Warlock feels like the ultimate caster multiclass option. You don't even need too high of a charisma to make it work, the lower level class options are good for lots of builds
Can't say enough truth about this fact. I'm running a Bard, she has two levels of Warlock. Those two levels have boosted her so high in terms of damage output and usefulness.
I noticed you picked up Mind Sliver with Warlock, but remember that Aberrant Mind Sorcerers get that Cantrip for free! You could totally grab something else.
too specific of a niche to get 1 specific cantrip for free. there's clockwork, draconic, shadow, divine soul, storm sorcerer and wild magic sorcerers too.
@Dustin Herk Well... yes? But the Dudes grabbed Aberrant Mind for their Sorlock. I was just telling them that their Subclass gave them the cantrip, so they didn't need to take it with Warlock.
@@dustinherk8124 They literally take the Aberrant mind sorcerer... Sure, if you want to go for a different subclass then go for it but there's no point picking up a spell you already have...
@@dustinherk8124 they literally took aberrant mind AND aberant mind is by far the strongest sorcerer subclass to the point that its not even a competition. aberrant mind is far from niche when its the best option present.
I usually argue that Clockwork is stronger. But a Sorlock can really take advantage of Aberrant Mind's ability to cast spells for only a number of Sorcerery Points equal to the spell level - which synergizes incredibly well with transforming Warlock spell slots into Sorcery Points.
Celestial warlock- Divine soul is absolutely incredible. You get not only the warlock and sorcerer spell list but ALSO the cleric spell list, it is excelent for blasting, aoe, crowd control, buffs, debuffs. It is literally the most versatile caster I have ever played, especially with twin and quicken.
Twinned Guiding Bolt can put out serious damage for its spell level on two targets for the cost of 1 sorcery point (assuming you don't upcast) , and has the benefit of helping out the rest of the party by providing advantage on the two targets you just damaged.
@@benevolentsundae5487 Yep, there is also being able to dash in when the melee are getting wrecked twin a heal and then either quickening a defensive spell on yourself or misty stepping back out, with a DS/CW twin and quicken is the way to go. You have so many options. Our campaign is slated to go much higher than 8th level so I am definately going to eventually get the 3rd level warlock slots, plus the extra feat is nice.
I’ve got a Celestial Warlock/Divine Soul as the backup character for my current campaign (currently running a Life Domain 5/Druid 1 for Goodberry juggling).
@@corsaircaruso471 We don't have backup characters for our current sunday game, or no pool of characters to pull from anyway. Lili is the party's main healer as well as acting as basically firesupport, it is an absolute blast how versatile the CW/DS combination is, the massively expanded spell list is very nice.
I added a dip into paladin for divine smiting to these two options. Having spirit guardians running when you run in with heavy armor to divine smite is SO satisfying!
I'm playing the same combo (without Bard). Telekinetic feat on top just to be spoiled for choice with my bonus action. I can't afford spamming Quickened Spell, though, as we play with the optional rule of only getting the benefits of a long rest when we're comfortable within civilization, yet, a Sorlock doesn't seem to care.
My wife’s backup character is an Aasimar Divine Soul Sorcerer Celestial Warlock multiclass where her mother gives her sorcerer abilities and her aunt gives her warlock stuff, and they have a soap opera-esque competition going on in the background of who can help her the best. I can’t wait for her current character to kick the bucket so I can start roleplaying angsty angel siblings in her dreams.
The lore for potential backstory is ripe as well. A lost child, born with unfathomable power, makes a deal with an entity to learn control. Ripe with conflict but not just a "you do this for me or lose everything" story everyone seems to default to. Awesome! I am probably gonna run this for BG3
@@nateoak10 Because a fallen assimar who's teamed up with a fiend has really cool implications. Also because the fiend subclass is incredible and I wanted fireball.
I have an Aberrant Mind/Fathomless Warlock Winter Eladrin that I built very similar. Having access to two misty step effects is awesome, and the field control is real 👌
Worth pointing out that Silvery Barbs is better to get on your psionic spell list, because then once you get Psionic sorcery, you can cast it for a single sorcery point.
@@Joe_Narbaiz Sure, but the Dudes make content that has acknowledged silvery barbs before, and it's worth pointing out for hte tables where it is used. If I'm not mistaken they even mention Barbs in the video.
@@skyenyx8972 Just because the Dudes mention it doesn't mean that DMs have to run their games by what they say. They just give advice and acknowledge that what they say isn't the law of how to play.
@@Joe_Narbaiz I never said they...did? I made the comment to point out a thing that works really effectively at the tables I play at, and to draw attention to something that Monty and Kelly had bought up in their video. If your game doesn't use those spells, cool, there's plenty of other strong options for the feature. Enjoy.
@@skyenyx8972 Whatever, dude! I wasn't wrong when I said that not all DMs acknowledge Strixhaven spells but you had to start a debate. 😂 Have a good one. 👍
I haven't actually been able to play this in a game yet but the style I think would be fun to play is Divine Soul/Hexblade Warforged, with half plate and 14 dex. Then you sit in the mid/back and cast Support/Debuff spells while peppering with quicken eldritch blast. You're super hard to hit and when you do you have really good con
The character that I currently have "on deck" is a Fiend/Divine Soul sorlock. It's so interesting to see the convergence and divergence between the build I have planned and what you've put together here, really shows just how versatile this combination is.
I just recently made a Sorlock (shadow/undying) focused around necrotic damage and debuffs. I honestly didn’t know if it would be good, but this video has opened my mind to tons of things! Thanks!!
One of my players just created a SorLock and i was confused on how the two magic systems interacted, I was just looking and thank god u posted this right on time
I actually made this exact character for a campaign last year! It was so fun that I made a a bunch of other variations for just tests and one-shots, specifically swapping out for divine soul and shadow sorcerers. I also did some variations using fiendish pact worlocks, rather than hexblades.
Currently playing a Divine Soul-Celestial Sorlock (well, trying. lvl 2 now) and this definitely comes in handy. Many choices were similar to mine so I feel even more confident now.
I made one of These for a Curse of Strad AL run. Went heavy in the cliche with Aasimar. The big thing I looked at was EB and spirit Guardians, throw in pact of the chain for an Imp bonus action attack with the Tasha's invocation and everything hated me that wasn't on my side. Sadly I don't think that is the most broken but once you get 9lvls of either subclass you can really cheese the system. I personally suggest Warlock Because I like the invocations more than meta magic but 7 short rests can be played where you can restore all sorcerer slots cast greater restoration and still have a few for sorcery points for other spells. Then hour 8 for warlock slots recharge. I think you can get something like a lvl 2 and 3 spell precast. But this is that DM annoying cheese the mentioned early on.
@@lsamaknight ya, that is my normal go to but with this Tasha's just came out and my existence is AL makes familiars little more than a mage hand or floating eye spell so I did pact of the chain and tool the invitation that lets familiars attack. At the time I wanted the "up yours" factor over the mechanically better choice.
Something that I think people often overlook with this multi class is that you can make a really good blaster/battle felid controller and (assuming you took aberrant mind sorcerer) still have enough spells to get a pretty good illusion playstyle out of combat, which can really help the flavor of the character for social situations
I'm playing a silver dragonborn divine soul sorcerer (blessed by Bahamut) with a dip into Undead Warlock (with the undead form ability reflavored as a draconic form because it's just being tough, brave, and scary), with the Dragon Fear feat. He's such a cool character! Having a good time with him. Being able to quicken cast a Hypnotic Pattern, and then add yet more crowd control at the targets who saved with my dragon fear or eldritch blasts shuts down so many enemies.
