@Luc £4000 a month is definitely good money but it hardly takes you out of the working class zone, a great plumber or other tradesman can make that in 2019
I didn't leave my job as a graphic designer to be a full-time TH-camr until enough was coming in. I 100% agree with Duncan. Don't leave your security until you have security. It can be less, but it must be enough to survive.
Hey just discovered you're channel, pretty good, I don't believe in anything but I don't disbelieve anything either because I truly don't know. I think the problem with Atheism is they think they "know" there is no God, correct?
From the money perspective, yeah they want commitment so they would get back their money faster. But on the other side, "how dare you want to have a decent wage even in a company you built and why dont you leave your job and accept very very less so i can make my money faster" Eventually they will start making more but not that fast.
Maybe I'm naive, but I think they're doing the right thing keeping a paid job while they're trying to set up a business. How else are they supposed to survive? I seriously don't get what Peter's on about here and agreed more with Duncan.
I think its good business sense, not burdening the business with the wage bill, yet ! They do need to be committed to leaving and it should be in the budget both cost and time wise which will be dependent on milestones.
Peter Jones always goes on about this - he doesn't seem to get that the average person has bills and costs to pay for that they don't want to take out of the business in early stages. He gets wound up if people are taking a salary to live as well
@@johnlastname3751no peter knows what he is doing. He just being smart: he wants an active, energetic individual who is willing to work hard so he doesn't have to work as hard in return. Smart people try to make the slightly less smarter people do this all the time.
Thanks to Duncan for calling Peter out on his craaaap. You can see it in Piers' face, he's full of it. He and Kelly are being ridiculous for the sake of TV drama. Duncan and Deborah were the only ones with sense.
Duncan and Deborah usually come off as cold, but I feel they're more in touch with reality than any other Dragon there's been and I'd trust them with my business more than the others.
Rediculous to expect them to work full time on it at this stage. Most people cannot afford to drastically reduce, or even eliminate, their wages whilst they start up a new venture. They are doing the sensible thing
Definitley something i would do as you dont know the climate. However its there money. They dont want you there part time. They dont want you missing things because your at your job. Buikd it up first then ask for investment
Duncan was spot on. I've made the mistake of leaving my career to start up a business in the past (which failed) and it took me many years to get back to a satisfactory level in my career, starting back up with a completely depleted income. Had I kept my job, I could have tried running the business without taking out a salary until its viability was established (whilst hiring a part time manager).
@@ele7d That's a good point and I do agree with you. In fact, that's the way I justified leaving my job. The reality is, however, that business success or failure depends on a variety of factors, many if which are unpredictable. Keeping your job whilst running a business minimises the risks associated with that, as you effectively hedge your bets to secure some sort of income stream whilst you see if the business in question is viable.
Yep, I've done that too pal. I now know that it would have been prudent for me to have raked in a salary at least for another 3 years while slowly but surely laying the foundation to my business over weekends. But anyway we live and learn. At least we had the b@lls to take the leap and try our hand at something else. Undoubtedly just like me you would have learnt some valuable lessons which will serve you in good stead for the future. I wish you all of the very best and hopefully one day you manage to get back to having your own successful business. That goal still remains in my sights to achieve within the next 5 years.
@@sylvesteraugustine6815 Thank you buddy, I wish you the very best! And all of us who try. Like you say, the lessons learned should serve us well going forward.
I dunno. Sounds true to me. Alot of new parents don't have the extra extra coin for expensive coffee. But the again a lot of people who wear white trainers don't drink lattes either. He's not saying what "alot" is. It's a dumb thing to say, but eh, you can't disprove it.
@Luc Enough money to buy a coffee doesn't require a lot of disposable income. It's like the same price as bus fare. It is ridiculous to make that claim about such an inexpensive item. At that stage it's not "don't have a lot of disposable income", it's no disposable income whatsoever if they cannot afford a coffee.
