@TheSimPilot probably not but I think I am. In going to try and start flying it after the update. I bought it in release but didn't know how to fly it.
@@dirtycasper that would be the only reason for dark screens. Two switches at the top of the overhead on the left side. You will see Avionics master A B. Let me know once you try
@@TheSimPilot yes I turn those on. They are one of the first things you turn on. I'm willing to bet that the airport didn't work with the airplane. So I probably was black screen and didn't know it. The efb was working though.
How you get the fmc on? My screens are always dark
Are you turning on the avionics master A and B switches on at the upper overhead?
@TheSimPilot probably not but I think I am. In going to try and start flying it after the update. I bought it in release but didn't know how to fly it.
@@dirtycasper that would be the only reason for dark screens. Two switches at the top of the overhead on the left side. You will see Avionics master A B. Let me know once you try
@@TheSimPilot yes I turn those on. They are one of the first things you turn on. I'm willing to bet that the airport didn't work with the airplane. So I probably was black screen and didn't know it. The efb was working though.
@@dirtycasper That's a little weird. I am assuming you have APU running or Ground Power enabled. They shouldn't be dark in that case.