Long time fan chiming in here. So I'm a forever Warlock when im not DMing, Ive played every subclass and pact, and I would love to see a video from you guys where you dive in and discuss a great warlock build where you dont choose Hexblade or E Blast as a Cantrip. I feel like every time the class is brought up by people (not you guys) it just gets reduced to jokes about how you should just do Hexblade and E blast. I can tell you from my subjective experience that when I tried this I have never had as much fun playing DND. Limitations breed creativity and it was so much fun. Also, playing the typical E Blast warlock can become very boring and unfulfilling most of the time especially when the class offers much more than just casting E Blast every combat encounter. Personally, I played an Undead Pact of the Tome Warlock. I would love to see this video from you guys and see what you come up with! Thank you if you read all of this comment! lol
I played a Hexblade Warlock+ Shadow Sorcerer. She was totally and completely fun, where I focused on the utility invocations after buffing Eldritch Blast. I would easily play one again.
I would consider taking the Aberrant mind to 6th level for Psionic Sorcery and Psychic defense, before you spec into Hexblade. Mostly for Psionic Sorcery. It lets you cast the Psionic spells quite cheaply using sorcerer points, not to mention subtly. In fact, you may not even need to take subtle spell if you have Psionic Sorcery which will give you more meta magic options.
The Genie warlock with the Dao patron is great because they get spike growth! So you can just use Eldritch Blast like a cheese grater and rack up the damage really quickly
In defense of the short rest/spell slot discussion, I’d like to point out the genie pact for warlocks let’s you slip inside your magical pocket dimension as long as you’re touching it, then all the warlock would have to do is chill inside while the party carries the bottle around. More of a fair way of abusing the short rest recovery time, but still remember everyone. Check with your dm first
@@jacobballenger5181 pact of the chain allows for an imp as a familiar, and the genie patron allows a tiny object to act as a magic focus that you can enter into as a pocket dimension. Go inside and your imp can carry the item around.
@@arancourt5623 But I don't believe you can maintain contact with the familiar from a different dimension or plane of existence. It would simply poof out of existence.
@@jacobballenger5181 ? I thought a familiar, once summoned maintained its existence until it was either dismissed or died? Haven’t played with one yet, so I could very well be wrong. Guess I’m doing some homework tonight lol. If you’re right, then there’s still the option of one of your party members just carrying it around themselves.
Im currently playing this build in an arena style game im in. Final build will be 7pal 5wl 8sorc, melee focused using spells for self buffs then extra slots get dumped into smiting anything that moves.
There’s a lot of the triple multi class variations that are awesome 2 paladin / 5 warlock (Hexblade) / 13 sorcerer is the ultimate nuclear smite monster (paladin smite and eldritch smite on every attack)…. Drop 2 levels of sorc for fighter and you can NUKE
Thematically the Aberrant Mind Sorcerer also partners really well with the Fathomless Warlock if you want to go all in on creepy tentacle vibes. Also, at level 6, the Aberrant Mind can cast their Aberrant spells subtly if they use sorcery points instead of a spell slot, reducing the need for subtle spell if you are intentional for swapping out your subclass spells for ones that benefit from being subtle.
I thought I saw a vid talking about a fighter, sorcerer, warlock called a forcelance a while back. Sorlock is a great foundation or completed build. So many options to go with. Great video guys! Thank you for sharing.
I've loved Sorlock ever since I found the combo worked way better for my idea of what a Necromancer was in dnd than the wizard subclass of the same name. Divine soul sorcerer combined with undead or hexblade Warlock for insane levels of undead minions, good croud control and aoe, and possibly even martial prowess with a longsword reflavored as a scythe.
Great video and build! I went archfey warlock for flavor and divine sorc to revive our zealot barb, but now I really want to go abberant instead. Thanks again
I'm currently playing almost this exact build. Only took 2 levels in warlock, but I did add the 2 level fighter dip for action surge. Currently level 12, and I can quicken and action surge on the same turn to throw 9 eldritch blasts at once. If I have Hex and/or Hexblade's Curse active on the target, I can drop well over 100 damage on that turn. Btw metamagic adept ramps this build up a bunch. The extra sorc points and metamagic options really increase your versatility. With multiple spells available for utility, buffing, debuffing, and control, in addition to the built in blaster potential, you have tons of options in every combat and outside of combat as well.
Oh my god, yes! I'm playing (accidentally, sort of) a Sorlock in my campaign right now. I've seen every other video on the multiclass out there, but I really missed your guys' take on it. It's like Xmas came early!
Thanks for the advice, I'm playing a Sorlock for an upcoming campaign. So far, we have 6 players signed up, with a good amount of spell casters planned. But back to me, this will be my 1st time playing a Sorlock,. I'm starting with the dragon blood sorcerer, I haven't decided on subclass for the warlock yet. I do however know I'm going to focus on being basically a blaster caster.
Two other combos are amazing. Shadow/undead patron and Aberrant Mind/Fathomless. I am playing the latter right now and it is an absolute blast (pun intended). A shadow sorcerer, especially as modified by the Dungeon Dudes, and Undead is scary good.
I have been playing a sorlock since the start of summer. I started VHuman with metamagic adept. X levels devine soul, one level hexblade for hex warrior. His forte is reducing saving throws. the synergy between twinned mind sliver, quickened bane and silvery barbs is bonkers. The party druid has been ending combats with entangle and hold person. You can swap concentration to hex to keep entangled foes in place. (I can twin it at my table)
I think there's a case for Genie warlock too. Your vessel gives you the chance to short rest while the party or familiar carries you, without interrupting everything. Plus access to some great spells. And pact of the chain instead of blade, and gift of the ever-living ones instead of repelling blast so you can heal very well and carry your own vessel
Yep, I've got an idea for a Genie/Divine Soul multiclass with Gift of the ever living one, honestly not bad for a healing option while still being able to dish out some damage/control.
Would love to see some other multiclass options working with the sorcerer. Lots of room for creativity with metamagic. I recently played a multiclass of SorcererX/ClericOrder1. The domain ability Voice of Authority combines very well with the sorcerer and cleric spell lists. I went with the Aberrant Mind origin but I think the Divine Soul has a lot of potential too, especially in a group lacking a "healing-focused" cleric. Speaking of party composition, this multiclass really shines in a group with a paladin or rogue. Making use of the opportunity attacks' granted by Voice of Authority, sneak attack and smite will provide a ton of damage. Silvery Barbs, Vortex Warp, and Haste are perfect support spells for this kind of build.
I'm currently a lvl 3 aberrant mind sorcerer lvl 3 genie warlock. I did 1 lvl sorcerer then 3 lvls warlock to get a strong eldritch blast early. Genie warlock gives Genie's Wrath right away, increasing eldritch blast damage, plus taking agonizing blast. I took pact of the chain to get an Imp familiar, that my DM let me reskin as a mini Genie that uses the imp familiar stat block. I'm human, so I took the telekinetic feat to start, and aberrant mind gives a telepathic speech ability, so my character is very psychic-themed. Another good thing to throw in for all sorlock combos: go out of your way to acquire a Bloodwell Vial of any level. it increases attack rolls and saving throws for sorcerer spells, and you regain 5 sorcery points whenever you recover HP using hit dice, so your short rest is now super useful on top of getting your warlock slots back.
I come here for the content, but my first observation every day is Kelly’s shirt. Love some! Love some less, antilove others, but they’re always interesting! Just one small part of the entertainment value 😊 keep ‘em coming Kelly!
