That was a wild ride. I went from "She's good" to "omg, this is so goofy" To "Wow she's incredibly talented." This is absolute gold if you find the right audience.
Ha! Thanks for the comment. Yeah, at one point I thought "I need to lighten this up." May not have been the best choice, but seemed like the right thing to do in my COVID isolation haze.
Sally I am seeing this on Sunday August 20 2023. Bless you for giving all of us this beautiful rendition of this Genesis masterpiece, great guitar work, musical arrangements singing and playing and letting us see your wonderful cat and dog. I consider myself very fortunate to have stumbled upon your video! Great work!
I am sitting in my backyard in Yucaipa California after making dinner while listening to my favorite Genesis Album while is my favorite while cooking. I am a 57 year old man who bought this album during my Jr HS years which was 78-79 and played it religiously for an entire year amongst other great bands released during that time. This album is one of those that does not date for me, like many others growing up there are a select few that now at my age i can listen to and not only appreciate the musicianship that is Genesis but the reminiscence of that youthful time in my life when the world was so different and in a good way. The rendering of this classic song I appreciate and applaud you for you hard work in not only recreating one of the greatest songs ever recorded but to put so much time, effort and energy to include a cool video as well. As a fellow musician that plays a variety of instruments its a breath of fresh air to see others enjoying the same, recreating, recording and just having a wonderful time that is basically a celebration to this wonderful song. Kudos from California as i sit in the dark, late at night and so appreciate that i was blessed with the gift of music and appreciation of bands like Genesis …. Your rendition made my night… Much appreciated!!!!
@@SallySparkswell Dane Sally for evoking so quote Ringo..from a certain local combo..peace and love from the wirral peninsula,bounded by the mersey and the Dee and the Irish sea...geography and rhyme..E..❤..😊..
Fantastic! Of course Steve will be proud of it, and Phil too! Let's not forget that this timeless wonder was written by both. And that is a genesis song (with Tony, and Michael, and all that this means). The rendition that Sally has done is simply ashtoning. A great moment for the millions that love for ever the group, and appreciate one of this best songs (and that is much to say)
Being a life long Genesis and Peter Gabriel fan, I found your cover interesting and refreshing. I've seen them a few times and even caught one of the Ray Wilson fronted gigs. Being ,67 soon and terminally ill my travelling days to watch my favourite bands are over, that's why I was so intrigued when I saw your post pop up, thank you. Weird thing, mostly when I hear the older Genesis songs by the end of it I have a tiny tear in my eye. I think because it reminds me of a better healthier life without opiates etc taking my pain, but also part of my memory gets wiped too. Good post and thanks again.
@@davidmarteau2821 You are certainly most welcome. I did laugh today, briefly, as tested positive for covid, and with the lungs being compromised it certainly is not the ideal situation. Still I am pretty resilient, my sister calls it stubbornness, I'll accept either. I had a Genesis day on Spotify seeming as I was ordered to bed, I laughed and cried as I softly sang.
Your comment brought a tear to my eye. Your soul is deep and within that depth you have obviously experienced life at it's most intimate core. I wish you well in this life and in the great beyond.
@@marticus61lau Thank you for your message, and yes my journey has been very different to how I thought it would be. I've been fighting Pulmonary Fibrosis for 6 years now, knowing that there is no treatment or cure. However, there are thousands of people worse off than me, who will have their life cut short before sampling life as an adult. Thanks again and keep safe and well.
Similar timeline here: Wind and Wuthering was my first Genesis album, at age 17 in March 1977. It changed my musical direction profoundly through the remainder of that year. Now at age 65 I reflect that I am so fortunate to have been alive during this portion of the stream of time. For the last 47 years, Genesis and most of their solo works have been a huge part of my life. Even now, when I play a Genesis or related solo album that I have not heard in a few months, I still discover some incredible nuances in these recordings that I had missed before. I can only hope that 100 years from now, music students will be studying this material and enjoying it as much as I have.
Holy Mother of God... This is amazing. You are amazing. From the bottom of my heart, I thank you for sharing your gift with us.I am in awe. Thank you , thank you, thank you.
Splendid execution,moving,perfect. I have been following GENESIS for 50 years,i have seen their concerts,music that never tires,now at almost 70 years old i continue to the listen to their wonderful music. A hug from ITALY.
