He questioned the integrity of the information at the time especially due to the American propaganda in the national news. He did not deny they took place when better information became available. In Manufacturing Consent (Documentary 1993) he clearly acknowledges the genocide.
***** There's a difference between the belief that the genocide was fake and an image was being used as propaganda. If my memory serves correct, there was an investigation on the image you mention and it was deemed as most-likely fake. That DOES NOT mean that the genocide did not take place.
***** I don't think he is distinctly anti-west or anti-American. I think he is just anti-centralized power. He is not taking away the blame of these attacks. He is rationalizing why they are occurring. That does not mean they are justified, but it gives context and meaning. He is certainly not a Jihad sympathizer (or Russian or Bosnian, etc).
***** I don't believe that is his world view. He acknowledges that the USA's interventionist tactics have directed us to what we are experiencing now, but to say that he believes it is completely the fault of the US is not true. The problems between the US and Islam is far too complicated to boil down to blaming one side. And that is not to say ISIS/traditionalists are at all justified in their beliefs. Any logical person would denounce their way of politics.
***** I don't think there is anything wrong with blaming radical Islam for terrorist attacks and much of the problems in the Middle East. However, that doesn't change the fact the US foreign policy has helped shape the Middle East as we see it today.
I actually liked how confrontational the interviewer was, it just demonstrated that Noam Chomsky can remain articulate and level headed in the face of contrary opinions. He doesn't need someone to agree with everything he says in order to make his point.
I love how Chomsky knows EXACTLY the point someone wants him to make, and how he so skillfully avoids making any point(s) other than those he actually believes/knows to be true. I have never seen someone so calmly unwilling to agree for the sake of agreement. IT GETS ME FREAKIN PUMPED
amanda miller What exactly does a white supremacist look like? To you they look like a man of mixed heritage with glasses and facial hair. If that's all the criteria you need to call someone a white supremacist then you've made your opinion invalid.
Prof. Chomsky sticks to reason during this interview by Al Jazeera. He has been through verbal battles like this many times in his life and he is not budging an inch.
As a tip for the future, please stop cutting off the person you are interviewing. I know you want to have a conversation, but people want to listen to him. It's disrupting and bothersome, I don't know if I will finish the video now. Also, it seems rude to do to anyone, especially someone who is so established, (regardless of what you think of his views)
Interviewers tend to forget the meaning of the word "interview". Inter-view: an exchange of views between 2 or more parties. Most interviews look like a police interrogation or a cross-examination. The guests should have the freedom to explore their thoughts. Yes, at some point the interviewer has to change the course of the conversation but that should be done at a considerate time.
I so agree. I scrolled down to the comments to see if anyone else was as irritated by this interviewer constantly interrupting Noam Chomsky as I was. I doubt I'll watch the rest either.
Haha, you don"t even know who's that guy! He's a great intellectual and debater, as he agreed beforehand with Noam on answering questions briefly, since Noam would talk forever about one point, as Hassan's goal is to answer all questions within time.
@@Mannazify Interviewer is too pre-occupied with demonstrating his so called journalistic credentials; fails miserably at the feet of an eminently titan intellect
@@tarekbouabdallah6914 Chomsky has never been about what he calls "concision". He has talked publicly about it a number of times and partially contributes his lack of it as one reason they don't ask him on television. If you've listened to any of his talks or interviews, you would not expect him to quickly answer a set of questions on a schedule. If Hasan had done a bit of research on who he was about to interview, he would have known this.
Agreed. I see this as a continuation of the media's scope of attack prior to the election. Noam isn't the great authority that people want to make him out to be. He's been way off track on issues before. He is however a compassionate man in general. It's that aspect of his character that draws people. One thing that I took note of in particular was Noam's comment that journalists should be protected. Fine, no problem.....now define what constitutes a journalist. Many of those in the cable news media don't meet the grade. the interviewer in this video is questionable as to his qualifications.
***** No, you just reject inconvenient truths. LoL....'you bare make sense'? grammar is not your strong suit, and clearly reading and comprehension isn't either! It's quite obvious that you need to wiseUp dude!! Meanwhile, america now has a pesident-elect with the intellect of a base 3 yr old.."I have the best words" LMAO. The 'tremendously' great dumbing down is now complete!
***** Supporter of trump? You really have zero comprehension skills. LoL....and you are such a cliche of the typical sad little ytuber responses. Did you copy and paste all that?? Instead of debating trump being controlled opposition or addressing Abolish; you took the usual pathetic escape route > defensive insults due to your fragile little ego suffering from blind rage because you misunderstand things;) Good you have better things to do....so I don't expect anymore nonsense from you:))!
I agree with Dr. Chomsky about everything but the US assassination campaign. It is not designed to terrify a population, but rather to disorganize the terrorist organizations that DO commit acts designed to sow terror in populations.
I note your use of the word genius...and agree with it. Contrast that with Donald Trump who calls himself a stable genius. Intellectually it's like comparing a paper clip to a jumbo jet! Just a thought. Cheers.
This journalist needs to be slapped into showing respect for this great intellectual. You never know, this could be Chomsky's last interview, as he's getting on in age, obviously.
Chompsky probably stinks quite badly cause he is physically decaying which usually starts after people die rather than before. Chompsky is technically the same as if he has been dead for 3 months.
No, I agree; he's a shallow, disrespectful, CNN-type "journalist", who was also incredibly rude to Jill Stein. I was looking forward to watching this, until I realized he was conducting the interview.
Kate Eccles sadly he does realise, it's his style when interviewing anyone. He likes to think he's the 'great' reporter fighting his guests to ensure they don't wriggle out of answering his questions. His ego is bigger than his i.q. So he ends up getting in the way of some great answers from his guests in this and other interviews.
Brent Pulford Chomsky is also far more polite than the interviewer even when he replies 'no' it's with a polite tone. All the interviewer seems to want is a sensationalist reply rather than an intellectual reasoned one
***** It's just a sad state of affairs to see folks I really thought were smart throw their lot in with Failed Secretary Clinton, and her love of regime change :(
Noam Chomsky is 90 and one of the few people in the world that's irreplaceable. He's sharper and smarter than so many people 70-years younger than him.
I suspect he is replaceable. Everyone is. He would agree that he is 'sharper and smarter; that so many people. That kind of hubris eventually trips you up.
In general older people are wiser but they are also better liers. Noam created a hateful distorsion of the reality a became very good at it. Chomsky and Bill Gates together would wipe out half of the world population.
These interviews were timely and highly educational. Having said that the interviewers needs To be more respectful and needs to shut up and stop Cutting in......😁
Chomsky did put the interviewer on the spot when the interviewer wanted to get Chomsky to agree what he would 'miss' Obama. Really overall a biased interview. Painfully obvious to see the interviewer also label the Iran deal as 'positive'. Al Jazirra, if you want to be objective you have to do better than this.
Not at all, it's partly funded by the Qatari royal family, and editorially it is often very opposed to the Saudis, who in fact pressure advertisers to avoid the station. It is against Wahhabi orthodoxy..
adamr63 sources? i dont buy a single word of that unless proven otherwise besides the Qatari are in league with the Saudi and the effort to overthrow Assad in Syria is the result of their push for a trans-arabic pipeline going all the way from their own territory into Europe
The interviewer is going about this all wrong. He needs to ask questions from an objective perspective, not one based on pre-conceived opinions. _"How worried should we be?"_ _"How worried are you?"_ _"Trump is so _*_bad_*_ in this and that; that's not how it should be isn't it?"_ How about "what are your opinions on this" or "how do you feel about this"? *"Ask yourself only what are the facts and what is the truth that the facts bear out. Never let yourself be diverted either by what you wish to believe, or by what you think would have beneficent social effects if it were believed."* - Bertrand Russell
The media has really deteriorated across the board, and this election has shown this very well. Because it is corporate owned, it fails to be objective, as corporations have a stake in outcomes. It's really abysmal.