What about when people come in to the Den and reveal that they have left their jobs, given their life and passion to their business, and don't even pay themselves a salary, then the Dragons have a massive go at them for leaving their day jobs! So arrogant expecting them to give up their jobs. Get a life and be real! Massive respect and shoutout to Duncan for saying what he said 👍
I thought keeping your day job and growing the business without the strain of paying two more people was wise, not selfish. I didn't realise there was a correlation between being broke and commitment
This one clip sums up the Dragons Dens 100%. “We want to see you destitute and homeless before we can invest in you. In fact give up your jobs that sustain your food, water etc” (apart from mr Banartyne)
The woman presenting has a great business head on, she had great confidence, solid facts, and didn't avoid questions. They both knew what they were getting in to, and even said they'd be willing to employ a business operator in the near future to oversee the running of the company. Anyone with an ounce of common sense would understand that money makes money. It's rare for a couple to be able to just fund the birth of a new company, set its foundations without having to work another job and racking up thousand of pounds in debt. With a bit of passion and hard work they could have continued working both jobs for another year whilst setting up the new company, and then left to fully focus on their new business, which in my opinion has a great motive behind it. I can understand the uncertainty of the future of their proposed business, and the competition that can drive away profit, but to say these two are not committed enough is, I think, a total shame and lack of perception of their characters and willingness to work hard to succeed.
1. @ Chicken Nuggets : Excellent comment; well expressed; great insight and sound judgement, judiciously phrased. 2. @ The Jazz King : You are annoying, not funny or clever. Go away and grow up - or simply shut up. Either would do.
Peter is being nonsensical. Peter attacked the fact that they worked jobs. And then when he asked the question how much would it take for them to leave their jobs, he accused them of wanting their cake and to eat it too. It makes absolutely no sense.
Which is fine up until the point you want investment. Who wants to invest in a business where the owners are on it part-time? These guys are right to carry on in salaried positions until the business can support them. The dragons are right in not investing until the owners are fully in. Conditions have to be right. Only thing wrong is Peter suggesting they terminate employment as a pre-condition to investment -that's not an optimal position for both parties, just him.
They did the exact right thing to stay in their jobs and credit to Duncan for realising that it's very easy to tell people to leave their jobs when you're sat there with millions in your bank
This was total bs, the dragons were just looking for a way out. The dragons have many different businesses and don't work full time in any one project they split their time as necessary among all of them but are bashing these people for doing the same.
It seems that Deborah and Duncan were the only ‘logical’ dragons with this pitch. Peter & Pierce were completely wrong with that interrogation, and should have been more supportive for such a noble cause. Kelly followed with an immature comment about why she wouldn’t invest.
Duncan has only two modes. He‘s either insanely harsh and really ridicules people and ideas… Or he‘s the most generous person in the Den, helping out entrepeneurs when they struggle with answers.
Peter only pretends he would have invested - I do not believe a word he says. He criticises that they are still working part time and then he criticises that if they wouldn't they would live off the companies' profits. Which is it? Are they supposed to invest all of their time and eat the diapers? I think it shows dedication that they are still able to organise a company while working and it means that they do not have to cut themselves a salary out of the profits which can make a huge difference when starting a company
Peter always belittles entrepreneurs for not leaving their job to be full time entrepreneurs. He is so distant from the middle class, not everyone can afford that luxury.
So let me get this straight! In Peter's eyes, an entrepreneur is only investable if he or she has no job, and also receives no money from the business venture they started? Do millionaires not realize people have to eat, pay rent, utilities, etc which doesn't equal lack of business savvy.
'Feelings about commitment.' Eh? Where's the forecast? These people are required to go into poverty to secure an investment? Only Duncan Bannatyne was realistic about the situation.
I agree with Duncan, when you have a stable job and source of revenue you don't think of leaving it overnight. As your other business grows and becomes auto-sustainable then you can start thinking of leaving your other job. Duncan is the real MVP.
