When I mess up with coloring my mom tells me “Just draw it again.” On the inside I’m just like MOM I CANT MAKE THIS PERFECT LINEART EVER AGAIN IM NOT A PRINTER
"Did you draw that?" *nO mY FiSh DiD* "Oh my gosh are they naked??" .. No.. I am a child.. Plus were in school.. I wouldnt draw naked people in public.. "Why are their eyes so weird? Are you trying to do anime eyes?" No dude, thats.. How I draw eyes.. "Can you draw me/Can you draw this/Can I see your sketchbook?" No, I dont wanna draw you, I do not care, and *NO, IT HOLDS MY DEEPEST DARKEST SECRETS AND BAD FAILED ART. AND IM REALLY INSECURE ABOUT MY ART SO LIKE?? NO??* _SOME ANNOYING AS HECK QUESTIONS_
Hey I have a solution for the sketchbook ones. When I draw in public, I ALWAYS have my bag with me, ALWAYS (I think you to), so when someone ask me to show my sketchbook, I pull out a really old sketchbook with old and non recent draw, like that, with this awful work, non one will ask you to draw something for them ;)))
Most annoying things for artists to hear: "Who's that?" "Can you draw me?" "Wait, what? You want me to *pay* ?" "Teach me how to draw please!!!" "Can I look through your sketchbook?" "That's so good! I can only draw stick figures!"
Ah, the classic 'I used to be so proud of this until I realised how horrible it is so now I must either cry because it's so bad and get rid of it, or either waste a ton of time remaking it'
I hate it when people look at my art and then tell me "I wish I could draw!" You could draw if you actually tried and took practice at it. It's not something only *the chosen ones* are born knowing how to do-
I think we artists are just born with that creativity to draw and draw and draw until you are skilled in it. It's lke people who love making music. If you don't do art growing up, you probably won't do it when you are older.
Whenever someone asks me what it's like to be an artist/ to teach them how to draw, this is how I respond: 1) draw a stickman without legs 2) add a face according to your art style 3) erase the stickman lines (if you want I don't care) 4) be proud of it for around two seconds before erasing the entire thing because you don't like it 5) repeat for the rest of your life
Some girl wanted to take credit for my art and asked me if she could ( as a joke) and I just laughed and said if she ever really did go ahead. I told her she's in for hell if she does. Cause she doesn't understand I undergo like 50 people a day asking for art pieces for free. She didn't make that joke again.
What I don't understand is why some artists want to deny the influence of anime on their art. I acknowledge my own influences. They make me more powerful. Why are anime drawers ashamed?
SmolStrawberry Sure. So when somebody refers to anime when talking about your art, you can just admit that’s what you’re drawing instead of taking it to mean hentai.
It’s almost like to other people there are two genres of drawing people, realistic and anime. And to clarify anything stylized even a tiny bit is automaticallly anime.
I think every artist knows that ONE PERSON who CANT SEE FOR CRAP and will ask a million questions like ‘Who’s that?” “Where are their arms?!?” “Why is it a floating head?!” “Why do you draw that outline thingy?’ Or just makes comments like “ha! Art is easy!” “I can draw so much better than that!” “If your a good artist,you draw from top to bottom without a ‘scetch’ as you call it’
Things I hate: 1.”can you draw meeee?” Answer will always be no unless you’ll pay me 2.”can I borrow your sketchbook” NO 3.when my wrist hurts 4.when people annoy me when I’m drawing 5.when I draw something extremely bad and someone says “omg that’s soooo good” no it isn’t it’s trash 6.when people watch me without asking(just leaning over me( 7.when I’m out of paper
The first one always annoyed me so much. Like, seriously. I barely know you and you don’t actually care about my personality and just like me cause of my art. If you were a close friend, I would’ve said yes, but Amy, I barely know you, so go away and stop bothering me. I’ve told you to stop bothering me a long time ago get you never go away.
@Sanvera it happens to me with my friends XD i draw some deformed hand and my friend is like "wow you did the hand really accurate i love it" not even sarcastically
Me: *just draws a woman* My dad looks at it: "who is that?" Me: "just a random woman I‘m drawing?" My dad: "But art should be connected with emotion" Me: ... My dad: "When I was in your age, I used to draw too-" Me: *screams in pain* He does that. Every. Time...
Random Dogface tell your dad that there’s different types of art and its not all emotional. *I mean thats comming from someone that draws in a cartoon artstyle but still*
I might not be amazing yet to draw, but I have learned one thing from drawing. And that is emotions. and it's an importent factor when drawing. As I have noticed.
shadow the parrot gaming Yes it is quite important, but sometimes you just draw random stuff that might be just for practice or something like that, that's what I do all the time. I'm still learning to draw emotions :)
@@eliseheartless4636 And keep practicing! But when I mean emotions is important when drawing, I don't mean facial expressions or anything like that, I mean your emotions! How you feel etc. That is what I have noticed when drawing art. If I draw with what I'm feeling, for example, you can get the same vibe from the art as to how you are feeling.
Things my classmates say to me: "Pick which drawing is better?!." "Teach me how to draw please?!" "Can you draw that for me?" "The eyes they are too big." "Wow! Thats soo pretty." "Can I take this drawing*Tears it from my drawing notebook* I seriously hate the last one cause I remember a "friend" who did that just so that she can show it to her mom/dad and say that she drew it.
If anyone does that it doesn’t have to be your friend but if anyone does it I will hit there head with the sketch book But not to hard cause they might have to go to the hospital cause i can be strong..
I’m fine with the “Wow! Thats soo pretty.” :) But the last one, I would 1. Write my name in pen/Sharpie so they can’t claim it 2.MURDER THEM by yelling “ITS MAH ART!!!1!1!1!1!111!” XD
Questions And ‘tips’ I Get At School All The Time: “Wow! Can you draw me?” “Is that you?” “Can I borrow a piece of paper?” “Draw me! Draw me!” “Is that me?” “Umm.. You should fix that hair ;-;” “Why does it look so... Cartoony?” “I need a pencil. Can i borrow one?” “Ooh! Can I have that drawing?” So I had this friend once and she STOLE a drawing from me and said it was hers. She got first place in the drawing contest, so I told on her (I know this sounds childish but the art piece took me HOURS to make). She got disqualified and I won. Next time, don’t steal Layla :).
It's annoying when I'm drawing the body of a person, before I add the clothes and people say *"ewww are they NAKED??? Put clothes on them!!!"* Like, no, I want to make the body not look crappy before I add clothes *boi*
I encounter that problem ALL THE TIME. I mean, do you even know how clothes look like when no body or mannequin is there to wear them? THEY'RE ON THE FREAKIN' GROUND, FOR GOD'S SAKE! Do you really want me to draw a flying head and clothes lying on the ground?
When people ask you "who is that?" Me: uh a girl? Other person: ye but who? Me: I don't know? Other person: ??? Me: A RANDOM PERSON OKAY I DON'T ALWAYS HAVE TO DRAW SOMEBODY IT'S JUST A RANDOM GIRL OK?!
My little sister does that and she's always like CAN I NAME HERRR and since my mom's always in the room I'm like jwsfaidvwogqige I guess and it'll always be like a super mature looking Aethstetic (what is spelling) and she's like "Ummmmmmmm CUPCAKE"
Me: *Drawing peacefully* Rando: “iS tHaT yOu?” Me: *No, It’s One of my Oc’s* Rando: “WhAt’S aN oC?” Me: *An Original Character...* Rando: “CaN YoU DrAw Me?!” Me: *NO! JUST PICK UP A PENCIL AND USE YOUR MIND TO CREATE SOMETHING OF YOUR OWN!”
Okay, I don’t care this was 11 months ago, but relatable. I’m the only artist in my family, so I get CONSTANT requests to draw something for them. I’m normally okay with it, but after a while, I started getting a lil’ pissed. I really want to say: “Have YOU tried drawing it? If you don’t want to have to ASK someone, then go ahead and practice. I’m NOT your drawing puppet.” But I don’t. Also, sometimes I show my family my art, and my dad will say: “Did you draw that!?” “ Why wouldn’t I be the one to draw it, Father? I drew it with MY pencil in MY sketch book in MY style! Not to mention it has MY INITIALS.” Is what I would say if I was really pissed that day.
Thats exactly what I want to say instead I say: OK ILL DRAW YOU! * draws demon saying can you draw me * Here! uhm that’s not me… WELL I DONT WANT TO DRAW YOU SO FUCK OFF
Me: **is teaching my friend how to draw** Friend: **is following** Friend: aah, my hand hurts so bad, how can you draw without any pain!? Me, an artist-writer-guitarist-bassist: i... I have no idea :/
*someone is literally watching me draw, watching the pencil in my hand move on the paper* "WOW! Did you draw that YOURSELF!?" Nah man, this is someone else's hand holding this pencil that you are watching make lines on the paper to form an image. Yes, I drew it myself! AREYADUMB!?
Is it weird that i love getting that question xD? Bc then ju can just say something stupid back like: "ofcourse I didn't, what do you think? Like I'm an artist or something? Pff.." And then they slowly realise their mistake ^^
Lexandria Omg yeah I have that problem too! If someone says my art is great then of course I will say thanks and like that makes me happy that people like it. It's when they grab it and start showing people that it's sooooo emarassing and frustrating! I had a science test like 2 weeks ago and in it you had to draw 3 pictures of like how to separate chemicals and shit and I drew them just sketchy how I remembered seeing the set up when we did the lab. So then my teacher comes along and sees my sketching and is like "OH MY GOSH YOU GUYS! THIS DRAWING! OH ITS SO GOOD!" so she eventually shut up and walked off. I was thoroughly embarassed. then later when she was handing the tests back so we could see our grades she went to hand me mine then stopped and went "Oh WOW YOU GUYS LOOK AT THIS! LOOK HOW PRETTY IT IS! OH WE HAVE SOME REEEAAL ARTISTS IN OUR CLASS WOWIE!" and started telling people to go look at my paper. It. It was not good.
Ahh, I haven't figured out how to manage the copy and paste. Never notice it when other people do it, but then I do it and it's like I can see a million inconsistencies. >~
(GUILT:DrAw.).........................(GUILT:Stop doing other things and DRAw) .w.’ (GuiLt:YOU SHOULD BE DRAWING RIGHT NOW. Me:But I’m sleeping ._. Guilt;DRAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW)..............I cant sleep ._.
