Alo, specialiștii în simulări: Lipsește mențiunea că asta doar dacă la blocurile /construcțiile după 77" nu sunt respectate proiectele privind diametrul fierului - beton pus în operă de constructor cât ȘI dacă lungimea joantelor (îmbinările cu suprapunere la stâlpi și grinzi menționate în clar corect în proiect, nu sunt respectate ad literam! Menționez faptul că după cutremurul din "77 proiectanții au fost obligați să ia în calcul prin modificările din STAS - urile României, posibilitatea unui cutremur cu cel puțin 2 grade mai mare decât cel din "77! Doar așa ruperea /căderea construcției nu se poate întâmpla pe bucăți (jumătăți) ca în cazul clădirii din video! În video se pare că nu se ține cont că îndoirea unui stâlp, se petrece de la o înălțime de 1/3 față de bază! Vă spune asta un fost constructor!
Se poate adauga si faptul ca sunt blocuri in Bucuresti pre-77, cam de prin anii 60, care au fost construite pentru armata si erau construite cu beton prefabricat, lucru care zgaltaie mai mult blocul dar ii asigura o rezistenta mai mare. Exemplu cladiri din Drumul Taberei si Ghencea care par subrede asa dar au rezistat si la 77 si la 90. Si sunt in continuare solide desi nu ar strica ranforsari pe ici pe colo. Din pacate unor locatari le e teama de lucrari de genul deoarece au chirii. Ceea ce mi se pare cea mai mare problema din Bucuresti.
Totusi sa nu uitam de faptul ca nu mai exista bloc comunist fara pereti sparti, sau gauriti ilegal, care au infiltratii grave in structura de rezistenta. Numai in fostul bloc unde locuiam, stiu eu 2 apartamente in care grinda de la et 1 a fost putin sparta ca sa le incapa mobila...In timp fierul din grinda aia a ruginit. Mai ofera aceeasi rezistenta peretii / grinzile astea?
@@romulusdorin537 Contează cum va fi în perioada de cutremure, când sunt mai măricele aceste cutremure să nu mai locuim o perioadă de timp în locuințele cu risc 1, 2 și 3 ,eu cred că asta contează să fugim de locuința de risc ridicat ca de 👹.
The duration of the earthquake is also immensely important in an earthquake, regarding the building damages and this is not taken into consideration at all in this sim...
Very nice, however I live in Bucharest. If any bigger one comes we’re gonna see thousands of buildings fall. All the precast ones are doomed from the start. Then come the ones with commercial space bellow.
And that is only half of the issue. If the earthquake occurs during the day, the city streets will be so congested that there will barely be room for the rescue teams to move. Only helicopters will be able to move in and out until the streets are cleared.
You are doing an excellent job at these simulations of earthquake shaking buildings and what not, and keep up the good work and keep doing your best!!!
good video, I really like the part that is at night, you are really growing because first you made houses or buildings and now you make entire cities :)
A small detail I'd like to point out which; The buildingtops have year numbers when significant earthquakes happend, here is a list of the earthquakes they likely reffer to: 2011 - Tohoku Earthquake ( JP ) [ Mw 9.0~9.1 ] 1995 - Kobe Earthquake ( JP ) [ Mw 6.9 ] 1980 - Irpinia Earthquake ( IT ) [ Mw 6.9 ] 1935 - Quetta Earthquake ( PK - AF ) [ Mw 7.7 ] The first two I can confirm are highly likely correct. Awesome eye for detail in your animation models EQS! I'm happy to see your collaborating with alot of seismic assosciations, keep it up ;)
Good detail. We had 3.0 earthquake several years ago in Michigan USA. Earthquakes are very rare here. Only one big bump and a few cracked foundations very near the epicenter. The only visible sign something happened was the power lines swaying back and forth.
de cutremurul din '77 stiu de la parinti, apropiati ce mi-au mai povestit dar sa vezi pe bune care sunt efectele unui astfel de cutremur e cu totul altceva
You've come a very long way since some of your earlier videos. I can tell you're putting a lot more effort into detailing the buildings, and the collapse physics feels more realistic too. Nice work.
