The problem with the remake is that Robocop just remembered his life and they had a romance angle with his wife. That was one of the most tragic angles from the original-- when Robocop started to realize that he WAS human and had a whole life that was stolen from him. Remember when he was walking through his old house and having flashbacks from his old life? That was so friggin' sad! The remake completely missed that whole build up.
The real problem with the remake is that the original film exists, had it not got the shadow of the original hanging over it (and this goes for Total Recall to a certain extent) then it would have been much more widely excepted and appreciated and recognised as one of the better films of the last 10 years (outside of the MCU of course lol) If it is to be judged on it's own merits then I think people just aren't judging it fairly
@@theseventhnight Well, they missed the emotional depth of Robocop. Even without the original, Robocop 2014 would have just been another mindless, predictable action/CGI movie. There isn't anything special about it. I don't dislike the movie, it's just kind of 'fine.'
@@martineastman9855 I'm not saying that it's not a "by the numbers" Hollywood film but how much of that indifference is owed to the fact that the original was one of the best films of the 80's if not ever, I think no matter who you are, when it comes to films as revered as Verhoeven's Robocop there is always going to be bias of some form against a remake on some level, with which the emotional depth seems to be the basis for your bias. After all there wouldn't be any to miss if there was no original film. Don't get me wrong, lack of emotional depth is a valid point, but it is a point best suited to a comparison between the 2 films rather than a straight up judgement of the remake, which is why I say the remake's real problem is that the original exists
@@theseventhnight I get what you're saying, and I don't 100% disagree. I just think Robocop 2014 would be just as forgettable if the original didn't exist. In fact, I think people only (kind of) remember Robocop 2014 in the context of it being a remake of an awesome 80's movie. People are harsher in their critiques because of nostalgia-- but they wouldn't remember Robocop 2014 at all if the original didn't exist, and they based solely on the movie's own merits. It's beige paint.
I'm a massive fan of the original film -- seriously one of my favorite movies and seeing it a theater for the first time was one of the most important moments in my personal cinema journey. So imagine my disgust when the remake was announced. And then imagine my surprise when I.....didn't hate it. Seriously, they were never going to do the original movie justice no matter how hard they tried and well -- with that in mind -- I was able to keep an open mind. I appreciated that they didn't repeat Murphy's journey beat-for-beat. I appreciated that 2014 Murphy's motivations were a little murkier (realistic) than the altruistic Murphy of Verhoeven's original. Instead of a story of a man fighting to regain his humanity, we get a story of a man fighting to hold onto his humanity -- which is a nice pivot, actually. I appreciated the addition of Murphy's family -- who are only seen in flashbacks in the original. That raised the stakes of Murphy's situation considerably. It's easy to complain about the toned-down violence in the remake but you have to understand that the violence has a point in the original -- it was part of Verhoeven's satire. Simply slapping on the gore for the remake would have been an empty gratuitous exercise. So count me a fan of the 2014 Robocop. It doesn't touch the original by any stretch but it still totally works on its own merits.
I agree for the most part. I wasn't "disgusted" or angry when I heard about the remake like a lot of fans were. Two of my favorite movies are remakes: John Carptenter's The Thing and David Cronenberg's Sci-Fi Boddy Horror remake of The Fly. I agree that an R rating (and getting rid of the organic hand which people were complaining about) wouldn't have made the RoboCop remake any better. I liked that Murphy had his memory intact and he interacted with his wife and kid but I don't think the story really capitalized on that, and the horror of having his body mostly replaced by prosthetics. It was cool to see Michael Keaton in a big movie again but he was a weak villain and the other villain was pretty bland compared to Ronnie Cox & Kurtwood Smith's characters. The new Lewis was just kinda there. I don't remember much about him but I liked him in The Wire. Kinnaman was all right. Overall, it was a decent remake and even it it sucks balls, the original will always be there.
For me the addition of Robocop's family is a huge disservice to the character. Even without the gore, the original packed an emotional punch. It's heart breaking when Murphy loses his family in the original. We get lines like "I can feel them, but I can't remember them". To me that is the heart of Robocop and the struggle of Murphy. This remake just seems so toned down not only in gore & violence but emotion. By the end of this film it looks like Murphy is going to get romantic with his wife. It's just a lame direction to take the character. All the things that made Robocop 87 special are removed and implanted with elements that would play to a generic Marvel film. It was so clear they wanted to make Iron Man meets the Dark Knight rather than Robocpo.
Long time Robocop fan here. I have to give props to the remake for going in its own direction. Minty summed up really well what works and what doesn't. Great channel and content.
"That guy from suicide squad" Also known as Joel Kinnaman from "The Killing" which was amazing and the first thing I ever saw him in and he was brilliant in. Carry on.
Isn't it sad that the main purpose of remakes tends to be to make the original look even better? There are so few instances where it's actually warranted that I can't even think of any off the top of my head.🤦♀️
2021 "ROBOSOCIALWORKER" would be a black independent female with purple hair that hates America and white people, politically left leaning echoing climate change and gender pay gap with socialist undertones and very anti gun.
Ironic twist that both the Robo remake and Batman: The Dark Knight Returns animated movie came out about the same year where Michael Keaton played the OCP chairman and Peter Weller voiced Batman
Michael Keaton played the CEO in Robocop and decided that Robocop should be black. The producers, as Minty suggested, liked how Nolan's Dark Knight series made money and decided to copy that. So, basically, Batman decided Robocop should look like Batman.
There were several aspects I liked about the remake; the tech, Joel did a great job, & I liked Jackie Earle Haley’s character. There’s a deleted scene that explains why RoboCop still had his human hand. I think it’s a doubt reason, but at least there was an explanation for it. During press, Keaton also gave a cool BTS story of the Batsuit when he first wore it.
When it comes to the inclusion of Murphy's family I respectfully disagree with you Minty. Having them away from Robocop just highlights how isolated and alone he is, making him a more tormented character AND it avoids the nasty trope of the Villain threatening to harm the hero's family to get to him. The trope was completely subverted in the original; Murphy never got a tearful reunion with his wife and son, the closest thing to a happy ending was Murphy getting revenge on the ones who turned him into what he was.
100%. Murphy losing his family is so powerful in the first film. The remake strips all that emotional impact away and makes it seem like Robcop is going to end up with his wife. he's basically Tony Stark who can't take off the suit. In fact it felt like they were trying to honor Iron Man more than the actual film they are remaking.
It also leads to the wife signing away what she feels is best for him and the city, then turning around and demanding it be reversed? Robot husband/dad just isnt a good long term would have liked ended in separation anyway.
I couldn't agree more with the black suit. I just remember watching the film and thinking the silver and black suit looked pretty good and like a sleeker version of the original films suit.(although I preferred the original still) Then they just said screw it and painted it all black. And it's almost like they realized they screwed up too because the last shot of the movie he has his old suit back.
It was strange how they seemed to know that original colour design looked better and was what the audience wanted yet still decide to take it away for the majority of the movie and replace it with generic black Batman/Iron Man suit in the middle.
@@bigkmoviesandgames I don't know if it was dumb as a misguided attempt to put Robocop in police colors. More specifically the average beat cop colors of a predominantly black uniform.
@@loka7783 whatever their intentions its a really dull looking suit with that color scheme. Hell in robocop 2 he had a blue tinted suit to replicate cops blue uniforms and it looked good. If they had broken up the black with another color like all the other RoboCop suits did it probably wouldn't have looked as bad.
To me, the problem with the black suit wasn';t so much that it waas blac, but that it looked too much like a suit of armor and less like a robot body like in the original. It was too sleek and clean, it needed to be bulkier and they should have had Jeol Kinneman walk a bt more like Peter Weller did to help sell it.
This Robocop is way too emotional... Like Minty said he became just a guy in a suit rather than a machine... Peter Weller's version made me feel he was actually a machine stripped out of emotions and free will... And damn you can also feel his struggle to find and express his emotions, deal with loss and his whole new self all over again... Amazing how showing almost zero emotions elevates the character a million times more...
I'm old enough to of seen the original in theaters and loved it and when I saw this modernized version and I came away loving this one too. The fact that he was in black armor made sense to me from a practical pov because even if you're bulletproof/resistant not getting shot at in the first place will keep the need for replacement parts, a not cheap thing, to a minimum and for a corporation where the bottom line is everything that saves them moolah is the way they'll go. When I saw the breaking him down revelation my geek/nerd brain couldn't help but wonder what if this level of cyborging had been done to Darth Vader. Sure he would have lost out on even more of his Force Potential but a fair bit of that could be augmented with tech. There's a reason that Grevious was such a deadly fear-inducing powerhouse. Snacks for thought. I would imagine that if you or anyone else around the world wanted to start up your own Robocop Day I don't see why you couldn't make it happen. It's not like the American one could say no nor would the studio because it is essentially free advertising. Minty Man, make it happen, you have the power and I'm sure the fans will buy that for a dollar for admission!
Not sure why they couldn't have painted him then? If the purpose was not to get hit. The black makes him look slick and stealthy like SR-71 Blackbird or F-117. But it didnt really emphasize that on screen: he could've been blur fast or turned ninja invisible. Instead he still acted like the bulky tank Robocop.
