And never saying, unless Biden changes and repents he is in serious danger of eternal damnation. Bottom line is he did not make every effort to save this man’s soul.
WOW too @richardcowart, as if your PASTORS are clean. Just like few of our priests and bishops few of your Pastors are also into it. Sad to say that you see only the Catholics. Do look at the other side of your fence also. In fact two of my pastor friends are into it. I also have another pastor friend, when confronted about his homosexality, denied that he is a pastor and also denied that he is a homosexual. I pushed him hard to the wall by showing him his own pornographic acts forwarded to me by my friend who was his sex partner that time., His face was so RED like an over riped tomatoe. Being his Catholic friend I deleted those awful acts of a pastor in front of him. I just do know if you can do it @richard the way i did it.
@@jean-claudechupin9233 l'église américaine est pleine de péchés - oui ? - les dirigeants de l'Église étaient coupables d'avoir laissé impuni le prêtre délinquant sexuel - ils veulent clouer le président sur la croix ! Eux-mêmes devraient être cloués ! Merci de prier pour eux et pour notre président ! Je ne peux plus aller à l'église, je suis handicapé
@@jean-claudechupin9233 @mspastorem 0 seconds ago I'm trying to be kind here. Catholics are NOT to FORCE their Religious Beliefs on others! We are encouraged to share our beliefs at an appropriate time, and allow the Holy Spirit to do the rest. Women who have suffered a "Miscarriage, Ectopic Pregnancy, or the Child DIES IN THE WOMB", require an abortive Procedure. EVERY CATHOLIC THAT UNDERSTANDS THIS AGREES, the Procedure must be permitted. REPUBL'S JUST WANT TO CONTROL WOMAN AND HAVE THEM DIE!!!! Catholics should be AGAINST Abortions of Convenience ONLY. BUT WHO ARE WE TO FORCE OTHERS, God gave all Free Will. Most people don't know the Freemasons infiltrated the Catholic Church before 1900, to try to destroy it from the inside. They were the PEDOPHILE priests who Pope Francis DEFROCKED ALL OR MOST OF. THIS BISHOP IS CAUSING DIVISION AND IS MISINFORMING PEOPLE AS TO BIDEN'S TRUE BELIEFS! BIDEN IS A DAILY COMMUNICATE as much as possible, and converses WITH POPE FRANCIS. THIS BISHOP IS JUDGING on LIES, AND THAT'S NOT VERY CATHOLIC ! SHAME ON HIM, THEY MUST STOP PROJECTING THEIR LIES! Or is he one of the Freemason's who hasn't been informed on yet? Other Bishops are not speaking out because they seek the TRUTH FIRST, and they KNOW THEIR FAITH ! This Bishop is MISINFORMING those who DON'T DO THEIR OWN RESEARCH. HE IS COMMITTING SIN, BY ASSUMING he knows Biden's Beliefs, and spreading THE LIES.
The truth is our Catholic Church is being riddled with false teachings, many of which have come into existence because good Catholics get misinformed by bad Christians- specifically the “Christian,” Nationalists who the Vatican recently announced Catholics do not follow these teachings. The Christian name was hijacked and is being used by Nationalists to spread hate and its working the hate from parish members that support this Nationalistic idealism is causing division in our churches and why many churches have closed! Jesus is not hate-Jesus is Forgiveness & Love and if you think Trump is anything like Jesus-think again! Trump is a pathological liar, and a great deceiver-if you are truly a Christian you know this is the description of the evil one! The end of times, is upon us and this is a test- The issue of abortion or the devil himslf.
If you check out the statistics more Protestant churches have that problem of abuse than the Catholic Church though one is too many. Did you notice when a Protestant church had an abuse case they made sure it was on the front page of the newspaper. They just sent that pastor off somewhere else.
@mspastorem 0 seconds ago I'm trying to be kind here. Catholics are NOT to FORCE their Religious Beliefs on others! We are encouraged to share our beliefs at an appropriate time, and allow the Holy Spirit to do the rest. Women who have suffered a "Miscarriage, Ectopic Pregnancy, or the Child DIES IN THE WOMB", require an abortive Procedure. EVERY CATHOLIC THAT UNDERSTANDS THIS AGREES, the Procedure must be permitted. REPUBL'S JUST WANT TO CONTROL WOMAN AND HAVE THEM DIE!!!! Catholics should be AGAINST Abortions of Convenience ONLY. BUT WHO ARE WE TO FORCE OTHERS, God gave all Free Will. Most people don't know the Freemasons infiltrated the Catholic Church before 1900, to try to destroy it from the inside. They were the PEDOPHILE priests who Pope Francis DEFROCKED ALL OR MOST OF. THIS BISHOP IS CAUSING DIVISION AND IS MISINFORMING PEOPLE AS TO BIDEN'S TRUE BELIEFS! BIDEN IS A DAILY COMMUNICATE as much as possible, and converses WITH POPE FRANCIS. THIS BISHOP IS JUDGING on LIES, AND THAT'S NOT VERY CATHOLIC ! SHAME ON HIM, THEY MUST STOP PROJECTING THEIR LIES!
@mspastorem 0 seconds ago I'm trying to be kind here. Catholics are NOT to FORCE their Religious Beliefs on others! We are encouraged to share our beliefs at an appropriate time, and allow the Holy Spirit to do the rest. Women who have suffered a "Miscarriage, Ectopic Pregnancy, or the Child DIES IN THE WOMB", require an abortive Procedure. EVERY CATHOLIC THAT UNDERSTANDS THIS AGREES, the Procedure must be permitted. REPUBL'S JUST WANT TO CONTROL WOMAN AND HAVE THEM DIE!!!! Catholics should be AGAINST Abortions of Convenience ONLY. BUT WHO ARE WE TO FORCE OTHERS, God gave all Free Will. Most people don't know the Freemasons infiltrated the Catholic Church before 1900, to try to destroy it from the inside. They were the PEDOPHILE priests who Pope Francis DEFROCKED ALL OR MOST OF. THIS BISHOP IS CAUSING DIVISION AND IS MISINFORMING PEOPLE AS TO BIDEN'S TRUE BELIEFS! BIDEN IS A DAILY COMMUNICATE as much as possible, and converses WITH POPE FRANCIS. THIS BISHOP IS JUDGING on LIES, AND THAT'S NOT VERY CATHOLIC ! SHAME ON HIM, THEY MUST STOP PROJECTING THEIR LIES!
I hope it makes you feel good and better about yourselves dragging the President out and flogging him in public. Wonder what's the non-catholic perception of that or do you care ? Or are you all trying to blow the smoke away from the sex abuse scandal ! You know what I get here in the south when someone ask me what church I go to ? I tell them Catholic, the answer is always - "Oh you go to church with those child abuser priest ! ". How do I evangelize that person ? "I'm not bringing my child to that church, they say. Our church has enough problems of its own ! The leadership, they make me sick ! Father Forgive them for they do not know what they do !
@@diospringfieldIL if Bishop Paproki has the moral courage, he SHOULD be speaking up when there was a President Trump, and citizen Trump as the presidential nominee, and the lying, cheating and playing dirty of Republican politics; whether Catholics, Christians or atheists. i do agree that Biden has indeed violated the integrity of the Catholic faith in his pro-choice policy, but if Christian leaders want to speak up, then they should also consider character and morality in US politics --- of which Trump and the republicans are sorely in short supply.
@@diospringfieldIL yes God bless you all for marginalizing Biden and all of his supporters ! It'll look like a Billy Graham Crusade, like John the Baptist ! They'll all be filling the pews and lining up ! Good Man Bishop way to go !!!!
THIS! How do they not say anything about this man who proclaims to be Catholic yet mocks the faith! in the distant past ArchBishop Rummel of New Orleans excommunicated several local politicians that were opposed to desegregation, abortion is at least as great a sin.
@@senghtan Your comment is a perfect example of "Whataboutism." You perceived "your guy" as being under attack and responded with (paraphrasing) "What about YOUR guy??? Huh???" The topic is "Joe Biden as a Catholic.". Trump is not in there.
@@diospringfieldIL [a] if Bishop Paproki has the moral courage, he SHOULD be speaking up when there was a President Trump, and citizen Trump as the presidential nominee, and the lying, cheating and playing dirty of Republican politics; whether Catholics, Christians or atheists. [b] i do agree that Biden has indeed violated the integrity of the Catholic faith in his pro-choice policy, but if Christian leaders want to speak up, then they should also consider character and morality in US politics --- of which Trump and the republicans are sorely in short supply. [c] the Anglican National Washington Cathedral key clergy, have made its stand strongly against President Trump --- and that's what we should call moral courage. President Biden has been easily castigated, and not Trump for his self-serving presidency and as presidential nominee of the GOP.
I think you are on the wrong sude about killing babies. That act ends a life that God Himself gave life to! It is a mortal sin that kills one's soul & sends them to hell unless they truely repent. Biden needs to be kicked out of the Catholic Church; then maybe he 'd repent. He needs repentance, along with all those performing, allowing & helping women to abort their babies. It's not political! It's certainly not about Trump! Get your head out of yourself & turn to God & repent of your abortion stance or you'll be heading to hell on the same path like Biden already is. Both of you need to repent before it's too late. God loves you & wants you with Him for all eternity. That's a looonnnggg time. Your choice.
@@senghtanYou’ve got to be kidding! You’re buying into the propaganda, lies, misinformation and DISinforma- tion of the Democrat Party and hav become a deranged Anti-Trumoer. Although not a Saint, Trump had the economy humming with the lowest unemployment for blacks Hispanics and women. We were energy dependent.”; enjoyed peace through strength military preparedness, no wars; the respect of foreign leaders and Trump proved to be the most prolife president EVER!!!
@@senghtan Moral Courage? Ralph Strand, a priest who’d served nearly two years in prison for abusing a 15-year-old altar boy, he allowed him to wear his collar ! Yes sir that's moral courage !
0 seconds ago I'm trying to be kind here. Catholics are NOT to FORCE their Religious Beliefs on others! We are encouraged to share our beliefs at an appropriate time, and allow the Holy Spirit to do the rest. Women who have suffered a "Miscarriage, Ectopic Pregnancy, or the Child DIES IN THE WOMB", require an abortive Procedure. EVERY CATHOLIC THAT UNDERSTANDS THIS AGREES, the Procedure must be permitted. REPUBL'S JUST WANT TO CONTROL WOMAN AND HAVE THEM DIE!!!! Catholics should be AGAINST Abortions of Convenience ONLY. BUT WHO ARE WE TO FORCE OTHERS, God gave all Free Will. Most people don't know the Freemasons infiltrated the Catholic Church before 1900, to try to destroy it from the inside. They were the PEDOPHILE priests who Pope Francis DEFROCKED ALL OR MOST OF. THIS BISHOP IS CAUSING DIVISION AND IS MISINFORMING PEOPLE AS TO BIDEN'S TRUE BELIEFS! BIDEN IS A DAILY COMMUNICATE as much as possible, and converses WITH POPE FRANCIS. THIS BISHOP IS JUDGING on LIES, AND THAT'S NOT VERY CATHOLIC ! SHAME ON HIM, THEY MUST STOP PROJECTING THEIR LIES!
✨️THE GOSPEL OF THE WORD OF ALMIGHTY GOD "the Salvation of the last day that Christ brought in the second and last incarnation of His new and holy name" (The 6,000-year work of God's rule is divided into three periods: The Age of Law, the Age of Grace, and the Age of Kingdom. These three periods of work are all for the sake of the salvation of a mankind that is exceeding that Satan has corrupted. The war against Satan is really for the sake of salvation, and since the work of salvation of mankind is not something that can be successfully completed in one stage, the war against Satan is also divided into parts and stage, and the war against Satan will be carried out according to man's needs and the extent of Satan's corruption in him. In fact, the war against Satan is not the preparation to fight against Satan, but the salvation of man, the work in life of man, and the change in man's disposition so that he may bear witness to God. This is how Satan was defeated. Satan will be defeated by changing man's corrupt disposition. Without this work, the complete salvation of man will ultimately be impossible, the complete defeat of Satan will also be impossible, and mankind will never be able to enter the wonderful destiny, or escape Satan's influence. The very first mankind was in the hands of God, but because of Satan's temptation and corruption, man was bound by Satan and fell into the hands of evil. So Satan became something to be defeated in the work of God's rule. Because man is owned by Satan, and because man is the product of all God's rule, then he must be snatched from Satan's hands, this is to say that man must be recovered after he has been captured by Satan. And because man has been freed from Satan's dark influence, and man will be the spoil in all these battles, and Satan will be the object of punishment at the end of this battle, after the total work of salvation is done of mankind will be completed.) Almighty God said. The 6,000 year work of GOD'S RULE is DIVIDED into THREE PHASES: The Age of Law, the Age of Grace, and the Age of Kingdom. 🙏 These THREE PHASES of WORK are ALL for the SAKE of SALVATION, which means they are for the SALVATION of a HUMAN BEING TOO MUCH CORRUPTED by SATAN. But, at the same time, they are also so that GOD can wage WAR against SATAN. ☀️ So, since the work of SALVATION is DIVIDED into THREE STAGES, so the WAR with SATAN is also DIVIDED into THREE STAGES, and both aspects of God's work will be administered simultaneously. The WAR with Satan is really for the SAKE of the SALVATION of mankind, and since the work of salvation of mankind is not something that can be successfully completed in one stage, the war with Satan is also divided into parts and stages, and the war against Satan will be carried out according to the needs of man and the EXTENT of Satan's CORRUPTION in him. Perhaps, in man's imagination, he believes that in this war God will prepare to fight against Satan, in the same way that two armies will fight against each other. This is only something that the human mind can imagine, and these are very vague and unrealistic ideas, but this is what people believe. And because I SAY here that the WAY OF MAN'S SALVATION is THROUGH WARFARE with SATAN, people think that this is how warfare will be carried out. In the work of MAN'S SALVATION, THREE STAGES HAVE BEEN FULFILLED, this is to say that the war with Satan is divided into three stages before the complete defeat of Satan. But the INNER TRUTH of the ENTIRE WORK in WARFARE with SATAN is that its EFFECTS CAN BE OBTAINED THROUGH THE GIFTING of man, and being an offering for man's sin, forgiving man's sins, CONQUERING man, making him PERFECT to people. In fact, the war with Satan is not the preparation to fight against Satan, but the SALVATION of the person, the work in the life of the person, and the change in the disposition of the person so that he PRESENTS TESTIMONY to GOD. This is how Satan was DEFEATED. Satan will be DEFEATED THROUGH CHANGING THE CORRUPT DISPOSITION OF MAN. ☀️ When SATAN has been DEFEATED, that is, when MAN is COMPLETELY SAFE, THEN THE SHAMEFUL SATAN WILL ALWAYS BE BOUND, and in this WAY, MAN will be COMPLETELY SAVED. 🙏 And so, the SPIRIT of MAN'S SALVATION is the WAR with SATAN, and the WAR with SATAN is primarily REFLECTED in MAN'S SALVATION. The STAGE in the LAST DAYS, where man will be CONQUERED, is the LAST STAGE in the WAR against SATAN, and this is also the WORK for the COMPLETE SALVATION of MAN from SATAN'S DOMINION. The INNER MEANING of the CONQUEST of MAN is the RETURN of Satan's symbol, the MAN whom Satan RUINED, to CREATE following his CONQUEST, THROUGH which he will forsake Satan and EVER RETURN to GOD. ☀️🙏 IN THIS WAY, MAN WILL ALWAYS BE SAVED. And so, the work of CONQUEST is the LAST WORK in the WAR AGAINST SATAN, and the LAST PHASE in GOD'S GOVERNMENT for the SAKE of DEFEATING SATAN. ☀️ WITHOUT THIS WORK, THE COMPLETE SALVATION OF MAN IN THE LAST WOULD BE IMPOSSIBLE, THE COMPLETE DEFEAT OF SATAN WOULD ALSO BE IMPOSSIBLE, AND HUMANITY WOULD NEVER ENTER THE WONDERFUL DESTINY, OR ESCAPE SATAN'S INFLUENCE. 🙏 Because of this, the work of SAVING MAN cannot be finished until the war with Satan is finished, because the summary of the work in God's management is for the sake of human salvation. The very first mankind was in the hands of God, but because of Satan's TEMPTATION and CORRUPTION, man was BOUND by SATAN and FELL into the HANDS of EVIL. ☀️ So Satan became something to be DEFEATED in the WORK of GOD'S GOVERNMENT. Because MAN IS POSSESSED BY SATAN, and because man is the PRODUCT of ALL GOD'S GOVERNMENT, then he must be TAKEN OUT OF SATAN'S HANDS, this is to say that man must be RECOVERED AFTER SATAN'S CAPTIVITY. SATAN is DEFEATED THROUGH CHANGES in MAN'S OLD DISPOSITION RESTORED to His ORIGINAL FEELINGS, and in this way, man, having been CAPTURED, can again be TAKEN into Satan's HANDS. ☀️ If MAN can be FREED from Satan's INFLUENCE and SLAVERY, Satan WILL be SHAMEFUL, man will ultimately be RECOVERED, and Satan WILL be DEFEATED. ☀️ And because man is FREED from Satan's DARK INFLUENCE, and man will be the spoil in all these BATTLES, and Satan will be the THING to be PUNISHED at the TIME this BATTLE is OVER, AFTER the WHOLE WORK of SALVATION is DONE of HUMANITY is COMPLETE. 🙏 From "Restoring Man's Proper Life and Taking Him to an Amazing Destination" Fulfillment of (Ezekiel 2:9-10). .(Rev. 19:13). 📩 Calling and leading everyone to His lowered Kingdom or Church because it is still standing on earth in the holy place in the air/ youtube "THE CHURCH OF ALMIGHTY GOD 💐 this is the fulfillment of what He said to Peter 2,000 years ago, recorded in (Matthew 16:18'19). This is the the only Church of each one of our spirit that we must listen to or eat and drink like how we eat, dress and sleep every day so that He can guide us and change us by rejecting the evil attached by Satan so as to be perfect, having attained eternal life that will enter the coming replacement of the New Heaven and New Earth. 📥 👉 Note💌 The coming of the Spirit of God incarnated in His second and last incarnation is the fulfillment of what was prophesied in the great book of Revelation so the last day or last age has come and His coming is to judge and punish unrighteousness of a person so that the pure or perfect person will be able to enter the approaching New Heaven and New Earth in the final judgment that all souls at that time will be reborn to receive the appropriate corresponding punishment (the one that will be destroyed and will no longer exist ) orthe reward of living forever in the New World. 🌺
Im german and I support the catholic church in America. God bless the bishop for speaking out and fighting for the pure faith. I would wish the bishops here would speak up, but they sadly are part of the problem. God have mercy on them.
God bless you for holding the faith without any ecclesiastical support around you. I’m in Canada and it’s hard enough that very few clergy deliver homilies that console and help us resist the culture. I can’t imagine what it would be like to be in a place where they were speaking explicitly in opposition to the deposit of faith. I will include the German faithful in my rosary tomorrow and thank you for inspiring this intention ❤
I'm in Canada as well and wish the Catholic church here would be more vocal on these issues as well. As St Mother Theresa always says Pray, pray and pray. God Bless 🙏✝✝
Greetings from a fellow German. Things are becoming so insane in our country that I feel like a "rad trad" for thinking things everyone with two eyes (or even one) to see can see, which are obvious to normal human reason and which the Church has always taught, like that there are two sexes and that marriage is only possible between one man and one woman. Oops, I guess I have committed a hate crime now by writing this.
