When The Ottoman Empire Helped Netherlands Get Independence - Joram Van Klaveren

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 2 ต.ค. 2024
  • Ties between the Dutch and the Ottoman Empire go back to October 1566. The connection was made through Joseph Nasi, a Jewish refugee who befriended Stadtholder Prince William of Orange (the Taciturn) in Antwerp. Prince William, who was appointed governor by Spanish king Philip II of Holland, Zeeland and Utrecht in 1559, experienced difficulties on account of Philip’s hard-line policies against heretics and the involvement of the Inquisition. Prince William had appealed many times to Spanish King Philip II to moderate the persecution, but when this proved unsuccessful, his opposition hardened with a very public speech in 1664. Joseph Nasi, who had fled from the Inquisition in Spain, now worked for the Ottoman Sultan and arranged for a letter promising the Netherlands financial and military support. This aid came through in 1574.
    📝 Ottoman Empire Recognized The United Dutch Republic Long Before Anyone Else - goDutch.com
    📽 Islamophobia Today - Right-Left Convergences
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ความคิดเห็น • 33

  • @CineRanter
    @CineRanter ปีที่แล้ว +24

    Joram Van Klaveren is a very interesting figure and his book Apostate is a great read

  • @turan2815
    @turan2815 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +19

    History: How many nations did you helped
    Ottoman empire: yes

  • @thomasthomas6645
    @thomasthomas6645 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +9

    Mostly true what you're saying, but you've forgotten some things as well.
    The Dutch kings requested military help from the Ottomans. The Ottomans replied that they couldn't provide military assistance because they were already engaged on many fronts. Instead, they offered 200 Janissary uniforms and suggested that the Dutch soldiers wear them, assuring that it would scare the enemy away. This is exactly what happened-the Spanish fled the battlefield. This is why there is a statue in the Netherlands of soldiers wearing Ottoman military uniforms.

    • @satiroglu44
      @satiroglu44 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Does that statue still stand and if so where it is?

    • @samy7013
      @samy7013 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@satiroglu44 : I’m wondering about that too. This story sounds far too fantastical to be true, especially given how long and hard fought the Dutch independence war was.

    • @satiroglu44
      @satiroglu44 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@samy7013 never is when it comes to historical stories. They rather capture a moment and amplify it to a legendary level.

  • @emeraldradiancemadinamunawwara
    @emeraldradiancemadinamunawwara ปีที่แล้ว +15

    Massive respect for this man. People often say his conversion reminds them of Islam's sencond Caliph Umar ibn Kattab's (Razi Allahu Anhu) conversion to Islam, but now I think this man is actually out there proving it as a fact. May Allah ta'ala bless him with more Imaan and Ilm.

  • @ekremcapa
    @ekremcapa 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +8

    as a Turk, i am proud of our ancestors. Love from Türkiye

    • @34enes
      @34enes 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      More important thing is, are your ancestors proud of you? I don't think so. You destroyed everything of your ancestor's legacy and banned the ottoman royal family outta country. Your law says, you can insult Allah but not Atatürk (§5816) They are definitely not proud of you

    • @metehanbodur7328
      @metehanbodur7328 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Hayır enes, dini öğelere hakaret etmek suç kimse allaha sövüpte tutuklanmaktan kurtulamaz. Osmanlı hanedanı şanslıydı sadece sürgün edildi. Diğer ülkelerde hanedanlara ne yapıldığına bir bak. Hanedan burada kalda bü ülke kurulmazdı. Ortadoğu ve balkanların hala en büyük ülkesiyiz ve bunu cumhuriyete borçluyuz