I was not expecting anything particularly from what TH-cam felt like feeding me, but honestly I would say that this has to be one of the best cover versions of anything I have ever heard anywhere. I hope that maybe Steve, Phil, Tony and Mike have heard it. At this moment I hope there is more of you on TH-cam. I am about to find out.
I hope Steve sees this. I can picture him watching this with a great smile on his face. Truly one of the greatest renditions of this timeless masterpiece that I've ever heard. Brilliantly done! Thank you for posting! Take care & stay safe! 😊
My day is beyond enriched for having found this masterpiece Sally 💞🕊️ Bought this album in the UK 1977. Thanks for the memories, such an awesome Gift you have here 🌟
Thank you, Amanda. Coming from you, this means a lot. I love your music and the contributions you have made to Steve's work. In fact, your wonderful live performance of Shadow of the Hierophant is an inspiration that helped lead me down the path to take on this project.
Just wonderful. Tears in my eyes, partly because this music has meant so much to me since I was a young teenager. In truth my enjoyment of it has never diminished, but the friends with whom I used enjoy it are long gone. This makes it so very bittersweet to see this wonderful artist’s love and interpretation.
Love the way you nail it all to its appropriate context . I were born in 76 . But can still feel In key to a time when the moral dilemma and outcome of ww2 was the be all and end all of what guided so much of society . My old history teacher a distinguished war veteran would be sickened to think of a land filled with Aldis and Lidels . With sushi bars on every other high street corner . Out of respect for his memory and what he sacrificed I never shop there .
I liked it very much your version. Thank you for sharing from Argentina. When I was 15 years old, I promised myself to learn guitar, so one day I could play and sing this fantastic song. I'm 60 years old nowadays and I enjoy listening to this like in the past.
Jesus the sheer attention to detail here is astounding, incredibly beautiful, your voice is lovely and calming and your playing is top notch, oh and your cat wants all your attention… but that’s normal 😊. Absolutely wonderful. Thank you 🙏.
I stumbled upon your video here today. I am truly amazed by the level of commitment you put into this! Absolutely well done! This music means a lot to me personally. I'm sure you had a blast performing this and putting together the editing. Again so very well done. Thank you for this. 👏😎
Astonishing. You have managed to capture the essence of this song perfectly. I can't believe the effort that you have put into this. I hope to god that Steve himself has seen it. I imagine that he'd have a tear in his eye. Truly incredible.
@@SallySparks I have been making a few Genesis mini-documentaries on TH-cam. Wind & Wuthering is next up. If you don't min dI may include a tiny piece of this video (with the TV). If I do, I'll give you a credit.
@@progrockdocs Please make one of your incredible Genesis documentaries on the album "And Then There Were Three. . ." please. And Sally, Amazing! Stunning video and you truly did capture the essence of "Blood on the Rooftops" Thank You so much for sharing your talent with all of us~
meandering as we do through the wonderful world of TH-cam, I sometimes - perhaps rarely - come across something that surprises me... and this certainly did! fantastic interpretation of a beautiful song. thank you, Sally
A nice and cozy version (like sharing a hot cup of tea with a friend, when it's raining outside ☺) … The video is a definitive plus, with a lot of evident nods to the lyrics, and a nice (niiiice!!) little reference to 2001, a space odyssey… A truly nice job, Sally 😊✨🙏
A beautifully intricate song - one of Steve Hackett's best. It wonderfully encapsulates 1970's England. It's such a pity he decided to leave Genesis just after he wrote this. That's when the decline started, not as most people think after Gabriel left. Hackett was unhappy that the rest of the band were favouring Tony Banks's songs over his, and listening to this you have to agree he had a point. Great cover and video by Sally Sparks. Love your work. (Right, now I'll make that tea!)
Tony HAS praised this as one of the album's best.... and one that still moves him when he listens to it. If the band had just accepted one more Hackett song on W&W... (wasn't there some thought of making it a double?)... who can say what might have been.
Love it. Different. Nicely put together with appropriate touches of English whimsy humour. The interesting thing is that it was written nearly fifty years ago and it is every bit as relevant today. Some things just never change. Sign of a classic. Well done.
while this is a great song, its not the best from genesis. But most certainly one of the best. This whole album is great. the song after this one is probably the best song, if not the one after.