you have to feel for these people. they pour their blood sweat and tears into a dream of success and work so hard to make it happen to make a better life for their children. I myself am happy to have a roof over my head, food on the table and good friends
*_Narrator:_*_ Next up we have the turtle neck tycoon who claims he can _*_change the world_*_ through his magic portable internet communications device. A bold move, but will the Dragons bite?_ *Steve:* Hi I’m Steve Jobs and this is the iPhone. *_Narrator:_*_ Tech guru Peter Jones notices a red flag immediately._ *Peter:* Hi Steve, I'm Peter... Where’s the keyboard ? *holds up his Blackberry* *_Narrator:_*_ Jenny Campbell isn’t impressed, she has taken longer than usual to make a decision._ *Jenny:* I’m out. *_Narrator:_*_ However, it seems something has caught the attention of vitamin magnate and retail kingpin Tej Lavani and Touker Suleyman._ *Tej & Touker:* We'd like to make you an offe... *Steve:* ...I’m not here for you two. *Tej & Touker:* :| :| *_Narrator:_*_ A risky strategy by Steve, excluding two Dragons before hearing their offers. Will it pay off? Debra Meaden is starting to warm up to Steve’s idea by throwing a wrench in the entire telecoms industry._ *Peter:* Hi Steve, I'm Peter... See this? *pulls out a stylus and PDA* Where's yours? Do you expect me to prod away at a screen like a baby? Seems a bit silly really. *_Narrator:_*_ It seems Peter has found a major flaw in Steve's 'magic' device._ *Debra:* WoW tHiS iS eXciTiNg! *Steve:* It can store up to 5000 songs... *Peter:* steve..steve..STEVE!... look here, why would anyone need that? Who listens to 5000 songs? *Steve:* _stares_ *Peter:* I’ll make you an offer Steve. Because of my contacts...I want 90% of the business and when you add a keyboard I’ll drop down to 89% *Debra:* w-w-wait I’ll make you a better.... *Steve:* *blows air* Umm, Peter.. Would you... be willing... to drop down to 89%... if you get your money back... within a month? *Peter:* *No.* *Steve:* I’d like to accept your deal Peter. *_Narrator:_*_ A deal well done by Steve and Peter in what was Peters toughest negotiation on the Den yet._
Peter often thinks for himself and he voices it but sometimes I wonder if he does it to amuse himself. It is so funny to watch the other dragons copy his thoughts regardless of how right or wrong he is. This clip demonstrates it. It's not important if they leave their job, there are two of them, even working full time they have enough time to commit to this and they also have the option of working part time. I think Peter mentioned it just to watch the reactions of the other dragons. More often than not, the other dragons demonstrate their inability to think for themselves.
This is where I find the dragons inconsistent because in some episodes they don't expect you to give your job up and in some they expect you to resign on the spot .... Peter annoys me because if you give your job up then you need to take a salary from "Your business" or how do you survive how does he not understand this ????
What an outrageous thing to say. Why would they leave their jobs/careers on something that may not work. Peter should know that. I was hoping they would say that what's makes them think they wouldn't be commited. Peter and all the dragons have multiple investments and multiple businesses, yet they'll give alot of committment to all. I've been annoyed a few times watching this show. But this was the worse
I think they are right when they say a big company would muscle in but the working in a stable job until you have the money to do it exclusively is wise thinking not a lack of commitment.
Peter is correct. You cant ask someone for investment money if aint willing to invest 100% of your time. Thats why we r all here commenting and not Billionaires
@B.D W this all depends If you're trying to start something like they are, they need money. Hell that's why they're on the fucking show If you're starting a grass cutting business then it's a different story. It all depends
So pleased with the comments section on this video - Peter actually got my blood boiling with his grilling of these two for wanting financial security, running themselves into the ground no doubt to keep their business thriving as best as it can. Yet more reasons why I appreciate Deborah - I feel her assessment of their business and characters was very fair - and for the first time, I think, I really liked Duncan's response. Honestly, while there are great millionaires out there, I'd really like to knock some sense into some of the millionaire class.
I guess if you want investment you have to meet the investors criteria to get it? 4k starting salaries don't normally come until later on in a businesses life. So many new business start ups have to start with a person risking all. If you can hedge your bets and work while starting a business all well and good, not an option for many start ups
No peirs started a business at 13 by cutting out the news agents with delivering papers, so it went from print to him and he delivered so he could make more money, Tej's company is Vitabiotics which is the family company that was handed down to him.
@@SiriusMined I dont understand what that has to do with OPs question? Most 13 year olds live with their parents, and also most 13 year olds don't have any bills.
To say quit your day job to focus solely on this is all very well coming from a multi-millionaire with multiple revenue streams. But for every day people we need to make sure we have some sort of revenue to pay our bills and feed ourselves.
