bit of a correction to LKMX's effect: it gives the DP boost and alliance to all digimon with knightmon in *text*, not in name. this means that knightmon support cards like kotemon, gladimon, and deadly axemon still get the effect (because they mention the name in their effects)
@@kevinski-tcg sorry 😭 do you have any patreon or something? I would love to support even just a little. if we live close by, I even will give your arm a massage 😅🤣
@@afletra Appreciate that brother. I'm not gonna set up a Patreon until the channel gets a bit bigger. I want to make sure I actually have something to offer the greater conversation around the game before I start asking for any support beyond the usual TH-camr stuff.
bit of a correction to LKMX's effect: it gives the DP boost and alliance to all digimon with knightmon in *text*, not in name. this means that knightmon support cards like kotemon, gladimon, and deadly axemon still get the effect (because they mention the name in their effects)
Good catch sir. Thank you.
Certified purple banger, great video!
Now that I've got the meta build out of the way, it's time to cook 😉
Someday we'll have to cook together 😤
Msg me on Discord. Happy to collab 😎
please cover about Justimon X Kevin, I always love your take on deck profile!
Well if you're gonna twist my arm 😅
@@kevinski-tcg sorry 😭
do you have any patreon or something? I would love to support even just a little.
if we live close by, I even will give your arm a massage 😅🤣
@@afletra Appreciate that brother. I'm not gonna set up a Patreon until the channel gets a bit bigger.
I want to make sure I actually have something to offer the greater conversation around the game before I start asking for any support beyond the usual TH-camr stuff.
You mean mirage reigns supreme lul
I prefer to live in blissful denial 🤣