Im really glad you guys love this clip. The video is too long so I wanted to help and make the debate viral by showing you the best part of the debate! Make sure to subscribe and support our movement of being the beacon of truth and deleting all the lies with a like!!
When they are purposely disrespectful towards prophet (saw) and Islam then it’s free speech but when you debate in your own style they feel threatened 😂
That's great now withness me as i DESTROY Islam the Quran is the word of Allah isn't it ? meaning the Quran is the word of Allah isn't it ? meaning the Quran is the words of the creator of the universe an all powerful being. So that means the Quran can't have any errors if it does it can't be the word of the creator. Even the Quran acknowledges this (quran:4:82) . Even if the Quran has one error one single error someone can easily discard it as a false religion. That was the premise And here's the error It is He who created you from one soul and created from it its mate that he might dwell in security with her. And when he covers her, she carries a light burden and continues therein. And when it becomes heavy, they both invoke Allah, their Lord, "If You should give us a good [child], we will surely be among the grateful." Quran 7:189 The Qur'an takes what is perhaps best described as the creationist view of the origins and history of life on earth. This diverges sharply from the overwhelming scientific evidence like overwhelming DNA evidence and the numerous fossils of pre-Homo sapiens species that lived on earth for millions of years prior to the evolution modern humans . All this evidence undeniably states that humans have evolved from prior life forms, over the course of millions of years and through natural selection. The Qur'an not only makes a gross scientific mistake but more noteworthy is that it just repeated the creation myth of former cultures . If the Qur'an was man made and not divinely inspired this is exactly what we expect to find and this exectly we do find. Some poor modern Muslim scholars argue that the notion of two ancestral “parents” is consistent with recent scientific findings that show a common female and male ancestor of all modern humans. This results, however, from a confusion with the nicknames (Mitochondrial Eve and Y-chromosomal Adam) by which scientists have referred to human's earliest genetic ancestors. These two individuals, however, are distinct from the Quranic characters as they are simply the last common male and female ancestors of everyone alive today and not of all humans in history. More importantly, whereas the Qur'an describes Eve as Adam's wife (who, notably, was created after him), Mitochondrial Eve lived some 50,000 to 80,000 years earlier than Y-chromosomal Adam So since the Qur'an contains myths and legends of primitive culture than one can come to the conclusion that it is not the word of god and there by false! Muslims pack it up. At this point you are wasting everybody's time.
@@cameronvinson is drawing your dear mother in a horrible disrespectful manner is consider a free speech? i know you don't necessarily need to agree with it or accept it but yeah according to ur morality.. it's free speech! Yaay
@KhanKhan-nd1dk currently islam forbids marrying underage but back then and across all the globe that was the social norm.. girls were considered women as soon as they hit puberty.. here is an example from wiki In Ancient Greece, early marriage and teenage motherhood for girls existed.[35] Boys were expected to marry in their teens, as well. In the Roman Empire, girls were married from age of 12 and boys from age 14.[36] In the Middle Ages, under English civil laws derived from Roman laws, marriages before the age of 16 existed. In Imperial China, child marriage was the norm.
Good point, guidance to degeneracy would count when they have redefined degeneracy to it's fine to be and do whatever you like as long as you comply to our standards!
@@TamarindX You invaded the whole North Africa. We stopped your invasion of Europe in 732 at Tours when God was - supposedly - with you. You tried again several times. You tried. We tried. We just had better guns and a better god...
We all live like animals. We are animals. A little more intelligent than most but still just animals. How much DNA do we share? Chimpanzees are our closest relative as a species and we share at least 98% of our genome with them. Our feline friends share 90% of homologous genes with us, with dogs it is 82%, 80% with cows, 69% with rats and 67% with mice . Human and chimpanzee DNA is so similar because the two species are so closely related. They both descended from a single ancestor species 6 or 7,000,000 years ago. As they evolved, their DNA changed as it was passed from generation to generation. It is these DNA changes that account for the differences between human and chimp appearance and behaviour.
@Stiffytheenlightened Who are you talking to? You wrote an answer to a question that was never asked? A behaviour that is very similar to the most of this debate...
@@Stiffytheenlightened this idea that we share so much DNA with other creatures is not accurate. First of all genes, which contain the instructions for building protein products only make up 2 percent of your DNA. So they are only comparing 2% of our DNA with 2% of other animals DNA. Then when they do these calculations they exclude all the genes that exist in humans but not the animal. They also exclude all the genes that are in animals, but not in humans. They are left with just a few genes with similarity, and then they make a rating system to compare them. It is not 80% or 90%, its more like 0.008% in common vs. 0.009% in common.
Tone was the issue this is not how Quran wants you to discuss something with others he came across as a rude representative of islam which is fundamentally wrong in itself so he needs to be able to kindly compose his words even if he is right
That's great now withness me as i DESTROY Islam the Quran is the word of Allah isn't it ? meaning the Quran is the word of Allah isn't it ? meaning the Quran is the words of the creator of the universe an all powerful being. So that means the Quran can't have any errors if it does it can't be the word of the creator. Even the Quran acknowledges this (quran:4:82) . Even if the Quran has one error one single error someone can easily discard it as a false religion. That was the premise And here's the error It is He who created you from one soul and created from it its mate that he might dwell in security with her. And when he covers her, she carries a light burden and continues therein. And when it becomes heavy, they both invoke Allah, their Lord, "If You should give us a good [child], we will surely be among the grateful." Quran 7:189 The Qur'an takes what is perhaps best described as the creationist view of the origins and history of life on earth. This diverges sharply from the overwhelming scientific evidence like overwhelming DNA evidence and the numerous fossils of pre-Homo sapiens species that lived on earth for millions of years prior to the evolution modern humans . All this evidence undeniably states that humans have evolved from prior life forms, over the course of millions of years and through natural selection. The Qur'an not only makes a gross scientific mistake but more noteworthy is that it just repeated the creation myth of former cultures . If the Qur'an was man made and not divinely inspired this is exactly what we expect to find and this exectly we do find. Some poor modern Muslim scholars argue that the notion of two ancestral “parents” is consistent with recent scientific findings that show a common female and male ancestor of all modern humans. This results, however, from a confusion with the nicknames (Mitochondrial Eve and Y-chromosomal Adam) by which scientists have referred to human's earliest genetic ancestors. These two individuals, however, are distinct from the Quranic characters as they are simply the last common male and female ancestors of everyone alive today and not of all humans in history. More importantly, whereas the Qur'an describes Eve as Adam's wife (who, notably, was created after him), Mitochondrial Eve lived some 50,000 to 80,000 years earlier than Y-chromosomal Adam So since the Qur'an contains myths and legends of primitive culture than one can come to the conclusion that it is not the word of god and there by false! Muslims pack it up. At this point you are wasting everybody's time.
when the long haired dude started attacking from his very first statement, his colleague had no problems. when hijab replied with the same energy, suddenly he finds it hostyle
@KhanKhan-nd1dkYou're spamming the same question here. Yet I don't think you understand the video itself as if you did, you wouldn't ask such a question.
We can. The universal, islamic principle of humans being ready for relationships when their bodies are ready. A girl that is menstruating is ready to become a mother, i.e. has become a woman. Whether your self-made morals agree or don't.
@KhanKhan-nd1dkby your name I assume Ur from Indian origin can you explain why your tradition would allow marriage of kids even till today? Before you poke at someone else you ought to look at your own
@KhanKhan-nd1dk firstly i dont think i t was 6. it was like in between 9~13 but fine i'll answer your question. 50 years from now there will probably be new ethics and moral that we will clash with our current values now too. But does it make us wrong for not abiding to the ethics and morals of the future? Obviously not because it doesnt exist in our time period. It was their arab culture back then to seek marriage early however there was no sexual intercourse until puberty. Also it wasnt Prophet Muhammad SAW that seek her out, it was Aisha's father that seek to pair his daughter with the prophet. It's simply culture. It was done with respect. Its simply culture. Now if u dont believe me, answer me this. Prophet Muhammad SAW have plenty of enemies receive many kinds of insults and his enemies fabricate alll sorts of lies. But despite the numerous insult to Prophet Muhammad back then, NOT a single one of them call Prphet Muhammad SAW a pedophile. There is no record of him ever being call a child molester/rapist pedohpile or what not. That is because its simply the Culture 1400years ago. only now, 1400 years later, ppl start with the pedophile insult. Because this is the culture and believe of Now. Back then its normal to get married young. there was simply nothing wrong with it. If u go back in that time period, U will have to call many people a pedophile because it was normal back then, do u understand? The insult of pedophile dont even exist back then. Many girls marry young BUT definitely there was nothing sexual before puberty. Prophet Muhammad SAW was never called a pedophile or a rapist. He was called many distasteful things by the enmies of ISLAM, they came up with the most heinous of untruth insults but never a pedophile/rapist or molester. Because back then it was normal to marry young. However there is no sexual contact before puberty. EVEN as early as 1930s it was still normal for ppl to marry at the age of 13~15. my own grandmother married at 14 and it was NORMAL at 1930s in Singapore. Like what this debate been saying, U western keep coming up with your ethics and suddenly we're suppose to follow them? Superiority complex. Diffrent timeline and diffrent group have diffrent culture ethics and morality. Yes the era of now ethics and morality changed because of the system of school etc that make it wrong seeking underaged girls. This doesnt exist however in many places even now there are many culture that doesnt buy in to this ethic and moral. These certainly doesnt exist 1400 years ago. U can marry young , But no sexual intercourse before puberty. now 2023 we have morals and ethics that doesnt exist 20 years ago too, for example the "woke" community with their genders and such. And just like the western lifestyle to force this ethics to everyone else. Typical. Enough with your superiority complex already. 50 years from now there will probably be new ethics and moral that we will clash with our current values now too. But does it make us wrong for not abiding to the ethics and morals of the future? Obviously not because it doesnt exist in our time period.
🌹1.Don't insult (Q 49:11 ) 🌹2.Speak kindly (Q2:83) 🌹3.Speak gently (Q 17:28 ) 🌹4.Don't backbite (Q 49:12 ) 🌹5.Speak the Truth (Q 3:17 ) 🌹6.Keep your oaths (Q5:89) 🌹7.Do not be arrogant (Q 7:13 ) 🌹8.Restrain your anger (Q3:134) 🌹9.Think good of others (Q 24:12 ) 🌹10.Don't be rude to parents (Q 17:23 ) 🌹11.Don't make fun of others (Q 49:11 ) 🌹12.Turn away from ill speech (Q23:3) 🌹13.Walk in a humble manner (Q25:63) 🌹14.Keep your trusts & promises (Q23:8) 🌹15.Don't claim yourself to be pure (Q 53:32 ) 🌹16.Do not even approach adultery (Q 17:32 ) 🌹17.Don't call others with bad names (Q 49:11 ) 🌹18.Remember Allah and be thankful (Q2:152) 🌹19.Speak nicely, even to the ignorant (Q25:63) 🌹20.Don't ask for repayment for favours (Q76:9) 🌹21.If enemy wants peace, then accept it (Q8:61) 🌹22.Salute the Prophet (saw), do salawats (Q 33:56 ) 🌹23.Call ˹all˺ people to the pilgrimage (hajj) (Q 22:27 ) 🌹24.Give charity /spend (in the way of Allah) (Q2:254) 🌹25.Don’t criticize small donation/charity of others (9:79) 🌹26.Be mindful of Allah and be with the truthful (Q9:119) 🌹27.Do not consume one another’s wealth unjustly (Q2:188) 🌹28.Stand firm for justice even if it is against yourselves(Q4:135) 🌹29.Don't remind others of the favours you done to them (Q2:264) 🌹30.Return a greeting in a better manner or at least the same (Q4:86) 🌹31.Do not be excessive, extravagant, don't spend wastefully (Q 17:26 ) 🌹32 Life of this world is no more than the delusion of enjoyment (Q3:185) 🌹33.Performing prayers (salat/namaz) is a duty on the believers (Q4:103) 🌹34.Turn away from trash talk like gossip, slandering people etc.(Q 28:55 ) 🌹35.Fasting is prescribed for you-as it was for those before you (Q2:183) 🌹36.Don't bribe authorities in order to devour a portion of others’ property(Q2:188) 🌹37.Establish prayer (salat/namaz) and donate from what was provided (Q8:3) 🌹38.Establish prayer (salat/namaz) and donate from what was provided (Q 14:31 ) 🌹39.Establish prayer (salat/namaz), pay alms-tax, and bow down with those who bow down (Q 2:43 ) 🌹🕋40.Know that this worldly life is no more than play, amusement, luxury, mutual boasting, and competition in wealth and children.(Q 57:20 )🕋🌹 ✍Explanation: 💚Please note these are not the complete ayats, but I took keywords from each ayat. If you would like to read the full ayat, then check the reference. 💬For example take a look the first statement: 🌹Don't insult (Q 49:11 ), when you google Quran 49:11, then you will see the complete surah’s English translation and you will see following: ☝️🕋O believers! Do not let some ˹men˺ ridicule others, they may be better than them, nor let ˹some˺ women ridicule other women, they may be better than them. Do not defame one another, nor call each other by offensive nicknames. How evil it is to act rebelliously after having faith! And whoever does not repent, it is they who are the ˹true˺ wrongdoers.☝️🕋 🤲🌻ALWAYS REMEMBER🌻🤲: ✍Allah is the most merciful and forgiving, no matter how much you have been sinning, run towards Allah , turn to Allah and repent , ask for forgiveness. Some references from the Quran: 🌺🌺🌺🕋Quran 39:53🕋🌺🌺🌺 Say, ˹O Prophet, that Allah says,˺ “O My servants who have exceeded the limits against their souls! Do not lose hope in Allah’s mercy, for Allah certainly forgives all sins. He is indeed the All-Forgiving, Most Merciful. 🌺🌺🌺🕋Quran 25:70🕋🌺🌺🌺 As for those who repent, believe, and do good deeds, they are the ones whose evil deeds Allah will change into good deeds. For Allah is All-Forgiving, Most Merciful. 🌹Feel free, copy and paste this message. 🌹🌹To copy it, open the same page using your mobile phone's browser then, you can copy it using your touch screen or alternatively open this page using your computer then you can copy and paste it using your mouse. We are 1 Ummah, you are not alone with your struggles, this world is a temporary place, are you preparing yourself for the day of Judgement
That's great now withness me as i DESTROY Islam the Quran is the word of Allah isn't it ? meaning the Quran is the word of Allah isn't it ? meaning the Quran is the words of the creator of the universe an all powerful being. So that means the Quran can't have any errors if it does it can't be the word of the creator. Even the Quran acknowledges this (quran:4:82) . Even if the Quran has one error one single error someone can easily discard it as a false religion. That was the premise And here's the error It is He who created you from one soul and created from it its mate that he might dwell in security with her. And when he covers her, she carries a light burden and continues therein. And when it becomes heavy, they both invoke Allah, their Lord, "If You should give us a good [child], we will surely be among the grateful." Quran 7:189 The Qur'an takes what is perhaps best described as the creationist view of the origins and history of life on earth. This diverges sharply from the overwhelming scientific evidence like overwhelming DNA evidence and the numerous fossils of pre-Homo sapiens species that lived on earth for millions of years prior to the evolution modern humans . All this evidence undeniably states that humans have evolved from prior life forms, over the course of millions of years and through natural selection. The Qur'an not only makes a gross scientific mistake but more noteworthy is that it just repeated the creation myth of former cultures . If the Qur'an was man made and not divinely inspired this is exactly what we expect to find and this exectly we do find. Some poor modern Muslim scholars argue that the notion of two ancestral “parents” is consistent with recent scientific findings that show a common female and male ancestor of all modern humans. This results, however, from a confusion with the nicknames (Mitochondrial Eve and Y-chromosomal Adam) by which scientists have referred to human's earliest genetic ancestors. These two individuals, however, are distinct from the Quranic characters as they are simply the last common male and female ancestors of everyone alive today and not of all humans in history. More importantly, whereas the Qur'an describes Eve as Adam's wife (who, notably, was created after him), Mitochondrial Eve lived some 50,000 to 80,000 years earlier than Y-chromosomal Adam So since the Qur'an contains myths and legends of primitive culture than one can come to the conclusion that it is not the word of god and there by false! Muslims pack it up. At this point you are wasting everybody's time.
What's the chapter where the demon molests a 6 year old?. Or maybe flirts with his sons wife?? Or better yet kisses a pagan stone or even talks about an endless cock 😆 🤣 😂 You've got to be seriously thick to think islam is GOD. You muhammedans follow the devil. Atleast be honest about it. You're the ones who'll have to deal with the consequences of your own actions and the choices you have made. I'll pray for you all 🙏 and hope you'll find the courage to search for the TRUTH. GOD IS PEACE,LOVE,FORGIVENESS AND THE ONLY WAY. RAPING A LITTLE GIRL IS THE DEVIL.
