My tips and tricks for beginners: 1. Don’t use hydro acoustic search AT THE BEGINNING of the match (At spawn). 2. Don’t abandon or sail away from the flank/side that you spawn on. 3. If you are using a cruiser with torpedoes, don't act like a torpedo destroyer (or any type of Destroyer) and show your sides just to launch them because most of the time it will fail (especially at long range). 4. If you are a Destroyer with smoke screens, USE THEM. Don’t sail straight to the enemy. And even if you use smokes, SLOW DOWN because you are not being covered by smoke due to your fast speed. 5. It doesn’t mean that if you buy a high tier premium ship (Tiers 9-10), you are now a good player. Being good requires experience and you can't get those by trying out high tier premium ships when you are still around tier 5-7. I now this is looks crazy but you guys have no idea that these mistakes are soooo common in my experience with WoWs, especially #1. I could add more but I dont have the enerny to give a full detailed list.
i'd like to add about the "higher tier ships" . Begginer play those for two reasons: 1they can be fun and a change of pace from other ships they have 2 already at reaching tier V, and even worse at tier VI, i personnally felt a difficulty of having enough credits to keep up with research, so higher tier premiums are almost needes so that your grind isnt too painful
@@antoinep.2565 Your point/s are valid but based on my experience, dont buy premiums unless you are familiar with its gameplay. If you have experience with cruisers then go ahead and buy a premium cruiser but dont expect to buy a premium destroyer just because its popular in the community but you have no experience with it. I've seen a few accounts where (just an example) they have only reach tier 6 and have only played battleships and cruisers and he is out there using a Hafford just because of its hydrid gimmick.
Good general tips. Know your ship good as well. Some ships work funny. IE engine smoke DD's can smoke at full speed, an exception to the general rule about smoke & speed.
Or be married…or have your kids awake in any form…I have had the chat give me some well-deserved hell when I disappear all of a sudden, putting my ship in circles until I can run back to the computer.
Just to add to the tip on Premium Time, if you get it for a year and you play enough, it could last you much longer. I got a year of premium at a discount during the holidays and I'm still sitting at 320 days left because of the premium time I get from missions, events, containers, etc.
Teamplay, focus fire, stay at such a distance that you can go undetected when not firing. Switch ship when secondaries set a fire. COUNT COUNT COUNT, have less ships than the enemy, play defensive otherwise offensive is an option. In a DD when there is a CV, cv always scouts 1 pass for DDs, stay with the AA ships till it passes (so hold back). Assume the worst, hope for the best (if a radar cruiser is not spotted yet, assume it at your cap. Or the only enemy DD that outspots you, etc)
I want more of these useful videos on tips and less about complaining about WG (they just don’t care anyway) thanks for posting even an experimented player like me learnt things
One of the better vids you've done in quite a while. We need more of the "How to play", maybe some "How I play..." this specific ship. These are preferable to rehashing the "top 5..." rehash for the 10th time. My experience, you're on the money about Det flags on DD, or maybe I just have bad RNG when I don't run them.
Screw 20% credit income advantage in a double uptier game. It's easier to deal way more dmg to ships of equal level than sitting out of range in T6 cruiser facing T8 BBs.
Not really, you can look at the Division lineup and see if the enemy sun is in a division or not. Then look to see who with and watch the mini map for detection. o7
The problem with damaging higher tier ships for more earnings is, that you get rewarded for dealing maxHp% as damage to ships. So if you dont deal the same % of HP as damage to higher tiers (cause of better armor and higher HP pools) you dont earn much more.
Not to mention those higher tier ships, at least in my case, love to focus you back as a -1 or -2 ship. I absolutely detest -2 MM as the power gap between is often huge, especially in terms of gun range and DPM/Alpha strike. Yeah, you get boosted exp for damaging higher tier ships but that means little when they slap you for 50% of your hp in 1 salvo, it's rather hard to contribute to your teams success. I once had a game in Mogami, T8 Japanese cruise, where I happened to sail within 10km of a unspotted Forrest Sherman. Needless to say, by the time I got out of their gun range, I had lost 75% of my hp in less than a minute. And with no heal, i was dead in about 30s later. Another favourite aspect of the game of mine, is when a BB can out-spot a cruiser, get on your broadside and slap the ever-living crap out of you.
