Foarte frumos vidio felicitări. Este orașul copilăriei mele doar în Arad mă simt acasă. Acu.a locuiesc la Săntana dar eu iubesc Aradul. Mulțumesc frumos pentru vidio!
Multumesc mult, am observat ca se restaureaza mult si sunt convins ca va fi si mai frumos. Ultima data am fost anul trecut, cand am si filmat videoul, dar doresc sa ma reintorc curand! Thanks for watching!
Felicitări ! Foarte frumos! Ce nu știu mulți, Mureșul și clădirile vechi incluse în patrimoniul național (păcat că nu sunt renovate) face din Arad un oraș special. ...Oradea si Timisoara sunt foarte mediatizate de presă dar nu au în patrimoniu ce are Aradul, și asta o spun specialiștii în arhitectură nu reporteri subiectivi și necunoscători de adevăratele valori arhitecturale. Da, avem un oraș specila!
Videoul meu este deja de 2 ani, intre timp s-au mai renovat si in Arad cateva cladiri. In Timisoara marea majoritatea a cladirilor sunt renovate de proprietari, nu au fost renovate de nici o administratie. Orasele Romaniei treptat isi recapata frumusetea. Nu cred ca trebuie comparate orasele intre ele. Fiecare are ceva special. Merci ca ai urmarit video-ul meu! Apeciez mult! O zi faina!
Thank you so much for your words. I'm happy you visited western Romania. This year, Timisoara is the European Cultural Capital. I think in the summer will take place o lot of nice events! I have been in Poland a few years ago in Krakow, but unfortunately that time i didn't made videos. I loved the city. I hope I'll get beck there soon!
@@Adriantravellingtheworld thank you Adrian. Im addicted to Romania now. I want to go again, maybe this year. I want to fly to Iasi or Bacau. What other cities would you recommend? I've been to Sibiu, Brasov, Sigishoara and Bucharest.
@@arektrip9727 Hi, I would recommend you to visit Sinaia, Bistrița, Bran Castel, Corvin Castle in Hunedoara, the citadel in Alba Iulia, the painted monasteries in Bucovina, the wooden churches in Maramureș. And of course come back to Timișoara, if I’ll be in the city I’ll be glad to show you the hidden places of the city! Greetings back to Poland! 🙌🤗
@@Adriantravellingtheworld thank you Adrian. I will put them on the list. I dont know if I come to Timisoara but if I do I will remember to let you know my friend. I will probably first go to Iasi. I heard that Oradea is worth visiting. Cheers🤗👍
Thanks a lot for watching my video! I appreciate a lot your nice words!
3 ปีที่แล้ว +7
A gyönyörű 18.-19.-20. század eleji épületek közül nagyon kilóg a most épült Román ortodox bazilika. Nagyon tájidegennek érzem ezt a stílust. Rontja a város fillingjét. a videó nagyon profin lett megcsinálva, amihez gratulálok.
Nagyon szépen köszönöm kedves szavaidat. Teljesen egyetértek az ortodox egyházzal. Valójában nagyon csúnya építészete van. Lehetne legalább szebb. Nagyon sok város van Erdély és Bánság tartományában, ahol a nyugat-európai építészet közepén egy hatalmas ortodox templom áll. Talán így próbálta a román kormányzat úgy tekinteni, hogy ez össze van kötve.
@@katikiss1450 Szerintem is Arad gyönyörű város. A jövőben, amikor az összes történelmi épületet felújítják, egy igazán szép hely lesz, érdemes meglátogatni. Köszönöm, hogy megnézted a videómat!
@@Adriantravellingtheworld Szivesen! Nagyon szep a videod ,hamarosan megnezem a tobbit is ! Sajnos en mar reg nem jartam Aradon , az este nagyon elerzekenyultem ,ott eltem le az eletem elso 19 evet .( 1988 -ig) Tovabbi szep utazasokat es minden jokat kivanok neked!
