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I am not Muslim but what I can agree on,in hindu,buddism,Falun gong,jews vs mesianic jew, etc,I am still trying to understand where there is common ground. I am happy to hear muslims,christians in keny,uganda,liberia,ethopia and more will not submit to ( new world order, nazi klaus schwaub started world economic forum. Him and family were close with demon posessed hitler and nazi.were into torture,eugenics.i am not jewish,but not only jews were put in torture camps,put to death.the christian book of enoch,the vatican,rome made certain to hide, book of secrets,occult,book of magic,angels,names of fallen angels,etc.another reason I never trusted the vatican,vatholic church.
Just a note for everyone, Islam does not condone the use of talisman and any kind of magic. A true muslim seek refuge from any evil and dangerous things only in The Almighty, Allah. A muslim can't even use the book quran as a protection from anything. The 'quran' means 'to recite'. A muslim can recite the verse of the quran to seek refuge by it (knowing that Allah will protect them by those verse from evil). Any sign of quranic verses written in/on any form of talisman is a form of shirik "Associating God with something in power to protect you". Written verse cannot protect you from anything by itself, but reciting quranic verse in hope that Allah gives protect does the work.
This shows your limited knowledge about Qur'an, as Allah said Qur'an is only comprehended by people who reflect. Chapters and verses of Qur'an are powerful as tools for prayer to protect, achieve,elevate ,and receive blessings from Allah.
Ayattul qursi,suratul falaq,suratul nas should come to mind....therefore if those verses are confirmed by the prophet himself to serve as protection where did you get ypur knowledge from. Have you forgotten the suplications made by pious servant revealed in Qur'an. They are all for our use.
And extremists Sufi, pir shia who believe that man can become GOD by reaching highest level of spirituality like irani shia Sufi mansoor hallaj will also follow antichrist by considering as their mahdi or mystical Sufi mansoor hallaj with mighty power as he said his followers that he would come back possibly to take revenge against the true believers (Muslims) of Islam. Hindus as well as christians believe that their god come to earth in human form to be deceived by antichrist (dajjal). Because most of them worship material things (money,powers,names, fames, worldly things etc.). They (Hindus Buddhists christians) also worship Jin Satan to open their 3rd eye! Christianity= Hinduism Denomination= Caste Trinity= Trimurti Both venerate a man as god to be deceived by antichrist Both are pagans Both were lies and scams by satan
i am not that religious but i cannot stress enough how wonderful it is that you warn people about you quoting from this book for those who do take this seriously. it is very kind and shows that you do love learning religion and respect those even if you do not believe in them/agree. i grew such a huge respect for you from this small kind gesture!
Dude, don't come near this book it's not about taking it seriously or not Just don't come near this book It's real and it will affect you,you might be an atheist or whatever but this book details on how to contact jinns and all that and it's not something you want to get near
I'm a septic myself, but my mom told me a story of when her and my aunts got ahold of a magic book and started casting spells to attract fortune, ever since, weird stuff started to happen in their house until they moved out. So yeah don't mess with that stuff lol
He does not warn people himself, he just (correctly) says that some people fear it and believe it can cause bad things happen. Of course if it was true, it would have been studied and experimentally proven a long time ago. That's the thing with superstition - it works only in your head.
“This book teaches you to make matrices using letters instead of numbers. Hence, it must be witchcraft.” As someone who had to study quantum mechanics, I wholeheartedly agree with the modern scholars.
Although being a non native Arabic speaker yourself, your pronunciation is pretty much smooth in itself. Goes to show your true dedication for not murdering these words.
dewbondi, berelvi (Rizvi),shia Pir-sufi are destroying the unity of Muslims by worshiping different idols (imams/pirs/majars etc.), just like the Hindus Buddhist, christians are destroying the unity of Mankind by dividing themselves by worshipping different idols:Buddha, saints,prophets, messiah, Jesus, ram,krisna, Durga, gonesh etc. as symbol of GOD! that's inhuman. And all of them support the blasphemy (I'm God & worship me) of Irani shia sufi monsoor hallaj like Kabbalah Jew to be deceived by antichrist (dajjal) by considering him as their mahdi/mystical sufi! Nauzubillah They all are destroying the unity of Mankind. For their heinous acts they all are going to be deceived by the antichrist (dajjal).
Those shia,Dewbondi,berelvi (Rizvi) pirs of tableeghi Jamaat who believe that Irani shia Sufi mansoor hallaj's 3rd eye was opened by claiming to be God/worshiped at the highest level of spirituality are going to be deceived by the antichrist (dajjal). The return of Mystical Sufi Hallaj with mighty evil power as he said to his followers that he would come back after his death possibly to take revenge against the true believers (Muslims) of Islam! Irani Shia sufi Monsoor Hallaj who is a famous pir of dewbondi, tableeghi Jamaat, berelvi (rizvi) used to worship jin satan like Kabbalah Jew, christian saints,Buddhists,hindu pandits to open 3rd eye to reach the highest level of spirituality. That's why these blasphemous words “anal haq (I’m truth/god) and prostrate to me” were coming out from the mouth of mansur hallaj. May Almighty ALLAH protect us from this antichrist (dajjalik) fitna Aameen.
Hey, You must've heard that a little knowledge is a dangerous thing,so you better understand where the danger lies. Ofcourse the interpreter spreading the things which he hardly knows.
@@shabnamnaz8625just curious how you consider the author ill read when I (a newbie just recently stumbling upon this topic) find this video very informative and relatable. On another note, have you read the book ? Mind if I borrow 🙂
For those who do not know: in Arabian countries, especially among the older generations, just the mention of this book brings out a very negative, fearful reaction. I once joked with an older person that I was reading this book and he scowled and told me not to joke about things like this. The fact that this is being covered outside is a very interesting and refreshing take! Thanks for this video!
You do realize that Sihr constitutes a grand Kufr for us Muslims right? The only religion that explains the existence of these entities, and wants against it is Islam. Another 10000 reasons to believe it to be the ultimate truth.
@@revenger211 your and your friends' parents, are either young, grew up sheltered, were raised in a more westernized community, or any mix of the three. Everyone knows shams al ma'arif, and knows how sinister and evil it is
Just wanted to also chime in to also say that as an Arabic speaker, your pronunciation is excellent and such a breath of fresh air to hear once in a while!
Pir, shia, Sufis (so called muslims), dewbondi berelvi Rizvi tableeghi Jamaat who support the blasphemy (I'm God & worship me) of monsoor hallaj are also like Kabbalah Jew who will also follow Dajjal by considering him as their mahdi/mystical sufi, return of Mystical Sufi mansoor hallaj with mighty power as he said his followers that he would come back possibly to take revenge against the true believers (Muslims) of Islam. May Almighty ALLAH protect us from this antichrist dajjalik fitna. Aameen.
@@Fear_ALLAH_and_speak_the_Truth - why should I "fear" what created me ? That is insane and it's you cult following weirdos that piss me off with your fear mongering woo woo ....
@@Fear_ALLAH_and_speak_the_Truth Respectfully, that is false. At the kabbalah isn't evil. What you're saying is no different than a christian saying witchcraft is evil. It stems from ignorance.
@@Fear_ALLAH_and_speak_the_Truth its such a shame you cant see how sectarian and blinkered you are. study more fiqh and akaaid. the more you study the more you will learn about permissible ikhtilaaf and impermissible. even the sahabah differed on interpretation of hadith EVEN SOME AKAAID
My guess is you know absolutely nothing about Kabbalah or Babylonian Mystery Religions which are the religions of Anti-Christ. The Greek mystery of Eurasian is revealed via sex which was “Greece” initiation or Hellenization.. Psyche and Persephone are main characters. Psyche simply means soul. The part about the pomegranate is these Kabbalah Jews. The descendants of Judah were sold as slaves to the Greeks. Joel 3:6. In Jeremiah 17 those sins are etched in their minds like a stone.
Finally someone who cares about proper pronunciation. It's hard to take someone's information seriously if they're butchering the names of what they're talking about.
I wouldn't blame them for mispronouncing a word when they grew up with a certain language and maybe accent, it's a bit hard to pronounce a complicated word in another language honestly
His accent is pretty good for a non-native speaker. Has an accent and the pronunciation of ع is not perfect. But quite respectable and he has clearly studied. The majority of the Muslim world are not native Arabic speakers and have some sort of accent. Best to be forgiving and understanding about this issue.
For someone like me that inherited vast amount of books like this and many Shamsi Al Marif, and tried so hard to stay as far away as possible from all this but always find myself back in the middle of all this…You don’t know how immense contributions you’ve done to my project right now. Thanks and you’ve earned a subscriber
i'm very happy and thankful to you that you made sure to differentiate between what is islamic and what is "islamicate", because for me as a Muslim, all these things of magic and occultism break very fundamental rules of islam, that those people chose to translate and understand in a bit of a different way.
@@gregphillipsel9906 Islam is really simple, some people just try to complicate it. One should be seeking help and support from God and God only. Using occultism and taking help from Jinns to succeed in this world will only cause the person to be banished from Islam and suffer in the hereafter.
@@Vigilant69 Or maybe not. I'm amazed how people think they understand the limits of God's Compassion. True spiritual understanding would be a positive thing and wondering about the inner understanding of others would be an idle distraction. Most people don't know themselves but promulgate the delusion that pretends to understand and judge the sanctity or lack thereof regarding the complex behavior of God's Children.
@@Vigilant69 being a Muslim is simple, but religion as a whole is very complicated. That's why scholars spend there while life learning and so many different sects and views
@@ahmadsaleh2819 always refer to authentic hadith to avoid confusion dude. Islam is easy, the general public are not to be involved in things that make it complicated, focusing on good deeds and obeying the farz and sunnah is enough. Abu Huraira reported: The Prophet (sallallaahu ’alayhi wa sallam) said, “The religion (of Islam) is easy, and whoever makes the religion a rigour, it will overpower him. So, follow a middle course (in worship); if you can’t do this, do something near to it and give glad tidings and seek help (of Allah) at morn and at dusk and some part of night”. - Bukhari:39
As being a Muslim i must appreciate your in depth work and the care towards even naming and declaring certain ideas. So correct and to the point, no false imagination at all and you are very well read and informed person. Lots of respects. Even some muslims dont even come close to your research and accurate details of the subject.
@@ahmedelkhwaga2751This practice wasn't magic, you fool. It was common among Sufis. Ibn Taymiyyah and his Wahhabi followers emerged as a new sect aiming to dismantle true Islam.
"Even some" ? MOST muslims I know do not know, let alone even begin to have a true understanding of the original and esoteric meanings behind their "religion" -to be fair, the same can be said for "christians"
Dajjal will be supported by kabblah sufi Jews,illuminati, freemasons, pagans (Hindu/Christians who believe that their god come to earth in human form. Biggest fitna end times: Sufism derived from Shiaism=kabbalah Jews, freemasons, illuminati satanists believe that man can become GOD by reaching higest level of spirituality by claiming to be God !
This is my first time on your channel. I must say, you’re pronunciation in Arabic is impressing. I am a language nerd (passionated by linguistics). Through languages I get to explore culture and through culture religion. Somehow I haven’t dived into the Islamic world yet. You showed me beauty today, wisdom and faith in God. I really should learn more about the Arabs. You are welcome bro, I think you should take brian's way He might be a gate for you He got in the middle of arabs (Egypt) With our easy slang you will get arabic very fast . Really you will find another world that deserves your attention. Hope you good luck. #By the way Your search and hard work to know other humans with their languages & cultures is described in the book of Allah (Quran). One day We may contact .
Just beware of Arab political Islam, beware of them. As for such cultures, books, and the narrators of their books who are not biased towards a particular party, Arabs and Muslims do not recognize them. Therefore, Muslims follow an Arab political approach affiliated with the Gulf states, Saudi Arabia, the Emirates, Qatar, and Oman, and their followers from Egypt, Jordan, Morocco, Sudan, and Algeria. Therefore, you must understand any Islam. Muslims follow and any political approach they take for this correct and true Islam is not present in the Arab and Islamic world, they are dangerous and poisonous political agendas, and people must understand and beware of it and know the truth that they believe non-Muslims that Muslims are a unified religion and so is their religion, but the reality is opposed and not true
They learned what harmed them and did not benefit them-although they already knew that whoever buys into magic would have no share in the Hereafter. Miserable indeed was the price for which they sold their souls, if only they knew! (Quran 2:102)
@@luciferzero8164 This verse talks about the two Angels Harut and Marut that were send to the city of Babylon and the origin of magic. link below
I adore this channel. your videos are so informative and well-researched. and I really appreciate how you present your knowledge without passing judgement on the cultures you talk about. it's clear that you put a lot of effort and time into your work, and it's always brilliant. even as an Arab Muslim, I'm learning so much from you that no one here ever mentioned. also, excellent pronunciation!