When people only pray God has no one to use. Every one is saying that they are praying but, aren't putting any actions to their prayers. I'm sure David prayed for Goliath to be slain for speaking blasphemes against God. God needed a vessel to work His will through. If David had just prayed and not took action to accomplish his prayers. Goliath would never have been slain. Many people are saying that they are going to pray. Many people are probably praying. Until those people start putting some action behind their prayers, God has no one to work through or to even speak through. I have tried many times to get people to meet on a post like this on a certain day and time to have a prayer meeting. To see how much support we can Unite together. 2 or 3 people say they are willing but no one showed. Without the support of 109 or 200 million citizens of any country unite together saying they want the same change to happen, governments will not listen
“If we accept that a mother can kill her own child, how can we tell other people not to kill each other? Any country that accepts a-b-o-r-t-i-o-n is not teaching its people to love, rather, to use violence to get what they want.” ― Mother Teresa
Everything about Joe Biden whether it's political or religious is very contradictory. It's only for his political survival like pro-abortion for women votes and his stand against Israel for genocide against Gaza for Muslim votes? Not to mention the Transgender votes?
And then you degrade more with the murdering of your "BORN!" baby.....who is alive and thriving! Absolutely nothing wrong at all with this GIFT FROM GOD; that is completely separated from your body, laying "across the room from you, breathing on their own without any connection to you..AT ALL, and you TRY and call that "a woman's choice to with 'her body' what she wants". OBAMA/JOE approves of PUTTING YOUR CHILD TO DEATH. No one should even think about voting these two in for another FOUR YEARS!
Thank you so much, father! I am 75 years old, and I too am a cafeteria Catholic. I try my very best to follow the teachings of the church in so many ways, in fact, in all the ways, but through the ages I found myself picking and choosing, when I look back at it, I found myself lukewarm and I am ashamed of this. Now it at my age I find it very hard to get to mass on Sundays. I find it very hard to get to confession. And I find it very hard to practice my faith. I pray every day and because of my physical disability I do not leave the house. I did the best that I could do when I was younger, but I regret a lot of things.
Yes the Bishop is so brave ! Just like he done in the sex scandals - leadership covering up for the sexual abuse of children ! Praise Jesus - for him wanting to nail Biden to the cross ! What kind of dirty, nasty Catholicism some folks live in ! Father forgive them for they do not know what they do !"
@mspastorem 0 seconds ago I'm trying to be kind here. Catholics are NOT to FORCE their Religious Beliefs on others! We are encouraged to share our beliefs at an appropriate time, and allow the Holy Spirit to do the rest. Women who have suffered a "Miscarriage, Ectopic Pregnancy, or the Child DIES IN THE WOMB", require an abortive Procedure. EVERY CATHOLIC THAT UNDERSTANDS THIS AGREES, the Procedure must be permitted. REPUBL'S JUST WANT TO CONTROL WOMAN AND HAVE THEM DIE!!!! Catholics should be AGAINST Abortions of Convenience ONLY. BUT WHO ARE WE TO FORCE OTHERS, God gave all Free Will. Most people don't know the Freemasons infiltrated the Catholic Church before 1900, to try to destroy it from the inside. They were the PEDOPHILE priests who Pope Francis DEFROCKED ALL OR MOST OF. THIS BISHOP IS CAUSING DIVISION AND IS MISINFORMING PEOPLE AS TO BIDEN'S TRUE BELIEFS! BIDEN IS A DAILY COMMUNICATE as much as possible, and converses WITH POPE FRANCIS. THIS BISHOP IS JUDGING on LIES, AND THAT'S NOT VERY CATHOLIC ! SHAME ON HIM, THEY MUST STOP PROJECTING THEIR LIES! Or is he one of the Freemason's who hasn't been informed on yet? Other Bishops are not speaking out because they seek the TRUTH FIRST, and they KNOW THEIR FAITH ! This Bishop is MISINFORMING those who DON'T DO THEIR OWN RESEARCH. HE IS COMMITTING SIN, BY ASSUMING he knows Biden's Beliefs, and spreading THE LIES.
@mspastorem 0 seconds ago I'm trying to be kind here. Catholics are NOT to FORCE their Religious Beliefs on others! We are encouraged to share our beliefs at an appropriate time, and allow the Holy Spirit to do the rest. Women who have suffered a "Miscarriage, Ectopic Pregnancy, or the Child DIES IN THE WOMB", require an abortive Procedure. EVERY CATHOLIC THAT UNDERSTANDS THIS AGREES, the Procedure must be permitted. REPUBL'S JUST WANT TO CONTROL WOMAN AND HAVE THEM DIE!!!! Catholics should be AGAINST Abortions of Convenience ONLY. BUT WHO ARE WE TO FORCE OTHERS, God gave all Free Will. Most people don't know the Freemasons infiltrated the Catholic Church before 1900, to try to destroy it from the inside. They were the PEDOPHILE priests who Pope Francis DEFROCKED ALL OR MOST OF. THIS BISHOP IS CAUSING DIVISION AND IS MISINFORMING PEOPLE AS TO BIDEN'S TRUE BELIEFS! BIDEN IS A DAILY COMMUNICATE as much as possible, and converses WITH POPE FRANCIS. THIS BISHOP IS JUDGING on LIES, AND THAT'S NOT VERY CATHOLIC ! SHAME ON HIM, THEY MUST STOP PROJECTING THEIR LIES! Or is he one of the Freemason's who hasn't been informed on yet? Other Bishops are not speaking out because they seek the TRUTH FIRST, and they KNOW THEIR FAITH ! This Bishop is MISINFORMING those who DON'T DO THEIR OWN RESEARCH. HE IS COMMITTING SIN, BY ASSUMING he knows Biden's Beliefs, and spreading THE LIES.
WHO'S COMMITING HERESY ? I'm trying to be kind here. Catholics are NOT to FORCE their Religious Beliefs on others! We are encouraged to share our beliefs at an appropriate time, and allow the Holy Spirit to do the rest. Women who have suffered a "Miscarriage, Ectopic Pregnancy, or the Child DIES IN THE WOMB", require an abortive Procedure. EVERY CATHOLIC THAT UNDERSTANDS THIS AGREES, the Procedure must be permitted. REPUBL'S JUST WANT TO CONTROL WOMAN AND HAVE THEM DIE!!!! Catholics should be AGAINST Abortions of Convenience ONLY. BUT WHO ARE WE TO FORCE OTHERS, God gave all Free Will. Most people don't know the Freemasons infiltrated the Catholic Church before 1900, to try to destroy it from the inside. They were the PEDOPHILE priests who Pope Francis DEFROCKED ALL OR MOST OF. THIS BISHOP IS CAUSING DIVISION AND IS MISINFORMING PEOPLE AS TO BIDEN'S TRUE BELIEFS! BIDEN IS A DAILY COMMUNICATE as much as possible, and converses WITH POPE FRANCIS. THIS BISHOP IS JUDGING on LIES, AND THAT'S NOT VERY CATHOLIC ! SHAME ON HIM, THEY MUST STOP PROJECTING THEIR LIES! Or is he one of the Freemason's who hasn't been informed on yet?
@mspastorem 0 seconds ago I'm trying to be kind here. Catholics are NOT to FORCE their Religious Beliefs on others! We are encouraged to share our beliefs at an appropriate time, and allow the Holy Spirit to do the rest. Women who have suffered a "Miscarriage, Ectopic Pregnancy, or the Child DIES IN THE WOMB", require an abortive Procedure. EVERY CATHOLIC THAT UNDERSTAND THIS AGREES, the Procedure must be permitted. REPUBL'S JUST WANT TO CONTROL WOMAN AND HAVE THEM DIE!!!! Catholics should be AGAINST Abortions of Convenience ONLY. BUT WHO ARE WE TO FORCE OTHERS, God gave all Free Will. Most people don't know the Freemasons infiltrated the Catholic Church before 1900, to try to destroy it from the inside. They were the PEDOPHILE priests who Pope Francis DEFROCKED ALL OR MOST OF. THIS BISHOP IS MISINFORMING PEOPLE AS TO BIDEN'S TRUE BELIEFS! BIDEN IS A DAILY COMMUNICATE as much as possible, and converses WITH POPE FRANCIS. THIS BISHOP IS JUDGING on LIES, AND THAT'S NOT VERY CATHOLIC ! SHAME ON HIM, THEY MUST STOP PROJECTING THEIR LIES! Reply
Amen. God considers alll falling away from Him a mockery. We can’t pick and choose that one sin is worse than others. Sin and falling away is all the same. Darkness as opposed to Light.
@@lcaid7684I mock God every day as I believe he is clearly evil. Yet, I don't have prostrate cancer and I know a christian who does and his family is very upset as they should be about it. Read your story book Exodus 4:11
Yes ! Just like he done in the sex scandals ! Praise Jesus - for him wanting to nail Biden to the cross ! What kind of dirty, nasty Catholicism some folks live in !
Um, no, not like Bishop Strickland. When he should be promoting obedience to the Vatican, he has been openly "resisting" -- and now we have a priest in Chicago who has conducted a scandalous act, in church, giving a false "blessing" to a same-sex couple, in direct violation to "Fiducia Supplicans". (Read the document itself -- spontaneous blessings of same-sex persons are not to have any of the trappings of a REAL marriage -- no rings, no formal attire, no photographer or reporter, and NO VOWS! Pope Francis has consistently said that marriage blessings are for the union of one man and one woman -- indissoluble, exclusive, stable, and open to the natural generation of children.) Bishops who promote disobedience should be brought to recognize that they are at fault for encouraging acts of disobedience on EITHER side of the political spectrum.
I wonder why the good bishop has nothing to say about Trump’s friend Putin who is destroying Ukraine and the Ukrainian Catholic Church, not to mention children
I’m 😢going through 😢😢😢 😢and 😢 my parents and grandparents have were 😢🎉 I😢😢 I can’t even 😢imagine the feeling 🎊 my heart goes out to 🎊 😢😢🎉😂😢 🎉 I hope 😢 you 😢😢 😂😂😢❤😢 I hope❤you have the 😢 to 😢😂😢 you have 😢😂😂😢😂😂🎉❤😂😂😢❤❤❤😢❤😂🎉❤😢🎉😂😢😂😢🎉😢😂❤😢😢😢😂😢😂❤😂😢😢❤😂😢😢😂😂😂😢😢0868793?7)((),? VF by by
Yes the Bishop is so brave ! Just like he done in the sex scandals - leadership covering up for the sexual abuse of children ! Praise Jesus - for him wanting to nail Biden to the cross ! What kind of dirty, nasty Catholicism some folks live in ! Father forgive them for they do not know what they do !"
@mspastorem 0 seconds ago I'm trying to be kind here. Catholics are NOT to FORCE their Religious Beliefs on others! We are encouraged to share our beliefs at an appropriate time, and allow the Holy Spirit to do the rest. Women who have suffered a "Miscarriage, Ectopic Pregnancy, or the Child DIES IN THE WOMB", require an abortive Procedure. EVERY CATHOLIC THAT UNDERSTANDS THIS AGREES, the Procedure must be permitted. REPUBL'S JUST WANT TO CONTROL WOMAN AND HAVE THEM DIE!!!! Catholics should be AGAINST Abortions of Convenience ONLY. BUT WHO ARE WE TO FORCE OTHERS, God gave all Free Will. Most people don't know the Freemasons infiltrated the Catholic Church before 1900, to try to destroy it from the inside. They were the PEDOPHILE priests who Pope Francis DEFROCKED ALL OR MOST OF. THIS BISHOP IS CAUSING DIVISION AND IS MISINFORMING PEOPLE AS TO BIDEN'S TRUE BELIEFS! BIDEN IS A DAILY COMMUNICATE as much as possible, and converses WITH POPE FRANCIS. THIS BISHOP IS JUDGING on LIES, AND THAT'S NOT VERY CATHOLIC ! SHAME ON HIM, THEY MUST STOP PROJECTING THEIR LIES!
Did he speak out when hundreds of priests abused little boys???? Who has mocked God more than any of us? the bishops who resigned abuser priests to other parishes! Why did Benedict resign? Guilty I guess. Read the FACTS!
What has gone on way to long ? Giving the Bishop a Attaboy for slandering Biden. Biden''s been a Catholic all his life - and they are going to drag him out now and throw him down in the dirt now and stone him ! After all these years - like these Bishops are not guilty of sin? No humility, only arrogance, Biden's interpretation of the freedoms and laws are from the Constitution not the catechism ! Bishop's want to try to blow the smoke off themselves from allowing pedophilic priest to serve. Do you know your Bishop here put a collar back on a priest that served in prison for sexual abuse - A registered sex offender ! You and ones like you make me sick to my stomach !
Yes thankyou Bishop he is so brave ! Just like he done in the sex scandals - leadership covering up for the sexual abuse of children ! Praise Jesus - for him wanting to nail Biden to the cross ! What kind of dirty, nasty Catholicism some folks live in ! Father forgive them for they do not know what they do !"
I'm trying to be kind here. Catholics are NOT to FORCE their Religious Beliefs on others! We are encouraged to share our beliefs at an appropriate time, and allow the Holy Spirit to do the rest. Women who have suffered a "Miscarriage, Ectopic Pregnancy, or the Child DIES IN THE WOMB", require an abortive Procedure. EVERY CATHOLIC THAT UNDERSTANDS THIS AGREES, the Procedure must be permitted. REPUBL'S JUST WANT TO CONTROL WOMAN AND HAVE THEM DIE!!!! Catholics should be AGAINST Abortions of Convenience ONLY. BUT WHO ARE WE TO FORCE OTHERS, God gave all Free Will. Most people don't know the Freemasons infiltrated the Catholic Church before 1900, to try to destroy it from the inside. They were the PEDOPHILE priests who Pope Francis DEFROCKED ALL OR MOST OF. THIS BISHOP IS CAUSING DIVISION AND IS MISINFORMING PEOPLE AS TO BIDEN'S TRUE BELIEFS! BIDEN IS A DAILY COMMUNICATE as much as possible, and converses WITH POPE FRANCIS. THIS BISHOP IS JUDGING on LIES, AND THAT'S NOT VERY CATHOLIC ! SHAME ON HIM, THEY MUST STOP PROJECTING THEIR LIES! Or is he one of the Freemason's who hasn't been informed on yet?
No he won't be removed, he just marginalized Biden and all of the Biden supporters from the Church - and doesn't have a plan to evangelize them They'll all be packing the pews and cheering for a man that just drug Christ and his church back down to the sex scandal basement !!! Yes ! Let's give Bishop a great hand - didn't even introduce himself !
He didn't get removed for allowing Ralph Strand, a priest who’d served nearly two years in prison for abusing a 15-year-old altar boy, to wear his collar
If this country would bar Catholics from holding public office, we wouldn’t have this problem. Catholics have been corrupting and undermining governments from the get go.
Yeap, just like what happened with a Bishop from Texas that was basically hiding from his own Catholic Pope when he spoke against blessing same gender couples. It's pretty awful the way the Papacy treated that Texan Bishop, and that says a lot about the head of the Catholic church.
I am not a Catholic, but wow, I am so happy to hear this. I have great respect for religious leaders who will speak up when they know things are not right.. Thank you!
Pray for the Catholic Church to hold the line on adhering to ALL the teachings of the Holy Bible. As for Mr. Biden, vote him out of office and pray for his repentance.
The WORD was God. Fakers / He's sacriligious and a BIG LIAR / 5 Pinnochios. Not a Catholic at all. He doesn't believe in LIFE. So then??? I AM the Way, the TRUTH and the LIFE.
@@noreenalbright2245 pray for the Bishop as well in his part of the sex abuse case ! If we are gonna nail Biden - and crucify him for his part in abortion - the Bishop should man up too !
Vote Catholics out of office who are disloyal to this country and cannot serve the will of the American people or uphold their oath of office without extreme duress from the Church who is disloyal to the country and its Constitution.
The Catholic church is not a "Bible religion" in the sense used by the Protestant heretics. The church wrote the Bible, not the other way around. Also, please read Numbers 5:11-31, which seems to prescribe induced miscarriage or abortion for a wife guilty of adultery.. As for following all Bible teachings, should we require a woman who is raped to marry her rapist so long as her father consents and gets the rapist to pay the bride price? Before you answer, read Deuteronomy 22:28-29.
With everything that President Biden has supported, I have never thought of him as a Catholic! Definitely not a Catholic that I want to emulate. Thank you Bishop for speaking up.
than you don't know TRUTH. I'm trying to be kind here. Catholics are NOT to FORCE their Religious Beliefs on others! We are encouraged to share our beliefs at an appropriate time, and allow the Holy Spirit to do the rest. Women who have suffered a "Miscarriage, Ectopic Pregnancy, or the Child DIES IN THE WOMB", require an abortive Procedure. EVERY CATHOLIC THAT UNDERSTANDS THIS AGREES, the Procedure must be permitted. REPUBL'S JUST WANT TO CONTROL WOMAN AND HAVE THEM DIE!!!! Catholics should be AGAINST Abortions of Convenience ONLY. BUT WHO ARE WE TO FORCE OTHERS, God gave all Free Will. Most people don't know the Freemasons infiltrated the Catholic Church before 1900, to try to destroy it from the inside. They were the PEDOPHILE priests who Pope Francis DEFROCKED ALL OR MOST OF. THIS BISHOP IS CAUSING DIVISION AND IS MISINFORMING PEOPLE AS TO BIDEN'S TRUE BELIEFS! BIDEN IS A DAILY COMMUNICATE as much as possible, and converses WITH POPE FRANCIS. THIS BISHOP IS JUDGING on LIES, AND THAT'S NOT VERY CATHOLIC ! SHAME ON HIM, THEY MUST STOP PROJECTING THEIR LIES! Or is he one of the Freemason's who hasn't been informed on yet?
You would think at 81 he would be thinking about eternity. Doesn't he realize that God disapproves of abortion, gay marriage and gender change is a huge sin???. He will be shocked the send after he dies unless he repents
@@garythorington1600 Biden serves the public by his interpretation of the Constitution - not the Catechism, Would you want a muslim lawmaker to impose his beliefs on yours ? you would think that the Bishops that allowed the pedophilic priest to continue to serve the church would be a little bit more humble, are you really thinking Gary ? They're dragging poor old Joe out and stoning him to blow the smoke off their sin ! You would think right
Awesome ? , FOR WHAT? Crucifying Biden publicly ? Not asking the church to pray for him ? What about the leadership of the church in the sex abuse scandal ? The Bishop smiled as he crucified Biden - while the Bishop and many like him, are just as guilty of SIN ! You want to thank him ? I'm a follower of Christ - your a follower of men that are without humility, and do not live by the teachings of Christ ! You without sin throw the first stone ! Father forgive them for they do not know what they do !!!!
I'm trying to be kind here. Catholics are NOT to FORCE their Religious Beliefs on others! We are encouraged to share our beliefs at an appropriate time, and allow the Holy Spirit to do the rest. Women who have suffered a "Miscarriage, Ectopic Pregnancy, or the Child DIES IN THE WOMB", require an abortive Procedure. EVERY CATHOLIC THAT UNDERSTANDS THIS AGREES, the Procedure must be permitted. REPUBL'S JUST WANT TO CONTROL WOMAN AND HAVE THEM DIE!!!! Catholics should be AGAINST Abortions of Convenience ONLY. BUT WHO ARE WE TO FORCE OTHERS, God gave all Free Will. Most people don't know the Freemasons infiltrated the Catholic Church before 1900, to try to destroy it from the inside. They were the PEDOPHILE priests who Pope Francis DEFROCKED ALL OR MOST OF. THIS BISHOP IS CAUSING DIVISION AND IS MISINFORMING PEOPLE AS TO BIDEN'S TRUE BELIEFS! BIDEN IS A DAILY COMMUNICATE as much as possible, and converses WITH POPE FRANCIS. THIS BISHOP IS JUDGING on LIES, AND THAT'S NOT VERY CATHOLIC ! SHAME ON HIM, THEY MUST STOP PROJECTING THEIR LIES! Or is he one of the Freemason's who hasn't been informed on yet?
