Circular reasoning. He keeps saying that election is only factored for God children, that it does not apply to all men. This pretty much leads to corporate election, that the body of Christ is elect. However since he is also a monergist he believes that people can only be converted and even be incorporated into the body of Christ as a direct result of God. Which in the end means that God chooses to elect certain people ans chooses to look over certain people, which is just a passive calvanism. Either that or synergism must factor in after the initial monergistic conversion. You need one or the other, if not it is just incoherent circular reasoning.
This was really helpful in understanding what predestination is and isn't from a Lutheran perspective!
Thanks for this informative video!
Watch out! The ELDoNA will flip their lids!
All glory to God?
Circular reasoning. He keeps saying that election is only factored for God children, that it does not apply to all men. This pretty much leads to corporate election, that the body of Christ is elect. However since he is also a monergist he believes that people can only be converted and even be incorporated into the body of Christ as a direct result of God. Which in the end means that God chooses to elect certain people ans chooses to look over certain people, which is just a passive calvanism. Either that or synergism must factor in after the initial monergistic conversion. You need one or the other, if not it is just incoherent circular reasoning.