AFI ~ Clandestine

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 8 ก.ย. 2024
  • The short film that AFI made to go along with the album "Sing The Sorrow"

ความคิดเห็น • 56

  • @DongDoodle
    @DongDoodle 8 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    Is he crazy, just thrusting both hands into dark water? That's how you lose a limb in a Saw movie.

  • @XWoodbineX
    @XWoodbineX 10 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I love how its like a proper old B Movie film! Complete with the music and everything!

  • @ameliasoleil9027
    @ameliasoleil9027 10 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Love how the music sounds very Lynch-esque.

  • @thebel89
    @thebel89 15 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Nothing, like song "Bleed Black"
    "I'm exploring the inside, i find it desolate"
    Yes, the box was empty.

  • @Deathovseasons
    @Deathovseasons 13 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    If the album is based on reincarnation and a continuous cycle what if miseria cantare wasn't the beginning what if bleed black is "I'm exploring the inside, i find it desolate"

  • @MissKuchiki
    @MissKuchiki 15 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    this brings back memories.. *sighs*
    but they're awesome.

  • @allanusarov7230
    @allanusarov7230 10 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    The Box is MacGuffin, lol.

  • @Nyfancam01
    @Nyfancam01 11 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    GET READY EVERYBODY!!! I Feel like they are creating ANOTHER dark album for us now! Releasing soon. Let's all treat it like Sing the Sorrow and love it

