Brilliant reminder for us all. Being soft hearted when conveying Islam is very Important. Other wise people would run from us. Allah says to prophet Muhammad (pbuh) / by the Mercy of Allâh, you dealt with them gently. And had you been severe and harshhearted, they would have broken away from about you (3:159)
الحسن البصري: العلم علمان: علم في القلب، وعلم على اللسان. فعلم القلب هو العلم النافع، وعلم اللسان حجة الله على عباده. فإذا قبض الله العلماء بقي من يقرأ القرآن بلا علم، فيسري عليه من المصاحف والصدور.
Brilliant reminder for us all. Being soft hearted when conveying Islam is very Important. Other wise people would run from us. Allah says to prophet Muhammad (pbuh) / by the Mercy of Allâh, you dealt with them gently. And had you been severe and harshhearted, they would have broken away from about you (3:159)
excellent Lecture and it is so relevant to muslims in the west May Allah reward the speakers and the uploader
a hearth warming lecture by the shaykh , we have to live up to the challenges .
Sheikh Abu Usamah is a good speaker, I like his actions when he speaks
Alhamdulilah realy gud talk thanks much al muslims must se
الحسن البصري: العلم علمان: علم في القلب، وعلم على اللسان. فعلم القلب هو العلم النافع، وعلم اللسان حجة الله على عباده. فإذا قبض الله العلماء بقي من يقرأ القرآن بلا علم، فيسري عليه من المصاحف والصدور.
As if those living in east are already awaken.