Blocul cu 1980 ca design e sigur din anii 60. Ca cele de la sala palatului sau de pe calea grivitei. Nu s a folosit designul acela în anii 80. Acum ca idee părinții mei stau intr un bloc din 82, bunicii în unul din 62. În cel din 82 ferestrele trapezoidale, tavanul stramb, hârtie prin pereți. Cel din 62 impecabil când am schimbat electricul abia au reușit sa gaureasca peretii. Nu s a gandit nimeni ca în anii 80 când se furau materiale era perioada aia naspa de strâns cureaua si se făcea un cartier intr o luna ca totuși nu au fost asa atenți sa respecte normativele. Și ce mi e mie groaza e câți or fi modificat structura de rezistenta prin apartamente. S au spart pereți în draci după 89 fără aviz sau ceva
9:15 My most interesting moment is when 2 structures didn't collapse, I remember the time when I said "Steel always wins!" Meaning that steel is strong!
WOW! It's been a bit since I've been on thid channel but the quality has increased so much! I remember when you were doing simple brick houses and now you're doing whole city blocks! Kesp up the great work!! ❤❤❤
@@bl1zz4rd25 the gray building has experienced 2 major earthquakes already, and nobody did any retrofitting. It’s also the oldest building in the scene:)
In march 1977 a block from 1930s with 5 + 1 levels had some damages. I saw tubular bricks put with tubes in horizontal position instead of vertical. building supported on brick walls and possible reinforced concrete on the edges, the wall compressed about 10 cm for that floor. A lot of other buildings from the same period had brick walls cracked in "X" between the reinforced concrete frames.
pe 28 noiembrie 2013 am prins un cutremur de 3.7 in blocul-turn Gioconda, cel de la piata natiunilor unite din Bucuresti. Desi a fost un cutremur destul de mic, de la erajul 17 am simtit ca mi-a venit sfarsitul 😅 (blocul a fost construit in 1959)
Bucharest also has many 5-story buildings built before 1977. Most of them were built in the 60s. Maybe you should consider adding them to your simulation.
Are the numbers in the buildings the year when they were built? I mean, the dark grey building I guess it is from 1935 because it is too weak and the steel building(that has the number 2011) survived all
@@EarthquakeSim But small buildings also collapse at earthquakes, especially when they are old. Is this small building not part of your tests or just too strongly built?
Interesting as always. Could you mabye also do a scenario in the German city of Cologne?? There´s also a risk for an earthquake of magnitude 6.5, maybe even 7.0. 🙂
From the seismographic simulation you presented, an absolute disaster would result. No building erected until the 90s would remain intact. I am not talking about the buildings built in the interwar period. Those would practically be pulverized. It isn't possible to achieve such an unimaginable cataclysm. Practically, Bucharest would become a ruin, more like a massive bombardment. In reality, this isn't the case.
The worst fact is that this is not just a simulation. It is the cruel reality that is going to happen near 2040. And I can bet (sadly) that no major consolidation plans are going to be in the future years. 1977 - 7,4 Mw but 1802 - 7,9-8,2 Mw… maybe next time you will simulate also 8+ Mw
is all ok , but the right building is always the first to go, and it doesn't even have a red dot on it, and the guys at 4th level have to ouside ac units one near the other. Why is that?
@@alexsotir that is true. Bucharest experiences long period seismic waves because the earthquakes originating from Vrancea are deep +100 km. That affects tall structures more
It's a rendition of modern Bucharest with buildings from various years, but the simulated earthquake is based on the 1977 one. This isn't a simulation of the event as it took place in 1977.
"Noroc" ca acele case cu bulina rosie nu pica cand vrea mafia imobiliara. Sunt curios, cnf studiilor reale din teren, cum s-ar comporta cartoanele de rezidentiale din Metalurgiei sau Militari.
Is funny that everybody knows that half of Bucharest could be leveled by an earthquake, even the people in power know it but they still won't do anything about it
Deoarece cutremurul de 6.9 din Kobe a avut epicentrul mult mai aproape de suprafața pământului si a generat accelerații ale solului de 3 ori mai mari decat un cutremur din Vrancea de magnitudine mai mare insa de adancime 😊
Una e un cutremur de 7 magnitudine cum e in Vrancea la 200 de km adancime alta e un cutremur de 7 magnitudine la 10 km adancime precum cel din Kobe, din fericire in Romania nu avem cutremure majore de adancime mica. Scara richter arata magnitudinea cutremurului, scara mercalli arata cum se simte la suprafata. Totodata acelasi cutremur poate fi resimtit mai puternic sau mai slab in functie de zona in care stai in orasul tau, de ex eu care stau in Galati stiu ca zona Ireg (Reno) este cea mai proasta zona in cazul unui cutremur, acceleratia solului este foarte mare, pe cand micro 40 e cea mai buna zona.
