JUST AWESOME tool. REALLY WORKS, I Got 20.000 Gold!!its on google here => twitter.com/d9048e6f0e6e6c2a2/status/719233752296255488?idpid=9a4544aa-1771-47c3-874f-355d4f2b0861 World of Tanks | 5 Tips to become a better player & improve your winrate / wn8
It doesn't. So what? Can't see wy you get upvoted for that. Because it's not even making sense that you say that. I get what you are meaning. I loose my mindset doesnt matter if my team is bad as fuck. And yes it doesn't in most cases. That doesn't mean that a good mindset isn't necessary.
Juddymaker the video maker suggested that changing my mindset should lead to victory... but its still a team game and in basic it should be played unfairly against the opponent... my post was about as i wrote my changing of mindset wont give game-experience to my fast dying team mates, ususaly ending up 5+ against the single me within 5-8 minutes. upvoting this is considered telling: i feel you mate, in my eyes. if its doesnt make sense to you than not me the odd one.... no offence.
Truth to be said, I actually have most success when I play for damage, not for win. Beause when I play for win, usually I end up trying to cover the map when teammates are lemming-train, or trying some tactics that sadly don't work... either you can really devise a good plan or an average player, like me, messes up even more.
Your tips really works! I have been chasing the next better tank ever since I started playing and I am now finding myself in a situation where WOT is no longer fun to play! Many of the tanks I play is because someone said it was a good tank, but I have now come to realize that it is not the tank that is good, but the payer! I was trying so hard to get ahead, that I have become a very bad player! That will now change as I have now taken a step back to think about what I am doing. I have chosen the tanks I like to play and I am going to spend more time mastering those and not chasing the next best thing! So far my game has improved slightly, but that will also improve over time. Thanks a lot for your help. I will be watching your other videos as well!
Thanks man! This was great! The one problem is that if you get stuck with a poor team, even applying all these tips could not help you win. Also, no video is able to give me general guidelines on what area to be in the map. I'll bet this depends on the type of tank you have.
I just found this video while searching for tips and I found this really helpful! Its especially helpful because I am the type of player who loses way more than win
I started WoT a few weeks ago. I already have a few t5s, and I am aware of what I should be doing with each role just not how I could be doing it the best way possible. Also how I perform is very specific to the maps. On Himmelsdorf or Ruinberg I suck balls but on more open maps like Prohorovka or Fiery Salient I usually do really well. I hope your channel can help me get better in this game. I liked these short little tips so I subbed. Cheers :)
that feature where you can platoon up with four other friends was just for an event mode though, i believe. only time i can recall platooning with 4 others was during the winter special event with the pixel-tanks.
Antonow Wot, one very important thing you did not mention for player improvement is mods/mod packs. I'm not referring to the illegal packs, but the ones that can add real value to people's play experience. Mods I would say that are unbelievable helpful if you're new or trying to get better are: 1.Hit Skin mod 2.Paintball mod(shows pens/bounces/no pens by color) 3.Reticle Mods (some even change color to indicate your likely hood of penning the targeted area) 4. performance mods (they turn off smoke, special effects and ect for players that aren't running a tweaked out rig) I've improved my WN8 from around 1100 with a 51% win rate and 9k games to now with 2874 WN8 with 28k games. It's all about what you're willing to learn and will you take the time to impliment it.
Wow, I came to this video thinking I already used whatever tips I was going to see here, but there's some wonderful things I could have been doing that I'm not. Like watching replays, and platooning
I have to say that your fifth tip is not biased or bad, however you want to put it. "Prior knowledge", is the last lesson taught in Sun Tzu's, "The Art of War", and single most important element in any form of combat making. Short of being fed and hydrated, Knowing ones self, and ones enemy is how warriors perform at their best! Good information you got here.
Is this battle from several patches ago? Because from memory in the recent patch, the bushes on the island beside the rock render very differently for me than how they are shown in this replay. So I'm curious. Thanks.
Hm with teams nowadays its not worth to win the game, just play for urself and try to get as much dmg, spots bla as possible, doesnt matter what ur team does because in 90% of all games u wont be able to win it by ur self when your team is crap.... as most teams are now
Considering this is 4 years old now, its still relevant and good advice. Although I disagree with him saying minor tip over "It should be a major tip" you should always try to maintain as much health as possible. If your a heavy, and youve taken a beating, you should always pull back and let another heavy take a few hits but keep your gun in the game and punish those making mistake when their shooting your team mates. If your the only medium left, or 1 of 2 left and you know the flank will fail but the other guy does not know how to play, then it is ok to run away and keep your hp for when your heavies engage those enemies you will be extra gun still in the game able to help out rather than the 2 of you dying for nothing. You will be surprised how often it happens, or even if your a heavy and after 2-3m of the game, if the other flank is down by 2-5 then you get your ass over and help them. Fresh hp and another gun can help change the final outcome of a flank. Never leave it for your team mates to do, because in random battles it is just you vs 29 others unless platooned.
