Barack Obama at Ross' Restaurant in Bettendorf, IA
- เผยแพร่เมื่อ 8 ก.พ. 2025
- President Obama's surprise visit to Ross' Restaurant in Bettendorf, Iowa on June 28th, 2011. This video was taken by Ross' Restaurant employee, Kimberly Cameron.
*This video is still a work in progress*
That is not a relationship between a president and a supporter, that is a relationship between a humble leader and an admirer.
I early-voted for Obama yesterday. We're going to re-elect Obama again! Republicans don't want change but Obama has tried so hard to change Washington and has never given up! If he does or not, that will still be a noble thing Obama tried to do. One of the greatest presidents America has ever seen.
how could anyone dislike this video.
Obama gets out and about with the PEOPLE. Can you see Mitt doing this, I think not... Obama is the man of the people, for the people. Love the man. Come on America, you have a great man that is loved not only here but around the world!
Obama is sooo COOL!!!, just eating in a restaurant and talking to regular folks!! I really wish we had a president like him too in my country.
Well that owner was showing out with the hugs and kisses its like she couldn't keep her hands off the man...but it was cute to her so surprised .
PERFECT...just PERFECT said!! .....soo humble guy...!! and such a NICE PERSON...i HAVE NEVER SEEN ANY MINISTER/PRESIDENT having food @ small resturant/burger home etc etc places...he is just a NORMAL ENERGATIC and as u said HUMBLE LEADER
President Obama 2012!!!!!! Get out & vote everyone!!!!!
@MikeRoePhonicsMusic --The "homeless guy with the odor" is a Vietnam veteran and served on the front lines in a horrible war. He's now a paranoid schizophrenic (probably partially due to what he endured in the war) and he's actually a very kind man. He always tips the waitresses at least a dollar, even if he only orders a cup of coffee. Judge not lest ye be judged....
I salute to you Mr. President...I know you are doing the best, after the mess left by the Republicans... thumps up if you agree
To all the Obama haters.....I'd love to see you do better with the mess he was handed....things don't change overnight....
Key words: humble leader. You'd never see bush doing this, or romney.
I can feel the excitement just watching this video!!I too get very tired of people saying nasty things about Obama..I haven't read his books (I'm going to),but I can see that he is a kind and honorable man...I like to say that he's an honorable man in a dishonorable line of work,politics.But I feel that he's trying to make it honorable again,and I WILL DEFINITELY vote for him again :)
OBAMA 2012!!!!!!!
Hi Mr.President i am 9 years old i really want to meet u but sadly i am in Canada but
someday my dad will take me to Washington so i can see u
C'mon people, how about leaving the negative comments aside & posting positive solution oriented comments? Is that possible? Blessings to all....
Wonderful President, Wonderful Human being.
Thanks for posting!
@kindofbluenyc: you're quite welcome! It was a very exciting day, one that I'll never forget! Thanks for being positive, too, I get sooooo tired of people going back & forth about how they hate our President. I think they should read his books & get to know him better. I've met him several times now & I get excited just to be able to help out! I'm 44 and I've never felt compelled to volunteer for any politicians until I heard Barack's speech when he .lwas still the Senator of Illinois.
Very well said!!
There's so much negativity because people are looking for someone to blame for their lot in life,and they think it will make them feel better,but it makes them feel worse,and so the vicious cycle continues.Obama is an easy target for people's negativity,but I know he's a tough cookie and he can handle it :)
OBAMA 2012!!!!
he deserves a second term
He's a people person.
Awesome.....really love this guy
He seems like such a nice cool guy :)
@Algaron & p2p...right on!!!! President Obama is still the right man for the job, even though he was handed a mess, he's digging us out of the hole the former Presidents (Bush's) put us in....
Voted for Obama today sooo goood.
I was reviewing President Obama videos on the day after Thanksgiving and came across this one (I'm in Los Angeles). The cinnamon rolls intrigued me, so I ordered 5 of them (overnight delivery) to share with my peeps at work. They'll send them out today and I'll bring them to work on Wednesday... stay tuned!
BARACK OBAMA 2012!!!!!
Nor will he ever be this humble...or human.