E jale ba.... is o tona de blocuri din perioada interbelica pe care nu le-am reabilitat si daca ne loveste un cutremur mai tare se duce tot pe apa Sambetei....
You shouldn't premier your videos. it is actually worse for retention rates. Rye toast went through this as well. If you preview because you like it, no need to stop :)
Tot ce Simulati Voi Artificial cat si tot ce Preconizeaza "Specilistii lu" peste prajit", Nimic din toate acestea nu se va Intampla in Romania, de asta va asigur Eu!!! Asa cum Am spus si-n 2012 cand, ( MARMUREANU facea el Prognoze si Prevedea el pe la TV ...., cum ca-n Romania va veni curand un Cutremur Mare de peste 8 Grade ...., si Panica lumea aiurea de ocult si tampit ce este, inca de atunci am spus ca, NU va fi nici un Cutremur mare in Romania, si a Fost Precum Am Spus ..., si asa va fi si deacum inainte, precum spun EU !!! Niciodata in Romania > Nu vor mai exista Cutremure Mari ca cel din 77" si, nici mai mari ca acela, vor exista doar Cutremure Micutze de Maxim 5-6 Grade pe Scara Righter, iar acestea vor fi Slabe ca Intensitate si, ( nu vor provoca tragedii ) .. Intr-adevar, exista Cladiri SUBREDE, Crapate peste tot de la Cutremurele Precedente dar care au ramas in picioare si care, ar fi trebuit Logic sa fie DEMOLATE de mult, pentru ca, > acelea si la un Vant mai puternic risca sa se prabuseasca ...., dar aici este de Vina GUVERNUL prin Ignorantii de la Putere, pentru ca NU iau masuri in privintza acestor Cladiri de a fi Demolate si care, in culmea Ignorantei si a prostiei inca mai au Locatari care efectiv isi risca Viata, stand in aceste Cladiri Subrede ce pot Colapsa si la o Vijelie mai puternica, > Guvernul ...., ar trebui Logic si Normal sa le dea alte Locuinte acelor Locatari,sa-i mute deacolo ...., iar cladirile sa fie Demolate si Reconsrtuite de la 0, asa cum cer normele ...! Ce vreau eu sa va Asigur pe toti, este ca in Romania, > Nu vor mai exista Cutremure mai mari de 5-6 Grade pe Righter care sa provoace daune majore ...., ( deoarece vor fi slabe ca si intensitate ). Vor mai exista insa Cutremure de 2-3-4 Grade pe Righter, slabe ca intentistate dar, acestea sunt Normale si trebuie sa fie, pentru ca Energiile Tectonice sa se poata degaja ..., sa nu se acumuleze Energii mai MARI, stie Bunul Dumnezeu ce sa faca si cum sa faca ....., de asa Natura incat Romania sa nu mai Sufere Distrugeri si Tragedii Majore .... Tatal Nostru Ceresc are Caile Sale Speciale ..., nebanuite, nevazute, si neintelese de Oameni in majoritatea Lor! Stiu ca multi poate credeti ca "bat campii ....", dar Romania ca si Popor ca si Tara, este Protejata de Bunul Dumnezeu cat si de Domnul Iisus Cristos, ( chiar si in ciuda unora ..., care vad in Romania numai rautate, crime si orori .., dar se inseala amarnic ). Va asigur Eu ca, Romania este Cel mai Credincios Popor in Dumnezeu cat si-n Domnul Iisus Cristos si, mai sunt doar cateva Popoare asemenea Noua, ( nici cat degetele de la o mana ), care sunt Protejate de Bunul Dumnezeu! Dar pentru ca se Promoveaza in MEDIA Oculta ....., foarte mult, APROAPE TOATA ZIUA, crimele, accidentele, preacurvia, minciuna, inselaciunea, ororile in deosebi, comise doar de 1%, maxim 2% din Cetatenii Acestei Tari Romania, se creaza aceasta DENATURARE a Imaginii Acestui Popor Blajin, Cuminte si Iubitor in Majoritatea Lui, cat si foarte Credincios in Dumnezeu cat si-n Domnul Iisus Cristos! Pentru cine nu stie ..., Romania ca si Stat ca si Popor, ca si ASEZARE GEOGRAFICA, nu ca este denumit ..., CI chiar este Gradina MAICII DOMNULUI, si este Protejata de Bunul Dumnezeu cat si de Domnul Iisus Cristos, ca sa stiti acest fapt!!! Acum ca, " o padure mai are si uscaturi ....", asta este ceva normal ...., problema este ca, MEDIA OCULTA, Promoveaza Fix si exact aceste "USCATURI" ...., si o face cu toate Puterea lor oculta, se cauta inadins aceste "USCATURI" Chiar si acolo unde nu exista, doar ca sa se DENATUREZE IMAGINEA si ADEVARUL despre acest POPOR Roman Iubit de Dumnezeu cat si de Domnul Iisus Cristos!!! In fine ..., ar fi multe de spus pe teme de genul acesta .., dar deja am scris prea mult si, am cam spus in mare parte ce era de spus !