I have 5k battles but unfortunately my WN8 is still ard 700 which is bad. Fortunately im finally getting the hang of the game after 5k battles of scrubbing so hoping that WN8 will improve
That last tip I agree with 200% KV-2 with the 152mm is such a tricky tank. Sure, you wither one-shot some poor medium and light tanks, or even wage a devastating amount of damage to some other heavies. But once you fire and the enemy team know where you are, it's curtains for you and if you're like me, not wasting money on premium, you end up losing a lot of money because of that loss, even if your team does win the round. However, I sat down and watched video after video of what makes that tank great, how it works, it's pros, cons, platoon gameplay, and just how it overall is supposed to function as "The KV-2". And my gameplay with that particular tank (and oddly enough artillery [probably because I want the S-51]) has increased tremendously to the point that I am able to make a small KV-2 Kill compilation of my own. These are all great tips, and it's great to know that I'm not the only person in this world that thinks this way.
I wouldnt worry about wn% too much til 5k games but after that you should atleast have a tier x and know all maps and tanks that really helps and after that you can start getting a good player.
Richard Gustafsson Sure i think its hardest to do well in tier 8 , but i would really more focus too finish the tech trees because than you get use to the tanks playstyles and if you just start new lines all the time you will never be consistent and never really progress.
I expected a bit more practical tips like : - position your tank where can be shot at by the fewest tanks or none at all - shoot at the tanks that aim or shoot you first - (mentioned) survive as long as possible - dont wait for shot with bad trade (if you are spotted, retreat and dont wait that x seconds longer for your shot or even reload) - (mentioned) drive the tanks you feel comfortable with - learn match making (especially the light drivers who dont know scout matchup) - learn pen mechanics and types of shells - practise with friends different maps from both sides - (mentioned) play in platoons to learn focus fire - stay calm (thats a hard one, i turn off chat for that very often) - turn off that xvm win chance calculator (that cant recognize if literally good players in this match drive their worst tanks for grind and it just fucks you up to see that
When I was playing to increase my WR, the MM keeps putting me in high tier battles and most of the time I lose. But when I started playing to get experience for the monthly missions, I am very lucky always being the top tier and raking up the experience. I just don't understand this game anymore. maybe MM just hates me.
my 6th tip would be get your crew skills up , and invest in a premium vehicle to do that as well , and not rush up the tiers - take a month with the elited tank and premium tank - and grind the crew skills higher using accelerated training
I made that very mistake of what you said about just jumping in just getting the xp so i could just get the next tank could not really bother playing well so died quickly use to get angry players who wrote to me afterwards saying i cant belive you are that high with bad stats, now i have been playing to win and get as much damage done to the reds as i can i shoot at as many reds as i can thanks for the video explaining a lot more then other peoples videos its been more help to me.
Thanks for the video, had some good tips and i think i will start watching some of my worse results. I have played about 2.5k battles and gotten to tier 9, i am currently at 1900 wn8 with 56% winrate but im really struggling to have a really big impact in all my games to get those high exp results and increase my win rate.
One tip that i can give is don't damage the environment when you aren't spotted. When i play arty, i like to watch for tree and buildings being knocked down. You can even see this from a distance in a tank.
+TheIronlefty the t43 is a great tank but in tier 9 wait for the battle to develop maybe scout but wait after your team has decided what to do and go from there
Claydawg i can do that but most of the DAMN time i get challanged with IS-3 IS-6 and those tanks are like brick walls u cant pen them unless u shoot them thru the damn tracks.
Great video! 1.) Mind set. What you mean is a positive state of mind. Players being pissed off because they have lost 10+ games in row make mistakes. I would say leave the game for 10 minutes eat a snack, drink something, relax and come back, but some times it does not matter. I tend to see how players are playing. When I start seeing lots of players doing expert things like side strafing, armor angling along with other tactics, I quit the game for that day. I don't need the aggravation of me being fed to the pros because WG refuses to make balanced their game fairly. These players tend to be really good already and are just using you as free creds and EXP. You might think this is a negative mindset and to a degree it is, but at the same time it's 100% true. As for playing to your best, it can only take you so far. Please don't forget you are almost ALWAYS facing off against opponents that have 10's of thousands of battles over you in each battle, thus they have the experience of playing the game more then you. This is what makes the game hard and frustrating and at time pointless to play. Playing a big heavy tank with a bad engine and horse power ratio often times leaves you in the dust when you get placed on a team that is WAY better then you. All I did yesterday was to get my doubles in my tanks. After 5 back to back flawless matches where I did nothing because I was unable to help, I knew already the type of players that where on! 90% of my matches I did everything I could to play the game and help my allies, but those were moot matches. Just being on a team that landslides you to victory is just as bad as being on the opposing team and being slammed over and over and over again. 2.)You are right. play a tank you like and are comfortable with! As for getting into platoons with friends and using team speak it can help, assuming you can get team speak to work! I have tried countless times now and it just won't work! Every time I activate it, my WoT screen fades and crashes the game. 3.)Don't take damage for the first 7 minutes of the game!?!??! LMAO!!!! Your kidding right??? Again matches I play in, most of the times are not my fault(although there are a few times I won't lie), are over the 3 minutes or less! My record of time of a complete team loss was literally 1 min 30 seconds! My whole team just died that fast! I was the last player alive! Then I checked out the players I had on my side. The highest player have 10k games, everyone else was around 150-800(most of which were around 200-300 games), while the enemy had 7 players over 30K -50K battles fought each. It sucked. And this seems to be the way the game is going lately. Win 2-5 game lose 20 back to back. Fishy.