If you use suffering as a standard for morality, that would mean that beating someone up for 5 minutes is more immoral than beheading someone, as the former suffers for 5 minutes straight, and the latter suffers for 2-3 seconds.
I agree the atheist , who really did not come over as being intellectual, simply did not like the fact that Hijab pointed out all the flaws in his arguments.
@@markjapan4062what is the proof for that stop spreading bs with all my respect Allah tell us don’t postrate to the sun and the moon but for whom who created them and he says there is nothing like unto him
In atheist logic It's ok if they softly say false stupid things against our religion but when a muslims responds in a strong assertive way and interrogates their fragile positions all hell breaks loose
“You are shouting “ 😂😂😂 aka we couldn’t use the one argument we had because you called me out on my BS And you made us realize we don’t actually set any morals for anyone 😂😂😂😂. They couldn’t handle being questioned. Yet they insult Islam everyday but question them and it’s “degenerate” and “uncomfortable” and “immature” 😂😂😂😂😂😂
Hijab knowns his preparation and academic and intellectual strength. Look at how he gazes into the eyes of his opponent when they question him. He is a big guy😂😂😂😂really. It is like a mujahid in the battlefield with his sword in hand gazing his opponent like bursting of lightning and thundering to melt down his opponent in fear... Takbeer. Allah u akbar
@@cinesonicvibes i am in my land Alhamdulillah. I am not in west. If i would visit somewhere, it is muslim populated nations with less crime rates unlike west islamophobic biased white colonizers
6:58 dont let the calm / confident voice fool you - remember the question - and repeat these parts to hear how he did not answer anything with any substance.
@@MusashinationSam lost against Shabyr, and ran away from Uthman, and he beat his wife and cant have a proper discussion without insulting them. You have to have better apologist to defend your faith bud
As Muslims we should always maintain some level of composure even in the most difficult of times. "Sabr" is our greatest weapon when dealing with these types of issues. Sometimes if our own brothers and sisters are out of tune, we need to reflect that in our views and advice. Brother Mohammad is a great asset and certainly well-acquainted with the truths he provides in these types of discussions. He just needs to work on his method of delivery and maintain a higher principle by keeping within the framework of being approachable.... essentially to best reflect the Sunnah of our Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw) which speaks in volumes how best to deal with these types of discussions (Inshallah)
Do you understand the terminologies and the argument, and be patient in presenting them yourself, or do you not know (nor learn) and be patient? In the first scenario, you qualify to question, in the second, you don't.
Nope his delivery was fine, these guys are insulting our religion and our prophet, but dressed it up in an intellectual debate, why should he stand for that, why should we be polite?
Even Mr Openheimer couldn't help control his laughter when hijab said to the moderator "there's a structural apartheid the way you're being dealt with" 😂😂😂
When somebody challenges their views and they can’t argue, they run away and hide behind „norms of speech.“ Like Mr. Hijab said, it’s a run away tactic.
Ewe the passive aggressive attitude is worse than shouting, they cover it with virtue… and comparing themselves obviously favouring self… vile honestly…
"rational" arguments. There is nothing rational about Islam. Or any religion for that matter. You are all braindead from childhood when your parents passed down their idiotic beliefs from a book some guy wrote. Religion is there to keep the masses of stupid people in line. You are one of them. Enjoy.
Asserting that slavery was endorsed in Islam is incorrect; it's comparable to conflating regular employment with slavery. Within Islamic principles, individuals referred to as "slaves" often possessed greater rights compared to numerous workers within the modern Western context. One illustrative example is the Mamluk dynasty, where individuals who were initially slaves ascended to the position of kings in various regions such as Egypt and India. This demonstrates the potential for social mobility and the recognition of their capabilities beyond their initial status as "slaves".
take what your right-hand posses, even if she is married and her husband is still alive. keep fooling yourself. Imagine if people attack your country and take your halal mother, sister, halal wife, and your daughter while you and your father are still alive. Is it okay for them to take your family as a snack and eat them?
The Mamluks are a bad example, the Quran was introduced in the context of slavery in the Arabian Peninsula in the 600s. We should be looking at the type of slavery that Muhammad (SAW) was dealing with instead of what existed during the Mamluk Period which several centuries after the period which the Quran directly addresses.
this is just my question, an owner can force him self on his slaves in Islam? what if she refused to have s*x would be there punishment for her refusing his request? if yes, wouldn't that constitute as r*pe? please provide evidence for your answers.
It’s actually not and the Quran as well as Allah explicitly permits slavery. Slaves did not posses more rights than modern western workers for example modern workers can’t be owned as property, they can’t be beaten, they can’t be sexually assaulted, they can choose to leave their employer, they can choose where they work slaves in Islam can do none of these things. It’s pretty sick trying to compare the horrible practice of slavery endorsed by the Quran with modern workers in the western world.
no atheist xstian jew or anyone of another belief can win a debate with Mohamed Hijab this Egyptian-UK arab muslim is very smart n very academically intelligent
@@rebelgordo2339yes you win it by bringing facts to the table, which Mohammed Hijab does every single time, you're focusing on his being loud and not what he's saying
@KhanKhan-nd1dk You’re a LIAR! For those who falsely accuse Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) of being a "pedophile" because of the marriage customs of 1,400, it clearly shows how little they know about their own Western marriage customs let alone others. For example, less than 100 years ago here in America, the Age of Consent was as young as 7 years old (1920). Here's the proof from Western academic researchers who look up their laws honestly… Age of Consent Laws STEPHEN ROBERTSON, UNIVERSITY OF SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA : Age of Consent Laws | World History Commons America : Most of the Age of Consent was 7 years old to 10 years old. More than 200,000 children married in US over the last 15 years : Girls as young as 10 were among the minors who wedded under legal loopholes So by their logic, are they willing to call their Grandfathers and Forefathers a bunch of PEDOPHILES because they either participated or allowed such laws to exist here in America? Child marriages still exist in the West specially in America. Look up all the recent articles which shows it… The "ugly" reality of child marriage in the U.S. "Child marriage is most common in the southern United States, according to the Pew Research Center. It's most common in West Virginia and Texas, followed by states like Oklahoma, Arkansas, Tennessee, North Carolina, Nevada and California." Princess Isabella of Valois (France) was 6 years when she married Richard II. Even in the Bible, Joseph who was 93 years old had married Mary the mother of Jesus when she was only 12 YEARS OLD! Here's the Biblical proof... Matthew 1:20 20 "But after he had considered this, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and said, "Joseph son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary home as your wife, because what is conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit." Matthew 1:24 24 "When Joseph woke up, he did what the angel of the Lord had commanded him and took Mary home as his wife." Also, in the Bible Isaac who was 40 years old married Rebecca when she was only 3 years old. Where’s the outrage from christians and Jews about this? Again, according to their logic was Joseph a pedophile too? They really need to study historical facts before regurgitating the same OLD lies and distortions.
As a muslim, and as a viewer I enjoyed the debate and liked how he articulated his arguments the only problem is his loud manners of speaking, he’s very expressive masallah but calm down brother why are you asserting your dominance over a debate, make your argument stay firm and win be humble
@@karimmoorad4128 I would say this we shouldn’t but someone like him at all at the seat of debates I have looked deep into the history of him he isn’t the best to choice my guy.
Because atheists irrationally bealive in Shirk and proactivly try to attack Islam and claim rationality. These people are nothing but moro+ns who didnt shower in 20 years but put on a perfume of "show" Atheistic rationality but their true nature (True Atheism) just stinks and is disgraceful, disgusting, irrational, hypocritical and detestable. The assertivness is just in place. Fools must be dealt like fools.
bro, there are ethics and a code of conduct in debating, this is not speakers corner lol@@karimmoorad4128 , I'm saying that as a Muslim who by the way agreed with all his points. Im just saying that for a neutral watching this he definitely came across as the "angry Muslim guy" stereotype
What I don't understand is they are allowed to back pedal, beat around the bush, and even answer the question with another question yet are unable to answer the question straight on.
It's simple brother, the atheist gave examples of how morality is structured from the perspective of objective white liberal men. Hijab just questioned him why that's the standard. It's like me using the Quran to prove the existence of God to an athiest, the atheist has to believe in the Quran first before I can use it as the standard. Hope that helps.
@@totallynotthefedsthe quran is already proof of the existance of Allah in many verses, you don't need to believe in it. But for laws, I do see your point.
@@aMuslim1 The person who responded to you was just being helpful to you by breaking down in an easy way, the debate that's all. They did not give their personal views on the Quran.
@@periwinkleblue2 brother / sister, he was not responding to me. I just wanted to point out to be careful with the word usage. The Quran itself is a miracle for everyone, even its laws are miraculous when investigated, and show how it would be clearly impossible for a human in the seventh century to have manufactured.
Ran away never answered the question then got the mediator to change the subject Great work atheists, proving you rather run away than wrestle with the truth
What's shocking yet astounding is this atheist Oppenheimer said about punishment of those who engage in intimacy whilst a woman is menstruating. I couldn't stop laughing at his ignorance and lies.
When you come to debate Mohammed Hijab, you should have known that he tends to raise his voice & will be passionate. If you were uncomfortable with that, you should've never come for the debate.
@KhanKhan-nd1dk kindergarten argument..seems ur one of the few that still stuck on smthing that we both know they’ve explained behind that marriage in those era..Why not say same thing about king Richard II marrying 6 yrs old girl..??? Pathetic/hypocrites some people are..If u don’t like them koz of their religion fair enough but dont bring arguments that’s been debunked ages ago..Im not even educated and I knew this..U wanna find something to crucify them..That’s fine, but just bring something that makes sense..Instead of holding to an kindergarten argument..FFS
@KhanKhan-nd1dk they will justify s*x sl*very, they will justify pedophilia just by repeatedly saying "objective morality". What morality are u expecting from them.
@KhanKhan-nd1dk Your comment speaks volume of your knowledge and its rather unfortunate to engage with someone of this status. Mary mother of Jesus was 12 years Old when she got betrothed to Joseph the Carpenter at the age of 90yrs. Pls what Morality do you derive from this ?????
Here are 2 big lies from the Quran 1) The Quran and Bible describe how 'Allah' created the first human from CLAY or Dust. This is what primitive people thought, but in reality, humanity was created through evolution (proved beyond doubt to be correct). 2) The greatest miracle in the Quran is that sperm is formed between the backbone and ribs. That just isn't true. Sperm is formed in the testicles. A real 'god' would have known these facts, proving that the Quran was created by men who were ignorant of evolution at the time. This does not disprove 'god', but it proves the the Quran was written be men in an attempt to prove that a 'god' exists.
@@StiffytheenlightenedBrother, are u alright? U just said that first humans were made through evolution, when the evolution theory isn't proven to be true, even if u say it's the "closest" theory, it's not truth😂 Second of all, the Quran clearly states that humans did not come through another species, they were created as a first.
That's great now withness me as i DESTROY Islam the Quran is the word of Allah isn't it ? meaning the Quran is the word of Allah isn't it ? meaning the Quran is the words of the creator of the universe an all powerful being. So that means the Quran can't have any errors if it does it can't be the word of the creator. Even the Quran acknowledges this (quran:4:82) . Even if the Quran has one error one single error someone can easily discard it as a false religion. That was the premise And here's the error It is He who created you from one soul and created from it its mate that he might dwell in security with her. And when he covers her, she carries a light burden and continues therein. And when it becomes heavy, they both invoke Allah, their Lord, "If You should give us a good [child], we will surely be among the grateful." Quran 7:189 The Qur'an takes what is perhaps best described as the creationist view of the origins and history of life on earth. This diverges sharply from the overwhelming scientific evidence like overwhelming DNA evidence and the numerous fossils of pre-Homo sapiens species that lived on earth for millions of years prior to the evolution modern humans . All this evidence undeniably states that humans have evolved from prior life forms, over the course of millions of years and through natural selection. The Qur'an not only makes a gross scientific mistake but more noteworthy is that it just repeated the creation myth of former cultures . If the Qur'an was man made and not divinely inspired this is exactly what we expect to find and this exectly we do find. Some poor modern Muslim scholars argue that the notion of two ancestral “parents” is consistent with recent scientific findings that show a common female and male ancestor of all modern humans. This results, however, from a confusion with the nicknames (Mitochondrial Eve and Y-chromosomal Adam) by which scientists have referred to human's earliest genetic ancestors. These two individuals, however, are distinct from the Quranic characters as they are simply the last common male and female ancestors of everyone alive today and not of all humans in history. More importantly, whereas the Qur'an describes Eve as Adam's wife (who, notably, was created after him), Mitochondrial Eve lived some 50,000 to 80,000 years earlier than Y-chromosomal Adam So since the Qur'an contains myths and legends of primitive culture than one can come to the conclusion that it is not the word of god and there by false! Muslims pack it up. At this point you are wasting everybody's time.
Isn't adorable. A clueless sandwich brain trying to act smart. DNA doesn't prove your desert deity but destroys it . DNA proves that humans evolved by natural selection not crawled out of mud . But hey you would know this if had a ounce of clue of what you are blabbing about. Get a education
Here are 2 big lies from the Quran 1) The Quran and Bible describe how 'Allah' created the first human from CLAY or Dust. This is what primitive people thought, but in reality, humanity was created through evolution (proved beyond doubt to be correct). 2) The greatest miracle in the Quran is that sperm is formed between the backbone and ribs. That just isn't true. Sperm is formed in the testicles. A real 'god' would have known these facts, proving that the Quran was created by men who were ignorant of evolution at the time. This does not disprove 'god', but it proves the the Quran was written be men in an attempt to prove that a 'god' exists.
Proved beyond doubt to be correct😂😂😂😂that's a bold statement. Please produce your evidence for this. Secondly, where does the Quran say SPERM is formed between the backbone and ribs...where? Pleeeeaaaase show me where it says "SPERM"! go to a classical Arabic dictionary and find the word for "SPERM"...thank you, I'll listen by the radio for the answer sheikh
@@yaqubjordaan9854 Proved beyond doubt except for Muslims. All humanity evolved over millions of years, except Muslims who were created by Nick Park. There is plenty of evidence of evolution on the internet, but it is unlikely you will understand it.
@Stiffytheenlightened Again, what's up with the copy pasted replies? You are writing statements, not replies... Do you have these ready on a Word file or something?
Hijab playing the race card again. So weak and shameful. Also, Muslims need to understand that just because other people disagree with your religion, doesn't mean they attack the religion or are disrespectful against it.
questioning someone else's ideologies without substantiating and proving your own is what these idiots do. prove that your morality and ideology is objectively true and then you can attack/question others regarding why they have it their way. all these discourses have one thing in common, the white man has already assumed that feminism/liberalism is the right way and Islam has to allign with it for it to be acceptable. why should islam allign with your moral principals and ideologies? have you got them objectively right? well then first prove it maybe?
Saying "we can get morality from suffering" is a massive cop out. It's kicking the can a bit farther. What is suffering other than wheezing atoms in our brain ? Do they not realize that or they do realize but make this point anyway because they don't have anything else.
The problem is that for there to be rights, and therefore morality, there must be an authority by which they are established as concrete. Without a singular authority, there will be multiple authorities, which implies that morality and rights are subjective. But this is precisely what liberalism is all about, the idea that everyone, each individual ego, is a god unto itself that can subjectively determine "truth".
@@cthulhucrews6602 yes? Because people sex at different ages and in some places eat dogs. Bevause eating dogs isnt really a problem and full maturity is required for sex?
There doesn’t need to be any authority for these things to exist because they are concepts. Authority also doesn’t make something established as being concrete, this would just be an argument from authority fallacy.
nowaday i keep seeing christians barking about that young marriage thing and yet why is your christian people at that time never criticise the islamic prophet for that marriage? why only now did you guys are barking? and why christians at that time never criticise the royalty for marrying at a young age? and why did they allowing a law to be put where its legal to be married at a young age at that time? the reason is simple, its because if they critise the islamic prophet at that time then they would literally look like a clown since basically everyone is doing it everyone at that time be it theist or atheist married at a very young age since the mortality rate is high at that time the entire neighbourhood getting raided with its residents murdered are a common thing to happen, not just one house or a single family got murdered here did you commonly faced with that situation where not only one house but literally the entire neighbourhood being murdered? your family, neighbours, friends, classmates, workmates literally got murdered is a common occurrence at that time if you’re not facing that situation as a common occurrence then why are you judging them? besides that, the medical standard at that time cannot even compare with what we have today so obviously people on that time would have a high mortality rate than us if they want to wait until they are 18+ before getting married, sadly the reality is they might not even survive before even managed to get married due to their high mortality rate that is why you will not find any people at that time be it theist from any religion or even atheist that had criticised Muhammad PBUH for marrying a young girl simply because its a common thing that people do if there is ever people from that time that criticise him then they would look like a clown since basically everyone is doing it too be it theist or atheist due to high mortality rate at that time
The atheist was using what's called passive aggression without shouting speaking loudly whilst the Muslim was the opposite. The Muslim / religious person by raising his voice and being animated actually intimidated the atheist as he's not used to being rebuffed.