X-MISMA-X How unrealistic. As citizens it's good to criticize the centers of power, especially the media. If it's broken we the citizenry should be observant enough to notice this and take remedies. Sadly, your one-liners re evidence of your inability to understand this.
I for one am relieved that a news source finally seems to be calling a spade a spade and is stopping the false equivalency. Trump is scary, unpredictable, unqualified, and is appointing white supremacists to the highest offices of government. I'm glad they wasted no time in getting to the point.
Both are just Trump bashers . unpredictably is Trump's strong point . He even bashes Kennedy . Russia never started a war against other nations of power. Old hot air bag .
Only because mainstream media won't talk to him because he is critical of Israel's genocide in the region. All are beholden to the Zionists who run everything. Even Fox, as controlled opposition. Not long ago, Hannity went on a bizarre rapid fire pro Israel rant. It was disgusting and cringe worthy to the extreme. Hannity takes his orders from those that pay his wages.
You prefer calm shows? You like calm discussions? You think someone getting passionate "ruins" a show? I bet you love the Fireplace Channel -- nice and calm, smooth, easy. Boring.
What an absolutely intolerable interviewer. Thankfully Chomsky calmly and patiently corrects him after his many poorly posed questions and assumptions.
Mehdi is one of the better journalist but his style is more suited for the usual scummy, lying politicians than for a brilliant intellectual like Chomsky.
I suspect that part of the issue with this interview is that the host wants quick soundbites for complex answers - he's not going to get that from Chomsky. Secondly, Chomsky doesn't tolerate false assumptions or misinformation, he will correct any interviewer as we saw in this segment. Thirdly, it's this interviewer's style - very quick, aggressive and tends to ask leading questions. That's fine when dealing w/ a shifty politician, but Chomsky never dodges, he always replies with an answer, often supported w/ facts.
Chomsky is a great thinker and speaker, whether one agrees with him or not. This interviewer is really annoying in the way he interviewed Chomsky - pushy and borderline disrespectful with many leading questions.
"Noam Chomsky, I've invited you here today to make self-important statements showing how brilliant I am, ending each one with, 'Don't you agree?' so it seems like I'm interviewing you, rather than making a stream-of-consciousness speech. Don't you agree?"
I noticed that too, interrupting a trivial run on guest is one thing, but for a thoughtful well spoken guest such herding behavior is an affront, the interviewer does not seem able to appreciate the high quality of the responses he's receiving, its as if he has an agenda he is nervously pursuing and is therefore not really listening the the response but wants to hurry to the next leading question in order to maintain a certain level of control.
that's because the interviewer is basically a right wing crypto-theocratist , a believeing Muslim with an agenda of his own too. he should really be the one interviewed .
the reporter is trying so hard to make chomsky say anything that would be perceived as agreeing with the reporters ideology... but chomsky is the man and just shuts it down hahahaha
To the interviewer, when you are conversing with a Wise Man, speak seldom, listen intently, and don't interrupt his stream of consciousness with your limited understanding. In other words, why block the blessing.
You don't know him so take down Notch with your self righteousness He better Interviewing bad men and women of the world than wise man Because he himself is Wise man and Blessed man
I was introduced to Mr Noam Chomsky some 15 years ago whilst studying abroad in South Carolina and I've been a huge fan ever since. He represents an intellect and insight that is rare and far between in this day and age.What a gem!!
@@bronwindraney5111 It is incredible how ignorant people are, they come to this channel and expect to see Mr Mehdi Hasan to behave any different than ever before, Chomsky knows him already and that has always been his style.
Even though I don't usually agree with Chomsky, you have to say that he's a very rational person. His responses are really rational. We simply don't know what Trump will do and people who claim to know are lying.
Lets ask Maurice Strong if Global Warming is REAL, shall we? Chomsky in my eyes is just more controlled opposition. There is controlled opposition EVERYWHERE, will NOT trust a HOPE.
I think he did a good job, I have a friend with great insight but drones on and needs direction. Noam is guilty of being a complete bore in vocals even when he is spitting out golden logic.
That's all a matter of perspective, Charismatic speaking is dangerous to the human mind anyways, that aside how can someone be bored during golden logic? I'm not sure myself...
It was funny seeing the interviewer trying to bait Mr Chomsky to try and take the direction and position on issues that the interviewer wanted, and desperately trying to put words into his mouth. And Mr. Chomsky gently refusing the bait. Mr.Chomsky didn't show anger or showed that he was belittled by that act. Loved the way he gently and simply made his point with logic. I also really respected how he did not make doomsday or bombastic conclusions to any of the major issues that were discussed
Yeah, it's Mehdi Hassan. The same one that Richard Dawkins ridiculed at an Oxford Union interview for believing that Mohammed literally flew to heaven on a winged horse. He's quite articulate, but clearly biased in favour of his muppet beliefs.
This was a great video. Why? I've never seen such a case where the interviewee calmly got his point across on every topic in spite of countless attempts on the part of the interviewer to steer answers in a certain direction. It would have been a disaster if Chomsky had been flustered into losing track of his points and led off topic, but he did not and thus was able to give his clear nuanced view of the world.
I literally searched for Noam Chomsky after seeing an old interview done back in the 80's and I think that interviewer did a better job with letting him talk than what happened here..
He did fine. He asked questions about real issues and concerns that are out there. This was a good interview because it answered to a lot of the fear and hysteria and introduced some rational thought to the conversation.
all Trump supporters say that when an interviewer doesn't share their opinion😂😂😂if he had done the same thing but instead loved trump you wouldn't have a problem
I despise Trump, he is a threat to the independance of my country, what did you get that from you idiot? My point was about this "Hassan" character not going into this interview to listen to what Chomsky has to say but to have someone who agrees with him. When Chomsky dosent share his views in the small areas of disagreement he immediately tries to guide Chomsky to the answer he wants to hear.
while Mr. Hasan is, apparently, a competent journalist, his attempts at brow beating Mr. Chomsky into agreeing with his sensational statements was just embarrassing to watch. Get it together Al-Jazeera, you're better than this.
Well, I actually agree with Mr. Hasan on several points. I just don't think shrieking about them like a seven year old girl is a dignified way to draw attention to the issues. The middle of this video was fine. We shouldn't need to look beyond factual information as rational adults. What do you think?
Really? They're that bad? Whom would you suggest instead? I don't usually trust filthy rich people from anywhere..they tend to see everyone else as cattle. Obviously, I'm no expert on Arabic media, so who's better?
The best interviewer in my lifetime. I will take him interview anyone at anytime. He does not talk too much but he will not let someone meander or spew outlandish lies. Nothing wrong here.
What is he supposed to do; agree with Chomsky all the way through, and not challenge him on anything? Especially his broadly paranoid pronouncements that standing up to Russia equals death, and that Russia has No expansionist intentions?
yeah. yeah. whatever. at least chomsky is here, allowed to talk about a variety of important issues. i actually enjoy the interviewers cutoff's .. KEEP IT BRIEF AND TO THE POINT NOAM.YER NEVER TO OLD TO LEARN THE VALUE OF BREVITY. esp. on a major network interview .short attention spans out here in listener land.
Jon Davidson how about the greater Israel plan,,,,ggl it,,,,doesnt Israel have expansionist plans.Doesnt a fractured n depopulated Iraq n Syria suit them.
Horrible interviewer and editing... Doesn't allow Chomsky to fully interpret his thoughts, and at times the editors have clearly cut Chomsky mid thought... as for the interviewer, clearly biased and whenever Chomsky tries to point out an argument, the editors have suddenly cut him off. What a horrible interview.
I've seen about three interviews with this interviewer, and he's by far the must painfully stupid yet still informed person on the planet. If you want a good laugh, watch him freak out during his Richard Dawkins interview. In place of arguments or intelligent questions, he just asks the same question with an angry face.
