Why are you still looking then? Truth isn't looking for Itself because it never lost Itself. How immediate is Now to Itself? The word intimacy implies too much distance!
@@ferdinandalexander8053 I disagree. The words intimacy implies an absence of distance. Rupert speaks of this awareness/beingness as being ‘impersonal’ yet intimate. Impersonal because the concept of personhood has a limit. And it is limitless. And yet this limitless being is Love. Hence experienced as intimacy. This is the undefinable experience of ecstasy the mystics know.
'If I were to ask you now to stand up and take a step towards yourself, where would you go? Every step that you take would be the wrong direction and yet you could never get away from yourself!' #RupertSpira
Aurelio Yuga the second you put hypothetical you have lost yourself from direct knowing because the very idea of asking is done by thought which goes back to matter.
That wasn't something said by St. Francis of Assisi: www.thymindoman.com/misattributed-st-francis-quote-the-one-you-are-looking-for/#:~:text=The%20place%20you%20are%20looking,from%20which%20you%20are%20looking.
@@Mevlinous Still a great aphorism, but "look for what's looking for" appears as a contemporary approach to Oneness . Francis was more on the "unconditional love for God" kind of poems.
The one who is spiritually aware is both artist, bringing beauty into the world, and scientist, understanding the self thus living in harmony with the other. The field of experience is the laboratory, and experience, the experiment.
I was once so unhappy about a break up and was talking to myself mentally and wondering how was I ever gonna stop replaying the events and traumatizing myself. Part of the internal dialogue was the line that, 'I know myself, I can't stop thinking about it...' In that precise moment of thinking that, a counter thought came, 'WHO can't stop thinking?'... I looked and found that all were just 'thoughts' and no one was unhappy and no one was in a break up and most importantly there was no one who couldn't stop thinking or who was even thinking ! I realized in that moment that, I , was myself making up the story and I could make it up any way I wanted. Something said about the thought i had that i would agonize over the failed relationship, ..'Drop the thought!'. So i did. There was no pain or agonizing thereafter about the failed relationship. It was like it had never been. I now know that thoughts are just ideas or suggestions to use to build a persona or to craft a story. It seems thoughts are just arising. The mind (intellect) can select and engage the thought, thereby giving it a 'role' in the drama. It has no reality before nor after it is engaged by the mind. It only appears real when it is recurrently used by the mind in narratives.We are ever free and can know it when we drop the thoughts and related narratives.🙏🏾
Is there any possibility you are wrong ? I have found no peace or bliss or happiness. I meditate hours a day for years...nothing but lower blood pressure.
@@josephoutward Joseph, it is good that you have not found peace, bliss or happiness so now you can drop meditation too! If you had, in fact, found these things, then you would forever have to meditate. And if you had indeed found peace, bliss or happiness... it would be 'apart' from you.. you would be the finder and knower of it and the question would be HOW to get it and how to keep it. A whole other 'effort' not unlike meditation! How often do you work on being Joseph? How much effort do you put into being Joseph? How much time do you set aside to practice being Joseph?... NONE? I thought so. You just ARE Joseph. Peace, Bliss and happiness is just who you are. The one who doesn't know peace, bliss and happiness is not your true self. The one who is trying to find these things is not really who you are. While that imposter is there, your peace,bliss and happiness nature cannot shine because they and the imposter occupy the same space and one cannot be there while the other is. 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾
@@josephoutward Absolutely, there is every possibility that 'I' am wrong. I urge you to turn and look for yourself. Experience is subjective, language is selective... and I was describing an experience. Look for yourself at your thoughts and see if they have any substance, what are they, where do they come from, where do they go? What happens when you latch onto a thought, does it reproduce? Does it morph? What happens if you let thoughts be? Sometimes, when I don't pay any mind to a thought, it loops back on repeat. I am the watcher of my thoughts. If it is a thought, it is not me. Whatsoever I can think of or that can be 'thought' of ( by anyone) THAT I am not. About this I am certain.
I came up with a very similar excercise for directing attention to consciousness. It is difficult to create the shift but once it happens consciousness will be the first and only "thing" one sees. I noticed that if i closed my eyes and named an object my attention will be drawn to that object. I wanted to understand what consciousness exactly is, and i came up with a colour game for myself to help me see what consciousness is. I closed my eyes and named a colour, opened my eyes and my attention would easily scan through my surrounding finiding objects with the named colour. I'd do it again and again. I thought, if that prinicple works it now has to do the same with consciousness. So i named consciousness and let my attention just glide through the surroundings. But it never stopped.. it never highlighted it for me - this there, that is consciousness. I did that exercise for a few weeks, dilligently.. as i was doing it , and feeling no progress, the shift was being created every time i went to look for consciousness.. it just didnt show. Until one day it dawned on me, and everything there is to understand about consciousness found me. You cant spot consciousness "out there"... the "out there" is it... you are always only aware of consciousness, and the stuff that goes on in it is life... that shift is hard to achieve by listening to teachers. You have to do some work to understand it. Every person comes up with their own practice led by intuition if they trully have a desire to know it. And it will happen
Thank you very much for that. May I ask, how did that realization change the experience of life for you (if it did)? What actual effect did it have (or is having)?
