by his UFO guests like Jeremy Corbell
He often says he doesn't know or hasn't heard of some things because he wants the audience to better understand. It's just a quicker way of saying "yes I do, but please explain for the people who don't".
@@jessejohnson4863 he just doesn't remember stuff bro
@@zair_salahuddin nuh he remembers, it's for the audience and he doesn't want to sound too smart. It's kind of part of his popularity, he's an everyman
He is the first to admit that his memory sucks…dont put the Fear Factor guy on a pedestal, he thinks Pocahontas is just a cartoon, struggles to finish a book and doesnt understand what Teutonic means. He is a great interviewer and not a member of Mensa.
I grew up on a Upstate NY farm that David Rockefeller bought in 1986. Late September of that year we had a large ( the size of a football stadium ) silent UFO ( I’m still not sure what we saw) fly over the farm , then head south over Hudson River. It was a very abnormal event, and made the connection in my teenage mind, of Mogul funded black projects entirely plausible.
Reminds me of the Phoenix lights
Your description of the huge, silent UFO in 1986 here in upstate NY sounds incredibly similar to what a friend of mine described to me that he saw when he was 11 years old in 1986. A mutual friend of ours corroborated his story and his mother absolutely refuses to speak of it.
I also grew up in upstate New York. In the 1980s I was a teenager and possibly saw the same thing that you saw. The UFO I saw was huge in size, totally silent, blacker then the night sky and seemed to be just above the tree and house tops. As it slowly moved the ufo was so big and was so close to the ground it made the stars disappear as it passed overhead.
I am in my 50s now and the the memory of that night has never left me.
This is very important. The government out of order. Disclosure should happen now!
Eric Weinstein is spot on!! Why no physicists involved in this. It's unbelievable!!
Who needs a physicist on site if very qualified ENGINEERS are able to get vehicles to float and fly around?
he is wrong though. Both UAPTF and its successor AARO are headed by physicists. And in their both reports, they have confirmed the existence of physical objects with anomalous characteristics, after analyzing data.
It doesn't mean the UAPs are aliens, but it surely aren't the product of some bureaucrat's imagination, as Eric speculates.
@@colderbeerEngineers aren't going to understand or pioneer the new physics needed to recreate these craft
If it's real and those physicists were able to crack formulas that could advance humanity by 100 or a thousand years. Those scientists are trillion-dollar investments, that would be guarded and protected at all costs.
This full podcast is so enjoyable. Wish I had 3 1/2 hours to spare to listen again.
Hi. I would live to watch the entire podcast. Where can I find it if you don't mind?
@@owlfeathers6615 there is a link above in the info
I usually watch at 1.25x playback speed. It helps.
when I listen to Weinstein, every 4 minutes I feel like I've walked into a conversation I have absolutely no context for and can't quire put into place- even through I 've been listening from the start.
He is brilliant no doubt but he is so verbose I get lost trying to follow him
I felt like I was hearing a lot of words that didn't really say anything personally.
Nobody will be satisfied until ETs appear in a news conference or talk show on TV.
ET doing a two and a half hour JRE podcast. Joe convinces him to take DMT
The cut when he mentions Black Rock is noteworthy.
I was wondering about that, I was watching it on my TV and have paused it when I seen that part and opened it up on my phone so I could see the comments on this clip hoping someone had seen that too, and hoped they knew what had been cut out, it's so subtle how they made it seem like a notification on something running the feed leaked into the audio accidentally and it wasn't anything to be concerned with lol good stuff. Edit: also at the end of the clip when Eric sums up what the four top groups were at 10:03 and Joe's just like "Woahhh . . " like Eric had just blown his mind
just listen to the whole podcast on spotify. this is just a clip
Does Spotify version show same cuts?
@@WorldTurningPodcast no
Eric is always a must listen when he's on a podcast. I'm a carpenter but I am learning programming. Need to join a physics club or something lol
AI will not render programming obsolete for the foreseeable future
Lol dude no, keep being a carpenter thats where the jobs are now a days and in the future, programmers are gonna be replaced by AI soon very soon, its already here, you see how many are getting laid off! Have you heard of a carpenter getting laid off?
@@yamasama1 every winter
@@patricechery8637 chatGPT is closing in. The problem is it makes pseudo code most of the time that doesn't plug and play. Once or twice now I've used it to generate a structure of a file, nothing was usable in it and I had to redo it with working code but it at least understood that specific things.
