Ankle pain the trick with foil

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 17 ก.ย. 2024
  • ankle pain the trick with foil
    I've had problems with my ankle for a while when I put too much strain on it.
    The pain in the joint then begins on the outside of the ankle and after about a day the inflammation migrates to the inside of the ankle. The result is swelling with severe redness and corresponding pain.
    Osteoarthritis of the ankle was ruled out by MRI and the diagnosis was tendon sheath inflammation due to overload.
    So far I haven't been able to put any weight on my foot for several days. With an orthosis and painkillers as well as orthopedic insoles, things went reasonably well. At night I woke up with the pain because, according to my doctor, an inflammation does not rest even at night and continues to develop even without stress. Only strong painkillers helped.
    Then I tried physical therapy.
    My physiotherapist was then able to identify corresponding trigger points and treat them well.
    But his best tip with the most amazing effect was this:
    Pain gel, with me Voltaren forte, which I have used again and again for years, but only with modest success.
    As always, apply thickly but then cover with cling film so that the ointment remains liquid and the active ingredients can penetrate better.
    And it was unbelievable that this same ointment suddenly took all the pain out of my ankle, gave me a quiet night and the next day there was no more pain in the joint.
    I hope it had a similarly good effect on you, I would be happy about comments and your experiences.
    take care and stay healthy
    easy doit
    Music: Creepy Music Box
    Musician: SoundGalleryByDmitryTaras

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