FFXIV - PvP Sucks! Kinda...

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 3 ก.ย. 2022
  • Crystalline Conflict AKA FFXIV - PvP has some serious issues that are so obvious you stop to think if a playtest was even involved - it has the potential to be amazing as the base of the game mode is extremely fun but a few things hold it back and they do it in a big way...
    #ffxiv #ffxivpvp #endwalker
    Yo. It's been a while for those interested unfortunately had some stuff I needed to address personally and this made it extremely hard to be creative but I'm feeling my creativity come back and I can't wait to see whats next.
  • เกม

ความคิดเห็น • 219

  • @etchyasketch2851
    @etchyasketch2851 ปีที่แล้ว +57

    Imagine queueing for anything other than Casual.

    • @Mochachocakon
      @Mochachocakon ปีที่แล้ว +5

      Treat competitive like casual but with *slightly* better matchmaking

    • @devxved
      @devxved ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Trust me, you'll get more players playing the match, and knowing how to play their class if you que ranked, I learned the hard way, most people realized you can que casual, run the enemy spawn and hide for a loss, a quick 500 beats working hard for 700. Learned the hard way people play like this.

    • @Dualities
      @Dualities ปีที่แล้ว

      They call it a social game yet the game doesnt even have voice chat or chat bubbles

    • @gamermasterL
      @gamermasterL ปีที่แล้ว

      casual really sucks. as bad as the shitters in ranked are, almost all of them are more practiced and skillful than casual. You won't ever get better playing casual.

  • @lobete
    @lobete ปีที่แล้ว +22

    The weirdest thing about the chat system is... Most people have no idea what is toxic and what isn't. The ambiguity makes it entirely subjective so people are getting mad when they probably shouldn't Or missing when people are attempting to be toxic in probably equal measure. A "good game" on a loss is either sarcastic or a genuine statement of appreciation towards the teammate at the top of kills who just couldn't carry. It's like trying to talk in sign language with one hand and half the team doesn't soeak sign language. Nobody knows what is happening in chat and I think I'd actually prefer real chat, where people who are being toxic are obvious. I would never even report someone for toxicity under the current system because I don't want to false report.

  • @kam_3953
    @kam_3953 ปีที่แล้ว +17

    My biggest gripe is getting absolutely stunlocked to hell. Its not fun no matter what job I use. I don't like getting robbed of my ability to even fight back.

    • @twickisbased
      @twickisbased  ปีที่แล้ว +3

      It sucks but a well timed guard can be make or break in those situations unfortunately you kinda have to get stunlocked 1000 times to start to figure out how to make it happen less but its also a gripe of mine i think purify should give a few seconds of immunity or smthn

    • @Karloss00
      @Karloss00 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@twickisbased That doesn't even work. Guard only reduces damage so you just rob yourself more of fighting back (and prolonging the inevitable in most cases) and Purify has a 50% chance of not working at all due to tick rate. You can hit Purify and get nothing from it.

    • @twickisbased
      @twickisbased  ปีที่แล้ว

      @@Karloss00 ah last time i played CC guard seemed to work good but its been almost half a year i think

    • @whitemageserenia
      @whitemageserenia ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@twickisbased Guard does "help" but alas... when you have MNK, WAR, RPR, DNC, and NIN all who can ignore or cancel your guard, it can be quite obnoxious >

    • @twickisbased
      @twickisbased  ปีที่แล้ว

      @@whitemageserenia yeah its an issue this upon other things do just kinda game end any chance of the mode gaining a meaningful player base to evolve

  • @nathanizabeast
    @nathanizabeast ปีที่แล้ว +13

    I think I've lost every single game where someone spazzed out on the "push crystal" button. You can't win with a frustrated team mate who's entire goal is to frustrate the team. It's a huge bonus when they're spamming chat while sitting in spawn because they're so damn upset that they died to something that was, probably, their own fault.

    • @twickisbased
      @twickisbased  ปีที่แล้ว +7

      It’s such a baby move when they end up sitting in spawn spamming especially when you just have no choice but to listen to it, turns out I played several games with a guy who got so famous for raging in CC that someone who commented on this video talked about him without me mentioning it lmao

    • @nathanizabeast
      @nathanizabeast ปีที่แล้ว +3

      @@twickisbased that doesn't surprise me at all, the pool of players is pretty small already so I'd think most would be known to people who play it a lot.

  • @scopes2228
    @scopes2228 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    100% agree with u..when you reach crystal rank u fight the same ppl over and over..at least on EU...and some of them are so needlessly toxic doing everything you describe...yoshi said actions like this would lead to bans...but after months of reporting the same ppl...nothing...they are still there...and u can't blacklist them to not play with them anymore...why would they warn players they would take action but then don't bother at all? :S It's such a turn off which is sad since I love pvping

    • @twickisbased
      @twickisbased  ปีที่แล้ว

      I have given up on reports they’re a lot of work and never amount to anything. It’s just annoying at the end of the day.

  • @SirFingerless
    @SirFingerless ปีที่แล้ว +11

    Honestly? The balance does feel whack, I hope that they eventually work out what they want to do with classes when it comes to the role they fulfill, but the fact Ninja is still what it is and that they're making GNB a more effective DPS than some of the melees while not looking at what makes it inherently horrible as an actual tank doesn't fill me with a lot of hope
    But I think the most annoying aspect for me is CC and the lack of ways to counter it, CC has a place, you can pull off some amazing plays with good CC, but it sure does feel fucking absolutely horrid to play against
    I feel like purify needs half the cooldown it currently has, maybe even shorter, the fact there's no stacking CC resistance when you get hit by multiple things leaving you just standing there slowly dying is some of the most rage inducing gameplay I have ever experienced, also, I dunno if it's just me, but bind seemingly works as a bit of a stun sometimes? It feels like it interrupts actions whenever you get hit by it and it messes up crucial things that can save you, that or maybe I'm just insane, lmoa

    • @twickisbased
      @twickisbased  ปีที่แล้ว

      After the buff bind does seem way more like a stun…

  • @bryansuminski7543
    @bryansuminski7543 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    pvp makes me wanna quit the game entirely. i get nothing but stun locked and die within seconds and it never ends no matter what job i play. i can probably count on both hands how many games ive won and still have fingers left over

    • @twickisbased
      @twickisbased  ปีที่แล้ว

      That’s sad to hear man it does get better with practice but if people focus you not too much you can do about it :/

    • @bryansuminski7543
      @bryansuminski7543 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@twickisbased it's hard to practice when everything is so chaotic that you can never tell where you went wrong.,

  • @pertown
    @pertown ปีที่แล้ว +9

    1:37 I feel I just have to speak up here, as a player of both LoL and FF14 CC... Holy hell you must have had the worst luck with CC teams in the whole universe. There is no way in hell there is more toxicity in FF than in LoL.
    There are definitely less instances of sarcastic "good jobs/match" than there is general debauchery in LoL. I'd rather get those sarcastic "communist approved" phrases rather than the pure toxicity of what happens in LoL all chat.
    If anything, the toxicity in LoL steeled my feeling against the toxicity in FF. It's all anecdotal, I get it, but there is no way I can ever see something more toxic than LoL. That is like the king.
    For instance, I have never had anyone just flat out leave the CC match, while I get that every other game in LoL because everyone's ego is as strong as a twig.