Chomsky has previously written statements consistent with many of the interviewer's questions. Part of an interviewer's job is to guide the conversation, and clarify the interviewee's positions on all the questions they have. This interviewer definitely had a different style, but many would say some US cable news anchors don't interrupt and clarify enough.
So proud of Noam who repeatedly had to side step to get his ideas across to an interviewer who only seemed to want his own ideas validated - love u noam
Why is this journalist fear-mongering and comes to the interview with a preconceived notion as to what Naom would say when his job requires him to be objective and rational?
Well read the title. Noam Chomsky has decades worth of information and analysis. So the point is to get his opinion. I think the problem is that you done like what Noam Chomsky is saying.
jeez, this guy keeps trying to get Chomsky to say what he doesnt want to say. "Trump is Hitler","Putin is dangerous","why is Trump pro Russia", etc. Talk about an agendised interview."So people in Crimea have nothing to fear from Donald Trump?". this is a ridiculous interview. i expect this from American grandstand reporting; Al Jazeera used to be more independant.
I'm sorry but I don't agree, the reporter do that to all his "guests", independent of there political or religious backgrounds. I used to think the same as you, but after I watch several enterviews I changed my mind. It's all about the the way the "guest" defend it's argument, if I is coherent, the reporter will look like an hater (this video is a good example). If is not, the reporter will brilliantly destroy is argument.
We in Australia have seen a couple of their sleazy tactical reporting techniques in the last few weeks leading up to the Australian Elections. They are another left leaning predictable news service. No different to CNN CBS FOX ABC and all the pro Islam perspective and agenda.
The interviewer is alert and makes some good points, but you just shouldn't interrupt the person you're interviewing so much. Noam Chomsky is a thoughtful speaker and thinker he isn't interested in giving quick soundbytes and the viewers would rather hear him continue his points. Just keep that in mind for next time to wait a little longer for Professor Chomsky to finish his points before pushing the dialogue towards another question
Stupid, uneducated, unprincipled man who took all of this personally and he's not an American. I would have loved to have heard more about what his thoughts were on International situations and not the bs emotions of that moronic interviewer.
He "interviewer" wants his own opinions to be spewed out of Chomsky's mouth. I just wish Chomsky was 20yrs younger and had the time, will and energy to shut this fool down.
Great little expose on Chomsky. www.corbettreport.com/episode-285-meet-noam-chomsky-academic-gatekeeper/ Please tell me what you thought of the report.
jason appleton come on man! take off the tin foil hat and let's dissect the facts shall we? a healthy dose of skepticism will not kill you i promise. heck, i defend the fed as i'd defend a tumor which removed would instantly kill the patient. and i saw the other points too. and no, there is no evidence of 9 11 being a bush plot. in fact all scientific arguments contradict physics manuals published prior to 9 11 😀
Although he probably doesn't want to cut Noam off in his sentences, he does have a schedule to keep and a small time slot, if it were up to him he'd talk to Noam for alot longer.
Chomsky is a brilliant and descent human being I have corresponded with him since 2009 he is a very kind man and lifelong learner. Listen to him my fellow Americans he is doing what he can to bring rationality to our irrational politics and culture.
My personal view is that the DNC is to blame for Trump's ascendancy; making Hillary Clinton the Democratic nominee was inexcusable. I could NOT vote for her, just as I could NOT vote for Donald Trump. I was left with no feasible choice, and I refuse to entertain the 'lesser of two evils' argument. If faced with a similar dilemma in the future, I will again vote for a candidate who stands no chance.
But how can you say that when even though both were terrible, the degree of terribleness was significantly different? You contributed to the fact that Clinton lost, and if you had helped her win, you might've been one step closer to getting to choose who you actually wanted in office later. Now? Not so much.
Yes, the DNC was partly to blame for Trump's ascendancy, but to reduce it to that is simplistic. I think Chomsky made a very strong case for strategic support of Clinton in swing states only (on other occasions he has said those in red or blue states should vote for Stein). As bad as Clinton was, the fact remains that the with her election the human race still would have had a fighting chance to avoid catastrophic global burning. Due to Trump's victory, that possibility has become considerably more remote. Today it was announced that arctic temperatures ate 20 degrees C above normal levels for this time of year. This has the potential to trigger negative feedback loops that could have a profound and irreversible effect on global ecosystems very soon.
all the DNC has now to sell is fear - fear of the extreme republican party, if it can even be called a political party anymore. i disagree with you though. playing russian roulette with the world's most powerful country in order to make a statement against a candidate you dont like isnt rational, it's childish and naive.
Ryan B my lord..this is insane. As a journalist I would definitely be a bit nervous with Noam C. but this is outrageous and so speculative. I feel bad for Chomsky really. Also fundamental lack of respect by interrupting that way. Nothing wrong in 'interrupting' the interviewee but there are other more professional ways of doing it. Discomfort is the word here.
valentina, and ryan B, oh come on don't tell me you've never seen this type of thing before: bring a guest on, and basically run a narrative while obtaining a few endorsing sound bites from the guest. Really? Never noticed it before?
Medhi Hassan - a "journalist" who works for Aljazeera. In almost every interview video I have seen of Medhi's, he shows such a clear bias, asks loaded questions, interrupts the speaker when the conversation heads in an undesirable direction for his narrative... Basically he is one of the most fundamentally corrupted journalists have encountered. Nothing but pure propaganda, or more accurately said, failed propaganda, since Noam does such a good job of deflecting his loaded questions. I would pay to have Medhi never make another video again, his "journalism" disgusts me so much.
Chomsky's commentary is simply beyond the comprehension of the Trump voters, a substantial minority of America. They need not watch what they do not understand. It agitates them for reasons they know not what. Trump, for his own part, should watch this as a valuable primer of some foreign policy issues he will face as President. He may appreciate the enlightened appraisal.
+Jim Doe - TH-cam comment sections are once more full of there full-throated dummy dum dum pride and stupidity. They were living lives of quiet frustration for a few years, and now they are emboldened to roar with new vomit speech. It was nice, while it lasted… However, they are in the minority, and still wrong, and still really really stupid, so they cannot last forever. Demographic trends are not on their side either.
Demographics not long ago were firmly on the side of flat earth argument. Thanks to academics like Chomsky and the education system demographics lean in the same direction. The earth is warm,....no,no,no is climate change...Diversity also help. Importing plants and animals decimated New Zealand indigenous flora and fauna the same way is decimating the indigenous population in Sweden, France and Germany.
The minute Noam Chomsky opens his mouth Trump would be totally lost as he already is. Trump knows not and he knows not that he knows not, and that my friends makes for a very dangerous person. God Bless America
Have to say I first came across Noam Chomsky’s ideology whilst at University. I love his way of thinking and his humbleness in how he responds to questioning on any given topics. A Calm Cool and collected scholar who definitely knows what he is talking about. Respect ✊🏽 Mr Chomsky!
Every interview with this linguistic is an opportunity to get an intelligent commentary on the modern world. Noam Chomsky is looking fragile so who knows how many opportunities there will be. This interviewer gave little space for Noam to talk. Terrible waste.
can you tell me why you think this is fake news?? I'm from Ireland so the term isn't really frequent use here, so I'm actually genuinely interested as to why u think its fake news?? like how so,/why??
Why was there so many comments bashing the interviewer? He did a great job. It's an interview, not a lecture. His job is to ask questions and challenge noam, and he did so, and he did it with respect. Which makes sense, because he obviously admires chomsky.
No, as an interviewer, he's supposed to put forward the opposite view to challenge the guest so they have a chance to prove that opposite view wrong. That's what a good interviewer does, doesn't mean he believes what he says in the question.
Wow, it’s like Noam had a Crystal Ball 🔮! He is so brilliant it’s insane. He is truly a National Treasure. Thank you, Noam, for all your lifetime contributions to our world. There’s no one like you! We need you to live until you’re 150, at least...