This city was a sancak(small regional part) of Ottoman Empire. I have visited this city in 2019. There were a lot of flovers in home gardens and streets in the June. It was smelling fantastic. Beautiful and historical city.
I would love to visit where my mother and grandparents came from. They left there in 1926-28 due to the war, and headed to America. Arad looks like a very beautiful place, hopefully one say I will get to go.
It would be great to visit Arad. It is a nice city with very beautiful architecture. They are still renovating a lot in the historical part of the city. If you need some help regarding how to arrive to Romania I can give you some advices. Thank you for watching my video!
@@Adriantravellingtheworld yes I will definitely have to plan. God speed to all of Ukraine, Poland and Romania . I pray for peace between Russia and Ukraine.🙏💖. Stay safe
@@Adriantravellingtheworld ,,,💐Bg...almeno oggi andate a trovare 1 persona malata...questo è vero amore x San Valentino....ciao 💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝auguri a voi tutti e vostri cari animali e piante💝💝💝💝💝anche da SECUNDO DRAGOVERDE E Secondo Binucci
Hai ARAD hai. Sunt Oradean și cunosc Aradul, îl cunosc din 1996, aveți potențial, urmăriți exemplu Oradea și nu va lăsați la noi, concurenta e mama calității. Aștept autostrada între noi și voi, urmează și o cale ferată de mare viteză. Iubesc Aradul, nu ca pe Oradea , dar mai mult decât Cluj sau Timișoara.
@@ax_1771 I really don’t know, but what I know, the city close to Arad, Timisoara has a better university. In Timisoara they have the best universities in the country. You can see 3 videos about Timisoara on my TH-cam Chanel.
Da, sunt faine orasele astea 3. Oradea s-a dezvoltat foarte mult in ultimii ani. Arata foarte occidental. Timisoara este orasul meu, deci mi se pare oricum foarte frumos.
I've got family born in Arad that migrated to the states in the 1800s. They considered themselves Hungarians. At first, it was weird seeing Arad Hungary and not being able to find it on a current map! I'm glad Im learning about this beautiful area. Could anyone answer why someone would leave this area to migrate to NY 😂??
First, thank you so much for watching my video. Arad is a beautiful place but it hasn't all the time a great moments. Maybe that time the people were hoping for a better life in America. Arad and the villages around the city, had a big romanian population and after the WW1, Arad County than part of the Austrian-Hungarian Empire, united with the Kingdom of Romania. Do you know what background has your family, Romania, Hungarian, Jewish, Serbian?
understandable! my great grandfather's got to dodge the draft buly being essential workers at the police dep and taxi service. they consider themselves hungarian though. what do the people of arad consider themselves?
@@itsgn9307 în Arad now there are 77,3% Romanians, 6,9% Hungarians and the rest are mixed populations of other nationalities. You should come to visit the city. Maybe you'll find in the cemetery some grave stones with your ancestors names. Where do you live in the states?
@Adriantravellingtheworld I reside in Florida but travel around New England for work. My family from Arad boated back and forth to NY and eventually stayed, then was told about a place in North Florida. The New York people lied about the city, and there was extreme racism (~1960s) happening, so they moved further south and found a little city called Sebring in Florida. I would love to travel there and possibly see tombstones, I have some of their plots and locations noted. How does Rominia welcome tourists? American ones at that lol. My Hungarian great grandfather was a coach for Mr America and a NY Police Chief. My great grandmother would walk around the house saying a slang term and we can't remember the exact wording or how it was spelt. something along the lines of "a horses 🍆 up your ass"🤣🤣🤣. Do you speak the language ? thank you for replying
@@itsgn9307 no I don't speak Hungarian but I have friends who speaks. Romania ia a very friendly country with the tourists. Think about visiting it. I recomand you between Mai and September. The weather is better than. You can travel to visit also some nice places in Transylvania. Combine the trip to Arad with west Romania. I'm sure you will enjoy it. 🙌
sunt cei de la Lost Frequencies, cu melodia cantata live "reality". Ii poti vedea in Timisoara la sfarsitul lunii la "Flight Festival"
But you know what is funny, Budapest was built by the romans in what was one time the Roman Empire!? The written history of today's Budapest begins with the Roman garrison, Aquincum, which i. s. It was founded around 89 on the west bank of the Danube (in today's Óbuda area). Aquincum i. s. From 106 to the beginning of the 4th century it was the center of a part of the divided Pannonia province, Lower Pannonia (Pannonia Inferior). It had a population of around 20,000. The Roman emperors themselves sometimes visited the governors' palace built on today's Óbuda Island. There are several Roman auxiliary camps (Albertfalva, Campona) and counter-fortresses (such as Contra-Aquincum) in the modern city. So, this is just a matter of time...