@@brasherish I disagree, tell me dear can we use *ANY* "God" as the basis for this "objective" moral standard he spoke of.?? Or just the SPECIFIC SUBJECTIVE invisible being *YOU* determined to be the "correct" one out of the many thousands man has preposed. If its the latter then in actuality its *YOU* and YOUR SUBJECTIVE OPINION that is determining morality dear. if its the former, then asserting objectivity to any moral claim based upon a "God" becomes a completely vacuous useless concept 👍 The claim that theistic morality is somehow superior because its "objective" is ridiculous. Theists are merely substituting their own subjective moral standards with the morals standards of the god they subjectively determine represents the "correct objective" morality. 🙄🤔
@@trumpbellend6717 I don't want to debate with you as to the merits of the underlying debate. I was merely pointing out, the issues that I saw. If you want a debate contact the speakers direct.
@@brasherish lol I suggest you just go back to your colouring book and leave these discussions to the adults dear. Your inability or unwillingness to address my specific questions more than adequately demonstrates both your dishonesty and the fragility of your position for all to see 😉
I've had enough of people saying M.H was shouting, being aggressive, etc. little do you realize that we have legends in our religion who were rough and tough against the kuffar. Who were rough and tough against those who had deviating beliefs and spread corruption.
@@Alex-ni2ir they are the oppressors and since they insist on their oppression we are firm and rough with them (not oppressive) We don’t tolerate aggression and corruption if it persists . We will be forgiving and civil towards innocent and ignorant but those who persist in their aggression towards Islam and Muslims will be delt with and only a idiot will want them to share cakes and compliments. They had no ground to stand on. Not even an alternative. The reality of such people with no intellect. Dead dumb and blind. May God guide them or deal with them justly. & the likes for you. I won’t respond to your ignorance after this.
@@Alex-ni2irthats not what he said lol. He only referred to the claim that he was shouting and made the point that u can be tough as long as its within the correct boundaries. How did u strawman that into opressing people u disagree with 😂
This is incorrect. Everyone will bear the consequence of what he does, and no one shall bear the burden of another. Quran 6:164 Don’t treat people roughly even if their ancestors may have treated Muslims roughly. Your own Quran says this. People are not to be punished by the actions of their ancestors.
@@PowerPawaa what part exactly is incorrect? Idk why ur bringing ancestors into the topic. The point was about being rough with people who are directly spreading corruption and not their offspring so I dont see how this is relevant.
For all the atheist Surah Al-Ghashiyah, verses 17 to 24 "Do they not look at the camels, how they are created? And at the heaven, how it is raised? And at the mountains, how they are erected? And at the earth, how it is spread out? So remind, [O Muhammad]; you are only a reminder. You are not over them a controller. However, he who turns away and disbelieves - Then Allah will punish him with the greatest punishment. Indeed, to Us is their return. Then indeed, upon Us is their account."
Idk if this is relatable or not but I'll put what I heard feom Mohammed Ali (the Muslim lantern): If there wasn't evil there wouldn't even be good, thus, no test, bc as Muslims we believe this life is a test.
This is absolutely disgusting debate. The only reason ANY person would agree with MH (and his conduct) is because you are Muslim and his actions serve to satisfy your anger that someone disagrees with your world view. Educate yourself.
They tried changing the rules of the debate trying to blindside Muslims. We will not treat those who disrespect our prophet and will not be taken lightly. We are no longer going to be meek and accept blatant disrespect?! Had enough of the west telling us how to live to what to think
White man this white man that... for god's sake why is Muhammad Hijab turning this debate into a race issue??? They can easily rebuttal him by saying Islam is an Arab or Middle eastern traditional, and not a universal religion.
Not at all because the Arabs don’t claim the religion comes from them it comes from divine revelation where the atheist use their “objective theory” through the ideologies from people that were white. He wasn’t just trying to be racist it was more about how does a white man morals got to do with all races and colors.
It’s the white liberal concept, go research it. It’s not really a racial term since even though it’s inception was originally white people it has now transcended white people and gone to other races
Hijab uses the psychology of race to discredit the Atheist. He then proceeds align Islam to justify his point. Religion isnt about Race its about Belief and that is colourless. Very interesting Hijab for building that paradigm using a worldly view and then Islam to reinforce your opinion.
@@mohamudahmed6554 they never said "White Men states this" did they? Hijab uses this as a method to discredit a worldly view, which then takes away from a Religious paradigm, for which he draws his premise from. It's simple Psychology to help win a debate, when the debate doesn't need relate to the topic of race. Hijab then does the "Shuffle" from "White Man" to the "West" and then moves away from the term he uses with his tone of voice and speeding up his vocabulary. Hijab shuffles away from terms used when he gets caught out, especially when people remind him that bringing certain terms into a conversation isn't necessary, especially when the Quaran makes an important point referring not to have this type of mindset on race. He has the same approach at speaker corner. It's all interesting.
Hijab seems to have used this event to Vent too and he can assert himself in a Bullying demeanor, while then taking offence to someone else's opinion. Hijab needs to carry himself with more class and stop using the race challenges of South Africa. Come off his high horse because he has a few degrees in a broken Global education system, as it doesn't give him the credit he truly deserves.
@@alignment0 Their morality is known, it's Western liberal morality. As Hijab literally mentiones the founders of these moral philosophies, they don't object since all of this is basic knowledge. So no, they don't have to specifically state who's the founder of their moral philosophy that they abide by. You can't be serious with this... Hijab not only discredited this baseless world view but he discredited it after his opponents couldn't answer and prove that they morality is objectively. Liberal morals are baseless and subjective and to be specific, they're build on a circular reasoning. This is all Hijab did. His opponents failed to objectively prove that their morality which they assumed being true is in fact objective and he points it out. Your comment here is literally showing that you don't understand the topic at all. Your entire explanation is vague, unspecific and reflect Dunner-Kruger effect.
As much as I like Hijab he was unnecessarily aggressive , all that drama could have been avoided. Frankly I am disappointed everyone is just blindly supporting this instead of addressing the elephant under the rug
Amazing job bro Mohammed Hijab. Islam is the true religion. Allah is Great! You can deny religion, but you cannot deny the death. After death ppl who do not believe in God will realise the truth, In Shaa Allah🤲🏻
Islam is but one of a thousand irrational belief systems. Whereas atheism is the answer to 1 specific question, That being the question of belief in a deity. It is not irrational to demand evidence to back up the claims any and all religions make, Including islam.
@@razamughal9095 Islam has plagiarized the same myths and fables judaism and christianity have plagiarized. Islam has groomed and indoctrinated over a billion people into a presuppositional mindset when it comes to deities, just like Judaism and Christianity.
These comments are from people who “like” one side over the other side. The atheists made their points in a calm and rational matter. Mohammed just shouts and interrupts them in a triggered frenzy. Loudest one in the room is not always right
Masyaallah.. nice job brother Hijab. And here i am clapping alone when i see the moment when The Lion destroys them. These "man and dunya worshippers" will NEVER beat the truth. Alhamdulillah.
God created man for eternal life. But when Adam ate of the tree, he/ mankind got separated from the Source of Life , which brought into creation,sin suffering death and eternal separation, the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good/ evil. The wages of sin is death and nothing we do can return life back into us. That’s why Life Himself Jesus Christ veiled His Divinity in flesh to come as a man , not from mortal Adam of sin nature, to take OUR death upon Himself, destroy its power by His resurrection, to make us a new creation, born of The Spirit for righteousness unto eternal life. In short, without His Life Giving Spirit indwelling us , we have no eternal life
I will consistently support Muslims in any situation. However, as a fellow Muslim, I believe there are established guidelines for conducting oneself during a debate within the Islamic tradition. Regrettably, Mohammad Hijab did not adhere to these guidelines during the debate. His demeanour came across as confrontational and interruptive, and even when I found myself in agreement with all of his points, his tone and delivery failed to convey them effectively to a neutral observer watching the debate.
Is the goal winning the argument or winning the hearts? The truth stands by itself and needs no props. We simply have to deliver it in the best of manners and in a way that wins over the hearts of those that are heedless.
subhaanaLlah!! I need to be re-schooled by these guys in their topic of discussion I can barely follow up, I get lost easily Even though this is not a fundamental knowledge required for my purposes of existence I admire it though
Why are we having a discussion on morality ? shouldn't the discussion be on whether God exist or not. What's the point of having a debate if these people keep ducking questions. They should be forced to answer it by the moderators.
It's true the topic switched to morality quickly but I think it's because the athiest side kept mentioning human rights that the other side didn't feel compelled to be prescribed to during the debate and actually challenged the validity of those rights. It's true it wasn't the main topic of discussion though you're right there
The talk about morality because you can't prouve it with atheism...nature or space or whatever you want can't explain how morality came to existence..for example,why incest is evil??if a mother and son committed incest ,an atheist can't blame them see,when you recognize that God exist ,you can say what is good and what is bad..
@@cthulhucrews6602 this is the problem,we were brainwashed that in order to be adult and have sex you must have 18 years old....and we blame everyone who doesn't stick to this even if it's around 17..we as Muslims the condition to be married is to be ready physically and psycologically,and the parents or the community could determine this..that's. Why in the past you will find people use to get married at young age even in England go and see at what age did some kings get married,even according to biblical tradition you will find Mary the mother of Jesus married at the age of see,these condition are objective and valid all the time,in the opposite of what the western liberalism is presenting to us ...59years ago homosexuality was illegal,and look today...I have heard and you can check it ,some organisation try to lunch a mouvement that pedophilia may be seen as something natural and that there are some people who are born like this and we should not blame them...the western world is going crazy and towards his extinction...I have seen last year I think is Sweden someone who married a dunkey and he did a wedding..and if an African country which allow girls to get married at young ages with the permission of their parents and judges and society you will find all sorts of criticism from the west .....why the west think that there moral value should prevail on the rest of the world??
I'm a Muslim and have to agree that Hijabs presentation style is poor. He often devolves to attacking the other debater personally and raising his voice. It's off putting and a poor tactic.
Muhammad is raising his voice and not one Muslim is reminding him of the Koranic verse that instructs Muslims when engaging in a dispute, to do so in the best of manner. I swear the atheists (along with the other Muslim) are closer to Islamic mannerisms than Muhammad Hijab
yeah they are closer to islam when they are insulting our prophet as well? dont tell me to side with these dudes who insult islam and mock our prophet pbuh but when they are cornered they victimise themselves. exact same case as with David Wood
I disagree with your comment. MH had every right to do so, they were just avoiding answering his questions and rebutes. Plus you should watch the whole debate when they were lying about Islam and our prophet PBUH.
@@aquakpvp Where did you learn that---as a Muslim---when your interlecutor makes a false claim, you have every right to get emotional and taise your voice at thtem? The Koranic teachings are very clear in this regard: you either refute their claims in the best of manner[16:125], or you walk away from the ignorant [25:63]. These are the only two ways a Muslim should behave in a disputation.
Ibn Hajar said in Al-Fat-h: “The Arabs used to insult with this expression but with the wording ‘mother’ (i.e. saying: Go suck the clitoris of your mother), so Abu Bakr wanted to exaggerate in insulting ‘Urwah by placing what 'Urwah worshipped in the position of his mother, and he did so because of being angered by the statement that the Muslims would flee (and leave the Prophet alone), so there is a permissibility of uttering offensive words to scorn someone who did something by which he deserves this. Ibn Al-Muneer said: “In the words of Abu Bakr, there is a depreciation of the enemy, and discrediting them, and making an insinuation to what they said that Al-Laat is the daughter of Allaah - Allaah is High above what they associate with Him, i.e. if it were a girl, it will have what all females have.” Imam Ibn Al-Qayyim said in Zaad Al-Ma'aad: “In the words of Abu Bakr to ‘Urwah “Suck the clitoris of Al-Laat” is evidence that it is permissible to explicitly mention the name of the private parts if there is a benefit which is necessitated by that circumstance.” Besides, Shaykhul Islam Ibn Taymiyyah said: “Whenever the speaker is treating us unjustly, then we are not obliged to respond to him (i.e. the one who insulted us) in a good manner.” Just one little example that Islam isn't just about peace, love and flowers, how those compassionate imams and duat would like to present it.
@@lisaan_nasheed It's actually an example of how some Muslims pass over divine commands that promote upright character by resorting to traditions and flawed opinions that promote the immitation of fallible men. As an ex Muslim, it doesn't hurt me to portray Islam in a bad light as you're doing. But It demonstrates how Muslims and Islam are not the same thing.
Shameful shouting and bellowing from Mohammad Hijab. It just shows that theists are not yet ready to challenge the complex and nuanced arguments presented by modern philosophers.
What a logical fallacy. Just because someone shouts, it doesn't discredit their arguments at all. What is this kindergarden level of reasoning? *Your entire comment shows exactly how you're not ready to listen to these debates to begin with.* Not that i agree with the shouting, but Hijab literally has a degree in "modern philosophy" and so does Hamza. They made solid arguments. The mother of all ironies...
@@trumpbellend6717 Nothing you said is even remotely challenging what i wrote. Yes, Hijab shouldn't have shouted and yet it had no effect on his arguments which were solid. The opponents inability to respond is very well noted. You really thought you did something here 🤦♂️ Think before typing.
@@mohamudahmed6554 Tell me dear can we use *ANY* "God" as the basis for this "objective" moral standard you speak of.?? Or just the SPECIFIC SUBJECTIVE invisible being *YOU* determined to be the "correct" one out of the many thousands man has preposed. If its the latter then in actuality its *YOU* and YOUR SUBJECTIVE OPINION that is determining morality dear. if its the former, then asserting objectivity to any moral claim based upon a "God" becomes a completely vacuous useless concept 👍 The claim that theistic morality is somehow superior because its "objective" is ridiculous. Theists are merely substituting their own subjective moral standards with the morals standards of the god they subjectively determine represents the "correct objective" morality. 🙄🤔
@@srnp0007islam objectivity comes from God so if anyone disagrees with God in Islam they are being subjective and they to be ignored or they literally thrown out of the religion instantly for disagreeing with God that's where the objective moral standards is
@@srnp0007My friend, there are many signs. If we talk about it in the comments, no one will read it. You should research and check it out for yourself with an open mind. If you are not convinced, this is not a problem, but if you are convinced and do not accept it, then this is the big problem
Stating that slavery was permitted in Islam is inaccurate; it's akin to equating employment with slavery. In Islam, those referred to as "slaves" actually held more rights than many workers in the contemporary Western world.
As a Muslim I don't see this as a win for Hijab. Hijab was doing good in the beginning but from these clips no one else was yelling. Only Hijab. If its an academic debate someone may say something that might offend you but you still have to keep calm. This wasn't a good look to anyone except Hijab supporters. He certainly won't win anyone over with this behavior. If Hamza Tzortis could keep his cool why couldn't Hijab? He wasn't on speaker's corner, he was in a university, if you're mature and confident in your beliefs you don't need to shout in an academic debate. It's not a good look, you come off as the stereotypical crazed angry Muslim who can't articulate his views intelligently.
He came off like that only to you my friend. If he was truelly as you claim he was, they would have dismantled his argument on the spot and then say "Why are you shouting." Yet they couldn't answer his questions and made run away tactick to change the subject on how he is shouting. 😂 So franky speaking you are full of shit.
@KhanKhan-nd1dk For those who falsely accuse Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) of being a "pedophile" because of the marriage customs of 1,400, it clearly shows how little they know about their own Western marriage customs let alone others. For example, less than 100 years ago here in America, the Age of Consent was as young as 7 years old (1920). Here's the proof from Western academic researchers who look up their laws honestly… Age of Consent Laws STEPHEN ROBERTSON, UNIVERSITY OF SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA : Age of Consent Laws | World History Commons America : Most of the Age of Consent was 7 years old to 10 years old. More than 200,000 children married in US over the last 15 years : Girls as young as 10 were among the minors who wedded under legal loopholes So by their logic, are they willing to call their Grandfathers and Forefathers a bunch of PEDOPHILES because they either participated or allowed such laws to exist here in America? Child marriages still exist in the West specially in America. Look up all the recent articles which shows it… The "ugly" reality of child marriage in the U.S. "Child marriage is most common in the southern United States, according to the Pew Research Center. It's most common in West Virginia and Texas, followed by states like Oklahoma, Arkansas, Tennessee, North Carolina, Nevada and California." Princess Isabella of Valois (France) was 6 years when she married Richard II. Even in the Bible, Joseph who was 93 years old had married Mary the mother of Jesus when she was only 12 YEARS OLD! Here's the Biblical proof... Matthew 1:20 20 "But after he had considered this, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and said, "Joseph son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary home as your wife, because what is conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit." Matthew 1:24 24 "When Joseph woke up, he did what the angel of the Lord had commanded him and took Mary home as his wife." Also, in the Bible Isaac who was 40 years old married Rebecca when she was only 3 years old. Where’s the outrage from christians and Jews about this? Again, according to their logic was Joseph a pedophile too? They really need to study historical facts before regurgitating the same OLD lies and distortions.