+Ken O'Brien your point #1, is exactly how I feel. even so far, as to playing on teams that are so go, I do not even get a chance to participate. I have rolled on teams, where almost the entire opposing team is dead, by the time I get into the battle. (Especially when I am playing a slow tank) I thought I was the only one getting frustrated, and calling it quits for a varying length of time...days to weeks, to a month or so. What gets me also, is that I go up against a tank, and like and want to acquire one. When I get it, I get shot up my tanks that are smaller than me. It could be, that they are using gold ammo, but it is still frustrating when that tank you've worked for, is not as tough as when you were going against it. Anyhow, great post, all of you points are valid and let me know that I am not alone. Thanks.
Stalllywood I really appreciate your response. I have brought this up in the WoT forums before and I get insulted from here to Kalamazoo. Right now I am on a long withdrawal from WoT. I hear all the promises that that will fix the game, but we all know how that goes. They fix 1 thing and then alter another that IS working right. Right now I am playing War Thunder and am having fun with that. Just got a 19 kill streak in that game! Go me!!! LOL!
Lately I have been doing my best to just survive a game. I am not that experienced and I find myself getting killed often. Very often it's from very experienced players on the other team. It's just the way it is in real life battle situations. . It would be nice to go against a team that had similar battle experience, but I know that will not happen I have joined a clan, but platooning with clan members does not always help. Many will play the way they want to and you are just along for the ride or you are there to have the other team shoot at you while your team mates pick up the kills and the points. I do also have Clan mates that have taken the time to help and teach me to play better and to try and survive and sometimes win. It has been a huge help with my game and how I play. So far I am trying to improve my tanks and my skills. My win rate and my rank are still not that good, but I do try.
+Yannick Krijnen If you right click on the World of Tanks shortcut, click open file location and scroll to the top it has a file called replays and u click that and there u go... if you dont see it or you open it and nothing is there than go to options in game and somewhere there will be an option to allow replays and stuff to be recorded or something like that ;) from, Your Average 250 Wn8 player :)
+iMzSpEdY Find the correct folder in you WoT -folder (replay, or something), then you need to open the replay video with your worldoftanks.exe (ie. you can select the correct program to open it with via right-click on the replay and selecting "Open with"; or you could drag 'n drop the replay file to the worldoftanks.exe; I had to select the program but I've heard that drag 'n drop should work, as well). If memory serves, WoT needs to closed while running the replay. Above should work with Win7, as least.
Go to your World of Tanks folder, then open the "replay" folder, there are the Replays of your Game. You have to Accept Ingame, all Replays have to be recorded.
question! i got 2,7k games (started about a year ago) and i play serious since 1/3th of a year ago, my wn8 is 1k. my pr is 4,4k (im still getting a bit better everyday cause of the clan im in) do my stats suck for the amount of matches ive played?
Oh Mother Germany Not at all!!!! back when I had around 3k games i assume my stats were way worse then yours! You are doing great, just keep playing and by the time you reach 10k battles, your wn8 should be quite a bit above average, as you keep improving and gaining experience naturally as long as you play regularly!
awesome to hear :D Btw i got my first tier 8 a couple of days ago (is3) what crew skills do you recommend? i already got repairs cause thats what my commander recommended :) btw great video
Oh Mother Germany ty, Brothers in Arms is basically a must have on the Soviet heavies. You also can almost never go wrong with 6th sense and improving accuracy on the move/ during turret rotation... I will be doing a review on the IS-3 soon though with more detailed explanations!
Oh Mother Germany I have around 4.5k games, and my wn8 is 917. So already you have better stats than me. The bonus is that even 917 is more than most with 4-5k games played; its usually around 600-700 wn8 for that level of time played.
I'm on 6k games and around 700 wn8. at the 5k mark, I started actually improving my gameplay (and finally understanding the game...) and my wn8 increased significantly. I'm still a noob I guess, but I try my best :)
well said. you are totally correct. unfortunately it took me about 6k battles to realize this. Now im at 9k games and still recovering from horrible stats I've made up to 6k
TheRisingPhoenix good wn8 is around 1500 and above and for the rating I think 6000 and above. But you're still new so don't worry much about that. Keep playing and improving and those numbers will go up as well.
Here is a tip for you. If you wanna do damage, make syre the triangle in your crosshairs is green, otherwise you won´t do anything. Of course it is just a minor tip, compared to the major "don´t die" tip.
What an awesome video post mate... you really have a good attitude towards the game.. and you didn't even fire one GOLD noob round!!! I'm impressed by the fact that you encourage tactics instead of just stat padding with GOLD cowards that snipe from the back corner allowing their team mates to die around them. Plus the fact the WN8 is so heavily biased on damage it's not funny... Really enjoyed watching, keep up the great work.
How do I stop people lemon training one way around the map and not looking at their map!? I've had games where I have 2 kills and let's say 2500 damage and get overwhelmed by 5 other tanks because no one helped me. (yes I know I can retreat but sometimes you can't).
Lemon Training? I think you mean Lemming Trains. There's nothing you can do about them. In theory, they should be able to burst through their flank quickly and head to the base. In practice that happens approximately never. Instead, they freeze when they see the first enemy, provide them with a target rich environment, get killed, while other enemies storm down the unprotected side and win. You can try defending the empty flank, which will get you killed, or you can join the train, which might let you get more shots in before you're killed. Either way, you're best to just shrug off the game as a loss, get what you can out of it, and move on to the next battle.