  • @gretchenagiopa2235
    @gretchenagiopa2235 7 ปีที่แล้ว +20

    i think you are all secretly gay. the cd is complicated and would take me like 7 years to explain. so im just going to put here what someone else explianed on there fourms. it must have took him forever to figure it out but its here. Sing the Sorrow is a very interesting cd. If you like AFI, and you have Sing the Sorrow, you should read this. Actually, it has lots of things you'll never know if you don't read this. Okay, before this album came out, they released a 10" disk, and called it "336". No one could figure out why, and it was a bit of a secret. All they would really tell us was that when Sing the Sorrow came out, it would all be made clear. Well, they dropped some hints in the meantime. One time while upgrading the messageboard, they left links to astrology, numerology, and the ummm.... I think the chinese zodiac? Another time, a hint was dropped... they said that "336" wasn't really important.. it was just "what comes before." It came before Sing the Sorrow. Meaning that STS was "337." And we really had to figure out what 337 meant. Also, there were the rabbits. They had posters and stuff with rabbits on them. And other weird mentions of rabbits. In the liner notes from STS, it says, "Rabbits are roadkill." So Sing the Sorrow came out, and no one could figure it out. Then their short film, "Clandestine" came out. It had the cd, the dvd short film, and a 60 page little hardcover book, which was like a big colored version of the cd booklet. Thw whole style is of faded, worn pages. The pages are old and stained... brownish stains.. But as you flip through the book, you begin to realize that some of the stains and smudges are actually red. All of the stains are actually blood, and dried blood. (I haven't seen the film in a long time, so I might have a few details wrong.) Now, in the film, it starts with Hunter holding a box with the Sing the Sorrow logo on it, running through the forest. He looks at a paper, and keeps running. The paper gets dropped, and you see that it says Room 37 at 3:33. He runs into a classroom full of kids. The board says, "nothing from nowhere." Then you see Adam playing cards. The box is on the table (in the pot), along with a watch, keys, a magnifying glass, a bottle of dark fluid, a white chrysanthemum, and a live rabbit. Adam has 336 in his hand. He wins, takes the box, and goes to leave, but the box falls apart in his hands. You see that two of the guys at the table have actually smuggled away the real box. It flashes to Dave in a cafe. He is writing in a book (the book that comes with Clandestine... it's like the cd booklet, but better), with the box on the table. A strange woman comes up and kisses him, stealing the box. She leaves, and he goes back to writing. He notices the box is gone, and leaves. It flashes to Jade walking into the classroom, (the board says "I am no one at all." and through another door in the class, which leads him into a house. You see him snooping through the house. Going upstairs, going through drawers, looking behind dressers, etc. He goes into the bathroom, and the tub is filled with a black fluid. He reaches in, and pulls out the box. You see a hand at the door of the bathroom (maybe the hand of the woman from the cafe?), trying to open it. They unlock the door (with the keys from the card table?) Jade jumps into the tub, going down, down into the water. He comes walking out of the water on a beach. He walks across the sand to a small table where all the members sit waiting. He places the box on the table, and they open it. End of film. You never see what is or isn't inside. Throughout the movie, it flashes the clock, which, for every person's scene, is on 3:33, and at the very end, I believe it's 3:37. Now, I have friends that spent forever figuring this out, and I helped some. They looked up esoteric astrology, chinese astrolgy, and numerolgy, among other things. Clandestine means something secret or hidden. Esoteric also means hidden. "Miseria Cantare" is Latin for "Sing the Sorrow." 3 x 37 = 111. I'm not positive, but I hear that 777 represents god, or perfection. In Transference, Dave wrote, "I'm 111 less than perfection." 777 - 111 = 666. Dun dun DUUUUNNN. ( P.S., NO, they are in no way devil worshippers. Just for your info.) Also, Three denotes divine perfection; Seven denotes spiritual perfection. In esoteric astrology, 336 represents physical death, and the events leading up to it. There were only 2 songs on the 336 disk. Some of the lyrics of one of the songs say, "We're all now in dying days.... I gave up fighting. I've come to be these halos." 337 represents the act of reincarnation. This is important: In chinese astrology, Dave is a RABBIT. He was born the year of the rabbit. RABBITS CANNOT BE REINCARNATED. Rabbits are on their last life in this world, and do not have another chance. In numerology, Dave's life path number is 3. In some middle eastern philosophy, they say that there are 37 deeds you must do before you can reach nirvana, or peace/heaven, and be done on the wheel of life. The whole cd goes in a circle. The sounds at the end are backwards. They end in the same beat and same key as the beginning of the cd. It's one continuous loop. The music before This Time Imperfect is the same played forward as it is played backward. The front of the album has the symbol of falling leaves. Falling leaves represent death, and returning to the earth. The back of the album has a symbol of water. Water represents rebirth. All of the art for this album has been circles. Another symbol of something repeating, of reincarnation. Also, at the beginning of the film, Hunter is running through the forest (leaves), and at the end, they're on the beach (water). The black fluid in the bathtub relates to "Bleed Black." The chrysanthemum on the card table relates to "The Great Disappointment." It's all crazy. Basically, the whole theme is death and reincarnation, and the fact that he CANNOT reincarnate again. Look at the song lyrics. Although each song as a whole isn't about this, there are specific lines that corroborate this theory. Example: "iscarnate." "Nothing from nowhere, I'm no one at all." Discarnate means being bodiless. Like floating in time and space. Essentially, being... nowhere. Nothing. There are other questions as well, like why are the leaving songs out of order? Well, since the cd is one big circle, we don't believe that it actually begins with Misera Cantare. At the end of Clandestine, there is breathing. Just like at the beginning of Bleed Black. I believe that the album BEGINS with Bleed Black. That would put the song as beginning after Clandestine. There was a theory that the box at the end was just empty. (I forget why.) Well, the first words are, "I am exploring the inside. I find it desolate." So, if it starts with Bleed Black, the breathing at the beginning could represent life. (Being born, perhaps?) That would put the song whose lyrics say, "recreate me," and more importantly, "I know I died that night, and I'll never be brough back to life once again." So, playing that as the first song, and going full circle around the cd, that puts the leaving songs into order, and ends the cd with The Leaving Song Pt II. Now, some people think that Dave "ies" over the course of this cd. Some say that the "eath" (if there is one) occurs during This Time Imperfect. That would make sense that Miseria Cantare would be the beginning... from nowhere. Bodiless... Then comes The Leaving Song Pt II, whose very first lyrics say, "on't waste your touch, you won't feel anything." The spanish in the song says, ""Yo he estado aqu√_ muchas veces antes y regreso" ("I have been here many times before and I return"; "Y regreso aqu√_ otra vez y comenzo" ("So I return here once again and I begin". Like being reborn. The circle of birth and death and rebirth. "I saw its birth. I watched it grow...." Also the fact that the poem is read as in the 3 stages of life. Like he is aging through it. So yeah, it's pretty creepy. so yeah thats basicly what the cd is about. its so cool to me that they can be so insain. they put alot of thought into this cd. it sure seemed to work out for them because none of you knew what it was about.