I absolutely HATE it when someone says, "can you draw me?" or, "woah, thats soooooo good!" when you see sooooo many character flaws. IT IS HAUTING TO KNOW YOU HAVE TO DRAW SOMEONE!!! I BE LIKE, "no, i only draw ocs?"' then feel reeeeally guilty and draw them anyways.
Hatsune_Lunayay -roblox- It's usually more annoying bc im in school and i DONT want to draw them. My friend told me that she wanted me to draw her and i said yes bc i was younger and i didnt want to say no and the entire year she kept telling me to draw her and i never did.
This boy at my school, he was a lot younger than me and he wanted me to draw them.. I was like, “uhh.. I don’t draw humans..” (although I kinda can) He still wanted me to try.. And I feel guilty for not drawing him. I always feel guilty when somebody asks me to draw them..
i've NEVER been asked this question, but i kind of want to be. I have randomely sketched my classmates, and i think it'd be fun to bang out a sketch for someone.
Nah, I ordered a half full sketch book with my name on it from Amazon, it just arrived right here as the delivery guy is a ninja who has the ability to track people for kilometers, and then disappear instantly after giving me this sketch book, whatya think boy?
**looks at sketchbook, horrified** **throws sketchbook on the ground and quickly backs away** NO! WHERE DID THIS COME FROM!? WHAT IS THIS WITCHCRAFT?!!??
She didn't mention one of the most annoying things for digital artists: *When you finish the line art but then realize it's on the sketch layer.* i've now resorted to making the sketch the line art because IT KEEPS HAPPENING
"why are they naked?” when I'm drawing construction shapes. EVERY. FREAKIN'. TIME. Apparently nobody knows you're not supposed to draw the clothes first...
OMG I can totally relate the other day I was draw a girls body first and a boy came over and ask why is she naked I swear I wanted to punch the living crap out of him
People sometimes will look at you in class while you're drawing with your headphones on and plugged into the computer then try to talk Every time that happens I want to yell at them and say "can you not interrupt my happy thoughts and musicals"
Stuff people ask when they look at your sketchbook: "who is that?" "Can u draw MmMeEeEE?" "What's that? Are u gonna finish it? Why is there a cross on the face?" And that's not even it.
@@adzdrawss It’s my brothers moms uncles nephew whose dogs previous owner was an Acaholic (god I can’t spell that), and the bartender of their usual spot on friday nights, it was their 4th cousin.
me in school: **draws a normal human** that annoying person in class: _"JeSuS ChRIsT, Is thAt a CaT?! YoU aLwAyS dRaW cAtS! PLeAse sToP!"_ me: **confused whale noises** that is happening EVERY TIME i draw in school..
Last weekend i was drawing sasuke and ny friend said sasuke again draw something else! In my heart: dude i like to draw that a was just drawing sasuke for two days at school i was going to draw something else i was just trying to improve my anime style after that im drawing a different stuff (i was so mad i actually erase my whole sketch (good thing it was still just the head) and he doesnt even noticed it)
sabrina macri I'm the kind if person who's always misplacing their pencils and sharpies. But then like always, we artists bounce back and find out stuff!✊
Wizard of Arts I hate it when I lose a pencil or something and I look all over for it, lifting up my sketchbook and then when I find it I find out I lost my easraser or other supplies I was using while searching for my pencil
pencil missing search frantically before u lost flow found it lost the flow lost everything else for funk sake found out your piece of shit friend stolen it
On high school people also always asked if my drawings were anime. But it got kinda weird. They said: "Oooh that's... that's hentai, right?" ... Why does my teacher know this term?!
Some student probably thought it'd be fun to trick the teachers into thinking that the word anime means the same thing as HENTAI .. or your teacher is a perverted weeb
Mostly none one at my school knows what anime is, and those who knows, doesn’t know the difference between anime and manga. Whenever I’m drawing anime, chibi, or some oc people come up to me and ask “is that Pokémon? Grow up!”. It actually hurts my feelings and makes me sad when they say that. If you don’t know, then keep your mouth shut!
Kavin Thas, yea, agreed. In my experience everyone calls everything 'anime'. Even though... it's not animated... But they would call it 'anime' instead of something specific like 'Pokémon'. But it's bullshit if they tell you to grow up. Where do they think all the art for manga and anime comes from? They're mostly not made by the target audience themselves.
That guilty feeling is so relateable, especially since i have so many other things beside art, so when I'm taking a break i think i should be drawing, and when I'm drawing, I feel like I should be practicing piano, or working on a song for the audition I have in a few weeks or something.
The absolute worst thing I HATE hearing: Me: Draws something in my cartoony art style Other kid who draws realistically: Draws something in their style with an equal amount of skill People in my class: *Insert other person's name here*'s art is waaayyy better than yours Me: sad artist noises Just because someone draws realistically, doesn't mean they are better or more skilled
Yeah ;/ Edit: ew I hate the “:/“ face wtf is wrong with me xd. So uh I wanna comment more soooo: I guess it is a TINY bit more skilled because of portions, eyes (idk but for me, the eyes are the hardest lol) and etc. but of course, it doesn’t mean it’s better. It’s just harder to do and takes a bit more skill -w-. 12/3/2020 edit: lol i triggered people, dont get offended. its my opinion on it edit to my edit above^ : changed the ":/" face to ";/" ik it isnt a big difference and i didnt need to out another edit... but meh idrc
Ran ;D It doesn’t take more skill, the proportions are off cause we WANT them to be off. Like if we like to draw bigger eyes and smaller necks, it can be very finicky or it won’t look right. Same for realism
So this one time, my friend and I were working on a science project together, and since I am so used to drawing all the time, my doodly hands started doodling on the board and both of our parents and siblings were there, and of course, my friend just had to start ShRiEkInG "OH MY GOSH YOU ARE LIKE AMAAAAZZINNGG AT DRAWING CAN YOU DRAW MeEeEeEeEEEeeee?!?" Me: Thanks a lot HaNdS
Me: starts to draw at restaurant Person: "wow nice drawing!" Me: shakes a lil "Thank you..." Person: "did you really draw that?" Me: *"nO ThE dOG diD"*
@@theycallmeghost2977 it can be quite annoying for someone to ask if you drew something... especially if they see you drawing it.... i used to do this and I realized how annoying I was.
@@yazzyxx oh if they see you drawing it I agree it's annoying they should just say it looks good but I still think if they ask you it's mostly well spirited
@@theycallmeghost2977 i understand what you're saying. And I agree with ya now. I thought you meant something else!! Sorry Genetics. I thought you were being rude or something. Sorry man. Bye bye.
me: drawing Person: walks up behind me "wow, you're good at art." me: "uhh, tha- Person:"HEY EVERYBODY COME LOOK AT HER DRAWING!!!" *10 people crowd around me*
This reminds me of this one time a classmate was watching me draw and he said "I think you should add this, can I show you?" So I say sure as long as he draws really lightly and you know what he does? Crosses out the eyes with as much pressure as he can, I was really proud of that drawing too..
One time in class, I was drawing. I was heavily influenced by anime at that time, and I wasn't even that experienced. My drawings were literally the definition of "beginner". Suddenly my friend asks "Oh, can you draw me?" I assumed that she meant that she wanted me to draw her in my own style, since that's how I was drawing at that time. The next day, I show her my anime-esque drawing of her, and she refused to accept it, saying that she wanted me to "/actually/ draw her". I was pissed.
Sepia Smith RIGHT. Like I’ll be bored in class and I’ll draw an eye, cause why not, and it’ll look beautiful, but then when I draw an actual drawing it looks... standard
When you're drawing a character that looks nothing like you and has, like, demon wings and sharp teeth and some *special* person says "IS THAT YOU?" Yes...I have demon wing- NO! USE YOU FREAKING BRAIN!!!
One time I sent my friend (a fellow artist) a picture of a headshot I was really proud of. She then proceeded to be all “Where’s his body?? Is that his body??” Like.. cmon. Long story short she made me insecure so I gave him a body and never did headshots in that style again
I get burst inspirations, usually filled with emotion that makes my art ability get a +10 skill boost. Other times I feel like I got a -10 penalty if I do things purposefully.
Me: drawing normally on my desk. Classmate: "oH My gOD dID YoU DRaW ThAt?" Me: "No, I'm just holding this pencil for no reason, staring at a drawing." Classmate: "FiNE JeEZ, YoU ArTIsTS ArE sO MeAN." Me: "Say that one more time, and your heart wont go doki doki." Classmate: "oH mY GOd i KnEW yOu lOVeD AnD DReW AnIME."
I can not escape the "is that anime" and I always say the same thing "does it matter". I feel like people have to judge you on the style and not the quality of the art.
that sounds disappointing… I can’t say I relate but then again, i haven’t been into drawing for that long. more i have a problem with coming up with something way too niche and then searching hours for a refence 🫠
one of my biggest pet peeves is whenever I draw a human oc or something people will ask me "Who is that?". Is every humanoid character I draw supposed to be an existing person? Also, I always have really good ideas for art pieces and animations, but when I start working on them, my inspiration suddenly dies.
Omg F I N N A L Y someone who relates I *hate* this question its sooooo annoying. Its like they expect it to be them because they just go "oH Is iT mEeeE??" and you have to depressingly tell them no and they get all confused. Then there like "tHaN wHO iS It tHeN?!?!?!" and then you have to explain what an oc character is or what video game character your drawing is.
I definitely relate to the 2nd problem - one year we had this project where you got to choose any topic as long as it had a question. Then, you would have to do research to answer that question. After, you choose how you would present the data and information you gathered. For example, I chose to do an "animation" to answer the question: what's inside of an atom? (I was 9, okay?). I made a balloon with a smiley face explain the information I gathered as well as a few other characters. One time, a class walked into our classroom and I heard this person look at mine, and said, "Of course, you did anime." I was so shocked as well as confused - why did he call a balloon with a smiley face anime?
