Judaism's Surprising View On Islam Exposed By Rabbi Oury Cherki From Jerusalem

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 3 ม.ค. 2025

ความคิดเห็น • 195

  • @razmiihsan8897
    @razmiihsan8897 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +13

    Shalom to all our Jewish cousins. We don't have any problem with the Jews, either the religion or the ethnicity, trying to establish your own nation. But problem arise when people are being oppressed by taking their land, by driving them out of their land. If there were truly no people in Palestine before this, then by all means, take the land. But you displaced the people who already been there for more than a millennium. The Roman Catholics wiped out the Jews from Palestine, until it was conquered by Caliph Saidina Umar Al Khattab, who brought back Jews to Palestine.
    As for the interpretation whether Rasulullah came to abrogate the tawrah, I don't know about that in details. I think this must be a discussion between scholars. As far as I know, the Tawrah today is not the same as the Tawrah revealed to Prophet Musa (PBUH).

    • @dogbert52
      @dogbert52 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      What is a dhimmi?
      What are "pact of omar" laws?
      Are 56 occupied states not enough?

    • @valerieprice-wn9qb
      @valerieprice-wn9qb 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

      This will not stop their deep hatred of Jews and Christians that is repeated throughout the Quran and Hadith or how they remind us of their intolerance on the Temple Mount with signs of denial of our beliefs and restrictions of prayer if that doesn’t prove Islam dominates our holy sites I don’t know what else to say

    • @UniteOrDie2024
      @UniteOrDie2024 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      I don’t necessarily disagree with you, but what’s done is done. Jews and Palestinians both have a claim to the land, and as such it should be shared. I am a Jew, and half Israeli. And I believe that Israel has got to make concessions And protect the Palestinian people. Both the Jews and the Muslims in Israel are victims of the UN and the world community. I believe this conflict has made many Jews lose their Jewish, and I fear the same is happening to many Muslims. We are family, brother, and more of us need to speak to our brother and sisters and embrace one another before we wiped each other off the face of the Earth. Which is what the UN wants.

    • @samnous2002
      @samnous2002 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      And who gave Omar the right to conquer the area and force Arabic and Islam on it?

    • @omarlittle-hales8237
      @omarlittle-hales8237 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

      The Zionists Do Not Believe In God, But They Believe God, Gave Them, The Land Of Israel.
      Torah [Old Testament]:
      Thou Shall Not Steal.
      Thou Shall Not Kill.
      Rabbi David Feldman.

  • @mohammaddoofesh4963
    @mohammaddoofesh4963 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    وَأَنْزَلْنَا إِلَيْكَ الْكِتَابَ بِالْحَقِّ مُصَدِّقًا لِمَا بَيْنَ يَدَيْهِ مِنَ الْكِتَابِ وَمُهَيْمِنًا عَلَيْهِ فَاحْكُمْ بَيْنَهُمْ بِمَا أَنْزَلَ اللَّهُ وَلا تَتَّبِعْ أَهْوَاءَهُمْ عَمَّا جَاءَكَ مِنَ الْحَقِّ لِكُلٍّ جَعَلْنَا مِنْكُمْ شِرْعَةً وَمِنْهَاجًا وَلَوْ شَاءَ اللَّهُ لَجَعَلَكُمْ أُمَّةً وَاحِدَةً وَلَكِنْ لِيَبْلُوَكُمْ فِي مَا آتَاكُمْ فَاسْتَبِقُوا الْخَيْرَاتِ إِلَى اللَّهِ مَرْجِعُكُمْ جَمِيعًا فَيُنَبِّئُكُمْ بِمَا كُنْتُمْ فِيهِ تَخْتَلِفُونَ
    Quraan 5:48. And We (Allaah) sent down to you (O Muhammad) the Book (The Quraan) in truth, CONFIRMING the Scripture before it and DOMINANT over it. So judge among them (People of the Book) by what Allaah revealed, and follow not by their vain desires, diverging from the truth that came to you. To each among you We (Allaah) prescribed a law (Sharia) and a curriculum (method, way). If Allaah had willed He would have made you ONE NATION, but that He may TEST YOU in what He gave to you. So compete in good deeds. The return of you all is to Allaah; then He will inform you about that in which you used to differ.

  • @mahmoudshahin3162
    @mahmoudshahin3162 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +12

    We will build the bridge once you allow us “the indigenous people the Palestinians ” to return to our land, once we are given equal rights, once you stop the apartheid, once you acknowledge what has been done and been happening to us and apologize . Then we will have a dialogue.
    I was a strong believer in peace, and that eventually we will come to a common ground and accept each other, but this idea has abolished to me and many other Palestinians who remain in the land who are living through the killing and apartheid and young Palestinians who are living in diaspora.
    Now someone will come to me and say that it all started on Oct-07th and that we started it. I would say what about the Nakba of 1948, 67….. don’t tell me we didn’t accept the segregation resolution why should we, any sain nation any sain people would never accept there land to be divided we to with newcomers who just been to there land. We used to live in harmony but since this colonial state has been planted to our land we have been “i mean both of us” feeding of each other rage… think about it, i hope to see a common since and respectful reply.

    • @dorandacolbert5973
      @dorandacolbert5973 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

      You must first accept that you are not indigenous, but the Jews are. You are a very young people, becoming palestinians in 1964 to continue fighting Israel for their land. Before then you were simply arab first trying to get mandate palestine annexed to syria, when you are already a people, you don't try to become another people.

    • @DavidDemurs
      @DavidDemurs 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

      A group of people who invaded the land in the 7th century and conquered it then are not the "indigenous" people. Arabs are indigenous not to the Levant, but to the Arabian Peninsula. You look ridiculous with your silly proclamations when you don't have the most basic grasp of the history of which you speak.

    • @mahmoudshahin3162
      @mahmoudshahin3162 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

      Your attempt to deny the Palestinian people identity and history is offensive and inaccurate. Palestinians, like other groups in the region (Syrians, Lebanese, Iraqis, Egyptians) are rooted in their lands and have adopted Arab and Muslim culture over centuries.
      If you are a just person with a none colonizer mindset you would acknowledge that Palestine before the Nakba was a society where people of various religions lived in harmony in which people from the three Abrahamic religions coexisted and contributed to the society which was and still known as the Palestinian society.
      The events of 1948, 1967 and the later events did not create our identity but rather formalized our collective aspirations for self-determination and justice.
      Your dismissal of our experiences, including the forced displacement of countless families like mine in 1948 is unacceptable And i wont be bullied into accepting that twisted reality that was created from a colonizer mind-set and let’s call things with what they are.

    • @mahmoudshahin3162
      @mahmoudshahin3162 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      @@DavidDemurs Since im a silly and ridiculous person i wont waste your time by getting you into a discussion with person like me. :)

    • @arimoff
      @arimoff 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      The opposite. You arabs from Arabian desert must accept that Jews are from Avraham and Sarah and are endigenous to the land of Israel. Itzhak the land of Israel ishmael the Arabian desert.
      Jews do not claim right to makkah and qoran. Muslims should not be laying claims to Jerusalem and accept the idea that Jews have the Torah as eternal covenant and will never accept qoran.
      Mutual respect requires both sides to respect each other's claims.
      It is highly suggested to have mutual respect and leave the jews alone in their Jerusalem. Otherwise G-d will force the Islamic world to accept it and that won't be pleasant. But don't take my word for it. As pharaoh

  • @Naruto-db8yg
    @Naruto-db8yg 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    I doubt that there can be any peace till Israel applies apartheid and does not allow Palestanian refugees to retuen to there land. Secondly, Israel does not see itself as a religious state in the first place; rather a secular state. It's seems to be waste of time to find religious commonality in order to find peace when the state itself does not apply the jewish religion.

