The Luck of The Drunk perk is extremely underrated, it allows you to open very hard chests when you reach lvl 6, silent fiddler is absolute class with this because it cancels the 30% noisier effect on luck of the drunk
this was the only real way i could find to level it up. there are so many very hard locks you just cant open unless you use the luck of the drunk and not enough pre level 15 chests. on the plus side you get to pickpocket all the sleeping people then choke them out to level those up too lol.
@@conan2096 I get what u mean because what I’m about to say portrays that high leveling is impossible, but before u even get to rattay, if you play like scram like me in the town of talmberg and everything during and between you going back to skalitz, you can pick all the easy and very easy locks and rank up to a hood 3 1/2 not much but I already had the lasting locks perk well before I got to rattay
For anybody wondering and coming to the comments to look, if you get to lvl 12 and get the master thief perk you still get 66 lock picking xp for unlocking all 5 of the chests and can go about doing this in under a minute per reset
Worked perfect! A small note: at the end of the field, across the farm, there is a small barn with a bed. You can sleep there till its night again. Happy picklocking!
For anyone with Higher lock picking skill that thinks this method isn’t giving meaningful Xp anymore. Try the Armorer in Sasau. It’s a hard lock and his bed is directly left of the door. So he will almost immediately get up and relock the door and only one guard patrols through the courtyard and you can easily evade or even get rid of him
For those who didnt get it, the doors and chests dont "Lock" by themselfes, after you done with 1 house, go close to the sleeping vilagers and Dash out of the house,they wake up and lock "some" doors or a chest or all of them,by that time you should go to the other house and do the same by that time the people in the first house should be in bed with some things locked again and repeat.
If anyone is interested the little broken down shack you can see to your left when you exit the main entrance there has a sleep save spot inside in a corner.
Fantastic guide man for anyone still watching in 2022 this does work and it’s very easy to get too from rattay I just looked up an interactive map online and it’s less than a 5 minute or so walk also simplified in settings is way way easier and quicker than original.
I felt like such a villain doing this, I tried to be good throughout most of my play through and this was very different from what I was used to. I even took it a step further, every night I’d knock out all 4 of them and when I lockpicked them I took their money, I did this for four nights. Most hilarious part was, when the knock out effect wore off they automatically kept sleeping and woke up thinking nothing had happened, I really am evil in this game.
My favorite part that made me lol was "Henry's come to see us!" -stabs from behind- and then I proceeded to knock out his sleeping family members and steal everything in their home.
me killing Zbyshek after throwing shit and Deutchs house in Skalitz then glitch killing him in skalitz when u return to bury ur parents then ⚠️SPOILER ALERT⚠️ glitch killing him in the vranick encampment then having him killed for banditry after he saves Henry's life
At the mill near Theresa is a chest (simple) which automatically closes again. Just talk to Theresa's uncle and tell him you want to learn lockpicking and he'll take you to the chest. Just crack it, open it, close it and crack it again...
Great guide was very helpful.i did the very easy ones first and left the easy chests until i got the perk for lockpicks not breaking so quickly,then did the easy ones as well.
You’ve made it that far in the game without lockpicking to just buy that perk ? Or you had the point n just didn’t buy lol I started a new save cuz I’m well aware if things now and before I even get to rattay I have that perk
I know the alchemy auto-brew gives only 4xp whereas manually brewing gives 40xp. I'm sure the auto-lockpick works similarly. Also, I personally LOVE luck of the drunk because it allows you to pick hard and very hard locks at a lower level if you're drunk. Also it makes picking so much easier but that's not for power-leveling as much as just successfully picking
@@drachengard and I just found this out (fairly new player) to cook up some schnapps all you need is super commonly found nettle and a couple belladonna. I’m sure most of y’all already knew this but I haven’t even gotten to a point in the game where alchemy is mentioned nor able for Henry yet
For me simplified lockpicking is actually harder. I find it easier when you can control the speed of lock rotation. I also recommend (on consoles) trying to point left analog stick the same direction as the right (after finding the gold spot). Seems easier to rotate sticks this way without making mistakes. But this one maybe just works for me.