I do like how Duncan sticks up for them when Peter accuses them of not being fully committed due to having other jobs
Yeah right - 70k which will go in a few months and they expect them to leave their job and risk having their house repossessed. Unbelievable
of course they cant invest in business who people not are commited to, this is about money not feelings
Aaron Hurst Yep. As though Peter ONLY had one job ever.
@@michaelwallden7261 So if someone could make money chopping you up and selling the parts they should go for it?
@@icemachine79 I mean... Human trafficking _is_ a bit of a top-list issue right now.
Watching this makes you realise just how far removed the millionaire class are from the insecurity and day to day struggle of working class people
Horrible bullies
What is the yearly wage difference between working class and middle class?
@@SA.9812 look it up
@Luc £4000 a month is definitely good money but it hardly takes you out of the working class zone, a great plumber or other tradesman can make that in 2019
You've got to know that, they have been there at least once in their life.
I didn't leave my job as a graphic designer to be a full-time TH-camr until enough was coming in. I 100% agree with Duncan. Don't leave your security until you have security. It can be less, but it must be enough to survive.
Hey just discovered you're channel, pretty good, I don't believe in anything but I don't disbelieve anything either because I truly don't know. I think the problem with Atheism is they think they "know" there is no God, correct?
Peter is being unreasonable
From the money perspective, yeah they want commitment so they would get back their money faster.
But on the other side, "how dare you want to have a decent wage even in a company you built and why dont you leave your job and accept very very less so i can make my money faster"
Eventually they will start making more but not that fast.
Wow Stephan, you watch Dragon's Den too! So nice to spot you here.
@@Mo-xx9gg That’s so disingenuous, the percentage risk for Peter is so much smaller than their risk of leaving a stable job.
Maybe I'm naive, but I think they're doing the right thing keeping a paid job while they're trying to set up a business. How else are they supposed to survive? I seriously don't get what Peter's on about here and agreed more with Duncan.
I think its good business sense, not burdening the business with the wage bill, yet ! They do need to be committed to leaving and it should be in the budget both cost and time wise which will be dependent on milestones.
It certainly makes sense for them....but not with other people's money.
Peter Jones always goes on about this - he doesn't seem to get that the average person has bills and costs to pay for that they don't want to take out of the business in early stages. He gets wound up if people are taking a salary to live as well
@@johnlastname3751no peter knows what he is doing. He just being smart: he wants an active, energetic individual who is willing to work hard so he doesn't have to work as hard in return. Smart people try to make the slightly less smarter people do this all the time.
They're not invested in their business, why should anyone else bother?
Duncan was a real one here. Sometimes he seems like the only one who's an actual human being with empathy.
Thanks to Duncan for calling Peter out on his craaaap. You can see it in Piers' face, he's full of it. He and Kelly are being ridiculous for the sake of TV drama.
Duncan and Deborah were the only ones with sense.
Duncan and Deborah usually come off as cold, but I feel they're more in touch with reality than any other Dragon there's been and I'd trust them with my business more than the others.
i like that too.
They were both ridiculous individuals tbh
Rediculous to expect them to work full time on it at this stage. Most people cannot afford to drastically reduce, or even eliminate, their wages whilst they start up a new venture. They are doing the sensible thing
Definitley something i would do as you dont know the climate. However its there money. They dont want you there part time. They dont want you missing things because your at your job. Buikd it up first then ask for investment
There is no moral in business.
@ There can be if it is what you want. To say there is no moral in business is just plain stupid, and immoral.
@@greenfingers40 No, he's right. You can have all the morals you wish, but the 10 competitors against you will eat you alive.
@@alcoholandfun243 You can be extremely successful in business, and still have morals to base your business around.
Peter Jones shows great commitment here: look at him, straight to the den after an 8-hour shift at Waitrose.
Duncan was spot on. I've made the mistake of leaving my career to start up a business in the past (which failed) and it took me many years to get back to a satisfactory level in my career, starting back up with a completely depleted income. Had I kept my job, I could have tried running the business without taking out a salary until its viability was established (whilst hiring a part time manager).