  • @dnybwzglw162
    @dnybwzglw162 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +8

    1.זה נכון שמוחמד אף פעם לא אמר שהיהודים שינו את טקסט התורה ורק טען שהיהודים (או חלק מהיהודים) משנים את הפירוש והמשמעות שלה ויש לזה הרבה הוכחות מהקוראן והחדית' ושאר ספרי המוסלמים הראשונים, אבל המוסלמים ראו בהמשך שיש הרבה הבדלים הן בסיפורים והן בדינים בין הקוראן לבין התנ"ך כך שאי אפשר ששניהם ממקור אחד, ולכן היו חייבים להגיד שהיהודים שינו את טקסט התורה.
    2.הרמב"ם כותב שאסור לבן נח להוסיף דת ומצות מעצמו ואם כן המוסלמים גם אם נגיד שהיו מאמינים בתנ"ך ובתורה שבע"פ אעפ"כ הם לא נחשבים לחסידי אומות העולם.

    • @Warrior19006
      @Warrior19006 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      The Torah is changed and the Quran says so aswell. Our beloved prophet Muhammad (SAW) also said the same thing. Idk where u got your information from

    • @torojoy1742
      @torojoy1742 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Bible mention prophet joseph with pharaoh and Qur'an mention prophet joseph with king and not pharaoh and Qur'an was right. What makes you to not accept it as the truth sign from God

    • @Cross77774
      @Cross77774 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

      The devil would also have this information. In addition it is not clear whether such a claim that it should be king has much validity

    • @torojoy1742
      @torojoy1742 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@Cross77774 it is clear man... so what about bible that mention wrong information..? Or you so much subjective believer.? Events God who sent Qur'an clearly said that you will not found any contradiction in it..and its not a secret that you will find so many contradiction and claim from the writer that make it worse

    • @torojoy1742
      @torojoy1742 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@Cross77774 i mean in bible by it writer

  • @rickyalfred9710
    @rickyalfred9710 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    We do not need validation from Jews or Isreal nor require the Jews to accept our deen as valid. This talk regarding the oppressive rogue state of Isreal that murders children being a fulfilment of Gods promise is a terrible word that was told. The Quran in no way validates following any prophet after the prophet Muhammad regardless of Jewish interpretation

    • @DavidDemurs
      @DavidDemurs 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Who cares what the Quran says? It's a man-made, non-divine book

    • @EquityFighter
      @EquityFighter 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Israel is not a jewish state. Its secular. The rebbe in the video is not responsible for Israel govt actions. That would be like me blaming you for what Saudi is doing to Yemen. Listen to the video before commenting

    • @dalechetto9692
      @dalechetto9692 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Maybe you should look at your terrorist friends all in the name of Islam

  • @Unlimi-PT
    @Unlimi-PT 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Yes, Muhammad didn't come to abolish Jewish law for Jews, as Jews are required to follow their own laws under a true Islamic state, however if a Jew wants to convert to Islam, he is not considered a Jew anymore.

    • @UniteOrDie2024
      @UniteOrDie2024 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

      He is in Judaism.

  • @AbeTheFakeSage
    @AbeTheFakeSage 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    There is a difference between the Tanakh, Torah, neviim, Ketuvim, and other books like the Talmud/Mishnah which are from so called “rabbis,” and not from THE “Rab.”

    • @DavidDemurs
      @DavidDemurs 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

      The rabbis that you insinuate disparaging comments about were divinely inspired, as evidenced by the fact that they made predictions, thousands of years ago without the aid of the tools we have now (and with great risk, if they were lying) that have all been proven accurate and true in all this time

    • @Rajul_Jamil
      @Rajul_Jamil 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      Do you have any idea what the Talmud is???

    • @AbeTheFakeSage
      @AbeTheFakeSage 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@Rajul_Jamil oh no Google doesn’t work ?
      Enlighten me?

    • @Rajul_Jamil
      @Rajul_Jamil 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

      I don't think you really want to know what the Talmud is.
      As I understand it. that the Hadiths and Bukhari supersede the Quran and everything written there is from Al Rabi.

  • @Re-Destro
    @Re-Destro 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    As I Muslim I respect what you said.

  • @mohammaddoofesh4963
    @mohammaddoofesh4963 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    عَنْ أَبِى هُرَيْرَةَ عَنْ رَسُولِ اللَّهِ صلى الله عليه وسلم أَنَّهُ قَالَ
    « وَالَّذِى نَفْسُ مُحَمَّدٍ بِيَدِهِ لاَ يَسْمَعُ بِى أَحَدٌ مِنْ هَذِهِ الأُمَّةِ يَهُودِىٌّ وَلاَ نَصْرَانِىٌّ ثُمَّ يَمُوتُ وَلَمْ يُؤْمِنْ بِالَّذِى أُرْسِلْتُ بِهِ إِلاَّ كَانَ مِنْ أَصْحَابِ النَّارِ ».
    Narrated Abu-Huraira that the Messenger of Allah said:
    By Him in Whose hand is the life of Muhammad, he who amongst the community of Jews or Christians hears about me, but does not affirm his belief in that with which I have been sent and dies in this state (of disbelief), he shall be but one of the denizens of The Fire.

  • @HonestReactionsReal
    @HonestReactionsReal 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +10

    I am a Muslim from Pakistan and I really loved this message. I would like to read more about Noahides. Pay my regards to Rabbi OUry Cherki.

    • @Dakini31
      @Dakini31 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      Sir thank you for your reasonableness and willingness to know more and explore a middle ground. I wish more people would be like you. Good will and peace would then be possible. G-d bless you

    • @HonestReactionsReal
      @HonestReactionsReal 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      @@Dakini31 Amen. God bless you too. May all the followers of Abrahamic religions(which are fundamentally same) find the comon grounds where we all strive for the truth live side by side and offer prayers and be able to visit Mecca and Jerusalem to fulfill our spiritual needs/obligations. 🙏

    • @omarlittle-hales8237
      @omarlittle-hales8237 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

