Damn dude today was the first time I've went to the gym in probably 6 years. Figured "If Wendler can start posting videos I can take my fat, broken, and out of shape ass back to the gym." Found my gym bag, my chucks, but couldn't find my copy of 531 (second edition, I think) so I just rewatched these videos, cranked up The Misfits and went to work. My numbers were embarrassing compared to what I used to do, but I smoked each set of 5 (I couldn't believe my body remembered exactly what to do, I thought I was going to have to relearn it all) I even went on my "parade of disgustingness" after. (I go to fancy malls, Starbucks, sushi, etc all sweaty and covered in chalk) Oh and my liquid chalk somehow didn't completely dry up. So it seems we've both made some personal progress. You're communicating with people, and it got me off my fat ass and back in the gym.
I’ve done up to 7 consecutive cycles of 5/3/1 over the past 1.5 years and made good progress. At 76 years old the slower and deliberate progress seems to be the key to staying healthy and injury free. I had cataract surgery in May and could not lift for six weeks. Started back with a 6 week volumization cycle (10’s and 12’s) in the 55 65% range. Now ready to start back on 5/3/1
Wow I never thought I’d see a 5/3/1 stoner metal crossover. Good tunes. Definitely gets repetitive and copycatted. But the classics and a few new bands are always gonna be good.
Keeping the TM low has helped me and my training partner make sustained progress now for sometime. I low balled all his TMs...he is now in his 15th month of sustained progress. He just repped his original DL max for 5 last week. We keep the accessories limited. And do mobility everyday. We are in our 40s and still making gains. Thanks Jim!
Cool to see your face and uploading. I love 5/3/1 pholsophy and the no nonsense chats. Currently running 531 amraps (old school) on bench, deads and press at the moment. Lots of bodybuilding work with double progression with autoregulation throughout, building that wide base for a tall peak. Always my north star that I come back to after I get shiny object syndrome and fall off the beaten track.
Awesome advices for coaches & lifters!! Any of the athletes that refuse to listen to this they’re always training too heavy, grinding reps, missing reps, and then they perform like shit, I wish I had this advice, of course when I was younger 🏆🏆🏆 Jim, you are the man, so glad to see you crushing these videos 🏆🏆
I recently re started with 5/3/1 and definitely used my brain and wasn’t a ding dong and went lighter on my training maxes than I did when I was a younger less intelligent man. With that being said the bar speed is something I never really thought about when it comes to “owning” the weight, this makes a ton of sense and I will adjust accordingly. When it comes to assistance work I normally do the boring but big with the main lifts and would do a couple of other movements related to the main lift. I did not realize the idea was to do a push pull legs combo every time for a full body session every time and I definitely don’t do 50 - 100 reps for the assistance work. I have a lot to digest and think about. Thank you awesome stuff!!
I've been following 5/3/1 with different variations of the program for nearly a decade and the biggest mistake I see is something Jim mentions in one of the books and it's something like "don't major in the minors". People with endless questions on the most trivial details that make a very negligent impact on the ultimate goal. "Can I throw in 3 sets of curls on deadlift day? Fuck yeah why not? "Is it ok to do a 5 sets of pushups after my BBB sets? Sure it is. Also the saying that you "Can't serve 2 masters" is one that I wish I'd heard 30 years ago. As a 44 y.o lifter if I hear 1 more person say "I wanna get huge and ripped at the same time" my head is going to explode. Push the main lift, do the proper assistance to build muscle and balance your imbalances, some type of conditioning geared toward your goal and get out.
Essays like “the walk on,” elite Q&A, interviews like w/ mark rippetoe etc have impacted my life for 12yrs+, I know multiple people who feel the same. The principles/lessons have influenced our lives beyond training. Great to see the new vids -best
Lots of wisdom here, Jim. I especially like the common sense you use with determining training max based on reps and bar speed. Thanks for these videos.
I swear I am not getting paid to promote the Wendler/531 forum, but it's an amazing resource for everyone that's stoked on Wendler returning to TH-cam.
The experience and wisdom shared in these videos is amazing! 531 is still my favourite training book, the core principles that you have developed are great. Thank you for making these videos deserve a million followers 💪
This is without a doubt the best training program out! I myself do the 2 day a week template but substitute the close grip bench for the overhead press. I also use the triumvirate template…. However I have what I call a floater exercise that I can add on to improve any imbalances….. such as dumbbell shrugs, front plate raise , curls…. Etc ! Great Great program to run
This is the kind of stuff i think most meatheads need to hear multiple times. In an age of short attention spans and instant gratification its easy to get led astray. Really happy i found your channel. Long time lifter and love the programs from Forever. All the best!
Great to see you uploading new content on the channel Jim, been watching and reading you're stuff for a number of years. Always straight up and to the point, great stuff. Hi from NZ
I loved doing 5/3/1 a couple years back and watched a ton of videos from a ton of content creators about it ...but this is the first time I've ever seen you or your channel!? wtf?!