@@PreferredCustomer, unless they could Matrix those skills into him then he essentially had to go with what he knew already and take such to the next bagillion # of levels.
I always thought that Michael Keaton's acting as the bad guy made the movie very enjoyable to get through but there should have been a bigger part for Gary Oldman
And Samuel l Jackson..It was good. Not the best but good, 7/10...they kept it a bit minimal..but showed us a more realistic pov of omnicorp...which this movie focused more on research and omnicorp...Oldmans research to appease Keatons mass production of Robocop...This is what what was the sizzle to the steak..This movie was more terminator salvation than terminator 1. If u see it on that aspect u can appreciate the scifi it offers...It does make u think and Kinnamans performance was good..👍 one thumb up...
Forget this remake!! Minty I've been watching you for years and I must say whatever change you added to your diet is working! Keep up the good/hard work!!🏋
yeah in the OG RC they even had a scene where a lady scientist told the project lead she was able to save his right arm and the guy told her to lose the arm and go all robo on the arms. so it made no fuckign sense for the remake to keep his right hand.
At the time, when questioned about It, the director said that despite being a "Robocop", the hand that decides who lives and who dies had to be human. I liked that answer so the hand didnt bothered me that much.
I think that was explained in movie by Michael Keaton's character. "You can tell a lot about a man when he shakes your hand." Can't feel anything when shaking a droid hand.
Exactly, I've never understood trying to do a reboot that will never live up to the original. To me, the only way a reboot would work is if you took a mediocre movie with a good story line and make it better.
@@mhendrix890 The studio doesn't look at it like that. If they throw enough action and CGI at a movie, they think it will do well. Human interaction is the last thing they think about.
Yeah but the thig is if you are going to try and capitalize on the Robocop name at least make a film that is in the same spirit of the original. They could have doubled down on the violence and at the very least gave us an entertaining action film. It was never going to be as good as the original, but what they gave us is a disgrace to the Robocop name.
I'll rephrase, I understand why they do it. They are selling the name and has little risk involved. Quality is not a concern when the only focus is ticket sales
The "Snake Eyes" movie just came out and it seems like there were a LOT of lessons they could've learned from the 2014 Robocop failures... They didn't.
@@mgsalmon79 Dredd wasn't bad, miles better than the stallone version. But that being said I like the stallone one too as I watched it as a kid and enjoyed it tbh.
Paul verhoven speaks for the fans because that's exactly how all of us feel about remakes and reboots. 99% of the time Hollywood fucks the movie up massively because they want to push their own political agenda or their own "vision" which no fan wants to see
if they wesre so good, brave and stunning, they would have no problem developing new stories, characters, adn worlds. But they are not, so they have to tear down everything beautiful, enjoyable, and good. Because ultimately, they are just "garbage humans" and poorly programmed organic machines.
Ok, but did you watch Elite Squad? It's isn't Padilha fault, Elite Squad isn't anything woke, in fact it probably is one of the most right winger movies ever, this movies alone quite possible help elected Bolsonaro in Brazil. Quite possible Padilha was just been told to fix and deliver what they already have, also could be that Saldanha sold out, Elite Squad 2 theres also a change in tone. Some folks on Hollyweird are just there for the paycheck. Ps: Imagine Dredd, but in the actual Rio de Janeiro.
I love the originals, and I really liked the remake. I thought the armor was okay. The new slim look worked for me. Technology gets smaller over time! Doesn't need to be any bigger or heavier than it needs to do the job. There's not supposed to be a human under it.
the remake was terrible it was pg-13 where the original was r rated they should have gone in a r rated take and done something new with it not just copying the original movie i hated the 2014 remake so much
It’s funny how deep down the memory hole this movie went. Nobody talks about it, even with all the big names in it! It seems people just totally forgot this movie even existed. I remember being quite excited to see it and when I left the theater my first thought was, “I don’t ever need to see that again.” Even “Man of Steel,” which also pissed me off the first time I saw it, has been viewed many times by myself.
@@mrlaidback83 uhm, the script was shit, the acting was shit, the cgi was underwhelming..... the only semi decent thing about that trainwreck was michael shannon
@@stefanforrer2573 I respect your opinion but I personally think Man of Steel is a great film. Now Superman 2006 on the other hand, was a sh*tty movie imho.
As a kid growing up in the 80s, I personally enjoyed robocop II, and being thrilled to see it at the theater with friends. As a dad seeing the robocop 2014 flick, I was actually surprised to hear it came out. I saw it with no expectations, and appreciated the scifi and more realistic approach minus the corniness (in older robocops), kinnaman was a good choice...I give it a 7/10, one thumb up. For a 2014 flick.
I appreciate the 2014 remake as a seperate, alternate, Robocop from the original. I found aspects of the character development very touching in the remake, having been deployed to combat and coming home, and finding myself changed and somehow more remote from the those I love the most; and then having to re-establish those emotional connectsion. Thousands of men and women experience similar, with the physical trauma of sever injury denying them many of the physical connections they once enjoyed on top of the emotional. For those of us fortunate to return from traumatic events largely physically unharmed, I suspect some of the story lines in this remake of Robocop can provide an insight into the experiences of amputees, burn victims, traumatic brain injury, and others scared physically (and emotionally) by such tragic events. When taken into consideration, as a storyline in it's own right, Robocop 2014 does pack quite a bit of an emotional experience from that perspective while simultaneously giving us a cautionary tale about how far we take the technology to 'heal' and 'improve' upon the human being.
I will always hate the fact that they left him with a human hand, having 95% of your body cyberdized, the human hand becomes a problem since everything else in his body is far stronger than the original perimeters that his human body allowed, one punch later or bullet to the weak hand... :P
@@jimmyclimer594 same way the face doesent in the og it's a limited digestive system that processes amino acids"baby food" into enough to keep the brain and leftovers alive.
@@findantu honestly, i think they did that because they could not manage to get the actor to handle the gun properly with a shitty oversized rubber glove..... the arm thing from the original is just the poor excuse they could come up with
They did that so when he shakes hands with people he will feel human to them and make them more comfortable and trusting to robotics since they were trying to sway public opinion to change laws to get machines working here
I liked this movie. People have unrealistic expectations of remakes. The action was awesome. The story was decent. I don't know why they didn't use the silver armour because it looked WAY better than the black. Especially the way they made his chest stick out. It just looked awkward.
The best thing about the remake was when they 1st wake him up and when they show him what's still left of him. I always had wondered what was going on in Murphy's mind when he was woken up during his transition into Robocop.
that's in the og version too he wakes up twice the first time they're deciding in front of him whether to take his arm or not and the second is when they bolt his face on . and then again during new years.
but it still doesn't make sense... when you see the car explosion, how is it possible that his face is still intact? i mean for fuck's sake, HE STILL HAS EYEBROWS.... and why would they keep his human hand? that thing is just a liability, first real action he gets, that thing would get mangled and would need to be replaced... the movie just has so many poorly thought out moments and plot points that it instantly falls apart
@@stefanforrer2573 The movie has so many shit ideas. Remember how horrific Murphy looked without a mask in 1987? They have to make him look sexy so they can tease the romance angle with his wife. What a bunch of BS
@@findantu oh yeah. I remember. When I was a kid I had always wondered what was going on in his mind during those scenes. So it was kinda cool to see them address that. But they are two separate movies. The dog was the story of a man that has his humanity taken from him and his journey to find himself. The new one was more " what is it like to wake up as a cyborg. Remembering everything. Instead of forgetting he was human and learning that he was once. The og Robocop is my absolute #1 favorite
Peter Weller was really beloved to the crew, they thought he was just a wonderful guy. When he left the part, they went through the motions but realized it was already over.
@@pentelegomenon1175 what are you smoking ? North Korea has absolutely NO chance of ever landing troops on our shores. Hell the Russians in the original was a bit of a stretch but hell of a lot more plausible than the North Koreans invading main land US. i'd say the original took it pretty seriously. on those grounds. In reality as of right now US has the worlds best anti air defense as well as the largest navy on the planet and the best radar infrastructure as well. NO fucking way would North Korea even be able to invade Hawaii let alone main land US. on top of that If things were that bad (and this is a big IF because it'd never get so bad that they could invade) we got nuclear ICBM's that could easily turn their whole country into a crater while their ICBM's are a lot less range on them. and they have even fewer nukes to spare.
I feel the reason why in the remake he doesn't wear his visor as much is because he has a choice of when and why he would deploy it. And it helped him keep in touch with the remaining human side. Not wanting to be perceived as only a piece of equipment.
@Necramonium Tch. I agree that it needed to go a lot further with its ideas, but that's a poorer reflection on the state of Hollywood. At least it's better than _Robo 3_ or even _Inspector_ bloody _Gadget._
I love the RoboCop franchise. I love the first 3 movies. Actually enjoyed the TV series. I enjoyed the comic books. I hated the reboot! Great job Minty!