      The Star of David, Crucifix & The Crescent, Are Found In Hinduism.
      Vedas [Hindu Bible] Mentions Adam, Abraham, Moses, Noah & Muhammad, Within Judaism, Christianity, Islam and Hinduism.
      Adam Was Swayambhu Manu (4000BC),
      Cain Was Indra (3200BC),
      Noah Was Vaivaswat Manu (3000BC),
      Abraham Was Rama (2100BC)
      Moses Was Krishna (1500BC),
      Mahamada Was Muhammad,
      Origins in the Indus Valley.
      Hinduism Vedas = Monotheism
      Guru Books = Trinity & Polytheism.
      Hinduism Was The Largest Monotheistic Religion In Ancient Times, But When They Added The Trinity And Polytheism, The Religion Declined.
      Whenever A Scripture Becomes Corrupted, Then God Almighty Sends A Update [Similar To Windows Or Apple IOS].
      Vedas [Corrupted - Mixed Falsehood With Truth]
      Avesta [Corrupted - Mixed Falsehood With Truth]
      Cannon [Corrupted - Mixed Falsehood With Truth]
      Book Of Enoch [Corrupted - Mixed Falsehood With Truth]
      Psalms [Corrupted - Mixed Falsehood With Truth]
      Torah [Corrupted - Mixed Falsehood With Truth]
      Quran [Final Update - Gods Sealed With White Magic].
      Any Verse Within The Above Scriptures Before The Quran, Have Some Authentic Verses And Some Corrupted, Apply Logic:
      See God's Pattern:
      Torah [Old Testament]:
      Eye For An Eye, Tooth For A Tooth [A Life For A Life].
      Gospel [New Testament]:
      Turn The Other Cheek [Full Pardon].
      Quran [Last Testament]:
      Blood Money [Compensation].
      The Jewish Tefillin [Prayer Leather Box] With The Seven Straps Around The Arms, Relates To The Seven Circumambulation Around The Kaaba.
      The Word Tefillin Derives From Tawaf, Circumambulation Around The Kaaba.
      Adam & Eve Were Sent Down Separately, They Both Meet Up In The Valley Of Becca [Now Mecca].
      They Witnessed The First Human Period Rain, Which Becomes The Zam Zam [Named By Hagar In Egyptian - Stop Flowing] Well.
      Then God Sends An Asteroid From The Heavens, Which Lands, Which Is Later Placed On The Corner Of The Kaaba [First Temple].
      The Kaaba Akin To King Solomon's Temple, As Been Destroyed And Rebuilt.
      Psalms 84 [Books Of David]:
      Blessed are those whose strength is in you,
      who have set their hearts on pilgrimage [Hajj].
      As they pass through the Valley of Baca [Now Mecca],
      they make it a place of springs;
      the autumn rains also cover it with pools.
      They go from strength to strength,
      till each appears before God..
      Quran [Last Testament]:
      95. Say: "(God) speaketh the Truth: follow the religion of Abraham, the same in faith; he was not of the Pagans."
      96. The first House (of worship) appointed for men was that at Bakka: Full of blessing and of guidance for all kinds of beings:
      97. In it are Signs Manifest; (for example), the Station of Abraham; whoever enters it attains security; Pilgrimage thereto is a duty men owe to God,- those who can afford the journey; but if any deny faith, God stands not in need of any of His creatures.
      Let The World Open Their Eyes, From Adam & Eve To All The Scriptures Sent By God Almighty Alone, The Jealous God With No Partners, Unite Mankind We Are One With The Same One God, Without The Any Form Of Trinity, Kinship Or Partners.
      Pure Monotheistic Hinduism Is ISLaM, Pure Monotheistic Zoroastrian Is ISLaM, Pure Monotheistic Buddhism Is ISLaM, Pure Judaism Is ISLaM, Pure Monotheistic Christianity Is ISLaM, Pure ISLaM Is The Path Of Abraham The Friend Of God & Noah The Great Servant Of God.

    • @bbasaid6904
      @bbasaid6904 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Dont be naive, this guy is a zionist auming at changing islam to à zionist projet !! Just check his other videos

    • @YusufAhmed-vd4ry
      @YusufAhmed-vd4ry 9 หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @AhmadWafee-KL
    @AhmadWafee-KL 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Glad to watch this.

  • @chezispero3533
    @chezispero3533 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    אשריך הרב.

  • @Age_of_Magpie
    @Age_of_Magpie 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

    God chose Islam as a religion for everyone. Islam is the Everlasting covenant you have been told in your scripture. Because of arrogance and disobedience, Israelites lost God-given authority and responsibility around 67 CE. You cannot claim otherwise until the Gog and Magog invasion. You must be aware of this pivot point from your book. Did you not notice it? You are still in exile according to the Divine rule if you are a Jew as a religion. First, the messiah will come, but that is not enough; Gog and Magog should also come.
    Religion will not change, but Ishmailetes could be changed with Israelites as God's representatives. And be careful: Israelites are a nation, not a religion. I am not an Ishmaelite nor an Israelite, so nothing will change for me. But do not take yourself as promised people, because (if and when) God needs Israelites, that could be like this;
    "And do not presume to say to yourselves, ‘We have Abraham as our father,’ for I (John the Baptist) tell you, God is able from these stones to raise up children for Abraham."
    I am planning to make videos about these subjects, you can follow me. Peace be upon peace seekers.

    • @SamsonZionist
      @SamsonZionist 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

      I am interested to learn more about the Messiah Brother can You tell me who He is , Shalom

    • @Age_of_Magpie
      @Age_of_Magpie 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

      The Messiah is Jesus. Since the Israelites did not support him, he did not have the chance to continue his mission. He earned the hatred of most Israelites because he said, "Authority and responsibility would be taken from you and given to another nation." Another nation could be the Children of Esau or Ishmael because of Abraham.
      The duty and responsibility of introducing God was given to the Ishmaelites. But since messianic prophecies are incomplete, he will come back and complete those parts. But always keep in mind that being given authority is not a very good thing because, like that Siamese twin, it comes with responsibility. The subject is big. You could read my book, 100 pages are free. The end of the age of magpie, the beginning of a messianic era. Also, you could watch it to learn about the big picture. th-cam.com/video/gz9TrTDZKpc/w-d-xo.html

    • @youssefb3599
      @youssefb3599 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@SamsonZionist Sorry to deceive you. The Messiah was Jesus Christ, son of Mary, and the Jews missed the train. There is no more coming. It is just a fantasy created by the rabbinic authority to calm week spirited people and make them forget what they have done to Jesus and John the Baptist. God does not play according to human's rule. God establishes the rules and not the Rabbis or priests.

    • @rra6033
      @rra6033 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Why do you abrahamic followers fight and kill each other proclaiming your way is the way and the other is wrong ?
      You waste your life with this infighting. How about live and let live as do the sanatani dharma (Hindu, Buddhist, Jain, Sikhs etc.)?
      No one can dictate to another what religion or path has been set for any one individual. The relation between an individual and the creator is sacred and personal.
      As someone from the East, I have no issues with Jewish people. They do not impose themselves or their ways on others. However Christians and Muslims are another thing. They arrogantly think everyone should follow their way or now way. This mindset breads intolerance and trouble and does the devils work.
      Muslims and Christian’s have in the name of God, raped, pillaged, invaded, colonised and terrorised the world.
      The world would be a more peaceful place if we only had Jewish, Zoroastrianism, and eastern faiths. There may still have been wars, but at least it would not have been to impose an ideology on people.

    • @Age_of_Magpie
      @Age_of_Magpie 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

      There is no missing train concept for individuals. Yes, the Israelites missed the messianic age because God did not want to give the generation the kingdom. He stretched the time by 2000 years and put Ishmaelites in the middle. God's promise to the Israelites seems to be true. He will fulfill it, but not as you think or you wish. He is God, and he is all-powerful, not limited in ability or wisdom.