Yeah cheers mate. What I try and do is push hard on that flank my team has gone and try and make them feel confident enough to push. That way we can get to their base quickly and some will cap. Then I can either defend our cap or cap their base.
circon for LTs and Meds sirfotch for Meds and Heavies Quickybaby for neat tank reviews I used to hate Light Tanks. but after watching Circon's game plays, now my favourite class is LTs
Join the WoT Uni clan - or watch the videos, they have tutorials on everything. If you join the clan they run training sessions if you want, or let you team up with other experienced players who will give advice
+Jeff Tews E-75 has 160mm of turret side armor. It wasn't flat, and the gun fired below. He would have been lucky if he penetrated that shot with 175mm average penetration.
The thing that i hate about this game is that I can hide behind the cover, and then get one-shotted by artillery/TD from some far-away part of the map. It is frustrating, because there was nothing i could do to prevent it. Game should have at least the killcam, so l could se my mistake in positioning
The points are valid for randoms. However, taking your time, paying attention to the terrain, and situational awareness are the big factors. 7 - 15 mins may not seem long but feels as such. -DKRG Commander, US server
just change the way you play to match the tanks you play, explore the maps in team training to find good positions, be extremely patient and don't let your greed for damage or kills get over you.
+Soap Mctavish Same, I used to be shit, really, really shit but now I am, I'd say, average, not too good, and my WN8 sucks because it's a fairly old account which I used way before I played seriously.
wow your game looks smooth, can you show me the graphic settings and filters and game(SD/HD)? I have HD with improved textures everything on medium or high draw distance max with deep filter but your game looks better imo :P
I have 7k games. 5100 personal score and my wn8 is about 1100. Sadly I only have a 48% win rate. Its so hard to get it up due to the fact of noobs just rushing out.
OhElAr being good is frustrating most of the times. Everyone on enemy teams especially the one with xvm will focusing on you. Everyone want to kill you first. That's not fun at all.
Let's sum up the 5 tips: 1- Don't suicide and play to win, not to get more XP/DMG 2- Platoon with friends bcs focus fire, tatics, etc... 3- Play your role 4- Watch your replays (of lost/poor battles), see what u did wrong & Avoid losing HP, specially before the first 5 mins 5- Watch wot videos in youtube of tatics, explaining stuff, etc... 6- like this video :) because this five tips wouldn't be shared if it Antonow didn't make this vid :) Ok, now let-me read all this again and go losing some more battles :)
I like the tip where he said "try not to die" I was like "wow, it's a whole new game now!"
Shepherd2305 I was like
"I didn't knew that! A new world is up to me now! "
i dont see how my mindset gonna stop my teammates dieing in the first 3 minutes...o.0
+Balint Nemes or stop them all cluster f*** into one direction and then get overrun by the Enemy Team. :D
+vp noyon i am not stupid, i dont want Your shitty virus. Only 5 year olds fall for that.
JUST AWESOME tool. REALLY WORKS, I Got 20.000 Gold!!its on google here => twitter.com/d9048e6f0e6e6c2a2/status/719233752296255488?idpid=9a4544aa-1771-47c3-874f-355d4f2b0861 World of Tanks | 5 Tips to become a better player & improve your winrate / wn8
It doesn't. So what? Can't see wy you get upvoted for that. Because it's not even making sense that you say that. I get what you are meaning. I loose my mindset doesnt matter if my team is bad as fuck. And yes it doesn't in most cases. That doesn't mean that a good mindset isn't necessary.
Juddymaker the video maker suggested that changing my mindset should lead to victory... but its still a team game and in basic it should be played unfairly against the opponent... my post was about as i wrote my changing of mindset wont give game-experience to my fast dying team mates, ususaly ending up 5+ against the single me within 5-8 minutes. upvoting this is considered telling: i feel you mate, in my eyes. if its doesnt make sense to you than not me the odd one.... no offence.
5player platoons? i think its max.3
Not on Xbox
oh thats... Crazy :D
Ok thx
Yes I thought about a platoon with 5 Luchs - 30mm gun in tier 4-5 xD
+The Flying Vogel whit mous ? xD
Truth to be said, I actually have most success when I play for damage, not for win. Beause when I play for win, usually I end up trying to cover the map when teammates are lemming-train, or trying some tactics that sadly don't work... either you can really devise a good plan or an average player, like me, messes up even more.
Your tips really works! I have been chasing the next better tank ever since I started playing and I am now finding myself in a situation where WOT is no longer fun to play! Many of the tanks I play is because someone said it was a good tank, but I have now come to realize that it is not the tank that is good, but the payer! I was trying so hard to get ahead, that I have become a very bad player! That will now change as I have now taken a step back to think about what I am doing. I have chosen the tanks I like to play and I am going to spend more time mastering those and not chasing the next best thing! So far my game has improved slightly, but that will also improve over time. Thanks a lot for your help. I will be watching your other videos as well!
Thanks man! This was great! The one problem is that if you get stuck with a poor team, even applying all these tips could not help you win. Also, no video is able to give me general guidelines on what area to be in the map. I'll bet this depends on the type of tank you have.
I just found this video while searching for tips and I found this really helpful! Its especially helpful because I am the type of player who loses way more than win
I started WoT a few weeks ago. I already have a few t5s, and I am aware of what I should be doing with each role just not how I could be doing it the best way possible. Also how I perform is very specific to the maps. On Himmelsdorf or Ruinberg I suck balls but on more open maps like Prohorovka or Fiery Salient I usually do really well. I hope your channel can help me get better in this game. I liked these short little tips so I subbed. Cheers :)
that feature where you can platoon up with four other friends was just for an event mode though, i believe. only time i can recall platooning with 4 others was during the winter special event with the pixel-tanks.