Arad az én szívemben a magyar vértanúk városa.Isten áldja hősiességüket a Magyar hazáért.Jártam ott, virágot vittem és kisírtam bánatomat Trianon miatt is.Arad a miénk.
És ha belegondolunk, több mint 100 év után, miután a város román közigazgatásra vált, 2011-ben a magyar kisebbség Aradon még csak 9,6%-os volt. Valószínűleg most körülbelül 7 százalék. Köszönöm, hogy megnézted a videómat!
@@silviubaiu4917 Nem élek Romániában.Becsülöm azokat a román polgárokat, akik ismerik a történelmet és tudják, hogy Trianon adta a románoknak az előtte 1000 évig magyar városként a Magyarországhoz tartozó igenis magyar várost. De Isten és a nemzet nem felejt.Amennyit a kerék lefelé fordul annyit fog felfelé is, Isten segedelmével. Többet kell tanulmányozni a történelmet és elismerni az igazságot. Nem kívánom , hogy válaszoljon.
Arad egy szép történelmi magyar város, amit Ceaușescu elrománosított havasalföldi románok betelepítésével és a magyar lakosság elüldözésével…..Románia két ízben az első és a második világháborúban a szövetségeseinek elárulásával megháromszorozta a területeit 1920-tól. Ennek lett áldozata Arad is mert a győztes nagyhatalmak mint az ANTANT az etnikai népszavazást nem engedve hatalmi szóval adták át Romániának Magyarország területeit. Ez nem fog örökké így maradni az biztos…. mert az idő a magyarságnak dolgozik….
Szerintem nagyon optimista vagy. A mai napig az aradi magyar kisebbség mindössze 10%, valószínűleg nagyon sokáig fog tartani, míg a többség ismét magyar lesz. Köszönöm, hogy megnézted a videómat!
@@Adriantravellingtheworld ebben egyet értek veled. Mindenesetre vannak belátható közelebbi célok is amelyek reálisabbnak tekinthetőek, főleg olyan területeken ahol nagyobb arányú a magyar populáció.
@@jocibanderas3885 Ki tudja? A magyar kisebbség évről évre kisebb és kisebb. A magyarok most kivándorolnak, és szívesebben élnek Magyarországon, Ausztriában, az USA-ban. Ha 30 év múlva is így folytatják a kivándorlást Romániából, az nagyon csekély kisebbség lesz.
@@Adriantravellingtheworld Szerintem Székelyföld ennyire nem aggasztó. Mindemellett komplett román vidékek is elnéptelenedtek a kivándorlás miatt Moldvában és a Havasalföldön.
din pacate cam asa arata toata tara. Speram la zile mai bune. Orasul are un potential mare si un patrimoniu arhitectural de exceptie. Multumesc ca ati urmarit video-ul meu!
Luminita Nencu! Din nou vorbiti doar asa ca va place sa vedeti doar partea goala a paharului. In iunie 2022 au fost reabilitate peste 90 de cladiri in Arad si aici ma refer si la bulevardele si strazile adiacente centrului, fiindca nu doar ruta Podgoria - Boul Rosu inseamna centrul orasului ARAD! Cand va plimbati ridicati si capul in sus sa vedeti schimbarile in bine! Alte cladiri sunt acum cu schelele sus! Nu se pot toate odata face! Transportul in comun cu tramvaiele Imperio circula 18 garnituri, in iulie urmeaza inca 6 tramvaie noi, plus se pregatesc alte 30 de tramvaie sa fie achizitionate cu fonduri europene!