  • @channelone3773G
    @channelone3773G 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Allah made a covenant with the Children of Israel and appointed twelve leaders from among them and ˹then˺ said, “I am truly with you. If you establish prayer, pay alms-tax, believe in My messengers, support them, and lend to Allah a good loan, I will certainly forgive your sins and admit you into Gardens under which rivers flow. And whoever among you disbelieves afterwards has truly strayed from the Right Way.”

  • @gr4707
    @gr4707 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

    The covenant with beni Israel with not based on their lineage. God doesn’t do that. The covenant is based on their commitment to Abraham faith (monothesim) and The commandments. In this case only God fulfils his end of the covenant. It takes two parties to have a covenant, right? The covenant is made on mount sinai. It’s no man’s land. It’s a subliminal message is beni Israel that this is not about the land or ethinicity. It’s about the message. This is similar to Yishmael covenant. Muslims understood this. And arabs now are a minority in the muslim nations. Islam has no people or a land. It’s about the message. It’s universal. No monopoly on God. We all have same access to God. Beni Israel made the covenant about them and their uniqueness. Once they drop that belief and accept the non-Israelite prophet that carried the same message as moses and all the israelites prophets, then we will unite and face the whole world as United front of monotheism. You dream of a third temple huh. The Aqsa mosque, where your god and our god is glorified and worshipped by muslims, could be your third temple if you opened your eyes .

  • @atan9258
    @atan9258 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    In the Biblical narrative, Moses ascended the mountain and heard the word of the Lord, who speaking to the people through Moses, instructed them with Ten Commandments, four of which embodied their relationship to God and six that formed the ethical code for all civilizations: honoring one’s father and mother, forbidding murder, adultery, and stealing; bearing false witnesses, and coveting. The Ten Commandments became the foundation of Judaism, the genesis of ethical monotheism.

    • @omarlittle-hales8237
      @omarlittle-hales8237 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

      The Star of David, Crucifix & The Crescent, Are Found In Hinduism.
      Vedas [Hindu Bible] Mentions Adam, Abraham, Moses, Noah & Muhammad, Within Judaism, Christianity, Islam and Hinduism.
      Adam Was Swayambhu Manu (4000BC),
      Cain Was Indra (3200BC),
      Noah Was Vaivaswat Manu (3000BC),
      Abraham Was Rama (2100BC)
      Moses Was Krishna (1500BC),
      Mahamada Was Muhammad,
      Origins in the Indus Valley.
      Hinduism Vedas = Monotheism
      Guru Books = Trinity & Polytheism.
      Hinduism Was The Largest Monotheistic Religion In Ancient Times, But When They Added The Trinity And Polytheism, The Religion Declined.
      Whenever A Scripture Becomes Corrupted, Then God Almighty Sends A Update [Similar To Windows Or Apple IOS].
      Vedas [Corrupted - Mixed Falsehood With Truth]
      Avesta [Corrupted - Mixed Falsehood With Truth]
      Cannon [Corrupted - Mixed Falsehood With Truth]
      Book Of Enoch [Corrupted - Mixed Falsehood With Truth]
      Psalms [Corrupted - Mixed Falsehood With Truth]
      Torah [Corrupted - Mixed Falsehood With Truth]
      Quran [Final Update - Gods Sealed With White Magic].
      Any Verse Within The Above Scriptures Before The Quran, Have Some Authentic Verses And Some Corrupted, Apply Logic:
      See God's Pattern:
      Torah [Old Testament]:
      Eye For An Eye, Tooth For A Tooth [A Life For A Life].
      Gospel [New Testament]:
      Turn The Other Cheek [Full Pardon].
      Quran [Last Testament]:
      Blood Money [Compensation].
      The Jewish Tefillin [Prayer Leather Box] With The Seven Straps Around The Arms, Relates To The Seven Circumambulation Around The Kaaba.
      The Word Tefillin Derives From Tawaf, Circumambulation Around The Kaaba.
      Adam & Eve Were Sent Down Separately, They Both Meet Up In The Valley Of Becca [Now Mecca].
      They Witnessed The First Human Period Rain, Which Becomes The Zam Zam [Named By Hagar In Egyptian - Stop Flowing] Well.
      Then God Sends An Asteroid From The Heavens, Which Lands, Which Is Later Placed On The Corner Of The Kaaba [First Temple].
      The Kaaba Akin To King Solomon's Temple, As Been Destroyed And Rebuilt.
      Psalms 84 [Books Of David]:
      Blessed are those whose strength is in you,
      who have set their hearts on pilgrimage [Hajj].
      As they pass through the Valley of Baca [Now Mecca],
      they make it a place of springs;
      the autumn rains also cover it with pools.
      They go from strength to strength,
      till each appears before God..
      Quran [Last Testament]:
      95. Say: "(God) speaketh the Truth: follow the religion of Abraham, the same in faith; he was not of the Pagans."
      96. The first House (of worship) appointed for men was that at Bakka: Full of blessing and of guidance for all kinds of beings:
      97. In it are Signs Manifest; (for example), the Station of Abraham; whoever enters it attains security; Pilgrimage thereto is a duty men owe to God,- those who can afford the journey; but if any deny faith, God stands not in need of any of His creatures.
      Let The World Open Their Eyes, From Adam & Eve To All The Scriptures Sent By God Almighty Alone, The Jealous God With No Partners, Unite Mankind We Are One With The Same One God, Without The Any Form Of Trinity, Kinship Or Partners.
      Pure Monotheistic Hinduism Is ISLaM, Pure Monotheistic Zoroastrian Is ISLaM, Pure Monotheistic Buddhism Is ISLaM, Pure Judaism Is ISLaM, Pure Monotheistic Christianity Is ISLaM, Pure ISLaM Is The Path Of Abraham The Friend Of God & Noah The Great Servant Of God.
      TODa RABa

    • @atan9258
      @atan9258 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@omarlittle-hales8237 Prohibited to you are dead animals,1 blood, the flesh of swine, and that which has been dedicated to other than Allāh, and [those animals] killed by strangling or by a violent blow or by a head-long fall or by the goring of horns, and those from which a wild animal has eaten, except what you [are able to] slaughter [before its death], and those which are sacrificed on stone altars,2 and [prohibited is] that you seek decision through divining arrows. That is grave disobedience. This day those who disbelieve have despaired of [defeating] your religion; so fear them not, but fear Me. This day I have perfected for you your religion and completed My favor upon you and have approved for you Islām as religion. But whoever is forced by severe hunger with no inclination to sin - then indeed, Allāh is Forgiving and Merciful.Quran 5.3

    • @rra6033
      @rra6033 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Listen leave all eaten faiths out of this. Thousands of years before any abrahamic faith existed, the sanatani dharma (Hindu’s) were aware for a multi-verse, let alone a universe. While Christian’s and Muslims who came millennia after, were still stupidly thinking the earth was flat.
      While the shit hole to take is the middle east has been killing each other and engaged in ego thinking it’s their way or the highway, the dharma in the east has been nurturing diversity and tolerance through knowledge.
      Muslims have shown their true colours to the world by going around desecrating places of workshop of other peoples religious sites. Karma is now upon you.
      The first mosque has been dismantled in India that was built on the original temple site of lord Rama’s birth place. You done the same in Jerusalem .
      This intolerance will also be set right by the one who holds the eternal truth. It’s only a matter of time when the Israelites will rebuild their rightful temple. Until a mosques is on that site, and until they are able to rebuild their temple, no one in Israel will find eternal peace.