@@ele7d That's a good point and I do agree with you. In fact, that's the way I justified leaving my job. The reality is, however, that business success or failure depends on a variety of factors, many if which are unpredictable. Keeping your job whilst running a business minimises the risks associated with that, as you effectively hedge your bets to secure some sort of income stream whilst you see if the business in question is viable.
@@ele7d Yeah, but he'd be wrong because it obviously _didn't_ fail for that reason.
@@ele7d good point
Yep, I've done that too pal. I now know that it would have been prudent for me to have raked in a salary at least for another 3 years while slowly but surely laying the foundation to my business over weekends. But anyway we live and learn. At least we had the b@lls to take the leap and try our hand at something else. Undoubtedly just like me you would have learnt some valuable lessons which will serve you in good stead for the future. I wish you all of the very best and hopefully one day you manage to get back to having your own successful business. That goal still remains in my sights to achieve within the next 5 years.
@@sylvesteraugustine6815 Thank you buddy, I wish you the very best! And all of us who try. Like you say, the lessons learned should serve us well going forward.
Duncan is the man. Not just this, but overall, he is so cool. And, he is so real.
But just like Jenny, he never ever puts his hand in his pocket!
Duncan is the type of guy you want to go to the pub with after work
He reuined the carrier of Sharon Wright
And he's a genuine self-made man
Duncan and Hilary were my faves. Idk why she wasn't on the show longer
How tf are they not committed? Does Peter want them to go into poverty in order for them to appear committed?
Well it does seem like a part time business to them. If your an investor you want someone full time. Remember its there money at the loss
All these dragons have multiple businesses why dont they treat their part time job as other business, they were just looking for a reason to be out.
@@stafupes1926 They might have other people on them. Also its there money not theres.
He's a dick
@Rajmund Csombordi BS. He could have said "this isn't something I can see making me a return on my investment"
''A lot of people who need to dispose of nappies don't drink lattes''. What?? What a ludicrous statement to make haha
I dunno. Sounds true to me. Alot of new parents don't have the extra extra coin for expensive coffee.
But the again a lot of people who wear white trainers don't drink lattes either. He's not saying what "alot" is. It's a dumb thing to say, but eh, you can't disprove it.
I thought so to. Not all parents are poor, which is how I took that comment ridiculous.
That guy is such an idiot
People take the p!ss out of Jenny but few and far are the episodes where this guy invests.
@Luc Enough money to buy a coffee doesn't require a lot of disposable income. It's like the same price as bus fare. It is ridiculous to make that claim about such an inexpensive item. At that stage it's not "don't have a lot of disposable income", it's no disposable income whatsoever if they cannot afford a coffee.
What about when people come in to the Den and reveal that they have left their jobs, given their life and passion to their business, and don't even pay themselves a salary, then the Dragons have a massive go at them for leaving their day jobs!
So arrogant expecting them to give up their jobs. Get a life and be real!
Massive respect and shoutout to Duncan for saying what he said 👍
I thought keeping your day job and growing the business without the strain of paying two more people was wise, not selfish. I didn't realise there was a correlation between being broke and commitment
This one clip sums up the Dragons Dens 100%. “We want to see you destitute and homeless before we can invest in you. In fact give up your jobs that sustain your food, water etc” (apart from mr Banartyne)
The woman presenting has a great business head on, she had great confidence, solid facts, and didn't avoid questions. They both knew what they were getting in to, and even said they'd be willing to employ a business operator in the near future to oversee the running of the company. Anyone with an ounce of common sense would understand that money makes money. It's rare for a couple to be able to just fund the birth of a new company, set its foundations without having to work another job and racking up thousand of pounds in debt.
With a bit of passion and hard work they could have continued working both jobs for another year whilst setting up the new company, and then left to fully focus on their new business, which in my opinion has a great motive behind it. I can understand the uncertainty of the future of their proposed business, and the competition that can drive away profit, but to say these two are not committed enough is, I think, a total shame and lack of perception of their characters and willingness to work hard to succeed.
1. @ Chicken Nuggets : Excellent comment; well expressed; great insight and sound judgement, judiciously phrased.
2. @ The Jazz King : You are annoying, not funny or clever. Go away and grow up - or simply shut up. Either would do.
Lol no she doesn't. An utterly unserious individual
Peter is being nonsensical. Peter attacked the fact that they worked jobs. And then when he asked the question how much would it take for them to leave their jobs, he accused them of wanting their cake and to eat it too. It makes absolutely no sense.
