Great review- I work on boats and houses & I changed my entire tool universe over to DeWalt 12v and am blown away. Yes, I need extra batteries, but the weight savings & size make a HUGE DIFFERENCE!
Great review guys! I just picked up this tool at Lowe’s for $129 and it comes with a battery starter pack,… charger, three amp hour, battery, and five amp hour battery for free!
I know, that’s a great deal and they have it on most of their 12v tools for a couple more months. We picked another one up a couple weeks ago after seeing that deal.
I've had the 12v combi drill and impact driver for a couple of years now. I'm a fire and security engineer so I'm usually not doing anything beyond drilling 20mm holes in metal/wood, 6mm holes in masonry and removing some stubborn bolts up to 15mm and they don't miss a beat. I haven't noticed the batteries draining any more quickly than I remember my 18v tools draining them but I use my 18v tools so infrequently these days it's hard to recall
I figured as much but never looked into the actual arc numbers. Interesting about the difference of arc is that it doesn’t add vibration to the 12v from our experience. Appreciate the comment.
I've had the 12v drill and driver for years. I love them for size and weight. They are more then capable and I've been wanting to see the 12v line expanded for years.
That thing looks nuts. Definitely buying one. I was slightly on the fence between the 12 and 20 but I do like dewault 12v line a lot. Everything I’ve used is good so far
Thank you! Finally I've been waiting for someone to do this! I heard rumors they're 12v was a huge improvement but wasn't willing to spend the $ to find out. So cool
@@campbellbuilt How's the long-term experience going with the little 12v? I'm trying to decide which of the two models to buy, and the addendum clip at the end of this video gives me a bit of pause - I'm wondering whether maybe the only reason the 12v out performed the 20v is that (as you mentioned) that particular 20v tool is nearing the end of its lifespan. Any additional thoughts from the last few months?
@@skygreen5939 I agree that our 20v’s have seen better days but neither of us believe the 20v ever cut this fast. It’s been at least 6 months since making that video and both of us absolutely love the 12v version better. I think a follow up video will be coming soon.
Yeah these new line of 12v tools are no slouch. Don’t sleep on them or think they can’t do the job. I’m in the M12 line and they are incredibly impressive. Size, weight and power can’t be beat
I was using my Milwaukee M12 multi tool today. Up on a ladder. The battery popped out every minute or so. I love Milwaukee but I think they need to abandon the current design on the M12 battery. I'm thinking about buying a DeWalt or Milwaukee M18.
When you're noticing that increasing vibration in your hand compared to the way it was when it first started that signs of weakening. You're losing the ability to take that oscillating vibration from the blade into the material, to now taking the vibration from the tool to your hand and the material so you're kind of spreading out the vibration if that makes sense. Therefore again losing power
@@americafirst6016 ok I have no clue what I'm talking about wow 😳 listen I've had the DeWalt XR and atomic the XR lacks power and cut speed the atomic is too small you can't hold it like the M12 fuel the ergo is so much better and you have to have it locked in full blast 🤯 you can set any speed!! It makes more accurate cuts I sold everything I owned by DeWalt and went to flex Milwaukee Makita lxt xgt skil matabo hpt and rigid Bosh..... Exc I have over 30 years in the trades brother and I'm telling the Milwaukee multi tool is better than the DeWalt point blank 4.0° cutting angle with an isolated head that doesn't shake the shit out of your hand it's just better. One day your gonna drop it on its head and you will understand why the clamping mechanism is flawed!! But I'm wrong your rite you're DeWalt is superior to everything every brand every tool DeWalt tools 🔥 🤣
@@TacticalThib I'm not saying that at all, I really don't like DeWalt in general, their 20v it's just flat out not impressive. The best thing DeWalt has going for it right now is their 12v line. I own Makita and Milwaukee, but prefer Makita it's just better IMO, just more expensive sadly so I understand why people like Milwaukee plus they are great tools. The DeWalt 12v line is very very impressive and amazing for the price. Milwaukee does make great 12v tools with a wider variety, all I'm saying is DeWalt makes great 12v tools but with a slim variety, but they have what I want for light duty tools. Their 12v impact wrenches (901&903) their impact driver, band saw, and recip saw are all I really need and they work excellently. Again, I genuinely don't like DeWalt but I can't hate on these 12v tools.