@@Daniel-pr4uk understanding of consciousness brought the answer for what i was looking for and it opened up a new field to explore and understand. It was human behaviour and psychology. Because perception and quality of our experience depends on a balanced mental health. Our mental proceses will set the tone for life experiences. In it, there's karma. How you respond in situations will determine the course of events. Stilling the mind as much as possible while learning about human mind
I realised the falsity of the ego through psychedelic observation, I saw my mind and personality dissected and placed in front of me as images of different entities that represents a constantly changing element of my personality, seeing an image is not being an image, and all of these things were images, the one thing that wasn't an image was that which I couldn't see and it had no properties other that eternal peace and joy and allowing everything to happen... I saw culture and personality as these things, and then finally the body allowed itself to disappear as an image in which all feelings cannot be I, then silence became the greatest love
All these images and thoughts entities are making who you are now. They also make you interested in Non-Duality videos and psychedelic. The illusion is to thing we are one entity alone. Our mind are made of billions of them and also our mind join other minds to be part of a largest entity mind and so on. Like planetary mind. And all is joined in a unique universal mind that is the Self mind which are always creating more and more expression of itself. Forever and for fun. So make sure you are enjoying it too.
I have a friend who spend a decade in India in the 70s, meditating in monastery 10-18 hours per day, 7 days a week, for 10 years straight. One day he had a realization as he sat down to meditate: “There is no ‘I’.’ He told us ‘there is nothing to get enlightened about except to know that you already are….that which you seek.’ When I questioned him on whether this was an achievement or experience, he replied (and I quote verbatim here): “At the moment of dissolution, the final thought is that there has never been anyone home, ever! Not in you or anyone else. Everything is eternal, silent, intelligent energy, and all objects are mere appearances, like mirages. There is only the eternal moment with no individuals anywhere. The ego does not dissolve, it is seen by the no-one to have never been there in the first place. Obviously difficult to describe with a dualistic language. This is not some experience. There is no one left to experience anything, and a knowingness there has never been anyone there. This knowingness appears to no one. Some have called it perfect, brilliant stillness, and everything is it. When there is waking up from a dream, the dreamer dissolves also because the dreamer was an illusion. “
Thank you so much for uploading this! Thank you to conscioustv and of course Rupert Spira this is spiritual gold this is the pinnacle of what I’ve been searching for Im so happy I asked and the universe delivered, bless you and everyone reading this love and light to all 🙏 😊 💕
I can see my mental movies,I can listen to my chattering ,I can experience my sensation and feelings ,I can see the objects around me I am separate from that all remain as the" I am" ( the self ). It's so simple.
Hello Shekhar. You are welcome! If you are interested in spirituality and enlightenment TH-cam can be a good place for solid information. Some recommendable channels are: Moojiji, Rupert Spira, Roger Castillo, Vedanta Society of Southern California, ... I hope that helps. I wish you all the Best!
Shekhar, I am just uploading videos like these:) I am not a 'qualified' / enlightened teacher. I am sure there are many spiritual seekers and teachers that can help you better than I ever could with personal consultation:)
Wherever you look, you look always your experience. You are in your, awareness' experience as your body and mind, the "borders" are your awareness. You don't see an external world as you might imagine it, just your experience masqueraded as the world, the others. Just as simple as this.
It is a joke really, being a Rinzai Zen priest and trying to point the 'Way' knowing all the while that what makes searching for Enlightenment so difficult is the very search itself. The fact is that IT is utterly simple. I was washing 'my' hands when after years of searching saw that there was in fact nobody behind this pure act. I realised that 'I' was not living but that 'I' was being LIVED, KWATZ! Rupert report hits the mark. So well.
Glad to see more enlightened people OSHO BUDDHA created tremendous change in the west by bring spirituality to West. West had been missing Buddhas for a long time.
I've been both watching Rupert's videos and listening to Alan Watts, and I've stumbled upon (I think) a possible disagreement between their two viewpoints. Rupert would say, "I am not my thoughts, feelings, and sense perceptions", but Alan Watts says just the opposite, that we are our thoughts, feelings and sense perceptions because there is no separate ego to be the thinker, the feeler, or the perceiver of sense perceptions. Watts says that everything is just one unified happening with no ego that is separate from it, so we are our thoughts, feelings and perceptions. Yet Eckhart Tolle states that there is an awareness or prescence behind the thoughts and sensations, and that awareness is what we really are (similar to Rupert's ideas). But Alan Watts says the thought that there is a thinker behind the thoughts is just another thought; the thought that there is a feeler behind the feelings is just another feeling. Watts seems to put down the idea that there is an awareness that knows what is known, or that some kind of infinite consciousness is what we really are. It's a tough one to sort out.
Nitephall don't trust Watts because you can be awareness without thoughts, perceptions and feelings (for example in deep meditation). You witness them but you ARE also without them, so you have to be something else
Well 1st Stage : I am not the body (feelings)or mind( thoughts,sensations,perceptions) I am that which is aware of them. 2nd stage : I'm am Infinite Awarness ( Self-Realization) which is the most simplest thing and not an event - Awareness being aware of itself. 3rd stage : - Gradually realizing through abidance in silence ( Knowingly abiding as Awareness) that everything is the self, appears in the self and is made of the self i.e There is only infinite consciousness. All thoughts,feelings,perceptions appear in consciousness. You're a vast ocean and the waves could be likened to form aka thoughts,feelings emotions etc but their reality is the same. It's all WATER !
conciousness stays, while perceptions, feelings and thoughts pass. See clearly that you stay as conciousness while thoughts and fellings are passing by, and you'll experience that you are conciousness. And THEN you can discover what all feelings and thoughts are made of, they are made out of you, conciousness. But first realize that you ARE conciousness...