    • @34enes
      @34enes หลายเดือนก่อน

      kardeş, senin hakikatlerden haberin yok. cumhuriyetin kurulması ne demek sen anlamamışsın. vatan elimizden gitti, ve siyonistlerin oldu. savaş ne zaman kaybedilir? düşmana benzersen! çanakkalede neden savaştık söylermisin? ingiliz niye saldırdı?
      devletimizi yok edip, yerine kendi sistemi olan cumhuriyeti kurmak için. ve 100 senedir, türklere bunun bir zafer olduğnu yutturuyorlar.
      buna inanmıyorsan ingilizi niye saldırdı bize söylermisin?
      sen görünen siyasetle beslenmişsin ömür boyu. cumhuriyetin kurulmasının tek sebebi, hilafeti yıkmakdı. hilafet demek, 2 milyar insan emrimizin altında demek. Churchhill dediki: biz kaç yüz yıldır hilafeti yıkmaya çalışdık, (israil devletini kurmak için), sokak sokak dolaşsaydık bunu başaramazdık.
      Atatürk ingiliz ajanıdır bir siyonist! kahraman gibi görünüp, ecdadımızı herşeyimizi yok etti.
      fetöcülerde darbede başarılı olsaydı 2016'da, 50 sene sonra senin torunlarında onu kahraman görecekti. okullarda senin yetiştiğin gibi yetişeceklerdi. tıpki senin atatürkü kahraman görmen, soyinistlerin 300 senedir istedikleri cumhuriyet kurulsunda rahat etsinler diye.
      bak geçen mavi marmara diye bir gemi filistine yardıma gitti. siyonistler uluslar arası denizde 9 tane sivil teyzemizi katletti. bu harb îlânı olduğu gibi harb'in ta kendisidir! naptı "büyük türkiyen"? hiç birşeycik! çünkü cumhuriet dediğin şey, siyonistlerin köleliğdir. türk milletine zafer diye yutturulan bir proje

  • @benjaminmacauley9388
    @benjaminmacauley9388 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +6

    Thank you Sir, for the Srory. Its unbelievable how they tried so hard to " WHITE-WASH " everything......

  • @omegahaddad833
    @omegahaddad833 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

    Profound history! Thanking you for brining this to light !

  • @kasimcakar2036
    @kasimcakar2036 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    Mooi gesproken Joram!

  • @Serkant75
    @Serkant75 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    Brother Joram thank you for uniting different cultures, we all human beings but vood to see you are clearing historical facts in times of Islamophobia...

  • @HayatiKanbur-oo9gg
    @HayatiKanbur-oo9gg 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    Dont not forget turkish poepel alsways nice

  • @wandering_dervaish
    @wandering_dervaish 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    Wow interesting

  • @artificialintelligence9685
    @artificialintelligence9685 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Nice guy knows his history well