@KhanKhan-nd1dk yes we can. It's all about bounderies. Islam put restriction, explains Law and it teaches moral. Simply to put words what to do and what not. *Prophet(Pbuh) consumed the marriage with Mother Aisha(Ra) when she became adult.*
@KhanKhan-nd1dk the wedding wasn't consummated until she was above the age of puberty. This was normal in pre modern times universally. Context matters, what necessarily was a norm over a thousand years ago does not have to be nor should be implemented today, if the norms have changed in the society. The Law provides boundaries but Muslims can and Muslim societies have always recognized context and implemented additional limitations within the established boundaries based on cultural context, that's why the age of consent is much higher today in most Muslim majority countries.
Salaamualaikum from South Africa. I grew up and got my tertiary education in this country -and it's repulsive. Some people have become wealthy but the masses are still poverty stricken. The middle classes,for example the chairman and his two next to him,one in a blue jersey wagging his finger at our two esteemed guests from UK. Many aspire towards the values (ooo I'm hurt) of the previously advantaged. As for the two whites, nothing has changed from the 1970s. They try to use language to confuse -and usually get it right with the locals -many of who still suffer from inferiority complex(people of colour) I remember when I used to talk to white girls about the injustice of the system back then they would say Please don't talk about it!!!
As a Muslim and a huge fan of brother Mohammed Hijab, I actually think that there was a lot of room for improvement on his debate strategy. I actually think he has stronger arguments that he should have used instead and better refutations to their arguments that he did not use. I am not very satisfied with the quality of work in this debate
God created man for eternal life. But when Adam ate of the tree, he/ mankind got separated from the Source of Life , which brought into creation,sin suffering death and eternal separation, the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good/ evil. The wages of sin is death and nothing we do can return life back into us. That’s why Life Himself Jesus Christ veiled His Divinity in flesh to come as a man , not from mortal Adam of sin nature, to take OUR death upon Himself, destroy its power by His resurrection, to make us a new creation, born of The Spirit for righteousness unto eternal life. In short, without His Life Giving Spirit indwelling us , we have no eternal life
Its hard to debate with someone who refuses to give you his sources and give you reasonable argument from with it. You can debate 10 schoolers but not one fool.
@@seekthetruthandthetruthwil2388 Tell me dear, how could Adam or indeed mankind make moral choices without being able to differentiate good from evil ?? Without knowledge of right and wrong every moral "choice becomes meaningless, choice *A* no more valid than the diametrically opposed choice *B* And yet ...... dispite Gods foreknowledge of this he still decided to deny Adam and Eve this knowledge and to punish not only them for gaining this knowledge but also their descendants ?? 🤪 how utterly absurd and immoral!! We have names for people who do not know how to differentiate right from wrong and we lock such people up in concrete boxes or execute them. Yet this is how your "God" wanted mankind to be (and we would still be if not for the Serpent) and you think him a perfect moral reference standard 😂😅🤣🤣🤣🤣
MH is a showman. He's not stupid by any means (altho his Kalam e-book is self-onanising waffle, IMHO), but you're missing the deflection MH engaged in - he skirted the issue of slavery and played the race card. The atheist professor was quite to bring it up and ask why it just wasn't clearly prohibited. Slaves, btw, were still being openly traded outside the Kabba in the 1960s and there were white, Arab and black owners of slaves; and M and his Sahaba took and owned slaves. This debate was quite interesting, but it was a bit of disjointed mess. There was too much to cover.
The argument about slavery is kinda ridiculous which you actually brought up. In fact within Islamic texts it is encouraged to free slaves and treat them with respect etc since it existed before Prophet Muhammed (Peace be upon him) Similarly with alcohol it was not banned outright but rather in stages. In a holistic view if the Prophet came out and banned everything no one would follow him...there had to be incremental transitions on a societal level. As for slavery in general within the Islamic framework you can only have them through war captives. And even if they are taken in your household you have to feed cloth them with same as your own family etc....when westerners hear slavery they already have the preconceived notion of what they did to the African and Aboriginal slaves....Islam does not endorse that.
It is no different in modern terms to a drug you ban them from taking the drug or slowly give them lower doses to get them out of it. Slavery was eventually close to being eradicated within the Islamic framework. People integrated within borders etc. Another point is please research the Mamluk empire...they were an Islamic Empire...these people were actually at one point slaves. Many slaves of early Islam even became Commanders, Governors etc overtime. So your simplistic understanding has no holistic solution. The war captives in modern times that USA take in are tortured or raped by the soldiers which is documented in some reports.
@@user-el6xm2pk7xthe arguement falls flat once we realize the Islam endorsed slavery and just put more restriction on it. By no means can one derive slavery being immoral from the Quran or Islam. Instead the opposite is true which is that slavery with restriction is permitted. Sure you had to feed and house slaves but literally all masters did this prior to Islam. You could still own them, sexually assault them, force them to work, and punish them for not fulfilling your desires. It was slavery. I wouldn’t even says slavery was close to being irradicated with the Islamic framework, it took another 1400 years for that to occur and that was only after new interpretations and western influence. The slave trade expanded under Islamic rule and slavery is still a problem in the Muslim world today. Not all war captives are treated horribly by the US and the difference is that war captives taken by the US were generally combatants while those permitted to be taken in Islam are civilians in settlements that were raided and kidnapped. I do not mind the torture, execution, or mistreatment of authoritarians who wish to hide information and murder civilians. Although I don’t think they should be sexually assaulted or tortured for the fun of it and they generally aren’t, we can’t say the same for Islamic slavery. I however do mind the enslavement of civilians.if the US went by Islamic standards then millions of civilians could have been taken from Iraq and brought back to the US and used as manual labour but that didn’t happen. At best the US arrested some civilians in Iraq and Afghanistan that had nothing to do with the war and were mistreated, which is wrong and heavily criticized by US citizens and even government officials.many were even prosecuted since treating pows in such a way is illegal by US law where as in the Islamic texts people couldn’t be prosecuted for such horrible treatment and were even permitted to do so. There has never been a better time in history to be a POW especially compared to recent history and the rise of Islam. in recent time the US treats its POWs far better than the Quran and the Islamic texts would have you treat them. I find your parallel to be disingenuous .
@@TmanRock9 "You could still own them, sexually assault them, force them to work, and punish them for not fulfilling your desires. It was slavery. ". Again, this is your pre conceived notion of the slavery that took place in the United states and in the west. A slave could literally demand their freedom under islamic law and the master would HAVE to set a fair price and wage so that he could earn his freedom. You couldnt sexually assault them, or punish them for not fullfilling ur desires or force them to work nor overwork them. It is true that the slave owner could have sex with the female slave, but this doesnt mean he could rape her. Any breach of this could be taken to court by the slave and result in their freedom. Moreover slavery was usually a temporary state that people were in under islam. Most people wouldnt spend more than 5-10 years as a slave. The Prophet of Islam said: “Your slaves are your brothers. Treat them with kindness. Seek their help in performing your hard tasks, and help them in the performance of difficult tasks.” 6 "nd treat him as well as He has treated you. So feed him with what you eat yourself, and clothe him with what you clothe yourself. And do not burden him with what he cannot withstand. And if you dislike him, you ought to let him go and replace him, but do not torment God’s creature. And there is no power but in God." “Your slaves are your brothers. God has set them as a trial under your authority." “No one is allowed to say this is my slave or that is my maid. You should say this is my young man, and that is my young lady.” When ‘Abd al-Rahman ibn ‘Awf (may Allah be pleased with him) walked among his slaves, no one could tell him apart from them, because he did not walk ahead of them, and he did not wear anything different from what they wore. A man entered upon Salman (may Allah be pleased with him) and found him making dough - and he was a governor. He said to him: O Abu ‘Abd-Allah, what is this? He said: We have sent our servant on an errand and we do not want to give him two jobs at once.
@@TmanRock9 ".many were even prosecuted since treating pows in such a way is illegal by US law where as in the Islamic texts people couldn’t be prosecuted for such horrible treatment and were even permitted to do so" This is an outright lie as the slave can still take the master to court and even gain his freedom if they were to be mistreated. "if the US went by Islamic standards then millions of civilians could have been taken from Iraq and brought back to the US and used as manual labour" Let us not forget the US war on Iraq was based on a lie, and millions of civilians lost their lives due to this, and it completely destroyed the economy of the country, destabilised their politics and destroyed the lives of an entire country. But this is also a completely disingenuous comparison to islam. Firstly the context and time is completely different. Secondly, one only needs to look at the conquest of egypt or juresalam or even other arab cities during the lifetime of the prophet such as Taif. They didnt take slaves in these conqeusts nor did they remove the people from their land. As long as they paid the jizyah, these people, their families, their properties were all kept safe and intact. Infact, in many cities, Umar ordered the muslims to not live in the conquered city, but rather to build an amsar or garrison city next to it (The city of kuffah was originally a garrison city). You can clearly see civilians were less harmed by the muslims in times of war 1350 years ago, compared to America in iraq just 20-30 years ago. I find you yor parallel to be disingenous. (as a side note, yes there are reports of slaves being mistreated or forcefully pressed into slavery, but these are illegal under islamic law, and just as in any society, there will always be those criminals who oppress others)
Thank you Allah, Lord of the worlds for the blessings and teachings of Islam. Al hamdoullillah Islam is for the win and they will notice it in the state of disbelief.
The atheists syllogism ~1:34( in the original video) shows that the set of god's beliefs( beliefs are things that exist, they are not abstract MH agreed ) due to it's omniscience are an actual infinite, so you can conclude an actual infinite exists in reality if an omniscient god exists . So this leads to a contradiction with MH's requirement that no actual infinities can exist in reality, a god that is defined as being omniscient entails an actual infinite exists in reality. The contradiction entails if you deny an actual infinite exists you must deny omniscience can exist , and therefore a god defined as omniscient does not exist. If you think MH won explain how? If you can't explain how , then how do you know he won?
That is an excellent question. I would say the key word you used is 'reality'. The word comes from latin "res" which means property or physical matter. English conception of the word 'reality' often refers to the material world, the physical universe. However this reality is a creation of God. One of Allah's names is As-Samad which means everlasting, self-sufficient, utterly independent. Allah is not a part of this phsyical universe. He is not subject to its laws or attributes. As such he can be actually infinite without an actual infinity existing within our universe. He wills the universe into existence, and he is currently sustaining it with his will. If he stops for a second, the universe would cease to exist.
In essence, god does not need the universe to contain actual infinities in order to exist. Rather, the universe needs God's infinite omnipresence in order to exist
@@Molari Reality: The totality of all things possessing actuality, existence, or essence. All that exists,if god exists, it is part of reality. No need to do etymology, we can just use modern English. So nothing to do with being physical , just existence. Beliefs exist, MH confirmed his agreement with this, so I think you've missed the point. My question is about if you think MH won then explain how , offering your own response rather than how MH responded to this syllogism and won , is not really what I'm looking for but I will entertain it, so are you responding for yourself or showing how MH won? On a side note... not actually related to an answer to the question posed. "If he stops for a second, the universe would cease to exist." This entails Allah is subject to time, yet you say "He is not subject to its(the universes) laws or attributes". This conception appears broken.
@@Stiffytheenlightened Belief is as you say an affirmation that some proposition is true. You have to have a definition of "truth" to then offer justifications for that belief. Knowledge and faith are beliefs, just words we use to express something about the quality of justification we think we have for a belief. We can say we have a belief, knowledge or faith about some matter and it maybe we are wrong. There are very few things we can actually claim to have certitude for , that it is impossible we could be wrong.
Im really glad you guys love this clip. The video is too long so I wanted to help and make the debate viral by showing you the best part of the debate!
Make sure to subscribe and support our movement of being the beacon of truth and deleting all the lies with a like!!
Mohammad Hijab should moderate his "assertiveness" knowing that these guys will use it as an escape goat not addressing his targeted questions
@nondelusional557 no escape goat learn to spell
@nondelusional557 so so stoopid all these kuestions and no ansers um
@@mansoor1706 ?
Atheism is a MENTAL disease when you really analyze it. There’s a reason why most of them suffer from extreme DEPRESSION and ANXIETY.
When they are purposely disrespectful towards prophet (saw) and Islam then it’s free speech but when you debate in your own style they feel threatened 😂
That's great now withness me as i DESTROY Islam
the Quran is the word of Allah isn't it ? meaning the Quran is the word of Allah isn't it ? meaning the Quran is the words of the creator of the universe an all powerful being. So that means the Quran can't have any errors if it does it can't be the word of the creator. Even the Quran acknowledges this (quran:4:82) . Even if the Quran has one error one single error someone can easily discard it as a false religion.
That was the premise
And here's the error
It is He who created you from one soul and created from it its mate that he might dwell in security with her. And when he covers her, she carries a light burden and continues therein. And when it becomes heavy, they both invoke Allah, their Lord, "If You should give us a good [child], we will surely be among the grateful."
Quran 7:189
The Qur'an takes what is perhaps best described as the creationist view of the origins and history of life on earth. This diverges sharply from the overwhelming scientific evidence like overwhelming DNA evidence and the numerous fossils of pre-Homo sapiens species that lived on earth for millions of years prior to the evolution modern humans . All this evidence undeniably states that humans have evolved from prior life forms, over the course of millions of years and through natural selection. The Qur'an not only makes a gross scientific mistake but more noteworthy is that it just repeated the creation myth of former cultures . If the Qur'an was man made and not divinely inspired this is exactly what we expect to find and this exectly we do find. Some poor modern Muslim scholars argue that the notion of two ancestral “parents” is consistent with recent scientific findings that show a common female and male ancestor of all modern humans. This results, however, from a confusion with the nicknames (Mitochondrial Eve and Y-chromosomal Adam) by which scientists have referred to human's earliest genetic ancestors. These two individuals, however, are distinct from the Quranic characters as they are simply the last common male and female ancestors of everyone alive today and not of all humans in history. More importantly, whereas the Qur'an describes Eve as Adam's wife (who, notably, was created after him), Mitochondrial Eve lived some 50,000 to 80,000 years earlier than Y-chromosomal Adam
So since the Qur'an contains myths and legends of primitive culture than one can come to the conclusion that it is not the word of god and there by false!
Muslims pack it up. At this point you are wasting everybody's time.
Free speech doesn't always mean agreeing and accepting each other opinions.
rasool was allah's byatch
@@cameronvinson is drawing your dear mother in a horrible disrespectful manner is consider a free speech? i know you don't necessarily need to agree with it or accept it but yeah according to ur morality.. it's free speech! Yaay
@KhanKhan-nd1dk currently islam forbids marrying underage but back then and across all the globe that was the social norm.. girls were considered women as soon as they hit puberty.. here is an example from wiki
In Ancient Greece, early marriage and teenage motherhood for girls existed.[35] Boys were expected to marry in their teens, as well. In the Roman Empire, girls were married from age of 12 and boys from age 14.[36] In the Middle Ages, under English civil laws derived from Roman laws, marriages before the age of 16 existed. In Imperial China, child marriage was the norm.
what moral and guidances can Atheist teach to Muslim
Fucking a nine year old is bad
Good point, guidance to degeneracy would count when they have redefined degeneracy to it's fine to be and do whatever you like as long as you comply to our standards!
Is SLAVERY morally acceptable ?
@@philipcoriolis6614is COLONIALISM morally acceptable? 🫢
@@TamarindX You invaded the whole North Africa. We stopped your invasion of Europe in 732 at Tours when God was - supposedly - with you. You tried again several times. You tried. We tried. We just had better guns and a better god...
Muhammad Hijab NAILED it when he said “This is a run away tactic”
Athiest just don't belief in nonsense, that's all. So there is no nailing. No discusiion. Proof the nonsense or stop this useless nonsense.
Its perfectly legitimate call out a belligerent opponent. GTFOH
Atheist when attacking other people's beliefs: *its benefitting them*
Atheist when their own beliefs are questioned: _Im disheartened_
We all live like animals. We are animals. A little more intelligent than most but still just animals.
How much DNA do we share?
Chimpanzees are our closest relative as a species and we share at least 98% of our genome with them. Our feline friends share 90% of homologous genes with us, with dogs it is 82%, 80% with cows, 69% with rats and 67% with mice .
Human and chimpanzee DNA is so similar because the two species are so closely related. They both descended from a single ancestor species 6 or 7,000,000 years ago. As they evolved, their DNA changed as it was passed from generation to generation. It is these DNA changes that account for the differences between human and chimp appearance and behaviour.
@@StiffytheenlightenedYeah no doubt you act like animals.
Who are you talking to?
You wrote an answer to a question that was never asked?
A behaviour that is very similar to the most of this debate...
@Stiffytheenlightened oh, and who's this ancestor that we're related to?