So, one thing nobody seems to mention: just like with a reciprocating saw, whe you saw back and forth with it, you are making it take longer. The saw is already doing the sawing motion. When you use a sawing motion you are counteracting some of the strokes the saw is making and delaying the time the cut takes. The saw is designed to do the work for you.
I liked your comment because I’m glad you mentioned this and not for being correct. If you want a straight cut as opposed to a stepped cut you will go back and forth, thats the 1st reason to do it. 2nd is to not over heat the wood and set fire alarms off. Clients with smoke alarms linked with the fire department don’t particularly like it when the red trucks come rolling up. Oak, hickory for that matter most hard woods will do just that with our the sawing method. 3rd sawing will help with material not being trapped in the cut as much. We cut hardwood mainly so this is a must to get a good result both with that being said I agree with you when cutting pine or soft wood in general just jab it through.
@campbellbuilt no i totally get sweeping it across the material to establish a line or prevent build-up. I just mean that the rapid sawing motion isn't necessary and slows the progress of the cut. No offense intended. I did the same thing when I first started using reciprocating/oscillating tools. ✌️
@ModernGentleman so I knew you weren’t being rude, a lot of times I looking at the users name to determine if their comment are sincere or argumentative. Trust me you will start looking at names now 😀. I’d have to go back and watch the video but I can guarantee why he was cutting that way was out of habit and thinking we were on the job site. Thanks for leaving these comments friend.
Nice. This 12v is really impressive. After running it more over the weekend we believe the 20v 5 amp definitely last longer but WOW on the performance of this 12v. I’ll keep an eye out for your vid.
We’ve switched to the 12v for most day to day. We’re really impressed with the multi tool, drill, impact and hand held band saw. Their all outstanding.
Great review- I work on boats and houses & I changed my entire tool universe over to DeWalt 12v and am blown away. Yes, I need extra batteries, but the weight savings & size make a HUGE DIFFERENCE!
We agree, the 12v can do almost everything that most people need and leave the heavy tools only when you absolutely need them.
Same for me.
I hate unnecessary heavy tools 🤬
Great review guys! I just picked up this tool at Lowe’s for $129 and it comes with a battery starter pack,… charger, three amp hour, battery, and five amp hour battery for free!
I know, that’s a great deal and they have it on most of their 12v tools for a couple more months. We picked another one up a couple weeks ago after seeing that deal.
I've had the 12v combi drill and impact driver for a couple of years now. I'm a fire and security engineer so I'm usually not doing anything beyond drilling 20mm holes in metal/wood, 6mm holes in masonry and removing some stubborn bolts up to 15mm and they don't miss a beat. I haven't noticed the batteries draining any more quickly than I remember my 18v tools draining them but I use my 18v tools so infrequently these days it's hard to recall
The reason the 12v cuts faster is cause the XR only has a 1.6 degree arc swing while the 12v is double at 3.2. Both great tools
I figured as much but never looked into the actual arc numbers. Interesting about the difference of arc is that it doesn’t add vibration to the 12v from our experience. Appreciate the comment.
They both are 3.2, and the 12v is more powerful
I've had the 12v drill and driver for years. I love them for size and weight. They are more then capable and I've been wanting to see the 12v line expanded for years.
The 12v DeWALTs are pretty excellent.
That thing looks nuts. Definitely buying one. I was slightly on the fence between the 12 and 20 but I do like dewault 12v line a lot. Everything I’ve used is good so far
You will not be disappointed.