It is a city with a huge potential. Hopefully will have better days.When I was there it was a sunny spring day, so it wasn't that gloomy! Thanks for watching!
Thank you so much for your nice words. There are some very beautiful cities, with the time they are renovate the old beautiful buildings and the cities are getting back the old beauty! Do you know the city of Oradea?
Remeber. Ex European comunist countries have The same architecure as France or Italy because they were all monarchies like romania What România has from comunism are apartament blocks. And with them renovated they look super goood.
Hope you wont forget not for arguing but we built that buildings hungarians and of course you own now but please be respectful to us just we ask that to Hungarians we lived/live there dor ages as you okey?
@@Adriantravellingtheworld Of course not all romanians and not all hungarians bad there are bad and good manners at both but unfortunatley i can hear a lot of discrimination
Foarte frumos vidio felicitări. Este orașul copilăriei mele doar în Arad mă simt acasă. Acu.a locuiesc la Săntana dar eu iubesc Aradul. Mulțumesc frumos pentru vidio!
Multumesc mult ca ati urmarit video-ul meu. Va urez toate cele bune!
Superb Aradul meu felicitări tot mai frumos felicitări 🤗❤😍👏👍👍
Multumesc mult, am observat ca se restaureaza mult si sunt convins ca va fi si mai frumos. Ultima data am fost anul trecut, cand am si filmat videoul, dar doresc sa ma reintorc curand! Thanks for watching!
Felicitări ! Foarte frumos! Ce nu știu mulți, Mureșul și clădirile vechi incluse în patrimoniul național (păcat că nu sunt renovate) face din Arad un oraș special. ...Oradea si Timisoara sunt foarte mediatizate de presă dar nu au în patrimoniu ce are Aradul, și asta o spun specialiștii în arhitectură nu reporteri subiectivi și necunoscători de adevăratele valori arhitecturale. Da, avem un oraș specila!
Videoul meu este deja de 2 ani, intre timp s-au mai renovat si in Arad cateva cladiri. In Timisoara marea majoritatea a cladirilor sunt renovate de proprietari, nu au fost renovate de nici o administratie. Orasele Romaniei treptat isi recapata frumusetea. Nu cred ca trebuie comparate orasele intre ele. Fiecare are ceva special. Merci ca ai urmarit video-ul meu! Apeciez mult! O zi faina!
Beautiful video and music. Just been to Timisoara and Arad. Third time in Romania and I'm in love with Romania. Love from Poland😊🇵🇱🇷🇴❤
Thank you so much for your words. I'm happy you visited western Romania. This year, Timisoara is the European Cultural Capital. I think in the summer will take place o lot of nice events! I have been in Poland a few years ago in Krakow, but unfortunately that time i didn't made videos. I loved the city. I hope I'll get beck there soon!
@@Adriantravellingtheworld thank you Adrian. Im addicted to Romania now. I want to go again, maybe this year. I want to fly to Iasi or Bacau. What other cities would you recommend? I've been to Sibiu, Brasov, Sigishoara and Bucharest.
@@arektrip9727 Hi, I would recommend you to visit Sinaia, Bistrița, Bran Castel, Corvin Castle in Hunedoara, the citadel in Alba Iulia, the painted monasteries in Bucovina, the wooden churches in Maramureș. And of course come back to Timișoara, if I’ll be in the city I’ll be glad to show you the hidden places of the city! Greetings back to Poland! 🙌🤗
@@Adriantravellingtheworld thank you Adrian. I will put them on the list. I dont know if I come to Timisoara but if I do I will remember to let you know my friend. I will probably first go to Iasi. I heard that Oradea is worth visiting. Cheers🤗👍
@@arektrip9727 Yes, Oradea ie also a great City and the capital of Transylvania, Cluj Napoca, is one of the coolest city of the country!