    • @omarlittle-hales8237
      @omarlittle-hales8237 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@atan9258 The Star of David, Crucifix & The Crescent, Are Found In Hinduism.
      Vedas [Hindu Bible] Mentions Adam, Abraham, Moses, Noah & Muhammad, Within Judaism, Christianity, Islam and Hinduism.
      Adam Was Swayambhu Manu (4000BC),
      Cain Was Indra (3200BC),
      Noah Was Vaivaswat Manu (3000BC),
      Abraham Was Rama (2100BC)
      Moses Was Krishna (1500BC),
      Mahamada Was Muhammad,
      Origins in the Indus Valley.
      Hinduism Vedas = Monotheism
      Guru Books = Trinity & Polytheism.
      Hinduism Was The Largest Monotheistic Religion In Ancient Times, But When They Added The Trinity And Polytheism, The Religion Declined.
      Whenever A Scripture Becomes Corrupted, Then God Almighty Sends A Update [Similar To Windows Or Apple IOS].
      Vedas [Corrupted - Mixed Falsehood With Truth]
      Avesta [Corrupted - Mixed Falsehood With Truth]
      Cannon [Corrupted - Mixed Falsehood With Truth]
      Book Of Enoch [Corrupted - Mixed Falsehood With Truth]
      Psalms [Corrupted - Mixed Falsehood With Truth]
      Torah [Corrupted - Mixed Falsehood With Truth]
      Quran [Final Update - Gods Sealed With White Magic].
      Any Verse Within The Above Scriptures Before The Quran, Have Some Authentic Verses And Some Corrupted, Apply Logic:
      See God's Pattern:
      Torah [Old Testament]:
      Eye For An Eye, Tooth For A Tooth [A Life For A Life].
      Gospel [New Testament]:
      Turn The Other Cheek [Full Pardon].
      Quran [Last Testament]:
      Blood Money [Compensation].
      The Jewish Tefillin [Prayer Leather Box] With The Seven Straps Around The Arms, Relates To The Seven Circumambulation Around The Kaaba.
      The Word Tefillin Derives From Tawaf, Circumambulation Around The Kaaba.
      Adam & Eve Were Sent Down Separately, They Both Meet Up In The Valley Of Becca [Now Mecca].
      They Witnessed The First Human Period Rain, Which Becomes The Zam Zam [Named By Hagar In Egyptian - Stop Flowing] Well.
      Then God Sends An Asteroid From The Heavens, Which Lands, Which Is Later Placed On The Corner Of The Kaaba [First Temple].
      The Kaaba Akin To King Solomon's Temple, As Been Destroyed And Rebuilt.
      Psalms 84 [Books Of David]:
      Blessed are those whose strength is in you,
      who have set their hearts on pilgrimage [Hajj].
      As they pass through the Valley of Baca [Now Mecca],
      they make it a place of springs;
      the autumn rains also cover it with pools.
      They go from strength to strength,
      till each appears before God..
      Quran [Last Testament]:
      95. Say: "(God) speaketh the Truth: follow the religion of Abraham, the same in faith; he was not of the Pagans."
      96. The first House (of worship) appointed for men was that at Bakka: Full of blessing and of guidance for all kinds of beings:
      97. In it are Signs Manifest; (for example), the Station of Abraham; whoever enters it attains security; Pilgrimage thereto is a duty men owe to God,- those who can afford the journey; but if any deny faith, God stands not in need of any of His creatures.
      Let The World Open Their Eyes, From Adam & Eve To All The Scriptures Sent By God Almighty Alone, The Jealous God With No Partners, Unite Mankind We Are One With The Same One God, Without The Any Form Of Trinity, Kinship Or Partners.
      Pure Monotheistic Hinduism Is ISLaM,
      Pure Monotheistic Zoroastrian Is ISLaM,
      Pure Monotheistic Buddhism Is ISLaM,
      Pure Judaism Is ISLaM,
      Pure Monotheistic Christianity Is ISLaM,
      Pure ISLaM Is The Path Of Abraham The Friend Of God
      & Noah The Great Servant Of God.

    • @omarlittle-hales8237
      @omarlittle-hales8237 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@atan9258 SALaM, SHLAMa, SHLOMo, SHALoM, NAMASTe, PEACe.
      The Zionists Do Not Believe In God, But They Believe God, Gave Them, The Land Of Israel.
      Torah [Old Testament]:
      Thou Shall Not Steal.
      Thou Shall Not Kill.
      Rabbi David Feldman.

  • @sgmovies7864
    @sgmovies7864 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    G-d gave a portion of the Holy Land to the children of Ishmael. Based on Zohar Shemot 32A
    [R. Hiyya then says] Woe is to the time that Ishmael was born into the world and was circumcised. What did G‑d do [to appease Ishmael]? He distanced the children of Ishmael from supernal cleaving and gave them [only] a portion below in the Holy Land on account of their circumcision.
    And in the future, the children of Ishmael are destined to rule over the Holy Land for a long time when it is empty from anything, like their circumcision which is empty and imperfect. And they will prevent the children of Israel from returning to their place until the reward for the merit of the children of Ishmael reaches completion.
    The children of Ishmael [i.e. the Arab nations] will cause great wars in the world and the children of Edom will gather against them and wage war against them, one on the sea, one on the dry land, and one near Jerusalem. And they [the children of Edom] will rule over them [the children of Ishmael], but the Holy Land will not be given over to the children of Edom. [The children of Edom is the Christian West, for Edom is Rome (see Num. 24:19, Rashi) and Rome signifies Greece-Rome and the Roman Catholic Church, the foundations of Western Civilization]
    It had already been prophesied in the Bible that the descendants of Ishmael/Arabs shall administer the Temple Mount/Jerusalem.
    Isaiah 60:7
    "All the flocks of Kedar shall be gathered together unto thee, the rams of Nebaioth shall minister unto thee: they shall come up with acceptance on mine altar, and I will glorify the house of my glory."
    All the flocks of Kedar - On the word 'Kedar,' see the notes at Isaiah 21:16. The Kedarenians were a wandering tribe that frequently changed their residence, though it is probable they usually dwelt in the south part of Arabia Desert, or the north of Arabia Petraea. They are mentioned as dwelling in beautiful tents Sol 1:5 : 'I am black, but comely as the tents of Kedar,' see Psalm 120:5; compare Isaiah 21:16-17; Isaiah 42:11. The language here also means that that which constituted their principal wealth would come and enrich Jerusalem.
    The rams of Nebaioth - Nebaioth was also a son of Ishmael Genesis 25:13; 1 Chronicles 1:29, and was the father of the Nabatheans. They were a people of Arabia Petraea, and lived principally by plunder, trade, and the keeping of flocks. The country of Nabathea extended, it is supposed, from the Euphrates to the Red Sea, and embraced Petra, the capital of Arabia Deserts, and also Medaba. It is not possible, however, to fix the exact boundaries of the various tribes of Arabians. The general idea is, that their most valuable possessions would be devoted to God.
    Dome of the Rock is the Third Temple. There are some interpretations of the Bible that suggest that the construction of the Dome of the Rock is prophesied in the Book of Daniel. Specifically, some people believe that Daniel 12:11 is a prophecy about the building of the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem. "And from the time that the daily sacrifice shall be taken away, and the abomination that maketh desolate set up, there shall be a thousand two hundred and ninety days." [Daniel 12:11]
    It is a heresy/unholy to think that Jews shall administer Temple Mount/Jerusalem as it had been clear in the Holy scripture that descendants of Ishmael/Arabs had been ordained by G-d to administer Jerusalem/Temple Mount.
    If Moshiach comes tomorrow, the state of Israel will be destroyed and replaced with kingdom of Israel. Israel is the name given to Prophet Jacob and it is unholy to use Israel as name of a state that has no connection with Prophet Jacob. The state of Israel was founded by atheists but the kingdom of Israel will be a nation of priests. If Moshiach comes with a sword, many non-believing Jews will be killed as G-d gave Torah to the Jews and there is no such thing as secular or atheist Jews.