My pet peeves: 5: “Is that *aNiMe???* 4: when the marker bleeds through 3: when you flip the drawing and it’s trash 2: “*cAn yOu dRaW mE?* 1: *DRAWING SOMETHING ON THE SAME LAYER! UGHHHHHH!!!!!*
Digital artist's pains ;-; •Drawing on the wrong layer and realizing it JUST after you're done with it •Flipping all of those 30+ layers you made (yes 30+ but I still suck ok?) just to see that you messed up •Flipping and fixing problems not helping •When you just can't draw the line right •Art isn't centered so you can't use the mirror tool as well as you should be able to (and moving it to the right spot is painful) •Forgetting to name your layers and getting confused (especially hurts when you need to add something on a layer) •layers causing lag •Hole in the art causes the fill bucket to fill a whole area (some have gap recognition toggle though, for example ibisPaint X, the one I use) •using the wrong brush/brush size •accidentally undo and keep drawing, now there's a random hole somewhere
This isn’t really related But I dress a bit different like wearing elf ears and putting dots on my face and some person came up to me and said “ARE YOU AN ANIME” and this just reminded me of it like not even do you like anime or something just straight up am I an anime
The worst thing my classmates can say to me while I’m drawing: “Is that you?” “Can you draw me?” “My dog died can you draw it for free?” “What kinda anime is that?” “Omg is that your crush?” “Can you teach me how to draw?” “That gotta be TrAcEd!” Oh, and: “I cAnT eVeN dRaW A sTiCk FiGuRe!” Me: sir I’m pretty sure everyone can draw stick figures
literally while im drawing, someone comes up to me and says 'wheres her eyes' 'wheres her head' 'wheres her hands' 'wheres her eyebrows' like boi lemme finish
That's sooooo true!!!! Some of my friends always says, "Why is her eyes like that? Why is her nose so crooked? That one eye is different than the other." I'm so frustrated. I'm like, "Just shut up and let me finish!"
Ok I think this one's just me, but... In primary school (elementary) when I was like the only one who could draw, let's say we were doing a little art activity or something, and all the crappy artists go up to me like 'oH yOUrE SuCH A gOod *DrAWeEeeEr* ' and then I say thanks, and then they ask me to draw their artwork, and im like 'bruh, im not going to draw your art, it's YOUR ART...' then they call me 'mean' or 'a bully' and walk away. Okay, that one is just me.
Lavendertowne: I feel this creeping sense of guilt that someone is standing behind me telling me that I need to be drawing more. **Me who is watching this video to take a break from drawing** Me: I feel anxious...
Me: **drawing in the middle of class** Someone, loud enough so the whole class hears: oOoOoHhHhhH wHy ArE u DRaWiNg a N A K E D bOdYyY Me: i jUST STARTED THE DRAWING S H U T U P
i get questions like: "What are you going to draw?" "What are you drawing?" "can you draw something for me?" NNNNNNNOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! GOOOOO AWAYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!
Yes! The "can you draw ME/something for ME" question gets asked to my too often. No i wont draw something for you. Plus its just kinda rude to ASK for a gift in my opinion. And usually the people who ask me this are people that are rude and/or annoying.
*draws* "Did you draw that?" "........yes?" "Oh........ is that anime?" "....... no?" "......can you draw me?" "........*hides drawing of oc* YeAh I DON't DRAW PEoPle"
i draw worse when people watch over me. idk why. i always feel safer and more confident when i draw alone. again idk why?! anyone else feel the same? i usually draw at school at indoor recess or something but only like an item, because i will just completely die. my friend is like the pro artist in the class and when i draw at school she thinks i'm bad. i try to explain that it's not true and you shouldn't say that, i also say that i'm good it's just that i cant be watched when i draw. she doesn't believe me, but i really don't care.
It’s a common thing many people have. It’s just a sense of fear knowing someone is watching every mistake and every step u do like they’re trying to like steal ur identity.
I get that problem but what is weirder if im alone at home i dont draw i just go and watch some youtube open instagram and at school id only draw if everyone is minding their own business not looking at me and just talking to one and another and when they suddenly watch me boom im shaking
I just realised... u know artists hate it when people say “draw me” In Titanic, when Rose says “draw me like one of ur French girls” do u think Jack got a little triggered?
HeY yOu DrAw Me LiKe OnE oF yOuR fReNcH gIrLs Oh my god that took me so long to write oof By the why guys I was being sarcastic so don't get serious at my reply ;-; (me is a girl)
My pet peeves 1: when you thin sharpie or outliner runs out and that’s all you have 2: when the market bleeds through to the next page or so 3: when someone says my art style or certain thing I’m drawing looks weird. 4: I think this is only me but when you accidentally mess up and you look for the undo button but there isn’t one cause it’s paper then you ruin your perfect drawing cause of it.
Yeah plus anime is japanese animation so if you’re drawing a still picture it’s technically not anime, this is completely different if they are talking about the style of anime, but even just comparing it to someone’s artwork is rude and somewhat discouraging.
ZionGo my friend at one point thought every style was anime. Realism, cartoony, etc. was just anime And she was CONVINCED that this was true, my friend and I couldn’t change her mind
I don't know if anyone else has this problem, but sometimes I'll just be drawing, minding my business, and people come up to me and are just like "Hey can u draw this thing for me? For Free?" Like boi no. I'm doin other things. Unless u'll pay me for it, cuz that ice-cream sandwich in the lunch line look good.
Same I hate it. I had this one girl who kept bothering me and wouldn't leave me alone about getting an art peice. I finally gave in cause I was tired of her and gave her a half tried on it. CAUSE IT WAS FREE. So then yes I had other people I drew for and they PAID ME. Then this girl comes back and says why am I not giving her more peices. I calmly explain to her she has to pay for a piece. So she said shewould buy the copy printed piece of my drawings. (THIS ADDED UP TO 30 BUCKS BTW) So she said she needed to get the money from her dad so she asked to borrow them so she could show him. I said okay (being the pushover I am though I was a bit hesitant) and she took them. I didn't get no pay or my drawing back for almost the rest of the school year. So then near the end of the year I ended up getting my drawings back but no pay at all. Bow I don't let anyone get their drawing till they pay me so they can't get sway with free art. I told my friends about my issue and they were ligit gonna track this girl and beat her up. Luckily I calmed them down cause I didn't wanna start too much drama but I was tempted to let them and have me join them. Sorry I just can't believe people like this exist and think they are doing nothing wrong.
*Things I usually hear:* - Who ur drawing? Is that you? - Can u draw me? - Can i look ur sketchbook? - Wow, I can't draw a stick figure - Teach me drawing like that *Just let me draw, damn it*
“Who is that” “Hehe nobody” “But who IS IT?” “Nobody ok?!” “Is it meeeeeee?” “Um, no…” “Is it aNiMe??” “Can I have it?” “Why does the (fill in the blank) look like that?” “Why doesn’t she have a face?” “Is that a cat girl, like from That Anime?” “It’s a fursona” “A persona? That’s not like you at all!” “FURsona. It’s my character I made” “Ohhh ok…”
Me: **Drawing a male character** Random person: "IS THAT YOUR CRUSH??? HE'S SO CUTE" Me in head: "what the." Me: "no." Random person: "Can you draw me sitting like a princess?" Me: "Okay.." **after lunch** Random person: "Where's my request?" Me: "I might finish it tomorrow, I need to do my homeworks first." Also me: **Will never finish their requests** "Is that anime?" "no." "Then why does she have spiky bangs?" "..."
lol too true. I'll be doodling some characters for a comic series I'm working on in school, and I'll just feel people's eyes burning into my back, and half the characters in my series are guys, and some normie came up to me and said, uhh, is that your crush???
@@statelessfgc1069Comics yeah. I have people at school pay $10 for a drawing (not colored, w/ shading); $15 for a complete drawing (colored and w/ shading); and $20 for a digital drawing. Unless for some reason I give it to them for free. But $5 is worth like...a sketch. Give your art more credit, I'm sure it's great.
Also, "whO iZ d@T" I dunno. I just drew a person. I also get the "cAn yU drAw mOi" question soooo much. Its even worse because idk how to say no and if i do say no i feel guilty. Help.
Eddsworld Trash :3 use it to your advantage to polish up your drawings. I like to leave my drawings open on my desk before I sleep, and I will check it when I wake up. If I’m satisfied, the there is nothing wrong with it. Most of the time changes needs to be made.
hah when it comes to complicated designs and then struggling if the character is in a comic, my solution is basically making designs so simple that i remember them from the top of my head. i remember how all of my oc's look even though i have a lot of them because of the said simplicity, which i find comfortable because looking at a ref when i'm drawing tires me. i only make reference sheets to pick the colors my characters have to keep them consistent and to introduce the characters to people who follow me. once a person told me my character designs are so simple yet unique which made me really happy. i'm really trying my best not to commit same face syndrome and i go as far as defining if the character has a visible eyelid crease or how their teeth look lmao. basically a lot of my oc's have a color or two that they like the most that defines the majority of their color palette, an eye shape that shows what personality the character has (mostly shown by the upper lash line), noses of different sizes, i'm also trying to experiment with face shapes themselves because some characters theoretically have chubbier cheeks than others yet it's not very visible in my art
For the complex character one, I found a way to kinda get around it. I really like making really detailed characters so I made a rule for myself. For each character, I get to make one part detailed. For example, if I go ham on the hair, I pull back on the clothing patterns.