    • @Fimshimjim
      @Fimshimjim 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      You sir have blown my mind, simply wow

    • @nazadup
      @nazadup 5 ปีที่แล้ว


    • @nazadup
      @nazadup 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      So what would be the order of the songs? And why are they all secretly gay?

    • @neszero
      @neszero 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      this reads like the theory of a person who has no idea how musicians write songs and albums

    • @TrashBatChar
      @TrashBatChar 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      What an enlightening comment!

  • @Abercrombieand1Bitch
    @Abercrombieand1Bitch 13 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Holy fuck this video is scary. I listened to it during the tornadoes in my area. A trash can fell down near the opening of the box. Scared the fucking hell out of me...

  • @mrscrashlove
    @mrscrashlove 10 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Here's my theory: Nothing was in the box. Notice... davey was writing, not trying to get in the box. The woman he kissed stole the box. I suspect she's in a partnership with the people Adam was with. Whatever Davey was writing was intended to go into the box, but it was stolen before he had chance to put the letter inside. Jade and Hunter had to try and help get the box for Davey. Hunter got it and delivered it to DXH. The woman stole it, gave it to the guys who were with Adam for safekeeping. Adam noticed and meant to steal it away when the others weren't looking, but the plan backfired. The guys adam was with took it and hid it. Jade then comes to the rescue. The burning at the end? Represents 'A Fire Inside' plus they burn the box because everyone desperately wants it as it's rare and valueable. The real mystery? What the heck was Davey writing that would have been going into the box?

  • @LongviewGD182
    @LongviewGD182 13 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    @SingTheSorrow7 I think they might be the "soft creatures, dressed in white" from The Great Dissapointment

  • @XXXemoguitarheroXXX
    @XXXemoguitarheroXXX 14 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    the time 3:37 the limited edition album 336 was said to be what happened before and was considered the beginning of the mystery many thought 337 would come next... falling leaves on the box/forest represents death water represents birth the 2 together being reincarnation many believe davey dies in STS and believe it's played in a cycle or circle starting with bleed black and ending with leaving song 2 circle meaning reincarnate i know this whole mystery even further :D

  • @synesthesia.aesthetic
    @synesthesia.aesthetic 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Excited about the new short film but wish this one had been longer!

  • @xXHunterLuvaXx
    @xXHunterLuvaXx 17 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    The box has the leaf of one of their logos. At the end you can see it. That's all I know... Haha XD

  • @vestahahamashups4597
    @vestahahamashups4597 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    this looks like something youd find on the deep web

  • @BroadwayPhan42
    @BroadwayPhan42 18 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    ...Well, at least the answer to the first part of the mystery...

  • @turnerwilson3317
    @turnerwilson3317 11 ปีที่แล้ว

    I love this video.

  • @xSumDayARomancex
    @xSumDayARomancex 18 ปีที่แล้ว

    you can link more than just the number 37 to Sing the Sorrow.
    -the chalkboard said 'nothing from nowhere' and 'I am no one at all(from Miseria Cantare)
    -a white chrysanthemum(from The Great Disappointment)
    -a rabbit(from Rabbits are Roadkill on Route 37)
    and finally
    -black liquid in the bathtub(from Bleed Black)

  • @coreyhumble1911
    @coreyhumble1911 11 ปีที่แล้ว

    Love the David Lynch feel.

