It's used for a parallel connection. It's the minus current wire. And if you don't have another pack to connect it parallely, then it's just a simple cold wire or the minus flow current, and the other part of the pack is the hot wire or the plus flow current.
The BMS amperage determines the amount of power you want to get out of the pack and into the pack. For example, you can use a 100A BMS for a 300A pack, but you can't use a 300A bms for a 100A battery pack.
This Daly (250A 4s) went to the garbage. Worked for two weeks. Never once balanced the voltage of 4s Cells. Active balancer from the beginning showed no communication with BMS, and BMS was not able to balance the cell. For me garbage.
Would you recommend blue loc-tite on these to prevent vibration causing them to loosen?
What about the black wire where does it goes
It's used for a parallel connection. It's the minus current wire.
And if you don't have another pack to connect it parallely, then it's just a simple cold wire or the minus flow current, and the other part of the pack is the hot wire or the plus flow current.
I have bms daly 24 volt 50 amps and i installed 8 life po cels But bms not on. Please guid me to solve the problem. Thanks
That sounds like a low amp rating for your 24 volt battery. But I'm no expert.
What bms model if the 320ah cells
The BMS amperage determines the amount of power you want to get out of the pack and into the pack. For example, you can use a 100A BMS for a 300A pack, but you can't use a 300A bms for a 100A battery pack.
This Daly (250A 4s) went to the garbage. Worked for two weeks. Never once balanced the voltage of 4s Cells. Active balancer from the beginning showed no communication with BMS, and BMS was not able to balance the cell. For me garbage.
they all recommend it and no one does the tests?