It has totally made my day watching this!!! A song I loved 40 years ago as a young kid and still love today. You have absolutely smashed it!!!... It is such a beautiful and delicate song... You really capture this... Very inspiring!!!... Wow!!!
Don't know what I expected. This is my favorite genesis song (may be one of my favorite songs overall) and your adaptation is just brilliant. You hiting all of those perfect and important nuances of the chords just takes me back when I heard it for the first time. I've been working with music for 20 years and rarely get impressed with Genesis covers but this one is probably the best one yet. Extremely good job!
Great song, and you made me understand that out for 23 is a reference to cricket and that Lords is a cricket ground where they play this sport which I know nothing about.
Fan-freaking-Tastic, Sally! Truly a bona fide tour de force! Knowing what goes into the making of a video like this, I am completely in awe... you need to be not just a jack, but a "master of all trades" to pull this sort of thing off. Really. It's not only the accomplished musicianship (a great feat in itself!), but the directorial vision & choices, the camera work, the editing and special effects, right down to the equalization of the recording - all woven together seamlessly into a beautiful tribute to Hackett's work, which you've clearly made your own here. Brava!!! So glad you could also include your Covid partners in quarantine, too! : Lora, Peaty, & Arwen ...and a special shoutout to the cameo of the Desert Monolith (made me giggle) Superb, start to finish.
Thank you Sally, for this, an inspiring rendition and creative film of one of my very favourite Genesis/Hackett songs. Yeah, I’m an old dude too, like many of the commenters, a fan since around ‘79 and still aspiring to be something of a multi-instrumentalist. You have a graceful and calm touch on the nylon especially, the loveliest example being the pregnant pause before the slightly hushed note that completes the melody at 1:40, and then repeated when the phrase repeats. I had to go watch some Hackett live videos and even he doesn’t do this! I’ll have to listen to the original to see if it’s there but regardless, it’s just so perfectly placed and quietly plucked. I was smiling start to finish, beginning with you trying not laugh at your cat’s contributions. That’s some good concentration! Cool to see you’re a keyboard/synth enthusiast too - those are some vintage and modern legends! I also appreciate you including Anthony Phillips as a Genesis member! His solo albums remain among my favourites - some songs being more or less half Genesis personnel. All members wrote songs that have been part of the soundtrack to my life for over 40 years: Steve - Leaving Ant - Which Way the Wind Blows Mike - At The End Of The Day Phil - The Roof Is Leaking Peter - Secret World Tony - Mad Man Moon And so “many too many” 😉 to count. S’pose I could… Once again, thank you for the shivers and congrats on such a rewarding endeavour!
Thanks so much. I really appreciate the note and the commentary on my interpretation. It means a lot. Yes, Ant. What a treasure to have his music along with the wonderful rest of the band's works!
Absolutely wonderfully produced, played, and shoots me right in the heart. Tears to my eyes, and a lump in my throat. As critical as I tend to be about folks who tackle this particular material from my hands-down favorite band and songwriters, I was truly moved by this performance. Thank you so much.
I've loved this song and Genesis since early 70s, just stumbled upon this video and I am blown away by how strange and lovely and creative it is- Thank you so much Sally Sparks!
This is absolutely amazing. The musical rendition and the sounds, (especially the mellotron sound) is totally spot on. (I am also using Arturia Mellotron V, not by coincidence). For my taste the autotune on the vocals is a bit too much but still this is an outstanding work. The video too. It has that good old creepiness and surreal athmosphere too which perfectly fits the music in my opinion. Sally, you nailed it.
Thank you Sally, this is brilliant, and with your help I could decrypt the lyrics of this wonderful song I'm trying to understand since 40 years ( not being a very good english speaker)! :-)
Wow! So beautiful. Wind and Wuthering is a special record in my book. It was the last record they did that I liked. But also it has a very special mood to it. And Blood on the Rooftop is my absolute fav. You managed to catch that mystical feeling. Incredible. And such a great video.
Once again, thanks very much to technology, for know you. For those about who love genesis, I think your song sounds better than the proper original mix. No words to express how I love your work. I love water in my eyes, too, sometimes. From Spain Special Forces.
Muito bom Sally,o Genesis é a minha banda favorita,e você tem muito bom gosto e tem uma musicalidade ótimo;bela interpretação. Parabéns. Angra dos Reis, RJ 🇧🇷. 0:10
Thank you so much for this comment, Steve. I did a lot of detailed research to get that feel as best I could, and it's rewarding to know that it resonated with you.