Its a Teamplay game. Attack as a team, Defend as a team a team. Don't sit in the back, waiting for the "perfect broadside target",while your team is pushing a flank and makes progress. Don't let your DDs alone facing enemy DDs. Or caping. Read the Mini map Know your enemy ships,stats, range, armour,smoke or Radar, Hydro,torp range etc. And...have Fun, don't forget to have fun over all 😅
stay on the flank you spawn at. if you leave your flank your teammates will be outnumbered, giving the enemy the upper hand. also, when you are outnumbered try to either stall the enemys advance or drag them away from the map-center.(aka stay alive while beeing annoying) either way the rest of your team will have a localized numbers advantage.
I've never played ranked or clan battles... I use my blue econs for when I have a combat mission that I need a bunch to complete. Also, the trick to shooting at light cruisers also works on subs! I love getting main gun kills on underwater subs!
I used the last asymmetric battles to grind through the rest of the lines I definitely wanted and as a dd main it was basically getting all the destroyers. In that mode I could score about as much or even more as you would in randoms in quicker and easily more decided winning battles, so long as you know what you're doing with your ship. I wasn't even sporting detonation flags during that time because the credits needed to unlock other ships were most important and sometimes blowing up just is what it is. Since then and with all those lines now unlocked I've just been playing and the credits, free xp as well as elite commander xp have been adding up. I'm currently at 60 million credits, 600k free xp and about 1million elite commander xp to use as needed. Saving up now for the new French dd line coming soon. :)
If you are in a dd, shoot and scoot, especially if you pop smoke. If you pop smoke, head directly in the opposite direction of the enemy and after a short distance, change direction. Odds are that by then you are out of their detection range and you can maneuver freely.
1. If your on the last Naval Battle Star and get take out early, try to drop a coop game for a lower star and save the attempt, first game over counts.
You've mentioned several times that your followers are BB players like you... That being said, you also have a bunch of followers that play DD's and Cruisers. We all value your input, and videos like this are just one reason. 🙂 Though you seldom seem to like Torpedo DD's, I did watch your Jager video recently, and I think that deep down inside, you got a Torpedo DD Player trying to come out. lol (and what's up with that Atlanta that attached himself to you? LoL)
I would advice to play all classes (except submarines) so you get a feel how they work and how you can avoid getting nuked by them. Don't be a battleship main and then wonder why cruisers and destroyers fuck you up all the time.
Hi hoping i can get some help here. Its about the RB ships. Do i have to buy every single ship each time or can i just reasearch the line a couple of times and then buy them to get the points i need? i am one of those on and off players and i got 1,5 mil free exp but money is ofc a problem and i dont feel like spending millions on a ship to get 100 or what ever it is points you get. Hope i make sense, have a great day/night all.
Hello. I think this answers your question: Research points stack on multiple resets, so you can use free xp to research a whole line, then reset it and repeat. Then only buy the ships when you want to get the points. Also worth remembering that double reset renews in 10 days time, so you get twice the points for the first reset after it renews. I'm currently doing this with Schlieffen line. Have 30k already stored up on Schlieffen, waiting for double reset so it goes up to 42k before I buy it and claim points. With the points from the lower tier ships and the 12k I already have, should be enough to get Ohio.
the submarine division is one of thing that so worst that much games im whas play and lose becose this as is impossible to win game when 2 submarines are focused on one player
Here's a tip for getting doubloons. On your birthday, WG will give you a coupon that gives you 50% back in doubloons for a single purchase. So buy a doubloons package for a 150% return.
No tips for subs? Oh well. One thing to remember against sub pings. If you DCP a sub sonar ping. Slow down or turn. Sub torpedo's make adjustments to your speed and travel path. Meaning that clearing the sonar ping only stops the constant updating. So if you don't change anything, you will still eat those torps.