I play a sorlock aberrant mind with subtle spell, took the actor feat and mask of many faces and its so fun to infiltrate, I use spells like detect thoughts in secret and telepatic speech keeps me with the party. Incredible how far some subtle hexs in wisdom/charisma and slivery barbs can get you in negotiations and social situations in general
Nice Dudes 😀. I have played from the start Sorcerer ( clockwork ) That has the Vampir daddy and Undead patron. 2nd level when I died the Warlock kicks in. 1st level Warlock has permanent spider climb, vampiric bite and all good frightening conditions. Now just 1 level dip in warlock and 4 level sorcerer things seem to roll just nice. I try to stay as a support and background blaster but got the role of being scout. Nice. Intimidation and charisma based skills helps with social encounters. Semi Vampire sorcerer is a nice combo !
Talking about Sending at ~22:00 made me think of a really cool idea for a video, it would be great to have a guide of "things to be aware exist as a DM" 🤣
I really like the flavor of Archfey Warlock and Abberant Mind Sorc. I could also get behind a Divine Soul Sorc multi-classed with Celestial Warlock. I will admit to be much more of a fan of "Flavor over mechanics"
Honestly, my biggest complaint about the Dungeon Dudes is their (IMO) focus on mechanical power over the flavor. I like them, don't get me wrong, and I really appreciate their insights, but they seem far more focused on the rules interactions. For instance, I am currently playing a Storm Sorcerer, just hit lvl 8. He is 100% fueled by lightning, wind, cold and thunder. All of his spells reflect this and are flavored as such. His primary attack is ray of frost with the cosmetic effect of storm clouds surrounding his fist and a low rumble of thunder as a blueish bolt (Almost like blue lightning) reaches out. He frequently twins that as well. He also has fireball but he will never, and I mean never cast it unless he transmutes it to lightning or thunder. If I am out of sorcery points then firebolt no longer exists for him. I do the same thing with fireball, lightning or thunder only. Does it make me less effective than sticking with the standard options? Yes. But that is what I enjoy, and I am effective enough that Ii have received no complaints.
Yeah it's coming out in the next book. It's crazy powerful, like even more spells added than Abberant Mind or Clockwork Soul. It has an emphasis on a Moon (obviously) from whatever world, but they get some powerful features. Including but not limited to reducing Sorcery Points costs on metamagic
I’m playing a shadow sorcerer/undead warlock rn and have never played a sorcerer before and it’s neat to say the least and as someone who loves melee warlocks I’ve been enjoying blasting
So, my Great Old One Warlock recently learned that the Dracolich his group is fighting is actually his revered Great-great-great Grandfather. This opened up the possibility of me multiclassing into Draconic Bloodline Sorcerer, so this video came at the *perfect* time! I don’t know what you're actually going to suggest yet, but I'm looking forward to it.
Just started a new campaign with a level 1 hex blade. You've certainly given me a lot of things to consider. After I hit level 3 I'll have to make a Big Decision to see where I go. Right now the paths are: A) Commit fully to Warlock, never multiclass; B) focus more on melee damage dealing, multiclass into Rogue with plans to go Swashbuckler; or C) Focus more on spells, multiclass into Sorcerer (probably Shadow or Storm for character reasons)
If you are going to reccomend specific sub class, it would have been nice to explore the features a little more and give your opinions on them. Hexblades curse for example.
My sorlock is a Wild mage/Genie and is super fun, he tends to have a mixture of control and damage, once I get my feat I'm gonna give him Warcaster which will be POG for my concentration spells
Im running a hexblade/divine soul sorlock in my current campaign. I opted for the curse bringer evocation, giving me a greatsword, the ability to expend spell slots to do extra big chunk damage with a hit as well as pass the hexblades curse to another target, and quickened spell booming blade to set up the melee attacks, leaving me with an action for utility/heals from the divine soul. It is absolutely busted, and its driving my DM mad
I would really love to mix the Hexblade and the (UA) Sea Sorcerer. The Sea Sorc offers a really neat 6th level ability that would make melee combat a lot more survivable and fun. It's something I've been trying to find a good build for for a long time, but I think this gave me the answer
I love the idea of someone who was a Sorceror naturally, became terrified at their own growing power that they had little control over, and signed a pact with a greater being just to be able to exert better control over themselves. Like an otherwordly mentor that now charges them some sort of horrible tithe, in exchange for not blowing yourself up.
This is literally the class I'm playing in my current campaign. And it's my first haha. I'm playing varient tiefling with wings and omg flying around raining down eldritch blasts is soooo good
I'm building an aberrant mind sorcerer for a solo adventure, so I want ALL of the shenanigans!! I plan on going with Warlock, as well, for the medium armor if nothing else. Subtle is going to be one of my hands-down metas because an enemy can't counter my counterspell. It's also a flavor thing as it's seeming like I am blocking the spell with my mind. I'm surprised that you guys didn't mention sleep for control. I plan on using that one as much as possible, as well especially in early levels. I have a LOT of ideas for this character.
I did a white dragon sorcerer and hexblade warlock (only 2 levels), which gave me some flavour with winter and cold damage - while also being okay in melee. Got my fingers on a longsword of warning which fitted my hex weapon perfectly. A weapon found in an old winter castle - thus fitting the choice of going Hexblade. She was a noble half-elf and I really loved playing her. She managed to get to level 14 before the campaign ended. :)
Sorlock is one of my favorite playstyles. In my last campaign, I gave my imp familiar a ring of spell storing and he would cast Greater Invisibility on me at the start of combat. Also, if you have the chance to get your hands on the Illusionist Bracers, do it. They will let you cast doubled Eldritch Blasts without needing to spend sorcery points on quickening.
I have a player using the Devine soul / hex blade and he is a fantastic support character who can easily go head to head with people. His backstory and way he is playing the character is so much fun at our table. He also does not do the "coffee lock" or "blaster mage" archetypes so his character is super fun to DM and watch play.
I decided to make the most cliched vampire I could make in 5e. So I went with Dhampyr/shadow Magic Sorc/Undead Warlock. He is absolutely fantastic. I only took spells if they've ever been used in vampire movies. Between Form of Dread, Strength of the Grave, and the Dhampyr's bite, he's nearly unkillable. He's an amazing combination of soft controls combined with great blasting. I have so much fun flitting around the battlefield applying the dread form fear on people, summoning a fog cloud, or a swarm of rats or bats. Right now he's Sorcerer 1/Warlock 3, but I plan to crank him with sorcerer now to the end. At lvl 9 he'll be bringing on the hound of ill omen and mind whipping people. My only question to the group is which pact boon to take? I went with Pact of the Blade because I liked the idea of my vampire summoning his badass weapon for when he needs to get in close (rarely). I know Chain mechanically is probably a better choice because of the familiar, but i'm so tired of the familiar cheese. Would Tome be better for the utility aspect? Since I'm not taking any more levels of warlock I feel like Tome doesn't really do much. Thoughts?
I recently made a Plasmoid Storm Sorcerer/Fathomless Warlock (as a back up character for a campaign) and having 5 elements of resistance is really nice to have. In a previous campaign, I had a Divine Soul Sorcerer/Celestial Warlock in the Ravnica campaign setting. He had a pact with a Deathpact Angel and part of the Orzhov Syndicate (Lawful Evil). He's my dark healer.
My next character concept is a half-elven Shadow Monk 8/ Archfey Warlock 12. Not the most OP, but he fills so many niches: scout, speed/ teleport options, control, and buffed 5 attacks/ round with flurry of blows.
@@G-Blockster yeah I thought about going hexblade kensei monk or way of mercy and a great old one that's cool knowing that I'll be able to be an asset to the party. I appreciate your input
I recently played an Autognome that was a Clockwork Soul/Genie Sorlock with Pact of the Chain. My Genie Vessel was a brocken pocket watch, which my Imp Familiar would wear and turn invisible. Nice way to stay mobile and hidden while taking short rests.