Watching this in my 1965 built apartment
@@vitothepizzaguy7475 same. but mine is 1962. and its not even mine. i pay rent :))
Mine is a 4 floor one from '65. I'm living at 1/4 . Hopefully we cool.
1947 here, this made me start searching for places to rent
@@djgharaa how many floors ?
@@pR0ManiacS 3, Armenească area
That’s unusual and nice to see as a Romanian. I like how you put the “FARMACIE” and “DE INCHIRIAT” signs.
da vere
@@LiftsAroundRomania 😂🤣 că e român
@@LiftsAroundRomania mersi mult! :)
@@unromanoarecareanaveragero8275 dap :) din Suceava originar
Alo, specialiștii în simulări: Lipsește mențiunea că asta doar dacă la blocurile /construcțiile după 77" nu sunt respectate proiectele privind diametrul fierului - beton pus în operă de constructor cât ȘI dacă lungimea joantelor (îmbinările cu suprapunere la stâlpi și grinzi menționate în clar corect în proiect, nu sunt respectate ad literam! Menționez faptul că după cutremurul din "77 proiectanții au fost obligați să ia în calcul prin modificările din STAS - urile României, posibilitatea unui cutremur cu cel puțin 2 grade mai mare decât cel din "77! Doar așa ruperea /căderea construcției nu se poate întâmpla pe bucăți (jumătăți) ca în cazul clădirii din video! În video se pare că nu se ține cont că îndoirea unui stâlp, se petrece de la o înălțime de 1/3 față de bază! Vă spune asta un fost constructor!
@@romulusdorin537 Un bloc din 76 cum credeti ca s-ar comporta? Mai apropiat de cel din 80 sau cel din 35 din dreapta lui?
cineva locuieste in bloc din anii 80
Se poate adauga si faptul ca sunt blocuri in Bucuresti pre-77, cam de prin anii 60, care au fost construite pentru armata si erau construite cu beton prefabricat, lucru care zgaltaie mai mult blocul dar ii asigura o rezistenta mai mare. Exemplu cladiri din Drumul Taberei si Ghencea care par subrede asa dar au rezistat si la 77 si la 90. Si sunt in continuare solide desi nu ar strica ranforsari pe ici pe colo. Din pacate unor locatari le e teama de lucrari de genul deoarece au chirii. Ceea ce mi se pare cea mai mare problema din Bucuresti.
Totusi sa nu uitam de faptul ca nu mai exista bloc comunist fara pereti sparti, sau gauriti ilegal, care au infiltratii grave in structura de rezistenta. Numai in fostul bloc unde locuiam, stiu eu 2 apartamente in care grinda de la et 1 a fost putin sparta ca sa le incapa mobila...In timp fierul din grinda aia a ruginit. Mai ofera aceeasi rezistenta peretii / grinzile astea?
Contează cum va fi în perioada de cutremure, când sunt mai măricele aceste cutremure să nu mai locuim o perioadă de timp în locuințele cu risc 1, 2 și 3 ,eu cred că asta contează să fugim de locuința de risc ridicat ca de 👹.
The duration of the earthquake is also immensely important in an earthquake, regarding the building damages and this is not taken into consideration at all in this sim...
Very nice, however I live in Bucharest. If any bigger one comes we’re gonna see thousands of buildings fall. All the precast ones are doomed from the start. Then come the ones with commercial space bellow.
And that is only half of the issue. If the earthquake occurs during the day, the city streets will be so congested that there will barely be room for the rescue teams to move. Only helicopters will be able to move in and out until the streets are cleared.
@@sobolanul96 toti or sa fuga la masini 🤣
seeing it at night was pretty cool, it doesn't decrease visibility as much as someone would expect! Will we see more of this?