    • @dnybwzglw162
      @dnybwzglw162 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

      1. Why are you twisting the glow? Later in the Zohar it is written that there will be a great war between the sons of Ishmael and the sons of Edom and then God will take his revenge on both the sons of Ishmael and the sons of Edom who did evil to the people of Israel in exile. Then there will be only the rule of the people of Israel in the world and in the Holy Land.
      2. Isaiah chapter 60 says that in the future redemption the nations will glorify the Temple and Jerusalem. It has nothing to do with the Dome of the Rock, of course. In the deliverance the temple will be as it is written in the other books of the prophets for example in Ezekiel you will be able to see how big and wide the temple will be that will stand forever.
      3. The vast majority of Muslims are unbelievers in the Bible (believers in the conspiracy theory that the Jews changed the Torah's scriptures, by the way, Muhammad never said this, but that is another topic that there is no room to expand on here) and therefore are not considered followers of the nations of the world, for the good deeds that he shared From what they do, they will be rewarded in this world, but the next world is only for those who believe in the Bible and keep the seven commandments of Noah's sons. Muhammad is a false prophet.

    • @sgmovies7864
      @sgmovies7864 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@dnybwzglw162 1. Twisting the glow? G-d gave a portion of the Holy Land to the children of Ishmael. Where is this portion? It is the Temple Mount/Jerusalem.
      2. Isaiah 60 casts a magnificent vision of Zion’s future which the children of Ishmael shall minister- full of light, prosperity, and prestige. This city, whose history is riddled with the wreckage of war and marked by the scars of empire, will exchange the sounds of violence and ruin for the clamor of reconstruction and international traffic.
      The promise of land belonging to the Children of Israel is never permanent. It comes with conditions: Psalm 37:29 states that “The righteous shall inherit the land, and dwell therein forever”.
      The state of Israel is a bogus state founded by atheists and promised by Britain and its allies (children of Edom). It is a state against Judaism.
      Had Israelis been listening or reasoning with the Torah, then Israelis would realised that they are now living in sins like the times of northern and southern kingdoms. Micah lists specific sins of both the northern and southern kingdoms. These sins include idolatry (1:7; 5:12-14); the seizure of property (2:2, 9); the failure of civil leadership (3:1-3, 9-10; 7:3), religious leadership (3:11), and prophetic leadership (3:5-7, 11); offering sacrifice without truly repenting (6:6-7); and corrupt business practices and violence (6:10-12).
      3. Isaiah 42 refers to Muhammad based on the connection to Kedar and parallels with his life and teachings. Isaiah 42 is understood as a collective representation of Israel (Jacob). Muhammad is seen as the servant mentioned in Isaiah 42:1, who brings forth judgment and is upheld by God.

    • @samnous2002
      @samnous2002 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@sgmovies7864 If you had been born in Germany in 1900, you could've easily replaced Goebbels.

    • @samnous2002
      @samnous2002 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@sgmovies7864 Goebbels.

    • @samnous2002
      @samnous2002 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@dnybwzglw162 If you had been born in Germany in 1900, you would've easily replaced G.o.e.b.b.e.l.s.

  • @Pakilla64
    @Pakilla64 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +6

    Hello. I'm a Muslim, and I'd like to address the major misconception that Muhammad (pbuh) didn't tell the Jews to convert to Islam.
    First of all, we Muslims are all required to believe in the Divine Scriptures. Torah, Pslams, Injeel etc. as they were originally revealed to the prophets (peace be upon them). Secondly, Allah says in the Qu'ran that His final book is meant for the guidance of whole mankind. Thirdly, Allah frequently says throughout the Qu'ran that the scriptures have undergone alterations (textual and exegetical), and clearly accuses the Jews of rejecting the Prophethood of Prophet Muhammad. If you can take the time to carefully read the whole thing, you'll find what I'm talking about. Fourthly, Qur'an strongly rejects the narrative that Solomon (pbuh) was an idolater or a sorcerer, and in Christianity's case, denies the crucifixion.
    It's true that Muhammad didn't compel the Jews to convert, but he clearly preached to them and many of them actually converted. These are well documented in the Hadiths. From the beginning till this moment, not a single Sheikh ul-Islam had the notion that Jews or Christians were exempt from accepting Islam.
    You can disagree about Islam on many things, you can deny Muhammad's Prophethood, I'm not going there, but this is a very basic fact that Islam requires everyone to accept it's message regardless of their background.

    • @dnybwzglw162
      @dnybwzglw162 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      1. Muhammad told the Jews that they should follow the Torah and there is a hadith that says that Muhammad kissed the Torah and said that he believed in it (meaning the same Torah that existed in the days of Muhammad).
      2. Muhammad never said that the Jews changed the text of the Torah, this is a later invention of the Muslims because they saw that the Koran contradicts the Torah and therefore only one of them can be true. Muhammad only claimed that some Jews were misinterpreting the Torah. (For example he said that the Jews claim that Ezra is the son of God just as the Christians say that Jesus is the son of God which is obviously a lie, no Jew has ever believed that).
      3. In the Koran it is written that every nation is sent a prophet who will speak its own language, so Muhammad who spoke in Arabic said that he was sent to the Arabs, this means that the Jews do not need Muhammad's Torah to keep the religion of God because they already have the Torah.
      4. As a matter of fact, the Jews do not say that King Solomon worshiped idols, the Jews say that because his wives worshiped idols and he did not prevent them from doing so, he is considered as if he worshiped idols and for that he repented. The Jews find King Solomon righteous.
      5. Later on I will bring you some videos in which proofs of what I wrote are explained as well as some false prophecies of Muhammad and also the test that the Jews tested Muhammad and Muhammad lost.

    • @Pakilla64
      @Pakilla64 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@dnybwzglw162 then you've understood neither the Hadith, nor the Qu'ran. You've chosen to ignore obvious textual evidences that talks about the distortion of the scriptures. And besides, it doesn't matter how much of the earlier scriptures are uncompliant with the Qu'ran, we still treat and handle the books with respect.

    • @DavidDemurs
      @DavidDemurs 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      We are not beholden to the requirements of your man-made, non-divine religion

    • @Pakilla64
      @Pakilla64 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@DavidDemurs yes yes of course you're not beholden by anything, not even God lol. The Earth and the skies are all yours, do whatever you want with it and nobody will say a thing. At least have the dignity to not presume what Islam is talking about if you clearly don't believe in it. Peace.

