  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 7 ก.ย. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 93

  • @aribelkinRN
    @aribelkinRN ปีที่แล้ว +21

    My mother also had myself and six siblings on a macrobiotic diet growing up but allergies and eczema was a serious problem we dealt with. I finally cured my eczema and allergies by switching my diet to a Whole Foods animal-based diet and also created my own moisturizer using tallow, emu oil, bees wax and tea tree oil which has been miraculous! I am also an RN and share this info with my patients who suffer with skin conditions and allergies. Drs are mostly clueless!

    • @nickelallergycoach
      @nickelallergycoach  ปีที่แล้ว

      Thanks for sharing! Whole-food animal based diet works well for this allergy too! ❤️

    • @phenixwars1
      @phenixwars1 ปีที่แล้ว

      What is a whole foods animal based diet exactly? Not being snarky, I really am interested in knowing so I can try it.

  • @leilaandrade6022
    @leilaandrade6022 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I truly do believe that alot of us have just become allergic to everyday things due to over exposure throughout our lives through malignant means. Pesticides are riddle with alloys, chemical fertilizers with a high alloy content. You’d think once you know you’re allergic to something you’d stop right? Well wasnt until i lived next door to an organic pesticides and chemical fertilizer free apple farm. For as long as I can remember I almost always had an oral allergic reaction to apples. Till one day my neighbor brought me over some apples as a housewarming gift and I sat down with her and explained my allergy. I felt safe enough to eat one of her apples with her there. Needless to say all I did was rinse it and ate it all. No reaction no itchy throat or lips. It was crazy. Needless to say I feel like our bodies are telling us that the food we’re eating is dirty. Some people have higher tolerances than most but seriously I developed a sudden shellfish allergy 4 years ago? High in nickel? Like farmed seafood is dirty because of the feed they use. Soy high in nickel but dirty soy drowned in pesticides and the dirty fertilizer to yield a bigger crop…. It all makes sense.

  • @SachelleCambria
    @SachelleCambria 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    In 2017, I decided to only eat fruits, vegetables, grains and nuts. In 2018, I was diagnosed with cobalt and nickel allergies. My life has been a living hell since then. I’m doing the carnivore diet and see if I can get a relief.

  • @christyl5481
    @christyl5481 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I’ve known about my nickel allergies for a few years now but I constantly frustrated with the mismatch of information on which veggies are low nickel. I find I still flare up after certain “low nickel” veggies. I’m glad I found your support group. Hopefully I can get more information through people like you! Thanks

    • @nickelallergycoach
      @nickelallergycoach  2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Hi! I know the conflicting information makes managing this allergy more challenging. Flares are normal to have for the first few months even if you’re being perfect. It takes time for the immune system to calm down. Thanks for following!! I wish you a speedy recovery ❤️

  • @bettinamelo5598
    @bettinamelo5598 3 ปีที่แล้ว +11

    Hi! Thank you so much for talking about this. I'm allergic to both nickel and cobalt and have a lot of the same symptoms. I have a primarily plant-based diet and I haven't been confirmed to have a systemic nickel allergy just yet, but I suspect that thats whats causing my rashes :(. It's really been tough on my mental health and it's so reassuring to see that there are other people that can relate to what I'm going through. I hope you get to continue with this channel because I will definitely be supporting! Sending lots of love

    • @nickelallergycoach
      @nickelallergycoach  3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Hi. You’re welcome! Thanks for commenting. This allergy is very isolating. I’m sorry to hear you are struggling. I post regularly on Instagram. You can follow me @kristinadavidwellness and i also blog. You can find my blogs on my website kristinadavidwellness.com. I plan on making more videos in the fall. 🙏 i hope you find some relief soon!