My friend used to ask for my art, and since she was my best friend, I'd let her take it. I found out that she'd been tracing all of the art I gave her and she tried denying it. I'm still friends with her, but it's like an insincere friendship. I don't want to sound conceited, but it's like she's jealous of me
Me: *happily drawing an oc* Classmate: "Is that you?" Me: *bangs head on desk* edit: i have achieved my goal of having 911 likes. i am now waiting for the police to show up so they can arrest my cousin who puts the milk first instead of the cereal. edit 2: *alright which one of you troglodytes killed the balance. what am i supposed to wait for, 955? 9111? answer me, how am i supposed to call the cops?*
whenever id be drawing something at school because im bored, some random person in my class would come up to me and be like "WOW HOW DID YOU DRAW THAT?? CAN YOU TEACH ME HOW TO DRAW LIKE THAT????" I used to actually try and teach em HOW but then i honestly realized how dumb that actually is since ive been drawing for 8 years and the other person probably has never even drawn a stick man XDD
What I hate is that when someone approaches me and takes a look at my drawing and just gets so amazed and they'll be like "Aweee! That is so good! How did you learn how to do that? I wish I could draw." I HATE THAT. I really hate that. Drawing takes a lot of practice,effort and time. You Can actually draw if you took practice and effort on it,instead of just praising someone thinking that they are the somewhat 'choSen' ones that they'll be the only ones who can draw. Everything takes practice time and effort to be good at it,ok? You're just not magically born with it that you can draw the very first time you were born perfectly. Such things,or beliefs do not exist. Every artist knows that
We're already at number 1 *And it's already too relateable* Edit- another one is for people who draw on phones *When you can't find a place comfortable to draw* Edit- why does this have 479 likes- holy pug in a pizza box-- Edit- 680 likes.... *HOLY HAMILTON GETTING SHOT* Edit- 847 likes... *HOLy SALLY FACE WEARING A MARKIPLIER MUSTACHE--* Edit-...why does this have 1.1k likes?! *Breaths* *HO L Y JERMEY LEAVING MICHAEL-*
Drawing on the first layer is pain but since I mostly draw on paper I don’t really have that pain. *but when u accidentally use the wrong shade of color or make the line thickness to thick is big boi PAIN!*
When I mess up with coloring my mom tells me “Just draw it again.” On the inside I’m just like MOM I CANT MAKE THIS PERFECT LINEART EVER AGAIN IM NOT A PRINTER
But if your lineart is just black, you can in fact make copies of it (unless it's on watercolor paper, in that case god help you)
I am now using that when someone in my family says that to me! lol
My artist teacher says the same thing, AND I'M ABOUT TO KILL HER
try tracing it on a new piece of paper! you're not stealing art because it's your own art haha
My mum is an artist and she still tells me that ;-;
"Did you draw that?"
*nO mY FiSh DiD*
"Oh my gosh are they naked??"
.. No.. I am a child.. Plus were in school.. I wouldnt draw naked people in public..
"Why are their eyes so weird? Are you trying to do anime eyes?"
No dude, thats.. How I draw eyes..
"Can you draw me/Can you draw this/Can I see your sketchbook?"
Kaitlyn bro that’s literally my life like wtf
I relate to *all* of these. I'm not even that good....
Hey I have a solution for the sketchbook ones.
When I draw in public, I ALWAYS have my bag with me, ALWAYS (I think you to), so when someone ask me to show my sketchbook, I pull out a really old sketchbook with old and non recent draw, like that, with this awful work, non one will ask you to draw something for them ;)))
hey at least you have the option of saying no! i literally have to *yeet* (yes yeet) my sketchbook back from nosy people like "dude..no..."
Finally someone gets me.
Most annoying things for artists to hear:
"Who's that?"
"Can you draw me?"
"Wait, what? You want me to *pay* ?"
"Teach me how to draw please!!!"
"Can I look through your sketchbook?"
"That's so good! I can only draw stick figures!"
When my friends let me see their sketchbooks, I just threaten them jokingly so it's not awkward
"I'm stealing this, Leah, watch your back!!!"
D3M0N!C Studios oh my gosh do freaking true the last one thoooo
The 4th one is the most annoying.
Omg I HATE those ... pet peeves for me
D3M0N!C Studios and also ‘ is that you?!’
Artist: *draws a drawing which is to be proud of*
Also artist: *looks at it for too long and notices every mistake*
e x a c t l y
Ah, the classic 'I used to be so proud of this until I realised how horrible it is so now I must either cry because it's so bad and get rid of it, or either waste a ton of time remaking it'
thisss T-T
I hate it when people look at my art and then tell me
"I wish I could draw!"
You could draw if you actually tried and took practice at it. It's not something only *the chosen ones* are born knowing how to do-
I think we artists are just born with that creativity to draw and draw and draw until you are skilled in it.
It's lke people who love making music. If you don't do art growing up, you probably won't do it when you are older.
i just like the wording of *the chosen ones* lol but yeah this is so common
“You could draw if you actually tried and took practice at it”
You underestimate my powrr
Hello from a *”CHOSEN ONE”* lmao I loved that
Whenever someone asks me what it's like to be an artist/ to teach them how to draw, this is how I respond:
1) draw a stickman without legs
2) add a face according to your art style
3) erase the stickman lines (if you want I don't care)
4) be proud of it for around two seconds before erasing the entire thing because you don't like it
5) repeat for the rest of your life
Some girl wanted to take credit for my art and asked me if she could ( as a joke) and I just laughed and said if she ever really did go ahead. I told her she's in for hell if she does. Cause she doesn't understand I undergo like 50 people a day asking for art pieces for free. She didn't make that joke again.
@@justhereu-u6505 Nice.
Someone give this genius a Nobel prize
Zane Ro'Butterstick I like showing people how to draw -cause I’m usually the best drawer in my class- but anyway I think it’s fun seeing how they draw
myah cat Aww thank you
People: “anime isn’t art!”
Any type of artist doing any type of art:
What I don't understand is why some artists want to deny the influence of anime on their art. I acknowledge my own influences. They make me more powerful. Why are anime drawers ashamed?
LolzerZ Sounds like you need to find a new style that doesn’t embarrass you then.
fakecubed wow um rude
SmolStrawberry Sure. So when somebody refers to anime when talking about your art, you can just admit that’s what you’re drawing instead of taking it to mean hentai.
It’s almost like to other people there are two genres of drawing people, realistic and anime. And to clarify anything stylized even a tiny bit is automaticallly anime.
Me: *draws girl with long brown hair and wide hips*
My dad: "Is that you?"
Me: *boy with short blonde hair and no hips* "DO YOU WANT TO DIE??"
"Do you want to explode?!"
@ratsiia Is that a despicable me reference or am I just too tired??
@@atloresaiel4576 it is
Lol I feel that, man
Me: is drawing my classmate
Classmate: * peeks * ew why am i so ugly
Me: **not even done with rough sketch**
You should've said, "Cuz you are."
Happens to me ALL THE TIME
i'd be like "cuz u are duh"
@@imm1nentdeath Aay I already commented that ರ╭╮ರ
I think every artist knows that ONE PERSON who CANT SEE FOR CRAP and will ask a million questions like
‘Who’s that?”
“Where are their arms?!?”
“Why is it a floating head?!”
“Why do you draw that outline thingy?’
Or just makes comments like
“ha! Art is easy!”
“I can draw so much better than that!”
“If your a good artist,you draw from top to bottom without a ‘scetch’ as you call it’
*bones cracking*
* opens pocket knife* 'bout to murder bunch of peep
This triggered me more than when duolingo gets triggered if you miss your lesson
*mom where’s the shotgun*
*cracks knuckles*
“Hey, can I see your sketchbook?”
“You mean my deepest, darkest secrets?Haha no~.”
Schy Art true
Schy Art "Hey, can I see your sketch book?"
Le me realizing that I have drawings of girls spreading their buttholes open in said sketchbook.
"Can I see your-"
"But you didn't let me fin-"
*grabs by shirt* "NO"
Thats me (but sometimes its digital) (−_−;)
Things I hate:
1.”can you draw meeee?” Answer will always be no unless you’ll pay me
2.”can I borrow your sketchbook” NO
3.when my wrist hurts
4.when people annoy me when I’m drawing
5.when I draw something extremely bad and someone says “omg that’s soooo good” no it isn’t it’s trash
6.when people watch me without asking(just leaning over me(
7.when I’m out of paper
I'm out of paper right now
kill me
@@yashivarma8512 🔫 close your eyes, this might be violent
That is the definition of relatable
The first one always annoyed me so much.
Like, seriously. I barely know you and you don’t actually care about my personality and just like me cause of my art. If you were a close friend, I would’ve said yes, but Amy, I barely know you, so go away and stop bothering me. I’ve told you to stop bothering me a long time ago get you never go away.
@Sanvera it happens to me with my friends XD i draw some deformed hand and my friend is like "wow you did the hand really accurate i love it" not even sarcastically
A problem that I go through:
When I'm drawing a sketch and someone comes up to me saying, "Ew! ShE's DrAwInG nAkEd PeOpLe!"
OMG YES I hate that D:
I've changed my sketch style, JUST BECAUSE OF THIS-
My friends always say that that and I. HATE. IT.
Do YoU eVeN kNoW wHaT sKeTcHiNg Is ?!?!
Me: *just draws a woman*
My dad looks at it: "who is that?"
Me: "just a random woman I‘m drawing?"
My dad: "But art should be connected with emotion"
Me: ...
My dad: "When I was in your age, I used to draw too-"
Me: *screams in pain*
He does that. Every. Time...
Random Dogface tell your dad that there’s different types of art and its not all emotional. *I mean thats comming from someone that draws in a cartoon artstyle but still*
Your dad isnt 100% wrong but not 100% right either.
I might not be amazing yet to draw, but I have learned one thing from drawing. And that is emotions. and it's an importent factor when drawing. As I have noticed.
shadow the parrot gaming
Yes it is quite important, but sometimes you just draw random stuff that might be just for practice or something like that, that's what I do all the time. I'm still learning to draw emotions :)
@@eliseheartless4636 And keep practicing! But when I mean emotions is important when drawing, I don't mean facial expressions or anything like that, I mean your emotions! How you feel etc. That is what I have noticed when drawing art. If I draw with what I'm feeling, for example, you can get the same vibe from the art as to how you are feeling.
Things my classmates say to me:
"Pick which drawing is better?!."
"Teach me how to draw please?!"
"Can you draw that for me?"
"The eyes they are too big."
"Wow! Thats soo pretty."
"Can I take this drawing*Tears it from my drawing notebook*
I seriously hate the last one cause I remember a "friend" who did that just so that she can show it to her mom/dad and say that she drew it.
xXJasmine PlayzXx That last one legit fired me up from the inside...
Oh my god of my friends ever did that last thing I would tell the parents straight away and tell them what a liar their child is
If anyone does that it doesn’t have to be your friend but if anyone does it I will hit there head with the sketch book
But not to hard cause they might have to go to the hospital cause i can be strong..
I’m fine with the “Wow! Thats soo pretty.” :)
But the last one, I would
1. Write my name in pen/Sharpie so they can’t claim it
2.MURDER THEM by yelling “ITS MAH ART!!!1!1!1!1!111!” XD
Questions And ‘tips’ I Get At School All The Time:
“Wow! Can you draw me?”
“Is that you?”
“Can I borrow a piece of paper?”
“Draw me! Draw me!”
“Is that me?”
“Umm.. You should fix that hair ;-;”
“Why does it look so... Cartoony?”
“I need a pencil. Can i borrow one?”