1) If I am eternal infinite awareness why does it feel I'm stuck in this body mind organism ? 2) why can I not feel or see what other humans are feeling or seeing? 3 ) Why is the enlightenment of knowing your awareness different from the " feeling one " with everything " type of englightement " ? 4) If what I am is unblemished inherently happy do I still " feel " the unsatisfaction of hunger and pain ( physical and mental ) even if I am conscious that these are comings and goings or appearances in awareness. It seems very dissociative to say " oh stop identifying with that " you are inherently happy whatever clouds the screen ? Any answers from the wise would be much appreciated
Yes I'm the OBSERVER, if I'm sad, WHO knows I'm sad, if I say I'm happy, WHO knows I'm happy, If I say I'm angry, WHO knows I'm angry. It's like in a movie film, the CAMERA looks through the eyes of the actor walking down the street, that's IT the LOOKER is the CONSCIOUS AWARENESS. It's subtle, BUT not as difficult as a lot of GURUS try and make out, as if they have some secret and power..RUPERT SPIRA EXCLUDED from my last statement, he explains it brilliantly.
Searching is helpful but eventually it implys dissatisfaction and the search drops this is good enough No more searching just trusting in the process of nature awarness and Understanding not in my time but in nature's time no effort or willpower just natural self awareness UNLEARNING can lead to self acceptance and ego deflation
We cannot be the direct object of our own experience. Imagine a finger touching its own tip. A feed back loop (like between a camera/monitor) resonates with anxiety and depression the harder we engage this futility: a direct relationship with the self. Not even God, the Self of all selves, knows ‘Its’ own self directly. Self knowledge comes indirectly through the ‘other’ that every ‘self’ implies. We must be like eyes that see without seeing themselves seeing.
Think of it this way. Depression is a collection of thoughts and a propensity to think these thoughts (a pattern). These thoughts aren't YOU, yet when 'we' think these thoughts, we identify as our thoughts. In other words, it's your own voice inside your head. But even that voice is a thought. So what are you? A thought? Can thoughts be aware of themselves? Can thoughts think? You are the space that the thought exists within. YOU don't need thoughts, thoughts need you. Even further down this rabbit hole: thoughts are simply a collection of images and experiences that cycle in patterns. If I burn myself with a blue candle, everytime I see a blue candle, I'm going to have a thought about my burn incident. You are not your mind, which includes thoughts, memories, emotions etc. So to answer your question, yes enlightenment helps with depression because as soon as you witness your thoughts for what they are, you realize that depression is merely an illusion.
@@apumpkins7000 I wish I could do that. Do you thinks its good to do the meditation where you just try to focus on one thing like the sensation of the air going in and out of your nostrils to train your attention to be able to focus? Or go straight for the self inquiry method. I assume Rupert did a hell of a lot of meditation before he broke through with the self inquiry method.
@@tadficuscactus Yes, honestly just focusing on your breathing allows you to begin to break the cycle of identifying with thought bc you begin to see your mind for what it is, literally like a gd incessant child that wants attention. Keep your attention on the breath, when your mind gives you a thought, take your attention and put it back on the breath - BUT don't judge the mind, it's doing what minds do. This exercise of back and forth will give you the building blocks to start your journey. It's just the beginning. Good luck man.
Spira very rarely talks about his own experience of enlightenment. I kind of wish he would. You can talk endlessly about how not getting attached to experiences, blah blah blah, but these experiences do transform people, and stories about them do inspire others. Now, what happened to Rupert is rare. 99% of us need a systematic practice to reach a point where a letting go happens of its own accord. We have too many teachers like Tolle, Adyashanti, Mooji, Spira who don't emphasize systematic practice enough and don't realize that the rest of us are not like them. Adyashanti is retiring after almost 30 years of teaching. In all that time, I question if more than perhaps a thousand of all of his many tens of thousands of students have actually had authentic enlightenment experiences, and I seriously doubt if a single one has reached his own level of enlightenment.
The mirror is already there but it is covered with dust; it becomes visible when the dust is wiped out. Similarly, we are already Brahman (consciousness, awareness) but we do not know this true spiritual identity of ours due to dust (ignorance). When the dust (ignorance) is removed, we remain ourselves like the mirror.
There will come a stage when you stop knowing or perceiving yourself as a separate self as I. You now realize that you are pure consciousness in its solitude existence and misinterpreting and misperceiving and mis-experiencing itself as subject and objects dualities. It's the mind that chains you down to misperception and mis-experience of your true self.
A human being is comprised of a potential for distinctions and a potential for defense mechanisms. Distinctions are the ability to differentiate one thing from another. Distinctions are the only access to self-aware and integral stages of human development. Distinctions show up in communication as a direct focus of conscious attention on defense mechanisms and their causes and effects. Distinctions are the only way to separate from, and to provide conscious care for, the attachment and survival stages of human development. In contrast, defense mechanisms are decisions to not differentiate one thing from another as a strategy to disconnect consciousness and avoid feelings of rejection and disapproval from emotionally corrupted caretakers. Defense mechanisms show up in communication as contrivances of the mind intended to make an identity feel better, feel in control, feel valid, and feel foundational.
Title: "The Journey of Enlightenment" In the realm of thought, where silence is a guide, A concept stirs, the "I am" presence inside. It whispers in the quiet between each beat of the heart, An understanding profound, where all journeys start. Yet, knowing is not the end, but a point of embarkation, Not the destination, but the start of realization. Understanding "I am" is but a single ray of light, A step on the path, not the zenith of the flight. Enlightenment is not a fruit that falls into the hand, It's not an island, but a vast and endless land. It's in each breath, each moment lived in present tense, In love given freely, without pretense. So walk with humility, with compassion be adorned, Know that from life's fabric, we are all formed. The "I am" presence is a beacon on your quest, But remember, understanding isn't always being blessed. For enlightenment is a journey of both heart and mind, A dance with the universe, with the ties that bind. So seek with patience, let your soul be your sight, In the realm of "I am", find your true light. 🌟
I never hear him talk about God or Shiva or any of these entities. I've been looking for that my entire life and have had brief encounters but always end up disappointed. I'm at the point now where I have little to no faith because of all of the disappointment and suffering. I keep hearing have faith. Is God just another outside entity that I'm looking for, that only exists in the ego? Feedback please!