    • @twickisbased
      @twickisbased  ปีที่แล้ว +2

      I've had quite a few leavers unfortunately in my games and yeah I agree LoL, 1000x worse however the thing I really dislike about the CC phrases is that they make an audible ping and you can't mute them, It's almost like if in LoL you weren't able to mute the Enemy Missing ping it just gets really annoying IMO but yeah ofc LoL is a cesspit in terms of the attitudes of some people but I just can't get my head around why there isn't a mute button other than straight up blacklisting someone especially when every message has a sound.

    • @Prism_Heavy
      @Prism_Heavy ปีที่แล้ว +2

      I've played League since 2011 and been doing pvp in 14 for a few years now and you are correct. The guy must have some massively insane luck to not step into the steaming pile of hot dogshit that League randoms can pump out.
      14 pvp community isn't even a drop in the bucket of how toxic League can be on a good day. And in all honesty, playing League for so long hardened me to any bullshit 14 could ever throw at me. Guess it paid off in the end. I hardly play League these days

  • @kaelothsgaming8199
    @kaelothsgaming8199 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    You basically play ninja, dragoon, or monk. I feel like half the jobs in pvp are awful.

    • @twickisbased
      @twickisbased  ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Some of them require more work to use effectively but some of them are just press buttons collect wins.

    • @kaelothsgaming8199
      @kaelothsgaming8199 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@twickisbased Totally agree. The hardest part about CC is getting your team to move the crystal.

  • @gengoha
    @gengoha ปีที่แล้ว +2

    btw, you can mute sys sounds and change the chat window to Event or whatever its called. but 100000 percent they need to add a mute feature or just remove all the chat options entirely, and the ignore marker. if no one can communicate then no one is at a disadvantage so i dont see why not

    • @twickisbased
      @twickisbased  ปีที่แล้ว

      I think some form of communication is good just the ability to mute would be perfect it might be a bit of wild west but i wouldn’t be mad if they removed the phrases and just let you type what you want and make it easy to mute or report

  • @IceboyMyName
    @IceboyMyName ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Been playing pvp since 2016 back in old feast and man, I still get the happy chemicals for playing it, but at the same time I feel terrible. Almost at my 5k matches title mark and all I feel is regret, still I enjoy it for the most part but when you WANT/NEED to rank up to get stuff it's when my enjoyment plummets more than twintania in UCOB

    • @twickisbased
      @twickisbased  ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Pfff ahahahah I haven't tried any ultimates yet but if you're telling the truth I should be prepared for some of the pain. Thanks for the comment :)

    • @IceboyMyName
      @IceboyMyName ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@twickisbased Should be fine, at least the frustration from wiping there is better than seeing the same black mage 3 times in a row not being focused by your team and just being free cast 99% of the time in ranked.

    • @twickisbased
      @twickisbased  ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@IceboyMyName Leave the BLM alone (BLM in PvP mainly) give me xenoglossy and 60k health k thnx

    • @IceboyMyName
      @IceboyMyName ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@twickisbased Warrior/drk main, i'm coming for you baby lmao

  • @zeekfarrongaming5302
    @zeekfarrongaming5302 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Man I gave up on CC.
    The HUGE inconsistency with teammates just really kills it for me.
    I understand why they won’t allow you 5 stack queue but jfc I’m tired of getting steam rolled because I have one guy standing in the starting area, 2 melee players that refuse to get in melee range and a ranger character who hides the whole time.
    THEN as the team gets picked off one by one, as they respawn, they rush the enemy team ALONE instead of just waiting for the others to spawn back in and we move in as a group. So next thing you know you’re stuck in this perpetual loop of being 2-3 people down at all times.
    Also yes. The chat system is f*****.
    They leave frontlines normal chat but not CC? Frontlines can get just as toxic sometimes.

    • @yeetusdeleetus4697
      @yeetusdeleetus4697 ปีที่แล้ว

      Theres literally no reason for them to NOT have seperate "flex" 5v5 queues or just "party queues" where you can team up with your friends and get matched with another party to play against parties, who the fuck wants to only play a popular MMO game mode alone without their friends???

  • @brotheralaric7177
    @brotheralaric7177 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

    i've tried pvp for the roulette, between the constant lag( ennemies aren't where they appear and you die even before you realised it) or the very charming people when you ask them what to do, what's the mechanics etc . .and being receiving with very charming answers ( hoo Irony) it's literraly walk and die in loop .. . very interesting gameplay.

  • @ffaustus2651
    @ffaustus2651 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Great insight! I'm more of a raider and dipped my toes in CC for abit and enjoyed it, but haven't revisited since. I've been meaning to try it again, but its like you mentioned - the rewards didn't seem that appealing.

    • @twickisbased
      @twickisbased  ปีที่แล้ว +1

      The video was made before 6.2 and now the series rewards have improved with 2 minions and a mount but you can achieve this through casual games as well personally i’d like to see ranked rewards separately. Glad you enjoyed it and thanks for watching :)

  • @jarack3256
    @jarack3256 ปีที่แล้ว

    Then only thing I want for pvp, is to lower RDM's melee combo recharge from 20 seconds to 15. It's the primary source of damage for RDM, yet other classes can use theirs more often.

  • @Ariancia.Thystarian
    @Ariancia.Thystarian ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Can't you turn off the sound of the party chat? I know you can switch the sound of it in the character settings, there should be a none sound as an option right?

    • @twickisbased
      @twickisbased  ปีที่แล้ว +1

      never looked into that :o Ill give it a go

  • @TheForhekset
    @TheForhekset ปีที่แล้ว +4

    I ironically play pvp for the rewards. I have every garo gear, and the series reward. Ive only started to enjoy the game mode after ive kind of got a hold of it. Ive played like 200 games, and i main reaper and im not very good. But i got my rewards so whatever.

    • @twickisbased
      @twickisbased  ปีที่แล้ว

      Massive respect to all reaper mains in CC and I think it's great you're finding enjoyment in it at the end of the day I really love CC and it's why I think I'm so critical of it because despite its "quirks" Its fun and I personally believe SE have made a great base that they can mould into a really strong activity in FF.

