There's an autobiographical doco on Netflix (as of Nov 2025) about one Mr McMahon, WW wrestling boss. D. Trump appears in an episode in one of the later seasons. One commentator states there is very little difference between the two men in their philosophy of life.
There isn’t much point warning about the dangers of fascism when a lot of people have decided that they really like fascism.
Great questions, not the usual Woodward interview.
Why isn't Woodward calling out Bezos?
There's an autobiographical doco on Netflix (as of Nov 2025) about one Mr McMahon, WW wrestling boss. D. Trump appears in an episode in one of the later seasons. One commentator states there is very little difference between the two men in their philosophy of life.
Almost no one bothers to think when was America (really the USA) great before and after four years of Trump can it ever be considered great again.
He sounds like John Wayne 😊