I am that who observes everything without any judgement. I am that light that turned on inside me for the first time I perceived the world and never turned off since. I am the observed which is perceived by an intimate observer. I am one with everything.
The thought is intrinsically aware of itself. You cannot have a thought that you aren't aware of. Then it would not be a thought. There is no need to posit this extra entity of "awareness."
Sometime you are aware of what you thinking but you want to do attention to some different througt then your attention will change towards that though so it’s mean attention is different then througt
Paseosinperro ok. I'm just saying that when you and I become enlightened, we will most likely no longer be interested in the youtube comment section. At least I hope that's true.
+delcapslock100 the last one just a joke :) my point is that, if seeing that is being liberated and I see it, I should be by definition enlightened. But I don't feel any sense of liberation by seeing that.
Paseosinperro Rupert says that it usually a gradual process, that even when we intellectually grasp that we must be something beyond our thoughts, feelings and perceptions, it still takes time to undo a lifetime of conditioning. He also says that the initial understanding that we are awareness is sort of a half-way point, that the next step is to realize that everything we perceive is also that same awareness, so there is not a perceiver and perceived, all are one ( i.e., "not-two" (advaita) )
Is it possible that Rupert is stuck in a conceptual reality? In the oneself, does one need to look anywhere other than what is? There is no time involved. I noticed he is actually doing this within time. His I of giving attention is a division of unattended to already. Yet in the state of pure awareness there is no time involved. To be fair to Mr Rupert he is using language to describe I am ness. If the body is not in awareness doesn’t that leave the awareness to do the expression of bigger self and use body as transposition of energy? The deeper I go in the deeper I feel that almost any bodily thing can speak directly without intermediary, be it body or concept which are still matter. Concept is from thought which is matter.
"I am already intimately acquainted with what I am looking for..."
I know it's objectification, but I love you Rupert Spira 🤗😍🙏
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Why are you still looking then? Truth isn't looking for Itself because it never lost Itself. How immediate is Now to Itself? The word intimacy implies too much distance!
@@ferdinandalexander8053 I disagree. The words intimacy implies an absence of distance. Rupert speaks of this awareness/beingness as being ‘impersonal’ yet intimate. Impersonal because the concept of personhood has a limit. And it is limitless. And yet this limitless being is Love. Hence experienced as intimacy. This is the undefinable experience of ecstasy the mystics know.
He actually says "I was already", not "I am already". That would be incorrect (even though there is no time here, but a "compassion concession").
As a child I called it “the part of me that knows I exist”. I knew this part never died.
'If I were to ask you now to stand up and take a step towards yourself, where would you go? Every step that you take would be the wrong direction and yet you could never get away from yourself!' #RupertSpira
I am, I don't have legs to step anywhere.
Aurelio Yuga the second you put hypothetical you have lost yourself from direct knowing because the very idea of asking is done by thought which goes back to matter.
Here is the Path and its completion laid bare ... Rupert's sharing and teaching are so totally accessible. Thank you 🙏
This felt so authentic and warm.
"How did you turn it around"?
*Long silence follows*
He normalises awakening and totally moves it from superman image making.
Jennie Fisher i
He simply state things as they are. Normalization happens as side effect!
Like he said taste of any tea is stronger than awakening. It's not an achievement, it's as I like to say it unlearning, un-conditioning.
Tears of joy. I know myself. I have always known myself.
Rupert is so clear and direct in explaing this stuff
Schuchti11 Absolutely!
That's the absolute proof that he doesn't understand
@@teryarty177 How is clarity proof that he doesn't understand?
@rl7012 I think you're confusing the word clarity with imaginative drivel.
“What you are looking for is where you are looking from” St. Francis of Assisi 😉
🤔 I like this
@@K4iT3c yes. Notice how you feel when you contemplate this, or rather what you feel you are.
That wasn't something said by St. Francis of Assisi: www.thymindoman.com/misattributed-st-francis-quote-the-one-you-are-looking-for/#:~:text=The%20place%20you%20are%20looking,from%20which%20you%20are%20looking.
@@nicolarebagliati2098 thanks, I wasn’t aware of that, naturally you hear quotes like that and assume they are reliable.
@@Mevlinous Still a great aphorism, but "look for what's looking for" appears as a contemporary approach to Oneness . Francis was more on the "unconditional love for God" kind of poems.
best enlightenment experience explanation ever heard , Thanks Rubert
An Awakened Person and an Excellent Teacher! …. Compassionate!
The one who is spiritually aware is both artist, bringing beauty into the world, and scientist, understanding the self thus living in harmony with the other.
The field of experience is the laboratory, and experience, the experiment.
I was once so unhappy about a break up and was talking to myself mentally and wondering how was I ever gonna stop replaying the events and traumatizing myself. Part of the internal dialogue was the line that, 'I know myself, I can't stop thinking about it...' In that precise moment of thinking that, a counter thought came, 'WHO can't stop thinking?'... I looked and found that all were just 'thoughts' and no one was unhappy and no one was in a break up and most importantly there was no one who couldn't stop thinking or who was even thinking ! I realized in that moment that, I , was myself making up the story and I could make it up any way I wanted. Something said about the thought i had that i would agonize over the failed relationship, ..'Drop the thought!'. So i did. There was no pain or agonizing thereafter about the failed relationship. It was like it had never been. I now know that thoughts are just ideas or suggestions to use to build a persona or to craft a story. It seems thoughts are just arising. The mind (intellect) can select and engage the thought, thereby giving it a 'role' in the drama. It has no reality before nor after it is engaged by the mind. It only appears real when it is recurrently used by the mind in narratives.We are ever free and can know it when we drop the thoughts and related narratives.🙏🏾
Good for you. I too have learned and embraced this new reality. Freakin liberating
Is there any possibility you are wrong ? I have found no peace or bliss or happiness. I meditate hours a day for years...nothing but lower blood pressure.