At almost 54, slow and steady 5/3/1 has been my special sauce. I can't recover like I used to in my 40's so I double up my main lifts on the same day DL OHP and SQ BP. Each day one lift is done for AMRAP last set while the other just completes the required sets of 5/3/1 reps. It's a slow progression but I feel 100% ready for those AMRAP sets. For accessories, I take a step load approach. I use same weight for 10-15 reps and add a set 😊every week. Ex. Wk1 is 2 sets of 15, Wk2 is 3 sets, Wk4 is 4 sets, Wk5 is 5 sets. All with the same weight. If I murder the 5 sets, I raise the weight and start again. If I burn out, I switch the exercise for a new stimulus. When I restart those accessories on wk1 the training feels fast and my body thanks me for the slow restart on volume. 4 total exercises per training session and core work daily. I have the rest of my life to train and this has worked to keep ME looking and feeling like I did when I was younger. Find what works for you but old guys like me need to remember "the best training is the one you can recover from".
Lately for my warm up, besides a general run through of the defranco dirty dozen is a lot of activation work. Never realized how important that was. Throwing up heavy weight is just different at various stages and allowing the targeted muscle to attack the lift instead of having a supplemental muscle strain more has really helped a lot of my lifts.
I finished up a novice/beginner program (Starting Strength, novice progression stalled pretty much across the board after 10 months) in June and moved to 5/3/1 as a beginning intermediate lifter. I've just finished my first two cycles of 5/3/1 and it is great stuff. Old school metal on the earbuds, weight on the bar, and life is great. Revisited this video today and damn if all 3 points aren't spot on .... and like you said, for any program at any age. I'm 57 and busy going from fat slug strong for life. Making progress again, getting stronger, dropping fat, gaining muscle. It can be done at any age. Thanks man!
"Every single one of these guys wishes they had done a bit more mobility and stretching." I can totally relate. I'm 36, and I've developed a simple warm-up/stretching routine that I always do before training. It only takes about 5 minutes. Now, I’m not the most flexible person-I can’t even touch my toes. But seeing my peers struggle with serious body issues (thanks to a sedentary lifestyle) and constantly needing to see doctors for their backs, I’m incredibly grateful that I’ve been consistent with mobility work over the last 10 years.
"It's like from the kama sutra or somethin', I dunno." hahahahah. Dammit...that makes old PE class memories weird, now. So thanks for that. lol Thanks for the great content - I know everyone wants the 5/3/1 & lifting stuff, but I'd dig seeing a video or two on the daily bodyweight / Murph stuff you've been doing for a while. Huge fan!
There's a "Weight Vest 101" video coming soon. Also, at the end of July - Mason (my oldest son and the dude who does all the videos for me on The TH-cams) will be coming to Ohio and we are filming a "Dad and Mason" WALRUS challenge. So you can watch me do 3 things, over and over again.
@@JimWendler hahaha - perfect! Can't wait - thank you! (And totally random, but you made a FB post years ago about a rock band full of kids called Motion Device...no idea if you'd remember that. I became a big fan of their stuff because of your recommendation.)
@@MattWiggyWiggins - I don't remember - but don't feel bad. I have no idea when my wedding anniversary is, either. And that's not an exaggeration. Luckily, we have never celebrated it/recognized it. Or maybe we have - I don't remember.
Glad to see you making videos like this Jim. I'm think your 5/3/1 Hardgainers template isn't talked about enough but great for the joints especially for those in the 40+ age group
I can't understand how guys always misunderstand your program, it is so simple. There is many overviews by powerlifters/strongman of your program, and it always end up people interpret it, like they want. Most common is telling that there is not enough volume(they think first sets are warmup), and they always mention that last set is "to failure" , although I never heard/read you mention about failure/tech breakdown, quite opposite you encourage one to try go hard, but mention that you don't have to. I can't imagine how first 2 sets warmup when the weight goes heavy. Great program, for me it's tradition to do it in winter. Great program , thanks Jim
Thanks for this video and creating the 5-3-1 I've definitely made some serious gains over the years with a app i found following the protocols. But I've also made every mistake mentioned in this video lol. More recently I've incorporated a lot of kettle bell and medicine ball work for conditioning after my major lifts and have noticed a lot of progress compared to last year at a heavier body weight. Medicine ball slams , kettlebell swings , kettle bell drags , kettlebell side planks and farmers walks (up and down stairs) have helped my physical conditioning a lot , i leave every workout sweating bullets , glad to see I've made the right call.
I've never, ever heard a person say that his legs, lungs and fitness levels were "too strong/awesome." The band Clutch once sung, "There are different rules down on the farm." Well, there are different rules for the average dude with a killer attitude. Meaning - get strong, but always be in assassin shape.
Perhaps one day - it's been insane ride the last couple of years and I need to find some time to get all my thoughts/ideas/experiences together. Personally, I love this style of training and it's perfect for me (now). Remember that it's not "strength" training - so don't expect a 500lbs bench or be "stage ready" in bodybuilding. A lot of people can't handle that.
For a young/untrained athlete - yes. For a stronger athlete - it helps maintain GPP and readiness. Our base level of fitness for FBall skill players is 15/10/5 (squat/push-up/chins) - every minute/on the minute for 10 minutes. That is BASE level of general fitness. If one can maintain (and some may have to obviously build on it - this is only the base level), you will be much better off physically. And recover much better.
Hell Yeahr! I‘m a big Fan of 5/3/1 and had great success with severel Athletes wile using it. Most of them where some DingDong Crossfiters like me. Thanks Mr. Wendler for sharing all your Wisdom. Best regards from Black Forrest Germany
I had a feeling but wanted to double check. I watched this on my work computer and the description didn’t come through. I see it here on my phone though. Thanks!