Yes you are right! I was also surprised!! I will do more day/night simulations :)
@@EarthquakeSim its always fun to see how the power reacts, looking forward to more night simulations
@@n_zarene thank you!!!
You are doing an excellent job at these simulations of earthquake shaking buildings and what not, and keep up the good work and keep doing your best!!!
good video, I really like the part that is at night, you are really growing because first you made houses or buildings and now you make entire cities :)
@@Manzana_official thank you so much friend for your constant support!!
A small detail I'd like to point out which;
The buildingtops have year numbers when significant earthquakes happend, here is a list of the earthquakes they likely reffer to:
2011 - Tohoku Earthquake ( JP ) [ Mw 9.0~9.1 ]
1995 - Kobe Earthquake ( JP ) [ Mw 6.9 ]
1980 - Irpinia Earthquake ( IT ) [ Mw 6.9 ]
1935 - Quetta Earthquake ( PK - AF ) [ Mw 7.7 ]
The first two I can confirm are highly likely correct. Awesome eye for detail in your animation models EQS! I'm happy to see your collaborating with alot of seismic assosciations, keep it up ;)
@@soyDani-matics omg you’re so right!! This was purely coincidental! You’ve got a better eye than me haha 😆
It thought it was meant to show the year that particular building was built.
Good detail. We had 3.0 earthquake several years ago in Michigan USA. Earthquakes are very rare here. Only one big bump and a few cracked foundations very near the epicenter. The only visible sign something happened was the power lines swaying back and forth.
The amount of work you put in this is incredible I hope the support inspires you to keep going❤
@@suzpid it does inspire me! I’m so so so grateful for your positive feedback and support! ❤️
de cutremurul din '77 stiu de la parinti, apropiati ce mi-au mai povestit dar sa vezi pe bune care sunt efectele unui astfel de cutremur e cu totul altceva
You've come a very long way since some of your earlier videos. I can tell you're putting a lot more effort into detailing the buildings, and the collapse physics feels more realistic too. Nice work.
@@MalarPaper9666 thank you so much friend!! :)
@@EarthquakeSim you did the period so realistic this time! Congrats! I wanna see more of them!
My grandma was from Romania and she survived the earthquake (even tho some people think it was not an earthquake )
She lived in Romania during the epocă de aur even tho I was born in Italy Sardinia
Nobody thinks it was not an earthquake. You were lied to.
@@DanSlotearomanii si iubirea pentru conspiratii…
Wow this is so realistic there is a light effect on building good work friend❤
Blocul cu 1980 ca design e sigur din anii 60. Ca cele de la sala palatului sau de pe calea grivitei. Nu s a folosit designul acela în anii 80. Acum ca idee părinții mei stau intr un bloc din 82, bunicii în unul din 62. În cel din 82 ferestrele trapezoidale, tavanul stramb, hârtie prin pereți. Cel din 62 impecabil când am schimbat electricul abia au reușit sa gaureasca peretii. Nu s a gandit nimeni ca în anii 80 când se furau materiale era perioada aia naspa de strâns cureaua si se făcea un cartier intr o luna ca totuși nu au fost asa atenți sa respecte normativele. Și ce mi e mie groaza e câți or fi modificat structura de rezistenta prin apartamente. S au spart pereți în draci după 89 fără aviz sau ceva
Cu furatul materialelor-- de Bucuresti sau alte orase?
Can you do more tsunami simulations?
9:15 My most interesting moment is when 2 structures didn't collapse, I remember the time when I said "Steel always wins!" Meaning that steel is strong!
@@OfflineDisconnects i love that moment as well!!
Bun venit în București!
@@alonia09 am locuit acolo cam un an :)
WOW! It's been a bit since I've been on thid channel but the quality has increased so much! I remember when you were doing simple brick houses and now you're doing whole city blocks! Kesp up the great work!! ❤❤❤
@@Coquimboi thank you so much!! Your feedback is so important to me! :)
Ai uitat sa pui Superbet langa farmacie...
Buna simulare. Care este zona din Bucuresti din randare?
@@lucaombun m-am inspirat dupa strada Ion Campineanu din centrul capitalei :)
@@EarthquakeSim Eram sigur ca aiai zona
@@lucaombun wow!!
The gray building is the weakest building I've ever seen in my life
@@bl1zz4rd25 the gray building has experienced 2 major earthquakes already, and nobody did any retrofitting. It’s also the oldest building in the scene:)
@@EarthquakeSim oh wow nice
In march 1977 a block from 1930s with 5 + 1 levels had some damages. I saw tubular bricks put with tubes in horizontal position instead of vertical. building supported on brick walls and possible reinforced concrete on the edges, the wall compressed about 10 cm for that floor. A lot of other buildings from the same period had brick walls cracked in "X" between the reinforced concrete frames.