    • @samnous2002
      @samnous2002 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@Pakilla64 Do you want me to believe the words of someone who says the reason there is darkness every day is because the sun goes up to God's throne and asks him to to have his permission to rise again the following day?

  • @ynmm3798
    @ynmm3798 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I suggest with respect that all Muslims and Jews to restrain their intellectual religious prudence and for a minute to contemplate the magnificence of Christ. The king and savior. “To whom every knee will bend” and all creation glorify.

  • @zeroonetime
    @zeroonetime 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

    We need not Believe, we need to understand the Information System of God,

  • @morolamot
    @morolamot 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I will explain below why in fact, the Quran validates the fact that the 7 laws comes from the Torah.
    You are partially wrong by saying that Islam, the Quran and Muslims do not recognize that the 7 laws comes from the Torah.
    Islam through the Quran claims several times that it does not bring anything new but the original message of pure monotheism, first delivered by G.d through the Torah, which is held in high esteem in the Quran as « The Book / Kitab ».
    This is the basis upon which Muslims claim that Jewish prophets were muslims, with muslim according to them meaning submitting to G.d and the original message of pure monotheim, first delivered through the Torah to Banu Israil.
    What Muslims claim though, is that nowaday's Torah was somehow corrupted either though rabbinical interpretation or alteration of certain passages -> Tahrif.
    Since muslims according to their Quran:
    - recognize that the *original* Torah was a divine revelation
    - agree with the same 7 laws derived from *nowaday's* Torah
    We can deduct that Muslims totally agree with nowaday's Torah portions with regards to the 7 laws and these Torah portions having been unaltered divine revelations.
    Since Noahides are not expected to study Torah except with regards to portions relative to the 7 laws, would it be fair to say that Muslims are Noahides since they implicitly recognize that these portions come from a divine revelation ?
    Or does a noahide from a Muslim background need to recognize the validity of the whole Torah even portions which are forbidden for him to study ?

  • @NuruAhmed465
    @NuruAhmed465 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

    There is no religion called Judaism

  • @SamsonZionist
    @SamsonZionist 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Yeshayahu (Isaiah) Chapter 40 vs 3 A voice calls, "In the desert, clear the way of the Lord, straighten out in the wilderness, a highway for our God." גק֣וֹל קוֹרֵ֔א בַּמִּדְבָּ֕ר פַּנּ֖וּ דֶּ֣רֶךְ יְהֹוָ֑ה יַשְּׁרוּ֙ בָּֽעֲרָבָ֔ה מְסִלָּ֖ה לֵֽאלֹהֵֽינוּ:

  • @sfb1219
    @sfb1219 9 หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @omar7396
    @omar7396 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

    But the concept of tawheed is the same i heard. We are not to judge you. that's up to Allah. Who are you to compare Mohamed? It's completely different roles. Take it as how to deal with people that break their promises. Regardless of religion.
    Quran 3,19
    إِنَّ ٱلدِّينَ عِندَ ٱللَّهِ ٱلْإِسْلَـٰمُ ۗ وَمَا ٱخْتَلَفَ ٱلَّذِينَ أُوتُوا۟ ٱلْكِتَـٰبَ إِلَّا مِنۢ بَعْدِ مَا جَآءَهُمُ ٱلْعِلْمُ بَغْيًۢا بَيْنَهُمْ ۗ وَمَن يَكْفُرْ بِـَٔايَـٰتِ ٱللَّهِ فَإِنَّ ٱللَّهَ سَرِيعُ ٱلْحِسَابِ ١٩
    True Religion, in Allah’s eyes, is islam: [devotion to Him alone]. Those who were given the Scripture disagreed out of rivalry, only after they had been given knowledge- if anyone denies Allah’s revelations, Allah is swift to take account-

  • @mohammedabuzahrieh5312
    @mohammedabuzahrieh5312 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Mohammed is the last profit of Islam the previous prophets and their followers were Muslims also buy believing and submitting to the revelation that has been revealed to them from God now for humanity to evolve and prosper they need to follow the path of Islam and accept the last revelation which is the Quran only Islam can lead humanity to salvation

  • @db575
    @db575 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

    shalom a. the holy coran doesnt abolish the torah and the shiloh nabi al ummi he doesnt abolish the torah like the sunnah says it anyway he was sent to the goim to fullfill the law of bnai noaj and bnai israel has their prophet by the way moshe got married a ishmalite woman.so both religions are true therefore there are 2 comunities of belivers like the children of abraham was 2 but one true religion of onesness

  • @Tkusmndp
    @Tkusmndp 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    There are many lies in this

  • @gabrielleangelica1977
    @gabrielleangelica1977 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    The Noahide need to be educated on this.

  • @afifdoghri7390
    @afifdoghri7390 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    we must read carefully Genesis . 1-Sarah will be (mother) legoyim who are these nations if there is only one nation of Israel 2- God says that 12 princes will rise from Ishmal and omits to honour princes from Isaac why? 3-in Genesis 21-12 God says to Abraham that his seed will be named after Isaac but in verse 21-13 God says your seed is him Ishmael

    • @omarlittle-hales8237
      @omarlittle-hales8237 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      The Star of David, Crucifix & The Crescent, Are Found In Hinduism.
      Vedas [Hindu Bible] Mentions Adam, Abraham, Moses, Noah & Muhammad, Within Judaism, Christianity, Islam and Hinduism.
      Adam Was Swayambhu Manu (4000BC),
      Cain Was Indra (3200BC),
      Noah Was Vaivaswat Manu (3000BC),
      Abraham Was Rama (2100BC)
      Moses Was Krishna (1500BC),
      Mahamada Was Muhammad,
      Origins in the Indus Valley.
      Hinduism Vedas = Monotheism
      Guru Books = Trinity & Polytheism.
      Hinduism Was The Largest Monotheistic Religion In Ancient Times, But When They Added The Trinity And Polytheism, The Religion Declined.
      Whenever A Scripture Becomes Corrupted, Then God Almighty Sends A Update [Similar To Windows Or Apple IOS].
      Vedas [Corrupted - Mixed Falsehood With Truth]
      Avesta [Corrupted - Mixed Falsehood With Truth]
      Cannon [Corrupted - Mixed Falsehood With Truth]
      Book Of Enoch [Corrupted - Mixed Falsehood With Truth]
      Psalms [Corrupted - Mixed Falsehood With Truth]
      Torah [Corrupted - Mixed Falsehood With Truth]
      Quran [Final Update - Gods Sealed With White Magic].
      Any Verse Within The Above Scriptures Before The Quran, Have Some Authentic Verses And Some Corrupted, Apply Logic:
      See God's Pattern:
      Torah [Old Testament]:
      Eye For An Eye, Tooth For A Tooth [A Life For A Life].
      Gospel [New Testament]:
      Turn The Other Cheek [Full Pardon].
      Quran [Last Testament]:
      Blood Money [Compensation].
      The Jewish Tefillin [Prayer Leather Box] With The Seven Straps Around The Arms, Relates To The Seven Circumambulation Around The Kaaba.
      The Word Tefillin Derives From Tawaf, Circumambulation Around The Kaaba.
      Adam & Eve Were Sent Down Separately, They Both Meet Up In The Valley Of Becca [Now Mecca].
      They Witnessed The First Human Period Rain, Which Becomes The Zam Zam [Named By Hagar In Egyptian - Stop Flowing] Well.
      Then God Sends An Asteroid From The Heavens, Which Lands, Which Is Later Placed On The Corner Of The Kaaba [First Temple].
      The Kaaba Akin To King Solomon's Temple, As Been Destroyed And Rebuilt.
      Psalms 84 [Books Of David]:
      Blessed are those whose strength is in you,
      who have set their hearts on pilgrimage [Hajj].
      As they pass through the Valley of Baca [Now Mecca],
      they make it a place of springs;
      the autumn rains also cover it with pools.
      They go from strength to strength,
      till each appears before God..
      Quran [Last Testament]:
      95. Say: "(God) speaketh the Truth: follow the religion of Abraham, the same in faith; he was not of the Pagans."
      96. The first House (of worship) appointed for men was that at Bakka: Full of blessing and of guidance for all kinds of beings:
      97. In it are Signs Manifest; (for example), the Station of Abraham; whoever enters it attains security; Pilgrimage thereto is a duty men owe to God,- those who can afford the journey; but if any deny faith, God stands not in need of any of His creatures.
      Let The World Open Their Eyes, From Adam & Eve To All The Scriptures Sent By God Almighty Alone, The Jealous God With No Partners, Unite Mankind We Are One With The Same One God, Without The Any Form Of Trinity, Kinship Or Partners.
      Pure Monotheistic Hinduism Is ISLaM, Pure Monotheistic Zoroastrian Is ISLaM, Pure Monotheistic Buddhism Is ISLaM, Pure Judaism Is ISLaM, Pure Monotheistic Christianity Is ISLaM, Pure ISLaM Is The Path Of Abraham The Friend Of God & Noah The Great Servant Of God.
      TODa RABa