I just started playing a draconic / dao sorlock, reflavoured as a earth focused master of elements (dragon scales are rock, and bonus with dragons is instead elementals), with all the elemental control cantrips, a lot of elemental spells and the transmute metamagic. It is a lot of fun.
A player in one of my games is running a sor-lock with the divine soul and celestial (pact of the tome) subclasses. One of the best healers I've ever seen, and when she is done playing pacifist healer she can pump out a ton of damage with EB.
I played an elf hexblade pact of the blade multiclasses with sorcerer, using elven accuracy for double advantage with a greatsword, GWM for crazy damage, eldritch smite for extra dice to be doubled, more spell slots for spells that grant advantage on attacks, I was a little low on health sometimes but it was fun
I'd probably go Dao Genie 'Cheese Greater' + Divine Soul Sorcerer, variant human with the crusher feet. Armor is awesome but I like the extra Damage. Excellent video Dudes
Loved this video! Please make a "How to play a Grappler/Wrestler Character." I know there's not much support for this play style but I think it can be done.
Hm, pick the Tavern Brawler feat to grapple as a bonus action plus a feat or a level in rogue to get expertise in athletics? I played a Bard for a oneshot with tavern brawler and a 3rd party subclass that let me do extra damage whilst someone else is inspired by me. I flavoured my character to be wrestler / luchador with his three instruments as improsed weapons: a violin as a mace, a guitar as a warhammer, and a double bass as a maul. First turn in combat attacked and grappled, on a second turn I cast cloud of daggers (flavoured as brocken bottles) and dragged the grappled foe into it. On the third turn I was almost dead as a bard is squishy as fuck. Was fun, though :).
In my last campaign i was a sorcerer and we had two slow ass dwarves. The ability to just vortex warp both of them right into the thick of it was amazing. Its also very handy for extracting squishy characters or pulling an ally out of a nasty grapple.
Taking Hexblade with no intention of getting into melee feels like a safety compromise. It's also using the warlock levels as an ability package rather than anything character based. If your DM allows the Elder Influence it's an obvious pairing for the Aberrant Mind, and offers even more opportunities to move enemies around.
with this multiclass its good to consider booming blade and green flame blade, especially since youre running hex blade but not going for multi attack. you can easily quicken spell booming blade and have a strong multi attack melee option that really racks up damage if you can get the secondary effect
I'd like to make a suggestion for the Drow race and then picking up the Drow High Magic feat. You get infinite Detect magics, dispel magic and levitate is almost like a free hold person and will give everyone advantage on hits. The Sorc spells prepared is always a tiny number and those extra spells have a ton of utility. Esp. Detect Magic.
My favorite sorlock is what I call the tealock. Genie Warlock 10 and sorcer 7 are the level requirements with a 4 hour long rest race. This lets you long rest every night, then chain short rests to gain an absurd number of spell slots. This does work better RAW then many other similar ones (coffeelock, cokelock, etc).
If you're looking to get this online as early as possible, sorcerer 3/ warlock 3 is the way to go. You end up with everything you need to make the combo work well. The warlock gives you repelling blast, agonizing blast, and one utility invocation, as well as 2nd level pact slots, which you'll need for recharging quicken spell. From the sorcerer side you get sorcery points, meta magic, and font of magic. For combat you can setup hex, spirit shroud, web, cloud of daggers, grease, or some other hazard as a bonus action and then blast creatures into it. Alternatively, if you want pure power, quicken eldritch blast and follow it with more eldritch blast. Now you're a bow fighter that can action surge twice per short rest and has area control and spell casting on top of that. The max damage by level 6 is 4x8.5 (assuming an 16 on Cha), which equals 34 damage. You're dealing damage on the level with a single casting of lightning bolt at level 5, plus knocking an enemy back 40 feet. And you can do that twice, unlike the fighter. It's pretty brutal, even without the field hazards.
Myself I am waaay to in love with the concept of a sorlock inspired by mother Talzin from Star Wars, in yuan-ti form with the subclasses of shadow sorcerer and pact of the great old one warlock.
My Sorlock concept atm is a Divine Soul/Hexblade combo. I intend this character to be vengeful and revel in death and torture, so naturally spells like inflict wounds, spirit guardians, or (at high level play) finger of death will be in the repertoire.
Speaking of Multi-class combos what do people think about 1 level of artificer before going wizard? start with Con save, med armor and shields, and while it delays your access to spells it does not delay your access to those spell slots for upcasts
I think I am missing something that I have to ask how does a sorcerer regain spell slots on a short rest while maintaining a big pool of sorcery points? Let me give some context, Part of my question is do you have to grab aspect of the moon when you are a reborn that cannot sleep, and it's long rest period is 4 hours, I'm trying to fit this whole thing using the features from the College of Adventurers Bard, which can give you the sorcery points and spell trade and eldritch evocations without multiclassing.
Currently playing a lvl 5 aberrant mind and took one lvl of genie patron warlock. Haven’t gotten to play since I took that lvl but excited for some shenanigans
Warlock feels like the ultimate caster multiclass option. You don't even need too high of a charisma to make it work, the lower level class options are good for lots of builds
Can't say enough truth about this fact. I'm running a Bard, she has two levels of Warlock. Those two levels have boosted her so high in terms of damage output and usefulness.
But it does come at the cost of delaying your Xth level spells by however many levels of warlock you took
I really want to do a sorlocke with wild magic does anyone have a good subclass they would suggest for the warlocke side of things.
I noticed you picked up Mind Sliver with Warlock, but remember that Aberrant Mind Sorcerers get that Cantrip for free! You could totally grab something else.
too specific of a niche to get 1 specific cantrip for free. there's clockwork, draconic, shadow, divine soul, storm sorcerer and wild magic sorcerers too.
@Dustin Herk Well... yes? But the Dudes grabbed Aberrant Mind for their Sorlock. I was just telling them that their Subclass gave them the cantrip, so they didn't need to take it with Warlock.
@@dustinherk8124 They literally take the Aberrant mind sorcerer... Sure, if you want to go for a different subclass then go for it but there's no point picking up a spell you already have...
@@dustinherk8124 they literally took aberrant mind AND aberant mind is by far the strongest sorcerer subclass to the point that its not even a competition. aberrant mind is far from niche when its the best option present.
I usually argue that Clockwork is stronger. But a Sorlock can really take advantage of Aberrant Mind's ability to cast spells for only a number of Sorcerery Points equal to the spell level - which synergizes incredibly well with transforming Warlock spell slots into Sorcery Points.
Celestial warlock- Divine soul is absolutely incredible. You get not only the warlock and sorcerer spell list but ALSO the cleric spell list, it is excelent for blasting, aoe, crowd control, buffs, debuffs. It is literally the most versatile caster I have ever played, especially with twin and quicken.
Twinned Guiding Bolt can put out serious damage for its spell level on two targets for the cost of 1 sorcery point (assuming you don't upcast) , and has the benefit of helping out the rest of the party by providing advantage on the two targets you just damaged.
@@benevolentsundae5487 Yep, there is also being able to dash in when the melee are getting wrecked twin a heal and then either quickening a defensive spell on yourself or misty stepping back out, with a DS/CW twin and quicken is the way to go. You have so many options. Our campaign is slated to go much higher than 8th level so I am definately going to eventually get the 3rd level warlock slots, plus the extra feat is nice.
I’ve got a Celestial Warlock/Divine Soul as the backup character for my current campaign (currently running a Life Domain 5/Druid 1 for Goodberry juggling).
@@corsaircaruso471 We don't have backup characters for our current sunday game, or no pool of characters to pull from anyway. Lili is the party's main healer as well as acting as basically firesupport, it is an absolute blast how versatile the CW/DS combination is, the massively expanded spell list is very nice.