Overall I think we're about a year out from having AI do reasonable coding, I'm basing this on the chatGPT occasionally getting a function working right off the rip.
Stay with carpentry brother. AI will take your programing job within the next five to six years. I'm 63 I've kept myself hidden from the government. At sixteen I walked away from a full boat scholarship. I saw what they have done with work men have done for good only to turn it into something obscene. Most people who know me think I should be achieving more but I'm very happy staying in the construction industry. It's an art that we are losing because people think they should be achieving more. Learn more trades. I am at least journey level in seven trades and master in two. I teach the young men who work for me first and foremost problem-solving. They are taught how to think for themselves in school anymore. Men like us need to teach. In short be aware that the world has a million programmers and getting more everyday, but very few men who can look at a piece of paper (blueprints) and take it from two dimensions to three. Thus having actually created something. Don't you find that satisfying.
Setauket is pronounced sea-tau-ket. I attended SUNY Stony Brook and while I was there they were the third largest public research institution in the country so you’re talking about a lot of very very smart people in many many disciplines. They also wound up managing the Brookhaven national labs which is another center for physics research
Good info, but I think you missed the point....
@@liberty8424 I think you are pompous
what did hecker do there?
@@glen.simpson Bless your lil 'ol heart!!
Ya know sometimes what people are writing isn't understood clearly by those reading it. You obviously speak with emotion & not training or education.
@@liberty8424 what? I just need info on what a guy did.... like what was his role? Not sure what training is necessary to inquire about what kind of job someone did? Have at it if you got the info? I can dig from there, even without these technical expertise you imply are necessary.... title and background/education is a start.
He is not happy about not being in the big club.
No he is not happy because our government doesn’t tell us what they are doing with our taxes
Well, he kind of is, like he says, they don't defy the laws of physics, if someone thinks they do, they don't know physics
@@Uno_Floydd they’re sending it to Zelenskyy lol
@@Naturallytoasty. I know. It’s progressive liberal policies to blame
Correct …. His ego is bigger than his brain
In the mid-1970's, My Father and I were talking on the upstairs deck at his beach house in Oceanside, CA. A glint of light in the daytime sky caught my eye. When I looked up, I saw two round orbs, each about 60 feet across at an altitude of approximately 2,500ft Above Sea level. They were moving fast. Subsonic. No windows, no wings, no lights, no sound, metallic in color, flying southbound, parallel to the beach line. This was in proximity of Camp Pendleton, CA. I tried to direct my Father's attention to what I was seeing but the orbs were gone by the time he oriented himself. There is something going on. I don't know what, but I saw what I saw and cannot explain what was seen.
good job you had an imagination. all ufo sighting are like this and easily attributed to ANYTHING OTHER THAN FUCKIGN ALIENS YOU M0 R 0 N
Dr. Keating, let me tell you my experience...
Around 2 decades ago I started to search and read about ufology. I started as a believer, because I've found dark blobs in pictures I took... (It's a long story, I did painting classes at the time, so I used to take lots of pictures on my parents farm.)
Those ended being probably generated by birds or insects, passing fast, but close to the camera. You know?
But, still... At the time Orkut was the social media to be and their communities were fantastic places to debate... So I learned a lot and ended up helping an ufology group to analyze pictures and videos, to moderate their community and so on... In the end I've learned ZERO about aliens, but a lot about human behavior.
From all the cases I've read about, studied and so on, just a handful of them are interesting. But they're REALLY interesting.
That, of course, doesn't mean aliens. I demand proper evidence as well. But, at the same time, those cases are useless! You can't milk evidence where there's nothing. We can't get more data from them, unfortunately.
If the military hides things? Of course they do, what they have more are secret projects, probably. But if they have anything about UFOs... They're probably more lost then we are.
That's why I find the Galileo Project so interesting. Because, with some luck, it could give us data to analyze. Finally.
And to wait on the military... I honestly think it's a waste of time.
Have you learned about 1930's and 40's Germany and their research on UFO's? They were really deep into it. There is a theory about some of them escaping to Antarctica. Shortly after the war, the U.S. sent aircraft carriers and a bunch of personnel to the Antarctic, and they came back with less people and equipment. I think that is enough info for you to do your own research on it. And if this is true, it makes sense why the government would not want us to know
@dhaltonmiller1215 Yes, I've read about it. A lot. But there's nothing there, it's just fantasy.
But it reminds me of something bizarre that happened during the time I helped the ufology group...