  • @one_eyeddd473
    @one_eyeddd473 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I love the players who learn theyre jobs in ranked n get put on my team whenever im pushing rank next win

    • @twickisbased
      @twickisbased  10 หลายเดือนก่อน

      The true heroes of Eorzea

  • @ridleyroid9060
    @ridleyroid9060 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I havent tackled pvp cause I tilt easy and am dumb but to me if you have a competitive game that is team based it is more than likely to lead to rage than not.
    In fighting games, the only pvp I play, I can only blame myself. However, In team games, its always everyone else in your team you turn to blame instead, or at least can.

    • @twickisbased
      @twickisbased  ปีที่แล้ว

      I get you it is just the nature of the beast…

  • @One-Watermelon
    @One-Watermelon ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I kinda don't want to subscribe as it would destroy the 69 subscriber count.... but very chil content, great work!

    • @twickisbased
      @twickisbased  ปีที่แล้ว

      Thank you very much I must concede its a “nice” number

  • @TheOneWhoShallAsk
    @TheOneWhoShallAsk ปีที่แล้ว +4

    The amount of teams insisting on targeting the tank/dps first instead of the white mage who's spamming the heal button in order to then spam their lb is astonishing
    Then there are those who have the gall to remove the marker on the enemy whm. That's where I clock out

    • @twickisbased
      @twickisbased  ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Mentally I usually clock out around the same time

    • @TheOneWhoShallAsk
      @TheOneWhoShallAsk ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@twickisbased yep. I just decided for myself to quit with ranked for the day if I start feeling mad.
      And while things like uneven balancing, where we just can't really do much about it right now, or being caught by a cc barrage leaves me unfazed, it's the lack of common sense like decent target priority that actually manges to grinds my gears

    • @twickisbased
      @twickisbased  ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@TheOneWhoShallAsk learning to stop when you get tilted saves you elo more than any tip or trick could ever

  • @donventura2116
    @donventura2116 ปีที่แล้ว

    I only play casual CC for the rewards. I don't like the time to kill or all the undodgeable stunlocks and I find the battles incredibly hard to read. It doesn't feel like there is a lot of individual player expression or methods to outplay others.

  • @anthonytaurentino7896
    @anthonytaurentino7896 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    The rewards of this series are so weak that I gave up on pvp lel

    • @twickisbased
      @twickisbased  ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Honestly don’t blame you

  • @darksnakex5187
    @darksnakex5187 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    2:47 you had reaper and samurai but you only talked about reaper and ninja was that a editing problem or you meant reaper and ninja from the being?

    • @twickisbased
      @twickisbased  ปีที่แล้ว

      It was more I just wanted to talk about the two extremes of the spectrum as even though sam and rpr aren’t good I think rpr is the worst and I think everyone agrees ninja is the best. I feel if I also spoke about sam it would’ve made that section drag so i just left sam at “I pray for any drywall in a 30 mile radius”

  • @OldManDoom
    @OldManDoom ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I am stuck in Gold hell right now, I should have went harder in the beginning. Win two, lose two. Win two, lose one. You get those one or two players who do the less than 150k damage, more than 400k damage taken with 3+ deaths, and less than 100k healing. Having one of those players makes it tough, but there are many games where you get two and you are getting your hopes at a streak crushed

  • @chef416
    @chef416 ปีที่แล้ว +10

    Always has. Always will. The devs don't know how to make a PvP game and the community just isn't made for PvP. It is what it is.

    • @twickisbased
      @twickisbased  ปีที่แล้ว

      I think it’s possible its gonna take some time and a LOT of patience but I believe that they can slowly over time get it right but as it stands right now - you right

  • @krosherz
    @krosherz ปีที่แล้ว +1

    After pking in runescape nothing quite compares

    • @twickisbased
      @twickisbased  ปีที่แล้ว

      The only way to balance ninja to add protect from melee prayer

  • @Thandwar
    @Thandwar ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Thank you lord youtube algorthm for blessing me with this video. you have way too funny editing for someone with less than a hundred subs. let me do my small part to get this number higher o7

    • @twickisbased
      @twickisbased  ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Thanks man that makes me feel fuzzy :)

  • @3am4am
    @3am4am ปีที่แล้ว +1

    omg adventurequest, a true man of culture

    • @3am4am
      @3am4am ปีที่แล้ว +1

      lmao this video is so good

    • @twickisbased
      @twickisbased  ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Adventure quest separated the men from the boys - thank you dude appreciate it :)

  • @johnisdead
    @johnisdead ปีที่แล้ว +2

    loved this lol. I wouldn't say its the "most" toxic but not having a mute button, and not blocking someone after you've put them on your blacklist is so dumb

    • @twickisbased
      @twickisbased  ปีที่แล้ว

      Thanks dude - yeah at the moment there's no escape

  • @tankster27
    @tankster27 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Theres quite a ton of things that I can talk about. I'll keep things simple and to the point. I dont feel like ranting.
    The majority of the community isnt competitive. They ask for fairness in frontlines, and after getting that people would rather play for exp. Crystal Conflict got treated the same. It's all solo q for fairness. Yet people want no penalties for losing because of RNG teammates. No one understands that RNG is supposed to exist in team games if you're coming into a team alone. With the way the crying has been going the community doesnt deserve to have a rank mode. Just casual mode only. CC is just a smaller version of frontlines. I literally see hardly a difference between the 2.
    I wouldn't mind better rank rewards. Here's the thing though. You already have the glam and mount collectors blowing up, because they can't finish their collections due to a few items being locked behind a top 100 reward. You attached that to a rank they're really going to try and burn everything. God forbid the plate collectors coming out one day.

    • @twickisbased
      @twickisbased  ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Agreed the community aren't exactly helping themselves in most cases - if you go onto the forums and look at PvP it's just a complaints section, in terms of the collectors crying I think the devs shouldn't change the game for a vocal minority when the rest of the player-base would benefit from better rewards.

  • @DJLaserzYT
    @DJLaserzYT ปีที่แล้ว +8

    I really don't have that many problems with pvp, I only play causal and I have a lot of fun. However . . . Seeing myself top damage on my team as Scholar makes me a bit sad.

    • @twickisbased
      @twickisbased  ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Ey I’m glad you’re enjoying it. I agree its really fun to play.

  • @harugrimgar
    @harugrimgar ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Long life to Nicejob Dimgao on Chaos DC

    • @twickisbased
      @twickisbased  ปีที่แล้ว

      No way you’ve seen him too ahahahah

    • @harugrimgar
      @harugrimgar ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@twickisbased He was made in honor of Roy Dimgao who instead of any qchat command "Attack target", "Hello" was spamming Nice job. And any ally death = 10 Nice jobs.
      As one of us said, he double weaved "Nice job" in his pvp rotations

    • @twickisbased
      @twickisbased  ปีที่แล้ว

      @@harugrimgar i think i met the original man Roy I’m so glad he was immortalised

  • @Okay_mate
    @Okay_mate ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Unfortunately I've encountered this :(

    • @twickisbased
      @twickisbased  ปีที่แล้ว

      Sorry for your loss

    • @Okay_mate
      @Okay_mate ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@twickisbased Haha, 'tis all good. Unfortunately Ranked queues are impossible to beat on my world so Im stuck in Casual this tier anyway.