  • @samy7013
    @samy7013 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    To their credit, for the vast majority of their history, even though the Ottomans had similar expansionist motivations like any other empire, they generally behaved much better than Christian-led governments and armies, lacking as they did the annihilationist mindset of Crusaders and other militant Christians. Ottomans were famous for offering local populations a surprisingly generous degree of autonomy in both civil and religious affairs, unlike the the regularly occurring phenomenon of Christian-led governments and their armies, who rarely ever hesitated to kill, convert, or expel local populations _en masse_ wherever they went. Compare the fates of Ottoman-ruled lands, and how they almost universally managed to keep their native populations, languages, and cultures, with the fate of Muslim Iberia or much of the New World, for example. The differences are stark, and the Ottoman example very much sparkles and shines, in comparison to the dark record of its European Christian-led competitors.
    It’s therefore not surprising that such large parts of Ottoman military forces (especially in the early Ottoman era) consisted of non-Muslims who fought tenaciously and bravely for their Ottoman sovereigns. The Ottoman army that achieved the glorious conquest of Constantinople, for example, had a large, loyal, and effective Serbian Orthodox Christian contingent that shared enthusiastically in this epoch-making victory.
    Even as late as the 1683 Siege of Vienna, the Ottomans could still depend on plenty of non-Muslims being sympathetic to the Ottoman imperial endeavor. You can easily find plenty of articles, citing the thinkers and philosophers who founded and led the Enlightenment and the preceding Reformation, stating this plainly. The Protestants and Unitarians among them, were especially admiring of Islam in general, as well as the Ottomans in particular. Because the largest school of thought in Islam (the Hanafi school) rejected the so-called “divine right of kings”, imposed quite a few limits on rulers, on taxation, and had a well-developed and humane body of international law and the laws of war, and had generous provisions for religious tolerance for non-Muslims, and was very strictly monotheistic and opposed to idolatry, these Western thinkers saw in it a highly-respected antidote to Catholicism. They saw Islamic culture as fertile grounds for a sort of monotheistic Abrahamic _laissez-faire_ republicanism.
    That’s why so many Protestants in Europe either directly volunteered to fight for the Ottomans, or tried to ally with them. Here’s a little known fact for you: it was the Ottomans that saved Calvinism and multiple other Protestant sects from extinction in the Catholic Counter-Reformation. Their armies at Vienna had thousands of Protestants fighting for the Ottoman Sultan against the despised Catholics, including Hungarian, Transylvanian, and even French, English, and Dutch Calvinists and other Protestant sects oppressed by the Catholics.
    The Ottomans are also widely credited with being the saviors of Protestantism in Hungary, which would otherwise have been extinguished by the Catholic Church. Heck, even the Catholic French allied with the Ottomans in order to protect France from being swallowed up by the Hapsburgs.
    And of course, let’s not forget that when the Catholic monarchs of Spain expelled their conquered Muslim and Jewish subjects from the lands of Iberia, many of these exiles found a warm welcome in the humane embraces of the Ottoman Empire.
    And it wasn’t just exiles from the lost lands of Al-Andalus who did so. That plucky little Ottoman ally, the Republic of Salé, (right next to Rabat in present-day Morocco), was essentially a Muslim Venice, founded by Muslim exiles from Iberia, and bolstered by thousands of former Western Christians (especially Dutch and English Protestants) who revolted against the injustices and inequalities of Christian European nations, embraced Islam, and waged naval war against the rising tide of Christian-led oppression and aggression in the Mediterranean basin and the eastern shores of the Atlantic Ocean.
    I should also mention here, that when Orthodox Russian Czars expelled Muslim Crimean Tatars, Circassians, and Chechens _en-masse_ , they too found a a similarly-generous refuge in the domains of the Ottoman Sultan, and volunteered in his armies, to fight back against the persecutors who expelled them from their homelands.
    For as long as the Ottoman Empire remained Ottoman-which is to say, accepting of all ethnicities and communities who were loyal to the sovereign-it survived and its peoples were safe. The rot set in when European notions of ethnic chauvinist nationalism started to gain currency in the Empire, resulting in ethnic separatism among some of its non-Turkic subjects, and Pan-Turanian supremacism among some of its elites. When Ottoman subjects and ruling elites dabbled in European ideologies, and violated their traditional Ottoman social and political contracts, the Empire fell. It’s also in this rather late-and rather un-Ottoman-stage in its history, that its worst abuses were committed.
    Of course, none of this is fringe or “hidden” history. Rather, it’s quite mainstream, and reading any standard history of the era will give you plenty of evidence for what I outlined above.

    • @fandom5661
      @fandom5661 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      I quite enjoyed that. I have read almost all of the ottoman history. From its inception till it's downfall in the first world war and turkey emergence under Ataturk. You have made an excellent representation of its failure here. As long as Muslims follow the law imposed by Allah, they will prosper but once they deviate from it, they will scatter away. Only faith can grant you strength. And only faith can grant Muslims unity.

    • @haziq4536
      @haziq4536 หลายเดือนก่อน

      This is some interesting information. I knew about the Ottomans helped the Dutch revolt and supported them but I never knew that some Christian denominations supported and fought for them and I also never knew that the Ottomans were responsible for protecting their religion, cultures and languages at that time. Thank you for writing about this.

  • @abdulkadirsamatar5412
    @abdulkadirsamatar5412 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Mansha allah. Thanks we learned many tings from you.