Thank you, Your Grace, Bishop Paprocki. We support you and pray for you, from Australia. We need our Priests and Bishops to defend our Catholic Faith and admonish wicked Politicians.
I think the leadership should has forgotten their guilt in the sex abuse scandals. This man wants to nail and crucify Biden, when the same could be done to many many men in the leadership of the church ! Father forgive them, for they do not know what they do !
@mspastorem 0 seconds ago I'm trying to be kind here. Catholics are NOT to FORCE their Religious Beliefs on others! We are encouraged to share our beliefs at an appropriate time, and allow the Holy Spirit to do the rest. Women who have suffered a "Miscarriage, Ectopic Pregnancy, or the Child DIES IN THE WOMB", require an abortive Procedure. EVERY CATHOLIC THAT UNDERSTANDS THIS AGREES, the Procedure must be permitted. REPUBL'S JUST WANT TO CONTROL WOMAN AND HAVE THEM DIE!!!! Catholics should be AGAINST Abortions of Convenience ONLY. BUT WHO ARE WE TO FORCE OTHERS, God gave all Free Will. Most people don't know the Freemasons infiltrated the Catholic Church before 1900, to try to destroy it from the inside. They were the PEDOPHILE priests who Pope Francis DEFROCKED ALL OR MOST OF. THIS BISHOP IS CAUSING DIVISION AND IS MISINFORMING PEOPLE AS TO BIDEN'S TRUE BELIEFS! BIDEN IS A DAILY COMMUNICATE as much as possible, and converses WITH POPE FRANCIS. THIS BISHOP IS JUDGING on LIES, AND THAT'S NOT VERY CATHOLIC ! SHAME ON HIM, THEY MUST STOP PROJECTING THEIR LIES! Or is he one of the Freemason's who hasn't been informed on yet? Other Bishops are not speaking out because they seek the TRUTH FIRST, and they KNOW THEIR FAITH ! This Bishop is MISINFORMING those who DON'T DO THEIR OWN RESEARCH. HE IS COMMITTING SIN, BY ASSUMING he knows Biden's Beliefs, and spreading THE LIES.
@mspastorem 0 seconds ago TOO BAD HE DOESN'T EXPRESS BIDENS TRUE BELIEFS. I'm trying to be kind here. Catholics are NOT to FORCE their Religious Beliefs on others! We are encouraged to share our beliefs at an appropriate time, and allow the Holy Spirit to do the rest. Women who have suffered a "Miscarriage, Ectopic Pregnancy, or the Child DIES IN THE WOMB", require an abortive Procedure. EVERY CATHOLIC THAT UNDERSTANDS THIS AGREES, the Procedure must be permitted. REPUBL'S JUST WANT TO CONTROL WOMAN AND HAVE THEM DIE!!!! Catholics should be AGAINST Abortions of Convenience ONLY. BUT WHO ARE WE TO FORCE OTHERS, God gave all Free Will. Most people don't know the Freemasons infiltrated the Catholic Church before 1900, to try to destroy it from the inside. They were the PEDOPHILE priests who Pope Francis DEFROCKED ALL OR MOST OF. THIS BISHOP IS CAUSING DIVISION AND IS MISINFORMING PEOPLE AS TO BIDEN'S TRUE BELIEFS! BIDEN IS A DAILY COMMUNICATE as much as possible, and converses WITH POPE FRANCIS. THIS BISHOP IS JUDGING on LIES, AND THAT'S NOT VERY CATHOLIC ! SHAME ON HIM, THEY MUST STOP PROJECTING THEIR LIES! Or is he one of the Freemason's who hasn't been informed on yet? Other Bishops are not speaking out because they seek the TRUTH FIRST, and they KNOW THEIR FAITH ! This Bishop is MISINFORMING those who DON'T DO THEIR OWN RESEARCH. HE IS COMMITTING SIN, BY ASSUMING he knows Biden's Beliefs, and spreading THE LIES.
@mspastorem 0 seconds ago I'm trying to be kind here. Catholics are NOT to FORCE their Religious Beliefs on others! We are encouraged to share our beliefs at an appropriate time, and allow the Holy Spirit to do the rest. Women who have suffered a "Miscarriage, Ectopic Pregnancy, or the Child DIES IN THE WOMB", require an abortive Procedure. EVERY CATHOLIC THAT UNDERSTANDS THIS AGREES, the Procedure must be permitted. REPUBL'S JUST WANT TO CONTROL WOMAN AND HAVE THEM DIE!!!! Catholics should be AGAINST Abortions of Convenience ONLY. BUT WHO ARE WE TO FORCE OTHERS, God gave all Free Will. Most people don't know the Freemasons infiltrated the Catholic Church before 1900, to try to destroy it from the inside. They were the PEDOPHILE priests who Pope Francis DEFROCKED ALL OR MOST OF. THIS BISHOP IS CAUSING DIVISION AND IS MISINFORMING PEOPLE AS TO BIDEN'S TRUE BELIEFS! BIDEN IS A DAILY COMMUNICATE as much as possible, and converses WITH POPE FRANCIS. THIS BISHOP IS JUDGING on LIES, AND THAT'S NOT VERY CATHOLIC ! SHAME ON HIM, THEY MUST STOP PROJECTING THEIR LIES! Or is he one of the Freemason's who hasn't been informed on yet? Other Bishops are not speaking out because they seek the TRUTH FIRST, and they KNOW THEIR FAITH ! This Bishop is MISINFORMING those who DON'T DO THEIR OWN RESEARCH. HE IS COMMITTING SIN, BY ASSUMING he knows Biden's Beliefs, and spreading THE LIES.
What a lovely speaker the bishop is . biden is a his baptism in the catholic faith he should be ashamed of himself supporting abortion up to birth glad he's stepped down.
@mspastorem 0 seconds ago I'm trying to be kind here. Catholics are NOT to FORCE their Religious Beliefs on others! We are encouraged to share our beliefs at an appropriate time, and allow the Holy Spirit to do the rest. Women who have suffered a "Miscarriage, Ectopic Pregnancy, or the Child DIES IN THE WOMB", require an abortive Procedure. EVERY CATHOLIC THAT UNDERSTANDS THIS AGREES, the Procedure must be permitted. REPUBL'S JUST WANT TO CONTROL WOMAN AND HAVE THEM DIE!!!! Catholics should be AGAINST Abortions of Convenience ONLY. BUT WHO ARE WE TO FORCE OTHERS, God gave all Free Will. Most people don't know the Freemasons infiltrated the Catholic Church before 1900, to try to destroy it from the inside. They were the PEDOPHILE priests who Pope Francis DEFROCKED ALL OR MOST OF. THIS BISHOP IS CAUSING DIVISION AND IS MISINFORMING PEOPLE AS TO BIDEN'S TRUE BELIEFS! BIDEN IS A DAILY COMMUNICATE as much as possible, and converses WITH POPE FRANCIS. THIS BISHOP IS JUDGING on LIES, AND THAT'S NOT VERY CATHOLIC ! SHAME ON HIM, THEY MUST STOP PROJECTING THEIR LIES! Or is he one of the Freemason's who hasn't been informed on yet? Other Bishops are not speaking out because they seek the TRUTH FIRST, and they KNOW THEIR FAITH ! This Bishop is MISINFORMING those who DON'T DO THEIR OWN RESEARCH. HE IS COMMITTING SIN, BY ASSUMING he knows Biden's Beliefs, and spreading THE LIES.
@mspastorem 0 seconds ago I'm trying to be kind here. Catholics are NOT to FORCE their Religious Beliefs on others! We are encouraged to share our beliefs at an appropriate time, and allow the Holy Spirit to do the rest. Women who have suffered a "Miscarriage, Ectopic Pregnancy, or the Child DIES IN THE WOMB", require an abortive Procedure. EVERY CATHOLIC THAT UNDERSTANDS THIS AGREES, the Procedure must be permitted. REPUBL'S JUST WANT TO CONTROL WOMAN AND HAVE THEM DIE!!!! Catholics should be AGAINST Abortions of Convenience ONLY. BUT WHO ARE WE TO FORCE OTHERS, God gave all Free Will. Most people don't know the Freemasons infiltrated the Catholic Church before 1900, to try to destroy it from the inside. They were the PEDOPHILE priests who Pope Francis DEFROCKED ALL OR MOST OF. THIS BISHOP IS CAUSING DIVISION AND IS MISINFORMING PEOPLE AS TO BIDEN'S TRUE BELIEFS! BIDEN IS A DAILY COMMUNICATE as much as possible, and converses WITH POPE FRANCIS. THIS BISHOP IS JUDGING on LIES, AND THAT'S NOT VERY CATHOLIC ! SHAME ON HIM, THEY MUST STOP PROJECTING THEIR LIES! Or is he one of the Freemason's who hasn't been informed on yet? Other Bishops are not speaking out because they seek the TRUTH FIRST, and they KNOW THEIR FAITH ! This Bishop is MISINFORMING those who DON'T DO THEIR OWN RESEARCH. HE IS COMMITTING SIN, BY ASSUMING he knows Biden's Beliefs, and spreading THE LIES.
Leave , leaves as fast as you can then ! Confidence? Crucifying Biden publicly ? Not asking the church to pray for him ? What about the leadership of the church in the sex abuse scandal ? The Bishop smiled as he crucified Biden - while the Bishop and many like him, are just as guilty of SIN ! You want more Bishops like him ? I'm a follower of Christ - your a follower of men that are without humility, and do not live by the teachings of Christ ! You without sin throw the first stone ! Father forgive them for they do not know what they do !!!!
South Africa . How sick the world has become . As a 83 year old Catholic I've watched both the laity and the priesthood of the church have become exceedingly lax in the core faith of the church. The Sacraments . Evangelizing. And the various dogmas of Mother Church. Catholicism as I know it has been watered down to appease those who at various times attack Mother church on its core values.
We must focus on Jesus. He is coming soon in the RAPTURE. In the Gospel of John, Jesus said to Nicodemus that he must be born again to enter into the kingdom of God. ❤
Join our Perseverance Family with Father Ed Broom. Live on Facebook at 7:30 PST (from St. Peter Chanel Church in California). Such a holy priest. Praise God for our holy priests. 🙏 your pathetic, irrelevant and outdated opinion. Vatican RCC is more interested in power, control and male-ego aggrandizement as it desecrates the Original Messages of Jesus with its big, made-up words, its dogma, doctrine, Massive catechisms, rules and regulations! It's all made up to secure their power.The hypocrisy of RCC's patriarchal clericalism is more clearly demonstrated in its lying, cheating, stealing, deceiving and abuse of women and children for many centuries. No more. No more "pray, pay and obey." More and more women are happy to take their children and checkbooks away from such oppression to nourish their families' spirituality elsewhere with respect and support in Divine Order. And so it is.
Thank you and thankful with gratitude bishop paprocki for standing up for our catholic faith 🙏😇🕊️ We are so blessed to have as our bishop. Bishop paprocki is spot on . God 🙏 bless you thank you so much. Excellent brilliant on point . Thank you Bishop.
Thank this man , FOR WHAT? Crucifying Biden publicly ? Not asking the church to pray for him ? What about the leadership of the church in the sex abuse scandal ? The Bishop smiled as he crucified Biden - while the Bishop and many like him, are just as guilty of SIN ! You want to thank him ? I'm a follower of Christ - your a follower of men that are without humility, and do not live by the teachings of Christ ! You without sin throw the first stone ! Father forgive them for they do not know what they do !!!!
Thank this man , FOR WHAT? Crucifying Biden publicly ? Not asking the church to pray for him ? What about the leadership of the church in the sex abuse scandal ? The Bishop smiled as he crucified Biden - while the Bishop and many like him, are just as guilty of SIN ! You want to thank him ? I'm a follower of Christ - your a follower of men that are without humility, and do not live by the teachings of Christ ! You without sin throw the first stone ! Father forgive them for they do not know what they do !!!!
@mspastorem 0 seconds ago I'm trying to be kind here. Catholics are NOT to FORCE their Religious Beliefs on others! We are encouraged to share our beliefs at an appropriate time, and allow the Holy Spirit to do the rest. Women who have suffered a "Miscarriage, Ectopic Pregnancy, or the Child DIES IN THE WOMB", require an abortive Procedure. EVERY CATHOLIC THAT UNDERSTANDS THIS AGREES, the Procedure must be permitted. REPUBL'S JUST WANT TO CONTROL WOMAN AND HAVE THEM DIE!!!! Catholics should be AGAINST Abortions of Convenience ONLY. BUT WHO ARE WE TO FORCE OTHERS, God gave all Free Will. Most people don't know the Freemasons infiltrated the Catholic Church before 1900, to try to destroy it from the inside. They were the PEDOPHILE priests who Pope Francis DEFROCKED ALL OR MOST OF. THIS BISHOP IS CAUSING DIVISION AND IS MISINFORMING PEOPLE AS TO BIDEN'S TRUE BELIEFS! BIDEN IS A DAILY COMMUNICATE as much as possible, and converses WITH POPE FRANCIS. THIS BISHOP IS JUDGING on LIES, AND THAT'S NOT VERY CATHOLIC ! SHAME ON HIM, THEY MUST STOP PROJECTING THEIR LIES! Or is he one of the Freemason's who hasn't been informed on yet? Other Bishops are not speaking out because they seek the TRUTH FIRST, and they KNOW THEIR FAITH ! This Bishop is MISINFORMING those who DON'T DO THEIR OWN RESEARCH. HE IS COMMITTING SIN, BY ASSUMING he knows Biden's Beliefs, and spreading THE LIES.
@mspastorem 0 seconds ago I'm trying to be kind here. Catholics are NOT to FORCE their Religious Beliefs on others! We are encouraged to share our beliefs at an appropriate time, and allow the Holy Spirit to do the rest. Women who have suffered a "Miscarriage, Ectopic Pregnancy, or the Child DIES IN THE WOMB", require an abortive Procedure. EVERY CATHOLIC THAT UNDERSTANDS THIS AGREES, the Procedure must be permitted. REPUBL'S JUST WANT TO CONTROL WOMAN AND HAVE THEM DIE!!!! Catholics should be AGAINST Abortions of Convenience ONLY. BUT WHO ARE WE TO FORCE OTHERS, God gave all Free Will. Most people don't know the Freemasons infiltrated the Catholic Church before 1900, to try to destroy it from the inside. They were the PEDOPHILE priests who Pope Francis DEFROCKED ALL OR MOST OF. THIS BISHOP IS CAUSING DIVISION AND IS MISINFORMING PEOPLE AS TO BIDEN'S TRUE BELIEFS! BIDEN IS A DAILY COMMUNICATE as much as possible, and converses WITH POPE FRANCIS. THIS BISHOP IS JUDGING on LIES, AND THAT'S NOT VERY CATHOLIC ! SHAME ON HIM, THEY MUST STOP PROJECTING THEIR LIES! Or is he one of the Freemason's who hasn't been informed on yet? Other Bishops are not speaking out because they seek the TRUTH FIRST, and they KNOW THEIR FAITH ! This Bishop is MISINFORMING those who DON'T DO THEIR OWN RESEARCH. HE IS COMMITTING SIN, BY ASSUMING he knows Biden's Beliefs, and spreading THE LIES.
Thank you Your Excellency! We need to take a stand and simply proclaim the Truth in love. As you did. I have recently taken on a more official role in my Parish (here in little old New Zealand). There are things surrounding the synod on synodality that go against the Tradition. Pray for me that I may have the courage to speak the Truth with compassion, kindness and patience. Praise be to the thrice Holy God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, now and forever. Amen
What ? Thank this man , FOR WHAT? Crucifying Biden publicly ? Not asking the church to pray for him ? What about the leadership of the church in the sex abuse scandal ? The Bishop smiled as he crucified Biden - while the Bishop and many like him, are just as guilty of SIN ! You want to thank him ? I'm a follower of Christ - your a follower of men that are without humility, and do not live by the teachings of Christ ! You without sin throw the first stone ! Father forgive them for they do not know what they do !!!!
I'm a Christian but i was raised to respect other religions. I think its very wrong that Biden mocked the Catholic church. My prayers are with yall. Bless you for standing up with your faith. Stay strong
I think what you meant to say is that you’re a Protestant. The Catholic Church was the original Christian Church; none of our Protestant denominations would even exist if not for the Catholic Church. We should at least make sure to not repeat the horrible lies that many Protestants spread such as Catholics aren’t Christians, they worship Mary & statues, etc.
you are listening to the lies of lying liars. protect your faith/spirit- seek people w/ kindness at the top of their priority list. those folks won't hurt you and will make you at least want to feel better. i promise, these mean spirited jerks only want your money, your votes and your soul, and they've nothing but selfish, evil ideas in their greedy, petty, tiny minds on how to use your things. deny them the satisfaction. you are worth more than these fools even know! again, i promise you this. namaste, sister (the light in me recognizes the light in you, sister).
I am not Catholic, but I respect and honor the bishop for speaking up and honoring the truth, and God’s word! God’s Holy Word govern us all. We must stand and fight the onslaught of lies and deception, which twists the truth. God’s blessings to all.
@mspastorem 0 seconds ago I'm trying to be kind here. Catholics are NOT to FORCE their Religious Beliefs on others! We are encouraged to share our beliefs at an appropriate time, and allow the Holy Spirit to do the rest. Women who have suffered a "Miscarriage, Ectopic Pregnancy, or the Child DIES IN THE WOMB", require an abortive Procedure. EVERY CATHOLIC THAT UNDERSTANDS THIS AGREES, the Procedure must be permitted. REPUBL'S JUST WANT TO CONTROL WOMAN AND HAVE THEM DIE!!!! Catholics should be AGAINST Abortions of Convenience ONLY. BUT WHO ARE WE TO FORCE OTHERS, God gave all Free Will. Most people don't know the Freemasons infiltrated the Catholic Church before 1900, to try to destroy it from the inside. They were the PEDOPHILE priests who Pope Francis DEFROCKED ALL OR MOST OF. THIS BISHOP IS CAUSING DIVISION AND IS MISINFORMING PEOPLE AS TO BIDEN'S TRUE BELIEFS! BIDEN IS A DAILY COMMUNICATE as much as possible, and converses WITH POPE FRANCIS. THIS BISHOP IS JUDGING on LIES, AND THAT'S NOT VERY CATHOLIC ! SHAME ON HIM, THEY MUST STOP PROJECTING THEIR LIES! Reply
I'm trying to be kind here. Catholics are NOT to FORCE their Religious Beliefs on others! We are encouraged to share our beliefs at an appropriate time, and allow the Holy Spirit to do the rest. Women who have suffered a "Miscarriage, Ectopic Pregnancy, or the Child DIES IN THE WOMB", require an abortive Procedure. EVERY CATHOLIC THAT UNDERSTAND THIS AGREES, the Procedure must be permitted. REPUBL'S JUST WANT TO CONTROL WOMAN AND HAVE THEM DIE!!!! Catholics should be AGAINST Abortions of Convenience ONLY. BUT WHO ARE WE TO FORCE OTHERS, God gave all Free Will. Most people don't know the Freemasons infiltrated the Catholic Church before 1900, to try to destroy it from the inside. They were the PEDOPHILE priests who Pope Francis DEFROCKED ALL OR MOST OF. THIS BISHOP IS MISINFORMING PEOPLE AS TO BIDEN'S TRUE BELIEFS! BIDEN IS A DAILY COMMUNICATE as much as possible, and converses WITH POPE FRANCIS. THIS BISHOP IS JUDGING on LIES, AND THAT'S NOT VERY CATHOLIC ! SHAME ON HIM, THEY MUST STOP PROJECTING THEIR LIES!
Yes that is important. It must be made crystal clear that Catholics cannot serve the will of the American people or its Constitution. They are obliged to uphold only the teaching of the Catholic Church and therefore must be excluded from being able to serve in public office.
The vast Catholics I guess are just sick and so sadden that we have no leadership from our Bishops . No I was not waiting to have church authorities speak I am still waiting for them to ACT!