I've always used a 3 rep max for my bench, and a 5 rep max in the squat for my training max, or 90% and 85%. Also, I have used 80% in the DL OR the squat about half the time.
I've just discovered 531 and i think i found the perfect blueprint for me. I want to get my first book - where should i start? Background: I'm a 40y old guy, started out lifting (or pretty much doing anything) about two years ago, and i'm still pretty deep into beginners stage and embarrassingly weak. My goal is to get and stay in shape and benefit from the long term effects of lifting (functional first, but visual as well). I'm not in a hurry and i want to keep it as simple as possible. So i decided to focus on the major compound lifts and to get good at those. 531 seems to be a great choice to progress at a slow and steady rate while running it almost indefinitely. What makes me especially exited is, that it's possible to get some kind of rep-PR in almost each session - that's very appealing. Also the BBB Variaton seems like a great way to practice the skill of the movements while also being the definition of "keep it simple". But: I want a 2 day/week version so that 95%+ compliance is realistic for me (even long term). I suppose thats possible and it looks like some variation of a squat/bench and a OHP/DL day. Is that laid out in any of the 531-Books, can anyone recommend one? Also: I've only seen a couple of videos on this channel, but i'm exited to see more. What you're saying resonates strongly with me. Thank you for the quality content.
@@JimWendler the algorithm is what decided to suggest certain videos to certain people…. The more comments it seems the more the video is suggested to others…. That’s an over simplification… Thanks for everything Jim.
Jim - I have a bulging disc and have had it for around 16 months now. It causes great pain down my legs. I've had to stop deadlifting/squatting/most lower body things as they seem to aggravate it. Any advice on training with this until it gets fixed? I still do 531 on Bench & Press day. Back day is pretty much Dorian Yates style minus the deadlift. Leg day is light weight but still seems to tax my CNS. P.s. Love your stuff Jim. Thanks.
Jebediah - First things first: find out what you CAN do. Second - don't worry about what you CAN'T do! Third, go HamLoaf on what you CAN do. For example - my back is fucked liked a dead hobo. So I walked up/down hills/stairs for my leg work. 2000+ stairs, every day. Eventually, I added a 20-45lbs vest. The issue you are having is you are honoring dead ghosts of the past. Meaning - stop looking at the barbell as the only way to get fucking awesome. I GUARANTEE that if you commit to what you CAN do, and murder it - you will have a new mind and body. Stop looking at the norm and break out of the bullshit.
I've tuned it up to 95% and remain in cycle until I can hit at least five reps in week 3. I squat and bench on Monday and Friday, deadlift Tuesday and deficit deadlift on Thursday. OHP on Tuesday and Thursday. Deficit is 4x6 and OHP on Tuesday is 5x5. All assistance work is 4x10. Each day is a total of 4 lifts.
So if I do my main lift of Bench Press would I still do a push movement assistance movement of 50-100 reps? I train the 5/3/1 one time a week on flat bench right now and usually do jokers then some heavy slingshot sets and end with first set last for that crazy pump feel. Then move to a row movement for 5 sets or 5-10, then end with rack pulls 5-8 sets of 3-6 reps to build back my hinge power recovering from injury and pinched nerve issues. I wanted to know if this would be over training in your view? Also through the week I do more accessory style training to support my goal of recovery and getting my bench back to where it was before the pinched nerve. Thanks bro and Semper Fi
If I wanted to increase my 1RM in weighted pullups, how many sessions per week should I do? Would it be okay to follow the 5-3-1 program on day 1 and do some complementary exercises or a lighter session on day 2? Thanks!
Hi Jim got a question. You said do 3 accessory movements one for push , pull and lower body. Is this for the 4 day 3/5/1 program? Isn't this too much? I'm also doing boxing 2 days a week as a form of conditioning and cycle one day a week 20 minutes let me know what you think. By the way great work love what you do.
Also do you recommend for your athletes to do 4 days 3/5/1 with full body accessories? Or is it 3 days or even 2? Also how did you see generally they found it. Did it fry the nervous system? Did they make progress?
@@JimWendlerthanks for the advice. Thing is I enjoy training 4 times do you think it would necessarily be an issue? Once I get back into boxing properly then I am going to drop a session but for now I'm only boxing the sessions and that too only 1 hour of it is actual boxing the other is just stretching , warm up , cool down. Let me know if you think it is safe to do it 4 with the 3 accesskries for the whole body
@@JimWendlerI have only started your programme this week so I'm willing to take advice it's just that I love training 6 days as I have been for a while . 2 days boxing and 4 days strength.
Thanks Jim for the information. As someone who is very busy with work and does BJJ 2 times a week, I lift twice a week using your 5/3/1 "busy men" template (i.e., main lift plus minimum pulling assistance lift for 50-100 reps). Would you still recommend this style of training if we're pressed for time? Cheers!
In the warmup portion you described...do you go through those movements for a set number of reps/distance for 2-3 sets? Or do you set a timer and give the kids a set time to do as many quality reps as they can before moving to the next movement? Thanks Coach
@Jim Wendler 5/3/1 Does the 5/3/1 Freuency Project 2.0 still incorporate Joket sets? I guess it is stil compatible with boring but big. Is it only suitble for intermediates who are close to advanced? Or also for people with Bench Max of about 1,3x Bodyweight. I just recently bought your kindle and wanted to remain doing the Benchpress 3x a week.