@@josephoutward Joseph, it is good that you have not found peace, bliss or happiness so now you can drop meditation too! If you had, in fact, found these things, then you would forever have to meditate. And if you had indeed found peace, bliss or happiness... it would be 'apart' from you.. you would be the finder and knower of it and the question would be HOW to get it and how to keep it. A whole other 'effort' not unlike meditation! How often do you work on being Joseph? How much effort do you put into being Joseph? How much time do you set aside to practice being Joseph?... NONE? I thought so. You just ARE Joseph. Peace, Bliss and happiness is just who you are. The one who doesn't know peace, bliss and happiness is not your true self. The one who is trying to find these things is not really who you are. While that imposter is there, your peace,bliss and happiness nature cannot shine because they and the imposter occupy the same space and one cannot be there while the other is. 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾
@@dabeezkneez8716 Thank you for the reply. I disagree. PS: You did not answer the question, "is there any possibility that you are wrong?"
@@josephoutward Absolutely, there is every possibility that 'I' am wrong. I urge you to turn and look for yourself. Experience is subjective, language is selective... and I was describing an experience. Look for yourself at your thoughts and see if they have any substance, what are they, where do they come from, where do they go? What happens when you latch onto a thought, does it reproduce? Does it morph? What happens if you let thoughts be? Sometimes, when I don't pay any mind to a thought, it loops back on repeat. I am the watcher of my thoughts. If it is a thought, it is not me. Whatsoever I can think of or that can be 'thought' of ( by anyone) THAT I am not. About this I am certain.
Gyana yoga paid off.
Self enquiry.
I came up with a very similar excercise for directing attention to consciousness. It is difficult to create the shift but once it happens consciousness will be the first and only "thing" one sees. I noticed that if i closed my eyes and named an object my attention will be drawn to that object. I wanted to understand what consciousness exactly is, and i came up with a colour game for myself to help me see what consciousness is. I closed my eyes and named a colour, opened my eyes and my attention would easily scan through my surrounding finiding objects with the named colour. I'd do it again and again. I thought, if that prinicple works it now has to do the same with consciousness. So i named consciousness and let my attention just glide through the surroundings. But it never stopped.. it never highlighted it for me - this there, that is consciousness. I did that exercise for a few weeks, dilligently.. as i was doing it , and feeling no progress, the shift was being created every time i went to look for consciousness.. it just didnt show. Until one day it dawned on me, and everything there is to understand about consciousness found me. You cant spot consciousness "out there"... the "out there" is it... you are always only aware of consciousness, and the stuff that goes on in it is life... that shift is hard to achieve by listening to teachers. You have to do some work to understand it. Every person comes up with their own practice led by intuition if they trully have a desire to know it. And it will happen
This is great
Thank you very much for that. May I ask, how did that realization change the experience of life for you (if it did)? What actual effect did it have (or is having)?
Wonderful explanation
@@Daniel-pr4uk understanding of consciousness brought the answer for what i was looking for and it opened up a new field to explore and understand. It was human behaviour and psychology. Because perception and quality of our experience depends on a balanced mental health. Our mental proceses will set the tone for life experiences. In it, there's karma. How you respond in situations will determine the course of events. Stilling the mind as much as possible while learning about human mind
True we can't find consciousness, we can only become aware of it that its there. Thank you.
Thanks for sharing this. A simple yet powerful reminder of how close we are to ourselves!
You're very welcome Shraddha:)
That comment doesn’t make sense, you are yourself lol
I realised the falsity of the ego through psychedelic observation, I saw my mind and personality dissected and placed in front of me as images of different entities that represents a constantly changing element of my personality, seeing an image is not being an image, and all of these things were images, the one thing that wasn't an image was that which I couldn't see and it had no properties other that eternal peace and joy and allowing everything to happen... I saw culture and personality as these things, and then finally the body allowed itself to disappear as an image in which all feelings cannot be I, then silence became the greatest love
All these images and thoughts entities are making who you are now. They also make you interested in Non-Duality videos and psychedelic. The illusion is to thing we are one entity alone. Our mind are made of billions of them and also our mind join other minds to be part of a largest entity mind and so on. Like planetary mind. And all is joined in a unique universal mind that is the Self mind which are always creating more and more expression of itself. Forever and for fun. So make sure you are enjoying it too.
I have a friend who spend a decade in India in the 70s, meditating in monastery 10-18 hours per day, 7 days a week, for 10 years straight. One day he had a realization as he sat down to meditate: “There is no ‘I’.’ He told us ‘there is nothing to get enlightened about except to know that you already are….that which you seek.’