@mspastorem 0 seconds ago I'm trying to be kind here. Catholics are NOT to FORCE their Religious Beliefs on others! We are encouraged to share our beliefs at an appropriate time, and allow the Holy Spirit to do the rest. Women who have suffered a "Miscarriage, Ectopic Pregnancy, or the Child DIES IN THE WOMB", require an abortive Procedure. EVERY CATHOLIC THAT UNDERSTANDS THIS AGREES, the Procedure must be permitted. REPUBL'S JUST WANT TO CONTROL WOMAN AND HAVE THEM DIE!!!! Catholics should be AGAINST Abortions of Convenience ONLY. BUT WHO ARE WE TO FORCE OTHERS, God gave all Free Will. Most people don't know the Freemasons infiltrated the Catholic Church before 1900, to try to destroy it from the inside. They were the PEDOPHILE priests who Pope Francis DEFROCKED ALL OR MOST OF. THIS BISHOP IS CAUSING DIVISION AND IS MISINFORMING PEOPLE AS TO BIDEN'S TRUE BELIEFS! BIDEN IS A DAILY COMMUNICATE as much as possible, and converses WITH POPE FRANCIS. THIS BISHOP IS JUDGING on LIES, AND THAT'S NOT VERY CATHOLIC ! SHAME ON HIM, THEY MUST STOP PROJECTING THEIR LIES! Or is he one of the Freemason's who hasn't been informed on yet? Other Bishops are not speaking out because they seek the TRUTH FIRST, and they KNOW THEIR FAITH ! This Bishop is MISINFORMING those who DON'T DO THEIR OWN RESEARCH. HE IS COMMITTING SIN, BY ASSUMING he knows Biden's Beliefs, and spreading THE LIES.
@mspastorem 0 seconds ago I'm trying to be kind here. Catholics are NOT to FORCE their Religious Beliefs on others! We are encouraged to share our beliefs at an appropriate time, and allow the Holy Spirit to do the rest. Women who have suffered a "Miscarriage, Ectopic Pregnancy, or the Child DIES IN THE WOMB", require an abortive Procedure. EVERY CATHOLIC THAT UNDERSTANDS THIS AGREES, the Procedure must be permitted. REPUBL'S JUST WANT TO CONTROL WOMAN AND HAVE THEM DIE!!!! Catholics should be AGAINST Abortions of Convenience ONLY. BUT WHO ARE WE TO FORCE OTHERS, God gave all Free Will. Most people don't know the Freemasons infiltrated the Catholic Church before 1900, to try to destroy it from the inside. They were the PEDOPHILE priests who Pope Francis DEFROCKED ALL OR MOST OF. THIS BISHOP IS CAUSING DIVISION AND IS MISINFORMING PEOPLE AS TO BIDEN'S TRUE BELIEFS! BIDEN IS A DAILY COMMUNICATE as much as possible, and converses WITH POPE FRANCIS. THIS BISHOP IS JUDGING on LIES, AND THAT'S NOT VERY CATHOLIC ! SHAME ON HIM, THEY MUST STOP PROJECTING THEIR LIES! Or is he one of the Freemason's who hasn't been informed on yet? Other Bishops are not speaking out because they seek the TRUTH FIRST, and they KNOW THEIR FAITH ! This Bishop is MISINFORMING those who DON'T DO THEIR OWN RESEARCH. HE IS COMMITTING SIN, BY ASSUMING he knows Biden's Beliefs, and spreading THE LIES.
I am a Protestant Christian but Bishop Paprocki has deeply touched my heart and spirit. I cannot explain how I feel but Bishop Paprocki has lifted a very heavy weight off of me. God bless you Bishop Paprocki, your courage has made us all stronger. 🙏🕯✝🕊💖
I want to hear that the Bishops will excommunicate Biden, Pelosi, JFK jr, and any other "Catholic" politician who blatantly disregards Catholic teaching on life and sexuality.
@@DENISEGirolamo-qw2xk Perhaps but they are usually not espousing this publicly and repeatedly or even knowingly in some cases. We are all sinners and make mistakes but many of these politicians or public figures go way too far and will not stop even when they are made aware. We need to do this out of love, for them and their souls, for our people, and the authority of the church should also not be mocked.
They won’t b/c about 60% of USCCB budget comes from the Federal Govt- in this case originally authorized by Democratic Party , voted & passed as part of Annual Budget. %$ given was initially low given of “ social programs-ie. Immigrants. Over period of years $% have increased. Refer you to Lepanto Institute which did a very thorough review of this Catholic Church -US Government enmeshment
Loved this interview and follow up on such an important issue. Thank you for encouraging prayer and Confession as we try to discern the path for our lives and as we vote.
Like the courage of the leadership in the cover up of the sex abuse scandal ? This man wants to nail Biden in the name of Christ and his church - when the very same could be done to many many men in the leadership of the church !!! Our church is sick ! Father forgive them for they do not know what they do !
Yes ! Especially coming from leadership that covered up the sex abuse of children ! How wrong and dirty it is to crucify Biden and not themselves ! Not offering prayers and sheeplishly grinning ! feeling so proud of himself ! Attaboy Bishop ! Father forgive them for they do not know what they do !
@mspastorem 0 seconds ago I'm trying to be kind here. Catholics are NOT to FORCE their Religious Beliefs on others! We are encouraged to share our beliefs at an appropriate time, and allow the Holy Spirit to do the rest. Women who have suffered a "Miscarriage, Ectopic Pregnancy, or the Child DIES IN THE WOMB", require an abortive Procedure. EVERY CATHOLIC THAT UNDERSTANDS THIS AGREES, the Procedure must be permitted. REPUBL'S JUST WANT TO CONTROL WOMAN AND HAVE THEM DIE!!!! Catholics should be AGAINST Abortions of Convenience ONLY. BUT WHO ARE WE TO FORCE OTHERS, God gave all Free Will. Most people don't know the Freemasons infiltrated the Catholic Church before 1900, to try to destroy it from the inside. They were the PEDOPHILE priests who Pope Francis DEFROCKED ALL OR MOST OF. THIS BISHOP IS CAUSING DIVISION AND IS MISINFORMING PEOPLE AS TO BIDEN'S TRUE BELIEFS! BIDEN IS A DAILY COMMUNICATE as much as possible, and converses WITH POPE FRANCIS. THIS BISHOP IS JUDGING on LIES, AND THAT'S NOT VERY CATHOLIC ! SHAME ON HIM, THEY MUST STOP PROJECTING THEIR LIES! Or is he one of the Freemason's who hasn't been informed on yet? Other Bishops are not speaking out because they seek the TRUTH FIRST, and they KNOW THEIR FAITH ! This Bishop is MISINFORMING those who DON'T DO THEIR OWN RESEARCH. HE IS COMMITTING SIN, BY ASSUMING he knows Biden's Beliefs, and spreading THE LIES.
Thank you Bishop for speaking out what’s wrong and rights on the Issue and fighting for the truth rather than staying silent . May the Holy Spirit always be with you and guide you to do God work. Thank you, Bishop.
@mspastorem 0 seconds ago I'm trying to be kind here. Catholics are NOT to FORCE their Religious Beliefs on others! We are encouraged to share our beliefs at an appropriate time, and allow the Holy Spirit to do the rest. Women who have suffered a "Miscarriage, Ectopic Pregnancy, or the Child DIES IN THE WOMB", require an abortive Procedure. EVERY CATHOLIC THAT UNDERSTANDS THIS AGREES, the Procedure must be permitted. REPUBL'S JUST WANT TO CONTROL WOMAN AND HAVE THEM DIE!!!! Catholics should be AGAINST Abortions of Convenience ONLY. BUT WHO ARE WE TO FORCE OTHERS, God gave all Free Will. Most people don't know the Freemasons infiltrated the Catholic Church before 1900, to try to destroy it from the inside. They were the PEDOPHILE priests who Pope Francis DEFROCKED ALL OR MOST OF. THIS BISHOP IS CAUSING DIVISION AND IS MISINFORMING PEOPLE AS TO BIDEN'S TRUE BELIEFS! BIDEN IS A DAILY COMMUNICATE as much as possible, and converses WITH POPE FRANCIS. THIS BISHOP IS JUDGING on LIES, AND THAT'S NOT VERY CATHOLIC ! SHAME ON HIM, THEY MUST STOP PROJECTING THEIR LIES! Or is he one of the Freemason's who hasn't been informed on yet? Other Bishops are not speaking out because they seek the TRUTH FIRST, and they KNOW THEIR FAITH ! This Bishop is MISINFORMING those who DON'T DO THEIR OWN RESEARCH.
But how about Trump. He is very immoral. He was convicted of rape and must pay 88 million to his victim. Also trump paid for 4 abortions we know of. So u are going to vote for the immoral trump?? You want trump as the immoral president and is an adulterer too. Immoral. Trump is evil and immoral
old Debbie will stand before Mary, and Jesus the Son of The Living God, Loves His Mother more than any human ever will. your days on earth were spent ignoring, protesting, back turned on the The Mother of God. Debbie I grew up Southern Baptist. The Eucharist, start somewhere, beginning to unravel the freemasonic demonic lodges of Lucifer.
Let's do pray for him and the leadership of the church and the moral courage they shown in the sexual abuse of children cover up ! They want to nail Biden ? They should get in line then ! Father forgive them for they do not know what they do ! Our church is SICK ! Please pray for this Bishop, and for Biden !
Thank this man , FOR WHAT? Crucifying Biden publicly ? Not asking the church to pray for him ? What about the leadership of the church in the sex abuse scandal ? The Bishop smiled as he crucified Biden - while the Bishop and many like him, are just as guilty of SIN ! You want to thank him ? I'm a follower of Christ - your a follower of men that are without humility, and do not live by the teachings of Christ ! You without sin throw the first stone ! Father forgive them for they do not know what they do !!!!
Here are my questions (non-Catholic): 1. Why don't they kick this President out of the Catholic organization? 2. Why do Catholics vote for this apostate President? 3. Would you consider those who vote for the President to be complicit in his mockery and with his wicked stance on these issues?
Catholic here. Here are my answers: 1. USCCB is weak and they take too much money from corrupt US Govt for illegal immigration. Biden has been excommunicated latae sententiae - by his own doing. 2. Most Catholics don't know their faith. Also, Catholicism is hard to live, so most people can't do it or take the time to understand the faith. 3. Yes, voting for any Democrat is a mortal sin due to their ardent support for child murder, sodomy, marxism and corruption.
@@johnschmidt1154 He has excommunicated himself, as His Eminence points out. As such, when he receives the Eucharist unworthily, he eats his damnation.
I went to Catholic schools but didn't know much about my faith until I became an adult who was serious about learning and seeking what my faith entails.
@mspastorem 0 seconds ago I'm trying to be kind here. Catholics are NOT to FORCE their Religious Beliefs on others! We are encouraged to share our beliefs at an appropriate time, and allow the Holy Spirit to do the rest. Women who have suffered a "Miscarriage, Ectopic Pregnancy, or the Child DIES IN THE WOMB", require an abortive Procedure. EVERY CATHOLIC THAT UNDERSTANDS THIS AGREES, the Procedure must be permitted. REPUBL'S JUST WANT TO CONTROL WOMAN AND HAVE THEM DIE!!!! Catholics should be AGAINST Abortions of Convenience ONLY. BUT WHO ARE WE TO FORCE OTHERS, God gave all Free Will. Most people don't know the Freemasons infiltrated the Catholic Church before 1900, to try to destroy it from the inside. They were the PEDOPHILE priests who Pope Francis DEFROCKED ALL OR MOST OF. THIS BISHOP IS CAUSING DIVISION AND IS MISINFORMING PEOPLE AS TO BIDEN'S TRUE BELIEFS! BIDEN IS A DAILY COMMUNICATE as much as possible, and converses WITH POPE FRANCIS. THIS BISHOP IS JUDGING on LIES, AND THAT'S NOT VERY CATHOLIC ! SHAME ON HIM, THEY MUST STOP PROJECTING THEIR LIES! Or is he one of the Freemason's who hasn't been informed on yet? Other Bishops are not speaking out because they seek the TRUTH FIRST, and they KNOW THEIR FAITH ! This Bishop is MISINFORMING those who DON'T DO THEIR OWN RESEARCH. HE IS COMMITTING SIN, BY ASSUMING he knows Biden's Beliefs, and spreading THE LIES.
I don't anderstand that any Catholic would vote for a Baby killing President, the Democrats are for killing Baby's up to 9 months and even after Birth, what Catholic would support such an evil President?
Amen and they should have excommunicated priest and Bishops for their role in the sex abuse cover up ! This Bishop wants to crucify Biden ! Our church is sick ! Father forgive them for they do not know what they do !
So now it is a sin for Catholics to vote Democratic because of the abortion controversy? John, are you saying the Republic party upholds all the teachings of the Church? It seems to this catholic that as citizens we must weigh our complex Church teachings alongside our democratic responsibilities to vote for the candidate who we believe works for the common good of our country not just in one area but overall in all areas of concern. Because not all US citizens are Catholic it seems to this catholic we must all be allowed to make decisions based on our various complex religious and moral traditions and conscience.
Truth is the Catholic can not pick or choose any politician or political party and vote for them on the platform of the church - here's this Bishop dogging Biden - how can you dog a man like that when you yourself are a sinner - allowing the pedophilic priest to go unpunished ! Then putting a collar back on one that was in prison for two years ! You being without sin throw the first rock !
But a serial adulterer who cheated on #1 with #2 and on #2 with #3 and had relations with a porn star while his third wife was nursing his fifth child is okay? He has said his "personal Vietnam" was avoiding an STD. Do you seriously expect me to believe that someone like that never paid for or encouraged an abortion?
A Catholic who thinks homosexual relationships with homosexual acts are no big deal, since it is what divine scriptures calls an abomination, is also in heresy. That means some bishops who believe that are schismatics
this Bishop thinks he is without sin - how about the leadership's role in the sex abuse scandal ? Never asked for prayers for Biden - stood there and publicly crucified Biden , and smiled about it ! I'm a sinner - crucify me ! You being without sin throw the first rock ! Father forgive them for they do not know what they do !
@@annsaunders5768 Are you a spokesman for the Diocese of Springfield, IL? Besides, what's your innuendo with "one of those cafeteria Catholics"? Notice I made two (2) questions now.
I'm trying to be kind here. Catholics are NOT to FORCE their Religious Beliefs on others! We are encouraged to share our beliefs at an appropriate time, and allow the Holy Spirit to do the rest. Women who have suffered a "Miscarriage, Ectopic Pregnancy, or the Child DIES IN THE WOMB", require an abortive Procedure. EVERY CATHOLIC THAT UNDERSTANDS THIS AGREES, the Procedure must be permitted. REPUBL'S JUST WANT TO CONTROL WOMAN AND HAVE THEM DIE!!!! Catholics should be AGAINST Abortions of Convenience ONLY. BUT WHO ARE WE TO FORCE OTHERS, God gave all Free Will. Most people don't know the Freemasons infiltrated the Catholic Church before 1900, to try to destroy it from the inside. They were the PEDOPHILE priests who Pope Francis DEFROCKED ALL OR MOST OF. THIS BISHOP IS CAUSING DIVISION AND IS MISINFORMING PEOPLE AS TO BIDEN'S TRUE BELIEFS! BIDEN IS A DAILY COMMUNICATE as much as possible, and converses WITH POPE FRANCIS. THIS BISHOP IS JUDGING on LIES, AND THAT'S NOT VERY CATHOLIC ! SHAME ON HIM, THEY MUST STOP PROJECTING THEIR LIES! Or is he one of the Freemason's who hasn't been informed on yet? Other Bishops are not speaking out because they seek the TRUTH FIRST, and they KNOW THEIR FAITH!
God bless Bishop Paprocki for standing up!
YEs He did a great job standing up in the sex abuse cases ! Wow !
And never saying, unless Biden changes and repents he is in serious danger of eternal damnation. Bottom line is he did not make every effort to save this man’s soul.
I pray LORD JESUS for bishop paprocki pray for his protection for standing up for our church and for you LORD AMEN❤❤
@@dianeiaquinto2474 I will Pray for you and everyone yes ma'am
WOW too @richardcowart, as if your PASTORS are clean. Just like few of our priests and bishops few of your Pastors are also into it. Sad to say that you see only the Catholics. Do look at the other side of your fence also. In fact two of my pastor friends are into it. I also have another pastor friend, when confronted about his homosexality, denied that he is a pastor and also denied that he is a homosexual. I pushed him hard to the wall by showing him his own pornographic acts forwarded to me by my friend who was his sex partner that time., His face was so RED like an over riped tomatoe. Being his Catholic friend I deleted those awful acts of a pastor in front of him. I just do know if you can do it @richard the way i did it.
Thank you Bishop Thomas John Paprocki! We are blessed to have you as our Bishop!
il est plus sur d'être chrétien en dehors de l'église pour être libre
@@jean-claudechupin9233 l'église américaine est pleine de péchés - oui ? - les dirigeants de l'Église étaient coupables d'avoir laissé impuni le prêtre délinquant sexuel - ils veulent clouer le président sur la croix ! Eux-mêmes devraient être cloués ! Merci de prier pour eux et pour notre président ! Je ne peux plus aller à l'église, je suis handicapé
@@jean-claudechupin9233 @mspastorem
0 seconds ago
I'm trying to be kind here. Catholics are NOT to FORCE their Religious Beliefs on others! We are encouraged to share our beliefs at an appropriate time, and allow the Holy Spirit to do the rest. Women who have suffered a "Miscarriage, Ectopic Pregnancy, or the Child DIES IN THE WOMB", require an abortive Procedure. EVERY CATHOLIC THAT UNDERSTANDS THIS AGREES, the Procedure must be permitted. REPUBL'S JUST WANT TO CONTROL WOMAN AND HAVE THEM DIE!!!! Catholics should be AGAINST Abortions of Convenience ONLY. BUT WHO ARE WE TO FORCE OTHERS, God gave all Free Will. Most people don't know the Freemasons infiltrated the Catholic Church before 1900, to try to destroy it from the inside. They were the PEDOPHILE priests who Pope Francis DEFROCKED ALL OR MOST OF. THIS BISHOP IS CAUSING DIVISION AND IS MISINFORMING PEOPLE AS TO BIDEN'S TRUE BELIEFS! BIDEN IS A DAILY COMMUNICATE as much as possible, and converses WITH POPE FRANCIS. THIS BISHOP IS JUDGING on LIES, AND THAT'S NOT VERY CATHOLIC ! SHAME ON HIM, THEY MUST STOP PROJECTING THEIR LIES! Or is he one of the Freemason's who hasn't been informed on yet? Other Bishops are not speaking out because they seek the TRUTH FIRST, and they KNOW THEIR FAITH ! This Bishop is MISINFORMING those who DON'T DO THEIR OWN RESEARCH. HE IS COMMITTING SIN, BY ASSUMING he knows Biden's Beliefs, and spreading THE LIES.
Thank you, Bishop Paprocki, and God bless you for having the courage to speak the truth! ❤️
The truth is our Catholic Church is being riddled with false teachings, many of which have come into existence because good Catholics get misinformed by bad Christians- specifically the “Christian,” Nationalists who the Vatican recently announced Catholics do not follow these teachings.
The Christian name was hijacked and is being used by Nationalists to spread hate and its working the hate from parish members that support this Nationalistic idealism is causing division in our churches and why many churches have closed!
Jesus is not hate-Jesus is Forgiveness & Love and if you think Trump is anything like Jesus-think again! Trump is a pathological liar, and a great deceiver-if you are truly a Christian you know this is the description of the evil one! The end of times, is upon us and this is a test-
The issue of abortion or the devil himslf.
Thank you Bishop Paprocki for speaking with such clarity and authority. We the faithful need our Church leaders to speak this way.