I didn't know shells go through water, now I'm regularly getting citadels on other cruisers. Idk why but i always assumed if shells hit the water they just disappeared, coming from wot where shells periodically just pass through objects doing no damage.
Save you extra asw charge so can track him? TRACK HIM?! playoffs?! I spent 8 minutes trying to find the little sob, I won't have another chance and hope I will find him again
DD's job is to stay alive and to provide torpedo screening etc etc ... YEAH . tell that to all the BB and Cruisers players who only care is " I need intelligence data " and fail to support the vanguard in any fashion , its not a rant , its a fact in game these days , so yes DD's job is to stay alive , at the cost of not doing all these so call DD play , ( which only put the DD in grief danger without paying the reward and without the team ever supporting ) These days a DD job is not to screen and not to spawn torpedo , its survival first and farming next , cause your damage dealing is miserable compared to all others , your spotting is no longer needed when there's planes, SS, Radar, Hydro and all , your job is not to serve the team cause you cannot and the team never ever care to support anyway , Close Support , NIL , AA Cover , they are another 8 to 15KM back which mean they do not cover , RADAR help , sorry that 12KM Radar is another 10KM back from your position so that means its not covering the enemy at all .. Aerial support .. now credit where credits due , many CV players actually know to support their DD but they can do only that much , and SS well they are similar as DD goes , survival being no.1 on agenda Lord , your POV might be OK if you play to fight but these days this is not the meta , most just play to farm and never fight .. and what are those playing DD, CL or simply normal CA do ... they do not had the range, they do not had the armor, and they do not had the HP to burn .. they cannot vanish like the SS or hang back like the CV .. and to be fair and honest most of the time when I play and see a bunch of BB and Cruisers all just camp , as a DD main , I just do not feel the urge, nor the need and even less the drive to even bother to play the play
And if a lone ship supports it's just gone. Lost more than 1 BB when only target on flank. What's a lone DD gonna do to help? Meanwhile other BB's & CC's hang back not wanting pai t scratched.
@@grayboats7741 that is why today's game in WOWS is totally disconnected , the BB all camp and farm , the CV and SS do their farming and basically stay out of trouble , and the small guys just play their own, none care to support others as they know full well all the others want is for the " others " to go fight but never themselves .. as a DD main , mine is very simple , simply NO support for those who will not forward and support their own team's vanguards , been playing for too long to be nice guy and spot for the team , contest the cap etc etc .. what come .. enemy push then the Cruisers and BB turn tail even faster than me able to put up a smoke , too many time been sold as meat shield , fire bait, decoy when they just speed to hide, camp and farm .. I learn .. BIG GUNS players are not to be trusted
@MechFrankaTLieu Mainly a BB player, but have seen so many do as you say. Why I get 6 on 1. 1 ship can't support vanguard alone! Same deal when I'm low tier then after contact whole flank runs. Why I like divison play. At least on ship working with me.
Very true especially for tiers VIII and higher. That's when the big ships just sit still and wait for a target to magically appear in their view while blaming dd mates because it's not happening right away. Then there are the few who instead of joining in for focus fire they seem to hold back and try to wait for that final shot instead of helping along the way. One big reason I play a lot of tier VII more so these days. Much more fun game play there.
07:14 my friend who drives subs a lot cus he bought the 4501 through coal (his first coal ship, and yes, I now do dislike him by law cus he drives subs, and WOULD report him if I could when we div. But dont worry, I send a lot of angry e-mails and reports to Riot Games and report him that way) was saying a few days ago that he saw some kind of "indicator" when people had or didn't have DCP ready. He sometimes DDs, and says he only sees this indicator when sub'ing. I don't drive them myself, so I have NO idea what he is talking about, and I know he doesn't use mods either. So yeah, there is prolly a tips or trick in there for sub users, but I guess...look for some kinda indicator? :P
An important tip was missed. BE A SPORT. It's only a game. Getting up tight and abusing other players in the chat helps nobody. Not everyone in the game is as good as you are. Just deal with it and move on.
