I love you. I have a different body now after opening my seals. I cannot eat animal products, I get sick and loose weight due to inflammation of the digestive tract. Even the feeling of animal products going down my throat feels like a deep itch. The food tastes rancid.
I’m glad you finally woke up to the self-inflicted torture you were putting your system through. Glad you are using your free-will to reach higher levels of living. “The Human Potential is infinite”.
I was thinking the same thing? Did you determine if they are the same? I just cleared my J Seals and some Draco Seals recently. I had an experience several days afterwards where My Higher Self, physically while I was sleeping, I had a physical experience where I was told I was released from the 666 carbon flesh mark of the beast and was allowed access to the Tree of Life 12 Strand DNA on the 12 Dimension in the Harmonic Universe . This information came from ME, no one else! Amazing. We are currently in a flrsh body with two stranded DNA which does contain 10 additional strands that scientists call Junk DNA because they do not recognize what they do. Also the Kaballistic Tree of Life only has 10 spheres, its missing two. The 144,000 elect is when our 144,000 neurons in our crown chakra are fully activated. The 24 Elders / kings in Revelation are the 12 neurons of each side of our brain. We have two hemispheres 12×2= 24. There are 33 veterbrea in our spine. We have 7 main chakras but we have in reality 12 chakras. Research Earth Star and Galactic chakras.
I love you. I have a different body now after opening my seals. I cannot eat animal products, I get sick and loose weight due to inflammation of the digestive tract. Even the feeling of animal products going down my throat feels like a deep itch. The food tastes rancid.
I’m glad you finally woke up to the self-inflicted torture you were putting your system through. Glad you are using your free-will to reach higher levels of living. “The Human Potential is infinite”.
The information from the Kundalini book is originally from: The Apocalypse Unsealed, written by James M. Pryse, first published in 1910.
Cheers. This looks good. Thanks for the effort
This is the biggest secret hidden from us. The more of us that understand and then see properly, the less control the government has.
After I watch this video, I was teleported to USA
Are the 7 Chakras one and the same 7 Jehovian Seals?
I was thinking the same thing? Did you determine if they are the same?
I just cleared my J Seals and some Draco Seals recently. I had an experience several days afterwards where My Higher Self, physically while I was sleeping, I had a physical experience where I was told I was released from the 666 carbon flesh mark of the beast and was allowed access to the Tree of Life 12 Strand DNA on the 12 Dimension in the Harmonic Universe . This information came from ME, no one else! Amazing. We are currently in a flrsh body with two stranded DNA which does contain 10 additional strands that scientists call Junk DNA because they do not recognize what they do. Also the Kaballistic Tree of Life only has 10 spheres, its missing two. The 144,000 elect is when our 144,000 neurons in our crown chakra are fully activated. The 24 Elders / kings in Revelation are the 12 neurons of each side of our brain. We have two hemispheres 12×2= 24. There are 33 veterbrea in our spine. We have 7 main chakras but we have in reality 12 chakras. Research Earth Star and Galactic chakras.