The message is timely and gives biblical facts about end times. Thank you, Kes Tigistu, for the clarification. God bless you abundantly, and may He give you extended knowledge and wisdom to serve Him morem.
May God bless you, Rev. Tigistu! 🙌 🙌🙌 I am so blessed with your teaching. Now I got clear idea of end times. It encouraged me to know more deeply. May God's grace upon you abundantly. 🙏
This is a very wide title that needs more time to put in 1. chronological order of the events 2. What will happen in the future and the correlation with the current political ,economical and social phenomenon. 3.what do we have to do as a Christian and what do we expect from the world 🌎. Brother pr.Tigistu I am always blessed by your wonderful ceremonies even the current one but I want more studies about the end time you already have a platform but it needs more details and more studies because the title is so vast Brother we love you so much! Please we need more. ..more and more. ..
ጌታ ሆይ!!! ምን አይነት ትምህርት ነው!!!!🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
ቄስ በአንተ ላይ ያለውን የማስተማር ፀጋ እግዚአብሔርን አመሰግነዋለሁ ለእኛ መታነፅና መፅናት አስተማሪ አድርጎሀልና ለምፅአቱ ተዘጋጅቼ የምነጠቅ ያድርገኝ ቅዱሳን ወንድሞቼና እህቶቼ ይሄንን ትምህርት የምትሰሙእኔንም ጨምሮ ከዚህ የክብር ሕይወት አያጉድለን። አሜን!!!!!!!
ተባረክ የእግዚአብሔር ሰዉ
እንዲህ አይነቱን ያብዛልን‼️🙏🏽
ሞላጫዎች በዙና እነዚህን የመሳሰሉ መጋቢያን ተሸፈኑ ሆኖም መንፈስ ቅዱስ አይሸፈንም ገልጦም ይወጣል‼️🙏🏽
ቄስ ትግስቱ ተባረኩ ተባርከናል፡፡
እውነት ምን አይነት ትምህርት ነው ቄስ ጌታ ኢየሱስ አብዝቶ ይባረክ
God Bless You Kess Tigistu
በእውነት ለግብዝነት አይደለም የምናገረው ዘመንህ ብሩክ ይሁን !!!
ልቤን ነው ያሳረፍክልኝ ብሩክ ብሩክ ብሩክ ሁን😊😊
ጌታ ከአንቴ ጋር ይሁን:: ፈጣሪ በእውነተኛ በረከት ይባርክህ:: ዘፍ 22:-16--18 ከንብበው::
ቄስ ተባረክ በብዙ
Blessed rev tigstu❤
Omg tabareku tsaga yibizaloti
The message is timely and gives biblical facts about end times. Thank you, Kes Tigistu, for the clarification. God bless you abundantly, and may He give you extended knowledge and wisdom to serve Him morem.
ቄሰ ተባረክ የምፈልገውን ቃል ጌታ ባንተ ሰላሰተማረኝ ሰለገለጠልኝ የሰማይ አምላክ ይባርክ እጅግ የሚገርም መገለጥ ጥርት ያለ ትምህርት ነው ዘመን ይለምልም ፀጋው ይብዛል !!!
ትምህርቶችህን ስወዳቸዉ ዘልዬ ምከፍተዉ 😊 እርጋታህ አቀራረብህን ❤ ብቻ አጅማጭህ ነኝ ቃል በቃል 😊 ጌታ ይባርክህ !
Tebarek bebzu denq temihret new 🙌🙌🙌🙏🙏🙏💐💐💐💐💐
ቄስ በጣም የሚወደን ጌታ ኢየሱስ አባዝቶ ይባረክ 🙏🙏🙏😘
May God bless you, Rev. Tigistu! 🙌 🙌🙌 I am so blessed with your teaching. Now I got clear idea of end times. It encouraged me to know more deeply. May God's grace upon you abundantly. 🙏
ደስ የምል ትምህርት ነው ጌታ አብዝቶ ይርኮት🙏❤
I am blessed to be able to attend these teachings. God bless you
እንዴት ድንቅ መልእክት ነው
ቄስ this is amazing teaching ...u r blessed
Kes temehrth ena metametachew meskerenetoch mesaluewoc I like it be bzu tebarek !!!
ትሁቱ ቄስ ተባረክ።
ፀጋውን ያብዛልህ
bless you
well come keseye😃
i love it
ታገሱ፣ ተጠንቀቅ ና ትጋ
This is a very wide title that needs more time to put in 1. chronological order of the events 2. What will happen in the future and the correlation with the current political ,economical and social phenomenon. 3.what do we have to do as a Christian and what do we expect from the world 🌎. Brother pr.Tigistu I am always blessed by your wonderful ceremonies even the current one but I want more studies about the end time you already have a platform but it needs more details and more studies because the title is so vast Brother we love you so much! Please we need more. ..more and more. ..
This part of the teaching focuses on Luke 21. He will be teaching on the Book of Revelations in the coming months. So get prepared for that
ቄስ ስለ ምልክት በግምባር በእጅ ያልከው እንዲሁም 666የሰባተኛ ቀን አድቬንቲስት የሚገርም ተስተምሮ አላቸው ከብዙ ሀይማኖት ትምህርት በተለየ የነሱንም ሊረዳ ይችላል ወይም ይበልጥ ለመረዳት፣ማመሳከሩ አይከፋም🙏🏽‼️
Bless you