I added a dip into paladin for divine smiting to these two options. Having spirit guardians running when you run in with heavy armor to divine smite is SO satisfying!
I made my Sorlock with Aberrant Mind and Fathomless (with a splash of Bard for extra skills) for a classic "Cultist of Cthulhu" sort of feel.
That bonus action tentacle on top of casting is a great low level combo…. Repel them back into tentacle range and hit them with bonus action.
I'm playing the same combo (without Bard). Telekinetic feat on top just to be spoiled for choice with my bonus action. I can't afford spamming Quickened Spell, though, as we play with the optional rule of only getting the benefits of a long rest when we're comfortable within civilization, yet, a Sorlock doesn't seem to care.
I have a player doing this in the cosmic horror campaign I'm currently running and it is ON POINT with the flavor and very powerful so far
My wife’s backup character is an Aasimar Divine Soul Sorcerer Celestial Warlock multiclass where her mother gives her sorcerer abilities and her aunt gives her warlock stuff, and they have a soap opera-esque competition going on in the background of who can help her the best. I can’t wait for her current character to kick the bucket so I can start roleplaying angsty angel siblings in her dreams.
The lore for potential backstory is ripe as well. A lost child, born with unfathomable power, makes a deal with an entity to learn control. Ripe with conflict but not just a "you do this for me or lose everything" story everyone seems to default to. Awesome! I am probably gonna run this for BG3
Hhaha, your first two sentences are exactly my backstory. I'm playing Wild Magic Sorcerer with the Genie Warlock. ^^
or the entity gives you power as a boon/promise
I'm currently playing a fallen aasimar fiend pact/divine soul and the damage output is monstrous. Such a fun character
lol that sounds dope!
why did you go with fiend specifically ?
@@nateoak10 Because a fallen assimar who's teamed up with a fiend has really cool implications. Also because the fiend subclass is incredible and I wanted fireball.
I kinda like the idea of a shadow sorcerer who uses shadow blade so much that the blade becomes real and gives the sorcerer some warlock powers.
I have an Aberrant Mind/Fathomless Warlock Winter Eladrin that I built very similar. Having access to two misty step effects is awesome, and the field control is real 👌
I've build a Winter Eladrin Aberrant Mind/Archfey Warlock as a backup. He's built around fear and frighten, lots of combat control
Worth pointing out that Silvery Barbs is better to get on your psionic spell list, because then once you get Psionic sorcery, you can cast it for a single sorcery point.
Not all DMs recognize Srtrixhaven spells.
@@Joe_Narbaiz Sure, but the Dudes make content that has acknowledged silvery barbs before, and it's worth pointing out for hte tables where it is used. If I'm not mistaken they even mention Barbs in the video.
@@skyenyx8972 Just because the Dudes mention it doesn't mean that DMs have to run their games by what they say. They just give advice and acknowledge that what they say isn't the law of how to play.
@@Joe_Narbaiz I never said they...did? I made the comment to point out a thing that works really effectively at the tables I play at, and to draw attention to something that Monty and Kelly had bought up in their video.
If your game doesn't use those spells, cool, there's plenty of other strong options for the feature. Enjoy.
@@skyenyx8972 Whatever, dude!
I wasn't wrong when I said that not all DMs acknowledge Strixhaven spells but you had to start a debate. 😂
Have a good one. 👍
I haven't actually been able to play this in a game yet but the style I think would be fun to play is Divine Soul/Hexblade Warforged, with half plate and 14 dex. Then you sit in the mid/back and cast Support/Debuff spells while peppering with quicken eldritch blast. You're super hard to hit and when you do you have really good con
And if you want to be real mean, you take Darkness and Devil's Sight
Sorcerer is just so versatile as a caster in terms of it's ability to modify it's slots and use metamagic. Sorlock is such an INCREDIBLE playstyle!
The character that I currently have "on deck" is a Fiend/Divine Soul sorlock. It's so interesting to see the convergence and divergence between the build I have planned and what you've put together here, really shows just how versatile this combination is.
I just recently made a Sorlock (shadow/undying) focused around necrotic damage and debuffs. I honestly didn’t know if it would be good, but this video has opened my mind to tons of things! Thanks!!
Watched this video in preparation for Baldur's Gate 3 given the close adherence to the general rule set of 5e, thank you for the in depth discussion.
How did they get the dex boost I am lost on that.
Love these build videos always fun to hear other takes on builds
One of my players just created a SorLock and i was confused on how the two magic systems interacted, I was just looking and thank god u posted this right on time
I actually made this exact character for a campaign last year! It was so fun that I made a a bunch of other variations for just tests and one-shots, specifically swapping out for divine soul and shadow sorcerers. I also did some variations using fiendish pact worlocks, rather than hexblades.
I had this idea for a Hexblade Sorlock for a while, so thanks for showing how to build them effectively. Keep up the good work! 👍
Currently playing a Divine Soul-Celestial Sorlock (well, trying. lvl 2 now) and this definitely comes in handy. Many choices were similar to mine so I feel even more confident now.
I made one of These for a Curse of Strad AL run. Went heavy in the cliche with Aasimar. The big thing I looked at was EB and spirit Guardians, throw in pact of the chain for an Imp bonus action attack with the Tasha's invocation and everything hated me that wasn't on my side. Sadly I don't think that is the most broken but once you get 9lvls of either subclass you can really cheese the system. I personally suggest Warlock Because I like the invocations more than meta magic but 7 short rests can be played where you can restore all sorcerer slots cast greater restoration and still have a few for sorcery points for other spells. Then hour 8 for warlock slots recharge. I think you can get something like a lvl 2 and 3 spell precast. But this is that DM annoying cheese the mentioned early on.
Ah yes i smell a cocainelock
@@nickm9102 Spirit Guardians, Eldritch Blast and Spiritual Weapon. 😁
@@jonnyk5632 gotta find some way to stay in the fight and not get murdered in your sleep 😂
@@lsamaknight ya, that is my normal go to but with this Tasha's just came out and my existence is AL makes familiars little more than a mage hand or floating eye spell so I did pact of the chain and tool the invitation that lets familiars attack. At the time I wanted the "up yours" factor over the mechanically better choice.
Something that I think people often overlook with this multi class is that you can make a really good blaster/battle felid controller and (assuming you took aberrant mind sorcerer) still have enough spells to get a pretty good illusion playstyle out of combat, which can really help the flavor of the character for social situations
I'm playing a silver dragonborn divine soul sorcerer (blessed by Bahamut) with a dip into Undead Warlock (with the undead form ability reflavored as a draconic form because it's just being tough, brave, and scary), with the Dragon Fear feat.
He's such a cool character! Having a good time with him. Being able to quicken cast a Hypnotic Pattern, and then add yet more crowd control at the targets who saved with my dragon fear or eldritch blasts shuts down so many enemies.
Having never played D&D, I’m using your video for ideas for Baldur’s Gate 3. Thanks for the content.
My jig is up, now my DMs are going to know about this... Great video dudes! Even if it blows my cover!
Long time fan chiming in here. So I'm a forever Warlock when im not DMing, Ive played every subclass and pact, and I would love to see a video from you guys where you dive in and discuss a great warlock build where you dont choose Hexblade or E Blast as a Cantrip. I feel like every time the class is brought up by people (not you guys) it just gets reduced to jokes about how you should just do Hexblade and E blast.
I can tell you from my subjective experience that when I tried this I have never had as much fun playing DND. Limitations breed creativity and it was so much fun. Also, playing the typical E Blast warlock can become very boring and unfulfilling most of the time especially when the class offers much more than just casting E Blast every combat encounter.
Personally, I played an Undead Pact of the Tome Warlock. I would love to see this video from you guys and see what you come up with!