Finally it makes sense now. In my childhood, there was a man of my mother's village could summon Jinn mostly for healing people from illness. The jinn was known to be good unlike Satan/evil-nature but little bit ill-tempered. As urban residents, me, my father & everyone else laughed hearing such things. We decided to witness the attempt. One of my aunt was infertile. Doctor said she may haven't give birth ever. Her father couldn’t bear it. He called that man to arrange a summoning in hope that if Jinn could help. Luckily we were there too. In the full moon. There was almost 15-20 people in my aunt's house locked inside including me & my parents. Completely dark. Not a single drop of light except few aromatic joss stick. One of my grand father was holding the man tightly so that he can not do tricks by himself. The man were supposed to recite some sort of verses for quite a long time. Although he told us before starting rituals that how the jinn will enter. Exactly that happened after few minutes. Something suddenly started walking on the roof. It was so heavy that the whole house was shaking. Than it feels like somebody threw a heavy stone. It fell just in the middle of us directly from the roof . Later we saw it was a huge rock but got puzzled that how did it invaded the roof & fell upon a place full of people but nobody got hurt! Thn we felt that the thing jumped onto the ground, opned the main door which was locked inside, took a chair & sat in the center of room. Remember it was completely dark. Well thn he gave Salam to everybody. I was like shivering after listening his voice. No human can have this kind of voice. It was nasally & too sharp. He was talking bengali but in different dialect which was not familiar to me. Than he calmly heard all the problems & questions whoever asking & replied accordingly. My mother, one who is fearless lady i have ever seen, was asking some questions that results are yet to come in near future. The jinn scolded her saying "we can not tell about prophecies. That power is not given to us. We are another species just like you made by Allah with a certain special powers." my another aunt had been trying hardly to see him in the dark. He noticed instantly. Said, "you tried to see me since the very first time. Can you bear the effect after seeing my avatar? If we are in hiding, that is for a good reason. So let us be." when he was gone, he took almost half of mann fish as his charge. After the ceremony, when the light came back, we were like numb. Couldn't find any loophole that could convice us that it was fake & staged. No third person could enter in the house territory. Even if anybody stays hidden in outside, how could he open the heavy main door which was locked inside. What is the explaination of the throw. How it fell through the roof! But the most interesting part is, my infertile aunt for whom the jinn was summoned is a mother of four children now. Later the jinn appeared again by the same ceremony. Gave her some rituals to follow & told to perform her prayer regularly. So this is how the jinn was summoned by that man. He might have chanting those verses. My nana told me that the summoner had some book which is forbidden. Sometimes he may recited the verses from The Qura'n in reverse (Nawjubillah). Nana said, although the man meant to help people but it is wrong & forbidden in Islam. No one is supposed practice such things like magic or summoning Jinn. Thanks & Appreciating your efforts from Bangladesh 🇧🇩
Yeah man idont have full faith in jenn or smt like that but its forbidden as hell in islam to contact with jenn .btw ihad out of body experience and the first think i saw was a little gobline on my stomach idk why and how after that i get so scared that ididnt try it agein
@@Cataphracts_History but if you are a muslim, you have to believe in Jinn as it's in one of the fundamental principle of Islam to believe in Jinn & Farishta created by Allah alongside others.
@8:10 thanks for informing us before hand. I'm leaving but those who are interested can stay on their own. However, I'm totally impressed with the channel's honesty towards it's consumers. Thank you very much indeed.
First time I listen your video and your approach in informing people about this subject is beyond any reproach. Very informative, you don't make any judgement because of your humility. You let the scholars judge and those with more knowledge thank yourself. Now I am curious to watch all of your videos. Thank you
The video I’ve been waiting for. I was warned about this book many times growing up, with one particular story I heard from my dad who owned a copy at one point in his college days. He said just reading it out loud would be enough to invite the worst of the jinn to the household, and mentioned something about the jinn following you for the span of your life. It terrified me, but captivated me for so long, and I always felt an inclination to read it or peruse any topics within that realm. I’m about the same age now that he was when he got the book. A couple months back, I managed to find myself an excellently preserved copy. I Couldn’t describe my giddiness when it finally arrived, a sense of strange achievement came over me when I held it, like I had been handed some powerful heirloom that I wasn’t meant to be holding. While I’m not fearful of much, and can be considered quite the skeptic, opening this book and finally reading it gave me a feeling that I hadn’t ever felt before, that wonderous, almost admiring sense of awe that you are truly reading something older than most things you recognize, while simultaneously giving a powerful feeling of dread that got to the point where I couldn’t continue past a few pages without looking up at my peripherals swearing the shadow at the very corner was moving. The book sits quite nicely among other old editions I have on my shelf, but I make it a point to rarely read it, and to only touch it when I absolutely need to. To this day I’m not sure if the feeling I felt is because of all the things I heard manifesting themself into imagination, or if everything I heard was indeed, true, but perhaps not all knowledge is meant to be learned yet, this being one of them. Thank you for your amazing work on your videos and your in depth research into the history of an area of the world that doesn’t get spoken about enough! I’ve learned more about my own history in regards to religion from you than from any teacher, please keep the videos coming
Your pronunciation of the works and names in Arabic is so satisfying, thank you for making such effort to say them right! Being an Arabic native speaker, I know how hard some letters and vocals can be to non-Arabic speakers.
I would be as a child trying to pronounce these words being an English speaker makes some sounds very difficult I tried pronouncing a name of foreign river my friend gave up trying to teach me laughing! 😊
No it isnt difficult . Hes Muslim n can fairly easily pronounce Arabic words, because most of us Muslims read Quran n recite it everyday, atleast i do, Alhamdulillah.
Through your video, I found that the talismans my late grandma made could be from the teaching of this. She's highly offended when told that it was magic, she said it's a form of praying, and to this day I still carry some of the talisman she gave me as an heirloom. Thank you for passing this knowledge.
I have really been loving this channel for the past few months. I do not have a post secondary education so I’m really starting from scratch here. I have always been interested in subjects such as these and this channel is a quick and good way to get a handle on things.
Philip you have done a wonderful job, the pictures of painting as an artist a tour through the Islamic art from miniature, two point perspectives to a transition to realism was a bonus to watch the video, Your research and source material with Citations are spot on, it was a very well spoken, well informed talk with correlation between the sacred text and Islamic astrological and scientific side of the world. Not much impress me in life, but your work was commendable, your look beautiful, you speak like a clear water with beautiful Arabic and English pronunciation. Keep up the Good work mate! Zohair
As an African American Muslim I never Hurd of this book before and I’m 8:38 into the video right now and I really don’t want no jinns around me at all 😂😂 should I continue to watch??
I'm truly fascinated by the wealth of information I gained from this video. Thank you for that. I'd like to kindly request if you could consider making another video about the intriguing Kitab al-Bulhan, also known as the Book of Wonders. I couldn't find much information about it, and I believe your insights would be valuable. Thanks in advance!
Information on some thing that is not real is not information at all, it is history if you would call it that but useless history that doesn't affect anyone
Thanks. We westerners usually forget that other cultures do have their own occult traditions. I had never thought about the occult and mystical traditions of the Islamic world, except in the vague figures of the Sufi. This is truly compelling stuff. The way you describe how the Universe is contained in the Quran, the Quran within a chapter, and so on, was breath taking.
Check out The Idris Shah Foundation channel on here. The playlists have a lot of really good choices for learning more about the occult/ magic from all over the world. Its a great channel.
I'm a Ukrainian, born and raised in the UK and I've been in Tunisia for four years... I've been enchanted by my ex wife but I've never come across European occult practices...
May Allah discard all the lances you mentioned accept the one ' la ilaha illaAllah'. and thus You will taste the true peace and breeze of tranquility ie, true meaning of brother!
this is such a quality video the way you give a warning when your quoting something also is so considerate and your pronounciation is really good for a non native speaker you gained a new sub !
I am from Algeria and well introduced to that subject and I find your pronunciation of Arabic words quite perfect...May Allah guide you to the straightforward path same as me!
58 Jizyah and Mawaada'ah (14)Chapter: If a Dhimmi practises magic, can he be excused?(14)باب هَلْ يُعْفَى عَنِ الذِّمِّيِّ إِذَا سَحَرَ Sahih al-Bukhari 3175 Narrated Aisha: Once the Prophet (ﷺ) was bewitched so that he began to imagine that he had done a thing which in fact he had not done. حَدَّثَنِي مُحَمَّدُ بْنُ الْمُثَنَّى، حَدَّثَنَا يَحْيَى، حَدَّثَنَا هِشَامٌ، قَالَ حَدَّثَنِي أَبِي، عَنْ عَائِشَةَ، أَنَّ النَّبِيَّ صلى الله عليه وسلم سُحِرَ حَتَّى كَانَ يُخَيَّلُ إِلَيْهِ أَنَّهُ صَنَعَ شَيْئًا وَلَمْ يَصْنَعْهُ. Reference : Sahih al-Bukhari 3175 In-book reference : Book 58, Hadith 17
I was in Baghdad looking for it last January. Book Stores don't sell it. One of the book store owners told me that he had a few copies of it at one point, but he burned them down.
As an Algerian myself (north of the sahara) we do not mention this book much at all not because of its dangers but because we are uneducated about this stuff 😑. So thanks for this video.
ma men just called 40m mfs uneducated cause he doesn't know bout something ... yes we do talk bout god know me and my friends even tried so long to find a version that wasnt fake or misguiding (cause they say it was so distorted throw time the practical version of it is so rare )
@@ahmedchawki8083 i mean no one really mention shams al maarif, uneducated isn't the best word but more it's being slowly lost to time these days, and people don't want to be associated with magic in here.
@@ahmedchawki8083 i wasn't being specific enough maybe not all of us, but in biskra you bloody bet we're not educated about this sort of thing! Even the people i know who talk about "magic" and what not never mentioned it.
@@Archaoen0 fair enough but from my pov just to be clear is that everyone i know knows about the book to some extend but i dont think a single one of them read it am pretty sure no one did so that could be the answer to why its lost to time but to say they are uneducated u just pushing cause people do know it and know what it's bout
@@ahmedchawki8083 yes but still people don't talk about it these days and it's understandable, but it might be too much because a lot of us should know what's in these books to be more protective and know what we're dealing with
as someone who's studied islam my whole life i've been warned about this book by almost every person i learned from even in my highschool they warned us about this book to a point that i was even hesitant to click on this video 💀💀
@2 cents worth well at least this shows us how religion can manipulate our psychology leading to fear and anxiety .. he's just sharing his feelings mate .. grow up 😋
Incredible. I thought I knew about Islam in its entirety, back to front, but esotericism has clearly been my blindspot. I have never heard of this book. Even more incredible when you consider I'm an ex-Muslim.
This video essay is really profound. You explained it really well and spoke through the eyes of a believer. It really puts a different perspective about the context of the book. Especially when you said the book were not meant for the common people (somewhere along the line). Allahuakbar. There were no bias in the video but only well plain explainations for us to experience the book without reading it and not have misconceptions about the book. May Allah guide you and give peace and blessings.
This book and other books full of talismans and incantations were collectively known as "al kutub al safraa" (the yellow (paged) books). Being found with one in your possession was enough to have you accused of heresy or witchcraft and sent to jail. I once saw one of these books and was able to go through the various spells inside and actually found one particularly notorious spell: the one to use to make a woman you desire come to you. It involves drawing certain talismans and symbols on your member and calling out the loved one's name at night. Anyway, they say a man was desperately in love with a woman called "Barda'a" (Arabic for saddle, Bedouins often named their daughters similar names). So someone recommended that he try this particular spell after seeing how much he desired this woman. Our friend was not a learned or religious person, he knew little about Djinn and occult things, but he decided to give it a try if there was any chance he could be with the woman he wanted. So he went to a secluded hovel or shack outside of the village he lived in. He drew the figures as best he could from the book on his penis. Then he sat there in the dark and started saying, "Barda'a, Barda'a" again and again in the quiet of the night. Suddenly he heard a noise outside the door. His heart leapt with fear, excitement and hope all at once. Could this actually be Barda'a outside the door? He stood up and slowly opened the door and right there in front of his shack was a donkey saddle suspended in the air. 😂 They say he was never the same after that night in the shack outside the village.