This was one of the tunes that hooked me Immediately on Genesis. What an absolute treat this is! The visuals capture the mood and atmosphere perfectly. Stunning playing as well! I can’t stop smiling lol. I’m incredibly grateful for this. Thank you for sharing your incredible talent.
That was a wild ride. I went from "She's good" to "omg, this is so goofy" To "Wow she's incredibly talented." This is absolute gold if you find the right audience.
Ha! Thanks for the comment. Yeah, at one point I thought "I need to lighten this up." May not have been the best choice, but seemed like the right thing to do in my COVID isolation haze.
Well done, almost forgot how much I like that album. Hope the cat forgave you.
Sally I am seeing this on Sunday August 20 2023. Bless you for giving all of us this beautiful rendition of this Genesis masterpiece, great guitar work, musical arrangements singing and playing and letting us see your wonderful cat and dog. I consider myself very fortunate to have stumbled upon your video! Great work!
What a friendly cat with a good taste in music❤
I love your lovely cat the same way I love your performance!🥰..and not to forget the dog!
I am sitting in my backyard in Yucaipa California after making dinner while listening to my favorite Genesis Album while is my favorite while cooking. I am a 57 year old man who bought this album during my Jr HS years which was 78-79 and played it religiously for an entire year amongst other great bands released during that time. This album is one of those that does not date for me, like many others growing up there are a select few that now at my age i can listen to and not only appreciate the musicianship that is Genesis but the reminiscence of that youthful time in my life when the world was so different and in a good way. The rendering of this classic song I appreciate and applaud you for you hard work in not only recreating one of the greatest songs ever recorded but to put so much time, effort and energy to include a cool video as well. As a fellow musician that plays a variety of instruments its a breath of fresh air to see others enjoying the same, recreating, recording and just having a wonderful time that is basically a celebration to this wonderful song. Kudos from California as i sit in the dark, late at night and so appreciate that i was blessed with the gift of music and appreciation of bands like Genesis …. Your rendition made my night… Much appreciated!!!!
such lovely words. Thank you for taking the time to express this. Here's to many more years of enjoying this wonderful music!
@@SallySparkswell Dane Sally for evoking so quote Ringo..from a certain local combo..peace and love from the wirral peninsula,bounded by the mersey and the Dee and the Irish sea...geography and rhyme..E..❤..😊..
Fantastic! Of course Steve will be proud of it, and Phil too! Let's not forget that this timeless wonder was written by both. And that is a genesis song (with Tony, and Michael, and all that this means). The rendition that Sally has done is simply ashtoning. A great moment for the millions that love for ever the group, and appreciate one of this best songs (and that is much to say)
Being a life long Genesis and Peter Gabriel fan, I found your cover interesting and refreshing. I've seen them a few times and even caught one of the Ray Wilson fronted gigs. Being ,67 soon and terminally ill my travelling days to watch my favourite bands are over, that's why I was so intrigued when I saw your post pop up, thank you. Weird thing, mostly when I hear the older Genesis songs by the end of it I have a tiny tear in my eye. I think because it reminds me of a better healthier life without opiates etc taking my pain, but also part of my memory gets wiped too. Good post and thanks again.
Thanks for your honest and open words Pagan. I hope your transition is a peaceful one
@@davidmarteau2821 You are certainly most welcome. I did laugh today, briefly, as tested positive for covid, and with the lungs being compromised it certainly is not the ideal situation. Still I am pretty resilient, my sister calls it stubbornness, I'll accept either. I had a Genesis day on Spotify seeming as I was ordered to bed, I laughed and cried as I softly sang.
Your comment brought a tear to my eye. Your soul is deep and within that depth you have obviously experienced life at it's most intimate core. I wish you well in this life and in the great beyond.
@@marticus61lau Thank you for your message, and yes my journey has been very different to how I thought it would be. I've been fighting Pulmonary Fibrosis for 6 years now, knowing that there is no treatment or cure. However, there are thousands of people worse off than me, who will have their life cut short before sampling life as an adult. Thanks again and keep safe and well.
Very sorry to hear of your condition, Pagan. All the best to you.
i keep coming back to this in various states of mind and righteousness... THIS IS SO TIMELY
Wow. I'm 63 y. Genesis-Fan since 1977.