Thank you! Finally I've been waiting for someone to do this! I heard rumors they're 12v was a huge improvement but wasn't willing to spend the $ to find out. So cool
DeWALTs 12v line up is all very impressive. We’re taking in less and less 18v-20v tools to do a job the these 12v DeWALTs are outperforming them.
@@campbellbuilt How's the long-term experience going with the little 12v? I'm trying to decide which of the two models to buy, and the addendum clip at the end of this video gives me a bit of pause - I'm wondering whether maybe the only reason the 12v out performed the 20v is that (as you mentioned) that particular 20v tool is nearing the end of its lifespan. Any additional thoughts from the last few months?
@@skygreen5939 I agree that our 20v’s have seen better days but neither of us believe the 20v ever cut this fast. It’s been at least 6 months since making that video and both of us absolutely love the 12v version better. I think a follow up video will be coming soon.
Thank you, this was exactly what I was trying to find out to make my decision.
You won’t be dis appointed. We’ve covered a few of the 12v DeWALT’s on this channel and everyone was surprisingly as to the power.
Thanks for the review guys, keep up the great work😎🛠️😎🛠️😎
Appreciate it
Yeah these new line of 12v tools are no slouch. Don’t sleep on them or think they can’t do the job. I’m in the M12 line and they are incredibly impressive. Size, weight and power can’t be beat
Your absolutely correct
I will say the DeWalt does have the best fill in hand though that's for sure
I was using my Milwaukee M12 multi tool today. Up on a ladder. The battery popped out every minute or so. I love Milwaukee but I think they need to abandon the current design on the M12 battery. I'm thinking about buying a DeWalt or Milwaukee M18.
Czy utnie pręt gwintowany i go wykończy aby nakręcić nakrętkę? To jedyna czynność jakiej nie mam pewności że zrobi po za szlifierką kątową..
What is the name of the color on the wall looks very nice ??
Agreeable Grey
When you're noticing that increasing vibration in your hand compared to the way it was when it first started that signs of weakening. You're losing the ability to take that oscillating vibration from the blade into the material, to now taking the vibration from the tool to your hand and the material so you're kind of spreading out the vibration if that makes sense. Therefore again losing power
Would love to see this compared to M12 Fuel
The m12 would blow it out of the water there is no comparison!!!
@@TacticalThibnot true
@@americafirst6016 ok I have no clue what I'm talking about wow 😳 listen I've had the DeWalt XR and atomic the XR lacks power and cut speed the atomic is too small you can't hold it like the M12 fuel the ergo is so much better and you have to have it locked in full blast 🤯 you can set any speed!! It makes more accurate cuts I sold everything I owned by DeWalt and went to flex Milwaukee Makita lxt xgt skil matabo hpt and rigid Bosh..... Exc I have over 30 years in the trades brother and I'm telling the Milwaukee multi tool is better than the DeWalt point blank 4.0° cutting angle with an isolated head that doesn't shake the shit out of your hand it's just better. One day your gonna drop it on its head and you will understand why the clamping mechanism is flawed!! But I'm wrong your rite you're DeWalt is superior to everything every brand every tool DeWalt tools 🔥 🤣
@@TacticalThib I'm not saying that at all, I really don't like DeWalt in general, their 20v it's just flat out not impressive. The best thing DeWalt has going for it right now is their 12v line. I own Makita and Milwaukee, but prefer Makita it's just better IMO, just more expensive sadly so I understand why people like Milwaukee plus they are great tools. The DeWalt 12v line is very very impressive and amazing for the price. Milwaukee does make great 12v tools with a wider variety, all I'm saying is DeWalt makes great 12v tools but with a slim variety, but they have what I want for light duty tools. Their 12v impact wrenches (901&903) their impact driver, band saw, and recip saw are all I really need and they work excellently. Again, I genuinely don't like DeWalt but I can't hate on these 12v tools.
So, one thing nobody seems to mention: just like with a reciprocating saw, whe you saw back and forth with it, you are making it take longer. The saw is already doing the sawing motion. When you use a sawing motion you are counteracting some of the strokes the saw is making and delaying the time the cut takes. The saw is designed to do the work for you.