@maruthanilaththon ----What's your solution? He's a "failed human being" ???? What's the UN doing for Sri Lanka? Why would this issue rest entirely on Obama? How about posting solutions instead of negative comments? How about writing to congressmen, the White House, the UN, anyone that can help instead of the blame game? And let's not forget he did get Bin how is he a "failed human being?" Pretty drastic comment....
Deegan45: Thanks for writing that! I appreciate your comment, and the video, too.
lol he offered to buy the press lunch and they declined. "you chickens" he said to them lol. but thats actually a commendable move by the press. you cant get personally involved no matter how friendly. you have to be objective in coverage.
Obama is awesome
Obama is a great leader
Now that is a proper president
go obama i vote for you bro
@luckyc120 I'm not going to get into a debate over anything. Just one thing to say, when he was running for presidency, he kept promising change... But he never mentioned what kind of change.
Right on,right on!!! :D
@esadel....could you do a better job with what President Obama was handed?
Wow, Tony! Aren't you out of breath yet? Just kidding. Even though I'm a "bleeding heart" liberal, I admire your passion!
Wow! He likes to eat food! I sometimes do that! Obama 2012!!!
@Karkar82 I love you Obama!
Why so much negativity? It gets us nowhere...
I love Obama !
OMG! I loce you Mr.
Obama is Joe Cool, that's for sure. I'd love to hang out with him. Awesome guy. LOVE HIM. But damnit, Jim, don't you DARE let him run a country.
guess you don't have anything better to do
@deegan45 Nobody said Iraq was involved in 9/11. The taliban didn't attack us either but they harbor terrorists, well so did Saddam, both campaigns were of the same war. Your country also sent troops into Afghanistan, did the taliban attack Canada? No, but sometimes a war must be fought, even if YOU personally don't like it, but guess what? Copernicus called and said the world doesn't revolve around what YOU want or what you even understand. You think Saddam only attacked his people once?
i like how he says Yosemite Is "SUPPOSED" to be nice, good job MR.P ......Never been to American standpoint like Yosemite National Park? Oh Yeah, Your Kenyan! sorry.
I like obama he's not like our prime minister in canada
I like Obama as a person of this country, and I liked him as a senator of my state....but as, I don't feel he's lived up to his promise of bring good change, he's brought even more negative change than when bush was around. He hasn't impressed me as a democrat. It's not all his fault, but as the big major leader in this country, he should have done more to move our country forward, and he hasn't done so. Otherwise, he is a very understanding people person.
Only because they tore down the porn shop within view of Ross' (The Traveler.) Then there's the homeless guy who hangs out of the gas station (also within view of Ross', and next to The Traveler.) He has quite the odor. It's probably because he wears a snowsuit year-round.
@peteypabloxyz me too.
@deegan45 At the lib rally the entire freakin' crowd was foaming at the mouth Bush HATERS, not just one or two. See, we don't do that stuff on our side, the closest thing we have to that is "Protest Warrior", a small group of guys who hold up signs that LOOK like everybody else's, until you read them and see that they're the opposite, it's pretty funny actually :-)
maybe at basketball
I haven't liked a president since Clinton, so yeah you could say that.
@Hancockst1 since when are facts biased lol. HAHAHAHAAHAH CAP RAGE HAHAHA. btw sarah palin is not allllllllllllllllllllllllllll.
@deegan45 Oh puh-lease ... we don' t "hate" him, we just don't like the way he governs. Talk about hate, look at how the media and the left treated Bush. Now THAT was hatred ... of the person AND his policies. Anybody who disagrees wuth anything Obama does is accused of racism. We disagreed with Clinton's policies too, does that make us racist? Bush did things we disagreed with, Obama did things we do agree with. Obama seems like a nice guy personally, but his agenda is too far to the left
@naveenc69 Clearly you don't get it. That's cool though, go back to MSNBC and just let your undoubtedly feeble mind soak up all the BS.
Okay I didn't vote for him. but his not the best or thr worse !!!
@Hancockst1 good human being, awful president.
Lmao, I would have LOL'd hard if someone pointed a laser pointer at his forehead, Would be tackled by the secret service agents but would have been hilarious.
Somethings gotta give before our country does because we are digging ourself into a hole that gets deeper with every dollar we spend and Obama is only making it worse.
@Hancockst1 terribIe president, TerribIe human being.