May more bishops have the moral courage of this godly bishop 🙏
Yes ! The courage they had in the sex abuse cover up ! That's real moral courage isn't it !
If you check out the statistics more Protestant churches have that problem of abuse than the Catholic Church though one is too many. Did you notice when a Protestant church had an abuse case they made sure it was on the front page of the newspaper. They just sent that pastor off somewhere else.
0 seconds ago
I'm trying to be kind here. Catholics are NOT to FORCE their Religious Beliefs on others! We are encouraged to share our beliefs at an appropriate time, and allow the Holy Spirit to do the rest. Women who have suffered a "Miscarriage, Ectopic Pregnancy, or the Child DIES IN THE WOMB", require an abortive Procedure. EVERY CATHOLIC THAT UNDERSTANDS THIS AGREES, the Procedure must be permitted. REPUBL'S JUST WANT TO CONTROL WOMAN AND HAVE THEM DIE!!!! Catholics should be AGAINST Abortions of Convenience ONLY. BUT WHO ARE WE TO FORCE OTHERS, God gave all Free Will. Most people don't know the Freemasons infiltrated the Catholic Church before 1900, to try to destroy it from the inside. They were the PEDOPHILE priests who Pope Francis DEFROCKED ALL OR MOST OF. THIS BISHOP IS CAUSING DIVISION AND IS MISINFORMING PEOPLE AS TO BIDEN'S TRUE BELIEFS! BIDEN IS A DAILY COMMUNICATE as much as possible, and converses WITH POPE FRANCIS. THIS BISHOP IS JUDGING on LIES, AND THAT'S NOT VERY CATHOLIC ! SHAME ON HIM, THEY MUST STOP PROJECTING THEIR LIES!
0 seconds ago
I'm trying to be kind here. Catholics are NOT to FORCE their Religious Beliefs on others! We are encouraged to share our beliefs at an appropriate time, and allow the Holy Spirit to do the rest. Women who have suffered a "Miscarriage, Ectopic Pregnancy, or the Child DIES IN THE WOMB", require an abortive Procedure. EVERY CATHOLIC THAT UNDERSTANDS THIS AGREES, the Procedure must be permitted. REPUBL'S JUST WANT TO CONTROL WOMAN AND HAVE THEM DIE!!!! Catholics should be AGAINST Abortions of Convenience ONLY. BUT WHO ARE WE TO FORCE OTHERS, God gave all Free Will. Most people don't know the Freemasons infiltrated the Catholic Church before 1900, to try to destroy it from the inside. They were the PEDOPHILE priests who Pope Francis DEFROCKED ALL OR MOST OF. THIS BISHOP IS CAUSING DIVISION AND IS MISINFORMING PEOPLE AS TO BIDEN'S TRUE BELIEFS! BIDEN IS A DAILY COMMUNICATE as much as possible, and converses WITH POPE FRANCIS. THIS BISHOP IS JUDGING on LIES, AND THAT'S NOT VERY CATHOLIC ! SHAME ON HIM, THEY MUST STOP PROJECTING THEIR LIES!
I hope it makes you feel good and better about yourselves dragging the President out and flogging him in public. Wonder what's the non-catholic perception of that or do you care ? Or are you all trying to blow the smoke away from the sex abuse scandal ! You know what I get here in the south when someone ask me what church I go to ? I tell them Catholic, the answer is always - "Oh you go to church with those child abuser priest ! ". How do I evangelize that person ? "I'm not bringing my child to that church, they say. Our church has enough problems of its own ! The leadership, they make me sick ! Father Forgive them for they do not know what they do !
Thank you for your courage and speaking the truth!
Thank you Bishop Paprocki for your fearless service to the Church. Need you in Peoria. God love you.
Thank you!
if Bishop Paproki has the moral courage, he SHOULD be speaking up when there was a President Trump, and citizen Trump as the presidential nominee, and the lying, cheating and playing dirty of Republican politics; whether Catholics, Christians or atheists.
i do agree that Biden has indeed violated the integrity of the Catholic faith in his pro-choice policy, but if Christian leaders want to speak up, then they should also consider character and morality in US politics --- of which Trump and the republicans are sorely in short supply.
@@diospringfieldIL I disagree with Catholicism but I agree Biden is a pure hypocrite
@@diospringfieldIL yes God bless you all for marginalizing Biden and all of his supporters ! It'll look like a Billy Graham Crusade, like John the Baptist ! They'll all be filling the pews and lining up ! Good Man Bishop way to go !!!!
@@diospringfieldIL can't throw rocks when you live in a glass house
What sadness, that all Bishops do not speak! Thank you!!!
THIS! How do they not say anything about this man who proclaims to be Catholic yet mocks the faith! in the distant past ArchBishop Rummel of New Orleans excommunicated several local politicians that were opposed to desegregation, abortion is at least as great a sin.
'Only in America', as the saying goes... 🤔
Trump doesn’t say he is a Catholic
Your comment is a perfect example of "Whataboutism." You perceived "your guy" as being under attack and responded with (paraphrasing) "What about YOUR guy??? Huh???"
The topic is "Joe Biden as a Catholic.". Trump is not in there.
@@senghtan Give your BEST evidence against Trump presented in the unprecedented series of Congressional hearings. I doubt you will
Prayers for the good bishop! And for the protection of the only Church.
Yes, prayers indeed!
[a] if Bishop Paproki has the moral courage, he SHOULD be speaking up when there was a President Trump, and citizen Trump as the presidential nominee, and the lying, cheating and playing dirty of Republican politics; whether Catholics, Christians or atheists.
[b] i do agree that Biden has indeed violated the integrity of the Catholic faith in his pro-choice policy, but if Christian leaders want to speak up, then they should also consider character and morality in US politics --- of which Trump and the republicans are sorely in short supply.
[c] the Anglican National Washington Cathedral key clergy, have made its stand strongly against President Trump --- and that's what we should call moral courage. President Biden has been easily castigated, and not Trump for his self-serving presidency and as presidential nominee of the GOP.
I think you are on the wrong sude about killing babies. That act ends a life that God Himself gave life to! It is a mortal sin that kills one's soul & sends them to hell unless they truely repent.
Biden needs to be kicked out of the Catholic Church; then maybe he
'd repent. He needs repentance, along with all those performing, allowing & helping women to abort their babies.
It's not political! It's certainly not about Trump!
Get your head out of yourself & turn to God & repent of your abortion stance or you'll be heading to hell on the same path like Biden already is. Both of you need to repent before it's too late. God loves you & wants you with Him for all eternity. That's a looonnnggg time.
Your choice.
@@senghtanYou’ve got to be kidding! You’re buying into the propaganda, lies, misinformation and DISinforma- tion of the Democrat Party and hav become a deranged Anti-Trumoer. Although not a Saint, Trump had the economy humming with the lowest unemployment for blacks Hispanics and women. We were energy dependent.”; enjoyed peace through strength military preparedness, no wars; the respect of foreign leaders and Trump proved to be the most prolife president EVER!!!
@@senghtan Moral Courage? Ralph Strand, a priest who’d served nearly two years in prison for abusing a 15-year-old altar boy, he allowed him to wear his collar ! Yes sir that's moral courage !
God bless Bishop Paprocki and guide him.
And protect him from evil
0 seconds ago
I'm trying to be kind here. Catholics are NOT to FORCE their Religious Beliefs on others! We are encouraged to share our beliefs at an appropriate time, and allow the Holy Spirit to do the rest. Women who have suffered a "Miscarriage, Ectopic Pregnancy, or the Child DIES IN THE WOMB", require an abortive Procedure. EVERY CATHOLIC THAT UNDERSTANDS THIS AGREES, the Procedure must be permitted. REPUBL'S JUST WANT TO CONTROL WOMAN AND HAVE THEM DIE!!!! Catholics should be AGAINST Abortions of Convenience ONLY. BUT WHO ARE WE TO FORCE OTHERS, God gave all Free Will. Most people don't know the Freemasons infiltrated the Catholic Church before 1900, to try to destroy it from the inside. They were the PEDOPHILE priests who Pope Francis DEFROCKED ALL OR MOST OF. THIS BISHOP IS CAUSING DIVISION AND IS MISINFORMING PEOPLE AS TO BIDEN'S TRUE BELIEFS! BIDEN IS A DAILY COMMUNICATE as much as possible, and converses WITH POPE FRANCIS. THIS BISHOP IS JUDGING on LIES, AND THAT'S NOT VERY CATHOLIC ! SHAME ON HIM, THEY MUST STOP PROJECTING THEIR LIES!
✨️THE GOSPEL OF THE WORD OF ALMIGHTY GOD "the Salvation of the last day that Christ brought in the second and last incarnation of His new and holy name"
(The 6,000-year work of God's rule is divided into three periods: The Age of Law, the Age of Grace, and the Age of Kingdom. These three periods of work are all for the sake of the salvation of a mankind that is exceeding that Satan has corrupted. The war against Satan is really for the sake of salvation, and since the work of salvation of mankind is not something that can be successfully completed in one stage, the war against Satan is also divided into parts and stage, and the war against Satan will be carried out according to man's needs and the extent of Satan's corruption in him. In fact, the war against Satan is not the preparation to fight against Satan, but the salvation of man, the work in life of man, and the change in man's disposition so that he may bear witness to God. This is how Satan was defeated. Satan will be defeated by changing man's corrupt disposition. Without this work, the complete salvation of man will ultimately be impossible, the complete defeat of Satan will also be impossible, and mankind will never be able to enter the wonderful destiny, or escape Satan's influence. The very first mankind was in the hands of God, but because of Satan's temptation and corruption, man was bound by Satan and fell into the hands of evil. So Satan became something to be defeated in the work of God's rule. Because man is owned by Satan, and because man is the product of all God's rule, then he must be snatched from Satan's hands, this is to say that man must be recovered after he has been captured by Satan. And because man has been freed from Satan's dark influence, and man will be the spoil in all these battles, and Satan will be the object of punishment at the end of this battle, after the total work of salvation is done of mankind will be completed.)
Almighty God said.
The 6,000 year work of GOD'S RULE is DIVIDED into THREE PHASES: The Age of Law, the Age of Grace, and the Age of Kingdom. 🙏
These THREE PHASES of WORK are ALL for the SAKE of SALVATION, which means they are for the SALVATION of a HUMAN BEING TOO MUCH CORRUPTED by SATAN. But, at the same time, they are also so that GOD can wage WAR against SATAN. ☀️
So, since the work of SALVATION is DIVIDED into THREE STAGES, so the WAR with SATAN is also DIVIDED into THREE STAGES, and both aspects of God's work will be administered simultaneously.
The WAR with Satan is really for the SAKE of the SALVATION of mankind, and since the work of salvation of mankind is not something that can be successfully completed in one stage, the war with Satan is also divided into parts and stages, and the war against Satan will be carried out according to the needs of man and the EXTENT of Satan's CORRUPTION in him.
Perhaps, in man's imagination, he believes that in this war God will prepare to fight against Satan, in the same way that two armies will fight against each other.
This is only something that the human mind can imagine, and these are very vague and unrealistic ideas, but this is what people believe.
And because I SAY here that the WAY OF MAN'S SALVATION is THROUGH WARFARE with SATAN, people think that this is how warfare will be carried out.
In the work of MAN'S SALVATION, THREE STAGES HAVE BEEN FULFILLED, this is to say that the war with Satan is divided into three stages before the complete defeat of Satan.
But the INNER TRUTH of the ENTIRE WORK in WARFARE with SATAN is that its EFFECTS CAN BE OBTAINED THROUGH THE GIFTING of man, and being an offering for man's sin, forgiving man's sins, CONQUERING man, making him PERFECT to people.
In fact, the war with Satan is not the preparation to fight against Satan, but the SALVATION of the person, the work in the life of the person, and the change in the disposition of the person so that he PRESENTS TESTIMONY to GOD.
This is how Satan was DEFEATED.
And so, the SPIRIT of MAN'S SALVATION is the WAR with SATAN, and the WAR with SATAN is primarily REFLECTED in MAN'S SALVATION.
The STAGE in the LAST DAYS, where man will be CONQUERED, is the LAST STAGE in the WAR against SATAN, and this is also the WORK for the COMPLETE SALVATION of MAN from SATAN'S DOMINION. The INNER MEANING of the CONQUEST of MAN is the RETURN of Satan's symbol, the MAN whom Satan RUINED, to CREATE following his CONQUEST, THROUGH which he will forsake Satan and EVER RETURN to GOD. ☀️🙏
Because of this, the work of SAVING MAN cannot be finished until the war with Satan is finished, because the summary of the work in God's management is for the sake of human salvation. The very first mankind was in the hands of God, but because of Satan's TEMPTATION and CORRUPTION, man was BOUND by SATAN and FELL into the HANDS of EVIL. ☀️
So Satan became something to be DEFEATED in the WORK of GOD'S GOVERNMENT. Because MAN IS POSSESSED BY SATAN, and because man is the PRODUCT of ALL GOD'S GOVERNMENT, then he must be TAKEN OUT OF SATAN'S HANDS, this is to say that man must be RECOVERED AFTER SATAN'S CAPTIVITY.
SATAN is DEFEATED THROUGH CHANGES in MAN'S OLD DISPOSITION RESTORED to His ORIGINAL FEELINGS, and in this way, man, having been CAPTURED, can again be TAKEN into Satan's HANDS. ☀️
If MAN can be FREED from Satan's INFLUENCE and SLAVERY, Satan WILL be SHAMEFUL, man will ultimately be RECOVERED, and Satan WILL be DEFEATED. ☀️
And because man is FREED from Satan's DARK INFLUENCE, and man will be the spoil in all these BATTLES, and Satan will be the THING to be PUNISHED at the TIME this BATTLE is OVER, AFTER the WHOLE WORK of SALVATION is DONE of HUMANITY is COMPLETE. 🙏
From "Restoring Man's Proper Life and Taking Him to an Amazing Destination"
Fulfillment of (Ezekiel 2:9-10). .(Rev. 19:13).
📩 Calling and leading everyone to His lowered Kingdom or Church because it is still standing on earth in the holy place in the air/ youtube "THE CHURCH OF ALMIGHTY GOD 💐 this is the fulfillment of what He said to Peter 2,000 years ago, recorded in (Matthew 16:18'19).
This is the the only Church of each one of our spirit that we must listen to or eat and drink like how we eat, dress and sleep every day so that He can guide us and change us by rejecting the evil attached by Satan so as to be perfect,
having attained eternal life that will enter the coming replacement of the New Heaven and New Earth. 📥
👉 Note💌
The coming of the Spirit of God incarnated in His second and last incarnation is the fulfillment of what was prophesied in the great book of Revelation so the last day or last age has come and His coming is to judge and punish unrighteousness of a person so that the pure or perfect person will be able to enter the approaching New Heaven and New Earth in the final judgment that all souls at that time will be reborn to receive the appropriate corresponding punishment (the one that will be destroyed and will no longer exist ) orthe reward of living forever in the New World. 🌺
❤Thank you for speaking the Truth, God's Truth.
Im german and I support the catholic church in America. God bless the bishop for speaking out and fighting for the pure faith. I would wish the bishops here would speak up, but they sadly are part of the problem. God have mercy on them.
God bless you for holding the faith without any ecclesiastical support around you. I’m in Canada and it’s hard enough that very few clergy deliver homilies that console and help us resist the culture. I can’t imagine what it would be like to be in a place where they were speaking explicitly in opposition to the deposit of faith. I will include the German faithful in my rosary tomorrow and thank you for inspiring this intention ❤
I'm in Canada as well and wish the Catholic church here would be more vocal on these issues as well. As St Mother Theresa always says Pray, pray and pray. God Bless 🙏✝✝
Greetings from a fellow German. Things are becoming so insane in our country that I feel like a "rad trad" for thinking things everyone with two eyes (or even one) to see can see, which are obvious to normal human reason and which the Church has always taught, like that there are two sexes and that marriage is only possible between one man and one woman. Oops, I guess I have committed a hate crime now by writing this.
@@SL-es5kb Thank You and God bless. It is hard, but i think that the faith can rekindle even here. God already won!
When people only pray God has no one to use. Every one is saying that they are praying but, aren't putting any actions to their prayers.
I'm sure David prayed for Goliath to be slain for speaking blasphemes against God. God needed a vessel to work His will through. If David had just prayed and not took action to accomplish his prayers. Goliath would never have been slain.
Many people are saying that they are going to pray. Many people are probably praying. Until those people start putting some action behind their prayers, God has no one to work through or to even speak through.
I have tried many times to get people to meet on a post like this on a certain day and time to have a prayer meeting. To see how much support we can Unite together. 2 or 3 people say they are willing but no one showed. Without the support of 109 or 200 million citizens of any country unite together saying they want the same change to happen, governments will not listen
“If we accept that a mother can kill her own child, how can we tell other people not to kill each other? Any country that accepts a-b-o-r-t-i-o-n is not teaching its people to love, rather, to use violence to get what they want.” ― Mother Teresa
I don't accept that a mother can kill her child
Everything about Joe Biden whether it's political or religious is very contradictory. It's only for his political survival like pro-abortion for women votes and his stand against Israel for genocide against Gaza for Muslim votes? Not to mention the Transgender votes?
flip the b in abortion and make it a d
adoption ❤
And then you degrade more with the murdering of your "BORN!" baby.....who is alive and thriving! Absolutely nothing wrong at all with this GIFT FROM GOD; that is completely separated from your body, laying "across the room from you, breathing on their own without any connection to you..AT ALL, and you TRY and call that "a woman's choice to with 'her body' what she wants". OBAMA/JOE approves of PUTTING YOUR CHILD TO DEATH. No one should even think about voting these two in for another FOUR YEARS!
Thank you so much, father! I am 75 years old, and I too am a cafeteria Catholic. I try my very best to follow the teachings of the church in so many ways, in fact, in all the ways, but through the ages I found myself picking and choosing, when I look back at it, I found myself lukewarm and I am ashamed of this. Now it at my age I find it very hard to get to mass on Sundays. I find it very hard to get to confession. And I find it very hard to practice my faith. I pray every day and because of my physical disability I do not leave the house. I did the best that I could do when I was younger, but I regret a lot of things.
You can call the nearest you Catholic Church in the priest could come to help you with your need!!
Bishop Paprocki is spot on!
Yes the Bishop is so brave ! Just like he done in the sex scandals - leadership covering up for the sexual abuse of children ! Praise Jesus - for him wanting to nail Biden to the cross ! What kind of dirty, nasty Catholicism some folks live in ! Father forgive them for they do not know what they do !"
0 seconds ago
I'm trying to be kind here. Catholics are NOT to FORCE their Religious Beliefs on others! We are encouraged to share our beliefs at an appropriate time, and allow the Holy Spirit to do the rest. Women who have suffered a "Miscarriage, Ectopic Pregnancy, or the Child DIES IN THE WOMB", require an abortive Procedure. EVERY CATHOLIC THAT UNDERSTANDS THIS AGREES, the Procedure must be permitted. REPUBL'S JUST WANT TO CONTROL WOMAN AND HAVE THEM DIE!!!! Catholics should be AGAINST Abortions of Convenience ONLY. BUT WHO ARE WE TO FORCE OTHERS, God gave all Free Will. Most people don't know the Freemasons infiltrated the Catholic Church before 1900, to try to destroy it from the inside. They were the PEDOPHILE priests who Pope Francis DEFROCKED ALL OR MOST OF. THIS BISHOP IS CAUSING DIVISION AND IS MISINFORMING PEOPLE AS TO BIDEN'S TRUE BELIEFS! BIDEN IS A DAILY COMMUNICATE as much as possible, and converses WITH POPE FRANCIS. THIS BISHOP IS JUDGING on LIES, AND THAT'S NOT VERY CATHOLIC ! SHAME ON HIM, THEY MUST STOP PROJECTING THEIR LIES! Or is he one of the Freemason's who hasn't been informed on yet? Other Bishops are not speaking out because they seek the TRUTH FIRST, and they KNOW THEIR FAITH ! This Bishop is MISINFORMING those who DON'T DO THEIR OWN RESEARCH. HE IS COMMITTING SIN, BY ASSUMING he knows Biden's Beliefs, and spreading THE LIES.