Thank you if you read all of this comment! lol
I played a Hexblade Warlock+ Shadow Sorcerer. She was totally and completely fun, where I focused on the utility invocations after buffing Eldritch Blast.
I would easily play one again.
One With Shadows + Shadow Sorcerer Teleport is OP and I love it so much
I would consider taking the Aberrant mind to 6th level for Psionic Sorcery and Psychic defense, before you spec into Hexblade. Mostly for Psionic Sorcery. It lets you cast the Psionic spells quite cheaply using sorcerer points, not to mention subtly. In fact, you may not even need to take subtle spell if you have Psionic Sorcery which will give you more meta magic options.
The Genie warlock with the Dao patron is great because they get spike growth! So you can just use Eldritch Blast like a cheese grater and rack up the damage really quickly
In defense of the short rest/spell slot discussion, I’d like to point out the genie pact for warlocks let’s you slip inside your magical pocket dimension as long as you’re touching it, then all the warlock would have to do is chill inside while the party carries the bottle around. More of a fair way of abusing the short rest recovery time, but still remember everyone. Check with your dm first
take the invisible Imp familiar and have him carry you around while he is invis or can fly and you are really golden cheese.
I don't believe you can have a familiar carry you around because you and your familiar would be on different planes.
@@jacobballenger5181 pact of the chain allows for an imp as a familiar, and the genie patron allows a tiny object to act as a magic focus that you can enter into as a pocket dimension. Go inside and your imp can carry the item around.
@@arancourt5623 But I don't believe you can maintain contact with the familiar from a different dimension or plane of existence. It would simply poof out of existence.
@@jacobballenger5181 ? I thought a familiar, once summoned maintained its existence until it was either dismissed or died? Haven’t played with one yet, so I could very well be wrong. Guess I’m doing some homework tonight lol. If you’re right, then there’s still the option of one of your party members just carrying it around themselves.
Sorcerer, warlock and paladin is one of the few 3 way multiclasses I enjoy
Whispers Bard, rogue and hexblade warlock that is a fun triclass for an ultimate infiltrator class
@@TheScottishKayaker sounds cool, for some reason bard never occurs to me when thinking of the casters.
Im currently playing this build in an arena style game im in. Final build will be 7pal 5wl 8sorc, melee focused using spells for self buffs then extra slots get dumped into smiting anything that moves.
There’s a lot of the triple multi class variations that are awesome
2 paladin / 5 warlock (Hexblade) / 13 sorcerer is the ultimate nuclear smite monster (paladin smite and eldritch smite on every attack)…. Drop 2 levels of sorc for fighter and you can NUKE
@@TheScottishKayaker what’s the level split on this? Might be joining a war campaign and building a character skilled in spying/infiltrating/recon
Thematically the Aberrant Mind Sorcerer also partners really well with the Fathomless Warlock if you want to go all in on creepy tentacle vibes. Also, at level 6, the Aberrant Mind can cast their Aberrant spells subtly if they use sorcery points instead of a spell slot, reducing the need for subtle spell if you are intentional for swapping out your subclass spells for ones that benefit from being subtle.
Sorlock is gonna be the big boss of my next campaign. Love it -- and love Kelley's hat! :)
I thought I saw a vid talking about a fighter, sorcerer, warlock called a forcelance a while back. Sorlock is a great foundation or completed build. So many options to go with. Great video guys! Thank you for sharing.
I've loved Sorlock ever since I found the combo worked way better for my idea of what a Necromancer was in dnd than the wizard subclass of the same name. Divine soul sorcerer combined with undead or hexblade Warlock for insane levels of undead minions, good croud control and aoe, and possibly even martial prowess with a longsword reflavored as a scythe.
Great video and build! I went archfey warlock for flavor and divine sorc to revive our zealot barb, but now I really want to go abberant instead. Thanks again
i was already working on a sorlock build using the new lunar sorcerer and the cosmic patron you guys just dropped. so this is just perfect!
I'm currently playing almost this exact build. Only took 2 levels in warlock, but I did add the 2 level fighter dip for action surge. Currently level 12, and I can quicken and action surge on the same turn to throw 9 eldritch blasts at once. If I have Hex and/or Hexblade's Curse active on the target, I can drop well over 100 damage on that turn.
Btw metamagic adept ramps this build up a bunch. The extra sorc points and metamagic options really increase your versatility. With multiple spells available for utility, buffing, debuffing, and control, in addition to the built in blaster potential, you have tons of options in every combat and outside of combat as well.
Oh my god, yes!
I'm playing (accidentally, sort of) a Sorlock in my campaign right now. I've seen every other video on the multiclass out there, but I really missed your guys' take on it. It's like Xmas came early!
Thanks for the advice, I'm playing a Sorlock for an upcoming campaign. So far, we have 6 players signed up, with a good amount of spell casters planned.
But back to me, this will be my 1st time playing a Sorlock,. I'm starting with the dragon blood sorcerer, I haven't decided on subclass for the warlock yet. I do however know I'm going to focus on being basically a blaster caster.
Perfect timing. I just started playing archfey clockwork soul sorlock. I know it's wierd combination but it defenitely works.
Two other combos are amazing. Shadow/undead patron and Aberrant Mind/Fathomless. I am playing the latter right now and it is an absolute blast (pun intended). A shadow sorcerer, especially as modified by the Dungeon Dudes, and Undead is scary good.
Planning on going with the shadow/undead for my level 8 backup character. Don't know how good it is, but the theme is very cool.
I have been playing a sorlock since the start of summer. I started VHuman with metamagic adept. X levels devine soul, one level hexblade for hex warrior. His forte is reducing saving throws. the synergy between twinned mind sliver, quickened bane and silvery barbs is bonkers. The party druid has been ending combats with entangle and hold person. You can swap concentration to hex to keep entangled foes in place. (I can twin it at my table)
I think there's a case for Genie warlock too. Your vessel gives you the chance to short rest while the party or familiar carries you, without interrupting everything. Plus access to some great spells. And pact of the chain instead of blade, and gift of the ever-living ones instead of repelling blast so you can heal very well and carry your own vessel
Yep, I've got an idea for a Genie/Divine Soul multiclass with Gift of the ever living one, honestly not bad for a healing option while still being able to dish out some damage/control.
I've got a sorlock in my upcoming one shot tomorrow and this video couldn't have come out at a better time for me to learn more about it
I'm playing a sorlock right now, this was very helpful! Thanks!
Would love to see some other multiclass options working with the sorcerer. Lots of room for creativity with metamagic. I recently played a multiclass of SorcererX/ClericOrder1. The domain ability Voice of Authority combines very well with the sorcerer and cleric spell lists. I went with the Aberrant Mind origin but I think the Divine Soul has a lot of potential too, especially in a group lacking a "healing-focused" cleric. Speaking of party composition, this multiclass really shines in a group with a paladin or rogue. Making use of the opportunity attacks' granted by Voice of Authority, sneak attack and smite will provide a ton of damage. Silvery Barbs, Vortex Warp, and Haste are perfect support spells for this kind of build.
I got my books out to follow along, and i realized I needed all three. Thanks guys.
I'm currently a lvl 3 aberrant mind sorcerer lvl 3 genie warlock. I did 1 lvl sorcerer then 3 lvls warlock to get a strong eldritch blast early. Genie warlock gives Genie's Wrath right away, increasing eldritch blast damage, plus taking agonizing blast. I took pact of the chain to get an Imp familiar, that my DM let me reskin as a mini Genie that uses the imp familiar stat block. I'm human, so I took the telekinetic feat to start, and aberrant mind gives a telepathic speech ability, so my character is very psychic-themed. Another good thing to throw in for all sorlock combos: go out of your way to acquire a Bloodwell Vial of any level. it increases attack rolls and saving throws for sorcerer spells, and you regain 5 sorcery points whenever you recover HP using hit dice, so your short rest is now super useful on top of getting your warlock slots back.