Unfair to question their commitment bc they work especially since the lady is only part time AND working in the environment industry.
What a nonsense!!! I stared my business while I was working. Unless you rich that’s the only way to do it. Very disappointed
Hope it’s going well
Which is fine up until the point you want investment. Who wants to invest in a business where the owners are on it part-time? These guys are right to carry on in salaried positions until the business can support them. The dragons are right in not investing until the owners are fully in. Conditions have to be right. Only thing wrong is Peter suggesting they terminate employment as a pre-condition to investment -that's not an optimal position for both parties, just him.
Would you give 70k to a company run by 2 part time workers?
@YoshiPeach Mario stfu
@@hondaissace If it was going to make money, yeah. I certainly wouldn't whine like a psychopath about them quitting their jobs first.
Anyone remember when Peter told a man he should not be taking a salary from the business
so they like their entrepreneurs jobless, broke, and begging?
Yes, because then they have more leverage in the company without having to buy a bigger share.
They did the exact right thing to stay in their jobs and credit to Duncan for realising that it's very easy to tell people to leave their jobs when you're sat there with millions in your bank
to quote Duncan the Wise
"not everybody's as rich as you Peter"
Don't quit your job to work for dragons..
If you have a job, the chances are, you probably already work for a dragon anyway.
"If you aren't willing to go without food or shelter, I can't invest in you."
Sometimes I really hate rich people.
Not a new idea
This was total bs, the dragons were just looking for a way out. The dragons have many different businesses and don't work full time in any one project they split their time as necessary among all of them but are bashing these people for doing the same.
Apparently they don't even show their face again
Tu true
So true
It seems that Deborah and Duncan were the only ‘logical’ dragons with this pitch. Peter & Pierce were completely wrong with that interrogation, and should have been more supportive for such a noble cause. Kelly followed with an immature comment about why she wouldn’t invest.
4:52 "what we have done is recruit some people..."
Piers: "tHeY'rE NoT hErE!"
Wtf did he expect them to do? Bring in everyone they know?
Ah yes, because you can feed yourself and pay rent off commitment alone. I'll use that one on the HMRC and my landlord next time I'm in between jobs.
Duncan is a real bloke. Always seems to be the voice of reason.
Don't be fooled by the rocks that i got, i'm still , i'm still jenny and i'm out
nice one ^_^
Underrated, W
Best Jenny comment
Best one in a while.
Duncan has only two modes.
He‘s either insanely harsh and really ridicules people and ideas…
Or he‘s the most generous person in the Den, helping out entrepeneurs when they struggle with answers.
He is the only dragon i really aspire to be . Blunt and genuinely honest
7:43 Peter looked like he was getting upset, I saw a little tear from his eye.. I honestly think that he is an emotional gentleman.
Fair play to Duncan for piping up there.
"Oh you need to afford food and shelter, well you're clearly not committed"
Peter only pretends he would have invested - I do not believe a word he says. He criticises that they are still working part time and then he criticises that if they wouldn't they would live off the companies' profits. Which is it? Are they supposed to invest all of their time and eat the diapers? I think it shows dedication that they are still able to organise a company while working and it means that they do not have to cut themselves a salary out of the profits which can make a huge difference when starting a company
Just got an email from Jenny, she said I know I am not in this series.............but I am out.
Hahah brilliant
Jenny took to job to deliver the nappies just to tell them shes out
What peter doesn't seem to be grasping is they can either take more money out of the company to live on, or live on their wages.
Peter always belittles entrepreneurs for not leaving their job to be full time entrepreneurs. He is so distant from the middle class, not everyone can afford that luxury.
So let me get this straight! In Peter's eyes, an entrepreneur is only investable if he or she has no job, and also receives no money from the business venture they started?
Do millionaires not realize people have to eat, pay rent, utilities, etc which doesn't equal lack of business savvy.
'Feelings about commitment.' Eh?
Where's the forecast? These people are required to go into poverty to secure an investment? Only Duncan Bannatyne was realistic about the situation.