  • @Honey1xyz
    @Honey1xyz 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +2


  • @caucasianrize53
    @caucasianrize53 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

    very interesting. start to research....

  • @u-rx8ys
    @u-rx8ys 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +1


  • @Dazsun
    @Dazsun ปีที่แล้ว +3

    This is like Pseudo-history. Alldough i must say that the Dutch often used the phrase; Rather Turkish than Papel, (the enemy of my enemy is my friend) Dutch-Ottomaanse diplomatic ties were set up way later in the beginning of the 17th century.

    • @Hasanbas-rv3vm
      @Hasanbas-rv3vm ปีที่แล้ว +3

      England france and netherlands all begged us at some point to save their asses against the spaniards

    • @adriaanbertdeveldeharsenhorst
      @adriaanbertdeveldeharsenhorst 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Tulpen, Sinterklaas, Wij zijn de Turken uit Milanos 🎉 en roken surrogaat cigaren.😂

  • @duibheasaoreilly167
    @duibheasaoreilly167 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

    The Ottomans helped Netherlands get independence but massacred the Greeks and Armenians for wanting it? A bit hypocritical of them.
    Of course, by his logic, the Arab nations all owe their independence to the British and Americans who defeated the Ottomans and their allies in World War 1. I say, ' by his logic', but he's only mouthing a script he gets from Qatar. He does'nt want to end up like Theo von Gogh.

    • @tetefather
      @tetefather 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      Both Greek and Armenian populations were integrated into the empire. Even today, both peoples lead very similar lives. They were provoked, armed and supported by Russia and western powers to collapse the empire. They betrayed their brothers and sisters. Both Armenians and Greeks held very high positions throughout the empire. Also "massacred" is a word that paints it in a misleading manner. Ottoman Empire involved in countless wars and killed many enemy soldiers. You don't call big battles or wars "massacres" but you use that word for this, why? They took up arms to betray their protectors, backstabbed them. If rebellions are not put down, empire falls. The Ottoman Empire put down hundreds of rebellions throughout its history. Are they all "massacres" ? When and how does it become a "massacre" or a "genocide" ? Do we look at the intent or number of deaths? The west have a MASSIVE amount of similar incidents. Russia and China as well. Not just nazis. Make a comparison with today's world: Billions of people are unhappy with their conditions today. People are being taxed more than they have ever been in history. Think about that. There are still many many integrated populations living in various countries all around the world. Do you see any rebellions happening? There are integrated Uyghur Turks in China who are being oppressed. There are Indians in USA who have LITERALLY BEEN GENOCIDED INTO OBLIVION. Do you see them planning a rebellion? What happens when a big empire collapses? It breaks into many smaller pieces that can be easily devoured by other big powers. Look at the Balkans today. Look at the Middle East today. Do you think they are better off? All those countries were swayed by other powers who secretly came together to finally bring down the Ottomans and their crumbling state. Ottomans were BEHIND so the vultures were circling everywhere. The fall was inevitable and everybody knew it so everybody tried to carve out their own little piece. There is no other option than killing armed rebels for an empire that is faced with looming implosion. It's easy to use the word "massacred" since when you look at the events from a very narrow point of view, the rebels do indeed have the right to be free.. but free from what? That is the question. Same thing goes for the non-existent "genocide" of the Armenians. They only call it "genocide" because it's a political ploy to put pressure on Turkiye and force sanctions and reperations. In reality there are faaaar worse ACTUAL genocides that happened, conducted by the very people who call the Armenian forced relocation a supposed genocide.

  • @barisg8656
    @barisg8656 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

    TY bro Joram for bringing this to our attention. Geert Wilders will love this. The Moroccans don't have to leave the Netherlands anymore ,and don't forget to thank your Turkish brothers.
    What say you?! The dutch history books never mentioned this in their HISTORY books ? How convenient. Then let me help you with this little wiki : aLittle towncalled TURKEYE in Netherlands en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turkeye