We all know this water down sorry excuse for a Robocop was a horrible movie. When I first saw the trailers I was kind of excited. Most of my friends were like dude this looks like garbage. So I went to the theater with my wife to see this movie. When it was over we both stood up and said that was garbage and left.
"Freeze, I suggest your right to remain silent, Before I teach your Go-Bot ass some Detroit violence" Robocop vs. Terminator, Epic Rap Battles of History
Minty. I think everyone would agree how much of a legend you are. Thanks again for all your hard work, research, editing, sound design, and voice work. Always look forward to watching your videos. 👍👍👍
The movie is not bad. It's just nowhere as good as the perfect original. It's a remake that doesn't manage to improve anything and because of that it really can't be described better than it's not bad.
I appreciate your attempt at impartiality. There is no arguing that the dark humor and satire were so intricately woven into the story to give you almost the same surreal journey Murphey was going through.
I think we can see that both costume would have a different effect on the wearer movements. Even if he had wanted to, Weller couldn't move much. Where kinnamen's is a more agile robot. One that can jump and run. Can't do that if you weight over 700lbs
this was one change i could understand provided they had "robot" movement sounds with his normal movement. but i only agree with this change because modern robotics have produced very fluid movements in machines . look at the shit the japanese are doing with robotics.
Personally I think Kinnaman’s best work was Altered Carbon. That first season was fantastic. I didn’t care too much for Anthony Mackie’s version of it in season 2.
read the books. the tv show is a travesty of stupidity. the book is waaaay better. Its not even close, the books are amazing and the tv show is a smear that butchered the source material.
I must admit I was pleasantly surprised by this remake. I do agree with Minty on all his points, but it wasn't a bad movie and their take on the story brought some good turns. It was a lot more engaging than the Total Recall remake also mentioned in this video. I will still recommend people to watch the original, though. Another thing the 2014 remake brought with it was finally a role that Michael Keaton shines in.
@@JasonJones-og2ft yea its a banger series apparently Vin diesel is In the works of working on a new 1 fingers crossed an hopefully its as good as the ogs
When I first saw this film. I thought he looked alot like a Ironman armor just in a robocop form. I like how he could run now. I never had a clue how the original robo could get anyone if they were even just jogging he was slow. I think they were both good in their own ways. Thanks for the reviews on the robocop films I got to learn something I did not know.
@@BigrookieMER Or shoot them in the dick. Robocop didn't need to run in the original. This remake version gave us such a generic Robocop. It feels like Marvel presents Robocop. Garbage
I remember having a very claustrophobic feeling watching the scene when it showed Robocop’s face, brain, and lungs as the robotic parts were taken away.
I actually liked this one quite a bit, and that scene where they show him his body was traumatic. I appreciate the original, and this one was a completely different (and yes, serious) take.
knock it off i hate people who don't like the original robocop from 1987 come on seriously let me guess you are a generation z person right little baby can't handle the original robocop from 1987 beep beep beep
greetings from PORTUGAL, seeing this review i remembered the remake of judge dread wich in my opinion is great... i leave the sugestion of a review on that movie. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK MATE
I like how they handled the material overall in 2014 remake. And I only appreciated it more with each viewing. The original is an action movie with elements of sci fi, the remake is a sci fi movie, with elements of action.
I had high hopes at the beginning of the movie that maybe they were going to try to weave it into a Robocop VS Terminator story down the road. But that's just a pipe dream I suppose.
I actually kind of liked the new movie despite it being among the weaker entries in the franchise. But the fact that he does not wear his helmet most of the times to me is one of the stronger elements of the film. It clearly distinguishes the moments where the man is in control from those the machine programming takes him completely over and puts him in the backseat. They even say that this what is happening to him in the movie. In the original they also reprogramm him to be less human but it barely registers in his behavior. Here it is night and day between whiny dead man and cold efficient machine. I really liked that about the movie. Especially in the end where his helmet shatters which could be seen as the moment the man finally beats the machine and sets himself free again.
The only thing I liked about this film was the fact the cyborg seemed more mobile and he could run, jump and climb. He could be a martial arts expert if he wanted. I also liked the new ED-209's. They were amazing. The rest of it was shit.
"it's as if someone halfway thr7ugh the production said-" "I want him more... Tactical. Let's paint him black" Like, yanno, what Michael Keaton's character said mid-way through the movie? Like there was an in-movie reason for this? And then at the end of the movie, Robocop is back in silver... almost like the movie... agrees the silver looks better? I dunno. I don't get this complaint. If you ask me, they tried to do the whole "ethics of drone use" thing (a topic that was of interest at the time the remake came out) with this movie, and that made it a lot less personal than the original. I also agree that they handled the whole loss of humanity ting a lot less well, which was another ding to the power of the story. Verhoeven's original "commodification of the police" narrative is also missing, sadly.
If I remember from stories Hubby’s pals told about working on this it was a giant shit show. Nothing done or people at the top changing their minds last minute. Just a frantic scramble. Worse than the time hubby had to find a new vintage tub for Crimson Peak because they hired a moron to run fx who used the wrong kind of fake blood and stained the first-on Easter Weekend. Good times. Also Hamilton is Canada’s Detroit. People also still bitch about the road shut downs. Source…I live nearby.
Are you going to do the TV series or Prime Directives. I’ve done an opening for the tv series Blu-ray over on mine. Inc a talk about why a sequel never worked.
@ 16:15 - That's my boy Darryl Cox on the left as one of the scientists who maintains Robocop in the original 1987 film. I took his acting class here at the University of Oklahoma years back...I wanted him to be in my web series "Ray In the 64 Bit Dimension" as the main character's dad, but he declined because he was tired of doing local projects where he plays an older beer drinking single dad...and that's exactly what I wanted him to play lmao! It worked out better in the end because I would've had to pay him the SAG minimum.
I appreciate this version because of the sympathy and the empathy even inside the corporation for what they had created, and I can understand that not all of the characters felt that way, but especially more for the son and the wife. I thought it was worthwhile.
Hi Minty, love the channel, been following you for years. Just as constructive criticism, please update your microphone, you have a top channel but the sound makes look like you are recording using Skype. Great video as always, keep it up
The one thing I don’t know about this film is why anyone saw it, or why you’d want to make a video on it in the first place. This is one bullet I dodged.
I'll say this ... that scene in Robocop 2014 where you see him as just a head, lungs, and hands ... that really weirded me out. So in terms of the stuff in the 1987 being more shocking that that moment ... I dunno, man. I prefer 1987 overall, but that scene (to me) was the most shocking scene in all the Robocop films. But that just my opinion.
I think RoboCop 2014 is actually a great example of how to do a remake right. Peter Weller went on record saying he didn't think there was a point to the remake, as the original was a resurrection story, and they did as well with it as possible, and there just isn't more to revisit there. I agree. And so did the people who made RoboCop 2014. In the original RoboCop, Murphy is, for all practical purposes, dead for the entire second act of the film, subsumed by RoboCop. That's what made the moment of his unmasking so poignant, we knew that this was, indeed, Murphy. There could have been a very interesting bait-and-switch where the helmet comes off and it's *not* Alex Murphy underneath (though the film had been heavily laying the groundwork that RoboCop was Murphy. . . if that was to be the twist, much would need to change). It's why the closing line of the film is RoboCop saying his name is "Murphy." He's come back from the dead, reclaimed his humanity and his soul. There really wasn't anything more that could be done with that premise, so the remake wisely decided not to engage with it, and instead focus on the point raised but never really discussed in the original: Where does the man end and the machine begin? How much is Murphy under the control of his programming, and how much can human willpower fight back against it? For the remake, Murphy is Murphy throughout the entire film, but updates and patches and modifications are made so that his personality and humanity are increasingly buried under the programming of RoboCop, until he has to fight to take back his free will and self-determination. It's not a resurrection story like the original, but the story of a man asserting his will in the face of all those who seek to control him. I feel it was very wise for the remake not to attempt to redo the story of the original, as it could only have been done in an inferior way. Rather, they took the concept of this character, realized there was a whole unmined (again, at least as far as the original goes) story idea there, and set about telling that as well as they could, and I think they did brilliantly. As for the rating. . . I honestly don't know how the "Disassembled Murphy" scene got a PG-13, it was horrific even to my jaded genre film junkie sensibilities. My significantly more queasy friend couldn't even watch the scene. And I don't believe an R rating makes for a better film than a PG-13. Some content can't be effectively discussed in a PG-13 where it can in an R, but RoboCop does not inherently rely on an R-rated sensibility. Yes, the first film made its point with violence that was pushed past the point of horrific into hilarious, but the remake is not that film. A modern RoboCop being much more restrained in his application of force, having less-lethal options when force is called for, that is logical given how society has changed between 1987 and 2014 (and is even more sensible right now, given a few notable things that have happened over the last two years). The black costume isn't meant to be all that great, as it's OmniCorp's idea of what people probably want, so it probably looks a little underwhelming intentionally. His silver suit is a pitch-perfect example of updating something for a modern audience while retaining the fundamental cool factor of the original. Had a sequel been made, it's all but certain that he would have remained in the silver body for most if not all of it. It signifies that he is Alex Murphy, not OmniCorp's RoboCop (TM)(R)(CC). All in all, I think anyone doing a remake should look to this film as a guideline for the right lessons to how to mine untapped potential from the original without simply rehashing the original.