Kelly & Sympathy are you joking me! She has Zilch Zero No Sympathy ever, one of the coldest Dragons ever🥶
Dragons: "you want to make a living while operating a business? Disgusting!"
Phone rings:
Jenny Campbell: I'm out
Era leave her alone ffs... You might not have a pot to piss in someday too....
I don't have kids so therefore I'm out
Duncan is a scholar and a gentleman
I'd rather lose my business than work with Peter.
Manipulative and sadistic piece of work that he is.
you can tell he enjoys being cruel to people.....imagine that as your boss, what a nightmare.....
I agree with Duncan, when you have a stable job and source of revenue you don't think of leaving it overnight. As your other business grows and becomes auto-sustainable then you can start thinking of leaving your other job. Duncan is the real MVP.
you have to feel for these people.
they pour their blood sweat and tears into a dream of success
and work so hard to make it happen to make a better life for their children.
I myself am happy to have a roof over my head, food on the table and good friends
Duncan is the most down to earth dragon
Agree with Duncan! Couple selling part of their business not themselves!
Real TH-cam channel now stretching the video to 10 minutes
Lol when that poll "what's your favourite latte" I couldn't stop laughing
“Ooh you must bleed for your company”
Bs. I hate the whole business attitude. It’s unrealistic and so patronising
*_Narrator:_*_ Next up we have the turtle neck tycoon who claims he can _*_change the world_*_ through his magic portable internet communications device. A bold move, but will the Dragons bite?_
*Steve:* Hi I’m Steve Jobs and this is the iPhone.
*_Narrator:_*_ Tech guru Peter Jones notices a red flag immediately._
*Peter:* Hi Steve, I'm Peter... Where’s the keyboard ? *holds up his Blackberry*
*_Narrator:_*_ Jenny Campbell isn’t impressed, she has taken longer than usual to make a decision._
*Jenny:* I’m out.
*_Narrator:_*_ However, it seems something has caught the attention of vitamin magnate and retail kingpin Tej Lavani and Touker Suleyman._
*Tej & Touker:* We'd like to make you an offe...
*Steve:* ...I’m not here for you two.
*Tej & Touker:* :| :|
*_Narrator:_*_ A risky strategy by Steve, excluding two Dragons before hearing their offers. Will it pay off? Debra Meaden is starting to warm up to Steve’s idea by throwing a wrench in the entire telecoms industry._
*Peter:* Hi Steve, I'm Peter... See this? *pulls out a stylus and PDA* Where's yours? Do you expect me to prod away at a screen like a baby? Seems a bit silly really.
*_Narrator:_*_ It seems Peter has found a major flaw in Steve's 'magic' device._
*Debra:* WoW tHiS iS eXciTiNg!
*Steve:* It can store up to 5000 songs...
*Peter:* steve..steve..STEVE!... look here, why would anyone need that? Who listens to 5000 songs?
*Steve:* _stares_
*Peter:* I’ll make you an offer Steve. Because of my contacts...I want 90% of the business and when you add a keyboard I’ll drop down to 89%
*Debra:* w-w-wait I’ll make you a better....
*Steve:* *blows air* Umm, Peter.. Would you... be willing... to drop down to 89%... if you get your money back... within a month?
*Peter:* *No.*
*Steve:* I’d like to accept your deal Peter.
*_Narrator:_*_ A deal well done by Steve and Peter in what was Peters toughest negotiation on the Den yet._
I started at 10.30 a.m its now 13.34 and still still watching a 10 minute fix of dragons den.
Peter often thinks for himself and he voices it but sometimes I wonder if he does it to amuse himself. It is so funny to watch the other dragons copy his thoughts regardless of how right or wrong he is. This clip demonstrates it. It's not important if they leave their job, there are two of them, even working full time they have enough time to commit to this and they also have the option of working part time. I think Peter mentioned it just to watch the reactions of the other dragons.
More often than not, the other dragons demonstrate their inability to think for themselves.
I shit myself only once a week, on Friday nights after too much to drink, so for that reason, I'm out.
Why are the dragons being so unreasonable? Even Jenny would hesitate to say I'm out.
Duncan's spot on
Piers and Kelly should just say "I'M OUT" at the start of the pitches and save their breath.😄
This is where I find the dragons inconsistent because in some episodes they don't expect you to give your job up and in some they expect you to resign on the spot ....