    • @OOBEJuanKenobi
      @OOBEJuanKenobi 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@nickelallergycoach [ Meditation leads to awareness of telepathy, and awareness of telepathy leads to meditation. ]
      Honesty socially is more important than DOING to impress others. It’s not what we DO to build social value that matters. It’s the respect we are willing to give, as well as the authenticity and sincerity we have within our personalities. The ideas we choose to participate in matter most: they are either friendly or cruel socially. Material wealth, body size, facial features, or DOING will never create authority by default, which is the ability to pass judgments socially the most. Aristocratic men are hypocritical, cowardly, and jealous. Anger and zero accountability are not replacements for honesty and empathy. No one has control over ideas socially.
      Authoritarianism is a shallow head game: the refusal to share honesty (friendship) socially. Men with negative intentions will show complete bias against ideas supporting emotional freedom, free thinking, and level states of being. Spiritual development, the focus away from the material and towards psychology ONLY (attraction), is promoted as “not important” by conformist men with abusive, fearful, and pragmatic personalities. Spiritual ideas immediately decentralize power, elevate mood, reduce manipulation, and eliminate leadership. Spirituality places much more emphasis on social inclusion, honesty, and collective consciousness. Authoritarians weaponize the material or development in it and use both as reasons to criticize and remain unfriendly (dishonest). Dishonesty is the only way the idea of power may exist. When friendship is seen as more important than power, material development is subservient to mood. When the material is used to boost self worth and reduce others socially, mood is subordinate to power.
      Joyful ideas supporting free thinking (telepathy, cooperation, and honesty) encourage growth of the human persona, are anti-manipulative, and promote emotional harmony. Men focusing on the immaterial (personality) and on honesty (friendship) have more evolved minds compared to authoritarians consumed with leadership (power). In order to seek status, alphas intentionally remain closed-minded (materialistic), manipulative (controlling), and antagonistic (blame), while also forming intense judgments (jealousy) about more emotionally developed men. Men with mature minds are authentic with others, focus on humor, and shun the idea of emotional leverage. This makes them an unintentional threat socially to serious and conceited men with elitist personalities focused on dominance. Leadership is not warm, nor is it real. It is used in practice to reduce pride in others and to artificially boost feelings of self worth in an individual focused on social image only. Men focusing on telepathy are contradictory socially to alphas promoting leadership. Men with inherent worth (love for others) are offensive to men trying to prove worth (lack of belief in self) with material development.
      All men know consciousness (Source) and possess a conscience. Possessing a conscience is knowing right from wrong, and refusing to lie about awareness. No man is exempt from understanding Source (love) within, and all of us know we are mentally connected. The idea of comparing human beings to unaware animals is cunning and manipulative. Alphas rely on shared lying socially about awareness in place of being honest (friendly). Character development is ignored with this psychology. Our feelings (thoughts and beliefs) are transmitted and shared vibrationally and mentally. In order to seek power, which is the intention to emotionally reduce others socially, men must feign unawareness of a conscience. Cruel ideas are deliberately participated in and broadcast mentally promoting social dominance. The willful focus on a friendly collective consciousness is a contrarian idea to human animals playing dumb. Being EQUAL TO in the mind socially IS secure, and the ONLY true expression of emotional security that exists. Authoritarians refuse to focus away from being unfair human animals, and remain consumed with social inequality. This forces an unrelaxed, emotionally tense environment driven by melodrama and contempt for others.