    • @abubakrsidheeq8558
      @abubakrsidheeq8558 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Correct 100%

    • @omarlittle-hales8237
      @omarlittle-hales8237 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@abubakrsidheeq8558 The Star of David, Crucifix & The Crescent, Are Found In Hinduism.
      Vedas [Hindu Bible] Mentions Adam, Abraham, Moses, Noah & Muhammad, Within Judaism, Christianity, Islam and Hinduism.
      Adam Was Swayambhu Manu (4000BC),
      Cain Was Indra (3200BC),
      Noah Was Vaivaswat Manu (3000BC),
      Abraham Was Rama (2100BC)
      Moses Was Krishna (1500BC),
      Mahamada Was Muhammad,
      Origins in the Indus Valley.
      Hinduism Vedas = Monotheism
      Guru Books = Trinity & Polytheism.
      Hinduism Was The Largest Monotheistic Religion In Ancient Times, But When They Added The Trinity And Polytheism, The Religion Declined.
      Whenever A Scripture Becomes Corrupted, Then God Almighty Sends A Update [Similar To Windows Or Apple IOS].
      Vedas [Corrupted - Mixed Falsehood With Truth]
      Avesta [Corrupted - Mixed Falsehood With Truth]
      Cannon [Corrupted - Mixed Falsehood With Truth]
      Book Of Enoch [Corrupted - Mixed Falsehood With Truth]
      Psalms [Corrupted - Mixed Falsehood With Truth]
      Torah [Corrupted - Mixed Falsehood With Truth]
      Quran [Final Update - Gods Sealed With White Magic].
      Any Verse Within The Above Scriptures Before The Quran, Have Some Authentic Verses And Some Corrupted, Apply Logic:
      See God's Pattern:
      Torah [Old Testament]:
      Eye For An Eye, Tooth For A Tooth [A Life For A Life].
      Gospel [New Testament]:
      Turn The Other Cheek [Full Pardon].
      Quran [Last Testament]:
      Blood Money [Compensation].
      The Jewish Tefillin [Prayer Leather Box] With The Seven Straps Around The Arms, Relates To The Seven Circumambulation Around The Kaaba.
      The Word Tefillin Derives From Tawaf, Circumambulation Around The Kaaba.
      Adam & Eve Were Sent Down Separately, They Both Meet Up In The Valley Of Becca [Now Mecca].
      They Witnessed The First Human Period Rain, Which Becomes The Zam Zam [Named By Hagar In Egyptian - Stop Flowing] Well.
      Then God Sends An Asteroid From The Heavens, Which Lands, Which Is Later Placed On The Corner Of The Kaaba [First Temple].
      The Kaaba Akin To King Solomon's Temple, As Been Destroyed And Rebuilt.
      Psalms 84 [Books Of David]:
      Blessed are those whose strength is in you,
      who have set their hearts on pilgrimage [Hajj].
      As they pass through the Valley of Baca [Now Mecca],
      they make it a place of springs;
      the autumn rains also cover it with pools.
      They go from strength to strength,
      till each appears before God..
      Quran [Last Testament]:
      95. Say: "(God) speaketh the Truth: follow the religion of Abraham, the same in faith; he was not of the Pagans."
      96. The first House (of worship) appointed for men was that at Bakka: Full of blessing and of guidance for all kinds of beings:
      97. In it are Signs Manifest; (for example), the Station of Abraham; whoever enters it attains security; Pilgrimage thereto is a duty men owe to God,- those who can afford the journey; but if any deny faith, God stands not in need of any of His creatures.
      Let The World Open Their Eyes, From Adam & Eve To All The Scriptures Sent By God Almighty Alone, The Jealous God With No Partners, Unite Mankind We Are One With The Same One God, Without The Any Form Of Trinity, Kinship Or Partners.
      Pure Monotheistic Hinduism Is ISLaM,
      Pure Monotheistic Zoroastrian Is ISLaM,
      Pure Monotheistic Buddhism Is ISLaM,
      Pure Judaism Is ISLaM,
      Pure Monotheistic Christianity Is ISLaM,
      Pure ISLaM Is The Path Of Abraham The Friend Of God
      & Noah The Great Servant Of God.

    • @omarlittle-hales8237
      @omarlittle-hales8237 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@abubakrsidheeq8558 SALaM, SHLAMa, SHLOMo, SHALoM, NAMASTe, PEACe.
      The Zionists Do Not Believe In God, But They Believe God, Gave Them, The Land Of Israel.
      Torah [Old Testament]:
      Thou Shall Not Steal.
      Thou Shall Not Kill.
      Rabbi David Feldman.

    • @omarlittle-hales8237
      @omarlittle-hales8237 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

      The Zionists Do Not Believe In God, But They Believe God, Gave Them, The Land Of Israel.
      Torah [Old Testament]:
      Thou Shall Not Steal.
      Thou Shall Not Kill.
      Rabbi David Feldman.

  • @ruwanda248
    @ruwanda248 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    We as Muslims have been ordered to accept all the holy books in its pristine form...uncorrupted by man.. and these books are named.. The Torah,the Zaboor/ Book of Psalms of Prophet Dawid ( alaihi salaam) ,the Injeel/ the Gospel revealed to prophet Jesus..Peace be upon him.....all in its original form/ Teachings.... Islam / Religion of Peace & Muslims ..those who absolutely submit to the Will of God as stated in all the Holy books....but man for political and economic power on earth changed these books to suit their own ideology...Truth will survive and Falshood will perish...Allah the Almighty is the Master of the Day of Judgement.