I highly recommend performing programs "as is", gain experience/insight and then using them as a guide to building your own programs based on your experiences. If you want to bench press 3 times/week, I'd recommend finding a program that is specific to that goal.
I have been training with 5/3/1 Boring But Big since January. I’m on my 6th cycle. Today I failed on my 1+ set of deadlifts at 95%. As I understand the program, I drop the 1RM max by 10% for the next cycle and work back up. Is that correct?
so we must train 1 push move, 1 pull move, &1 legs/core exercise every day? everyone say training the muscle daily will negatively affect you and cause overtraining. I train upper body on overhead & bench press day, and core + lower body on deadlift & squat day, should I change? also thanks for providing us with multiple programs & valuable knowledge.
Damn dude today was the first time I've went to the gym in probably 6 years. Figured "If Wendler can start posting videos I can take my fat, broken, and out of shape ass back to the gym."
Found my gym bag, my chucks, but couldn't find my copy of 531 (second edition, I think) so I just rewatched these videos, cranked up The Misfits and went to work. My numbers were embarrassing compared to what I used to do, but I smoked each set of 5 (I couldn't believe my body remembered exactly what to do, I thought I was going to have to relearn it all) I even went on my "parade of disgustingness" after. (I go to fancy malls, Starbucks, sushi, etc all sweaty and covered in chalk) Oh and my liquid chalk somehow didn't completely dry up. So it seems we've both made some personal progress. You're communicating with people, and it got me off my fat ass and back in the gym.
Best comment I've gotten. Gracias, amigo!
I’ve done up to 7 consecutive cycles of 5/3/1 over the past 1.5 years and made good progress. At 76 years old the slower and deliberate progress seems to be the key to staying healthy and injury free. I had cataract surgery in May and could not lift for six weeks. Started back with a 6 week volumization cycle (10’s and 12’s) in the 55 65% range.
Now ready to start back on 5/3/1
This is awesome to read - keep being an ass kicker.
And a great example for so many people!
Youngster here at 71, love your positivity & showing the way. 531 is great .. GL 🍀🙏
At 70, I cycle between 5/5 and 5/3/1....on occasion I'll test my aerobic capacity with five sets of 8-10 lighter sets!
As someone in their 60s, the advice about not waiting is spot on. Get after it.
Keep kicking ass. Your attitude and actions keep the world turning.
The 5-3-1 kegel exercises have really paid off. Great stuff.
Keep it tight...and shallow.
"Our training max is based on what you can smoke." - Jim Wendler during his stoner metal phase.
Stoner rock, while awesome in the beginning - quickly burnt out (HA!) with too many copycat bands.
Every Millennial and Gen Z guitarist hearing Sleep for the first time: “You mean that’s all I have to do?”
Snoop says "Hello Mothafucka"
So a gram?😂
Wow I never thought I’d see a 5/3/1 stoner metal crossover. Good tunes. Definitely gets repetitive and copycatted. But the classics and a few new bands are always gonna be good.
Keeping the TM low has helped me and my training partner make sustained progress now for sometime. I low balled all his TMs...he is now in his 15th month of sustained progress. He just repped his original DL max for 5 last week. We keep the accessories limited. And do mobility everyday. We are in our 40s and still making gains. Thanks Jim!
Juan, THANK YOU for being a great coach/lifting partner. It's great to hear.
Cool to see your face and uploading. I love 5/3/1 pholsophy and the no nonsense chats.
Currently running 531 amraps (old school) on bench, deads and press at the moment. Lots of bodybuilding work with double progression with autoregulation throughout, building that wide base for a tall peak. Always my north star that I come back to after I get shiny object syndrome and fall off the beaten track.
Awesome advices for coaches & lifters!!
Any of the athletes that refuse to listen to this they’re always training too heavy, grinding reps, missing reps, and then they perform like shit, I wish I had this advice, of course when I was younger 🏆🏆🏆
Jim, you are the man, so glad to see you crushing these videos 🏆🏆
Stay Frosty, Zach!
So good watching a video by someone who actually knows what they’re talking about and walks the walk!
Thank you, James. I appreciate the support/comment.
3 years of 531 forever ty jim ❤
I recently re started with 5/3/1 and definitely used my brain and wasn’t a ding dong and went lighter on my training maxes than I did when I was a younger less intelligent man. With that being said the bar speed is something I never really thought about when it comes to “owning” the weight, this makes a ton of sense and I will adjust accordingly. When it comes to assistance work I normally do the boring but big with the main lifts and would do a couple of other movements related to the main lift. I did not realize the idea was to do a push pull legs combo every time for a full body session every time and I definitely don’t do 50 - 100 reps for the assistance work. I have a lot to digest and think about. Thank you awesome stuff!!
If you are getting stronger/better and making progress - KEEP DOING WHAT YOU ARE DOING.