I found simplified to be harder for the first few times but now I fully understand what's going on and I prefer it. It's actually closer to what PC has so I don't feel as bad using it as I otherwise might have. If anyone is struggling with either style, I recommend trying different ways to hold the right stick. I messed up a bunch moving my thumb like I normally control my character. I now move my hand to hold the stick on the sides, pinching it between my thumb and index finger. I personally make a more consistent circle movement that way. With normal thumb on top I was prone to ovals which meant fails early on.
@@TrialBySquire my dude took claw style hold to a new level lol and to yall^ it’s night and day I had to use simplified (Xbox) before that I was more frustrated than a pregnant teenager going to class wondering where the boy that secretly moved across the country but got her pregnant is
Just a tip Master theft perk dose give exp .. so get it asap .. for easy exp .. also luck of the drunk sometimes let u get higher than easy lock's with master lock 🔐.. From what i have read .. so fare
Just realized, in the 1.8.1 version of the game all of those rooms were just empty. No beds no nothing, so the npcs would stay awake all night and wander around. After a few updates the furniture and chests were added.
When you ask the Miller how to teach you to lock pick once you lock pick the chest open it and turn around and the the chest should be locked again and you won’t get in trouble because it’s the tutorial chest for how to lock pick
I use the Rattay Bathhouse; I pick the four doors and two chests, the 2nd fl door first, then front, then the side, inside, chests. By then my movement wakes one sometimes two, go around to area between Baths and Mill, rinse and repeat. Then the next new game after 3x the very first night a girl ran up the road to Rattay by the next go around two guards came running to the Baths, therefore I guess the developers decided to have fun with players using this. The following morning I was stopped at the gate and had to pay a 50 groshen fine, developer’s having fun again. This farmhouse makes since, no town or guards to ask help from.
yea you can.. but dont need to. i would just buy a bunch of them just incase and you should level pretty quick which will make it easier.. good luck! and Thanks
@@z4kst4n On console you go to settings and there is an option somewhere to make it easier to lockpick by just using the joystick and right bumper instead of both joysticks. If you're on PC then there are mods out there that make lockpicking easy.
So I'm not afraid to admit this but the lock-picking in this game is beyond frustrating especially for the fact when I brake lock picks on very easy locks so hopefully after watching this video I'll be able to upgrade my lock-picking in this game
I discovered something that works for me is changing my grip on the right analog stick. Instead of my thumb on top like I do when moving around I turn my hand to hold the sides of the stick between my thumb and index fingers, as if I'm pinching it I guess. I find i make more consistent circles that way. With thumb on top I would inevitably oval and mess up the sweet spot
i just started the second platinum collecting of kcd,totally 3 out there,and ive done one out of three in the last year, thanks for the great and rather new guide, just in time
I was able to unlock hard locks before I left the intro part. An keep all 4 picks lol I got the lock picking down. Now if I can get fighting down. Games massive to. Like whoa..
Sorry for the delay, but hopefully it will help others. This Farm is burned down during the DLC "a band of bastards" it's part of the questline of the DLC, so if you picked up the quest from Sir Radzig for the DLC then the farm will burn.
Is this bugged? I woke up one villager and instead of locking the door she ran off into the distance only to spawn next to my horse and casually walk back into the wrong house. I'm so confused.
best is using the perk, luck of the drunk, in level 6, you can basically open very hard chests and doors when you are drunk. So using this in very hard and hard lockpicking, is Efficient a lot
Dude u dont even need to skip 1h after u've opened the locks, while ur at 1 house the once u've already unlocked will get locked and vice versa when u do the other house
The Luck of The Drunk perk is extremely underrated, it allows you to open very hard chests when you reach lvl 6, silent fiddler is absolute class with this because it cancels the 30% noisier effect on luck of the drunk
Those villagers had a long, confusing and frustrating night 😂
yea haha
this was the only real way i could find to level it up. there are so many very hard locks you just cant open unless you use the luck of the drunk and not enough pre level 15 chests. on the plus side you get to pickpocket all the sleeping people then choke them out to level those up too lol.