From a south Asian Sufi named Baba Bulleh Shah, there is a poem (Kafi) which repeats „Ek Nukte Wich Gal Mukdi Ay“ translated as „a single dot contains all“…the Dot of ب in Bismillah explained in this video has opened my knot of years long search/contemplation that this metaphorical expression is perhaps linked to a holier reference than what meets the eye. Thanks Filip, stay blessed 😇
As a Muslim and an Arab, I want to thank you for the respect you showed me by dedicating a substantial amount of effort to making sure that you get a decent pronunciation of the Arabic Language and researching the most dangerous book on earth to help everybody get a clear understanding of the context of the book and story behind it. Also, you, as a non-Muslim and a non-Arab, have educated me about the power and value contained inside the Arabic Language and sentences of the Quran, you have honestly brought me closer to God and to my religion which is something that you’ll be given good deeds for and not forgotten on the day of judgement.
Dr Zakir Naik has been doing it since few decades but ohh he is Ajami/ desi. Not light skinned so wouldn't compel an Arab to get closer to Allah. Ironic!
Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) said: All mankind is from Adam and Eve, an Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab nor a non-Arab has any superiority over an Arab; also a white has no superiority over a black nor a black has any superiority over white except by piety and good action.
It's high time someone did a series like this. As a westerner there are big holes in my historical knowledge of this part of the world, especially pertaining to magic.
Stay away from the occult, just a friendly reminder from another human. It's fine to get a glimpse of it but beware from ever engaging in it brother Dave. Peace be upon you.
@@snakejuce yeah. There is a good reason as to why the djinn aren't visible to us. The thought of seeing them may be enticing but it's basically eldritch knowledge: meaning you'll go insane from the experience.
I'm 17 minutes into this video, and I had to pause here so I could say that there are so many parallels between this and Western Kabbalism and the Books of Occult Philosophy by Agrippa. This is the first time I'm seeing your program, and so far it is really good!
From a Muslim here who is from an Arab country and has a descent knowledge about the religion, for those who think that this book is religious in anyway or who think they will get some kind of powers from Allah or the words of Allah, I’d tell them to not be fooled by these thoughts. This book has nothing religious in it! People see the verses and names of Allah and they think “then this book must be a good Islamic book”. Just think about this, what if a Quranic verse is written backwards that doesn’t make it from the Quran anymore. Or if this book tells you to repeat something specific numbers of times, then it changes what is supposed to be holy to something else. Remember, if the prophet didn’t do it nor his companions then that’s just mere innovation and people are fooled thinking it is “religious and holy” to do these rituals. And calling upon Jinn is just pure shirk as we say. Remember that whatever this book is telling you about things and stories is just mere lies to convince you that doing these rituals and playing with the Quran like that is ok and religious. Ask any scholar and they would tell you this book is basically nothing from Islam. Not to mention the dangers this book brings. You keep it at home and you will see and feel things change and happen. You will also hear things. You will never know peace. I had 3 family members who were fools enough to think they could learn stuff from the book and they thought they can control Jinn. Well, it turned against them, they got literally mentally ill to the point they had to have them restrained otherwise they might hurt someone or hurt themselves. Eventually all of them died after a long time of suffering with mental illness. Just stay away from this book or you will regret it. And remember that if you try to read the book and use its rituals then you will be tested. And if you can’t handle those tests then you will end up like those 3 family members I had.
The book isn't meant for random laymen to study. The current paradigm, especially in the Arab and Salafi world (and in the west) in which everyone is encouraged to study by themselves and make ijtihaad is the reason that these problems occur. Not everyone is prepared for anything.
Sounds like nonsense to be honest. Should you believe In this occultic crap? Not at all. But merely picking up the book and reading it will not cause jinn possessions or anything like it. Believing in talismans and such is where the problems start. Stay away from Salafism. Stay away from occultism. Only believe in the Quran and the sunnah and you'll be okay. But reading it as historical material is something those pursuing Islamic scholarship should do, atleast to be aware of the falsehoods that have been spread in the name of Islam.
@@aasimala887 Studying such a thing and wanting to use what’s in it is basically anti Islamic. And it is what is called Kufr. Tampering with Quranic verses is Kufr. No real Muslim should read that book and use its rituals.
@@alafifi101 Bro, I know that many consider it so, but as explained in the video, this wasn't the case up until quite recently. In the parts of the world were Salafis are not so prevalent you will still find the Ulema having knowledge of this book. With regards to Talismans and Taweez, Imam Ibn Taymiya RH and some Sahaba RA allowed them so even Salafis don't have an argument against it.
For ppl who say this is not Islam, please note that its not the religion islam but talks about what the ppl who still practice occult despite being Muslim. It's more of a book of observation rather than practice. One can read to understand, not practice and follow.
Amazing video as usual, all of your work seems to challenge the way I look at the world and what influences the ideas that we now hold when it comes to religion and mysticism. Bless you and continue the great work!
Very interesting. I can not imagine how much time you spend studying and preparing these pieces of information for us. Very admirable. Thank you for your effort. 🙏❤
Stop idiocy, any magician mixes boney with poosony ,he puts Qur'anic verses in between his magic drawings just to mislead idiots. I just want you to look accurately at any talesman you will find out what I say. The youtuber is a liar he didn't open the book ,he just took some notes from others.
Truly appreciate your efforts at presenting valuable knowledge in an objective, thorough yet respectful way. I am fascinated as to the way mystics from many different religions have accessed common, universal truths. For example it seems cryptograms were used in many cultures to reinforce faith in the spiritually alchemical properties contained in sacred scriptures. Best wishes.
just remember everyone, that The Quran forbids magic. The Quran punishes magicians. To those people who learned magic/ talismans or believe in any part of astrology, "they learned what harmed them and did not benefit them-although they already knew that whoever buys into magic would have no share in the Hereafter. Miserable indeed was the price for which they sold their souls, if only they knew![39]" Surah Al-Baqarah Verse 102
Ibn Taymiyyah writes in his Fatawa: “It is permissible for an ill or troubled person, that certain verses from the Qur’an are written with pure ink, then it is washed and given to the ill to drink. Ibn Abbas رضي الله عنه is reported to have mentioned a certain Du’a that should be written and placed close to the woman who is experiencing hard labour at the time of giving birth. Sayyiduna Ali رضي الله عنه says: This Du’a should be written and tied to the arm of the woman. We have experienced that there is nothing more amazing than this.” [Fatawa Ibn Taymiyyah, 19/65]
I was brought up in a Christian religious family but apart from the fact that I was tought that Satan exists and can be kept away by praying and doing good things, I didn't learn anything about the world of şeytan, djin, and angel hierarchies. Since I got married to a Muslim I got into a new world, concerning God's creatures and magic, and find it really fascinating but also scary. I then wanted to get to the roots of magic and found the jewesh Kabbala and magical practices. So the book that you describe reminds me so much of what I read about Jewish magic. It's all about letters and numbers. I found it interesting, your explanation, to say Allah created the universe with his words and that's letters are so powerful. This was amazing. Thank you for this video!
It's not something that we should be practicing as believers in the one true God, regardless of religion. Did you know some people use the Bible as a spell book? Just because it can be done doesn't mean it should be done. The God of Abraham forbids magic to be practiced and if you pay close attention you'll see that all branches of believers have found a way to justify its use and disguise it as some deep secret level of faith in God. A lot of the "spiritual" things you'll hear some Muslims talk about are not in the Quran and it's really best to stick with the words of Allah in the Quran. All these additions, traditions and stories that are found outside of the Quran only justify other additions and all lead down that dreaded path we want to avoid.
the Quran does state that the practise of occultism and sorcery was one of the ways the children of Israel broke their covenant between them and the Lord. such knowledge there's only so much we can bare and we don't possess the beneficence or justice of Allah to use it correctly or rightly. therefore we try an encompass Allah's qualities onto ourselves, and fail miserably, understandably. While it's interesting to know a glimpse of how intricate Allah has created the universe, finding solace in Him through prayer and good deeds is what we need and is enough inshallah. May the Lord protect us from sihr, and shirk, and guide us with His Light and Protection! Ameen
What a Knowledgeable great video from a western Non Arabic speaker ... Great work. KUDOS Ive heard about this book in videos of another Muslim TH-camr who is basically from Pakistan. But left his country and lives somewhere else in EU. He quoted many stories from this book...
Interesting fact about Shams al-Maarif: in 1984, Serhan Tayşi - the director of Turkish National Library (which is famous for its manuscrips) recieved a letter from Ministry of Culture said that the US asked for a book named Shams al-Maarif. Curious, Tayşi took the book and began to examine it. This manuscript, unlike the prints on the market, explains some key points on how to use the knowledge provided. After that, Tayşi refused to give the book. Due to pressure from the Ministry of Culture, he brought the issue to the MIT (Turkish CIA) and the General Staff. At the end the book wasn’t given and General Staff thanked Tayşi.
@@Azazel2024the even he’s talking about was the first few years when the book came out. People started using it for black magic and had successful results. I guess UsA found out and we’re going to try to use it
The fact that you took the time to tell us that you would be quoting from the book which may be considered quite a crime to some Muslims (of course even hearing the words could be considered haram). So aware, well done
58 Jizyah and Mawaada'ah (14)Chapter: If a Dhimmi practises magic, can he be excused?(14)باب هَلْ يُعْفَى عَنِ الذِّمِّيِّ إِذَا سَحَرَ Sahih al-Bukhari 3175 Narrated Aisha: Once the Prophet (ﷺ) was bewitched so that he began to imagine that he had done a thing which in fact he had not done. حَدَّثَنِي مُحَمَّدُ بْنُ الْمُثَنَّى، حَدَّثَنَا يَحْيَى، حَدَّثَنَا هِشَامٌ، قَالَ حَدَّثَنِي أَبِي، عَنْ عَائِشَةَ، أَنَّ النَّبِيَّ صلى الله عليه وسلم سُحِرَ حَتَّى كَانَ يُخَيَّلُ إِلَيْهِ أَنَّهُ صَنَعَ شَيْئًا وَلَمْ يَصْنَعْهُ. Reference : Sahih al-Bukhari 3175 In-book reference : Book 58, Hadith 17
@@uhohstinky148😭😭 as a Muslim I have to laugh. I don’t know why people mistake their own paranoia as a “force”. I’m assuming every single jinn encounter people talk of are just schizophrenic hallucinations.
It's not. I myself am having problems with jinn and i know tons of people that had it. It's real and hard to bear. There are supernatural things about that which are not explainable, like the jinn knowing people you don't or having reacitons to something you don't see. React to people around you you don't even see with closed eyes. Just don't deny it and pray Allah saves you from it@@SirGallyo
As always Brilliantly presented with clarity, perfect pronunciation and a pace which few could do justice unless they had studied the subject in some depth. I have in my life come across this knowledge indirectly through many humble sages who have helped me in great difficulty overcome them in positive ways. Thank you sincerely for your efforts to keep this channel absolutely fascinating, informative, educative. May Allah s.w.t Bless you as your knowledge grows and you share it and May He protect you when you increase your knowledge. Wassalaam
When I said 'sages' I used that word with care. I could have used 'Ulema'. I did not mention any talismans or such so your presumption of getting help from Jinn is quite unfounded. In fact the opposite. The help I received was counseling with the help of the Quran and in the light of guidance from the hadith and sayings come down to us through the Ahlulbayt a.s. and no other. ( refer Ayat e Tatheer in the Quran)
The way you explaining the science of lettering make me feel goosebumps. I saw that talisman culture still used in South East asia region today (Malay archipelago).Thank you very much maulana 🙏
@@zaihussain9069 it's a very dangerous thing. I've seen pictures of mosques with statues in them and lots of taweez (amulets). It is very disturbing, insha'Allah we will be guided back to the original path 🤲
This is actually similar to Solomon Magick..the use of any form of Magick is greatly frowned upon in the Abrahamic Religions but at the same time it is still used in secret by many this a very controversial and contradictory topic
Only in Islam and Christianity, actually. Within Judaism, there is actually a lot of magical practices. They will claim otherwise in materials expected to be seen by outsiders and say that they practice mysticism but not magic, but in texts written by Jews for Jews you will find that many forms of explicitly magical practices are acknowledged and even celebrated, including a long history of Rabbis and scholars calling upon demons for various purposes.