Good camera work and editing showing us a place worth visiting, I like the unagitated style without hectic cuts and music.
Thanks a lot for watching my video! I appreciate a lot your nice words!
A gyönyörű 18.-19.-20. század eleji épületek közül nagyon kilóg a most épült Román ortodox bazilika. Nagyon tájidegennek érzem ezt a stílust. Rontja a város fillingjét. a videó nagyon profin lett megcsinálva, amihez gratulálok.
Nagyon szépen köszönöm kedves szavaidat. Teljesen egyetértek az ortodox egyházzal. Valójában nagyon csúnya építészete van. Lehetne legalább szebb. Nagyon sok város van Erdély és Bánság tartományában, ahol a nyugat-európai építészet közepén egy hatalmas ortodox templom áll. Talán így próbálta a román kormányzat úgy tekinteni, hogy ez össze van kötve.
Valamikor regen ,en is ott laktam !
@@Adriantravellingtheworld Meg mindig szep varos maradt! En is ott eltem valamikor regen!
@@katikiss1450 Szerintem is Arad gyönyörű város. A jövőben, amikor az összes történelmi épületet felújítják, egy igazán szép hely lesz, érdemes meglátogatni. Köszönöm, hogy megnézted a videómat!
@@Adriantravellingtheworld Szivesen! Nagyon szep a videod ,hamarosan megnezem a tobbit is ! Sajnos en mar reg nem jartam Aradon , az este nagyon elerzekenyultem ,ott eltem le az eletem elso 19 evet .( 1988 -ig) Tovabbi szep utazasokat es minden jokat kivanok neked!
This city was a sancak(small regional part) of Ottoman Empire. I have visited this city in 2019. There were a lot of flovers in home gardens and streets in the June. It was smelling fantastic. Beautiful and historical city.
Thank you so much for your words. I'm happy you had the posibility to vidit Arad. Thanks for watching!
Love my Home Arad!
yes, beautiful city!
Wow so Beautful Arad❤❤❤
I'm so happy you liked it. They restored some of the old palaces in the last years. Now the city is even more beautiful.
Beautiful City.....
yes indeed, I loved it! Thanks for watching my video!
I would love to visit where my mother and grandparents came from. They left there in 1926-28 due to the war, and headed to America. Arad looks like a very beautiful place, hopefully one say I will get to go.
It would be great to visit Arad. It is a nice city with very beautiful architecture. They are still renovating a lot in the historical part of the city. If you need some help regarding how to arrive to Romania I can give you some advices. Thank you for watching my video!
@@Adriantravellingtheworld thank you, I would love that information, just dont think right now is a good time to come there.😁
@@Mayalilangel I know, but maybe next year we will have better moments. We all hope for peace and healthy times! 🙌☮️❤️
@@Adriantravellingtheworld yes I will definitely have to plan. God speed to all of Ukraine, Poland and Romania . I pray for peace between Russia and Ukraine.🙏💖. Stay safe
@@Mayalilangel we all are praying for peace! 🤗
Aradul este un oras tare frumos, multe cladiri istorice ar trebui insa restaurate.
sper si eu sa le restaureze, orasul este insa tare frumos.
@@Adriantravellingtheworld ,,,💐Bg...almeno oggi andate a trovare 1 persona malata...questo è vero amore x San Valentino....ciao 💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝auguri a voi tutti e vostri cari animali e piante💝💝💝💝💝anche da SECUNDO DRAGOVERDE E Secondo Binucci
@@secondobinucci-qz4ls 😉
Multe clădiri,pe străzile paralele de strada principalä, sunt intro stare mizerabilä in anul 2022.
Hai ARAD hai. Sunt Oradean și cunosc Aradul, îl cunosc din 1996, aveți potențial, urmăriți exemplu Oradea și nu va lăsați la noi, concurenta e mama calității. Aștept autostrada între noi și voi, urmează și o cale ferată de mare viteză. Iubesc Aradul, nu ca pe Oradea , dar mai mult decât Cluj sau Timișoara.
merci pt comentariu, ai dreptate, Aradul are un potential foarte mare. Ai vazut si video-ul cu Oradea?