I respectfully disagree that this is how you do a remake. Regardless if you tell the same story or not I was nowhere satisfied with the version we received in the remake. In the original Murphy does die and we spend the rest of the movie exploring how much of his humanity / Alex is still there. And we do learn a big part of him is dead, he's part machine. As highlighted with the "I can feel them, but I can't remember them" line regarding his family. That journey and emotion is the backbone of the original. In the remake I never feel like Alex Murphy isn't in control. He feels like a man trapped in a super suit. It feels so much in line with what Marvel was doing at the time mixed with the Dark Knight than anything Robocop. The original is known for being ultra violent. I don't know how you give the fans anything less! 100% agree the gore doesn't make a movie great, that's up to the story. But it sure makes a great story even better. I disagree we need a restrained Robocop. Why? That's like saying when they remake John Wick in 20 years they should have less gun fights and make it pg-13. I was a kid when I first saw Robocop in 1987 and loved every second. I don't understand why Robocop needs to change. Why even call it Robocop if going to make it so generic. And no way that black suit is intentionally under whelming. It's almost like the movie is making fun of the real execs making these decisions when want the suit in black, which is pretty funny but I don't need it in the movie lol. I mean they put that black suit on all the marketing. They want you to think Dark Knight. If being sliver was Robocop's choice they could have easily had him make that stand in the final act. I think this is an example of a sure fire way to piss off the majority of fans. This movie does not have a strong reputation and wasn't a hit. I would say it's an example proving you shouldn't strip away some of the cherished elements that make the original a classic.
I agree with the original commenter. Compared to the slog we’re getting nowadays, Robocop (2014) is quite incredible. I especially agree with the point he made of the suit; If you pay attention, you can see how corporate pushes for a “safer” image, much like the studios pushing the pg13 rating. It’s a message on how companies don’t really understand what their core audience want, and instead try to please everyone. In the last scene in the movie, you see Murphy back in the silver and black suit, which looks absolutely spectacular. There’s a lot of subtlety and nuance here, but old robocop fans were going in with an already negative mindset. No matter what they made, there would always be people upset it wasn’t 100% true to the original, which is a bad mindset to have. The first robocop movie I ever watched was the reboot, so I was able to form my opinion without bias. Is it as good as the original? No, but I think it’s really close. I really do wish there was a sequel, because the old movies are not as good as they were back then. I loved this new take on robocop, especially with so few quality movies being made now.
Great vid as always been binging a lot of them lately as YT started recommending a lot, a small pet peeve thou, the director is Brazilian, the J is pronouced as an english Jay or Ge, so José sounds like Jose(ph), not Hosé, peace bro.
I happen to be wearing a plaster cast on my arm while watching this and My God does the empathy for my irritation at this inflexible sheath drive home the sheer horror of Murphy’s predicament and body horror situation.
Is this the 'newest' movie ever featured on this channel? I'm surprised to see a 2010s movie here I always thought he would only do 80s movies - perhaps early 90s - as to not get too much flack from the creators.
I think you summed up my entire feelings about the remake. Yeah in its own right it's a pretty good movie but it lacks all the impact , shock factor and heart wrenching feeling of the original Paul Verhooven classic. The OCP movie metaphor is quite apt and on point. It's like they took the whole message of the original movie and did it to the remake.
“10 Things You Didn’t Know About Robocop 2014.” You could have said 1.000 things and I still wouldn’t have known. I haven’t seen it yet 😅 Robocop Original. Nothing more ✊
The problem with the remake is that Robocop just remembered his life and they had a romance angle with his wife. That was one of the most tragic angles from the original-- when Robocop started to realize that he WAS human and had a whole life that was stolen from him. Remember when he was walking through his old house and having flashbacks from his old life? That was so friggin' sad! The remake completely missed that whole build up.
The real problem with the remake is that the original film exists, had it not got the shadow of the original hanging over it (and this goes for Total Recall to a certain extent) then it would have been much more widely excepted and appreciated and recognised as one of the better films of the last 10 years (outside of the MCU of course lol)
If it is to be judged on it's own merits then I think people just aren't judging it fairly
@@theseventhnight Well, they missed the emotional depth of Robocop. Even without the original, Robocop 2014 would have just been another mindless, predictable action/CGI movie. There isn't anything special about it. I don't dislike the movie, it's just kind of 'fine.'
"We're gonna make it like it was baby!"
@@martineastman9855 I'm not saying that it's not a "by the numbers" Hollywood film but how much of that indifference is owed to the fact that the original was one of the best films of the 80's if not ever, I think no matter who you are, when it comes to films as revered as Verhoeven's Robocop there is always going to be bias of some form against a remake on some level, with which the emotional depth seems to be the basis for your bias. After all there wouldn't be any to miss if there was no original film.
Don't get me wrong, lack of emotional depth is a valid point, but it is a point best suited to a comparison between the 2 films rather than a straight up judgement of the remake, which is why I say the remake's real problem is that the original exists
@@theseventhnight I get what you're saying, and I don't 100% disagree. I just think Robocop 2014 would be just as forgettable if the original didn't exist. In fact, I think people only (kind of) remember Robocop 2014 in the context of it being a remake of an awesome 80's movie. People are harsher in their critiques because of nostalgia-- but they wouldn't remember Robocop 2014 at all if the original didn't exist, and they based solely on the movie's own merits. It's beige paint.
I'm a massive fan of the original film -- seriously one of my favorite movies and seeing it a theater for the first time was one of the most important moments in my personal cinema journey. So imagine my disgust when the remake was announced. And then imagine my surprise when I.....didn't hate it. Seriously, they were never going to do the original movie justice no matter how hard they tried and well -- with that in mind -- I was able to keep an open mind. I appreciated that they didn't repeat Murphy's journey beat-for-beat. I appreciated that 2014 Murphy's motivations were a little murkier (realistic) than the altruistic Murphy of Verhoeven's original. Instead of a story of a man fighting to regain his humanity, we get a story of a man fighting to hold onto his humanity -- which is a nice pivot, actually. I appreciated the addition of Murphy's family -- who are only seen in flashbacks in the original. That raised the stakes of Murphy's situation considerably. It's easy to complain about the toned-down violence in the remake but you have to understand that the violence has a point in the original -- it was part of Verhoeven's satire. Simply slapping on the gore for the remake would have been an empty gratuitous exercise. So count me a fan of the 2014 Robocop. It doesn't touch the original by any stretch but it still totally works on its own merits.
I agree for the most part. I wasn't "disgusted" or angry when I heard about the remake like a lot of fans were. Two of my favorite movies are remakes: John Carptenter's The Thing and David Cronenberg's Sci-Fi Boddy Horror remake of The Fly.
I agree that an R rating (and getting rid of the organic hand which people were complaining about) wouldn't have made the RoboCop remake any better. I liked that Murphy had his memory intact and he interacted with his wife and kid but I don't think the story really capitalized on that, and the horror of having his body mostly replaced by prosthetics.
It was cool to see Michael Keaton in a big movie again but he was a weak villain and the other villain was pretty bland compared to Ronnie Cox & Kurtwood Smith's characters. The new Lewis was just kinda there. I don't remember much about him but I liked him in The Wire.
Kinnaman was all right. Overall, it was a decent remake and even it it sucks balls, the original will always be there.
I agree with you 100%
This sums up my opinion, 100%.
For me the addition of Robocop's family is a huge disservice to the character. Even without the gore, the original packed an emotional punch. It's heart breaking when Murphy loses his family in the original. We get lines like "I can feel them, but I can't remember them". To me that is the heart of Robocop and the struggle of Murphy. This remake just seems so toned down not only in gore & violence but emotion. By the end of this film it looks like Murphy is going to get romantic with his wife. It's just a lame direction to take the character. All the things that made Robocop 87 special are removed and implanted with elements that would play to a generic Marvel film. It was so clear they wanted to make Iron Man meets the Dark Knight rather than Robocpo.
This movie stunk...and should never of been remade. They eliminated all of the best parts of the original
Remember when Hollywood used to make movies for grown ups.
R18+ remembers
And even make kids cartoons from those r rated franchises
Yep,good times
Yup, PG13 killed this movie from the start.
@@mullaoslo Toxic Crusaders came from The Toxic Avenger
But this is not that bad movie, actually, it's pretty OK. Not great, but not bad...
Long time Robocop fan here. I have to give props to the remake for going in its own direction. Minty summed up really well what works and what doesn't. Great channel and content.
"The re-make represents OCP" True AF
yeah , corporate greed cut the rating down to PG-13 for the almighty dollar. definitely representing OCP in that regard.
"That guy from suicide squad"
Also known as Joel Kinnaman from "The Killing" which was amazing and the first thing I ever saw him in and he was brilliant in.
Carry on.
The thing I enjoy most about the 2014 remake, is that it makes me appreciate the original that much more.