I found that if you do not think about what you want out the game and just have fun you enjoy the game as a whole much better and end up doing better.
Antonow Wot, one very important thing you did not mention for player improvement is mods/mod packs. I'm not referring to the illegal packs, but the ones that can add real value to people's play experience. Mods I would say that are unbelievable helpful if you're new or trying to get better are:
1.Hit Skin mod
2.Paintball mod(shows pens/bounces/no pens by color)
3.Reticle Mods (some even change color to indicate your likely hood of penning the targeted area)
4. performance mods (they turn off smoke, special effects and ect for players that aren't running a tweaked out rig)
I've improved my WN8 from around 1100 with a 51% win rate and 9k games to now with 2874 WN8 with 28k games. It's all about what you're willing to learn and will you take the time to impliment it.
with the roles, I like my shots to actually do something, and to bounce a enemy round or two.
Wow, I came to this video thinking I already used whatever tips I was going to see here, but there's some wonderful things I could have been doing that I'm not. Like watching replays, and platooning
I have around 13k battles, 50.6% WR, overall 1100 WN8 and recent 1700 WN8; i feel like i am thankfully finally starting to improve.
Nicely done, your thoughts are still relevant even now.
Whatching yutubers actually helps. I sometimes whatch more than i play and i actually notice i play better after whatching a lot. Nice tips.
I have to say that your fifth tip is not biased or bad, however you want to put it. "Prior knowledge", is the last lesson taught in Sun Tzu's, "The Art of War", and single most important element in any form of combat making. Short of being fed and hydrated, Knowing ones self, and ones enemy is how warriors perform at their best! Good information you got here.
I actually found this helpful. I think people get irked hearing you say a 5-man platoon but really that's a minor technicality.
Is this battle from several patches ago? Because from memory in the recent patch, the bushes on the island beside the rock render very differently for me than how they are shown in this replay. So I'm curious. Thanks.
For some reason, whenever I play as a Tank Destroyer or a Medium Tank, I get 1 shot by Heavy Tanks and TDS, why?
Hm with teams nowadays its not worth to win the game, just play for urself and try to get as much dmg, spots bla as possible, doesnt matter what ur team does because in 90% of all games u wont be able to win it by ur self when your team is crap.... as most teams are now
you are the problem
at 2:00 you said you can platoon with 5.....what game are you playing?
Considering this is 4 years old now, its still relevant and good advice. Although I disagree with him saying minor tip over "It should be a major tip" you should always try to maintain as much health as possible. If your a heavy, and youve taken a beating, you should always pull back and let another heavy take a few hits but keep your gun in the game and punish those making mistake when their shooting your team mates. If your the only medium left, or 1 of 2 left and you know the flank will fail but the other guy does not know how to play, then it is ok to run away and keep your hp for when your heavies engage those enemies you will be extra gun still in the game able to help out rather than the 2 of you dying for nothing. You will be surprised how often it happens, or even if your a heavy and after 2-3m of the game, if the other flank is down by 2-5 then you get your ass over and help them. Fresh hp and another gun can help change the final outcome of a flank. Never leave it for your team mates to do, because in random battles it is just you vs 29 others unless platooned.
I have 5k battles but unfortunately my WN8 is still ard 700 which is bad. Fortunately im finally getting the hang of the game after 5k battles of scrubbing so hoping that WN8 will improve
Thanks for sharing Your ideas! I will try watching some replays after I have a bad game and see what I can learn,
That last tip I agree with 200%
KV-2 with the 152mm is such a tricky tank. Sure, you wither one-shot some poor medium and light tanks, or even wage a devastating amount of damage to some other heavies. But once you fire and the enemy team know where you are, it's curtains for you and if you're like me, not wasting money on premium, you end up losing a lot of money because of that loss, even if your team does win the round.
However, I sat down and watched video after video of what makes that tank great, how it works, it's pros, cons, platoon gameplay, and just how it overall is supposed to function as "The KV-2". And my gameplay with that particular tank (and oddly enough artillery [probably because I want the S-51]) has increased tremendously to the point that I am able to make a small KV-2 Kill compilation of my own.
These are all great tips, and it's great to know that I'm not the only person in this world that thinks this way.
I have played about 3.5 k games. I have a 47.5+ wn% and I am playing seriously. Should I be getting better by thinking about what I'm doing and why?
I wouldnt worry about wn% too much til 5k games but after that you should atleast have a tier x and know all maps and tanks that really helps and after that you can start getting a good player.
+Mazaker got it
+Mazaker I got my first tier 10 at 9k games, it's not really important aslong as you do good at the medium tiers (Currently 11k battles and 1688 wn8)
Richard Gustafsson Sure i think its hardest to do well in tier 8 , but i would really more focus too finish the tech trees because than you get use to the tanks playstyles and if you just start new lines all the time you will never be consistent and never really progress.
I've progressed. Do you use premium account all the time? Credits is also a issue fyi
I have played 5 games, won them all and mostly get 3,4 or 5 tank destroys so am i playing well?