@@joer9156 thank you for clarifying brother..there are so many examples of Magick and Mysticism used within the Abrahamic religions and so many people are oblivious to it all
This book was a taboo, especially when we were kids, we always heard of it and never saw it or read it. After all this years I saw this on TH-cam by someone who is obviously from another part of the world .. the world is really getting tinier and tinier everyday
Superb video. As a Kabalah student, it was impossible for me not to notice the similarities between Islamic mysticism and Jewish mysticism, specifically the Migical Kabalah. Considering that Kabalah in its written form appeared in South Europe in the 12-13th centuries, I wonder what mystic system influenced the other one. About Arabic magic, I once read that the highest magic consists in transforming the souls of men in the same way that the iron is transformed into gold. I liked that. Congrats for your channel. I am a high fan of Islamic spirituality, of your world and your music.
Thanks! Yeah, it's hard to say who influenced who, but we can be sure that these were ideas that carried across the religious lines and that these figures were inspired by each other.
What is dangerous about it is when naive or greedy people try to use it for advantage or domination. And when people who are not intelligent or trained enough become vulnerable to opportunistic djinn. These things are closely guarded for a reason. Great video as usual, thank you. Your Arabic pronunciation is impeccable.
@PM S if you believe in absolute tolerance for all views weather they are false or not which is a self contradicting belief that eventually is destroyed by the intolerant then you should tolerate his intolerance to Mr Khan's incorrect assertion that the presenters Arabic was perfect
This book isn’t Islam but it’s a book of Magic and magic is strictly forbidden as it seems good in short period but it’s very dangerous and neither that person will have any share in After Life and he will go to Hell unless he repents Islam does believe in magic and higher dimension creatures like Jinn by name on planet Earth which can be Good and Evil and have free will as well
Your explanation is amazing Btw this Shamsul Ma'arif book is still being studied in several traditional Islamic boarding schools (Pesantren) in Indonesia, it's only to be learned but not to be practiced because this book is also considered as controversial book by Indonesian Sunni scholars.
Never learn this book, it contains magical practices that are prohibited in Islam. The book teaches you how to ask help to satan. I recomend you to watch some clear explanation delivered by Ustadz Muhammad Tim Humble in this video
@@mahaduzumaki6643 I believe it is learned on the principle of "know your enemy". I mean, even in actual war you need an intel regarding enemy strengths and locations so you can counter, if not mitigate said enemy. Blind prevention measures such as censorship would suffice for the laypeople, but for those studying in pesantren (who are likely to be 'ulama), some knowledge is required, especially *why this Syamsul Ma'arif is dangerous*. Some 'ulama in Indonesia are often called for exorcism. Without a sample knowledge of sorcery and metaphysics from this book (let alone any other magic), how could they counter the metaphysical threat?
I also noticed that the symbol at 27:34 on the left side of the sword, is strangely very similar to the Baha'i symbol (a religion which came after this book)
People let me warn you right now! As someone who has lived in a a place where this book was around. I have first hand seen how it destroys people and leads them down insanity. Don't think you can comprehend and "casually" read it. The moment you open your brain up to this, is the moment the Jinns will enter you consciousness. Whoever reads this, I don't know you and have no reason to lie to you. But please stay away from this!
There are numerous books like 'Shams al-Ma’arif (Sun of Knowledge).' written by heretics that preach heresy. For Muslims seeking guidance, Quran and Ahadees are the source . Rest is Garbage.
For example: Irani shia Sufi Hussain bin Mansoor hallaj claimed to be God. And we know very well that Dewbondi, Berelovi (Rizvi), shia-rafizi, all pir/sufi support his blasphemous claim to be God/worshiped. (May Almighty ALLAH protect us from this antichrist (dajjalik) fitna. Aameen
When you said 'bunian' at 15:09 my heart jumped out. I was alright with the topic of this video and having you read the verses. It is in English after all. Was listening to you as I was falling asleep even. So imagine my surprise to hear you say 'bunian'! I know it is only a linguistic coincidence between English and Malay suffixes, but I was really shook awake! You must certainly already be a busy student, but I would love to hear your take on Southeast Asian Islamic occultism one day, on our belief of 'Bunian People' since that was mentioned ^^
@@TimesNewCanaanite Bunian is a spiritual being not unlike the Jin. Or perhaps they are jins. I'm not too sure about that. But the belief in their existence is deeply rooted in the Malay-Muslim Culture in South East Asia. I don't concern myself too much with these things but yes, as Muslims we are obligated to believe in the "unseen" world and beings, though we are warned against trying to establish any form of communication or relationship with them.
@@TimesNewCanaanite most people from the West would think it's either a cryptid or simply people who live deep in a jungle. But for a Malay and Indonesian, we tend to think there's a supernatural presence around them, in West Java, Kuningan, we call them as 'Ulu-Ulu' (strangely enough, this was not a Sundanese word at all) to refer to mysterious folk around the foothill's forest area, almost like a druid tribe or some kind of protector sprites. They are tend to avoid human.
@@TimesNewCanaanite Sue Shaleh is correct. 'Buni' means 'hide/conceal', 'Bunian' often gets translated to elves but that is obviously not an accurate. Perhaps they are subsects of djinns, perhaps not. They are still believed to be God's creatures. There are plenty more names, Makhluk Halus "The Invisible/Unseen Creatures". Makhluk being Arabic and Halus being a native word. Local occultism here is an assimilation of Animist, Hindu-Buddhist and Sufist beliefs. My old folks said the bunian have their own culture and free will. As said, Al-Buni and Bunian People are a linguistic coincidence. The effect was still very much felt however, considering the spiritual aspect
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I am not Muslim but what I can agree on,in hindu,buddism,Falun gong,jews vs mesianic jew, etc,I am still trying to understand where there is common ground. I am happy to hear muslims,christians in keny,uganda,liberia,ethopia and more will not submit to ( new world order, nazi klaus schwaub started world economic forum. Him and family were close with demon posessed hitler and nazi.were into torture,eugenics.i am not jewish,but not only jews were put in torture camps,put to death.the christian book of enoch,the vatican,rome made certain to hide, book of secrets,occult,book of magic,angels,names of fallen angels,etc.another reason I never trusted the vatican,vatholic church.
In which school aur madarsa we can learn about teaching of Al buni and ibnul Arabi..
Please share the details
the mulhideen may Allah destroy then dont stop do they this satanic book hasnt nothing to do with islam may your perish amen
Where can I download this book link ? Please
@@Donation3million your a shaytaan
Just a note for everyone, Islam does not condone the use of talisman and any kind of magic. A true muslim seek refuge from any evil and dangerous things only in The Almighty, Allah. A muslim can't even use the book quran as a protection from anything. The 'quran' means 'to recite'. A muslim can recite the verse of the quran to seek refuge by it (knowing that Allah will protect them by those verse from evil). Any sign of quranic verses written in/on any form of talisman is a form of shirik "Associating God with something in power to protect you". Written verse cannot protect you from anything by itself, but reciting quranic verse in hope that Allah gives protect does the work.
So essentially those talismans are not of Islam teaching but magician practice and Islam is strongly against it.
The strongest weapon for a muslim is du'a, a direct spoken conversation between a servant and The One God.
@@Sarah-bb2so yes
This shows your limited knowledge about Qur'an, as Allah said Qur'an is only comprehended by people who reflect. Chapters and verses of Qur'an are powerful as tools for prayer to protect, achieve,elevate ,and receive blessings from Allah.
Ayattul qursi,suratul falaq,suratul nas should come to mind....therefore if those verses are confirmed by the prophet himself to serve as protection where did you get ypur knowledge from. Have you forgotten the suplications made by pious servant revealed in Qur'an. They are all for our use.
i’ve never heard an english speaking native pronounce Arabic this great!!! Truly impressive!!! Subbed.
Agree .
He's Swedish
And extremists Sufi, pir shia who believe that man can become GOD by reaching highest level of spirituality like irani shia Sufi mansoor hallaj will also follow antichrist by considering as their mahdi or mystical Sufi mansoor hallaj with mighty power as he said his followers that he would come back possibly to take revenge against the true believers (Muslims) of Islam.
Hindus as well as christians believe that their god come to earth in human form to be deceived by antichrist (dajjal). Because most of them worship material things (money,powers,names, fames, worldly things etc.). They (Hindus Buddhists christians) also worship Jin Satan to open their 3rd eye!
Christianity= Hinduism
Denomination= Caste
Trinity= Trimurti
Both venerate a man as god to be deceived by antichrist
Both are pagans
Both were lies and scams by satan
If someone learns any language and literature for years, it becomes natural for them to pronounce that language in most authentic way.
He is Arab that lives in Sweden or somewhere 😄
i am not that religious but i cannot stress enough how wonderful it is that you warn people about you quoting from this book for those who do take this seriously. it is very kind and shows that you do love learning religion and respect those even if you do not believe in them/agree. i grew such a huge respect for you from this small kind gesture!
Dude, don't come near this book it's not about taking it seriously or not
Just don't come near this book
It's real and it will affect you,you might be an atheist or whatever but this book details on how to contact jinns and all that and it's not something you want to get near
@@MohamedAhmed-i1t1n atheists dont even believe in any of this lol
I'm a septic myself, but my mom told me a story of when her and my aunts got ahold of a magic book and started casting spells to attract fortune, ever since, weird stuff started to happen in their house until they moved out. So yeah don't mess with that stuff lol
He does not warn people himself, he just (correctly) says that some people fear it and believe it can cause bad things happen. Of course if it was true, it would have been studied and experimentally proven a long time ago. That's the thing with superstition - it works only in your head.
dude, the dedication you put into your videos is huge, honestly something that you no longer see too much here in youtube
You clearly put a lot of effort into research and learning the correct pronunciation of Arabic names and words and it shows. I applaud your dedication
“This book teaches you to make matrices using letters instead of numbers. Hence, it must be witchcraft.” As someone who had to study quantum mechanics, I wholeheartedly agree with the modern scholars.
If only this was posted earlier, it would have been the top comment.
Are you being sarcastic?
It is BS. There's no such thing called occult science. People need to read Carl Jung
Yes the words that we are speaking now are Symbols of "wit-craft".
so just like linear algebra which is also magic
Although being a non native Arabic speaker yourself, your pronunciation is pretty much smooth in itself. Goes to show your true dedication for not murdering these words.
dewbondi, berelvi (Rizvi),shia Pir-sufi are destroying the unity of Muslims by worshiping different idols (imams/pirs/majars etc.), just like the Hindus Buddhist, christians are destroying the unity of Mankind by dividing themselves by worshipping different idols:Buddha, saints,prophets, messiah, Jesus, ram,krisna, Durga, gonesh etc. as symbol of GOD! that's inhuman.
And all of them support the blasphemy (I'm God & worship me) of Irani shia sufi monsoor hallaj like Kabbalah Jew to be deceived by antichrist (dajjal) by considering him as their mahdi/mystical sufi! Nauzubillah
They all are destroying the unity of Mankind. For their heinous acts they all are going to be deceived by the antichrist (dajjal).
He is Arabic originally.. We can know easily Arabic ppl when they speak English.
Those shia,Dewbondi,berelvi (Rizvi) pirs of tableeghi Jamaat who believe that Irani shia Sufi mansoor hallaj's 3rd eye was opened by claiming to be God/worshiped at the highest level of spirituality are going to be deceived by the antichrist (dajjal). The return of Mystical Sufi Hallaj with mighty evil power as he said to his followers that he would come back after his death possibly to take revenge against the true believers (Muslims) of Islam!
Irani Shia sufi Monsoor Hallaj who is a famous pir of dewbondi, tableeghi Jamaat, berelvi (rizvi) used to worship jin satan like Kabbalah Jew, christian saints,Buddhists,hindu pandits to open 3rd eye to reach the highest level of spirituality. That's why these blasphemous words “anal haq (I’m truth/god) and prostrate to me” were coming out from the mouth of mansur hallaj.
May Almighty ALLAH protect us from this antichrist (dajjalik) fitna Aameen.
@@KhalidAlRumi he's not a native
he makes some mistakes here and there which sound odd but most words he says excellently 100%
As a muslim this is my first time hearing about this book and it’s contents and I’m very fascinated. Thank you for your deep research
Bro I read it already and just hear about it you know inside book is all.about your belivers as much you belive as much it give results
The speaker hasn't deep insight about the language and content of the book.Being an honest individual, improve your comprehension and then talk.