Please allow Noam to finish his sentences. We are actually interested in what he has to say.....
My feelings exactly Taunny.
Agree! Very noticeable
I agree but there's only so much time and that's a luxury @ this time.
@Sam Style Style well put. 👍
Taunny Lippiatt he’s got a lot of questions to pack within a 30 minute window.
Watching it 7 years after: what a great wisdom! Such a pity that there are very few of such minds in the USA
This trump era will surely prove what Noam predicted
Noam Chomsky is such a legend. He can deliver the most amazing points with the calmest demeanour.
He questioned the integrity of the information at the time especially due to the American propaganda in the national news. He did not deny they took place when better information became available. In Manufacturing Consent (Documentary 1993) he clearly acknowledges the genocide.
***** There's a difference between the belief that the genocide was fake and an image was being used as propaganda. If my memory serves correct, there was an investigation on the image you mention and it was deemed as most-likely fake. That DOES NOT mean that the genocide did not take place.
***** I don't think he is distinctly anti-west or anti-American. I think he is just anti-centralized power. He is not taking away the blame of these attacks. He is rationalizing why they are occurring. That does not mean they are justified, but it gives context and meaning. He is certainly not a Jihad sympathizer (or Russian or Bosnian, etc).
***** I don't believe that is his world view. He acknowledges that the USA's interventionist tactics have directed us to what we are experiencing now, but to say that he believes it is completely the fault of the US is not true. The problems between the US and Islam is far too complicated to boil down to blaming one side. And that is not to say ISIS/traditionalists are at all justified in their beliefs. Any logical person would denounce their way of politics.
***** I don't think there is anything wrong with blaming radical Islam for terrorist attacks and much of the problems in the Middle East. However, that doesn't change the fact the US foreign policy has helped shape the Middle East as we see it today.
I actually liked how confrontational the interviewer was, it just demonstrated that Noam Chomsky can remain articulate and level headed in the face of contrary opinions. He doesn't need someone to agree with everything he says in order to make his point.
👍If only there were more people like Prof Noam Chomsky.
"People say many things. I look at the facts." 😂
Chomsky is very sensitive to the tender sensibilities of the Kremlin.
Lol, “marxist”. Someone’s clearly uneducated.
"He said that and everything else he could think of."
Really wished the interviewer let him finish when he was talking about Russia's reaction to Ukraine's coup
That's how my mind works. I wish there were more. Not that I'm comparing myself to the Noam.
I love how Chomsky knows EXACTLY the point someone wants him to make, and how he so skillfully avoids making any point(s) other than those he actually believes/knows to be true. I have never seen someone so calmly unwilling to agree for the sake of agreement. IT GETS ME FREAKIN PUMPED
Nothing worst than an interviewer who asks questions with that condescending way of trying to force the interviewee to conform to their views.
It is an islam-fundamentalist type of "interview".
+Jolly first he quotes Noam, then asks a question.I dont see what's wrong with that. Sounds logical to me.Get over your phobias already.
amanda miller What exactly does a white supremacist look like?
To you they look like a man of mixed heritage with glasses and facial hair. If that's all the criteria you need to call someone a white supremacist then you've made your opinion invalid.
It's Arabic propaganda...what did you expect?
Prof. Chomsky sticks to reason during this interview by Al Jazeera. He has been through verbal battles like this many times in his life and he is not budging an inch.
Noam sees through all the smoke and mirrors. A man of clearest vision.
He is boring and ads nothing new or good to the present issues.
He is a very intelligent man.
What a horrible interviewer.
Fred Azbell he is an obsolete anachronism.
He is alive and well & he articulates the present situation just as clearly and freshly as he ever has. He continues to educate.
As a tip for the future, please stop cutting off the person you are interviewing. I know you want to have a conversation, but people want to listen to him. It's disrupting and bothersome, I don't know if I will finish the video now. Also, it seems rude to do to anyone, especially someone who is so established, (regardless of what you think of his views)
I mean the criticism all constructively by the way.
Interviewers tend to forget the meaning of the word "interview". Inter-view: an exchange of views between 2 or more parties.
Most interviews look like a police interrogation or a cross-examination.
The guests should have the freedom to explore their thoughts. Yes, at some point the interviewer has to change the course of the conversation but that should be done at a considerate time.
vacomments I couldn't agree more.
I so agree. I scrolled down to the comments to see if anyone else was as irritated by this interviewer constantly interrupting Noam Chomsky as I was. I doubt I'll watch the rest either.
I completely agree. I can't finish watching this interview. Take a cold shower and let your guest speak.
"Sends Twitters at 3am." Noam, you are so adorable. All jokes aside, I respect this man so much.
Lol yeah he is a nice old man. Gotta love him.
he loved hugo chavez so much too
@@RawOlympia Nothing wrong with that.
Calm down buddy, you are not having a drunken discussion on politics at a noisy bar, you are interviewing one of the greatest living intellectuals.
The interviewer is good for interviewing faceless politicians and dubious people. He does not have temperament or manners to talk to Noam Chomsky.
Or intelligence, it appears. He's not a good journalist at all.
Haha, you don"t even know who's that guy! He's a great intellectual and debater, as he agreed beforehand with Noam on answering questions briefly, since Noam would talk forever about one point, as Hassan's goal is to answer all questions within time.
@@Mannazify Interviewer is too pre-occupied with demonstrating his so called journalistic credentials; fails miserably at the feet of an eminently titan intellect
@@tarekbouabdallah6914 Chomsky has never been about what he calls "concision". He has talked publicly about it a number of times and partially contributes his lack of it as one reason they don't ask him on television. If you've listened to any of his talks or interviews, you would not expect him to quickly answer a set of questions on a schedule. If Hasan had done a bit of research on who he was about to interview, he would have known this.
Really? Really? Really?
This interviewer is trying so hard to milk any critisism he can and changes the subject when I looks like Noam will disagree with his points. Sad.
Medhi Hassan fancies himself as an intellectual.
yes, I'm disappointed too. Al Jazeera has (up to this interview) been much more objective. This interviewer is clearly biased against trump.
Agreed. I see this as a continuation of the media's scope of attack prior to the election. Noam isn't the great authority that people want to make him out to be. He's been way off track on issues before. He is however a compassionate man in general. It's that aspect of his character that draws people.
One thing that I took note of in particular was Noam's comment that journalists should be protected. Fine, no problem.....now define what constitutes a journalist. Many of those in the cable news media don't meet the grade. the interviewer in this video is questionable as to his qualifications.
My thoughts exactly.
Michael The interviewer is running over that old man. The man can hardly speak.
Noam chomsky should be in every TV News channel!!
truth is not allowed.....which is exactly why controlled opposition trump was given 24/7 coverage!;(
***** We agree on truth thing. But I wonder if you would change your mind when you know that Prof.Chomsky called Trump a clowned.
***** No, you just reject inconvenient truths. LoL....'you bare make sense'? grammar is not your strong suit, and clearly reading and comprehension isn't either! It's quite obvious that you need to wiseUp dude!!
Meanwhile, america now has a pesident-elect with the intellect of a base 3 yr old.."I have the best words" LMAO. The 'tremendously' great dumbing down is now complete!
***** Supporter of trump? You really have zero comprehension skills. LoL....and you are such a cliche of the typical sad little ytuber responses. Did you copy and paste all that??
Instead of debating trump being controlled opposition or addressing Abolish; you took the usual pathetic escape route > defensive insults due to your fragile little ego suffering from blind rage because you misunderstand things;)
Good you have better things to do....so I don't expect anymore nonsense from you:))!
I agree with Dr. Chomsky about everything but the US assassination campaign. It is not designed to terrify a population, but rather to disorganize the terrorist organizations that DO commit acts designed to sow terror in populations.
Noam Chomsky is a genius. This interview was taken in 2016 and in May 2019 I salute him for his insight.