@@Stiffytheenlightened this idea that we share so much DNA with other creatures is not accurate. First of all genes, which contain the instructions for building protein products only make up 2 percent of your DNA. So they are only comparing 2% of our DNA with 2% of other animals DNA. Then when they do these calculations they exclude all the genes that exist in humans but not the animal. They also exclude all the genes that are in animals, but not in humans. They are left with just a few genes with similarity, and then they make a rating system to compare them. It is not 80% or 90%, its more like 0.008% in common vs. 0.009% in common.
Hijab has no personal agenda of shouting these men.
His tone is such because your escapism in every question is evident
EXACTLY, the tone wasn't an issue it was the questions he was asking to clear up behind that tone that created the dillema to the athiest
@@ManarReports where are you from akhi?
I came first time across your channel
Tone was the issue this is not how Quran wants you to discuss something with others he came across as a rude representative of islam which is fundamentally wrong in itself so he needs to be able to kindly compose his words even if he is right
@KhanKhan-nd1dk is this your best argument???
This can't disprove islam
Im HAPPY to be a Muslim.
Ma shaa Allah
That's great now withness me as i DESTROY Islam
the Quran is the word of Allah isn't it ? meaning the Quran is the word of Allah isn't it ? meaning the Quran is the words of the creator of the universe an all powerful being. So that means the Quran can't have any errors if it does it can't be the word of the creator. Even the Quran acknowledges this (quran:4:82) . Even if the Quran has one error one single error someone can easily discard it as a false religion.
That was the premise
And here's the error
It is He who created you from one soul and created from it its mate that he might dwell in security with her. And when he covers her, she carries a light burden and continues therein. And when it becomes heavy, they both invoke Allah, their Lord, "If You should give us a good [child], we will surely be among the grateful."
Quran 7:189
The Qur'an takes what is perhaps best described as the creationist view of the origins and history of life on earth. This diverges sharply from the overwhelming scientific evidence like overwhelming DNA evidence and the numerous fossils of pre-Homo sapiens species that lived on earth for millions of years prior to the evolution modern humans . All this evidence undeniably states that humans have evolved from prior life forms, over the course of millions of years and through natural selection. The Qur'an not only makes a gross scientific mistake but more noteworthy is that it just repeated the creation myth of former cultures . If the Qur'an was man made and not divinely inspired this is exactly what we expect to find and this exectly we do find. Some poor modern Muslim scholars argue that the notion of two ancestral “parents” is consistent with recent scientific findings that show a common female and male ancestor of all modern humans. This results, however, from a confusion with the nicknames (Mitochondrial Eve and Y-chromosomal Adam) by which scientists have referred to human's earliest genetic ancestors. These two individuals, however, are distinct from the Quranic characters as they are simply the last common male and female ancestors of everyone alive today and not of all humans in history. More importantly, whereas the Qur'an describes Eve as Adam's wife (who, notably, was created after him), Mitochondrial Eve lived some 50,000 to 80,000 years earlier than Y-chromosomal Adam
So since the Qur'an contains myths and legends of primitive culture than one can come to the conclusion that it is not the word of god and there by false!
Muslims pack it up. At this point you are wasting everybody's time.
Me too.
@@moally4696 so sad
@@celestialsatheist1535 why we are so happy
when the long haired dude started attacking from his very first statement, his colleague had no problems. when hijab replied with the same energy, suddenly he finds it hostyle
The levels in their voice show truth to your stupidity
@KhanKhan-nd1dkYou're spamming the same question here. Yet I don't think you understand the video itself as if you did, you wouldn't ask such a question.
We can. The universal, islamic principle of humans being ready for relationships when their bodies are ready. A girl that is menstruating is ready to become a mother, i.e. has become a woman. Whether your self-made morals agree or don't.
@KhanKhan-nd1dkby your name I assume Ur from Indian origin can you explain why your tradition would allow marriage of kids even till today? Before you poke at someone else you ought to look at your own
@KhanKhan-nd1dk firstly i dont think i t was 6. it was like in between 9~13 but fine i'll answer your question.
50 years from now there will probably be new ethics and moral that we will clash with our current values now too. But does it make us wrong for not abiding to the ethics and morals of the future? Obviously not because it doesnt exist in our time period.
It was their arab culture back then to seek marriage early however there was no sexual intercourse until puberty. Also it wasnt Prophet Muhammad SAW that seek her out, it was Aisha's father that seek to pair his daughter with the prophet. It's simply culture. It was done with respect. Its simply culture. Now if u dont believe me, answer me this. Prophet Muhammad SAW have plenty of enemies receive many kinds of insults and his enemies fabricate alll sorts of lies. But despite the numerous insult to Prophet Muhammad back then, NOT a single one of them call Prphet Muhammad SAW a pedophile. There is no record of him ever being call a child molester/rapist pedohpile or what not. That is because its simply the Culture 1400years ago. only now, 1400 years later, ppl start with the pedophile insult. Because this is the culture and believe of Now. Back then its normal to get married young. there was simply nothing wrong with it. If u go back in that time period, U will have to call many people a pedophile because it was normal back then, do u understand? The insult of pedophile dont even exist back then. Many girls marry young BUT definitely there was nothing sexual before puberty. Prophet Muhammad SAW was never called a pedophile or a rapist. He was called many distasteful things by the enmies of ISLAM, they came up with the most heinous of untruth insults but never a pedophile/rapist or molester. Because back then it was normal to marry young. However there is no sexual contact before puberty. EVEN as early as 1930s it was still normal for ppl to marry at the age of 13~15. my own grandmother married at 14 and it was NORMAL at 1930s in Singapore.
Like what this debate been saying, U western keep coming up with your ethics and suddenly we're suppose to follow them? Superiority complex. Diffrent timeline and diffrent group have diffrent culture ethics and morality. Yes the era of now ethics and morality changed because of the system of school etc that make it wrong seeking underaged girls. This doesnt exist however in many places even now there are many culture that doesnt buy in to this ethic and moral. These certainly doesnt exist 1400 years ago. U can marry young , But no sexual intercourse before puberty. now 2023 we have morals and ethics that doesnt exist 20 years ago too, for example the "woke" community with their genders and such. And just like the western lifestyle to force this ethics to everyone else. Typical. Enough with your superiority complex already.
50 years from now there will probably be new ethics and moral that we will clash with our current values now too. But does it make us wrong for not abiding to the ethics and morals of the future? Obviously not because it doesnt exist in our time period.
🌹1.Don't insult (Q 49:11 )
🌹2.Speak kindly (Q2:83)
🌹3.Speak gently (Q 17:28 )
🌹4.Don't backbite (Q 49:12 )
🌹5.Speak the Truth (Q 3:17 )
🌹6.Keep your oaths (Q5:89)
🌹7.Do not be arrogant (Q 7:13 )
🌹8.Restrain your anger (Q3:134)
🌹9.Think good of others (Q 24:12 )
🌹10.Don't be rude to parents (Q 17:23 )
🌹11.Don't make fun of others (Q 49:11 )
🌹12.Turn away from ill speech (Q23:3)
🌹13.Walk in a humble manner (Q25:63)
🌹14.Keep your trusts & promises (Q23:8)
🌹15.Don't claim yourself to be pure (Q 53:32 )
🌹16.Do not even approach adultery (Q 17:32 )
🌹17.Don't call others with bad names (Q 49:11 )
🌹18.Remember Allah and be thankful (Q2:152)
🌹19.Speak nicely, even to the ignorant (Q25:63)
🌹20.Don't ask for repayment for favours (Q76:9)
🌹21.If enemy wants peace, then accept it (Q8:61)
🌹22.Salute the Prophet (saw), do salawats (Q 33:56 )
🌹23.Call ˹all˺ people to the pilgrimage (hajj) (Q 22:27 )
🌹24.Give charity /spend (in the way of Allah) (Q2:254)
🌹25.Don’t criticize small donation/charity of others (9:79)
🌹26.Be mindful of Allah and be with the truthful (Q9:119)
🌹27.Do not consume one another’s wealth unjustly (Q2:188)
🌹28.Stand firm for justice even if it is against yourselves(Q4:135)
🌹29.Don't remind others of the favours you done to them (Q2:264)
🌹30.Return a greeting in a better manner or at least the same (Q4:86)
🌹31.Do not be excessive, extravagant, don't spend wastefully (Q 17:26 )
🌹32 Life of this world is no more than the delusion of enjoyment (Q3:185)
🌹33.Performing prayers (salat/namaz) is a duty on the believers (Q4:103)
🌹34.Turn away from trash talk like gossip, slandering people etc.(Q 28:55 )
🌹35.Fasting is prescribed for you-as it was for those before you (Q2:183)
🌹36.Don't bribe authorities in order to devour a portion of others’ property(Q2:188)
🌹37.Establish prayer (salat/namaz) and donate from what was provided (Q8:3)
🌹38.Establish prayer (salat/namaz) and donate from what was provided (Q 14:31 )
🌹39.Establish prayer (salat/namaz), pay alms-tax, and bow down with those who bow down (Q 2:43 )
🌹🕋40.Know that this worldly life is no more than play, amusement, luxury, mutual boasting, and competition in wealth and children.(Q 57:20 )🕋🌹
💚Please note these are not the complete ayats, but I took keywords from each ayat. If you would like to read the full ayat, then check the reference.
💬For example take a look the first statement:
🌹Don't insult (Q 49:11 ), when you google Quran 49:11, then you will see the complete surah’s English translation and you will see following:
☝️🕋O believers! Do not let some ˹men˺ ridicule others, they may be better than them, nor let ˹some˺ women ridicule other women, they may be better than them. Do not defame one another, nor call each other by offensive nicknames. How evil it is to act rebelliously after having faith! And whoever does not repent, it is they who are the ˹true˺ wrongdoers.☝️🕋
✍Allah is the most merciful and forgiving, no matter how much you have been sinning, run towards Allah , turn to Allah and repent , ask for forgiveness. Some references from the Quran:
🌺🌺🌺🕋Quran 39:53🕋🌺🌺🌺
Say, ˹O Prophet, that Allah says,˺ “O My servants who have exceeded the limits against their souls! Do not lose hope in Allah’s mercy, for Allah certainly forgives all sins. He is indeed the All-Forgiving, Most Merciful.
🌺🌺🌺🕋Quran 25:70🕋🌺🌺🌺
As for those who repent, believe, and do good deeds, they are the ones whose evil deeds Allah will change into good deeds. For Allah is All-Forgiving, Most Merciful.
🌹Feel free, copy and paste this message.
🌹🌹To copy it, open the same page using your mobile phone's browser then, you can copy it using your touch screen or alternatively open this page using your computer then you can copy and paste it using your mouse.
We are 1 Ummah, you are not alone with your struggles, this world is a temporary place, are you preparing yourself for the day of Judgement
That's great now withness me as i DESTROY Islam
the Quran is the word of Allah isn't it ? meaning the Quran is the word of Allah isn't it ? meaning the Quran is the words of the creator of the universe an all powerful being. So that means the Quran can't have any errors if it does it can't be the word of the creator. Even the Quran acknowledges this (quran:4:82) . Even if the Quran has one error one single error someone can easily discard it as a false religion.
That was the premise
And here's the error
It is He who created you from one soul and created from it its mate that he might dwell in security with her. And when he covers her, she carries a light burden and continues therein. And when it becomes heavy, they both invoke Allah, their Lord, "If You should give us a good [child], we will surely be among the grateful."
Quran 7:189
The Qur'an takes what is perhaps best described as the creationist view of the origins and history of life on earth. This diverges sharply from the overwhelming scientific evidence like overwhelming DNA evidence and the numerous fossils of pre-Homo sapiens species that lived on earth for millions of years prior to the evolution modern humans . All this evidence undeniably states that humans have evolved from prior life forms, over the course of millions of years and through natural selection. The Qur'an not only makes a gross scientific mistake but more noteworthy is that it just repeated the creation myth of former cultures . If the Qur'an was man made and not divinely inspired this is exactly what we expect to find and this exectly we do find. Some poor modern Muslim scholars argue that the notion of two ancestral “parents” is consistent with recent scientific findings that show a common female and male ancestor of all modern humans. This results, however, from a confusion with the nicknames (Mitochondrial Eve and Y-chromosomal Adam) by which scientists have referred to human's earliest genetic ancestors. These two individuals, however, are distinct from the Quranic characters as they are simply the last common male and female ancestors of everyone alive today and not of all humans in history. More importantly, whereas the Qur'an describes Eve as Adam's wife (who, notably, was created after him), Mitochondrial Eve lived some 50,000 to 80,000 years earlier than Y-chromosomal Adam
So since the Qur'an contains myths and legends of primitive culture than one can come to the conclusion that it is not the word of god and there by false!
Muslims pack it up. At this point you are wasting everybody's time.
What's the chapter where the demon molests a 6 year old?.
Or maybe flirts with his sons wife??
Or better yet kisses a pagan stone or even talks about an endless cock
😆 🤣 😂
You've got to be seriously thick to think islam is GOD.
You muhammedans follow the devil.
Atleast be honest about it.
You're the ones who'll have to deal with the consequences of your own actions and the choices you have made.
I'll pray for you all 🙏 and hope you'll find the courage to search for the TRUTH.
Thank you so much for this
Thank you brother
If you use suffering as a standard for morality, that would mean that beating someone up for 5 minutes is more immoral than beheading someone, as the former suffers for 5 minutes straight, and the latter suffers for 2-3 seconds.
damn you deleted so many athiests with that observation
Nice one. Now we can put that suffering argument to the bin
They would probably argue article 3: "Everyone has the right to life" is more fundamental.
Thank you. This is a lot more logical.
Why dows it have to be based on time? When suffering can be based on intensity?
I agree the atheist , who really did not come over as being intellectual, simply did not like the fact that Hijab pointed out all the flaws in his arguments.
Damn nice rational point you got there! Its clear that athiest needed another plate of dessert after that debate
yo u good? thats some shirky stuff @@markjapan4062
No need to raise your voice and insult people if you have an intellectual argument.
@@rebelgordo2339 get over yourself. You ever heard Dawkins and his friends?
If someone don't understand the debate ... just
imagine that M.hijab is Khabib Nurmagomedov and all atheists are Conor McGregor😂😂
Yes they tapped Hijab like Chicken😅
he tap like chicken. why? go sleep
Khabib uses skill and technique and Conor shouts and intimidates. Their was no fight in this debate.
@@markjapan4062what is the proof for that stop spreading bs with all my respect Allah tell us don’t postrate to the sun and the moon but for whom who created them and he says there is nothing like unto him
@@markjapan4062 Yahova is a white bearded man in the sky in the imagination of Christians, not God. Allah is the greatest and the truth
In atheist logic It's ok if they softly say false stupid things against our religion but when a muslims responds in a strong assertive way and interrogates their fragile positions all hell breaks loose
Islam is a mental illness.
“You are shouting “ 😂😂😂 aka we couldn’t use the one argument we had because you called me out on my BS And you made us realize we don’t actually set any morals for anyone 😂😂😂😂. They couldn’t handle being questioned. Yet they insult Islam everyday but question them and it’s “degenerate” and “uncomfortable” and “immature” 😂😂😂😂😂😂
Hijab knowns his preparation and academic and intellectual strength.
Look at how he gazes into the eyes of his opponent when they question him.
He is a big guy😂😂😂😂really.
It is like a mujahid in the battlefield with his sword in hand gazing his opponent like bursting of lightning and thundering to melt down his opponent in fear...
Allah u akbar
Academic ?????
@@philipcoriolis6614didn't you hear the whole debate? Or you just skip Hijab when he got a chance to speak?
@@philipcoriolis6614Do you know how many degrees he got? How many do you have?
Do you live in a muslim country or have you ran away to a western one?
@@cinesonicvibes i am in my land Alhamdulillah.
I am not in west.
If i would visit somewhere, it is muslim populated nations with less crime rates unlike west islamophobic biased white colonizers
6:58 dont let the calm / confident voice fool you - remember the question - and repeat these parts to hear how he did not answer anything with any substance.
#Muhammad_Hijjab is unbeatable in all of his debates with non Muslims mashaa Allah
Until the day he debates Sam Shamoun.
@@Musashination Sheikh Uthman already defeated him, no need for hijab.
@@MusashinationSam lost against Shabyr, and ran away from Uthman, and he beat his wife and cant have a proper discussion without insulting them. You have to have better apologist to defend your faith bud
He is too scared to debate Matt Dillahunty
Too arrogant
As Muslims we should always maintain some level of composure even in the most difficult of times. "Sabr" is our greatest weapon when dealing with these types of issues. Sometimes if our own brothers and sisters are out of tune, we need to reflect that in our views and advice. Brother Mohammad is a great asset and certainly well-acquainted with the truths he provides in these types of discussions. He just needs to work on his method of delivery and maintain a higher principle by keeping within the framework of being approachable.... essentially to best reflect the Sunnah of our Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw) which speaks in volumes how best to deal with these types of discussions (Inshallah)
Do you understand the terminologies and the argument, and be patient in presenting them yourself, or do you not know (nor learn) and be patient?