“Ooh! Can I have that drawing?”
So I had this friend once and she STOLE a drawing from me and said it was hers. She got first place in the drawing contest, so I told on her (I know this sounds childish but the art piece took me HOURS to make). She got disqualified and I won. Next time, don’t steal Layla :).
I get "can i get a piece of paper,, a lot
And I get all of those a lot too...
I don’t really mind the pencil part, I’m basically a pencil hoarder who is also a pencil dealer
Art thieeeeeves this is why I do digital art, I can show the files, the watermark, and play the video of me drawing it whenever someone steals my art
Yeah you should definitely call people out for stealing your work. Glad it was resolved though.
It's annoying when I'm drawing the body of a person, before I add the clothes and people say *"ewww are they NAKED??? Put clothes on them!!!"*
Like, no, I want to make the body not look crappy before I add clothes *boi*
omg i get this all the time
AvcaNO One day, you should just say, "Yes.. Got a problem?"
I encounter that problem ALL THE TIME. I mean, do you even know how clothes look like when no body or mannequin is there to wear them? THEY'RE ON THE FREAKIN' GROUND, FOR GOD'S SAKE! Do you really want me to draw a flying head and clothes lying on the ground?
Omg I just posted a comment saying the same pet peeve
“THATS NOT SCHOOL APPROPRIATE” -That smart ass kid who thought he was funny
When people ask you "who is that?"
Me: uh a girl?
Other person: ye but who?
Me: I don't know?
Other person: ???
My little sister does that and she's always like CAN I NAME HERRR and since my mom's always in the room I'm like jwsfaidvwogqige I guess and it'll always be like a super mature looking Aethstetic (what is spelling) and she's like "Ummmmmmmm CUPCAKE"
I know this problem too its so annoying ._.
Me and my friend 24/7
Me: *Drawing peacefully*
Rando: “iS tHaT yOu?”
Me: *No, It’s One of my Oc’s*
Rando: “WhAt’S aN oC?”
Me: *An Original Character...*
Rando: “CaN YoU DrAw Me?!”
Okay, I don’t care this was 11 months ago, but relatable.
I’m the only artist in my family, so I get CONSTANT requests to draw something for them. I’m normally okay with it, but after a while, I started getting a lil’ pissed. I really want to say: “Have YOU tried drawing it? If you don’t want to have to ASK someone, then go ahead and practice. I’m NOT your drawing puppet.”
But I don’t. Also, sometimes I show my family my art, and my dad will say: “Did you draw that!?”
“ Why wouldn’t I be the one to draw it, Father? I drew it with MY pencil in MY sketch book in MY style! Not to mention it has MY INITIALS.”
Is what I would say if I was really pissed that day.
Thats exactly what I want to say instead I say:
* draws demon saying can you draw me *
uhm that’s not me…
@@breadx. hello fellow itzloveth cult pfp 💅
Lol relatable
@@thisismyname5317 im almost the only artist in my family (my mom is the other one) and this is relatable
Me: **is teaching my friend how to draw**
Friend: **is following**
Friend: aah, my hand hurts so bad, how can you draw without any pain!?
Me, an artist-writer-guitarist-bassist: i... I have no idea :/
Same Ú~Ù
Just say- cause ...*practice...* - also Im better than you thats why. (jk)
Daym so many talents
*someone is literally watching me draw, watching the pencil in my hand move on the paper*
"WOW! Did you draw that YOURSELF!?"
Nah man, this is someone else's hand holding this pencil that you are watching make lines on the paper to form an image. Yes, I drew it myself! AREYADUMB!?
Noa Lenora Art Nah, I'm just possessing the body that's moving the pencil.
Is it weird that i love getting that question xD? Bc then ju can just say something stupid back like: "ofcourse I didn't, what do you think? Like I'm an artist or something? Pff.." And then they slowly realise their mistake ^^
Noa Lenora Art tell them "nah, I only learned to draw this way because of a pACT I MADE wITH SATANN"
It happens to me more often the "ARE YOU DRAWING???" question.
I want to kill myself so bad every time someone ask that.
Lexandria Omg yeah I have that problem too! If someone says my art is great then of course I will say thanks and like that makes me happy that people like it. It's when they grab it and start showing people that it's sooooo emarassing and frustrating!
I had a science test like 2 weeks ago and in it you had to draw 3 pictures of like how to separate chemicals and shit and I drew them just sketchy how I remembered seeing the set up when we did the lab. So then my teacher comes along and sees my sketching and is like "OH MY GOSH YOU GUYS! THIS DRAWING! OH ITS SO GOOD!" so she eventually shut up and walked off. I was thoroughly embarassed. then later when she was handing the tests back so we could see our grades she went to hand me mine then stopped and went "Oh WOW YOU GUYS LOOK AT THIS! LOOK HOW PRETTY IT IS! OH WE HAVE SOME REEEAAL ARTISTS IN OUR CLASS WOWIE!" and started telling people to go look at my paper. It. It was not good.
I have a character with a skeleton jacket and I was stupid for the first few panels cause I kept redrawing it. Now I just copy paste the design
Ahh, I haven't figured out how to manage the copy and paste. Never notice it when other people do it, but then I do it and it's like I can see a million inconsistencies. >~
Ugggggh I thought you said a skelly WITH a jacket and I was like nonono honey no
Bless u
The guilt never goes away lol
me while watching this video: I should be drawing;;
So cool seeing you here
Nope never especially when you go to bed on a day you haven't drawn
I started watching this video to be inspired to continue drawing this.. drawing...
(GUILT:DrAw.).........................(GUILT:Stop doing other things and DRAw) .w.’ (GuiLt:YOU SHOULD BE DRAWING RIGHT NOW. Me:But I’m sleeping ._. Guilt;DRAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW)..............I cant sleep ._.
Me: *drawing*
Someone: wHY aRe tHEy NaKEd
Me: oh, I’m just practicing anatomy. It’s easier to do without the clo-
Someone: BUT WhYyY ArE theY NAKED
i hate when people say dat-
@@tsioy3742 YEAH GEROLD
@@tsioy3742 bUt tHeY aRE. CLothEs aRe PaRt OF tHe HumAn BoDy - _Gerald_
It's super annoying when someone comes next to u like "Oh did you draw that"
"No the wind did."
And when someone *asks*
"Draw me."
I only like drawing someone when they ask when I'm out of drawing ideas, they're super nice, or their outfit stands out to me.
Oh no no no...
They don’t ask you to draw them
They *demand* you draw them
Yes exactly, I don't want to draw you,it's just a waste of my time and effort!
When someone asks you to draw you but you don’t wanna be mean so you just say yes and you regret everything as they say thanks and walk away. ;-;
I absolutely HATE it when someone says, "can you draw me?" or, "woah, thats soooooo good!" when you see sooooo many character flaws. IT IS HAUTING TO KNOW YOU HAVE TO DRAW SOMEONE!!! I BE LIKE, "no, i only draw ocs?"' then feel reeeeally guilty and draw them anyways.
Hatsune_Lunayay -roblox- It's usually more annoying bc im in school and i DONT want to draw them. My friend told me that she wanted me to draw her and i said yes bc i was younger and i didnt want to say no and the entire year she kept telling me to draw her and i never did.
Hatsune_Lunayay -roblox- since I doodle at school,I get,"can you draw me?!" Alot.ALOT. this is why questions are my pet peeve
This boy at my school, he was a lot younger than me and he wanted me to draw them.. I was like, “uhh.. I don’t draw humans..” (although I kinda can) He still wanted me to try.. And I feel guilty for not drawing him. I always feel guilty when somebody asks me to draw them..
i grew up in an environment where i got deprived of this kind of emotion, sorry, brotha, i can't fully relate XD
i've NEVER been asked this question, but i kind of want to be. I have randomely sketched my classmates, and i think it'd be fun to bang out a sketch for someone.
Me: *drawing and minding my own buisness*
Person: decides to breathe over my shoulder and go-* “Did you draw that?”
Me: *nO mY dOg DiD*
Nah, I ordered a half full sketch book with my name on it from Amazon, it just arrived right here as the delivery guy is a ninja who has the ability to track people for kilometers, and then disappear instantly after giving me this sketch book, whatya think boy?
Nasser FireLord Gaming This one sounds way better and more original than the little comment I put lmao. But facts tho uwu
**looks at sketchbook, horrified**
**throws sketchbook on the ground and quickly backs away**
Yeah they do that
Someone asked me that question yesterday.
She didn't mention one of the most annoying things for digital artists:
*When you finish the line art but then realize it's on the sketch layer.*
i've now resorted to making the sketch the line art because IT KEEPS HAPPENING
weirdo Stop it your giving us PTSD
So true
"why are they naked?” when I'm drawing construction shapes. EVERY. FREAKIN'. TIME. Apparently nobody knows you're not supposed to draw the clothes first...
Literally everyone who looks over my shoulder
That is soo funny!
ShyShyDrake omg #relatible
OMG I can totally relate the other day I was draw a girls body first and a boy came over and ask why is she naked I swear I wanted to punch the living crap out of him
I know right and i keep on explaining that for goodness sake how the f do you dress urself if you don't have a flippin body to begin with?!
There’s a reason I wear headphones if I’m drawing in public XD
Headphones! The best tool for avoiding conversations in public XD
People sometimes will look at you in class while you're drawing with your headphones on and plugged into the computer then try to talk
Every time that happens I want to yell at them and say "can you not interrupt my happy thoughts and musicals"
Naitrek Night when I wear headphones I can normally hear people who speak to me but if I don’t wanna talk or answer I pretend I can’t hear them lmao
Someone FINALLY understands, I do this alot especially when walking down the street
Naitrek Night thanks for the tip! I’ll grab my dads earplugs for shooting
Stuff people ask when they look at your sketchbook:
"who is that?" "Can u draw MmMeEeEE?" "What's that? Are u gonna finish it? Why is there a cross on the face?" And that's not even it.
I hate it when people ask "who is that" because i when i say "oh its no one" a lot of the time they say "well it has to be someone!"
ugh its an oc ok?
@@adzdrawss It’s my brothers moms uncles nephew whose dogs previous owner was an Acaholic (god I can’t spell that), and the bartender of their usual spot on friday nights, it was their 4th cousin.