You must've heard that a little knowledge is a dangerous thing,so you better understand where the danger lies.
Ofcourse the interpreter spreading the things which he hardly knows.
@@shabnamnaz8625just curious how you consider the author ill read when I (a newbie just recently stumbling upon this topic) find this video very informative and relatable.
On another note, have you read the book ?
Mind if I borrow 🙂
@@mianirfanullahshah2297abey khoti de, dusro ko kyu gumrah karne mai tula huwa hai?
I am amazed with your Arabic pronunciation and amazing presentation! Kudos!
this guy is promoting black magic and the worship of Satan as Islamic mysticism.
@alllaw3862 get out witch
For those who do not know: in Arabian countries, especially among the older generations, just the mention of this book brings out a very negative, fearful reaction. I once joked with an older person that I was reading this book and he scowled and told me not to joke about things like this. The fact that this is being covered outside is a very interesting and refreshing take! Thanks for this video!
You do realize that Sihr constitutes a grand Kufr for us Muslims right?
The only religion that explains the existence of these entities, and wants against it is Islam. Another 10000 reasons to believe it to be the ultimate truth.
I dont know where you live but neither me, my friends, parents or even grandparents knew what that is when I asked..
@@revenger211 your and your friends' parents, are either young, grew up sheltered, were raised in a more westernized community, or any mix of the three. Everyone knows shams al ma'arif, and knows how sinister and evil it is
Wow Which country are u at? I am 19 and everyone I know knows about it
@@the3hree yeah the book is known by its title. Pure Kufr
Just wanted to also chime in to also say that as an Arabic speaker, your pronunciation is excellent and such a breath of fresh air to hear once in a while!
Pir, shia, Sufis (so called muslims), dewbondi berelvi Rizvi tableeghi Jamaat who support the blasphemy (I'm God & worship me) of monsoor hallaj are also like Kabbalah Jew who will also follow Dajjal by considering him as their mahdi/mystical sufi, return of Mystical Sufi mansoor hallaj with mighty power as he said his followers that he would come back possibly to take revenge against the true believers (Muslims) of Islam.
May Almighty ALLAH protect us from this antichrist dajjalik fitna. Aameen.
@@Fear_ALLAH_and_speak_the_Truth - why should I "fear" what created me ? That is insane and it's you cult following weirdos that piss me off with your fear mongering woo woo ....
Respectfully, that is false. At the kabbalah isn't evil. What you're saying is no different than a christian saying witchcraft is evil. It stems from ignorance.
@@Fear_ALLAH_and_speak_the_Truth its such a shame you cant see how sectarian and blinkered you are. study more fiqh and akaaid. the more you study the more you will learn about permissible ikhtilaaf and impermissible. even the sahabah differed on interpretation of hadith EVEN SOME AKAAID
My guess is you know absolutely nothing about Kabbalah or Babylonian Mystery Religions which are the religions of Anti-Christ. The Greek mystery of Eurasian is revealed via sex which was “Greece” initiation or Hellenization.. Psyche and Persephone are main characters. Psyche simply means soul. The part about the pomegranate is these Kabbalah Jews. The descendants of Judah were sold as slaves to the Greeks. Joel 3:6. In Jeremiah 17 those sins are etched in their minds like a stone.
You always take a very respectful approach to discussing these subjects and works. Keep up the great work 💪🏽
I really appreciate the warning, this shows that you take people's concern seriously. great work.
Finally someone who cares about proper pronunciation. It's hard to take someone's information seriously if they're butchering the names of what they're talking about.
He still struggles with the 3ain tho
@@mr.x653 yeah but he pretty much nails the qaf
I wouldn't blame them for mispronouncing a word when they grew up with a certain language and maybe accent, it's a bit hard to pronounce a complicated word in another language honestly
Accents are something that really never go away when learning new languages. We can't even hear our own accent.
His accent is pretty good for a non-native speaker. Has an accent and the pronunciation of ع is not perfect. But quite respectable and he has clearly studied. The majority of the Muslim world are not native Arabic speakers and have some sort of accent. Best to be forgiving and understanding about this issue.
It's truly remarkable how well informed you about these stuff.
Yeah quite but a basic information like knowing that el boni is from bon modern day Annaba Algerian and not Egyptian as he said is not excusable.
For someone like me that inherited vast amount of books like this and many Shamsi Al Marif, and tried so hard to stay as far away as possible from all this but always find myself back in the middle of all this…You don’t know how immense contributions you’ve done to my project right now. Thanks and you’ve earned a subscriber
i'm very happy and thankful to you that you made sure to differentiate between what is islamic and what is "islamicate", because for me as a Muslim, all these things of magic and occultism break very fundamental rules of islam, that those people chose to translate and understand in a bit of a different way.
Islam is broader than your preferred dogma
@@gregphillipsel9906 Islam is really simple, some people just try to complicate it.
One should be seeking help and support from God and God only.
Using occultism and taking help from Jinns to succeed in this world will only cause the person to be banished from Islam and suffer in the hereafter.
@@Vigilant69 Or maybe not. I'm amazed how people think they understand the limits of God's Compassion. True spiritual understanding would be a positive thing and wondering about the inner understanding of others would be an idle distraction. Most people don't know themselves but promulgate the delusion that pretends to understand and judge the sanctity or lack thereof regarding the complex behavior of God's Children.
@@Vigilant69 being a Muslim is simple, but religion as a whole is very complicated. That's why scholars spend there while life learning and so many different sects and views
@@ahmadsaleh2819 always refer to authentic hadith to avoid confusion dude. Islam is easy, the general public are not to be involved in things that make it complicated, focusing on good deeds and obeying the farz and sunnah is enough.
Abu Huraira reported: The Prophet (sallallaahu ’alayhi wa sallam) said, “The religion (of Islam) is easy, and whoever makes the religion a rigour, it will overpower him. So, follow a middle course (in worship); if you can’t do this, do something near to it and give glad tidings and seek help (of Allah) at morn and at dusk and some part of night”.
- Bukhari:39
As being a Muslim i must appreciate your in depth work and the care towards even naming and declaring certain ideas. So correct and to the point, no false imagination at all and you are very well read and informed person. Lots of respects. Even some muslims dont even come close to your research and accurate details of the subject.
Isn't it your Allah who opened the first magic school teaching wife's to put spell's on their husbands?
It has nothing to do with islam
@@ahmedelkhwaga2751This practice wasn't magic, you fool. It was common among Sufis. Ibn Taymiyyah and his Wahhabi followers emerged as a new sect aiming to dismantle true Islam.
"Even some" ? MOST muslims I know do not know, let alone even begin to have a true understanding of the original and esoteric meanings behind their "religion" -to be fair, the same can be said for "christians"
Your pronouncinations of arabic always amazes me! Great job as always :)
Dajjal will be supported by kabblah sufi Jews,illuminati, freemasons, pagans (Hindu/Christians who believe that their god come to earth in human form. Biggest fitna end times: Sufism derived from Shiaism=kabbalah Jews, freemasons, illuminati satanists believe that man can become GOD by reaching higest level of spirituality by claiming to be God !
Yes much better than I would be able to do!
This is my first time on your channel. I must say, you’re pronunciation in Arabic is impressing. I am a language nerd (passionated by linguistics). Through languages I get to explore culture and through culture religion. Somehow I haven’t dived into the Islamic world yet. You showed me beauty today, wisdom and faith in God. I really should learn more about the Arabs.
Arabic mythology and history are definitely super interesting, you should read up on it if you haven't had the cht
You are welcome bro,
I think you should take brian's way
He might be a gate for you
He got in the middle of arabs (Egypt)
With our easy slang you will get arabic very fast .
Really you will find another world that deserves your attention.
Hope you good luck.
#By the way
Your search and hard work to know other humans with their languages & cultures
is described in the book of Allah (Quran).
One day We may contact .
Just beware of Arab political Islam, beware of them. As for such cultures, books, and the narrators of their books who are not biased towards a particular party, Arabs and Muslims do not recognize them. Therefore, Muslims follow an Arab political approach affiliated with the Gulf states, Saudi Arabia, the Emirates, Qatar, and Oman, and their followers from Egypt, Jordan, Morocco, Sudan, and Algeria. Therefore, you must understand any Islam. Muslims follow and any political approach they take for this correct and true Islam is not present in the Arab and Islamic world, they are dangerous and poisonous political agendas, and people must understand and beware of it and know the truth that they believe non-Muslims that Muslims are a unified religion and so is their religion, but the reality is opposed and not true
We're lovely folks. F the US' racist attitudes towards our region
Kudos !!! You truly did justice to the topic by elucidating complex terminology and concepts in an eloquent manner...
They learned what harmed them and did not benefit them-although they already knew that whoever buys into magic would have no share in the Hereafter. Miserable indeed was the price for which they sold their souls, if only they knew! (Quran 2:102)
@@luciferzero8164 This verse talks about the two Angels Harut and Marut that were send to the city of Babylon and the origin of magic. link below
Mind your own business.
@@azaraelhyzer3874 how do you not laugh at yourself after saying that 💀 I'm only calling it out to make you aware that you are worse bro. Always
@@azaraelhyzer3874 Good luck saying the same thing when standing before God
Your research is so thorough, I never heard this stuff. This is mind-blowing
I adore this channel. your videos are so informative and well-researched. and I really appreciate how you present your knowledge without passing judgement on the cultures you talk about. it's clear that you put a lot of effort and time into your work, and it's always brilliant. even as an Arab Muslim, I'm learning so much from you that no one here ever mentioned. also, excellent pronunciation!
Also, I love the expert lighting (kidding)
my sentiments exactly! it is much appreciated!
Finally it makes sense now. In my childhood, there was a man of my mother's village could summon Jinn mostly for healing people from illness. The jinn was known to be good unlike Satan/evil-nature but little bit ill-tempered. As urban residents, me, my father & everyone else laughed hearing such things. We decided to witness the attempt. One of my aunt was infertile. Doctor said she may haven't give birth ever. Her father couldn’t bear it. He called that man to arrange a summoning in hope that if Jinn could help. Luckily we were there too. In the full moon. There was almost 15-20 people in my aunt's house locked inside including me & my parents. Completely dark. Not a single drop of light except few aromatic joss stick. One of my grand father was holding the man tightly so that he can not do tricks by himself. The man were supposed to recite some sort of verses for quite a long time. Although he told us before starting rituals that how the jinn will enter. Exactly that happened after few minutes. Something suddenly started walking on the roof. It was so heavy that the whole house was shaking. Than it feels like somebody threw a heavy stone. It fell just in the middle of us directly from the roof . Later we saw it was a huge rock but got puzzled that how did it invaded the roof & fell upon a place full of people but nobody got hurt! Thn we felt that the thing jumped onto the ground, opned the main door which was locked inside, took a chair & sat in the center of room. Remember it was completely dark. Well thn he gave Salam to everybody. I was like shivering after listening his voice. No human can have this kind of voice. It was nasally & too sharp. He was talking bengali but in different dialect which was not familiar to me. Than he calmly heard all the problems & questions whoever asking & replied accordingly. My mother, one who is fearless lady i have ever seen, was asking some questions that results are yet to come in near future. The jinn scolded her saying "we can not tell about prophecies. That power is not given to us. We are another species just like you made by Allah with a certain special powers." my another aunt had been trying hardly to see him in the dark. He noticed instantly. Said, "you tried to see me since the very first time. Can you bear the effect after seeing my avatar? If we are in hiding, that is for a good reason. So let us be." when he was gone, he took almost half of mann fish as his charge. After the ceremony, when the light came back, we were like numb. Couldn't find any loophole that could convice us that it was fake & staged. No third person could enter in the house territory. Even if anybody stays hidden in outside, how could he open the heavy main door which was locked inside. What is the explaination of the throw. How it fell through the roof! But the most interesting part is, my infertile aunt for whom the jinn was summoned is a mother of four children now. Later the jinn appeared again by the same ceremony. Gave her some rituals to follow & told to perform her prayer regularly.
So this is how the jinn was summoned by that man. He might have chanting those verses. My nana told me that the summoner had some book which is forbidden. Sometimes he may recited the verses from The Qura'n in reverse (Nawjubillah). Nana said, although the man meant to help people but it is wrong & forbidden in Islam. No one is supposed practice such things like magic or summoning Jinn.