  • @sanomaly
    @sanomaly ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Honestly, if ranked has good reward like gear/mount or even tiny minion, I'll switch to ranked in a heart beat. But, until then ill rot in casual.
    And for the mute thing, if you blacklist them they wont appear in chat right? Idk if you can do it in duty tho.

    • @twickisbased
      @twickisbased  ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Aye it would make ranked so much more worth and I’m not sure if you can blacklist in duty but Idk I’d rather just be able to mute them, blacklisting would seem extreme if it’s just someone having a bad game and getting annoyed once or twice.

    • @Kine11328
      @Kine11328 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Blacklisting doesn't hide their message. I blacklisted a nice job! spammer in the first game. got them in 2nd, 3rd, and 4th match. I still saw them spamming Nice Job!

    • @sanomaly
      @sanomaly ปีที่แล้ว

      @@Kine11328 wth really? the more reason we need mute button asap then!
      But bro, i'm surprised that guy isn't banned or at least warned for spamming nice job :0

    • @twickisbased
      @twickisbased  ปีที่แล้ว

      @@Kine11328 ah well looks like were in hell bois

  • @FeydTheRonin
    @FeydTheRonin ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Rebalance, rework, or not - I just don't see FF PVP going in the right direction. Lol, every class packing a Limit Break? Not even getting into balance - it's pushing the dynamic far closer to a class focus rather than a skill or execution focus. Make no mistake, few of them are pure "I win" buttons, but then others quite literally are game-altering on their own and without a single follow-up in a variety of circumstances. Can this be avoided? Yeah lol don't be 50% hp around a Ninja or attack Sam when they counter, but you get the idea.
    It's a fine line between a healing focus slogfest with a TTK measured in minutes versus a bloodbath with TTKs measured in less than 10 seconds, make no mistake, but if anything the extreme focus placed on limit breaks and self-recovery is the big turn off for me. I can generally see someone pitching "just make everyone their own primary healer" in a meeting and a bunch of people nodding, but playing it feels so dumb when I (or an opponent) can just mash recuperate a few times and rocket up to full HP on my own in seconds. Between that, server ticks, and the pathetic UI that gives such little indication of what your opponent is doing - it's just a cluster.

  • @ouromov2895
    @ouromov2895 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Its the same shit with a different outer shell. It's all glamour fun and glitz until you get into competitive. Its horribly unbalanced, full of scripters and the matchmaking is broken. They have no idea how to balance CC = crowd control either.

    • @twickisbased
      @twickisbased  ปีที่แล้ว

      The balancing has gotten better but yeah it still sucks and I still wonder if the dev team are just a bunch of chimps in front of typewriters.

  • @miltakis12
    @miltakis12 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    ngl the worst experience i had from a pvp in a game is probably ffxiv (lineage2,b&s,bdo,lost ark, hell even tower of fantasy has better pvp), i find myself trying to target people most of the time,get cced trying to cleanse 40% of health is gone if i guard i might live till guard disables and then die and if i try to heal the damage i ll die in the next second... not to mention i am getting an epilepsy whenever a team fight is happening.Absolutely terrible i am just playing casual to suffer through it to end the series.

    • @twickisbased
      @twickisbased  ปีที่แล้ว

      I'm finding my patience wearing thin with it as well they need to make some changes...

  • @200zero
    @200zero ปีที่แล้ว +2

    bring back the Shadowstalker's fit i only started like a year ago

    • @twickisbased
      @twickisbased  ปีที่แล้ว

      Yo just looked that up and it looks fire why did they remove D:

    • @200zero
      @200zero ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@twickisbased i researched that it was impossible to get it in the top rankings due to people in that ranking win traded a lot

    • @twickisbased
      @twickisbased  ปีที่แล้ว

      @@200zero When I checked i saw some crazy amount of wins on some people and others just straight up spammed it all day

    • @IceboyMyName
      @IceboyMyName ปีที่แล้ว

      @@200zero The problem was more about people ranking on alts than anything (at least back on light/chaos dc) I only ever saw one guy on brd doing insta silence on LBs back in those last few seasons. Hopefully square will bring some more variants of the old feast sets, the same set, but a third or fourth color scheme, its really that easy to make rewards for pvp, I mean, there's 19 seasons of rewards they can do recolors from, should be braindead ez content for ranked/battlepass thing

  • @gengoha
    @gengoha ปีที่แล้ว

    btw, i play on NA with many of the top players who play in the Community Cups, and 99 percent of those players are toxic, and so are the randoms. It's just a bad place overall. the NUMBER ONE player on our data center puts the ignore marker on me when i make one mistake.. like bro yea ik i messed up it was an accident

  • @NotExplicable
    @NotExplicable ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Half the time, I'm going Leroy Jenkins.

  • @HezrouDhiaga
    @HezrouDhiaga ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I've only been pvping for the series rewards like the archfiend and dragon mount. Beyond that, I don't see a point in pvp with the rewards being shit xD and the balancing is insanely hilariously bad

  • @Karloss00
    @Karloss00 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I prefer old pvp; It was fun. This version is just not fun at all and a complete clusterfuck. I wanted the dragon in the previous malmstone series and out of all those CC matches, I won 24. 24 matches out of hundreds.
    EDIT: Oh and the dragon wasn't worth it. It was an asset lift off the mob, now extras or mount emotes to make it different. The Tribe mounts have more thought put into them.

    • @twickisbased
      @twickisbased  ปีที่แล้ว

      I haven't replied to a comment on this vid in a long time but yours summed it up - No matter what you think about the enjoyment or the state of CC, the rewards are underwhelming most of the time. Unfortunately as of now I've lost almost all my patience or enjoyment for this game mode because of this stuff among others. Sucks but is what it is I guess.

    • @Karloss00
      @Karloss00 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@twickisbased Same, I grab the emote and bolt.

    • @beesknees4461
      @beesknees4461 ปีที่แล้ว

      I feel ya! Old pvp wasn't perfect but at least it wasn't this mess

  • @MiamiCereal
    @MiamiCereal 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I tried pvp and get annihilated every time in less than 2 seconds. Yet I can't get any damage out. Also targeting on controller for pvp is horrific

  • @demon_corpse7707
    @demon_corpse7707 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I play as reaper in pvp and it's not bad, it's a pretty good class in pvp, not the best but not the worst

    • @twickisbased
      @twickisbased  ปีที่แล้ว

      I recorded this before 6.2 and i think it got buffed however the question is do we hold other melees to the standard of dragoon/ninja or bring those two down to reaper/samurai

    • @demon_corpse7707
      @demon_corpse7707 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@twickisbased that is the question indeed

  • @sweeterific
    @sweeterific ปีที่แล้ว +1

    There is a housing item thats a trophy for top wolf i think.