I don’t even know
@@em7pug26 lol
me in art class:
the teacher: "for today's assignment you have to draw realism."
me: *cries in agony*
My drawing realism=me drawing a potato(AKA a lemon)
Realism is too boring.
Stylization is life.
Don't look at me that way, my fantasy world is alot better than the real world.
Why would I judge my own kind of people. :>
I created my own world that I wish I had lol
me in school: **draws a normal human**
that annoying person in class: _"JeSuS ChRIsT, Is thAt a CaT?! YoU aLwAyS dRaW cAtS! PLeAse sToP!"_
me: **confused whale noises**
that is happening EVERY TIME i draw in school..
that's gotta suck
mimirules21 no
@mimirules21 thanks :3
I drew a girl one time and stupid girl said IS THAT AN ELEPHANT OR A DINOSAUR?!??
Last weekend i was drawing sasuke and ny friend said sasuke again draw something else!
In my heart: dude i like to draw that a was just drawing sasuke for two days at school i was going to draw something else i was just trying to improve my anime style after that im drawing a different stuff (i was so mad i actually erase my whole sketch (good thing it was still just the head) and he doesnt even noticed it)
My own pet peeves:
Making the wrong move while inking
Loosing the vision
Not getting the outcome you were looking for
Loosing art supplies
sabrina macri I'm the kind if person who's always misplacing their pencils and sharpies. But then like always, we artists bounce back and find out stuff!✊
Wizard of Arts I hate it when I lose a pencil or something and I look all over for it, lifting up my sketchbook and then when I find it I find out I lost my easraser or other supplies I was using while searching for my pencil
Wizard of Arts yes amen
pencil missing search frantically before u lost flow found it
lost the flow lost everything else
for funk sake
found out your piece of shit friend stolen it
On high school people also always asked if my drawings were anime. But it got kinda weird.
They said: "Oooh that's... that's hentai, right?"
Why does my teacher know this term?!
Some student probably thought it'd be fun to trick the teachers into thinking that the word anime means the same thing as HENTAI .. or your teacher is a perverted weeb
Good point. Perhaps that's it :p
Mostly none one at my school knows what anime is, and those who knows, doesn’t know the difference between anime and manga. Whenever I’m drawing anime, chibi, or some oc people come up to me and ask “is that Pokémon? Grow up!”. It actually hurts my feelings and makes me sad when they say that. If you don’t know, then keep your mouth shut!
Kavin Thas, yea, agreed. In my experience everyone calls everything 'anime'. Even though... it's not animated... But they would call it 'anime' instead of something specific like 'Pokémon'. But it's bullshit if they tell you to grow up. Where do they think all the art for manga and anime comes from? They're mostly not made by the target audience themselves.
Oh you poor soul...
That guilty feeling is so relateable, especially since i have so many other things beside art, so when I'm taking a break i think i should be drawing, and when I'm drawing, I feel like I should be practicing piano, or working on a song for the audition I have in a few weeks or something.
OMG this is too relatable. The worst is when your hand quits on you right when someone is watching you draw.
Pixel Chaos Then they look at you with a face that says “do you even draw?”
I draw on my school bus a lot
And these two dudes are always like
“iS tHaT aNiMe”
“yOu dRaW aNiMe”
And it’s really annoying
Pftwhatssleep Yt i found a solution : draw cartoon, animals or landscapes
I thought I was the only one!!!
At least I'm not alone!
The Statue oh hey !!!
Oh sh-
EXACTLY and im tempted to smack them with my viola case
To them big eyes = anImE
The absolute worst thing I HATE hearing:
Me: Draws something in my cartoony art style
Other kid who draws realistically: Draws something in their style with an equal amount of skill
People in my class: *Insert other person's name here*'s art is waaayyy better than yours
Me: sad artist noises
Just because someone draws realistically, doesn't mean they are better or more skilled
Yeah ;/
Edit: ew I hate the “:/“ face wtf is wrong with me xd. So uh I wanna comment more soooo:
I guess it is a TINY bit more skilled because of portions, eyes (idk but for me, the eyes are the hardest lol) and etc. but of course, it doesn’t mean it’s better. It’s just harder to do and takes a bit more skill -w-.
12/3/2020 edit: lol i triggered people, dont get offended. its my opinion on it
edit to my edit above^ : changed the ":/" face to ";/" ik it isnt a big difference and i didnt need to out another edit... but meh idrc
Yeah, everyone has different taste about art
Ran ;D
It doesn’t take more skill, the proportions are off cause we WANT them to be off. Like if we like to draw bigger eyes and smaller necks, it can be very finicky or it won’t look right. Same for realism
So this one time, my friend and I were working on a science project together, and since I am so used to drawing all the time, my doodly hands started doodling on the board and both of our parents and siblings were there, and of course, my friend just had to start ShRiEkInG "OH MY GOSH YOU ARE LIKE AMAAAAZZINNGG AT DRAWING CAN YOU DRAW MeEeEeEeEEEeeee?!?"
Me: Thanks a lot HaNdS
Me: starts to draw at restaurant
Person: "wow nice drawing!"
Me: shakes a lil "Thank you..."
Person: "did you really draw that?"
Me: *"nO ThE dOG diD"*
Their just complementing you chill
@@theycallmeghost2977 it can be quite annoying for someone to ask if you drew something... especially if they see you drawing it.... i used to do this and I realized how annoying I was.
@@yazzyxx oh if they see you drawing it I agree it's annoying they should just say it looks good but I still think if they ask you it's mostly well spirited
@@theycallmeghost2977 i understand what you're saying. And I agree with ya now. I thought you meant something else!! Sorry Genetics. I thought you were being rude or something. Sorry man. Bye bye.
*CRi* I can relate
me: drawing
Person: walks up behind me "wow, you're good at art."
me: "uhh, tha-
*10 people crowd around me*
Just reading this gave me anxiety
_e v e r y t i m e_
I have a problem.
Whenever I listen to the emotional titanic flute I draw perfectly.
Violets Are Violet wot
I almost ruined le perfect 100 likes
Carry your phone around, add it to your playlist, become *god*
*offnote flute noises*
That's the wierdest superpower.
This reminds me of this one time a classmate was watching me draw and he said "I think you should add this, can I show you?" So I say sure as long as he draws really lightly and you know what he does? Crosses out the eyes with as much pressure as he can, I was really proud of that drawing too..
This... This is a litteral nightmare 😨😨 sorry for you
One time in class, I was drawing. I was heavily influenced by anime at that time, and I wasn't even that experienced. My drawings were literally the definition of "beginner". Suddenly my friend asks "Oh, can you draw me?" I assumed that she meant that she wanted me to draw her in my own style, since that's how I was drawing at that time. The next day, I show her my anime-esque drawing of her, and she refused to accept it, saying that she wanted me to "/actually/ draw her". I was pissed.
The fact that you actually agreed to draw her is an accomplishment on its own-
tfw your doodles at school are awesome but the minute you sit down to be professional, Nothing Works
Truest statement ever
Sepia Smith RIGHT. Like I’ll be bored in class and I’ll draw an eye, cause why not, and it’ll look beautiful, but then when I draw an actual drawing it looks... standard
Sepia Smith I tend to love my sketches more than my solid clean art and it k i l l s me
When you're drawing a character that looks nothing like you and has, like, demon wings and sharp teeth and some *special* person says "IS THAT YOU?"
Yes...I have demon wing- NO! USE YOU FREAKING BRAIN!!!
But when you actually tty to draw yourself they're all like: WHO DIS?!!
Bill freaking Cipher, ya know?
ThePijawka tru
RicochetBoom1322 XD
Omg yaaaaassssss!!! Lol 😂😂😂
me: drawing a random headshot
Ikr and when you cut off the legs for art reasons
Wow lol
One time I sent my friend (a fellow artist) a picture of a headshot I was really proud of. She then proceeded to be all “Where’s his body?? Is that his body??” Like.. cmon.
Long story short she made me insecure so I gave him a body and never did headshots in that style again
Have these people never seen bust shots, like in photos??
Person: Can you draw me?
Me: (Draws a cow)
Person: What's that?
I wish i could do that ;-;
But my friend will slap me
OML I DID THAT TOO ONE TIME- except it's 😃👌
Made my day thank you I owe u my mood🤣
WafflKitty :3 oof size large
i hate whenever im drawing and someone sees my drawing and goes "WHERES THEIR OTHER EYE?????" or "WHY DO THEY HAVE BOOBS?????"
Astronomic Trash same!!!!
Astronomic Trash I *hate* that..
I get burst inspirations, usually filled with emotion that makes my art ability get a +10 skill boost. Other times I feel like I got a -10 penalty if I do things purposefully.
Me: drawing normally on my desk.
Classmate: "oH My gOD dID YoU DRaW ThAt?"
Me: "No, I'm just holding this pencil for no reason, staring at a drawing."
Classmate: "FiNE JeEZ, YoU ArTIsTS ArE sO MeAN."
Me: "Say that one more time, and your heart wont go doki doki."
Classmate: "oH mY GOd i KnEW yOu lOVeD AnD DReW AnIME."
@Charity James Exactly
@Piper White lol
Teacher:simple warm up! Draw a monster
Me:draws a simple moster with horns
Friend:is that you?
ur friend is an ass lMAO
Probably something I would say to annoy my friend XP
OMG I know you from amino!
Colleen Animations XD
I can not escape the "is that anime" and I always say the same thing "does it matter". I feel like people have to judge you on the style and not the quality of the art.
NarikoFox Yeah! I used to have an anime-esque drawing style, and it was usually the big detailed eyes, and the rest being cartoony.
RV I was once told that anime was bad because eye shines are unrealistic and my art was always judged on the fact that it looked like anime
NarikoFox yes ,it matters
God I have heard people talk about my drawings before and refer to it as anime and I'm like how??
lost amongst starz same
**does a self portrait**
“Hey look I drew someone, guess who it is :)”
Everyone: “....?”
**draws literally anyone else**
Everyone: “iS tHaT yOu?”
I once used someone as reference, and ppl said it looked like me smh
@@zeefunchannel238 every time i draw someone i get iS tHaT yOuR GiRl/bOyfRiEnD
I felt this on another level
@AweStella It's you with purple hair. Why'd you draw a girl with purple hair unless you wish you had purple hair yourself?
@@ghostlyvendetta gundham you draw tOo?
