Me too. There are over a dozen channel accounts I've blocked from the RG sphere. If one needs to log in with another account just to read this comment; you'll know I've blocked your channel account too.
I've seen them. They're illustrations. Derivative 60s/70s pysch if memory serves. RG is a hardly a salon. This whole premise of showing and getting exposure was initiated by Marvin Gershowitz.
Hi! No, he isn't. But I was so angry with him because he constantly assumes something about me and puts words and emotions in my mouth...I just couldn't take it anymore. I definitely have no agenda appearing in Rachel's show except showing music and talking about music. I do it for fun and couldn't care less about collecting subscriptions. But I understand if you don't like me as a person or what content I am about to show. It's funny...they say I have to grow a thicker skin or be more "heavy", but nobody talks about being a decent human being in the gallery. I never dismissed, offended or behaved badly against anyone. I always respect every opinion and try to be nice. But yesterday I just had enough. Please don't throw this out of proportion. 🙏
Brad has no room to complain about you showing records. He makes 0 content and spends his entire week talking trash about people in Rachel's Ghost. You make more effort than anyone to keep that show vinyl community related. Brad's is one of the biggest peanut gallery assholes since I started watching RG.
@@pumpingvinyl He makes other assumptions too. I am not accepting other opinions, etc...but fails to show where I was how can I redeem myself if I might have done something wrong ...which I am not aware of to be honest... 🙏
@@hurkamur1 The simplistic statement, “If you can’t stand the heat, stay out of the kitchen” implies that those that choose to stay out of the kitchen can’t stand the heat.
I blocked Brad Thiel over a year ago, others should do so to. #TeamThor !!!
@@corporalcornealiaspheffer8296 #teamgimpson
Me too. There are over a dozen channel accounts I've blocked from the RG sphere. If one needs to log in with another account just to read this comment; you'll know I've blocked your channel account too.
That's cancel culture brother.
You have become the most backwards person in the VC to me, hurk1.
Eversince RG refused to show Brad's artwork on screen he's been sulking with tortured artist syndrome.
I've seen them. They're illustrations. Derivative 60s/70s pysch if memory serves. RG is a hardly a salon. This whole premise of showing and getting exposure was initiated by Marvin Gershowitz.
Well its better than trying to rigg a vote Lol
Don’t fear the reaper, Iain.
@@pumpingvinylDon’t fear the men in white coats with big nets, Will
@@JimmyBarnesYTDon’t fear the Funko community.
Is Brad Tool related to extremely high IQ FP?
Brad Thiel has been flagged as a fancee close associate since mid February. His profile was mostly confidential, until today of course.
@@pumpingvinyl Well, he acts like FP = douchebag
Hi! No, he isn't. But I was so angry with him because he constantly assumes something about me and puts words and emotions in my mouth...I just couldn't take it anymore. I definitely have no agenda appearing in Rachel's show except showing music and talking about music. I do it for fun and couldn't care less about collecting subscriptions. But I understand if you don't like me as a person or what content I am about to show. It's funny...they say I have to grow a thicker skin or be more "heavy", but nobody talks about being a decent human being in the gallery. I never dismissed, offended or behaved badly against anyone. I always respect every opinion and try to be nice. But yesterday I just had enough. Please don't throw this out of proportion. 🙏
Thor rules!! Wooooo!!
Brad has no room to complain about you showing records. He makes 0 content and spends his entire week talking trash about people in Rachel's Ghost. You make more effort than anyone to keep that show vinyl community related. Brad's is one of the biggest peanut gallery assholes since I started watching RG.
@@pumpingvinyl He makes other assumptions too. I am not accepting other opinions, etc...but fails to show where I was how can I redeem myself if I might have done something wrong ...which I am not aware of to be honest... 🙏
@@corporalcornealiaspheffer8296 Sarcasm?
@@thoronmetal108Thabks for showing your Thin Lizzy records. One of my favorite 70s rock bands!
Thor has been doing this for years now. Ignore them and they will move on.
Yes but if you cant stand the heat, stay out of the kitchen.🤷
@@B.B.Amsterdam It really isn’t that simple.
@@B.B.Amsterdam Why should there be any heat? Just tell me what I do wrongly and I will certainly be open for constructive criticism.
@@vinylrichie007Actually it is.
@@hurkamur1 The simplistic statement, “If you can’t stand the heat, stay out of the kitchen” implies that those that choose to stay out of the kitchen can’t stand the heat.