@@conan2096 I get what u mean because what I’m about to say portrays that high leveling is impossible, but before u even get to rattay, if you play like scram like me in the town of talmberg and everything during and between you going back to skalitz, you can pick all the easy and very easy locks and rank up to a hood 3 1/2 not much but I already had the lasting locks perk well before I got to rattay
@@brickdinero5468 welcome to the serial scumbag loot goblin master race!
Lulz 😂
For anybody wondering and coming to the comments to look, if you get to lvl 12 and get the master thief perk you still get 66 lock picking xp for unlocking all 5 of the chests and can go about doing this in under a minute per reset
You didn't watch very carefully did you. He opened 3 doors and 2 chests in the cycle. What 5 chests? lol
You are over a year late, and it is still 5 locks? lol
@@yes-io3vt holy late comment
Worked perfect! A small note: at the end of the field, across the farm, there is a small barn with a bed. You can sleep there till its night again. Happy picklocking!
Wheres the barn?
@@justinharrison1712 it's across the farm, at the end of the field.
@@b.vandergeest2168 went there, no sleepable barn
@@timothylofi I'm sure there is. I cant imagine they updated it out
@@b.vandergeest2168 does said barn show up on the map
For anyone with Higher lock picking skill that thinks this method isn’t giving meaningful Xp anymore. Try the Armorer in Sasau. It’s a hard lock and his bed is directly left of the door. So he will almost immediately get up and relock the door and only one guard patrols through the courtyard and you can easily evade or even get rid of him
For those who didnt get it, the doors and chests dont "Lock" by themselfes, after you done with 1 house, go close to the sleeping vilagers and Dash out of the house,they wake up and lock "some" doors or a chest or all of them,by that time you should go to the other house and do the same by that time the people in the first house should be in bed with some things locked again and repeat.
There’s a side room on the right in the second house that is locked with a very easy lock so that makes 6 locks and you can whistle to wake them up.
If anyone is interested the little broken down shack you can see to your left when you exit the main entrance there has a sleep save spot inside in a corner.
Fantastic guide man for anyone still watching in 2022 this does work and it’s very easy to get too from rattay I just looked up an interactive map online and it’s less than a 5 minute or so walk also simplified in settings is way way easier and quicker than original.
works in 2024
I felt like such a villain doing this, I tried to be good throughout most of my play through and this was very different from what I was used to. I even took it a step further, every night I’d knock out all 4 of them and when I lockpicked them I took their money, I did this for four nights. Most hilarious part was, when the knock out effect wore off they automatically kept sleeping and woke up thinking nothing had happened, I really am evil in this game.
LMFAOO that’s funny good way for sneak especially since locking usually boost my sneak xp idk if it does same for yall
My favorite part that made me lol was "Henry's come to see us!" -stabs from behind- and then I proceeded to knock out his sleeping family members and steal everything in their home.
me killing Zbyshek after throwing shit and Deutchs house in Skalitz then glitch killing him in skalitz when u return to bury ur parents then
glitch killing him in the vranick encampment
then having him killed for banditry after he saves Henry's life
At the mill near Theresa is a chest (simple) which automatically closes again. Just talk to Theresa's uncle and tell him you want to learn lockpicking and he'll take you to the chest. Just crack it, open it, close it and crack it again...
But Peshek's training chest only works 10 times, then it won't lock anymore, doesn't get you far.
@@DerEchteBold thanks for telling them lol was going too as I just did it about half an hour ago cuz I started a new game earlier
Are you playing on normal or hardcore?
I don't quite remember, but I think it's the same on both modes.