The original was a triple decker cheese sandwich. Have you watched it lately? It was mediocre at best
@@RobertJohnson-mn3br 🧢
Isn't it sad that the main purpose of remakes tends to be to make the original look even better? There are so few instances where it's actually warranted that I can't even think of any off the top of my head.🤦♀️
It had such awesome potential, but for that pandering for a PG rating.
That's how I feel about all remakes lol
"What would a modern version of RoboCop be like?"
Awful, Minty.
Just awful.
2021 "ROBOSOCIALWORKER" would be a black independent female with purple hair that hates America and white people, politically left leaning echoing climate change and gender pay gap with socialist undertones and very anti gun.
@@jinmark9453 I bet you're the life of the clan meeting, aren't you Jin?
@@jonathantillian6528 Are you trying to recruit me racist round eyes ?
@@jinmark9453 Your originally wrote "We have no clan in Asia" which is a _huge_ lie.
As for racism, I'm not the one drinking orange kool-aid.
@@jinmark9453 Also, you're pretty racist to assume I'm gweilo
Ironic twist that both the Robo remake and Batman: The Dark Knight Returns animated movie came out about the same year where Michael Keaton played the OCP chairman and Peter Weller voiced Batman
Wow really?! What a twist haha
And gary oldman was gordon lol
Michael Keaton played the CEO in Robocop and decided that Robocop should be black.
The producers, as Minty suggested, liked how Nolan's Dark Knight series made money and decided to copy that.
So, basically, Batman decided Robocop should look like Batman.
There were several aspects I liked about the remake; the tech, Joel did a great job, & I liked Jackie Earle Haley’s character.
There’s a deleted scene that explains why RoboCop still had his human hand. I think it’s a doubt reason, but at least there was an explanation for it.
During press, Keaton also gave a cool BTS story of the Batsuit when he first wore it.
One robocop review after another, who else feeling the Robo fever.
Now he needs to cover Prime Directives.
@@darkwoods1954 Yes! Absolutely! Very underrated.
@@darkwoods1954 no, he still has to review the robocop tv series like he mentioned on his previous videos
@@zatnikatel1472 Oh yes I'd enjoy hearing about the series then Prime Directives.
There is a game, honest to the original movie.
I hate remakes but this one was actually not too bad. It turned out to be a lot better than I expected but it’s definitely a movie of 2014.
"RoboCop Vs. Terminator" I'd shell out a couple of bucks to see THAT!
In 1993 with Weller & Schwarzenegger, yes!
Now... no.
It'll probably end up like AVP, mostly crap.
@@BigrookieMER you could buy that for a dollar, cuz that's where it would be, the dollar bin !!!😎
@@randybarnett2308 So true.
"You infiltrated Cyberdyne's factory and made yourself a new body?"
"Why did you only make one?"
**surprised RoboCop face**
When it comes to the inclusion of Murphy's family I respectfully disagree with you Minty. Having them away from Robocop just highlights how isolated and alone he is, making him a more tormented character AND it avoids the nasty trope of the Villain threatening to harm the hero's family to get to him. The trope was completely subverted in the original; Murphy never got a tearful reunion with his wife and son, the closest thing to a happy ending was Murphy getting revenge on the ones who turned him into what he was.
100%. Murphy losing his family is so powerful in the first film. The remake strips all that emotional impact away and makes it seem like Robcop is going to end up with his wife. he's basically Tony Stark who can't take off the suit. In fact it felt like they were trying to honor Iron Man more than the actual film they are remaking.
It also leads to the wife signing away what she feels is best for him and the city, then turning around and demanding it be reversed? Robot husband/dad just isnt a good long term would have liked ended in separation anyway.
I couldn't agree more with the black suit. I just remember watching the film and thinking the silver and black suit looked pretty good and like a sleeker version of the original films suit.(although I preferred the original still) Then they just said screw it and painted it all black. And it's almost like they realized they screwed up too because the last shot of the movie he has his old suit back.
It was strange how they seemed to know that original colour design looked better and was what the audience wanted yet still decide to take it away for the majority of the movie and replace it with generic black Batman/Iron Man suit in the middle.
@@darkwoods1954 yeah it was very dumb on their part.
@@bigkmoviesandgames I don't know if it was dumb as a misguided attempt to put Robocop in police colors. More specifically the average beat cop colors of a predominantly black uniform.
@@loka7783 whatever their intentions its a really dull looking suit with that color scheme. Hell in robocop 2 he had a blue tinted suit to replicate cops blue uniforms and it looked good. If they had broken up the black with another color like all the other RoboCop suits did it probably wouldn't have looked as bad.
To me, the problem with the black suit wasn';t so much that it waas blac, but that it looked too much like a suit of armor and less like a robot body like in the original. It was too sleek and clean, it needed to be bulkier and they should have had Jeol Kinneman walk a bt more like Peter Weller did to help sell it.
This Robocop is way too emotional... Like Minty said he became just a guy in a suit rather than a machine... Peter Weller's version made me feel he was actually a machine stripped out of emotions and free will...
And damn you can also feel his struggle to find and express his emotions, deal with loss and his whole new self all over again... Amazing how showing almost zero emotions elevates the character a million times more...
I'm old enough to of seen the original in theaters and loved it and when I saw this modernized version and I came away loving this one too. The fact that he was in black armor made sense to me from a practical pov because even if you're bulletproof/resistant not getting shot at in the first place will keep the need for replacement parts, a not cheap thing, to a minimum and for a corporation where the bottom line is everything that saves them moolah is the way they'll go.
When I saw the breaking him down revelation my geek/nerd brain couldn't help but wonder what if this level of cyborging had been done to Darth Vader. Sure he would have lost out on even more of his Force Potential but a fair bit of that could be augmented with tech. There's a reason that Grevious was such a deadly fear-inducing powerhouse. Snacks for thought.
I would imagine that if you or anyone else around the world wanted to start up your own Robocop Day I don't see why you couldn't make it happen. It's not like the American one could say no nor would the studio because it is essentially free advertising. Minty Man, make it happen, you have the power and I'm sure the fans will buy that for a dollar for admission!
Not sure why they couldn't have painted him then? If the purpose was not to get hit.
The black makes him look slick and stealthy like SR-71 Blackbird or F-117. But it didnt really emphasize that on screen: he could've been blur fast or turned ninja invisible. Instead he still acted like the bulky tank Robocop.
@@PreferredCustomer, unless they could Matrix those skills into him then he essentially had to go with what he knew already and take such to the next bagillion # of levels.
This movie sucked 🤡
He was in black armor to appease WOKE culture. Robocop in this film woild be a perfect VILLIAN for Robocop
lmao, imagine Tom Cruise as Robocop, that shit would've been hilarious
It would have been interesting to see how he would manage to squeeze in a shirtless scene while being a cyborg
omg yes. he's so short so it would be amazing the see a knee high robocop.
Right, right--Det. Murphy become a host for Xenu, but his body gives out from the strain, so he gets a new mechanical one to act as the vessel. 🤣
I always thought that Michael Keaton's acting as the bad guy made the movie very enjoyable to get through but there should have been a bigger part for Gary Oldman
And Samuel l Jackson..It was good. Not the best but good, 7/10...they kept it a bit minimal..but showed us a more realistic pov of omnicorp...which this movie focused more on research and omnicorp...Oldmans research to appease Keatons mass production of Robocop...This is what what was the sizzle to the steak..This movie was more terminator salvation than terminator 1. If u see it on that aspect u can appreciate the scifi it offers...It does make u think and Kinnamans performance was good..👍 one thumb up...
Forget this remake!! Minty I've been watching you for years and I must say whatever change you added to your diet is working! Keep up the good/hard work!!🏋
This film made me show my son the original as I was worried he would see this one first
You're doing it right.
Too late!
@@kryptism lol it was when this remake came out, He saw the right one first :)
Ironically I watched the original with my son today
Also same thing has happened to so many other childhood franchise remakes that's either butchered or gone woke,
I could never understand why they kept his right hand, he has no right arm but he still has a right hand? I also agree the silver armor looks better.
yeah in the OG RC they even had a scene where a lady scientist told the project lead she was able to save his right arm and the guy told her to lose the arm and go all robo on the arms. so it made no fuckign sense for the remake to keep his right hand.
At the time, when questioned about It, the director said that despite being a "Robocop", the hand that decides who lives and who dies had to be human. I liked that answer so the hand didnt bothered me that much.
I think that was explained in movie by Michael Keaton's character. "You can tell a lot about a man when he shakes your hand." Can't feel anything when shaking a droid hand.
It must be a human hand that kils
I thought the human is kept for handling his unique gun. The gun is imprinted with his DNA or something like that so that only Robocop can use it.
I keep forgetting the Robocop remake was a thing.
Same best we let this abomination die
Same with Total Recall and Ghostbusters.
@CYB3R2K30 no it was absolute dog shit
As far as I’m concerned, it isn’t.
Good idea.
best part of this whole rundown is a well placed "I'll buy that for a dollar!"
Gotta love how creatively bankrupt movie studios think that recreating lightning in a bottle is no biggie.