This song is so special to me and this version is breathtaking.
Thank you! 😘
I'am 65... I '77 too!!
Similar timeline here: Wind and Wuthering was my first Genesis album, at age 17 in March 1977. It changed my musical direction profoundly through the remainder of that year. Now at age 65 I reflect that I am so fortunate to have been alive during this portion of the stream of time. For the last 47 years, Genesis and most of their solo works have been a huge part of my life. Even now, when I play a Genesis or related solo album that I have not heard in a few months, I still discover some incredible nuances in these recordings that I had missed before. I can only hope that 100 years from now, music students will be studying this material and enjoying it as much as I have.
The news hasn`t changed since 1976. One of my favorite songs.
I am speechless. Absolutely extraordinary rendition of this wonderful composition, both musically and visually. It brings tears to my eyes.
Holy Mother of God... This is amazing. You are amazing. From the bottom of my heart, I thank you for sharing your gift with us.I am in awe. Thank you , thank you, thank you.
"Holy Mother of God". Was that a little reference to Dance on a Volcano?
@@srl6018 It certainly was a little reference to Dance on a Volcano! Well spotted.
Absolutely beautiful, Sally! Very heartfelt rendition. (Love the support you get from your cat.) This is my favorite Genesis album.
Thanks so much!
I really appreciate the comment.
Definiitely one of my favorite Genesis albums as well. we appreciate you too...😊😊
Timeless song. Some things never change.
From 1971 I've seen genesis 12 times and Steve Hackett 5 times I'm 71 and the sound still chills me thank you Sally
This is art, wow, I’m speechless and teary eyed.
Jon Anderson represents what an artist should be. It's a gift to be there and to be able to see him, listen to him and enjoy his music.
This is such an amazing rendition of this song....45 years have past since this album was released and the state of the world is exactly the same.
Splendid execution,moving,perfect. I have been following GENESIS for 50 years,i have seen their concerts,music that never tires,now at almost 70 years old i continue to the listen to their wonderful music. A hug from ITALY.
You are a bonafide genius. There are no words for how much I enjoyed this brilliant work.
Yeh!it even sounds better than the original..especially
WHat a great good
I was not expecting anything particularly from what TH-cam felt like feeding me, but honestly I would say that this has to be one of the best cover versions of anything I have ever heard anywhere. I hope that maybe Steve, Phil, Tony and Mike have heard it. At this moment I hope there is more of you on TH-cam. I am about to find out.
Wow, I feel honored to receive this comment, Mike. I really appreciate that you took the time to write this to me. Thank you!
@@SallySparks You deserve it, you're too good ❤️
Very beautiful, thankyou
@@SallySparks...Will have to subscribe...virtual cuppa ( Taylor's Yorkshire tea) ...and a kind word..😊
I had to watch this twice, had too many tears in my eyes the first time. Simply wonderful.
the most beautiful declaration of love for a song that I have ever seen. Thank you for this great gift.
I hope Steve sees this. I can picture him watching this with a great smile on his face. Truly one of the greatest renditions of this timeless masterpiece that I've ever heard. Brilliantly done! Thank you for posting! Take care & stay safe! 😊
Thanks so much. I hope he does, too!
Email him. I often do and he responds. He is a very sweet soul.
...sin duda, una bella y gran interpretació eso , tal cual ...Genesis, siempre en mi corazón ❤️🎶🎼💯
Здорово. Красивая, грустная песня
My day is beyond enriched for having found this masterpiece Sally 💞🕊️ Bought this album in the UK 1977. Thanks for the memories, such an awesome Gift you have here 🌟
Absolutely beautiful rendition and interpretation of one of my favourite Genesis songs, inspired! I am hugely impressed. *Respect*
Thank you, Amanda. Coming from you, this means a lot. I love your music and the contributions you have made to Steve's work. In fact, your wonderful live performance of Shadow of the Hierophant is an inspiration that helped lead me down the path to take on this project.
@@SallySparks thank you Sally, it's lovely to hear that in some way I've contributed to this being created, that's very special!
Amanda, this wonderful video was recommended by TH-cam as I was watching, and listening to you perform "Shadow of the Hierophant"!
Just discovered a multi talented lady musician! Beautiful rendition and production of a great Genesis song Thank you Sally!