  • @AlexaBellaMuerte
    @AlexaBellaMuerte 13 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    What's the difference between Jade's and Hunter's soundtrack?

  • @LongviewGD182
    @LongviewGD182 13 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    @thebel89 No, Rizzo is in the box

  • @orgixvi3
    @orgixvi3 15 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    What's in the box?!

  • @SingTheSorrow7
    @SingTheSorrow7 13 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    do the kids in the class remind you of fall children??

  • @xAFIx4ever
    @xAFIx4ever 15 ปีที่แล้ว

    I love it...
    freaky... but awesome!!!

  • @poisongaze
    @poisongaze 15 ปีที่แล้ว

    it sucks that i missed this..

  • @blissfullydead89
    @blissfullydead89 11 ปีที่แล้ว

    It's out of print. You can get on Ebay for $100 to $200

  • @greenkorn69
    @greenkorn69 14 ปีที่แล้ว

    I dont really understand the mystery but i did find lyric that could help with wats in the box.
    "I looked inside to find the one i sent away. I nearly froze when i stepped inside to find the flowers turned to grey." Now The World

  • @Underthejrose
    @Underthejrose 13 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I wonder what the Jade soundtrack sounds like in comparison to the Hunter!?!

  • @orgixvi3
    @orgixvi3 15 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I was going for a Seven reference... ._.

  • @littlelottie419
    @littlelottie419 13 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    why do people keep taking the black box away?

  • @ryanjamescorbett
    @ryanjamescorbett 12 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    does anyone know what restaurant this was filmed at?

  • @ProudPlagueRat
    @ProudPlagueRat 13 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    where can I get the dvd????

  • @bobyqv2
    @bobyqv2 12 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    There is nothing in the box because it symblizes life or some bullshit like that. There, I figured it out.

  • @chisaiitori
    @chisaiitori 18 ปีที่แล้ว

    I don't understand this, but ut was still really cool! If anyone does understand this, and can explain it to me, please message me!

  • @Catcora89
    @Catcora89 18 ปีที่แล้ว

    wow, that's kinda scary, what's in the box? I want to know. why doesn't they show it? that makes no sense...

  • @AdrianaMartinez-en1hj
    @AdrianaMartinez-en1hj 10 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    no le entendi

  • @Havok16
    @Havok16 13 ปีที่แล้ว

    The answer is 7...

  • @Nyfancam01
    @Nyfancam01 11 ปีที่แล้ว

    AFI at their best! SING THE SORROW (and yes I Black sails *have a half sleeve for it* and The art of drowning as well as the more hardcore punk albums before* but something about S.T.S. that just felt so perfect to me,, So dark.

  • @edwinaguirremartinez
    @edwinaguirremartinez 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    que da a entender el video??

  • @vampiregirl321
    @vampiregirl321 11 ปีที่แล้ว

    got any 7's XD

  • @vampiregirl321
    @vampiregirl321 11 ปีที่แล้ว


  • @EvidenceSong
    @EvidenceSong 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    i think i will never understand this video

  • @captainfoxheart
    @captainfoxheart 18 ปีที่แล้ว

    i have the answer

  • @greenkorn69
    @greenkorn69 14 ปีที่แล้ว

    figured out the mystery found a website on google talking about the mystery. it was just a stupid scavenger hunt for a few people to get special vip passes to a secret concert for afi. no mystery end of story decemberunderground has nothing to do with the mystery of sing the sorrow but is rather a further reading of the man the 2 albums are about

  • @KINGgutterface
    @KINGgutterface 13 ปีที่แล้ว

    wtf happened to AFI man. their new shit is absolute utter BS. this was the good stuff.... i miss Sing the Sorrow and before that. all of this scene crap is getting old...

  • @greenkorn69
    @greenkorn69 14 ปีที่แล้ว

    I dont really understand the mystery but i did find lyric that could help with wats in the box.
    "I looked inside to find the one i sent away. I nearly froze when is stepped inside to find the flowers turned to grey." Now The World