When I questioned him on whether this was an achievement or experience, he replied (and I quote verbatim here): “At the moment of dissolution, the final thought is that there has never been anyone home, ever! Not in you or anyone else. Everything is eternal, silent, intelligent energy, and all objects are mere appearances, like mirages. There is only the eternal moment with no individuals anywhere. The ego does not dissolve, it is seen by the no-one to have never been there in the first place. Obviously difficult to describe with a dualistic language. This is not some experience. There is no one left to experience anything, and a knowingness there has never been anyone there. This knowingness appears to no one. Some have called it perfect, brilliant stillness, and everything is it. When there is waking up from a dream, the dreamer dissolves also because the dreamer was an illusion. “
I like this verbatim quote. Especially when the dreamer wakes up, the dreamer disappears.
aurelio thanks a lot....rupert or other masters must be heard always...they are biggest blessing...this video is the ultimate and complete one
You are amazing....Never I found someone explain it this way
The best video on the process of Enlightenment 🙏 Thank you Sir for showing the direction in a simple way.
Thank you so much for uploading this! Thank you to conscioustv and of course Rupert Spira this is spiritual gold this is the pinnacle of what I’ve been searching for Im so happy I asked and the universe delivered, bless you and everyone reading this love and light to all 🙏 😊 💕
the best video i have seen in a long time
Rupert Spira has an outstanding ability to put things which are hard to understand in simple words.
I'm glad you like it.
I can see my mental movies,I can listen to my chattering ,I can experience my sensation and feelings ,I can see the objects around me I am separate from that all remain as the" I am" ( the self ). It's so simple.
Could listen to Rupert all day long
'It became so clear that the way to know myself was simply to be myself. #RupertSpira
Hello Shekhar. You are welcome! If you are interested in spirituality and enlightenment TH-cam can be a good place for solid information.
Some recommendable channels are:
Moojiji, Rupert Spira, Roger Castillo, Vedanta Society of Southern California, ...
I hope that helps.
I wish you all the Best!
thanks a lot...if u dont mind..please drop one hi mail... want to be in touch with u as friend also if somewhere I got stuck...
Shekhar, I am just uploading videos like these:) I am not a 'qualified' / enlightened teacher.
I am sure there are many spiritual seekers and teachers that can help you better than I ever could with personal consultation:)
ohh..ok..thanks :)
That which I am is aware of the body, the mind, and the world.
being having a human experience
I would like to thank you, the uploader of this video, for introducing Mr. Rupert Spira into my life. It’s truly a salvation.
Wherever you look, you look always your experience. You are in your, awareness' experience as your body and mind, the "borders" are your awareness. You don't see an external world as you might imagine it, just your experience masqueraded as the world, the others. Just as simple as this.
Thank you so much... 🌷❤️🙏❤️🌷
Awakening explained simply🙌
It is a joke really, being a Rinzai Zen priest and trying to point the 'Way' knowing all the while that what makes searching for Enlightenment so difficult is the very search itself. The fact is that IT is utterly simple. I was washing 'my' hands when after years of searching saw that there was in fact nobody behind this pure act. I realised that 'I' was not living but that 'I' was being LIVED, KWATZ! Rupert report hits the mark. So well.
Woah, this is the fucking truth!
*hits the ground three times with the spade
this was well put
The body is a thought form of the Absolute.
It's so crazy, having recognized Rigpa, I know exactly what he's talking about!
How did you do it? Please tell
This man is a pure angel!
I repeat this video until I'm done. I need to find myself by any means. Damit. Universe, I want the truth to be revealed here now!
Glad to see more enlightened people
OSHO BUDDHA created tremendous change in the west by bring spirituality to West.
West had been missing Buddhas for a long time.
We need this in written ❤
I have gone to find myself. If I return before I get back, keep me there.
Thank you so much ..Brilliant explanation..🙏🏻🌷💖
I Am that I AM
I am the manifester and the manifested .
“I” is the first (illusionary) separation.
What does it mean that I understood everything he was saying?
I've been both watching Rupert's videos and listening to Alan Watts, and I've stumbled upon (I think) a possible disagreement between their two viewpoints. Rupert would say, "I am not my thoughts, feelings, and sense perceptions", but Alan Watts says just the opposite, that we are our thoughts, feelings and sense perceptions because there is no separate ego to be the thinker, the feeler, or the perceiver of sense perceptions. Watts says that everything is just one unified happening with no ego that is separate from it, so we are our thoughts, feelings and perceptions. Yet Eckhart Tolle states that there is an awareness or prescence behind the thoughts and sensations, and that awareness is what we really are (similar to Rupert's ideas). But Alan Watts says the thought that there is a thinker behind the thoughts is just another thought; the thought that there is a feeler behind the feelings is just another feeling. Watts seems to put down the idea that there is an awareness that knows what is known, or that some kind of infinite consciousness is what we really are. It's a tough one to sort out.
Nitephall don't trust Watts because you can be awareness without thoughts, perceptions and feelings (for example in deep meditation). You witness them but you ARE also without them, so you have to be something else
Jenny.V I'm not sure I agree with that because I am always aware OF something. I've never been just aware, period. At least I don't think so.
Nitephall try meditating and you'll realize you can!
Well 1st Stage : I am not the body (feelings)or mind( thoughts,sensations,perceptions) I am that which is aware of them.
2nd stage : I'm am Infinite Awarness ( Self-Realization) which is the most simplest thing and not an event - Awareness being aware of itself.
3rd stage : - Gradually realizing through abidance in silence ( Knowingly abiding as Awareness) that everything is the self, appears in the self and is made of the self i.e There is only infinite consciousness.
All thoughts,feelings,perceptions appear in consciousness. You're a vast ocean and the waves could be likened to form aka thoughts,feelings emotions etc but their reality is the same. It's all WATER !
conciousness stays, while perceptions, feelings and thoughts pass. See clearly that you stay as conciousness while thoughts and fellings are passing by, and you'll experience that you are conciousness. And THEN you can discover what all feelings and thoughts are made of, they are made out of you, conciousness. But first realize that you ARE conciousness...
Thank you very much.