Beautiful buildings, nice city!
Thank you so much! Arad is a city with a nice historic heritage!
Great description
thank you so much! I appreciate you watched my video!
Very nice video!!!
Thank you so much! I appreciate you watched it!
Aradul e un oras mic, cochet, si superb. Sper ca administratia din Arad sa ia exemplu Oradea.
Orasul chiar are potential foarte mare, si nici nu este chiar asa de mic. Speram cu totii sa prinda zile mai bune!
@@Adriantravellingtheworld chiar imi place Aradu
@@mudurapaulcristian2898 și mie!
@@Adriantravellingtheworld eu sunt Oradean, cunosc Aradul foarte bine, si e orasul care dupa Oradea il iubesc. Alte orase nu ma intereseaza.
@@mudurapaulcristian2898 da, înțeleg. Oradea e foarte frumoasa. Am și un video cu Oradea făcut anul trecut.
Imi amintesc cand am facut 16 ani am venit cu varu de la Pancota la Arad si am mers la curve. respect cel mai tare oras
sper ca a fost cu noroc!
I'm from Arad ❤❤❤
beautiful city!
Nice city from Algeria , Name of sang please ! 😍😍
Lost Frequencies ft. Emma Lauwers - Reality you can find it on youtube.
Superb oras dın acest clıp
multumesc mult, intre timp s-au mai restaurat unele cladiri din Arad si acum arata chiar mai bine!
I don't know why but I'm from Iran and my name is arad😂❤️🔥
This is really interesting. you have a nice name!
@@arad_sh8558 🤗
Ci sono passato tempo fa in auto, citta’ molto carina, così come il video
Grazie, troppo gentile!
Hello arad
Hello Saskia! Thanks for watching my video!
Does it snow there?
Yes, it snow but very rare. years ago it was more snow.
@Adriantravellingtheworld is Vasile goldis a good university, what do you know about it, I'm considering moving there
@@ax_1771 I really don’t know, but what I know, the city close to Arad, Timisoara has a better university. In Timisoara they have the best universities in the country. You can see 3 videos about Timisoara on my TH-cam Chanel.
Trebuie sa vizitez cândva Triada (Oradea, Arad și Timișoara=). Oricum, frumos în vestul României 🇷🇴
Da, sunt faine orasele astea 3. Oradea s-a dezvoltat foarte mult in ultimii ani. Arata foarte occidental. Timisoara este orasul meu, deci mi se pare oricum foarte frumos.
What's the name of the song?
Lost Frequencies - Reality
Un mare like
Mulțumesc foarte mult! 🙏🏻🤗
I've got family born in Arad that migrated to the states in the 1800s. They considered themselves Hungarians. At first, it was weird seeing Arad Hungary and not being able to find it on a current map! I'm glad Im learning about this beautiful area. Could anyone answer why someone would leave this area to migrate to NY 😂??
First, thank you so much for watching my video. Arad is a beautiful place but it hasn't all the time a great moments. Maybe that time the people were hoping for a better life in America. Arad and the villages around the city, had a big romanian population and after the WW1, Arad County than part of the Austrian-Hungarian Empire, united with the Kingdom of Romania. Do you know what background has your family, Romania, Hungarian, Jewish, Serbian?
understandable! my great grandfather's got to dodge the draft buly being essential workers at the police dep and taxi service. they consider themselves hungarian though. what do the people of arad consider themselves?
@@itsgn9307 în Arad now there are 77,3% Romanians, 6,9% Hungarians and the rest are mixed populations of other nationalities. You should come to visit the city. Maybe you'll find in the cemetery some grave stones with your ancestors names. Where do you live in the states?