Thanks & Appreciating your efforts from Bangladesh 🇧🇩
Woah this is creepy. Audhubillah
Wow, thanks for sharing
Yeah man idont have full faith in jenn or smt like that but its forbidden as hell in islam to contact with jenn .btw ihad out of body experience and the first think i saw was a little gobline on my stomach idk why and how after that i get so scared that ididnt try it agein
@@Cataphracts_History but if you are a muslim, you have to believe in Jinn as it's in one of the fundamental principle of Islam to believe in Jinn & Farishta created by Allah alongside others.
@@nausaadzaman1805 from the wording, he believed jinn exists but he can’t trust them (the jinn), also it’s forbidden like he just said
@8:10 thanks for informing us before hand. I'm leaving but those who are interested can stay on their own. However, I'm totally impressed with the channel's honesty towards it's consumers. Thank you very much indeed.
First time I listen your video and your approach in informing people about this subject is beyond any reproach. Very informative, you don't make any judgement because of your humility. You let the scholars judge and those with more knowledge thank yourself. Now I am curious to watch all of your videos. Thank you
The video I’ve been waiting for. I was warned about this book many times growing up, with one particular story I heard from my dad who owned a copy at one point in his college days. He said just reading it out loud would be enough to invite the worst of the jinn to the household, and mentioned something about the jinn following you for the span of your life. It terrified me, but captivated me for so long, and I always felt an inclination to read it or peruse any topics within that realm. I’m about the same age now that he was when he got the book. A couple months back, I managed to find myself an excellently preserved copy. I Couldn’t describe my giddiness when it finally arrived, a sense of strange achievement came over me when I held it, like I had been handed some powerful heirloom that I wasn’t meant to be holding. While I’m not fearful of much, and can be considered quite the skeptic, opening this book and finally reading it gave me a feeling that I hadn’t ever felt before, that wonderous, almost admiring sense of awe that you are truly reading something older than most things you recognize, while simultaneously giving a powerful feeling of dread that got to the point where I couldn’t continue past a few pages without looking up at my peripherals swearing the shadow at the very corner was moving. The book sits quite nicely among other old editions I have on my shelf, but I make it a point to rarely read it, and to only touch it when I absolutely need to. To this day I’m not sure if the feeling I felt is because of all the things I heard manifesting themself into imagination, or if everything I heard was indeed, true, but perhaps not all knowledge is meant to be learned yet, this being one of them.
Thank you for your amazing work on your videos and your in depth research into the history of an area of the world that doesn’t get spoken about enough! I’ve learned more about my own history in regards to religion from you than from any teacher, please keep the videos coming
Have you heard what the people who may believe to have gotten bad curse from the book do to remove the curses?
Do you think we can find a digital copy from an original edition?
This book is full of Shirk, Sihr and Kufr
I think you invited the jinn into your household.
@@adriennefloreen hate it when that happens, ugh
Your pronunciation of the works and names in Arabic is so satisfying, thank you for making such effort to say them right! Being an Arabic native speaker, I know how hard some letters and vocals can be to non-Arabic speakers.
I would be as a child trying to pronounce these words being an English speaker makes some sounds very difficult I tried pronouncing a name of foreign river my friend gave up trying to teach me laughing! 😊
No it isnt difficult . Hes Muslim n can fairly easily pronounce Arabic words, because most of us Muslims read Quran n recite it everyday, atleast i do, Alhamdulillah.
@@farahbutt745 He's not muslim. That is why it is remarkable for him a non-muslim to pronounce arabic, his makharij is very nice.
You have a remarkable ability to spell Arabic words with such accuracy. Amazing.
Through your video, I found that the talismans my late grandma made could be from the teaching of this. She's highly offended when told that it was magic, she said it's a form of praying, and to this day I still carry some of the talisman she gave me as an heirloom. Thank you for passing this knowledge.
Can you send a pic
It can be herz
That knowledge can work either good way or bad ways
It's shirk
Words in and numbers mix is the way to know magic some symbols but no very important sometimes no symbols
I have really been loving this channel for the past few months. I do not have a post secondary education so I’m really starting from scratch here. I have always been interested in subjects such as these and this channel is a quick and good way to get a handle on things.
Don't get swallowed up by the occult my friend. Find God in His word first so you have the protection and armor of God
Never too late to start. Many of us have to forget what we learnt at school and only then start from the beginning.
تاريخ السحر الاسود
Philip you have done a wonderful job, the pictures of painting as an artist a tour through the Islamic art from miniature, two point perspectives to a transition to realism was a bonus to watch the video,
Your research and source material with Citations are spot on, it was a very well spoken, well informed talk with correlation between the sacred text and Islamic astrological and scientific side of the world.
Not much impress me in life, but your work was commendable, your look beautiful, you speak like a clear water with beautiful Arabic and English pronunciation.
Keep up the Good work mate!
"Shame unto anyone who has this book and reveals it to a stranger."
Let's talk religion: So I heard of this book..
On the contrary, he seems to have garnered respect from his viewers as well as those who are not for introducing them to something interesting.
Shame unto anyone who believes anything blindly
@@usmanmemon Yes you don't have to believe the book. But why should anyone prevent the freedom of someone to read it and decide for themselves?
As an African American Muslim I never Hurd of this book before and I’m 8:38 into the video right now and I really don’t want no jinns around me at all 😂😂 should I continue to watch??
I'm truly fascinated by the wealth of information I gained from this video. Thank you for that. I'd like to kindly request if you could consider making another video about the intriguing Kitab al-Bulhan, also known as the Book of Wonders. I couldn't find much information about it, and I believe your insights would be valuable. Thanks in advance!
Information on some thing that is not real is not information at all, it is history if you would call it that but useless history that doesn't affect anyone
I'am from Bouna the home town of Al Buni and I'am happy that you've made a video about him. Many thanks
ولد بلادي 🇩🇿
@@revenger8744 ❤❤❤
Thanks. We westerners usually forget that other cultures do have their own occult traditions. I had never thought about the occult and mystical traditions of the Islamic world, except in the vague figures of the Sufi. This is truly compelling stuff. The way you describe how the Universe is contained in the Quran, the Quran within a chapter, and so on, was breath taking.
Never trust Sufism, sufism is just beauty on the outside. When you think about it there is nothing logical in it.
This practice is actually wide spread, it's just more hidden and maybe rarer in the West. Very evil practices
Check out The Idris Shah Foundation channel on here.
The playlists have a lot of really good choices for learning more about the occult/ magic from all over the world.
Its a great channel.
I'm a Ukrainian, born and raised in the UK and I've been in Tunisia for four years... I've been enchanted by my ex wife but I've never come across European occult practices...
@@MuzzaHukka pray 5 times on time recite ayat al kursi and the qul regularly and recite al baqarah iA Allah will cure you
You never disappoint dear friend! You are the reason I started perceiving Islam through different lances!
May Allah discard all the lances you mentioned accept the one ' la ilaha illaAllah'. and thus You will taste the true peace and breeze of tranquility ie, true meaning of brother!
Talk about Freudian slips!!
If you which to enter djahannam. This is shirk and sihr one of the biggest sins. May Allah guide you
This isn’t Islam. Islam doesn’t tolerate this.
@@jashimuddinchowdhury3031 urka durka mohammed!
This channel is a priceless resource during these trying times we live in.. thank you from the bottom of my heart
this is such a quality video the way you give a warning when your quoting something also is so considerate and your pronounciation is really good for a non native speaker you gained a new sub !
Excellent presentation Filip thank you, eagerly awaiting your take on the most enigmatic character in the Bible Melchizedek 🙏
Thanks for the academic manner in which you share these various historical sources and ideas.
Such a great and fantastic video , Filip. Occult sciences in the medieval Islamic world has always been a fascinating topic to me. Jazakallah !!
it's shirk
I am from Algeria and well introduced to that subject and I find your pronunciation of Arabic words quite perfect...May Allah guide you to the straightforward path same as me!
@All Law wtf does this mean
58 Jizyah and Mawaada'ah
(14)Chapter: If a Dhimmi practises magic, can he be excused?(14)باب هَلْ يُعْفَى عَنِ الذِّمِّيِّ إِذَا سَحَرَ
Sahih al-Bukhari 3175
Narrated Aisha:
Once the Prophet (ﷺ) was bewitched so that he began to imagine that he had done a thing which in fact he had not done.
حَدَّثَنِي مُحَمَّدُ بْنُ الْمُثَنَّى، حَدَّثَنَا يَحْيَى، حَدَّثَنَا هِشَامٌ، قَالَ حَدَّثَنِي أَبِي، عَنْ عَائِشَةَ، أَنَّ النَّبِيَّ صلى الله عليه وسلم سُحِرَ حَتَّى كَانَ يُخَيَّلُ إِلَيْهِ أَنَّهُ صَنَعَ شَيْئًا وَلَمْ يَصْنَعْهُ.
Reference : Sahih al-Bukhari 3175
In-book reference : Book 58, Hadith 17
As an Arabic speaker, I’m so impressed with your pronunciation. You’ve earned yourself a subscriber, brother!
I was in Baghdad looking for it last January. Book Stores don't sell it. One of the book store owners told me that he had a few copies of it at one point, but he burned them down.
I appreciate the effort and research you put into these videos , and also i must note your Arabic pronunciation is very good !
Seems he knows the language no wonder
As an Algerian myself (north of the sahara) we do not mention this book much at all not because of its dangers but because we are uneducated about this stuff 😑. So thanks for this video.
ma men just called 40m mfs uneducated cause he doesn't know bout something ... yes we do talk bout god know me and my friends even tried so long to find a version that wasnt fake or misguiding (cause they say it was so distorted throw time the practical version of it is so rare )
@@ahmedchawki8083 i mean no one really mention shams al maarif, uneducated isn't the best word but more it's being slowly lost to time these days, and people don't want to be associated with magic in here.
@@ahmedchawki8083 i wasn't being specific enough maybe not all of us, but in biskra you bloody bet we're not educated about this sort of thing!
Even the people i know who talk about "magic" and what not never mentioned it.
@@Archaoen0 fair enough but from my pov just to be clear is that everyone i know knows about the book to some extend but i dont think a single one of them read it am pretty sure no one did so that could be the answer to why its lost to time but to say they are uneducated u just pushing cause people do know it and know what it's bout
@@ahmedchawki8083 yes but still people don't talk about it these days and it's understandable, but it might be too much because a lot of us should know what's in these books to be more protective and know what we're dealing with
as someone who's studied islam my whole life i've been warned about this book by almost every person i learned from even in my highschool they warned us about this book to a point that i was even hesitant to click on this video 💀💀
Yeah lots of stigma around it .. but its nothing but a book .. whom thy believe shall fear the unreasonable
I had this book with me yers back,but I gave it to a friend as i didn’t understand it, at that point of time.
@2 cents worth lmao mate it's still my religion, being wary of what's considered taboo by ur faith has nth to do with age or maturity 💀
@2 cents worth well at least this shows us how religion can manipulate our psychology leading to fear and anxiety .. he's just sharing his feelings mate .. grow up 😋
Incredible. I thought I knew about Islam in its entirety, back to front, but esotericism has clearly been my blindspot. I have never heard of this book. Even more incredible when you consider I'm an ex-Muslim.
Thoroughly enjoyable and thought inspiring. Amazing work, mate. Thank you, and keep it coming!
Holy moly, I’m so happy I came across this channel. Thank you for making such quality content. You definitely has me as a subscriber.
This video essay is really profound. You explained it really well and spoke through the eyes of a believer. It really puts a different perspective about the context of the book. Especially when you said the book were not meant for the common people (somewhere along the line). Allahuakbar. There were no bias in the video but only well plain explainations for us to experience the book without reading it and not have misconceptions about the book. May Allah guide you and give peace and blessings.
This book and other books full of talismans and incantations were collectively known as "al kutub al safraa" (the yellow (paged) books). Being found with one in your possession was enough to have you accused of heresy or witchcraft and sent to jail.
I once saw one of these books and was able to go through the various spells inside and actually found one particularly notorious spell: the one to use to make a woman you desire come to you. It involves drawing certain talismans and symbols on your member and calling out the loved one's name at night.
Anyway, they say a man was desperately in love with a woman called "Barda'a" (Arabic for saddle, Bedouins often named their daughters similar names). So someone recommended that he try this particular spell after seeing how much he desired this woman. Our friend was not a learned or religious person, he knew little about Djinn and occult things, but he decided to give it a try if there was any chance he could be with the woman he wanted.