Exactly, I've never understood trying to do a reboot that will never live up to the original. To me, the only way a reboot would work is if you took a mediocre movie with a good story line and make it better.
@@mhendrix890 The studio doesn't look at it like that. If they throw enough action and CGI at a movie, they think it will do well. Human interaction is the last thing they think about.
Yeah but the thig is if you are going to try and capitalize on the Robocop name at least make a film that is in the same spirit of the original. They could have doubled down on the violence and at the very least gave us an entertaining action film. It was never going to be as good as the original, but what they gave us is a disgrace to the Robocop name.
I'll rephrase, I understand why they do it. They are selling the name and has little risk involved. Quality is not a concern when the only focus is ticket sales
The "Snake Eyes" movie just came out and it seems like there were a LOT of lessons they could've learned from the 2014 Robocop failures... They didn't.
They just don't make movies like they did back in the 80s, the story writing just isn't there anymore hardly.
that be true.
and all them blood squibs!!! now we get CGI blood..yaaaaay
Nearest thing I’ve seen to an 80s movie in recent years was Dredd.
@@mgsalmon79 Yeah that was actually pretty fucking awesome
@@mgsalmon79 Dredd wasn't bad, miles better than the stallone version. But that being said I like the stallone one too as I watched it as a kid and enjoyed it tbh.
RoboCop: Dead or alive, you're coming with me!
Paul verhoven speaks for the fans because that's exactly how all of us feel about remakes and reboots. 99% of the time Hollywood fucks the movie up massively because they want to push their own political agenda or their own "vision" which no fan wants to see
if they wesre so good, brave and stunning, they would have no problem developing new stories, characters, adn worlds.
But they are not, so they have to tear down everything beautiful, enjoyable, and good.
Because ultimately, they are just "garbage humans" and poorly programmed organic machines.
Ok, but did you watch Elite Squad?
It's isn't Padilha fault, Elite Squad isn't anything woke, in fact it probably is one of the most right winger movies ever, this movies alone quite possible help elected Bolsonaro in Brazil.
Quite possible Padilha was just been told to fix and deliver what they already have, also could be that Saldanha sold out, Elite Squad 2 theres also a change in tone.
Some folks on Hollyweird are just there for the paycheck.
Ps: Imagine Dredd, but in the actual Rio de Janeiro.
The Critical Drinker and I totally agree.
Get off it. You're not obliged to watch it. Their money their version. You don't like it? Go make your own.
I love the originals, and I really liked the remake. I thought the armor was okay. The new slim look worked for me. Technology gets smaller over time! Doesn't need to be any bigger or heavier than it needs to do the job. There's not supposed to be a human under it.
the remake was terrible it was pg-13 where the original was r rated they should have gone in a r rated take and done something new with it not just copying the original movie i hated the 2014 remake so much
It’s funny how deep down the memory hole this movie went. Nobody talks about it, even with all the big names in it! It seems people just totally forgot this movie even existed. I remember being quite excited to see it and when I left the theater my first thought was, “I don’t ever need to see that again.” Even “Man of Steel,” which also pissed me off the first time I saw it, has been viewed many times by myself.
Did you had hopes for a second one?
@@steelstreet3765 for Man of Steel or Robocop?
Don't know what pissed you off about Man of Steel but I personally loved every second of that awesome movie.
@@mrlaidback83 uhm, the script was shit, the acting was shit, the cgi was underwhelming..... the only semi decent thing about that trainwreck was michael shannon
@@stefanforrer2573 I respect your opinion but I personally think Man of Steel is a great film. Now Superman 2006 on the other hand, was a sh*tty movie imho.
As a kid growing up in the 80s, I personally enjoyed robocop II, and being thrilled to see it at the theater with friends. As a dad seeing the robocop 2014 flick, I was actually surprised to hear it came out. I saw it with no expectations, and appreciated the scifi and more realistic approach minus the corniness (in older robocops), kinnaman was a good choice...I give it a 7/10, one thumb up. For a 2014 flick.
I appreciate the 2014 remake as a seperate, alternate, Robocop from the original. I found aspects of the character development very touching in the remake, having been deployed to combat and coming home, and finding myself changed and somehow more remote from the those I love the most; and then having to re-establish those emotional connectsion. Thousands of men and women experience similar, with the physical trauma of sever injury denying them many of the physical connections they once enjoyed on top of the emotional. For those of us fortunate to return from traumatic events largely physically unharmed, I suspect some of the story lines in this remake of Robocop can provide an insight into the experiences of amputees, burn victims, traumatic brain injury, and others scared physically (and emotionally) by such tragic events. When taken into consideration, as a storyline in it's own right, Robocop 2014 does pack quite a bit of an emotional experience from that perspective while simultaneously giving us a cautionary tale about how far we take the technology to 'heal' and 'improve' upon the human being.
I actually enjoyed the plot point of why they needed to supress his human feelings to make him faster and more effective.
I will always hate the fact that they left him with a human hand, having 95% of your body cyberdized, the human hand becomes a problem since everything else in his body is far stronger than the original perimeters that his human body allowed, one punch later or bullet to the weak hand... :P
And how was it not rotting.
yea i think this was done because in the original they can save his arm and they decide on full body prosthesis
@@jimmyclimer594 same way the face doesent in the og it's a limited digestive system that processes amino acids"baby food" into enough to keep the brain and leftovers alive.
@@findantu honestly, i think they did that because they could not manage to get the actor to handle the gun properly with a shitty oversized rubber glove..... the arm thing from the original is just the poor excuse they could come up with
They did that so when he shakes hands with people he will feel human to them and make them more comfortable and trusting to robotics since they were trying to sway public opinion to change laws to get machines working here
I liked this movie. People have unrealistic expectations of remakes. The action was awesome. The story was decent. I don't know why they didn't use the silver armour because it looked WAY better than the black. Especially the way they made his chest stick out. It just looked awkward.
it's a horrible remake enough said
@@only257 it wasn't, but okay.
The best thing about the remake was when they 1st wake him up and when they show him what's still left of him. I always had wondered what was going on in Murphy's mind when he was woken up during his transition into Robocop.
that's in the og version too he wakes up twice the first time they're deciding in front of him whether to take his arm or not and the second is when they bolt his face on . and then again during new years.
The best thing about the remake is I never wasted the time or money to see it.
but it still doesn't make sense... when you see the car explosion, how is it possible that his face is still intact? i mean for fuck's sake, HE STILL HAS EYEBROWS.... and why would they keep his human hand? that thing is just a liability, first real action he gets, that thing would get mangled and would need to be replaced... the movie just has so many poorly thought out moments and plot points that it instantly falls apart
@@stefanforrer2573 The movie has so many shit ideas. Remember how horrific Murphy looked without a mask in 1987? They have to make him look sexy so they can tease the romance angle with his wife. What a bunch of BS
@@findantu oh yeah. I remember. When I was a kid I had always wondered what was going on in his mind during those scenes. So it was kinda cool to see them address that. But they are two separate movies. The dog was the story of a man that has his humanity taken from him and his journey to find himself. The new one was more " what is it like to wake up as a cyborg. Remembering everything. Instead of forgetting he was human and learning that he was once. The og Robocop is my absolute #1 favorite
Peter Weller was really beloved to the crew, they thought he was just a wonderful guy. When he left the part, they went through the motions but realized it was already over.
The sleek 2014 redesign reminded me of Raiden from Metal Gear Rising.
I was thinking more Metal Gear Solid 4 for me because of the whole plot about unmanned drones and robots used in wars.
Yeah the design was definitely not the problem of the movie.
They should have stuck with the robocop design at 0:37 honestly that black suit just feels weird.
Along with Red Dawn one of the worst remakes of an 80's masterpiece.
calling the original red dawn a masterpiece is a bit of a strech.. 😜
Man I can at least stomach this movie....
They took a complete shit on Red Dawn
I actually dislike the original Red Dawn, and I love the remake. It took the idea of "what if US was conquered" seriously, unlike the original.
@@stefanforrer2573 says you.
@@pentelegomenon1175 what are you smoking ? North Korea has absolutely NO chance of ever landing troops on our shores. Hell the Russians in the original was a bit of a stretch but hell of a lot more plausible than the North Koreans invading main land US. i'd say the original took it pretty seriously. on those grounds. In reality as of right now US has the worlds best anti air defense as well as the largest navy on the planet and the best radar infrastructure as well. NO fucking way would North Korea even be able to invade Hawaii let alone main land US. on top of that If things were that bad (and this is a big IF because it'd never get so bad that they could invade) we got nuclear ICBM's that could easily turn their whole country into a crater while their ICBM's are a lot less range on them. and they have even fewer nukes to spare.
My reaction when seeing the RoboCop 2014 Blu-ray in the bargain bin at Walmart: "I'd buy that for a dollar!"
Along with Ghostbusters 2016 this is on the list of movies that should have NEVER been remade
Total Recall 2012 also.
@@dixonbutts800 I was actually going to add that one but I was too lazy to edit my post LOL
I feel the reason why in the remake he doesn't wear his visor as much is because he has a choice of when and why he would deploy it. And it helped him keep in touch with the remaining human side. Not wanting to be perceived as only a piece of equipment.