0 seconds ago
I'm trying to be kind here. Catholics are NOT to FORCE their Religious Beliefs on others! We are encouraged to share our beliefs at an appropriate time, and allow the Holy Spirit to do the rest. Women who have suffered a "Miscarriage, Ectopic Pregnancy, or the Child DIES IN THE WOMB", require an abortive Procedure. EVERY CATHOLIC THAT UNDERSTANDS THIS AGREES, the Procedure must be permitted. REPUBL'S JUST WANT TO CONTROL WOMAN AND HAVE THEM DIE!!!! Catholics should be AGAINST Abortions of Convenience ONLY. BUT WHO ARE WE TO FORCE OTHERS, God gave all Free Will. Most people don't know the Freemasons infiltrated the Catholic Church before 1900, to try to destroy it from the inside. They were the PEDOPHILE priests who Pope Francis DEFROCKED ALL OR MOST OF. THIS BISHOP IS CAUSING DIVISION AND IS MISINFORMING PEOPLE AS TO BIDEN'S TRUE BELIEFS! BIDEN IS A DAILY COMMUNICATE as much as possible, and converses WITH POPE FRANCIS. THIS BISHOP IS JUDGING on LIES, AND THAT'S NOT VERY CATHOLIC ! SHAME ON HIM, THEY MUST STOP PROJECTING THEIR LIES! Or is he one of the Freemason's who hasn't been informed on yet? Other Bishops are not speaking out because they seek the TRUTH FIRST, and they KNOW THEIR FAITH ! This Bishop is MISINFORMING those who DON'T DO THEIR OWN RESEARCH. HE IS COMMITTING SIN, BY ASSUMING he knows Biden's Beliefs, and spreading THE LIES.
God bless Bishop Paprocki for his stance against open heresy in the church.
WHO'S COMMITING HERESY ? I'm trying to be kind here. Catholics are NOT to FORCE their Religious Beliefs on others! We are encouraged to share our beliefs at an appropriate time, and allow the Holy Spirit to do the rest. Women who have suffered a "Miscarriage, Ectopic Pregnancy, or the Child DIES IN THE WOMB", require an abortive Procedure. EVERY CATHOLIC THAT UNDERSTANDS THIS AGREES, the Procedure must be permitted. REPUBL'S JUST WANT TO CONTROL WOMAN AND HAVE THEM DIE!!!! Catholics should be AGAINST Abortions of Convenience ONLY. BUT WHO ARE WE TO FORCE OTHERS, God gave all Free Will. Most people don't know the Freemasons infiltrated the Catholic Church before 1900, to try to destroy it from the inside. They were the PEDOPHILE priests who Pope Francis DEFROCKED ALL OR MOST OF. THIS BISHOP IS CAUSING DIVISION AND IS MISINFORMING PEOPLE AS TO BIDEN'S TRUE BELIEFS! BIDEN IS A DAILY COMMUNICATE as much as possible, and converses WITH POPE FRANCIS. THIS BISHOP IS JUDGING on LIES, AND THAT'S NOT VERY CATHOLIC ! SHAME ON HIM, THEY MUST STOP PROJECTING THEIR LIES! Or is he one of the Freemason's who hasn't been informed on yet?
Thank you bishop and God bless you❤
The Lord Almighty will not be mocked. GOD WINS forevermore.
0 seconds ago
I'm trying to be kind here. Catholics are NOT to FORCE their Religious Beliefs on others! We are encouraged to share our beliefs at an appropriate time, and allow the Holy Spirit to do the rest. Women who have suffered a "Miscarriage, Ectopic Pregnancy, or the Child DIES IN THE WOMB", require an abortive Procedure. EVERY CATHOLIC THAT UNDERSTAND THIS AGREES, the Procedure must be permitted. REPUBL'S JUST WANT TO CONTROL WOMAN AND HAVE THEM DIE!!!! Catholics should be AGAINST Abortions of Convenience ONLY. BUT WHO ARE WE TO FORCE OTHERS, God gave all Free Will. Most people don't know the Freemasons infiltrated the Catholic Church before 1900, to try to destroy it from the inside. They were the PEDOPHILE priests who Pope Francis DEFROCKED ALL OR MOST OF. THIS BISHOP IS MISINFORMING PEOPLE AS TO BIDEN'S TRUE BELIEFS! BIDEN IS A DAILY COMMUNICATE as much as possible, and converses WITH POPE FRANCIS. THIS BISHOP IS JUDGING on LIES, AND THAT'S NOT VERY CATHOLIC ! SHAME ON HIM, THEY MUST STOP PROJECTING THEIR LIES!
Amen 🙏🙏🙏
I am a Christian and know Biden would not say such a lie
Amen. God considers alll falling away from Him a mockery. We can’t pick and choose that one sin is worse than others. Sin and falling away is all the same. Darkness as opposed to Light.
@@lcaid7684I mock God every day as I believe he is clearly evil. Yet, I don't have prostrate cancer and I know a christian who does and his family is very upset as they should be about it. Read your story book Exodus 4:11
Bishop Paprocki, do not back down. Do not be scared. Guide your flock to Heaven just like Bishop Strickland. Salve Maria!
Yes ! Just like he done in the sex scandals ! Praise Jesus - for him wanting to nail Biden to the cross ! What kind of dirty, nasty Catholicism some folks live in !
Um, no, not like Bishop Strickland. When he should be promoting obedience to the Vatican, he has been openly "resisting" -- and now we have a priest in Chicago who has conducted a scandalous act, in church, giving a false "blessing" to a same-sex couple, in direct violation to "Fiducia Supplicans". (Read the document itself -- spontaneous blessings of same-sex persons are not to have any of the trappings of a REAL marriage -- no rings, no formal attire, no photographer or reporter, and NO VOWS! Pope Francis has consistently said that marriage blessings are for the union of one man and one woman -- indissoluble, exclusive, stable, and open to the natural generation of children.)
Bishops who promote disobedience should be brought to recognize that they are at fault for encouraging acts of disobedience on EITHER side of the political spectrum.
I wonder why the good bishop has nothing to say about Trump’s friend Putin who is destroying Ukraine and the Ukrainian Catholic Church, not to mention children
Don’t put Mary on a pedestal. She was a sinner like everyone else. Only Jesus didn’t sin.
I’m a traditional catholic and this helps me so much!!
Dear Cradinal!
He was awesome!
Thank you!
Dear 'Kraen',
ask the dear cradinal if saying 'tarditional' would be a 'garve' sin too?
@@therealong Please explain your confusing question?
It is not confusing if you strain a little. Good exercise for the brain --> 🧠
@@therealong All Practicing Roman Catholic are traditional.
All traditional Catholics submit to the Pope, and that's what primarily makes them Catholic.
God bless Bishop Paprocki, thank you for speaking up.
Thank you Bishop Paprocki for this wonderful podcast!!! Keep up this work!
Thank you, Bishop, for defending our faith. God bless you 🙏.
someone has to try...
I’m 😢going through 😢😢😢 😢and 😢 my parents and grandparents have were 😢🎉 I😢😢 I can’t even 😢imagine the feeling 🎊 my heart goes out to 🎊 😢😢🎉😂😢 🎉 I hope 😢 you 😢😢 😂😂😢❤😢 I hope❤you have the 😢 to 😢😂😢 you have 😢😂😂😢😂😂🎉❤😂😂😢❤❤❤😢❤😂🎉❤😢🎉😂😢😂😢🎉😢😂❤😢😢😢😂😢😂❤😂😢😢❤😂😢😢😂😂😂😢😢0868793?7)((),? VF by by
This has gone on way too long. Thank you Bishop for speaking out.
Yes the Bishop is so brave ! Just like he done in the sex scandals - leadership covering up for the sexual abuse of children ! Praise Jesus - for him wanting to nail Biden to the cross ! What kind of dirty, nasty Catholicism some folks live in ! Father forgive them for they do not know what they do !"
0 seconds ago
I'm trying to be kind here. Catholics are NOT to FORCE their Religious Beliefs on others! We are encouraged to share our beliefs at an appropriate time, and allow the Holy Spirit to do the rest. Women who have suffered a "Miscarriage, Ectopic Pregnancy, or the Child DIES IN THE WOMB", require an abortive Procedure. EVERY CATHOLIC THAT UNDERSTANDS THIS AGREES, the Procedure must be permitted. REPUBL'S JUST WANT TO CONTROL WOMAN AND HAVE THEM DIE!!!! Catholics should be AGAINST Abortions of Convenience ONLY. BUT WHO ARE WE TO FORCE OTHERS, God gave all Free Will. Most people don't know the Freemasons infiltrated the Catholic Church before 1900, to try to destroy it from the inside. They were the PEDOPHILE priests who Pope Francis DEFROCKED ALL OR MOST OF. THIS BISHOP IS CAUSING DIVISION AND IS MISINFORMING PEOPLE AS TO BIDEN'S TRUE BELIEFS! BIDEN IS A DAILY COMMUNICATE as much as possible, and converses WITH POPE FRANCIS. THIS BISHOP IS JUDGING on LIES, AND THAT'S NOT VERY CATHOLIC ! SHAME ON HIM, THEY MUST STOP PROJECTING THEIR LIES!
Did he speak out when hundreds of priests abused little boys???? Who has mocked God more than any of us? the bishops who resigned abuser priests to other parishes! Why did Benedict resign? Guilty I guess. Read the FACTS!
@@pastorbox YES SIR ! Their using Biden to blow the the smoke of the sex scandal ! Makes me sick !
What has gone on way to long ? Giving the Bishop a Attaboy for slandering Biden. Biden''s been a Catholic all his life - and they are going to drag him out now and throw him down in the dirt now and stone him ! After all these years - like these Bishops are not guilty of sin? No humility, only arrogance,
Biden's interpretation of the freedoms and laws are from the Constitution not the catechism ! Bishop's want to try to blow the smoke off themselves from allowing pedophilic priest to serve. Do you know your Bishop here put a collar back on a priest that served in prison for sexual abuse - A registered sex offender ! You and ones like you make me sick to my stomach !
God bless you Bishop Paprocki...
The Lord Jesus is with you in every word in support of the church.
Thank you Bishop Paprocki. God bless you.
Yes thankyou Bishop he is so brave ! Just like he done in the sex scandals - leadership covering up for the sexual abuse of children ! Praise Jesus - for him wanting to nail Biden to the cross ! What kind of dirty, nasty Catholicism some folks live in ! Father forgive them for they do not know what they do !"
I'm trying to be kind here. Catholics are NOT to FORCE their Religious Beliefs on others! We are encouraged to share our beliefs at an appropriate time, and allow the Holy Spirit to do the rest. Women who have suffered a "Miscarriage, Ectopic Pregnancy, or the Child DIES IN THE WOMB", require an abortive Procedure. EVERY CATHOLIC THAT UNDERSTANDS THIS AGREES, the Procedure must be permitted. REPUBL'S JUST WANT TO CONTROL WOMAN AND HAVE THEM DIE!!!! Catholics should be AGAINST Abortions of Convenience ONLY. BUT WHO ARE WE TO FORCE OTHERS, God gave all Free Will. Most people don't know the Freemasons infiltrated the Catholic Church before 1900, to try to destroy it from the inside. They were the PEDOPHILE priests who Pope Francis DEFROCKED ALL OR MOST OF. THIS BISHOP IS CAUSING DIVISION AND IS MISINFORMING PEOPLE AS TO BIDEN'S TRUE BELIEFS! BIDEN IS A DAILY COMMUNICATE as much as possible, and converses WITH POPE FRANCIS. THIS BISHOP IS JUDGING on LIES, AND THAT'S NOT VERY CATHOLIC ! SHAME ON HIM, THEY MUST STOP PROJECTING THEIR LIES! Or is he one of the Freemason's who hasn't been informed on yet?
I hope this good bishop doesn't get removed for taking a stand.
No he won't be removed, he just marginalized Biden and all of the Biden supporters from the Church - and doesn't have a plan to evangelize them They'll all be packing the pews and cheering for a man that just drug Christ and his church back down to the sex scandal basement !!! Yes ! Let's give Bishop a great hand - didn't even introduce himself !
He didn't get removed for allowing Ralph Strand, a priest who’d served nearly two years in prison for abusing a 15-year-old altar boy, to wear his collar
If this country would bar Catholics from holding public office, we wouldn’t have this problem. Catholics have been corrupting and undermining governments from the get go.
Yeap, just like what happened with a Bishop from Texas that was basically hiding from his own Catholic Pope when he spoke against blessing same gender couples.
It's pretty awful the way the Papacy treated that Texan Bishop, and that says a lot about the head of the Catholic church.
Thank-you dear Bishop for delivering God’s message to us . God bless our country.🙏
I am not a Catholic, but wow, I am so happy to hear this. I have great respect for religious leaders who will speak up when they know things are not right.. Thank you!
Pray for the Catholic Church to hold the line on adhering to ALL the teachings of the Holy Bible. As for Mr. Biden, vote him out of office and pray for his repentance.
But, Trump is such a sinful and unworthy man!
The WORD was God. Fakers / He's sacriligious and a BIG LIAR / 5 Pinnochios. Not a Catholic at all. He doesn't believe in LIFE. So then??? I AM the Way, the TRUTH and the LIFE.
@@noreenalbright2245 pray for the Bishop as well in his part of the sex abuse case ! If we are gonna nail Biden - and crucify him for his part in abortion - the Bishop should man up too !
Vote Catholics out of office who are disloyal to this country and cannot serve the will of the American people or uphold their oath of office without extreme duress from the Church who is disloyal to the country and its Constitution.
The Catholic church is not a "Bible religion" in the sense used by the Protestant heretics. The church wrote the Bible, not the other way around. Also, please read Numbers 5:11-31, which seems to prescribe induced miscarriage or abortion for a wife guilty of adultery..
As for following all Bible teachings, should we require a woman who is raped to marry her rapist so long as her father consents and gets the rapist to pay the bride price? Before you answer, read Deuteronomy 22:28-29.
Blessings on this man, Bishop Paprocki. God hears him & will reward his courage & clarity ✝️
With everything that President Biden has supported, I have never thought of him as a Catholic! Definitely not a Catholic that I want to emulate. Thank you Bishop for speaking up.
I think of him (Biden) as the quintessential Roman Catholic. Deceived by the devil.
than you don't know TRUTH. I'm trying to be kind here. Catholics are NOT to FORCE their Religious Beliefs on others! We are encouraged to share our beliefs at an appropriate time, and allow the Holy Spirit to do the rest. Women who have suffered a "Miscarriage, Ectopic Pregnancy, or the Child DIES IN THE WOMB", require an abortive Procedure. EVERY CATHOLIC THAT UNDERSTANDS THIS AGREES, the Procedure must be permitted. REPUBL'S JUST WANT TO CONTROL WOMAN AND HAVE THEM DIE!!!! Catholics should be AGAINST Abortions of Convenience ONLY. BUT WHO ARE WE TO FORCE OTHERS, God gave all Free Will. Most people don't know the Freemasons infiltrated the Catholic Church before 1900, to try to destroy it from the inside. They were the PEDOPHILE priests who Pope Francis DEFROCKED ALL OR MOST OF. THIS BISHOP IS CAUSING DIVISION AND IS MISINFORMING PEOPLE AS TO BIDEN'S TRUE BELIEFS! BIDEN IS A DAILY COMMUNICATE as much as possible, and converses WITH POPE FRANCIS. THIS BISHOP IS JUDGING on LIES, AND THAT'S NOT VERY CATHOLIC ! SHAME ON HIM, THEY MUST STOP PROJECTING THEIR LIES! Or is he one of the Freemason's who hasn't been informed on yet?
You would think at 81 he would be thinking about eternity. Doesn't he realize that God disapproves of abortion, gay marriage and gender change is a huge sin???. He will be shocked the send after he dies unless he repents
We should emulate no man but Jesus!! He said "call no man father"! Read Matthew 23!
@@garythorington1600 Biden serves the public by his interpretation of the Constitution - not the Catechism, Would you want a muslim lawmaker to impose his beliefs on yours ? you would think that the Bishops that allowed the pedophilic priest to continue to serve the church would be a little bit more humble, are you really thinking Gary ? They're dragging poor old Joe out and stoning him to blow the smoke off their sin ! You would think right
Awesome Bishop!! Bishop Strickland spoke out also. I pray other Bishops will stand up and speak the truths of the Catholic faith to all.
Awesome ? , FOR WHAT? Crucifying Biden publicly ? Not asking the church to pray for him ? What about the leadership of the church in the sex abuse scandal ? The Bishop smiled as he crucified Biden - while the Bishop and many like him, are just as guilty of SIN ! You want to thank him ? I'm a follower of Christ - your a follower of men that are without humility, and do not live by the teachings of Christ ! You without sin throw the first stone ! Father forgive them for they do not know what they do !!!!
I'm trying to be kind here. Catholics are NOT to FORCE their Religious Beliefs on others! We are encouraged to share our beliefs at an appropriate time, and allow the Holy Spirit to do the rest. Women who have suffered a "Miscarriage, Ectopic Pregnancy, or the Child DIES IN THE WOMB", require an abortive Procedure. EVERY CATHOLIC THAT UNDERSTANDS THIS AGREES, the Procedure must be permitted. REPUBL'S JUST WANT TO CONTROL WOMAN AND HAVE THEM DIE!!!! Catholics should be AGAINST Abortions of Convenience ONLY. BUT WHO ARE WE TO FORCE OTHERS, God gave all Free Will. Most people don't know the Freemasons infiltrated the Catholic Church before 1900, to try to destroy it from the inside. They were the PEDOPHILE priests who Pope Francis DEFROCKED ALL OR MOST OF. THIS BISHOP IS CAUSING DIVISION AND IS MISINFORMING PEOPLE AS TO BIDEN'S TRUE BELIEFS! BIDEN IS A DAILY COMMUNICATE as much as possible, and converses WITH POPE FRANCIS. THIS BISHOP IS JUDGING on LIES, AND THAT'S NOT VERY CATHOLIC ! SHAME ON HIM, THEY MUST STOP PROJECTING THEIR LIES! Or is he one of the Freemason's who hasn't been informed on yet?
Thank you Bishop Paprocki for your witness to our faith.
Thank you, Your Grace, Bishop Paprocki. We support you and pray for you, from Australia. We need our Priests and Bishops to defend our Catholic Faith and admonish wicked Politicians.
I think the leadership should has forgotten their guilt in the sex abuse scandals. This man wants to nail and crucify Biden, when the same could be done to many many men in the leadership of the church ! Father forgive them, for they do not know what they do !
0 seconds ago
I'm trying to be kind here. Catholics are NOT to FORCE their Religious Beliefs on others! We are encouraged to share our beliefs at an appropriate time, and allow the Holy Spirit to do the rest. Women who have suffered a "Miscarriage, Ectopic Pregnancy, or the Child DIES IN THE WOMB", require an abortive Procedure. EVERY CATHOLIC THAT UNDERSTANDS THIS AGREES, the Procedure must be permitted. REPUBL'S JUST WANT TO CONTROL WOMAN AND HAVE THEM DIE!!!! Catholics should be AGAINST Abortions of Convenience ONLY. BUT WHO ARE WE TO FORCE OTHERS, God gave all Free Will. Most people don't know the Freemasons infiltrated the Catholic Church before 1900, to try to destroy it from the inside. They were the PEDOPHILE priests who Pope Francis DEFROCKED ALL OR MOST OF. THIS BISHOP IS CAUSING DIVISION AND IS MISINFORMING PEOPLE AS TO BIDEN'S TRUE BELIEFS! BIDEN IS A DAILY COMMUNICATE as much as possible, and converses WITH POPE FRANCIS. THIS BISHOP IS JUDGING on LIES, AND THAT'S NOT VERY CATHOLIC ! SHAME ON HIM, THEY MUST STOP PROJECTING THEIR LIES! Or is he one of the Freemason's who hasn't been informed on yet? Other Bishops are not speaking out because they seek the TRUTH FIRST, and they KNOW THEIR FAITH ! This Bishop is MISINFORMING those who DON'T DO THEIR OWN RESEARCH. HE IS COMMITTING SIN, BY ASSUMING he knows Biden's Beliefs, and spreading THE LIES.