I believe it was 2008 or 2009, in a certain day my phone ringed. It was the president of the group and asked me to go to a meeting with him, because I knew English. I said sure and went with him the next night.
Do you know who is Bigelow, right? We met 2 of his representatives in a hotel, with 2 guys from another Brazilian UFO group.
We talked for a couple of hours about UFO cases... Then the guys from the other group went home. In the end I asked them what exactly did they want from us... And the answer kinda shocked me: alien technology.
I don't know if Bigelow still has the aerospace company, but there you go.
Either way, what I told them is that the only way to get it would be to shoot one down. There's no other way.
For me, the most adequate point of view based on the current information is from Jacques Vallée. In his book, Passport to Magonia, we can see how these things evolve over the centuries from faeries and ghosts to demons, angels, and ... "aliens".
The phenomenon is tightly connected with your conciseness and is a great chance the force behind it is not Just some civilization from another planet, but something more, more complicated from other dimensions or a different fabric of reality.
@@vasiovasio Perhaps. But without proper data to analyze, we're never going to know for sure.
We need evidence.
@@MCsCreations is it a real possibility that the root of the phenomenon is so, so beyond your scale that the "evidence" is literally Impossible to be seen, no matter how advanced we go.
A colony of ants, even after a billion years, will still not have any perception of what is an Electric Tesla Battery...
I knew a guy who escaped from Hungary in the '70's. All Hungarians are required to serve some time in the military. My friend was a chemist but the army had strict policies forbidding soldiers from getting army postings in a subject that they were experts. So he ended up doing something else, not chemistry! Why? So there was no one around that could discover classied info on chemistr (warfare, nuclear, etc.).
I am Hungarian and this is pure nonsense :D
@@pannonianbrute explain
magyar lengyel ket jo barat, egyutt harcol s issza borat
i have friends in high-level military ranks who have disappeared, found one in an old PDF file were he was attending a meeting on defense systems.
The more I hear Eric talk about this the more I empathise with his frustration. Either there is the best covert science project going on right under everyone’s noses. Or there is a pure Homeric level of disastrous compartmentalisation. Or there’s simply a big load of stinking BS being fed to the world.
I really hope it’s the first one. 💚♾️
I think two things can be true at the same time.
@@joeevett9007true story👍
"Defy the laws of physics" -- nah, it's that they defy what we yet have figured out of physical law.
Soon as you have a basic awareness of physics and enough of engineering, and like me you see one of these typical "flying triangle" sightings, a gigantic, silently hovering craft, that apparently accelerates infinitely fast or teleports or vanishes, and silently -- hell, unless it's just turning purely invisible / totally transparent but is still there -- you can't do that without making an incredible amount of sound, you're gonna cause a BOOM just from the air displacement.
There *_are_* things going on in our skies that, at a minimum, didn't come initially from the human mind. That I'm certain of, cuz I've seen at least a piece of it.
What is it? based on enough of the stories, half a century old ones of crafts plummeting vertically from the sky straight into the ocean and not even making a splash or a sound, I get the impression that there are... well, frankly, alien crafts that are and have been around, that apparently are capable of simply not interacting with all the matter around us, the atmosphere we use to fly... they're perhaps somehow disconnected, completely uninfluenced by our gravity and matter.
Ofc as I was aware and John Michael Godier pointed out to me, if I see them, then they're interacting with electromagnetic radiation, so it's quite peculiar that they'd interact with that but not with matter -- but hey, I only know what I saw and what others have described.
I don't think that these things "defy" physics, they just show our physics are incomplete. And maybe they always will be. (Like, perhaps, in the case that this actually is a simulation, but the engineers and coders a level above us abide by their own laws, ones we'll never have access to, and are unrestrained by our laws. Who knows! There's no red pill to leave The Matrix.)
@@TransRoofKorean If that's what actually happening, I suspect that quantum effects are being exploited in some way, through engineered materials or something else. What that could be though I have no idea.
@@joeevett9007 unfortunately, I think you are right---Andy Oates' original options 2 and 3, in equal measures
Eric is the type of guy who counts the number of words in an argument to evaluate it’s validity and soundness.
Word count has limited to no correlation to validity and reliability… so I’m sure Eric wouldn’t waste his time with that lol
If your point is he would quantify validity and reliability… yea he would as any good scientist should
@@eneveasi dude…
@@heinrichollbers lol, sorry, did a joke fly over my head? xD I was studying for tests - my bad bro
Where's your evidence?!