If you lose 2 times in a row with blowouts then stop playing wows for a while, because it will be your tax day for the matchmaker god for all of your decent matches.
Tip: If you have a bad day. Just stop. It makes no sense to play when it isn't fun. It's not your job, it's your hobby. (Yeah, not you SLMB, you should go back to work, NOW!)
Sorry to say this game is an utter piece of crap. The players are the worst players of any game . The ships are nothing but junk and WOWS has completely ruined this game.
This games no longer any fun its ruined by cvs and submarines both dont fit game the old cvs did coz it wasnt every match and there required brains to use them even i tried them i didnt mind them coz i played rts games before ie spellforce command and conquer etc. But new cvs are a joke now f16s in game op carriers annoying submarines that was meant for 1 v 1 combat they were stealthy killers of convoys not shotgunning ships at close range i know this been changed vs dds etc. I played this game for 3 years bro im still pissed off with wg coz of cvs ruining aa
Contrary to what you hear some people complain about....... GTFO those 'some people' don't complain about pixels going over your screen they complain that the game is a FFI JOKE NOW. Before these abominations, ships moved at relative speeds to eachother, now you got this FANTASY BS about nuclear hunterkiller submarines, and you're giving tips to ffin DREADNAUGHTS on how they should deal with nuclear attack submarines.... Yeah, some people actually care about immersion. /next video
Where’s my WG money then? Lmao I just used what recordings I had on my hard drive, if you catch my streams you’ll see me using the same tactic on subs of all tiers
My tips and tricks for beginners:
1. Don’t use hydro acoustic search AT THE BEGINNING of the match (At spawn).
2. Don’t abandon or sail away from the flank/side that you spawn on.
3. If you are using a cruiser with torpedoes, don't act like a torpedo destroyer (or any type of Destroyer) and show your sides just to launch them because most of the time it will fail (especially at long range).
4. If you are a Destroyer with smoke screens, USE THEM. Don’t sail straight to the enemy. And even if you use smokes, SLOW DOWN because you are not being covered by smoke due to your fast speed.
5. It doesn’t mean that if you buy a high tier premium ship (Tiers 9-10), you are now a good player. Being good requires experience and you can't get those by trying out high tier premium ships when you are still around tier 5-7.
I now this is looks crazy but you guys have no idea that these mistakes are soooo common in my experience with WoWs, especially #1. I could add more but I dont have the enerny to give a full detailed list.
i'd like to add about the "higher tier ships" . Begginer play those for two reasons:
1they can be fun and a change of pace from other ships they have
2 already at reaching tier V, and even worse at tier VI, i personnally felt a difficulty of having enough credits to keep up with research, so higher tier premiums are almost needes so that your grind isnt too painful
@@antoinep.2565 Your point/s are valid but based on my experience, dont buy premiums unless you are familiar with its gameplay. If you have experience with cruisers then go ahead and buy a premium cruiser but dont expect to buy a premium destroyer just because its popular in the community but you have no experience with it.
I've seen a few accounts where (just an example) they have only reach tier 6 and have only played battleships and cruisers and he is out there using a Hafford just because of its hydrid gimmick.
Also if you are in DD and use your smoke, if you stay in the smoke you are not spotting for the ships you blinded with your smoke.
It’s good advice I’m already learning and I thank you
Good general tips. Know your ship good as well. Some ships work funny. IE engine smoke DD's can smoke at full speed, an exception to the general rule about smoke & speed.
NEVER have a cat in the room with you while playing WOWS.
But my Fuzzy First Officer wants to "help"
I 150% agree I've had my cat buy an event pass I didn't want.
Or be married…or have your kids awake in any form…I have had the chat give me some well-deserved hell when I disappear all of a sudden, putting my ship in circles until I can run back to the computer.
I keep yelling my kid "Cats are evil". Though making a purchase a new low!