Thank you Bishop for being a voice of TRUTH regarding the teachings of the Catholic Church!!!
0 seconds ago
TOO BAD HE DOESN'T EXPRESS BIDENS TRUE BELIEFS. I'm trying to be kind here. Catholics are NOT to FORCE their Religious Beliefs on others! We are encouraged to share our beliefs at an appropriate time, and allow the Holy Spirit to do the rest. Women who have suffered a "Miscarriage, Ectopic Pregnancy, or the Child DIES IN THE WOMB", require an abortive Procedure. EVERY CATHOLIC THAT UNDERSTANDS THIS AGREES, the Procedure must be permitted. REPUBL'S JUST WANT TO CONTROL WOMAN AND HAVE THEM DIE!!!! Catholics should be AGAINST Abortions of Convenience ONLY. BUT WHO ARE WE TO FORCE OTHERS, God gave all Free Will. Most people don't know the Freemasons infiltrated the Catholic Church before 1900, to try to destroy it from the inside. They were the PEDOPHILE priests who Pope Francis DEFROCKED ALL OR MOST OF. THIS BISHOP IS CAUSING DIVISION AND IS MISINFORMING PEOPLE AS TO BIDEN'S TRUE BELIEFS! BIDEN IS A DAILY COMMUNICATE as much as possible, and converses WITH POPE FRANCIS. THIS BISHOP IS JUDGING on LIES, AND THAT'S NOT VERY CATHOLIC ! SHAME ON HIM, THEY MUST STOP PROJECTING THEIR LIES! Or is he one of the Freemason's who hasn't been informed on yet? Other Bishops are not speaking out because they seek the TRUTH FIRST, and they KNOW THEIR FAITH ! This Bishop is MISINFORMING those who DON'T DO THEIR OWN RESEARCH. HE IS COMMITTING SIN, BY ASSUMING he knows Biden's Beliefs, and spreading THE LIES.
0 seconds ago
I'm trying to be kind here. Catholics are NOT to FORCE their Religious Beliefs on others! We are encouraged to share our beliefs at an appropriate time, and allow the Holy Spirit to do the rest. Women who have suffered a "Miscarriage, Ectopic Pregnancy, or the Child DIES IN THE WOMB", require an abortive Procedure. EVERY CATHOLIC THAT UNDERSTANDS THIS AGREES, the Procedure must be permitted. REPUBL'S JUST WANT TO CONTROL WOMAN AND HAVE THEM DIE!!!! Catholics should be AGAINST Abortions of Convenience ONLY. BUT WHO ARE WE TO FORCE OTHERS, God gave all Free Will. Most people don't know the Freemasons infiltrated the Catholic Church before 1900, to try to destroy it from the inside. They were the PEDOPHILE priests who Pope Francis DEFROCKED ALL OR MOST OF. THIS BISHOP IS CAUSING DIVISION AND IS MISINFORMING PEOPLE AS TO BIDEN'S TRUE BELIEFS! BIDEN IS A DAILY COMMUNICATE as much as possible, and converses WITH POPE FRANCIS. THIS BISHOP IS JUDGING on LIES, AND THAT'S NOT VERY CATHOLIC ! SHAME ON HIM, THEY MUST STOP PROJECTING THEIR LIES! Or is he one of the Freemason's who hasn't been informed on yet? Other Bishops are not speaking out because they seek the TRUTH FIRST, and they KNOW THEIR FAITH ! This Bishop is MISINFORMING those who DON'T DO THEIR OWN RESEARCH. HE IS COMMITTING SIN, BY ASSUMING he knows Biden's Beliefs, and spreading THE LIES.
Thank you Bishop for standing up for our Catholic faith 🙏 ❤
What a lovely speaker the bishop is . biden is a his baptism in the catholic faith he should be ashamed of himself supporting abortion up to birth glad he's stepped down.
At last! Praise God that there are Bishops not afraid to speak out.
0 seconds ago
I'm trying to be kind here. Catholics are NOT to FORCE their Religious Beliefs on others! We are encouraged to share our beliefs at an appropriate time, and allow the Holy Spirit to do the rest. Women who have suffered a "Miscarriage, Ectopic Pregnancy, or the Child DIES IN THE WOMB", require an abortive Procedure. EVERY CATHOLIC THAT UNDERSTANDS THIS AGREES, the Procedure must be permitted. REPUBL'S JUST WANT TO CONTROL WOMAN AND HAVE THEM DIE!!!! Catholics should be AGAINST Abortions of Convenience ONLY. BUT WHO ARE WE TO FORCE OTHERS, God gave all Free Will. Most people don't know the Freemasons infiltrated the Catholic Church before 1900, to try to destroy it from the inside. They were the PEDOPHILE priests who Pope Francis DEFROCKED ALL OR MOST OF. THIS BISHOP IS CAUSING DIVISION AND IS MISINFORMING PEOPLE AS TO BIDEN'S TRUE BELIEFS! BIDEN IS A DAILY COMMUNICATE as much as possible, and converses WITH POPE FRANCIS. THIS BISHOP IS JUDGING on LIES, AND THAT'S NOT VERY CATHOLIC ! SHAME ON HIM, THEY MUST STOP PROJECTING THEIR LIES! Or is he one of the Freemason's who hasn't been informed on yet? Other Bishops are not speaking out because they seek the TRUTH FIRST, and they KNOW THEIR FAITH ! This Bishop is MISINFORMING those who DON'T DO THEIR OWN RESEARCH. HE IS COMMITTING SIN, BY ASSUMING he knows Biden's Beliefs, and spreading THE LIES.
You are a true priest!! I love you for that 🙏
0 seconds ago
I'm trying to be kind here. Catholics are NOT to FORCE their Religious Beliefs on others! We are encouraged to share our beliefs at an appropriate time, and allow the Holy Spirit to do the rest. Women who have suffered a "Miscarriage, Ectopic Pregnancy, or the Child DIES IN THE WOMB", require an abortive Procedure. EVERY CATHOLIC THAT UNDERSTANDS THIS AGREES, the Procedure must be permitted. REPUBL'S JUST WANT TO CONTROL WOMAN AND HAVE THEM DIE!!!! Catholics should be AGAINST Abortions of Convenience ONLY. BUT WHO ARE WE TO FORCE OTHERS, God gave all Free Will. Most people don't know the Freemasons infiltrated the Catholic Church before 1900, to try to destroy it from the inside. They were the PEDOPHILE priests who Pope Francis DEFROCKED ALL OR MOST OF. THIS BISHOP IS CAUSING DIVISION AND IS MISINFORMING PEOPLE AS TO BIDEN'S TRUE BELIEFS! BIDEN IS A DAILY COMMUNICATE as much as possible, and converses WITH POPE FRANCIS. THIS BISHOP IS JUDGING on LIES, AND THAT'S NOT VERY CATHOLIC ! SHAME ON HIM, THEY MUST STOP PROJECTING THEIR LIES! Or is he one of the Freemason's who hasn't been informed on yet? Other Bishops are not speaking out because they seek the TRUTH FIRST, and they KNOW THEIR FAITH ! This Bishop is MISINFORMING those who DON'T DO THEIR OWN RESEARCH. HE IS COMMITTING SIN, BY ASSUMING he knows Biden's Beliefs, and spreading THE LIES.
I’m new to the diocese and I’m very excited to have a Bishop that is brave and someone I can look to with confidence . 💪🏾
Leave , leaves as fast as you can then ! Confidence? Crucifying Biden publicly ? Not asking the church to pray for him ? What about the leadership of the church in the sex abuse scandal ? The Bishop smiled as he crucified Biden - while the Bishop and many like him, are just as guilty of SIN ! You want more Bishops like him ? I'm a follower of Christ - your a follower of men that are without humility, and do not live by the teachings of Christ ! You without sin throw the first stone ! Father forgive them for they do not know what they do !!!!
Does Biden really receive the Holy Euchrist? But.... he doesn't receive the Body of Christ if he does!
He's a Catholic.
What more does he need.
Remember, each time he receives the Eucharist unworthily he's putting his immortal soul in greater jeopardy, & woe unto those who permit him to do so.
Now, the End Time, there are many wolves in sheep clothing.
Many false prophets and wolves in sheep clothing.
God bless you BISHOP Paprocki standing up for what you believe 🙏🙏🙏❤️
South Africa .
How sick the world has become .
As a 83 year old Catholic I've watched both the laity and the priesthood of the church have become exceedingly lax in the core faith of the church.
The Sacraments .
And the various dogmas of Mother Church.
Catholicism as I know it has been watered down to appease those who at various times attack Mother church on its core values.
We must focus on Jesus. He is coming soon in the RAPTURE. In the Gospel of John, Jesus said to Nicodemus that he must be born again to enter into the kingdom of God. ❤
Let's help heal the world by becoming Saints.
Join our Perseverance Family with Father Ed Broom. Live on Facebook at 7:30 PST (from St. Peter Chanel Church in California). Such a holy priest. Praise God for our holy priests. 🙏
I agree 100 percent
Sending prayers to support Bishop Paprocki. God Bless you.
Such a great ipod talk we learn so much Bishop.
Thank yo🙏😇👍🙏😇👍
May God continue to Bless Bishop Paprocki 🙏🏻
Thank you Bishop Paprocki!
Thank u bishop procki great bishop in springfield ill .we praise u from bevelle dioeses ur 100 percent right😊
God bless you for speaking truth snd standing for the Catholic Faith
A Catholic leader who doesn't follw Soros money teachings. your pathetic, irrelevant and outdated opinion. Vatican RCC is more interested in power, control and male-ego aggrandizement as it desecrates the Original Messages of Jesus with its big, made-up words, its dogma, doctrine, Massive catechisms, rules and regulations! It's all made up to secure their power.The hypocrisy of RCC's patriarchal clericalism is more clearly demonstrated in its lying, cheating, stealing, deceiving and abuse of women and children for many centuries. No more. No more "pray, pay and obey." More and more women are happy to take their children and checkbooks away from such oppression to nourish their families' spirituality elsewhere with respect and support in Divine Order. And so it is.
Thank you and God bless your continued work on His behalf.
Thank you and thankful with gratitude bishop paprocki for standing up for our catholic faith 🙏😇🕊️
We are so blessed to have as our bishop.
Bishop paprocki is spot on . God 🙏 bless you thank you so much.
Excellent brilliant on point . Thank you Bishop.
I pray that all bishops would speak out like you.
Thank you for all you do Bishop Paprocki!
God Bless from the Diocese of Belleville!
Great to hear from our neighbors on our southern border!
Thank this man , FOR WHAT? Crucifying Biden publicly ? Not asking the church to pray for him ? What about the leadership of the church in the sex abuse scandal ? The Bishop smiled as he crucified Biden - while the Bishop and many like him, are just as guilty of SIN ! You want to thank him ? I'm a follower of Christ - your a follower of men that are without humility, and do not live by the teachings of Christ ! You without sin throw the first stone ! Father forgive them for they do not know what they do !!!!
Thank you Bishop. We need more shepherds to speak out!
Thank this man , FOR WHAT? Crucifying Biden publicly ? Not asking the church to pray for him ? What about the leadership of the church in the sex abuse scandal ? The Bishop smiled as he crucified Biden - while the Bishop and many like him, are just as guilty of SIN ! You want to thank him ? I'm a follower of Christ - your a follower of men that are without humility, and do not live by the teachings of Christ ! You without sin throw the first stone ! Father forgive them for they do not know what they do !!!!
0 seconds ago
I'm trying to be kind here. Catholics are NOT to FORCE their Religious Beliefs on others! We are encouraged to share our beliefs at an appropriate time, and allow the Holy Spirit to do the rest. Women who have suffered a "Miscarriage, Ectopic Pregnancy, or the Child DIES IN THE WOMB", require an abortive Procedure. EVERY CATHOLIC THAT UNDERSTANDS THIS AGREES, the Procedure must be permitted. REPUBL'S JUST WANT TO CONTROL WOMAN AND HAVE THEM DIE!!!! Catholics should be AGAINST Abortions of Convenience ONLY. BUT WHO ARE WE TO FORCE OTHERS, God gave all Free Will. Most people don't know the Freemasons infiltrated the Catholic Church before 1900, to try to destroy it from the inside. They were the PEDOPHILE priests who Pope Francis DEFROCKED ALL OR MOST OF. THIS BISHOP IS CAUSING DIVISION AND IS MISINFORMING PEOPLE AS TO BIDEN'S TRUE BELIEFS! BIDEN IS A DAILY COMMUNICATE as much as possible, and converses WITH POPE FRANCIS. THIS BISHOP IS JUDGING on LIES, AND THAT'S NOT VERY CATHOLIC ! SHAME ON HIM, THEY MUST STOP PROJECTING THEIR LIES! Or is he one of the Freemason's who hasn't been informed on yet? Other Bishops are not speaking out because they seek the TRUTH FIRST, and they KNOW THEIR FAITH ! This Bishop is MISINFORMING those who DON'T DO THEIR OWN RESEARCH. HE IS COMMITTING SIN, BY ASSUMING he knows Biden's Beliefs, and spreading THE LIES.
0 seconds ago
I'm trying to be kind here. Catholics are NOT to FORCE their Religious Beliefs on others! We are encouraged to share our beliefs at an appropriate time, and allow the Holy Spirit to do the rest. Women who have suffered a "Miscarriage, Ectopic Pregnancy, or the Child DIES IN THE WOMB", require an abortive Procedure. EVERY CATHOLIC THAT UNDERSTANDS THIS AGREES, the Procedure must be permitted. REPUBL'S JUST WANT TO CONTROL WOMAN AND HAVE THEM DIE!!!! Catholics should be AGAINST Abortions of Convenience ONLY. BUT WHO ARE WE TO FORCE OTHERS, God gave all Free Will. Most people don't know the Freemasons infiltrated the Catholic Church before 1900, to try to destroy it from the inside. They were the PEDOPHILE priests who Pope Francis DEFROCKED ALL OR MOST OF. THIS BISHOP IS CAUSING DIVISION AND IS MISINFORMING PEOPLE AS TO BIDEN'S TRUE BELIEFS! BIDEN IS A DAILY COMMUNICATE as much as possible, and converses WITH POPE FRANCIS. THIS BISHOP IS JUDGING on LIES, AND THAT'S NOT VERY CATHOLIC ! SHAME ON HIM, THEY MUST STOP PROJECTING THEIR LIES! Or is he one of the Freemason's who hasn't been informed on yet? Other Bishops are not speaking out because they seek the TRUTH FIRST, and they KNOW THEIR FAITH ! This Bishop is MISINFORMING those who DON'T DO THEIR OWN RESEARCH. HE IS COMMITTING SIN, BY ASSUMING he knows Biden's Beliefs, and spreading THE LIES.
Thank you Your Excellency! We need to take a stand and simply proclaim the Truth in love. As you did. I have recently taken on a more official role in my Parish (here in little old New Zealand). There are things surrounding the synod on synodality that go against the Tradition. Pray for me that I may have the courage to speak the Truth with compassion, kindness and patience. Praise be to the thrice Holy God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, now and forever. Amen
What ? Thank this man , FOR WHAT? Crucifying Biden publicly ? Not asking the church to pray for him ? What about the leadership of the church in the sex abuse scandal ? The Bishop smiled as he crucified Biden - while the Bishop and many like him, are just as guilty of SIN ! You want to thank him ? I'm a follower of Christ - your a follower of men that are without humility, and do not live by the teachings of Christ ! You without sin throw the first stone ! Father forgive them for they do not know what they do !!!!
Thank you for the vidio with Bishop Paprocki for Our Catholic Faith .God Bless You ❤️🙏❤️
Finally a Bishop who is not afraid to speak up bless this man
Thanks u Bishop please guide this people who don't know nothing. GOD BLESS U 🙌 🙏
I'm a Christian but i was raised to respect other religions. I think its very wrong that Biden mocked the Catholic church. My prayers are with yall. Bless you for standing up with your faith. Stay strong
I think what you meant to say is that you’re a Protestant. The Catholic Church was the original Christian Church; none of our Protestant denominations would even exist if not for the Catholic Church. We should at least make sure to not repeat the horrible lies that many Protestants spread such as Catholics aren’t Christians, they worship Mary & statues, etc.
you are listening to the lies of lying liars. protect your faith/spirit- seek people w/ kindness at the top of their priority list. those folks won't hurt you and will make you at least want to feel better. i promise, these mean spirited jerks only want your money, your votes and your soul, and they've nothing but selfish, evil ideas in their greedy, petty, tiny minds on how to use your things. deny them the satisfaction. you are worth more than these fools even know! again, i promise you this. namaste, sister (the light in me recognizes the light in you, sister).
I am not Catholic, but I respect and honor the bishop for speaking up and honoring the truth, and God’s word! God’s Holy Word govern us all. We must stand and fight the onslaught of lies and deception, which twists the truth. God’s blessings to all.
Yes Bishop thank you and God Bless You!! 🙏 🙏 😊
Do not fear the one who can take your earthly riches or your life,but fear the one who can condemn you to eternal hell.
0 seconds ago
I'm trying to be kind here. Catholics are NOT to FORCE their Religious Beliefs on others! We are encouraged to share our beliefs at an appropriate time, and allow the Holy Spirit to do the rest. Women who have suffered a "Miscarriage, Ectopic Pregnancy, or the Child DIES IN THE WOMB", require an abortive Procedure. EVERY CATHOLIC THAT UNDERSTANDS THIS AGREES, the Procedure must be permitted. REPUBL'S JUST WANT TO CONTROL WOMAN AND HAVE THEM DIE!!!! Catholics should be AGAINST Abortions of Convenience ONLY. BUT WHO ARE WE TO FORCE OTHERS, God gave all Free Will. Most people don't know the Freemasons infiltrated the Catholic Church before 1900, to try to destroy it from the inside. They were the PEDOPHILE priests who Pope Francis DEFROCKED ALL OR MOST OF. THIS BISHOP IS CAUSING DIVISION AND IS MISINFORMING PEOPLE AS TO BIDEN'S TRUE BELIEFS! BIDEN IS A DAILY COMMUNICATE as much as possible, and converses WITH POPE FRANCIS. THIS BISHOP IS JUDGING on LIES, AND THAT'S NOT VERY CATHOLIC ! SHAME ON HIM, THEY MUST STOP PROJECTING THEIR LIES!
Yes, be not political it makes you to be substand religious.
Where id Hell?? Who is there? Jesus never spoke of hell! Read your bible!
That is just stupid to say. Tell us , what documented scripture do you quote from ?
You just said it all right there 😮
Thank you very much , Bishop Paprocki🙏🙏🙏❤️❤️❤️
Thank you, Bishop, for being a true Shepherd.
As Catholics we cannot forget our beliefs when we vote or when we serve in public office.