    • @twickisbased
      @twickisbased  ปีที่แล้ว

      Looks cool but I think it's for the feast

  • @orpheus0108
    @orpheus0108 ปีที่แล้ว

    The only reason... the absolute only reason I suffer through ffxiv pvp is the rewards. There is 0 fun to be had

  • @perochialjoe
    @perochialjoe ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Nah there's nothing Kinda about it. It just sucks

  • @lolleonlolable
    @lolleonlolable ปีที่แล้ว

    i kinda like pvp but dancer, my class feels like a joke, my dps is almost nothing, alot of classes can just kill me and u cant even stop this ping thing once u started, the "doge/movement" alot of the time does nothing because of the delay so u dash away and u still get hit and die. also why does dancer have less range than other caster/range ? i feel like i picked the worst class for pvp

  • @benoitrousseau4137
    @benoitrousseau4137 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Maybe I'm lucky but ranked was better than casual for me. I reported 3 Good Job spammers last season and it was all in casual. Yes casual, aka the mode where the typical party is a mix of people trying out new jobs, fashion leader bunnies who will never PvP again after malmstone 25, and zero effort andies who prefer stomps to even matches "cuz it's fast series EXP". People who get toxic in casual are idiots.

    • @twickisbased
      @twickisbased  ปีที่แล้ว

      They truly are the lowest IQ Gamers

  • @loomingdeath1758
    @loomingdeath1758 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I thought the gold spewing mounts were ridiculous or maybe im just to poor

    • @twickisbased
      @twickisbased  ปีที่แล้ว

      Oh they’re completely dumb but At least they’re there to basically flex

  • @LenoreKitsune
    @LenoreKitsune ปีที่แล้ว +2

    But have you cleared p4s?

    • @twickisbased
      @twickisbased  ปีที่แล้ว

      More clears than german asta

  • @jmbl3572
    @jmbl3572 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Yeah i dont really care all that much about the players being toxic i just hate losing all my spells and spamming 4 skill macros with a 2.5 sec gcd its really wierd.

    • @twickisbased
      @twickisbased  ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Toxicity for me is usually just the cherry on top when you’re getting dogged and even when no looking at chat all you can hear is constant pinging it’s rough

  • @Skylar_Spirit
    @Skylar_Spirit ปีที่แล้ว +2

    The game mode is amazing its the community that killed it with win trades

    • @twickisbased
      @twickisbased  ปีที่แล้ว

      Yep couldn’t have said it better myself tbh

  • @nathanbell6962
    @nathanbell6962 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Cc is very arcadey, which is the opposite of what a MMO PVP experience should be. If it was released as a standalone game it would be 4/10

    • @twickisbased
      @twickisbased  ปีที่แล้ว

      I agree however I find more enjoyment than I would a 4/10 game but that's personal preference although I agree as a standalone it wouldn't deserve a crazy rating there's issues that need to be addressed if people are to keep playing or begin caring about the gamemode.

    • @nathanbell6962
      @nathanbell6962 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@twickisbased your right, 4/10 is a bit harsh. I think the movement is too fast, if it was a bit slower and more thoughtful it would be better. Lol has slow movement speed and works great

    • @twickisbased
      @twickisbased  ปีที่แล้ว

      @@nathanbell6962 Personally I'm all about fast movement - just the way I am. I enjoy games like DMC 5 and Black Desert Online (Combat only some of the systems are so silly). But also I'm thinking a slow down might be good but maybe they could do that in things like different types of game-modes might be crazy but I kinda wanna see a capture the flag mode.

  • @lewys9204
    @lewys9204 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Nah but you should "Get Gud" 🤣

  • @EdgeGilid
    @EdgeGilid ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Hmmm weird, my server isn't like this

    • @twickisbased
      @twickisbased  ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I’m glad the issues I’ve encountered aren’t gamewide

  • @reanimate7777
    @reanimate7777 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    goated video

  • @suckemfuckem7777
    @suckemfuckem7777 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    i didnt exactly play the most games in the last few months, but i think in about 200 games in cc ive seen the "toxic elements" about 3-4 times. and its just a few chat spams, mostly, ive seen only a single game where the enemy actually just had 3 people leave mid game

    • @twickisbased
      @twickisbased  ปีที่แล้ว

      3 man leave is rough. Personally I’ve had a lot of toxicity I don’t know if it varies on data centre and rank or if I just straight up got unlucky but I’ve heard my fair share of nice jobs

    • @suckemfuckem7777
      @suckemfuckem7777 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@twickisbased im on chaos which would be the equivalent to euw for LoL which is notoriously known for all sort of toxicity.
      In comparison cc seems like most agreeable competetive game ive played

    • @twickisbased
      @twickisbased  ปีที่แล้ว

      @@suckemfuckem7777 Yo I’m on chaos too it’s a varied bunch seems i found the worst of us D:

  • @Dualities
    @Dualities ปีที่แล้ว

    They call it a social game yet the game doesnt even have voice chat or chat bubbles

  • @solisimperium1203
    @solisimperium1203 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I agree

  • @minakatahizuru
    @minakatahizuru ปีที่แล้ว

    Adventure quest is great

  • @arell9378
    @arell9378 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Listening to this sad clown’s voice gave me a headache. Gawd!! I need relaxing music after this 😂

    • @twickisbased
      @twickisbased  ปีที่แล้ว

      Agreed he really needs to get a life

  • @ekatrianza95
    @ekatrianza95 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    its great, it has no room for 3rd party exploit, makes it one of the best... but pvp, "ive done this before somewhere, turning to a stagnant maniac looking for rewards, im quite sure ive done this somewhere before, and its certainly not a battle arena game, when should i stop, and i prefer to stop as early as possible next time"

    • @twickisbased
      @twickisbased  ปีที่แล้ว

      These ramblings speak to me on a spiritual level stay strong brother

  • @rusampler1877
    @rusampler1877 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Waaaaaaaaaaaait. What if they have a direction of making competitive game like LoL withing already established well-written fanservice of mmo. It's like LoL mmo but in opposite way of development.

    • @twickisbased
      @twickisbased  ปีที่แล้ว

      That’s a good thought actually is the riot mmo pvp gonna be good or bad?

    • @pinip_f_werty1382
      @pinip_f_werty1382 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@twickisbased Riot puts PvP and gameplay above everything. It will be solid.

    • @twickisbased
      @twickisbased  ปีที่แล้ว

      @@pinip_f_werty1382 very true

  • @ruick78
    @ruick78 ปีที่แล้ว

    I find dumb when trying to get a rank in pvp being ranklwss all you see is being partied with bronze silver and gold in one match. Majority of the time, the sides are not balanced. Oh 3 bronze and a unranked vs 3 golds and 1 silver, and we get steamrolled. What a dumb surprise....makes rank feel pointless.