I note your use of the word genius...and agree with it. Contrast that with Donald Trump who calls himself a stable genius. Intellectually it's like comparing a paper clip to a jumbo jet! Just a thought. Cheers.
He would agree. The arrogance of the tenured and protected academic. If he had to get a real , productive job he'd be on the un-employment line.
@@patriciayeiser6405 ?
Noam Chomsky is famous ... for never being right about anything.
Jp up Hi vo hi hi
This journalist needs to be slapped into showing respect for this great intellectual. You never know, this could be Chomsky's last interview, as he's getting on in age, obviously.
Chompsky probably stinks quite badly cause he is physically decaying which usually starts after people die rather than before. Chompsky is technically the same as if he has been dead for 3 months.
No, I agree; he's a shallow, disrespectful, CNN-type "journalist", who was also incredibly rude to Jill Stein. I was looking forward to watching this, until I realized he was conducting the interview.
Really, not being white and showing the audacity to interview, to be a journalist, really to exist
+Lahori Baba nothing in this video indicates that the interviewer is a muslim
Ashley McKee you like submission, eh?
the interviewer does not realize how he is interrupting a great mind and so dumbing down the interview
Kate Eccles sadly he does realise, it's his style when interviewing anyone. He likes to think he's the 'great' reporter fighting his guests to ensure they don't wriggle out of answering his questions. His ego is bigger than his i.q. So he ends up getting in the way of some great answers from his guests in this and other interviews.
The interviewer is impatiently trying to goad a specific response from Chomsky. He'll never get it. Chomsky's always five moves ahead.
Brent Pulford Chomsky is also far more polite than the interviewer even when he replies 'no' it's with a polite tone. All the interviewer seems to want is a sensationalist reply rather than an intellectual reasoned one
Used to think that, too. Chomsky thinks we should've voted for HRC...yeah, we're done. *Chomsky who?*
***** It's just a sad state of affairs to see folks I really thought were smart throw their lot in with Failed Secretary Clinton, and her love of regime change :(
Noam Chomsky stays classy despite this rude interviewer
mr. Basedooof
Agree. the interviewer has a very disrespectful and arrogant tone.
@stephen glover cutting off people is just asking questions? Ok.
@synchromorph and hwen you're playing devil's advocate you can't be rude? That's news to me!
@synchromorph i hope you feel like you're right now
Noam Chomsky is 90 and one of the few people in the world that's irreplaceable. He's sharper and smarter than so many people 70-years younger than him.
I suspect he is replaceable. Everyone is. He would agree that he is 'sharper and smarter; that so many people. That kind of hubris eventually trips you up.
Because they are too young to be knowledgable. :D
I am also irreplaceable, I have very original and unique DNA.
willl 88 he is an anarcho-syndicalist you dumbass
In general older people are wiser but they are also better liers. Noam created a hateful distorsion of the reality a became very good at it. Chomsky and Bill Gates together would wipe out half of the world population.
listening to Chomsky is one of the greatest intellectual pleasures in the world.
These interviews were timely and highly educational. Having
said that the interviewers needs
To be more respectful and needs to shut up and stop
Cutting in......😁
Yeah, but you are a mindless, easily led, barely sentient drone.
Why so many interruptions? Mr. Chomsky cannot finish his thoughts
Chomsky did put the interviewer on the spot when the interviewer wanted to get Chomsky to agree what he would 'miss' Obama. Really overall a biased interview. Painfully obvious to see the interviewer also label the Iran deal as 'positive'. Al Jazirra, if you want to be objective you have to do better than this.
andromeda space I totally agree! I was yelling through the entire interview "LET HIM FINISH!"
welcome to wahhabist-funded saudi propaganda, also known as sunni muslim TV or Al-Jazeera
Not at all, it's partly funded by the Qatari royal family, and editorially it is often very opposed to the Saudis, who in fact pressure advertisers to avoid the station. It is against Wahhabi orthodoxy..
sources? i dont buy a single word of that unless proven otherwise
besides the Qatari are in league with the Saudi and the effort to overthrow Assad in Syria is the result of their push for a trans-arabic pipeline going all the way from their own territory into Europe
The interviewer is going about this all wrong. He needs to ask questions from an objective perspective, not one based on pre-conceived opinions.
_"How worried should we be?"_
_"How worried are you?"_
_"Trump is so _*_bad_*_ in this and that; that's not how it should be isn't it?"_
How about "what are your opinions on this" or "how do you feel about this"?
*"Ask yourself only what are the facts and what is the truth that the facts bear out. Never let yourself be diverted either by what you wish to believe, or by what you think would have beneficent social effects if it were believed."* - Bertrand Russell
The media has really deteriorated across the board, and this election has shown this very well. Because it is corporate owned, it fails to be objective, as corporations have a stake in outcomes. It's really abysmal.
Then get your pown television show and interview Mr. Chomsky.
***** Sorry, unnoticed typo.
X-MISMA-X How unrealistic. As citizens it's good to criticize the centers of power, especially the media. If it's broken we the citizenry should be observant enough to notice this and take remedies. Sadly, your one-liners re evidence of your inability to understand this.
I for one am relieved that a news source finally seems to be calling a spade a spade and is stopping the false equivalency. Trump is scary, unpredictable, unqualified, and is appointing white supremacists to the highest offices of government. I'm glad they wasted no time in getting to the point.
I could listen to Noams voice all day.... comforting intelligent and articulate. What a great mind.
Sensationalist media interviewing a serious intellectual. Chomsky is schooling him 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Both are just Trump bashers . unpredictably is Trump's strong point . He even bashes Kennedy . Russia never started a war against other nations of power. Old hot air bag .
Only because mainstream media won't talk to him because he is critical of Israel's genocide in the region. All are beholden to the Zionists who run everything. Even Fox, as controlled opposition. Not long ago, Hannity went on a bizarre rapid fire pro Israel rant. It was disgusting and cringe worthy to the extreme. Hannity takes his orders from those that pay his wages.
@@robertkramarek6993 Kennedy imposed a brutal military dictatorship to my country, he died before doing it but he made the plan and Johnson continued.
Hopefully he'll paid close attention 🙄
I don't think I've ever heard more leading questions in a single half hour of my life.
Dave Kargol its not American court with a lawyer doing direct examination you moron, it's a interview.
Just watch a congressional hearing you'll see nothing but leading statements disguised as questions.
i came here because my psychology history textbook talked about this guy. woow. this guy has contributed a lot. i'm glad he's still alive and kicking
What a totally biased interviewer,you will never get Chomsky to say what he doesn't think!
Wish we could say that about Trump.
Americans are lucky to have a President with a backbone. He may be rough round the edges but he gets the job done,2020 Will be a walk over.
Mehdi isnt biased .. you are ..
@@AngloSupreme// Your name reflects some of the arguments against genetic interference.
Kumarrohit Mishra Mehdi Hasan isn’t biased ?!?!? LOL !!! I want some of what you’re smoking!!!
The interviewer is so agitated, but Chomskys calmness sort of save the show
You prefer calm shows? You like calm discussions? You think someone getting passionate "ruins" a show? I bet you love the Fireplace Channel -- nice and calm, smooth, easy. Boring.
Daebak69 Well calm discussions tend to be more logical and objective.
Professor Chomsky is many things, but if one pays attention he's never boring.
Yes, it went off the rail in the middle bit, but everything with chomsky was great.
Chomsky isn;t calm. He is just intellectually bankrupt and has been for years.
What an absolutely intolerable interviewer. Thankfully Chomsky calmly and patiently corrects him after his many poorly posed questions and assumptions.
Charlie Andor This guy is like this in all his interviews, he’s a fear mongering idiot; just on the left instead of the right.
@@jasonpenny1578 Stupid reason u got there.
Mehdi is one of the better journalist but his style is more suited for the usual scummy, lying politicians than for a brilliant intellectual like Chomsky.