@Adriantravellingtheworld I reside in Florida but travel around New England for work. My family from Arad boated back and forth to NY and eventually stayed, then was told about a place in North Florida. The New York people lied about the city, and there was extreme racism (~1960s) happening, so they moved further south and found a little city called Sebring in Florida. I would love to travel there and possibly see tombstones, I have some of their plots and locations noted. How does Rominia welcome tourists? American ones at that lol. My Hungarian great grandfather was a coach for Mr America and a NY Police Chief. My great grandmother would walk around the house saying a slang term and we can't remember the exact wording or how it was spelt. something along the lines of "a horses 🍆 up your ass"🤣🤣🤣. Do you speak the language ? thank you for replying
@@itsgn9307 no I don't speak Hungarian but I have friends who speaks. Romania ia a very friendly country with the tourists. Think about visiting it. I recomand you between Mai and September. The weather is better than. You can travel to visit also some nice places in Transylvania. Combine the trip to Arad with west Romania. I'm sure you will enjoy it. 🙌
Cum se numeste mix-ul?
sunt cei de la Lost Frequencies, cu melodia cantata live "reality". Ii poti vedea in Timisoara la sfarsitul lunii la "Flight Festival"
E un oraș drăguț Aradul... Faina muzica și video-ul!
Mă bucur mult ca îți place. Aradul are potențial mare, sunt și multe clădiri istorice in renovare. Va arată sigur și mai fain! 🤗
Arad... was built in Hungary... :)
But you know what is funny, Budapest was built by the romans in what was one time the Roman Empire!?
The written history of today's Budapest begins with the Roman garrison, Aquincum, which i. s. It was founded around 89 on the west bank of the Danube (in today's Óbuda area). Aquincum i. s. From 106 to the beginning of the 4th century it was the center of a part of the divided Pannonia province, Lower Pannonia (Pannonia Inferior). It had a population of around 20,000. The Roman emperors themselves sometimes visited the governors' palace built on today's Óbuda Island. There are several Roman auxiliary camps (Albertfalva, Campona) and counter-fortresses (such as Contra-Aquincum) in the modern city.
So, this is just a matter of time...
@Nastro Adhesivo I think you are such a sad person! Get a life!
And it s in Romania today 😎😂
@@petricamiron3449 and this is good!
Cry about it. Its a romanian City. Always was
Or as meu ❤❤❤scump❤❤❤❤❤❤
Arad este un oras tare fain!
Thanks for watching!
Va este dor de el?
Thank you for watching!
@@Adriantravellingtheworld Поздрав из братске Републике Српске за Румунију💙💙💙
@@dodjohvideh5928 I send you greetings back from Temiśvar!
e dove eri prima?
@@Adriantravellingtheworld COSTANZA
Arad az én szívemben a magyar vértanúk városa.Isten áldja hősiességüket a Magyar hazáért.Jártam ott, virágot vittem és kisírtam bánatomat Trianon miatt is.Arad a miénk.
És ha belegondolunk, több mint 100 év után, miután a város román közigazgatásra vált, 2011-ben a magyar kisebbség Aradon még csak 9,6%-os volt. Valószínűleg most körülbelül 7 százalék. Köszönöm, hogy megnézted a videómat!
Aradul este al românilor dar și al ungurilor care trăiesc aici.Aradul aparține României!Doamna locuiți în România sunteți românca cu origini maghiare.
E doar o părere.
Sunteți în România și Aradul este al Romanilor!
@@silviubaiu4917 Nem élek Romániában.Becsülöm azokat a román polgárokat, akik ismerik a történelmet és tudják, hogy Trianon adta a románoknak az előtte 1000 évig magyar városként a Magyarországhoz tartozó igenis magyar várost. De Isten és a nemzet nem felejt.Amennyit a kerék lefelé fordul annyit fog felfelé is, Isten segedelmével. Többet kell tanulmányozni a történelmet és elismerni az igazságot. Nem kívánom , hogy válaszoljon.
Merci mult!