  • @jamierose9095
    @jamierose9095 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    If there was hope, S3 wouldn't be even worse than S2.

    • @twickisbased
      @twickisbased  ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I’m of the belief that season 2 never happened feels like a distant fever dream

    • @jamierose9095
      @jamierose9095 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@twickisbased Just for reference purposes, we're now in Season 8 and CC is still horrible and not at all fun.

  • @one_eyeddd473
    @one_eyeddd473 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Matchmaking literally hates me

    • @twickisbased
      @twickisbased  ปีที่แล้ว

      Maybe it secretly likes you so its being mean to keep you keen

  • @loueyt.6904
    @loueyt.6904 ปีที่แล้ว

    I agree that pvp in ff14 can suck but I don't think its as toxic as LoL. Even if I mute a person in League of Legends i can still get people spamming ping and disconnecting or simply afk when things are not going their way, and it takes 15 minutes in League to just put in a vote to surrender that MAY not go through because it only takes one person to have a superiority complex to create a hostage situation out of the rest of the team. Crystalline Conflict goes so fast that even if a match isn't going my way or I lose then I can just queue up another one. I just wish FF14 would let me go into ranked with people i trust in a team rather than rely on rng for a good team comp.

  • @beesknees4461
    @beesknees4461 ปีที่แล้ว

    I guess im the one guy in the psych ward who likes FL and the old pvp more

  • @JDTalo
    @JDTalo ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Cheaters turn me away

    • @twickisbased
      @twickisbased  ปีที่แล้ว

      I’ve heard they’re about but have no clue how to spot them :(

  • @cloudkelsey
    @cloudkelsey ปีที่แล้ว +1

    What grinds my gears is the amount of stuff that they unneedingly shove behind pvp to arm twist people into the queues which ruin your experience. I don't want to do pvp, you do, you want to advance and have fun, I'm going to just run in there and get wiped.
    Why are they always shoving hairstyles and now adventurer plates behind it? All I will do is bring your group down.

    • @twickisbased
      @twickisbased  ปีที่แล้ว

      I see what your saying i wouldnt mind pvp specific rewards even if they were catered extremely to the pvp community and i cant begin to imagine the stress it is going into pvp when you’re someone who doesnt enjoy it even when its at its best

    • @cloudkelsey
      @cloudkelsey ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@twickisbased Its not that its stressful, its just unfun and its double unfun when you know that you're just going to most likely waste 3-4 other peoples time as well.
      I'd rather not be that guy.
      Also I'm super tired of them putting amazingly interesting top tier pvp rewards in the game and then the community for 7 months of tome gear gets.... Crystarium Gear in 5.2, COME ON.

  • @Magmamax-nk5hn
    @Magmamax-nk5hn ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I literally clicked this video contemplating on either trying out FFXIV and risking crippling debt & addiction to MMO subs, or to just keep playing BattleOn like a broke bishh wth

    • @twickisbased
      @twickisbased  ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I encourage money saving but also ffxiv playing

    • @Magmamax-nk5hn
      @Magmamax-nk5hn ปีที่แล้ว +1

      The duality of man 😥

    • @twickisbased
      @twickisbased  ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@Magmamax-nk5hn The human condition requires these predicaments

  • @zeroex1
    @zeroex1 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    miss 7 times chainsawing someone in cc, but now its not fun to do that any more as a mch with current patch.

    • @twickisbased
      @twickisbased  ปีที่แล้ว

      Doesn’t it still do 95% of health if so that’s still massive

    • @zeroex1
      @zeroex1 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@twickisbased on 6.11 it one shot ppl with 3% chance, now in 6.21 its does 95% damage with 3%

    • @twickisbased
      @twickisbased  ปีที่แล้ว

      @@zeroex1 yeah i mean it was fun to one shot but not fun to be the 3% think its a change but 95% is still wham

  • @AruLily
    @AruLily ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Just switch chats. That way you can't see anything.

    • @twickisbased
      @twickisbased  ปีที่แล้ว

      Good idea but in ranked sometimes people can use the chat for its intended purpose and it can be useful but ig this is the solution if it starts getting too much

  • @afc9447
    @afc9447 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Been playing ff14 for a month now.
    I can describe it in one word. Joke.
    Everyone has cc/self-heal/Def on the top of guard 😂
    If u have 1 eye one hand with 3 fingers u can survive let alone if the tank/healer supporting you.
    Also the 1 sec delay between hitting the button and it's actual effect is something weird never had it in PvP game before. Also why limit breaks are so powerful?like I said PvP in ff is a joke and I mean in all its modes.

  • @RageInside.
    @RageInside. ปีที่แล้ว +4

    I agree with every point you mention in the video.
    Ranked players, especially those who claimed t100 rewards in seasons 1 & 2.
    Why bother with s3 onwards for the same frames? Sure s5 is gonna be fire for the V frame but still, SE should consider this issue.
    Not gonna discuss how uninteresting the frames look like, nor the titles, such as "Of the Endless Hunt" .. or the Conflict as they call it.
    Ninja is busted af, their kit includes everything, 2 Ranged stun, a heavy AoE, heal, shield, ranged LB & has an escape button emergency that untargets them, Jesus.
    They need to consider a way that keeps competitive players playing CC and stay, casuals really don't care much about issues like balance and other stuff, it's just another Frontline to them, but to those who take this mode seriously, they need something that rewards them.
    At this point, just bring back the exclusive rewards structure, many people won't like it, but those people ain't gonna keep ranked alive either, it's the competitive players that will carry this mode throughout the upcoming years..

    • @twickisbased
      @twickisbased  ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Yeah I just think it would be a massive shame if they let this game-mode slide into obscurity through lack of attention from players and devs because at the end of the day it’s fun and can be very successful. Thanks for the comment :)

    • @gysahlfields7506
      @gysahlfields7506 ปีที่แล้ว

      No. No exclusive rewards in PvP. Unless they are timed exclusive, and when the next exclusive stuff comes I can buy them with Wolf Marks.
      I cannot wait for when they add all the old Feast Mounts to the Vendors.

  • @Tie_Mu
    @Tie_Mu ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I think ninja is in a good enough place. Its kit, the abilities that make the ninja a ninja, have already been nerfed to make the class less stealthy and speedy. Seiton also got a massive shortening of its duration. What defines the class is its ability to get in deal massive damage and get out, just like the role of an assassin and also the way I play it.
    If you get hit often by stuns, then you should move some way back and let the others take off a bit of the heat of you. The moment you get stunned use purify and just stop attacking and make it your goal to get away. Situational awareness of where your team is shifting is very important here.
    As for the weakness of some classes relative to other ones, it's kinda granted. I like to think of the classes as what they are instead of what they are supposed to be. Like gunbreaker may be a tank but if you played it in pvp you will see that it's kit is akin to a dps class. It's a sustained dps dealer, just as an example.
    There is also a big difference in how ppl play their classes in Frontlines and crystal conflict. It wouldn't quite be fair to cry out about a classes abilities when they might be more superior in cc but less so in fronts - or vice versa. Sometimes it's good that you can't use purify that often, otherwise ppl would get away everytime rather easily when you initiate an attack.
    I really do feel like pvp is in a very good place. It's never been this much fun and meanwhile it's the only thing that keeps me getting back to ffxiv. Fronts are my to go duty to spam, CC is more tryhard but that's for the better. If you want a relaxed game, go fronts, if you want more fast pace action, go cc. That's what I do.