In the first scenario, you qualify to question, in the second, you don't.
why did you add "holy" to the prophet pbuh name?
Nope his delivery was fine, these guys are insulting our religion and our prophet, but dressed it up in an intellectual debate, why should he stand for that, why should we be polite?
@@forhadahmed538 because thats how the rasul behaved even when he was insulted.
Let's address your use of "saw". Please stop that
Even Mr Openheimer couldn't help control his laughter when hijab said to the moderator "there's a structural apartheid the way you're being dealt with" 😂😂😂
When somebody challenges their views and they can’t argue, they run away and hide behind „norms of speech.“
Like Mr. Hijab said, it’s a run away tactic.
Yeah check out our recent debates we see this happening on the daily
Ewe the passive aggressive attitude is worse than shouting, they cover it with virtue… and comparing themselves obviously favouring self… vile honestly…
It's disgusting I agree. They act as victims of words it's so nauseating
Good way of explaining how stupid you are
Hijab: Rational arguments
Arheist: You’re shouting. I want my mommy
him shouting like a madman ruins his credibility. lol
@@mahaa3581but he wasn't. It scares them.... See how they try to make it like they are the good guys :/
Weak fragile white men for you 😂
@@FahimKhan_ well, he kind of lost his calm and composure. He shouldn’t have. It just benefits those he’s debating with.
"rational" arguments. There is nothing rational about Islam. Or any religion for that matter. You are all braindead from childhood when your parents passed down their idiotic beliefs from a book some guy wrote. Religion is there to keep the masses of stupid people in line. You are one of them. Enjoy.
Asserting that slavery was endorsed in Islam is incorrect; it's comparable to conflating regular employment with slavery. Within Islamic principles, individuals referred to as "slaves" often possessed greater rights compared to numerous workers within the modern Western context. One illustrative example is the Mamluk dynasty, where individuals who were initially slaves ascended to the position of kings in various regions such as Egypt and India. This demonstrates the potential for social mobility and the recognition of their capabilities beyond their initial status as "slaves".
take what your right-hand posses, even if she is married and her husband is still alive. keep fooling yourself. Imagine if people attack your country and take your halal mother, sister, halal wife, and your daughter while you and your father are still alive. Is it okay for them to take your family as a snack and eat them?
The Mamluks are a bad example, the Quran was introduced in the context of slavery in the Arabian Peninsula in the 600s. We should be looking at the type of slavery that Muhammad (SAW) was dealing with instead of what existed during the Mamluk Period which several centuries after the period which the Quran directly addresses.
this is just my question, an owner can force him self on his slaves in Islam? what if she refused to have s*x would be there punishment for her refusing his request? if yes, wouldn't that constitute as r*pe? please provide evidence for your answers.
It’s actually not and the Quran as well as Allah explicitly permits slavery.
Slaves did not posses more rights than modern western workers for example modern workers can’t be owned as property, they can’t be beaten, they can’t be sexually assaulted, they can choose to leave their employer, they can choose where they work slaves in Islam can do none of these things.
It’s pretty sick trying to compare the horrible practice of slavery endorsed by the Quran with modern workers in the western world.
@@kakashizet7496 no, you can’t force anyone to sleep with you
no atheist xstian jew or anyone of another belief can win a debate with Mohamed Hijab this Egyptian-UK arab muslim is very smart n very academically intelligent
His logic is unriveled. Total study of philosophy its gonna be hard to find a better intellectual than him in couple years
You dont win a debate by being the loudest.
@@rebelgordo2339yes you win it by bringing facts to the table, which Mohammed Hijab does every single time, you're focusing on his being loud and not what he's saying
@@rebelgordo2339sure… delivery of facts is paramount however delivery packed in dynamite is stellar
@KhanKhan-nd1dk You’re a LIAR! For those who falsely accuse Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) of being a "pedophile" because of the marriage customs of 1,400, it clearly shows how little they know about their own Western marriage customs let alone others. For example, less than 100 years ago here in America, the Age of Consent was as young as 7 years old (1920). Here's the proof from Western academic researchers who look up their laws honestly…
Age of Consent Laws
Age of Consent Laws | World History Commons
America : Most of the Age of Consent was 7 years old to 10 years old.
More than 200,000 children married in US over the last 15 years : Girls as young as 10 were among the minors who wedded under legal loopholes
So by their logic, are they willing to call their Grandfathers and Forefathers a bunch of PEDOPHILES because they either participated or allowed such laws to exist here in America? Child marriages still exist in the West specially in America. Look up all the recent articles which shows it…
The "ugly" reality of child marriage in the U.S.
"Child marriage is most common in the southern United States, according to the Pew Research Center. It's most common in West Virginia and Texas, followed by states like Oklahoma, Arkansas, Tennessee, North Carolina, Nevada and California."
Princess Isabella of Valois (France) was 6 years when she married Richard II.
Even in the Bible, Joseph who was 93 years old had married Mary the mother of Jesus when she was only 12 YEARS OLD! Here's the Biblical proof...
Matthew 1:20
20 "But after he had considered this, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and said, "Joseph son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary home as your wife, because what is conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit."
Matthew 1:24
24 "When Joseph woke up, he did what the angel of the Lord had commanded him and took Mary home as his wife."
Also, in the Bible Isaac who was 40 years old married Rebecca when she was only 3 years old. Where’s the outrage from christians and Jews about this?
Again, according to their logic was Joseph a pedophile too? They really need to study historical facts before regurgitating the same OLD lies and distortions.
Basically he got away from actually answering the question
Mohammed hijab: Dont mess with me ill get you in every angle 😂
Aithiest: I dont like being shouted at
Hijab: *acts like a petulent child*
Atheist: please grow up
Hijab: rawwwr wahhhh
As a muslim, and as a viewer I enjoyed the debate and liked how he articulated his arguments the only problem is his loud manners of speaking, he’s very expressive masallah but calm down brother why are you asserting your dominance over a debate, make your argument stay firm and win be humble
It's just how he speaks, hard to change that, but I understand your point
@@karimmoorad4128 I would say this we shouldn’t but someone like him at all at the seat of debates I have looked deep into the history of him he isn’t the best to choice my guy.
Because atheists irrationally bealive in Shirk and proactivly try to attack Islam and claim rationality. These people are nothing but moro+ns who didnt shower in 20 years but put on a perfume of "show" Atheistic rationality but their true nature (True Atheism) just stinks and is disgraceful, disgusting, irrational, hypocritical and detestable. The assertivness is just in place. Fools must be dealt like fools.
bro, there are ethics and a code of conduct in debating, this is not speakers corner lol@@karimmoorad4128 , I'm saying that as a Muslim who by the way agreed with all his points. Im just saying that for a neutral watching this he definitely came across as the "angry Muslim guy" stereotype
@@hoborob8510would you say the same to Rasulullah ﷺ? His voice is so loud that it can be be heard in the market from the masajid.
This is one major flaw of brother hijab.
He can't debate in a calm manner.
That's not a flaw
What I don't understand is they are allowed to back pedal, beat around the bush, and even answer the question with another question yet are unable to answer the question straight on.
This conversation is way beyond my brain can handle😂
It's simple brother, the atheist gave examples of how morality is structured from the perspective of objective white liberal men. Hijab just questioned him why that's the standard. It's like me using the Quran to prove the existence of God to an athiest, the atheist has to believe in the Quran first before I can use it as the standard. Hope that helps.
They dont even claim objectivity. They dont, because they cant. Man Atheism is ridicilious.@@totallynotthefeds
@@totallynotthefedsthe quran is already proof of the existance of Allah in many verses, you don't need to believe in it. But for laws, I do see your point.
@@aMuslim1 The person who responded to you was just being helpful to you by breaking down in an easy way, the debate that's all. They did not give their personal views on the Quran.
@@periwinkleblue2 brother / sister, he was not responding to me. I just wanted to point out to be careful with the word usage. The Quran itself is a miracle for everyone, even its laws are miraculous when investigated, and show how it would be clearly impossible for a human in the seventh century to have manufactured.
Ran away never answered the question then got the mediator to change the subject
Great work atheists, proving you rather run away than wrestle with the truth
Ah so Muhammed Hijab's racism, lies and straw manning an dgetting angry because he was cornered is how he won? Good to know.
What's shocking yet astounding is this atheist Oppenheimer said about punishment of those who engage in intimacy whilst a woman is menstruating.
I couldn't stop laughing at his ignorance and lies.
take what your right hand possesses, even if they are married and the husband is still alive.
Bro don't let me upload the intros from the athiest side. They were totally dog shit and had many misguided claims
When you come to debate Mohammed Hijab, you should have known that he tends to raise his voice & will be passionate. If you were uncomfortable with that, you should've never come for the debate.
If you can't control your emotions and sound like a child you should not debate
Playing The Victim Card..Well Done🤦♂️🤦♂️
Very Sad..Unfortunately 🤷♂️
@KhanKhan-nd1dk kindergarten argument..seems ur one of the few that still stuck on smthing that we both know they’ve explained behind that marriage in those era..Why not say same thing about king Richard II marrying 6 yrs old girl..??? Pathetic/hypocrites some people are..If u don’t like them koz of their religion fair enough but dont bring arguments that’s been debunked ages ago..Im not even educated and I knew this..U wanna find something to crucify them..That’s fine, but just bring something that makes sense..Instead of holding to an kindergarten argument..FFS
@KhanKhan-nd1dk they will justify s*x sl*very, they will justify pedophilia just by repeatedly saying "objective morality". What morality are u expecting from them.
@KhanKhan-nd1dk Your comment speaks volume of your knowledge and its rather unfortunate to engage with someone of this status.
Mary mother of Jesus was 12 years Old when she got betrothed to Joseph the Carpenter at the age of 90yrs.
Pls what Morality do you derive from this ?????
thank you very much Mohamd Hijab, you took from our chest all of us immigrants and kids of immigrants and even of some westerns people!
I Love my Brother Mohammad HIJAB ..ماشاءاللہ
this needs to go viral
You talking about the debate? I wish they would cut it down it's hard for 2 hour videos to go viral so I had to do some heavy lifting
Here are 2 big lies from the Quran
1) The Quran and Bible describe how 'Allah' created the first human from CLAY or Dust.
This is what primitive people thought, but in reality, humanity was created through evolution (proved beyond doubt to be correct).
2) The greatest miracle in the Quran is that sperm is formed between the backbone and ribs.
That just isn't true. Sperm is formed in the testicles.
A real 'god' would have known these facts, proving that the Quran was created by men who were ignorant of evolution at the time.
This does not disprove 'god', but it proves the the Quran was written be men in an attempt to prove that a 'god' exists.
@@Stiffytheenlightenedthis question already stinks, it’s has been debunked long time ago
@@StiffytheenlightenedBrother, are u alright? U just said that first humans were made through evolution, when the evolution theory isn't proven to be true, even if u say it's the "closest" theory, it's not truth😂 Second of all, the Quran clearly states that humans did not come through another species, they were created as a first.
That's great now withness me as i DESTROY Islam
the Quran is the word of Allah isn't it ? meaning the Quran is the word of Allah isn't it ? meaning the Quran is the words of the creator of the universe an all powerful being. So that means the Quran can't have any errors if it does it can't be the word of the creator. Even the Quran acknowledges this (quran:4:82) . Even if the Quran has one error one single error someone can easily discard it as a false religion.
That was the premise
And here's the error
It is He who created you from one soul and created from it its mate that he might dwell in security with her. And when he covers her, she carries a light burden and continues therein. And when it becomes heavy, they both invoke Allah, their Lord, "If You should give us a good [child], we will surely be among the grateful."
Quran 7:189
The Qur'an takes what is perhaps best described as the creationist view of the origins and history of life on earth. This diverges sharply from the overwhelming scientific evidence like overwhelming DNA evidence and the numerous fossils of pre-Homo sapiens species that lived on earth for millions of years prior to the evolution modern humans . All this evidence undeniably states that humans have evolved from prior life forms, over the course of millions of years and through natural selection. The Qur'an not only makes a gross scientific mistake but more noteworthy is that it just repeated the creation myth of former cultures . If the Qur'an was man made and not divinely inspired this is exactly what we expect to find and this exectly we do find. Some poor modern Muslim scholars argue that the notion of two ancestral “parents” is consistent with recent scientific findings that show a common female and male ancestor of all modern humans. This results, however, from a confusion with the nicknames (Mitochondrial Eve and Y-chromosomal Adam) by which scientists have referred to human's earliest genetic ancestors. These two individuals, however, are distinct from the Quranic characters as they are simply the last common male and female ancestors of everyone alive today and not of all humans in history. More importantly, whereas the Qur'an describes Eve as Adam's wife (who, notably, was created after him), Mitochondrial Eve lived some 50,000 to 80,000 years earlier than Y-chromosomal Adam
So since the Qur'an contains myths and legends of primitive culture than one can come to the conclusion that it is not the word of god and there by false!
Muslims pack it up. At this point you are wasting everybody's time.
That Mohammad Hijab guy was rude and arrogant. There was no winning of a debate there, just arrogance and loud mouthed behaviour
didnt see this many atheists cry since the discovery of the dna
Isn't adorable. A clueless sandwich brain trying to act smart. DNA doesn't prove your desert deity but destroys it . DNA proves that humans evolved by natural selection not crawled out of mud .
But hey you would know this if had a ounce of clue of what you are blabbing about. Get a education
I thought theist really hates the discovery of dna because it disproves the abrahamic creation stories?
I love it, I love it, I love it, ❤
Here are 2 big lies from the Quran
1) The Quran and Bible describe how 'Allah' created the first human from CLAY or Dust.
This is what primitive people thought, but in reality, humanity was created through evolution (proved beyond doubt to be correct).
2) The greatest miracle in the Quran is that sperm is formed between the backbone and ribs.
That just isn't true. Sperm is formed in the testicles.
A real 'god' would have known these facts, proving that the Quran was created by men who were ignorant of evolution at the time.
This does not disprove 'god', but it proves the the Quran was written be men in an attempt to prove that a 'god' exists.
Proved beyond doubt to be correct😂😂😂😂that's a bold statement. Please produce your evidence for this. Secondly, where does the Quran say SPERM is formed between the backbone and ribs...where? Pleeeeaaaase show me where it says "SPERM"! go to a classical Arabic dictionary and find the word for "SPERM"...thank you, I'll listen by the radio for the answer sheikh
@@yaqubjordaan9854 Proved beyond doubt except for Muslims.
All humanity evolved over millions of years, except Muslims who were created by Nick Park.
There is plenty of evidence of evolution on the internet, but it is unlikely you will understand it.
Again, what's up with the copy pasted replies?
You are writing statements, not replies...
Do you have these ready on a Word file or something?
@@Anas-shs230 How else can I spread the word of 'no-god' to so many people? Even doing it all day everyday, I can't cover all the channels.
Hijab playing the race card again. So weak and shameful.
Also, Muslims need to understand that just because other people disagree with your religion, doesn't mean they attack the religion or are disrespectful against it.
@@hopefuldawn3380 Hijab said it. He said the two atheist speakers attack Islam.
@@hopefuldawn3380 I already told you why it's wrong. See the original comment.
@@ManarReports What do you mean? What a dumb comment.
questioning someone else's ideologies without substantiating and proving your own is what these idiots do.
prove that your morality and ideology is objectively true and then you can attack/question others regarding why they have it their way.
all these discourses have one thing in common, the white man has already assumed that feminism/liberalism is the right way and Islam has to allign with it for it to be acceptable. why should islam allign with your moral principals and ideologies? have you got them objectively right? well then first prove it maybe?
Half way through and even I sitting at home have recognised multiple occasions where the atheist with glasses is straw manning the Muslim position.
Hijab my man 💪
Saying "we can get morality from suffering" is a massive cop out.
It's kicking the can a bit farther.
What is suffering other than wheezing atoms in our brain ?
Do they not realize that or they do realize but make this point anyway because they don't have anything else.
Subjective morality is so flawed it's so illogical
The problem is that for there to be rights, and therefore morality, there must be an authority by which they are established as concrete. Without a singular authority, there will be multiple authorities, which implies that morality and rights are subjective. But this is precisely what liberalism is all about, the idea that everyone, each individual ego, is a god unto itself that can subjectively determine "truth".
@@cthulhucrews6602 yes? Because people sex at different ages and in some places eat dogs. Bevause eating dogs isnt really a problem and full maturity is required for sex?
There doesn’t need to be any authority for these things to exist because they are concepts. Authority also doesn’t make something established as being concrete, this would just be an argument from authority fallacy.