I suspect that part of the issue with this interview is that the host wants quick soundbites for complex answers - he's not going to get that from Chomsky. Secondly, Chomsky doesn't tolerate false assumptions or misinformation, he will correct any interviewer as we saw in this segment. Thirdly, it's this interviewer's style - very quick, aggressive and tends to ask leading questions. That's fine when dealing w/ a shifty politician, but Chomsky never dodges, he always replies with an answer, often supported w/ facts.
Chomsky is a great thinker and speaker, whether one agrees with him or not. This interviewer is really annoying in the way he interviewed Chomsky - pushy and borderline disrespectful with many leading questions.
innertubez not a fantastic interviewer.
Interrupting him constantly. But that's the nature of T.V. currently. Has to be fast and furious and sensational.
Totally agree. Chomsky is brilliant. Let him talk.
Choam Nomsky is so wrong about Iran. He doesn't know the country. He can talk about things he doesn't know about so arrogantly.
agreed. Great thinker, bad interviewer.
"Noam Chomsky, I've invited you here today to make self-important statements showing how brilliant I am, ending each one with, 'Don't you agree?' so it seems like I'm interviewing you, rather than making a stream-of-consciousness speech. Don't you agree?"
interviewer: how worried are you about blah blah blah, Noam: not really... love it
Let Chomsky speak, being rude to him with the interruptions is awful. Chomsky will tell the facts if you just let him.
the Interviewer is pushing some kind of agenda....Chomsky knows what he is talking about.....Metalmogul46..dude you're right...let him Speak
I noticed that too, interrupting a trivial run on guest is one thing, but for a thoughtful well spoken guest such herding behavior is an affront, the interviewer does not seem able to appreciate the high quality of the responses he's receiving, its as if he has an agenda he is nervously pursuing and is therefore not really listening the the response but wants to hurry to the next leading question in order to maintain a certain level of control.
Well said.
that's because the interviewer is basically a right wing crypto-theocratist , a believeing Muslim with an agenda of his own too. he should really be the one interviewed .
Chomsky is the man. But, I'm glad I'm not the only who can't stand this reporter!
Can't watch, the interviewer is annoying
Isn't it Mehdi Hassan?
That's really what spoilt it for me. You couldn't think of a more annoying interviewer.
The best way to "talk" to prof Chomsky is to listen.
The show needed to answer a set of questions, and Mahdi made it in time, he was professional!
@@tarekbouabdallah6914 You are right, depending on the way you define "professional".
@willl 88 some people liked it!
Mehdi Hassan keeps thinking we want to hear what he has to say... constantly interrupting the guest. Terrible.
the reporter is trying so hard to make chomsky say anything that would be perceived as agreeing with the reporters ideology... but chomsky is the man and just shuts it down hahahaha
The worst thing about him is that he thinks he is really British.
By birth, yes. Are you British, with a Turkish name?
whiff1962 Sorry, being born in Europe doesn't make you European. Europeans are white. And no I am not British.
Amir Ostad Could a Jew be a Brit? Trick question, careful, Sahib.
The fact that this got so many views within one day tells me how excited everyone was to finally hear Chomsky speak about our dear old President-elect
To the interviewer, when you are conversing with a Wise Man, speak seldom, listen intently, and don't interrupt his stream of consciousness with your limited understanding. In other words, why block the blessing.
You don't know him so take down Notch with your self righteousness
He better Interviewing bad men and women of the world than wise man
Because he himself is Wise man and Blessed man
@Dimitri. L. Clark. Word!
@@truthseekeralways7050 സ്വ്ബൻ
I was introduced to Mr Noam Chomsky some 15 years ago whilst studying abroad in South Carolina and I've been a huge fan ever since. He represents an intellect and insight that is rare and far between in this day and age.What a gem!!
Go join the kkk then
He's a Zionist pig
Wow someone is pushing their personal opinion on the guest
I was gonna say exactly the same thing.
Agreed! Listening to the host is pretty irritating. I'm only enduring it because I want to hear what Mr. Chomsky is saying.
Noam did fine. Don't worry about it.
Yeah, well, they ALL have a bias against anyone who doesn't toe the ZIONIST party line. It's Al Jazeera for Chrissakes.
@@bronwindraney5111 It is incredible how ignorant people are, they come to this channel and expect to see Mr Mehdi Hasan to behave any different than ever before, Chomsky knows him already and that has always been his style.
Even though I don't usually agree with Chomsky, you have to say that he's a very rational person. His responses are really rational. We simply don't know what Trump will do and people who claim to know are lying.
That makes you irrational. Congratulations.
***** It does not. I think his reasoning his rational in regards to Trump.
Revelino 7 Re-read what I wrote. I said he's rational in regards to his response to Trump, not when it comes to everything else.
***** I agree. I'm not a leftist really, but I think he's right about a few things and this is definitely one of them.
Lets ask Maurice Strong if Global Warming is REAL, shall we? Chomsky in my eyes is just more controlled opposition. There is controlled opposition EVERYWHERE, will NOT trust a HOPE.
Maybe consider letting your interviewees finish their responses before interrupting with a new question.
I think he did a good job, I have a friend with great insight but drones on and needs direction. Noam is guilty of being a complete bore in vocals even when he is spitting out golden logic.
turning up the mic input would help
How is he going to get the propaganda across if his guests are to be listened too though?
Maybe you should stick with watching Jenna Marbles and Vines.
That's all a matter of perspective, Charismatic speaking is dangerous to the human mind anyways, that aside how can someone be bored during golden logic? I'm not sure myself...
It was funny seeing the interviewer trying to bait Mr Chomsky to try and take the direction and position on issues that the interviewer wanted, and desperately trying to put words into his mouth. And Mr. Chomsky gently refusing the bait. Mr.Chomsky didn't show anger or showed that he was belittled by that act. Loved the way he gently and simply made his point with logic. I also really respected how he did not make doomsday or bombastic conclusions to any of the major issues that were discussed
this host keeps trying to put words into chomskys mouth.
Yeah he just weaves the answer right into the "question".
Yeah, it's Mehdi Hassan. The same one that Richard Dawkins ridiculed at an Oxford Union interview for believing that Mohammed literally flew to heaven on a winged horse. He's quite articulate, but clearly biased in favour of his muppet beliefs.
Matt S. He’s exactly that guy! Completely naive and biased
greeneyez4u411 or anyone else he interviews
This was a great video. Why? I've never seen such a case where the interviewee calmly got his point across on every topic in spite of countless attempts on the part of the interviewer to steer answers in a certain direction. It would have been a disaster if Chomsky had been flustered into losing track of his points and led off topic, but he did not and thus was able to give his clear nuanced view of the world.
Noam is the grandfather I've always yearned for. I wish he'd live for many more years.
Go cheer on how Kennedy got killed then, yankee
I literally searched for Noam Chomsky after seeing an old interview done back in the 80's and I think that interviewer did a better job with letting him talk than what happened here..
This interviewer has a crazy agenda it's the agenda of the neocon swamp. Now he works for MSNBC.
The interviewer seems pretty dense.
He did fine. He asked questions about real issues and concerns that are out there. This was a good interview because it answered to a lot of the fear and hysteria and introduced some rational thought to the conversation.
Noah Bromarf That is an interviewers job, dude. Mehdi Hassan always asks question in an assertive way.
90 people, so far, disagree with you. Sorry.
all Trump supporters say that when an interviewer doesn't share their opinion😂😂😂if he had done the same thing but instead loved trump you wouldn't have a problem
I despise Trump, he is a threat to the independance of my country, what did you get that from you idiot? My point was about this "Hassan" character not going into this interview to listen to what Chomsky has to say but to have someone who agrees with him. When Chomsky dosent share his views in the small areas of disagreement he immediately tries to guide Chomsky to the answer he wants to hear.
I am not even a Trump supporters and I'm annoyed by the blatant bias coming from this "journalist".