I wouldn't buy this for a dollar.
I did! Literally, as it happens--the Blu-Ray was on sale for that much in Dollar Tree.
Oh, I’m sure your movie collection has all gems in it
@Necramonium Tch. I agree that it needed to go a lot further with its ideas, but that's a poorer reflection on the state of Hollywood. At least it's better than _Robo 3_ or even _Inspector_ bloody _Gadget._
Fuck yeah! Top comment, dude! 🤘😎
I love the RoboCop franchise. I love the first 3 movies. Actually enjoyed the TV series. I enjoyed the comic books. I hated the reboot!
Great job Minty!
We all know this water down sorry excuse for a Robocop was a horrible movie. When I first saw the trailers I was kind of excited. Most of my friends were like dude this looks like garbage. So I went to the theater with my wife to see this movie. When it was over we both stood up and said that was garbage and left.
If they make another movie, I hope they go the Terminator vs. Robocop comic book route.
I would like to see that done in animated movie just like DC is doing for all the old Batman classic stories.
"Freeze, I suggest your right to remain silent,
Before I teach your Go-Bot ass some Detroit violence"
Robocop vs. Terminator, Epic Rap Battles of History
"I just drank a fifth of 30 weight, you dare me to drive?"
@@NarwahlGaming I dare you to go sober, as I have, after years of heavy abuse
This would’ve been a far better movie had it not been called Robocop
Minty. I think everyone would agree how much of a legend you are. Thanks again for all your hard work, research, editing, sound design, and voice work.
Always look forward to watching your videos. 👍👍👍
word yooo
I agree
"its not that bad"
the sales pitch for every bad movie.
The movie is not bad. It's just nowhere as good as the perfect original. It's a remake that doesn't manage to improve anything and because of that it really can't be described better than it's not bad.
I appreciate your attempt at impartiality. There is no arguing that the dark humor and satire were so intricately woven into the story to give you almost the same surreal journey Murphey was going through.
The actor (unlike Weller) looks like he put no thought into his movement.
The point of the cybernetics was to make more fluid\human movements, just with enhanced strength and speed.
I think we can see that both costume would have a different effect on the wearer movements. Even if he had wanted to, Weller couldn't move much. Where kinnamen's is a more agile robot. One that can jump and run. Can't do that if you weight over 700lbs
@@Craxin01 Funny enough that's what Peter Weller was originally expecting for the role until he saw the suit and had to change his entire approach.
this was one change i could understand provided they had "robot" movement sounds with his normal movement. but i only agree with this change because modern robotics have produced very fluid movements in machines . look at the shit the japanese are doing with robotics.
@@GabTheDrummer OG robocop didn't weigh 700lbs though .. he weighed in at maybe 350-400 lbs if i'm not mistake.
I don't know exactly what's changed, but I think your videos have gotten significantly better recently. Content has been pretty spot on. Bravo, Minty!
Personally I think Kinnaman’s best work was Altered Carbon. That first season was fantastic. I didn’t care too much for Anthony Mackie’s version of it in season 2.
Totally agree with you there. He really made that first season work.
read the books. the tv show is a travesty of stupidity. the book is waaaay better. Its not even close, the books are amazing and the tv show is a smear that butchered the source material.
I must admit I was pleasantly surprised by this remake. I do agree with Minty on all his points, but it wasn't a bad movie and their take on the story brought some good turns. It was a lot more engaging than the Total Recall remake also mentioned in this video. I will still recommend people to watch the original, though. Another thing the 2014 remake brought with it was finally a role that Michael Keaton shines in.
You should do 1 on pitch black and the chronicles of ridict sum day.
I watched pitch black with my youngest the other day and thought the same.
@@JasonJones-og2ft yea its a banger series apparently Vin diesel is In the works of working on a new 1 fingers crossed an hopefully its as good as the ogs
Your totally 💯 he should do a pitch black
I haven't seen it! Im glad you did this video for me. Now, I can Re-watch the BEST and only for me, ROBOCOP! Enjoyed this!!! Thanks MINTY!
The only good thing of Robocop remake is Michael Keaton.
And the scene when its just his hand head and lungs was pretty cool and freaky.
Except for the problem.. He's a demonrat..
Nah. Jack Earle Haley.
@@Iconhulk - A what?
@@Iconhulk why u be a derp derp?
When I first saw this film. I thought he looked alot like a Ironman armor just in a robocop form. I like how he could run now. I never had a clue how the original robo could get anyone if they were even just jogging he was slow. I think they were both good in their own ways. Thanks for the reviews on the robocop films I got to learn something I did not know.
Well, since the original movie is rated R, I bet Robocop didn't a have a problem catching criminals by shooting their legs off, easy as bloody pie.
@@BigrookieMER Or shoot them in the dick. Robocop didn't need to run in the original. This remake version gave us such a generic Robocop. It feels like Marvel presents Robocop. Garbage
I forgot this movie even existed. On purpose...
I remember having a very claustrophobic feeling watching the scene when it showed Robocop’s face, brain, and lungs as the robotic parts were taken away.
One word sums up this film.
I've since the whole thing twice, and I only remember the things I don't like about it.
I was thinking disappointing, but forgettable works too.
Hell I never even knew about it lol
Mirrors my comment...
I kind of like it in a "better than expected" way, but it lacks a bit too much of what made the original a striking achievement.
Minty been smashing out killer content recently. Love it!
I actually liked this one quite a bit, and that scene where they show him his body was traumatic. I appreciate the original, and this one was a completely different (and yes, serious) take.
An exercise in how to miss the point of satire :D
I enjoyed this movie, people compare it to the original and you can't do that, you have to watch it as it's own movie and it's a deep and great movie
knock it off i hate people who don't like the original robocop from 1987 come on seriously let me guess you are a generation z person right little baby can't handle the original robocop from 1987 beep beep beep
I can absolutely see this suit as Batwing only missing some ears.
The best part is when they say "he's trying to solve his own murder" forgetting the fact that he wasn't murdered lol.
greetings from PORTUGAL, seeing this review i remembered the remake of judge dread wich in my opinion is great... i leave the sugestion of a review on that movie. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK MATE
Yeah, I really liked that one better than the original.
@@MarisaP1978 Lena Headey rules!
@@telmomota6649 yes she does!
they should have never changed the colour of Robocop to black and made his his partner turn in to the black Robocop later in the film.
The original was a nightmare scenario. This was a love letter to the nightmarish Bush Years. Now can we get Robocop vs the Purge?
I like how they handled the material overall in 2014 remake. And I only appreciated it more with each viewing. The original is an action movie with elements of sci fi, the remake is a sci fi movie, with elements of action.
it would've been better if the wife and son had decided instead to become Robocops. Then they could've been a Robofamily all fighting crime together.
I had high hopes at the beginning of the movie that maybe they were going to try to weave it into a Robocop VS Terminator story down the road. But that's just a pipe dream I suppose.
there's a snes game that ties them together it says in the beginning they use Murphy as the organic part of skynet.
Robocop wins every time. He has like 10,000% accuracy, more fluid and faster movement and robotic programming combined with human instinct.
@@findantu that game is also on the Sega Genesis as well.
@@findantu Originally came from a four part comic series under Dark Horse written by Frank Miller.
I actually kind of liked the new movie despite it being among the weaker entries in the franchise. But the fact that he does not wear his helmet most of the times to me is one of the stronger elements of the film. It clearly distinguishes the moments where the man is in control from those the machine programming takes him completely over and puts him in the backseat. They even say that this what is happening to him in the movie. In the original they also reprogramm him to be less human but it barely registers in his behavior. Here it is night and day between whiny dead man and cold efficient machine. I really liked that about the movie. Especially in the end where his helmet shatters which could be seen as the moment the man finally beats the machine and sets himself free again.
"Just a bald guy with a camera" cracked me up.
The only thing I liked about this film was the fact the cyborg seemed more mobile and he could run, jump and climb. He could be a martial arts expert if he wanted. I also liked the new ED-209's. They were amazing. The rest of it was shit.
I thought robos suit looked like the suits they wore in gi joe
"it's as if someone halfway thr7ugh the production said-"
"I want him more... Tactical. Let's paint him black"
Like, yanno, what Michael Keaton's character said mid-way through the movie? Like there was an in-movie reason for this?
And then at the end of the movie, Robocop is back in silver... almost like the movie... agrees the silver looks better? I dunno. I don't get this complaint.
If you ask me, they tried to do the whole "ethics of drone use" thing (a topic that was of interest at the time the remake came out) with this movie, and that made it a lot less personal than the original. I also agree that they handled the whole loss of humanity ting a lot less well, which was another ding to the power of the story.
Verhoeven's original "commodification of the police" narrative is also missing, sadly.
If I remember from stories Hubby’s pals told about working on this it was a giant shit show. Nothing done or people at the top changing their minds last minute. Just a frantic scramble. Worse than the time hubby had to find a new vintage tub for Crimson Peak because they hired a moron to run fx who used the wrong kind of fake blood and stained the first-on Easter Weekend. Good times.