@@EarthquakeSim whats that building ?
@@draudes657 Bucharest?
Awesome 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻. Please could you make the mexico city 1985 earthquake simulation?
@@rodrigosjd4211 i will definitely do a simulation of that!! Stay tuned!
please do more of Bucharest. Awesome work
really cool video!!
@@BuynLargeCorp thanks for watching!! Hope it was informational :)
This has to be your best video yet.
pe 28 noiembrie 2013 am prins un cutremur de 3.7 in blocul-turn Gioconda, cel de la piata natiunilor unite din Bucuresti. Desi a fost un cutremur destul de mic, de la erajul 17 am simtit ca mi-a venit sfarsitul 😅 (blocul a fost construit in 1959)
damm, thats models detailed 👍
@@Coolestdudever_Gaming I’ve spent one week building this :)
Bucharest also has many 5-story buildings built before 1977. Most of them were built in the 60s. Maybe you should consider adding them to your simulation.
I personally enjoy the music is so chill
I though the buildings built after ‘77 were supposed to stand up to 8 MM? Unless of course they weren’t built according to regulations
Are the numbers in the buildings the year when they were built? I mean, the dark grey building I guess it is from 1935 because it is too weak and the steel building(that has the number 2011) survived all
@@dumitruion1077 that is correct! They represent the construction year :)
the small home behind the two buildings that kept falling was invincible
@@ImConfused37 you’re right about that!!
@@EarthquakeSim But small buildings also collapse at earthquakes, especially when they are old. Is this small building not part of your tests or just too strongly built?
@@Luschine small buildings were not part of the rest
The small home was in another city, near to Moldova
Awesome video
thanks a LOT!!
4:30 its clearly the same as the start!
Make another Bucharest video, especially the Art Deco buildings it had before the 1977 Vrancea earthquake
@@ianhomerpura8937 yep! Those are harder to model but not impossible :)
Interesting as always. Could you mabye also do a scenario in the German city of Cologne?? There´s also a risk for an earthquake of magnitude 6.5, maybe even 7.0. 🙂
That table and the plates set an example for the city.
From the seismographic simulation you presented, an absolute disaster would result. No building erected until the 90s would remain intact. I am not talking about the buildings built in the interwar period. Those would practically be pulverized. It isn't possible to achieve such an unimaginable cataclysm. Practically, Bucharest would become a ruin, more like a massive bombardment. In reality, this isn't the case.
It is never about the magnitude, it is about time and intensity
Can u do a Seattle earthquake simulation
Yes, it is on my list :)
that would be cool
The worst fact is that this is not just a simulation. It is the cruel reality that is going to happen near 2040. And I can bet (sadly) that no major consolidation plans are going to be in the future years. 1977 - 7,4 Mw but 1802 - 7,9-8,2 Mw… maybe next time you will simulate also 8+ Mw
@@whatif5975 definitely! These type of buildings are predominant in south Eastern Europe, Turkey, and South America. The risk is at a global level
Idea of simulation: cyberpunk city. Good or no???
@@mariaelzamontanheiroramos2560 yes!!!
My 2nd favorite channel I’m back
Looks so much like my city
I have a fun time on the Premiere
that means a lot to me to hear!
is all ok , but the right building is always the first to go, and it doesn't even have a red dot on it, and the guys at 4th level have to ouside ac units one near the other. Why is that?
Cool! I like this
@@Datrandomperson-c3p happy you’ve discovered my channel!! :)
@@EarthquakeSim I just subscribed and I was addicted of earthquake simulators😭
This looks cool
can't wait for the video premiere to start!
Compare it with smaller buildings as well, maybe 4-5 floors.
That would be a great idea!
@@EarthquakeSim But in that case, the frequency of the earthquake also matters. In Bucharest the smaller is better.
@@alexsotir that is true. Bucharest experiences long period seismic waves because the earthquakes originating from Vrancea are deep +100 km. That affects tall structures more
Wait! Can you Do Downtown Los Angeles against a 9.8?
so Nice ☺️
Can you do Birmingham City Centre?
@@Citran1001 yes of course :)
my apartment block was build in 1977 at the time of the earthquake was still under construction , am i coocked?
i want to live in the lower left building, it looks unbothered by the quake :D
Uwaa!!! Sugoi!!