I come here for the content, but my first observation every day is Kelly’s shirt. Love some! Love some less, antilove others, but they’re always interesting! Just one small part of the entertainment value 😊 keep ‘em coming Kelly!
I play a sorlock aberrant mind with subtle spell, took the actor feat and mask of many faces and its so fun to infiltrate, I use spells like detect thoughts in secret and telepatic speech keeps me with the party.
Incredible how far some subtle hexs in wisdom/charisma and slivery barbs can get you in negotiations and social situations in general
I’m doing something similar by playing a Changeling Sorlock. Your build sounds fun!
I'm building a Fey pact warlock with sorc dip; same flavor of controller and messing w/ NPCs both in and out of combat
I was just looking at this yesterday as to how I wanted to build my Sorlock. Now I have options.
Nice Dudes 😀. I have played from the start Sorcerer ( clockwork ) That has the Vampir daddy and Undead patron. 2nd level when I died the Warlock kicks in. 1st level Warlock has permanent spider climb, vampiric bite and all good frightening conditions. Now just 1 level dip in warlock and 4 level sorcerer things seem to roll just nice. I try to stay as a support and background blaster but got the role of being scout. Nice. Intimidation and charisma based skills helps with social encounters.
Semi Vampire sorcerer is a nice combo !
Love it! Hexblades are always a tough one for me to sort out, due to the vagueness of their Patron. But I would absolutely love to run this build.
Talking about Sending at ~22:00 made me think of a really cool idea for a video, it would be great to have a guide of "things to be aware exist as a DM" 🤣
I really like the flavor of Archfey Warlock and Abberant Mind Sorc.
I could also get behind a Divine Soul Sorc multi-classed with Celestial Warlock.
I will admit to be much more of a fan of "Flavor over mechanics"
I can see a Shadow or the new Lunar Sorcerer with an Undying Warlock, I also enjoy flavor over power
@@gamergunn7139 I am not familiar with Lunar Sorc, is that a UA thing? Certainly peaks my interest, lol.
Honestly, my biggest complaint about the Dungeon Dudes is their (IMO) focus on mechanical power over the flavor. I like them, don't get me wrong, and I really appreciate their insights, but they seem far more focused on the rules interactions.
For instance, I am currently playing a Storm Sorcerer, just hit lvl 8. He is 100% fueled by lightning, wind, cold and thunder. All of his spells reflect this and are flavored as such. His primary attack is ray of frost with the cosmetic effect of storm clouds surrounding his fist and a low rumble of thunder as a blueish bolt (Almost like blue lightning) reaches out. He frequently twins that as well. He also has fireball but he will never, and I mean never cast it unless he transmutes it to lightning or thunder. If I am out of sorcery points then firebolt no longer exists for him. I do the same thing with fireball, lightning or thunder only.
Does it make me less effective than sticking with the standard options? Yes. But that is what I enjoy, and I am effective enough that Ii have received no complaints.
Yeah it's coming out in the next book. It's crazy powerful, like even more spells added than Abberant Mind or Clockwork Soul. It has an emphasis on a Moon (obviously) from whatever world, but they get some powerful features. Including but not limited to reducing Sorcery Points costs on metamagic
I’m playing a shadow sorcerer/undead warlock rn and have never played a sorcerer before and it’s neat to say the least and as someone who loves melee warlocks I’ve been enjoying blasting
So, my Great Old One Warlock recently learned that the Dracolich his group is fighting is actually his revered Great-great-great Grandfather. This opened up the possibility of me multiclassing into Draconic Bloodline Sorcerer, so this video came at the *perfect* time! I don’t know what you're actually going to suggest yet, but I'm looking forward to it.
No need to take mind sliver - Aberrant Mind automatically gets it!
I was just about to say that. 😁
Just started a new campaign with a level 1 hex blade. You've certainly given me a lot of things to consider. After I hit level 3 I'll have to make a Big Decision to see where I go. Right now the paths are: A) Commit fully to Warlock, never multiclass; B) focus more on melee damage dealing, multiclass into Rogue with plans to go Swashbuckler; or C) Focus more on spells, multiclass into Sorcerer (probably Shadow or Storm for character reasons)
If you are going to reccomend specific sub class, it would have been nice to explore the features a little more and give your opinions on them. Hexblades curse for example.
My sorlock is a Wild mage/Genie and is super fun, he tends to have a mixture of control and damage, once I get my feat I'm gonna give him Warcaster which will be POG for my concentration spells
Im running a hexblade/divine soul sorlock in my current campaign. I opted for the curse bringer evocation, giving me a greatsword, the ability to expend spell slots to do extra big chunk damage with a hit as well as pass the hexblades curse to another target, and quickened spell booming blade to set up the melee attacks, leaving me with an action for utility/heals from the divine soul. It is absolutely busted, and its driving my DM mad
I would really love to mix the Hexblade and the (UA) Sea Sorcerer. The Sea Sorc offers a really neat 6th level ability that would make melee combat a lot more survivable and fun. It's something I've been trying to find a good build for for a long time, but I think this gave me the answer
I love the idea of someone who was a Sorceror naturally, became terrified at their own growing power that they had little control over, and signed a pact with a greater being just to be able to exert better control over themselves. Like an otherwordly mentor that now charges them some sort of horrible tithe, in exchange for not blowing yourself up.
This is literally the class I'm playing in my current campaign. And it's my first haha. I'm playing varient tiefling with wings and omg flying around raining down eldritch blasts is soooo good
Im Working on making a sorlock, winged tiefling
So I can use Flying and dropping spells on Enemies from above, But I found your video very helpful
I'm building an aberrant mind sorcerer for a solo adventure, so I want ALL of the shenanigans!! I plan on going with Warlock, as well, for the medium armor if nothing else. Subtle is going to be one of my hands-down metas because an enemy can't counter my counterspell. It's also a flavor thing as it's seeming like I am blocking the spell with my mind. I'm surprised that you guys didn't mention sleep for control. I plan on using that one as much as possible, as well especially in early levels. I have a LOT of ideas for this character.
I did a white dragon sorcerer and hexblade warlock (only 2 levels), which gave me some flavour with winter and cold damage - while also being okay in melee. Got my fingers on a longsword of warning which fitted my hex weapon perfectly. A weapon found in an old winter castle - thus fitting the choice of going Hexblade.
She was a noble half-elf and I really loved playing her. She managed to get to level 14 before the campaign ended. :)
That character sounds really cool!!
Sorlock is one of my favorite playstyles. In my last campaign, I gave my imp familiar a ring of spell storing and he would cast Greater Invisibility on me at the start of combat. Also, if you have the chance to get your hands on the Illusionist Bracers, do it. They will let you cast doubled Eldritch Blasts without needing to spend sorcery points on quickening.
I have a player using the Devine soul / hex blade and he is a fantastic support character who can easily go head to head with people. His backstory and way he is playing the character is so much fun at our table. He also does not do the "coffee lock" or "blaster mage" archetypes so his character is super fun to DM and watch play.
I decided to make the most cliched vampire I could make in 5e. So I went with Dhampyr/shadow Magic Sorc/Undead Warlock. He is absolutely fantastic. I only took spells if they've ever been used in vampire movies. Between Form of Dread, Strength of the Grave, and the Dhampyr's bite, he's nearly unkillable. He's an amazing combination of soft controls combined with great blasting. I have so much fun flitting around the battlefield applying the dread form fear on people, summoning a fog cloud, or a swarm of rats or bats. Right now he's Sorcerer 1/Warlock 3, but I plan to crank him with sorcerer now to the end. At lvl 9 he'll be bringing on the hound of ill omen and mind whipping people.