I don’t think I’ve ever had to search how to do a lockpicking mini game in any game except this one
Thanks for this. I am able to level lock picking and stealth. Nice to have an area for this where I don't have to worry about guards. ;)
This saved my life I could not get my lock picking up my stealth and pickpocket was at ,20 just from playing my lockpick was at 8, thank you
Your a legend. This guide is so much better than all the others
Still works, very good place to train, thank you.
Sadly it didn't work on my other save though, because the place is burned to the ground.
This is the best way to
Level it and made it so much easier
Great guide was very helpful.i did the very easy ones first and left the easy chests until i got the perk for lockpicks not breaking so quickly,then did the easy ones as well.
You’ve made it that far in the game without lockpicking to just buy that perk ? Or you had the point n just didn’t buy lol I started a new save cuz I’m well aware if things now and before I even get to rattay I have that perk
Also if you use luck of the drunk you can open very hard locks at level 6
thats good to know
Wow that's really interesting
in fairness the more you lockpick the drunker you get
I know the alchemy auto-brew gives only 4xp whereas manually brewing gives 40xp. I'm sure the auto-lockpick works similarly. Also, I personally LOVE luck of the drunk because it allows you to pick hard and very hard locks at a lower level if you're drunk. Also it makes picking so much easier but that's not for power-leveling as much as just successfully picking
You can also instantly open hard chests when drunk if you got the level for it. Get drunk in the rattay ratthaus and pick away for some good exp
Or... simply use saviours schnapps. It not only is an emergency save, but it's alcoholic, just enough to trigger LOTD.
@@drachengard and I just found this out (fairly new player) to cook up some schnapps all you need is super commonly found nettle and a couple belladonna. I’m sure most of y’all already knew this but I haven’t even gotten to a point in the game where alchemy is mentioned nor able for Henry yet
@@brickdinero5468 There is alchemy in rattay, you can do it manually using the online recipe found in the internet
yeah, the luck of the drunk perk is great, in level 6, you can basically open very hard chest.@@Volucrum
For me simplified lockpicking is actually harder. I find it easier when you can control the speed of lock rotation.
I also recommend (on consoles) trying to point left analog stick the same direction as the right (after finding the gold spot). Seems easier to rotate sticks this way without making mistakes. But this one maybe just works for me.
I found simplified to be harder for the first few times but now I fully understand what's going on and I prefer it. It's actually closer to what PC has so I don't feel as bad using it as I otherwise might have.
If anyone is struggling with either style, I recommend trying different ways to hold the right stick. I messed up a bunch moving my thumb like I normally control my character. I now move my hand to hold the stick on the sides, pinching it between my thumb and index finger. I personally make a more consistent circle movement that way. With normal thumb on top I was prone to ovals which meant fails early on.
@@TrialBySquire my dude took claw style hold to a new level lol and to yall^ it’s night and day I had to use simplified (Xbox) before that I was more frustrated than a pregnant teenager going to class wondering where the boy that secretly moved across the country but got her pregnant is
A lil too deep innit ¿ ;/
That’s a brilliantly simple & very helpful technique. 😊👍 Thank you very much! 🤝
Master Thief does still gives you the xp. You absolutely want to get that perk!
Mate, u legend I struggle at lockpicking
If only I saw this before Band of Bastards. I’m my first play through I levelled it up through Peshek’s chest but it doesn’t reset after a while now.
Just a tip Master theft perk dose give exp .. so get it asap .. for easy exp .. also luck of the drunk sometimes let u get higher than easy lock's with master lock 🔐..
From what i have read .. so fare
master thief does give you xp for picking locks
alright good to know thanks
My controller aways gives up at a certain point, so I gotta start every lock with the stick starting just past that point to have any hope of success.
How am I supposed to level up if I can't even open a lock
Did this 4 in game nights and went from level 1-12 (Harcore)
Just realized, in the 1.8.1 version of the game all of those rooms were just empty. No beds no nothing, so the npcs would stay awake all night and wander around. After a few updates the furniture and chests were added.