AdultsSwim1 everyone is
I call BS. You're a Deplorable in Disguise.
what is he saying that isnt true?
He’s full of s@@t I can see right through the bias this old guy does not have the answers just speculation
while Mr. Hasan is, apparently, a competent journalist, his attempts at brow beating Mr. Chomsky into agreeing with his sensational statements was just embarrassing to watch. Get it together Al-Jazeera, you're better than this.
Well, I actually agree with Mr. Hasan on several points. I just don't think shrieking about them like a seven year old girl is a dignified way to draw attention to the issues. The middle of this video was fine. We shouldn't need to look beyond factual information as rational adults. What do you think?
Really? They're that bad? Whom would you suggest instead? I don't usually trust filthy rich people from anywhere..they tend to see everyone else as cattle. Obviously, I'm no expert on Arabic media, so who's better?
+Enrique Mondragon
*"Get it together Al-Jazeera, you're better than this."*
No, they are not.
There are no good media outlets.
German Realist
true, they are simple a fascistic mouth piece
The best interviewer in my lifetime. I will take him interview anyone at anytime. He does not talk too much but he will not let someone meander or spew outlandish lies. Nothing wrong here.
Aaarrrggghhhh.. Would you please not interrupt all the freakin time!!!
They are both insipid
Noam Chompsky's rotting face shows what a lifetime of hate does your flesh.
He looks like he's been dead for a few months.
You know he's almost 90, right..?
Haha I'm referring to the interviewer :)
@Yappy Raccoon What was it that he was hating?
One of the most brilliant thinker. As long as we have people like him around , our planet will be fit for the human race to prosper.
Blue Butterfly I trust what he says over any president or politician though.
Very educating interview. Noam Chomsky is a very respected academic, with a deep capacity to analysis very complex issues.
Thank you for sharing this wise man’s journey and vision
PLEASE allow Professor Chomsky to respond fully to your questions.
Interviewer has some or all of his opinions coming through his questions. Lame.
typical of a pro-islamic network
What is he supposed to do; agree with Chomsky all the way through, and not challenge him on anything? Especially his broadly paranoid pronouncements that standing up to Russia equals death, and that Russia has No expansionist intentions?
yeah. yeah. whatever. at least chomsky is here, allowed to talk about a variety of important issues. i actually enjoy the interviewers cutoff's .. KEEP IT BRIEF AND TO THE POINT NOAM.YER NEVER TO OLD TO LEARN THE VALUE OF BREVITY. esp. on a major network interview .short attention spans out here in listener land.
Jon Davidson how about the greater Israel plan,,,,ggl it,,,,doesnt Israel have expansionist plans.Doesnt a fractured n depopulated Iraq n Syria suit them.
Isn't that the same guy that was humiliated by Dawkins because he believes in flying donkeys???
Horrible interviewer and editing... Doesn't allow Chomsky to fully interpret his thoughts, and at times the editors have clearly cut Chomsky mid thought... as for the interviewer, clearly biased and whenever Chomsky tries to point out an argument, the editors have suddenly cut him off.
What a horrible interview.
at least he is on al jazeera. just be thankful of that
I've seen about three interviews with this interviewer, and he's by far the must painfully stupid yet still informed person on the planet. If you want a good laugh, watch him freak out during his Richard Dawkins interview. In place of arguments or intelligent questions, he just asks the same question with an angry face.
Oh wow, painful to watch.
what can you expect from a tv station paid for by the same country that pays for the islamic state
Chomsky has previously written statements consistent with many of the interviewer's questions. Part of an interviewer's job is to guide the conversation, and clarify the interviewee's positions on all the questions they have. This interviewer definitely had a different style, but many would say some US cable news anchors don't interrupt and clarify enough.
So proud of Noam who repeatedly had to side step to get his ideas across to an interviewer who only seemed to want his own ideas validated - love u noam
Why is this journalist fear-mongering and comes to the interview with a preconceived notion as to what Naom would say when his job requires him to be objective and rational?
I think the interviewer is only asking what the general populace is probably thinking due to Corporate Media influence.
@Frank Heuvelman culture has nothing to do with Al Jazeera
Well read the title. Noam Chomsky has decades worth of information and analysis. So the point is to get his opinion. I think the problem is that you done like what Noam Chomsky is saying.
A one celled organism interviewing one of the most complex organism on earth.
wasp Ha Ha Ha!! That was RICH! Nail on the head
wasp welcome to the future.
Ok, gotta give it to you, that made me laugh.
wasp lol if you think a communist shill like chumpsky is complex.
You think Noam Chompsky is a communist shill? You of course have evidence and citations for this yeah?
jeez, this guy keeps trying to get Chomsky to say what he doesnt want to say. "Trump is Hitler","Putin is dangerous","why is Trump pro Russia", etc. Talk about an agendised interview."So people in Crimea have nothing to fear from Donald Trump?". this is a ridiculous interview. i expect this from American grandstand reporting; Al Jazeera used to be more independant.
Al Jazeera independent???? not any MORE. Just another of the fake news agencies.
I'm sorry but I don't agree, the reporter do that to all his "guests", independent of there political or religious backgrounds. I used to think the same as you, but after I watch several enterviews I changed my mind.
It's all about the the way the "guest" defend it's argument, if I is coherent, the reporter will look like an hater (this video is a good example). If is not, the reporter will brilliantly destroy is argument.
We in Australia have seen a couple of their sleazy tactical reporting techniques in the last few weeks leading up to the Australian Elections. They are another left leaning predictable news service. No different to CNN CBS FOX ABC and all the pro Islam perspective and agenda.
Update: Australia has voted and went enough to the right to save us for a while longer.
nev mat You do realise what Chomsky’s views are right?
Thank you for sharing this important information
Thanx Noam for all the years of sanity. In this insane world, you have been a great source of truth and light.
Noam is A true pioneer for a brighter future
The interviewer is alert and makes some good points, but you just shouldn't interrupt the person you're interviewing so much. Noam Chomsky is a thoughtful speaker and thinker he isn't interested in giving quick soundbytes and the viewers would rather hear him continue his points. Just keep that in mind for next time to wait a little longer for Professor Chomsky to finish his points before pushing the dialogue towards another question
I didn’t click on this to listen to Noam Chomsky’s responses to Mehdi Hasan’s opinions (framed as questions).
It's quite entertaining to watch tho
Then don't listen and your problem is solved.
Smooth Bobby You’re right. I went full Karen for a minute.
@@johndoe4724 you're a left winger, right? I'm sorry, these comments are confusing me.
What's wrong with these journalists today??? They are all so unprofessional and, worst of all, so biased.
Stupid, uneducated, unprincipled man who took all of this personally and he's not an American. I would have loved to have heard more about what his thoughts were on International situations and not the bs emotions of that moronic interviewer.
He "interviewer" wants his own opinions to be spewed out of Chomsky's mouth. I just wish Chomsky was 20yrs younger and had the time, will and energy to shut this fool down.
bless this man...i dont know what we will do without him
Chomsky is the only person who doesn't bullshit.
Great little expose on Chomsky. www.corbettreport.com/episode-285-meet-noam-chomsky-academic-gatekeeper/ Please tell me what you thought of the report.
jason appleton come on man! take off the tin foil hat and let's dissect the facts shall we? a healthy dose of skepticism will not kill you i promise. heck, i defend the fed as i'd defend a tumor which removed would instantly kill the patient. and i saw the other points too. and no, there is no evidence of 9 11 being a bush plot. in fact all scientific arguments contradict physics manuals published prior to 9 11 😀
you stutter, troll. you posted that bit of tripe already.
Please will the "interviewer", NOT interrupt Chomsky, when he is trying to answer his question.
Although he probably doesn't want to cut Noam off in his sentences, he does have a schedule to keep and a small time slot, if it were up to him he'd talk to Noam for alot longer.