@KhanKhan-nd1dk thats not how it works LOL
nowaday i keep seeing christians barking about that young marriage thing and yet why is your christian people at that time never criticise the islamic prophet for that marriage?
why only now did you guys are barking?
and why christians at that time never criticise the royalty for marrying at a young age?
and why did they allowing a law to be put where its legal to be married at a young age at that time?
the reason is simple, its because if they critise the islamic prophet at that time then they would literally look like a clown since basically everyone is doing it
everyone at that time be it theist or atheist married at a very young age since the mortality rate is high at that time
the entire neighbourhood getting raided with its residents murdered are a common thing to happen,
not just one house or a single family got murdered here
did you commonly faced with that situation where not only one house but literally the entire neighbourhood being murdered?
your family, neighbours, friends, classmates, workmates literally got murdered is a common occurrence at that time
if you’re not facing that situation as a common occurrence then why are you judging them?
besides that, the medical standard at that time cannot even compare with what we have today so obviously people on that time would have a high mortality rate than us
if they want to wait until they are 18+ before getting married, sadly the reality is they might not even survive before even managed to get married due to their high mortality rate
that is why you will not find any people at that time be it theist from any religion or even atheist that had criticised Muhammad PBUH for marrying a young girl simply because its a common thing that people do
if there is ever people from that time that criticise him then they would look like a clown since basically everyone is doing it too be it theist or atheist due to high mortality rate at that time
The real Egyptian king 👑
The atheist was using what's called passive aggression without shouting speaking loudly whilst the Muslim was the opposite. The Muslim / religious person by raising his voice and being animated actually intimidated the atheist as he's not used to being rebuffed.
Arguments are won through reason not "intimidation" dear. 🙄
@@trumpbellend6717 I agree and the atheist had no answers to the issues raised other than to say he was being intimidated.
I disagree, tell me dear can we use *ANY* "God" as the basis for this "objective" moral standard he spoke of.?? Or just the SPECIFIC SUBJECTIVE invisible being *YOU* determined to be the "correct" one out of the many thousands man has preposed.
If its the latter then in actuality its *YOU* and YOUR SUBJECTIVE OPINION that is determining morality dear. if its the former, then asserting objectivity to any moral claim based upon a "God" becomes a completely vacuous useless concept 👍
The claim that theistic morality is somehow superior because its "objective" is ridiculous. Theists are merely substituting their own subjective moral standards with the morals standards of the god they subjectively determine represents the "correct objective" morality. 🙄🤔
@@trumpbellend6717 I don't want to debate with you as to the merits of the underlying debate. I was merely pointing out, the issues that I saw. If you want a debate contact the speakers direct.
@@brasherish lol I suggest you just go back to your colouring book and leave these discussions to the adults dear. Your inability or unwillingness to address my specific questions more than adequately demonstrates both your dishonesty and the fragility of your position for all to see 😉
I've had enough of people saying M.H was shouting, being aggressive, etc. little do you realize that we have legends in our religion who were rough and tough against the kuffar. Who were rough and tough against those who had deviating beliefs and spread corruption.
So you don't want discussion and debate. You just want to oppress people who have different beliefs and convictions to you?
@@Alex-ni2ir they are the oppressors and since they insist on their oppression we are firm and rough with them (not oppressive) We don’t tolerate aggression and corruption if it persists . We will be forgiving and civil towards innocent and ignorant but those who persist in their aggression towards Islam and Muslims will be delt with and only a idiot will want them to share cakes and compliments.
They had no ground to stand on. Not even an alternative. The reality of such people with no intellect. Dead dumb and blind. May God guide them or deal with them justly. & the likes for you. I won’t respond to your ignorance after this.
@@Alex-ni2irthats not what he said lol. He only referred to the claim that he was shouting and made the point that u can be tough as long as its within the correct boundaries. How did u strawman that into opressing people u disagree with 😂
This is incorrect.
Everyone will bear the consequence of what he does, and no one shall bear the burden of another. Quran 6:164
Don’t treat people roughly even if their ancestors may have treated Muslims roughly. Your own Quran says this. People are not to be punished by the actions of their ancestors.
@@PowerPawaa what part exactly is incorrect? Idk why ur bringing ancestors into the topic. The point was about being rough with people who are directly spreading corruption and not their offspring so I dont see how this is relevant.
For all the atheist
Surah Al-Ghashiyah, verses 17 to 24
"Do they not look at the camels, how they are created? And at the heaven, how it is raised? And at the mountains, how they are erected? And at the earth, how it is spread out? So remind, [O Muhammad]; you are only a reminder. You are not over them a controller. However, he who turns away and disbelieves - Then Allah will punish him with the greatest punishment. Indeed, to Us is their return. Then indeed, upon Us is their account."
Lol 😂… they didn’t answer a single question but rather just state their opinions
Debating with a Muslim is like debating with a fence post .
Yet the fence post can answer all the questions asked and the atheist cannot?
Muslims answer nothing . They have no answers .
Says the subjective morality believer
Lmaoaoaoa 😂😂😆
That ad had me checking if I was signed in or not lmfao haven't seen an ad on youtube in years
Damnnnn Mr money bags over here
Idk if this is relatable or not but I'll put what I heard feom Mohammed Ali (the Muslim lantern):
If there wasn't evil there wouldn't even be good, thus, no test, bc as Muslims we believe this life is a test.
Dont debate this guy . He is a career ender 😂
This is absolutely disgusting debate. The only reason ANY person would agree with MH (and his conduct) is because you are Muslim and his actions serve to satisfy your anger that someone disagrees with your world view. Educate yourself.
They tried changing the rules of the debate trying to blindside Muslims. We will not treat those who disrespect our prophet and will not be taken lightly. We are no longer going to be meek and accept blatant disrespect?! Had enough of the west telling us how to live to what to think
A Muslim should be peaceful and kind.
White man this white man that... for god's sake why is Muhammad Hijab turning this debate into a race issue??? They can easily rebuttal him by saying Islam is an Arab or Middle eastern traditional, and not a universal religion.
Not at all because the Arabs don’t claim the religion comes from them it comes from divine revelation where the atheist use their “objective theory” through the ideologies from people that were white. He wasn’t just trying to be racist it was more about how does a white man morals got to do with all races and colors.
It’s the white liberal concept, go research it. It’s not really a racial term since even though it’s inception was originally white people it has now transcended white people and gone to other races
We are all animals until we have discipline in our lives and submit to the will of God
Hijab uses the psychology of race to discredit the Atheist. He then proceeds align Islam to justify his point. Religion isnt about Race its about Belief and that is colourless. Very interesting Hijab for building that paradigm using a worldly view and then Islam to reinforce your opinion.
He didn't. They did assume that their morals which are subjective are superior by default. So your entire case collapses there.
@@mohamudahmed6554 they never said "White Men states this" did they? Hijab uses this as a method to discredit a worldly view, which then takes away from a Religious paradigm, for which he draws his premise from. It's simple Psychology to help win a debate, when the debate doesn't need relate to the topic of race. Hijab then does the "Shuffle" from "White Man" to the "West" and then moves away from the term he uses with his tone of voice and speeding up his vocabulary. Hijab shuffles away from terms used when he gets caught out, especially when people remind him that bringing certain terms into a conversation isn't necessary, especially when the Quaran makes an important point referring not to have this type of mindset on race. He has the same approach at speaker corner. It's all interesting.
Hijab seems to have used this event to Vent too and he can assert himself in a Bullying demeanor, while then taking offence to someone else's opinion. Hijab needs to carry himself with more class and stop using the race challenges of South Africa. Come off his high horse because he has a few degrees in a broken Global education system, as it doesn't give him the credit he truly deserves.
@@alignment0 Their morality is known, it's Western liberal morality. As Hijab literally mentiones the founders of these moral philosophies, they don't object since all of this is basic knowledge. So no, they don't have to specifically state who's the founder of their moral philosophy that they abide by. You can't be serious with this...
Hijab not only discredited this baseless world view but he discredited it after his opponents couldn't answer and prove that they morality is objectively. Liberal morals are baseless and subjective and to be specific, they're build on a circular reasoning.
This is all Hijab did. His opponents failed to objectively prove that their morality which they assumed being true is in fact objective and he points it out.
Your comment here is literally showing that you don't understand the topic at all. Your entire explanation is vague, unspecific and reflect Dunner-Kruger effect.
The difference is hijab can bring his scripture as evidence to his claims where as the athiest brings the quotes of Immanuel Kant.. what a joke..
As much as I like Hijab he was unnecessarily aggressive , all that drama could have been avoided. Frankly I am disappointed everyone is just blindly supporting this instead of addressing the elephant under the rug
Amazing job bro Mohammed Hijab. Islam is the true religion. Allah is Great! You can deny religion, but you cannot deny the death. After death ppl who do not believe in God will realise the truth, In Shaa Allah🤲🏻
Do baseless assertions constitute some form of rational argument in your world dear? 😂🤣🤣
Man hijab is amazing to emulate when debating a non believer
Win is not important, dawah islam is important
I feel bad for these cowards
Maybe he forgets that he isn’t in that park-that why he shouts
فَإِن لَّمۡ يَسۡتَجِيبُواْ لَكَ فَٱعۡلَمۡ أَنَّمَا يَتَّبِعُونَ أَهۡوَآءَهُمۡۚ وَمَنۡ أَضَلُّ مِمَّنِ ٱتَّبَعَ هَوَىٰهُ بِغَيۡرِ هُدٗى مِّنَ ٱللَّهِۚ إِنَّ ٱللَّهَ لَا يَهۡدِي ٱلۡقَوۡمَ ٱلظَّٰلِمِينَ
Islam is but one of a thousand irrational belief systems.
Whereas atheism is the answer to 1 specific question, That being the question of belief in a deity.
It is not irrational to demand evidence to back up the claims any and all religions make, Including islam.
Islam proves itself time and time again which is why its the world most successful religion. Be specific, which proof are you wanting exactly?
@@razamughal9095 Islam has plagiarized the same myths and fables judaism and christianity have plagiarized.
Islam has groomed and indoctrinated over a billion people into a presuppositional mindset when it comes to deities, just like Judaism and Christianity.
These comments are from people who “like” one side over the other side. The atheists made their points in a calm and rational matter. Mohammed just shouts and interrupts them in a triggered frenzy. Loudest one in the room is not always right
Masyaallah.. nice job brother Hijab. And here i am clapping alone when i see the moment when The Lion destroys them. These "man and dunya worshippers" will NEVER beat the truth. Alhamdulillah.
God created man for eternal life. But when Adam ate of the tree, he/ mankind got separated from the Source of Life , which brought into creation,sin suffering death and eternal separation, the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good/ evil. The wages of sin is death and nothing we do can return life back into us. That’s why Life Himself Jesus Christ veiled His Divinity in flesh to come as a man , not from mortal Adam of sin nature, to take OUR death upon Himself, destroy its power by His resurrection, to make us a new creation, born of The Spirit for righteousness unto eternal life.
In short, without His Life Giving Spirit indwelling us , we have no eternal life
Any link to the full debate please
Where can we watch the full debate please? And would love to see the conclusion too. Thanks for this video. Its really important to understand.
It's on mo hijabs TH-cam channel
May ALLAH have mercy on those whom he wish and bless them with way of life TRUE guidance in their hearts Aameen 🤲🏻
Hijab cannot separate an objective discussion from an personal attack...
Shouts for 10min then tells him to get to the point after 30seconds of talking lol
Yo the ad tho lol😅😂
I will consistently support Muslims in any situation. However, as a fellow Muslim, I believe there are established guidelines for conducting oneself during a debate within the Islamic tradition. Regrettably, Mohammad Hijab did not adhere to these guidelines during the debate. His demeanour came across as confrontational and interruptive, and even when I found myself in agreement with all of his points, his tone and delivery failed to convey them effectively to a neutral observer watching the debate.
@bawwizzy55 Because the other speaker(s) came across mildly condescending with an air of pomposity.
Is the goal winning the argument or winning the hearts? The truth stands by itself and needs no props. We simply have to deliver it in the best of manners and in a way that wins over the hearts of those that are heedless.
He won my heart
subhaanaLlah!! I need to be re-schooled by these guys in their topic of discussion
I can barely follow up, I get lost easily
Even though this is not a fundamental knowledge required for my purposes of existence
I admire it though
Clearly rationality and truth threatens these two atheists. I can’t think of any other reason to justify this debate.
For real
He is sad because that gentelman got shouted at 😂😂
How clueless !
Why are we having a discussion on morality ? shouldn't the discussion be on whether God exist or not. What's the point of having a debate if these people keep ducking questions. They should be forced to answer it by the moderators.
It's true the topic switched to morality quickly but I think it's because the athiest side kept mentioning human rights that the other side didn't feel compelled to be prescribed to during the debate and actually challenged the validity of those rights.
It's true it wasn't the main topic of discussion though you're right there
The talk about morality because you can't prouve it with atheism...nature or space or whatever you want can't explain how morality came to existence..for example,why incest is evil??if a mother and son committed incest ,an atheist can't blame them see,when you recognize that God exist ,you can say what is good and what is bad..
@@cthulhucrews6602 this is the problem,we were brainwashed that in order to be adult and have sex you must have 18 years old....and we blame everyone who doesn't stick to this even if it's around 17..we as Muslims the condition to be married is to be ready physically and psycologically,and the parents or the community could determine this..that's. Why in the past you will find people use to get married at young age even in England go and see at what age did some kings get married,even according to biblical tradition you will find Mary the mother of Jesus married at the age of see,these condition are objective and valid all the time,in the opposite of what the western liberalism is presenting to us ...59years ago homosexuality was illegal,and look today...I have heard and you can check it ,some organisation try to lunch a mouvement that pedophilia may be seen as something natural and that there are some people who are born like this and we should not blame them...the western world is going crazy and towards his extinction...I have seen last year I think is Sweden someone who married a dunkey and he did a wedding..and if an African country which allow girls to get married at young ages with the permission of their parents and judges and society you will find all sorts of criticism from the west .....why the west think that there moral value should prevail on the rest of the world??
I'm a Muslim and have to agree that Hijabs presentation style is poor. He often devolves to attacking the other debater personally and raising his voice. It's off putting and a poor tactic.
Bro no one cares what you think
@@ManarReports Send location or be quiet little boy
Assalamualaikum, we ❤ u brother, Mohammad hijab
I am a Muslim and I don’t like how the brother was talking and a aggressive way. Talk with knowledge respect kindness.
Muhammad is raising his voice and not one Muslim is reminding him of the Koranic verse that instructs Muslims when engaging in a dispute, to do so in the best of manner. I swear the atheists (along with the other Muslim) are closer to Islamic mannerisms than Muhammad Hijab
yeah they are closer to islam when they are insulting our prophet as well? dont tell me to side with these dudes who insult islam and mock our prophet pbuh but when they are cornered they victimise themselves. exact same case as with David Wood
I disagree with your comment. MH had every right to do so, they were just avoiding answering his questions and rebutes. Plus you should watch the whole debate when they were lying about Islam and our prophet PBUH.
@@aquakpvp Where did you learn that---as a Muslim---when your interlecutor makes a false claim, you have every right to get emotional and taise your voice at thtem? The Koranic teachings are very clear in this regard: you either refute their claims in the best of manner[16:125], or you walk away from the ignorant [25:63]. These are the only two ways a Muslim should behave in a disputation.
Ibn Hajar said in Al-Fat-h: “The Arabs used to insult with this expression but with the wording ‘mother’ (i.e. saying: Go suck the clitoris of your mother), so Abu Bakr wanted to exaggerate in insulting ‘Urwah by placing what 'Urwah worshipped in the position of his mother, and he did so because of being angered by the statement that the Muslims would flee (and leave the Prophet alone), so there is a permissibility of uttering offensive words to scorn someone who did something by which he deserves this. Ibn Al-Muneer said: “In the words of Abu Bakr, there is a depreciation of the enemy, and discrediting them, and making an insinuation to what they said that Al-Laat is the daughter of Allaah - Allaah is High above what they associate with Him, i.e. if it were a girl, it will have what all females have.”
Imam Ibn Al-Qayyim said in Zaad Al-Ma'aad: “In the words of Abu Bakr to ‘Urwah “Suck the clitoris of Al-Laat” is evidence that it is permissible to explicitly mention the name of the private parts if there is a benefit which is necessitated by that circumstance.”
Besides, Shaykhul Islam Ibn Taymiyyah said: “Whenever the speaker is treating us unjustly, then we are not obliged to respond to him (i.e. the one who insulted us) in a good manner.”
Just one little example that Islam isn't just about peace, love and flowers, how those compassionate imams and duat would like to present it.
@@lisaan_nasheed It's actually an example of how some Muslims pass over divine commands that promote upright character by resorting to traditions and flawed opinions that promote the immitation of fallible men.
As an ex Muslim, it doesn't hurt me to portray Islam in a bad light as you're doing. But It demonstrates how Muslims and Islam are not the same thing.
If Muhammad Hijab presents the topic in a sophisticated way.
Shameful shouting and bellowing from Mohammad Hijab. It just shows that theists are not yet ready to challenge the complex and nuanced arguments presented by modern philosophers.