    • @twickisbased
      @twickisbased  ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I’m okay with ninja having an assassin kit but if its going to have that it should have less health really and maybe not as many shields it should be a high risk high reward thing because at the moment it feels low risk high reward…

    • @Tie_Mu
      @Tie_Mu ปีที่แล้ว

      @@twickisbased the health pool of the class is actually quite adequate imo. For example, if we take Frontlines, the one who separates from the group gets focused extremely hard. So if a ninja decides to hop into a group, there will be +10 players attacking and stunning you constantly. This is where the health and shields come in extremely handy as they are crucial to the ninjas playstyle. There are some kinds of stuns that only affect you when it hits your hp rather than your shield. This translates to the ninja having to make decisions on whether to use one mudra charge for their shield or thus deal less dmg but be able survive until they get out of danger or to use all their mudra to commit to the attack and trying to secure a kill. I see lot of ninjas making rather questionable decisions when they jump onto groups, often they underestimate the group stuns or can't get out anymore as warriors pull them in or white mages polymorph them.
      I firmly believe that the class doesn't need a change for the worse or else ppl will really not want play the class. Whenever I offer others to teach them a bit of ninja, as I think it's a very fun class to play, they often decline with the reason being that the class feels complicated for them. And I can understand that. The ninja class has a very utilious kit. They have a stuns, a barrier and area denial. All which makes decision making in big group fights way harder for ninjas. Having a rather good health pool gives us a bit of survival time to make decisions when we decide to go in. We have little sustained dps, only our shurikens which are charge based can somewhat be useful when there are no opening currently. But other then that we must go in and try to score kills if we want to be us full in big team fights. Reducing enemy tanks or healers is a major goal, but imo those classes have much more survival chance than the ninja. The are either tanks, with lotta mitigation and big heath or healers which are mostly located in the heart of groups or the rear.
      To me, playing ninja, is already the highest risk and reward class there is. Even dragoons can get away much easier than us when they dive in. Their back jump releases all their stunns. Rdm is already ranged dps with a bit of melee. Monks are naturally hard to take down and they can blitz out to a team mate. Ninja can try to shukuchi out but that gets caught off too often, when enemies cast their attacks before you trigger shukuchi, the attack follows you and lifts your invisibility. That happens a lot. Besides that shukuchi is more than not used to get in rather then getting out.
      Sry if this post seems long or annoying, I just kinda like discussing about ninja in general :D

  • @mewimi
    @mewimi ปีที่แล้ว +2

    CC sucks, sorry but the RNG and matchmaking system sucks royally and then you get into those 15 minute unlimited overtime matches that makes it even worse. Feast at least let you coordinate your team and give you a little control over the RNG, but without a countdown timer, it is such a sucky system. Don't get me started on melee overpoweredness in pvp.

  • @ikeaira8701
    @ikeaira8701 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Yeah that Passive Aggressive nature of PvP Text Chat is just FFXIV as a whole, even in PvE and in almost every social encounter with the community. Nothing new to me lmfao XIV's PvP community is especially toxic tho outta all games I've ever played.....especially if you're in the Discords for PvP >.>;
    Edit: The new season rewards are a good step in the right direction.....But it's still lacking overall imo

    • @twickisbased
      @twickisbased  ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Completely agree the rewards are getting better but we still go a ways to go and I don't dare join the discords they scare me thanks for watching :)

    • @ikeaira8701
      @ikeaira8701 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@twickisbased I do agree with your point on giving us slight alterations on mounts; or even a Housing Item that has slight alterations, depending on where ya placed in Ranked! It'd def incentivize people to play more PvP! Rival Wings on the other hand....that's another story since it seems dead in the water on arrival....or at least anytime I queue up I get the unholy: "More than 30mins.." queue timer >.>; But that's a whole other topic haha I enjoyed the video, and you've earned my subscription! Cheers mate!

    • @ikeaira8701
      @ikeaira8701 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@twickisbased also yeah stay away from the Discords. That shit gets so toxic....if you thought the preset text chats were annoying....oh boi..Not saying it happens all the time, but when it does...it's an Experience haha

    • @twickisbased
      @twickisbased  ปีที่แล้ว


  • @nnickerson100
    @nnickerson100 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    i have been getting into frontline my self. and enjoying it on pld

    • @twickisbased
      @twickisbased  ปีที่แล้ว

      I think maybe because I play a squishy class frontline is not always the most fun for me

    • @nnickerson100
      @nnickerson100 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@twickisbased i also play a lala pld. still somewhat of a newbie at it but i am starting to get the hang of it.

  • @BtheLee11
    @BtheLee11 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I dove headlong into season 1 as a mch and made it to Diamond 1, not crystal as i kinda gave up partway due to the balancing being so shit.And to be honest i haven't been back. My main gripes were that it felt that if you weren't playing smn, drg, war, whm, nin, rdm you weren't playing right as those jobs could easily win games by themselves and semi concious teammates. Smn lb is way too strong and is still too strong imo, drg has too many i-frames with how much burst it does, war is a stun bot that if you don't have a war on your team you've already lost, whm same issue as smn and war, the lb is too strong and can stun on a very short cd with a large aoe, easily a game winner if you can catch even 2 people because they're stunned and at half hp for easy killing, nin lb is too strong and i actually stopped playing becuse they didn't nerf it, there's no reason for it to have a reset and break through protect, it's just an instant win as soon as you get lb, rdm is kinda debatable you cannot solo a rdm unless you are also a rdm or you are willing to blow ur lb. rdm has far too much chase and range as well as a combo that 100-0's any dps without using lb. I didn't play too much on mnk, sam or rpr as they looked mostly bad, except mnk but it's not really as snowbally as the others so take it or leave it. Mch chainsaw is just why... no one likes it, it's a bad wepskill and they need to give up trying to make their stupid references in a PvP gamemode, the entire job feels kinda gimped in the new pvp system. the autoattacks are bad and overheating not being able to be controlled easily keeps mch from being a top tier dps and more of a gimmicky side job kinda like mnk.
    tl;dr there are some massive balancing issues that need to be solved before they can move forward and unfortunately issues from season 1 still seem to be there in season 2 and into 3
    Edit: i left out blm because i don't think this needs to be longer. it's the pvp posterjob cuz yoship plays it let's not kid around

  • @alexandremallet1687
    @alexandremallet1687 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Nice video. I did quit the game only because the pvp is garbage. The pve is awesome, but not enough to keep me playing. The pvp needs a good change. They could copy other mmo pvp formulas, i don`t care. I just want to have fun.