      Alphas are mentally unstable, have manipulative personalities, and possess low feelings of self worth resulting from the intense focus on anger (authority), apathy (indifference), and advantages (dominance). Ideas rooted in mental dominance (alpha psychology) will never promote honesty (friendship). Alphas are homophobic, and are especially critical of friendly men that are emotionally developed. Men with empathy have already worked through insecurities and judgments to focus on telepathy. Prideful men lying about insecurities within use blame and criticisms to seek control over feelings socially in order to project an image of being stronger. This creates artificial versions of emotional security and more value socially enforced with paranoia and anger. Resorting to vibrational attacks for the purpose of self promotion by reducing worth in others mentally leads to violence. Dominance over feelings is impossible, as we all share thinking. Men with emotional IQ are authentic socially and care about calm feelings more. We are telepathic. There is no choice but to be level with others mentally, and to focus on the ultimate truth of what reality is (connection with Source). Evolved men refuse to criticize other people unprovoked or manipulate the truth. Alphas will always share critical thoughts about other people. Men with emotional depth focus on honesty socially more than alphas, creating non-violence.
      The idea of a social hierarchy (human authority) is degrading and humiliating. It promotes closed-mindedness, fear, and the social inclusion of violence. Thoughtful men focusing on telepathy, and away from conformity, are judged relentlessly for having elevated emotions by alphas refusing to evolve. Lessor minds intentionally share cruel beliefs together promoting the social exclusion of men with empathy socializing positive. These men are mental only in focus, never play head games, and are level in the mind with all. Alphas seek emotional support and validation from each other socially, since the ideas they participate in are rooted in dishonor and physical aggression. Alphas judge honest (friendly) men the most, as they focus away from arrogance entirely, and expect friendship to be returned socially. Passing excessive, unprovoked judgments (authoritarianism) on a better psychology, wavelength, and state of being is jealousy. These criticisms always relate to social harmony and non-violence. Alphas rely on power of numbers to manipulate the truth and to keep primal ideas popular that are intentionally threatening towards men that have already focused away from machismo (lying and fear), and towards telepathy, honesty, and Source. Authoritarians will always promote vibrational attacks against men that have already grown past them in thinking, resulting in petty head games socially.
      Intelligence is always associated with emotional IQ, and emotional IQ has a direct correlation to the mental focus on social equality. Social equality can only result from honesty (friendship) within the mind. The reason men chose to be honest is because they are aware telepathy is real. It looks stupid to lie about it. Alphas primarily focus on dominance in the mind and social image, and focus entirely away from telepathy within. This reduces their emotional IQ socially. Because of this, alphas will always feel inferior to more honest (friendly) men. Alphas must always focus on acting skills to socialize, since the inner persona is focused only on criticisms, violence, and dishonesty. This creates a shallow personality with a dumb vibe. Forceful thinking men will always share jealousy with men sharing respect with more emotional depth. Only men with emotional IQ can form real personas vibrationally that are not shallow. It is only when the inner mind matches the outer persona that a human being can be likable socially. Shallow men are associated with lying and are not respected when it comes to intelligence, creating situations where they are avoided socially. This angers the minds of men possessing a lower psychology, which often creates unprovoked violent reactions. When thinking is focused on honesty, feelings radiate soft. When thinking is focused on lying, feelings radiate threatening.
      Machismo and compassion are polar opposites. Machismo will never allow for healing to occur, while compassion is the promotion of both healing and emotional growth. Men focused on compassion will always outsmart less mature men with arrogance sharing no respect. Men will either allow healing (level thinking) to occur socially, or they will attempt to take away pride from others to artificially boost feelings of self worth. Alphas will always attempt to seek an image of more value socially by cheating (violence, greed, or leadership). Judgements from personalities with machismo usually have little substance. Only judgments relating to character issues (dishonesty), violence, or an excessively critical mind have real substance. Passing judgments on men for being honest (friendly) is shallow, arrogant, and completely against the development of our collective consciousness socially. Judgments from alphas are hypocritical, cruel, and reside in dishonor. Shallow judgments from authoritarians will always lead to drama, social inequality, and violence. Alphas focus intensely on cutting other men down unfairly in order to promote a better social image, calling it competitive.
      It’s time for human beings to let go of classism (psychic warfare) for good. It is jealousy. Secure men are level in the mind and easy to get along with. Alphas resort to conniving and childish head games. Men that focus non-violent and refuse to lie evolve.
      [ End drama. ]