I've been following 5/3/1 with different variations of the program for nearly a decade and the biggest mistake I see is something Jim mentions in one of the books and it's something like "don't major in the minors". People with endless questions on the most trivial details that make a very negligent impact on the ultimate goal. "Can I throw in 3 sets of curls on deadlift day? Fuck yeah why not? "Is it ok to do a 5 sets of pushups after my BBB sets? Sure it is. Also the saying that you "Can't serve 2 masters" is one that I wish I'd heard 30 years ago. As a 44 y.o lifter if I hear 1 more person say "I wanna get huge and ripped at the same time" my head is going to explode. Push the main lift, do the proper assistance to build muscle and balance your imbalances, some type of conditioning geared toward your goal and get out.
Exactly it’s really that simple!! Unfortunately there is a lot of misinformation and lies in the fitness industry now
Essays like “the walk on,” elite Q&A, interviews like w/ mark rippetoe etc have impacted my life for 12yrs+, I know multiple people who feel the same. The principles/lessons have influenced our lives beyond training. Great to see the new vids
Thank you! The Walk-On was a very hard article to write; I had not thought about that experience in my life in that depth. I'm glad you enjoyed it!
Lots of wisdom here, Jim. I especially like the common sense you use with determining training max based on reps and bar speed. Thanks for these videos.
You are welcome -thank you for the comment!
I swear I am not getting paid to promote the Wendler/531 forum, but it's an amazing resource for everyone that's stoked on Wendler returning to TH-cam.
Is jim active on the forum alot
@@heveyweightheveyweight5399 yup. It’s a slow moving forum, but only because it’s not full of fluff. Jim posts daily and responds A LOT.
The forum is definitely worth the Money!!!
I love the forum.
Love the forums! The information, logs and community are awesome.
Glad to see you putting out more content. Love me some 531
Thank you - we are doing our best!
The experience and wisdom shared in these videos is amazing! 531 is still my favourite training book, the core principles that you have developed are great. Thank you for making these videos deserve a million followers 💪
This is without a doubt the best training program out! I myself do the 2 day a week template but substitute the close grip bench for the overhead press. I also use the triumvirate template…. However I have what I call a floater exercise that I can add on to improve any imbalances….. such as dumbbell shrugs, front plate raise , curls…. Etc ! Great Great program to run
We call that work, "Bulletproof".
This is the kind of stuff i think most meatheads need to hear multiple times.
In an age of short attention spans and instant gratification its easy to get led astray.
Really happy i found your channel. Long time lifter and love the programs from Forever.
All the best!
Thank you, James!
It's a great program, did it a log back after reading on T nation
I ran your program and here are my results
Squat: 255lbs - 315lbs
Bench: 225lbs - 235lbs
Deadlift: 315 - 380lbs
1 cycle?
Most likely found a way to mess it up , I've added well over 100lbs on each lift using the program for little more then 3 years
@@rl00668 10 months
5/3/1… hands down the best training program for life, has-been-athletes and weekend warriors, and all around bad-assery!
Thank you, Mike!
Just started a 531 today. Read lots of great things and now coming across this feeling more confident about the program. Thanx Jim!
Great to see you uploading new content on the channel Jim, been watching and reading you're stuff for a number of years. Always straight up and to the point, great stuff. Hi from NZ
Jim - thank you! Keep fighting to be awesome.
I loved doing 5/3/1 a couple years back and watched a ton of videos from a ton of content creators about it ...but this is the first time I've ever seen you or your channel!? wtf?!
Never heart before about doing fbw during every workout while doing 5/3/1, thank you so much, I could do a mistake.
At almost 54, slow and steady 5/3/1 has been my special sauce. I can't recover like I used to in my 40's so I double up my main lifts on the same day DL OHP and SQ BP.
Each day one lift is done for AMRAP last set while the other just completes the required sets of 5/3/1 reps. It's a slow progression but I feel 100% ready for those AMRAP sets.
For accessories, I take a step load approach. I use same weight for 10-15 reps and add a set 😊every week. Ex. Wk1 is 2 sets of 15, Wk2 is 3 sets, Wk4 is 4 sets, Wk5 is 5 sets. All with the same weight. If I murder the 5 sets, I raise the weight and start again. If I burn out, I switch the exercise for a new stimulus.
When I restart those accessories on wk1 the training feels fast and my body thanks me for the slow restart on volume.
4 total exercises per training session and core work daily. I have the rest of my life to train and this has worked to keep ME looking and feeling like I did when I was younger.
Find what works for you but old guys like me need to remember "the best training is the one you can recover from".
Lately for my warm up, besides a general run through of the defranco dirty dozen is a lot of activation work. Never realized how important that was. Throwing up heavy weight is just different at various stages and allowing the targeted muscle to attack the lift instead of having a supplemental muscle strain more has really helped a lot of my lifts.
So glad for your program, definitely the best program i did in years!
Thank you!
I finished up a novice/beginner program (Starting Strength, novice progression stalled pretty much across the board after 10 months) in June and moved to 5/3/1 as a beginning intermediate lifter. I've just finished my first two cycles of 5/3/1 and it is great stuff. Old school metal on the earbuds, weight on the bar, and life is great. Revisited this video today and damn if all 3 points aren't spot on .... and like you said, for any program at any age. I'm 57 and busy going from fat slug strong for life. Making progress again, getting stronger, dropping fat, gaining muscle. It can be done at any age. Thanks man!