Also Hamilton is Canada’s Detroit. People also still bitch about the road shut downs. Source…I live nearby.
I love Joel Kinnaman. I first saw him in the excellent miniseries “The Killing” (2011) with Mireill Enos.
Are you going to do the TV series or Prime Directives.
I’ve done an opening for the tv series Blu-ray over on mine.
Inc a talk about why a sequel never worked.
@ 16:15 - That's my boy Darryl Cox on the left as one of the scientists who maintains Robocop in the original 1987 film. I took his acting class here at the University of Oklahoma years back...I wanted him to be in my web series "Ray In the 64 Bit Dimension" as the main character's dad, but he declined because he was tired of doing local projects where he plays an older beer drinking single dad...and that's exactly what I wanted him to play lmao!
It worked out better in the end because I would've had to pay him the SAG minimum.
It was OK. That's the best I can say about it. I don't hate it but I don't love it either. It was just... meh.
I appreciate this version because of the sympathy and the empathy even inside the corporation for what they had created, and I can understand that not all of the characters felt that way, but especially more for the son and the wife. I thought it was worthwhile.
This movie was an insult to the classic robocop movies.
Totally. It seems like they did the opposite on everything that made the original great.
It was an insult to all movies
This is the future version, while the original is the past Version
No shit 😂 it was trash 😂
Hi Minty, love the channel, been following you for years. Just as constructive criticism, please update your microphone, you have a top channel but the sound makes look like you are recording using Skype. Great video as always, keep it up
The one thing I don’t know about this film is why anyone saw it, or why you’d want to make a video on it in the first place. This is one bullet I dodged.
Love your TH-cam channel have you done anything like 10 things you didn't know about "Flashdance" or "Grease" or "Footloose" that would be great!
I forgot this was even made.
Like myself you're brain probably intentionally blocked it out of you're memory . Because I forgot also.
I'll say this ... that scene in Robocop 2014 where you see him as just a head, lungs, and hands ... that really weirded me out. So in terms of the stuff in the 1987 being more shocking that that moment ... I dunno, man. I prefer 1987 overall, but that scene (to me) was the most shocking scene in all the Robocop films.
But that just my opinion.
I think RoboCop 2014 is actually a great example of how to do a remake right.
Peter Weller went on record saying he didn't think there was a point to the remake, as the original was a resurrection story, and they did as well with it as possible, and there just isn't more to revisit there. I agree. And so did the people who made RoboCop 2014.
In the original RoboCop, Murphy is, for all practical purposes, dead for the entire second act of the film, subsumed by RoboCop. That's what made the moment of his unmasking so poignant, we knew that this was, indeed, Murphy. There could have been a very interesting bait-and-switch where the helmet comes off and it's *not* Alex Murphy underneath (though the film had been heavily laying the groundwork that RoboCop was Murphy. . . if that was to be the twist, much would need to change). It's why the closing line of the film is RoboCop saying his name is "Murphy." He's come back from the dead, reclaimed his humanity and his soul.
There really wasn't anything more that could be done with that premise, so the remake wisely decided not to engage with it, and instead focus on the point raised but never really discussed in the original: Where does the man end and the machine begin? How much is Murphy under the control of his programming, and how much can human willpower fight back against it? For the remake, Murphy is Murphy throughout the entire film, but updates and patches and modifications are made so that his personality and humanity are increasingly buried under the programming of RoboCop, until he has to fight to take back his free will and self-determination. It's not a resurrection story like the original, but the story of a man asserting his will in the face of all those who seek to control him. I feel it was very wise for the remake not to attempt to redo the story of the original, as it could only have been done in an inferior way. Rather, they took the concept of this character, realized there was a whole unmined (again, at least as far as the original goes) story idea there, and set about telling that as well as they could, and I think they did brilliantly.
As for the rating. . . I honestly don't know how the "Disassembled Murphy" scene got a PG-13, it was horrific even to my jaded genre film junkie sensibilities. My significantly more queasy friend couldn't even watch the scene. And I don't believe an R rating makes for a better film than a PG-13. Some content can't be effectively discussed in a PG-13 where it can in an R, but RoboCop does not inherently rely on an R-rated sensibility. Yes, the first film made its point with violence that was pushed past the point of horrific into hilarious, but the remake is not that film. A modern RoboCop being much more restrained in his application of force, having less-lethal options when force is called for, that is logical given how society has changed between 1987 and 2014 (and is even more sensible right now, given a few notable things that have happened over the last two years).
The black costume isn't meant to be all that great, as it's OmniCorp's idea of what people probably want, so it probably looks a little underwhelming intentionally. His silver suit is a pitch-perfect example of updating something for a modern audience while retaining the fundamental cool factor of the original. Had a sequel been made, it's all but certain that he would have remained in the silver body for most if not all of it. It signifies that he is Alex Murphy, not OmniCorp's RoboCop (TM)(R)(CC).
All in all, I think anyone doing a remake should look to this film as a guideline for the right lessons to how to mine untapped potential from the original without simply rehashing the original.
I respectfully disagree that this is how you do a remake. Regardless if you tell the same story or not I was nowhere satisfied with the version we received in the remake. In the original Murphy does die and we spend the rest of the movie exploring how much of his humanity / Alex is still there. And we do learn a big part of him is dead, he's part machine. As highlighted with the "I can feel them, but I can't remember them" line regarding his family. That journey and emotion is the backbone of the original. In the remake I never feel like Alex Murphy isn't in control. He feels like a man trapped in a super suit. It feels so much in line with what Marvel was doing at the time mixed with the Dark Knight than anything Robocop.
The original is known for being ultra violent. I don't know how you give the fans anything less! 100% agree the gore doesn't make a movie great, that's up to the story. But it sure makes a great story even better. I disagree we need a restrained Robocop. Why? That's like saying when they remake John Wick in 20 years they should have less gun fights and make it pg-13. I was a kid when I first saw Robocop in 1987 and loved every second. I don't understand why Robocop needs to change. Why even call it Robocop if going to make it so generic.
And no way that black suit is intentionally under whelming. It's almost like the movie is making fun of the real execs making these decisions when want the suit in black, which is pretty funny but I don't need it in the movie lol. I mean they put that black suit on all the marketing. They want you to think Dark Knight. If being sliver was Robocop's choice they could have easily had him make that stand in the final act.
I think this is an example of a sure fire way to piss off the majority of fans. This movie does not have a strong reputation and wasn't a hit. I would say it's an example proving you shouldn't strip away some of the cherished elements that make the original a classic.
I agree with the original commenter. Compared to the slog we’re getting nowadays, Robocop (2014) is quite incredible.
I especially agree with the point he made of the suit; If you pay attention, you can see how corporate pushes for a “safer” image, much like the studios pushing the pg13 rating. It’s a message on how companies don’t really understand what their core audience want, and instead try to please everyone. In the last scene in the movie, you see Murphy back in the silver and black suit, which looks absolutely spectacular.
There’s a lot of subtlety and nuance here, but old robocop fans were going in with an already negative mindset. No matter what they made, there would always be people upset it wasn’t 100% true to the original, which is a bad mindset to have. The first robocop movie I ever watched was the reboot, so I was able to form my opinion without bias. Is it as good as the original? No, but I think it’s really close. I really do wish there was a sequel, because the old movies are not as good as they were back then. I loved this new take on robocop, especially with so few quality movies being made now.
Movie sucked u dirty 🤡
It sucked.
Great vid as always been binging a lot of them lately as YT started recommending a lot, a small pet peeve thou, the director is Brazilian, the J is pronouced as an english Jay or Ge, so José sounds like Jose(ph), not Hosé, peace bro.
I thought it was a decent movie and enjoyed watching it. But. I'm an old fart from the 80's, and prefer the OG Robocop.
I'm a 70s baby and I definitely prefer the OG Robo
I happen to be wearing a plaster cast on my arm while watching this and My God does the empathy for my irritation at this inflexible sheath drive home the sheer horror of Murphy’s predicament and body horror situation.
Is this the 'newest' movie ever featured on this channel?
I'm surprised to see a 2010s movie here I always thought he would only do 80s movies - perhaps early 90s - as to not get too much flack from the creators.
robocop series transcends time. and this one sucks.. so naturally minty would cover it
@@Combatzx2 not my point. Name one other movie from 2010s onwards that was covered this channel.
@@caincha IT (2017)
I actually really like this movie. I love the Originals.
#RoboFlop. I wouldn’t even buy that for a dollar.
I did at the Dollar Tree on Blu-ray.
@MT Rich, You were ripped off.
I think you summed up my entire feelings about the remake. Yeah in its own right it's a pretty good movie but it lacks all the impact , shock factor and heart wrenching feeling of the original Paul Verhooven classic. The OCP movie metaphor is quite apt and on point. It's like they took the whole message of the original movie and did it to the remake.
“10 Things You Didn’t Know About Robocop 2014.”
You could have said 1.000 things and I still wouldn’t have known. I haven’t seen it yet 😅
Robocop Original. Nothing more ✊