Does your cat unplug your computer too?
Just to add to the tip on Premium Time, if you get it for a year and you play enough, it could last you much longer. I got a year of premium at a discount during the holidays and I'm still sitting at 320 days left because of the premium time I get from missions, events, containers, etc.
I got 90 days early December from a Santa container, and I've got about 115 days left. lol
Thanks for this video that focusses on helping people play better and enjoy the game. Your video title didn't overpromise and I appreciate that too.
Teamplay, focus fire, stay at such a distance that you can go undetected when not firing. Switch ship when secondaries set a fire. COUNT COUNT COUNT, have less ships than the enemy, play defensive otherwise offensive is an option.
In a DD when there is a CV, cv always scouts 1 pass for DDs, stay with the AA ships till it passes (so hold back).
Assume the worst, hope for the best (if a radar cruiser is not spotted yet, assume it at your cap. Or the only enemy DD that outspots you, etc)
I want more of these useful videos on tips and less about complaining about WG (they just don’t care anyway) thanks for posting even an experimented player like me learnt things
One of the better vids you've done in quite a while. We need more of the "How to play", maybe some "How I play..." this specific ship. These are preferable to rehashing the "top 5..." rehash for the 10th time. My experience, you're on the money about Det flags on DD, or maybe I just have bad RNG when I don't run them.
Screw 20% credit income advantage in a double uptier game. It's easier to deal way more dmg to ships of equal level than sitting out of range in T6 cruiser facing T8 BBs.
Why am I awake at 5am?? To learn!
agreed, me as well, just hit Jingles video first.
Sounds like a top player to me!
Bruv for me it was uploaded at 7 pm
"subs will always mirror your subs"...unless yours or theirs are in a division in which case you're back to guessing.
Not really, you can look at the Division lineup and see if the enemy sun is in a division or not. Then look to see who with and watch the mini map for detection. o7
He ment they spawn(mirror) the same side at start not the whole game...weird comment
The problem with damaging higher tier ships for more earnings is, that you get rewarded for dealing maxHp% as damage to ships.
So if you dont deal the same % of HP as damage to higher tiers (cause of better armor and higher HP pools) you dont earn much more.
Not to mention those higher tier ships, at least in my case, love to focus you back as a -1 or -2 ship. I absolutely detest -2 MM as the power gap between is often huge, especially in terms of gun range and DPM/Alpha strike. Yeah, you get boosted exp for damaging higher tier ships but that means little when they slap you for 50% of your hp in 1 salvo, it's rather hard to contribute to your teams success. I once had a game in Mogami, T8 Japanese cruise, where I happened to sail within 10km of a unspotted Forrest Sherman. Needless to say, by the time I got out of their gun range, I had lost 75% of my hp in less than a minute. And with no heal, i was dead in about 30s later. Another favourite aspect of the game of mine, is when a BB can out-spot a cruiser, get on your broadside and slap the ever-living crap out of you.
My tip for making coin is Operations Mode, with Eco buffs, rather than chance it on Random Battles.
Its a Teamplay game.
Attack as a team, Defend as a team a team.
Don't sit in the back, waiting for the "perfect broadside target",while your team is pushing a flank and makes progress.
Don't let your DDs alone facing enemy DDs. Or caping.
Read the Mini map
Know your enemy ships,stats, range, armour,smoke or Radar, Hydro,torp range etc.
And...have Fun, don't forget to have fun over all 😅
stay on the flank you spawn at. if you leave your flank your teammates will be outnumbered, giving the enemy the upper hand.
also, when you are outnumbered try to either stall the enemys advance or drag them away from the map-center.(aka stay alive while beeing annoying) either way the rest of your team will have a localized numbers advantage.
14:00 you appear to have an Atlanta welded to your hull
Torpedo armor!
I was wondering what the pups from this breeding would look like??
I've never played ranked or clan battles... I use my blue econs for when I have a combat mission that I need a bunch to complete.
Also, the trick to shooting at light cruisers also works on subs! I love getting main gun kills on underwater subs!