I expected a bit more practical tips like :
- position your tank where can be shot at by the fewest tanks or none at all
- shoot at the tanks that aim or shoot you first
- (mentioned) survive as long as possible
- dont wait for shot with bad trade (if you are spotted, retreat and dont wait that x seconds longer for your shot or even reload)
- (mentioned) drive the tanks you feel comfortable with
- learn match making (especially the light drivers who dont know scout matchup)
- learn pen mechanics and types of shells
- practise with friends different maps from both sides
- (mentioned) play in platoons to learn focus fire
- stay calm (thats a hard one, i turn off chat for that very often)
- turn off that xvm win chance calculator (that cant recognize if literally good players in this match drive their worst tanks for grind and it just fucks you up to see that
When I was playing to increase my WR, the MM keeps putting me in high tier battles and most of the time I lose. But when I started playing to get experience for the monthly missions, I am very lucky always being the top tier and raking up the experience. I just don't understand this game anymore. maybe MM just hates me.
my 6th tip would be get your crew skills up , and invest in a premium vehicle to do that as well , and not rush up the tiers - take a month with the elited tank and premium tank - and grind the crew skills higher using accelerated training
I made that very mistake of what you said about just jumping in just getting the xp so i could just get the next tank could not really bother playing well so died quickly use to get angry players who wrote to me afterwards saying i cant belive you are that high with bad stats, now i have been playing to win and get as much damage done to the reds as i can i shoot at as many reds as i can thanks for the video explaining a lot more then other peoples videos its been more help to me.
Started watching my replays a while ago and I can honestly say my blood pressure went up
Thanks for the video, had some good tips and i think i will start watching some of my worse results.
I have played about 2.5k battles and gotten to tier 9, i am currently at 1900 wn8 with 56% winrate but im really struggling to have a really big impact in all my games to get those high exp results and increase my win rate.
One tip that i can give is don't damage the environment when you aren't spotted. When i play arty, i like to watch for tree and buildings being knocked down. You can even see this from a distance in a tank.
Good advice, even / especially number 5. Instant sub :)
i cant avoid dying because most of the time i get matched up with Tier IX vehicles in VII T-43 and i cant pen them and it just becomes a gamble.
+Roelof Hetsen T-43 with upgraded turret and gun and 103% team trained
+TheIronlefty the t43 is a great tank but in tier 9 wait for the battle to develop maybe scout but wait after your team has decided what to do and go from there
Claydawg i can do that but most of the DAMN time i get challanged with IS-3 IS-6 and those tanks are like brick walls u cant pen them unless u shoot them thru the damn tracks.
How does gameplay differ from PC to console?
Great video! 1.) Mind set. What you mean is a positive state of mind. Players being pissed off because they have lost 10+ games in row make mistakes. I would say leave the game for 10 minutes eat a snack, drink something, relax and come back, but some times it does not matter. I tend to see how players are playing. When I start seeing lots of players doing expert things like side strafing, armor angling along with other tactics, I quit the game for that day. I don't need the aggravation of me being fed to the pros because WG refuses to make balanced their game fairly. These players tend to be really good already and are just using you as free creds and EXP. You might think this is a negative mindset and to a degree it is, but at the same time it's 100% true. As for playing to your best, it can only take you so far. Please don't forget you are almost ALWAYS facing off against opponents that have 10's of thousands of battles over you in each battle, thus they have the experience of playing the game more then you. This is what makes the game hard and frustrating and at time pointless to play. Playing a big heavy tank with a bad engine and horse power ratio often times leaves you in the dust when you get placed on a team that is WAY better then you. All I did yesterday was to get my doubles in my tanks. After 5 back to back flawless matches where I did nothing because I was unable to help, I knew already the type of players that where on! 90% of my matches I did everything I could to play the game and help my allies, but those were moot matches. Just being on a team that landslides you to victory is just as bad as being on the opposing team and being slammed over and over and over again.
2.)You are right. play a tank you like and are comfortable with! As for getting into platoons with friends and using team speak it can help, assuming you can get team speak to work! I have tried countless times now and it just won't work! Every time I activate it, my WoT screen fades and crashes the game.
3.)Don't take damage for the first 7 minutes of the game!?!??! LMAO!!!! Your kidding right??? Again matches I play in, most of the times are not my fault(although there are a few times I won't lie), are over the 3 minutes or less! My record of time of a complete team loss was literally 1 min 30 seconds! My whole team just died that fast! I was the last player alive! Then I checked out the players I had on my side. The highest player have 10k games, everyone else was around 150-800(most of which were around 200-300 games), while the enemy had 7 players over 30K -50K battles fought each. It sucked. And this seems to be the way the game is going lately. Win 2-5 game lose 20 back to back. Fishy.
+Ken O'Brien your point #1, is exactly how I feel. even so far, as to playing on teams that are so go, I do not even get a chance to participate. I have rolled on teams, where almost the entire opposing team is dead, by the time I get into the battle. (Especially when I am playing a slow tank) I thought I was the only one getting frustrated, and calling it quits for a varying length of time...days to weeks, to a month or so. What gets me also, is that I go up against a tank, and like and want to acquire one. When I get it, I get shot up my tanks that are smaller than me. It could be, that they are using gold ammo, but it is still frustrating when that tank you've worked for, is not as tough as when you were going against it. Anyhow, great post, all of you points are valid and let me know that I am not alone. Thanks.
Stalllywood I really appreciate your response. I have brought this up in the WoT forums before and I get insulted from here to Kalamazoo. Right now I am on a long withdrawal from WoT. I hear all the promises that that will fix the game, but we all know how that goes. They fix 1 thing and then alter another that IS working right. Right now I am playing War Thunder and am having fun with that. Just got a 19 kill streak in that game! Go me!!! LOL!