    • @OOBEJuanKenobi
      @OOBEJuanKenobi 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@nickelallergycoach Here is a UFO playlist I made on TH-cam. I cherry-picked only the best videos with the closest available footage... Aliens or CGI? You decide:

    • @OOBEJuanKenobi
      @OOBEJuanKenobi 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@nickelallergycoach Songs about telepathy, mental/emotional connections to the spirit world, and vibrational healing from Source... A TH-cam playlist:

    • @Msaprilconquest
      @Msaprilconquest 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@OOBEJuanKenobi What does this have to do with nickel allergies?

  • @bdates1111
    @bdates1111 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Living this nightmare right now. Thank you so much for your information and testimony. I'm beyond ready to embark on a low nickel diet!

  • @tessyd21
    @tessyd21 3 ปีที่แล้ว +11

    Can you post a “what I eat in a week” video?? That would be really helpful! Thank you for this awesome content! 🌟

  • @jodymeans9354
    @jodymeans9354 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Thanks for this. Just found out I have a suspected nickel allergy. My dermatologist said it because of the rashes on my stomach and hips (where my jeans zipper, button & grommets rested). I've also had gastrointestinal challenges for years, and the more research I've done I'm pretty certain I have SNAS. I will be tested at the end of the month to confirm. This lifestyle transition has been difficult, and a little depressing...I've had to give up most of my favorite foods 😢 Anyway, thanks for the videos...they really help me not feel so alone on this new found (unwanted) journey

  • @asheleybroadway
    @asheleybroadway 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Thank you so much O doscovered I have the same allergy from my dermatologist and have begun making food changes. Thank you for your channel😊

  • @annalehmann914
    @annalehmann914 3 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Thanks for sharing this, I have had suchhhhhhh a hard time with my nickle. I look forward to more videos.

    • @nickelallergycoach
      @nickelallergycoach  3 ปีที่แล้ว

      Hi! I’m creating a systemic nickel allergy course which is taking up a lot of my time. I will be making more TH-cam videos after I launch in March. I’m more active on Instagram if you want to follow me there. I hope you find my information helpful. If you are not getting better on a low nickel diet you may need to also avoid foods high in histamine. Don’t forget to avoid all contact too. Good luck! 🙏

  • @skillcoiler
    @skillcoiler 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Fun fact... I was going to start a vegetarian diet, I was still going to eat cheese because I have had vegan cheese in the past and just no.... I was looking into it and figuring out how to get my high protein lowerish carb numbers that I have been doing for awhile now. I had an ongoing issue, I was doing the whole grains and quite a bit of oatmeal/almonds/spinach etc.... Finally had it checked out at a Dermatologist she immediately pegged it as an allergic reaction. Ended up doing the patch test and found it was in fact a nickel allergy and that shot to hell my idea of going vegetarian because everything I tried to work out ended up being too high in nickel, too high in carbs or far too low in protein... Granted I am limited by just the amount of vegetarian options I do like pretty much all the high nickel and/or high carbs...I have looked for actual reputable lists of low nickel foods and pretty much the only thing they all agree on is meats, dairy and eggs...

    • @nickelallergycoach
      @nickelallergycoach  3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Yes, it’s really hard to be a vegetarian or vegan on a low nickel diet. 😞 thanks for sharing your experience 🙏

  • @angelg1523
    @angelg1523 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    My boyfriend and I are plant based and he has a nickel allergy like you. Please keep making videos, it helps us

  • @MiaK06
    @MiaK06 ปีที่แล้ว

    Your story was a godsend
    Am in my case highly allergic to Nickel
    Any item that touches my skin incl even custom jewellery that is meant to be nickel free makes me break out in rashes in a few hours. Didn’t know about nickel in food for a long time and in my case it manifests as chronic eye lid eczema, eczema on elbows, headaches, stomach cramps etc
    Chocolate sends me on a tailspin
    Dark greens, oats and whole grains in general, peanut and nut butter - all foods I thought that I was meant to eat send me on a tailspin of all sorts of symptoms from fatigue to swollen face to racing heart
    In my case it is def nickel and not cobalt as I can take my vitamin b supplement no problem and I discovered that without it I don’t feel well
    What a learning curve this was for me / I sometimes get a bit too relaxed - I love a whole wheat peanut butter and jelly sandwich and sometimes I have them thinking that it’ll be ok but - lo and behold - ….. I may be able to get away with having one but the headache the following day just isn’t worth it
    Still navigating the vegetable aspect… sometimes tomatoes make my eczema worse, other days it doesn’t affect me…
    Thank you for your awareness and the content you put out there
    Was an additional eye opener and confirmation for me