Peter annoys me because if you give your job up then you need to take a salary from "Your business" or how do you survive how does he not understand this ????
What an outrageous thing to say. Why would they leave their jobs/careers on something that may not work. Peter should know that. I was hoping they would say that what's makes them think they wouldn't be commited. Peter and all the dragons have multiple investments and multiple businesses, yet they'll give alot of committment to all. I've been annoyed a few times watching this show. But this was the worse
"So what's your patio made of?"
"Mostly faeces, actually."
I would like one million for a 50% of, I want to build a big ice wall in case we are ever attacked by white walkers or zombies.
I'm in
It's not the first time Peter has done this, naughty tactic.
I think they are right when they say a big company would muscle in but the working in a stable job until you have the money to do it exclusively is wise thinking not a lack of commitment.
From 1:00 onwards you can actually hear her heartbeat against the microphone.
I cant unhear it.
Peter seems not to understand that people have fixed outgoings, in their lives...
Wish they would have this where i live in the west Midlands. Its such a good idea!
A great presentation and business plan very harshly treated ,hope they make millions
Love how piers just having a giggle with duncs
Everyone in these comments always mocks Jenny for not investing but surely Kelly has a poorer record of investment?
"I make 50k a year so add 50k to the offer and I'll walk out tomorrow."
Peter is correct. You cant ask someone for investment money if aint willing to invest 100% of your time. Thats why we r all here commenting and not Billionaires
Imagine your pal coming over and admiring your new deck and saying "What is this? Trex? Pressure Treated Wood?"
"No - shitty nappies!"
guys listen closely in 1:20 , you can hear her heartbeat going insanely fast
I only started getting into this show recently but it is really Interesting.
Better than the American version. Way better, far less editing and far more honesty.
God how is Duncan so bloody charming
How are you supposed to run a business with no income. Wat
@B.D W this all depends
If you're trying to start something like they are, they need money. Hell that's why they're on the fucking show
If you're starting a grass cutting business then it's a different story. It all depends
Gotta respect Duncan for checking those two ...
Peter was spot on.
So pleased with the comments section on this video - Peter actually got my blood boiling with his grilling of these two for wanting financial security, running themselves into the ground no doubt to keep their business thriving as best as it can. Yet more reasons why I appreciate Deborah - I feel her assessment of their business and characters was very fair - and for the first time, I think, I really liked Duncan's response. Honestly, while there are great millionaires out there, I'd really like to knock some sense into some of the millionaire class.
Walmarts been looking for that grocery cart for 5 years
This is the most British couple I have ever seen
I guess if you want investment you have to meet the investors criteria to get it? 4k starting salaries don't normally come until later on in a businesses life. So many new business start ups have to start with a person risking all. If you can hedge your bets and work while starting a business all well and good, not an option for many start ups
Really great camera quality
Does Peter want them to go into poverty in order for them to appear committed?
Regardless of the dragon line up, I only click on these to see the jenny comments lol 😂😜
Washable nappies are a much better prospect - SO much cheaper and so much less waste. Had 3 kids and used washable for all.
Did I just see someone say they can make some literal shitty wood?
Wait isn't Piers the one who has a hand me down family business or was that someone else
No peirs started a business at 13 by cutting out the news agents with delivering papers, so it went from print to him and he delivered so he could make more money, Tej's company is Vitabiotics which is the family company that was handed down to him.
@@sanbo20 Yes, but he was living at his parents so we didn't have any bills.
@@SiriusMined I dont understand what that has to do with OPs question? Most 13 year olds live with their parents, and also most 13 year olds don't have any bills.
@@sanbo20 And people that don't live with parents have bills to pay.
Theo and old bud have the same jacket lol
That was harsh - nobody wants to quit their job and lose their house
Duncan being nice has me shook.
Smh, Peter's smile at the end. They were just having fun with them. They all knew the numbers on the investment didn't stack up.
Duncan such a gentleman on this one.
Peter looks like Julian Carey's bro 😂
To say quit your day job to focus solely on this is all very well coming from a multi-millionaire with multiple revenue streams. But for every day people we need to make sure we have some sort of revenue to pay our bills and feed ourselves.