So he went to a secluded hovel or shack outside of the village he lived in. He drew the figures as best he could from the book on his penis. Then he sat there in the dark and started saying, "Barda'a, Barda'a" again and again in the quiet of the night.
Suddenly he heard a noise outside the door. His heart leapt with fear, excitement and hope all at once. Could this actually be Barda'a outside the door? He stood up and slowly opened the door and right there in front of his shack was a donkey saddle suspended in the air. 😂
They say he was never the same after that night in the shack outside the village.
lmao 🤣🤣
I am impressed how you explained this book in the way that reflects your deep knowledge of the subject and the Arabic language.
From a south Asian Sufi named Baba Bulleh Shah, there is a poem (Kafi) which repeats „Ek Nukte Wich Gal Mukdi Ay“ translated as „a single dot contains all“…the Dot of ب in Bismillah explained in this video has opened my knot of years long search/contemplation that this metaphorical expression is perhaps linked to a holier reference than what meets the eye. Thanks Filip, stay blessed 😇
The knowledge contained in the nukhta of the basmala is part of a long statement made by Imam Ali (AS)
Not South Asian. He is a Pakistani sufi Saint.
@@captainnoodlez1718 Pakistan is in South Asia.
@@bourbon2242 duh but South Asian isn't an ethnicity that's my point.
@@captainnoodlez1718 Someone from Pakistan is still South Asian.
As a Muslim and an Arab, I want to thank you for the respect you showed me by dedicating a substantial amount of effort to making sure that you get a decent pronunciation of the Arabic Language and researching the most dangerous book on earth to help everybody get a clear understanding of the context of the book and story behind it. Also, you, as a non-Muslim and a non-Arab, have educated me about the power and value contained inside the Arabic Language and sentences of the Quran, you have honestly brought me closer to God and to my religion which is something that you’ll be given good deeds for and not forgotten on the day of judgement.
Dr Zakir Naik has been doing it since few decades but ohh he is Ajami/ desi. Not light skinned so wouldn't compel an Arab to get closer to Allah. Ironic!
Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) said:
All mankind is from Adam and Eve, an Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab nor a non-Arab has any superiority over an Arab; also a white has no superiority over a black nor a black has any superiority over white except by piety and good action.
You seem to ignore that a non Muslim is going to hell, all their good deeds will be voided.
@@thepanther8925 saying something and doing the opposite of it in the same Time!!!!!how about the slaves ,specially womens slaves ?????!!!!
It's high time someone did a series like this. As a westerner there are big holes in my historical knowledge of this part of the world, especially pertaining to magic.
Western masons created arabism and fake Islamic history/civilization and still protect them
Stay away from the occult, just a friendly reminder from another human. It's fine to get a glimpse of it but beware from ever engaging in it brother Dave. Peace be upon you.
@@snakejuce yeah. There is a good reason as to why the djinn aren't visible to us.
The thought of seeing them may be enticing but it's basically eldritch knowledge: meaning you'll go insane from the experience.
@@danialyousaf6456 👍
Stay away from its practice, it would provide harm more than any good in your life
your pronunciation is PERFECT, I'm from the subsaharan area so I know how those words are meant to be said, wow I'm impressed 👏👏👏
I'm 17 minutes into this video, and I had to pause here so I could say that there are so many parallels between this and Western Kabbalism and the Books of Occult Philosophy by Agrippa. This is the first time I'm seeing your program, and so far it is really good!
So many comparisons because religion is total bullshit pulled from things like these to be made
Your Arabic pronunciation is very impressive! ماشاء الله
I agree بغلان
مشاء الله
From a Muslim here who is from an Arab country and has a descent knowledge about the religion, for those who think that this book is religious in anyway or who think they will get some kind of powers from Allah or the words of Allah, I’d tell them to not be fooled by these thoughts. This book has nothing religious in it! People see the verses and names of Allah and they think “then this book must be a good Islamic book”.
Just think about this, what if a Quranic verse is written backwards that doesn’t make it from the Quran anymore. Or if this book tells you to repeat something specific numbers of times, then it changes what is supposed to be holy to something else. Remember, if the prophet didn’t do it nor his companions then that’s just mere innovation and people are fooled thinking it is “religious and holy” to do these rituals. And calling upon Jinn is just pure shirk as we say.
Remember that whatever this book is telling you about things and stories is just mere lies to convince you that doing these rituals and playing with the Quran like that is ok and religious.
Ask any scholar and they would tell you this book is basically nothing from Islam.
Not to mention the dangers this book brings. You keep it at home and you will see and feel things change and happen. You will also hear things. You will never know peace.
I had 3 family members who were fools enough to think they could learn stuff from the book and they thought they can control Jinn. Well, it turned against them, they got literally mentally ill to the point they had to have them restrained otherwise they might hurt someone or hurt themselves. Eventually all of them died after a long time of suffering with mental illness.
Just stay away from this book or you will regret it. And remember that if you try to read the book and use its rituals then you will be tested. And if you can’t handle those tests then you will end up like those 3 family members I had.
Thank you brother Lml now please help I’m 8:38 in the video should I continue watching?
The book isn't meant for random laymen to study. The current paradigm, especially in the Arab and Salafi world (and in the west) in which everyone is encouraged to study by themselves and make ijtihaad is the reason that these problems occur. Not everyone is prepared for anything.
Sounds like nonsense to be honest. Should you believe In this occultic crap? Not at all. But merely picking up the book and reading it will not cause jinn possessions or anything like it. Believing in talismans and such is where the problems start. Stay away from Salafism. Stay away from occultism. Only believe in the Quran and the sunnah and you'll be okay. But reading it as historical material is something those pursuing Islamic scholarship should do, atleast to be aware of the falsehoods that have been spread in the name of Islam.
Studying such a thing and wanting to use what’s in it is basically anti Islamic. And it is what is called Kufr. Tampering with Quranic verses is Kufr. No real Muslim should read that book and use its rituals.
@@alafifi101 Bro, I know that many consider it so, but as explained in the video, this wasn't the case up until quite recently. In the parts of the world were Salafis are not so prevalent you will still find the Ulema having knowledge of this book. With regards to Talismans and Taweez, Imam Ibn Taymiya RH and some Sahaba RA allowed them so even Salafis don't have an argument against it.
For ppl who say this is not Islam, please note that its not the religion islam but talks about what the ppl who still practice occult despite being Muslim. It's more of a book of observation rather than practice. One can read to understand, not practice and follow.
Amazing video as usual, all of your work seems to challenge the way I look at the world and what influences the ideas that we now hold when it comes to religion and mysticism. Bless you and continue the great work!
Very interesting. I can not imagine how much time you spend studying and preparing these pieces of information for us. Very admirable. Thank you for your effort. 🙏❤
Thank you!
Stop idiocy, any magician mixes boney with poosony ,he puts Qur'anic verses in between his magic drawings just to mislead idiots.
I just want you to look accurately at any talesman you will find out what I say.
The youtuber is a liar he didn't open the book ,he just took some notes from others.
@@LetsTalkReligion where can I find the book pdf available where can I download
@@Donation3millionif you search for it for atleast 15 minutes, you should be able to find it. I imagine lots of pirate sites provide it.
Truly appreciate your efforts at presenting valuable knowledge in an objective, thorough yet respectful way. I am fascinated as to the way mystics from many different religions have accessed common, universal truths. For example it seems cryptograms were used in many cultures to reinforce faith in the spiritually alchemical properties contained in sacred scriptures. Best wishes.
@All Law - reading this comment someone quipped: "Dhedha dhedhainch rehte".
It's all demonic and against faith
Immediately subscribed, this was such a good watch. I really enjoyed the whole thing, learned a lot, and your Arabic pronunciation is impressive!
just remember everyone, that The Quran forbids magic. The Quran punishes magicians. To those people who learned magic/ talismans or believe in any part of astrology, "they learned what harmed them and did not benefit them-although they already knew that whoever buys into magic would have no share in the Hereafter. Miserable indeed was the price for which they sold their souls, if only they knew![39]" Surah Al-Baqarah Verse 102
jazakAllah Akhi
Is your god unforgiving? I don't think so 🤔
Ibn Taymiyyah writes in his Fatawa:
“It is permissible for an ill or troubled person, that certain verses from the Qur’an are written with pure ink, then it is washed and given to the ill to drink.
Ibn Abbas رضي الله عنه is reported to have mentioned a certain Du’a that should be written and placed close to the woman who is experiencing hard labour at the time of giving birth.
Sayyiduna Ali رضي الله عنه says:
This Du’a should be written and tied to the arm of the woman.
We have experienced that there is nothing more amazing than this.”
[Fatawa Ibn Taymiyyah, 19/65]
Yea it also teaches to kill unbelievers and try to marry a 6/9 year old child.
Can àstrology show you your future?
Excellent analysis of the book and the cultural and folk influence on its content.
I was brought up in a Christian religious family but apart from the fact that I was tought that Satan exists and can be kept away by praying and doing good things, I didn't learn anything about the world of şeytan, djin, and angel hierarchies. Since I got married to a Muslim I got into a new world, concerning God's creatures and magic, and find it really fascinating but also scary.
I then wanted to get to the roots of magic and found the jewesh Kabbala and magical practices.
So the book that you describe reminds me so much of what I read about Jewish magic. It's all about letters and numbers.
I found it interesting, your explanation, to say Allah created the universe with his words and that's letters are so powerful.
This was amazing.
Thank you for this video!
Humans specially muslims are not suposed to learn these things, God destroyed whole civilizations who tried to learn magic.
It's not something that we should be practicing as believers in the one true God, regardless of religion. Did you know some people use the Bible as a spell book? Just because it can be done doesn't mean it should be done. The God of Abraham forbids magic to be practiced and if you pay close attention you'll see that all branches of believers have found a way to justify its use and disguise it as some deep secret level of faith in God.
A lot of the "spiritual" things you'll hear some Muslims talk about are not in the Quran and it's really best to stick with the words of Allah in the Quran. All these additions, traditions and stories that are found outside of the Quran only justify other additions and all lead down that dreaded path we want to avoid.
the Quran does state that the practise of occultism and sorcery was one of the ways the children of Israel broke their covenant between them and the Lord. such knowledge there's only so much we can bare and we don't possess the beneficence or justice of Allah to use it correctly or rightly. therefore we try an encompass Allah's qualities onto ourselves, and fail miserably, understandably. While it's interesting to know a glimpse of how intricate Allah has created the universe, finding solace in Him through prayer and good deeds is what we need and is enough inshallah. May the Lord protect us from sihr, and shirk, and guide us with His Light and Protection! Ameen
What a Knowledgeable great video from a western Non Arabic speaker ... Great work. KUDOS
Ive heard about this book in videos of another Muslim TH-camr who is basically from Pakistan. But left his country and lives somewhere else in EU. He quoted many stories from this book...
We need more channels like this with useful informations and legit sources
Interesting fact about Shams al-Maarif: in 1984, Serhan Tayşi - the director of Turkish National Library (which is famous for its manuscrips) recieved a letter from Ministry of Culture said that the US asked for a book named Shams al-Maarif. Curious, Tayşi took the book and began to examine it. This manuscript, unlike the prints on the market, explains some key points on how to use the knowledge provided. After that, Tayşi refused to give the book. Due to pressure from the Ministry of Culture, he brought the issue to the MIT (Turkish CIA) and the General Staff. At the end the book wasn’t given and General Staff thanked Tayşi.
Yeah right..its republished in Lebanon in a pdf. Its accessible
@@Azazel2024yeah occult practices is the same when it’s in PDF form lol
@eminnr Really? That is real interesting. I do believe somehow that evil occult powers are at work in politics. May Allah protect us!
@@Azazel2024the even he’s talking about was the first few years when the book came out. People started using it for black magic and had successful results. I guess UsA found out and we’re going to try to use it
The fact that you took the time to tell us that you would be quoting from the book which may be considered quite a crime to some Muslims (of course even hearing the words could be considered haram). So aware, well done
I got a bad feeling watching this May Allah protect us all Ameen
58 Jizyah and Mawaada'ah
(14)Chapter: If a Dhimmi practises magic, can he be excused?(14)باب هَلْ يُعْفَى عَنِ الذِّمِّيِّ إِذَا سَحَرَ
Sahih al-Bukhari 3175
Narrated Aisha:
Once the Prophet (ﷺ) was bewitched so that he began to imagine that he had done a thing which in fact he had not done.
