without constant energy supply nigeria will still have a very big problem in final food processing items becuase most of these products needs to stored cold,in a situation where an investor need to power his or her cool system with a generator minimixing his profit margin. so its almost senceless for investors to come in now in terms of much finished agric products so for this reason we are still too far from the reality.only talk talk but nothing really happening ENERGY IS POWER anywhere in the world
Nigeria is blessed what we need is visionary leaders.
Very good presentation this far.
Informative. This far I am impressed.
A wonderful documentary .
Very educational and inspirational. It gives me a lot of hope for Nigeria to improve and be a shining light to the world and at home.
awesome. time way overdue. rise nigeria.
Eye opening!
Yes, you have food. You also know statistically where your market stands.
Ambode is one of the best governor if not the best we ever had in Lagos 😥🤔
Agricultural machinery of new generation is the only solution as John Deere... Grimme... Claas... New Holland Agriculture.
Ever heard of Benny Agro Ltd. ?
They are telling their stories.
It is a good thing to tell your onw story, better than your friend.
leadership lacking.
without constant energy supply nigeria will still have a very big problem in final food processing items becuase most of these
products needs to stored cold,in a situation where an investor need to power his or her cool system with a generator minimixing his profit
margin. so its almost senceless for investors to come in now in terms of much finished agric products
so for this reason we are still too far from the reality.only talk talk but nothing really happening ENERGY IS POWER anywhere in the world
there is hope regardless, and we will keep pushing
Sun energy
Those are solvable problems in the making in "over all" basis. Get it?
Why always interested in exporting when there is much mouth to feed in the nation