"old school metal" - are you a fan of Venom/Bathory/Celtic Frost/Sodom/Destruction?
@@JimWendler I like some of that, but I grew up with Metallica/Anthrax/Slayer/Metal Church/etc
@@JimWendler my warm up song is Lunatic Fringe btw
"Every single one of these guys wishes they had done a bit more mobility and stretching."
I can totally relate. I'm 36, and I've developed a simple warm-up/stretching routine that I always do before training. It only takes about 5 minutes. Now, I’m not the most flexible person-I can’t even touch my toes. But seeing my peers struggle with serious body issues (thanks to a sedentary lifestyle) and constantly needing to see doctors for their backs, I’m incredibly grateful that I’ve been consistent with mobility work over the last 10 years.
Please keep uploading. Great information!
More content needed!
Mr. Wendler's 5/3/1 program is gonna get me to my first powerlifting competition 😊
Simple suggestions and explanations good stuff
Thank you for another great video. I hope they never stop. Just listening you talk abt 531 gives extra motivation.
That's how I attract the ladies - a little talk about squats, maybe dips and chins - a little about setting PR's. Its like catnip for the ladies.
Minenwerfer hoodie is sick
Love this band.
Absolutly love seing jim more active on youtube !!!!!! thank you for responding to my comment in the last video . Im all in
Thank you!
Watch this video a couple of times really got a lot of training tips , hope to have more videos like this .
Thumbs up to you Jim !
"It's like from the kama sutra or somethin', I dunno." hahahahah. Dammit...that makes old PE class memories weird, now. So thanks for that. lol
Thanks for the great content - I know everyone wants the 5/3/1 & lifting stuff, but I'd dig seeing a video or two on the daily bodyweight / Murph stuff you've been doing for a while. Huge fan!
There's a "Weight Vest 101" video coming soon. Also, at the end of July - Mason (my oldest son and the dude who does all the videos for me on The TH-cams) will be coming to Ohio and we are filming a "Dad and Mason" WALRUS challenge. So you can watch me do 3 things, over and over again.
@@JimWendler hahaha - perfect! Can't wait - thank you!
(And totally random, but you made a FB post years ago about a rock band full of kids called Motion Device...no idea if you'd remember that. I became a big fan of their stuff because of your recommendation.)
@@MattWiggyWiggins - I don't remember - but don't feel bad. I have no idea when my wedding anniversary is, either. And that's not an exaggeration. Luckily, we have never celebrated it/recognized it. Or maybe we have - I don't remember.
Glad to see you making videos like this Jim. I'm think your 5/3/1 Hardgainers template isn't talked about enough but great for the joints especially for those in the 40+ age group
I can't understand how guys always misunderstand your program, it is so simple. There is many overviews by powerlifters/strongman of your program, and it always end up people interpret it, like they want. Most common is telling that there is not enough volume(they think first sets are warmup), and they always mention that last set is "to failure" , although I never heard/read you mention about failure/tech breakdown, quite opposite you encourage one to try go hard, but mention that you don't have to.
I can't imagine how first 2 sets warmup when the weight goes heavy. Great program, for me it's tradition to do it in winter. Great program , thanks Jim
You are very welcome!
Thank you for the excellent info! Your advice is always straightforward and helpful.
You’re the man, Jim! Great video.
Great advice! Keep the content flowing.
Videos are "like beer flowing like wine." - Lloyd Christmas
Thanks Jim always enjoy your content and sense of humor with things. Ive learned a lot over the years from you!👍
Holy shit - Fletch F. Fletch! Are you are shepherd?
@@JimWendler LOL😅 Fletch was one of a kind and those movies are classics!!
thanks for the content. hope it continues!
Doing my kegels right now thanks for the reminder
I aim to educate!
Awesome insight as usual! The subtle humor gets me every time 😆
Mat - it will get better once I'm more comfortable making videos. These were made months and months ago.
Thanks for this video and creating the 5-3-1 I've definitely made some serious gains over the years with a app i found following the protocols. But I've also made every mistake mentioned in this video lol. More recently I've incorporated a lot of kettle bell and medicine ball work for conditioning after my major lifts and have noticed a lot of progress compared to last year at a heavier body weight. Medicine ball slams , kettlebell swings , kettle bell drags , kettlebell side planks and farmers walks (up and down stairs) have helped my physical conditioning a lot , i leave every workout sweating bullets , glad to see I've made the right call.
I've never, ever heard a person say that his legs, lungs and fitness levels were "too strong/awesome." The band Clutch once sung, "There are different rules down on the farm." Well, there are different rules for the average dude with a killer attitude. Meaning - get strong, but always be in assassin shape.
Awesome intro music!! Loving the video’s , thank you.
Thank you!!
Thanks Jim for doing videos like this.
You are welcome!
Happy Friday Mr. Wendler. Keep posting good information 👍💪
Now I'am ready to train.
Thank you!
Excellent content - thank you
Hell yeah, happy Friday! Thanks Jim!
Thank you - have an awesome weekend!
I think we need a video of Jim demonstrating cartwheels & somersaults.
Awesome info!!! Looking forward to more posts and uploads!!!
Thank you for watching (and the comment).
Great video Jim, very informative, very encouraging
Hey Jim enjoying these videos keep them up please
On a side note as an aging guy is there a possibly of a WALRUS style book on the horizon?