Lately I have been doing my best to just survive a game. I am not that experienced and I find myself getting killed often. Very often it's from very experienced players on the other team. It's just the way it is in real life battle situations. . It would be nice to go against a team that had similar battle experience, but I know that will not happen I have joined a clan, but platooning with clan members does not always help. Many will play the way they want to and you are just along for the ride or you are there to have the other team shoot at you while your team mates pick up the kills and the points. I do also have Clan mates that have taken the time to help and teach me to play better and to try and survive and sometimes win. It has been a huge help with my game and how I play. So far I am trying to improve my tanks and my skills. My win rate and my rank are still not that good, but I do try.
well i have 6000+ personal score and 11k battles but what kill's me sometimes it my patato pc...
This helped me so much and I'ved only played 1 game!!! Definitely subbing
What to do when I am tier 3 taking on heavyset at tier 5
How to watch the replay?
+Yannick Krijnen th-cam.com/video/6K0PGWI-_jc/w-d-xo.html
+Antonow WoT Thank you it really helps!
+Yannick Krijnen If you right click on the World of Tanks shortcut, click open file location and scroll to the top it has a file called replays and u click that and there u go... if you dont see it or you open it and nothing is there than go to options in game and somewhere there will be an option to allow replays and stuff to be recorded or something like that ;)
Your Average 250 Wn8 player :)
+iMzSpEdY Find the correct folder in you WoT -folder (replay, or something), then you need to open the replay video with your worldoftanks.exe (ie. you can select the correct program to open it with via right-click on the replay and selecting "Open with"; or you could drag 'n drop the replay file to the worldoftanks.exe; I had to select the program but I've heard that drag 'n drop should work, as well).
If memory serves, WoT needs to closed while running the replay.
Above should work with Win7, as least.
Go to your World of Tanks folder, then open the "replay" folder, there are the Replays of your Game. You have to Accept Ingame, all Replays have to be recorded.
question! i got 2,7k games (started about a year ago) and i play serious since 1/3th of a year ago, my wn8 is 1k. my pr is 4,4k (im still getting a bit better everyday cause of the clan im in)
do my stats suck for the amount of matches ive played?
Oh Mother Germany Not at all!!!!
back when I had around 3k games i assume my stats were way worse then yours! You are doing great, just keep playing and by the time you reach 10k battles, your wn8 should be quite a bit above average, as you keep improving and gaining experience naturally as long as you play regularly!
awesome to hear :D
Btw i got my first tier 8 a couple of days ago (is3)
what crew skills do you recommend?
i already got repairs cause thats what my commander recommended :)
btw great video
Oh Mother Germany ty, Brothers in Arms is basically a must have on the Soviet heavies. You also can almost never go wrong with 6th sense and improving accuracy on the move/ during turret rotation...
I will be doing a review on the IS-3 soon though with more detailed explanations!
i will be looking forward to that video ;)
Oh Mother Germany I have around 4.5k games, and my wn8 is 917. So already you have better stats than me. The bonus is that even 917 is more than most with 4-5k games played; its usually around 600-700 wn8 for that level of time played.
After I watched the video, I felt that the focus part of the game ( play not for xp) is the most important part
Hello, where can i finf my replay?
I'm on 6k games and around 700 wn8. at the 5k mark, I started actually improving my gameplay (and finally understanding the game...) and my wn8 increased significantly. I'm still a noob I guess, but I try my best :)
how could I look at my replays? I want to increade my Win rate. Currently 53% average green player
why didn't you mention the map? reading the map is very very important.
How is this version different from Windows or android?
well said. you are totally correct. unfortunately it took me about 6k battles to realize this. Now im at 9k games and still recovering from horrible stats I've made up to 6k
nice video bud! this was good!
Great Video, I love your channel- thanks for being awesome.
#3 and 5 are great tips, ty.
Fix the MM from stacking sides so you get pumped 15-5 in a 3 minute farce thats supposed to be a game.
My rating is. 1673 how to improve im playing 5 years and 5k batlles and nothung
Is 700 wn8 and 3700 personal score bad for me at my amount of games? (almost 1000) and what is considered good?
TheRisingPhoenix good wn8 is around 1500 and above and for the rating I think 6000 and above. But you're still new so don't worry much about that. Keep playing and improving and those numbers will go up as well.
i m kinda stupid trading HP... i know i cant trade with ALL the players...and my tank is not bulletproff... but i cant resist this temptation
So what if I have a terrible winrate because of my bad PC? And getting a new one is out? I get 10 fps so it's really hard to play
It was worse before .....
10 fps? maybe you're watching Microsoft PowerPoint slide shows. you sure you're playing?
I actually fixed up my PC and now get 20- fps...still not great, but getting a new PC soon
What do you mean platoon with up to 5 players?
Great info , keep them coming.
you can make a five tank platoon?
Great video. Thank you. Mindset, Tactics, Skill, and Gear; in that order.
Here is a tip for you. If you wanna do damage, make syre the triangle in your crosshairs is green, otherwise you won´t do anything. Of course it is just a minor tip, compared to the major "don´t die" tip.
how to change camera View?
what do you think of my stats? I have 11,5k battles and 52,2 % winrate, 1497 wn8 and 6660 player rating.
play it, like you own it.. thats my motto.
