Lowest Common Denominator is such a perfect track; it's the one I always come back to on this album. I was lucky enough to see Unwound live this year (minus the original bassist, of course, RIP), and it was the highest energy show I've ever been to. One of my top 3 favorite bands ever, for sure.
Lowest Common Denominator is such a perfect track; it's the one I always come back to on this album.
I was lucky enough to see Unwound live this year (minus the original bassist, of course, RIP), and it was the highest energy show I've ever been to. One of my top 3 favorite bands ever, for sure.
Unwound is basically post-hc/noise rock band, and this is one of my all time fav albums
His vocals remind me of sonic youth often, they are an influence also
You should've sung "I gotta feeling" to Go to Dallas