I used the last asymmetric battles to grind through the rest of the lines I definitely wanted and as a dd main it was basically getting all the destroyers. In that mode I could score about as much or even more as you would in randoms in quicker and easily more decided winning battles, so long as you know what you're doing with your ship. I wasn't even sporting detonation flags during that time because the credits needed to unlock other ships were most important and sometimes blowing up just is what it is. Since then and with all those lines now unlocked I've just been playing and the credits, free xp as well as elite commander xp have been adding up. I'm currently at 60 million credits, 600k free xp and about 1million elite commander xp to use as needed. Saving up now for the new French dd line coming soon. :)
If you are in a dd, shoot and scoot, especially if you pop smoke. If you pop smoke, head directly in the opposite direction of the enemy and after a short distance, change direction. Odds are that by then you are out of their detection range and you can maneuver freely.
1. If your on the last Naval Battle Star and get take out early, try to drop a coop game for a lower star and save the attempt, first game over counts.
You've mentioned several times that your followers are BB players like you... That being said, you also have a bunch of followers that play DD's and Cruisers. We all value your input, and videos like this are just one reason. 🙂 Though you seldom seem to like Torpedo DD's, I did watch your Jager video recently, and I think that deep down inside, you got a Torpedo DD Player trying to come out. lol (and what's up with that Atlanta that attached himself to you? LoL)
great info on how to deal with subs! thanks Sea Lord!
SLM does read the comments! We still need those map tip and tricks videos. Thanks SLM
Your channel is underrated
Hope for a secondary ship guide, like where to go, how to position, commander, tactics, etc.
Simply hitting a sub is already very difficult given how short most can turn
But a ship within 2km a death sentence unless a friendly deals with it.
YUP!! Even before WarGambling buffed sub turning radius, I've had subs turn 90-180 degrees away from my ASW.
Thanks for a good instructional video SL.
Great info. Thanks SLM.
I would advice to play all classes (except submarines) so you get a feel how they work and how you can avoid getting nuked by them. Don't be a battleship main and then wonder why cruisers and destroyers fuck you up all the time.
A video on strategies specific to Convoy or Airship Escort would be good.
tyty keep them coming sea lord
Hi hoping i can get some help here.
Its about the RB ships. Do i have to buy every single ship each time or can i just reasearch the line a couple of times and then buy them to get the points i need?
i am one of those on and off players and i got 1,5 mil free exp but money is ofc a problem and i dont feel like spending millions on a ship to get 100 or what ever it is points you get.
Hope i make sense, have a great day/night all.
Hello. I think this answers your question: Research points stack on multiple resets, so you can use free xp to research a whole line, then reset it and repeat. Then only buy the ships when you want to get the points.
Also worth remembering that double reset renews in 10 days time, so you get twice the points for the first reset after it renews.
I'm currently doing this with Schlieffen line. Have 30k already stored up on Schlieffen, waiting for double reset so it goes up to 42k before I buy it and claim points. With the points from the lower tier ships and the 12k I already have, should be enough to get Ohio.
6:00 Does this tip also count for French BBs who's only actual strength is their speed?
the submarine division is one of thing that so worst that much games im whas play and lose becose this as is impossible to win game when 2 submarines are focused on one player
Sir I am new player for tier 9 premium battleship Baji any ideas how to play in long and medium ranges
Great video Sea Lord!
If in a DD try and shoot sub while they are on the surface or at periscope depth.
Just get close. One a DD on top I can't shake it. To slow, if no one else deals with it game over.
Here's a tip for getting doubloons. On your birthday, WG will give you a coupon that gives you 50% back in doubloons for a single purchase. So buy a doubloons package for a 150% return.
This it, this is what we need to see !! . Thank you Sir for these types of YT videos. Keep'em comin !
No tips for subs? Oh well.
One thing to remember against sub pings. If you DCP a sub sonar ping. Slow down or turn. Sub torpedo's make adjustments to your speed and travel path. Meaning that clearing the sonar ping only stops the constant updating. So if you don't change anything, you will still eat those torps.