Great Vid man!
Thanks that was simple but really good advice!!!!
My wn8 is in the 500ish range, won't go up any.
How do you platoon up with 5 people
What an awesome video post mate... you really have a good attitude towards the game.. and you didn't even fire one GOLD noob round!!! I'm impressed by the fact that you encourage tactics instead of just stat padding with GOLD cowards that snipe from the back corner allowing their team mates to die around them. Plus the fact the WN8 is so heavily biased on damage it's not funny... Really enjoyed watching, keep up the great work.
How do I stop people lemon training one way around the map and not looking at their map!? I've had games where I have 2 kills and let's say 2500 damage and get overwhelmed by 5 other tanks because no one helped me. (yes I know I can retreat but sometimes you can't).
Lemon Training?
I think you mean Lemming Trains.
There's nothing you can do about them.
In theory, they should be able to burst through their flank quickly and head to the base. In practice that happens approximately never. Instead, they freeze when they see the first enemy, provide them with a target rich environment, get killed, while other enemies storm down the unprotected side and win.
You can try defending the empty flank, which will get you killed, or you can join the train, which might let you get more shots in before you're killed. Either way, you're best to just shrug off the game as a loss, get what you can out of it, and move on to the next battle.
Yeah cheers mate. What I try and do is push hard on that flank my team has gone and try and make them feel confident enough to push. That way we can get to their base quickly and some will cap. Then I can either defend our cap or cap their base.
You wrote "tell me the patch so that i can open it" , but:
Opening the replay with Editor already says you the game-version.
(use it wisely lol)
With 2k games and a 559 WN8, I would say I suck. What channels would you recommend. I really want to improve
quickybaby,anfield,dezgamez and themightyjingles mostly for entertainment
SirCircon also really good
circon for LTs and Meds
sirfotch for Meds and Heavies
Quickybaby for neat tank reviews
I used to hate Light Tanks. but after watching Circon's game plays, now my favourite class is LTs
Join the WoT Uni clan - or watch the videos, they have tutorials on everything. If you join the clan they run training sessions if you want, or let you team up with other experienced players who will give advice
nice video ! i'm happy i find a good teachear in wot =)
thanks for trying improve the a game mate also as a french guy i like your accent , long live to you i'll keep AN eye on your video>
That gun depression is depressing
how can u play platoon with 5 people?
Why no use of He in The end?
Great video you deserve more subs :)
how do you re enter the game with a different tank
After you die? You go back to the garage and go to another battle
i had 270 battles and my personal rating is 2.2 k is that good?
How do you check win rate?
when you are in garage click on top on the Service record and there should be percentage of your Win ratio
surprising u bounced the side of that E75 turret :/ especially from that close...
+Jeff Tews
E-75 has 160mm of turret side armor. It wasn't flat, and the gun fired below.
He would have been lucky if he penetrated that shot with 175mm average penetration.
The thing that i hate about this game is that I can hide behind the cover, and then get one-shotted by artillery/TD from some far-away part of the map. It is frustrating, because there was nothing i could do to prevent it. Game should have at least the killcam, so l could se my mistake in positioning
The points are valid for randoms. However, taking your time, paying attention to the terrain, and situational awareness are the big factors. 7 - 15 mins may not seem long but feels as such.
-DKRG Commander, US server
just change the way you play to match the tanks you play, explore the maps in team training to find good positions, be extremely patient and don't let your greed for damage or kills get over you.
yep the number one thing that helped me a lot is watching youtube videos cause I've learned a lot since I start watching youtube wot gamers
+Soap Mctavish Same, I used to be shit, really, really shit but now I am, I'd say, average, not too good, and my WN8 sucks because it's a fairly old account which I used way before I played seriously.
Best role for me? Everything that has a derpgun and is not too slow
wow your game looks smooth, can you show me the graphic settings and filters and game(SD/HD)? I have HD with improved textures everything on medium or high draw distance max with deep filter but your game looks better imo :P
Thanks.. a very useful video.
I have 7k games. 5100 personal score and my wn8 is about 1100. Sadly I only have a 48% win rate. Its so hard to get it up due to the fact of noobs just rushing out.
Video was really helpful tbh thanks :D
You can't platoon up with 5 friend!
That was a Winter event :)
max p laton 3 tanks.. and some tier..
there is one big reason i hate this game now: its not fun unless your good
OhElAr being good is frustrating most of the times. Everyone on enemy teams especially the one with xvm will focusing on you. Everyone want to kill you first. That's not fun at all.
EmilyManson meh, guess so. but if your bad you get killed really fast as well, so where is tyhe fun zone?
OhElAr probabily in the moment where you become good, but your stats are still low cause you're still improving them
how to back firstson tank spg
hey i have 4k games and 1650 wn8 and an obj 140 how much dmg should i have in it i have 2300
hey guys what is wn8 pls tell me
Let's sum up the 5 tips:
1- Don't suicide and play to win, not to get more XP/DMG
2- Platoon with friends bcs focus fire, tatics, etc...
3- Play your role
4- Watch your replays (of lost/poor battles), see what u did wrong & Avoid losing HP, specially before the first 5 mins
5- Watch wot videos in youtube of tatics, explaining stuff, etc...
6- like this video :) because this five tips wouldn't be shared if it Antonow didn't make this vid :)
Ok, now let-me read all this again and go losing some more battles :)