    • @nickelallergycoach
      @nickelallergycoach  ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Thanks for sharing! That’s great that you are figuring it out. What a relief to know what’s going on with your body! I hope you have a speedy recovery ❤️

  • @gisellaallegrini8046
    @gisellaallegrini8046 4 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Thank you for sharing your story and for this channel! I was diagnosed with a nickel and cobalt allergy eight months ago after suddenly becoming allergic to foods. I never had the rash though, just some light redness on my neck, and no where else. It has been a roller coaster ride, and after settling down in my new food routine I developed allergies to four more foods! Broccoli, tomatoes, garlic and peanuts. I can tolerate most nuts and some seeds in very small amounts. I was disappointed when my body started reacting to new foods. Has this happened to you? so now I’m wondering what foods are next? Anyhow, thank you so much for the info you share, I felt alone and was desperate not having anyone to relate to. I’m glad I found you and am not alone.

    • @nickelallergycoach
      @nickelallergycoach  4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Gisella Allegrini I’m so happy you find my channel helpful. This allergy is very isolating and hard to manage. I’m so sorry you are struggling. I have not had success with reintroducing any nuts. I am very strict about avoiding the top offenders- nuts, seeds, beans, peanuts, anything with soy, and chocolate. This allergy is more about accumulation rather than once specific food. When your immune system calms down you may be able to reintroduce some of the other foods such as broccoli and raw tomatoes in small amounts. I hope you have a speedy recovery!

    • @gisellaallegrini8046
      @gisellaallegrini8046 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Kristina David Wellness could you please do a segment or two on the low nickel veggies, fruits you eat on a regular basis? Do you have recipes for low nickel desserts? I guess I’m wanting to know what your food intake looks like on a daily basis.
      Thank you again for this channel ❤️

    • @nickelallergycoach
      @nickelallergycoach  4 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@gisellaallegrini8046 I DM'd you the fruits and veggies I ate when I first started out on a low nickel diet on IG. For desserts I love vanilla ice cream, creme brulee, meringue cookies, vanilla cake, frozen fruit (cherries and grapes are my favorite).

    • @gisellaallegrini8046
      @gisellaallegrini8046 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@nickelallergycoach I can't find the fruit and veggies list you ate? Could you email it to me instead? Thank you

    • @kimd1456
      @kimd1456 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@nickelallergycoach what fruits and veggies did you eat on your low nickel diet?

  • @scsmurfette2196
    @scsmurfette2196 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    SNAS changed my entire life! A food journal saved me. It is AMAZING doctors do not know about this.

  • @izchildress
    @izchildress ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I am so grateful for you, thank you. I am in college and bedridden with the same rashes you have. I’ve never seen rashes that match up so perfectly to mine! Currently trying the FID diet… it’s tough. If it doesn’t work I’m gonna try this. Either way, you are an incredible resource. Thank you so so much!

    • @nickelallergycoach
      @nickelallergycoach  ปีที่แล้ว

      You’re welcome!! I hope you find relief soon. You can follow me on IG and sign up for my newsletter for more tips. mailchi.mp/bc75316cecf4/lownickelguide

    • @alisabarrett5653
      @alisabarrett5653 ปีที่แล้ว

      Be careful of steroid creams, they can cause topical steroid addiction/withdrawal

  • @MiaK06
    @MiaK06 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Rewatched this video
    Slacked a bit and been eating foods high in nickel
    But after a few days of eating oats and chocolate, hazelnuts, my eye eczema is off the charts again - so I really don’t need any additional proof at this stage
    I know what I need to stay away from
    But to your point on so many not knowing about it - yes, last dermatologist I talked to about in London looked at me as if I was crazy and he is meant to be a top dermatologist in London…
    There needs to be much more education around the systemic nickel allergy
    It took me years of my own study and research to figure this out - I always knew I was highly allergic to nickel in custom jewellery or belt buckles etc (I can’t even wear jewellery that is meant to be nickel free / all makes me break out), but no medical professional ever talked to me about nickel in food

  • @kathrynkuranaga9926
    @kathrynkuranaga9926 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    This is amazing. I’ve been trying to figure out what is wrong with me for a long time. I’m going to be looking into more of your resources!!!

