Aquaponics | Barrel Set Relocated

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 22 มิ.ย. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 7

  • @bionaturalpc


  • @insAneTunA

    Yeah it takes a little time indeed. And the insulation is a good plan. Except for one filter I insulated everything that carries water above the ground in my system. But now that your system is located where you have it now the people who are walking by can also take a look, and they might become interested to do something similar, that is nice. Have you considered to make a wooden fascia? I used wood for blocking the sun for my system and I recently installed wooden trim, and it now it looks much nicer compared to how it used to look. I am also in the process of installing an anti bird cage to keep the birds from stealing my strawberries. But that is not finished yet. Anyway, I am looking forward to see the updates 👍

  • @appdeveloper3895

    Things will take time. But it is fun and entertaining as you see things growing. Even in the worst cases life is fun through working and trying new things and going through errors and trials. Otherwise, it will be boring and meaningless. Challenges makes a difference in a person’s life. I am enjoying what you are doing, keep it in on and good luck.

  • @nil0bject

    good work. does the flow of water from the siphon bother the fish? do birds try to eat them? maybe put a fine mesh over them?

  • @moluskamenace2042

    Tuan Afnan , mana setup aquaphonic yg dibelakang rumah haritu?