I'm trying to be kind here. Catholics are NOT to FORCE their Religious Beliefs on others! We are encouraged to share our beliefs at an appropriate time, and allow the Holy Spirit to do the rest. Women who have suffered a "Miscarriage, Ectopic Pregnancy, or the Child DIES IN THE WOMB", require an abortive Procedure. EVERY CATHOLIC THAT UNDERSTAND THIS AGREES, the Procedure must be permitted. REPUBL'S JUST WANT TO CONTROL WOMAN AND HAVE THEM DIE!!!! Catholics should be AGAINST Abortions of Convenience ONLY. BUT WHO ARE WE TO FORCE OTHERS, God gave all Free Will. Most people don't know the Freemasons infiltrated the Catholic Church before 1900, to try to destroy it from the inside. They were the PEDOPHILE priests who Pope Francis DEFROCKED ALL OR MOST OF. THIS BISHOP IS MISINFORMING PEOPLE AS TO BIDEN'S TRUE BELIEFS! BIDEN IS A DAILY COMMUNICATE as much as possible, and converses WITH POPE FRANCIS. THIS BISHOP IS JUDGING on LIES, AND THAT'S NOT VERY CATHOLIC ! SHAME ON HIM, THEY MUST STOP PROJECTING THEIR LIES!
Exactly, which is why no Christian should vote for lying, cheat and adulterer like Trump.
Yes that is important. It must be made crystal clear that Catholics cannot serve the will of the American people or its Constitution. They are obliged to uphold only the teaching of the Catholic Church and therefore must be excluded from being able to serve in public office.
Unless; one’s a Reprobate !
@@valentinecharlesworth6278 Well, there is that…
The vast Catholics I guess are just sick and so sadden that we have no leadership from our Bishops . No I was not waiting to have church authorities speak I am still waiting for them to ACT!
Yes the same way they acted in the sex abuse cases right ! Father forgive them for they do not know what they do !
0 seconds ago
I'm trying to be kind here. Catholics are NOT to FORCE their Religious Beliefs on others! We are encouraged to share our beliefs at an appropriate time, and allow the Holy Spirit to do the rest. Women who have suffered a "Miscarriage, Ectopic Pregnancy, or the Child DIES IN THE WOMB", require an abortive Procedure. EVERY CATHOLIC THAT UNDERSTANDS THIS AGREES, the Procedure must be permitted. REPUBL'S JUST WANT TO CONTROL WOMAN AND HAVE THEM DIE!!!! Catholics should be AGAINST Abortions of Convenience ONLY. BUT WHO ARE WE TO FORCE OTHERS, God gave all Free Will. Most people don't know the Freemasons infiltrated the Catholic Church before 1900, to try to destroy it from the inside. They were the PEDOPHILE priests who Pope Francis DEFROCKED ALL OR MOST OF. THIS BISHOP IS CAUSING DIVISION AND IS MISINFORMING PEOPLE AS TO BIDEN'S TRUE BELIEFS! BIDEN IS A DAILY COMMUNICATE as much as possible, and converses WITH POPE FRANCIS. THIS BISHOP IS JUDGING on LIES, AND THAT'S NOT VERY CATHOLIC ! SHAME ON HIM, THEY MUST STOP PROJECTING THEIR LIES! Or is he one of the Freemason's who hasn't been informed on yet? Other Bishops are not speaking out because they seek the TRUTH FIRST, and they KNOW THEIR FAITH ! This Bishop is MISINFORMING those who DON'T DO THEIR OWN RESEARCH. HE IS COMMITTING SIN, BY ASSUMING he knows Biden's Beliefs, and spreading THE LIES.
0 seconds ago
I'm trying to be kind here. Catholics are NOT to FORCE their Religious Beliefs on others! We are encouraged to share our beliefs at an appropriate time, and allow the Holy Spirit to do the rest. Women who have suffered a "Miscarriage, Ectopic Pregnancy, or the Child DIES IN THE WOMB", require an abortive Procedure. EVERY CATHOLIC THAT UNDERSTANDS THIS AGREES, the Procedure must be permitted. REPUBL'S JUST WANT TO CONTROL WOMAN AND HAVE THEM DIE!!!! Catholics should be AGAINST Abortions of Convenience ONLY. BUT WHO ARE WE TO FORCE OTHERS, God gave all Free Will. Most people don't know the Freemasons infiltrated the Catholic Church before 1900, to try to destroy it from the inside. They were the PEDOPHILE priests who Pope Francis DEFROCKED ALL OR MOST OF. THIS BISHOP IS CAUSING DIVISION AND IS MISINFORMING PEOPLE AS TO BIDEN'S TRUE BELIEFS! BIDEN IS A DAILY COMMUNICATE as much as possible, and converses WITH POPE FRANCIS. THIS BISHOP IS JUDGING on LIES, AND THAT'S NOT VERY CATHOLIC ! SHAME ON HIM, THEY MUST STOP PROJECTING THEIR LIES! Or is he one of the Freemason's who hasn't been informed on yet? Other Bishops are not speaking out because they seek the TRUTH FIRST, and they KNOW THEIR FAITH ! This Bishop is MISINFORMING those who DON'T DO THEIR OWN RESEARCH. HE IS COMMITTING SIN, BY ASSUMING he knows Biden's Beliefs, and spreading THE LIES.
I am a Protestant Christian but Bishop Paprocki has deeply touched my heart and spirit. I cannot explain how I feel but Bishop Paprocki has lifted a very heavy weight off of me. God bless you Bishop Paprocki, your courage has made us all stronger. 🙏🕯✝🕊💖
I want to hear that the Bishops will excommunicate Biden, Pelosi, JFK jr, and any other "Catholic" politician who blatantly disregards Catholic teaching on life and sexuality.
More likely, millions of Catholics will be in the category thar you are speaking of.
@@DENISEGirolamo-qw2xk Perhaps but they are usually not espousing this publicly and repeatedly or even knowingly in some cases. We are all sinners and make mistakes but many of these politicians or public figures go way too far and will not stop even when they are made aware. We need to do this out of love, for them and their souls, for our people, and the authority of the church should also not be mocked.
There will be no public formal excommunication. The Bishop has already said that Joe Biden has excommunicated himself.
why not excommunicate them for their sex scandal cover ups?
They won’t b/c about 60% of USCCB budget comes from the Federal Govt- in this case originally authorized by Democratic Party , voted & passed as part of Annual Budget. %$ given was initially low given of “ social programs-ie. Immigrants. Over period of years $% have increased. Refer you to Lepanto Institute which did a very thorough review of this Catholic Church -US Government enmeshment
Thank you, my Bishop! I pray your courage of Truth will inspire all.
Loved this interview and follow up on such an important issue. Thank you for encouraging prayer and Confession as we try to discern the path for our lives and as we vote.
Thank you, good Bishop. May God reward your courage. Sobrii estote et vigilate.
Like the courage of the leadership in the cover up of the sex abuse scandal ? This man wants to nail Biden in the name of Christ and his church - when the very same could be done to many many men in the leadership of the church !!! Our church is sick ! Father forgive them for they do not know what they do !
Thank you Your Excellency. We need to hear these things.
Yes ! Especially coming from leadership that covered up the sex abuse of children ! How wrong and dirty it is to crucify Biden and not themselves ! Not offering prayers and sheeplishly grinning ! feeling so proud of himself ! Attaboy Bishop ! Father forgive them for they do not know what they do !
0 seconds ago
I'm trying to be kind here. Catholics are NOT to FORCE their Religious Beliefs on others! We are encouraged to share our beliefs at an appropriate time, and allow the Holy Spirit to do the rest. Women who have suffered a "Miscarriage, Ectopic Pregnancy, or the Child DIES IN THE WOMB", require an abortive Procedure. EVERY CATHOLIC THAT UNDERSTANDS THIS AGREES, the Procedure must be permitted. REPUBL'S JUST WANT TO CONTROL WOMAN AND HAVE THEM DIE!!!! Catholics should be AGAINST Abortions of Convenience ONLY. BUT WHO ARE WE TO FORCE OTHERS, God gave all Free Will. Most people don't know the Freemasons infiltrated the Catholic Church before 1900, to try to destroy it from the inside. They were the PEDOPHILE priests who Pope Francis DEFROCKED ALL OR MOST OF. THIS BISHOP IS CAUSING DIVISION AND IS MISINFORMING PEOPLE AS TO BIDEN'S TRUE BELIEFS! BIDEN IS A DAILY COMMUNICATE as much as possible, and converses WITH POPE FRANCIS. THIS BISHOP IS JUDGING on LIES, AND THAT'S NOT VERY CATHOLIC ! SHAME ON HIM, THEY MUST STOP PROJECTING THEIR LIES! Or is he one of the Freemason's who hasn't been informed on yet? Other Bishops are not speaking out because they seek the TRUTH FIRST, and they KNOW THEIR FAITH ! This Bishop is MISINFORMING those who DON'T DO THEIR OWN RESEARCH. HE IS COMMITTING SIN, BY ASSUMING he knows Biden's Beliefs, and spreading THE LIES.
Thank you Bishop for speaking out what’s wrong and rights on the Issue and fighting for the truth rather than staying silent . May the Holy Spirit always be with you and guide you to do God work. Thank you, Bishop.
We must pay reverence to the Faith for The Truth always prevails !
FINALLY! Thank you so much, Bishop Paprocki!! For you have truly blessed the flock far & wide.
Bishop thanks. The church is not served by silence and your answer is clear
GOD will save our Republic,GODSPEED
I hope that is the case. I KNOW that God will save His Church.
I'm protestant with Catholic friends. It angers me. Nothing good goes untouched. But! God is NOT mocked. Old joe will stand before God.
0 seconds ago
I'm trying to be kind here. Catholics are NOT to FORCE their Religious Beliefs on others! We are encouraged to share our beliefs at an appropriate time, and allow the Holy Spirit to do the rest. Women who have suffered a "Miscarriage, Ectopic Pregnancy, or the Child DIES IN THE WOMB", require an abortive Procedure. EVERY CATHOLIC THAT UNDERSTANDS THIS AGREES, the Procedure must be permitted. REPUBL'S JUST WANT TO CONTROL WOMAN AND HAVE THEM DIE!!!! Catholics should be AGAINST Abortions of Convenience ONLY. BUT WHO ARE WE TO FORCE OTHERS, God gave all Free Will. Most people don't know the Freemasons infiltrated the Catholic Church before 1900, to try to destroy it from the inside. They were the PEDOPHILE priests who Pope Francis DEFROCKED ALL OR MOST OF. THIS BISHOP IS CAUSING DIVISION AND IS MISINFORMING PEOPLE AS TO BIDEN'S TRUE BELIEFS! BIDEN IS A DAILY COMMUNICATE as much as possible, and converses WITH POPE FRANCIS. THIS BISHOP IS JUDGING on LIES, AND THAT'S NOT VERY CATHOLIC ! SHAME ON HIM, THEY MUST STOP PROJECTING THEIR LIES! Or is he one of the Freemason's who hasn't been informed on yet? Other Bishops are not speaking out because they seek the TRUTH FIRST, and they KNOW THEIR FAITH ! This Bishop is MISINFORMING those who DON'T DO THEIR OWN RESEARCH.
But how about Trump. He is very immoral. He was convicted of rape and must pay 88 million to his victim. Also trump paid for 4 abortions we know of. So u are going to vote for the immoral trump?? You want trump as the immoral president and is an adulterer too.
Immoral. Trump is evil and immoral
old Debbie will stand before Mary, and Jesus the Son of The Living God, Loves His Mother more than any human ever will. your days on earth were spent ignoring, protesting, back turned on the The Mother of God. Debbie I grew up Southern Baptist. The Eucharist, start somewhere, beginning to unravel the freemasonic demonic lodges of Lucifer.
As will we all, but old Joe might not be there for long.
There is NO ICE CREAM in HELL 🔥 😈 JOE!!!
God Bless All Who Stands for the Truth. God Bless America 🇺🇸 🙏
An excellent explanation of the church’s teachings. Thank you Bishop for this clear discussion.
I’m praying for this good Bishop🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
Let's do pray for him and the leadership of the church and the moral courage they shown in the sexual abuse of children cover up ! They want to nail Biden ? They should get in line then ! Father forgive them for they do not know what they do ! Our church is SICK ! Please pray for this Bishop, and for Biden !
Thank God n thank you Andrew n bishop n archbishop for finally speaking up !🙏
God bless you and all standing for the right honest teachings of the church!
Thank you, Bishop Paprocki, for such great clarity! We pray for the other bishops to do the same!
Thank this man , FOR WHAT? Crucifying Biden publicly ? Not asking the church to pray for him ? What about the leadership of the church in the sex abuse scandal ? The Bishop smiled as he crucified Biden - while the Bishop and many like him, are just as guilty of SIN ! You want to thank him ? I'm a follower of Christ - your a follower of men that are without humility, and do not live by the teachings of Christ ! You without sin throw the first stone ! Father forgive them for they do not know what they do !!!!
I am grateful that our Bishops are speaking out and defending our faith.
Here are my questions (non-Catholic):
1. Why don't they kick this President out of the Catholic organization?
2. Why do Catholics vote for this apostate President?
3. Would you consider those who vote for the President to be complicit in his mockery and with his wicked stance on these issues?
Catholic here. Here are my answers: 1. USCCB is weak and they take too much money from corrupt US Govt for illegal immigration. Biden has been excommunicated latae sententiae - by his own doing. 2. Most Catholics don't know their faith. Also, Catholicism is hard to live, so most people can't do it or take the time to understand the faith. 3. Yes, voting for any Democrat is a mortal sin due to their ardent support for child murder, sodomy, marxism and corruption.
1) I don’t know
2) nobody told them it’s a mortal sin
3) yes
I'm just waiting for the Archbishop of DC to excommunicate him.
@@johnschmidt1154we all are
@@johnschmidt1154 He has excommunicated himself, as His Eminence points out. As such, when he receives the Eucharist unworthily, he eats his damnation.
I went to Catholic schools but didn't know much about my faith until I became an adult who was serious about learning and seeking what my faith entails.
0 seconds ago
I'm trying to be kind here. Catholics are NOT to FORCE their Religious Beliefs on others! We are encouraged to share our beliefs at an appropriate time, and allow the Holy Spirit to do the rest. Women who have suffered a "Miscarriage, Ectopic Pregnancy, or the Child DIES IN THE WOMB", require an abortive Procedure. EVERY CATHOLIC THAT UNDERSTANDS THIS AGREES, the Procedure must be permitted. REPUBL'S JUST WANT TO CONTROL WOMAN AND HAVE THEM DIE!!!! Catholics should be AGAINST Abortions of Convenience ONLY. BUT WHO ARE WE TO FORCE OTHERS, God gave all Free Will. Most people don't know the Freemasons infiltrated the Catholic Church before 1900, to try to destroy it from the inside. They were the PEDOPHILE priests who Pope Francis DEFROCKED ALL OR MOST OF. THIS BISHOP IS CAUSING DIVISION AND IS MISINFORMING PEOPLE AS TO BIDEN'S TRUE BELIEFS! BIDEN IS A DAILY COMMUNICATE as much as possible, and converses WITH POPE FRANCIS. THIS BISHOP IS JUDGING on LIES, AND THAT'S NOT VERY CATHOLIC ! SHAME ON HIM, THEY MUST STOP PROJECTING THEIR LIES! Or is he one of the Freemason's who hasn't been informed on yet? Other Bishops are not speaking out because they seek the TRUTH FIRST, and they KNOW THEIR FAITH ! This Bishop is MISINFORMING those who DON'T DO THEIR OWN RESEARCH. HE IS COMMITTING SIN, BY ASSUMING he knows Biden's Beliefs, and spreading THE LIES.
God bless you, Bishop. Please keep spreading the truth.
The bottom line is all Catholic should not vote for a Pro-Choice Candidate it is a sin to do so.
I don't anderstand that any Catholic would vote for a Baby killing President, the Democrats are for killing Baby's up to 9 months and even after Birth, what Catholic would support such an evil President?
Amen and they should have excommunicated priest and Bishops for their role in the sex abuse cover up ! This Bishop wants to crucify Biden ! Our church is sick ! Father forgive them for they do not know what they do !
So now it is a sin for Catholics to vote Democratic because of the abortion controversy? John, are you saying the Republic party upholds all the teachings of the Church? It seems to this catholic that as citizens we must weigh our complex Church teachings alongside our democratic responsibilities to vote for the candidate who we believe works for the common good of our country not just in one area but overall in all areas of concern. Because not all US citizens are Catholic it seems to this catholic we must all be allowed to make decisions based on our various complex religious and moral traditions and conscience.
Truth is the Catholic can not pick or choose any politician or political party and vote for them on the platform of the church - here's this Bishop dogging Biden - how can you dog a man like that when you yourself are a sinner - allowing the pedophilic priest to go unpunished ! Then putting a collar back on one that was in prison for two years ! You being without sin throw the first rock !
But a serial adulterer who cheated on #1 with #2 and on #2 with #3 and had relations with a porn star while his third wife was nursing his fifth child is okay? He has said his "personal Vietnam" was avoiding an STD. Do you seriously expect me to believe that someone like that never paid for or encouraged an abortion?
A Catholic who thinks homosexual relationships with homosexual acts are no big deal, since it is what divine scriptures calls an abomination, is also in heresy.
That means some bishops who believe that are schismatics
They would be heretics, not schismatics.
@@leaverusthey are both if they are leading people/souls astray to their side!!!
@@leaverus Schismatics are people who lead others astray. Those would be bishops
this Bishop thinks he is without sin - how about the leadership's role in the sex abuse scandal ? Never asked for prayers for Biden - stood there and publicly crucified Biden , and smiled about it ! I'm a sinner - crucify me ! You being without sin throw the first rock ! Father forgive them for they do not know what they do !
How did the good Bishop feel about his pedophile priest colleagues?
Thank you, Bishop. God bless you
God Bless the Church
Thank you!
Don't you really realize this is stretching it a little too far? 🤫
@@therealongwhaaaat?! You one of those cafeteria Catholics?
Are you a spokesman for the Diocese of Springfield, IL?
Besides, what's your innuendo with "one of those cafeteria Catholics"?
Notice I made two (2) questions now.
@@therealong amen ! amen ! has the leadership forgotten their roles in the sex scandals ?
This bishop makes me want to move to Springfield.
I'm trying to be kind here. Catholics are NOT to FORCE their Religious Beliefs on others! We are encouraged to share our beliefs at an appropriate time, and allow the Holy Spirit to do the rest. Women who have suffered a "Miscarriage, Ectopic Pregnancy, or the Child DIES IN THE WOMB", require an abortive Procedure. EVERY CATHOLIC THAT UNDERSTANDS THIS AGREES, the Procedure must be permitted. REPUBL'S JUST WANT TO CONTROL WOMAN AND HAVE THEM DIE!!!! Catholics should be AGAINST Abortions of Convenience ONLY. BUT WHO ARE WE TO FORCE OTHERS, God gave all Free Will. Most people don't know the Freemasons infiltrated the Catholic Church before 1900, to try to destroy it from the inside. They were the PEDOPHILE priests who Pope Francis DEFROCKED ALL OR MOST OF. THIS BISHOP IS CAUSING DIVISION AND IS MISINFORMING PEOPLE AS TO BIDEN'S TRUE BELIEFS! BIDEN IS A DAILY COMMUNICATE as much as possible, and converses WITH POPE FRANCIS. THIS BISHOP IS JUDGING on LIES, AND THAT'S NOT VERY CATHOLIC ! SHAME ON HIM, THEY MUST STOP PROJECTING THEIR LIES! Or is he one of the Freemason's who hasn't been informed on yet? Other Bishops are not speaking out because they seek the TRUTH FIRST, and they KNOW THEIR FAITH!
Thanks a lot for all you do. ❤
Thanks for you through the interssesion of Mary thy Most loving Mother.❤
Thank you ! God Bless You Lisa! 🙏🏼❤️🙏🏼❤️🙏🏼❤️🙏🏼❤️🙏🏼❤️🙏🏼❤️🙏🏼❤️🙏🏼❤️
Thank you Bishop Paprocki for speaking out. Much love from up here in the Diocese of Madison. God bless
Tha k you Bishop, God bless you!