My only question to the group is which pact boon to take? I went with Pact of the Blade because I liked the idea of my vampire summoning his badass weapon for when he needs to get in close (rarely). I know Chain mechanically is probably a better choice because of the familiar, but i'm so tired of the familiar cheese. Would Tome be better for the utility aspect? Since I'm not taking any more levels of warlock I feel like Tome doesn't really do much. Thoughts?
I recently made a Plasmoid Storm Sorcerer/Fathomless Warlock (as a back up character for a campaign) and having 5 elements of resistance is really nice to have.
In a previous campaign, I had a Divine Soul Sorcerer/Celestial Warlock in the Ravnica campaign setting. He had a pact with a Deathpact Angel and part of the Orzhov Syndicate (Lawful Evil). He's my dark healer.
I was thinking about doing this or a monk warlock multiclass for my next game thanks for the video
My next character concept is a half-elven Shadow Monk 8/ Archfey Warlock 12. Not the most OP, but he fills so many niches: scout, speed/ teleport options, control, and buffed 5 attacks/ round with flurry of blows.
@@G-Blockster yeah I thought about going hexblade kensei monk or way of mercy and a great old one that's cool knowing that I'll be able to be an asset to the party. I appreciate your input
I recently played an Autognome that was a Clockwork Soul/Genie Sorlock with Pact of the Chain. My Genie Vessel was a brocken pocket watch, which my Imp Familiar would wear and turn invisible. Nice way to stay mobile and hidden while taking short rests.
I just started playing a draconic / dao sorlock, reflavoured as a earth focused master of elements (dragon scales are rock, and bonus with dragons is instead elementals), with all the elemental control cantrips, a lot of elemental spells and the transmute metamagic. It is a lot of fun.
I was just thinking about playing a Sorlock and then the boys post up a banger
A player in one of my games is running a sor-lock with the divine soul and celestial (pact of the tome) subclasses. One of the best healers I've ever seen, and when she is done playing pacifist healer she can pump out a ton of damage with EB.
nice control in this, if you are taking Hex as a single foe concentration back-up then Scorching Ray is hella useful up to 11th, and even upcastable.
I played an elf hexblade pact of the blade multiclasses with sorcerer, using elven accuracy for double advantage with a greatsword, GWM for crazy damage, eldritch smite for extra dice to be doubled, more spell slots for spells that grant advantage on attacks, I was a little low on health sometimes but it was fun
I'd probably go Dao Genie 'Cheese Greater' + Divine Soul Sorcerer, variant human with the crusher feet. Armor is awesome but I like the extra Damage.
Excellent video Dudes
Kelly is dressed like how I imagine a Sorlock would dress nowadays and I love it
Aberrant Mind & Fathomless Tortle, the bonus action tentacle is a solid boost. Twin Spell and Quicken Spell as staples.
Loved this video!
Please make a "How to play a Grappler/Wrestler Character." I know there's not much support for this play style but I think it can be done.
Hm, pick the Tavern Brawler feat to grapple as a bonus action plus a feat or a level in rogue to get expertise in athletics? I played a Bard for a oneshot with tavern brawler and a 3rd party subclass that let me do extra damage whilst someone else is inspired by me. I flavoured my character to be wrestler / luchador with his three instruments as improsed weapons: a violin as a mace, a guitar as a warhammer, and a double bass as a maul.
First turn in combat attacked and grappled, on a second turn I cast cloud of daggers (flavoured as brocken bottles) and dragged the grappled foe into it. On the third turn I was almost dead as a bard is squishy as fuck. Was fun, though :).
Love Kelly’s style this episode
In my last campaign i was a sorcerer and we had two slow ass dwarves. The ability to just vortex warp both of them right into the thick of it was amazing. Its also very handy for extracting squishy characters or pulling an ally out of a nasty grapple.
Taking Hexblade with no intention of getting into melee feels like a safety compromise. It's also using the warlock levels as an ability package rather than anything character based. If your DM allows the Elder Influence it's an obvious pairing for the Aberrant Mind, and offers even more opportunities to move enemies around.
I agree totally. Outside of gish builds, hexblade is pretty underwhelming, especially for more control based play style.
with this multiclass its good to consider booming blade and green flame blade, especially since youre running hex blade but not going for multi attack. you can easily quicken spell booming blade and have a strong multi attack melee option that really racks up damage if you can get the secondary effect
I'd like to make a suggestion for the Drow race and then picking up the Drow High Magic feat. You get infinite Detect magics, dispel magic and levitate is almost like a free hold person and will give everyone advantage on hits. The Sorc spells prepared is always a tiny number and those extra spells have a ton of utility. Esp. Detect Magic.
My favorite sorlock is what I call the tealock. Genie Warlock 10 and sorcer 7 are the level requirements with a 4 hour long rest race. This lets you long rest every night, then chain short rests to gain an absurd number of spell slots. This does work better RAW then many other similar ones (coffeelock, cokelock, etc).
I was looking forward to this video =D thanks a lot guys^^ i like your subclass and spell choices, i for myself go for hexblade/clockwork soul =)
If you're looking to get this online as early as possible, sorcerer 3/ warlock 3 is the way to go. You end up with everything you need to make the combo work well. The warlock gives you repelling blast, agonizing blast, and one utility invocation, as well as 2nd level pact slots, which you'll need for recharging quicken spell. From the sorcerer side you get sorcery points, meta magic, and font of magic. For combat you can setup hex, spirit shroud, web, cloud of daggers, grease, or some other hazard as a bonus action and then blast creatures into it. Alternatively, if you want pure power, quicken eldritch blast and follow it with more eldritch blast. Now you're a bow fighter that can action surge twice per short rest and has area control and spell casting on top of that. The max damage by level 6 is 4x8.5 (assuming an 16 on Cha), which equals 34 damage. You're dealing damage on the level with a single casting of lightning bolt at level 5, plus knocking an enemy back 40 feet. And you can do that twice, unlike the fighter. It's pretty brutal, even without the field hazards.
It would be great to see more of multiclass combinations. Particularly the Barbarian/Rogue and all the synergies between their various class features.
Check out monsters and multiclass. They have gone through all the multi-class combos and dissected them.
Myself I am waaay to in love with the concept of a sorlock inspired by mother Talzin from Star Wars, in yuan-ti form with the subclasses of shadow sorcerer and pact of the great old one warlock.
My Sorlock concept atm is a Divine Soul/Hexblade combo. I intend this character to be vengeful and revel in death and torture, so naturally spells like inflict wounds, spirit guardians, or (at high level play) finger of death will be in the repertoire.
This video is just amazing, thanks for the good content.
Would definitely like a 2024 update video and how you guys would go about creating a Sorlock now that the new rulebook has dropped
currently playing a Protector Aasimar Divine Soul Hexblade. Sooooo much fun. Buffing, blasting, bashing.
Speaking of Multi-class combos what do people think about 1 level of artificer before going wizard? start with Con save, med armor and shields, and while it delays your access to spells it does not delay your access to those spell slots for upcasts
I think I am missing something that I have to ask how does a sorcerer regain spell slots on a short rest while maintaining a big pool of sorcery points?
Let me give some context,
Part of my question is do you have to grab aspect of the moon when you are a reborn that cannot sleep, and it's long rest period is 4 hours,
I'm trying to fit this whole thing using the features from the College of Adventurers Bard, which can give you the sorcery points and spell trade and eldritch evocations without multiclassing.
Currently playing a lvl 5 aberrant mind and took one lvl of genie patron warlock. Haven’t gotten to play since I took that lvl but excited for some shenanigans