Just wonderful. Tears in my eyes, partly because this music has meant so much to me since I was a young teenager. In truth my enjoyment of it has never diminished, but the friends with whom I used enjoy it are long gone. This makes it so very bittersweet to see this wonderful artist’s love and interpretation.
thank you very much. I'm so glad you found this meaningful in the way similar that I did in making it.
Wow, I've got water in my eyes 💜🥰
Moved to tears Sally, Thank You !
Love the way you nail it all to its appropriate context . I were born in 76 . But can still feel
In key to a time when the moral dilemma and outcome of ww2 was the be all and end all of what guided so much of society . My old history teacher a distinguished war veteran would be sickened to think of a land filled with Aldis and Lidels . With sushi bars on every other high street corner . Out of respect for his memory and what he sacrificed I never shop there .
Has Steve seen this?? He ought to! Stunning
Idk. Would be nice. Thanks
@@SallySparks I think he would approve and love it
Amazing, just amazing! ****************************************
Absolutely brilliant!! Speechless! 👍
Brilliant , clever and creative with perfect creation of nostalgic 70’s TV.
Sally, thank you for the emotions you gave me. God bless you.
I liked it very much your version. Thank you for sharing from Argentina. When I was 15 years old, I promised myself to learn guitar, so one day I could play and sing this fantastic song. I'm 60 years old nowadays and I enjoy listening to this like in the past.
Jesus the sheer attention to detail here is astounding, incredibly beautiful, your voice is lovely and calming and your playing is top notch, oh and your cat wants all your attention… but that’s normal 😊. Absolutely wonderful. Thank you 🙏.
thanks so much, John. I'm extra happy when folks pick up on the little things!
@@SallySparks Agree with Johnkk - I loved the 2001: A Space Odyssey room too!
I stumbled upon your video here today. I am truly amazed by the level of commitment you put into this! Absolutely well done!
This music means a lot to me personally.
I'm sure you had a blast performing this and putting together the editing. Again so very well done. Thank you for this. 👏😎
Astonishing. You have managed to capture the essence of this song perfectly. I can't believe the effort that you have put into this. I hope to god that Steve himself has seen it. I imagine that he'd have a tear in his eye. Truly incredible.
Thank you so much! I know one person in his band has seen it and loved it, but IDK if Steve has seen it. Of course I'd be honored!
@@SallySparks I have been making a few Genesis mini-documentaries on TH-cam. Wind & Wuthering is next up. If you don't min dI may include a tiny piece of this video (with the TV). If I do, I'll give you a credit.
@@progrockdocs I'd be honored. By all means. Thanks.
@@progrockdocs Please make one of your incredible Genesis documentaries on the album "And Then There Were Three. . ." please. And Sally, Amazing! Stunning video and you truly did capture the essence of "Blood on the Rooftops" Thank You so much for sharing your talent with all of us~
@@NS9213 And Then There Were Three IS on my list, don't worry!
Wow what an achievement, you hit my heart dear lady , thank you for this nice gift
I enjoyed it thoroughly! I think Steve Hackett would enjoy it too. Thank you Sally.
meandering as we do through the wonderful world of TH-cam, I sometimes - perhaps rarely - come across something that surprises me... and this certainly did! fantastic interpretation of a beautiful song. thank you, Sally
I'm not sure where the 45 years has gone since I first heard the original, but having just found this version; I must say it's delightful. Thank you.
Dayum! I won that album by being the 10th caller in the 70s. Still have it.
A nice and cozy version (like sharing a hot cup of tea with a friend, when it's raining outside ☺) … The video is a definitive plus, with a lot of evident nods to the lyrics, and a nice (niiiice!!) little reference to 2001, a space odyssey… A truly nice job, Sally 😊✨🙏
You did it! I have never felt so in tune with what this song was about!
A beautifully intricate song - one of Steve Hackett's best. It wonderfully encapsulates 1970's England. It's such a pity he decided to leave Genesis just after he wrote this. That's when the decline started, not as most people think after Gabriel left. Hackett was unhappy that the rest of the band were favouring Tony Banks's songs over his, and listening to this you have to agree he had a point. Great cover and video by Sally Sparks. Love your work. (Right, now I'll make that tea!)
Tony HAS praised this as one of the album's best.... and one that still moves him when he listens to it.
If the band had just accepted one more Hackett song on W&W... (wasn't there some thought of making it a double?)... who can say what might have been.