I liked your comment because I’m glad you mentioned this and not for being correct. If you want a straight cut as opposed to a stepped cut you will go back and forth, thats the 1st reason to do it. 2nd is to not over heat the wood and set fire alarms off. Clients with smoke alarms linked with the fire department don’t particularly like it when the red trucks come rolling up. Oak, hickory for that matter most hard woods will do just that with our the sawing method. 3rd sawing will help with material not being trapped in the cut as much. We cut hardwood mainly so this is a must to get a good result both with that being said I agree with you when cutting pine or soft wood in general just jab it through.
@campbellbuilt no i totally get sweeping it across the material to establish a line or prevent build-up. I just mean that the rapid sawing motion isn't necessary and slows the progress of the cut. No offense intended. I did the same thing when I first started using reciprocating/oscillating tools. ✌️
@ModernGentleman so I knew you weren’t being rude, a lot of times I looking at the users name to determine if their comment are sincere or argumentative. Trust me you will start looking at names now 😀. I’d have to go back and watch the video but I can guarantee why he was cutting that way was out of habit and thinking we were on the job site. Thanks for leaving these comments friend.
@campbellbuilt you're right now I'll always be looking for username/profile pic clues 😄✌️
Lowe’s in my neighborhood has them for free when you buy a pack right now
Could you please put up an affiliate link to that guid roller attachment , I would greatly appreciate it.
Great video guys. I just purchased a 12v and was wondering if I made a mistake and should have purchased a 20v. 👍
Absolutely not, we’ve purchased a second 12v and love these things.
What’s the name of that colour on the walls bud? Keep up with the good work✌🏽👍🏽
I’m doing a comparison on the two soon. Appreciate the video 🙂✌️
Nice. This 12v is really impressive. After running it more over the weekend we believe the 20v 5 amp definitely last longer but WOW on the performance of this 12v. I’ll keep an eye out for your vid.
Marius 😎🛠️😎🛠️😎
@@tedmcdonald3377 what’s up!? Good to read from you 🙂✌️❤️
lisää pitempiä leikkauksia ja sahauksia ja hyytymistä eikä mitää pelleilyä. että ihan normaalia työn tekoa.
sropping by to show some support
Nice, thank you
Great insight, thanks for the video
Great video fellas
I have always been a fan of 20v, now I think I am gonna to invest the first 12v tool
We’ve switched to the 12v for most day to day. We’re really impressed with the multi tool, drill, impact and hand held band saw. Their all outstanding.
Awesome review guys
Thanks for Watching
Looks like a nice tool
It’s the best looking tool ever 😀
WoW , but in defense of the 20v tool , it did come out like 4 yrs ago and the 12v is Brand New probably with better technology ......
shocking. thx for the vid
The craftsman brushless is better than the 20v dewalt about the same as the 12v and is a 1/4 inch longer than the 12v
craftsman is trash
@@davidjr24 Your ass is leaking, keep buying your more expensive tools that aren't any better
I hate to sound like a fanboy but the M12 Milwaukee will smoke both of those
The M12 is a fantastic multi tool
i think they shake to much
i got my boss to a Fein cutter instead much better
LAMO, 12V IS BETTER THAN 20V, it really surprised me.
If you guys would try the m12 fuel you would never use the DeWalt again you would retire both I have!!!
Here comes the Milwaukee salesman
I have everything lmao all brands it's just fact the Milwaukee is better and that's all I have to say about that.......
You simply cant beat big red. Not sure why any other brands even try tbh
So a handyman is doing a tool review? I don’t think so. Leave it actual professionals not YT fake pros either
Okay 😂
If they both (handyman/pro) use the tool what makes a “pros” review better?
I’m assuming you’re a “professional”, where’s your videos.
@@Fishpalms Do you watch movies? Where's your movies, Do you listen to music? Where's your music
You rather see "reviews" from paid shills?
Great content
Thank You Sir