This is amazing it worked perfectly!
Thank you 🙏
11-2022 (PC) you still get points for lockpicking but not the stealth when you use master thief.
You do get XP from stealth from lock picking with master theif
Great guide bro. Thanks.
Not a problem
When you ask the Miller how to teach you to lock pick once you lock pick the chest open it and turn around and the the chest should be locked again and you won’t get in trouble because it’s the tutorial chest for how to lock pick
Theresas uncle?
@@randosmallfoot2132 Yes
Eventually it stops working but I got like twenty uses out of it.
Can't do it if you have started the Band of Bastard DLC
That's a fantastic intro you have for your channel.
I use the Rattay Bathhouse; I pick the four doors and two chests, the 2nd fl door first, then front, then the side, inside, chests. By then my movement wakes one sometimes two, go around to area between Baths and Mill, rinse and repeat. Then the next new game after 3x the very first night a girl ran up the road to Rattay by the next go around two guards came running to the Baths, therefore I guess the developers decided to have fun with players using this.
The following morning I was stopped at the gate and had to pay a 50 groshen fine, developer’s having fun again.
This farmhouse makes since, no town or guards to ask help from.
good stuff, thanks man.
Lockpicking in this game is so easy I started my crusade of robbing everyone with 46 lockpicks and left with 46 lockpicks
The doors wont look after skiping time help
A note on this farm SPOILER ALERT:
you need to do this BEFORE you do the band of bastards dlc or it will be burned and no one will be here
i'm suffering the consequences of watching this guide right after starting this DLC 😭
@@Leonunez_ I know your pain
@@nathanvickers2779 i went back to the point before starting the DLC 💀rather doing a couple missions again than losing the exploit (? lol
@Leonunez_ I just ended up lockpicking the whole of rattay in the end 😂😂
is it worth levelling lockpicking a few times before trying this? i break lockpicks like 50% the time. either way will try it later, great video dude
yea you can.. but dont need to. i would just buy a bunch of them just incase and you should level pretty quick which will make it easier.. good luck! and Thanks
Go to setting and you can actually make lockpicking easier
@@0292-q3l how so?
@@z4kst4n On console you go to settings and there is an option somewhere to make it easier to lockpick by just using the joystick and right bumper instead of both joysticks. If you're on PC then there are mods out there that make lockpicking easy.
Kcd is the only game that makes me afraid to commit a crime
Shit, I'd rather shoplift from Walmart than lockpick in KCD
So I'm not afraid to admit this but the lock-picking in this game is beyond frustrating especially for the fact when I brake lock picks on very easy locks so hopefully after watching this video I'll be able to upgrade my lock-picking in this game
Once you get to level 3 it gets way easier. I had to change the setting to simplified as using the analogue sticks were driving my crazy.
Are you using a controller or mouse and keyboard? It's a ton easier with a mouse
I discovered something that works for me is changing my grip on the right analog stick. Instead of my thumb on top like I do when moving around I turn my hand to hold the sides of the stick between my thumb and index fingers, as if I'm pinching it I guess. I find i make more consistent circles that way. With thumb on top I would inevitably oval and mess up the sweet spot
Hell of a trick thanks dawg
They must have changed it. They sit outside ALL NIGHT and watch the field. Anyplace else to do this?
i just started the second platinum collecting of kcd,totally 3 out there,and ive done one out of three in the last year, thanks for the great and rather new guide, just in time
I was able to unlock hard locks before I left the intro part. An keep all 4 picks lol I got the lock picking down. Now if I can get fighting down. Games massive to. Like whoa..
does ot work anymore. doors wont reset
Life saver, thanks
Master Thief does give experience.
Thank you for the tip 👍
if you start the dlc quest from radzig you can no longer do this as the houses get sacked
Jesus Christ be praised! Henry has come to grind XP to us!
Now this is fcking helpful.