He is clearly trying to push a narrative and get Noam to agree with him.
Chomsky is a brilliant and descent human
being I have corresponded with him since 2009 he is a very kind man and lifelong
learner. Listen to him my fellow Americans he is doing what he can to bring
rationality to our irrational politics and culture.
My personal view is that the DNC is to blame for Trump's ascendancy; making Hillary Clinton the Democratic nominee was inexcusable. I could NOT vote for her, just as I could NOT vote for Donald Trump. I was left with no feasible choice, and I refuse to entertain the 'lesser of two evils' argument. If faced with a similar dilemma in the future, I will again vote for a candidate who stands no chance.
Remove super delegates as a start.
But how can you say that when even though both were terrible, the degree of terribleness was significantly different? You contributed to the fact that Clinton lost, and if you had helped her win, you might've been one step closer to getting to choose who you actually wanted in office later. Now? Not so much.
Yes, the DNC was partly to blame for Trump's ascendancy, but to reduce it to that is simplistic. I think Chomsky made a very strong case for strategic support of Clinton in swing states only (on other occasions he has said those in red or blue states should vote for Stein). As bad as Clinton was, the fact remains that the with her election the human race still would have had a fighting chance to avoid catastrophic global burning. Due to Trump's victory, that possibility has become considerably more remote. Today it was announced that arctic temperatures ate 20 degrees C above normal levels for this time of year. This has the potential to trigger negative feedback loops that could have a profound and irreversible effect on global ecosystems very soon.
Al Dentay ....she got more votes.
all the DNC has now to sell is fear - fear of the extreme republican party, if it can even be called a political party anymore. i disagree with you though. playing russian roulette with the world's most powerful country in order to make a statement against a candidate you dont like isnt rational, it's childish and naive.
I highly value Chomsky's analysis. Hope he remains in good health for a few more years.
Professor Chomsky was looking into the future correctly.
Noam Chomsky seem like a really reasonable and balanced minded person.
I like the way he thinks and he does not follow the media narrative.
This interviewer is not a journalist
Ryan B my lord..this is insane. As a journalist I would definitely be a bit nervous with Noam C. but this is outrageous and so speculative. I feel bad for Chomsky really. Also fundamental lack of respect by interrupting that way. Nothing wrong in 'interrupting' the interviewee but there are other more professional ways of doing it. Discomfort is the word here.
valentina, and ryan B, oh come on don't tell me you've never seen this type of thing before: bring a guest on, and basically run a narrative while obtaining a few endorsing sound bites from the guest. Really? Never noticed it before?
pigeon, you said it. Journalism in the mainstream has been obsolete a while now.
Medhi Hassan - a "journalist" who works for Aljazeera. In almost every interview video I have seen of Medhi's, he shows such a clear bias, asks loaded questions, interrupts the speaker when the conversation heads in an undesirable direction for his narrative... Basically he is one of the most fundamentally corrupted journalists have encountered. Nothing but pure propaganda, or more accurately said, failed propaganda, since Noam does such a good job of deflecting his loaded questions. I would pay to have Medhi never make another video again, his "journalism" disgusts me so much.
what I wouldn't give for the opportunity to sit down with Noam and talk about politics, history and foreign affairs.
Chomsky's name is in Epstien's address book.
He hung out with woodie Allen as well
Be polite and quiet and and let your guest speak!!
R shir Well it is HIS show...
Noam's being interviewed.
so he doesn't need a guest!He can talk for ever and we ignore him! u have missunderstood the role of the host and/or a civilized person.
R shir man was thinking the same thing
The interviewer was extremely irritating, his questions revealing his radical left views.
does it also show your right wing views ?
Chomsky's commentary is simply beyond the comprehension of the Trump voters, a substantial minority of America. They need not watch what they do not understand. It agitates them for reasons they know not what. Trump, for his own part, should watch this as a valuable primer of some foreign policy issues he will face as President. He may appreciate the enlightened appraisal.
+Jim Doe - TH-cam comment sections are once more full of there full-throated dummy dum dum pride and stupidity. They were living lives of quiet frustration for a few years, and now they are emboldened to roar with new vomit speech. It was nice, while it lasted… However, they are in the minority, and still wrong, and still really really stupid, so they cannot last forever. Demographic trends are not on their side either.
Demographics not long ago were firmly on the side of flat earth argument. Thanks to academics like Chomsky and the education system demographics lean in the same direction. The earth is warm,....no,no,no is climate change...Diversity also help. Importing plants and animals decimated New Zealand indigenous flora and fauna the same way is decimating the indigenous population in Sweden, France and Germany.
The minute Noam Chomsky opens his mouth Trump would be totally lost as he already is. Trump knows not and he knows not that he knows not, and that my friends makes for a very dangerous person. God Bless America
I wish he would stop interrupting Chomsky.
Have to say I first came across Noam Chomsky’s ideology whilst at University. I love his way of thinking and his humbleness in how he responds to questioning on any given topics. A Calm
Cool and collected scholar who definitely knows what he is talking about. Respect ✊🏽 Mr Chomsky!
You do know he's a genocide denier right?
Every interview with this linguistic is an opportunity to get an intelligent commentary on the modern world. Noam Chomsky is looking fragile so who knows how many opportunities there will be.
This interviewer gave little space for Noam to talk. Terrible waste.
@ years on from your comment and the swamp is about to be drained. THE TRUMP PLAN.
STOP INTERRUPTING! Let him finish an answer, if you ask a question.
Its not real news anymore. This interview is a perfect example of why its fake news now.
always was fake news..... you just started to see it
Explain why you say it is fake news. Do you mean that you disagree ?
can you tell me why you think this is fake news?? I'm from Ireland so the term isn't really frequent use here, so I'm actually genuinely interested as to why u think its fake news?? like how so,/why??
Amazing interviewee. Awful interviewer.
lol he believes that Mohammed flew on a horse to heaven. smh.
Well, it's Al Jazeera, not exactly a citadel of objective reporting.
Mike Browne only Hareetz is
Sam s still better than ANY US corp media.
Donald Trump your stupidity is amazing
Noam Chomsky is a genius and needs to be listened to ! His education, experience and intelligence is the best we have…❤
Terribly rude interviewer.
"first of all we don't know what's in his mind ... I suspect HE doesn't know what's in his mind.
i love how on point he always is
Of course
Chomsky is a brilliant mind. Read : Who Rules the World? None of US channels has ever invited him! Amazing to me!
I have that book! I can only read about 3 pages at a time because it makes my head spin. Great book!
He's not surprised, never has been.
.....one of the greatest minds in the current world! Read Who Rules the World!
@Ethan Snyder I do
Thanks for posting.
Please stick with us for a while longer, Noam. We'll need your sober analysis in the coming years!
As always, I thank you Noam Chomsky!!ana maria
Why was there so many comments bashing the interviewer? He did a great job. It's an interview, not a lecture. His job is to ask questions and challenge noam, and he did so, and he did it with respect. Which makes sense, because he obviously admires chomsky.
I like the honesty and the brilliance of this man!
Interviewer fails to bully or bait Chomsky. Score: Chomsky 1, Interviewer 0
You just don't get it. Interviewer already has books and articles on the matter, but his job there was to get Noam's view on some matters.
Shut up and let him speak.
The interviewer thinks his opinion matters more than Chomsky's
Mehdi Hassan did the same thing with Slavoj Zizek.
No, as an interviewer, he's supposed to put forward the opposite view to challenge the guest so they have a chance to prove that opposite view wrong. That's what a good interviewer does, doesn't mean he believes what he says in the question.
Christopher Wood the questions are most likely pre-written
+Steve A He's not black, he's arabic
Wow, it’s like Noam had a Crystal Ball 🔮! He is so brilliant it’s insane. He is truly a National Treasure. Thank you, Noam, for all your lifetime contributions to our world. There’s no one like you! We need you to live until you’re 150, at least...