  • @blessfulnukie
    @blessfulnukie ปีที่แล้ว

    After I mastered Samurai I eventually mastered almost all the rest of the classes in pvp except monk and Blm which I'm working on. I enjoy teaching others

  • @BoringThings2069
    @BoringThings2069 ปีที่แล้ว

    also, matchmaking is terrible, they pair gold, crystal ranks with bronze continuously, so bronze never ever can climb up. then ofc cheats and hacks goes unpunished, because all they care is RMT, they don't care about speedhacks in PVP. Devs are lazy or incompetent, hard to tell, but I do not wish them well, because they purposefully made PVP to suck for everyone, who tries to enjoy it.

  • @loomingdeath1758
    @loomingdeath1758 ปีที่แล้ว

    Yeah doesnt help when some of you XD let your healer be flanked and probably wonder why you are being healed. Crystal Conflict needs a Help button cause many of times have i been chased around by a sam, ninja, or tank and my team is jack else someone not even noticing even when i run by. Short cuts are fine but put ones that are obvious as in Help short cut

  • @TheBlessedone37
    @TheBlessedone37 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    It sucks,🙃 name another mmorpg that you can pay to get past the "epic" storyline🤦🏾‍♂️"Here's our game!! Story so epic you can pay NOT to play it!"🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  • @Nodnarb59
    @Nodnarb59 ปีที่แล้ว

    I absolutely hate every mode of FF14 pvp, they suck at making pvp.

  • @alanclw6024
    @alanclw6024 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Come on bro.
    You didn't actually say that the toxicity in CC is worst that LoL?
    You said it yourself, you can mute your team in LoL, it is like saying a dumpster is less dirty than a hospital because you can close your eyes at the dumpsters but not at the hospital.

    • @twickisbased
      @twickisbased  ปีที่แล้ว

      I said more frequent but i think its because as soon as someone types anything remotely confrontational in league i whip out the fastest /muteall in the west

    • @alanclw6024
      @alanclw6024 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Any game where there are people playing, they will find a way to fullfil their agenda. Especially toxic people who go high and beyond to bring others to their level.
      That said, I can see the merit for CC to have that option too.
      This will definitely decrease the available tools that bullies can have on others.

    • @twickisbased
      @twickisbased  ปีที่แล้ว

      @@alanclw6024 Agreed they'll always find a way but it just destroyed my brain how they didn't add such a basic thing like a mute button.

    • @alanclw6024
      @alanclw6024 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@twickisbased It may be due to how the spaghetti codes work.
      I dunno if there is an option to globally mute all alerts and ignore target icons.
      I think it would be a good idea to implement it.

    • @twickisbased
      @twickisbased  ปีที่แล้ว

      @@alanclw6024 FF's spaghetti code will always be a battle for the dev team unfortunately...

  • @meitomiyazaki9848
    @meitomiyazaki9848 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    i like crystal conflict so yay for me i guess

  • @albellansfeld211
    @albellansfeld211 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Its too easy to stomp matches in this game mode providing people listen to the calls. very often as a hyper carry bard do I see, when people listen we just push the crystal straight to the goal seemingly uncontested in crystal matches. the objective is the dumbest thing. But I digress, pvp is never going to be good in this game. its game engine won't allow for that.

  • @blessfulnukie
    @blessfulnukie ปีที่แล้ว

    Choose your favorite class for pvp and stick to it until you master it and get the hang of it. READ your moves you'll see a difference. Also practice on dummies. I'm not competitive, but I got good through many 1v1 duels. It takes L's to get good. As a wise man said, you'll get good when you get tired of getting your ass whooped. I went from losing everything in pvp even 1v1s. To oneshotting everyone and like multiple people in CC pvp and that's with my samurai alone. Now I have so much fun by hitting the pose on everyone. I just be waiting for the whole team to huddle up right before I hit the Stormblood pose. LOL

  • @epicurusstan3223
    @epicurusstan3223 ปีที่แล้ว

    don't spam it bro, it's fun in small doses.

  • @Tailionis
    @Tailionis ปีที่แล้ว +1

    After about 1k games ranked is full of cheaters. Casual too but ranked is much worse. Hackers are rampant everyone is using insta heals and immunities to cc etc

    • @twickisbased
      @twickisbased  ปีที่แล้ว

      Havent noticed but sad if true

  • @hi5GamesLP
    @hi5GamesLP ปีที่แล้ว +1

    just buy the bot to play pvp ranked lol XD

  • @sleepfishl
    @sleepfishl ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Just turn off the Chat. There are enough filters you can set. XD lmao ... bothered by toxic PvP chat? Turn it off or make it so small you can't see it. ... Or don't play PvP ... it doesn't matter which game ... PvP is always toxic ... no exceptions ...

    • @twickisbased
      @twickisbased  ปีที่แล้ว +1

      It bothers me more that theres no way to stop it rather than the actual toxicity

    • @sleepfishl
      @sleepfishl ปีที่แล้ว

      @@twickisbased But you can set chat filters to hide the chat prompts. ... Which removes 90% of what you have to endure. Doesn't take more than a few seconds.

    • @samc.951
      @samc.951 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@sleepfishl yeah this video popped up in my feed but it came across as very whiny and holier than thou. Probably would have been better to just make the chat and stuff hidden than to make this video just to trash people that upset him by just getting annoyed by some chat spam and chat noise.

  • @blessfulnukie
    @blessfulnukie ปีที่แล้ว

    At first it was terrible. Eventually I started teaching myself and finding my style through tips and combos for majority of the classes in pvp. Afterwards I usually just pull the team to victory with my Bard or Samurai. Afterwards I lose 1-3 games every 10-12 victories due to the team just being random sometimes. My recommendations to all for it to be fun. Have a legitimate team of friends to group up with and communication over discord. If you're losing alot, like I was at first. Actually study your class and read your abilities. It makes so much difference when you know what does what and you'll get the hang of it. Eve chaining your own combos. I went from always losing to pulling the whole team on my spine. I only lose 3 out of 10-12 games if my team just scattered anywhere.

  • @zachfleet8437
    @zachfleet8437 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    theres a certain gremlin player destroying the crystal data center in crystal games. literally makes the game unplayable when they que up, and the cave men who work at SE customer support won't ban him. 10/10 quality games i'll keep queing anyways because i hate myself

    • @twickisbased
      @twickisbased  ปีที่แล้ว +5

      Such is the natural cycle Chaos data centre has a few goblins running around collect salt like trinkets...

    • @yeetusdeleetus4697
      @yeetusdeleetus4697 ปีที่แล้ว

      Zelt? xD