Ayo if u know how to play kingdom come deliverance then just know your not an ordinary Gamer 🎉
Came to this location. House on fire. Whole place has clearly been raided. No humans locks or chests
Sorry for the delay, but hopefully it will help others. This Farm is burned down during the DLC "a band of bastards" it's part of the questline of the DLC, so if you picked up the quest from Sir Radzig for the DLC then the farm will burn.
Good video man
I powerleveled in aka skallitz prologue took a while tho
Is this bugged? I woke up one villager and instead of locking the door she ran off into the distance only to spawn next to my horse and casually walk back into the wrong house.
I'm so confused.
i didnt run into that problem.. they always closed the door if i got far enough away after waking them up
Low iq peasents man, god bless us all for dealing with them
@@xerovelocity4641 😭
It doesn’t reset?
I feel like actual lock picking would be easier than lock picking in this game for me
Late to the party but as for master thief perk. It's the same as autobrew during alchemy. So you get XP
this helped so much🙏🙏
the chest at the miller resest right?
Will they know its you? like will you lose rep if you do this?
Also the Rattay Baliff’s house is also a great place with a ton of locks
thanks for the guide
dose noty work if the place has been attacked and burnt in a mission!
thank you so much for this helpful video
Another good option to get a lot of lockpicking xp is lockpicking all the front doors of shops and houses in rattay at night.
This is what I've been doing ans getting like 2-3 lvls a night
best is using the perk, luck of the drunk, in level 6, you can basically open very hard chests and doors when you are drunk. So using this in very hard and hard lockpicking, is Efficient a lot
@@sogyshorts5662 i don't like the drunk mechanic in the game. Makes me queasy. Also annoying
But I can't seem to get a chest open. Not even on easy! Isn't there a mod for this!
I did this from dark until dawn and only advanced lockpicking from 9 to 10. XP patched for Xbox 2023?
Best tutorial for it!
It took me almoust 4 ingame nights but it was more than worth it.
From which level did you start ?
OMG thank you so much! Gonna start right now 😁😁
YOU HAVE TO WAKE UP THE RESIDENTS TO MAKE THE LOCKS RESET. I struggled to figure that out for a bit 😊
Are you filling for video time?
Peszek's chest is waiting for my loot
lol they keep waking up all night to help us lol
So wouldn't it be best to just unlock miller peshek practice chest repeatedly?
You can only unlock his chest 10 times then it never locks again
lockpicking on console is a headache
Not sure the reset works anymore. I ran a bit away from the farm and waited for one hour several times. Still, the doors are open and unlocked.
make sure you wake up the people sleeping inside
@@Trailerprktrash Thanks for answering, you are right! Waking them all up did it.
It works, but at lvl 13.. try to get to 15 took a looong time.. didnt have to even wait the hr just kept going back and forth.
I just realized I never even stole anything.. just kept unlocking the locks
But where can I buy picks!? I’ve broken too many using ps5 controller.
You can buy lock picks from the miller at the respective mills.
Drunk luck you unlock at only level 6, a saviour shnapp is enough to activate it and you can unlock any lock
You get the same xp as you do when you pick it manually
I think they patched it because the doors don’t close again after I run and wait the time
Jump on the villager they have to close it the game doesnt do it for them
Where does one find thou lockpicks?
Millers, specifically Thereasa’s uncle but you can try others
You can also buy them from many traders like the one in Talmberg that you purchase some from during the story
7:09 - 8:19 aint 30 seconds
If you did the band of bastards dlc already this place is deserted
Nice location.
Dude u dont even need to skip 1h after u've opened the locks, while ur at 1 house the once u've already unlocked will get locked and vice versa when u do the other house
78 EXP each run.
no problem
it gives xp with master thief perk ;p
How the fk you do this on controller?
Must be patched on ps4
i dont understand lock picking at all i just broke 15 on a easy chest wtf is this sht
If you’re on PS4 change the settings to simplified. You can use L1 to rotate the lock whilst using right analog stick to find the sweet spot.