3km doesn't mean sxxt when a 4501 goes like a marceau underwater
Can anyone explain how to interpret ping traces on the sea? How the shape is / in which direction the sub is going ?
Shape shows direction of ping, sub on small side (.5-1km off). But for sub direction you need 2 pings.
No tips about Atlanta drivers watching where the photon they are steering though 😅
Great vid thanks!
Very good job.
How to counter subs: press alt + f4 and click the helldivers Icon that pops up
Well said 👏
@@tangotone1241 😂
Also hello benson game where we played protect the youtuber!
Do you think it's worth selling 2 ships to get satsuma?
Short answer, no. Long answer, still no.
people seem to like sailing broadside to you... that rarely happens for me.
I didn't know shells go through water, now I'm regularly getting citadels on other cruisers. Idk why but i always assumed if shells hit the water they just disappeared, coming from wot where shells periodically just pass through objects doing no damage.
I miss the times of free xp ships. I have Missouri and musashi.
Save you extra asw charge so can track him? TRACK HIM?! playoffs?! I spent 8 minutes trying to find the little sob, I won't have another chance and hope I will find him again
Subs are on the same side only if they are NOT in a Division FYI
I somehow got over a year of premium time from the Santa Containers
i didnt know that you can sell thinks out of the inventory. I made 20k with it
DD's job is to stay alive and to provide torpedo screening etc etc ... YEAH . tell that to all the BB and Cruisers players who only care is " I need intelligence data " and fail to support the vanguard in any fashion , its not a rant , its a fact in game these days , so yes DD's job is to stay alive , at the cost of not doing all these so call DD play , ( which only put the DD in grief danger without paying the reward and without the team ever supporting )
These days a DD job is not to screen and not to spawn torpedo , its survival first and farming next , cause your damage dealing is miserable compared to all others , your spotting is no longer needed when there's planes, SS, Radar, Hydro and all , your job is not to serve the team cause you cannot and the team never ever care to support anyway , Close Support , NIL , AA Cover , they are another 8 to 15KM back which mean they do not cover , RADAR help , sorry that 12KM Radar is another 10KM back from your position so that means its not covering the enemy at all .. Aerial support .. now credit where credits due , many CV players actually know to support their DD but they can do only that much , and SS well they are similar as DD goes , survival being no.1 on agenda
Lord , your POV might be OK if you play to fight but these days this is not the meta , most just play to farm and never fight .. and what are those playing DD, CL or simply normal CA do ... they do not had the range, they do not had the armor, and they do not had the HP to burn .. they cannot vanish like the SS or hang back like the CV .. and to be fair and honest most of the time when I play and see a bunch of BB and Cruisers all just camp , as a DD main , I just do not feel the urge, nor the need and even less the drive to even bother to play the play
And if a lone ship supports it's just gone. Lost more than 1 BB when only target on flank. What's a lone DD gonna do to help? Meanwhile other BB's & CC's hang back not wanting pai t scratched.
@@grayboats7741 that is why today's game in WOWS is totally disconnected , the BB all camp and farm , the CV and SS do their farming and basically stay out of trouble , and the small guys just play their own, none care to support others as they know full well all the others want is for the " others " to go fight but never themselves .. as a DD main , mine is very simple , simply NO support for those who will not forward and support their own team's vanguards , been playing for too long to be nice guy and spot for the team , contest the cap etc etc .. what come .. enemy push then the Cruisers and BB turn tail even faster than me able to put up a smoke , too many time been sold as meat shield , fire bait, decoy when they just speed to hide, camp and farm .. I learn .. BIG GUNS players are not to be trusted
@MechFrankaTLieu Mainly a BB player, but have seen so many do as you say. Why I get 6 on 1. 1 ship can't support vanguard alone!
Same deal when I'm low tier then after contact whole flank runs.
Why I like divison play. At least on ship working with me.