حَدَّثَنِي مُحَمَّدُ بْنُ الْمُثَنَّى، حَدَّثَنَا يَحْيَى، حَدَّثَنَا هِشَامٌ، قَالَ حَدَّثَنِي أَبِي، عَنْ عَائِشَةَ، أَنَّ النَّبِيَّ صلى الله عليه وسلم سُحِرَ حَتَّى كَانَ يُخَيَّلُ إِلَيْهِ أَنَّهُ صَنَعَ شَيْئًا وَلَمْ يَصْنَعْهُ.
Reference : Sahih al-Bukhari 3175
In-book reference : Book 58, Hadith 17
Zoinks, I’ve got a bad feeling about this Al-Scooby-Doo…
@@uhohstinky148😭😭 as a Muslim I have to laugh. I don’t know why people mistake their own paranoia as a “force”. I’m assuming every single jinn encounter people talk of are just schizophrenic hallucinations.
It's not. I myself am having problems with jinn and i know tons of people that had it. It's real and hard to bear. There are supernatural things about that which are not explainable, like the jinn knowing people you don't or having reacitons to something you don't see. React to people around you you don't even see with closed eyes. Just don't deny it and pray Allah saves you from it@@SirGallyo
You're one of a kind Filip, God bless you!
Are you a Muslim?
@@adamwajih1054 yup, he's name is mehraj it's very typical Muslim name in India, idk about outside india
As always Brilliantly presented with clarity, perfect pronunciation and a pace which few could do justice unless they had studied the subject in some depth.
I have in my life come across this knowledge indirectly through many humble sages who have helped me in great difficulty overcome them in positive ways.
Thank you sincerely for your efforts to keep this channel absolutely fascinating, informative, educative. May Allah s.w.t Bless you as your knowledge grows and you share it and May He protect you when you increase your knowledge.
Bro, almost all of these “sages” or “spiritual healers” invoke the help of jinn. Which is sihr and therefore shirk
When I said 'sages' I used that word with care. I could have used 'Ulema'.
I did not mention any talismans or such so your presumption of getting help from Jinn is quite unfounded. In fact the opposite. The help I received was counseling with the help of the Quran and in the light of guidance from the hadith and sayings come down to us through the Ahlulbayt a.s. and no other.
( refer Ayat e Tatheer in the Quran)
The way you explaining the science of lettering make me feel goosebumps. I saw that talisman culture still used in South East asia region today (Malay archipelago).Thank you very much maulana 🙏
I live at malaysia and Singapore and the muslims here are obsessed with superstitions.
@@zaihussain9069 it's a very dangerous thing. I've seen pictures of mosques with statues in them and lots of taweez (amulets). It is very disturbing, insha'Allah we will be guided back to the original path 🤲
Same with southern Philippines (Sulu or Sultanate of Sulu) Orang Suluk
@@zaihussain9069 ever heard of Indonesia? They are far worse with the obsession with superstitions lol
This is actually similar to Solomon Magick..the use of any form of Magick is greatly frowned upon in the Abrahamic Religions but at the same time it is still used in secret by many this a very controversial and contradictory topic
There is no such thing called as Solomon's magic.
Hazrat Sulaiman(Solomon) never performed magic.
Only in Islam and Christianity, actually. Within Judaism, there is actually a lot of magical practices. They will claim otherwise in materials expected to be seen by outsiders and say that they practice mysticism but not magic, but in texts written by Jews for Jews you will find that many forms of explicitly magical practices are acknowledged and even celebrated, including a long history of Rabbis and scholars calling upon demons for various purposes.
@@joer9156 thank you for clarifying brother..there are so many examples of Magick and Mysticism used within the Abrahamic religions and so many people are oblivious to it all
I did't know anything about this and it was fascinating. Thank you Filip. An excellent job as always.
Man I have to say you're very meticulous in your explanations and know how to articulate things very well! I enjoyed this video!
Oh and also, super impressed with your Arabic. Some letters are very hard to pronounce for a Westerner.
Wooow, what a fantastic work you've done here, sir, absolutely fantastic 👍🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
Thank you so much for sharing this with us.
You re very kind for warning us about quoting the book, thank you sir.
Beautifully presented and narrated. Gives an insightful and objective perspective of a subject rarely discussed.
This book was a taboo, especially when we were kids, we always heard of it and never saw it or read it. After all this years I saw this on TH-cam by someone who is obviously from another part of the world .. the world is really getting tinier and tinier everyday
What do you mean?
Superb video. As a Kabalah student, it was impossible for me not to notice the similarities between Islamic mysticism and Jewish mysticism, specifically the Migical Kabalah. Considering that Kabalah in its written form appeared in South Europe in the 12-13th centuries, I wonder what mystic system influenced the other one. About Arabic magic, I once read that the highest magic consists in transforming the souls of men in the same way that the iron is transformed into gold. I liked that. Congrats for your channel. I am a high fan of Islamic spirituality, of your world and your music.
Thanks! Yeah, it's hard to say who influenced who, but we can be sure that these were ideas that carried across the religious lines and that these figures were inspired by each other.
What is the Christian practice respective to kabbalah and shams Al mar.
These are all kufri acts. Prepare to meet your destiny if you call yourself a Muslim.
The Islamic occultism is Kabbalah translated into Islamic terms and nothing else besides that
An excellent treatise on the subject with historical contexts. Thank you for a very educational and unbiased perspective.
What is dangerous about it is when naive or greedy people try to use it for advantage or domination. And when people who are not intelligent or trained enough become vulnerable to opportunistic djinn. These things are closely guarded for a reason. Great video as usual, thank you. Your Arabic pronunciation is impeccable.
It is ‘mostly’ nonsense. Magic is nothing but a form of pagan superstition.
lol u dont know what u r talking about
I have seen this stuff very closely and I can tell you that even hundred men like you are not enough to deal with this stuff
@@ghazanhussain2070 ever herd of hypnosis?
@@Therock151214 yessss I have read that stuff too extensively jung freud moore etc
Your pronounciation of Arabic words is perfect
Perfect? Lol
Good perhaps but perfect? I am guessing you have no idea what perfect Arabic sounds like
@PM S so whenever anyone makes any statement, I should just tolerate it? Man, grow up
Nah bro, it ain't perfect, it's okay
@PM S if you believe in absolute tolerance for all views weather they are false or not which is a self contradicting belief that eventually is destroyed by the intolerant then you should tolerate his intolerance to Mr Khan's incorrect assertion that the presenters Arabic was perfect
@@QuadrantRoyale His English pronunciation isn't perfect either, but no one's is. After all, who sets the standard of any language?
I am Indian and I am proud our neighbouring Islamic countries had such a vast and great knowledge back then, long live Islam !
Do you like the real Islam?
Or only when it's mixed with magic and kufur?
Back then ? So what happened in the modern days lol 😆
@@mohammedabdulaal3075 Quran and Wahhabism is a form of Sihr and witchcraft too
@@mohammedabdulaal3075 why are orthodox religions so in love with the no true Scotsman fallacy?
This book isn’t Islam but it’s a book of Magic and magic is strictly forbidden as it seems good in short period but it’s very dangerous and neither that person will have any share in After Life and he will go to Hell unless he repents
Islam does believe in magic and higher dimension creatures like Jinn by name on planet Earth which can be Good and Evil and have free will as well
Stoicism taught me to control myself, not the situation. Beautifully explained!
Your explanation is amazing
Btw this Shamsul Ma'arif book is still being studied in several traditional Islamic boarding schools (Pesantren) in Indonesia, it's only to be learned but not to be practiced because this book is also considered as controversial book by Indonesian Sunni scholars.
Dukun or orang pinter....Is there any difference?
@@lydiavliese8246 Pardon, why are you asking about the difference between dukun or orang pinter?
Why do you even learn it? That’s wrong. These books should be destroyed.
Never learn this book, it contains magical practices that are prohibited in Islam. The book teaches you how to ask help to satan. I recomend you to watch some clear explanation delivered by Ustadz Muhammad Tim Humble in this video
@@mahaduzumaki6643 I believe it is learned on the principle of "know your enemy". I mean, even in actual war you need an intel regarding enemy strengths and locations so you can counter, if not mitigate said enemy. Blind prevention measures such as censorship would suffice for the laypeople, but for those studying in pesantren (who are likely to be 'ulama), some knowledge is required, especially *why this Syamsul Ma'arif is dangerous*.
Some 'ulama in Indonesia are often called for exorcism. Without a sample knowledge of sorcery and metaphysics from this book (let alone any other magic), how could they counter the metaphysical threat?
Historians and history lovers have always amazed me with the accuracy of the pronunciation of names
Such a beautiful presentation ❤️
Thank you!
your pronounciation of arabic words is awesome!!! fascinating content too.
Was scary at the beginning, but left me fascinated at the end. Thank you!
I also noticed that the symbol at 27:34 on the left side of the sword, is strangely very similar to the Baha'i symbol (a religion which came after this book)
People let me warn you right now! As someone who has lived in a a place where this book was around. I have first hand seen how it destroys people and leads them down insanity. Don't think you can comprehend and "casually" read it. The moment you open your brain up to this, is the moment the Jinns will enter you consciousness. Whoever reads this, I don't know you and have no reason to lie to you. But please stay away from this!
There are numerous books like 'Shams al-Ma’arif (Sun of Knowledge).' written by heretics that preach heresy.
For Muslims seeking guidance, Quran and Ahadees are the source . Rest is Garbage.
Where have you lived?
As a Catholic Christian I'm respectfully curious is the book really that evil?
For example: Irani shia Sufi Hussain bin Mansoor hallaj claimed to be God. And we know very well that Dewbondi, Berelovi (Rizvi), shia-rafizi, all pir/sufi support his blasphemous claim to be God/worshiped. (May Almighty ALLAH protect us from this antichrist (dajjalik) fitna. Aameen
When you said 'bunian' at 15:09 my heart jumped out.
I was alright with the topic of this video and having you read the verses. It is in English after all. Was listening to you as I was falling asleep even.
So imagine my surprise to hear you say 'bunian'! I know it is only a linguistic coincidence between English and Malay suffixes, but I was really shook awake!
You must certainly already be a busy student, but I would love to hear your take on Southeast Asian Islamic occultism one day, on our belief of 'Bunian People' since that was mentioned ^^
What does it mean in your language brother?
@@TimesNewCanaanite Bunian is a spiritual being not unlike the Jin. Or perhaps they are jins. I'm not too sure about that. But the belief in their existence is deeply rooted in the Malay-Muslim Culture in South East Asia. I don't concern myself too much with these things but yes, as Muslims we are obligated to believe in the "unseen" world and beings, though we are warned against trying to establish any form of communication or relationship with them.
@@TimesNewCanaanite most people from the West would think it's either a cryptid or simply people who live deep in a jungle. But for a Malay and Indonesian, we tend to think there's a supernatural presence around them, in West Java, Kuningan, we call them as 'Ulu-Ulu' (strangely enough, this was not a Sundanese word at all) to refer to mysterious folk around the foothill's forest area, almost like a druid tribe or some kind of protector sprites. They are tend to avoid human.
@@TimesNewCanaanite Sue Shaleh is correct. 'Buni' means 'hide/conceal', 'Bunian' often gets translated to elves but that is obviously not an accurate. Perhaps they are subsects of djinns, perhaps not. They are still believed to be God's creatures.
There are plenty more names, Makhluk Halus "The Invisible/Unseen Creatures". Makhluk being Arabic and Halus being a native word. Local occultism here is an assimilation of Animist, Hindu-Buddhist and Sufist beliefs. My old folks said the bunian have their own culture and free will.
As said, Al-Buni and Bunian People are a linguistic coincidence. The effect was still very much felt however, considering the spiritual aspect
it's Bunian(related to al-Buni) same as Ghazzalian(related to al-Ghazzali).
Top tier presentation ... very appreciated !
I know it's scary, but by reading Quran and having faith in Allah you can be protected from these things as long as you don't delve into them.
It"s forbidden to read such books in islam
@@loopydoopi well according to Islamic tradition the Kaaba was built before man existed ...
@@loopydoopi No ... the Kaaba was Re-build ... it Originale existed before human did...
@@loopydoopi the proof is all around you. You choose to be blind.
“يهدي من يشاء ويضل من يشاء"
@@loopydoopi did you watch it being constructed by man? You show me proof that it was man made