Love the 2001 references with the metal monolith and the bedroom where the monolith takes astronaut Bowman at the end.
Well done, Sally ... very well done, indeed! You've captured everything that Genesis intended to convey in your video ... impressive!
I don't think Steve , Michael , Philip and Anthony can play all the instrument as you can . Hats of for you Superb.
Came here as recommended by “ The Story of Wind and Wuthering” as this wonderful rendition is used as part of the backing track.
Love it. Different. Nicely put together with appropriate touches of English whimsy humour. The interesting thing is that it was written nearly fifty years ago and it is every bit as relevant today. Some things just never change. Sign of a classic. Well done.
This might be the best song from Genesis the greatest band of all time.
while this is a great song, its not the best from genesis. But most certainly one of the best. This whole album is great. the song after this one is probably the best song, if not the one after.
Incredible. As a lifelong Genesis fan, I can't express in words how much I love this. Thank you.
Absolutely wonderful. So much beauty in just a few minutes.
Just fantastic..
It takes audacity , courage and talent to tackle this piece of history . May you continue to do so , for the world is in need of your wisdom . Orion .
Wonderful, I love it! One of the most beautiful songs of Genesis
Most covers of progressive rock leave me wanting. This one simply left me in tears.
Fantastic. Brilliant interpretation!
Incredibly talented lady Sally. Just wonderful. Thank you.
It has totally made my day watching this!!! A song I loved 40 years ago as a young kid and still love today. You have absolutely smashed it!!!... It is such a beautiful and delicate song... You really capture this... Very inspiring!!!... Wow!!!
Steve Hackett eterno! Obrigado por sua versão, achei muito sensível.
Amazing. I loved the 70s feel. Sally you're extraordinary, and while there are many great Genesis covers and renditions, this is incredibly unique.
Intro is 100% pure Hackett style. Wonderful.
Don't know what I expected. This is my favorite genesis song (may be one of my favorite songs overall) and your adaptation is just brilliant. You hiting all of those perfect and important nuances of the chords just takes me back when I heard it for the first time. I've been working with music for 20 years and rarely get impressed with Genesis covers but this one is probably the best one yet. Extremely good job!
Great song, and you made me understand that out for 23 is a reference to cricket and that Lords is a cricket ground where they play this sport which I know nothing about.
Fan-freaking-Tastic, Sally! Truly a bona fide tour de force!
Knowing what goes into the making of a video like this, I am completely in awe... you need to be not just a jack, but a "master of all trades" to pull this sort of thing off. Really. It's not only the accomplished musicianship (a great feat in itself!), but the directorial vision & choices, the camera work, the editing and special effects, right down to the equalization of the recording - all woven together seamlessly into a beautiful tribute to Hackett's work, which you've clearly made your own here. Brava!!!
So glad you could also include your Covid partners in quarantine, too! : Lora, Peaty, & Arwen
...and a special shoutout to the cameo of the Desert Monolith (made me giggle)
Superb, start to finish.
Oh, how nice, Chris. Thanks for the lovely words. Made my day!
What a talented musician✌
Thank you Sally, for this, an inspiring rendition and creative film of one of my very favourite Genesis/Hackett songs. Yeah, I’m an old dude too, like many of the commenters, a fan since around ‘79 and still aspiring to be something of a multi-instrumentalist. You have a graceful and calm touch on the nylon especially, the loveliest example being the pregnant pause before the slightly hushed note that completes the melody at 1:40, and then repeated when the phrase repeats. I had to go watch some Hackett live videos and even he doesn’t do this! I’ll have to listen to the original to see if it’s there but regardless, it’s just so perfectly placed and quietly plucked. I was smiling start to finish, beginning with you trying not laugh at your cat’s contributions. That’s some good concentration! Cool to see you’re a keyboard/synth enthusiast too - those are some vintage and modern legends! I also appreciate you including Anthony Phillips as a Genesis member! His solo albums remain among my favourites - some songs being more or less half Genesis personnel. All members wrote songs that have been part of the soundtrack to my life for over 40 years:
Steve - Leaving
Ant - Which Way the Wind Blows
Mike - At The End Of The Day
Phil - The Roof Is Leaking
Peter - Secret World
Tony - Mad Man Moon
And so “many too many” 😉 to count. S’pose I could…
Once again, thank you for the shivers and congrats on such a rewarding endeavour!