What a logical fallacy. Just because someone shouts, it doesn't discredit their arguments at all. What is this kindergarden level of reasoning?
*Your entire comment shows exactly how you're not ready to listen to these debates to begin with.*
Not that i agree with the shouting, but Hijab literally has a degree in "modern philosophy" and so does Hamza. They made solid arguments.
The mother of all ironies...
If one has _"solid arguments"_ they do not need to shout to prevent the alternatives being presented dear 😜
@@trumpbellend6717 Nothing you said is even remotely challenging what i wrote. Yes, Hijab shouldn't have shouted and yet it had no effect on his arguments which were solid. The opponents inability to respond is very well noted.
You really thought you did something here 🤦♂️ Think before typing.
Hijab was unable to defend the immorality of his peado prophet nor his God
Tell me dear can we use *ANY* "God" as the basis for this "objective" moral standard you speak of.?? Or just the SPECIFIC SUBJECTIVE invisible being *YOU* determined to be the "correct" one out of the many thousands man has preposed.
If its the latter then in actuality its *YOU* and YOUR SUBJECTIVE OPINION that is determining morality dear. if its the former, then asserting objectivity to any moral claim based upon a "God" becomes a completely vacuous useless concept 👍
The claim that theistic morality is somehow superior because its "objective" is ridiculous. Theists are merely substituting their own subjective moral standards with the morals standards of the god they subjectively determine represents the "correct objective" morality. 🙄🤔
This is the worst. Terrible for Islam. Why do these guys do this. What a waste.
Atheists morals are subjective....i think well agreed on that what would they have to teach us?
They proved that point in the debate. TBH they looked unprepared lmaoaoao
What Objective Moralities One Can Find In Islam ???
@@srnp0007islam objectivity comes from God so if anyone disagrees with God in Islam they are being subjective and they to be ignored or they literally thrown out of the religion instantly for disagreeing with God that's where the objective moral standards is
@@dad8102 :-
islam objectivity comes from God...."
This Is Just An Opinion. A Claim.
Where is The Proof ?
@@srnp0007My friend, there are many signs. If we talk about it in the comments, no one will read it. You should research and check it out for yourself with an open mind. If you are not convinced, this is not a problem, but if you are convinced and do not accept it, then this is the big problem
Stating that slavery was permitted in Islam is inaccurate; it's akin to equating employment with slavery. In Islam, those referred to as "slaves" actually held more rights than many workers in the contemporary Western world.
MashaAllah. Good job❤
The atheist speak well
I only heard crying 😂
As a Muslim I don't see this as a win for Hijab. Hijab was doing good in the beginning but from these clips no one else was yelling. Only Hijab. If its an academic debate someone may say something that might offend you but you still have to keep calm. This wasn't a good look to anyone except Hijab supporters. He certainly won't win anyone over with this behavior. If Hamza Tzortis could keep his cool why couldn't Hijab? He wasn't on speaker's corner, he was in a university, if you're mature and confident in your beliefs you don't need to shout in an academic debate. It's not a good look, you come off as the stereotypical crazed angry Muslim who can't articulate his views intelligently.
He came off like that only to you my friend. If he was truelly as you claim he was, they would have dismantled his argument on the spot and then say "Why are you shouting." Yet they couldn't answer his questions and made run away tactick to change the subject on how he is shouting. 😂 So franky speaking you are full of shit.
@KhanKhan-nd1dk For those who falsely accuse Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) of being a "pedophile" because of the marriage customs of 1,400, it clearly shows how little they know about their own Western marriage customs let alone others. For example, less than 100 years ago here in America, the Age of Consent was as young as 7 years old (1920). Here's the proof from Western academic researchers who look up their laws honestly…
Age of Consent Laws
Age of Consent Laws | World History Commons
America : Most of the Age of Consent was 7 years old to 10 years old.
More than 200,000 children married in US over the last 15 years : Girls as young as 10 were among the minors who wedded under legal loopholes
So by their logic, are they willing to call their Grandfathers and Forefathers a bunch of PEDOPHILES because they either participated or allowed such laws to exist here in America? Child marriages still exist in the West specially in America. Look up all the recent articles which shows it…
The "ugly" reality of child marriage in the U.S.
"Child marriage is most common in the southern United States, according to the Pew Research Center. It's most common in West Virginia and Texas, followed by states like Oklahoma, Arkansas, Tennessee, North Carolina, Nevada and California."
Princess Isabella of Valois (France) was 6 years when she married Richard II.
Even in the Bible, Joseph who was 93 years old had married Mary the mother of Jesus when she was only 12 YEARS OLD! Here's the Biblical proof...
Matthew 1:20
20 "But after he had considered this, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and said, "Joseph son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary home as your wife, because what is conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit."
Matthew 1:24
24 "When Joseph woke up, he did what the angel of the Lord had commanded him and took Mary home as his wife."
Also, in the Bible Isaac who was 40 years old married Rebecca when she was only 3 years old. Where’s the outrage from christians and Jews about this?
Again, according to their logic was Joseph a pedophile too? They really need to study historical facts before regurgitating the same OLD lies and distortions.
@KhanKhan-nd1dk yes we can. It's all about bounderies. Islam put restriction, explains Law and it teaches moral. Simply to put words what to do and what not.
*Prophet(Pbuh) consumed the marriage with Mother Aisha(Ra) when she became adult.*
@KhanKhan-nd1dk the wedding wasn't consummated until she was above the age of puberty. This was normal in pre modern times universally. Context matters, what necessarily was a norm over a thousand years ago does not have to be nor should be implemented today, if the norms have changed in the society. The Law provides boundaries but Muslims can and Muslim societies have always recognized context and implemented additional limitations within the established boundaries based on cultural context, that's why the age of consent is much higher today in most Muslim majority countries.
Salaamualaikum from South Africa. I grew up and got my tertiary education in this country -and it's repulsive. Some people have become wealthy but the masses are still poverty stricken. The middle classes,for example the chairman and his two next to him,one in a blue jersey wagging his finger at our two esteemed guests from UK. Many aspire towards the values (ooo I'm hurt) of the previously advantaged. As for the two whites, nothing has changed from the 1970s. They try to use language to confuse -and usually get it right with the locals -many of who still suffer from inferiority complex(people of colour)
I remember when I used to talk to white girls about the injustice of the system back then they would say Please don't talk about it!!!
As a Muslim and a huge fan of brother Mohammed Hijab, I actually think that there was a lot of room for improvement on his debate strategy. I actually think he has stronger arguments that he should have used instead and better refutations to their arguments that he did not use. I am not very satisfied with the quality of work in this debate
God created man for eternal life. But when Adam ate of the tree, he/ mankind got separated from the Source of Life , which brought into creation,sin suffering death and eternal separation, the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good/ evil. The wages of sin is death and nothing we do can return life back into us. That’s why Life Himself Jesus Christ veiled His Divinity in flesh to come as a man , not from mortal Adam of sin nature, to take OUR death upon Himself, destroy its power by His resurrection, to make us a new creation, born of The Spirit for righteousness unto eternal life.
In short, without His Life Giving Spirit indwelling us , we have no eternal life
Its hard to debate with someone who refuses to give you his sources and give you reasonable argument from with it. You can debate 10 schoolers but not one fool.
Tell me dear, how could Adam or indeed mankind make moral choices without being able to differentiate good from evil ?? Without knowledge of right and wrong every moral "choice becomes meaningless, choice *A* no more valid than the diametrically opposed choice *B*
And yet ...... dispite Gods foreknowledge of this he still decided to deny Adam and Eve this knowledge and to punish not only them for gaining this knowledge but also their descendants ?? 🤪 how utterly absurd and immoral!!
We have names for people who do not know how to differentiate right from wrong and we lock such people up in concrete boxes or execute them. Yet this is how your "God" wanted mankind to be (and we would still be if not for the Serpent) and you think him a perfect moral reference standard 😂😅🤣🤣🤣🤣
فَإِلَّمۡ يَسۡتَجِيبُواْ لَكُمۡ فَٱعۡلَمُوٓاْ أَنَّمَآ أُنزِلَ بِعِلۡمِ ٱللَّهِ وَأَن لَّآ إِلَٰهَ إِلَّا هُوَۖ فَهَلۡ أَنتُم مُّسۡلِمُونَ
MH is a showman. He's not stupid by any means (altho his Kalam e-book is self-onanising waffle, IMHO), but you're missing the deflection MH engaged in - he skirted the issue of slavery and played the race card. The atheist professor was quite to bring it up and ask why it just wasn't clearly prohibited. Slaves, btw, were still being openly traded outside the Kabba in the 1960s and there were white, Arab and black owners of slaves; and M and his Sahaba took and owned slaves.
This debate was quite interesting, but it was a bit of disjointed mess. There was too much to cover.
The argument about slavery is kinda ridiculous which you actually brought up.
In fact within Islamic texts it is encouraged to free slaves and treat them with respect etc since it existed before Prophet Muhammed (Peace be upon him)
Similarly with alcohol it was not banned outright but rather in stages.
In a holistic view if the Prophet came out and banned everything no one would follow him...there had to be incremental transitions on a societal level.
As for slavery in general within the Islamic framework you can only have them through war captives. And even if they are taken in your household you have to feed cloth them with same as your own family etc....when westerners hear slavery they already have the preconceived notion of what they did to the African and Aboriginal slaves....Islam does not endorse that.
It is no different in modern terms to a drug you ban them from taking the drug or slowly give them lower doses to get them out of it.
Slavery was eventually close to being eradicated within the Islamic framework. People integrated within borders etc.
Another point is please research the Mamluk empire...they were an Islamic Empire...these people were actually at one point slaves.
Many slaves of early Islam even became Commanders, Governors etc overtime.
So your simplistic understanding has no holistic solution.
The war captives in modern times that USA take in are tortured or raped by the soldiers which is documented in some reports.
@@user-el6xm2pk7xthe arguement falls flat once we realize the Islam endorsed slavery and just put more restriction on it. By no means can one derive slavery being immoral from the Quran or Islam. Instead the opposite is true which is that slavery with restriction is permitted.
Sure you had to feed and house slaves but literally all masters did this prior to Islam. You could still own them, sexually assault them, force them to work, and punish them for not fulfilling your desires. It was slavery.
I wouldn’t even says slavery was close to being irradicated with the Islamic framework, it took another 1400 years for that to occur and that was only after new interpretations and western influence. The slave trade expanded under Islamic rule and slavery is still a problem in the Muslim world today.
Not all war captives are treated horribly by the US and the difference is that war captives taken by the US were generally combatants while those permitted to be taken in Islam are civilians in settlements that were raided and kidnapped. I do not mind the torture, execution, or mistreatment of authoritarians who wish to hide information and murder civilians. Although I don’t think they should be sexually assaulted or tortured for the fun of it and they generally aren’t, we can’t say the same for Islamic slavery. I however do mind the enslavement of civilians.if the US went by Islamic standards then millions of civilians could have been taken from Iraq and brought back to the US and used as manual labour but that didn’t happen. At best the US arrested some civilians in Iraq and Afghanistan that had nothing to do with the war and were mistreated, which is wrong and heavily criticized by US citizens and even government officials.many were even prosecuted since treating pows in such a way is illegal by US law where as in the Islamic texts people couldn’t be prosecuted for such horrible treatment and were even permitted to do so. There has never been a better time in history to be a POW especially compared to recent history and the rise of Islam. in recent time the US treats its POWs far better than the Quran and the Islamic texts would have you treat them. I find your parallel to be disingenuous .
@@TmanRock9 "You could still own them, sexually assault them, force them to work, and punish them for not fulfilling your desires. It was slavery. ". Again, this is your pre conceived notion of the slavery that took place in the United states and in the west. A slave could literally demand their freedom under islamic law and the master would HAVE to set a fair price and wage so that he could earn his freedom. You couldnt sexually assault them, or punish them for not fullfilling ur desires or force them to work nor overwork them. It is true that the slave owner could have sex with the female slave, but this doesnt mean he could rape her. Any breach of this could be taken to court by the slave and result in their freedom. Moreover slavery was usually a temporary state that people were in under islam. Most people wouldnt spend more than 5-10 years as a slave.
The Prophet of Islam said:
“Your slaves are your brothers. Treat them with kindness. Seek their help in performing your hard tasks, and help them in the performance of difficult tasks.” 6
"nd treat him as well as He has treated you. So feed him with what you eat yourself, and clothe him with what you clothe yourself. And do not burden him with what he cannot withstand. And if you dislike him, you ought to let him go and replace him, but do not torment God’s creature. And there is no power but in God."
“Your slaves are your brothers. God has set them as a trial under your authority."
“No one is allowed to say this is my slave or that is my maid. You should say this is my young man, and that is my young lady.”
When ‘Abd al-Rahman ibn ‘Awf (may Allah be pleased with him) walked among his slaves, no one could tell him apart from them, because he did not walk ahead of them, and he did not wear anything different from what they wore.
A man entered upon Salman (may Allah be pleased with him) and found him making dough - and he was a governor. He said to him: O Abu ‘Abd-Allah, what is this? He said: We have sent our servant on an errand and we do not want to give him two jobs at once.
@@TmanRock9 ".many were even prosecuted since treating pows in such a way is illegal by US law where as in the Islamic texts people couldn’t be prosecuted for such horrible treatment and were even permitted to do so"
This is an outright lie as the slave can still take the master to court and even gain his freedom if they were to be mistreated.
"if the US went by Islamic standards then millions of civilians could have been taken from Iraq and brought back to the US and used as manual labour"
Let us not forget the US war on Iraq was based on a lie, and millions of civilians lost their lives due to this, and it completely destroyed the economy of the country, destabilised their politics and destroyed the lives of an entire country. But this is also a completely disingenuous comparison to islam. Firstly the context and time is completely different. Secondly, one only needs to look at the conquest of egypt or juresalam or even other arab cities during the lifetime of the prophet such as Taif. They didnt take slaves in these conqeusts nor did they remove the people from their land. As long as they paid the jizyah, these people, their families, their properties were all kept safe and intact. Infact, in many cities, Umar ordered the muslims to not live in the conquered city, but rather to build an amsar or garrison city next to it (The city of kuffah was originally a garrison city). You can clearly see civilians were less harmed by the muslims in times of war 1350 years ago, compared to America in iraq just 20-30 years ago.
I find you yor parallel to be disingenous.
(as a side note, yes there are reports of slaves being mistreated or forcefully pressed into slavery, but these are illegal under islamic law, and just as in any society, there will always be those criminals who oppress others)
Thank you Allah, Lord of the worlds for the blessings and teachings of Islam. Al hamdoullillah Islam is for the win and they will notice it in the state of disbelief.
Thank God for Islam
The atheists syllogism ~1:34( in the original video) shows that the set of god's beliefs( beliefs are things that exist, they are not abstract MH agreed ) due to it's omniscience are an actual infinite, so you can conclude an actual infinite exists in reality if an omniscient god exists . So this leads to a contradiction with MH's requirement that no actual infinities can exist in reality, a god that is defined as being omniscient entails an actual infinite exists in reality. The contradiction entails if you deny an actual infinite exists you must deny omniscience can exist , and therefore a god defined as omniscient does not exist.
If you think MH won explain how? If you can't explain how , then how do you know he won?
That is an excellent question. I would say the key word you used is 'reality'. The word comes from latin "res" which means property or physical matter. English conception of the word 'reality' often refers to the material world, the physical universe. However this reality is a creation of God. One of Allah's names is As-Samad which means everlasting, self-sufficient, utterly independent. Allah is not a part of this phsyical universe. He is not subject to its laws or attributes. As such he can be actually infinite without an actual infinity existing within our universe. He wills the universe into existence, and he is currently sustaining it with his will. If he stops for a second, the universe would cease to exist.
In essence, god does not need the universe to contain actual infinities in order to exist. Rather, the universe needs God's infinite omnipresence in order to exist
Belief is an acceptance that something exists or is true, when it may or may not actually be true (especially without proof).
Reality: The totality of all things possessing actuality, existence, or essence. All that exists,if god exists, it is part of reality. No need to do etymology, we can just use modern English.
So nothing to do with being physical , just existence. Beliefs exist, MH confirmed his agreement with this, so I think you've missed the point. My question is about if you think MH won then explain how , offering your own response rather than how MH responded to this syllogism and won , is not really what I'm looking for but I will entertain it, so are you responding for yourself or showing how MH won?
On a side note... not actually related to an answer to the question posed.
"If he stops for a second, the universe would cease to exist."
This entails Allah is subject to time, yet you say "He is not subject to its(the universes) laws or attributes". This conception appears broken.
Belief is as you say an affirmation that some proposition is true. You have to have a definition of "truth" to then offer justifications for that belief. Knowledge and faith are beliefs, just words we use to express something about the quality of justification we think we have for a belief. We can say we have a belief, knowledge or faith about some matter and it maybe we are wrong. There are very few things we can actually claim to have certitude for , that it is impossible we could be wrong.