@@oemaroemar-RBX 😀😀
Zona Sala Palatului, foarte interesant
Can you do it for Zagreb city
@@cro92_zg50 yes of course :)
There were no ads buildboard in Romania 1977. Lol
It's a rendition of modern Bucharest with buildings from various years, but the simulated earthquake is based on the 1977 one. This isn't a simulation of the event as it took place in 1977.
The moral of this video is to never buy or rent an apartment in a dark grey building😅
"Noroc" ca acele case cu bulina rosie nu pica cand vrea mafia imobiliara. Sunt curios, cnf studiilor reale din teren, cum s-ar comporta cartoanele de rezidentiale din Metalurgiei sau Militari.
Is funny that everybody knows that half of Bucharest could be leveled by an earthquake, even the people in power know it but they still won't do anything about it
The glass building with a table and chairs survived except furniture and It’s ok I’m not forcing you into making corrections.
i live in bucharest
Imagine being in Bucharest and then seeing the whole city shake like popcorn popping
edit: i've been in typhoons
I'm near Bucharest
make please of cluj-napoca in 2005
That american truck won't be seen on any street in Romania.
I actually like the "De Închiriat" panel.
~said by me, a romanian
Aș a Romanian i never knew that 1965 it was an earthquake
I would like to see 7.5 Puente Hills earthquake
New buildings may fall like that. Older are more reliable.
Fun to see Bukarest in 3D. Wicht city in Roemenia was your birthplace?
ce cacat la 6.9 sa daramat totul iar la maxim 7.4 na cazut blocul cu piloni ?
Deoarece cutremurul de 6.9 din Kobe a avut epicentrul mult mai aproape de suprafața pământului si a generat accelerații ale solului de 3 ori mai mari decat un cutremur din Vrancea de magnitudine mai mare insa de adancime 😊
Una e un cutremur de 7 magnitudine cum e in Vrancea la 200 de km adancime alta e un cutremur de 7 magnitudine la 10 km adancime precum cel din Kobe, din fericire in Romania nu avem cutremure majore de adancime mica. Scara richter arata magnitudinea cutremurului, scara mercalli arata cum se simte la suprafata. Totodata acelasi cutremur poate fi resimtit mai puternic sau mai slab in functie de zona in care stai in orasul tau, de ex eu care stau in Galati stiu ca zona Ireg (Reno) este cea mai proasta zona in cazul unui cutremur, acceleratia solului este foarte mare, pe cand micro 40 e cea mai buna zona.
Acapulco Night Earthquake 5.4 😰😨🌊
don’t know how i got a membership but im all for it
@@baltimorefella8407 enjoy!! Someone donated 10 memberships:)
@@EarthquakeSim Nice!
Can u do Turkey İstanbul city
Hi earthquake sim it has been a while since we talked
@@dastanhernandez1154 how are you friend???? Any plans for the week? 😀
E jale ba.... is o tona de blocuri din perioada interbelica pe care nu le-am reabilitat si daca ne loveste un cutremur mai tare se duce tot pe apa Sambetei....
Guess have to do with the fact that you work with this romanian guy...forgot his name but you mentioned once.
Im from romania buchatest
@@edplayssims thank you for watching!!
so niice
thanks for being here!
There's an inscription "2011" in one building. Have someone seen it?
@@EagleMan_officialv2w it’s the year this building was built :)
@@EarthquakeSim The earthquake was in 1977, as you've shown
Ia the 2011 one concrete structure? Romanians rarely have steel structures. So steel is not even relevant
Ah Chile Earthquake 7.4 2024 :0
I'm romanian
i'd survive
You shouldn't premier your videos. it is actually worse for retention rates. Rye toast went through this as well. If you preview because you like it, no need to stop :)
@@MicahGelfand thank you for the feedback!! I enjoy chatting live and connecting with my subscribers though :)
Hi:D I think you are the best TH-camr@@EarthquakeSim
hi from turkey, in my city we had 7.2 twice and a 5 in the same day
Tot ce Simulati Voi Artificial cat si tot ce Preconizeaza "Specilistii lu" peste prajit", Nimic din toate acestea nu se va Intampla in Romania, de asta va asigur Eu!!!