    • @nickelallergycoach
      @nickelallergycoach  3 ปีที่แล้ว

      There needs to be so much more awareness with systemic metal allergies! I hope you find my resources helpful! Good luck 🍀

  • @LolaBerisha-gu1ft
    @LolaBerisha-gu1ft ปีที่แล้ว

    Thank you so much for all the information. I’m having a tough time finding meal ideas

  • @marvin.allen.official
    @marvin.allen.official ปีที่แล้ว

    Thanks for sharing this!! I'm also on a healing journey with the canivore diet and seeing great results so far :)

  • @PrettyLilTruthTeller
    @PrettyLilTruthTeller ปีที่แล้ว

    Im a nurse as well and our stories sound SO similar so thank you for sharing. I’m excited to try the carnivore diet!

    • @nickelallergycoach
      @nickelallergycoach  ปีที่แล้ว

      Hi!! It’s nice to connect!! I’ve grown to love my diet. I hope you have the same success I’ve had!! ❤️

  • @rkayw5855
    @rkayw5855 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Thank you so much for this detailed video. I have been dealing with dishydrotic hand eczema for over 6 years, tried all the steroids, elidel, most recently eucrisa ointment-not a cure, but a bandaid. Getting patch tested in 5 weeks, highly suspect nickel cobalt allergy as my wedding ring and metals in general bother my hands. Looking into low nickel diet and feeling overwhealmed!!!!!! But willing to try anything to get my hands back-life is so hard when your hands are raw splitting cracked painful.

    • @kshaw9179
      @kshaw9179 ปีที่แล้ว

      Did you get a diagnosis?

    • @kulsoomna
      @kulsoomna 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Have the same eczema, do let me know if anything helped.

  • @elenakrijt1196
    @elenakrijt1196 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    What a wonderful video Tina and thanks for sharing your story

  • @monicabryant8616
    @monicabryant8616 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    I am allergic to nickle, gluten, dairy and polyester and viscos, acrylic wool. Majority of things that have perfume scents. All dust mites some trees. And a very tiny bit of gold. Its very frustrating.

    • @nickelallergycoach
      @nickelallergycoach  2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Hi! Sorry to hear you’re struggling! That does sound frustrating! I created a nickel allergy program that is helping a lot of people. Let’s figure out if it’s right for you. I offer free consults, you can make an appointment through my website here. www.kristinadavidwellness.com/bookings-checkout/free-consultation-2/book?referral=service_list_widget - I hope to talk soon!

    • @KT-ed8hj
      @KT-ed8hj ปีที่แล้ว

      How did you find out?

  • @meghana111
    @meghana111 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    So i recently started a weight loss diet ...i ate oats for the first time in my life...its been 6 months i 've been eating oats without knowing that could be triggering my eczema .... Its getting worse and worse ... Been eating lots of greens too... I do remember i had contact nickel allergy in childhood i couldn't wear any accesories other than gold for a long time i would develop infection and rashes immediately.....i m going to eliminate oats and see how it works out for me now....😢

  • @amram.2874
    @amram.2874 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Hi dear, i have the same thing.
    I have had the simillar path like you, only my palms and feet were affected.
    Food elimination is the only way to get this under control.. I have also used UVB light. Best of luck to all of us... the positive thing about this diet is that you can never get overweight :-)

  • @leewade8888
    @leewade8888 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    I know when I was a kid if I wore certain watches with Nickel in the metal straps I would break out in a bumpy itchy red rash where the strap had been so maybe my psoriasis are worse as I age because of the nickel in food. This is the first time I have ever heard of this type of diet thank you for making this video I am going to try and find out more and see if it helps my skin condition. 🙂