Thanks so much. I really appreciate the note and the commentary on my interpretation. It means a lot. Yes, Ant. What a treasure to have his music along with the wonderful rest of the band's works!
Absolutely wonderfully produced, played, and shoots me right in the heart. Tears to my eyes, and a lump in my throat. As critical as I tend to be about folks who tackle this particular material from my hands-down favorite band and songwriters, I was truly moved by this performance. Thank you so much.
What a hard job to do, what a good job and real pleasure to listen to !
SALLY you are sparkling in the night , you're so moving , you've transcended this song ! it's seems you love so much this song ! thanks
I've loved this song and Genesis since early 70s, just stumbled upon this video and I am blown away by how strange and lovely and creative it is- Thank you so much Sally Sparks!
This is absolutely amazing. The musical rendition and the sounds, (especially the mellotron sound) is totally spot on. (I am also using Arturia Mellotron V, not by coincidence). For my taste the autotune on the vocals is a bit too much but still this is an outstanding work. The video too. It has that good old creepiness and surreal athmosphere too which perfectly fits the music in my opinion. Sally, you nailed it.
I agree. She is a great musician, and good singer. Doesnt need that amount of autone, or at least, go down on the speed of tuning. Great work!
Parabéns Sally!!!!
Aqui no Brasil vendo e ouvindo esse belíssimo trabalho com excelente participação do gato.
Fique bem e com Deus
I had to watch and listen to this again. A labor of love, obviously.
"We always watch the Queen on Christmas day" -- from those times until yesterday.
Thank you Sally, this is brilliant, and with your help I could decrypt the lyrics of this wonderful song I'm trying to understand since 40 years ( not being a very good english speaker)! :-)
Bravo! Beautifully done and imaginative from start to finish
Wow. Just. Wow.
Wow! So beautiful. Wind and Wuthering is a special record in my book. It was the last record they did that I liked. But also it has a very special mood to it. And Blood on the Rooftop is my absolute fav. You managed to catch that mystical feeling. Incredible. And such a great video.
thank you so much. I think it's my last fave too.
2:29-2:39 has always been the most moving 10 seconds of music I've ever known!!
How English is this song? Well, if this song is playing in my car stereo, by the time this passage hits I'm driving on the wrong side of the road.
Great song and album taking back me to my late teens in southern England in the late seventies - thank you so much for a great cover
Nice job...well done
Sally Sparks! My jaw is on the floor. Thank you so much, you amazing person!
Once again, thanks very much to technology, for know you. For those about who love genesis, I think your song sounds better than the proper original mix.
No words to express how I love your work. I love water in my eyes, too, sometimes.
From Spain Special Forces.
Ahhh!! It's hardly appreciated the two spitfires flyng above yo at that time that point... Is no easy, so wonderful take.
@@angeldelalamo Thank you so very much!
Wonderfully done. You really captured the essence of the original piece. Bravo!
that comment means a lot. Thanks
I didn't know Mrs. Sally Sparks until a few moments ago. I would like to let you know that you have earned a place in my heart...
Muito bom Sally,o Genesis é a minha banda favorita,e você tem muito bom gosto e tem uma musicalidade ótimo;bela interpretação. Parabéns. Angra dos Reis, RJ 🇧🇷. 0:10
Muito obrigada!
What an amazing interpretation and implementation. Genesis has to be proud to see their work come to life is such a beautiful presentation!
Wow! I just noticed the framed album "Wind and Wuthering " by bed. Anyone else? 👍❤
Actually, this was the first time ever I cared for the lyrics when listening to this song. Great done, Sally!
This is brilliant, so well done. This is pretty much how imagined it when I bought the album at about age 14 growing up in the UK in the 70's.
Thank you so much for this comment, Steve. I did a lot of detailed research to get that feel as best I could, and it's rewarding to know that it resonated with you.
A breathtakingly beautiful rendition of a perfect song, realised by a talented musician and film maker. Thank you Sally ♥
This was one of the tunes that hooked me Immediately on Genesis. What an absolute treat this is! The visuals capture the mood and atmosphere perfectly. Stunning playing as well! I can’t stop smiling lol. I’m incredibly grateful for this. Thank you for sharing your incredible talent.
Very, very, very nice. What a good surprise!