That moment when you think of an amazing character, look up some references, and see an exact replica of your idea....
that sounds disappointing… I can’t say I relate but then again, i haven’t been into drawing for that long. more i have a problem with coming up with something way too niche and then searching hours for a refence 🫠
one of my biggest pet peeves is whenever I draw a human oc or something people will ask me "Who is that?". Is every humanoid character I draw supposed to be an existing person? Also, I always have really good ideas for art pieces and animations, but when I start working on them, my inspiration suddenly dies.
aliien- omg finally someone who shares my pain in those two sections
Why does every character i draw needs to be a real person? Can't i just make my own desing? Ugh
aliien- That happens to me all the time,I would ne drawing my own oc and someone would ask who I am drawing.
YESS I hate that so much, I'm just drawing in class and then all of a sudden "WhO Is ThAt?"
Omg F I N N A L Y someone who relates I *hate* this question its sooooo annoying. Its like they expect it to be them because they just go "oH Is iT mEeeE??" and you have to depressingly tell them no and they get all confused. Then there like "tHaN wHO iS It tHeN?!?!?!" and then you have to explain what an oc character is or what video game character your drawing is.
I definitely relate to the 2nd problem - one year we had this project where you got to choose any topic as long as it had a question. Then, you would have to do research to answer that question. After, you choose how you would present the data and information you gathered. For example, I chose to do an "animation" to answer the question: what's inside of an atom? (I was 9, okay?). I made a balloon with a smiley face explain the information I gathered as well as a few other characters. One time, a class walked into our classroom and I heard this person look at mine, and said, "Of course, you did anime." I was so shocked as well as confused - why did he call a balloon with a smiley face anime?
Um, is that person (( The one who thought a BALLOON with a SMILEY FACE was ANIME )) an idiot?!
Maybe he though it was the main character in assassination classroom?
most people think that everything is either realistic or anime and it makes me want to snap some people's necks.
My pet peeves:
5: “Is that *aNiMe???*
4: when the marker bleeds through
3: when you flip the drawing and it’s trash
2: “*cAn yOu dRaW mE?*
so relatable omg
"When you flip the drawing and it's trash" Lmao that's me in so many levels
Digital artist's pains ;-;
•Drawing on the wrong layer and realizing it JUST after you're done with it
•Flipping all of those 30+ layers you made (yes 30+ but I still suck ok?) just to see that you messed up
•Flipping and fixing problems not helping
•When you just can't draw the line right
•Art isn't centered so you can't use the mirror tool as well as you should be able to (and moving it to the right spot is painful)
•Forgetting to name your layers and getting confused (especially hurts when you need to add something on a layer)
•layers causing lag
•Hole in the art causes the fill bucket to fill a whole area (some have gap recognition toggle though, for example ibisPaint X, the one I use)
•using the wrong brush/brush size
•accidentally undo and keep drawing, now there's a random hole somewhere
This isn’t really related But I dress a bit different like wearing elf ears and putting dots on my face and some person came up to me and said “ARE YOU AN ANIME” and this just reminded me of it like not even do you like anime or something just straight up am I an anime
Sometimes I quickly flip back and forth to the lead and the eraser side of the pencil, then my pencil flings across the room and I’m like ._.
The worst thing my classmates can say to me while I’m drawing:
“Is that you?”
“Can you draw me?”
“My dog died can you draw it for free?”
“What kinda anime is that?”
“Omg is that your crush?”
“Can you teach me how to draw?”
“That gotta be TrAcEd!”
Oh, and:
“I cAnT eVeN dRaW A sTiCk FiGuRe!”
Me: sir I’m pretty sure everyone can draw stick figures
Me drawing my OC
Person: “That looks like-”
Me: “Don’t. Even. Dare.”
That looks like my ex girlfriend’s friend’s stepdads dead dog’s brother!
@@saturnxx7109 PFT-
my “friend” always tells me that my oc looks like a character of hers 💀
@@derpinalover321 Same happened to me with a friend I had not very long ago-
Yes, we don't talk anymore lmao
literally while im drawing, someone comes up to me and says
'wheres her eyes'
'wheres her head'
'wheres her hands'
'wheres her eyebrows'
like boi lemme finish
The most annoying thing that happend to me. Like, JUST LET ME FINISH JEEZ!!!
That's sooooo true!!!! Some of my friends always says, "Why is her eyes like that? Why is her nose so crooked? That one eye is different than the other." I'm so frustrated. I'm like, "Just shut up and let me finish!"
That happend me yesterday
Me: *draws a cat facing the the other way*
Random person: where is it’s face???
Me: their facing the other way...
Random person: oOOooOoH
When the double T H E
I once drew a dog and my mom thought it was something else...
Ok I think this one's just me, but...
In primary school (elementary) when I was like the only one who could draw, let's say we were doing a little art activity or something, and all the crappy artists go up to me like 'oH yOUrE SuCH A gOod *DrAWeEeeEr* ' and then I say thanks, and then they ask me to draw their artwork, and im like 'bruh, im not going to draw your art, it's YOUR ART...' then they call me 'mean' or 'a bully' and walk away.
Okay, that one is just me.
Whoah, the same as mine
Funny Sock Block definitely not just you mate, I used to deal with this so much in art class -2- it was so annoying!!!
I’m one of two decent artists in my School
Brings me back to group projects with only a few people good at drawing
Lavendertowne: I feel this creeping sense of guilt that someone is standing behind me telling me that I need to be drawing more.
**Me who is watching this video to take a break from drawing**
Me: I feel anxious...
Me drawing a body before the clothes*
Me: wtf no
That happens to me 👏💀
me too :v
Everyone at school always tells me to stop drawing Hentai.
ok yes %100 relatable, year 6 classrooms a filled with immature nubs
Soooooo trueeee
Me: **drawing in the middle of class**
Someone, loud enough so the whole class hears: oOoOoHhHhhH wHy ArE u DRaWiNg a N A K E D bOdYyY
i get questions like: "What are you going to draw?" "What are you drawing?" "can you draw something for me?" NNNNNNNOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! GOOOOO AWAYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!
Isabel Miller lol that’s me to every person I hate in school and ask me questions
My family asks me alot
Make them pay you
Yes! The "can you draw ME/something for ME" question gets asked to my too often.
No i wont draw something for you. Plus its just kinda rude to ASK for a gift in my opinion. And usually the people who ask me this are people that are rude and/or annoying.
my art has no consistency so sometimes i get a fluke and make something that's on a level that i cant get to again
Bangoshy same
I do that too unfortunately
Never related to something more
honestly same
Me: *drawing in school*
*"You look so focused when you draw."*
bruh i felt that
Also you: not anymore thanks to you
"Well no frick" lol
Teacher: okay everyone in this group project you need to draw!
Every student: (turns around and stares at you)
"Did you draw that?"
"Oh........ is that anime?"
"....... no?"
"......can you draw me?"
"........*hides drawing of oc* YeAh I DON't DRAW PEoPle"
i draw worse when people watch over me. idk why.
i always feel safer and more confident when i draw alone. again idk why?!
anyone else feel the same? i usually draw at school at indoor recess or something but only like an item, because i will just completely die.
my friend is like the pro artist in the class and when i draw at school she thinks i'm bad. i try to explain that it's not true and you shouldn't say that, i also say that i'm good it's just that i cant be watched when i draw. she doesn't believe me, but i really don't care.
I'm sorry your friend is a little rude
*sitting in my room at midnight drawing my main oc as a male then as a female*
"I'm surprised nobody has told me to sleep yet"
It’s a common thing many people have. It’s just a sense of fear knowing someone is watching every mistake and every step u do like they’re trying to like steal ur identity.
I get that problem but what is weirder if im alone at home i dont draw i just go and watch some youtube open instagram and at school id only draw if everyone is minding their own business not looking at me and just talking to one and another and when they suddenly watch me boom im shaking
I just realised... u know artists hate it when people say “draw me” In Titanic, when Rose says “draw me like one of ur French girls” do u think Jack got a little triggered?
Nahhhh thats like his job anyways and plus he love rose like his life depend on it
I know I did
Yes, it was
HeY yOu DrAw Me LiKe OnE oF yOuR fReNcH gIrLs
Oh my god that took me so long to write oof
By the why guys I was being sarcastic so don't get serious at my reply
;-; (me is a girl)
My pet peeves
1: when you thin sharpie or outliner runs out and that’s all you have
2: when the market bleeds through to the next page or so
3: when someone says my art style or certain thing I’m drawing looks weird.
4: I think this is only me but when you accidentally mess up and you look for the undo button but there isn’t one cause it’s paper then you ruin your perfect drawing cause of it.
I feel for ya bro
bruh 4 is such a mood though
@@ghoztiibuzz731 ikr one I was drawing on paper and literally tapped two fingers and i was like oh shoot theres no undo
The third one though! Especially when the drawing isn’t even finished
The scariest thing an artist will ever hear:
"Can you draw me?"
“Is that anime?”
“Ooh anime”
“Oh that looks like anime”
No, this is not anime
Now you’ve disrespected me please leave my space 😑
Lol I dont actually understand this since I have a fairly realistic style lol. You can't confuse it with anime.
Yeah plus anime is japanese animation so if you’re drawing a still picture it’s technically not anime, this is completely different if they are talking about the style of anime, but even just comparing it to someone’s artwork is rude and somewhat discouraging.
I like to draw in Chibi style .-.
ZionGo my friend at one point thought every style was anime.
Realism, cartoony, etc. was just anime
And she was CONVINCED that this was true, my friend and I couldn’t change her mind
I want to get a shirt that says on the back: ‘i’m an artist, no you can’t see my sketchbook, and no i won’t draw you unless you give me money.’
Sounds awesome, me too
I'm not an artist but that sounds amazing
@@adumbdannia haha another ‘bean’ name
@@LmaoMeowz ayo lmao
Is because my "species" are canonically named 'beans' ecks dee
I don't know if anyone else has this problem, but sometimes I'll just be drawing, minding my business, and people come up to me and are just like "Hey can u draw this thing for me? For Free?" Like boi no. I'm doin other things.
Unless u'll pay me for it, cuz that ice-cream sandwich in the lunch line look good.
Same problem I have.