  • @melissadavis5954
    @melissadavis5954 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Watching this because I think my eczema is a nickel allergy. I just connected all the dots this morning. I'm over here like what the heck could oatmeal have to do with it?? My arm flares up when I eat oatmel.
    I also realized that I have been drinming coffee out of a stainless steel 8% nickel cup and acid food / drinks leech Nickel.
    Can't afford a doctor so I'm starting my experiment today 🤞🏻

    • @nickelallergycoach
      @nickelallergycoach  3 ปีที่แล้ว

      Hi Melissa! I'm sorry to hear you can't afford a doctor right now. You can do a self patch test using an actual nickel. Clean the coin well and tape it on the inside of your arm. If in 2-3 days it becomes red an irritated at the site you are most likely allergic to nickel. Be sure to avoid all contact with nickel if you are allergic. It's estimated that only 10% of people allergic to nickel are sensitive to dietary forms of nickel. You may only need to change what you are touching. Good luck finding your trigger! Let me know if you need any help. I offer free discovery calls.

    • @melissadavis5954
      @melissadavis5954 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@nickelallergycoach Thanks, I think the initial trigger is a pair of white gold earrings.
      However, I haven't wore them since Thanksgiving(which my eczema was soo bad that day), and my arm flared up this morning after I drank coffee out of a stainless steel cup that is 8% nickel.
      I just connected the dots this morning so I will know soon. 😊

    • @nickelallergycoach
      @nickelallergycoach  3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@melissadavis5954 my initial reaction was from white gold too. Good luck! I hope you have a speedy recovery 🤍🙏

    • @melissadavis5954
      @melissadavis5954 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@nickelallergycoach Wow, that is good to know! My boyfriend bought them for me last winter and last winter was my 1st eczema flare up in my elbow crease.
      The timeline matches perfectly.

    • @siobhanquinn2109
      @siobhanquinn2109 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      Omg I switched to a stainless steel french press a few months ago and am now thinking this has also contributed to my worsening symptoms!

  • @shaggysgf9270
    @shaggysgf9270 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Hi! thank u for this video! i have the patch test soon but i suspect that nickel is the thing that triggers my eczema. i had metal braces for 2 years and then a small metal wire glued to my teeth (to keep them straight) for next 2 years. since then i started getting rashes around my lips, and recently they got really bad. also even after my orthodontist took the wire out i still was eating beans and corn from a can, multi grain pasta, bread, oats having no clue that they contain nickel. i thought that these foods are the best i can do for my eczema/atopic dermatitis (which is also on my arms and my hands). now i'm kind of confused about what i should eat. becuase i want to maintain a heatly gut but also not trigger anything since i think my rashes are starting to go away. well in 2 weeks i have the patch test and i hope i'll gain more info about my allergies.

  • @TeresaHawkins-wu1ws
    @TeresaHawkins-wu1ws 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Amazing video. Thank you for sharing

  • @edieandy1
    @edieandy1 ปีที่แล้ว

    For me is helping to eat only cooked veggies, any fruit or honey, anything with sugar or glucose puts me in histamin reaction

  • @hajarhafdi5836
    @hajarhafdi5836 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Thanks for sharing and good luck !

    • @nickelallergycoach
      @nickelallergycoach  4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      hajar hafdi you’re welcome 😊. Thanks for watching 🙏

  • @esther5434
    @esther5434 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Hi Kristina, I am following you on Instagram. I will begin the low nickel next week (I am worried because as you said, it doesn't seem the healtiest diet in the world but at this point, I know how important is for us to follow this diet for at least 3/4 months and later trying to reintroduce more foods. These days I am also a little bit worried as I have a dental implant (probably titanium with nickel, but I am not sure) and also, I had my gallbladder removed two years ago, and again, I probably have metal clips inside me. I am not sure about what steps I should follow. I never thought nickel allergy was going to be so difficult. I am also allergic to anisakis, but the only thing I have to do is to freeze the fish, nothing else. But nickel allergy is extremely complicated

    • @nickelallergycoach
      @nickelallergycoach  4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Hi Esther. If you follow the Italian nickel detox diet you will find there is a wide range of fruits and vegetables we can eat. Focus on eating Whole Foods. I am very hopeful this diet will help you. If you need more help we can set up a consult.