Perhaps one day - it's been insane ride the last couple of years and I need to find some time to get all my thoughts/ideas/experiences together. Personally, I love this style of training and it's perfect for me (now). Remember that it's not "strength" training - so don't expect a 500lbs bench or be "stage ready" in bodybuilding. A lot of people can't handle that.
Thank you very much for sharing so much great content
Stay awesome, Helmut!
A new video? Yessss
I appreciate the support, Chad!
Getting good at pushups, bodyweight squats and pullups will raise your main lifts. Its a great way to get volume up without wrecking your body.
For a young/untrained athlete - yes. For a stronger athlete - it helps maintain GPP and readiness. Our base level of fitness for FBall skill players is 15/10/5 (squat/push-up/chins) - every minute/on the minute for 10 minutes. That is BASE level of general fitness. If one can maintain (and some may have to obviously build on it - this is only the base level), you will be much better off physically. And recover much better.
Very informative video. Keep up the good work!
Thank you!
I keep mistaking that intro for Lord mantis ritual killer. I swear you had a video back in the day with that playing in the back.
That's a hell of compliment - thank you! The discordant chord was inspired by Indian; one of the ugliest/best bands in the world.
Hell Yeahr!
I‘m a big Fan of 5/3/1 and had great success with severel Athletes wile using it. Most of them where some DingDong Crossfiters like me.
Thanks Mr. Wendler for sharing all your Wisdom.
Best regards from Black Forrest Germany
I just watched the TV show "Grimm" - they reference the Black Forrest several times. You're not Wesen, are you?
Thank you Sir for being kind enough to answer me.
No, I‘m 100% Human. Pretty much like you, but with shitty Genetics…
Another great video.
How hard should the sets for accessories be. Should we be grinding reps or just stop when it “slows down”?
Solid info! ❤
New video!!!! 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻🤘🏻🤘🏻🤘🏻🤘🏻
Thank you, David!
HA! Kiegels, I haven’t seen those listing in any of the 5/3/1 books an accessory work 😂😂😂
Keep it tight, my friend!
Greatest program ever.
Your description tho🤣sorry ladies...damn man
That's a sick black metal hoodie, thanks for the training advice
I absolutely love Minenwerfer's Alpenpasse album. I'll show my age by the following statement, "I love the cover picture."
I love that you're making videos! Who does the music that you use for the intro/outro?
That would be me/Joey Waters (Locust Whip) - check the video description.
I had a feeling but wanted to double check. I watched this on my work computer and the description didn’t come through. I see it here on my phone though. Thanks!
How do I fit shoulder exercises into accessory?
I've always used a 3 rep max for my bench, and a 5 rep max in the squat for my training max, or 90% and 85%. Also, I have used 80% in the DL OR the squat about half the time.
Look big to intimidate, be strong to live up your intimidation.
Hell yeah!
Thank you!
My mom thinks so. The real legends, to me, are the guys/gals working at Portillo's restaurant.
I've just discovered 531 and i think i found the perfect blueprint for me. I want to get my first book - where should i start?
Background: I'm a 40y old guy, started out lifting (or pretty much doing anything) about two years ago, and i'm still pretty deep into beginners stage and embarrassingly weak. My goal is to get and stay in shape and benefit from the long term effects of lifting (functional first, but visual as well). I'm not in a hurry and i want to keep it as simple as possible. So i decided to focus on the major compound lifts and to get good at those. 531 seems to be a great choice to progress at a slow and steady rate while running it almost indefinitely. What makes me especially exited is, that it's possible to get some kind of rep-PR in almost each session - that's very appealing. Also the BBB Variaton seems like a great way to practice the skill of the movements while also being the definition of "keep it simple". But: I want a 2 day/week version so that 95%+ compliance is realistic for me (even long term). I suppose thats possible and it looks like some variation of a squat/bench and a OHP/DL day. Is that laid out in any of the 531-Books, can anyone recommend one?
Also: I've only seen a couple of videos on this channel, but i'm exited to see more. What you're saying resonates strongly with me. Thank you for the quality content.
For the algorithm James. 🙌
I'll be honest - I don't know what this means. But thank you for the comment.
@@JimWendler the algorithm is what decided to suggest certain videos to certain people…. The more comments it seems the more the video is suggested to others…. That’s an over simplification…
Thanks for everything Jim.
What's your opinion on doing power cleans and power snatches as accessory work? At lighter weight and technique focused
It's not assistance work - it's a main lift.
Will you ever bring out a new mass building challenge like building the monolith?
Jim - I have a bulging disc and have had it for around 16 months now. It causes great pain down my legs. I've had to stop deadlifting/squatting/most lower body things as they seem to aggravate it. Any advice on training with this until it gets fixed? I still do 531 on Bench & Press day. Back day is pretty much Dorian Yates style minus the deadlift. Leg day is light weight but still seems to tax my CNS. P.s. Love your stuff Jim. Thanks.
Jebediah - First things first: find out what you CAN do. Second - don't worry about what you CAN'T do! Third, go HamLoaf on what you CAN do. For example - my back is fucked liked a dead hobo. So I walked up/down hills/stairs for my leg work. 2000+ stairs, every day. Eventually, I added a 20-45lbs vest. The issue you are having is you are honoring dead ghosts of the past. Meaning - stop looking at the barbell as the only way to get fucking awesome. I GUARANTEE that if you commit to what you CAN do, and murder it - you will have a new mind and body.