Please subtitle in Spanish!!! 🙏🙏🙏😪😪😪
So simple.
very well stated or "put".
1) If I am eternal infinite awareness why does it feel I'm stuck in this body mind organism ?
2) why can I not feel or see what other humans are feeling or seeing?
3 ) Why is the enlightenment of knowing your awareness different from the " feeling one " with everything " type of englightement " ?
4) If what I am is unblemished inherently happy do I still " feel " the unsatisfaction of hunger and pain ( physical and mental ) even if I am conscious that these are comings and goings or appearances in awareness. It seems very dissociative to say " oh stop identifying with that " you are inherently happy whatever clouds the screen ?
Any answers from the wise would be much appreciated
Good questions! I don't have the answers tho.
It's like saying water is cold when you are still drowned in the lake.get out of Lake then you will realise..till then it's some thing vey subtle
Yes I'm the OBSERVER, if I'm sad, WHO knows I'm sad, if I say I'm happy, WHO knows I'm happy, If I say I'm angry, WHO knows I'm angry. It's like in a movie film, the CAMERA looks through the eyes of the actor walking down the street, that's IT the LOOKER is the CONSCIOUS AWARENESS. It's subtle, BUT not as difficult as a lot of GURUS try and make out, as if they have some secret and power..RUPERT SPIRA EXCLUDED from my last statement, he explains it brilliantly.
Sorry fell asleep, what were you saying now? Oh still boring. Soooooooo boring... What is the spiritual word for arrogant?
sooooooooooooooooooooo booooooooring
The incapacity to achieve perception is still perception. Where whome creates the boredom?
Not really
Not really.. You just have two parts to your stupid ego. If your not God you found nothing.
What you are looking for is looking for you.
Searching is helpful but eventually it implys dissatisfaction and the search drops this is good enough
No more searching just trusting in the process of nature awarness and Understanding not in my time but in nature's time no effort or willpower just natural self awareness
UNLEARNING can lead to self acceptance and ego deflation
WOW !!!
I like his Miss America wave at 3:55
Thank You
Dirt Fisherman You're Welcome
The masters say, "when you try to look for "it", "it" runs away from you!"
Objects know themselves in relation to consciousness. Consciousness knows itself in relation to objects. You are these words reading themselves.
@@prabeshghimire3241 Haha, I don't remember writing this or even know really what I meant but thanks.
@@momsazombie1 the observer is the observed is what I got from it.
I feel this video is a key that a Consciousness or God has given itself to awaken.
💋for me it was finding truths in Socrates that I wanted for religion to accept , so I found that Christ said very similar meanings
Where can I find full interview video
chethan look for Conscious tv + Rupert Spira on youtube
I am awareness.
thank you!
Thank you 🙏❤️
Did he enquire while sitting or every waking moment through the day?
Another way to think about it is... are you more yourself now than you were as a baby?
We cannot be the direct object of our own experience. Imagine a finger touching its own tip. A feed back loop (like between a camera/monitor) resonates with anxiety and depression the harder we engage this futility: a direct relationship with the self. Not even God, the Self of all selves, knows ‘Its’ own self directly. Self knowledge comes indirectly through the ‘other’ that every ‘self’ implies. We must be like eyes that see without seeing themselves seeing.
In what year was that?
Would becoming enlightened cure depression?
Think of it this way. Depression is a collection of thoughts and a propensity to think these thoughts (a pattern). These thoughts aren't YOU, yet when 'we' think these thoughts, we identify as our thoughts. In other words, it's your own voice inside your head. But even that voice is a thought. So what are you? A thought? Can thoughts be aware of themselves? Can thoughts think? You are the space that the thought exists within. YOU don't need thoughts, thoughts need you. Even further down this rabbit hole: thoughts are simply a collection of images and experiences that cycle in patterns. If I burn myself with a blue candle, everytime I see a blue candle, I'm going to have a thought about my burn incident. You are not your mind, which includes thoughts, memories, emotions etc. So to answer your question, yes enlightenment helps with depression because as soon as you witness your thoughts for what they are, you realize that depression is merely an illusion.
@@apumpkins7000 I wish I could do that. Do you thinks its good to do the meditation where you just try to focus on one thing like the sensation of the air going in and out of your nostrils to train your attention to be able to focus? Or go straight for the self inquiry method. I assume Rupert did a hell of a lot of meditation before he broke through with the self inquiry method.
@@tadficuscactus Yes, honestly just focusing on your breathing allows you to begin to break the cycle of identifying with thought bc you begin to see your mind for what it is, literally like a gd incessant child that wants attention. Keep your attention on the breath, when your mind gives you a thought, take your attention and put it back on the breath - BUT don't judge the mind, it's doing what minds do. This exercise of back and forth will give you the building blocks to start your journey. It's just the beginning. Good luck man.
Tad Ficus Cactus.. the “I Am” is never, can never be depressed. I believe abiding as (in) the Self would exclude depression.
@@jedlimen123 Good point.
I love you Rupert Spira ❤❤❤❤ plz god keep show me wonderfull guys like this one and Eckhart tolly , Sadguru ,Mooji i am shur there are many others.
Wow deep shit I needed that
Classical Advaita vedanta
Thanks for posting!🙏🏽
Spira very rarely talks about his own experience of enlightenment. I kind of wish he would. You can talk endlessly about how not getting attached to experiences, blah blah blah, but these experiences do transform people, and stories about them do inspire others.
Now, what happened to Rupert is rare. 99% of us need a systematic practice to reach a point where a letting go happens of its own accord. We have too many teachers like Tolle, Adyashanti, Mooji, Spira who don't emphasize systematic practice enough and don't realize that the rest of us are not like them.