  • @hey_kudisco_podcast
    @hey_kudisco_podcast 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Can you detail your low nickel diet in a link?

  • @bigiron3304
    @bigiron3304 ปีที่แล้ว

    Vs make infectious diseases go away, while allergies/eczema/autism/autoimmune diseases appear

  • @blankai91
    @blankai91 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Hi Kristina,
    Can I ask how did you get diagnosed? Was it a blood test or skin allergy test? And can this be done directly through a dermatologist? I have the same type of eczema on my palm and fingers and nothing helps even tho I’ve been keeping it dry and covered so now I am suspecting nickel sensitivity 😞

  • @stephenskoko9074
    @stephenskoko9074 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Great information 👍

  • @Crystalsflat
    @Crystalsflat ปีที่แล้ว

    This is fabulous. Thank you for all of this info. I'm attempting a low nickel diet at the moment. My hands have been breaking out uncontrollably and I'm so happy to have stumbled upon your content. 🫶

  • @kaitekballa5hunna69
    @kaitekballa5hunna69 ปีที่แล้ว

    So was the change of diet pointless since it seems like the cobalt triggered it? If not are you still sticking with the low histamine diet?

  • @victim21
    @victim21 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    As someone that's dealing with navigating a potential allergy and is a committed vegan of 16 years, reading your title really upset me and felt insensitive. How do you think me, a vegan, feels about being in this dichotomy right now? Very alienating.

    • @RhinoGurl666
      @RhinoGurl666 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      I cut out oats and soy I already see a difference I tried eating dairy and chicken for 1 week I felt so disgusting I just can’t do it
      I recommend watching freelee the banana girl and I just been eating things low in nickel baked potatoes,shrooms broccoli,rice, blueberries,strawberries etc it is very hard and I slipped because of how much pain I was in and felt so helpless and hopeless
      I’m having a hard time figuring out what to eat for breakfast because I can no longer have oats :( but because dead bird and cheese is so gross I’m trying to figure out my plant based options

    • @victim21
      @victim21 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      ​@@RhinoGurl666 No thanks. The low nickel diet is really only something a small subset of people should be doing. It's incredibly restrictive and likely not the issue plaguing most people.

  • @hindakkari5400
    @hindakkari5400 ปีที่แล้ว

    Do you eat eggs on your animal based diet?

  • @kimd1456
    @kimd1456 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    You should make more videos :)

    • @nickelallergycoach
      @nickelallergycoach  3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I plan on creating more videos next month! I launched a huge project last month (the nickel allergy course). It took up all my time. Now that that is done I can focus on creating more videos. Yay! I also post regularly on Instagram.

  • @manuellestpierre5600
    @manuellestpierre5600 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Omg this is just like me! Thank you

    • @nickelallergycoach
      @nickelallergycoach  2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      You’re welcome! Unfortunately this is a common story for people with this allergy.

    • @manuellestpierre5600
      @manuellestpierre5600 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@nickelallergycoach Can we have coffee like twice a month? And it's 130 UG a day right?

  • @jeannettemartinez6727
    @jeannettemartinez6727 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    I’m allergic to nickel I see that lettuce has nickel is it safe to eat if it’s low on nickel

  • @tomcunningham1973
    @tomcunningham1973 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

    A vegan diet must have copious amounts of the omega s __ flax and chia ???

  • @paddyoshocknasey8068
    @paddyoshocknasey8068 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Sounds like salicylate intolerance

  • @mona-ww2ox
    @mona-ww2ox 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Im itching non stop please help

    • @nickelallergycoach
      @nickelallergycoach  2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Hi! Sorry to hear 😬. I offer free phone consults. You can book an appointment using this link : www.kristinadavidwellness.com/bookings-checkout/free-consultation-2/book - I hope to talk soon!