Arad egy szép történelmi magyar város, amit Ceaușescu elrománosított havasalföldi románok betelepítésével és a magyar lakosság elüldözésével…..Románia két ízben az első és a második világháborúban a szövetségeseinek elárulásával megháromszorozta a területeit 1920-tól. Ennek lett áldozata Arad is mert a győztes nagyhatalmak mint az ANTANT az etnikai népszavazást nem engedve hatalmi szóval adták át Romániának Magyarország területeit. Ez nem fog örökké így maradni az biztos…. mert az idő a magyarságnak dolgozik….
Szerintem nagyon optimista vagy. A mai napig az aradi magyar kisebbség mindössze 10%, valószínűleg nagyon sokáig fog tartani, míg a többség ismét magyar lesz. Köszönöm, hogy megnézted a videómat!
@@Adriantravellingtheworld ebben egyet értek veled. Mindenesetre vannak belátható közelebbi célok is amelyek reálisabbnak tekinthetőek, főleg olyan területeken ahol nagyobb arányú a magyar populáció.
@@jocibanderas3885 Ki tudja? A magyar kisebbség évről évre kisebb és kisebb. A magyarok most kivándorolnak, és szívesebben élnek Magyarországon, Ausztriában, az USA-ban. Ha 30 év múlva is így folytatják a kivándorlást Romániából, az nagyon csekély kisebbség lesz.
@@Adriantravellingtheworld Szerintem Székelyföld ennyire nem aggasztó. Mindemellett komplett román vidékek is elnéptelenedtek a kivándorlás miatt Moldvában és a Havasalföldön.
Omg, stop spreading your nationalistic propaganda bs, and get over it
my name is a city? 😂
Yes, it is. In Israel it is a city called Arad also.,_Israel
Me too😂
E frumosi din avion dar ce faceti cu cladirile istorice distrusse,strazi murdare,iar in centu Rieti sa-ti cada o caramida de la un balcone in cap
din pacate cam asa arata toata tara. Speram la zile mai bune. Orasul are un potential mare si un patrimoniu arhitectural de exceptie. Multumesc ca ati urmarit video-ul meu!
Luminita Nencu! Din nou vorbiti doar asa ca va place sa vedeti doar partea goala a paharului. In iunie 2022 au fost reabilitate peste 90 de cladiri in Arad si aici ma refer si la bulevardele si strazile adiacente centrului, fiindca nu doar ruta Podgoria - Boul Rosu inseamna centrul orasului ARAD! Cand va plimbati ridicati si capul in sus sa vedeti schimbarile in bine! Alte cladiri sunt acum cu schelele sus! Nu se pot toate odata face! Transportul in comun cu tramvaiele Imperio circula 18 garnituri, in iulie urmeaza inca 6 tramvaie noi, plus se pregatesc alte 30 de tramvaie sa fie achizitionate cu fonduri europene!
Rectificare! In iunie 2022 cu bilantul ultimilor 3 ani din 2019 incoace au fost reabilitate 90 de cladiri!
I was in Arad, it's a gloomy city.
It is a city with a huge potential. Hopefully will have better days.When I was there it was a sunny spring day, so it wasn't that gloomy! Thanks for watching!
I am ashamed to say that I never expected such beauty in Romania. Perhaps clouded by the spectrum of communism.
Thank you so much for your nice words. There are some very beautiful cities, with the time they are renovate the old beautiful buildings and the cities are getting back the old beauty! Do you know the city of Oradea?
Remeber. Ex European comunist countries have The same architecure as France or Italy because they were all monarchies like romania
What România has from comunism are apartament blocks.
And with them renovated they look super goood.
Hope you wont forget not for arguing but we built that buildings hungarians and of course you own now but please be respectful to us just we ask that to Hungarians we lived/live there dor ages as you okey?
what is the point? who was disrespectful?
@@Adriantravellingtheworld Of course not all romanians and not all hungarians bad there are bad and good manners at both but unfortunatley i can hear a lot of discrimination
@@peterkaroly3662 but what made you to think about this on my TH-cam channel. I hope my video did not offended no one!
@@Adriantravellingtheworld not because of your videos bro you are a good video maker 👍
@@peterkaroly3662 I wished everybody will leave happy and in peace!