Same I hate it. I had this one girl who kept bothering me and wouldn't leave me alone about getting an art peice. I finally gave in cause I was tired of her and gave her a half tried on it. CAUSE IT WAS FREE. So then yes I had other people I drew for and they PAID ME. Then this girl comes back and says why am I not giving her more peices. I calmly explain to her she has to pay for a piece. So she said shewould buy the copy printed piece of my drawings. (THIS ADDED UP TO 30 BUCKS BTW) So she said she needed to get the money from her dad so she asked to borrow them so she could show him. I said okay (being the pushover I am though I was a bit hesitant) and she took them. I didn't get no pay or my drawing back for almost the rest of the school year. So then near the end of the year I ended up getting my drawings back but no pay at all. Bow I don't let anyone get their drawing till they pay me so they can't get sway with free art. I told my friends about my issue and they were ligit gonna track this girl and beat her up. Luckily I calmed them down cause I didn't wanna start too much drama but I was tempted to let them and have me join them. Sorry I just can't believe people like this exist and think they are doing nothing wrong.
pRincE lOtoR
SkimMilkIsMyName . com haha lol 😂
Yup, has happened totally a artist struggle! XD
Something digital artists understand:
Doing lineart on your sketch layer
Oml- ik- I do it all the time-
i hate when that happens
the amount of times that has happened to me is just- why
fr it has happened so many times I spend a minute making sure I'm on the right layer before moving on to ink
I don't do sketches, but sketches aren't bad, they are good
*Things I usually hear:*
- Who ur drawing? Is that you?
- Can u draw me?
- Can i look ur sketchbook?
- Wow, I can't draw a stick figure
- Teach me drawing like that
*Just let me draw, damn it*
My friend says that she can't even draw a stick figure.. like, *ITS LINES.*
“Who is that”
“Hehe nobody”
“But who IS IT?”
“Nobody ok?!”
“Is it meeeeeee?”
“Um, no…”
“Is it aNiMe??”
“Can I have it?”
“Why does the (fill in the blank) look like that?”
“Why doesn’t she have a face?”
“Is that a cat girl, like from That Anime?”
“It’s a fursona”
“A persona? That’s not like you at all!”
“FURsona. It’s my character I made”
“Ohhh ok…”
Mine are :
"Is ThAt A nAkEd BoDy?"
When someone moves your table when you're finelining
"stop moving- s t o p"
K-multis that happens way back in fourth grade I believe, I hit him on the back of the head- then immediately went to apologizing ;-;
that last one hurt me
I was using a base and my little brother told my mom I drew a naked girl. At least my sister explained that I was using a base and saved my butt
Me: **Drawing a male character**
Random person: "IS THAT YOUR CRUSH??? HE'S SO CUTE"
Me in head: "what the."
Me: "no."
Random person: "Can you draw me sitting like a princess?"
Me: "Okay.."
**after lunch**
Random person: "Where's my request?"
Me: "I might finish it tomorrow, I need to do my homeworks first."
Also me: **Will never finish their requests**
"Is that anime?"
"Then why does she have spiky bangs?"
Thats true-
lol too true. I'll be doodling some characters for a comic series I'm working on in school, and I'll just feel people's eyes burning into my back, and half the characters in my series are guys, and some normie came up to me and said, uhh, is that your crush???
LMAOOO also same name xD
That’s so me completely wattttt!’
!! !!,,....
I took. Screeen shot too
whenever I draw an anime character at school they scream "is that ANIME???" and they sound really disgusted
Does anyone else ever experiance a giant flow of inspiration and ideas that grows so big that all of your motivation just leaves your brain.
Yes, ha ha!
Yep! It happened a few hours ago. 😂😓
me: *gets new pencils*.
I want to draw!
*opens sketch book*.
*sits there for many hours not drawing anything*
OMG Yes!
"WoW, dId YoU dRaW tHaT???"
No. I'm being possessed. A demon drew this.
"CaN yOu DrAw Me?!??!1?"
I charge 5 bucks for a comission. Pay up.
Spontaneous Pentagonal Weirdness 'N Stuff charge more that's way too underpriced. Value your art more and charge at least $10
@@statelessfgc1069Comics yeah. I have people at school pay $10 for a drawing (not colored, w/ shading); $15 for a complete drawing (colored and w/ shading); and $20 for a digital drawing. Unless for some reason I give it to them for free. But $5 is worth like...a sketch. Give your art more credit, I'm sure it's great.
Also, "whO iZ d@T"
I dunno. I just drew a person.
I also get the "cAn yU drAw mOi" question soooo much. Its even worse because idk how to say no and if i do say no i feel guilty. Help.
@@anxious_dried_frvit2161 I just glare at people until they walk away
@@jackie1346 thats a good idea
What annyos me is when I have to stop in a middle of a drawing, because when I go back to drawing it I criticize myself. ;v;
True and also you seem to like Eddsworld too huh?
Eddsworld Trash :3 use it to your advantage to polish up your drawings. I like to leave my drawings open on my desk before I sleep, and I will check it when I wake up. If I’m satisfied, the there is nothing wrong with it. Most of the time changes needs to be made.
Little Cheasy nope you aren't alone!
Ashely Dreemurr I love eddsworld :3
Bryan Ho thanks for the advice I'll keep that in mind.
hah when it comes to complicated designs and then struggling if the character is in a comic, my solution is basically making designs so simple that i remember them from the top of my head. i remember how all of my oc's look even though i have a lot of them because of the said simplicity, which i find comfortable because looking at a ref when i'm drawing tires me. i only make reference sheets to pick the colors my characters have to keep them consistent and to introduce the characters to people who follow me. once a person told me my character designs are so simple yet unique which made me really happy. i'm really trying my best not to commit same face syndrome and i go as far as defining if the character has a visible eyelid crease or how their teeth look lmao. basically a lot of my oc's have a color or two that they like the most that defines the majority of their color palette, an eye shape that shows what personality the character has (mostly shown by the upper lash line), noses of different sizes, i'm also trying to experiment with face shapes themselves because some characters theoretically have chubbier cheeks than others yet it's not very visible in my art
Dont forget the most common problem
Oh I feel that a ton, it sucks so bad 😩
Kishi Potato Queen // yup
Kishi Potato Queen yes
Hehe...worst problem
*me drawing manga for five minutes*
Every classmate of mine: „I hAtE yOuR sTiLe“
「Silly bear」 but your not her classmates
"You're so good at art."
"Aww. Thank y-..."
"S.... Stop it!"
BranJax lowkey me
@@melonball_ yeah. Looks like you.
This what my friends are like
That's strange thats the exact problem I have
But I really can't draw stick figures...😂😂
For the complex character one, I found a way to kinda get around it. I really like making really detailed characters so I made a rule for myself. For each character, I get to make one part detailed. For example, if I go ham on the hair, I pull back on the clothing patterns.
My friend used to ask for my art, and since she was my best friend, I'd let her take it. I found out that she'd been tracing all of the art I gave her and she tried denying it. I'm still friends with her, but it's like an insincere friendship. I don't want to sound conceited, but it's like she's jealous of me
Me: *happily drawing an oc*
Classmate: "Is that you?"
Me: *bangs head on desk*
edit: i have achieved my goal of having 911 likes. i am now waiting for the police to show up so they can arrest my cousin who puts the milk first instead of the cereal.
edit 2: *alright which one of you troglodytes killed the balance. what am i supposed to wait for, 955? 9111? answer me, how am i supposed to call the cops?*
I couldn't relate more 😂
I like the 69th like so now it is 70 🌟
Or: is that me?
whenever id be drawing something at school because im bored, some random person in my class would come up to me and be like "WOW HOW DID YOU DRAW THAT?? CAN YOU TEACH ME HOW TO DRAW LIKE THAT????"
I used to actually try and teach em HOW but then i honestly realized how dumb that actually is since ive been drawing for 8 years and the other person probably has never even drawn a stick man XDD
I think the key is to just be polite and tell them you aren't a very good teacher. That usually gets people to stop.
Darling Bee that happens to me all the time ;-;
Darling Bee Omg same! but the problem was is that i was too nice and the people asking were my friends and I felt like I couldn’t say no.
Sam Bee your profile is so so so cute 😃
Me: *casually drawing my oc*
Guy: damn bro, is that you?
Me: no, it's my oc.
Guy: what is an oc? who is oc? why is oc?
What I hate is that when someone approaches me and takes a look at my drawing and just gets so amazed and they'll be like "Aweee! That is so good! How did you learn how to do that? I wish I could draw."
I really hate that.
Drawing takes a lot of practice,effort and time. You Can actually draw if you took practice and effort on it,instead of just praising someone thinking that they are the somewhat 'choSen' ones that they'll be the only ones who can draw.
Everything takes practice time and effort to be good at it,ok?
You're just not magically born with it that you can draw the very first time you were born perfectly.
Such things,or beliefs do not exist.
Every artist knows that
I mean like I only take time and effort and practice 4 times a week..
Person: wow! Your drawing is so beautiful! Can you teach me how to draw
I. Have. Been. There.
I relate to this so much.
If i showed you my first drawing you would be mad at me
Me in year 6: drawing an eye with tears streaming down the cheek
* Shades in tears to look three dimensional *
Every boy at school: It'S cRyInG bLoOd
I might be insane but I do love drawing characters eyes and mouth melting and them crying blood
@Dapple yes just yesss
We're already at number 1
*And it's already too relateable*
Edit- another one is for people who draw on phones
*When you can't find a place comfortable to draw*
Edit- why does this have 479 likes- holy pug in a pizza box--
Edit- 680 likes.... *HOLY HAMILTON GETTING SHOT*
Edit-...why does this have 1.1k likes?! *Breaths* *HO L Y JERMEY LEAVING MICHAEL-*
WASUP mate holy crap yes ;0;
Or when you ask for criticism on a drawing and everyone says that it's fine and you don't need improvement...
The Dairy Queen
Buying the wrong type of sketchbook but to awkward or anxious to go back amd get the right one.
Digital artists problems:
Drawing on the same layer
Forgetting to save your art
Pen dying
When the system crashes on you
Drawing on the first layer is pain but since I mostly draw on paper I don’t really have that pain. *but when u accidentally use the wrong shade of color or make the line thickness to thick is big boi PAIN!*
I once drew some youtuber fanart and my *ART* teacher said, "Hey look at [name]'s anime characters!" *>:T*
@MusicFanatic My mum is one of those people.
I drew anime two years ago, and now I have my own style, but she still thinks it is anime lol