"Glencairn" is two syllables. You got the first one right; the second is just the word "care" with an "n" at the end. Glencairn. That glass is what I believe is called a Canadian glencairn, which is sort of a hybrid between the classic tumbler whisky glass and the true tulip-shaped glencairn glass. I'd recommend picking one of those up if you haven't already; you can get a set of two for about $15 on Amazon!
Thanks, I use a Libby shot glass - with the pour line - that was purloined at "happy hour"!
Agree that this is a great gift (received one for Christmas as well). The packaging, bottle, and glass all project quality.
Yeah most people don't mind a nice bottle of whiskey
"Glencairn" is two syllables. You got the first one right; the second is just the word "care" with an "n" at the end. Glencairn. That glass is what I believe is called a Canadian glencairn, which is sort of a hybrid between the classic tumbler whisky glass and the true tulip-shaped glencairn glass. I'd recommend picking one of those up if you haven't already; you can get a set of two for about $15 on Amazon!
Never tried jack. I’m a crown royal guy. But next time I’m at the LCBO I’m going to pick up some. Cheers
Yeah this Jack Daniels is really good
Nice video and nice gift congrats and enjoy - will run out and buy a Jack Daniels before everything shout down for xmas- thanks
Thanks, yeah nobody gets made at some good whiskey for Christmas
Jack barrel proof is much better than single barrel select. It’s also pronounced glen-care-in. Thanks for sharing your experience!
I'll have to try it
I think you will like it a lot.. post a video of your tasting!
Yeah will do
Do I think it's good? Sure why not ;)
yeah it's good whiskey
whisky tasting they add water to it too, first result on it is rly funny btw
Yeah I think just bit of water really opens up a whiskey, thanks for the comment