Stop looking at the norm and break out of the bullshit.
@@JimWendler cheers Jim. 😊👍 Sometimes you know the answers but don't want to hear them! 🤣
Great video! Do you think you will ever interview people on the channel?
I doubt it.
I've tuned it up to 95% and remain in cycle until I can hit at least five reps in week 3. I squat and bench on Monday and Friday, deadlift Tuesday and deficit deadlift on Thursday. OHP on Tuesday and Thursday. Deficit is 4x6 and OHP on Tuesday is 5x5. All assistance work is 4x10. Each day is a total of 4 lifts.
God damnit another video!"? I've had a semi lurking in the pants since this viking ship of a human being reignited his video!
We are doing our best to keep them coming. Thank you for watching AND you are welcome...for the arousal.
So if I do my main lift of Bench Press would I still do a push movement assistance movement of 50-100 reps? I train the 5/3/1 one time a week on flat bench right now and usually do jokers then some heavy slingshot sets and end with first set last for that crazy pump feel. Then move to a row movement for 5 sets or 5-10, then end with rack pulls 5-8 sets of 3-6 reps to build back my hinge power recovering from injury and pinched nerve issues. I wanted to know if this would be over training in your view? Also through the week I do more accessory style training to support my goal of recovery and getting my bench back to where it was before the pinched nerve. Thanks bro and Semper Fi
I’m tempted to see if I can do my training Max’s for 5 good reps now. Probably not 5 good fast reps. I’m on my 4th cycle of 531 BBB.
If I wanted to increase my 1RM in weighted pullups, how many sessions per week should I do? Would it be okay to follow the 5-3-1 program on day 1 and do some complementary exercises or a lighter session on day 2? Thanks!
Sessions of what? Training? Pull-ups/chin-ups?
@ pull ups-chin ups
@ Probably 2-3 sessions/week. Hard to tell because there are many factors that I cannot account for. Start with 2-3/week and see how it goes.
@@JimWendler 🙏
Color coded book shelf.
That's all my wife's doing.
So should I do accessory work for a different group then whatever I'm heavy lifting that day
You can and should do both - as always, it depends on your preparedness, readiness and goals.
Hi Jim got a question. You said do 3 accessory movements one for push , pull and lower body. Is this for the 4 day 3/5/1 program? Isn't this too much? I'm also doing boxing 2 days a week as a form of conditioning and cycle one day a week 20 minutes let me know what you think. By the way great work love what you do.
Also do you recommend for your athletes to do 4 days 3/5/1 with full body accessories? Or is it 3 days or even 2? Also how did you see generally they found it. Did it fry the nervous system? Did they make progress?
I'd recommend lifting/training 3 days/week for your situation.
@@JimWendlerthanks for the advice. Thing is I enjoy training 4 times do you think it would necessarily be an issue? Once I get back into boxing properly then I am going to drop a session but for now I'm only boxing the sessions and that too only 1 hour of it is actual boxing the other is just stretching , warm up , cool down. Let me know if you think it is safe to do it 4 with the 3 accesskries for the whole body
@@JimWendlerI have only started your programme this week so I'm willing to take advice it's just that I love training 6 days as I have been for a while . 2 days boxing and 4 days strength.
Thanks Jim for the information.
As someone who is very busy with work and does BJJ 2 times a week, I lift twice a week using your 5/3/1 "busy men" template (i.e., main lift plus minimum pulling assistance lift for 50-100 reps). Would you still recommend this style of training if we're pressed for time?
My mom definitely thinks so....
In the warmup portion you described...do you go through those movements for a set number of reps/distance for 2-3 sets? Or do you set a timer and give the kids a set time to do as many quality reps as they can before moving to the next movement? Thanks Coach
Depends on the athlete/situation/exercise. Lots of variables you need to account for.
@Jim Wendler 5/3/1
Does the 5/3/1 Freuency Project 2.0 still incorporate Joket sets? I guess it is stil compatible with boring but big. Is it only suitble for intermediates who are close to advanced? Or also for people with Bench Max of about 1,3x Bodyweight. I just recently bought your kindle and wanted to remain doing the Benchpress 3x a week.
I highly recommend performing programs "as is", gain experience/insight and then using them as a guide to building your own programs based on your experiences.
If you want to bench press 3 times/week, I'd recommend finding a program that is specific to that goal.
I have been training with 5/3/1 Boring But Big since January. I’m on my 6th cycle. Today I failed on my 1+ set of deadlifts at 95%. As I understand the program, I drop the 1RM max by 10% for the next cycle and work back up. Is that correct?
so we must train 1 push move, 1 pull move, &1 legs/core exercise every day? everyone say training the muscle daily will negatively affect you and cause overtraining.
I train upper body on overhead & bench press day, and core + lower body on deadlift & squat day, should I change?
also thanks for providing us with multiple programs & valuable knowledge.
As stated in the video - if what you are doing is working, keep doing it.
What’s your thought on an upper/lower set up vs a push, pull, core or single leg after the main work. I just prefer a upper/lower set up.
You are welcome to do whatever you see fit.
@@JimWendler appreciate the reply.