Very true especially for tiers VIII and higher. That's when the big ships just sit still and wait for a target to magically appear in their view while blaming dd mates because it's not happening right away. Then there are the few who instead of joining in for focus fire they seem to hold back and try to wait for that final shot instead of helping along the way. One big reason I play a lot of tier VII more so these days. Much more fun game play there.
Co op games teach new players next to nothing sadly, in fact they seem to encourage bad habits
07:14 my friend who drives subs a lot cus he bought the 4501 through coal (his first coal ship, and yes, I now do dislike him by law cus he drives subs, and WOULD report him if I could when we div. But dont worry, I send a lot of angry e-mails and reports to Riot Games and report him that way) was saying a few days ago that he saw some kind of "indicator" when people had or didn't have DCP ready. He sometimes DDs, and says he only sees this indicator when sub'ing. I don't drive them myself, so I have NO idea what he is talking about, and I know he doesn't use mods either. So yeah, there is prolly a tips or trick in there for sub users, but I guess...look for some kinda indicator? :P
i still wish there was a mode without subs
It would be advisable to make it clear these tips and tricks are for Battleships only. Most of these are useless for all the other classes.
Extra tip:
-you wont make credits playing T11 ships
Extra extra tip:
- no matter how well you play you will lose, cant carry all the teams out there
Wait it’s subs in this game
An important tip was missed. BE A SPORT. It's only a game. Getting up tight and abusing other players in the chat helps nobody. Not everyone in the game is as good as you are. Just deal with it and move on.
If you lose 2 times in a row with blowouts then stop playing wows for a while, because it will be your tax day for the matchmaker god for all of your decent matches.
dude, the fuck was that atlanta's problem.
He had some interesting words after lol
Step 1: Hit w
Step 2: Get Angry
Step 3: support friendly dd
Step 4: draw fire and kite
Step 5: pray to RNG gods
Step 6: Profit
Step 5 should actually be repeated before every other step
TIP: Don't be a toxic POS in chat.
Sub players are disgusting OTP. You can put enemy situation with only bad scenarios get torpeoded by sub or get citadel by BB
I don't mind subs that much, carriers are a far bigger cancer to the game.
Add in DD and cruiser having planes dropping 72 bombs in 1 run. hybrid BB's . Not a good direction IMO.
Tip: If you have a bad day. Just stop.
It makes no sense to play when it isn't fun. It's not your job, it's your hobby.
(Yeah, not you SLMB, you should go back to work, NOW!)
Sorry to say this game is an utter piece of crap. The players are the worst players of any game . The ships are nothing but junk and WOWS has completely ruined this game.
This games no longer any fun its ruined by cvs and submarines both dont fit game the old cvs did coz it wasnt every match and there required brains to use them even i tried them i didnt mind them coz i played rts games before ie spellforce command and conquer etc. But new cvs are a joke now f16s in game op carriers annoying submarines that was meant for 1 v 1 combat they were stealthy killers of convoys not shotgunning ships at close range i know this been changed vs dds etc. I played this game for 3 years bro im still pissed off with wg coz of cvs ruining aa
Only fools dont See what wargaming is doing and give them Hard earned money. 😂
Contrary to what you hear some people complain about.......
GTFO those 'some people' don't complain about pixels going over your screen they complain that the game is a FFI JOKE NOW. Before these abominations, ships moved at relative speeds to eachother, now you got this FANTASY BS about nuclear hunterkiller submarines, and you're giving tips to ffin DREADNAUGHTS on how they should deal with nuclear attack submarines....
Yeah, some people actually care about immersion.
/next video
Did you really just show a t8 vs t6 submarine to make it look easy.... LOL warmoneygrub sellout
Where’s my WG money then? Lmao
I just used what recordings I had on my hard drive, if you catch my streams you’ll see me using the same tactic on subs of all tiers
Yeah, ASW doesn't work on T8 subs. Dude you're a ............................
Submarines are the lowest damage class by far. Tip: quit pissing the bed over submarines.
Camper Gaylord Game