@@eneveasi completely over your head, so high people thought it was a UFO
Joe there's a Dr Dan Winter who's a physicist he'll answer all you question about ET space craft . The guys s genius . I've seen him a couple times it's always way over my head but he fascinates me. He explains the physics of out of body experience as well as many other esoteric topics .Sacha Stone had him on there day , fascinating topics .
Sounds like nonsense
This is a clip channel genius. Good luck trying to talk to Joe.
@@CStoph1979 Bro thought he had a direct line to Joe 💀
What we have in mainstream science is an almost total resistance to look at phenomena that are essentially "non-physical." We have always known these phenomena exist yet our scientists have been unwilling to study them. Thus I think what we need is a new branch or form of science that specializes in these sorts of phenomena. This work needs to be brought forward. If traditional scientists are not willing to do it, then maybe we can create a group of "non-traditional" scientists who are willing to do this work.
Excellent discussion. A little side note is that the laws of physics can be defied according to the laws we are currently aware of, currently understand, and currently have finalized the definition of, if any such definitions exist. A proper, honest, realistic and qualified physicist would describe things as appearing to push the limits of physics as we currently understand them today, not redefine them. The study of most fields of the various sciences include the understanding that answering a scientific question is expected to reveal additional questions, not end the discussion. Most theoretical scientists think and operate with the mistaken belief that a single question being answered would solve the Riddle of the Universe, not just the question at hand.
Aren’t we correct to know that as time passes we discover things that were previously considered impossible? We have been doing that for centuries, look at some of the technology we have now, compared to that of 500 years ago.
Exactly right... we base our conclusions only on the evidence at hand. But new evidence keeps coming in.
I think when people are saying "these UFO's are breaking the laws of physics, they're specifically referring to thermodynamics. The fact that the UFOs don't lose speed when they hit the water, and that they move at the same speed under water as in the air above.
And maybe doing right angle turns at supersonic speeds without slowing down.
Once you clearly see a silent craft the size of a building, you don't need any physicists to know they're real!
Which one?
Holograms are or aren’t real
Hey, Eric, you might be wrong - though I welcome your speculation on this issue. (I'm a Harvard Grad, who started as a MATH major btw.) I knew a brilliant guy, just great with maths. He could not talk about his job. Years and years later after he passed, I asked his brother, whom I also knew: "I always wanted to ask you, did XXX work for the NSA?" He quietly admiitted he did. I suppose only his family knew, since he was very quiet about it
Yeah, I get a weird feeling off this guy
Ok, that's it. I'm signing on with Spotify! I need to hear this entire conversation!!!! Eric Weinstein is one of the more fascinating minds of our time, and one of the most important.
Who asked
I don’t support Spotify. I suggest pirating their content, especially Joe Rogan Pods which can be found online
@@Swiggs999 no one. That's the beauty of the comment section. Just type whatever you like and share with others your thoughts.
@@Swiggs999 you can also be a twat and share that fact with others. Thanks for sharing.
"So far out of town" I love that expression! 3:23
Love Eric Weinstein. My father, grhs, told me decades ago that they are building some kind of "star wars" thing out there in Long Island. A "super conducting semi collider" that was gonna rip through space time. Nice to see his theories validated 20+ years later.
How would someone "rip" through a concept? Space and time are concepts. They are not physical.
So he couldn’t have said that ? Someday,if we survive long enough,(doubtful) space and time may be as well understood as water, which, I understand, we actually don’t know a-lot about , but it’s all relative. If you boil all the fat out of it Nothing is physical. We have evolved to detect perturbations in the electromagnetic fields?Aether? Dark energy?Dark matter?but more and more ‘science’ cannot differentiate between waves and particles and energy and matter and existence and non existence, yet we cannot deny our awareness that we are and so is a photon be it a wave,a particle, or a thought or a perturbation in a medium we cannot get a grip on.
@@slow-mo_moonbuggy it’s just a manner of speaking.. the “Well Actually” is strong with you… 🤓
@@Gus375 Do you believe in the fabric of spacetime?
@@slow-mo_moonbuggy i believe aliens/extraterrestrial life exists. But I would never claim to be educated on the topic of which you bring up, or the man in the video brings up. like I said, it’s just a manner of speaking, especially when involving someone who isn’t super educated on the topic. you don’t have to be a terminology Nazi…
where is the rest of the video?