Asa cum Am spus si-n 2012 cand, ( MARMUREANU facea el Prognoze si Prevedea el pe la TV ...., cum ca-n Romania va veni curand un Cutremur Mare de peste 8 Grade ...., si Panica lumea aiurea de ocult si tampit ce este, inca de atunci am spus ca, NU va fi nici un Cutremur mare in Romania, si a Fost Precum Am Spus ..., si asa va fi si deacum inainte, precum spun EU !!!
Niciodata in Romania > Nu vor mai exista Cutremure Mari ca cel din 77" si, nici mai mari ca acela, vor exista doar Cutremure Micutze de Maxim 5-6 Grade pe Scara Righter, iar acestea vor fi Slabe ca Intensitate si, ( nu vor provoca tragedii ) ..
Intr-adevar, exista Cladiri SUBREDE, Crapate peste tot de la Cutremurele Precedente dar care au ramas in picioare si care, ar fi trebuit Logic sa fie DEMOLATE de mult, pentru ca, > acelea si la un Vant mai puternic risca sa se prabuseasca ...., dar aici este de Vina GUVERNUL prin Ignorantii de la Putere, pentru ca NU iau masuri in privintza acestor Cladiri de a fi Demolate si care, in culmea Ignorantei si a prostiei inca mai au Locatari care efectiv isi risca Viata, stand in aceste Cladiri Subrede ce pot Colapsa si la o Vijelie mai puternica, > Guvernul ...., ar trebui Logic si Normal sa le dea alte Locuinte acelor Locatari,sa-i mute deacolo ...., iar cladirile sa fie Demolate si Reconsrtuite de la 0, asa cum cer normele ...!
Ce vreau eu sa va Asigur pe toti, este ca in Romania, > Nu vor mai exista Cutremure mai mari de 5-6 Grade pe Righter care sa provoace daune majore ...., ( deoarece vor fi slabe ca si intensitate ).
Vor mai exista insa Cutremure de 2-3-4 Grade pe Righter, slabe ca intentistate dar, acestea sunt Normale si trebuie sa fie, pentru ca Energiile Tectonice sa se poata degaja ..., sa nu se acumuleze Energii mai MARI, stie Bunul Dumnezeu ce sa faca si cum sa faca ....., de asa Natura incat Romania sa nu mai Sufere Distrugeri si Tragedii Majore ....
Tatal Nostru Ceresc are Caile Sale Speciale ..., nebanuite, nevazute, si neintelese de Oameni in majoritatea Lor!
Stiu ca multi poate credeti ca "bat campii ....", dar Romania ca si Popor ca si Tara, este Protejata de Bunul Dumnezeu cat si de Domnul Iisus Cristos, ( chiar si in ciuda unora ..., care vad in Romania numai rautate, crime si orori .., dar se inseala amarnic ). Va asigur Eu ca, Romania este Cel mai Credincios Popor in Dumnezeu cat si-n Domnul Iisus Cristos si, mai sunt doar cateva Popoare asemenea Noua, ( nici cat degetele de la o mana ), care sunt Protejate de Bunul Dumnezeu!
Dar pentru ca se Promoveaza in MEDIA Oculta ....., foarte mult, APROAPE TOATA ZIUA, crimele, accidentele, preacurvia, minciuna, inselaciunea, ororile in deosebi, comise doar de 1%, maxim 2% din Cetatenii Acestei Tari Romania, se creaza aceasta DENATURARE a Imaginii Acestui Popor Blajin, Cuminte si Iubitor in Majoritatea Lui, cat si foarte Credincios in Dumnezeu cat si-n Domnul Iisus Cristos!
Pentru cine nu stie ..., Romania ca si Stat ca si Popor, ca si ASEZARE GEOGRAFICA, nu ca este denumit ..., CI chiar este Gradina MAICII DOMNULUI, si este Protejata de Bunul Dumnezeu cat si de Domnul Iisus Cristos, ca sa stiti acest fapt!!!
Acum ca, " o padure mai are si uscaturi ....", asta este ceva normal ...., problema este ca, MEDIA OCULTA, Promoveaza Fix si exact aceste "USCATURI" ...., si o face cu toate Puterea lor oculta, se cauta inadins aceste "USCATURI" Chiar si acolo unde nu exista, doar ca sa se DENATUREZE IMAGINEA si ADEVARUL despre acest POPOR Roman Iubit de Dumnezeu cat si de Domnul Iisus Cristos!!!
In fine ..., ar fi multe de spus pe teme de genul acesta .., dar deja am scris prea mult si, am cam spus in mare parte ce era de spus !
why am I reminded of Palestine