Adyashanti is retiring after almost 30 years of teaching. In all that time, I question if more than perhaps a thousand of all of his many tens of thousands of students have actually had authentic enlightenment experiences, and I seriously doubt if a single one has reached his own level of enlightenment.
The mirror is already there but it is covered with dust; it becomes visible when the dust is wiped out. Similarly, we are already Brahman (consciousness, awareness) but we do not know this true spiritual identity of ours due to dust (ignorance). When the dust (ignorance) is removed, we remain ourselves like the mirror.
"There is no mirror
THe mind is inherently void
So where is there any dust to collect?" - Huineng sixth patriarch
There will come a stage when you stop knowing or perceiving yourself as a separate self as I. You now realize that you are pure consciousness in its solitude existence and misinterpreting and misperceiving and mis-experiencing itself as subject and objects dualities.
It's the mind that chains you down to misperception and mis-experience of your true self.
Oh wow wow !I'm enlightened?
A human being is comprised of a potential for distinctions and a potential for defense mechanisms.
Distinctions are the ability to differentiate one thing from another.
Distinctions are the only access to self-aware and integral stages of human development.
Distinctions show up in communication as a direct focus of conscious attention on defense mechanisms and their causes and effects.
Distinctions are the only way to separate from, and to provide conscious care for, the attachment and survival stages of human development.
In contrast, defense mechanisms are decisions to not differentiate one thing from another as a strategy to disconnect consciousness and avoid feelings of rejection and disapproval from emotionally corrupted caretakers.
Defense mechanisms show up in communication as contrivances of the mind intended to make an identity feel better, feel in control, feel valid, and feel foundational.
Title: "The Journey of Enlightenment"
In the realm of thought, where silence is a guide,
A concept stirs, the "I am" presence inside.
It whispers in the quiet between each beat of the heart,
An understanding profound, where all journeys start.
Yet, knowing is not the end, but a point of embarkation,
Not the destination, but the start of realization.
Understanding "I am" is but a single ray of light,
A step on the path, not the zenith of the flight.
Enlightenment is not a fruit that falls into the hand,
It's not an island, but a vast and endless land.
It's in each breath, each moment lived in present tense,
In love given freely, without pretense.
So walk with humility, with compassion be adorned,
Know that from life's fabric, we are all formed.
The "I am" presence is a beacon on your quest,
But remember, understanding isn't always being blessed.
For enlightenment is a journey of both heart and mind,
A dance with the universe, with the ties that bind.
So seek with patience, let your soul be your sight,
In the realm of "I am", find your true light. 🌟
I never hear him talk about God or Shiva or any of these entities. I've been looking for that my entire life and have had brief encounters but always end up disappointed. I'm at the point now where I have little to no faith because of all of the disappointment and suffering. I keep hearing have faith. Is God just another outside entity that I'm looking for, that only exists in the ego? Feedback please!
I am that who observes everything without any judgement. I am that light that turned on inside me for the first time I perceived the world and never turned off since. I am the observed which is perceived by an intimate observer. I am one with everything.
If you were able to subtract the body, mind, and thoughts, what remains is who you are.
Nothing at all. No mind no self. No self no mind.
What do you need to know or do in order to Be?
the frame rate of thoughts is very fast = self
slow it down ...just experience ...no centre
For Rupert enlightenment is an entirely intellectual matter.
8:07 Inadvertent description of what it's like to do first Koan study . . .
The thought is intrinsically aware of itself. You cannot have a thought that you aren't aware of. Then it would not be a thought. There is no need to posit this extra entity of "awareness."
Sometime you are aware of what you thinking but you want to do attention to some different througt then your attention will change towards that though so it’s mean attention is different then througt
I can see I am not my thoughts, feelings or sensations. Am I enlightened? :)
I don't think I am enlightened, but I suspect one symptom would be the end of any need to seek validation on youtube comments :)
+delcapslock100 I'm not my seeking of validation :)
Paseosinperro ok. I'm just saying that when you and I become enlightened, we will most likely no longer be interested in the youtube comment section. At least I hope that's true.
+delcapslock100 the last one just a joke :) my point is that, if seeing that is being liberated and I see it, I should be by definition enlightened. But I don't feel any sense of liberation by seeing that.
Paseosinperro Rupert says that it usually a gradual process, that even when we intellectually grasp that we must be something beyond our thoughts, feelings and perceptions, it still takes time to undo a lifetime of conditioning. He also says that the initial understanding that we are awareness is sort of a half-way point, that the next step is to realize that everything we perceive is also that same awareness, so there is not a perceiver and perceived, all are one ( i.e., "not-two" (advaita) )
when was this interview?
Djshu, I don't know.
www.conscoius.tv was the group that filmed it. The info should be there
Of course. How could I not look there! The interview was uploaded on 5th July 2011. But in my opinion, it looks older, doesn't it?!
I like this video but the thumbnail used for it made me concerned it would be an AI related thing
Love u rupert u r a darling
How Rupert Spira Moved Towards Enlightenment - A Spiritual Awakening Process
Is it possible that Rupert is stuck in a conceptual reality? In the oneself, does one need to look anywhere other than what is? There is no time involved. I noticed he is actually doing this within time. His I of giving attention is a division of unattended to already. Yet in the state of pure awareness there is no time involved. To be fair to Mr Rupert he is using language to describe I am ness. If the body is not in awareness doesn’t that leave the awareness to do the expression of bigger self and use body as transposition of energy? The deeper I go in the deeper I feel that almost any bodily thing can speak directly without intermediary, be it body or concept which are still matter. Concept is from thought which is matter.